HomeMy WebLinkAbout1704 CANNAS CT; ; CB941392; Permiton BUILDING PERMI T 12/29/9* 17:08 trees' J-"" CANNAS CT re,,,,^ Type: RESIDENTAL ADD/ALT Parcel No: 215-501-14-00 valuation: 13f'°°5 Construction Type: VN Reference*: °CCUpa"Monr°13<>3 «r LIVING 100 SF GARAGEDescription. i J-'-> : 92 SF Suite Lot#; Permit No: CB941392 Project Wo: A9402054 Development No: 0136 12/29/94 0001 01 C-PRMT 02 916-00 ADDl/Ownr : ENZTMINGER, LARRYAppl/ownr ^^ CANNAS COURT CARLSBAD, CA 9200 619 438-2490 Status: ISSUED Applied: 11/04/94 Apr/Issue Entered By 12/29/94 DC & Credits *** Fees Required ** :,H * * * Fee description Building Permit Plan Check Strong Motion Fee * BUILDING TOTAL Enter "Y" for Plum Each Plumbing Fixtu Each Building Sewer * PLUMBING TOTAL Enter "Y" for Electri Additional AMP break * ELECTRICAL TOTAL Enter 'Y' for Mechanical install Furn/Ducts/Heat Each Install Fireplace Each Install/Reloc Vent * MECHANICAL TOTAL Pump 9 00 6.50 4.50 498.00 916.00 Ext fee Data 766. 498, 14. 1278. 20, 56. 91. 10. 10, 15 9 6 00 00 00 00 00 Y 00 00 00 Y Y .00 .00 Y . 00 . 50 5.00 RWA/APPROVAL CLEARANCE CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr.. Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 PERMIT APPUCATION CL£#3C,T3 City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Pains Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 i. From List 1 (see back) give code of Permit-Type: For Residential Projects Only: From List 2 (see back) give Code of Structure-Type: Net Loss/Gain of Dwelling Units PLAN CHECK NO. EST.VAL PLAN CK DEPOSIT. VALID. BY DATE "*< C-PRMT 498-00 2. PROJECT INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Building or Suite No. Nearest Cross Street LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot No.Subdivision Name/Number '• Unit No.Phase No. C^iECKBELOW IF SUBMITTED: HT2 Energy Calcs ^ 2 Structural Calcs Q 2 Soils Report \ 1 Addressed Envelope ASSESSOR'S PARCEL "Z.\5 -«a EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE DESCRIPTION OF WORK SQ.FT.# OF STORIES # OF BEDROOMS 3 # OF BATHROOMS 3. (JUNT«JT PKK5UN tit aiirerent rrom applicant^ NAME (last name first) CITY STATE ADDRESS ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE 4. APFUGANT LJ UJN 1 KAU1UH U AGENT FOR CUNIHACTOR U OWNER §f AGENT FOR OWNER NAME (last name firat) (^ C^SrA eAJ<*IJOGEI?MX,ADDRESS -2,367. oVK/*^ f\t>4 RO&L&,, t, CITY STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE 5. PROPERTY OWNER NAME (last name first) CITY j — '"— » ADDRESS STATE CA- ZIP CODE ^T-fXP) DAY TELEPHONE 6. CONTRACTOR NAME (last name first) CITY STATE ADDRESS ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE STATE LIC. #LICENSE CLASS TJESIGNERTNAME Hast name tirstT ADDRESS CITY CITY BUSINESS LIC. # STATE DAY TELEPHONE ATE LIC. # 7. WORKER? COMPENSATION Workers Compensation Declaration: T hereby aifirm that I have a certificate ofconsent to sell-insure issued by the Director of InoustnaT Relations, or a certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance by an admitted insurer, or an exact copy or duplicate thereof certified by the Director of the insurer thereof filed with the Building Inspection Department (Section 3800, Lab. C). INSURANCE COMPANY POLICY NO.EXPIRATION DATE Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,Tshall not employ any person m any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. SIGNATURE DATE 8. OWNER-BUlLDtK Dl Owner-Builaer Declaration: I hereby arnrm that 1 am exempt rrom the Contractors UcenseTaW tor the following reason: D I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). 0 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor^) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). D I am exempt under Section _ Business and Professions Code for this reason: (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]). SIGNATURE /M>M~, ^ — 1~ -- ^—-^-. DATE COMPLETE THIS SECTION IjpR NON-REglDENTIAL BUILDING HERMITS ONLY: Is the applicant or future building occupant required to sijbjpiwTDUsiness plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 j)f-23SS4 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? D YES D NO Is the applicant or future building occupaflfrequired to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? D YES ^s^^ No Is the facility to be construcjerf'within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? D YES^ D NO EYES,AITOALCERTmCAraOFC<XM>AN^ HAS MET OR ISfMEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. UUNbTKLKJllUN IfNDllMG AUENtJY 1 hereby attirm that there is a construction 1< LENDER'S NAME gency tor tne performance ot the work tor which this permit is issued (Sec 3097(0 Uvii Codej. LENDER'S ADDRESS 1O. APPULAN1 I certify that 1 have read the application and state that the above intormation is correct. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CTIY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST AIL UABHJTIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. Expiration. Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 303(d) Uniform Building Code). APPLICANTS SIGNATURE WHITE:: Applicant PINK: Finance PERMIT! CB941392 DESCRIPTION: 1393 92 CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST FOR 02/26/96 SF LIVING 100 SF GARAGE SF BALCONY AND 135 SF PORCH TYPE: RAD JOB ADDRESS: APPLICANT: CONTRACTOR: OWNER: 1704 CANNAS CT ENZTMINGER, LARRY PHONE: PHONE: PHONE: INSPECTOR AREA TP PLANCK* CB941392 OCC GRP R3/M1 CONSTR. TYPE VN STE: /"} LOT: 619 438-2491 REMARKS: MW/PD INSPECTOR SPECIAL INSTRUCT: SANDRA SAYS GLASS IS TEMPERED & THERE I STICKER ON IT TOTAL TIME: —RELATED PERMITS— CD LVL DESCRIPTION PERMITl TYPE CB941608 MISC STATUS ISSUED ACT COMMENTS 19 ST Final Structural 29 PL Final Plumbing 39 EL Final Electrical 49 ME Final Mechanical ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION 022196 Final Combo 060695 Interior Lath/Dryvall 060695 Exterior Lath/Dryvall 060595 Interior Lath/Drywall 060195 Interior Lath/Drywall 060195 Exterior Lath/Drywall 053095 Insulation 052495 Insulation 052295 Rough Combo 051795 Rough Combo 051695 Fraae/Steel/Bolting/Welding 051195 Rough Combo 050895 Rough Combo 050495 Rough Combo 042595 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 042195 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 041995 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 041795 Fraae/Steel/Bolting/Welding 041495 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 041295 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 030795 Roof/Reroof 022495 Shear Panels/HD's 022495 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 022495 Roof/Reroof 022295 Roof/Reroof 011395 Ftg/Foundation/Piers ACT CO AP AP CO CO CO AP AP AP CO CO CO CO CO CO CO PAPI CO CO AP CO CO CO CO AP INSP PD TP TP PD TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP PK TP TP TP TP TP PD PD PD TP PD COMMENTS TEMP GLASS BY TUB SEE JOB CARD ND CERT POSTED ND CERT POSTED SEE NOTICE SEE LIST SEE LIST #2 ND PLAN REV.SEE NOTICE ND PLANS REVISED EXTERIOR WRAP CORRS.EXIST EXT.STRAPS,SHEAR,PA'S MISSING SEE LIST ND PLAN REV (TRUSS) CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT* CB941392 FOR 02/26/96 DESCRIPTION: 1393 SF LIVING 100 SF GARAGE 92 SF BALCONY AND 135 SF PORCH TYPE: RAD JOB ADDRESS: 1704 CANNAS CT STE: INSPECTOR AREA TP PLANCK* CB941392 OCC GRP R3/M1 CONSTR. TYPE VN LOT: ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION 011395 Rough/Topout 010395 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 010395 Rough/Topout ACT INSP AP PD CO TP CO TP COMMENTS ICITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE DATE * ^ LOCATION. PERMIT NO., J? 438-3550 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE TIME -TO g; FOR INSPECTION CALL 438-3101. RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? |~| YES FOR F/JKTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT __PHONE BUILDING INSPECTOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER NOTICECITY OF CARLSBAD " ™ ^^ • " ^^ ^— 438-3550 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE DATE _ /l- _ TIME LOCATION PERMIT NO._ 3) FOR INSPECTION CALL 438-3101. RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT YES PHONE NG INSPECTOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER NOTICECITY OF CARLSBAD " ™ ^^ ™ ™ ^^ — 438-3550 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE DATE 57/1/<r$ TIME. LOCATION y PERMIT NO. y /**i FOR INSPECTION CALL 438-3101. RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT YES PHONE —^^" BUILDING INSPECTOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDfNG DEPARTMENT NOTICE HATE &/8 ^ 5 LOCATION PERMIT NO.. 438-3550 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE TIME FOR INSPECTION CALL 438-3101. RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? |_ YES FOR FURTHER .INFORMATION, CONTACT BUILDING INSPECTOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT DATE NOTICE 438-3550 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE PERMIT NO.. TIME. . nr.AT.nN / 7#¥ STffMtif /trf *J / / r FOR INSPECTION CALL 438-3101. RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? xXw^e#%^-^ £44 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT. YES PHONE BUILDINQ INSPECTOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER NOTICE/F CARLSBAD ™ ^ ^^^ m m ^^ ^^» 438-3550 .OING DEPARTMENT 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE 4-25-95DATE T1ME_ LOCATION 1704 Cannas.ct 94-1392PERMIT NO. Upon receipt of the revised red line plans from your engineer Mr. Montgomery, the Building Department has determined that due to. the number of changes anrLxevlsinns to the.. original .plans, it. will he. necessary tor.. you. to.. submit a revised s?t of plans*, rpflectjng the rh^ngp^ in all -apnl icab-l6 .comprehensive, in -nature and will.be subject ..to -plans review priQ£ to. being -pevised -plans. U-wlll be.. .necessary f-or -the 4uilding Department to. .refrain -from . approved revised — YESFOR INSPECTION CALL 438-3101. RE-tNSPECTlON FEE DUE? FOR FURTHER INFORMATION jSpNTACT _-1^^_^_r^ T. Phillips /• BUILDING INSPECTOR /^^ CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER NOTICECITY OF CARLSBAD • ^ ^^ • • ^^ ^^ 438-3550 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE DATE WyZf g _ TIME LOCATION PERMIT NO. .£5^^A^^ > t^zcr FOR INSPECTION CALL 438-31&L£E-l INSPECTION FEE DUE?YES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT PHONE BUIMftWG INSPECTOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER NOTICECITY OF CARLSBAD m w ^^ m m ^^ ^— 438-3550 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE PATE XxT _ TIMEy, -jr. LOCATION _ /?*¥. ftiMfrti Gib. PERMIT NO-. FOR INSPECTION CALL 438-3101. RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? __ YES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT PHONE BUiLQtfiG INSPECTOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 11/16/95 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT! CB941392 DATE INSPECTION TYPE 06/06/95 Interior Lath/Drywall 06/06/95 Exterior Lath/Drywall 06/05/95 Interior Lath/Drywall 06/05/95 Interior Lath/Drywall 06/01/95 Interior Lath/Drywall 06/01/95 Interior Lath/Drywall 06/01/95 Exterior Lath/Drywall 06/01/95 Exterior Lath/Drywall 05/30/95 Insulation 05/30/95 Interior Lath/Drywall 05/30/95 Interior Lath/Drywall 05/24/95 Insulation 05/24/95 Insulation 05/22/95 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel 05/22/95 Rough Combo 05/17/95 Rough Combo 05/16/95 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel 05/16/95 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel 05/11/95 Rough Combo 05/08/95 Rough Combo 05/04/95 Rough Combo 04/25/95 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel 04/25/95 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel 04/21/95 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel 04/21/95 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel 04/19/95 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel 04/17/95 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wei 04/14/95 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel 04/14/95 Fraae/Steel/Bolting/Wel 04/12/95 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wei 04/12/95 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wei 03/07/95 Roof/Reroof 03/07/95 Interior Lath/Drywall 03/07/95 Interior Lath/Drywall 02/24/95 Shear Panels/HD's 02/24/95 Shear Panels/HD's 02/24/95 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel 02/24/95 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel 02/24/95 ROOf/Reroof 02/24/95 Roof/Reroof 02/22/95 Roof/Reroof 02/22/95 Interior Lath/Drywall 02/22/95 Interior Lath/Drywall 01/13/95 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 01/13/95 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 01/13/95 Rough/Topout 01/13/95 Rough/Topout 01/03/95 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 01/03/95 Rough/Topout INSP ACT COMMENTS 0 TP TP RI PD RI TP RI TP TP RI TP RI TP RI TP TP RI TP TP TP TP RI TP RI PK TP TP RI TP RI TP TP RI TP RI PD RI PD RI PD TP RI TP RI PD RI PD TP TP AP AP RI CO RI CO RI CO AP RIwe RI AP RI AP CO RI CO CO CO CO RI CO RI CO PA PI RI CO RI CO AP RIwe RI CO RI CO RI CO CO RI we RI AP RI AP CO CO BJN/SANDRA/431-1314 MW/431-1314 SEE JOB CARD MW/431-1314 ND CERT POSTED MW/431-1314 MW/SANDY ND CERT POSTED RS/LARRY/753-0304 MW/LARRY SEE NOTICE SEE LIST SEE LIST |2 MW/STEVE/727-7677 ND PLAN REV. SEE NOTICE MW/ SANDRA/4 3 1-13 14 ND PLANS REVISED EXTERIOR WRAP CORRS. EXIST MW/SANDRA/AM PLEASE EXT. STRAPS, SHEAR, PA'S MISSING' MW/IARRY/431-1314 SEE LIST MW/SANDRA/43 1-13 14 MW/STEVEN/727-7677 MW/STEVEN/727-7677 MW/STEVEN/727-7677 ND PLAN REV (TRUSS) MW/431-1314 BJN/TEL BJN/TEL HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE... CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT* CB941392 FOR 06/05/95 DESCRIPTION: 1393 SF LIVING 100 SF GARAGE 92 SF BALCONY AND 135 SF PORCH TYPE: RAD JOB ADDRESS: 1704 CANNAS CT APPLICANT: ENZTMINGER, LARRY CONTRACTOR: OWNER: REMARKS: BJN/SANDRA/431-1314 SPECIAL INSTRUCT: PHONE: PHONE: PHONE: INSPECTOR AREA TP PLANCK* CB941392 OCC GRP R3/M1 CONSTR. TYPE VN STE: LOT: 619 438-2490 INSPECTO TOTAL TIME: —RELATED PERMITS—PERMIT! TYPE CB941608 MISC CD LVL DESCRIPTION 17 ST Interior Lath/Drywall STATUS ISSUED ACT COMMENTS ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION 053095 Insulation 052495 Insulation 052295 Rough Combo 051795 Rough Combo 051695 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 051195 Rough Combo 050895 Rough Combo 050495 Rough Combo 042595 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 042195 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 041995 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 041795 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 041495 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 041295 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 030795 Roof/Reroof 022495 Shear Panels/HD's 022495 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 022495 Roof/Reroof 022295 Roof/Reroof 011395 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 011395 Rough/Topout 010395 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 010395 Rough/Topout ACT AP AP AP CO CO CO CO CO CO CO PA PI CO CO AP CO CO CO CO AP AP CO CO INSP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP PK TP TP TP TP TP PD PD PD TP PD PD TP TP COMMENTS ND CERT POSTED ND CERT POSTED SEE NOTICE SEE LIST SEE LIST #2 ND PLAN REV.SEE NOTICE ND PLANS REVISED EXTERIOR WRAP CORRS.EXIST EXT.STRAPS,SHEAR,PA'S MISSING SEE LIST ND PLAN REV (TRUSS) CITY OF CARLSBAD * INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT* CB941392 FOR 04/21/95 DESCRIPTION: 1393 SF LIVING 100 SF GARAGE 92 SF BALCONY AND 135 SF PORCH TYPE: RAD JOB ADDRESS: 1704 CANNAS CT APPLICANT: ENZTMINGER, LARRY PHONE: CONTRACTOR: PHONE; OWNER: PHONE; REMARKS: MW/SANDRA/431-1314SPECIAL INSTRUCT:INSPECTOR INSPECTOR AREA TP PLANCK* CB941392 OCC GRP R3/M1 CONSTR. TYPE VN STE: LOT: 619 438-/2490 ^ft TOTAL TIME: —RELATED PERMITS—PERMIT* TYPE CB941608 MISC CD LVL DESCRIPTION 14 ST Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding STATUS ISSUED ACT COMMENTS & ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION AC?.1 INSP 041995 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding PA TP 041795 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding PI TP 041495 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding CO TP 041295 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding CO TP 030795 Roof/Reroof AP TP 022495 Shear Panels/HD's CO PD 022495 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding CO PD 022495 Roof/Reroof CO PD 022295 Roof/Reroof CO TP 011395 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PD 011395 Rough/TopOUt AP PD 010395 Ftg/Foundation/Pier« CO TP 010395 Rough/Topout CO TP COMMENTS EXTERIOR WRAP CORRS.EXIST EXT.STRAPS,SHEAR,PA'S HISSING SEE LIST ND PLAN REV (TRUSS) 4 /J*S/G,-**•/ * / c co j^4~~' / BSGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DATE: 12/29/94 OAPPLJCANT JURISDICTION: Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER Q FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 94-1392 SET: IV PROJECT ADDRESS: 1704 Cannas Court PROJECT NAME: Entzminger SFD Remodel The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. X] Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Marty Date contacted: 12/29 (by: DY) Telephone #: walk in X REMARKS: The applicant will hand carry the approved plan back to city.(O.K. per Doris) By: David Yao Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D PC Io9 trnsmtl.dot ESGIL CORPORATION 932O CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DATE: 12/22/94 Q APPICANT JURISDICTION: Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 94-1392 SET: III PROJECT ADDRESS: 1704 Cannas Court PROJECT NAME: Entzminger SFD Remodel The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ><] The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ><j The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: La Costa Engineering 2382 Camino Vida Roble Ste. L Carlsbad CA 92009 X Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: (by: ) Telephone*: REMARKS: 1. All the structural sheets shall be signed and sealed by the engineer. 2. Provide the update letter from the soils engineer. By: David Yao Enclosures: Esgil Corporation n GA Q CM n PC log trnsmtl.dot ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DATE: 12/15/94 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PU\N CHECK NO.: 94-1392 SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: 1704 Cannas Court PROJECT NAME: Entzminger SFD Remodel The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. X] The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: La Costa Engineering 2382 Camino Vida Roble Ste. L Carlsbad CA 92009 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: (by: ) Telephone #: REMARKS: By: David Yao Enclosures: ,,1, Esgil Corporation CM D PC 12/8 trnsmtl.dot Carlsbad 94-1392 II 12/15/94 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 94-1392 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1704 Cannas Court SET: II DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY DATE RECHECK COMPLETED: ESGIL CORPORATION: 12/8 12/15/94 REVIEWED BY: David Yao FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 303 (c), 1991 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints to: ESGIL CORPORATION. B. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. C. The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews. The original correction number has been given for your reference. In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items. D. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? QYes QNo Carlsbad 94-1392 II 12/15/94 2. All sheets of the plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation. 3. All structural sheets shall be signed and sealed by the engineer. 5. (a) Provide smoke detector in area giving access to master bedroom. (b) Provide smoke detector at the upper level in close proximity to the stair. 14. Provide overflow for the deck drain. 15. Show area required and area provide for attic ventilation. 21. Provide soils report or check with city. 22. (a) Provide ICBO approval number for the bolts to the existing footing, (check minimum edge distance and special inspection requirement) (b) The embedment length for the hold down anchor must follow the Simpson catalog. The footing may not have enough depth to housing the hold down anchor. 33. Provide outlets within 24 inches of each side of the sink. 54. Provide supporting beams underneath the shear walls per sheet 29 of the structural calculation. ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DATE: 11/17/94 OAPPLICANT JURISDICTION: Carlsbad j PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 94-1392 SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1704 Cannas Court PROJECT NAME: Entzminger SFD Remodel The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: La Costa Engineering 2382 Camino Vida Roble Ste. L Carlsbad CA 92009 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: (by: ) Telephone #: REMARKS: By: David Yao Enclosures: Esgil Corporation 11/7 Q] CM G PC trnsmtl.dot PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES PLAN CHECK NO.: 94-1392 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 1704 Cannas Court FLOOR AREA: add living 1393 sq.ft. STORIES: 2 garage 100 sq.ft. balcony 92 sq.ft. HEIGHT: 20ft. covered porch 135 sq.ft. REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: 11/4/94 ESGIL CORPORATION: 11/7/94 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW PLAN REVIEWER: David Yao COMPLETED: 11/17/94 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Present California law mandates that residential construction comply with Title 24 and the following model codes: 1991 UBC (effective 8/14/92), 1991 UPC (effective 8/14/92), 1991 UMC (effective 8/14/92) and 1990 NEC (effective 7/1/91). The above regulations apply to residential construction, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 303 (c), 1991 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e.. plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. LIST NO. 1, GENERAL SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES WITHOUT SUPPLEMENTS (1991 UBC) r3forw.dot 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints to: Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite #208, San Diego, California 92123, (619)560-1468. 2. All sheets of plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation. (California Business and Professions Code). 3. Plans, specifications and calculations shall be signed and sealed by the California state licensed engineer or architect responsible for their preparation, for plans deviating from conventional wood frame construction. Specify expiration date of license. (California Business and Professions Code). Structural sheets. 4. Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans that this project shall comply with Title 24 and the 1991 UBC, UMC and UPC and 1990 NEC. • FIRE PROTECTION 5. Show locations of permanently wired smoke detectors with battery backup: a) Centrally located in corridor or area giving access to sleeping rooms. b) When sleeping rooms are upstairs, at the upper level in close proximity to the stair. • GENERAL RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS 6. Show safety glazing in the following locations, per Section 5406(d): a) Where the nearest edge of glazing is within a 24-inch arc of either side of a door in a closed position (unless there is an intervening wall between the door and the glazing or if the glazing is 5'-0" or higher above the walking surface). Window 5,9 • EXITS, STAIRWAYS, AND RAILINGS 7. Show how guardrail connection details are adequate to support 20 pounds per lineal foot at a right angle to the top rail. Table 23-B. 8. Provide stairway and landing details. Section 3306 (b), (c) and (o). a) Maximum rise is 7" and minimum run is 11". When the stairs serves less than 10 occupants, or serves an unoccupied roof, rise may be 8" maximum and run 9" minimum. b) Minimum headroom is 6-8". c) Minimum width is 36". 9. All handrails, per Section 3306 (i), shall satisfy the following: a) Provide handrail for stairways with 4 or more risers. b) Handrails and handrail extensions shall be 34" to 38" above the nosing of treads. c) The handgrip portion of handrails shall be not less than 1-1/2", nor more than 2" in cross-sectional dimension. d) Except for stairs serving only one tenant, handrails shall be extended 12" beyond the top and bottom of the stair. • ROOFING 10. Specify roof slope. 11. Specify roof & deck material and application. Chapter 32. 12. Specify I.C.B.O. or U.L. approval number for roof & deck materials not covered in U.B.C., e.g., tile, etc. Section 107. 13. Specify minimum 1/4 inch per foot deck slope for drainage or design to support accumulated water. Section 3207 (a) and Section 2305 (f). 14. Show deck drains and overflows. Section 3207. 15. Show attic ventilation. Minimum vent area is 1/150 of attic area (or 1/300 of attic area if at least 50% of the required vent is at least 3 feet above eave vents or cornice vents). Show area required and area provided. Section 3205 (c).lf applicable. 16. Note on the plans: "Attic ventilation openings shall be covered with corrosion-resistant metal mesh with mesh openings of 1/4-inch in dimension." Section 3205(c). If applicable. • GARAGE AND CARPORTS 17. Garage requires one-hour fire protection on the garage side of walls and ceiling common to the dwelling. Table 5-B, Section 503 (d). 18. All elements supporting floor above garage, including walls supporting floor joists, must have one-hour fire-resistive protection on the garage side. Section 503 (b) 19. Doors may open into the garage only if the floor or landing in the garage is not more than one inch lower than the door threshold. Section 3304 (i). 20. Provide an 18" raised platform for any FAD, water heater, or other device in the garage which may generate a flame or spark. UMC Section 508, UPC Section 1310 (a). • FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS 21. Per soils report, note on the plan the soils classification, whether or not the soil is expansive and note the allowable bearing value. Section 2905 (c).Provide soils report. Or check with city. 22. If required, show size, embedment and location of hold down anchors on foundation plan. Section 302 (d). Check the footings have enough depth to house the hold down anchors. 23. If hold downs are required, note on plan that hold down anchors must be tied in place prior to foundation inspection. Section 305 (e) I. * FRAMING 24. Show location of attic access with a minimum size of 22"x30", unless the maximum vertical headroom height in the attic is less than 30". Access must be provided to each separated attic area, shall be located in a hallway or other readily accessible location and 30" headroom clearance is required above the opening. Section 3205(a). 25. Ridges, hips, and valleys shall be at least one size larger than supported rafters. Section 2517 (h) 3 26. Note on the plans that "all weather-exposed surfaces shall have a weather-resistive barrier to protect the interior wall covering and that exterior openings shall be flashed in such a manner as to make them weatherproof. Section 1708. • MECHANICAL (UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 27. Show I.C.B.O. approval number for prefab fireplace. Show height of chimney above roof per I.C.B.O. approval or Table 37-B. 28. Note on the plans that approved spark arresters shall be installed on all chimneys. UBC, Section 3703(h). 29. Note on plan: Gas vents and noncombustible piping in walls, passing through three floors or less, shall be effectively draft stopped at each floor or ceiling. UBC, Section 1706(c). 30. Provide dryer vent to outside. The maximum length is 14 feet with two 90-degree elbows. UMC, Section 1903. • ELECTRICAL (NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) All wiring shall comply with the National Electrical Code. 31. Show on the plan the amperage of the electrical service, the location of the service panel and the location of any sub-panels. If service is over 200 amps, submit single line diagram, panel schedule and load calculations. 32. Note on the plans that receptacle outlet locations will comply with 1990 NEC Art. 210-52(a). 33. Show on the plans that countertop receptacle outlets comply with 1990 NEC Art. 210-52(c), which reads as follows: In kitchens and dining areas of dwelling units a receptacle outlet shall be installed at each counter space wider than 12 inches. Receptacles shall be installed so that no point along the wall line is more than 24 inches measured horizontally from a receptacle outlet in that space. Island and peninsular countertops 12 inches or wider shall have at least one receptacle for each four feet of counter top. Counter top spaces separated by range tops, refrigerators, or sinks shall be considered as separate countertop spaces. Receptacles rendered inaccessible by appliances fastened in place or appliances occupying dedicated space shall not be considered as these required outlets. 34. Show on the plan that ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection complies with 1990 NEC Art. 210-8, which reads as follows: All 125-volt, single-phase, 15- and 20- ampere receptacles installed in bathrooms, garages, basements, outdoors and within 6 feet of a kitchen sink. • PLUMBING (UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 35. Provide adequate barrier to protect water heater from vehicle damage. An 18" platform for the water heater does not satisfy this requirement. UPC, Section 1310. 36. Show T and P valve on water heater and show route of discharge line to exterior. UPC, Section 1007 (e). 37. Show that water heater is adequately braced to resist seismic forces. UPC, Section 1310. 38. New water closets and associated flushometer valves, if any, shall use no more than 1.6 gallons per flush and shall meet performance standards established by the American National Standards Institute Standard A112.19.2, and urinals and associated flushometer valves, if any, shall use no more than one gallon per flush and shall meet performance standards established by the American National Standards Institute Standard A112.19.2. H & S Code, Section 1792!3(b). • ENERGY CONSERVATION NOTE: Plans submitted after January 1, 1993 must comply with the new energy standards. 39. All energy items shown on the plans must be in agreement with the information shown on the properly completed Form CF-IR. 40. Provide existing plan to justify all the window sizes used in the energy calculations. 41. Provide the point score calculations for existing house to justify the point goal for existing + addition is -6. 42. Provide fluorescent general lighting (40 lumens per watt minimum) in kitchen(s) and bathrooms. 43. Provide a note on the plans stating "All new glazing (fenestrations) will be installed with a certifying label attached, showing the U-value." • CARLSBAD S.F.D. & DUPLEX SUPPLEMENT 44. All new residential buildings, including additions, require a soils report. Please submit two copies. Exception: If a room addition is limited to one story and 1000 sq. ft. in area, then a soils report is not required. Esgil Corporation will advise the City to place their soils notice stamp on the plans. 45. All structures require a Class B roof covering, except room additions. If a room addition covers all of the existing building (2nd story addition), then the above exception doesn't apply. 46. City Ordinance 9792 requires two parking spaces/unit with clear area of 20'x20' i.e. no washing machines, etc. Show compliance. • MISCELLANEOUS 47. Note on the plan that all beams are DF#1 per calculations. 48. The allowable bending stress (fb) shall be 1450 psi for repetitive member uses per table no.25-A-1 of UBC. Please revise the calculations. ( member size 5 inches and wider - 2x8,2x10) 49. Page 1 of the calculations shows roof dead load 10 psf. Page 18 of the calculations shows roof dead load 14 psf. Please clarify. If the tile roof has been used, 10 psf appears too low. 50. Page 7 of the calculations shows special nailing to prevent torsion to beam below at the 3 inch pipe. The plan did not show it. Please check. 51. The seismic base shear formula on page 18 of the calculations did not follow the 91 UBC. 52. Pages 19 and 20 of the calculations show the shear wall 1 and 2 have 14.5ft tributary roof dead load to resist the overturning moment. The roof framing plan did not show it. The walls have approximately 4.5 ft roof dead load plus concentrate dead load from the beam at one end only. Revise the calculations to match the plan. 53. Page 21 of the calculations shows there is [15/2 + 2] 14 psf + 2 (14 psf) roof dead load to resist the overturning moment. The plan did not show it. Please clarify. 54. The roof shear walls along line A are supported by the floor joist below. Provide calculations to justify the floor joist can resist the uplift or downward force at the end of shear panel. 55. Provide connection details for the hold down anchors to the floor joist. 56. The tributary roof dead load to resist the overturning moment for wall A and B appears too high. Please check it and see correction number 52. 57. Page 27 of the calculations show special details along shear wall A and B. The plan should clearly show it and reference it. 58. The design engineer shall check all the resistmoment for the shear walls. 59. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 60. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. • Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Q Yes a No 61. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS: 1704 Cannas Court PLAN CHECK NO.: 94-1392 DATE: 11/17/94 BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R-3/M-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING PORTION living addition garage addition blcony porch Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE BUILDING AREA (sq. ft.) 1393 100 92 135 VALUATION MULTIPLIER 94 22 11 6.75 VALUE ($) 130,942.00 2,200.00 1,012.00 911.25 135,065.25 Building Permit Fee: Plan Check Fee: Comments: $ 748.00 $ 486.2 Sheet 1 of 1 valuefee.dot City of Carlsbad Engineering Department DATE: BUILDING 'AD'DRESS: , PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST - PLANCHECK NO. Ua^ ..-±L*J? EST. VALUE APPROVAL The Item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided In your Submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to compty with instructions In this report can result In suspension of permit to build. I IA Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DENIAL Please see the attached report of deficiencies marked with D Make necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans arid/or specifications to this office for review. By:.Date: By:,Date: By:.Date: .r ATTACHMENTS I—I Dedication Application LJ Dedication Checklist LJ Improvement Application LJ Improvement Checklist I—I Future Improvement Agreement LJ Grading Permit Application LJ Grading Submittal Checklist LJ Right of Way Permit Application LJ Right of Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet I—I Sewer Fee Information Sheet P:\DOCS\CHKLST\BP0001 .FRM ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON NAME: City of Carlsbad ADDRESS: 2075 Las Palmas Dr.. Carlsbad. CA 92009 PHONE : (6191 438-1161. Ext. A-4 REV 05/11/94 2O75 Las Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92OO9-1576 • (619) 438-1161 • FAX (619) 438-0894 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST SITE PLAN 3rd*/ D 1 . Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: A. North Arrow D. Property Lines Easements B. Existing & Proposed Structures E. Easements C. Existing Street Improvements F. Right-of-Way Width & Adjacent Streets D D 2. Show on site plan: A. Drainage Patterns C. Existing Topography B. Existing & Proposed Slopes D 3. Include note: "Surface water to be directed away from the building foundation at a 2% gradient for no less than 5' or 2/3 the distance to the property line (whichever is less)." [Perl 985 UBC 2907(d)5]. On graded sites, the top of any exterior foundation shall extend above the elevation of the street gutter at point of discharge or the inlet of an approved drainage device a minimum of 12 inches plus two percent (per 1990 UBC 2907(d)5.). D D 4. Include on title sheet A. Site address B. Assessor's Parcel Number C. Legal Description For commercial/Industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: Total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION P:\DOCS\CHKLST\BP0001.FRM Page 1 Of 4 REV 05/11/94 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE 2ncV 3rd^ D D 5. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for A Project No. ; Conditions were complied with by: Date: DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS D D 6. Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ -pursuant to Code Section 18.40.030. Dedication required as follows: Attached please find an application form and submtttal checklist for the dedication process. Provide the completed application form and the requirements on the checklist at the time of resubmittal. Dedication completed by Date: IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS D D D 7a. All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $ -pursuant to Code Section 18.40.040. Public improvements required as follows: Please have a registered CM) Engineer prepare appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist for a separate plancheck process through the Engineering Department. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of permit. Attached please find an application form and submfttal checklist for the public improvements requirements. Provide the completed application form and the requirements on the checklist at the time of resubmittal. Improvement Plans signed by: Date: P:\DCCS\CHKLST\BP0001.FRM Page 2 Of 4 REV 05/11/94 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 3r<V D U D 7b. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $ so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by. the City prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Future public improvements required as follows: Improvement Plans signed by: Date:. D D D 7c. Enclosed please find your Future Improvement Agreement. Please return signed and notarized Agreement to the Engineering Department. Future Improvement Agreement completed by: Date: D 7d. No Public Improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or defective improvements found adjacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 11.06.030 of the Municipal Code. D D D 8a. Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities (cut, fill import, export). D D D 8b. Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be Submitted together with the completed application form attached. NOTE: The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Grading Inspector sign off by: Date: D 8c. No Grading Permit required. P:\DOCS\CHKLST\BP0001 .FRM Page 3 Of 4 REV 06/11/W BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 3rdv/ D 9. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, trees, driveways, tieing into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. Right-of-Way permit required for : A separate Right-of-Way permit issued by the Engineering Department is required for the following: D D 10. A SEWER PERMIT is required concurrent with the building permit issuance. The fee is noted in the fees section on the following page. D D 11. INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT is required. Applicant must complete Industrial Waste Permit Application Form and submit for City approval prior to issuance of a Permit. Industrial waste permit accepted by:.Date: P:\OOCS\CHKLST\BP0001 .FRM Page 4 of 4 REV OS/11/94 Plan Check No. ^ '37* Planner DAVID RICK PLANNING CHECKLIST Address phone 438-1161 ext. "328 APN: (Name) e.\ .Type of Project and Use Zone K" I _ Facilities Management Zone _ H _ CFD (in/out) # _ circle (It property in, complete SPECIAL TAX CALCULATION WORKSHEET provided by Building Department.) s s s & & & Item Complete Item Incomplete - Needs your action 1, 2, 3 Number in circle indicates plancheck number where deficiency was identified El D D Environmental Review Required: YES NOcX_ TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval ; D D Discretionary Action Required: YES NO DATE:__ TYPE APPROVAL/RESO, NO. PROJECT NO. OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval D California Coastal Commission Permit Required: YES _ NO _ DATE OF APPROVAL: _ San Diego Coast District, 3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego, CA. 92108-1725 (619) 521-8036 Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval D a D nn otin Induaonaiy Housing Fee required: YES NO (Effective date of Inclusionaiy Housing Ordinance - May 21, 19930 Site Plan: Zoning: 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to/scaley Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing ancr-prtfposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensioned setbacks and existing topographical lines. 2. Provide legal description of property, and assessor's parcel number. 1. Setbacks: Front: tm. Side: Street Side: Rear: 2. Lot coverage: 3. Height: 4. Parking: Additional Comments I *&\ O.K, »or-R** *-f -*U_ lo^L«_ IS J Required Required Required Required Required Required Spaces Required Guest Spaces Required y>\f $h*\JriA .r >6*x^ 2n' Shown 30 ' 7.6' Shown 7. £' "*r- Shown A^" fi-'^- Shown ^t'^ ^fit Shown 3M. 3C3' Shown ^3' 2 ^r^-y- ShOWn 2 rtr^y*- Shown ; *'H-tr **^c*\ i t^/h^tt^ ;i ^n.'5^^1 d/;* *«-;Jk 0^ ^c«\Vt tf^ *Ji«i_ iMfJftt"'^ OlOiNl «AcX &is*tR'/\ ^v ^P4S^*ll Atfr'^i'T" (JTAA\ C_*vl. to ^SMXfttf.'-'v OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER DATE PLNOCFRM C O !> 1 #\ ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE B ENGNITAS. CALIFORNIA S2024TELEPHONE 61T753 8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION TO: LA COSTA TO cT. I.).-2,-^ctW^es VED APR 11 1995 City of CARLSBAD BUILDING DEFT. TO tr Ttfr ^seaa^K THF SOOT*j/o ***** r \\\/V V 0 8V) vi D I d v- ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY tffl STE B ENONJTAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619-753-8220 COMttflJJNG ENGINEERING P HCiiiCT MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION .'? U. PL LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 10! STE B ENCINITAS. CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619'753 8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT GENERAL CONSTRUCTION 3 D Sft£fHT LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE B ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 920J4 TELEPHONE 619 753 8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROUCT MANAGEMENTGENERAl CONSTRUCTION ~- 75;o J- Obi -JGO 7-4O LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE B ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619 • 753 8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROtfCT MANAGEMENT GEWfKM CONSTRUCTION -- 0-"?° r^t An.- t'*'(&'X>*)/fat&* t^lw/1 4^ /Z A-- / 7' A- t'-"ti^. ;;;,^ ' LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE B ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619'753 8220 CONSUiTtNC ENGINEERING PRQWCT MANAGEMENTGENfBAl CONSTRUCTION -240 - .50 A= -- 30. Mr /CJ5F A**7- A= . I pi-5 • LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE 8ENONITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024TELEPHONE 619 753-3220 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION To LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE 8ENONITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024TELEPHONE 619 753 8220 CONSULTING tNGINEERINGPROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION A- P c\ PQffrs 4-NJOs : LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE B ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619-753-8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT GENERAL CONSTRUCTION frfe IAJ" A- > (07.4 LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 5TE B ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619 • 753 • 8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROJECT MANAGEMENT GENERAL CONSTRUCTION 0" 11*51* 5, .J> __ ^ 4 <g . o MM A - o|c LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWV 101 STE B ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619-753 8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION ' 373*^^,* 6-7 5= r , me 4f. r _ = l.s --.SB l/r pert- LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE B ENGNITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619 753-8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION A- l^/ "?• i .. / r*— - -- .M^^ 000^6^% X - LA COSTA ENGINEER INC 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE B ENCINITAS. CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619 753 8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION P.O. r 1 *, r= 43.11^ 47-3^ ».c * n.t "S'/ft YIO-S - /JOcAMlET? LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 5TE B ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619-753 8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION 11/25) F6-H L-* >*!.M*>. LOA^J * j [ •*:— \ J ( -i_ I / f^r r \ 7 ' ^ " J ! V 5K>*4'*™«+ ',^-tS-J '^ /533*i i ' r <?' H ,A( •W 1 ^.rsU LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE BENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024TELEPHONE 619 753 8230 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION -svn 0-£i £.- LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE B ENCINITAS. CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619 753 8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION &L6 A TL_ i^. o.io - J-^ LA COSTA INCINEERING I%7 NORTH HWY 101 5TE B ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619-753-8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION -95 Zfl* A/0 LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE B ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619-753-8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION ft*. -LOR? A^L.ufec -SUP**) LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 ST£ B ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024TELEPHONE 619-753-8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION -eob PL*. III III III FYI5T- SHfrltft W4tL t>.L. : /O v>>l*n>' P=CeCc^I LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE S ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619 753-8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT GENERAL CONSTRUCTION 8 - [f 4.5 LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1%7 NORTH HWY 101 STE B ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619-753-8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION •5' \AJA-U__ LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE 8 ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619-753-8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION . 1007 T2.M.' [6°^jl4V(^)(l^+^^(i^H'o^^^i^lO0^^! = 10,071** 10' 6 A r 7.74 PL/- /I' n' 816 s/ "tpT. LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE B ENGNITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619'753 8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION 3' is t»sn Roof*.l 0 '• 4*/s>.^ - H8 LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE B ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024TELEPHONE 619-753-8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION ^ . 417 CU* ' K'wK 8' TOT' 3dl*Fr R.M. r L( op ZS' LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE B ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024TELEPHONE 619 753 8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION P. . ^ 2- £? V n1 LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE B ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619 753 8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION Vrt . t>U Du 358 PU « * is' 84. '5 ^ \k „ QQ6P^)(JV) , tfxrt* Vi ri 'i" ^r~" *• 5-' k 8,05-4 izsz* n' 583" 6' -rot- O.T.M. -ISPS' 5' LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE B ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619 753 8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION •ZL As . l-g' UMU, 8 A. 17" 0-<- 3V ' iOt Xz A 33' ?r-Vr~ looi wj K K-v.*t - 35-,5-n #-FT 5" f^lt LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE B ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619 753 8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERINGPROJECT MANAGEMENTGENERAL CONSTRUCTION A-/V core's t 4\ 8) AT 3/lt . , I - A ^7 <£ tf" O.C. AT ALL 46"0-c PC*. AM. :*>i«r- BLOCK.,AT LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HVW 101 STE B ENCINITAS. CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619 753 8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE- ~ Ib/fOOt D.P. diagonal sheathing --------------------- - ---- 300 (as par UBC Sao. 251^ (b) ) — 1/2" drywall with 54 cooler nails U 7" o.c. edg« £ field (Table 47-1 UBC) r-5/8" drywoll with 6d cooler nails « 7" o.c. edge field (Table *»7-I UBC) ----------------------- — : drywall with 5d cooler nallfl <* U* o.c. edge 4 field (Table ^7-1 UBC) --------------- - --------------- 125 dryvall with 6d cooler nails it *»" o.c, edge fl«ld (Table 47-1 blocked drywall with 5d cooler nails i* U" o.c. edge 4 field (Table U7-I UBC) ------------------ - ---- -150 blocked drywall with 6d cooler nails « U" o.c. •dge & field (Table 47-1 UBC) ----------- ------------- 175 atuoco over paper backed lath w/l6 B«as» staples at 6" o.c. et top 4 bottom places, edge of shear wall and on field- (ICBO Report No. 1823) or (ICBO fleport No. 1318) ----------------------------------------- —180 /JV—7/8" atucco over papar backed* luth w/l6 guage staples et 3" o.o. at top it bottom plates, edge of shear wall tuid 6" o.e. on field (ICBO Report No. 1623) or (ICBO Report N04 1318) ------ - ---- — — ' --------- - ----- 325 Structural I plywood with 8d nails « 6" o.c. at «dgwa 4 12W o.e. field (Table 25K UBC) ----- — ----- 275 jV- 3/8* Structural 1 Plywood with 8d nails O **" o.c. at edges 4 12" o.c. field (Table 25K UBC) structural I Plywood with Bd nails 9 3" o«c. p.t edges 4 12H O.c. field (Table 25K UBC) ------------ 550 Structural I Plywood with Bd nails <J 2" o.c. at edges. A 12" o.c. fitted (Table 25K UBC) ------------ 730 /\ — »• structural Plywood with d nails & " o.c. at edges 4 12" O.e. field LA COSTA ENGINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE 6 ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE 619 753 8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT GENERAL CONSTRUCTION TABLE NO. aS-Q-NAIUNQ SCHEDULE COMMCnOM 1 . loin lo lill or (inter. IMMll 2. Bridging lo jolil. loenail each end 3. 1" * 6" lubfloorof kit loeach Join, face nail 4. Wkferlhin 1' x 6" lubflourlo each jowl, teenail 3. 2" *ublloor to join or gilder. Mind and tee Mil NWUNO' 3-M 2-M 2-M 3-M 2-l6d 6. SuteplMe to join or blocking, tee nail Ihlrt I6"o.c. 7. Top plilc to Mud, end Mil 1. Stud to tok pliut 9. Double Mud-, tee mil 10. Uoubkd lop f\tta. lice Mil 1 1 . Top plate* , lapi Mid intencclront, tee Mil 12. Conlinuou* header, two piece* 13. Ceilingjoitu to plait, tDCMil M. Conlimiou* header lo Mud, loenail 13. Ceiling joint, lap* over pwlilloni, tee lull 16. CeiliniJoiM* to parallel ratten, tec nail IT. Riticr lo plate, weMil II. 1* brace toCKhiludandplaie.faceniil 19. l"x rtheMhln|of kiltocach bearing, ficcniil 20. Wider thin 1" * r iheathing to each bearing, face Mil l-l6d 2-KWI, end noil I6dal24"o.c. l6dMI6"o.c. 2->6d along e*ch edge 3-M 4-M 3-l6d 3-l6d 3-M 2-M 2-M 1-M II. Buill-upcomerttud* I6dal24"o.c. 22. Built-up girder and beam*20d at 3f i.e. M (opand bonmn and iU|i|irird 2-20d H end* and at exh iptice CONMCTON MMJN0JI 23. rplMki 2-IU«MdibufkH| 24. Plywood and pirlklefimrcl:' iSubfhnr, not t«d «** irwathlNg ((• founh^n i/Tandkii i Adi IWMMW M]or«d< T/I--I" ComMiMllun 5nbfk<or-amdtrtt;n»nl (l» fr«nUnf}i V4' and kl* Ml W"w-r M* \Mf-\\lf IOd)«M* 23. Find SWln( <(• framb*): \rfotku W 16. Flberbo«rd5)mtbb«!T Vf 6d* M* No. llga.lnd) No. 16 p.* "MJ No. I6f*.t 'Common or box Milt nay be wed except when otberwlM Hated. ^.mnnfon or deiormed inank. ^Common. 'Uclmned ihxfdt.}NiiN npncttl ri 6 Inchci on crater at edge*. 12 Inches at IntermedlMe nipcwrn except ft Inchn at ill IUMUKII where qMM are 41 hxhe* or more. For iwiltng Of plvwooit mtt pankkbovd diifihracnu Md xhear valk, refer to Section 2513 (e). N«U* for wt*J fhe<ihiiig may be common, box or cMntg. *Corroaion-re*iitaM tiding or catm| naHi conforming to UK fenutnu*m* of Section 231* (j) I.TF^cnenipaCTd3hKhe«oncei<CTatei>«rioTrif^and<l>ichrtOncen*efal^ik»ritJbN xupporU.•Conosion-raititttnt rooilng Mil* with '/w-bich4iain*Kr held md I'/i-tnch tent* ft* '/,-inch iheilhiw and I'/j-tnch kng* for M/M-bch ibtMhhn conformint to tht requiremenii of Section 2516 (j) I. *Cormiinn-feiiiiMl Hapki wUi nomjMl '/it-Inch crown and Seciioni3l«fJ)r M-* 0*75*^ 4 ' 5"! to* IT ,1 > X * -zyio @,OK.Z -SHOW, pctfT A6«'£' THKO TECHNOLOGY BUILDS BETTER ESCONP'OO ROOF TRUSS COMPANY. INC. (619) 74^ 40-367-8787 • FAX (619) 744-6516 FT" EBI I»-"• *-* O3 CDro r\j to rvi« • m •p cjiro roCJl Ul en rot/i intn tncn*» ujCD rn •n fr> D ~ ~2 -—adom a c: a> c:ra c i—i a. tn re cn o13 cn i—' cr-< tD ~3 CO~> -<COra •< —i\a •—••-••^ 5" 33r~ m i-i>-*• Cl id n^orn&>—< ru i~* zezcTistn—i—t i tni»—i • • &1-imn^iai^1 • m 3a 31 i to tni». A. • •—I-D i-t •<:m TO FACE,B-QO-QOTQFACE, T F 3 P^Pia 3 9 3-ffie 33 xt/i c: —41/3 BJ -(—mo m S —' i "-•• NoB \ X11 LO C3 CD tiff 2£ 3«»*5jj ^M 3Si?,3z' S M * « !i!iiBi iUHi! g fhis ji!i|||:J 3 If o Hlii >H BRACING WOOD TRUSSES: COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ©TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE, INC , 1976 INTRODUCTION In recognition of the inherent safety of • properly braced roof tytiem, the apparent lack ol knowledge of how, when, end where to intUll adequate bracing, and in the interest of public safety, the Trim Plate Intlilute. Inc.. in conciliation with its Component Manufacturers Council membenhip, hat undertaken the preparation of thete recom- mendations. Substantial concentrated study and deliberative review by the TPI Technical Advisory Committee (comprising a membership of the chief tentative! of the academic community, and independent consulting engineers! haw brer devoted to this effort. Consultation with the TPI Component Manufacturers Council has resulted in bringing practical field handling and erection problems into a tnarper locus. Inclusion of the tentative recommendation! for on lite handling and erection procedure) ii one direct remit of the coniultatiom. It n planned to Itudy further and enlarge upon these tentative recommendations While the recommendations for bracing contained herein art technically lound, it it not intended that they be considered the onlymethod for bracing a roof system. Neither should these recommenda- tions be interpreted as superior to or a standard that would necessarily be preferred in lieu of an architect's or engineer's design for bracing for e particular ro°' system. Thete recommendations for bracing wood trusses originate from the collective experience of leading technical personnel in the wood truu industry, but mult, due to the nature of responsibilities involved, be {>rwt»nted only es a guide for The use of a qualified buikling designer, builder, or erection contractor. Thus, the Truss Plate Institute expressly ditclaimi any responsibility for damages arising from the use, applica lion, or reliance on the recommendations and information contained nnin by building designers or by erection contractors. Howeyer tarefully wood trusses ire designed and fabricated, all Ihn t stake rn the final erection and bracing ol a roof or floor tyttem. It it this critical stage of construction the! many of The reallyiif icant design assumptions are either fulfilled or ignored If ignored. bei! is > result in bsta of tii and material!, and which at worst could The Truss Plate Institute "Design Specifications for Light Metal Plate Connected Wood Trutses" are recommended for the design of individual wood trusses as structural components only Lateral bracing, as may be required by design to reduce buckling length of individual truss members, is a part ot the wood truss design and is the only bracing that will be specified on the truss design drawings. Lateral bracing is to be supplied in the sue specified and installed at the location specified on the truss design drawings by Ihe builder or erection contractor. The building designer or inspector mutt ascertain that the specified lateral bracing is properly installed and that thi«. bracing is sufficiently anchored or restrained by diagonal bracing to present its movement Special design requiremseismic bracing, diaphragms and their connections ta separately by the building design jch as wind bracing, portal bracing. 4alls, or other load transfer elements vood trusses must be considered r He shall determine sue, location. and method of connections for diagonal bracing as needed to retut these forces. Diagonal or cross bracing n recommended m the plane formed by the top chords, in the plane formed by the boltom chord! and perpendicular to Ihe truss web members, as needed for the overall stability of the entire structure. Truis bracing and connection details should be shown on the building designer's framing plan as part of the design drawings. Bracing materials are not usually furnished at pan of the wood truss package, and should be provided by the builder or erection contractor The builder or erection contractor is responsible for proper woodtrun handling and for proper temporary bracing. He mult anure that the wood truttei are not structurally damaged during erection and that they are maintained in alignment before, during, and after intiallalion. Temporary or erection bracing may follow, but not necettarily be limited to, the building designer's framing plan It n recommended that erection bracing be applied as each truss n placed in position. vic, E.R.T.C TRUSS Vjj/CERTIFIED INSPECTION ICBO AA-513 ® IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH UBC 25-17 PREFABRICATED The design of wood lrus»s inenumei' irdance with TPI deugn ciileria 1. Truss members are initially straight, uniform in crots leetkxi, and uniform in design properties. nponentt, installed vertically, mt. and parallel To each other2 Trusses are plane ttrucluralbraced to prevent lateral mow at the design spacing 3. Truis members are pinned at |omti for determination of axial farces only. 4, There u continuity of chord member! «t joints for dewrmirn- tion ol moment streoet. laterally retlrained at specific lociE>. Compression memben tions or interval*. 6. Superimposed dead or live loads act vert>cally. wind loads are applied normal lo the plane of the (op chord, and concentrated loads are applied at a point. 7. In addition to the lateral bracing specified by the truts detigrwr, the building designer will specify sufficient bracing al right angles lo the plane of the truu to hold every trim member in the position aisumed lor it m deugn. 8. The building designer (not the trust designerl will specify sufficient bracing and connections to withitand lateral loading of The enure structure. t The Theory of bracing it to apply sufficient support at right angla* to the plane of the trun to hold every truss member in the petition anumed for it in design. This theory must be applied at three ittgn. STAGE ONE: During Building Design and Trutt Deugn individual (run memben are checked for buckling, and lateral bracing n tp«ifi«d at required for each uutj member Ttw building detigner mutt (pacify how ttin lateral bracing rs to be anchored or renrainad lo prevent lawral movement should all trun membert. to braced, tend to buckle together al ihown in Figure HbJ. Thii may be accomplished by • !. Anchorage to tolid end walls (Figure Hell. 2. Diagonal bracing in the plane of web member* (Figure lldll. 3. Other meant as determined by the building datignw. Figur* 2(a) Figure 2(b) bracing system depends to a gr. braced. at extent on how well the tint trun it the first truss at the end ot the are tied to the first truss, thus Ihe One satisfactory method is for the first truss top chord to be braced to a stake driven into the ground and securely anchored. The groundbrace itself should be supported as shown in Figure 2 or it it apt to buckle. Additional ground braces, in the opposite direction, inside thebuilding are also recommended The ground bracus should be looted directly in line with all rows of top chord continuous lateral bracing. Otherwise, the top chord of the first truss can bend sideways and allow the trusses to shift. This shift, however slight, puts i tremendous strain on all connections of the bracing system, i.e., the weigm of the trusses would then be added to any wind force or construction load such as bundles ot plywood or roof ih ingles tending to tip the trusses over All tend to withdra ailing of blueing should be d buckle or tip. the nails w i mended to. These scab! ne so that if the trusses should ill be loaded laterally, not in the end uf tne building to brace the first ira total collapse. As trusses are set in place, the builder or erection contractor must apply sufficient temporary bracing to hold the trusses plumb, m alignment and in a '.ate condition until the permanent bracing, decking, and/or sheathing can be installed Temporary bracing should be noi less than 2x4 dimension lumber and should bu as long as pracucal for handling. Trie use «* short spacer pieces of lumber between adjacent trusses is not recommended, unless used temporarily in preparation for immediate installation of longer continuous bracing (S-feet minimum length). Temporary bracing lumber should be nailed with two double headed 16d nails at every intersection with the braced member. Pre-assembly of groups of trusses, on the ground, into structurally braced units which are then lifted into place as assemblies is dr> acceptable alternate to Ihe one at a time method Enact spacing betweert Trusses should be maintained as braumg is installed to avoid the hazardous practice of removing bracing to adjust tpacing as sheathing is applied. This act of "adjusting spacing" can cause truttet to topple if a key connection is removed at the wrong time. Truss bracing must be applied to three planes of reference m the roof system to inture stability 1. Top chord Isheathing) plane, 2. web member plane or vertical plane perpendicular to trusses, and 3. bottom chord (ceiling! plant 1. Top Chord Plane. Most important to the builder or erection contractor is bracing in the plant of the top chord Truss top chords are susceptible to later*I buckling before they are braced or sheathed. It is recommended that conlmuous lateral bracing be installed within 6 inches of the ridge line or center line and at approximately S feet to 10 fest intervals between the ridge line of sloped trusses or center line of flat trusses and tne eaves. For double member trusses this spacing be-ween lateral! may be increased to 12 feet to 14 feet. Diagonals, located between the lateral bracing and set ai approximately 45 degree angles, form the triangles required for stability in tne plane of Ihe top ch'Jrti NOTE Long spans or heavy loads may require closer spacing be:weei, Idtecdl Bracing and Closer intervals between diagonals Figure 3la) illustrates temporary hi churrj for gabfe trusses. in the plane of Ihe top It is equally important lor the Duilder or erection contractor to retail bracing in the plane ol th.f top cnord for fldt roof or floor ri.sses The use ol d similar nraciny pattern 15 recommended for all flat ruses Particular dtieninjn ii direaeU in rjr.,cing at the end of flatrushes as shown ,n Figure 3lbJ 1, Web Member Plane ary to install temporary Thit. bracing is usually Figure 3(a) Figure 3(b] installed at the same locations specified on the architectural plan for permanent bracing, and may become part of The permanent bracing. It is recommended that diagonal bracing be added at each web member requiring continuous lateral bracing If none is specified, it n recommended that it be placed at no greater than 16 feet intervals along the truss length for roof trusses and 8 feet intervals for floor trusses. It is not generally necessary tor diagonal bracing to run continu- ously 'or the full length of the building but it is recommended that the spacing between sets of diagonal bracing not exceed 20 feet, or twice the horizontal run of the diagonal bracing. Rows of 2x6 strong-backi may also be used to brace floor trusses where diagonel bracing it impractical Figure 4(a) illustrates diagonal bracing in the plane of the web members; Figure 4(bl illustrates the lateral movement that mayoccur it lateral bracing u used without diagonal bracing. 3. Bottom Chord Plant. In order to hold proper spacing on the bottom chord, temporary bracing it recommended in the plena of the bottom chord. Continuous lateral bracing at no greater than 8 feet to10 feet on centers along the trun length is recommended full length of the building, nailed to the top of the bottom chord. Diagonal bracing Figui*4(b) between laterals placed at approximately 35 degrees is recommended for stability of the bottom chord Diagonal bracing in the plane of the bottom chord is generally no! required throughout the length of the building, but it is recommended that it be located at least at each and of the building In most cases, temporary bracing in the plane of the bottom cnord is inn ailed at the locations specified on the architectural plan for permanent bracing, and is. iht-cfore. left in place as permanent bracing Figure 5 illustrates bracing in t,ie plane of the bottom chord. Full bundles of plywood should not Of placed on trusses. This construction load should be limited to 8 sheets of plywood on any pair of trusses and shou d be located adjacent to the supports No excess concentration of any construction materials (such ds gravel or shingles) 10 Figure 5 should be placed on the trusses >n any one area, they should be spread oui evenly over a large area so as to avoid overloading any one Truss All mechanical equipment should he located only on ihe trusses specifically designed to support it It should not be dropped or even set Temporarilym any other area unless the trusses are adequately shored All floor trusses should be adequately shored if pallets of masonry materials are to X stored temporarily until the next higher walls are finished. STftGE THREE- Permanent Bracing is designed and specified by the architect or engineer for the structural safety of the building It is the responsibility of the building designer 10 indicate si;e, location, and attachments for all permanent bracing as required by design analysis. In general, it is desirable to design and locate all bracing so that it may work together with other structural parts of the building (such as shear walls, portal frames, bearing walls, columns, beams, etc.) to achieve total structural integrity. 11 Figure 6(a) Permanent bracing must provide sufficient support at right angles to the plane of the iruss to hold every truss member in the position assumed for IT in design In addition, permanent bracing must be designed to resist lateral forces imposed nn the completed building by wind 01 seismic forces nt br.logical compo- nents 1 Top Chord Piano. This bracing is designed to resist lateral movement of The lop chord If plywood floor or roof sheathing itproperly applied with staggered joints and adequate nailing, a continu- ous diaphragm action is developed and additional bracing in the plane is generally not required. Some metal roofing materials may be depended upon to act as a diaphragm when properly lapped and nailed Selection and use of thMe materials is at the discretion of the building designer. F<gure 6(b) If purlins are used, spaced no! Co exceed The buckling length of the top chord, and adequately attached lo the too chord, it nded that diagonal bracing bf applied to the underside of the top TV for applying diagonal bracing in The plane ui ihe TO[> i.hord despite tri^ use of closely spaced purlin t is rerominenriert Thar [his diagonal bracing, as shown in Figure 6lb). be m«aiiert on boin sides of ihe ridge line m all end bays. If th nqth. ihis b'.icing should be repeated at tam trie design spacing. In Quired to shorten the buckling length of a web member As described earlier m the discussion of bui ding design and truss design 1ST ACE ONE), diagonal bracing or endanchorage is essential to stabilize the lateral bracing Diagonal bracing m the plane of the web members is also used to distribute unequal loading to adiacent trusses and to spread lateral forces to diaphragms or shear walls. Spacing of rows of diagonal bracing in ihe plane of the webs is a matter of judgment to be made by the bunding designer, and will depend upon the truss span, truss configura- tion, type of building, and the loading. Generally, for roof trusses, the spacing ranges from 13 feet to 16 feei depending upon how it relafes to the bracing in the olane of the top chord. For floor trusses the cross bracing should be approximately8 feet on centers. Lateral 2x6 strong-backs may also be used for some floor systems. Figure 1 and Figure 4 illustrate bracing m the plane of the webs. 3. Bottom Chord Plane. This bracing is required to maintain Ihe truss design spacing and to provide lateral support to the bottom chord to 'esist buckling forces m the event of reversal of streis due to wind uplift or unequal roof or floor loadings. For multiple be the bottom chord beco laterally to resist buckli umple span trusses. ing trusIBS or cantilever conditions, portions of npression members and should be braced i the same manner as the top chord of Gracing m the plane uf the bottom chord is also designed to transfer lateral forces due to wind o' seismic loads into side walls, shear walls or other resisting structural elements Diagonals between continuous lateral bracing serve to stabilise the bottom chord. It is recommended thai one complete bay of diagonal bracing be installed at each end of any building, and additional such bays be located at specified intervals not to exceed 20 feet Figure 5 illustrates the use of bracing in the plane of the boiiorn (.horn These recommendaTions from The collective experiE woixl truss industry but n involved, be presented only des.gner. builder, or erect lor for bracing wood trusses have been derived nee of leading technical personnel in the lust, due to the nature of responsibilities is a guide for the use of a qualified buildmg APPENDIX It is intended that this appendix contain only tentative recom- mendations that may be used as a guide for on site handling and erection until a more complete statement can be prepared. There may be some instances in which additional precautions will be necessary. UNLOADING. If possible, trusses shall be unloaded on relatively smooth ground. They shall not be unloaded on rough Terrain that would cause undue lateral strain that mign! result m distortion of truss joints. Dumping of trusses is an acceptable practice provided that the trusses are not damaged 01 encessively stressed m (he act of dumping. The builder shall provide protection from damage that mav be caused by on site construction activity. STORAGE. Care shall be taken so as not to allow excessive bending of trusses or to allow tipping or toppling while the trusses aie banded orwhen the banding is removed If trusses fabricated with fire retarijant treated wood must be stured prior to erection, they should be stored m a vertical position TO prevent water containing chemicals leached from the wood from standing on the plates. A further precaution may be taken by providing a cover for tfie trusses that will prevent moisture from coming m direct contact with the trusses and which can be ventilated to prevent condensation. ERECTING TRUSSES. The truss erector or builder shall take the necessary precautions to insure that handling and erection procedures do not reduce the load carrying capacity ol the truss. Trusses shall be installed plumb, at specified spacing and m plane (i.e., trusses will be properly aligned). Figure Ad)30 feet ana 60 feet a suggested lifting - A(2I li should be noted thai the lines iiler bar "Toe in " If these lines should ius* buckling of the truss For hffng trusses with spans in excess of 60 feet, it is recom mended that a strong-back be used as illustrated m Figure AI3I The strong back should be attached to the top chord and wed members at intervals of approximately 10 feet Further, the strong hanks should beat or above the mid height of the truss so as TO prevent overTurnmg The strong-back can bt of any material with sufficient strength to safely carry the weight of the truss and sufficient rigidity to adequately resist bending of the ttuss. IB ij! s ill tiigSc? si H ' a»£« 3*1!!1 PiSilSiHiaMWHr•MA«_• 8 S!s i1 15 ; i1 ">nn3•n cin a"p SUiooro voIn UiH33i—OIOiS)IU)LnmIftW'liMtH'i'UrPllli!|*llUii*!lmil!' 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Isil ? frit* I? rS 5 1 i* 1 I »| N a 3•a cin ^P to.00rotn X Om > SmTO £m£03m3)en W xO OXtfl awi MOmi)D D O !Pi|||! iHmiuuu tlm!lh Mihfi!?*"* IfaSsl?! |<jS jf I|}H"JI g-3 5r"8» III?III m IIISS " ?5 t) I I I I I I I 1 I I f i i i i i t I i i i i MAY 15 '95 13:06 322 P03 i 10/27/93 * AMERICAN DUCO-LAM SHOP DRAWINGS * ***#******#**#»******##«#************ - JOB NUMBER: 3771 D CUSTOMER j ALL COAST - CHlNQ P»B* 2 NAME I Stock A Cu*t LOCATION: Chino T CA CUST PO « i 9780.01 CUST JOB* i INSP i AITC NOTE : PKG BY JOB Notts 1 Mark -———-»— | = BBXAI*MI ! 3S 2 1 3B 3 1 33 4 t 3B 5 1 3B 6 1 38 7 t 35 3 1 4B 1 1 4B 2 1 4B 3 1 4B 4 1 4B 5 1 4B 6 1 4B 7 1 SB 1 1 S3 2 1 SB 3 U"~^^Ll SB 4 Qty 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 2 2 2 ia 2 3 4 Caitber 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 i 3 1/4 7/3 1/2 1/4 1/4 7/8 1/4 1/2 1/4 3/8 3/8 1/4 3/8 5/8 3/8 3/8 I 3 SEX 3a MB 6 3/4 3 3/4 6 3/4 3 1/8 3 J/6 8 3/4 3 1/8 5 1/3 3 1/8 5 1/3 S 1/8 6 3/4 6 3/4 8 3/4 3 1/8 3 1/8 3 1/8 3 1/8 >inen*ions x 15 »na x£fe\ x^l3 1/2 x 13 1/2 xTTfe\ x 15 x 15 x 15 x 16 1/2 x 18 x 15 X 1& 1/2 x 19 1/S x 12 x 21 x 13 x 13 1/2 x £S - x 25 - x S3 -v» - x 13 - x 23 - x 19 ~ x £4 - x 17 - x £0 - x 30 - x 19 - x 20 - x £& - x 40 - x 60 - x 40 - X oQ *** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Co Kb. S4F-V4 24F-V4 24F-V4 24F-V4 24F-V4 24F-V4 S4F-V4 24F-V4 24F-V4 24F-V4 24F-V4 S4F-V4 24F-V4 24F-V4 24F-V4 24F-V4 24F-V4 £4F-V4 1 ftPP- 1 IND i IND t IND I IND i IND 1 IND V IND I IND ' t IND 1 IND 1 IND ~t I IND \ IND r IND 1 IND 1 ARCH 1 IND I ARCH Wrap LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD' LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD INDV INDV INDV INDV Sea: EN1 EN: EN! EN. EN, EN: 'EN EN EN EN EN EN EN EN EN EN EN Mn~M.AA-riffet USE CUSTOMERS•***•******} * f* mrmr This signifies our acceptance of these drawings a* being applicable to all contract documents and released for aanufacturing. CUSTOMER i DATE i \ MAY 15 '95 10:06 322 P02 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE HE UNDERSIGNED MANUFACTURER HEREBY .CERTIFIES that the products Identified below and on .attached sheets No*...are marked with the Collective Mark of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION [AITCI and were manufactured in conformance with applicable provisions of American National .Standard ANS1/AITC A190.1-1992, Structural Glued Laminated Timber, and that such manufacture has been at our plant in__. Drain, OR ^ which plant has a quality control system approved by the lnsp«ct!on Bureau of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONST RUCTION and inspected periodically by such Bureau. JOt NAM«;,_AJU Coaat Foeaat Products for Stock & Custom JOi LOCATION!. SIONATUKt. Chlno, _CA ?Q#978Q.01~04 10-27-93 3771-D 2AF-V4. Canto 24F-V8. WP Glue, Pram APP. Indv Wrap, __Ind 'App, Load Wcap* Arch Aro. Indv Wrap. Ind APP% InoV tfcap ^i. iXl tiT« Quality Control AI,PMM POB 29?t t>g«nT'11-08-93 AITC HEREBY CERTIFIES that the said company at Its said plant Is licensed by the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION to use the AITC Collective Mark In respect of products which comply with applicable provisions of said Standard, that the adequacy of th« quality control system in effect et said plant Is periodically inspected and verified by the Inspection Bureau of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION, and that, In the judgment of AJTCf said company is capable of complying with applicable manufacturing and testing provisions of said Standard in respect of products manufactured at said plant. Conformant with the Standard In respect of any specific or particular product Is the sole responsibility of the manufacturer; AITC'f guarantee hereunder being that the said company ts qualified to produce a product meeting the said Standard and that its plant is periodically Inspected and verified by the AITC Inspection Bureau. AITC Certificate Ato.92«10828 > AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION O Iff* AMtmCAN INSTITUTt V? TIMBCH CONSTRUCTION AITC FOHM I8C CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE IE UNDERSIGNED MANUFACTURER HEREBY CERTIFIES that the products identified below and on attached sheets are marked with the' Collective Mark of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION (AITC) and were manufactured in conformance with applicable provisions of American National Standard ANS1/AITC A190.1-1992, Structural i Qtued Laminated Timber, and that such manufacture has been at our plant En. - - Drain, QR_ --- ..__. , which plant has a quality control system approved by the Inspection Bureau of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION and inspected periodically by such Bureau. JO* NAM|:All Coast Forest Products for Stock & Custom JOB LOCATION:Chino. CA CUSTQMM-S onoen NO. ,POiE9323.01-02 ,0*Te.9-27-93 .MFQR'tOABERNO..3642-D 24F-V4, WP Glue, Arch APP, Indv Wrap, Ind APP. Indv Wrap SIGNATyM .COMPANY Duc.o-Lam TITLS Quality Control AOOACSS FOB 297. Drain. OR .DAT*10-8-93 AITC HEREB Y CER TIFIES that the said company at Its said plant is licensed by the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION to use the AITC Collective Mark in respect of products which comply with applicable provisions of said Standard, that the adequacy of the quality control system in effect at said plant is periodically inspected and verified by the Inspection Bureau of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION, and that, in the Judgment of AITC, said company is capable of complying with applicable manufacturing and testing provisions of said Standard in respect of products manufactured at said plant. Conformance with the Standard in respect of any specific or particular product is the sole responsibility of the manufacturer; AITC's guarantee hereundef being that the said company is qualified to produce a product meeting the said Standard and that fits plant is periodically inspected and verified by the AITC Inspection Bureau. AITC Certificate /Vo.92-04374 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION O 1982 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMiCft CONSTRUCTION AITC FGJRM IBC •MAY 15 '95 113:02 321 P01 wlr-CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE UNDERS/6NED MANUFACTURER HEREBY CERTIFIES that the products identified below and on attached sheets Nos — .4ri marked with the Collective Mark of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION (AITC) and were manufactured in conformance with applicable provisions of American National Standard ANSI/AITC A190.1-1983, Structural Glued Laminated Timber, and that such manufacture has been at our plant i"_ . Swisshotne. OR tt which plant has a quality control system approved by the Inspection Bureau of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION and inspected periodically by such Bureau, The manufacture of these members complies with the manufacturing and fabricating provisions of Chapter 25 of the Uniform Building Code. JOB All Coast Forest Products for Stock & Custom_ JOB LOCATION;Chino. CA CUSTOMERS OWMR Nn OATI 4-6-92 MFGfl'S OHDiR NO. 154Q-A. 24F-V4, WP GliMfc. Ind APP.Wrat). Arch App. Indv WrapT Itid Appf Xndv Wrap COMPANY .American Lamina tors FOB 99. Swisshome. ORB*Ti _4-17-92 f £ £r TITLE .Quality Control AITC HEftEB Y CER TIFIES that the said company at its said plant is licensed by the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIM6E.R CONSTRUCTION to use the AITC Collective Mark in respect of products which comply with applicable provisions of said Standard, that the adequacy of the quality control system in effect at said plant is periodically inspected and verified by the Inspection Bureau of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION, and that, in the judgment of'AITC, $3id company is capable of complying with applicable manufacturing and testing provisions of said Standard in respect of products manufactured at said plant. Conformance with the Standard in respect of any specific or particular product is the sole responsibility of the manufacturer; AITC's guarantee hereunder being that the said company is qualified to produce a product meeting the said Standard and that its plant is periodically inspected and verified by the AITC Inspection Bureau. AITC Certificate No, 76595 A AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION 1913 AMERICAN INSTITUTE or TIMBER CONSTRUCTION HAY 15 '95 10:02 321 P02 **1U**** ****<********##*****»***•**•»«* JOD NUMBER: 1540 A " CUSTOMER : CHINQ-ALU COAST Page 1 'ftNE; Stk & Cstn flONi Chino CA CUST PO # : 6403,01 CUST JOB* : Notes I M*rk | S3=B«ttV9 1 IB 1 IB 2 SB 1 SB 2 I SB 3/ . i SB 4/ ,__ t 3D 5 I SB 6 I SB 7 SB 6 SB 9 Qty Camber 15 0 3/Q 10 0 3/6 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 6 1 3/8 4 1 3/8 8 1 5/8 4 1 3/a Dimensions 6 3/4 x 15 x £0 - 0 6 3/4 x 1$ 1/8 x £1 - 0 3 1/8 x 10 1/2 x 60 - 0 3 1/8 x IS x 60 - 0 5 1/8 x 10 1/2 x 60 - 0 5 1/8 x 22 l/£ M 60 * 0 5 1/Q x £4 x 60 - 0 3 1/8 H 12 x 40 - 0 3 1/8 x 13 x 40 - 0 5 1/8 x lg x 44 - 0 6 3/4 x IB x 40' - 0 1NSP i AITC NOTE : PKG BY JOB Contb. I App. Wrap Seal 24F-V4 I IND LOAD END 24F-V4 I IND LOAD 24F-V4 I ARCH INDV 24F-V4 I ARCH INDV 24F-V4 t ARCH INDV £4F-V4 I flRCH INDV .24F-V4 I flRCH INDV 24F-V4 I IND INDV 24F-V4 I IND INDV 24F-V4 I IND INDV S4F-V4 I IND INDV END END END END END £ND END END END END USE r r u • 4.For Fabrication OMLY. APPROVAL mmmmMttmmMtsttwm This Kigniflvs our eccept»nct of ths$» drawings as being applicabl* to all contract docunsnts and rtleastd for Manufacturing. CUSTOMER : DATE : CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE CITY OF CARLSBAD Plan Check No. T DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION 2075 LAS PALMAS DR., CARLSBAD, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 This form shall be used to determine the amount of school fees for a project and to verify that the project-applicant has complied with the school fee requirements. No building permits for the projects shall be issued until the certification is signed by the appropriate school district and returned to the City of Carlsbad Building Department. SCHOOL DISTRICT: 1Carlsbad Unified "801 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92009 (434-0610) Encinitas Union 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd. . Encinitas, CA, 92024 (619) 944-ft30tt Project Applicant: Project Address: RESIDENTIAL: n& SQ. FT. of living area SQ. FT. of covered area COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL: SfcQ. FT. AREA Prepared by San Marcos Unified '1290 West San Marcos Blvd. San Marcos, CA 92024 (744-4776) . San Dieguito Union High School 710 Encinitas Boulevard Encinitas, CA 92024 (753-6491) APN : number of dwelling units SQ. FT. of garage area Date FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the School District) Applicant has complied with fee requirement under Government Code 53080 Project is subject to an existing fee agreement Project is exempt from Government Code 53080 Final Map approval and construction started before September 1, 1986. (other school fees paid) Other Residential Fee Levied: $ £3?6". '¥> based on i$t Fee Levied:$ based on sq. ft. «_ sq. ft. School District AB 2926 and AB 2926 is cap Date fees are capped at $K 72 per square foot for residential .28- per square foot for commercial/industrial. City of Carlsbad Building Department OWNER-BUILDER VERIFICATION Attention Property Owner: An 'owner-builder' building permit has been applied for in your name and bearing your signature. Please complete and return this information at your earliest opportunity to avoid unnecessary delay in processing and issuing your building permit. No building permit will be issued until this verification is received. t personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement (yes or no) T53 . signed an application for a building permit for the 3. 4. 5. not) proposed work. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction: Name Address Phone _ City Contractors License No. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise, and provide the major work: Name Address Phone _ City Contractors License No. I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated: Name Address Phone Type of Work Signed: Property OwneK as Palmas Drive • Carlsbad, California 92OO9-1576 • (619) 438-1161 April 21, 1995 To: Tim Phillips From: Principal Building Inspector 1704 Cannas Ct. I went to this job for a framing inspection on Friday. It seems they have both the owner's and the City's app'd plans. The plans still do not meet the work. Neither does the revised floor framing plan. There is no revised roof framing plan unless you look at the truss calc's. Ordinarily we get a full sized revision. Other items of note: 1. They said you signed off top out and elec, and mech. I didn't see it on the card. 2. The tub needs tempered glass 3. They've moved or changed some shear walls around 4X Missing some HD's I suggested the framer have the plans comprehensively revised and checked to which he replied rather casually that he had already done so and you had been through the house etc.... so I didn't do a comprehensive inspection with so many changes unaccounted for. Please/handle this today(Monday). Make sure the owners get copies of the notices you may write. PAT KELLEY Principal Building Inspector c:File Cannas Ct. April 18, 1995 LA COSTA B4GINEERING 1967 NORTH HWY 101 STE B ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 TELEPHONE dl9 • 753 • 8220 CONSULTING ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT GENERAL CONSTRUCTION City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92009 RE: Entzminger Home Remodel at 1704 Cannas Ct., Carlsbad, CA. Dear Sirs, Today I reviewed the project framing to verify its conformance with the approved building plans and structural calculations previously provided by our office. I have submitted herewith a "red- lined" framing plan detailing additional changes that I have found. They appear to be minor in nature; although I have rechecked some of the beam sizes and required in one case additional beam support. Many of the corrections are beams, posts and hardware omitted due to the previously submitted roof changes. These items are now not necessary because the truss roof has distributed loads to the outer walls. There was a glu-lam beam over the bay window in the game room which was notched 1-1/2" by the contractor for hardware attachment. Due to the elimination of other floor beams because of roof changes, this beam supports less load than it was originally designed to carry. This glu- lam is adequate with the notches to carry the floor loads. Please call if you have any further questions. Respectfully submitted, LA COSTA ENGINEERING Martell B. Montgomery, P.E. BUILDING PERMIT 03/06/95 09:27 Page 1 of 1 Job Address: 1704 CANNAS CT Suite: Permit Type: PLAN CHECK REVISION Parcel No: 215-501-14-00 Lottt: Valuation: 0 Construction Type: VN Occupancy Group: Reference**: CB941392 Description: REVISE ROOF FRAMING IN MASTER : BEDROOM / CHANGE TO TRUSSES Appl/Ownr HANSINK, STEVE 2339 PRIMROSE AVE VISTA, CA. 92026 *** Fees Required Fees : Adjustments: Total Fees: Fee description Plan Check Revisi PCR No: PCR95010 Project No: A9402054 Development No: W30 03/06/95 0001 01 02 C-PRHT 109-00 Status: ISSUED Applied: 02/23/95 Apr/Issue: 03/06/95 Entered By: MDP 619 727-7677 ected & Credits *** .00 .00 109.00 Ext fee Data 109.00 HNAl APPROVAL CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DATE: 3/3/95 OAPPL1CANT JURISDICTION: Carlsbad Q FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 94- 1392 rev SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1704 Cannas Court PROJECT NAME: Entzminger SFD Remodel The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. X] The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Steve Hansink 2339 Primrose Avenue Vista CA 92026 X Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: (by: ) Telephone*: REMARKS: Note on sheet 10 of the plan that see trusses calculations for the roof framing above the master bedroom. By: David Yao Enclosures: Esgil Corporationn GA n CM n PC 2/24 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS: 17O4 Cannas Court PLAN CHECK NO.: 94-1392rev DATE: 3/3/95 BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R-3/M-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING PORTION revise the roof framing above master bedroom to trusses. Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE BUILDING AREA (sq. ft.) 1hr VALUATION MULTIPLIER 87.15 VALUE ($) Building Permit Fee: Plan Check Fee:87.15/.8 Comments: $ $ 108.94 Sheet 1 of 1 valuefee.dot