HomeMy WebLinkAbout1704 ALGA RD; ; CB900393; Permit- BUILDING 03/08/90 13:30 Page 1 of 1 Permit Type: RETAINING WALL Parcel No: Valuation: 35,220 Occupancy Group: Construction Type: NEW Description: 2935 SF RETAINING WALL 1 Job Address: 1704 ALGA RD Class PERMIT Permit No: CB900393 Project No: A9000493 Str : F1: Ste: Development No: ?E?$ (;~/".~;i'c ii!):; (;I 0:' L "...'F;p'r r... r;T, ... . . ,,<\e w 6407 Code : Applied : 03/08/90 Apr/Issue : 03/08/90 Validated By: JPY Status: ISSUED CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 4381161 PERMIT APPLICATION City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palrnas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 I6191 438-1161 EST. VAL VALID. B PLW c1( DEKSIT 1. PERMIT TYPE A - OconntRclal UUEU UTtNANT IMPROVEMENT SlGlillURE TITLE DESIGNER NAME DATE ADDRESS clTr STATE ZIP CWE DAY TELEPHONE STATE LIC. X - 7. WORKERS' COMPENSATION Uo?kers' Conpenration Declaration: I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of canrenf to self-insure lrrued by fhe Director of lndurfrisl Relarions, or a certificate of workers' Conpenration Insurance by an abitted insurer, or an exact cow or duplicate thereof certified by the Director of the insurer thereof filed with the Buildirm lnrpcflon Departrnenr (Section 3800. Lab. C). lllSURANCE COIIPANY POLICY NO. Certificafe of Exenption: I ceirlfy that in the p'formance of the work for rhlch this permit 1s issued. I shall not enploy any p?Im in any manner so as to becane subjecf fo the Yorkers' CmWnrafion Laws of California. EXPlRlTlOU DAlE 8. OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SIGNATURE DATE Ouner-Buiider Declaration: 1 hereby afflrm that 1 8m exempr frm the Contractor's L~cense Law for the folioxlng reason: 00 ADDRESS 1704 Alqa Rd. View Point Concrete 3250 psi Sorcento Mix DeSiqn # 5512111 western National Homes # 560 C3250 3250 psi & ASTM A615 Gr. Jasper & Sons 40 & 60 Re.inf. Steel Wyman Testing Labs PO,? WEEN Carlsbad 90-114 ENDING 5-4 I. 90 2WNER OR PROJECT NAME aLoG. PERMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. :ONSTR. MAT'L 1TYPE.GRADE.ETC.) 90-393 ARCHITECT ILSIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. ENGlNEER 'ESCRIBE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE.BAR GifflDE (L MFGR.1 Sorrento Ready Mix Hunsaker & Associates GENERALCONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK LAB RECEIVING (L TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES 5-1 CONCRETE INSPECTION details on San Diego Regional Standard Drawings for masonry Inspected the reinforcing steel installation for footing per retaining wall per drawing # C6 - type 6. locations, and clearances. Inspected the reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, Verified member dimensions with inplace formwork. Verified dimensions of excavated locations. yards of concrete, mix design # 5512111 in the following Inspected the placement and consolidation of 28 1/2 cubic locations: north end of e'ast site wall, perimeter wall for the View Point project. One set of 4 test cylinders taken from first 60 ft. of north end of east site wall footing. slump test results 5 1/2". CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVE0 PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS,