HomeMy WebLinkAbout1702 FAIRLEAD AVE; ; CB120233; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 04-30-2012 Residential Permit Pennit No: CB120233 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Pennit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: 1702 FAJRLEAD AV CBAD RESDNTL ~ 150202843 $165,517.00 Sub Type: CONDO Status: ISSUED Applied: 10/19/2011 Entered By: RMA Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Lot#: 43 Constuctlon Type: §13~ Reference #:(CJ:04004£)-J Structure Type: MF5+ 3 Bathrooms: 2.5 Orig PC~ VITALIA CONDO-MODEL UNIT 43 Plan Approved: 04/30/2012 Issued: 04/30/2012 Inspect Area: Plan Check #: PC 11004 7 Project Title: PLAN 1, 1410 SF, 443 SF GAR, 171 SF DECK, BUILDING# 6, (BUILDING.TYPE= A) Appllcant SHEA HOMES ATIN: SARAH BECKMAN STE 200 9990 MESA RIM RD 92121 858 526-6554 Building Pennlt Add'I Building Pennit Fee Plan Check Add1 Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park In Lieu Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee Other Bridge Fee BID#2 Fee BTD#3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee HMP Fee Pol Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pol Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee Green Bldg Stands Plan Chk Fee $954.34 $0.00 $668.04 $0.00 $0.00 $16.55 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.00 $0.00 Total Fees: $12,133.34 Total Payments to Date: Owner. Meter Size Add1 Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWAFee CFO Payoff Fee PFF (3105540) PFF (4305540) License Tax (3104193) License Tax (4304193) Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) Sldewalk Fee PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Housing Impact Fee Housing lnlleu Fee Housing Credit Fee Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Additional Fees Fire Sprinkler Fees TOTAL PERMIT J=EES $12,133.34 Balance Due: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,545.00 $3,012.41 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,872.00 $0.00 $0.00 $164.00 $55.00 $99.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,743.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,133.34 $0.00 Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date: /o -U -,;t./ Clearance: ------ NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project Includes the iIT1)06ltlon' c:A lees, dedicatloos, reservations, or c(her exacttons hereafter coUectlvely referred lo as "lees/exactions.' Yoo have 90 days from the date !tis permit was Issued to protest I lll)osltlon of these lees/exactions. II you protest them, you must loiow the protest procedures set forth In GoYermlent Code Section 66020(a), and flle the protest' and any other required lnlormatlon with the City Manage< !or processing In accordance with Garlsbad M unlc!paJ Ccxle Section 3.32.030. Fafture to timely follow that procedure wfl bar any subsequent legal actton to attack, review, set aside, void, OI' annul thelr lmpositlon. You are hereb'f FURTHER NOTI Fl ED that your right to protest the specified lees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection lees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoolng, grading or other slmJar appBcatlon processilg or BelVice lees In connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any ' Inspection List Pennlt#: CB120233 Type: RESDNTL CONDO VITAUA CONDO-MODEL UNIT 43 PLAN 1, ~410 SF, 443 SF GAR, 171 SF DE Date Inspection Item Inspector Act Comments 10/28/2014 19 Final Structural RI 10/28/2014 89 Final Combo PB AP 02/20/2013 92" Compliance Investigation PB AP MODEL USE ONLY 11/01/2012 89 Final Combo PB AP 10/12/2012 92 Compliance Investigation PB AP 10/11/2012 308 Final gr AP 10/05/2012 308 Final GR AP RESIDENTIAL FINAL - ADDRESSING/ACCESS 10/03/2012 39 Final Electrical PB AP 09/24/2012 23 Gas/TesURepairs PB AP 09/21/2012 23 Gas/T esURepalrs PB NS 09/20/2012 23 Gas/TesURepalrs PB NR 08/30/2012 301 Overhead Hydro gr AP 08/30/2012 303 Overhead Visual gr AP 08/20/2012 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall PB AP 08/08/2012 16 Insulation PB AP 08/07/2012 16 Insulation PB WC 08/07/2012 84 Rough Combo PB AP 08/06/2012 84 Rough Combo PB NR 08/06/2012 89 Final Combo PB WC 07/20/2012 13 Shear Panels/HD's PB AP 07/09/2012 13 Shear Panels/HD's PB PA 07/09/2012 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall PB WC 06/27/2012 16 Insulation PB PA 06/20/2012 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PB PA 06/18/2012 13 Shear Panels/HD's PB PA 05/24/2012 11 Ftg/Foundatlon/Piers PB AP 05/18/2012 21 Underground/Under Floor PB AP 05/17/2012 21 Underground/Under Floor PB NR 05/17/2012 22 S&Ner/Water Service PB NR Wednesday, October 29, 2014 Page 1 of 1 • City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request. ' For. 05/24/2012 I Permit# CB120233 l,nspector Assignment PB Title: VITALIA CONDO-MODEL UNIT 43 Description: PLAN 1, 1410 SF, 443 SF GAR, 171 SF DECK, BUILDING'!/- 6, (BUILDING TYPE= A) Sub Type: CONDO --- Type: RESDNTL Phone: 8582048746 Job Address: 1702 FAIRLEAD AV Suite: Lot 43 Location: APPLICANT SHEA HOMES Owner: Remarks: Total Time: CD Description Act Comments Inspector: _ _._l,. __ 7/ ____ _ Requested By: MIKE RYAN Entered By: CHRISTINE 11 Ftg/Foundatlon/Plers At_ ______ _ Comments/Notices/Holds Comment · ENG TECH: Bldg pennlts cannot be released unless the final map has recorded. **Map recorded Friday March23 at 4:11 as Doc.# 2012-0171486, Map# 16861** Associated PCRs/CVs/SWPPPs Origlnal PC# PC110047 SW120100 ISSUED VIT ALIA-CONDO BUILDING # 6; IO CONDOMINIUMS -UNITS 42 -51 Inspection History Date Description 05/18/2012 21 Underground/Under Floor 05/17/2012 21 Underground/Under Floor 05/17/2012 22 Sewer/Water Service Act lnsp Comments AP PB NR PB NR PB C8120233 1102 FAIRLEAD AV INSPECT~ C - .9·~A~GA¥A· .. 'tAN.D.CON:S~·L TA°NTS; INC. · · ·May 25, 2012. · .. Mi", Pete D~belb~ · Senior !rispector · City .of Carlsbad Building Division . · 1'635 .Faraday Av.enue. Carlsbad, CA 92008 : 2834 La Mlrad.a Drive Suite H .. Vista, ea1ifom1a 920a1 .: City of Carls. bad (760) PAN.GAEA . MAY 3 0 2012 Community & Economic . Development Department Re: Po!nsettl~ ·P.1~ _(Vltalia ) CT 04-.1 O(~) · Bulld.lng 6. and 9 Buil~i_n_g F~rm :certlfl~lon . Dear, Pete · we· ~.that tti_e ·bu,lping forms fur bu11ciing·6 and 9. have been set in substantial contbimance With the. setbacks :arid elevatlo~ l:lhowri on the :appr:ov~ p·recise Grading Plan, 469-5C~ . • --The bt111ding ·tcmn. rteid:"survey verlflcauor1.·wa~. perrormec1 .on May ~4. _2q.1.2·: · .-:" · Pangaea-Land ·consultants .. 2834 La Mirada Drtye, Suite i-1 · .. · · ·.VJsta, Califum1a· ~0~1 · · t 760.PAN.GAEA: (726-4232) ·. f: 760.727.1405" . . . . Page 1 of 1 •. ,,}' ~ -. ~ ti:} f/NJ 1 «~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD CIRCUIT CARD 8-36 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Tl!IS CARD MUST BE FILLED our AND AV AJLABLB AT THE SERVICE BCUIPMENT JIOR THE ROUGH INSPBCTlON Address: t? () '1.. ~1""1a.f1· A~ Pennlt Number. OWner: .CS 1,-u... Ho,, ... u. I Phone: Area ln Sq. Fl l3'1Cf[ C-Ontractor: r e,Ji; H1M.. "! PM-ll.t. r_.; j Phone: PANEL: / . A'.f.C. -VOLTS 0 WIRE BKR WIRE MISC REC REC LTG MISC WIRE BKR CKT LOCATION LOCATION CKT SIZE SIZE TYPE SIZE TYPE SIZE -G7tt!ik£ 1 IS-,cJ ~ 1/1/() > "?:, I( l'f ~ Is 2 · 1FM1" •! 7}~@. 3 /c;-I tJ '-Lt I K 2.-s--,v ?"'< /S-4 'BFb 7 };s ' ;.,,,, --'I 5 /";-Jt/ r"1J I i /0 ".2 l(! 6c.{, IS-a· r6fflll iii-I Ht Ill A,. -,,u 'Jl--7 I'> JI/ e11 I 7/1 ~ ~ IV ~ IS-8 IJ.,PJer> A-JC,, ZS-ib Gu I J./. -/Z-2-o _IJJwe 9. ~. 10 fil..01h.r£ 11 l'-:r /'I £1.,1 I Cf-/2-G'.-4,.( ?JD·: 12 ' l<J,~c=TJ ft lo·-._...,.. 13 ;i..o ,~ ,t"'~ I ?5 /7.,, ~ 2eJ 14 /q flrt'e,,J "·---l)ve,J 16 3-0 /C> .I"" --LI I 4 /7 ~ ?.-0 16 ~.~ ... ~€ IPIJ1{{ (SJ.:, 17 u, /2, Ct-t &/ t 18 19 • 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 .30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 I 40 41 42 MAIN:.M.. l co AMP BRK/FUSE O MLO Computed Load "'79 AMPS BUS: 11-c; AMP S&e Clllcuhltion Worl<SM« on back Service entrance or feeder cooduclors: , Branch circuits required: A) Size: No. 7_ B) Type: 0 CU ~ AL A) Lighting Circuits 220-3(b), 4(d) B) Two Small Appllance Circuits 210-11(e) C) Insulation: D) Conduit Size: -2.!::__ C) Laundry Circuit 220 -16(b) Service ground/bond: D) Central Heating Equipment 422-12 A) Size: No. L/ B) Type; 0 CU O AL E) Bathroom 210 -52(d) ~ Clamp locatlon(s): Remarks: i/-ltn,(JF ~EJ' >vtn-f UFER 250-60(c) OWaterPlpe 250-104' -;z:J-1:t p-21/c 0 Ground Rod 250-52 0 GIM 210-8, 6'0-70 ~chen I certify that all terminations have bean torqued In acco,rdanca with manufacturer's throom(s) lnstructfons and that the work shown on this circuit card'represents the full extent of rage(s) OHydromassage Tub the work performed u1!J!1:.irmlt. p~ fl Outdoors D gi owner ll~ Jdj. ._ i e- AFCI tected Clrc. 210-12 OCo · ~Bedroom(s) 18'S~ T. J,1/h Date 07/1,:, / ~ ~ I I ,__. '"' r I , , V ·u V' B-38 Page 1 of 2 Rev. 03/09 ~ SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING I ELECTRICAL SERVICE LOAD CALCULATION As an alternative method, the STANDARD METHOD found in ARTICLE 220 of the National Electric Code, m..ay be, used 1. GENERAL LIGHTING LOADS Dwelling /3(f'f sq.ft.x3VA=220-3(a) .q./q7 ·VA ·small appliance loads-220-16(a) 1500 VA x 1... circuits= 3000 VA Laundry load-220-16(b) 1500 VA x circuits= I 15 Oo VA . General Lighting Total 2. COOKING EQUIPMENT LOADS -Nameplate Value .. Range VA= Cooktop VA= Oven (s) 3,600 VA= ____ VA ____ VA 360_9 VA Cooking Equipment Total 3. ELECTRIC DRYER 220-18 (Nameplate, 5000 VA minimum) Dryer tJ /A VA= 1 4. FIXED APPLIANCE LOADS 230-30 {b) (3) Dishwasher = Disposal= Compactor= Water Heater = Hydromassage Bathtub = Microwave Oven= Built-in Vacuum = Dryer.Total /'2..~0 VA eoo VA ____ VA 8CiC VA VA ----12-00 VA 36QO VA N/A.. . VA . fA.u = 5. OPTIONAL SUBTOTAL (Add all of the above totals) VA _q_o_o--VA Axed Appliance Total l.f."100 VA f/56 0 VA 6. APPL YING DEMAND FACTORS -TABLE 220-30 First 10,000 VA x 100% = 10,000VA Optional Subtotal (fyom line 5) .{ Remalni_ng 1566 VAx40%= 301.~ VA 7. HEATING OR AC LOAD -TAJ3LE 220-30 ,;160 Larger of the Heating or AC Load = · VA 8. OPTIONAL LOADS TOTAL (Add totals from lines 6 and 7) = I 8181-f VA 9. MINIMUM SERVICE SIZE= Optional Loads Total = ,to Ampere 240'Volt (Please put total on front of card under Computed Load) j. • • Southwest Inspection ~nd Testing, Inc. 441 Commercial Way, La Habra, CA 90631 · (582) 941-2990 • (714) 528-8441 • · Fm( (S82) 948-oo28 . REGISTERED INSPECTORS'S DAILY REPORT B IP TYPt °' a S1ractura1 stee1 AssemblV INSP!CTION O Are Proofing REQ1JIIED . a Asphalt 0 Qualty Controt / CJ Other JobName VI Subcontractor <.. TESTS PERFORMED TYPE OF SAMPLE SLUMP QUANTITY IN SET ADDITIONAL REMARKS ON SAMPLES I INSPa:TION SUMMARY -LOCATIONS OF WORK INSPECTED, TEST SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS. PROGRESS, REMARKS. ETC. . INClUDES INFORMATION ABOUT· AMOUNTS OF MATERIAL Pl.ACED OR WORK PERFORMED, NUMBER. TYPE & IDENT. NO'S OF TEST SAMPLES TAKEN: STRUCT. CONNECTIONS !WELD MADE H. T. BOLTS TE>RQUED) CHECKED, ETC. \'Ah .... r11'--/ FrA1·~~1 <: ,oJ ... I I t...(, z .>S ,. Ir ~ ,,, t!. ~-.J.. /('.(;>Z~<-1 " ts~ 1, '-{ -It .. '-( 'i 7 Of.I (..:> {. c~s..:;· ,, #vs--'7«.o I' .. • ~<.; --,,u c::.., ·#:ii ..,~ v::,.1-Z,c, '-'xa •· CERTlfl:ATION Of COMPLIANCE . CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 0 PAGE OF IEREBY CERTFfTHAT I HAYE CBSEIMD TOTifE IIESTOF MY lNOWlED6E AU Of THE A8CM REPORTED TIMEIN TIMEOUT REG.HOURS O.T.HOURS CYLINDERS IOl!C IN!SS OTHEIIWISE NOTBI. I HAVE WORl lO COIIPI.Y WITH THE APl'flO'JED PlAHS. iPECf!CATIONS. AND TlE GO'SIMNG LAWS. l ..... , ... , s ("__ r-_ -- . ~ritf-·· ~-!rt ~~~-. . Project Supet inte11den1 . ..... SPECIAl.lY