HomeMy WebLinkAbout1698 FAIRLEAD AVE; HOA; CB122058; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 10-10-2012 Patio/Deck Perm it Permit No: CB 122058 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: 1698 FAIRLEAD AV CBAD St: HOA Pennit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: PATIO 0000000000 ~}JO " ( c::::) Status: Lot#: 0 Applied: Construction Type: NEW Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Project Title: VOSCANA-TEMPORARYSHADE Inspect Area: , STRUCTURE @ ENTRY TO SALES OFFICE (BLDG #6) -Plan Check#: Applicant: SHEA HOMES ATTN: SARAH BECKMAN 9990 MESA RIM RD SAN DIEGO CA 92121 760 715-1584 Bulldlng Pennlt Add'I Building Pennft Fe.a Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Strong Motion Fee Green Bldg Standards (SB1473) Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES Owner: SHEA HOMES ATTN: SARAH BECKMAN 9990 MESA RIM RD SAN DIEGO CA 92121 . 760 715-1584 ISSUED 10/10/2012 RMA 10/10/2012 10/10/2012 $39.88 $0.00 $27.92 $0.00 $1.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $31.00 $0.00 $100.80 Total Fees: ·$100.80 Total Payments To Date: $100.80 Balance Due: FINAL APPROVAL Ins Date: 9,,. J-/J Clearance: ------ NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project Includes the 'Imposition"~ fees, dedlcattons, reservatlons, or other exactloos heraafle( coiectively , referred to as 'fees/exactloos.' You have 90 days from the date this permit was Issued to protest Imposition of these fees/exactloos. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth In Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required lnformatlon with the City Manager fof ! processing In accordar.ce with Carlsbad ~ Code Section 3.32030. f allure to timely follow that procedure wfll bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their Imposition. I You are hereby FURTHER NOTI Fl ED that yrAS fYJhl to protest the specified fees/exactloos DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connectkln fees and capacit)'. changes, nor planning, zoning, gracing or other similar application processlrg or service fees In connectloo with I/is project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to E!irf I THE FOUOWl,iG APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE: 0 Pl.ANNING D ENGINEERING 0BUILDINQ 0FIRE -~L-~~~~~~~~~~~--,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,-~~~~~~~-,,"""'t"-,,,-~~---,,..,....._~-:::::---.' .. ~CITY Of CARLSBAD Building Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., cartsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-802-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 email: buldllng@carl&badca.gov www.cadsbadca,goy -re n,ptn'o... ~j -h" e I fls 5 'ha..oe-s,,-u c.kv <1-e • EXIST1NO USE ADDRESS ADDRESS CllY STATE ZlP CITY PHDNE FAX PHONE ARCH/DESIGNER NAME & ADOR ESS STATE UC. II STATE UC.# STATE FAX STATE FAX CL.ASS SWPP ZIP ZIP ClTY BUS. UC.I I I (Sec. 7031.6 Bus111ess and Professions Code: />wry a1y or County which requires a permit to construct alter, Improve, demolish or repair any structure, pnor to Its issuance, also requ11·0! the appilcant for such permit to flle a sli,,ed statement that he IS licensed pu111L1Bnt to the provisions of the Contractor's License LBw !Chapter 9, commending With Section 7000 ofiDMslOO 3 of the Bu!mess and Professions Code} or that he Is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the aUe&ed exemption. krj vlolatlon of Section 7031.5 by any appUoanfTor a permit subjects the apphcant to a cMI penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($5001). ~ ----·---. ------------.. ·----.. ·--------------, · COMPENSATION . I ~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~--~~~~---' WOfbn' Compen111ion Declll'Bllon: / hereby Eiflrm ~ penBly of pe,ft,y 008 r/ the frikMlng decl!niJons: I D I hlVII uid wDJ murtaln I certificate of con1ent to Hlf ~nsww for WOllcers' compensal!oo as provided by Section 3700 of the LabJr Code, for the performn;e ol the work for wtM:h this penntt Is Issued. ]a I hlVII and wlll lllllntaln worltn' conlf?anallon, as reqllred by Sectbn 3700 of Im Labor Code, for !he performance ol the w:rt for which this ~ ~ = My wcrteis' carnpensatlo~~ aIKI polcy ruroer are: Insurance Co. Gr:ol\\-\:(. Siok ~( C.. Cc · Poley No. \IJ (.00 <ci r, D I o,3s_ Exµra!lon Dale 8,o'LLL ~ This sed!on need not be compieled tt the permit 18 for ooe htndred dollin ($100} or lesA. D Certlflclh of Exemption: I oortJy that 11 the perlonmn:e ol lhe wo,1( for which ttis pe1TT1l ls Issued, I shBn nol emf)OY any pe,'BO!l In any IMVl8( so as to become subject il the WOl!a!B' Compensallon Laws ol Callfomta. WARHING: Flllure to 111cin compen11tf on cowrage II unh1wful, and 1hall lllllject an mnp«l'/81' to crtmlnal penaltl111 md cMI finff up to one hunchd thou And dollars (&100 ,()00), In eddltfon to the CCR of compenutlon, u provided 8 3708 Labor cod-, lntlrHt 111d lltomey's r-. ~ CONTRACTOR SIGHATURE ~ D I, as CMllel' of Ile JJUperly or my B1llJXOY096 wlh wages as that sole compensa!',on, w\.11 do the WOOi 111d the stndurn Is not l1landed or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business 111d ProlBS8!ons Code: The Contracior's L.Jcense Law does not apply to an OWf\0( of property vmo bulk!s or lmfYOWS theraon, 111d vmo does slcil WOik hlmself or through his own ~ pmvi:led that 8IICh l~anls are rot lntelided or o!!erad for sale. tt, however, the buldlng or ~ Is sold wltill one )'BIi{ ol compie,on, the owner-bu!lder lllil hBVB the bi.rden of proving that he cld oot bl.td or rrµove !or the J)IJIJX)S8 of sae~ ' 'Ji( I, as a,,oor of the property, am erlJst.,ely corrtradlng 1111th kensed contractors il coostru:t the project (Sec. 7044, Buslnasi and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not ffllto an owner ol property who buiis or mprows thereon. 1n:l contracti b' 60Ch projects with contractor(s) lcensed JJ..m.001 to the ~s Lk:ense Law). D I am ~ under Sec:Gon Bllllnesi; llld Prole6slons Code for this reason: 1. I peraooaly ~an to provtde the major labor and materials for constn.cion of !he proposed property mprD','8!T1el1t O Yes O No 2 I (have I have nail ~ned an aw]calon lor a ln*lng pe!TTilt for !ha J:l"OPOS9d work. 3. I hllYB contnr;led ....th !he folJa.ik,g person (firm) il provide the JJ0!)06ed constn.dloo (lldude name address I JX1009 / co ntra::tora' lcense ll\lTlbel): . j 4. I ?811 to prow!e portions ol the v,orx, but I have Ind the foloM1g person to coord!nale, sup&'Vlse and pmvk!e the major work (lrdooe name I addrass / prone I cormmra' license mnilEir): 5. I lltl JJOYk1e some of the WOik, but I contraca:I (hlrad) !he folloMlg Bl'BOns to provide !he wort,: rubied (lrdude na:ne I address I phone I type of work): ,N$ PROPERTY OWNER SIGHAT\e: ,. /. Cs@u'Jl:P!1@'i?@ 'iJ'l}J00 5@<s'i?Q@G'J /J@ill II/@1Il 0 ill@000@IIl'D'Oc.)(!, 0l!l0!1®01IJ© l:P@@~O'iJ'0 @lll(b'iJ Is ~ iwf)cant or future bulld!ng CJCCl4)8l1I reiµred kl swmJt a busiJess plan, actiely hazardous matooals reg!stratlon form or r1sk managmient En:l Jre,'!l~OO program L000f Secftorw 25505, 25533 or 25534 o! Iha Prasley-Tanner Ha&dol.1$ Sltlsun:e Aa:oont /v:KI DYes DNo Is tie llplfuaJrt or MLre b\.iJng occl4)8ITI rtqJlrnd kl obtan a pEmVI from hi air ?J(ulon control clstJ1ct or air qualty maiagement clstr1ct? DYes D No Is the fld1ty tJ be coos1rucEd Ylillill 1,000 feet of the ouilr bounday ol a school slil? DYas DNo a= AA'< OF TIE AH8WER8 ARE YES, A~ CERTFICATE OF OCCUPANr:'f MAY NOT BE ISSUED UN..ESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR 18 MEETING TIE REQUMMENTS OF TIE OFRCE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AR POLWTION CONTROL DISTRICT. Cs@IIlC'D'uH!JCs'iJ'O®Ql !hl31Il00fi!l© &©@fi!!Cs'v' ,,< I hereby ~ that there Is e cmstrudion lancing agency for the pemrmence of the work this pemiit is Issued (Sec. 3097 (I) Civil Code). Lender's Name Lender's Address tHPIP!10@c.) ltl'ii' !s@II?'u'OllO@c.) 'ii'O®ti9 I certifJlhllt I haue reed the applcallon and slBE that the abcMl mfomatton la COllld and th!ltthe lnfonnallon on the plans Is IICCUJllle. I agioo ID cmiply-.-lth all ~ Oldlnanms 811d SIB'll l!rM ielatl~ ID blil!lng IDl1Slructlon.. I hEJebij aut.oriza ~ ol tie Clly ol CmJad kl entoc ~ he alxJw meotboed ~ foc !nsJ:ecl:)n P'JJX)S6S. IN.SO AGREE TO SAVE, L'OEMNJFY AND KEE' H.6RM.ESS ll-lE aTY CF CJ,&S1W) N3/!JNST All LIABUllES, JUOCMENTS, COSTS #JD~ WHICH MAY N Nff WAY ACCRUE N3/!JNST SAD CITY IN cetlSEQLENCE CF THE GRANTING CF Tl-IS PERMIT. oo-JA: M OSHA ~It Is requred b' excavab1s rJM 5'0' deep cm demoi!loo or cmslndix1 of sild..res owr 3 smis In hEtjrt. EXPR4 TION: Every~ issLej tyt the B.JUng otrdal under the ~ al this Cro3 shal expire by ~ a1d te::orre nuD il'ld ~ lf the ruklr,g or 'Mll'k auh:JrtzEd tyt rud1 ~ Is rd a:xranerm:l \liihi1 1 &l days rorn the dcie of sud1 ~ or~ tie but:Jlng or v.ork autlxrald tyt sudl ~~ Is SllS!)31ded or abarxlooed at any too after hi 'MXk Is Cll!lm300ld b' a raW of 100 days (Soob'l 100.4.4 lk1Jform Bull:lng Crol~ AS APPUCANT'S SIGNA~ DATE STOP: THIS SECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the following ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at final inspection. Cl.:llllt'ICATE:. (.) i OCCUPANCY ( (. 0 rn '" ~· r C I ,I I l'rojccts 0 n I y t Fax (760) 602-8560, EmaR wmrt,builgng@cartsbadca.goy or Mai the ~ kJrm to City of Carlsbad, Buiding Di't'isioo 1635 F !r'lldey Avenue, Carlsbad, Caflfomie 92008. I COi: (Offloe Use Only) CONTACT NAIE OCCUPANT NAME ADDRESS BUILDING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP Carlsbad CA PHONE I FAX EMAIL OCCIJ PANT'S BUS. UC. No. D£LMRY OPTIONS D PICK UP: o CONTACT (l..lsted abow) o OCCUPANT (llited above) o CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) o ASSOCIATED CBI D MAIL TO: o CONTACT (Llllted abOYe) o OCCUPANT (listed abo'ie) o CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) o NO CHANGE IN USE/ NO CONSTRUCTION D MAIL/ FAX TO OTHER: o CHANQE OF USE/ NO CONSTRUCTION A! APPlJCAHT'8 SIGNATURE DATE Inspection List Pennlt#: CB122058 Type: PATIO Date Inspection Item 08/28/2013 19 Flnal Structural 08/28/2013 92 Compliance Investigation Friday, August 30, 2013 lnsp~~o!_~ct PB AP RI VOSCANA-TEMPORARYSHADE STRUCTURE @ ENTRY TO SALES OFFIC Comments PERMIT STATUS? Page 1 of 1 I I I I I I I 21'-I" ,r---lb'-5" 3-~· TYP 11,·.5· ' -~~ -~~ G8A6 6EAM END DE;:TAIL SECTION OVERHEAD STRUC-TURE AT MODELS ~ ~ § 1 'l iil I" "' 6 ~ " ~ ~ Underground Ser v Ice A I er t i ~al I: TOLL FREE ~ 1-800 ~ 227-2600 ~ ?i r1Q ~ .'(; °"~ SCTIM l'OJ 01c Q ~;~~~~~:t 1~~~~~! yt~~~s~t,~1~ t 1es .ce; belong ng lo the center There could "': "? be ott-.er 1,1\1l1l1es present at the ,.0!'"1,: s te The center "' 11 ,nforffl you of ...tio,o, they "1 not If y ~ KEYMAP SG,AJ.,.e' I • 0 -0 ii APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INC.LUPIN6 ~ LOC.ATION OF PLANTING AREAS. www.gmplandarch.com 4125 Sorrento Valey Blvd. Sui1e D San Diego Caiforma 92121 Tel 858 558 8977 Fax 858 558 9188 -J.,--Y, 3'-~ T'l'P. 1 • .. ~-"" A.PPkOVED JP lfil~ DETAIL LEGEND 0 cot..UHN BASE. PROI/IDE I CLEAAA-.C.E FROM POST TO TOP Of CONC,RETE 0 (2) •4 HORIZ REBAR 0 60IT0'1 EACH Y'(A'!' CONC.RfTE FOOTING ; :::ON .OINT FIN 5H SURFACE PER Pl.AN$ COMPACTED ~'<ADE PER SOILS REPORT ©o'11TTED (:)exe ROUGH SAK~ DO.X;LAS FIR POST, CO'<E DRILL MD SET ON 1• DIA ALL-TH'<EAD ROD e 4xl 2 ROUGH SAK~ D0J<;LA5 FIR 6~ BEAM ON 60TH SIDES Of POST -ATTACH TO POST ~ TH R!ISTIC '50JA'<f" HEAD I' DtA Tl-'R!J-60LTS "AS-BUIL1" Olft r,n.£ -. --RECEIVED BY JOU f"'O OQ-033 l'LOT OAT£ 10/10/12 SCALE AS SIIO•l'f ----"l>{cfol! ___ DAT£ 0 4xl2 ROUGH SAm Do:J6LA5 FIR TOP SEAM, NOTC.H 2' li'ITO 6~ 8EAM AND ATIACH TO V'IITH %' LA6 SCRfl"i FR0'1 TOP @ .mc.TION 60X ©PROVIDE ELECTRIC.Al CO'OO:CTION AT GENTER Of OVERHEAD S TR!!c. T1/RE NEAR 660 FOR Ll6HTIN6, SEE ELEC. TRICAL DRAl'ilN65 (RUN ALL CONDI.IT ON TOP SIDE OF RAFTERS N© 6EAM5} 81• ELECTRIC.AL COND\JIT ATTACHED TO POST. PLAGE ON BACKSIDE OF POST HIDDEN FROM VIEY\ PAINT c.oNDU1 T TO '1A TCH POST 0 6LEN RAVEN FIRE RfT ARDAl'IT f lRfSIST' SHAD!: FABRIC. BY OTHCRS, COLOR TO BE DETER'11NCD 61' OY',NER t.OTE COLOR FOR ALL l'WDl'ORK TO BE FRAZEE JACARA'lDA BRO~ •002SD DOI\EL ALL VERT RflNF • FDOTIN6 CASSIA ROAD / IID IID _J I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - -.;-;;;-;.~ .-; DATE REVlStON DESCRIPTION PROA"CT NO ~C ND1 C,T 04-tO{A) ~-5L j