HomeMy WebLinkAbout1677 BUENA VISTA WAY; A; CB140339; Permit02-26-2014 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad.CA 92008 Demolition Permit Permit No: CB140339 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Occupancy Group: PC #: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Project Title: 1677 BUENA VISTA WY CBAD St: A DEMO Full Demo: 1562001500 Lot#: Reference #: 1 Structure Type: 0 Bathrooms: KRAMER LAND CO-DEMO EXIST DWELLING UNIT A Applicant: AMERICAN WRECKING, INC 2459 LEE AV SOUTH EL MONTE CA 91733 626-350-8303 Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: ISSUED 02/12/2014 LSM 02/26/2014 Issued: 02/26/2014 Inspect Area: Owner: MEDINA CONSTANTINO JR FAMILY TRUST 05-14-01 2448 FLAMETREE RD VISTA CA 92084 Building Permit Plumbing Fee other Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES $20.00 $0.00 $45.00 $0.00 $65.00 Total Fees: $65.00 Total Payments To Date: $65.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Inspector: FINAL. Date .APPROVAI/ Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project Includes ttie "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or ottier exactions tiereafter collectively refen'ed to as "fees/exactions." You tiave 90 days from ttie date this pennit was Issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth In Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees In connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have oreviouslv been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously othenwise expired. THE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERIMrr ISSUANCE: QPLANNING nENGINEERlNG QBUiLDING DFIRE OHEALTH DHAZMAT/APCD ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Permit Appiication 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax:760-602-8558 email: building@carlsbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov Plan Check No.(2:fc/<4o3g^^ Est. Value Plan Ck. Deposit Date g>?-/;?-;^o I'f SWPPP JOB ADDRESS ~7_ ~ SI CT/PROJECT # I LOT # [PHASEpf | ft OF UNITS I # BEDROOMS # SUrrEt/SPACE«/UNIT« TENANT BUSINESS NAME CONSTR. TYPE OCCGROUP DESCRIPTION OF WORK: fnc/ude Square Feet of Affected Area(s; EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) DECKS (SF) FIREPLACE YES|~|* N0| I AIR CONDmONING YES \^N01 I FIRE SPRINKLERS YES I |NO| I APPLICANTNAME (Primary Contact) APPLICANTNAME (Secondary Contact; ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX PHONE FAX EMAIL EMAIL PROPEI CONTRAI ADDRESS ADDRESS lOreR BUS. NAME , . s ~7 ~ . ^ ~ ZIP CITY , STATE^ ZIP PHONE _ , , FAX PHONE EMAIL EMAIL ARCH/DESIGNER NAME & ADDRESS STATE LIC. # CITY BUS. LIC.# (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 ofthe Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicantfor a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500)). nomei Bih Workers' Compensation Declaration: / /lereAy affimi under pena/ly of peijury one of ffie follcmng declarations: {.have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-Insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, forthe performance of the work for whk;h this pemiit Is Issued. I have and will maintain workers'^mpensa)ipn, as reguired by Section 37QO of the Labor Code, for the perfomiance of the woik for which this pennit is issued. My workers' compensatkin insurance earner and policy number are: Insurance Co. C^^v-X III-A*? Policy No. 7S ^zSWHtO -J-^ OtQ3 Expiration Date iQ j I '~J This seclion need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollais ($100) or less. I I Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the petfonnance of the woik for which this pennit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensatkin Laws of Califomia. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage Is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for In Sej^lon 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attomey's fees. ^eS" CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE '"T^U^JP, ^^^^J^) b^GENT DATE / / ^ OWN 1 B-.B UltOt'R 0;8 C.l A R ATI O H I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's Ucense Law for the follomng reason: I I I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the woik and the stmcture is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Prafessions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-buikler will have the burden of proving that he did not buikl or improve tor the puipose of sale). I I I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with lteensed contractois to constmct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors Lteense Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(E) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). I I I am exempt under Section Business and Prafessions Code for this reason: 1.1 personally plan to provide the major labor and matenals for construction of the praposed property improvement I lYes I iNo 2.1 (have / have not) signed an application for a building pemiit for the proposed work. 3.1 have contracted with the following peison (fimi) to provide the proposed constmction (include name address / phone / contractois' license number): 4. i plan to provide portions of the woik, but I have hired the following person to cooidinate, supervise and provide the major woik (Include name / address / phone / contractors' license number): 5.1 will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone / type of work): PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE QAGENT DATE COf/tPLETe THIS SECTION POR NON-RESiOENTIAL BUltDING i»ERMtTS ONLY is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Secttons 25505,25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazaidous Substance Account Act? Yes No Is the applicant or future buikiing occupant required to obtain a pennit fram the air pollution control district or air quality management district? Yes No Is the faciiity to be constmcted within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? Yes No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. ' UCTI ON LENDING AfSINCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lenders Name Lender's Address fWP Ptt CANT CERTIFICATION 1 certify that I have lead the applkation and slate thatthe above Infotmatkin Is conectand tiiat the Informatkm on the plans Is accuiate. I agree to comply with all Cify oidinances and State laws relating to building consbuction. I heneby authorize repfesentativB ofthe Cify of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned properfy for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HAFiMLESS THE CfTY OF CARLSBAD AGA\m ALL UABILmES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA An OSHA pennit is required for excavations over 5'0' deep and demolition or constmction ot simctures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every pemiit issued l3y the Building Oflicial under Itie provisbns of Itiis Code shall expire by limitatbn and become null and void if the building or work authorized biy such pemiit is not commenced wilhin 180 days from the date of such pemiit or if the building or work authorized by such pemiit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the wrk is commenoed for a period of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Unifomi Building CkxJe). yfiT APPUCANT'S SIGNATURE ""//fa {/ / ^ DATE STOP: THIS SECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the following ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at final inspection. Fax (760) 602-8560, Email buildinQ(5)carlsbadca.aov or Mail the completed form to City of Carlsbad, Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, Califomia 92008. C0#: (Office Use Only) CONTACT NAME OCCUPANT NAME ADDRESS BUILDING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP Carlsbad CA PHONE FAX EMAIL OCCUPANT'S BUS. LIC. No. DEUVERY OPTIONS PICK UP: CONTACT (Listed above) OCCUPANT (Listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) MAILTO: CONTACT (Listed above) OCCUPANT (Listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) IVIAIL/FAX TO OTHER: ASSOCIATED CB# NO CHANGE IN USE / NO CONSTRUCTION CHANGE OF USE / NO CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATED CB# NO CHANGE IN USE / NO CONSTRUCTION CHANGE OF USE / NO CONSTRUCTION ^APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE Inspection List Permit#: CB140339 Type: DEMO KRAMER LAND CO-DEMO EXIST DWELLING UNIT A Date Inspection Item Inspector Act Comments 03/18/2014 19 Final Structural PD AP 03/18/2014 22 Sewer/Water Service - Rl Wednesday, March 19, 2014 Page 1 of 1 LANO COMPANY January 3,2014 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraciay Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Permission to Demolish Structures at 1677 Buena Vista Way, Carlsbad, CA 92008 To whom it may concern, The undersigned, owner of the below mentioned property, hereby authorizes the demolition of all structures located at 1677 Buena Vista Way, Carisbad, CA 92008 in the county of San Diego (APNs 156- 200-01-00, 156-200-02-00, 156-200-15-00). KLC BV Carlsbad, LLC a California limitedjiability company Date: KRAEMER LANO COMPANY, INC. 101 S. Kraemer Bivd, Suite 136 • Placentia, CA '92870 Office: 714.528.9864 Fax: 714.528.6641 WMMite: www.kraemertand.coni SITE DRAWING /6-77- e> 1 CIRCLE ONE N N-[-N N DRAWING NOTTOSCALE CLIENT: BUILDING ADDRESS: /^rr-/67> /^r,/.^^ PROJECT NUMBER# .FLOd ^ ^ AT&T Califomia j^li^ pk'^Qjf' Building Industry Consultants ai.<X^ 3750 Home Avenue San Diegd, CA 92105 Notice of Service Discontinuance PERMrr 0EPARTMB4T CITY OR COUNTY OF TELEPHONE HONE SERVICE TO: /" l/l AOORESS ^ WILL BE DISpONTIN^ED, AND ALL SERVICE LINES WILL BE REMOVED DATE THIS BUILDING CAN BE MOVED OR RAZED AFTER THE ABOVE DATE. - / ATAT AT&T Califomia BY DATE TELCO 213 TELEPHONE AMERICAN WRECKING, INC. DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR STATE LICENSE NO. 685192 Decembers, 2013 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Authority is hereby given to Mr. Mel Lewis for such purpose of conducting business as may be required for AMERICAN WRECKING, INC. Such business may require Mr. Lewis to apply for and sign on behalf of AMERICAN WRECKING, INC. for permits or licenses from all city, county and/or state agencies. Any courtesy which may help in his performance of assigned duties will be appreciated. Thank you, Robert T. Hall Vice President American Wrecking, Inc. 2459 Lee Avenue, South El Monte, Califd Teiephone (626) 350-8303 Fax (626) I CLASS)C iN BRUCe LEWlV MINSTER Cfl 9Z6£gi X:M HfilR^K FOR APCD USE ONLY SAN DIEGO AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 10124 OLD GROVE ROAD, SAN DIEGO, CA 92131 PHONE (858) 586-2650 FAX (858) 586-2651 Postmark Received Fee/ Receipt Notification # Entered Sector Inspector Assigned/Date NOTIFICATION OF ASBESTOS RENOVATION OR DEMOLITION OPERATIONS Compieted by: Maria Esauer Company: American Wrecking Inc. NOTIFICATION Kl Original • Cancellation • Other (specify):__ • Revision • Change In asbestos amount • Change In start/end date (indicate type of revision) PROJECT TYPE FACILITY INFORMATION (greater than 20%) S Demolition • Ordered Demolition • Emergency Removal • Emergency Demolition • Renovation (removal) • Planned Renovation (annual) Facility Name: Buena Vista 11 Subdivision Address: 1677 Buena Vista Cross Street: James Dr City: Carlsbad Zip Code: 92008 Facility Owner; Kraemer Land Company, Inc. Address: 101 S. Kraemer Blvd City: Placentia State: CA Zip Code: 92870 Contact: Title: Owner Phone No: Building Size (sq. ft): 7900.00 Building Age (years): 50 Number of Floors: 1 Number of Units: 1 Building prior/present use: • Commercial • Hospital • Industrial • Office • K-12 Sciiool • Public BIdq S House/Condo • Ship • Univ/Colleqe • Other PROJECT INFORMATION Asbestos Survey Performed?* ^ Yes • No Is Asbestos Present? • Yes la No Will the asbestos be removed? • Yes • No Is the building to be demolished? ^ Yes • No Asbestos Amount to be removed (sq/ln ft): Friable Pipes: Category I Pipes: Category II Pipes: Surface Area: Surface Area: Surface Area: Facility Component: Facility Component: Facility Component: Total Revised Amounts (if a revision) Asbestos Removal Start Date: Asbestos Removal End Date: Demolition Operation Start Date: 2/06/2014 Demolition Operation End Date: 2/20/14 For revisions only Revised Start Date:. Revised End Date: For revisions only Revised Start Date:. Revised End Date: Removal Contractor: Name: Phone No: Address; City/State/Zip: CSLB License*: Site Supervisor: Demolition Contractor: Name: American Wrecking Inc. Phone No: (626)350-8303 CSLB License*: 685192 Address: 2459 Lee Ave City/State/Zip: S.Ei Monte, CA 91733 Site Supervisor: jerry Galaviz •Asbestos Sun/eys are required prior to Renovation and Demolition, however the actual sun/ey is not required to be submitted with the notification. Page 1 of 2 SDAPCD -SUBPART M - Rule 361.145 11/05 NOTIFICATION OF ASBESTOS RENOVATION OR DEMOLITION OPERATIONS Waste Transporter#l: Waste Transporter#2: Name: American Wrecking Inc. Name: Address: 2459 Lee Ave Address: City/State/Zip: S. El Monte, CA 91733 City/State/Zip: Contact Person: Phone: (626)350-8303 Contact Person: Phone: Waste Disposal Site (Landfill): Name: Miramar Landfill Address: 5180 Convey Street City/State/Zip: San Diego, CA Contact Person: Phone: Asbestos Detection Procedures: Check the appropriate procedures and analytical methods used to detect the presence of asbestos containing materials. M Survey • Bulk Sampling • Inspection • PLM • TEM • other: • PCM Describe wori< practices and engineering controis to be used. Ciiecl< applicable methods beiow: IEI Water • Demolition w/rooflng materials In place m Skid Loaders/bobcats/Top Loaders • Amended Water using sledge hammers. • Terminator'" • Roofing Cutting Saw/s • Axes • Shovels • Implosion • High Pressure Water Blast • Demolition w/Cat I Floor tiles in place • Explosion • Infrared Machines • Ice Chippers • Pry Bars • Negative Air Machines • Cranes (wrecking ball. • Bulldozer • Full Containment clamshell, bucket) • Intentional Burning • 3 Stage Decon • Zamboni ISI Backhoes • Glove Bag • Bead Blast • Other: • Critical Barriers P Floor Buffer For Ordered Demolition provide a copy of the order and complete the information beiow: Agency Name: Authorizing Person: Title: Date of Order: Date Ordered to Begin: Phone: Contingency Pian Describe actions to be followed if unexpected asbestos is found during demolition or removal or asbestos material becomes disturbed, crumbled, pulverized or reduced to powder. Stop demolition work immediately, isolate area and notif/ San Diego APCD. Training Certification I certify that an individual trained in the provisions of this regulation (CFR Part 61, Subpart M) will be on site during the removal and evidence that the required training has been accomplished by this person will be available for Inspection during normal business hours. Date: Print Name: (Owner/Operator) Signature: (Owner/Operator) Information Certification: I certify that the above information Is correct. Date: 1/23/2014 Print Name: Maria Esquer (Owner/Operator) Signature/ /fhv^ (Owner/Ope^tor) *" i*' Original notiHcations are to be submitted to the District at least 10 working days prior to removal or demolition. Revised notices are to be submitted as soon as possible but no later than the original start date. Original notifications cannot be accepted without the required fee(s) (Rule 40(f)(2)) however revised notifications will be accepted without the required fee provided the fee is paid prior to the start date ofthe original notification SDAPCD -SUBPART M - Rule 361.145 Page 2 of 2 Advantage Environmental Consultants, LLC HAZARDOUS BUILDING MATERIALS SURVEY Proposed Buena Vista 11 Subdivision 1677 Buena Vista Way Carlsbad, California AEC Project No. 13-159SD January 3, 2014 Prepared for. Kraemer Land Company, Inc 101 S. Kraemer Blvd, Ste 136 Placentia, CA 92870 Prepared by: Advantage Environmental Consultants, LLC 145 Vallecitos De Oro, Suite 201 San Marcos, California 92069 Phone (760) 744-3363 • FAX (760) 744-3383 0 \NTAGE J^NVIRONME.NT.M (j)NSULTANTS, LLC. January 3, 2014 Mr. Matthew Ferree Kraemer Land Company, Inc. 101 S. Kraemer Blvd, Ste 136 Placentia, CA 92870 Subject; Hazardous Building Materials Survey Proposed Buena Vista 11 Subdivision 1677 Buena Vista Way Carlsbad, California AEC Project #13-159SD Dear Mr. Ferree: Advantage Environmental Consultants, LLC (AEC) has performed a Hazardous Building Materials Survey at the above referenced property. The following report describes the survey protocol, sampling procedures and laboratory results ofthe materials tested. AEC has provided conclusions and recommendations based on the results ofthe survey. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to Kraemer Land Company, Inc. If you should have any questions regarding this report, please contact Dan Weis at (760) 744-3363. Sincerely, ADVANTAGE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, LLC IJ2 kJj2^ Daniel Weis, R.E.H.S. John Payne, CAC Branch Manager Project Manager Western Regional Office 145 Vallecitos De Oro Suite 201 San IVlarcos, CA92069 Phone:760-744-3363 Fax:760-744-3383 Email: dweisfi)aec-envcom Table of Contents Table of Contents i 1.0 Purpose and Methodology 1 2.0 Findings 3 3.0 Conclusions and Recommendations 6 APPENDIX A Bulk Sampling Log, Asbestos Laboratory Analytical Results and Chain of Custody Proposed Buena Vista 11 Subdivision Hazardous Building Materials Survey Carlsbad, California AEC Project No. 13-159SD 1.0 Purpose and Methodology The purpose of the Hazardous Building Material Survey was to locate and identify visible and accessible potentially hazardous materials that would require abatement prior to renovation of the subject structure. The survey focused on asbestos containing materials (ACMs) and lead- based paint (LBP) within and on the structures at the subject property. A State of California Certified Asbestos Consultant and United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) certified building inspector for Asbestos- Containing Building Materials and a California Department of Health Services Certified Lead I nspector/Assessor performed the field inspection on December 21, 2013. Potential ACM and LBP identification was performed by entering each functional space and assessing structural/mechanical components and architectural finishes. The physical conditions, friability, accessibility, activity and damage of suspect ACM was also assessed and documented. The LBP survey was accomplished by entering each room equivalent. A room equivalent is an identifiable part of a building such as a room, office, hallway, staircase, foyer and exteriors. Readings were obtained from each building component identified within each room equivalent by the use of a hand held X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) lead-based paint analyzer. Each reading location and condition of paint was documented. The ACM survey methodology is summarized below: • Each suspect ACM identified during the survey was sampled in accordance with sampling guidelines established by the USEPA. The following summarizes the sampling procedures utilized: • Building materials were categorized into homogeneous materials. A homogeneous material is defined as being uniform in texture, color, and date of application. • A sampling scheme was developed based upon the location and quantities of the various homogeneous materials. • Bulk samples were collected by extracting a representative section of the selected material, placing it in a sampling container and assigning a unique sample number. The samples were placed into a sealed shipping container for delivery to an accredited laboratory for analysis by polarized light microscopy (PLM). • The personnel performed proper decontamination procedures to prevent the spread of secondary contamination. Each bulk sample was recorded on a bulk sample log and possession of the samples was tracked by a chain of custody record. The laboratory analyzed the building material samples and reported results in accordance with State of California protocol. The lower limit of reliable detection for this method is 1%. Samples that contain more than 1% of asbestos are reported in 5% ranges. Samples which contain asbestos in a concentration lower than the limit of reliable detection (<1%) are considered "Trace." Proposed Buena Vista 11 Subdivision Hazardous Building Materials Survey Carlsbad, California AEC Project No. 13-159SD All bulk samples were analyzed by PLM in accordance with the "Interim Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples EPA - 600/M4-82-020" dated December 1982 and adopted by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) Title 15, part 7 of the Code of Federal Register as affiliated with the National Institute for Standards and Testing (NIST). Eighteen samples were obtained at the subject building and analyzed for asbestos content by Forensic Analytical of Rancho Dominguez, California. Forensic Analytical is accredited by the American Industrial Hygiene Association, NVLAP, NIST, and is a successful participant in the Proficiency Analytical Testing Program (PAT). The LBP survey methodology is summarized below: As stated previously, LBP readings were collected utilizing an XRF analyzer. Readings were collected in accordance with Chapter 7 of the HUD Guidelines for Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 40 CFR part 745 and Title X of the 1992 Housing and Community Development Act. A total of 87 XRF readings were obtained during the survey. The California Department of Health Services standard for the definition of LBP is 1.0 mg/cm^ or 5000 parts per million (ppm). However, the California Occupational Safety and Health Commission (CALOSHA) standard for the definition of LBP is 0.7 mg/cm^ or 600 ppm and requires that all workers be properly protected when working with building components containing any level of lead in accordance with Title 8 CCR Section 1532.1. Proposed Buena Vista 11 Subdivision Carlsbad, California Hazardous Building Materials Survey AEC Project No. 13-159SD 2.0 Findings ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS SAMPLE RESULTS AND LOCATIONS None of the building materials sampled during the survey tested positive for ACM. All building materials sampled during the survey tested negative for ACM and are noted in the table below. Material Sample Number Location of Material Damage Dryv\/all and Joint Compound 01 02 03 House 1655 Throughout Interior Wall and Ceiling No Drywall and Joint Compound 04 05 06 House 1677-A Throughout the Interior Walls and Ceiling No Drywall and Joint Compound 07 08 09 House 1677-B Throughout Interior Walls and Ceiling No Drywall and Joint Compound 10 11 12 House 1677-C Throughout Interior Walls and Ceiling No Drywall and Joint Compound 13 14 15 House 1677-D Throughout Interior Walls and Ceiling No Roofing Shingles 16 Throughout All Roofs No Roofing Mastic 18 Throughout All Roofs No The bulk sample logs and analysis report, located in Appendix A, contain a listing of all analyzed samples, sample locations, and analytical results. Results are reported in percent asbestos by volume and indicate the type(s) of asbestos. Other common non-asbestos components may also be noted on the analytical report. None of the building component surfaces analyzed for lead was found to contain lead at concentrations greater than 0.7 mg/cm^. The lead sampling results are shown on the table below. Sample Number Location Component Substrate Condition Pb mg/cm2 NA — Calibration — — 1.0 NA — Calibration — — 1.0 NA — Calibration — — 1.1 1 Exterior 1655 Fascia Wood Good 0.0 2 Exterior 1655 Fascia Wood Good 0.0 3 Exterior 1655 Fascia Wood Good 0.0 4 Exterior 1655 Fascia Wood Good 0.0 5 Exterior 1655 Wall Wood Good 0.0 6 Exterior 1655 Wall Wood Good 0.0 7 Exterior 1655 Wall Wood Good 0.0 8 Exterior 1655 Wall Wood Good 0.0 9 Exterior 1655 Door Wood Good 0.0 10 Exterior 1655 Door Jamb Wood Good 0.0 11 Interior 1655 Wall Drywall Good 0.0 Proposed Buena Vista 11 Subdivision Carisbad, California Hazardous Building Materials Survey AEC Project No. 13-159SD Sample Number Location Component Substrate Condition Pb mg/cm2 12 Interior 1655 Wall Drywall Good 0.0 13 Interior 1655 Wall Drywall Good 0.0 14 Interior 1655 Floor Ceramic Tile Good 0.0 15 Interior 1655 Door Jamb Wood Good 0.0 16 Interior 1655 Door Wood Good 0.0 17 Interior 1655 Door Jamb Wood Good 0.0 18 Interior 1655 Door Wood Good 0.0 19 Exterior 1677-A Fascia Wood Good 0.0 20 Exterior 1677-A Fascia Wood Good 0.0 21 Exterior 1677-A Fascia Wood Good 0.0 22 Exterior 1677-A Fascia Wood Good 0.0 23 Exterior 1677-A Wall Wood Good 0.0 24 Exterior 1677-A Wall Wood Good 0.0 25 Exterior 1677-A Wall Wood Good 0.0 26 Exterior 1677-A Wall Wood Good 0.0 27 Exterior 1677-A Door Wood Good 0.0 28 Exterior 1677-A Door Jamb Wood Good 0.0 29 Interior 1677-A Wall Drywall Good 0.0 30 Interior 1677-A Wall Drywall Good 0.0 31 Interior 1677-A Wall Drywall Good 0.0 32 Interior 1677-A Floor Ceramic Tile Good Q.O 33 Interior 1677-A Door Jamb Wood Good 0.0 34 Interior 1677-A Door Wood Good 0.0 35 Exterior 1677-B Fascia Wood Good 0.0 36 Exterior 1677-B Fascia Wood Good 0.0 37 Exterior 1677-B Fascia Wood Good 0.0 38 Exterior 1677-B Fascia Wood Good 0.0 39 Exterior 1677-B Wall Wood Good 0.0 40 Exterior 1677-B Wall Wood Good 0.0 41 Exterior 1677-B Wall Wood Good 0.0 42 Exterior 1677-B Wall Wood Good 0.0 43 Exterior 1677-B Door Wood Good 0.0 44 Exterior 1677-B Door Jamb Wood Good 0.0 45 Interior 1677-B Wall Drywall Good 0.0 46 Interior 1677-B Wall Drywall Good 0.0 47 Interior 1677-B Wall Drywall Good 0.0 48 Interior 1677-B Floor Ceramic Tile Good 0.0 49 Interior 1677-B Door Jamb Wood Good 0.0 50 Interior 1677-B Door Wood Good 0.0 51 Exterior 1677-C Fascia Wood Good 0.0 52 Exterior 1677-C Fascia Wood Good 0.0 53 Exterior 1677-C Fascia Wood Good 0.0 54 Exterior 1677-C Fascia Wood Good 0.0 55 Exterior 1677-C Wall Wood Good 0.0 56 Exterior 1677-C Wall Wood Good 0.0 57 Exterior 1677-C Wall Wood Good 0.0 58 Exterior 1677-C Wall Wood Good 0.0 59 Exterior 1677-C Door Wood Good 0.0 Proposed Buena Vista 11 Subdivision Carisbad, California Hazardous Building Materials Sun/ey AEC Project No. 13-159SD Sample Number Location Component Substrate Condition Pb mg/cm2 60 Exterior 1677-C Door Jamb Wood Good 0.0 61 Interior 1677-C Floor Ceramic Tile Good 0.0 52 Interior 1677-C Wall Drywall Good 0.0 63 Interior 1677-C Wall Drywall Good 0.0 64 Interior 1677-C Wall Drywall Good 0.0 65 Interior 1677-C Door Jamb Wood Good 0.0 66 Interior 1677-C Door Wood Good 0.0 67 Exterior 1677-D Fascia Wood Good 0.0 68 Exterior 1677-D Fascia Wood Good 0.0 69 Exterior 1677-D Fascia Wood Good 0.0 70 Exterior 1677-D Fascia Wood Good 0.0 71 Exterior 1677-D Wall Wood Good 0.0 72 Exterior 1677-D Wali Wood Good 0.0 73 Exterior 1677-D Wall Wood Good 0.0 74 Exterior 1677-D Wall Wood Good 0.0 75 Exterior 1677-D Door Wood Good 0.0 76 Exterior 1677-D Door Jamb Wood Good 0.0 77 Interior 1677-D Wall Drywall Good 0.0 78 Interior 1677-D Floor Ceramic Tile Good 0.0 79 Interior 1677-D Wall Drywall Good 0.0 80 Interior 1677-D Wall Drywall Good 0.0 81 Interior 1677-D Door Jamb Wood Good 0.0 82 Interior 1677-D Door Wood Good 0.0 83 Exterior Garage Trim Wood Good 0.0 84 Exterior Garage Trim Wood Good 0.0 85 Exterior Garage Wall Wood Good 0.0 86 Exterior Garage Wall Wood Good 0.0 87 Exterior Garage Wall Wood Good 0.0 NA — Calibration — — 1.0 NA — Calibration — — 1.0 NA — Calibration — — 1.1 Proposed Buena Vista 11 Subdivision Hazardous Building Materials Sun/ey Carisbad, California AEC Project No. 13-159SD 3.0 Conclusions and Recommendations Neither ACM nor LBP were identified during the completion of this survey. AEC warrants that our services are performed within the limits prescribed by our client with the usual thoroughness and competence of the engineering profession. Any recommendations in this report are professional opinions based solely on visual obsen/ations and analytical analyses, as described in this report. Because the scope of services was limited to accessible and visible materials and intrusive investigative techniques were not contracted for, it is possible that unrecognized hazardous materials might exist. Any unassessed materials present in inaccessible locations (i.e. not visible during the survey and if encountered at a later time) must be sampled prior to disturbance. Opinions and recommendations presented herein apply to site conditions existing at the time of our investigation and cannot necessarily apply to site changes of which this office is not aware and/or has not had the opportunity to evaluate. Proposed Buena Vista 11 Subdivision Hazardous Building Materials Survey Carisbad, California AEC Project No. 13-159SD APPENDIX A Bulk Sampling Log, Asbestos Laboratory Analytical Results and Chain of Custody ADVANTAGE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, LLC 145 Vallecitos De Oro, Suite 201 San Mai-cos, Califomia 92069 ASBESTOS i- ULK SAMPLE LOG Page / of ^ Client Name: Project Location: /GS^- /6~7l /3 >4 (y^t^Ck C<yf4p Pate: /Z-Z-/-/^ Field Technician: fi^.^^ Project Number: / 3* - /Q?/ Priority: ASAP 24 HR J^- 3-5 Days SAMPLE NUMBER SAMPLE LOCATION MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SQUARE FOOTAGE tf or 6A ^ 3^ tf Chain of Custody Method: PLM: _> TEM: Other: Sampled By Date Time Relinquished By Date Time Received By .(A/i Date h tw. Time Jil Relinquished By Received By Date Date Time Time ADVANTAGE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, LLC 145 Vallecitos De Oro, Suite 201 San Marcos, CaUfomia 92069 ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE LOG Page 'Zof Client Name: Project Location: /(^ Sf^ - / 6^?'^ /?^/A>7^ /^^/CV zt.fc^ Date: Field Technician: V/T^A^^ /^^^ Priority: ASAP 24 HR 3-5 Days Project Number: / ? / SAMPLE NUMBER SAMPLE LOCATION MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SQUARE FOOTAGE // /2 f /3 /y j / /r n Chain of Custody fical Method: PLM: EM: Other: Sampled By ( Date Time Relinquished By Date Time Received By Date It-toi./-^ Time lO'-ioti p-i^r. Relinquished By Date Time Received By ^ Date Time PI Forensic Analytical Laboratories Final Report Bulk Asbestos Analysis (EPA Method 600/R-93-116, Visual Area Estimation) Ambient Environmental Inc John Payne 1464 6th Street Norco, CA 92860 Client ID: Report Nuinber: Date Received: Date Analyzed: Date Printed: First Reported: 5697 Bl85748 12/24/13 12/26/13 12/26/13 12/26/13 Job ID/Site: 13-1731 -1655-1677 Buena Vista Way Date(s) Collected: 12/21/2013 FALI Job ID: 5697 Total Samples Submitted: Total Samples Analyzed: 17 17 Sample ID Lab Number Asbestos Type Percent in Layer Asbestos Type Percent in Asbestos Layer Type Percent in Layer 01 50835621 Layer: White Drywall Layer: Drywall Tape Layer: White Skimcoat/Joint Compounds ND ND ND Layer: Paint ND Total Composite ValUes pf Fibrpils'Comppne^^ Cellulose (20 %). • FibrOus Glass (3 %) ' \ ^. '; ' • 02 50835622 Layer: White Drywall ND Layer: White Skimcoat/Joint Compound ND Layer: Drywall Tape ND Layer: Paint ND Total Composite.Valiies of Fibrous Cpmppnents: , Asbestos (NI>) , '• Cellulose (20 %)• • 'Fibrous Glass (3_%) '•• ^" '' 03 50835623 Layer. White DrywaU ND Layer: White Skimcoat'Joint Compound ND Layer: Drywall Tape ND Layer: Paint ND •'Total.Compoisiteyaliies of Fibrous Comp'biissnts: .Asbestos(Nb)' . Cellulose(20 Vo) ;. FibrousGlass (3 %) ' 04 50835624 Layer: White Drywall ND Layer: Drywall Tape ND Layer White Skimcoat/Joint Compounds ND Layer: Paint ND Total Composite Values of Fibrous Cpmpotients:.Astiestps (ND) _ 'Cellulose (^^^ Fibrous (jiass (3 %). . ' ' ; • • . ' 2959 Pacific Commerce Drive, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 / Telephone: (310) 763-2374 (888) 813-9417 / Fax: (310) 763^684 1 of 4 Client Name: Ambient Environmental Inc Report Number: B185748 Date Printed: 12/26/13 Sample ID Lab Number Asbestos Type Percent in Layer Asbestos Type Percent in Layer Asbestos Type Percent in Layer 05 50835625 Layer: White Drywall Layer: Drywall Tape Layer; White Skimcoat/Joint Compounds Layer: Paint Tptal Composite ^!^alu.es of Fitaons .Cdiihppnents:.' • • ,Cdlulosej(20 .%)' ;• FibrousjGh^^^ 06 50835626 Layer: White Drywall Layer: Drywall Tape Layer: White Skimcoat/Joint Compounds Layer: Paint Asbestos (ND)' 07 Total. Composite yalueilp^Fibroi^ 'Celliiiose (20 %)' • vFibrousQl^s • ..i;- . Asbestos (ND) 50835627 l.ayer: Wliite DrywaU Layer: Drywall Tape Layer: White Skimcoal/Joint Compounds Layer: Paint TptaLGoinp'osite'Vialu^^^^ ofFibrpiis.^CpiPpOnents: '' Asbest6s.(Nb) Cellulose.)^ 94).;i'l'I^IIibrd^s^ ._j ''• l^i : •'V •' ' \ 08 50835628 Layer: White Drywall Layer: Drywall Tape Layer: White Skimcoat/Joint Compounds Layer: Paint Total. Composite Values of Fiii^rduk C^ . Asbestps (ND) •Oet!idoj<^i^O-%]gV:^' Ejbrou^Olass-^iyo):. ' 1 ' l'.^' ; 09 50835629 Layer: White Drywall Layer: Drywall Tape Layer: White Skimcoat/Joint Compounds Layer: Paint Total Composite Values of FiWus Compoiieiits: .: Asbestos (ND) Cellulose'(20.%) Fi^ius Glkssp yo) . . ' 10 50835630 Layer: Tan DrywaU Layer: White Skimcoat/Joint Compound Layer: Paint Total Composite, Values pfFibroiis Components: ' Asbestps (ND) Cellulose (2.b'%) ' / ' , ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 2959 Pacific Commerce Drive. Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 / Telephone: (310) 763-2374 (888) 813-9417 / Fax: (310) 763-8684 2 of 4 Report Number: B185748 Client Name: Ambient Environmental Inc Date Printed; 12/26/13 Asbestos Percent in Asbestos Percent in Asbestos Percent in Sample ID Lab Number Type Layer Type Layer Type Layer 11 50835631 Layer; Tan Drywall ND Layer: White Skimcoat/Joint Compound ND Layer: Paint „, _ ^ _ .. - \ Totglcdn^ppsjte Values ofFib^^ '.' Asbestos (ND). • . .. ! Celhilttsetio'^S) ^; FiIirbus..GlassfX3 %); ' ' J.; • ' ' ' ; ' ' ' _ 12 50835632 Layer: Tan Drywall ND Layer: White Skimcoaf Joint Compound ND Layer: Paint _ND i , . total Gbniposite Values pfjibrous Components; Asbestos (ND) •; Cellulose (20 »/o) • Fibrpus.Glass (3 %) .. 13 50835633 Layer: Tan Drywall ND Layer: White Skimcoat/Joint Compound ND Layer: Paint ND I .Total Composite':j^alues of Fibroi^S^^^ . Asbestos p^JD,) I • Cellulose (20%)•!;• Fito^ ' '.... I'--..V.I\, •'' '. . • '.' '' • 14 50835634 Layer: Tan Drywall ND Layer: White Skuncoat/Joint Compound ND Layer: Paint ND r- . Total Composite Vate ,. !••••'.'. ;.• . ^ .' •C?ikilDSeC^%)''|^',>ibrci^ •• • •'. • •}",_• •' 15 50835635 Layer: Tan Drywall ND Layer: White Skimcoat/Joint Compound ND Layer: Paint ND i • To.telComp.b!5ite;Y4.lues.'piFFibr^^^^ ••, ; . • ,'. • ,'. . ' I GdhilbseOp^ •'• "• '''y^--"- •t':^- Layer: Grey Roof Shingle ND i Tptal Composite Values of Ifibrpas Components: Asbestos (ND) •.. . . . • , ! ' FibrOusGlaSsi^%^ •'• .• • •^ V/! •. .. ' ' .. :',••.•,'. •,•. • •. . , ''y : 17 50835637 " ' ~ " ~"~ Layer Black Semi-Fibrous Tar ND : Total Composite Values of Fibrous Components: . 'Asbestos (ND) ;' ". .. : CeUulose(10-%)'" . •' ' • '•• • 2959 Pacific Commerce Drive, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 / Telephone: (310) 763-2374 (888) 813-9417 / Fax: (310) 763-8684'^ °^ ^ Report Number: B185748 Client Name: Ambient Environmental Inc Date Printed: 12/26/13 Asbestos Percent in Asbestos Percent in Asbestos Percent in Sample ID Lab Number Type Layer Type Layer Type Layer Steven Takahashi, Laboratory Supervisor, Rancho Dominguez Laboratory Note: Limit of Quantification ('LOQ') = 1%. 'Trace' denotes the presence of asbestos below the LOQ. 'ND' = "None Detected'. Analytical results and reports are generated by Forensic Analytical Laboratories Inc. (FALI) at Ihc request of and for the exclusive use ofthe person or entity (client) named on such report Results, reports or copies of same will not be released by FALI to any third party without prior written request from client. This report applies only to the sample(s) tested. Supporting laboratory documentation is available upon request. This report must not be reproduced except in fiill, unless approved by FALI. The client is solely responsible for the use and interpretation of test results and reports requested from FALL Forensic Analytical Laboratories Inc. is not able to assess the degree of hazard resulting from materials analyzed. FALI reserves the right to dispose of all samples after a period of thirty (30) days, according to all slate and federal guidelines, untess othenvise specified. All samples were received in acceptable condition unless otheI^vi$e noted, 4 of 4 2959 Pacific Commerce Drive, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 / Telephone: (310) 763-2374 (888) 813-9417 / Fax: (310) 763-8684 CITY OF DEMOLITION Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue CITY OF REQUIREMENTS Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD B-9 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov • A demolition permit may only be issued to the owner of the property or the State Licensed Contractor that is doing the work. The contractor must provide a letter, signed and dated by the property owner, giving permission for the building to be demolished. The fee for a demolition permit is $65.00. The attached Demolition Asbestos Certification application must be completed, signed and have the correct square footage of the structure being demolished, as well as its use. • Applicant must provide a letter from San Diego Gas and Electric stating that the utilities have been disconnected. • Arrange for appropriate Water Agency to remove water meter unless construction of replacement structure is to begin shortly. • Contact the Planning Department at (760) 602-4610 to determine if the structure is in the Redevelopment area or if it is in the Coastal Zone. • Contact the Engineering Department at (760) 602-2773, 602-2775 or 602-2741 to determine if a Haul Route or Right-of-Way Permit is required. • Contact the Engineering Department at (760) 602-2773, 602-2775 or 602-2741 to determine the Storm Water requirements. • Notify the Fire Department at (760) 602-4666 to see if they need the use of the building for training purposes. B-9 Page lof 2 Rev.03/09 DEMOLITION ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION ADDRESS: USE OF BUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHED: SQUARE FEET X NUMBER OF STORIES PROPERTY OWNER: ADDRESS: PHONE APPLICANT: ADDRESS: PHONE Section 19827.5 of California Health and Safety Code states in part: "A demolition permit shall not be issued by any city ...as to any building or other structure except upon receipt from the permit applicant of a copy of each written asbestos notification regarding the building that has been required to be submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency or to a designated state agency, or both, pursuant to Part 61 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, or the successor to that part. The permit may be issued without the applicant submitting a copy of the written notification if the applicant declares that the notification is not applicable to the scheduled demolition project." As applicant for a demolition permit in the City of Carlsbad, I certify that; I have read the excerpt from Section 19827.5 of the Health and Safety Code provided above; the information I have provided on this form is true and correct; and I further certify the following: ( ) On the attached pages are copies of all written asbestos notifications regarding the above referenced building that are required to be submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency or to Part 61 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, or successor to that part. (X) I declare that the written asbestos notification is not applicable to the scheduled demolition project Applicant's Signature Date B-9 Page 2 of 2 Rev.03/09 Due Diligence, Inc. .ivchUcdtiriil/Em'iionmeitlal/Sttsmic Consiillants January 18,2013 Kraemer Land Company, Inc. c/o Mr. Mathew Ferree 101 South Kraemer Blvd. Suite 136 Placentia, CA 92870 Re: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Buena Vista 12 1677 Buena Vista Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Project No. 13004001 Dear Mr. Ferree: In accordance with our accepted proposal, AES performed a walk-through survey ofthe above-referenced property on January 14, 2013. There are three original Reports and three compact discs provided for your use. AES Due Diligence, Inc. is not affiliated with the client or any other parties to this transaction. We appreciate the opportunity to provide consulting services to you. If you have any questions, please contact Richard E. Darwicki at our Orange County Regional office at (714) 996-7395 or our Corporate Office at (858) 569-0211. Very truly yours, AES DUE DILIGENCE, INC. Robert Presta, MBA President RP:RED/lo Enclosures PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT Preparedfor Kraemer Land Company, Inc. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Buena Vista 12 1677 Buena Vista Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 January 18,2013 Prepared by AES Due Diligence^ Inc. Architectural/Environmental/Seismic Due Diligence Consultants 9089 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard, Suite 204 San Diego, California 92123 (877) 732-3833 - Toll Free (858) 569-0211 -Tel (858) 569-0275 - Fax Chicago, IL (847) 498-4780 AES Resional Offices Denver, CO (303) 648-9897 Los Angeles, CA (949) 363-0058 Portland, OR (503) 296-0711 Dallas, TX (972) 754-0673 San Francisco, CA (707) 996-5529 Houston, TX (877) 732-3833 Phase I Environmental Assessment January 18, 2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. I300400I Carlsbad, CA 92008 Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY L IDENTIFICATION 3 II. OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE 4 III. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 8 IV. SITE HISTORY 11 V. ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 14 VL DATABASE RECORDS REVIEW 17 VII. ASTM NON-SCOPE ITEMS 24 vm. CONCLUSIONS 27 IX. INTERVIEWS 28 X. QUALIFICATIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS 29 ATTACHMENTS Vicinity Map Site Photographs Building Permits (Please see copy on CD) EDR Database Report (Please see copy on CD) City Directory Abstract Historic USGS Topographic Maps Aerial Photographs Environmental Questionnaire AES PIEA Rev-140 AES Proprietary Information Phase I Environmental Assessment Buena Vista 12 Carlsbad, CA 92008 January 18,2013 Project No. 13004001 Page 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Buena Vista 12 1677 Buena Vista Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Project No. 13004001 ENVIRONIMENTAL CONDITION IDENTIFIED ASSESSMENT l ISSUE NONE REC HREC de minimis ACCEPTABLE O&M PHASE 2 PHASES COST Historic Use X X UST\AST X X Clieinical Use, Storage or Disposal X X Waste Storage or Disposal X X PCBs X X Environmental Records Review X X REC on Adjoining Property X X Stains or Odors X X Solid Waste or Fill X X Septic Fields, Wells or Drywells X X Pits, Ponds, Lagoons X X NON-SCOPE CONSIDERATIONS Asbestos X X Lead Based Paint X X Lead in Water X X Mold X X Wetlands X X Radon X X AES PIEA Rev-140 AES Proprietary Infonnation Phase I Environmental Assessment Buena Vista 12 Carlsbad, CA 92008 January 18, 2013 Project No. 13004001 i3 I IDENTIFICATION Subject Site: Location: Observation Date: Site Contact: Client: Buena Vista 12 1677 Buena Vista Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 January 14, 2013 Mr. Bob Reynolds (760) 727-4980 Kraemer Land Company, Inc. Environmental Professional Statement We declare that, to the best of our professional knowledge and belief, we meet the definition of Environmental Professional as defmed in § 312.10 of 40 CFR 312. We have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a site of the nature, history, and setting of the subject site. We have developed and performed the all appropriate inquiries in conformance with the standards and practices set forth in 40 CFR Part 312. Prepared by: Richard E. Darwicki Registered Professional Engineer Reviewed by: Timothy K. Dahlstrand Managing Director of Environmental Services AES PIEA Rev-140 AES Proprietary Infonnation Phase I Environmental Assessment January 18, 2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. 13004001 Cailsbad, CA 92008 Page 4 11 OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE 1 Objective The purpose of this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is to identify recognized environmental conditions that may have an impact on the subject site, using readily available sources of infonnation, interviews and field observations. It is our understanding the Client intends to clear the property and redevelop the site for residential use. Procedures This Assessment is a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the improvements located at 1677 Buena Vista Way in Carlsbad, CA 92008, performed in general accordance with ASTM Designation E 1527-05, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Process and following the Scope of Work outlined in AES Due Diligence, Inc.'s proposal. AES Due Diligence, Inc. (AES) conducted on-site observations on January 14,2013, interviewed site operations personnel and observed adjacent properties. Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) conducted database searches following ASTM guidelines. Such searches are generally limited to a radius of one mile from the subject site. Additionally, ASTM Non-Scope items are addressed in this Assessment, including Asbestos, Lead-Based Paint, Radon Gas, Mold, Wetlands and Lead in Drinking Water. No testing was completed for ASTM Non-Scope items. Vapor Intrusion Analysis is excluded for this assessment. Limitations The purpose of the Phase I ESA of the site is to address the range of contaminants within the scope of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and petroleum products. If requested by the Client, certain non-scope business environmental risks are addressed in the Assessment. The Phase I ESA is intended to allow the Client to satisfy one of the requirements to qualify for the innocent landowner defense, contiguous property Owner or bonafide prospective purchaser limitations on CERCLA liability: i.e. the practice that constitutes "all appropriate inquiry into the previous ownership and uses ofthe property consistent with good commercial or customary practice" as defined in 42 USC § 9601 (35)(B). The Phase I ESA does not address whether requirements in addition to appropriate inquiry were met in order to qualify for CERCLA's innocent landowner defense. The objectives of the Phase I ESA are as follows: 1. Evaluate if recognized environmental conditions (REC), historic recognized environmental conditions (HREC) or de minimis conditions are present on the site. 2. Provide sufficient documentation of sources, records and resources utilized in AES PIEA Rev-14 0 AES Proprietary Infonnation Phase I Environmental Assessment January 18, 2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. 13004001 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Page 5 conducting the Phase I ESA. 3. Prepare a professional opinion regarding the presence of RECs at the site. Special Terms and Conditions The Phase I ESA is intended to reduce, but not eliminate, uncertainty regarding the potential for recognized environmental conditions in connection with the site. A Phase I ESA attempts to identify the environmental conditions of the site and vicinity. Environmental conditions and regulations are subjectto change and re-interpretation. Current conditions or regulatory requirements should not be assumed to continue to represent conditions at some future time. This Assessment represents AES's professional judgments and opinions based on information presented in this Assessment and no warranty, either expressed or implied, are contained herein. Limitations and Exceptions of Assessment The surface conditions of the site were noted by visual observations or information obtained during interviews. No physical testing, soil/groundwater sampling or laboratory analysis was included unless otherwise noted in the Assessment. The executive summary was prepared for the convenience of the users of this Assessment. This summary does not contain all the information presented in this Assessment and, therefore, the entire Assessment should be read to assure all pertinent information is transmitted. AES performed the Phase I ESA of the site in substantial conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM E 1527-05, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process unless otherwise noted in the Assessment. Certain environmental conditions may exist on a site that are beyond the scope of the Standard, but may warrant consideration. Per the Standard, this environmental site assessment is presumed to be valid for a specific time limit as defined in ASTM Designation E-1527-05. AES utilized the following methods to complete the reconnaissance ofthe site. AES observed the site and adjoining properties for indicators of existing or potential recognized environmental conditions. The site walkover consisted of walking the site boundary and several transects across the site. For a site with buildings, the accessible areas ofthe buildings were entered and observed. Please note that AES did not look under floors, above ceilings or inside walls. The adjoining properties were observed from the periphery ofthe site, if possible. The observations were documented with representative photographs. The following limiting conditions were encountered during the course ofthe Phase I ESA: • Dense vegetation cover on the site limited observations of the site surface. • The buildings were not accessible. AES PIEA Rev-140 AES Proprietary Infomiation Phase 1 Environmental Assessment January 18,2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. 13004001 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Page 6 The presence of these limiting conditions constitutes a data failure per the ASTM standard. However, this did not preclude AES from developing an opinion regarding the environmental condition ofthe site. Documents Our Assessment represents our professional experience and judgmenL and a good faith effort to obtain all available information. Documents and data provided bythe ClienL its designated representatives, or other interested parties, and consulted in the preparation of this Assessment, have been reviewed and may be referenced herein, with the understanding that AES assumes no responsibility or liability for their accuracy or for the withholding by any of the involved parties ofany assessments or other information that could affect the transaction. Intended Use AES Due Diligence, Inc. is not affiliated with the borrower or any other parties to this transaction. This Assessment is intended to be used in its entirety. No portion of it may be deleted or used out of context without the written consent of AES. The opinions and information contained in this Assessment are time sensitive and represent our evaluation ofthe environmental site conditions at the time the services were provided. This Assessment was prepared for a limited use involving a single transaction, as set forth herein, and may not be used for any other purpose without the written consent of AES. Proprietary In formation Field data, field notes, and other data and documents assembled by AES to produce this Assessment represent the work product of AES's training, experience and professional skill. This information belongs to and remains the property of AES Due Diligence, Inc. Reliance This Report is for the exclusive use of Kraemer Land Company, Inc. No other party shall have the right to rely on any service provided by AES Due Diligence, Inc. without prior written consent. Definitions ASTM defines a Recognized Environmental Condition (REC) as "the presence or likely presence ofany Liazardous Substances or Petroleum Products on a site under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of release of any Hazardous Substance or Petroleum Products into structures on the site or into the ground, groundwater or surface water of tiie site." The term includes hazardous substances or petroleum products even under conditions in compliance with laws. AES PIEA ReV-14 0 AES Proprietary Infomiation Phase I Environmental Assessment January 18, 2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. 13004001 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Page 7 A Historic Recognized Environmental Condition (HREC) is defined as an environmental condition which in the past would have been a REC, but which may or may not be considered a REC currently. A de minimis environmental condition generally does not present a threat to human health or the environment and that generally would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of appropriate government agencies. Conditions determined to be de minimis are not a REC. Business Environmental Risk (BER) is a risk, which can have a material environmental or environmentally driven impact on the business associated with the current or planned use of the site, not necessarily limited to those environmental issues investigated in this Phase I ESA. BER often necessitates that an environmental professional complete one or more of the non- scope considerations identified by ASTM. AES PIEA Rev-140 AES Proprietary Infonnation Phase I Environmental Assessment January 18, 2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. 13004001 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Page 8 III PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Site Visit and Interviews On January 14, 2013, AES visited the subject site and reviewed the fixed facility. Mr. Bob Reynolds, President with the Reynolds Consulting Group, accompanied Richard E. Darwicki of AES during the site visit. AES observed the interiors and contents of representative occupied tenant spaces, common areas and maintenance areas and noted operations and activities at the subject site. AES looked for suspect asbestos-containing building materials, stored chemicals, underground and aboveground storage tanks, unusual surface appearance, wetlands and other issues that may indicate environmental conditions on the subject site. AES noted the location of on-site electrical power transformers and storm drainage structures where these were encountered. AES observed sites adjoining the subject site and areas within the immediate vicinity of the subject site. AES photographed selected features at or near the subject site to support this written Assessment. The photographs are identified, described and appended to this Assessment. Subject Site The project is situated on a tract of land estimated to be approximately 2.6 acres. The site has been developed for agriculture and residential use since at least 1939. The topography of the site is steeply sloping downward to the northeast. The site has a maximum surface elevation difference of approximately 15 feet. Additional slopes are provided around the improvements for storm water drainage. On-site storm water drainage is by sheet flow to tlie adjacent streets. The driveway and parking areas are typically dirt or gravel surfacing paved. Pole-mounted, utility company owned electrical transformers are provided. The San Diego Gas and Electric Company is the electrical supplier and is responsible for transformer-related incidents. Natural gas service is provided by the San Diego Gas and Electric Company. The site is provided with municipal water and sanitary sewer services from buried utilities along the adjacent thoroughfares. AES PIEA Rev-14 0 AES Proprietary Infonnation Phase I Environmental Assessment Buena Vista 12 Carlsbad, CA 92008 January 18,2013 Project No. 13004001 Page 9 Buildings The property has five single-story buildings, including four residential units and a storage garage. The structures are typically wood framed. We estimate that there is a total of 5,000 square feet (sf) of net rentable floor area. The site is occupied by multiple tenants. One residence was on site from at least 1939. The property uses have included a chicken farm and organic orchard. The Architect of Record is unknown. Construction plans were not provided for review. The main house is located near the northwest corner of the property and was constructed in approximately 1986. The storage garage was built in approximately 1989. According to the current Owner, the three rental units were on the property in 1972. The buildings are of wood framed construction with some masonry wall sections supported on shallow foundations. The exterior walls o f the build ings are wood framed with wood siding as a surfacing material. No basements are provided at the project. The roofing materials at the pitched portions of the roofs consist of asphaltic or fiberglass shingles over an underlayment of tar impregnated roofing felt. Heating and cooling are provided by split system HVAC units and gas fired wall heaters. Adjoining Properties Properties immediately adjoining the subject site are listed in the following table. The adjoining properties are located in Carlsbad, CA 92008. Adjoining Properties Name Operation Direction from Site Concerns Housing Units Beyond Buena Vista Way Single-Family Residential North None Housing Units Off Valley St. and Newland Court Single-Family Residential South None Unmarked Nursery Valley Street Agricultural East None Abandoned City Reservoir Buena Vista Way Vacant Land West None Because ofthe controlled surface drainage and the predominantly non-hazardous uses on the adjoining properties, they do not, in our opinion, pose a significant environmental risk to the subject site. AES PIEA Rev-140 AES Proprietary Information Phase I Environmental Assessment January 18,2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. 13004001 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Page 10 Vicinity AES observed other properties located near the subject site for current uses or conditions that might be environmentally significant. The local area properties observed by AES did not appear to be engaged in environmentally significant activities. Topography and Hydrogeology AES reviewed the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Topographic Map, which indicates that the subject site is approximately 171 feet above mean sea level. AES observed that the general drainage flows in a northeasterly direction across the surface ofthe site. No substantial grade changes appear to have been made to the subject site when compared to the topography of surrounding sites. A copy ofthe USGS topographic map that covers the subject site is appended. AES interviewed Mr. Bob Reynolds regarding soil grading activities at the subject site. Mr. Reynolds stated that no such activities were taking place at the time of the site visit. Geology and Surficial Soils The subject site is located above Cenozoic era stratified sequence bedrock. The depth to bedrock is unknown. According to the information obtained through the EDR Report, subject site is located in an area of loamy coarse sand soils. These soil types have moderate permeability and would be expected to have moderate susceptibility as a result of surface spreading of wastes, depending upon local soil conditions. Surface and Ground Water Flow The regional surface water flows in a southwesterly direction. The ground water flow in the area is assumed to be to the southwest. The depth to ground water is unknown. AES PIEA Rev-14 0 AES Proprietary Infonnation Phase I Environmental Assessment Januaiy 18,2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. 13004001 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Page 11 IV SITE HISTORY No prior Environmental Reports were provided to AES for review. AES conducted a limited historical review regarding the subject site. The following summarizes AES's review of readily available historical records and maps gathered from government agencies and commercial enterprises regarding the subject site history and use. This should not be considered a listing of all available information. Interviews Mr. Reynolds indicated the use of the site prior to the construction of the current improvements included a chicken ranch and orchard. Building Department Records Review No permit records prior to 1985 were located. According to the city staff, the records have most likely been lost. The main house and garage were constructed between 1985 and 1989. Aerial Photograph and Historical Map Review Aerial photographs are reviewed to identify past site use and areas of environmental concern on the subject site. AES has reviewed aerial photographs of the subject site. The photographs were obtained from E Data Resources. Copies of the aerial photographs that were obtained and reviewed by AES are appended. Please see chart below for the specific dates and description summary. Beginning in tlie 1860s, the Sanborn Fire Insurance Company, and others, prepared maps that depict site improvements and commercial activities in many metropolitan areas in the United States. AES attempted to obtain fire insurance maps, specific to the site, to review as part of this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. According to EDR, no Sanborn Maps were produced for this site. Historical maps provide information concerning historical site boundaries and improvements. Historic Topographic Maps were reviewed for the site, please see the chart below for enumeration of years and findings. The historical maps reviewed were obtained from E Data Resources and are appended. Site History Summary Date Record Type Land Use 1893 Historical Topographic Map Undeveloped land 1901 Historical Topographic Map Undeveloped land AES PIEA ReV-14 0 AES Proprietary Infonnation Phase I Environmental Assessment Buena Vista 12 Carlsbad, CA 92008 January 18,2013 Project No. 13004001 Page 12 Site History Summary Date Record Type Land Use 1939 Aerial Photograph Small structures on east half with row crops on west side. 1946 Aerial Photograph Small structures on east half with row crops on west side. 1947 Historical Topographic Map Residential uses 1949 Historical Topographic Map Residential uses 1953 Aerial Photograph Small structures on east half with row crops on west side. 1963 Aerial Photograph Small structures on east half with row crops on west side. 1968 Historical Topographic Map Residential uses 1974 Aerial Photograph Small structures on east half with row crops on west side. 1975 Historical Topographic Map Residential uses 1989 Aerial Photograph Small structures on east half with row crops on west side. 1994 Aerial Photograph Small structures on both sides with orchard on west side. 2005 Aerial Photograph Small structures on both sides with orchard on west side. Based on AES's interpretation of the available documentation noted above the first developed and historic site use was primarily residential and agricultural uses. It is possible that the site buildings were serviced by septic systems until municipal sewer service became available. AES identified no historic site use where industrial chemicals or wastes were used on site, which leads us to conclude that the historic septic system, if they existed, is a de minimis environmental condition. No evidence of long-term fill activity, surface scarring, staining or other issues of environmental concern were visible in the aerial photographs during the review process. Directories City directories provide information concerning historical site ownership and use. City Directories were reviewed for the years 1903 through 2012. There are various private individuals listed in the 1965 through 2006 directories at 1677 Buena Vista Way. No other significant listings were found. Title Records Review A title records review, or chain-of-title, can be used to identify prior ownership of a property and to evaluate previous activities or operations in terms of environmental significance. Significant easements, covenants, restrictions and environmental liens may be indicated in title AES PIEA Rev-140 AES Proprietary Information Phase I Environmental Assessment January 18,2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. 13004001 Carisbad, CA 92008 Page 13 records. A chain-of-title regarding the subject site was not provided to AES for review as part of this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. Document Review No documents were provided for review. Data Gaps The history and land use of the subject site has been determined by review of available historical aerial photographs, city directories, old topographic maps, personal interviews, public agency records, and other available resources. This history has been extended back as far as "it can be shown that the property contained structures or from the time the property was first used for residential, agricultural, commercial, industrial or governmental purposes." Necessary and available historical resources (aerial photographs, fire insurance maps, USGS topographic maps, historical city directories, building department records, zoning/land use records, interviews, etc.) were reviewed to establish a thorough land use history in order to identify historical environmental conditions. The following is a list of data gaps (insufficient data) and associated potential environmental significance: None. AES PIEA ReV-14 0 AES Proprietary Information Phase I Environmental Assessment January 18, 2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. 13004001 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Page 14 V ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT Fixed Facilities Review The improvements observed by AES on January 14, 2013, were reported to have been completed as early as 1939. Minor repair activities to meet maintenance requirements and tenant needs are ongoing. No recent improvements have been made, according to Mr. Reynolds. Mr. Reynolds stated that landscape maintenance services are performed by on-site personnel. Residential landscape maintenance equipment is stored on the subject site. Neither automotive nor landscape equipment is maintained atthe subject site. Site Tenant Activities AES reviewed the current tenant for operations that may use regulated materials or generate waste products. AES observed the accessible exterior common areas and maintenance areas. The site is occupied by multiple tenants. Interview remarks by Mr. Reynolds indicated that this facility is currently 100% occupied. AES confirmed the nature of tenant activifies in the buildings, which primarily consists of residential uses, poultry raising pens and organic orchard uses. AES was not permitted to enter and observe the residential unit interiors. Upon limited review of the activities at the above locations, AES found no specific environmental concerns regarding these operations. On-Site Chemical and Petroleum Product Storage AES looked for chemicals, hazardous substances, petroleum-based fuels and lubricants, and janitorial and cleaning supplies stored on the subject site. No other chemicals or hazardous substances were observed on the subject site other than shelf quantities of commonly available janitorial and cleaning supplies. According to Mr. Reynolds, the garage building is used for fitrniture storage. Although not observed, most likely small quantities of paint and gasoline are most likely stored on the property. Waste Disposal Practices AES identified the current wastes generated at the subject site. According to Mr. Reynolds and AES's observations, general and recycled wastes are disposed of from the subject site. General wastes are collected, placed in a dumpster, removed from the subject site on an as- needed basis, and disposed of by Waste Management. AES PIEA Rev-140 AES Proprietary Infomiation Phase I Environmental Assessment January 18,2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. 13004001 Carisbad, CA 92008 Page 15 Underground and Aboveground Storage Tanks Owners and operators of certain USTs are required to register those USTs with the state agency responsible for administering the federally mandated UST program. A search of the list of registered USTs in California, prepared by EDR, showed that there are no registered USTs located on the subject site. AES interviewed Mr. Reynolds regarding the presence of USTs and ASTs on the subject site. Mr. Reynolds stated that there are no registered USTs and no registered ASTs located on the subject site. There are no records of USTs and no records of ASTs on the subject site. AES interviewed Mr. Reynolds regarding the past use of heating fuels on the subject site to ascertain whether USTs or ASTs may have been utilized on site for the storage of heating fuels or oils. Mr. Reynolds stated that to his knowledge the improvements have always been heated by natural gas. AES's observations confirmed the nature ofthe current heating systems at the subject site. AES visually observed the subject site for surficial evidence of USTs and ASTs. AES did not observe evidence of USTs or ASTs at the subject site. The current structures are reportedly connected to the city sewer system. AES could not verify if leech fields, septic tanks or cesspools currently exist on the site. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Federal regulations put into effect following the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) require that electrical transformers be labeled to identify their PCB content. Manufacture and distribution ofPCBs was banned in 1979. Transformer owners are responsible for compliance with all applicable regulations governing those transformers, including maintenance of the transformer and any remediation work resulting from a transformer-related incident. Pole-mounted, utility company owned electrical transformers are provided. The observed electrical transformers appeared to be in good condition with no visible leaks. Areas around the electrical transformers exhibited no signs of visible staining or abnormal appearance. AES did not observe any labels on the electrical transformers identifying the PCB content. Based on utility ownership and no observed leaks, AES recommends no further action with regard to PCBs in transformers. AES PIEA Rev-14 0 AES Proprietary Infonnation Phase I Environmental Assessment January 18, 2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. 13004001 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Page 16 Exterior Surface Condition AES observed the exterior surface of the subject site. It is estimated that 5% of the subject site surface was covered by improvements and pavement. AES's observation of the site soil surfaces was therefore limited to the landscaped areas. None ofthe historical documentation reviewed, indicated that the subject site was previously utilized as a quarry and/or solid waste disposal facility. No pits, ponds or lagoons were observed at the subject site during the site visit. No areas of distressed or dead vegetation, surface depressions or surface stains attributed to chronic leaks or spills were observed during the site visit. Interior Surface Condition AES did not observe the interior surfaces of the buildings for evidence of unusual conditions. AES PIEA Rev-140 AES Proprietary Infomiation Phase I Environmental Assessment January 18, 2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. 13004001 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Page 17 VI DATABASE RECORDS REVIEW Environmental Records Review An environmental records database search report dated January 9, 2013, was provided by Environmental Data Resources (EDR). A copy of EDR's report is appended. The following discussion excerpts specific items from the report that deserve additional description. In addition to the mapped sites in the EDR report, there may also be a list of unmapped sites. These are reported database sites that, due to incomplete addressing informafion, could not be accurately plotted by EDR. In an attempt to locate all unmappable sites, AES compared each address provided on the unmappable site list to known addresses of the site and vicinity, and attempted to locate unmappable sites during reconnaissance of the vicinity. AES concludes that no unmappable sites were identified that meet the search radius criteria of the scope of work and are considered to be environmentally significant to the subject site. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) Since 1982, the U.S. EPA has maintained lists of contaminated sites under the federal Superfund Program in accord with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). The U.S. EPA discovers these sites from citizen reports, routine inspection of hazardous waste generators, treatmenL storage and disposal facilities, and reporting requirements. Review of the CERCLIS list provided by EDR identifies no CERCLIS sites within the approximate minimum search distance of one-half mile from the subject site. CERC-NFRAP List CERCLA sites designated No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP) have been removed from CERCLIS. CERC-NFRAP sites may be where, following an inifial investigafion, no contamination was found, contamination was removed quickly without the need for the site to be placed on the National Priorities List (NPL), or the contamination was not serious enough to require Federal Superfund action or NPL consideration. CERC-NFRAP sites, however, may continue to represent a concern to local or state regulators. Review oflhe CERC-NFRAP list provided by EDR identifies no CERC-NFRAP sites within the approximate minimum search distance of one-half mile from the subject site. AES PIEA Rev-140 AES Proprietary Infonnation Phase 1 Environmental Assessment January 18,2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. 13004001 Carisbad, CA 92008 Page 18 National Priorities List The U.S. EPA maintains this list as a subset of CERCLIS, identifying over 1,200 CERCLA sites for priority cleanup under the Superfiind Program. Once sites have been designated on the CERCLIS list, the U.S. EPA uses its Hazard Ranking System to determine the potential risks of those sites to human health and the environment. Only the sites that present the greatest risk are added to the NPL, which qualifies the sites to receive CERCLA remedial funding. Review of the NPL list provided by EDR identifies no NPL sites within the approximate minimum search distance of one mile from the subject site. RCRA - Generators The U.S. EPA's RCRA (Resource Conservafion and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. '6991 etseq.) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. Generators are also listed in the FINDS database. The RCRA LQ-Generator list provided by EDR identifies no RCRA LQ-Generator sites adjacent to or at the subject site. Review o f the RCRA SQ-Generator list provided by EDR identifies no RCRA SQ-Generator sites adjacent to or at the subject site. RCRA - Treatment, Storage, Disposal Facilities (TSD) The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information System (RCRIS) is a compilation of selective infonnation on facilities that generate, store, transport, treat or dispose of hazardous waste. Inclusion of a facility on the RCRIS database is not necessarily an indication of an environmental problem. Review oflhe RCRiS-TSD list provided by EDR identifies no RCRIS-TSD sites within the approximate mininuini search distance of one mile from the subject site. Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) The ERNS is a compilation of reported releases of hazardous substances into the environment. The database contains information from Spill reports made to federal authorities, including the U.S. EPA, the U.S. Coast Guard, the National Response Center, and the U.S. Department of Transportation. Review oflhe ERNS list provided by EDR identifies no ERNS listings at the subject site. AES PIEA Rcv-140 AES Proprietary Infonnation Phase I Environmental Assessment January 18,2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. 13004001 Carisbad, CA 92008 Page 19 Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Certain USTs are regu lated under the RCRA Act, and must be registered with the state agency responsible for administering the UST program. USTs are also listed in the CA FID database. Inclusion of a facility on the UST database is not necessarily an indication of an environmental problem. Review ofthe list provided by EDR identifies no listings adjacent to or at the subject site. Leaking tanks are discussed in the following section. Lealcing Underground Storage Tanics (LUSTs) LUST records contain an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. Not all slates maintain these records, and the information stored varies by state. LUSTs are also listed in the CORTESE database. Review ofthe list provided by EDR identifies a total of nine sites within the ASTM standard minimum search distance of one-half mile from the subject site. There are no facilities on the subject site and there are no facilities on adjoining properties. The above referenced facilities are at a lower elevation and down gradient. The sites were evaluated based on the following criteria: violator status, area geology, gradient relationship and separation distance. Based on this evaluation, and due to their regulated nature, it is believed that this does not represent an environmental concern to the subject site. Solid Waste Facilities/Landfills (SWF/LS) Solid waste records typically contain an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills in a particular stale. Depending on the state, these may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed lo meet RCRA Section 2004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. Review of the list provided by EDR idenfifies no sites within the approximate minimum search distance of one-half mile from the subject site. EnviroStor The Department of foxic Substances Control's (DTSC's) Site Mitigation and Brownfields Reuse Program's (SMBRP's) EnviroStor database identifies sites that have known contamination or siles for which there may be reasons to investigate further. The database includes the following site types: Federal Superfiind sites (National Priorities List (NPL)); State Response, including Military Facilities and State Superfund; Voluntary Cleanup; and School sites. AES PIEA Rcv-140 AES Proprietary Infonnation Phase I Environmental Assessment January 18,2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. 13004001 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Page 20 EnviroStor provides similar information to the information that was available in CalSites, and provides additional site information, including, but not limited to, identification of formerly- contaminated properties that have been released for reuse, properties where environmental deed restrictions have been recorded to prevent inappropriate land uses, and risk characterization informalion that is used to assess potential impacts to public health and the environment at contaminated sites. Review of the list provided by EDR identifies a total of two sites. There are two sites within the ASTM standard minimum search distance of one mile from the subject site. There are no facilities on the subject site and there are no facilities on adjoining properties. The two sites are the Carlsbad High School at 3557 Monroe Street and the Carlsbad Village Academy at 1640 Magnolia Avenue. Both properties are listed in the EDR report as having their EnviroStor status listed as "No further action". The closest property ofthe two, Carlsbad High School is listed in the EDR report as being over 3,900 feet from the subject property. The above referenced facilities were evaluated based on the following criteria: violator status, area geology, gradient relationship and separation distance. Based on this evaluation, and due to their regulated nature, it is believed that this does not represent an environmental concern to the subjecl site. DEED (Institutional Controls) Site Mitigation and Brownfield's Reuse Program Facility Sites with Deed Restrictions & Hazardous Wasle Management Program Facility Sites with Deed / Land Use Restriction. The DTSC Site Mitigation and Brownfield's Reuse Program (SMBRP) list includes sites cleaned up under the program's oversight and generally does not include current or former hazardous waste facilities that required a hazardous waste facility permit. The list represents deed restrictions that arc active. Some sites have mulfiple deed restrictions. The DTSC Hazardous Waste Managemenl l^rogram (HWMP) has developed a list of current or former hazardous waste facilities lhal have a recorded land use restriction atthe local county recorder's office. The land use restrictions on this list were required by the DTSC HWMP as a result of the presence of hazardous substances lhat remain on site after the facility (or part ofthe facility) has been closed or cleaned up. The types of land use restriction include deed notice, deed restriction, or a land use restriction that binds current and future owners. Review of the list pi ovided by EDR identifies no sites within the approximate minimum search distance of one mile from the subject site. California Hazardous Material Incident Reporting System (CHMIRS) The California Office of Emergency Services database contains reported information on incidents involving accidental releases or spills of hazardous materials. Review ofthe list provided by EDR identifies no listings adjacent to or at the subject site. AES PIEA r^cv-14 0 AES Proprietary Infonnation Phase I Environmental Assessinent January 18, 2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. 13004001 Carisbad, CA 92008 Page 21 Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List (CORTESE) The Cal-EPA publishes a listing of potential and confirmed hazardous waste sites throughout the State of California. Under California Government Code Section 65962.5, these sites are submitted to the Cal-EPA by the State Department of Health Services, State Water Resources Control Board, the Integrated Waste Management Board and the Department of Toxic Substances Control. The database identifies public drinking water wells with detectable levels of contamination, hazardous substance siles selected for remedial action, sites with known toxic material identified through the abandoned site assessment program, sites with USTs having a reportable release, and all solid waste disposal facilities from which there is a known migration. Review of the list provided by EDR identifies no sites within the approximate minimum search distance of one-half mile from the subject site. VCP (Voluntary Cleanup Program) Contains low threat level properties with either confirmed or unconfirmed releases and the project proponents have requested that DTSC oversee investigation and/or cleanup activities and have agreed to provide coverage for DTSC's costs. Review oflhe list provided by EDR identifies no listings adjacent to or at the subject site. Hazardous Waste Information System (HAZNET) The California Depai tment of Health Services, Toxic Substances Control Division, has developed and maintained 1 isls of hazardous waste generators and hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities in the State of California, in accordance with the Hazardous Waste Conlrol Law (California Health and Safety Code Section 25100 et seq.) And the Hazardous Waste Management Act of 1976 (California Health and Safety Code Section 25179.1 el seq.). Inclusion of a facility in the HAZNET list is not necessarily an indication of an environmental problem. Additionally, the California Health and Safety Code requires all counties to prepare and submit hazardous Avasle management plans. To assist the counties, the Toxic Substances Control Division maintains lists containing hazardous waste generation and disposal data within each county. 'I he 1 oxic Substances Control Division has assembled this information from mani fest reports requii ed from hazardous waste generators. This database currently lists over 20,000 facililies in the State of California. Review ofthe lisl provided by EDR identifies no listings adjacent to or at the subject site. AES PIEA Kcv-140 AES Proprietaiy Infonnation Phase I Environmental Assessment January 18,2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. 13004001 Carisbad, CA 92008 Page 22 Historic USTs The Hazardous Substance Storage Container Database is a historical listing of former UST sites that are closed and typically not listed with the current UST sites. Review ofthe list provided by EDR identifies only one site. There are no facilities on the subject site and there are no facilities on adjoining properties. The above referenced facility was evaluated based on the following criteria: violator status, area geology, grad icnl relationship and separation distance. Based on this evaluation, and due to their regulated nature, it is believed that this does not represent an environmental concern to the subject site. Dry Cleaners This database pro\'i(les a lisl of drycleaner facilities that have EPA ID numbers. These facilities have certain STC codes including: power laundries, family and commercial; garment pressing and cleanci 's agents; linen supply; coin-operated laundries and cleaning; dty cleaning plants, except rugs; carpet and upholstery cleaning; industrial launderers and laundry and garment services. Review of the list provided by EDR identifies no listings adjacent to or at the subject site. Waste IVIanagement Unit Database System (WMUDS/SWAT) The Call fornia Intcu i atcd Wasle Management Board maintains an inventoty list of both open as well as closed and i naeti ve solid waste disposal facilities and transfer stations in accordance with the Solid V'astc Managemenl and Resource Recovery Act of 1972, California Government Code Section 2.66790(b). Generally, the California Integrated Waste Management Board learns of locations of disposal facilities through permit applications and from local enforcement agencies. The Waste Management Unit Database System is used by the Californ ia Water Rcsou i ces Conlrol Board and the Regional Water Quality Control Boards for program tracking and inventory of waste management units. Review ofthe latest VVMUF5S/SWAT listing identifies no WMUDS/SWAT facilities within the approximate minimum search distance of one-half mile from the subject site. Manufactured Gas Plants (MGP) Manufac ttl red G a s PI a n ts p rod uced com bu stible gas for urban use prior to the widespread use and pipeline distrilmiion of natural gas in the 1950s. The main fiielsused in production of this gas were coke, coal aiul oil; the by-products ofthis manufacturing process include a variety of tars, sludge and other chemicals. AES PIEA Rev-140 AES Proprietaiy Infonnation Phase I Environmenkil .Asscssniciil January 18, 2013 Buena Vista 12 Project No. 13004001 Carisbad, CA 92008 Page 23 MGP sites tend to have subsurface contamination due to the common practice of disposing of the waste products on site. Review of the MGP list provided by EDR identifies no MGP sites within the approximate minimum search distance of one mile from the subject site. US Brownfields Included in the lisiing are brownfields properties addresses by Cooperative Agreement Recipients and biownllelds properties addressed by Targeted Brownfields Assessments. Targeted Brownfields /\ssessments-EPA's Targeted Brownfields Assessments (TBA) program is designed to help slates, tribes, and municipalities minimize the uncertainties of contamination often associated with brownfields. Under the TBA program, EPA provides funding and/or icLlinical assistance for environmental assessments at brownfields sites throughout the comli y. Targeted Brownfields Assessments supplement and work with other efforts under EPA s 13rownfields Initiative to promote cleanup and redevelopment of brownfields. Review ofthe lisi provided by EDR identifies no sites within the approximate minimum search distance ofonc-half mile from the subject site. Environmental I.i en Search There are no Fedei a!. State or non-priority liens on the subject property listed in the EDR Database Report. AES PIEA Rev-140 AES Proprietary Infonnation Phase I EnvironmeiiUil Buena Vista 12 Carisbad, CA 9200S SI nent January 18,2013 Project No. 13004001 Page 24 VII ASTIVI ! !oN-ScoPE ITEMS Asbestos In 1977, the U.S. 1 PA acted to eliminate friable asbestos from building materials. Friable materials are delliu cl as those that can be crushed or reduced to powder by hand pressure. Materials do not l,;i\ c to be damaged to be identified as friable. Additionally, the United States Occupationa; S a fely and Health Administration (OSHA) now requires certain untested materials to be prc-iimcd lo contain asbestos for buildings constructed prior to 1981. During the site v i i. , \ES observed reasonably accessible areas of the buildings for the existence and eoiu l M ion of suspect ACM. Construction plans were not provided for review. Asbestos can bc id •uilied only by specialized equipment and not by the unaided human eye. The site visit was ii A intended lo be a comprehensive search for all ACM at the subject site. Based on construe; for materials conl a tiles, drywall niih! roofing materials. , appear to be large Non-Scope items . nas early as 1939, and our observations, the present buildings are suspect nil;' asbestos. The suspect materials include: ceiling materials, vinyl floor i) snlalion, insulation, duct insulation, duct insulation, flues and vents, 1 I Moor or roof mastic. Since the buildings are quite small, there do not I antitics of these materials. No sampling or analytical testing of ASTM i:; completed. The presence of i jiocted asbesios containing materials is considered to be de minimis environmental con ! n u n and no furiher investigation is recommended at this time. It should be noted that a demoiiiion permit may require that an asbestos survey be conducted. Asbestos containing materi ii; identified in the survey may need to be abated prior to demolition. Although our ev:'.: materials may siiii still may be man' publication "M:m:, be "suspect AC.'iX I standard buildin:' ' iion of ACM is based on OSHA guidelines, AES notes that certain o! 11; I i n tisbcstos from stockpiled materials prior to the cutoff date (1981) or ; lured up to 1989, as determined in Appendix G of the U.S. EPA ;:.Asbestos in Place" (the "Green Book"). The materials considered to leeording lo this EPA document is extensive and inclusive of many eiierials. Therefore, prior i suspecl-ACM, pei determine if asbe:: ACM is goveriie attempted withon: a qualified, lieen:: ' renovation, remodeling or demolition of areas considered to be PA's definition, AES recommends that limited testing be performed to presenl on the subject site. Any disturbance of areas considered to be certain local, state, and/or federal regulations and should not be let ing the appropriate agency. Additionally, if ACM is to be removed, icslos abatement contractor should be consulted. AES PIEA Rcv-140 AES Proprietaiy Information Phase I Environmeniiil ; Buena Visla 12 Carlsbad, CA 9200s Lead Based P. i In 1978, the Const: painL During lhe si peeling paint. In ge construction daie i : containing lead b:. The presence of :^:: condition and no I ; demolition ma; le, demolition. icnl January 18,2013 Project No. 13004001 Page 25 Product Safety Commission banned the use of lead as an additive in isit, accessible areas were observed for evidence of damaged and/or I, (he painted surfaces appeared to be in good condition. Based on the 59, and our on-site observations the present buildings are suspect for iiinl. The buildings are used for residential purposes. •led lead based paint is considered to be de minimis environmental r invesligalion is recommended at this time. AES notes that building til at a lead based paint survey be completed in order to permit the Potable Wat ( r The subject site is: bytheSafcDriiiki: for the presence o; Carlsbad, regardin ofthe water is bei. Radon Gas ccl by a municipally operated, public water system, which is regulated ltd Act of 1974. This Act requires that public water supplies be tested in water. AES contacted the local water utility company, the City of 1 esLi Its of water tests. The utility company reports that the lead content e I ) .S. EPA aclion level of 0.015 milligrams per liter. Radon gas is a nal' of radioactive niai cracks, structui":il i the soil. Radon e:' U.S. EPA recoil,i: The State of Cab! tests in San Die!>j predicted to ha\ e less than 4.0 pC 'i.'l AES reviewed ihe County as bein;' \N indoor radon u is Based on the liiei; not a significani e No sampling oi :;: ( ccurring, colorless, odorless gas that is the by-product of the decay found wilhin bedrock and soil. Radon gas enters buildings through and plumbing openings in floor levels that are in direct contact with en inhaled, has been found to be carcinogenic in some humans. The .1 :ieiion level for radon gas is 4.0 pCi/L (picoCuries per liter). : n con junction with the U.S. EPA, has conducted residential screening illy. The resuUs of that screening indicate that San Diego County is ei age indoor radon screening level of 0.4 pCi/L, with 100% of tests ! d '/\ 's Map of Radon Zones for California, which identifies San Diego 1 radon zone 3. Counties within radon zone 3 have a predicted average ing level of less than 2 pCi/L. 11'vievved, it is our opinion that the risk of radon gas accumulation is M niiienlal concern at the subject site. ai testing of ASTM Non-Scope items was completed. AES PIEA Rev-141 AES Proprietary Infonnation Phase I Environmcii Buena VisUi 12 Carisbad, CA 9200.': January 18,2013 Project No. 13004001 Page 26 Wetlands AES did notob^ei '. the subject site Mold AES observed signs of mold a , i' the general qua in; interior air qua 111} equipment, moi I:; the time of om i: lelcd water, flowing water, saturated soils or hydrophytic vegetation at ol the exposed exterior material surfaces of the improvements for ! d e\v and none was observed. Based on the condition of these surfaces, e e.x teiior details lo keep moisture out ofthe buildings and the general \e I in the improvements without the assistance of specialized testing mildew were not an environmental concern to the subject property at Please note th:(i .\ meters to test nmu mold and/or mi id- is present inthe sn be retained lo ; : findings. did not perform any probes behind surface materials, use moisture or nse specialized equipment to test air quality for signs of existing 11 1 her confirmation is required for determining if mold and/or mildew improvements AES recommends that a qualified Industrial Hygienist li e necessary industry standard tests and provide a report of their AES PIEA Rev-MO AES Proprietary Information Phase I EnvironniL-i Buena Vista 12 Carisbad, CA9200' January 18, 2013 Project No. 13004001 Page 27 Vlll COM lOMS Findings anr AES completed limitations of thi the Assessmeiv e I I-.SA for the site in substantial conformance with the scope and 1 rd, /\ ny exceptions to, or deletions from, the Standard are described in Historical Rec: Environmental Conditions (HRECs) Based on site i records search recommends n Current Reco on. interviews and review of available documents and the database )iK hides that no HRECs were identified at the subject site. AES : 1:11 in vestigation at this time. r/' • ''lonmental Conditions (RECs) Based on site i records search, recommends in de mini/vis C M .. interviews and review of available documents and the database O l Indcs that no RECs were identified at the subject site. AES inv estigation at this time. Based on site < records search. site.The de niii: asbestos and le in.^. interviews and review of available documents and the database ne Indcs lhat three de m/w/ww conditions were identified at the subject 11 o imcnlal conditions are a suspected site septic system and suspected I ; inl AES recommends no additional investigation at this time. Conclusion We have perloi and limilation exceptions to i assessmenl ha properly. AES •ll vt; / Environmental Site Assessment in conformance with the scope Pi iiciice E 1527-05 of 1677 Buena Vista Way, the property. Any i; ! rom, this practice are described in Section II of this report. This 1 no evidence of recognized environmental conditions with the 1 : s 110 additional investigation at this time. AES PIEA Rev-11 A GS Proprietary Information Phase I Environnii' Buena Vista 12 Carisbad, CA 920i January 18,2013 Project No. 13004001 Page 28 IX INTEI Name ritle/Affiliation Phone Mr. Bob Reyi President Reynolds Consulting Group (760) 727-4980 Staff Ikl ilding and Planning Departments City of Carlsbad Office visit AES PIEA Rev-1 AES Proprietary Infonnation Phase I Environnic Buena Visla 12 Carisbad, CA 9200 January 18,2013 Project No. 13004001 Page 29 XQUALI! OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS RichardE. Dw assessments ai: numerous Pha Licensed Engn College. Timothy K. Di environmental Environment;; i B.A. in Geolo: (III •11" I) 11 \v icki has over 20 years of experience related to environmental ;\t ; experience related to engineering matters. He has completed 1 iiental Site Assessments throughout the United States. He is a r e of California and attended Santa Ana College and Fulierton I )ahlstrand has over twenty-five years of experience related to i; matters. He has completed and supervised hundreds of Phase I ills Ihroughoutthe United States and internationally. He holds a In Civil Engineering from Northwestern University. AES PIEA Rev-1 AES Proprietaiy Information 3!^ 1 t^' (O '0. .VUl'iM-M.'y