HomeMy WebLinkAbout1701 ALGA RD; ; CB891197; PermitBUILDING PERMI 01/03/90 14:29 Paae 1 of 1 ' Jog Address : Str : Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: 460,000 Construction Type: NEW Occupancy Group: Description: 38304 SF LAKE/TEE/TUNNEL WALLS Class Code: T Project No: A8901971 Permit No: CB891197 Development No: Status: ISSUED Apr/Issue : 10/06/89 Applied : 08/15/89 Validated By: DC *** Fees Required **x d & Credits *** """"""~"""""""~ Fees: """""""""" Adjustments: .oo Total Fees: 1,235.00 1,932.00 Fee description nit Ext fee Data """""""""" "-""""""""- Building Permit Plan Check . , . , 1 ,. /~~*, 1235.00 Strong Motion Fee . ~ ~ * /* "- 32.00 * BUILDING TOTAL .. t~ <* .. . ,. , . . ~ '.~ _,. * ~ 1900.00 , , ,. 3167.00 . '. I. > ',,, I , ' . I .. ., , . . ,I '~'.* 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 CrrY OF CARLSBAD DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4659 (619) 436-1 161 MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT Appllcant Please Prlnt And Flll In Shaded Ana Only Misc 1235.00 CONTRACTOR ESTMATED VALUATION ./La, a"+ CONTRACTORS MAILING ADDRESS PLAN CHECK FEE oo16104000-8821 /J35 IF THE APPLICANT TAKES NO ACTION WITHIN 180 DAYS, PLAN CHECK FEES WILL BE FORFEITED. CITY STATE BUSINESS LICENSE NO. LICENSE NO. ZIP TEL. / / SUBDIVISION LOT(S) I c LEGAL DESCRIPTION CHECK IF SUBMITTED 0 2ENERGYCALCS 0 2 1987 ENERGY CALCS FOR NON RESIDENTIAL BLDGS DESCRIPTION OF WORK 0 ZSTRUCTURALCALCS ~~~ i4e 4-4 @mGlJeL dd& !f"/h"* 0 0 L44.6 # ~" 2 SOILS REPORTS 2 SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPES SENT TO APPLICANT DATE GIVEN/ DATE G4a-ir-J , CONTACT PERSON ILL&& LA COSTA LElTER ADDRESS *70 SCHOOL FEE FORM CITY& 4- ZlP%m .X"%*& P & E CORRECTIONS LIST CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE 0 Whlte . File Yellow. Appllcant Plnk . Finance Gold . Assessor PERMIT APPLICATION City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 1619) 438-1161 EST. "11 PLAY CI DLPOIlT 1-7 3 5 VALID. Bl 1. PERMIT TYPE A - UC0"RClAL UNEU UTENANl I(IPROYEMEI1 2. PROJECT INFORMATION PLAN CHECK No. Address g9, lip 7 FOR OFFICF USE ON1 Y 1701 ALGA Ron* Building or Suite Ro. 0 B" PHONE APPROMD BY: DATE: 4' WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance Date: August 29, 1990 TO: Richard Rudolph 2011 Palomar Airport Road Carlsbad, CA 92009 Suite 206 RE: BUILDING PERPlIT EXPIRATION Permit Number: 89-1197 Issue Date: 1-3-90 Last Inspection: none PLWE CALL FOR AN INSPECTION IF WORK IS COMPLETE JOB ALlDRESS: 1701 Alga Road Our records indicate ghat your building permit will expire by limitation of time on 7-3-90 (expired) . by the Building Official under the provisions of this code shall expire by The provisions of UBC, Section 303(d) state: "EXPIRATION. Every permit issued permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit, or if the limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be first obtained so to do, and the fee therefore shall be one-half the amount required for the original plans and abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. Any permittee holding an unexpired specifications for such work; and provided further that such suspension or under that permit when he is unable to commence work within the time required by permit may apply for an extension of the time within which he may commence work this section for good and satisfactory reasons. The Building Official may extend the time for action by the permittee for a period not exceeding 180 days upon written request by the permittee showing that circumstances beyond the control of the permittee have prevented action from being taken. No permit shall be extended more than once. In order to renew action on a permit after expiration, the permittee shall pay a new full permit fee. Please check below indicating your intentions and return this letter to us. J Project abandoned. New permit will be obtained prior to commencing work. - Maximum 180-day time extension requested. (NOTE: A separate letter for an extension request and reason for such, must accompany this form.) If you have any questions, please contact this department at 438-3550. ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92 123 (619) 560-1468 DATE : h@-TDJ4ER L. /9 89 JURISDICTION: L/7Y (7F (1ARLSbAD PLAN CHECK NO: 29 -1 14 7 SET :-r OUPS PROJECT ADDRESS: ~ /yo/ RLhfi eo, UFILE COPY EDESIGNER PROJECT NAME: * 1dth)h ILIALLS, 0 necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified mbJ checked by building d-epartment staff. are resolved and 0 identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the 0 jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. 0 The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person plan check has been completed. Date contacted: Telephone # By : ESGI$-SPOR$ORATION Enclosures: OGA OAA Ovw ODM ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR.. SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO. CA 92123 (619) 56@1468 0 necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply 0 with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the 0 identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected 0 jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: . I) rnmw<F 307D &)sTbL ST. &4bn c rnFs's; CJ) 9.71~2~ Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that 0 Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has plan check has been completed. been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone # 0 REMARKS: BY : 2, /.J~L&uA('B, ht~x % Enclosures: rub LJ E ESGIL COKPORATION F Plan? Check No. c 77- - "- . FOREWORD: PLEASE READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Buildina Eode. Uniform I Per See. 303 (c), of the Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation or any state, county or city law. ... ,. . bze~make dl corrections on the original and any orlginal plan acts that may have tracings and submit two new sets of prints. been returned to you by the Jutisdlctinn, to: .&.b/' (9&.@? 0 e &&-sD,cr,*J (3TO facilitate rechecking. please Identlfy, next to each clrcled item, the sheet of the Plans upon which each correction on check sheet with tho revlted plans. this *=et hna been made end return this 1. The folloving items have not been resolved from previous plan reviews. given for your reference. Please contact The original correction number has been me if YOU have any questions regarding these items. - . ". Date PIT? received by plan checker 9-/,b9 Date plan check completed 9*//*29 ". .i .. BY ~td wllcxt= mp- DMID YW . .. - Plumbing Code, Uniform kchanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Department. You may have other corrections Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. modification or change. All circled items have The items circled below need clarification, to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with.the cited codes and regulations. ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUlTE 208 SAN DlEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DATE : 8 12s fs9 JURISDICTION: f ITY OF CML-S RA P PLAN CHECK NO: PROJECT ADDRESS: 170 ( Af $A OFILE COPY - 19 7 SET: OUPS ROA 0 DDESIGNER PROJECT NAME: Retcr;n;nci. WaIIs 0 necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply 0 with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. 0 identified on the enclosed checklist and should be corrected The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies.. and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the .~ 0 jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. @ The applicant's copy of the check' list has been 'sent to: 7ohn M/ //bo UXP .. 3070 &?ISTO L sr *460 &sTA MFC~ 92.626 Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. been completed. Person contacted: Esqil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has Date contacted: Telephone # 0 REMARKS: By : DAVID YAo Enclosures: ESGIL CORPORATION 8/17 OGA OAA Ow DDM JURISDICTION: CARLS MD Date PROKCT ADDRESS: 170 / AL6A DAD TO: gooh& l4;/l Ao4Je X70 ??e&%/ ST “4x0 PLAN CORRECTION SHEET WJ rA MESA CA 92626 Plan; Iheck No. 69- //9 7 Date plana received by the Jurisdiction p//k Date plans received by plan checker 7 Date initial plan check completed ‘/Zr BY Av rP YAD FOREWORD: PLEASE READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform PluDbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy cwervation, n&e attenuation and accesa for the handicapped. The plan check is baaed on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections baaed M laws and ordinances enforced by the PIaMing Department, Engineering Department or other departments. modification or ch?nge. All circled items have The items circled below need clarification, to be satisfied before thdplans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per See- SO3 (c), of the Uniform Building Code, violation of any state, county or city law. the approval of the plans doea not permit the A. PLANS - @ Phase make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan acta that may have been returned to you by the juriadiction, to: FSG/C I I c Date1 &/* Jurisdiction afR0rnD Prepared by: 0 Bldg. Dept. DAv19 Y& VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE 0 Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. 84 -I.( 97 BUILDING ADDRESS / 701 A&a I~AD APPLICANT/CONTACT TDhc lI.li//ho~SQ PHONE NO. 7/4 - 64 I -66d BUILDING OCCUPANCY M DESIGNER PHONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION .. CONTRACTOR PHONE BUILDING PORTION *ao, 000 z 36,30+SF &&;mhq . ba I VALUE VALUATION BUILDING ARE4 MULTIPLIER .. t I 1 Air Conditioning I I Commercial '. I@ Residential I @ Res. or Corn. I I Fire' Sprinklers I@ I I I Total Value Building Permit Fee 0- $ /F9 Plan Check Fee f - " 63 s /> s4- COMMENTS: SEEET OF / 12/87 0 do 0 do do DATE: PROJECT ADDRESS: ENGINEERING CHECKLIST BUILDING PLANCHECK LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Site Plan 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: north arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width and dimensioned setbacks. 2. Show on site plan: Finish floor elevations, pad elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing percent (%) grade and drainage patterns. topographical lines, existing and proposed slopes, driveway with 3. Provide legal description and Assessors Parcel Number. Discretionary Approval Compliance 4. No discretionary approvals were required. - 5. Project complies with all Engineering Conditions of Approval for Project No. - 6. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of Approval for Project No. Conditions complied with by: Date: Field Review - 7. Field review completed. No issues raised. - 8. Field review completed. The following issues or discrepancies with the site plan were found: - A. Site lacks adequate public improvements. - B. Existing drainage improvements not shown or in conflict with site plan. - C. Site is served by overhead power lines (Future Improvement Agreement required). D. Grading is required to access site, create pad or provide for ultimate street improvement. E. Site access visibility problems exist. Provide onsite turnaround or engineered solution to problem. F. Other: Dedication Requirements 9. No dedication required. ~ 10. Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8-1/2" 'x 11" plat map and submit with a title must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of report and the required processing fee. All easement documents Building Permit. The description of the dedication is as follows: Dedication completed, Date: By : Improvement Requirements No public improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or defective improvements found adjacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City inspector prior to occupancy. Public improvements required. construction of public improvements pursuant to Section 18.40 of This project requires the City Code. Please have a registered Civil Engineer prepare appropriate improvement plans and submit for separate plan check must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees,paid process through the Engineering Department. Improvement plans prior to issuance of permit. The required improvements are: Improvement plans signed, Date: By : Improvements are required. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred in accordance with Section 18.40 of the City Code. Please submit a recent title report on the property so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement. The Future Improvement Agreement must be signed, notorized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Future Improvement Agreement completed. Date: By : Grading Requirements __ 13a. Inadequate information available on' site plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Please provide more detailed proposed and existing elevations and contours. Include accurate estimates of the grading quantities (cut, fill, import, export). - 14. No grading required as determined by the information provided on the site plan. 15. Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted for separate NOTE: The Grading Permit must be issued and grading plan check and approval through the Engineering Department. substantially complete and found acceptable to the City Inspector prior to issuance of Building Permits. Grading Inspector sign off. Date: By : 2 .Ss.oq Miscellaneous Permits 16. Right-of-way Permit not required. - 17. Right-of-way Permit required. A separate Right-of-way Permit issued by the Engineering Department is required for the following: 18. Sewer Permit is not required. - 19. Sewer Permit is required. A Sewer Permit is required concurrent with Buiiding Permit issuance. The fee required is noted below in the fees section. 1 20. Industrial Waste Permit is not required. - 21. Industrial Waste Permit is required. Applicant must complete Industrial Waste Permit Application Form and submit for City approval prior to issuance of Building Permits. Permits must be issued prior to occupancy. Date: Industrial Waste Permit accepted - By : Fees Required 22. Park-in-Lieu Fee 4 Quadrant: " Fee Per Unit: -~ Total Fee: Qt.4 23. Traffic Impact Fee U Fee Per Unit: " * 24. Bridge and Thoroughfare Fee Fee Per Unit: -~ Total Fee: ?IA - A 25. Public Facilities Fee required. 26. Facilities Management Fee Zone: /4 Fee: C@ + 27- sewe+ + Permit No. "- EDU's: -9 Fee : 28. Sewer ateral required: - Fee : REMARKS: /%€O G&+0&5 RLfl5~ws EOM" #*E we Ced Corn,Q~ re Amd&Er!. ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE PERMIT PLANNING CHECKLIST 000 (Name) Type of Project a Use @-du&Sc Zone A Facilities Management Zone /Y .Laend Item Complete 0 Item Incomplete - Needs your action 1, 2, 3 Number in circle indicates plancheck number that deficiency was identified Environmental Review Required: YES - /NO - TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which Conditions of Approval require action. oon Discretionary Action Required: YES J NO - TYPE APPROVAL/RESO. NO. DATE: PROJECT NO. OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. L‘ondi t ions of Approval . .. 000 ~~ .. ... ,. . _. - .-.. . - - landscape: YES JNO - DATE OF A@KOV?.l: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval & 000 000 uno 000 Coastal : YES 1/ NO - DATE OF APPROVAL: Compliance with conditions Of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval Site Plan: 1. 2. 3. 4. Zoning : 1. 2. 3. 4. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existin.9 and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, &ght-of-way width and dimensioned setbacks. Show on Site Plan: Finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines, existing and proposed slopes and driveway. .. , , I ' ..- Provide legal description of property. Provide assessor's parcel number. Setbacks: Front: Required Shown Int. Side: Required Shown Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required Shown Lot coverage: Required Shown Height: Required - Shown Parking: Spaces Required Shown - Guest Spaces Required Shown Additional conments and remarks have been made on the building plans. These marked-up plans may be picked up at the Building Department. These marked-up plans must be resubmitted with the revised plans for this project. Have plans been marked up? YES I/ NO OK TO ISSUE DATE /&-fi PLNCK. FRM STATE OF CALIKHINIA-THE RESOURCES AGENCY GEORGE DEUKMUIAN. Ge-8 CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SAN DIEGO COAST DISTRICT 1333 CAMINO DEL RIO SOUTH. SUITE I25 %&$TAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 6-87-680 '? SAN DIEGO. CA 921083520 Page 1 of 10 (619) 297-9743 On April 14. 1988 , the California Coastal Commission granted to Hunt Properties. Inc./Aviara Land Associates Limited Partnership, assiqnee this permit for the development described below. subject to the attached .. Standard and Special Conditions. Description: Conceptual APDrOVal of' the Master Plan for a mixed use project covering 1,402 vacant acres in southern Carlsbad. Uses proposed include: 2.836 single-and multi-family residential units; a multi-building hotel/ resort with conference suites, commercial sports complex, and restaurants; a golf course with clubhouse; neighborhood shopping center and natural and recreational open space areas, including the eastern basin of Batiquitos Lagoon and trail systems. on. 'uradinq (3.9 million cubic vards) and construction aDDrova?< PI 1 (540 acres) of the project consisting of 1,522 single-and multi-family residential units; a resort/hotel, sports complex and total). Other than the residential units, uses would be located in 73 visitor-serving commercial center, including restaurants (589,000 sq.ft. one-, two- and three-story buildings and the proposed four-story hotel structure; also proposed within the first phase is nstruction of an 14 ':,hole golf coursk.. a two-story 24,000 sq. ft. clubh e and construction of "roads and facilities, including offsite improvements. Lot Area Zoning 1,402 acres Plan Designation Planned Comnunity P-C/ Planned Community Site: Batiquitos Lagoon and lands along its north shore between Interstate 215-040-02,15,16; 215-050-14; 215-051-10; 215-070-51; 215-080-02; 21 6-1 50-06.07 5 and El Camino Real, Carlsbad, San Diego County. APNs 214-170-51; 216-110-02,19,28; 216-111-01,02,04; 216-121-15,16; 216-122-01,23; and Issued on behalf of the California Coastal Commission by PETER DOUGLAS and Executive Director COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 6-87-680 Page 2 of 10 WITH THE SIGNED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT HAS BEEN RETURNED TO THE COMMISSION OFFICE. IMPORTANT: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNLESS AND UNTIL A COPY OF THE PERMIT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The undersigned permittee acknowledges abide by all terms and conditions receipt of this permit and agrees to z;-&..*+ e of Permittee STANDARD CONDITIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. Notice of Receipt and Acknowledqement. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent. acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. years from the date on which the Commission voted on the application. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. Compliance. All development must occur in strict compliance with the proposal as set forth below. Any deviation from the approved plans must be reviewed and approved by the staff and may require Conission approval. condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Conission. Interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any Inspections. The Conmission staff shall be allowed to inspect the site and the development during construction, subject to 24-hour advance notice. Assiqnment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 6-87-680 Page 3 of 10 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: The permit is subject to the following conditions: coastal develoDment Demit, the applicant shall execute and record an 1. Batiquitos Laqoon-In Fee Dedication. Prior to the issuance of the irrevocable offer to.dedicate to the California State Lands Comnission, Wildlife Conservation Board or other public agency deemed appropriate to the the State Department of Fish and Game, as shown on files with the City of Executive Director, fee title to the wetland portions of the site mapped by The document shall include legal descriptions of both the applicant's entire Carlsbad and generally shown on Exhibit #3 [attached to the staff report]. parcel(s) and the area to be dedicated. The offer to dedicate shall be in a form acceptable to the Executive Director and run in favor of the People of the State of California. The offer of dedication shall be recorded free of prior liens, except for tax liens, and free of prior encumbrances which the Executive Director determines may affect the interest being conveyed. The offer to dedicate stiall be binding to successors and assigns of the applicant or landowner. The offer to dedicate shall be irrevocable for a period of 21 years, such period running from the date of recording. The document shall stipulate that any public agency accepting such dedication shall limit uses in the area to natural resource education, research or enhancement programs or other activities consistent with Section 30233 of the Coastal Act. Alternatively, prior to issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall present, for Executive Director review and written approval, evidence that fee title to the same property has been conveyed to the State of State Lands Commission to settle title; provided that the property conveyed California, pursuant to an agreement between N.B. Hunt and W. H. Hunt and the the staff report], the property shall be free of encumbrances which the shall be no less than the property generally shown on Exhibit 3 [attached to are limited as stated above in connection with the offer to dedicate Executive Director determines may affect the interest being conveyed, and uses alternative. 2. Batiquitos Laqoon/ODen Space Deed Restriction. Prior to the issuance of the the coastal development permit, the applicant shall record a portions of the site as mapped by the State Department of Fish and Game, as restriction against the deed for the property applicable to the wetland shown on files with the City of Carlsbad and generally shown on Exhibit #3 [attached to the staff report]. The document shall include legal descriptions of both the applicant's entire parcel and the restricted area and shall limit uses in the area to natural resource education, research or enhancement programs or other activities consistent with Section 30233 of the Coastal Act. The deed restriction shall be.recorded free of prior liens, except for tax may effect the deed restriction. The deed restriction shall be binding from liens, and free of prior encumbrances which the Executive Director determines the date of recording but shall terminate with the acceptance by an appropriate agency of the fee dedication of the restricted area pursuant to Special Condition #1 of this permit. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 6-87-680 Page 4 of 2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS, continued: 3. Open Space Easement/Wetland Buffer. Prior to the issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall record an irrevocable offer to dedicate to a public agency, or to a private association acceptable to the upland of the wetlands of Batiquitos Lagoon along its north shore, generally Executive Director, an open space easement over a 100-foot wide wetland buffer shown on Exhibit #7 [attached to the staff report]. The document shall include legal descriptions of both the applicant’s entire parcel(s) and the easement area. Unless otherwise approved by the California Coastal Commission, uses within said open space easement shall be limited to provision of public access trail improvements, as specified in Special Condition #7, and, as deemed necessary and when designed to eliminate adverse impacts to coastal resources and public access, sewer hook-ups to the existing sewer line within the easement area and storm drain facilities. The offer shall be irrevocable for a period of 21 years, shall run in favor of the People of the State of California, binding successors and assigns of the applicant and/or landowners, and shall be recorded prior to all other liens and encumbrances, except tax liens. The offer to dedicate shall be in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director. the coastal development permit, the applicant shall record a restriction 4. Open Space Deed Restriction/Steep Slopes. Prior to the issuance of against the subject property, free of all prior liens and encumbrances, except for tax liens, and binding on the permittee’s successors in interest and any subsequent purchasers of any portion of the real property. The restriction erection of structures of any type without the written approval of the shall prohibit any alteration of landforms, removal of vegetation or the California Coastal Commission or its successor in interest in the sensitive steep slope areas throughout the entirety of the Master Plan and that portion of the adjacent natural open space areas of Phase I of the project, at a minimum, as shown on the submitted deed restriction Development Plan overlays document shall include legal descriptions of both the applicant’s entire received in the San Diego Area Office on August 1. 1988. The recording parcel(s) and the restricted area, and shall be in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director. Evidence of recordation of such restriction shall be subject to the review and written approval of the Executive Director. 5. Erosion. Sedimentation and Drainaqe Control. A. Submittal of Plans shall submit for the review and written approval of the Executive Director an Prior to the issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant erosion, sedimentation and drainage plan for Phase 1 of the project, including associated roads and utilities. The plan shall be prepared and reviewed in accordance with the 1980 Master Drainage Plan for the City of Carlsbad. including the Model Erosion Control Ordinance contained in the plan. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 6-87-680 Page 5 of 10 SPECIAL CONDITIONS, continued: The erosion, sedimentation and drainage plans shall include: 1) A runoff control plan designed by a licensed engineer qualified in hydrology and hydraulics, which would assure no increase in peak runoff rate from the developed site over the greatest discharge expected from the existing undeveloped site as a result of a 10-year, 6-hour frequency storm. Runoff control shall be accomplished by a variety of measures, siltation traps and energy dissipators. including but not limited to: on-site catchment basins, detention basins, 2) Detailed maintenance arrangements and various alternatives for providing the on-going repair and maintenance of any approved drainage and erosion control facilities. If the off-site or on-site improvements are not to be accepted or maintained by a public agency, detailed maintenance agreements binding the applicants and their successors in interest shall be secured prior to the transmittal of the permit. Such agreements shall be subject to the review and written approval of the Executive Director. 3. A plan and map for the placement of protective fencing, on a temporary open space pursuant to Special Conditions #3 and #4 of this permit, basis, along the steep sloping areas and wetland buffer to be retained in adjacent to any Phase 1 development areas. The plan shall specifically prohibit operating or parking earth moving equipment within or through these areas, stockpiling of earthwork or other disturbance within open space areas. The plan shall provide for the placement of fencing prior to any earthwork, grading or site clearance. Coordination with the area office staff of the Coastal Commission shall also be provided, in order to allow for a field inspection after said fencing is in place, but prior to commencement of grading, to assure compliance with the intent of these special conditions. B. Gradins Activities. For all phases of construction, the applicant shall comply with these additional provisions on grading and erosion control: 1. All permanent runoff and erosion control devices shall be developed and installed prior to or concurrent with any on-site grading activities. 2. All grading activities, including that required for streets and utilities, shall be prohibited within the period from October 1st to March 31st of each year. construction period, shall be planted and stabilized prior to October 1st 3. All areas disturbed by grading, but not completed during the COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 6-67-660 Page 6 of 10 SPECIAL CONDITIONS, continued: with temporary or permanent (in the case of finished slopes) erosion measures, such as berms, interceptor ditches, sandbagging, filtered control measures and landscaping. The use of temporary erosion control with plantings to minimize soil loss from the construction site. inlets, debris basins and silt traps, shall be utilized in conjunction Said planting shall be accomplished under the supervision of a licensed landscape architect and shall consist of seeding, mulching, fertilization and irrigation adequate to provide 90 percent coverage within 90 days. established within that 90 day period. Planting shall be repeated, if the required level of coverage is not This requirement shall apply to all disturbed soils, including stockpiles. All planting shall conform to an approved landscaping plan pursuant to Special Condition #10 of this permit. In addition to revegetation of all manufactured slopes and stockpiles, revegetation of graded pad areas may be required upon a written determination by the Executive Director that planting is necessary either to assure adequate the site. erosion and sedimentation control or to maintain the scenic integrity of 6. Final Gradins Plans. Prior to the issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit for the review and written approval of the Executive Director, final grading plans for Phase 1, utility and road improvements approved herein. The plans shall clearly show the existing and as the existing topography of the areas to be left in their natural condition finished contours, the topography of the areas to be graded or filled, as well minimum 100-foot buffer area between the wetland boundary of Batiquitos Lagoon as open space pursuant to the terms of this permit. The plans shall include a and any grading for the project. The plans shall be certified by a registered engineer or other qualified professional, to be true and accurate. The plans be completed during the non-rainy season (April 1- Oct. 1). shall include a grading schedule which outlines the units of grading that can 7. Public Access. (A) Prior to the issuance of the coastal development permit, the landowner shall execute and record a document, in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director, irrevocably offering to dedicate to a public agency or private association approved by the Executive Director a 40-foot wide public access easement for vertical and lateral public access to and along the shoreline of Batiquitos Lagoon. The alignment of the access trail shall be specified in review of the revised trail plan required under Section B of this condition. The easement document shall provide that the offer of dedication COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 6-67-680 Page 7 of 10 SPECIAL CONDITIONS, continued: offer, to interfere with any rights of public access acquired through use shall not be used or construed to allow anyone, prior to acceptance of the which may exist on the property. The document shall be recorded free of prior liens which the Executive Director determines may affect the interest being conveyed, and free of any the land in favor of the People of the State of California, binding all other encumbrances which may affect said interest. The offer shall run with successors and assignees, and shall be irrevocable for a period of 21 years, such period running from the date of recording. The recording document shall include legal descriptions of both the applicant's entire parcel(s) and the easement area. Alternatively, prior to issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall present for Executive Director review and written approval evidence that a forty-foot wide public access easement for vertical and lateral public access to and along the shoreline of Batiquitos Lagoon has been conveyed to the State of California pursuant to an agreement between N. 6. Hunt and W. H. Hunt and the State Lands Commission. The easement document shall allow for an access trail, the alignment of which shall be separately specified in review of the revised trail plan required under Section 6 of this when designed to eliminate adverse impacts to coastal resources and public condition. The easement document shall allow for, as deemed necessary and access, sewer hook-ups to the existing sewer line within the wetland buffer area referred to in Special Condition #3 and storm drain facilities. (E) Prior to the issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit a revised public access plan for the project which assures compliance with the following requirements: proposed, shall maintain a minimum 50-foot setback from the lagoon wetland (1) The public access path and any trail heads or interpretive centers boundary, except in those areas identified on Exhibit #7 [attached to the staff report], where provision of such setback conflicts with existing topographic elevations. as shown on Exhibit #7 [attached to the staff report] which shall provide (2) The trail shall include a minimum of two trail-heads on the property, a minimum of 20 off-street parking spaces available for use free of charge to the general public. The trail heads shall be appropriately marked with public access identification signs. (3) The trail plan shall, at a minimum, include the provision of a ten-foot wide improved path within the 40-footride easement. The path acceptable to the Executive Director. shall be paved or covered with decomposed granite or other material To assure compliance with this condition, the applicant shall record the property in the form of a deed restriction. The restriction shall also requirements listed in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above, against the deed for the COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 6-87-680 Page 8 of & SPECIAL CONDTIONS, continued: specify that the applicant shall be responsible for construction and maintenance of the required access improvements and that such improvements shall be constructed and completed prior to the occupancy of any structure approved as part of this permit. The form and content of the deed restriction shall be subject to the review and written approval of the Executive Director. The document shall run with the land, binding all successors and assigns, and shall be recorded free of affect the interest being conveyed. prior liens and encumbrances which the Executive Director determines may develooment Dermit. the Dermittee shall obtain a written determination from 8. State Lands Comnission Review. Prior to issuance of the coastal the State Lands Commission that: A. No State Lands are involved in the development, or 6. State Lands are involved in the development and all permits required by the State Lands Commission have been obtained, or C. State Lands may be involved in the development, but pending a final determination an agreement has been made with the State Lands Commission for the project to proceed without prejudice to that determination. coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit evidence that, 9. Aqricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee. Prior to the issuance of the consistent with the Commission certified Mello I, Mello I1 and East Batiquitos Mitigation Fee for the identified 360 acres of agricultural land affected by Lagoon/Samnis Properties LCP segments, the required Agricultural Conversion the subdivisions and Master Plan, has been paid and that such funds have been deposited with the State Coastal Conservancy. Such evidence shall be subject to the review and written approval of the Executive Director. The applicant shall have the option of phasing the payments in accordance with provision "C" the Coastal Commission, including the provision that any phased payments be (pages #s 13-17) of the Master Plan, as approved by the City of Carlsbad and made prior to issuance of a coastal development permit for subdivision within respective project phases rather than prior to recordation of a final map(s) for such subdivisions. permit, the applicant shall submit a detailed landscaping plan indicating the type and location of--plants and hydroseeding material, irrigation systems and other landscape features for the those areas of the project wherein development is approved under this permit. The plans shall be subject to the materials and native vegetation shall be utilized to the maximum extent review and written approval of the Executive Director. Drought tolerant plant feasible. The plant species list and landscape plan shall be reviewed by the Executive Director, in consultation with the State Department of Fish and Game, to guard against introduction of any species which are inherently 10. LandscaDinq. Prior to the issuance of the coastal development COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 6-87-680 Page 9 of SPECIAL CONDITIONS, continued: noxious to, or incompatible with, the adjacent lagoon habitat. Landscaping in Planning Area #s 1, 2. 3, 8, 9, 10 11. 13, 14, 27 and 28 shall buffer development in these areas from view from Interstate 5, La Costa include the use of specimen-sized trees to provided a landscape screen to Avenue, El Camino Real and the lagoon. To assure that such landscape screening remains effective through the life of the project, the CC&Rs of the property owners association shall include provisions to prohibit the removal of the landscape materials and to assure their continued existence in a healthy and thriving condition. The landscape plan shall also include the use of a landscape barrier along the buffer, to keep drivers of golf carts and other mechanized equipment away from south side of golf holes #l and #le, but inland of the required wetland Batiquitos Lagoon and its wetlands listed below: 11. Future Develooment. This permit is valid only Conceptual approval of the Pacific Rim Country Master Plan, as modified in this permit; Subdivision of portions of Phase 1 of the site City of Carlsbad's subdivision map CT 85-35; for the proposals Club and Resort in accordance with the Implementation of Phase 1 of the Master Plan including: grading in and 11 as indicated on Exhibit #4 of the staff report; Planning Areas 1-16 and construction in Planning Areas 1, 2, 9, 10, area of the project and offsite as shown on Exhibit #ll; Construction of utility and road improvements outside of the Phase 1 and Construction of single family homes on the residential lots of Planning Areas #s 3. 4, 8, 13 and 14, subject to review and written approval of the Executive Director of building plans. The plans shall be reviewed for consistency with the development standards set forth in the Pacific Rim Master Plan as approved by the Coastal Comnission in this permit. Subsequent implementation phases and elements of the project, including construction in Planning Area #s 5-7, 12, 15 and 16 within Phase 1 shall require approval under a separate coastal development permit(s). 12. Archaeoloqy. A limited testing program followed by a program of implemental preservation and/or impact mitigation for sites identified in the EIR for the the project shall be completed as recomnended in the EIR and required by the City of Carlsbad. Any change in this requirement shall be reported to and subject to the written of the the Executive Director. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 6-87-680 Page 10 of 10 SPECIAL CONDITIONS, continued: 13. Water Pualitv. Prior to issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant shall submit plans and a report, as necessary, for the proposed water features, the use of reclaimed water and the runoff control/irrigation associated with the golf course operations. The plans and/or other information shall be subject to the review and written approval of the Executive Director. The information shall specify that neither the use of water pumped from Batiquitos Lagoon for such features nor the outflow of water from the water features is proposed; nor that runoff containing pesticides, herbicides or other toxics will be collected or concentrated for discharge into the lagoon. the applicant shall submit a comprehensive sign program for Phase 1 of the 14. Siqnaqe. Prior to the issuance of the coastal development permit, project. The sign program shall prohibit the erection or placement of tall freestanding (other than eight-foot-high monument) or roof signs and shall and written approval of the Executive Director. prohibit any off-site signs. The sign program shall be subject to the review the coastal development permit, the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the State Department of Fish and Game or other fish and wildlife management agency acceptable to the Executive Director. The agreement shall assure that if, as a result of the proposed development for which the applicant is directly responsible, siltation occurs within the wetlands of Batiquitos Lagoon which the Department of Fish and Game or other controlling agency determines is significantly and adversely affecting the biological productivity of the lagoon, the applicant shall take all necessary and feasible steps to correct and restore the lagoon under the direction of the identified management authority. 15. Laqoon Siltation/Fish & Wildlife Aqreement. Prior to the issuance of (76BOP) SIATE OF CALIFORNIA--THE RESOURCES AGENCY GEORGE DEUKMUIAN, Go-r CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SAN DIEM COAST DlSTRlCl SAN DIEGO, CA $71083520 1333 CAMIN0 DEL RIO SOUTH, SUITE 125 (619) 297.9740 0. L. Clemens Aviara Land Associates Ltd. Partnership 2011 Palomar Airport Road, Suite 206 Carlsbad. CA 92009 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE Date: April 17, 1989 Applicant: Hunt Properties. Inc./Aviara Land Associates Ltd. Partnership, assiqnee Document or Plans: Title Aqreement/Convevance/Public Access Easement with State Lands Commission: Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate Open Space Easement for the wet- slopes; erosion. sedimentation and drainaqe control Dlans: final gradinq land buffer: Doen SDace Deed Restriction for coastal resource areas/steep plans: Public Access/Trail Deed Restriction: documentation certifyinq the landscaping plans: an archaeoloqical mitiqation status report: irriqation payment of the identified Aqricultural Conversion Mitiqation Fee: final plans/report for pr0DOSed water features and use of reclaimed water: a com- prehensive siqn proqram and an executed aqreement addressinq laqoon silta- tion with the State Dept. of Fish & Game. .;?. of Coastal Development Permit No. 6-87-680 Submitted in compliance with Special Condition(s) No(s). 1 throuqh 15 Material submitted in compliance with said Special Condition(s) of your development permit has been reviewed by the District Director and found to fulfill the requirements of said condition(s). Your submitted material and a copy of this letter have been made a part of the permanent file. Sincerely, Charles Damn District Director (1 587N) OLSON ASSOCIATES WATER MANAGEMENT ' PLANNING GOLF COURSE ARCHITLCTUKE LETTER OF TRANSMITHL 3070 BRISTOL STREET, SUITE 460 il41641-6654. COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 /