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1704 DRAKE WAY; ; CB051489; Permit
11-03-2006 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 CB051489 1704 DRAKE WYCBAD COMMIND Sub Type HOTEL 2111300300 Lot# 0 Status $1,266,44700 Construction Type V1 Applied Reference # CT03-02 CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT VILLA 3 Plan Approved 14755 SF HABIT SPACE 4570 SF DECKS 16 UNITS TOTAL Issued Inspect Area Plan Check* Owner GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD LP STE 200 5900 PASTEUR CT 2398 SAN DIEGO AVE 92110 CARLSBAD CA 92008 619-297-8066 Job Address Permit Type Parcel No Valuation Occupancy Group Project Title Applicant RUSS ONUFER ISSUED 04/26/2005 Entered By 11/03/2006 11/03/2006 SB Building Permit Add'l Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'l Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'l Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot Water Con Fee Meter Size Add'l Pot Water Con Fee Reel Water Con Fee $3,621 48 Meter Size $0 00 Add'l Reel Water Con Fee $2,353 96 Meter Fee $0 00 SDCWA Fee $0 00 CFD Payoff Fee $26595 PFF (3105540) $0 00 PFF (4305540) $5,90200 License Tax (3104193) $0 00 License Tax (4304193) $000 Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) $0 00 Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) $0 00 PLUMBING TOTAL $0 00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL $0 00 MECHANICAL TOTAL $19,194 00 Master Drainage Fee D2 Sewer Fee $0 00 Redev Parking Fee $0 00 Additional Fees HMP Fee TOTAL PERMIT FEES $000 $470 00 $12,79700 $000 $23,049 34 $000 $000 $000 $3,71200 $000 $1,31700 $41000 $308 50 $000 $16,752 00 $000 $12,12900 77 $102,28223 Total Fees $102,282 23 Total Payments To Date $102,28223 Balance Due $000 PI A1NJQ IN STORAGE ATTACHED Inspector FINAL APPROVAL Date Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions" You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired PLAN CHECK NiC ESI VAL Plan Ck Depcsji. Validated Date PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARL 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad CA 92008 PROJECT INFORMATION Bus ness Nar'e ;at 'his acdress)Acdress ,'inciude Bias/Suite #) Lc'No Sunc'i./ision Na~ie/Nurr.cer Assessor s Parcel Description of Work CONTACT PERSON (if different from applicant) Name Address City State/Zip Telephone # 3 APPLICANT,"o. Contractor ';; D .Agentfor Contractor-.,/ , D Owner ; ., '"'""" J&* Agent for.Owner f" "\~ Sj-j &&*> AW 'Name 4 t:PROPERTY OWNER Name ' Address 5 CONTRACTOR - COMPANY NAME , (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct alter improve demolish or repair any structure prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor s License Law [Chapter 9 commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]) 2#rS/IV &L*Jt> CH</l*A I/UT* CA ttf/o bll Name otate License #DAve U&L.MA Designer Name 't.tate License # Address License Class jtfJ Address City City State/Zip City Business License # State/Zip Telephone # Telephone # 6 "WORKER'S COMPENSATION ,,-;;/'••:• •*"£.. " '" ii;-' ;;, -i* ,; •;-,•• '• • ^ : .f .." : V ,*' Workers Compensation Declaration I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations D I have and will ma'ntam a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued 0 I have and will maintain worker s compensation as required by Section 3700 of the labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued My worker s compensation insurance earner and policy number are Insurance Company Policy No Expiration Date (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) D CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers Compensation Laws of California WARNING Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars($100 000), m addition (o the cost of compensation, damages are provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney s fees SIGNATURE DATE 7 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION; ,. - .,',,/' ,v> . " •/"',iw~ " * ' •''•:; '"" -J?V „'.„'•' '^ "" - ,i 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor s License Law for the following reason D I as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation will d the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or_ through his own employees provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If however the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion the owner builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) D J as owner of the property am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor s License Law) n I 3m exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally plan to provde the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement D YES O NO 2 I (have/have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work 3 I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 4 I plan to provide portions of the work but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / /ontractors license number) 5 I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work) PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE .DATE Is the applicant ^"future building occupant requ.red to obta.n a permrt from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? Q YES Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? Q YES Q NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET nn !<: MCPTiMf run REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT APPUCANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE ' ' Q NO I hereby aff.rm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for wh.ch this permit ,s issued (Sec 30970) Civil Code) LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate I an™ tn rnmniu 1 „sr—cT^^^^^ JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND EXPENSES WH.CH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGA.NST SAID C.TY IN CONSEQUENCE £ THE GRAN?,NG OF THIS ^ERMIT "*' OSHA An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stones in height •" "* • - building or wo* at any time after the work is APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE WHITE File YELLOW Applicant PINK Finance City of Carlsbad Final Building Inspection Dept Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lit Plan Check # Permit* CB051489 Project Name CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT VILLA 3 14755 SF HABIT SPACE 4570 SF DECKS 16 UNITS TOT Address 1704 DRAKE WY Lot Contact Person HILTON Phone 8582543935 Sewer Dist CA Water Dist CA 04/14/2008 COMMIND HOTEL Inspected By _ Inspected By Inspected By Date Inspected Date Inspected Date Inspected Approved Approved Approved Disapproved Disapproved Disapproved Comments City of Carlsbad Final Building Inspection APR 1 4 2008 Planning CMWD St Lite Fire Date Dept Building (Engine* Plan Check # Permit # CB051489 Project Name CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT VILLA 3 14755 SF HABIT SPACE 4570 SF DECKS 16 UNITS TOT Address 1704 DRAKE WY Lot Contact Person HILTON Phone 8582543935 Sewer Dist CA Water Dist CA t.M,IM.<\Kl Ss,U)-. , . ,, (. *.£-, I.I \,s !).-M F vr' 04/14/2008 Permit Type COMMIN D Sub Type HOTEL 0 Inspected By ION.C- A*. Inspected By Inspected By Date Inspected Date Inspected Date Inspected "?00\ Approved " /?' Z'QOa Approved Approved Disapproved * Disapproved Disapproved Comments City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 04/23/2008 Permit* CB051489 Title CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT VILLA 3 Description 14755 SF HABIT SPACE 4570 SF DECKS 16 UNITS TOTAL Inspector Assignment TP 1704 DRAKE WY Lot Type COMMIND Job Address Suite Location APPLICANT RUSSONUFER Owner Remarks Sub Type HOTEL Phone 8582843935 Inspector Total Time CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Requested By HILTON Entered By CHRISTINE Act Comments Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# PCR06209 ISSUED CARI SBAD RANCH RESORT-VILLA 3 MODIF TO STRUCTURAL & WATERPROOFIN PCR07121 ISSUED ( HAD RANCH Rl SORT-VILLA 3 DEFERRED TRUSS SUBMIT!AL Inspection History Comments 8LDGDSBPNL EQUIP SUB & H P CONF ON FINAL & UTILITY RELEASE BLDG LINE EXT TO METER COMP MAIN TO BLDG & PUT 1700 BLDG 1STFLR HARD CEILS Date 04/22/2008 04/15/2008 04/14/2008 04/02/2008 03/11/2008 02/13/2008 02/13/2008 12/17/2007 10/25/2007 10/25/2007 09/27/2007 09/26/2007 Description 89 Final Combo 89 Final Combo 89 Final Combo 34 Rough Electric 23 Gas/Test/Repairs 21 Underground/Under Floor 23 Gas/Test/Repairs 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall 21 Underground/Under Floor 23 Gas/Test/Repairs 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 17 Interior Lath/Drywall Act CO CO CO AP NR we AP AP we AP PA NR Insp TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 04/23/2008 Permit* CB051489 09/21/2007 84 Rough Combo 09/20/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Weldmg 09/20/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 09/20/2007 24 Rough/Topout 09/20/2007 34 Rough Electric 09/20/2007 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 08/09/2007 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall 08/07/2007 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 08/06/2007 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 08/06/2007 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall 07/31/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 07/31 /2007 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 07/31/2007 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall 07/24/2007 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 07/24/2007 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall 07/17/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 07/11/2007 16 Insulation 07/11/2007 34 Rough Electric 07/10/2007 16 Insulation 07/05/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Weldmg 07/05/2007 24 Rough/Topout 07/05/2007 34 Rough Electric 06/26/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Weldmg 06/26/2007 34 Rough Electric 06/25/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 06/25/2007 34 Rough Electric 06/19/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 06/19/2007 34 Rough Electric 06/13/2007 15 Roof/Reroof 06/13/2007 24 Rough/Topout 05/31/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 05/31/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Weldmg 05/31/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 05/29/2007 15 Roof/Reroof 05/29/2007 21 Underground/Under Floor 05/29/2007 24 Rough/Topout 05/01/2007 21 Underground/Under Floor 05/01/2007 22 Sewer/Water Service 05/01/2007 24 Rough/Topout 03/27/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 03/27/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 03/27/2007 15 Roof/Reroof 03/02/2007 12 Steel/Bond Beam 03/02/2007 13 Shear Panels/HD's 03/02/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 02/08/2007 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 02/08/2007 12 Steel/Bond Beam 01/23/2007 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 01 /23/2007 12 Steel/Bond Beam 01/17/2007 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring Inspector Assignment TP AP TP AP TP CO TP AP TP AP TP WC TP AP TP AP TP WC TP CO TP CO TP AP TP CO TP WC TP CO TP NR PY PA RB PA RB PA RB AP TP AP TP AP TP AP TP WC TP CA PY CA PY PI TP PI TP AP TP AP TP AP TP AP TP AP TP PA TP WC TP AP TP WC TP WC TP AP TP AP TP WC TP WC TP AP RB AP RB AP RB AP TP AP TP WC TP AP TP AP TP DROP HARD CEILS ALL UNITS EXT SOFFIT FRM 1ST FLR INT HARD CEILS rooms 2ND FLR SUITES, 1ST FLR BATHROOM NO SUPER EXTERIOR & CEILINGS ALL 3 FLRS EXTERIOR LIGHT BOXES OK @ 2ND FLR WALKWAY see notice attached ROOMS ONLY(INCL ELEC.COMM.MECH) EXT OK TO WRAP CONF ROOF RE-NAIL TO STRUCT REV 3RD FLR LAUNDRY RM PRE-ROCK @ DMZ WALLS RIM JOIST EXT OK TO RECEIVE EVE LEDGER ASMS HDS 1 & 2 FLR GRID LN I & E ENG FIX SHTING OK NEED TRUSS PLANS APR 2ND FLR DECK DRAINS WASTE LN TEST 3RD FLR SHTING 2ND FLR WALK WAY DECK OK ON 2ND FLR NAILING BRIDGE ABUTEMENT FTG SOG U/SLAB CONDUIT City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 04/23/2008 Permit* CB051489 01/11/2007 12 Steel/Bond Beam 01/11/2007 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring 01/11/2007 98 BMP Inspection 01 /10/2007 12 Steel/Bond Beam 01/10/2007 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring 01/09/2007 21 Underground/Under Floor 01/09/2007 24 Roughrfopout 12/08/2006 21 Underground/Under Floor AP AP AP PA AP AP TP TP TP TP TP TP Inspector Assignment FTGS UFER, U/G CONDUIT TO MAIN DSB MINOR CORR/NEED SI REPORT UFFER MECH RM TP WC TP PA RB OK EXCEPT MECHANICAL RM City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 07/10/2007 Permit* CB051489 Title CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT VILLA 3 Description 14755 SF HABIT SPACE 4570 SF DECKS 19 UNITS TOTAL Inspector Assignment TP 1704 DRAKE WY Lot Type COMMIND Job Address Suite Location APPLICANT RUSSONUFER Owner Remarks Sub Type HOTEL Phone 8582548467 Inspector- Total Time Requested By CHRIS Entered By CHRISTINE CD Description 16 Insulation Comments Comments/Nofaces/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC* PCR06208 ISSUED CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT-VILLA 3, MODIF TO STRUCTURAL & WATERPROOFS PCR07121 ISSUED CBAD RANCH RESORT-VILLA 3 , DEFERRED TRUSS SUBMITTAL Inspection History Comments ROOMS ONLY(INCL ELEC.COMM.MECH) EXT OK TO WRAP Date 07/05/2007 07/05/2007 07/05/2007 06/26/2007 06/26/2007 06/25/2007 06/25/2007 06/19/2007 06/19/2007 06/13/2007 06/13/2007 05/31/2007 05/31/2007 05/31/2007 05/29/2007 05/29/2007 05/29/2007 05/01/2007 Description 14 24 34 14 34 14 34 14 34 15 24 14 14 14 15 21 24 21 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough/Topout Rough Electric Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough Electric Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough Electric Frame/Steel/Botting/Welding Rough Electric Roof/Reroof Rough/ropout Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Roof/Reroof Underground/Under Floor Rough/Topout Underground/Under Floor Act AP AP AP AP we CA CA PI PI AP AP AP AP AP PA we AP we Insp TP TP TP TP TP PY PY TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP CONF ROOF RE-NAIL TO STRUCT REV 3RD FLR LAUNDRY RM PRE-ROCK @ DMZ WALLS RIM JOIST EXT OK TO RECEIVE EVE LEDGER ASMB HDS 1 & 2 FLR GRID LN I & E ENG FIX SHTING OK NEED TRUSS PLANS APR 2ND FLR DECK DRAINS NOTICE\ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ~~ ~ ~ (760)602-2700 BUILDING DEPARTMENT / 1635 FARADAY AVENUE DATE X7 - /# ' & ~7 TIME LOCATION / ~? <P CS PERMIT NO X. FOR INSPECTION CALL (760) 602-2725 RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? L _J YES FOR FURTHER. INFORMATION, CONTACT PHONE > BUILDING IN5H£6lOR> CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER FOOTING OBSERVATION SUMMARY Leighton and Associates, Inc A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY FProject Name Location \~7f4 TWKf WAV______ _ Plan File No Date / - Project No Permit No Unit/Phase/Lot(s) S""4 Referenced Geotechnical Report(s) . 7»/feJ/yv/&- SHIP* A/4.S* {"./r3U£B/& .6& .fat- . Observation Summary "ZLdn Initials A representative of Leighton and Associates observed onsite soil conditions Soil conditions at I \4\0~l Date fMr Slte are substantially in conformance with those assumed in the geotechnical report Initials A representative of Leighton and Associates observed and measured footing excavation depth/width Footing excavations extend to proper depth and bearing strata and are in general 1/470 "7 Date conformance with recommendations of the geotechnical report Initials t /Wo 1 Datei Initials A representative of Leighton and Associates measured footing setback from slope face The setback was in general accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report otic \I4-I61 Date Notes to Superintendent/Foreman 1 Footing excavations should be cleaned of loose debris and thoroughly moistened just prior to placing concrete 2 Based on expansion potential of underlying soils, presoakmg of soil below slabs may be recommended Consult the geotechnical report for presoakmg recommendations We note that clayey soils may take an extended period of time and the contractor should schedule accordingly 3 In the event of a site change subsequent to our footing observation and prior to concrete placement (i e , heavy ram, etc ), we should be contacted to perform additional site observations Note to Building inspector 1 Soil compaction test results, including depth of fill, relative compaction, bearing values, and soil expansion index test results are contained in the As-Graded Geotechnical Report provided at the completion of grading I A/. For Leighton and Associates, Inc / Date 3930 R 1 05 FIELD COPY Office Locations Orange County Corporate Branch 2992 E La Raima Avenue Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 8585373990 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Parkway Building 2A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 9516534666 OC/LA/lnland Empire Dispatch 8004912990 San Diego Dispatch 888 844 5060 www mtglinc com FINAL REPORT FOR SPECIAL INSPECTION AND MATERIAL TESTING Geotechnical Engineering Construction Inspection Materials Testing Environmental Date April 22,2008 To City of Carlsbad (c/o Mr. Timothy Phillips) Public Works - Engineering 5950 El Carruno Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 MTGL Project No 1916-C01 MTGL Log No 08-509 SUBJECT SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF WORK REQUIRING SPECIAL INSPECTION AND MATERIAL TESTING. PERMIT NO CB 051489 PROJECT NAME/ADDRESS Grand Pacific Marbnsa Resort - Lot 54, Villa 3 1704 Drake Way Carlsbad, California I declare under penalty of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge, the work requiring special inspection, material sampling and testing, for the structure/s constructed under the subject permit is in conformance with the approved plans, the inspection and observation program and other construction documents, and the applicable workmanship provisions of the Uniform Building Code Executed on April 22,2008 The work which we provided Special Inspection/Testing consisted of Reinforcing Steel, Bolt/Embed in Concrete, Concrete, Structural Steel Field Welding, Metal Framing and Epoxy Dowel/Bolt A If the inspection services were provided by an approved material testing laboratory or special inspection agency TESTING AGENCY MTGL,Inc 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 RESPONSIBLE MANAGING ENGINEER OF THE TESTING LABORATORY OR SPECIAL INSPECTION AGENCY NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) Eduardo C Dizon / MTGL. Inc State of California Registration Number C 57217 Expiration Date 12/31/09 B) If the inspection services were provided by an independent certified special inspector SPECIAL INSPCETOR'S NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) NA Registration Number SIGNATURE cc Mr Bruce Zelenka / Grand Pacific Resorts Davies- Adams r JflBBL ' 2992 E La Palma Ave ste A /llslifk Anaheim, CA 92806 j«I^nnT^. Tel 71 4 632 2999 lilU rfV Fax 7146322974 j«S^MSS!B8BH^ Dispatch 800 '1 91 °990 FIELD TYPE OF WORK J^SPECTOR D TECHNICIAN ARCHITECT I N/ " IN r^ ENGINEER CONTRACTOR s_ j ^J^v'i S "f" A<?v#-*v*-£ SUB CONTRACTOR MMW INSPECTION ADDRESS _ / .^ t * 1 San Diego/Imperial County Inland Empire 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G 14467 Meridian Pkw , Bldg 2-A San Diego, CA 921 21 Riverside, CA 9251 8 ' Tel 858 537 3999 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 858 537 3990 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 888 844 5060 Dispatch 800 491 2990 REPORT AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING, > PROJECT NO REPORT NO ^ PG OF 6 PLAN FILE NO -i /«. PERMIT NO PROJECT NAME . « « i / - / f , , .<^,P H &ssor+ I/. /M. 7TT ADDRESS OF PROJECT . -^ REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi. SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND I ISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEKS REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) ' CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED. 1 AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED ^ t - 1 1 > 1 J '-^^ en*. S> T i -rc Isi l/w / ^ / t-u^/*'/ " /*> /; j, i " * / \ . JC /Z -+T lifT Z 0.L.J £^t-e-t«-J*-^ W< ^' "A Ax' ^Tle,^ ( VTli^lir^) STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USEJ ,^pfo^e ~v€^ p L*»^£ • if REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS . . II —~~ fj _f t JC-C ^*y£> U<-ipe^f V*~c>4^Lg &*-*-£. \rl S-**-*~r L-y &-•(*&£,%) "Tzi^'y^-g j ( 1 REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. WEATHER £^£U^5t'A-y TEMPERATURE PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED a i 5" , SITE TIMF START / ' SITFTIMF FINISH / iiiNrHPFRinn TRAUFI TIMF 3D (Ml jjf 0| VERIFIEOBY^ ^ '^ ^U^ I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITKfHE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE>?PFlOVED PLANS.SBECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT 1 i 2^,07 ^^g Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number S-D Print Name Xfiy/ County Certification Number Rev 7/97 rCorporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 rSan Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 8888445060 FIELD REPORT Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 TYPE OF WORK <^HNSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE Ff-C I *( f»"~$Q- APPROVEDP ARCHITECT ' FOR WEEK EC ENGINEER REPORT NO CONTRACTOR , A_J PLAN FILE NC SUB CONTRACTOR . PROJECT NAM M k/ &. ? INSPECTION ADDRESS > x* / / / ADDRESS OF( 7 c 4~ £?*~tf»-k£ u\/w . c AJ^IQ t=xa_c| S<t>i SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) LANS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) DING , y PROJECT NOf /2 1 fo-r 1*1 It - 6 6} PG OF PERMIT NO £f3 O ^ / T * / ^ ^\ £.#$4^}- vri/q '71 1 PROJECT , __ , , * L-rf- sfr >f REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1CBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RF1S ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCUJOERESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) /- /* CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT /MANPOWER USED , . AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED - , f _j . &*. STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFISItf ED _ '/ REMARKS INCLUDING ME ETIHGS A / y-y ,—> / / ., J I f ' ' REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER S<t,«^*A_L^ SAMPLES TAKEN TEMPERATURE , TESTS REQUIRED ^. SITE TIME START ( • / ^ SITF TIMF FINISH ' "" t~ ^ LUNCH PERIOD TRAVFI TIMF \N 1 a j wR.BFnBVT/V W^ /^^kr ) I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT 7 / 2-7, Date of Report IC60 Certification Number 2 ^-D Print Name / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial Coim 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Dispatch 8888445060 r Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK DCTNSPECTOR "*~- \ ^\ \ •**\- \ •€. \ C\ 1 D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING /IS PROJECT NO - <L ENGINEEINEER _REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO N/A PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS 1 1 0 T D ,W w ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAUMTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF Tl IF.RE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC KILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USE AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED ^ STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS1ISED REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS t REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START _..' "SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME * ' 5 VERIFIED BY A.3A I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH TH6 SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWIsiNJpED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT /01 Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name County Certification Number Rev 7/97 /K Corporate M:^\ ' 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A /fltllk Anaheim, CA 92806 ^ITTT?^ Tel 7146322999 yjfel 1 i 1 1 1 rfm. Fax 7146322974 jiOi'iLsHHHBSSH^ Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD TYPE OF WORK J2TINSPECTQR G TECHNICIANf;*(A \vus-p ARCHITECT /VO A A ENGINEER £f CONTACTOR D^-vta /^-^ufi-**^ SUB CONTRACTORf*t p>\ W INSPECTION ADDRESS /*» / f / San Diego/Imperial County Inland Empire 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G 14467 Meridian Pkw , Bldg 2-A San Diego, CA 921 21 Riverside, CA 9251 8 Tel 858 537 3999 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 858 537 3990 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 888 844 5060 Dispatch 800 491 2990 REPORT AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING i , PROJECT NO REPORT NO ^_ PG OF ^PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NONl/nr £-t5o-^\4^*j PROJECT NAME , . i/~ J / . - ADDRESS OF PROJECT t, ^ ^-e^*^~t- £ l^c V" ^ ^^" j REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi. SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS, AND RF1S ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) . __ _ "\ CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED , * AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED i , J * » -JLr"X*~ /* A / 1 \ S~\ 1 *\ +& //gM- ^^c ^u^W £U^C H\>-^(_ . J r> •^ x** * / n it r*— i i * i j 1 1~r *-*-|d<\_j ;V\-^? ^ 'x "*"' ' *^-:» IAS~ C l^t. ft / / "" ^ STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USEJJ ' REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS . . . *.^f?^t* *^ \ ^-tf Ojr<_ o-7^ U-^-l Lvj «_C^-^P'r^'»»^< - / REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. WEATHER $ ix>t>VW TEMPERATURE PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIMF START o ' ^5 SITF TIMF FINISH *- 1 IINCH PFRIOn TRAVFl TIUF ; / 5 (7// • VFRIFIFD BY ^X ' "IWXj AvW^ I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THjt SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE^APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISEJJ0TED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT "I I 10 i 0"! Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number P Print Name /M / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 rSan Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 858 537 3990 Dispatch 8888445060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK Q TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO ENGI REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO N/ft PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTORM, M I PROJECT NAMECT -p, M vJrtUTTT INSPECTION ADDRESS17 ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGl. SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUU WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED > 1. c fc .-4- STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS, USED A REMARKS REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START . LUNCH PERIOD _ -7 .0-0 SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WlffH TH) SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THEAPPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISSW0TED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report ICBO Certification Number p. Print Name ^O^County Certification Number Rev 7/97 /A t Corporate ySf^V 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A x^g!f£»*\ Anaheim, CA 92806 /PiTTT^ Tel 7146322999 JSjS j i'j 1 j rfW Fax 7146322974 £.'^22hfi55Sfi8HHs ni<5natrh 800 4Q1 ?QQD FIELD TYPE OF WORK D INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN FT-eicj l^^p ARCHITECT N/OA-A ENGINEER „FPFF CONTRACTOR * SUB CONTRACTORKM W INSPECTION ADDRESS 1 7 (?T Dv~*^-l«*C ^** ^7 ^- ^-"^^ *SK_<sf San Diego/Imperial County Inland Empire 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G 14467 Meridian Pkw , Bldg 2-A San Diego, CA 92121 Riverside, CA 92518 Tel 858 537 3999 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 858 537 3990 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 888 844 5060 Dispatch 800 491 2990 REPORT AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS P^rlN) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING/ , PROJECT NO REPORT NO . PG OF PLAN FILE NO . - PERMIT NO ^ ,, PROJECT NAME _ « . , ,^5« P' r\- r^&&-*'T V/7 / Le\^ "7 // ADDRESS OF PROJECT S< , ^^ -^ REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAI./MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RF1S ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) A * 1>b, A ?> o 5 CONTRACTORSEQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED f 1 AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED , . . .J>^""/r G ^^^ t^L-R + Z^r^fe. C \^ffl£^f,^\ 1 0 *^*^ fy_' f^ii U^ \ f^ v~& T^ c"$- (\jsf~ •w-e'/ O3tvv_£> L^.f'-tf STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USECu ^^ n REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS f 1 » J . ~"5> j j „ ~^ ~ j { 1^ \ REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. WEATHER Q*Jv*JfU^4 TEMPERATURE PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED / L/ ^ sup TIME START ' 'CTO SITFTIMF FINISH * LUNCH PERinn TRAVfl TIME ^D yt i , n i VPRIRFHRY f( ifllk^A>a4v^ /{A I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES W|TH THE ^OIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWIsVtlOJED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT if* i&7 Signature Dale of Report ICBO Certification Number 9 >E>- Print Name ^JJj^ County Certification Number Rev 7/97 f Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 rSan Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 8888445060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK ^SlNSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK E PROJ REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR M INSPECTION WORKSORKSf ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi. SOIL MANUAL - REVIF.W PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH BEPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS)- CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT /MANP:UIPW USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERV L A STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS US REMARKS WOinWO MCET1MGS./ -~,,. \^i i REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCEWT PROJECT COMPLETIOW. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START ..... LUNCH PERIOD ' ^ 'SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME '*• O O VERIFIED BY JfrlnMj /i&Jn ft /Jvi-i' I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name /1 County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial Coun; 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA92518 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK ^INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN ARCHITECT ' ENGINEER ^_ ^ CONTRACTOR . ' L^AViJ1 f Qeif&si^-J' SUB CONTRACTOR -- INSPECTION ADDRESS AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT |Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING REPORT NO PG PLAN FILE NO yf PROJECT NAME , SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) PROJECT NO / "/ PERMIT NOc& &s~s y%~^ t -Z o ^ J- f" /Vo 7*. / ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi. SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) . ^/^J~ S& /Ce d?Afle_ S^-^-£^~ /W-ti-rG-/ , 34*.** hJ^L-/ *>hetf CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT!/ MANPOWER USED . * f / ^ h*/* v b\ A*. C^ C^J^J & T C \& 1 ARE^ GRID LOJES PJIECES OBSERVED y , varj*uj- Ax/^-/A >„ */ ^/^ ~Tv<S^ V. o Tk ro uc k //7 s;?*^ 6 3rd £lo*r &/•.<//,**$ C- To /T- V.& rA/^uyA //, a ' STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR flFIS UgED 2.A*^< I'/odC— df^LJ f GA i • t\\jf5' TO &&Cc4 'fers Sw> ££.**£* Block* t $>M* a^ l*Si*</,*S REMARKS IHCLUOUJP MCETlNGy / . . iSo^f /l^&&ieC% . £- /r reitrCf r^f * ^ / i-f6s*l r S ]jooS~ "~5"& *\L c .;-/ 3 ret Fbrs- - s.// s^r^ ^^/^ ^,/k TA^ r^c,'J ' ' /J & p—e- •&) / S S / / REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY WEATHER C, \ €6- <"" TEMPERATURE (*£" ° jp A U/\ PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. SAMPLES TAKEN , I .N IA- TESTS REQUIRED / 1 f SUE TIME START /- O& /fAl SITFTIMF FINISH 3.-OO y»f\ ^f~ Jf LUNCH PFRinn t?« -> TR4VFI TIMF ^C? P^I \H t /m f inuU #iUi* 1 DO CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WI/H THEJSOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE-NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Av &~r> e* t-D 'yV/7 ^C/TZ?o>. (& 1 2 0 / 0 ~? ^>£^ «* 0.5*"Zs O ~ <—& S5j*7 M*riiff.? Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 f MTGt Corporate 2992 E La Palma Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial Counx 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Dispatch 8888445060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING1 WEEK E _6r 7 PROJECT NO ENGINEER fc P ff REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTORvrros*iL - PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1CBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE KND OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRAC/OR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORT 7 rouipCONTRACTORS ftulPMENT/ MANPOWER USED pQL.t0fe 2L x/y/ <Lfe.^J I. 2.7, AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED LiUC.^^o To S/.4 ~</,b -7* S/. 4 STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED REMARKS IHCLUOING Mff77«fiS // y ." ' Ate* 0 // . yor^i 5 REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER C / £& r TEMPERATURE fa £ ° f" SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START /• ^t3 g>, ^ SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME '' C O Id I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES V((ITHTpfE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISEllOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Signature ./^"Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 888 844 5060 FIELD REPORT Counx Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 TYPE OF WORK SfcNSPECTOR G TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT /J O FOR WEEK ENDING PROJ.ECJ NO —"k p REPORT NO PG OF/ CONTRACTOR PLANILENO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR -, r PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi. SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO /(*, (£>/i<e REPO / MATERIAL TEST REPORTS)** CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT /MANPOWER USEDMANPOWER&d $ 4?*r t-£> fjvm •>d /s s*f £ w AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS ^ i'S <: REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE "C. SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START -^2-LjQ-& A&— LUNCH PERIOD SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME « -> ^> VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WfTH THE/SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS ' AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE-N8TED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT J /Signature (0 i l& i Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 r Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial Coun 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 858 537 3990 Dispatch 8888445060 r Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK ^INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT At b 6 < FOR WEEK ENDING -* "> PROJECT NO ENGINEER k P REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR i s f PLAN .FILE NO PERMIT SUB CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME - Ae>7*/ INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUJREMKNTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAIVMTGi. SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOL'R WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT /MANPOWER USED v, us/*3 AREA GRID LINES W BSERVEO - (L To STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED 3 rce-Uf gc? /\ 4-1 i-i \j& Tr, REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS ± y e V< REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER C/Du TEMPERATURE F SAMPLES TAKEN i /^ TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START 2j.'A.A. ^<*1_ LUNCH PERIOD O r & SITE TIME FINISH !^.^_r.._....3: "° TRAVEL TIME ___^OT VERIFIED BY. I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES JWITHTHE^SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT (p i If i 07 Date of Report ICBO Certification Number tf / Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Pal ma Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 888 844 5060 Count Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT TYPE Or WORK /^-INSPECTOR -f-' G TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING6- /if 'PROJECTJECT JO H 'It CoENGINEERP ?i~REPORT NO PG CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO sue CONTRACJGR PROJECT NAME -y INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT J b b REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi. SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) /O CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER gSED A A-f/ct /~> AREA GRID LI IECES OBSERVED //. 0 STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED •»•> REMARKS INCLUDING HKFnHGS V i J> u -c. //,/.& ^.' c i e-\ (- X" ~Z(cJt REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER C ( £A /* TEMPERATURE W °(g W SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START -7 J & O 0 • •* SITE TIME FINISH . TRAVEL TIME /?/», VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE/fcoiL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 A. Corporate ypMv ' 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A /WJl^, Anaheim, CA 92806 /gfrrTTnk. Tel 7146322999 <Jflj 1 i i 1 I rfV. Fax 714 632 2974y?)vva>HiP*!^iS!SH^ Di°patch 800 191 2990 FIEI TYPE OF WORK C/tNSPECTOR Q TECHNICIAN ft/L<e \rd fro.**. . .-i c. ARCHITECT ENGINEER _ _K 9 t r CONTRACTOR Dav . / r C-tJa^t 5" SUB CONTRACTOR^. INSPECTION ADDRESS L /& y ij f~&. i£ &. l*i/S* y San Diego/Imperial Coum. Inland Empire 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G 14467 Meridian Pkw , Bldg 2-A San Diego, CA 92121 Riverside, CA 92518 Tel 858 537 3999 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 858 537 3990 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 888 844 5060 Dispatch 800 491 2990 -D REPORT AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y)(N) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO ^ ~ / U> - Q ~~7 // /iff ~ C o J REPORT NO PG j OF j PLAN FILE NO ^y PERMIT NO £-a~7~ £ *-/ ^/?O J~" S^&Q PROJECT NAME . , ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi. SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY RKPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALSUSED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) ^ r CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED , . . . f . S AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED y, , , _, V*< HA .3 o r • cJ /• "-*> £ — tS *7rt Jf? y. £ TAro^cA //. <D 3-*) F/oo^- '2-^e* r/o0/" — -J- TO V^A ~ y'. O T/1^^4 ^ // O STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED . i d * €, UJ £-° O 4 , ^\ \Jr V TO <Vx -±?± fUor £<** A* REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS , S^- C t*-) ^ ^> *^i i_S ^ ^ v^ _f ^\ ^ /5 ^jT 4 / **/Jrcs < def,<-i**c <>s '£1.' *C£ l3(C*C-f£.', *, a, jvi ' ?J* i ^ / / ' / ' ^— A-^?f /" tOc» f /Irf * &^<* 4* €^ <S /^ j rrru/ c^A»tu«> -/o ^^c/^ REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. WEATHER C. 1 £1 «" TEMPERATURE (j^^ ° P £><-> S^^r ^- B^c^J- t^.**/*^ fo^tS S S " x1^ /*^' s"5"/-7<r ^S/^5"'x • •• PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. SAMPLES TAKEN . / TESTS REQUIRED f\ RITF TIMF START / '< && /4/M RITF TIME FINISH IIINnHPFRinn C/ . S TRiUFI TIME ~* 2-:C70 ^/^ f/1/ / I „ ^XIM '4/7o»" liiL Q ( 7 DM/is^g — jo-u^ ld\lirut\i (j&/iA m 4 iUFRIFIFn RY /A vv^sw^^u a i^//X ^w\AiH I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WtfH THj? SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND/ OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISFlttJTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT J -/O nature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number YVWV: Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 r MTGi Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 858 537 3990 Count Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 fft-rf -•>.,.•.„.• jj.r.-^fima^jL uispaicn ouu 'ta i ^aau uispaicn ooo ott ouou uispacun ouu i-s i ^aau FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK .2JNSPECTOR \v\ € V*- 1 F re- ARCHITECT /^*t? 6 «• ( D TECHNICIAN ENGINEER ^ ^ ^ CONTRACTOR , SUB CONTRACTOR ^. /" r&-rt^. e — X~ INSPECTION ADDRESS AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR W^EK ENDING PROJECTING REPORT NO PG ^ OF i PLAN EILE NO gg PERMIT,,^ PROJECT NAME •. ,, . ADDRESS OF PROJECT . REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) f CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED •pOUse f "7"B o/j? _s/e.//*A*JS dr.Hs «f A*s~*S A~/<S -r^/s UJtrfc i^^s perLrw J *,,//, A ^ ^>?^ er^iu AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED £J /.^s~ ~lsi F/o»< Z»<4 F/oor ' /?? "7*ft /5 — ^ ^ y/fdoeA //. o «-c x i. B 7"ts ^) - <-/ o TAAjGi /X ^ 3rd fj&o<- C. T-s fc - y. Q rtra,sf4 // O ^_sY Ft0ac~ ne<?J fo <a <3^e/c e ff"^T x^ / ^t/a(^s Fr& W •«- -S Al S BoTTc,^ A^ejc d 4 6*-^ 1'** - S-,5-- ^S-fJf. *l"0f /loJ- REMARKS INCLUDING MIETtNGS ^A>U fr«* *)•*»</.»* Slut / 2.*(* Ft oof - /rt&c^e co'tf-fe-4' t^- Hn f-rtniA.e- -X. honwc"^ Grfc-K-te 6r.fl lt»* //. 0 > &<s+U€,e« V *Z k/.nd*^ 7Vy^ V^cA- ««*/^oT7fcH- ^rft^(c \i^ n*\ 3fd Ft REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WEATHER C,\g.(Lf* TEMPERATURE Qj •§ f~ • p/«lKi CtcU /5 «<&' '*€, f- nee*/ £a e>cS<4rfsj WORK TODAY. w> //-*xv* ^B-/o,«y yu^). ,Jr- Z?fe£eS SM.-Sf.~4, SC-'e^lS , PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. SAMPLES TAKEN j J. TESTS REQUIRED / \ . / SITE TIME START 7'^^ x*^"« SITF TIME FINISH 3_'f<S TRAVFI TIMF -«*^ pw \ u / n i c/ VFRIFIFD BY .Sri mlro/V AC«X/M )Jc«v«A//i\ 1 DO CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES ^llA TH^ SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERwWw0TED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Agnature ^rV',^1^ Date of Report ICBO Certification Number M» Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate .. San Diego/Imperial County 2992 E La Raima Ave , Ste A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92121 Inland Empi,. 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 /fill L /. K Tel Fax 7146322999 Tel 8585373999 Tel 9516534999 7146322974 Fax 8585373990 Fax 9516534666 FIELD REPORT TYPE Of WORK JtmSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN /D A T&- ' r/fs>~i -' *• ** ARCHITECT A/a & > e j ENGINEER /< ? P P CONTRACTOR ^ SUB CONTRACTOR INSPECTION ADDRESS ^*^ AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO REPORT NO PG , OF , PLAN FILE NO -^ ESflMjjr/JO., — 7//G^? PROJECT NAME . ' . ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTI.N'G REQUIREMENTS 1CBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY. OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERWLS^JSED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) f CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED . UJor)c l^tf .jsJlx^J Ls, tU A(V)WV**. trtuJ AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED / /, ' ^ •S T X ro u *j H /^ STRUCTUmL NOTED DCTAIL OR BPIS U' V >S(JC*ll\,l C)h &t vsA£^/~ t*/>// REMARKS INCLUDING MffTWCS- fn $ ) \^&C\ ^ & O \^A- 3 tffi Tf/^^y 2-A^/ Flo of V i I /J/f't /)/<; , /io f , \st.r. T 1 / ' ^4^C.-v5 JzeJtSw^S > l^^3 ^3 L>*f si *>**/<: fbrC frslAs<"-s^ / 5 TA/o_/^A o<j if" *iG// 1~>/* L// , c Ce uj c<j^4 ; nc/^Ji ' r / / &b£&r\f£Cs d- ~£ ^ \ l&Qf l*s£*-fr S*T1~>&tJ' fli) / & I.. &S* £• ff & ^ ~7 / J£ Y ^^ CT /CL. S?1 • S-^'l ^ ^ /^? S O si A-S / s\ CM, f &** r/~&f*t fi^ REWORK AS PERCENT OF WEATHER £_\ £C*(~ TEMPERATURE fo <-f * j- ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. SAMPLES TAKEN i A//A TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START (f • J ^ inwr.HPFRinn J&~ rfM* SITF TIMF FINISH 2- -^<9 TRAVFI TIMF ~&J/ JHtL-vLcL ^^-i*Uw_ _ _ I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES tyrmjHE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT ,47 Signature W r^' fv Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2S-92 E U Peima Ave , Suite A Anaheim, OA B2BOB -ax 714 ft-J 2874 Branch1 7313 Carroll Road, Su-te 3 SanDeoo CA92121 Tel !58537,!9S9 Fax 1 58.5 37! I960 FiEi.fi> IfiEPdHT COIIT'II IUED El Cfcntro, Tet Fax- 760 482.0600 760482.06SO N > -^-^L L- I Print Nami Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave , Ste A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim. CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County Inland Empk 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDINGfa-O "L- o7 PROJECT/ID ENGINEER REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR £CSL PROJECT NAME . V I\A 3 INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi. SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC , FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED To K \-\ooC ML CIR RFI1 USED,j-— /c: A\SZ_f ?^ (\ ) Tru f\ -e c-- •.^ gyocjc.Ag. T/ / & JREMARKS INCLUDIHB MffTWGS u-y^s ; 0, ^ ; REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER <1,\(>C*(~ TEMPERATURE (02- r A SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START . LUNCH PERIOD _ 2ll SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME ' 30 VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WQ>JJ|)E SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 cCorporate 2992 E La Raima Ave , Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 8585373990 FIELD REPORT CONTINUED Branch 441 W State Street El Centra, CA 92243 Toll Free 877 563 TEST Tel 760 482 0600 Fax 760 482 0650 PROJEC;ADDR PRJ NO PfcAN riLC NO REPORT NO PG OF /.) k ~ C. I - V./O, il /O.O ) K T /£>.£> 6 /O ^i/i/7.5, Ffo/rt O.-s.J^ + Z. c\f\D e \g . \ 07 fo o - / o Signature S>Dale ol Report Certification Number Pnnl Name cCorporate 2992 E La Palma Ave , Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 rBranch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 FIELD REPORT CONTINUED Branch 441 W State Street El Centra, CA 92243 Toll Free 877 563 TEST Tel 760 482 0600 Fax 760 482 0650 PRJNO OX obsecved & YV\ 5 ^£ZM£_ 53-3 dsf.c/7./^e ^" ^.. x ±L w- c- (3 £- / /I £. £ W- I "7 W — Co /I - / z.yj- vA - 36, W- /••/ c- &/&ooJ - X Jvl / M.SJ,* / 67 .To Sig'naluie Dale ol Report Print Name lion Number Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 888 844 5060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK ARCHITECT ENGINEER CONTRACTOR SUB CONTRACTOR SUflSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE M 6 V &- 1 f~ <"~"<X VVN » ^ «S APPROVED p ^ __ ' FOR WEEK EH N/ 0 C? 1 & ft AJ U f^ <~ (c " _ . REPORT NOK Y v \ ' ' PLAN RLE NC DA^V; s ^ Pdcx-vxA-^ ^-^> ^ ' ' PROJECT MAI INSPECTION ADDRESS - ADDRESS OF/ ~~) & y o r/i /» •£ t^s & *-j ciov-c SOIL REPORT (Y)(N) SPECS (Y) (N) LANS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) DING PROJECT NO "f PG i OF y -^ PERMITNO JIE / -> /tt PROJECT , REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1CBO FIELD INSPECTION M ANUAL/MTGi. SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY. OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) ,5-rr<x/7S. S". // sic*ujS ' CONTRACTORS EDI IPMErfT/ MANPOWER USED . . . .;//, X AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED ^ "l V> ^ T /SXl Pies £ /" &r>J /, ^*f - K -fo C~' / */ Thro 3 /e /=-. r \ . REMARKS IMCLUDIHB MCEJ1HBS f~> C*K e -V e ro^r\ C-? TT/o Po r w D - / o /± 6? ^ (o / 9 D - zo / ili ; x / /^r/ii.v^c, ^^A ^n\. c ? _ -z^(XT . d»r^ v-' vJ v_^ 7 WOTe REWORK AS WEATHER C. \ TEMPERATURE .-£ » ^ee 1^/elcL report- £o^7 / o Co//K3f ^^X ^ O-r ^_ PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. £G.S~ SAMPLES TAKEN , / fr.*-/ C 1^ TESTS REQUIRED ' / v / / SITE TIME STAR LUNCH PERIOD — - ^^ ^^ ^ i^^ ,^ 1 U t 1 r / * O 6 ///H SITF TIMF FINISH <3 . £ O &J+1 \fl/ / . 1 i, rt i f/>. ^- * itwv ii-i { /( O' S TRAVF. TIMF 43— VFR.F.PnRY >A T'l^^CM/isA /° I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITHTHE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS. AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT 'Signature 3o t -ID Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 rCorporate 2992 E La Raima Ave , Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 rBranch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 FIELD REPORT CONTINUED Branch 441 W State Street El Centro, CA 92243 Toll Free 877 563 TEST Tel 760 482 0600 Fax 760 482 0650 ADDRESS OF PfJOJECT PRJNO PLAN,™ V *REPORT NO -3L PG 2- OF "Z. -3 - K- S*". I To - Z .X / Type. X B r* 5^ - 3.o • 3 H ' 3T' ^^S~. S* 7"o 9,6 6 -X Oo'-o' t<;,J+l\ r.')5:3 (&>'~0*T X Z5 3 - -/O Ceriilicalion Number Pnnl Name Corporate 2992 E La Palma Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 858 537 3990 Dispatch 8888445060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK _^4NSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE X^^a/^I / /~/~&J*1> *•» 1 APPROVED? ARCHITECT ' ^ FOR WEEK El\ A^O & / f £) *J L/ f"f f~~ i$ ~ ENGINEER . -~ ^ „ REPORT NO CONTRACTOR • PLANFI^ENC i_Jtf \S >' C *" ^f **^* A* /" ^-^ SUB CONTRACTOR _«- *" PROJECT NA INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) LANS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) DING PROJECT Np PG / OF 7 ~* PERMIT NO— <*x~gry <!LJ[3<!>$"/y% 9 f , I S? 1 ft / M. "&->'££?**' rf4*.f U /Les^fr /y> //G 5 PROJECT f REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS, ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALSUSiD BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) . ', CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT /MANPOWER USED x >, j v , ) ^ ; fa/ A. ( .T"/ Y>oc i^ rretJ AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED . .feiit* // ^jf Z — At "7~o 73, frl 7"o /<£ / s * £— AI ^r r~ /^Cf i rytsLci s/^^/_f ^, M.y/s ,^/ X-^/c/ 7^^/r 3-$L /^A*^ 2.*^ P/~^r ' M ^ B1 ~^*» , U± ^X 'C-fc C- *">^* > REMARKS INCLUDING MEH1HBS 6>vSJe±'js D-/0 **/(& llff^ _ |N> ^-^} ** fn ) Se-f_ F.t/J fe^f L ttHJ.^eS REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER $\Jt\P^f SAMPLES TAKEN i TEMPERATURE fn ~^ £ TESTS REQUIRED f\ SITE TIME START f'oO flfa RITF TIME FINISH "? ' &O /?/-? IIINrHPFRIOn «""" TRAVFI TIUF &--WR,F,PnBvIj H'S^OW. AoJ^ /olJffr I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WJTH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE-NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT /// Sranalure 7, /*r Cs^£:f Date of Report ICBO Certification Number V Print Name City I County Certification Number Rev 7/97 cCorporate 2992 E La Raima Ave , Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 rBranch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 8585373990 FIELD REPORT CONTINUED Branch 441 W State Street El Centra, CA 92243 Toll Free 877 563 TEST Tel 760 482 0600 Fax 760 482 0650 PROJECT-AtAME PRJNO PlANF REPORT NO PG . OF r "T ^_"t 3? " * y f-Se _,_- ^JC_CLLcJL_ S"3 )XT?/-/ ^3~-r^- rCorporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 858 537 3990 Dispatch 8888445060 Count,Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside. CA 92518 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK ^INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITESM —FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO ENGINEER REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR PROJKTNAMEc7 2^ INSPECTION ADBlfes ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi. SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OFJ.MATER1AL TEST. REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED AMA.GR1D LINES PIECES OBSERVED *&- STRUCTURAL NOTES '<_&. OR RFIS USED REWORK ASPERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE *?(} SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START . LUNCH PERIOD _ f f OO SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME I DECERTIFY THALLtlAVElPERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS ANS / OR TH£APPROVED>LANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Palma Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 858 537 3990 Dispatch 8888445060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT TYPEOFWOBKA — I]dJC [^INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ^ =ZE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1CBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S, IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND » n j-L SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS / / fly 4 MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (NCLUOE RESEARH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED ' l REMARKS mCLUDINBMEeTHIBS REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. I PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION WEATHER TEMPERATURE - (#£> SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED LUNCH PERIOD SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR TJ1HPPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT V Date of Report ICBO Certification Number <fPrint Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Palma Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 858 537 3990 Dispatch 8888445060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK ^BlfiSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITEC FOR WEEK ENDIIINfi . fl * / 61* If PROJECT NOtill* - REPORT NO PG OF PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO SUBCONTRACTOR PROJECT INSPECTION ADDRESS \1 ADDRESS OF PROJECT J= REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHKN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT /MANPOWER USEDft H W " /c- AREACR.DUIEBSERVEOIE^BSERVEO^ (7 - STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED\r REMARKS mcLUOma MEETINGS CeiAvP REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START I ' 7 O LUNCH PERIOD SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME '" ' ' VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WTTH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE.APPROVED PLANS_SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE-NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Sinature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name XC8y / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 8888445060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT QJECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING V/fe'/a-y PROJECT NO, REPORT NO PG / "/ CONTBACTOR •<• TMS - PROJKTNAME PERMIT NO. SUBCONTRACTOR 2L INSPECTION ADDRESS 17£>i*( REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS U£ED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCHBEPOBJ NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) ONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED REMARKS I'HCLUDIHB MECVtfS /, / /I , , // 7 V 7"~ /"" J 1 L /£e*// i/Aigiu»&yiL M/y f~ rt~~ r~ ^ _ _&%& "& _*A**J&U/*-j REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WOBK TODAY SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START /"'df-O f] Cl/[ SITE TIME FINISH J f. I £> l/2_ V^ * TRAVEL TIMELUNCH PERIOD VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH VHE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR IH£ APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE-NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT tn ' Dale of Fieport III ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 8888445060 1Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT TYPEOFWOBK 6KNSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT /?/}/brq(&~ ENGINEER/^ _ FOR WEEK ENDING / d -7 PROJECT NO REPORT NO CONTRACTOR PLAN 61 SUB CONTRACTOR PlferECT/NAME * X? _^_ > / //'W&JL^D /&3&T l/SU^ INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELDftlSPECTION MANUAL7MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS A$fo LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS AND RF1S ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS MATERIALS US/D B,Y CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS)c-s CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START ~Lj&& LUNCH PERIOD /Z. H^ , SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITHTHE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATION^ AND / QPJtttf. APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT (/ Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rcu 7/Q7 Corporate 2992 E La Palma Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 8888445060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD ISPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS' IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND . /A *f- SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS - — (Jl^, jf iz. REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START .7J is* t/g. /ut SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME 3^ VERIFIED BY, I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES W1THJHE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OBTT)E APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT (/ Signature f*T tf VPr'm f Date of Report 'ICBO Certification Number int Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Client ^REPORT OF ULTRASONIC INSPECTION AProject Date 4V/ 5/2oo 7 Project No /9 Test Method Standard Acceptance Standard Location Weld Identification ^ 'tc^c asffrri JaGA (ffo Ql 4^ \- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /^r~G-^-u? — 1^~ /7t~> -^ h / • / (Z*±^ <-f] TAG)*. 6. ^ Length /o *-/«/' Thickness , ^0 -- 1 2"75 '' SHOP -. " ~~^Meets CodeX VN a>T30O (A £Procedure LegendNumberi 1Indication Number 'Transducer Angle1d* 0)o Su. *DJo> /6- -0°^ ^ ^-^Y^ Ultrasonic Unit /!(/? H^/>1 2*n> Sena) No "^ S ^J> ^ / - ^> */ / Decibels**IndicationLevela ReferenceLevelb G>7 6>7 AttenuationFactorc IndicationRatingd Discontinuity .c c0) WELD LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION SKETCH AngularDistance(sound path); 0 i 03 fl0] 3a w DlSt£ From X Couplant Calibration Blocks Frequency Surface Conditions Technician tij / i^L,' rfT^n t~y ti/u Technician ' (Indicate X-Y Markings) i> Level ^t— Interpreter fij , C-ya-t/ S» Level 'r Level X-Y MARKERS * Use Leg 1, II or III ** Gam in Db "Attenuate a-b-c=d b-a-c REMARKS Signature.^%j=^^-^ rCorporate 2992 E La Palma Ave , Ste A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County Inland Empl 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 Moreno Valley. CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 FIELD REPORT TYPE J1E-WDRK iNSj£ECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) , / SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) i SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT A /A FOR WEEK ENDING-COJ REPORT NO PG OF CONTIjtAgroR PUN FILE NO i/,a*zPROJ INSPECTION ADDRESS <;ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1CBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTF. ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TESXREPORJS) //V CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USE REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE -^-^r SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START . LUNCH PERIOD _ 40 fl }?>}SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY I DO CERTp-T,HAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OJHHE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT XTSignature V L Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Palma Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 8888445060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK D INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT REPORT NO PG V Of( PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO HELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi. SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS. AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED REMARKS IHCLUOIHB MEET1HGS REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.vw PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED 3 6* V 1 2_*S SITE TIME START. LUNCH PERIOD _ SITE TIME FINISH t2- TRAVELTIME VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE-NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Ptmt Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 ICorporate 2992 E La Palma Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial Cou 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 8888445060 FIELD REPORT Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 TYPE OF WORK '.INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOJI..REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Ifr-ftf) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD ^/SPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND^LISTS IFTHEKE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIMENT/ MANPOWER USED / STRUCTURAL NOTES BTAIL OR RFIS USED REMARKS IHCLUDIHB MEETIHGS REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE fa "7 SAMPLES TAKEN (l TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START .i+(M niMr.HPFRinn KLt(^ v^f SITE TIME FINISH [^ ' xffi yl*( TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY .. I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH TH^SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / 0>H«HE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERW/SE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT •—\V7?gi^ Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial Cou 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 8888445060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK NSPECTOR AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (J<fN) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) 7z77FCfl WEEK ENDING /<97 PROJECT NO REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO s'nl CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi. SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND lAjfrs IFTHERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OP THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS RTC F1LLOUT AND /VHACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMITACOPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE (ft $ f " U? ' P SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START _ LUNCH PERIOD . ___ (?-M_SITE TIME FINISH ^_t_ TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY 1 DO CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OflvTHE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT ii2)>*i Date of Ffeport ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial Coui 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 8888445060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT S TYPE OF WORK STOSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOJL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (V SOILF MTlN) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING f/27.- REPORT NO / / PG , PROJECT NO REPORTING REQU1RKMPINTS ICBO P1ELD INgPHCTlON MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS \Y THERE IS NON CONFOKM1NG WORK AT TI IE LND OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC I-ll.L OUT AND ATTACH A DEl'TCI F.NC Y REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORI NO OR MATERIAL TEST SPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSESVED . P. REWORK AS BfRCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START LUNCH PERIOD - SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY 'J I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR/rflE)APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT / &l Date of Report ICBO Certification Number City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 pavlS-Adamg Bluest For Information Project Manager Chris Benzmg Project Site Fax Project Phone: Date: 1.17.07 Project: Carlsbad Ranch Resorts (Villa #1 & 3) Job #: 3643 TO Q cc Q Contact Bruce Zelenka Fax 760 431 4580 OWNER Grand Pacific Resorts Phone 760 431 8500 TO [| cc 0 John Mattox Fax 760431 5702 ARCHITECT JPM Phone 760 431 5653 TO |_J cc [_] Contact Fax ENGINEER Phone Reference HD's Sheet/Detail S3-1 We are requesting the following information to be provided and/or Clarified, Refer E & I line, Double X braced wall The HD's closest to 5 line laid out into plumbing risers. Would we be able to extend the wall approximately 12" to miss the plumbing If so, please provide details for new dowels at HD's RESPONSE NEEDED B Y ASAP SUBMITTED BY Chris Benzmg Failure to address thi^FI in a timely manner may cause delay in the project, which_wg_willjioibe_hgldr6SEonsible RESPONSE The strapped wall length can be 12" longer Use the standard holdown detail Where the added stirrups are missing, drill and epoxy (4)-#4 U-bars or (S)-J-hooks 6" into the footing with Simpson SET or Hilti HIT These bars should be within 9" of the holdown on each side and they should hook around a minimum #4 bar Answered by Geoff Warchohk u Date 01-17-07 D&A Personnel Date 7986.P.aggfiLSt. San Prepp, CA 9311UM02 * Ph. 858/268/9837 * V™ fiS Genera! Contractor * Lie No 576505 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 8888445060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside. CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT RKFORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD ^/SPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL. MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORT'S ANI&.ISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OH THE WORK DAY" OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL GUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) L/pw CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED / STRUCTURAL NOTES rf/tAIL OR RFIS USED REMARKS IHCLUDING MEETINGS REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATUREE ^ *% tip- ^ 1} t SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START LUNCH PERIOD -M-:,l£>-A-& ILk. SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME -/£- VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH TH&SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OJHWE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Palma Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 858 537 3990 Dispatch 8888445060 Inland Empire 14467Mer/d/anPkw,Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK ^INSPECTOR AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (WTO SPECS (V)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING / /^i 01 PROJECT NO REPORT NO PG OF PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO C SOB CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS -\A/, ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIEl .D INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi, SOIL MANUAL, - REVIKW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LWTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE F.ND OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RHS ETC , FILL OUT ANirATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEHCIF.NCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBERVE» REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START _ |_L<§j£L. LUNCH PERIOD SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WOF1K COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OftXTHE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT 2 i ai Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 8888445060 FIELD REPORT Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bidg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 TYPE OF WORK ^INSPECTOR QTECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOJJ. REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (V SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO REPORT NO 7 OF/ PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO Q /*& " UM±LKY\. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INFECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LIS'M IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RF1S, ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACIIA DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DFJFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RS6EARCH REPOR^ NO OR MATERIAL TEST/^PORTS) / artT CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED RUCWWAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIfi/USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSEiVED . 0. REWORK AS BfRCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START. LUNCH PERIOD _ SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME -I E> VERIFIED BY I I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR/rfTF} APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT / <P~7 Date of Report ICBO Certification Number City / County Certification Number Corporate 2992 E La Palma Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 888 844 5060 FIELD REPORT Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw,Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD AFFECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS ANI&.ISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC , FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) I4p>l\t CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT /MANPOWER USED / STRUCTURAL NOTES QTAIL OR RFIS USED REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETLOINL WEATHER TEMP6RATURE /9 "/ SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START LUNCH PERIOD SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY 1 DO CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WlHTHSOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / QfHE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWSE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report ICBO'Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 8888445060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw,Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK INSPECTOR AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (tftfi) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (V) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING 1 / )/2.1 B1 PROJECT NO REPORT NO PG OF • CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO SOT CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND ifofTS IF THERE IS N;ON-CONFORM1NG WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND*ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE (fi. (9 " (^ ' P SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START ._ LUNCH PERIOD _ 2_.JLM.SITE TIME FINISH -3- TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY 1 DO CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OflVTHE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Fwport ICBO Certification Number 'Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 8888445060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT arospECTOR DTECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOJL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (\<(N) /Z7/97 SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO ENGINEL. „ KVP REPORT NO OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO /7U6V\ UTWfc/flH? PROJECT NAM Ul/L. ADDRESS OF PROJ REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi. SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE R CH REPORI NO OR MATERIAL TEST *PORTS) tfa liO CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES RU'CIWAL NOTES DETAIL iR RFluSED REWORK AS BERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START. LUNCH PERIOD fy I SITE TIME FINISH ^2 TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY AND / OR/ffE) APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT / /^2/ 07 Date of Report ICBO Certification Number City / County Certification Number Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 8888445060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS QPfW) SPECS (YHN) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO REPORT NO PG " PLAN FILE NO STjB CONTRACTOR (0 PROJECT NAME Ac, -Vxj&. ADDRESS OF PROJECTi ~7 o ^ REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1CBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL'MTGi. SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND 1 ISfS IF THKRE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RF1S ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTORfid i LUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIALST REPORTS)info r CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED M \,<£) REWORK AS PERCHMT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. SAMPLES TAKEN A/ /) TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START LUNCH PERIOD . _..klA0 £#L SITE TIME FINISH */ . flfl ^ TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT I i 10 i 07 Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 888 844 5060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK a TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (jf}*(N) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO co\ REPORT NO OF PLAN FILE NO PERMIT Nl SUB CONTRACTOR S_ WSPECT10N ADDRESS 11 ADDRESS OF PROJECT . Q Wt REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPllON M ANUAL/MTGi. SOIL MANUAL - RF.VIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORR£CTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS MATERIALS USED B/CONTRACTOR (INCtUDE RESEARCH BWORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS)RIALS USED BY CONTRACTWI (INCtUDE RESE b ( 5 A /x£L uf)/IAvs lf -. CEI\iyPRO^CT'COMPLETIOI\l'.NT OF ALL WQRKTQDAY WEATHER TEMPERATURE i/<~ ._ SITE TIME START LUNCH PERIOD y~> SITE TIME FINISH _ TRAVEL TIME 2. ' VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WI\H THE JOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OETTlE APPROVED PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISEUtTTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number A 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 714 632 2999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County Inland Empire 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G 14467 Meridian Pkw , Bldg 2-A San Diego, CA 921 21 Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 858 537 3999 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 858 537 3990 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 Dispatch 888 844 5060 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK [gTNSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN ARCHITECT/*1 _ \f ir^^t^ CONTRACTOR /h I \J(Lrt^O vL&4lMkO SUBCONTRACTOR , ft i) /(£)- UYA, L/vvCt^Xt?., INSPECTION ADDRESS i / ~1 0 ^ iQ/LX^J? _ W&Af AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING / / PROJECT NO ^ _ .1/13/01 iiibcei REPORT NO / / PG 1 OF I PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NjL _ ^, . , - _ PTOJECT NAME f\ fl / ^ S~ jl A f] ft / /tf f &Wi/\>W- u&sCA IA<L^ ~ lA/lJ^AJuQvL rtui6l^ U^vltf 3 ADDRESS OF PROJECT / / / 1 0 V 0/WKJL WAMs REPORTING REQU1REMEN PS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGl. SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND Lljrff's IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC KILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS ... / 1 A ^\ufro^rfodkrt£ u>€T(( f\tv^> t i.r^i^axl ^ jrJo- fjAjtpIiyQ ig> 1 n jO— ^-" n u -J— ~t-/ i / u~t~^JL4AAA^\SLo(~ $**>&( sYYlsiAl Uf<^/\~ M*- XX ff>\. fiLo^n £)JA£ ~fe jtfrtdl lrr\(J62*n(i*f+- TfrA-A / X/2- A"? U f REWORK A& PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. TEMPERATURE ^OflJ SITF TIMF START \$ • 7(9 SITF TIMF FINISH niwrapFRinn /(/n~ TRAVFI TIMF PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED vFRiFimRY/x/ Nkv/; Ocw^^/v/ /7\ I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WlTH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OB THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISFNOIffi IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Corporate 2992 E La Palma Ave , Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Empl 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 FIELD REPORT a INSPECTOR AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) / f SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) AtA FOR WEEK ENDING ENGINEER REPORT NO PG OF PLAN FILE NO PERMIT SUB L s INSPECTION ADOBES ADDRESS OF PROJf CT,. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION M ANUMJMTGi. SOU. MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUiTWEBK S REPORTS MAJEB16LS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INC/JDE-flESFjRCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL JKJ REPORTS) ^T7- >• r* *• *>/*}-. ^ - . J I I *^-0jT~ ft - s- s\—*—x s-.*f A SV\ r~ , L nuT STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL ORBHSUSED REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE / &d/f ]/ A "Tft) PJS SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START LUNCH PERIOD SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME X VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WI(H THE/30IL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND>OR THE APPJWVED/LANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISOteTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT / / ? i2007 Date of Report / ttinu./-un i nc rtrrnuvcL/.rL/'CM% Signature *S ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certificatfon Number Reu 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Dispatch 800 491 2990 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd Ste G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Dispatch 8888445060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkw.Bldg 2-A Riverside, CA 92508 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Dispatch 800 491 2990 FIELD REPORT D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO REPORT NO PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION' MANUAL/MTGi. SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS V IFTHERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCHMtEPORT NO ORMATERIAL TES /* CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED il STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS tfSIED PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETIONAS PERfCENT OF ALL WORKTOftAY. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START ^?./. LUNCH PERIOD L^_ SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY __ I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITfH M^IL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OGPIHE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEDJIN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Signature I Date of Report ICBO Certification'Number 'nnt Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Bergelectric Corp • Contractors & Engmeeis March 25, 2008 Project Carlsbad Ranch Resort Villas Our Work Order No 10357 Correspondence No 00004 Subject MSV1 & 1MSV2 Connections To whom it may concern Please note that Bergelectric has torqued the wire connections lor MSV1 and MSV2 per the switchboard manufacturer's recommendations Please call if you should have any questions Very truly yours, BERGELECTRIC CORPORATION Andrew KuUner Project Manager Distribution [Bergeleclric Corporation Bergelectric Corporation 650 Opper Street Escondido CA 92029 Phone 760-746-1004 Ext 400 Fax 760-741-2022 License No C10-85046 3/25/2008-10 30 49 AM .--^_ EsGil Corporation In (Partnership with government for (Building Safety DATE MAY 11, 20O6 a APPLICANT JURISDICTION CARLSBAD Q PLAN REVIEWER Q FILE PLAN CHECK NO 05-1489 SET VI PROJECT ADDRESS 1201 CANNON ROAD PROJECT NAME CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT (VILLA 3 TIME SHARES) DRAWING SLIP-SHEETED AT ESGIL ON 6/11/06. XI The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck PLEASE SEE BELOW The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to RUSS ONUFER 2398 SAN DIEGO AVE , SAN DIEGO. CA 92110 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted RUSS Telephone # 619-297-8066 Date contacted (by ) Fax # -8Q§§ Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS Please..see.atta£Md_fo.r_r.ejTjaining-P/-M/E-4t-effis — _ By Glen Adamek for All Sadre Enclosures Esgil Corporation 13 GA D MB D EJ D PC 4/26/06 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 4 San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 * Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In Partners Kip with government for (Buiftfing Safety DATE April 20, 2O06 a APPLICANT a JURIS JURISDICTION CARLSBAD a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO 05-1489 SET V PROJECT ADDRESS 1201 CANNON ROAD PROJECT NAME CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT (VILLA 3 TIME SHARES) ONLY SLIP- SHEETS PROVIDED FOR THIS REVIEW. I | The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck XI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck PLEASE SEE BELOW The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person XI The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to RUSS ONUFER 2398 SAN DIEGO AVE , SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed XI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted RUSS Telephone* 619-297-8066 Date contacted ^W>\cto (by^Vj) Fax # -8055 Mail Telephone \/ Fax ^/ In Person XI REMARKS Please see attached for remaining P/M/E items Submit three sets of revised, stamped & signed plans to the Building Department for review & approval ONLY SLIP- SHEETS PROVIDED FOR THIS REVIEW. PLEASE PROVIDE COMPLETE, CORRECTED PLAN PACKAGES FOR THE NEXT REVIEW. By All Sadre Enclosures Esgil Corporation E3 GA D MB D EJ D PC 4/13/06 tmsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 * Fax (858) 560-1576 CARLSBAD 05-1489 April 20, 2006 * PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek 79 THE FINAL SET OF CORRECTED DRAWINGS TO BE REVIEWED FOR SIGNING AND SEALING JUST BEFORE THE PERMITS ARE TO BE ISSUED. Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation, before the permits are issued Business and Professions Code 80 THE DRAWING SHOW DUCT OPENINGS IN THE FIRE-RATE CEILINGS. NO FURRED CEILINGS SHOWN IN CEILING OUTSIDE THE FRONT DOORS OF EACH SPACE AND GRILLES ARE SHOWN IN THE FIRE-RATED CEILING OF THE LAUNDRY ROOM. THE PLANS DO NOT SHOW HOW THE REQUIRED CEILING RATED FIRE DAMPERS FOR ALL DUCT OPENING IN THE FIRE RATED CEILING MEMBRANES FOR OUTSIDE AIR GRILLES IN THE FIRE- RATED CEILING MEMBRANES OF PORCHES AT ENTRY DOORS, AND EXHAUST & MAKE-UP AIR GRILLES IN CEILING OF THE LAUNDRY ROOM Show the required ceiling rated fire dampers at duct openings in the fire rated ceiling membranes UBC, Section 713 11 #4 84 CORRECT WATER LINE SIZING CALCULATIONS ON SHEET P-002 AS FOLLOWS: G) THE NEW REVISED 4 INCH WATER MAINS #1, 2, AND 3 SHOWN ON THE UTILITY EXHIBIT DRAWINGS BY EXCEL ENGINEERING ARE UNDERSIZED AS PER THE REVISED WATER LINE SIZING CALCULATIONS ON SHEET P-002. SHEET P-002 SHOWS TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS OF 1,046.5 (214 GPM DEMAND FLOW), BUT THE PIPE SIZING TABLE SHOWS ONLY 874 FIXTURE UNITS (195.8 GPM) MAXIMUM FLOW IS ALLOWED ON A 4 INCH WATER LINE. PLEASE CORRECT. H) A COMPLETE REVIEW OF THE WATER LINE SIZING WILL BE REVIEWED WHEN THE COMPLETE WATER LINE PLANS AND CALCULATIONS ARE PROVIDED 90 THE DRAWINGS STILL DO NOT CLEARLY SHOW SEPARATE FIRE RATED SHAFTS SERVING EACH SEPARATE FLOOR LEVEL. PLEASE CORRECT. SHEETS M-102, M-103 AND M-104 NOW SHOWS THE WATER HEATER FLUE, THE SEPARATE HIGH & SEPARATE LOW COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, THE LAUNDRY ROOM EXHAUST FAN DUCT AND REQUIRED TWO DRYER VENT DUCTS IN THE COMMON FIRE RATED SHAFT. PLEASE REMOVE THE LAUNDRY ROOM EXHAUST FAN DUCT AND REQUIRED TWO DRYER VENT DUCTS FROM THE COMMON FIRE RATED SHAFT BECAUSE, UPC SECTION 507.3.6 REQUIREMENTS FOR THE COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS THE FIRE RATED SHAFT MAY ONLY SERVE THE WATER HEATER ROOM. PLEASE CORRECT. CARLSBAD O5-1489 April 20, 2006 • MECHANICAL (2000 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 95 NOTE: EXHAUST FANS DO NOT PROVIDE THE REQUIRED MINIMUM OUTSIDE AIR FOR THE BEDROOM MECHANICAL VENTILATION. THE OPEN TRANSFER DUCTS FROM THE OUTSIDE TO THE ROOM ARE NOT ALLOWED AS PER THE ENERGY STANDARDS AND ARE NOT MECHANICAL VENTILATION BECAUSE THE DUCTING DOES NOT CONNECT TO THE MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. THE PROPOSED DUCTLESS SPLIT SYSTEM HEAT PUMPS ARE NOT DESIGNED FOR OUTSIDE DUCTING TO PROVIDE MECHANICAL VENTILATION. PLEASE CORRECT. No mechanical ventilation provided for the single bedroom guest rooms with wall mounted fan coil units. No outside air connected to the fan coil units. Where windows must be closed to comply with sound levels, it is necessary to provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing at least two air changes per hour Provide design 99 THE DRAWINGS STILL DO NOT CLEARLY SHOW SEPARATE FIRE RATED SHAFT SERVING ONLY THE LAUNDRY ROOM. PLEASE CORRECT. DETAIL HOW EACH OF THE REQUIRED TWO DRYER DUCTS ARE TO BE ROUTED AS NOT TO REQUIRE SMOKE AND/OR FIRE DAMPERS WHEN LEAVING THE REQUIRED FIRE RATED LAUNDRY ROOM. PROVIDE A SEPARATE FOR RATED SHAFT SERVING ONLY THE LAUNDRY ROOM (DRYER VENTS AND EXHAUST FAN). (ALL DUCTS OPENINGS IN THE COMMON FIRE-RATED SHAFT MUST BE PROTECTED BY FIRE AND SMOKE DAMPER AS PER UBC, SECTIONS 713.10 AND 713.11.0.). Note: If you have any questions regarding this Plumbing and Mechanical plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans ENERGY CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Morteza Beheshti 18 DEREK HUDAK THE DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR HAS NOT SIGNED THE NEW ENV-1 FORM ON SHEET M004. 19 A new revised energy design package was provided in this plan package Please explain why and what changes are being made in the new energy designs A complete review will be made when provided Note: If you have any questions regarding this Energy plan review list please contact Morteza Beheshti at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans EsGil Corporation In Partnership -with government for <Bui(ding Safety DATE FEBRUARY 7, 2006 a APPLICANT JURISDICTION CARLSBAD a PLAN REVIEWER D FILE PLAN CHECK NO 05-1489 SET III PROJECT ADDRESS 1201 CANNON ROAD PROJECT NAME CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT (VILLA 3 TIME SHARES) The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck XI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck PLEASE SEE BELOW The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person XI The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to RUSS ONUFER 2398 SAN DIEGO AVE , SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed XI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted RUSS Telephone # 619-297-8066 Date contacted #/$/06(by^M) Fax # -8055 Mail Telephone Fax ''in Person XI REMARKS Please see below for remaining items from previous list By All Sadre Enclosures Esgil Corporation IE! GA Kl MB D EJ D PC 1/26 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858)560-1468 * Fax (S5S) 560-1576 CARLSBAD O5-1489 FEBRUARY 7, 20O6 • Please make all corrections on the originals and submit two revised, stamped & signed sets of plans to The Building Department • To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans ARCHITECTURAL 1 When special inspection is required, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit Please complete the attached form Section 106 3 5 This is still not done 2 Please show 1-hour rated occupancy separation walls with one hour rated doors I e , the R1 & common spaces such as the electrical room, TTB room & house keeping on Sheets A-3 & A-4 This is still not done 3 The size of the window as shown in the living room is 8' versus 4' wide as per the window schedule Sheets A-7 & A-12 • MISCELLANEOUS 4 Please see attached for any remaining P/M/E items • The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact All Sadre at Esgil Corporation Thank you • ELECTRICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Morteza Beheshti • ENERGY CONSERVATION 18. Please provide the envelope energy design package (ENV-forms) And the ENV-1 form must be signed by the Documentation Author and the Principal Envelope Designer and must be imprinted on the drawings Note If you have any questions regarding this Electrical or Energy plan review list please contact Morteza Beheshti at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans CARLSBAD 05-1489 FEBRUARY 7, 2OO6 * PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek 79 The final set of corrected drawings to be reviewed for signing and sealing just before the permits are to be issued All three sets of drawings are not signed by the Engineers of record and the Architect of record Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation, before the permits are issued Business and Professions Code 80 No response provided and no details on how the fire rating at duct openings of ducts up through the roof are to maintain the fire protection at the ceiling membranes? Show the required ceiling rated fire dampers at duct openings in the fire rated ceiling membranes UBC, Section 713 11 #4 82 No architectural response and no site sewer construction drawing provided and only the sewer 'cleanout' rim elevations shown on the drawings The only Civil Engineer's drawings provided are the Grading Plans and the Grading Plans do not include the site plumbing drawings? Please show the upstream sewer manhole rim elevation compared to the plumbing fixtures' flood rim elevations as per the response As per UPC, Section 7101, provide backwater valves on all building drains which serve plumbing fixtures with flood rim elevations below the upstream manhole rim elevations Only fixtures with flood rim levels below the upstream manhole rim elevation may flow through a backwater valve 83 No architectural response and no site water and sewer construction drawing provided Provide the site plumbing plans showing the sizes and locations of the water meters, and the sizes, routes, and slopes of the building sewer and site water lines Sheet P-003 is incomplete as a site plumbing plan and the only Civil Engineer's drawings provided are the Grading Plans and the Grading Plans do not include the site plumbing drawings- A) Clearly show the private building sewer line from the building to the public sewer system Clearly show the sizes, routes, slopes and cleanout locations Not found on the drawings7 B) Clearly show the locations and sizes of each of the public water meters Not found on the drawings9 - _ C) Clearly show the sizes and routes of the public water lines from the water meters to each building Not found on the drawings7 84 The water line sizing calculations were not corrected Correct the water line sizing calculations on sheet P-002 A) The total water demand of only 222 fixture units is much too low for each building, as per UPC, Table A-2 Using the data m the Plumbing Fixture Unit Count table on sheet P-002 it look like the water demand CARLSBAD 05-1489 FEBRUARY 7, 2006 is 273.5 fixture units (85GPM) As per the Pipe Sizing Table on sheet P-002 the proposed 21/a inch water main is undersized for the total water demand shown Please correct Please correct B) No site water construction drawing provided showing the sizes and locations of the public water meters and the water line sizing calculations do not include the pressure losses for the water meters the elevations between the water meters and the buildings and the site water line friction loss between the water meter and the building. Please correct and show the water pressures at the water meters. C) A complete review of the water line sizing will be reviewed when the complete water line plans and calculations are provided. 85 Sheet P-402 does not show the floor dram in the laundry room9 Show the required floor dram in the Laundry room, as per UPC Section 412 2 3 86 No response provided7 Detail how floor dram trap seal is to be maintained UPC Section 1007 0 (floor dram trap primers) 87 No response provided9 Please correct the DWV Riser Diagrams on sheet P-402 for stacks serving three floor levels and bathtubs, laundries, washing machine stand pipes, kitchen sinks, and/or dishwashers Detail the required Suds Relief "Drainage connections shall not be made into a drainage piping system within eight feet of any vertical to horizontal change of direction of a stack containing subs-producing fixtures Bathtubs, laundries, washing machine stand pipes, kitchen sinks, and dishwashers shall be considered suds-producing fixtures " UPC, Section 711 0 90 Sheets M-102, M-103 and M-104 show only a single combustion air duct Please provide a separate high combustion air duct to the exterior and a separate low combustion air duct to the exterior As per UPC, Section 507.3.5 "Opening shall serve only upper or lower combustion air openings The separation between ducts serving upper and lower combustion air openings shall be maintained to the source of combustion air " Please correct 91 Please provide the signed engineer's calculations for the holddown design in detail 1 on sheet P-301 Provide design data for allowed pull out seismic forces for the expansion bolts Show that water heater is adequately braced to resist seismic forces UPC, Section 510 5 • MECHANICAL (2000 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 95 No response provided9 No mechanical ventilation provided for the single bedroom guest rooms with wall mounted fan coil units. No outside air connected to the fan coil units Where windows must be closed to comply CARLSBAD O5-1489 FEBRUARY 7, 2006 with sound levels, it is necessary to provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing at least two air changes per hour Provide design 97 No response provided and no cut-sheets found9 Please provide the cut- sheets for the proposed split system heat pumps 99 No response provided9 Provide the dryer duct routing design to the outside The maximum length is 14 feet with two 90-degree elbows UMC Section 50432 • Note' If you have any questions regarding this Plumbing and Mechanical plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans CARLSBAD 05-1489 FEBRUARY 7, 20O6 City of Carlsbad Building Department BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT FOR SPECIAL INSPECTION Do Not Remove From Plans Plan Check No 05-1489 Job Address or Legal Description 1201 CANNON ROAD Owner Address You are hereby notified that in addition to the inspection of construction provided by the Building Department, an approved Registered Special Inspector is required to provide continuous inspection during the performance of the phases of construction indicated on the reverse side of this sheet The Registered Special Inspector shall be approved by the City of Carlsbad Building Department prior to the issuance of the building permit Special Inspectors having a current certification from the City of San Diego, Los Angeles, or ICBO are approved as Special Inspectors for the type of construction for which they are certified The inspections by a Special Inspector do not change the requirements for inspections by personnel of the City of Carlsbad building department The inspections by a Special Inspector are in addition to the inspections normally required by the County Building Code The Special Inspector is not authorized to inspect and approve any work other than that for which he/she is specifically assigned to inspect The Special Inspector is not authorized to accept alternate materials, structural changes, or any requests for plan changes The Special Inspector is required to submit written reports to the City of Carlsbad building department of all work that he/she inspected and approved The final inspection approval will not be given until all Special Inspection reports have been received and approved by the City of Carlsbad building department Please submit the names of the inspectors who will perform the special inspections on each of the items indicated on the reverse side of this sheet (over) CARLSBAD O5-1489 FEBRUARY 7, 2006 SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER OWNER'S NAME I, as the owner, or agent of the owner (contractors may not employ the special inspector), certify that I, or the architect/engineer of record, will be responsible for employing the special mspector(s) as required by Uniform Building Code (UBC) Section 1701 1 for the construction project located at the site listed above UBC Section 106 3 5 Signed I, as the engineer/architect of record, certify that I have prepared the following special inspection program as required by UBC Section 106 3 5 for the construction project located at the site listed above Engineer s/Architect s Seal & Signature Here Signed 1 List of work requiring special inspection [>3 Soils Compliance Prior to Foundation Inspection [X] Field Welding [>3 Structural Concrete Over 2500 PSI [X] High Strength Bolting O Prestressed Concrete [>\] Expansion/Epoxy Anchors [H Structural Masonry Q Sprayed-On Fireproofmg [H Designer Specified O Other 2 Name(s) of mdividual(s) or firm(s) responsible for the special inspections listed above B C 3 Duties of the special inspectors for the work listed above A B C Special inspectors shall check in with the City and present their credentials for approval prior to beginning work on the job site IAEI Border Counties Division And ICC Electrical Committee Meeting Minutes Date December 13, 2005 Time 12 Noon-No Host Lunch Location Sizzler Restaurant (Meeting Room) 1) Call to Order and Self Introductions: Meeting was called to order at 1 04 P M by Steve Jones, and all in attendance made self- introductions 2) Approval of Minutes: Minutes for the December 13, 2005 meeting were approved 3) Old Business: 1. San Diego Area Electrical Newsletter was approved by the Building Officials Review to be held at next meeting 2. PV training to be offered by the City of San Diego on January 19 Open to AHJ employees only John Wiles guest speaker 3. Discussion on NFPA 70E and 240 volts or less IEEE-1584- 2004a edition 4. Live/work occupancies were discussed further and the metering rates for them The rate issues mainly apply to existing units 4) New Business: The Western Sign Show is coming to San Diego February 10-11 Tim Owens to be a guest speaker 5) Presentation- Leslie Sabm-Mercado, Southwest Conference Electrical Fire and Safety Committee report 6) Question of the month: Questions regarding the use of Romex Brief history provided 7) Inspector's Time: Handout for how to obtain a permit in the City of San Diego for a PV system Website information 8) Utility Time- 9) Testing Agency. 10) Contractors Time. 1. Transformer grounding was discussed and an example was handed out for revie\\ 2. Overhead to underground conversions sometimes creates an issue for PV ac disconnect when new meter is relocated 3. Class A roof usually required to be installed under a roof mounted PV system 11) Manufacturers Time: Representative passed out his business card and information on Vital-link fire rated cable 12) Adjournment. IAEI Border Counties Division And ICC Electrical Committee Meeting Notice Date: Feb 14, 2006 Time: 12:00 p.m. No-Host Lunch 1:00 p.m. Meeting Location: Sizzler Restaurant (Meeting Room) 3755 Murphy Canyon Road (Corner of Murphy Canyon Road and Aero Drive) San Diego CA Agenda: 1) Call to Order and Self Introductions 2) Approval of Minutes 3) Old Business 4) New Business —Newsletter review 5) Presentation— Chris Hunter, Alcan -Aluminum wiring 6) Question of the Month 7) Inspector's Time 8) Utility's Time 9) Testing Agency's Time 10) Contractor's Time 11) Consultant's/Engineer's Time 12) Manufacturer's Time 13) Adjournment (Remindei. its \alentines dav!) EsGil Corporation In (Partnership with government for <Rw[tfing Safety DATE JULY 06, 2005 a APPLICANT JURISDICTION CARLSBAD a PLAI^REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO 05-1489 SET II PROJECT ADDRESS 1201 CANNON ROAD PROJECT NAME CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT (VILLA 3 TIME SHARES) The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck /\] The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck PLEASE SEE BELOW The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person X] The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to RUSS ONUFER 2398 SAN DIEGO AVE , SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed XI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted RUSS Telephone # 619-297-8066 Date contacted 7/7/D (by &K) Fax # -8055/ { l .xMail ^/Telephone Fax-^ In Person A] REMARKS Please see below for remaining items from previous list By All Sadre Enclosures Esgil Corporation EX] GA K MB D EJ D PC 6/22 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 * San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 *• Fax (858) 560-1576 CARLSBAD 05-1489 JULY 06, 2O05 • Please make all corrections on the originals and submit two revised, stamped & signed sets of plans to The Building Department • To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans ARCHITECTURAL 1 When special inspection is required, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit Please complete the attached form Section 106 3 5 This is still not done 2 Show distance to assumed property lines for this building on Sheet A-2 Section 5031 3 Projections may not extend more than 12" into the 5' distance to the assumed PL's Section 503 2 1 [For example, show distance to assumed PL is 7' and the 2' typical eave projections, as shown, are not into the 5' set backs from the assumed PL's] 4 Any combustible projections located where openings are required to be protected shall be heavy timber or 1-hr construction Section 705 5 Exterior exit balconies, or stairs cannot be located in the 5' set backs from assumed PL's or actual PL's Section 1006 2 1 6 Please show 1-hour rated occupancy separation walls with one hour rated doors I e , the storage rooms, electrical room, TTB room, house keeping, etc , Sht A-3 Detail how 1-hr rated wall construction is maintained at built-in wall fixtures, fire extinguisher cabinets, electric panels exceedir Detail 6/A11 as per response list is not correct extinguisher cabinets, electric panels exceeding 16-m2 in area, etc Sec 709 7 8 Show steo-bv-step how you comply with all the recommendations in the Acoustical Report on plans. 9 The location of windows & their descriptions, as per the window schedule, do not match the floor plans Review them all carefully & revise the plans prior to resubmittal 10 Note on the cover sheet of plans that all units on the first level are fully HC complying, see Sheet A-7 & A-12 for details 11 Show the exterior wall on gridlme 2 is mm 65% open (show calculations on an elevation plan) to demonstrate that the light and ventilations can be taken from this exterior wall CARLSBAD O5-1489 JULY O6, 2005 12 Delete the openings in the three levels as shown on floor plans adjacent to the house keeping Buildings over one story and containing courts shall have an assumed property line for the purpose of determining required wall and opening protection of court walls, per Section 503 3 See A3 & A4 This means for the openings to stay, they need to be 10' wide open to contain windows and if less then no windows are permitted as shown The guardrails also should be solid and one hour rated for the bottom 30" • STRUCTURAL 13 Please provide foundation & complete framing details and references, guardrails, etc for the bridge. Include all member sizes, joist size, spacing, connections at each end, etc What is shown on S3-8, as per response, are not adequate 14 Revise the schedule on 2/D-12 to indicate BF-1, BF-2, etc as per framing plans 15 Provide typical elevations on plans for the 3-story shear walls with the walls both stacked or staggered showing typical references to the tie-down details between floors and at foundations, UNO • MISCELLANEOUS 16 Please see attached for P/M/E items * The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact All Sadre at Esgil Corporation Thank you * PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek • No responses provided in the plan package? 79 The final set of corrected drawings to be reviewed for signing and sealing just before the permits are to be issued. All three sets of drawings are not signed by the Engineers of record and the Architect of record. Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation, before the permits are issued Business and Professions Code 80 No response provided? Show the required ceiling rated fire dampers at duct openings in the fire rated ceiling membranes UBC, Section 713 11 #4 81 Sheets A-3 and A-4 show the fire rated shaft over the Boiler Room is detail 12 on sheet A-11. But the detail 12 on sheet A-11 is for the First Floor CARLSBAD 05-1489 JULY O6, 2O05 Threshold. (Is the correct detail #19?) Also, clearly show the one-hour fire rated separation between the Boiler Room and the covered walk area. • PLUMBING (2000 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 82 The only Civil Engineer's drawings provided are the Grading Plans and the Grading Plans do not include the site plumbing drawings? Please show the upstream sewer manhole rim elevation compared to the plumbing fixtures' flood rim elevations as per the response. As per UPC, Section 710 1, provide backwater valves on all building drains which serve plumbing fixtures with flood rim elevations below the upstream manhole rim elevations Only fixtures with flood rim levels below the upstream manhole rim elevation may flow through a backwater valve 83 Provide the site plumbing plans showing the sizes and locations of the gas meters and water meter, and the sizes, routes, and slopes of the building sewer, storm drainage system, site gas lines, and site water lines Sheet P-003 is incomplete as a site plumbing plan and the only Civil Engineer's drawings provided are the Grading Plans and the Grading Plans do not include the site plumbing drawings: A) Clearly show the private building sewer line from the proposed building to the public sewer system Clearly show the sizes, routes, slopes and cleanout locations B) Clearly show the locations and sizes of each of the public water meter C) Clearly show the sizes and routes of the public water lines from the water meter to the proposed building D) Show the sizes and lengths of the 5 psi, medium pressure gas lines from the gas meter to the proposed building E) Show the proposed developed pipe lengths of the proposed 5 psi, medium pressure gas lines from the gas meters to the proposed building F) Please provide the site storm water drainage plans 84 The water line sizing calculations were not corrected. Correct the water line sizing calculations on sheet P-002 A) The total water demand of only 156 fixture units is much too low for each building, as per UPC, Table A-2 Please provide a table showing each fixture type and their number B) The only 200 feet developed pipe length used in the water line sizing seems too low for the distant from the water meter to the most distant water fixture Please review C) The only 5 psi pressure loss at the water meter is too low as per UPC, Chart A-1 CARLSBAD OS-1489 JULY 06, 2005 85 Plans not corrected and no response provided? Show the required floor drains in the Laundry rooms, as per UPC Section 412 2 3 86 No response provided7 Detail how floor dram trap seal is to be maintained UPC Section 1007 0 (floor drain trap primers) 87 Please correct the DWV Riser Diagrams on sheet P-402 for stacks serving three floor levels and bathtubs, laundries, washing machine stand pipes, kitchen sinks, and/or dishwashers Detail the required Suds Relief "Drainage connections shall not be made into a drainage piping system within eight feet of any vertical to horizontal change of direction of a stack containing subs-producing fixtures Bathtubs, laundries, washing machine stand pipes, kitchen sinks, and dishwashers shall be considered suds-producing fixtures" UPC, Section 711 0 90 No response and no combustion air shown7 Detail how combustion air for fuel burning water heaters will be provided in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code, Section 507 0 91 No response provided and no seismic bracing details? Show that water heater is adequately braced to resist seismic forces Provide two straps on the storage tank and detail water heater bracing One strap at top 1/3 of the tank and one strap at bottom 1/3 of the tank UPC, Section 510 5 • MECHANICAL (2000 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 95 No mechanical ventilation provided for the single bedroom guest rooms with wall mounted fan coil units. No outside air connected to the fan coil units Where windows must be closed to comply, it is necessary to provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing at least two air changes per hour Provide design 97 No response provided and no cut-sheets found? Please provide the cut- sheets for the proposed split system heat pumps 99 Dryer vents were not shown on the drawings. Also, the sheets M-101 and M-102 show laundry rooms at first and second floor levels, and the rest of the drawings show only a laundry room at the third floor level. Please correct. Provide the dryer duct routing design to the outside The maximum length is 14 feet with two 90-degree elbows UMC Section 504 3 2 • Note: If you have any questions regarding this Plumbing and Mechanical plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans CARLSBAD OS-1489 JULY 06, 2OO5 • ELECTRICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Morteza Beheshti • ELECTRICAL (1999 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) 17 Please provide panel schedules for panels shown on single line SPECIFY SEPARATE BUILDING GROUND ELECTRODE & DISCONNECTING MEANS (FOR EACH SEPARATE BUILDING) ON SINGLE LINE. NEC 230-72, 250-32. • ENERGY CONSERVATION 18. The Documentation Author and the Principal Mechanical Designer must sign the imprinted MECH-1 form. Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical or Energy plan review list please contact Morteza Beheshti at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans CARLSBAD OS-1489 JULY O6, 2005 City of Carlsbad Building Department [BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT FOR SPECIAL INSPECTION Do Not Remove From Plans Plan Check No 05-1489 Job Address or Legal Description 1201 CANNON ROAD Owner Address You are hereby notified that in addition to the inspection of construction provided by the Building Department, an approved Registered Special Inspector is required to provide continuous inspection dunng the performance of the phases of construction indicated on the reverse side of this sheet The Registered Special Inspector shall be approved by the City of Carlsbad Building Department prior to the issuance of the building permit Special Inspectors having a current certification from the City of San Diego, Los Angeles, or ICBO are approved as Special Inspectors for the type of construction for which they are certified The inspections by a Special Inspector do not change the requirements for inspections by personnel of the City of Carlsbad building department The inspections by a Special Inspector are in addition to the inspections normally required by the County Building Code The Special Inspector is not authorized to inspect and approve any work other than that for which he/she is specifically assigned to inspect The Special Inspector is not authorized to accept alternate materials, structural changes, or any requests for plan changes The Special Inspector is required to submit written reports to the City of Carlsbad building department of all work that he/she inspected and approved The final inspection approval will not be given until all Special Inspection reports have been received and approved by the City of Carlsbad building department Please submit the names of the inspectors who will perform the special inspections on each of the items indicated on the reverse side of this sheet (over) CARLSBAD 05-1489 JULY O6, 20O5 SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION. PLAN CHECK NUMBER OWNER'S NAME: I, as the owner, or agent of the owner (contractors may not employ the special inspector), certify that I, or the architect/engineer of record, will be responsible for employing the special mspector(s) as required by Uniform Building Code (UBC) Section 1701 1 for the construction project located at the site listed above UBC Section 106 3 5 Signed I, as the engineer/architect of record, certify that I have prepared the following special inspection program as required by UBC Section 106 3 5 for the construction project located at the site listed above Engineer's/Architect s Seal & Signature Here Signed 1 List of work requiring special inspection [>3 Soils Compliance Prior to Foundation Inspection £<] Field Welding [X] Structural Concrete Over 2500 PSI [3 High Strength Bolting D Prestressed Concrete £3 Expansion/Epoxy Anchors D Structural Masonry G Sprayed-On Fireproofmg D Designer Specified D Other 2. Name(s) of individual(s) or firm(s) responsible for the special inspections listed above: A. B. C 3 Duties of the special inspectors for the work listed above- A. B. C. Special inspectors shall check in with the City and present their credentials for approval prior to beginning work on the job site EsGil Corporation In (Partnership with government for <BuiC<fing Safety DATE MAY 13, 2005 a AEELJCANT JURISDICTION CARLSBAD a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO 05-1489 SET I PROJECT ADDRESS 1201 CANNON ROAD PROJECT NAME CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT (VILLA 3 TIME SHARES) The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person XI The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to RUSS ONUFER 2398 SAN DIEGO AVE , SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed IXl Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted RUSS w-Mj Telephone # 619-297-8066 Date contacted Si l*>/o5(by p^ ) Fax # -8055 Mail </ Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS By All Sadre Enclosures Esgil Corporation IE! GA El MB D EJ D PC 4/28 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 *• (858)560-1468 * Fax (858) 560-1576 CARLSBAD 05-1489 MAY 13, 2OO5 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO 05-1489 PROJECT ADDRESS 1201 CANNON ROAD Type of Occupancy & Construction TIME SHARE (R-1) = V-1Hr, Height = 32', Stories = 3, Sprinklers = Yes, Floor Areas LIVING = 14,755, DECKS =4,570, Total = 19,325 Allowable Area = 10,500 x 2 (Stories) x 2 (Spr) x 1 5 (2-60'Y) = 63,000 > 19,325 DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY DATE REVIEW COMPLETED ESGIL CORPORATION 4/28 MAY 13, 20O5 REVIEWED BY All Sadre FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 10643, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law • Please make all corrections on the originals and submit three revised, stamped & signed sets of plans to' The Building Department • To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans • Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans Have changes been made not resulting from this list? Q Yes FJ No CARLSBAD 05-1489 MAY 13, 2005 ARCHITECTURAL 1 When special inspection is required, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit Please complete the attached form Section 106 3 5 2 On the cover sheet of the plans, specify any items that will have a deferred submittal (trusses, etc) Additionally, note on the plans, per Section 106342 "Submittal documents for deferred items shall be submitted to the architect or engineer of record, who shall review them and forward them to the building official with a notation indicating that the deferred documents have been reviewed and that they have been found to be in general conformance with the design of the building The deferred items shall NOT be installed until their design and submittal documents have been approved by the building official" 3 Please indicate the building height and number of stories on Sheet A-1 4 Any portion of the project shown on the site plan that is not included with the building permit application filed should be clearly identified as "not included" on the site plan or Title Sheet Section 106 3 3 5 Provide a note with the building data legend stating that yards used for area increases shall be permanently maintained 6 Provide a statement on the site plan stating "All property lines, easements and buildings, both existing and proposed, are shown on this site plan " 7 When two or more buildings are on the same property, the buildings shall have an assumed property line between them for the purpose of determining the required wall & opening protection and roof cover requirements Section 503 1 8 The exterior walls of R-1 occupancies (Type V Construction) less than five feet to a property line or an assumed property line, shall be 1-hr fire-rated construction The wall shall have a 30" parapet (Section 709 4) and the wall shall have no openings, including windows, doors, scuppers, vents, etc Table 5-A 9 Eaves over required windows shall be not less than 30" from side and rear property lines Section 1204 10 Combustible projections located where openings are required to be protected shall be heavy timber or 1-hr construction Section 705 11 Projections may not extend more than 12" into areas where openings are not allowed Section 503 2 1 Show blow-up details at assumed PL's showing how this is accomplished CARLSBAD 05-1489 MAY 13, 2005 12 Projections may not extend more than one-third the distance to the property line from an assumed vertical plane located where fire-resistive protection of openings is first required Section 503 2 1 13 Fire-resistive exterior wall construction shall be maintained through attic areas or other areas containing concealed spaces Section 709 3 1 14 Exterior exit balconies cannot be located in an area where openings are required to be protected Section 1006 2 1 15 Structural elements exposed in walls required to be fire-resistive construction due to location on property must have the same fire-resistive rated protection as the wall, or as required for the structural frame for the type of construction, whichever is greater Table 6-A, footnote 1, and Section 601 4 16 Openings for scuppers, mechanical equipment vents and similar openings have to be protected where openings are required to be protected Table 5-A 17 Every apartment house three stories or more and every hotel three or more stories in height or containing 20 or more guest rooms shall have an approved manual and automatic fire alarm system as specified in the Fire Code Section 31010 18 Window area must be at least 1/10 of the floor area and a minimum of 10 square feet per Section 1203 3 Please demonstrate how this is complied with for all critical units Also see the next few items regarding light & ventilation 19 One-half of all required window area must be openable in all the guest units 20 The three story stairs are required to be one hour rated and enclosed Open exterior stairs require two adjacent sides to be open (on all levels), which should be clearly shown on plans Section 1006 3 3 21 If stairways are enclosed, they should comply with Section 1005 3 3 a) Doors should be labeled one-hour fire assemblies, and noted that the maximum transmitted temperature end point shall not exceed 450 degrees (F) above ambient at the end of 30 minutes of the fire exposure specified in UBC Standard 7-2 22 Show 22"x30" attic access to each separated attic area, located in a hallway or other readily accessible location with 30" headroom clearance required above the opening Show an approval # on plans for all such doors Section 1505 1 23 Specify on plans the following information for the roof tiles, per Section 106 3 3 a) Manufacturer's name, Product name/number, ICBO approval number, or equal CARLSBAD 05-1489 MAY 13, 2005 24 Please specify the slope of all portions of the roof as well as all deck areas I e , minimum %7ft Sections 1402 3 & 1506 1 25 Wall and floor/ceiling assemblies separating dwelling units from each other and from common space (such as corridors, laundry rooms, service areas, etc ) must have a listed rating of STC 50 and 11C 50 Show the location of and provide details of the listed wall and floor/ceiling assemblies, and indicate the listing agency and listing number for the tested ratings 26 Note on the plans "When serving more than 100 sprinkler heads, automatic sprinkler systems shall be supervised by an approved central, proprietary or remote, station service, or shall be provided with a local alarm which w/ll give an audible signal at a constantly attended location " Section 904 3 27 Provide a complete architectural section of the exit balconies, showing all fire- resistive materials and details of construction for any floor, walls, roof and all penetrations Section 1004 3 4 28 Please show 1-hour rated occupancy separation walls with one hour rated doors between (R1 & S1, etc) le, the storage rooms, electrical, TTB room, boiler room, house keeping, etc Sheet A-3 29 Clearly label & identify the fire-resistive shafts, occupancy separation walls, floors and exit enclosures, along with their hourly ratings on floor plans I e , on a key-plan Section 106 33 30 Provide a note on plans stating "Penetrations of fire-resistive walls, floor-ceilings and roof-ceilings shall be protected as required in UBC Sections 709 and 710 " 31 Show the UL, or equal, approval #'s for all rated assemblies on plans Include floor/ceiling, roof/ceiling, columns & beam assemblies on plans Add to A21 32 Detail how 1-hr rated wall construction is maintained at built-in wall fixtures, fire extinguisher cabinets, electric panels exceeding 16-in2 in area, etc Sec 709 7 33 Detail how fire-resistive wall and ceiling protection will be maintained at all duct penetrations such as at bathroom and kitchen hood fans, laundry room fans and dryer vents Also detail recessed light fixtures Sections 709, 710 34 Wall and floor/ceiling assemblies separating dwelling units from each other and from common space (such as service areas, etc) must have a listed rating of STC 50 and IIC 50 Show the location of and provide details of the listed wall and floor/ceiling assemblies, and indicate the listing agency and listing number for the tested ratings CARLSBAD O5-1489 MAY 13, 2005 35 Show how penetrations of assemblies for piping, electrical devices, recessed cabinets, bathtubs, soffits or heating, ventilating or exhaust ducts shall be sealed, lined or insulated or treated to maintain the required sound ratings 36 Steel electrical outlet boxes at occupancy separation walls shall not exceed sixteen square inches, shall not exceed one hundred square inches per one hundred square feet of wall, and shall be separated by a horizontal distance of twenty-four inches when on opposite sides of a wall Section 709 7 37 The Title Sheet or Site Plan should clearly indicate if any portion of the project is in a noise critical area (CNEL contours of 60 dB) as shown on the City or County's General Plan If no portion of the project is within a noise critical area, provide a note on the Title Sheet stating "This project is not within a noise critical area (CNEL contour of 60 dB) as shown on the General Plan" 38 If the project is located in noise critical areas (CNEL contours of 60 dB) as shown on the City or County's General Plan, then an acoustical analysis showing that the proposed building has been designed to limit noise in habitable rooms to CNEL of 45-dB is required Where windows must be closed to comply, it is necessary to provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing at least two air changes per hour Provide design & show how all the recommendations are reflected on plans 39 Complete all blank bubbles, as well as details and references to up1?, xx/xx, etc on plans Too many to itemize 40 On the floor plans label all the doors and windows Show a window schedule indicating the size and type of all windows on plans 41 Exit signs are required whenever two exits are required Show all required exit sign locations Section 1003 282 42 When exit signs are required, additional approved low-level exit signs which are internally or externally illuminated, or self-luminous, shall be provided in all exit corridors serving guest rooms of hotels Section 1 007 6 2 43 If exit signs are required, provide the following notes on the plans, per Section 1003282 a) Exit signs shall be located as necessary to clearly indicate the direction of egress travel No point shall be more than 100 feet from the nearest visible sign b) Exit signs shall be readily visible from any direction of approach 44 Show that exits are lighted with at least one foot candle at floor level Section 1003292 45 Show two sources of power for the lamps at exit signs Section 1 003 285 CARLSBAD O5-1489 MAY 13, 20O5 46 Please show the number of required and provided HC units as well as the designation of all HC units and those with assisted listening devices and symbol on floor plans for each level 47 Please show veneer ties details & references on plans Section 1403 48 Please call out all the unit types on floor plans on each level 49 Please show complete architectural details of the bridge and guardrails on plans 50 Please see attached list for the handicapped correction items 51 Please specify on plans if a grading plan is required for this project 52 Clarify the openings m the three levels as shown on floor plans adjacent to the house keeping Buildings over one story and containing courts shall have an assumed property line for the purpose of determining required wall and opening protection of court walls, per Section 503 3 See possible exception Please show how the court walls will be made to comply with Section 503 3 See A3 & A4 • STRUCTURAL 53 Please specify the R & QQ factors for different lateral force resisting systems used in the building, i e , structural light framed walls, Braced Frames, etc as required on plans 10633 54 Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soils report are properly incorporated into the construction documents 55 Please specify the soils classifications & expansion index on plans 56 Please note the Ca, Cv, Na, Nv & SD site soils factors on plans 57 Please note the width of all interior and exterior footings on foundation plans or on details per Sheet D-01 58 Please provide foundation & framing details and references, guardrails, etc for the bridge 59 Please revise the bracing schedule on S3-1 to show all the bracing is double sided except 1 & 6 60 On S3-3, revise bracing schedule to show XB3-5 is double-sided, as per plans CARLSBAD O5-1489 MAY 13, 2005 61 As per S3-3, where is XB3-8A, as labeled in longitudinal direction*? 62 Per UBC Section 2321 4, provide the following note on the plans if trusses are used "Each truss shall be legibly branded, marked or otherwise have permanently affixed thereto the following information located within 2' of the center of the span on the face of the bottom chord a) Identity of the company manufacturing the truss b) The design load c) The spacing of the trusses" 63 Provide truss details and truss calculations for this project Specify truss identification numbers on the plans 64 Please provide evidence that the engmeer-of-record (or architect) has reviewed the truss calculation package prepared by others (i e , a "review" stamp on the truss calculations or a letter) Section 106 3 4 1 65 Specify the required drag/ collector forces on plans 66 Please specify the ICBO, or equal, approval # as well as the required S & I of all the steel decking on plans Also include the screw or weld size, type & spacing at connections (as required on plans) 67 Complete all blank bubbles, as well as keynotes, details and references to r>/r>, xx/xx, --/—, etc on structural plans 68 Please show foundation & framing plans with details and references for all stairs 69 Remove the PLAN CHECK SET stamp on structural plans 70 For discontinuous braces, show compliance with the requirements as per Table 16-L le ,seeS3-8,etc 71 Please show the drag & collector elements are designed for the loading combination, as per Section 1633 2 6 72 Label all headers on framing plans (some are left out) 73 Please show the braced frame columns comply with Section 2213 5 including anchorage, uplift, etc 74 Please bracing connections comply with Section 2213 8 3 75 Please show tie down details & references on plans between floors on all the relevant sheets CARLSBAD 05-1489 MAY 13, 2005 76 Please provide complete connection details & references for all the various types of bracing including XB, FB, etc on plans 77 Please submit roofing material specifications to justify 7psf for roof tiles • MISCELLANEOUS 78 Please see attached for P/M/E & HC items »> The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Ali Sadre at Esgil Corporation Thank you • PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek 79 Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation, before the permits are issued Business and Professions Code The final set of corrected drawings to be reviewed for signing and sealing just before the permits are to be issued 80 Show the required ceiling rated fire dampers at duct openings in the fire rated ceiling membranes UBC, Section 713 11 #4 81 Detail the fire rated door and detail how combustion air ducts are run from the Boiler room to the exterior so fire rating is maintained As per the detail 1 on sheet P-101 it seems a fire rated shaft is required for the flue to run up through the second and third floor levels and up through the roof Please provide details The water heater must be separated from the rest of the building with a one-hour occupancy fire separation as per UBC, Section 302 5 • PLUMBING (2000 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 82 Please show the upstream sewer manhole rim elevation compared to the plumbing fixtures' flood rim elevations. As per UPC, Section 710 1, provide backwater valves on all building drains which serve plumbing fixtures with flood rim elevations below the upstream manhole rim elevations Only fixtures with flood rim levels below the upstream manhole rim elevation may flow through a backwater valve CARLSBAD 05-1489 MAY 13, 2005 83 Provide the site plumbing plans showing the sizes and locations of the gas meters and water meter, and the sizes, routes, and slopes of the building sewer, storm drainage system, site gas lines, and site water lines 84 Correct the water line sizing calculations on sheet P-002 a) The total water demand of only 156 fixture units is much too low for each building, as per UPC, Table A-2 Please provide a table showing each fixture type and the number of each fixture type and the b) The only 200 feet developed pipe length used in the water line sizing seems too low for the distant from the water meter to the most distant water fixture Please review 85 Show the required floor drains in the Laundry rooms, as per UPC Section 41223 86 Detail how floor dram trap seal is to be maintained UPC Section 1007 0 (floor dram trap primers) 87 Detail the required Suds Relief "Drainage connections shall not be made into a drainage piping system within eight feet of any vertical to horizontal change of direction of a stack containing subs-producing fixtures Bathtubs, laundries, washing machine stand pipes, kitchen sinks, and dishwashers shall be considered suds-producing fixtures " UPC, Section 7110 88 Show the shower control valve and shower head locations comply with UPC, Section 412 11 89 Showers and tub-shower combinations, control valves must be pressure balance or thermostatic mixing valves UPC Section 420 0 Provide cut-sheets for the proposed shower mixing valves 90 Detail how combustion air for fuel burning water heaters will be provided in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code, Section 507 0 91 Show that water heater is adequately braced to resist seismic forces Provide two straps on the storage tank and detail water heater bracing One strap at top 1/3 of the tank and one strap at bottom 1/3 of the tank UPC, Section 510 5 92 Detail the water heater flue (vent) terminations as per UPC, Section 5170 Minimum 8 feet from a vertical wall or similar obstruction (parapet wall, screen wall building wall) or extend vent termination to above the top of the wall 93 Detail the water heater flue (vent) offsets, length, pitch and clearances as per UPC, Section 5160 94 Show P & T valve on water heater and detail drain line route from P & T valve to the exterior UPC Section 608 5 CARLSBAD O5-1489 MAY 13, 2005 • MECHANICAL (2000 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 95 If the project is located in noise critical areas (CNEL contours of 60 dB) as shown on the City or County's General Plan, then an acoustical analysis showing that the proposed building has been designed to limit noise in habitable rooms to CNEL of 45-dB is required Where windows must be closed to comply, it is necessary to provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing at least two air changes per hour Provide design 96 The locations of the fan coil units for the single bedroom guest rooms on the plumbing drawings do not match the mechanical drawings Please correct 97 Please provide the cut-sheets for the proposed split system heat pumps 98 Detail the overflow (secondary) condensate discharge from air conditioning units that are in a ceiling space to readily observed locations UMC Section 310 2 99 Provide the dryer duct routing design to the outside The maximum length is 14 feet with two 90-degree elbows UMC Section 504 3 2 Note: If you have any questions regarding this Plumbing and Mechanical plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans • ELECTRICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Morteza Beheshti 100 All electrical sheets of the plans are required to be signed by the California licensed engineer responsible for the plan preparation Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed Business and Professions Code • ELECTRICAL (1999 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) 101 Please provide all emergency lighting battery and inverter load calculations to justify size for the inverters and the emergency battery backup size'? NEC 700 102 Please describe the letters "SS" indicated adjacent to the 800 amp mam? NEC 240-13 103 Please relocate the electrical panel shown on plans in the same shower head wall I e , panel "3V204" NOT A CODE ITEM 104 Please provide panel schedules for panels shown on single line CARLSBAD O5-1489 MAY 13, 20O5 105 On the single line diagram the panel overcurrent devices are shown as circuit breakers However, notes indicate fuses to be used Please correct symbols used on single line to match fuse /disconnect symbols in order to justify short circuit current protection method used 106 "All branch circuits that supply 125 - volt, single-phase, 15- and 20-ampere receptacle outlets installed in dwelling unit bedrooms shall be protected by an arc-fault circuit mterrupter(s)" NEC 210-12 107 Each residential bathroom shall be supplied with a dedicated 20-ampere branch circuit NEC210-11(c)(3) 108 Please specify the mechanical equipment electrical circuitry • ENERGY CONSERVATION 109 The Documentation Author and the Principal Mechanical Designer must sign the imprinted MECH-1 form Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical or Energy plan review list please contact Morteza Beheshti at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans CARLSBAD 05-1489 MAY 13, 2005 DISABLED ACCESS REVIEW LIST DEPARTMENT OF STATE ARCHITECT - TITLE 24 The following disabled access items are taken from the 2001 edition of California Building Code, Title 24 Per Section 101 17 11, all publicly and privately funded public accommodations and commercial facilities shall be accessible to persons with disabilities NOTE All Figures and Tables referenced in this checklist are printed in the California Building Code, Title 24 Please reflect the following items on plans, I e , they may be rephrased and imprint on plans . SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS 1 Clearly show that the site development and grading are designed to provide access to all entrances and exterior ground floor exits, as well as access to normal paths of travel, per Section 1127B 1 Where necessary to provide access, shall incorporate pedestrian ramps, curb ramps, etc 2 Show that an accessible route of travel is to be provided to all portions of the building, to accessible building entrances and between the building and the public way, per Section 1114B 1 2 3 Please show HC accessible blow up details on plans, for the entry ramp & steps, per site plans • ACCESSIBLE PARKING 4 Please justify the number of HC parking spaces versus total parking spaces provided on plans 5 The words "NO PARKING" shall be painted on the ground within each loading and unloading access aisle (in white letters no less than 12" high and located so that it is visible to traffic enforcement officials) Section1129B42 6 Ramps shall not encroach into any accessible parking space or the adiacent access aisle Section1129B43 • SIGNAGE 7 Per Section 1003 2861, tactile exit signs shall be required at the following locations a) Wherever basic UBC provisions require exit signs from a room or area to a corridor or hallway The tactile exit sign shall have the words, "EXIT ROUTE" b) Each grade-level exit door The tactile exit sign shall have the word, "EXIT" c) Each exit door that leads directly to a grade-level exterior exit by means of a stairway or ramp The tactile exit sign shall have the following words as appropriate i) "EXIT STAIR DOWN " n) "EXIT STAIR UP " d) Each exit door that leads directly to a grade-level exterior exit by means of an exit enclosure or an exit passageway The tactile exit sign shall have the words, "EXIT ROUTE" e) The tactile exit sign shall have the words, "TO EXIT" 8 Tactile stair level identification signs (complying with Section 1117B 5 1) shall be located at each floor level landing in all enclosed stairways in buildings two or more stories in height to identify the floor level At the exit discharge level, the sign shall include a raised five-pointed star located to the left of the identifying floor level Section 1003 33131 CARLSBAD 05-1489 MAY 13, 2005 City of Carlsbad B nil d ing Pep a r t m e n t Plan Check No 05-1489 ING DEPARTMENT ENT FOR SPECIAL INSPECTION emove From Plans Job Address or Legal Description j£?01 CANNON ROAD r 'Owner WfiNltffXae/C f£wi&ff*ic Address &!fo loo notified that in addition to the inspection of construction provided by the nldmg Department, an approved Registered Special Inspector is required to provide continuous inspection during the performance of the phases of construction indicated on the reverse side of this sheet The Registered Special Inspector shall be approved by the City of Carlsbad Building Department prior to the issuance of the building permit Special Inspectors having a current certification from the City of San Diego, Los Angeles, or ICBO are approved as Special Inspectors for the type of construction for which they are certified The inspections by a Special Inspector do not change the requirements for inspections by personnel of the City of Carlsbad building department The inspections by a Special Inspector are in addition to the inspections normally required by the County Building Code The Special Inspector is not authorized to inspect and approve any work other than that for which he/she is specifically assigned to inspect The Special Inspector is not authorized to accept alternate materials, structural changes, or any requests for plan changes The Special Inspector is required to submit written reports to the City of Carlsbad building department of all work that he/she inspected and approved The final inspection approval will not be given until all Special Inspection reports have been received and approved by the City of Carlsbad building department Please submit the names of the inspectors who will perform the special inspections on each of the items indicated on the reverse side of this sheet (over) CARLSBAD 05-1489 MAY 13, 2005 SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION' lltl CAA/yQf* PLAN CHECK NUMBER.OWNER'S NAME:f/KtfK I, as the owner, or agent of the owner (contractors may not employ the special inspector), certify that I, or the architect/engineer of record, will be responsible for employing the special mspector(s) as required by Uniform Building Code (UBC) Section 1701 1 for the construction project located at the site listed above UBC Section 106 3 5 Signed I, as the engine program as require Signed of record, certify that I have prepared the follow C Section 106 3 5 for the construction project located 1. List of work requiring special inspection. [X] Soils Compliance Prior to Foundation Inspection [X] Structural Concrete Over 2500 PSI CD Prestressed Concrete O Structural Masonry £><] Designer Specified Field Welding High Strength Bolting Expansion/Epoxy Anchors Sprayed-On Fireproofmg Other 2. Name(s) of mdividual(s) or firm(s) responsible for the special inspections listed above: A B. C. 3. Duties of the special inspectors for the work listed above. A. B.To C. Special inspectors shall check in with the City and present their credentials for approval prior to beginning work on the job site CARLSBAD 05-1489 MAY 13, 20O5 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION CARLSBAD PREPARED BY Ali Sadre BUILDING ADDRESS 1201 CANNON ROAD PLAN CHECK NO OS-1489 DATE MAY 13, 2OO5 BUILDING OCCUPANCY Rl TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION VlHr /SPR BUILDING PORTION LIVING DECK Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code 1QQ4 IIRT RnilHinn Permit AREA (Sq Ft) 14755 4570 14755 19325 CB Valuation Multiplier 7500 1300 340 260 By Ordinance -ea TT Reg Mod VALUE ($) 1,106,625 59,410 50,167 50,245 1,266,447 $3,621 48 1994 UBC Plan Check Fee $2,353 96 Type of Review 0 Complete Review Structural Only D Repetitive Fee Repeats D Other D Hourly Hour* Esgil Plan Review Fee $2,028 03 Comments Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc City of Carlsbad o rks BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST n eter n g DATE BUILDING/DDRE'SS PROJECT DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER PLANCHECK NO CB ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal, therefore any changes to these items after this oate, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build d A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements EST VALUE DENIAL Please sa^the Attached report of deficiencies marked wxh_D^-Make necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and^standards^xSubmit corrected plans and/or specifications to thitf'offic? for review By Date Date Date FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT By Date LJ L D n ATTACHMENTS Dedication Application Dedication Checklist Improvement Application Improvement Checklist Neighborhood Improvement Agreement Grading Permit Application Grading Submittal Checklist Right-of-Way Permit Application Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet ENGINEERING DEPT CONTACT PERSON Name KATHLEEN M. FARMER City of Carlsbad Address 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone (760) 602-2741 CFD INFORMATION Parcel Map No Lots Recordation Carlsbad Tract CA 92008-7314 (760) 602-272O • FAX (76O) BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1 Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale Show A B C D E North Arrow Existing & Proposed Structures Existing Street Improvements Property Lines (show all dimensions) Easements F Right-of-Way Width & Adjacent Streets G Driveway widths H Existing or proposed sewer lateral I Existing or proposed water service J Existing or proposed irrigation service 2 Show on site plan A Drainage Patterns 1 Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course 2 ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building " B Existing & Proposed Slopes and Topography C Size, type, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service (s) that serves the project Each unit requires a separate service, however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception D Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways, per standards D 3 Include on title sheet A Site address B Assessor's Parcel Number C Legal Description For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc ) previously approved EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION Show all existing use of SF and new proposed use of SF. Example. Tenant Improvement for 3500 SF of warehouse to 3500 SF of office. T \Farmer\Kalhy\MASTERS\0uildiiig Plancheck Cklsl Form (Generic) doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST 2ND 3RD DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE 4a Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No 4b All conditions are in compliance Date DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm dram or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ 15.000 . pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18 40 030 Dedication required as follows Dedication required Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 1/2" x 11" plat map and submit with a title report All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person Applications will not be accept by mail or fax Dedication completed by Date PROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 6a All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $ 75.000 . pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18 40 040 Public improvements required as follows Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process The completed application form and the requirements on the F \Farmer,Kalhy\MASTERS\Buildmg Plancheck Cklsl Form (Generic) doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST D -,RD D D D checklist must be submitted in person Applications by mail or fax are not accepted Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit Improvement Plans signed by Date 6b Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 1840 Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $ 360 00 so we may prepare the necessary Neighborhood Improvement Agreement This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit D D D ODD Future public improvements required as follows 6c Enclosed please find your Neighborhood Improvement Agreement Please return agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department Neighborhood Improvement Agreement completed by Date 6d No Public Improvements required SPECIAL NOTE Damaged or defective improvements found adiacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 11 06 030 of the Municipal Code 7a Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill import, export and remedial) This information must be included on the plans. Grading Permit required^eparate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil together with the completed application form attached NOTE The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit Grading Inspector sign off by Date 7c Graded Pad Certification required (Note Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required ) F \Farmer\Kalhv\MASTERS\Buildmg Plancheck Cklst Form (Genenc) doc ,ST ND n n 2 D RD3 D n n D D D BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 7d No Grading Permit required 7e If grading is not required, write "No Grading" on plot plan MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 8 A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way Types of work include, but are not limited to street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm dram, sewer and water utilities Right-of-Way permit required for n n n n a n n n INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT If your facility is located in the City of Carlsbad sewer service area, you need to contact the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, located at 5950 El Cammo Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008 District personnel can provide forms and assistance, and will check to see if your business enterprise is on the EWA Exempt List You may telephone (760) 438-2722, extension 7153, for assistance Industrial Waste permit accepted by Date 10 NPDES PERMIT Complies with the City's requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit The applicant shall provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City/Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs^first 11 (/(^Required fees are attached Q No fees required WATER METER REVIEW 12a Domestic (potable) Use Ensure that the meter proposed by the owner/developer is not oversized Oversized meters are inaccurate during low-flow conditions If it is oversized, for the life of the meter, the City will not accurately bill the owner for the water used • All single family dwelling units received "standard" 1" service with 5/8" service F \Farnier\Kattiy\MASTERS\Building Plancheck CWst Form (Generic) doc Rev 7/14/00 iST -.ND ,RD D D D 12b BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST • If owner/developer proposes a size other than the "standard", then owner/developer must provide potable water demand calculations, which include total fixture counts and maximum water demand in gallons per minute (gpm) A typical fixture count and water demand worksheet is attached Once the gpm is provided, check against the "meter sizing schedule" to verify the anticipated meter size for the unit • Maximum service and meter size is a 2" service with a 2" meter • If a developer is proposing a meter greater than 2", suggest the installation of multiple 2" services as needed to provide the anticipated demand (manifolds are considered on case by case basis to limit multiple trenching into the street) Irrigation Use (where recycled water is not available) All irrigation meters must be sized via irrigation calculations (in gpm) prior to approval The developer must provide these calculations Please follow these guidelines 1 If the project is a newer development (newer than 1998), check the recent improvement plans and observe if the new irrigation service is reflected on the improvement sheets If so, at the water meter station, the demand in gpm may be listed there Irrigation services are listed with a circled "I", and potable water is typically a circled "W" The irrigation service should look like STA1+00 Install 2" service and 5 meter (estimated 100 gpm) If the improvement plans do not list the irrigation meter and the service/meter will be installed via another instrument such as the building plans or grading plans (w/ a right of way permit of course), then the applicant must provide irrigation calculations for estimated worst-case irrigation demand (largest zone with the farthest reach) Typically, Larry Black has already reviewed this if landscape plans have been prepared, but the applicant must provide the calculations to you for your use Once you have received a good example of irrigation calculations, keep a set for your reference In general the calculations will include • Hydraulic grade line • Elevation at point of connection (POC) • Pressure at POC in pounds per square inch (PSI) • Worse case zone (largest, farthest away from valve • Total Sprinkler heads listed (with gpm use per head) • Include a 10% residual pressure at point of connection In general, all major sloped areas of a subdivision/project are to be irrigated via separate irrigation meters (unless the project is only SFD with no HOA) As long as the project is located within the City recycled water f \FarmenKathy\MASTERS\Building Plancneck Cklsl Form (Generic) doc , ST •iND ,RD D BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST service boundary, the City intends on switching these irrigation services/meters to a new recycled water line in the future 12c Irrigation Use (where recycled water is available) 1 Recycled water meters are sized the same as the irrigation meter above 2 If a project fronts a street with recycled water, then they should be connecting to this line to irrigate slopes within the development For subdivisions, this should have been identified, and implemented on the improvement plans Installing recycled water meters is a benefit for the applicant since they are exempt from paying the San Diego County Water Capacity fees However, if they front a street which the recycled water is there, but is not live (sometimes they are charged with potable water until recycled water is available), then the applicant must pay the San Diego Water Capacity Charge If within three years, the recycled water line is charged with recycled water by CMWD, then the applicant can apply for a refund to the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) for a refund However, let the applicant know that we cannot guarantee the refund, and they must deal with the SDCWA for this 13 Additional Comments: e \Famicr\Kath/WASTERS\Building Plancheck Cklsl Form (Generic) doc ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET D Estimate based on unconfirmed information from applicant D Calculation based on building plancheck plan submittal Address /<?-&/ C $ iecK pian suomiTtai fad- Bldg Permit No Qj^O^ 7^ Prepared by Date Checked by Date- EDU CALCULATIONS List types and square footages for all uses Types of Use /flMU-$K-faMi Sq Ft /Units /V* Types of Us^/_ Sq Ft /Units APT CALCULATIONS List types and square footages formal! uses Lf sytf Types of UsexT^^/ffi ^^ Sq Ft /Units //Sq Ft /UnitsTypes of U EDU's EDU's ADT's ADT's FEES REQUIRED- WITHIN CFD D YES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1, reduced Traffic Impact Fee) D NO D 1 PARK-IN-LIEU FEE FEE/UNIT PARK AREA & # X NO UNITS D 2 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE ADT's/UNITS BENEFIT AREA EDU's D 3 BRIDGE ANDTHOROUGHFARE FEE (DIST #1 ^DT'J/UNITS /^ D 4 FACILlfTEirMANAGEMENT FEE UNIT/SO FT D 5 SEWER FEE EDU's D 6 SEWER LATERAL ($2,500) D 7 DRAINAGE FEES PLDA_ ACRES D 8 POTABLE WATER FEES UNITS CODE CONNECTION FEE X FEE/EDU HIGH = $ = $ /LOW X FEE/AC = $ METER FEE SDCWA FEE IRRIGATION 1 of 2 Rev 7/14/00 PLANNING DEPARTMENT \3\(\fr BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST fc & Plan Check Planner Chnster Westman APN. ^ti" \OO-\M . ^ C?l_ Address I7O| Phone (760) 602-4614 s s Type of Project & Use: Zoning : ^ -T"— Q General Plan: "T- CF Net Project Density Facilities Management Zone. DU/AC u uI I n n n n _Date of participation^ —(For non-residentia this permit. Remaining net dev acres, Legend: /\ Item Complete land-used created -by— omplete - Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES X NO TYPE ¥UiT DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval7 If not, state conditions which require action Conditions of Approval- Discretionary Action Required: APPROVAL/RESO NO. PROJECT NO. YES _£_ NO _ TYPE ^T/ DATE OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions or approval7 If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: n n n Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone7 YES r> NO CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES NO X If California Coastal Commission Authority Contact them at - 3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego CA 92108-1725, (619) 521-8036 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed7 YES_ If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now Coastal Permit Determination Log #. (LX)& NO Follow-Up Actions: 1} Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans) 2) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. H \ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst D n D D Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES NO M (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993 I Data Entry Completed? YES NO (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CBtf, toolbar, Screens Housing'Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee UPDATE'1 Site Plan: 1. Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines. 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. Zoning: 1. Setbacks: n Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: 2. Accessory structure Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: Structure separation 3. Lot Coverage: Required Required Required Required setbacks: Required Required Required Required : Required Required Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown n n 4. Height:Required Shown 5 Parking- Spaces Required Guest Spaces Required HI CH [— I Additional Comments Shown Shown OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER OTlttP-ATE- H \ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Carlsbad Fire Department Plan Review Requirements Category COMMIND , HOTEL Date of Report 07-15-2005 Reviewed by Name Address RUSS ONUFER 2398 SAN DIEGO AVE S AN DIEGO C A 92110 Permit # CB051489 Job Name CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT VILLA 3 Job Address 1201 CANNON RD CBAD I1N Conditions: Cond CON0000565 APPROVED THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSES OF ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION AND REQUIRED TEST, NOTATIONS HEREON, CONDITIONS IN CORRESPONDENCE AND CONFORMANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS THIS APPROVAL SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR APPROVE THE VIOLATION OF ANY LAW Entry 07/15/2005 By GLR Action AP ELIXIR STEEL FRAMING October 26,2005 ESF# 21702 CE# 19137 Engineering Calculations For Highland Partnership Project Carlsbad Ranch Planning Area 5 - Resort Villa - 3 A Carlsbad, California ESF Corp • 2611 Commerce Way, Suite D • Vista, CA 92081 • (760) 597-8900 • Fax (760) 597-8998 • Contractor's License #857029 JE§ REPORT™ER-3523 Reissued January 1, 2003 ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc • 5360 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California 90601 -w ww icboes org Filing Category ROOF COVERING AND ROOF DECK CONSTRUCTION—Roof Covering ONE-PIECE "S," TAPERED TWO-PIECE MISSION, FLAT SHINGLE, ROMANO™ PANS, CLAYLITE® AND CLAYMAX® CLAY ROOFING TILES UNITED STATES TILE COMPANY 909 WEST RAILROAD STREET CORONA, CALIFORNIA 92882-1906 10 SUBJECT One-piece "S,° Tapered Two-piece Mission, Flat Shingle, Romano™ Pans, Claylite" and ClayMax® Clay Roofing Tiles 2.0 DESCRIPTION 21 General The roofing tiles are a vitrified clay product, manufactured by United States Tile Company for use as a roof covering under the 1997 Uniform Building Code™ (UBC) The tiles are machine-formed, fired to various degrees and have a selection of burned-on colors The various colors are obtained by controlled firing of the kilns Tile profiles are illustrated in Figure 1 The tiles may be installed on roof surfaces having slopes up to a maximum of 21 12 (175%) A solid sheathing conforming to the requirements of the UBC is required for all slopes 2.2 Materials 221 One-piece "S"-shaped Tile The finished ties are 18 inches (457 mm) long, 13 inches (330 mm) wide and V2 inch (12 7 mm) thick, with two nail holes in the pan side and one nail hole in the cover side The installed weight of the tiles is approximately 8 pounds per square foot (39 1 kg/m2), and the tiles are designed for installation with an 11-inch (279 mm) center-to-center spacing and a minimum 3-inch (76 mm) head lap 222 Tapered Two-piece Mission Tile The finished tiles are 18 inches (457 mm) long, curved to approximately one third of a circle, and have a chord width of 8'/2 inches (216 mm) at the butt end and 7 inches (178 mm) at the smaller end The tiles have an average thickness of V2 inch (127 mm) and an installed weight of approximately 9 6 pounds per square foot (46 9 kg/m2) They are designed for installation with 11-inch (279 mm) center-to-center spacing and a minimum 3-inch (76 mm) head lap 223 Flat Shingle Tile The finished tiles are 18 inches (457 mm) long, 9% inches (248 mm) wide and 9/,6 inch (143 mm) thick There are three ribs on the underside of the tiles that are V2mch (12 7 mm) wide, and one rib at the lock that is 1 inch (25 4 mm) wide Ribs are approximately 3 inches (76 mm) apart and run the full 18-inch (457 mm) length of the tile Each tile has two nail holes in the top Installed weight of the tiles is approximately 9V2 pounds per square foot (46 4 kg/m2) They are designed for installation with 9-mch (229 mm) center-to-center spacing and a minimum 3-inch (76 mm) head lap 224 Romano Pans The finished tiles are 18 inches (457 mm) long, 11 inches (279 mm) wide and 9/,6 inch (14 mm) thick, with two nail holes near the top of the pan The completed installed weight of the tiles is approximately 9 9 pounds per square foot (48 3 kg/m2) They are designed for installation with two-piece Mission cover tiles with a 13- inch (330 mm) center-to-center spacing and a minimum 3- mch (76 mm) headlap 225 ClayliteTile The tiles are the same shape and size as one-piece "S"-shaped tiles The finished tiles are 18 inches (457 mm) long, 13 inches (330 mm) wide and 3/s inch (9 5 mm) thick, with two nail holes in the pan side and one nail hole in the cover side The installed weight of the tiles is approximately 5 9 pounds per square foot (28 8 kg/m2) They are designed for installation with an 11-inch (279 mm) center-to-center spacing and a minimum 3-inch (76 mm) headlap 226 ClayMax Tile The finished tiles are 18 inches (457 mm) long, 13 inches (330 mm) wide and )3/32 inch (10 3 mm) thick, with two nail holes in the top The installed weight of the tiles is approximately 5 8 pounds per square foot (28 3 kg/m2) They are designed for installation with an 11-inch (279 mm) center-to-centerspacmgand a minimum 3-inch (76 mm) head lap 2 3 Installation 231 General Tiles shall be installed in accordance with the Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual for Moderate Climate Regions (ER-6034P), except as noted in this report 232 Flat Shingle Tile Rake tile or a full bed of mortar is provided under the exposed portion of each tite as a rake closure at the gable end At hips and ridges, a Mission-type or a "V" type hip-and-ndge tile is set and nailed in cement mortar or roofers' cement 233 Claylite Tiles Claylite tiles shall be fastened to the sheathing with two nails per tile As an alternative, a single nail, using the fastener hole located in the pan side 1V4 inch (44 3 mm) from the head end of the tile, may be used when the following conditions are met 1 The roof slopes do not exceed 7 12 (58 3% slope) 2 Solid sheathing shall be not less than 7/,6-mch (11 1 mm) oriented strand board or 'V32-inch (119 mm) wood structural panels SPORTS'1* are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed nor are they lo be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation Jar its use There is no warranty by ICBO Evaluation Service Inc express or implied as to any finding or other matter in this report or as to any product covered by the report Copyright ©2003 Page 2 of 3 ER-3523 3 The structure is located in an area designated by the building official as being subject to a maximum basic wind speed of 80 miles per hour (129 km/h), Exposure C, with the roof height up to 40 feet (12 192 mm) above grade 234 ClayMax Tiles ClayMax tiles shall be fastened to the sheathing with two nails per tile As an alternative, a single nail, using the fastener hole located in the center, 13/4 inch (44 3 mm) from the head end of the tile, may be used when the following conditions are met 1 The roof slope does not exceed 712 horizontal (58 3% slope) 2 Solid sheathing is not less than 7/,6-mch (111 mm) oriented strand board or15/32-mch (119 mm), four-ply, three-layer wood structural panels 3 The structure is located in an area designated by the building official as being subject to a maximum basic wind speed of 80 miles per hour (129 km/h), Exposure C, with the roof height up to 40 feet (12 192 mm) above grade Installation details pertinent to the ClayMax tiles are as follows 1 Hips and ridges are provided with continuous nominal 2-by-3 nailers to support ClayMax trim tiles 2 Continuous nailers along the gable rakes are not required 235 Tile Repair. The damaged tie is removed by breaking it completely out of the field and cleaning away all debris Existing fasteners must be removed and the nail hole sealed with an approved sealant Any damage to existing underlayment must be repaired prior to installation of the replacement tie The replacement tile is inserted into the open space, maintaining head and side laps The tile is secured with approved plastic cement or adhesive, a No 11 gage corrosion-resistant nail or an existing wire tie fastener 2 4 Roofing Classification When installed over new construction as descnbed in this report, the clay roof tiles are Class A roof coverings in accordance with Section 15041 of the UBC, and are noncombustible roof coverings in accordance with Section 1504 2 of the UBC 2 5 Identification The letters "U S T" are embossed on the bottom of each tile near the nail hole on the cover side Additionally, the tiles are identified by means of a tag attached to each shipping pallet bearing the evaluation report number (ICBO ES ER-3523) and the installed weight 30 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Reports of tests conducted in accordance with the ICBO ES Acceptance Criteria for Clay and Concrete Roof Tiles (AC180), dated January 2002, installation instructions, and a quality control manual 40 FINDINGS That the One-piece "S," Tapered Two-piece Mission, Flat Shingle, Romano Pans, Claylite and ClayMax clay roofing tiles described in this report comply with the 1997 Uniform Building Code™, subject to the following conditions 41 The tiles are manufactured and installed in accordance with this report and the manufacturer's instructions 4 2 The tiles are manufactured at the United States T/le Company plant in Corona, California This report is subject to re-exammation in two years Page 3 of 3 ER-3523 HEAD TOP BUTT END PAN MISSION TWO-PIECE ROOF TILE HEAD END BUTT END ONE-PIECE "S"AND CLAYLITE® ROOF TILE CLAYMAX® ROOF TILE HEAD END INTERLOCKING CHANNEL BUTT END FLAT SHINGLE ROOF TILE ROMANO® PAN FIGURE 1—TILE PROFILES October 26,2005 ESF# 21702 CE# 19137 Engineering Calculations For Highland Partnership Project Carlsbad Ranch Planning Area 5 - Resort Villa - 3 A rESFl ELIXIR STEEL FRAMING Carlsbad, California ESF Corp • 2611 Commerce Way, Suite D • Vista, CA 92081 • (760) 597-8900 • Fax (760) 597-8998 • Contractor's License #857029 Table of Contents 1 Lateral Analysis 2 Roof Beam Design 3 Floor Beam Design 4 Floor Joist Design 5 Column Design 6 Collector Design 7 Wall Loads 8 Brace Frame 9 Base Plate & Anchor Bolts 10 Foundation 11 Plan Lay outs 1. LATERAL ANALYSIS (Light steel-framed bearing walls with tension-only bracing) Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-CarIsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd PROGRAM SPECIFICATION UNITS ORIGIN = 1 LB 2 KSI = •IN IN = 1L PSI K IN" FT = 12 IN FT LB= 1M LB PSFEE Fr- = 1000LB LBPCF = FT3 RAD =1 SF = FT FT K This is a MATHCAD program The Formulas shown are active In other words the results are derived from the formula as shown All formula are unit sensitive All units are converted within the equations and results are converted to the units following Multiplication is represented by a single dot The matrices are straight line Example PI 2 IN + 2 IN =4 IN PI 2 IN 2 IN = PI 4 IN" This Format considers wind loads automatically based on speed, exposure and height and seismic Z value based on zone Three Story Building CONTENT 1 Design Specification 2 Design Loads 3 Geometry Input 4 Wind Load 5 Seismic Load 6 Design Shear Loads 7 X-Brace Design 8 Horizontal Distribution of Seismic Forces 9 Roof Diaphragm 10 Floor Diaphragm S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd DESIGN SPECIFICATION Design Wind Speed (MPH) Wind Exposure Seismic Zone Ground Floor Area No of Shear Walls No of Shear Walls in X-dir No of Shear Walls in Y-dir Wind = 70 Exp = C Zone = 4 Area = 7820 SF n = 5 nx = 5 ny = 0 Light Gage Steel 43 Mil or Lighter Fs = 33 KSI 54 Mil or Heavier Fs = 50 KSI Foundation Designed by Others Seismic Design Parameter Provided By CODES 1997 UBC 2001 CBC S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/20/2005 531 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd Roof Dead Load DL1 DL11 =65 PSF DL12 = ] 5 PSF DL13 = 25 PSF DLI4 = 1 OPSF DL15 = 1 OPSF DL16 = 1 5 PSF DESIGN LOAD Composition Roofing Sheathing Framing Misc Insulation Fire Sprinkler DL1 = DL11 +DL12 + DL13 + DL14 + DL15 + DLI6 DL1 =14PSF Roof Live Load LL1 LL1 = 20 PSF (Pitch < 4 12) 3rd Floor Dead Load DL3 DL31 = 12 OPSF DL32 = 2 5 PSF DL33 = 1 5 PSF DL34 = 5 0 PSF DL35 = 1 0 PSF DL36 = 1 5 PSF Ceiling Dead Load DL2 DL21 = 1 5 PSF Framing DL22 =50 PSF Drywall DL23 = 0 0 PSF DL24 = 0 0 PSF DL2 = DL21 + DL22 + DL23 + DL24 DL2 = 6 5 PSF Ceiling Live Load LL2 LL2 = 10 PSF Floor Covering 1-1/4" Gyp-Crete 2000 Sheathing 3/4" Ply Framing Double Drywall Misc Fire Sprinkler DL3 = DL31 + DL32 + DL33 + DL34 + DL35 + DL36 DL3 = 23 5 PSF Floor Dead Load 2nd Floor Dead Load DL4 DL41 = 12 OPSF DL42 = 2 5 PSF DL43 = 1 5 PSF DL44 = 50 PSF DL45 = 1 0 PSF DL46 = 1 5 PSF Wall Dead Load DL2 Floor Covering 1-1/4" Gyp-Crete 2000 Sheathing 3/4" Ply Framing Double Drywall Misc Fire Sprinkler DL4 = DL41 + DL42 + DL43 + DL44 + DL45 + DL46 DL4 = 23 5 PSF 2nd Floor Dead Load L41 = 120PLF L42 = 180 PLF L45 = 14 PSF Interior Walls Exterior Walls Equivalent WallLoad Per SQFT DL5 = 38PSF Balcony Covering 3" Concrete Floor Live Load LL3 LL3 = 40 0 PSF LL4 = 100 0 PSF Floor Live Load Corridor Live Load S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd i = 1 n Roof GEOMETRY INPUT Width of Bldg Contributing To Seismic Force Tributary Length To Roof & Wall Diaphragm Height Of Wall XB3 = "3-2" "3-3" "3-4" V Widths = '3* 48 49 445 V41 5, FT TL3 = ^14-2 26-2 38 75 - 2 26 25 - 2 28-2 , FT How3 = 10 10 10 FT # Of Braces per Wall Length Of Wall Brace Widths TL3 = 4 33 x 105ft2 Story Number XB3 = "3-2" "3-3" "3-4" "3-5", Nb3 =Low3 = 10 10 FT FL No3 = S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd 3rd Floor Width of Bldg Contributing To Seismic Force Tributary Length To Roof & Wall Diaphragm Height Of Wall XB2 = "2-2" "2-3" "2-4" "2-5", Width2 = 57 53 53 V55y FT TL2 = 14-2 40-2 38 75-2 26 25 - 2 28-2 FT How2 = 10 10 10 V10y FT # Of Braces per Wall Length Of Wall Brace Width2 TL2 = 5 39 x 105ft2 Story Is X-brace Above Stacked'' Number Yes = 1 No = 0 XB2 = "2-2" "2-3" "2-4" "2-5" Nb2 = j Low2 = 10 10 8 v'Oy FT FL No2 =Stk2 = S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd 2nd Floor Width of Bldg Contributing To Seismic Force Tributary Length To Roof & Wall Diaphragm Height Of Wall XB1 = V "1-2" "1-3" "1-4" "1-5" Width 1 = 57 53 53 .55; FT TL1 = 14-2 40-2 38 75 - 2 26 25 - 2 28-2 j FT Howl = 10 10 10 FT Widthl TL1 =575x 105ft2 # Of Braces per Wall Length Of Wall Brace Is X-brace Above Stacked9 Yes = 1 No = 0 XB1 = "1-2" "1-3" "1-4" "1-5" j Nbl =Lowl = 10 10 8 VIOy FT Stkl = S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd WIND LOAD Qs = 0 00256 Wind PSF (use UBC method 2-projected area method) Wind Loading Wind = 70 MPH Exp = 2 1 = 1 Importance factor Roof Exposure Height At Roof UBC Table 16-G XB3 = "3-2" "3-3" "3-4" "3-5" EHR = 3333 3333 3333 .3333, FT HR =EHR FT FCe = /139 106 62 145 1 13 67 15 1 19 72 1 54 1 23 76 1 62 131 84V hr = if (HR! < 15,1,if (HR J < 20,2,if (HR J < 25,3,if ^HR J < 30,4,if Cer = FCe. _ Qs=1254PSFi hr,,Exp I-IR < 40,5,0\) S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd Exposure Coef Pressure Coef XB3 = "3-1" "3-2" "3-3" "3-4" "3-5" Cer = 1 31 1 31 1 31 Cq = 1 3 13 1 3 .13, Pw3 = Cer Cq Qs Ii 1^1 Pw3 = 21 36 21 36 21 36 21 36, PSF Vertical Exposure at floor line Wind Force per foot @ Wall Total Wind Force <3> Each Wall Line XB3 = f"3-l"N "3-2" "3-3" "3-4" (to CMV 3-5 ) Ver3 = f10! 10 10 10 JO, FT Vw3 = Ver3 Pw3 Vw3 =i i i v 21362^ 21362 21362 21362 21362 PLF VW3 = Vw3 TL3 VW3 =i i i v 278 4 14 28 299 K Modify Wind Force for Shear Wall VW3m = VW3 Total Modified Wind Force in Each Wall Line Wind Force @ Each Brace XB3 = V "3-2" "3-3" "3-4" "3-5", VW3m = v 278 4 14 28 299 VW3m K. Vbw3 = Nb3 Vbw3 = V 093 1 38 093 1 K S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd 2nd Floor Vertical Exposure at Floor Line Wind Pressure Cef = FCe. .,1, t,xp Wind Force per Foot Pw2 = Cef Cq Qs Ii 'i XB2 = "2-2" "2-3" "2-4" "9 S" Ve2 = 1U 10 10 10 10 FT Pw2 = 1729 1729 1729 1729 1729 PSF Vw2 = Ve2 Pw2i i i Vw2 = , \172 86 17286 17286 17286 17286, PLF Total Wind Force in Each Wall Line XB2 = "2-1" "2-2" "2-3" "2-4" "2-5" , VW2 = VW3m + Vw2 TL2i 111 VW2 = V 623 749 507 541 K Modify Wind Force for Shear Wall Total Modified Wind Force in Each Wall Line Wind Force @ Each Brace XB2 = V "2-1" "2-2" "2-3" "2-4" "2-5", VW2m = VW2 VW2m = 623 749 507 541 VW2m K Vbw2 = , Nb2 Vbw2 = 208 25 1 69 Us. K S \BlueServertClients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd 1st Floor Cef = FCe Vertical Exposure at Floor Line Pwl = Cef Cq Qs IJ,Exp i M Wind Pressure Wind Force per Foot XB1 = "1-2" "1-3" "1-4" "1-5" Vel = 10 10 10 FT Pwl = V 17 29' 1729 1729 1729 17 29 PSF Vwl = Vel Pwl Vwl =i i i 172 86 17286 17286 17286 17286y PLF Total Wind Force in Each Wall Line XB1 = "1-1" "1-2" "1-3" "1-4" V VW1 = VW2m + Vwl TL1i 111 VW1 = y '392^ 969 1084 734 783 J K Modify Wind Force for Shear Wall Total Modified Wind Force in Each Wall Line Wind Force @ Each Brace XB1 = "1-2" "1-3" "1-4" ,"1-5" y VWlm = VW1i i VWlm = ^392 969 1084 734 1783^ VWlm K Vbwl = -1 Nbl Vbwl = '392^ 323 361 245 V261, K S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 10 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd SEISMIC LOAD Seismic Zone = 4 Z = if(Zone = 1,0 075,if(Zone = 2 1,0 15,if(Zone = 2 2,0 2,if(Zone = 3,0 3,if(Zone =4,04,0)) Z = 0 4 1 = 1 Na = 1 0 Ca = 0 40 Na Nv = 1 1 Cv = 0 56 Nv R = 2 8 do =22 UBC Sec 1629 8 3 Static, and 1630 2 Static Force Procedure Vertical Distribution of Seismic Force AreaVd = x,9x Ht =20 Vf2 = joj [DLI + DL2 + — IV 2 ) (DL3 + L45) (DL4 + L45) AreaVd - Ct = 0 020 1 Structure Period T=Ct(Ht/)4 T = 025 sec 7600 7850 j SF Vf2 = 15675 285 ^29437, K effect force will be included si =Cvl smax =25CaI smml = 0 11 Cal smm2 = RT R factor = if(sl > smax, smax, if (si < sminl,sminl,if(sl < smin2,smin2,sl))) 0 8 Z Nv I R si =088 smax = 0 36 smml = 0 04 smin2 = 0 13 factor = 0 36 f2 = 736I2K Total weight of the building v = factor Vvf2 Base Shear V = 2629K UBC 16305 Vertical distribution of force Fx =VVQHt •f2Ht Fx = 9061 11362 5868 K df =043 022 I*-= 1 S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd Seismic Force (5) Roof DF = df, UBC 1629 8 3 for service level design S3 = DF factor 1 '14 AreaVd, Vs3 = S3 Widthsi i i Vbs3 = VS3m - - Nb3 VS3 = Vs3 TL3i i i VS3m = VS3i i 11 35PSF Seismic Force (5> 3rd Floor DF = df 2 Vf2 S2 = DF*£*!J 1 '14 AreaVd,S2,= 1068PSF Vs2 = S2 Width2 VS2 = VS3m + (Vs2 TL2}ii i i i \ i i) VS2m = VS2i i Modify Seismic Force for Shear Wall VS2m Vbs2 = Nb2 Modify Seismic Force for Shear Wall Seismic Force 0> 2nd Floor DF = df. Vf2 S1 = DF1 '14 AreaVd,= 534PSF S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 12 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd VsJ = SI Widthl VS1 = VS2m + Vsl TL1 VSlm = VS1 Modify Seismic Force for Shear1 ' ' ' Wall VSlm Vbsl = -1 Nbl Calculate Redundancy Factor o3 (S) Roof To adjust seismic force based on DEC 1630 1 1 for redundancy of lateral-force-resistmg system Total Shear at Max Shear at Each In x-direction j = i nx Wall@X-Dir Brace @X-Dir max(V3bx) = 359KV3sx = VS3m V3tx = V3sx V3tx = 34 11 KJ J V3bx = Vbs3J J RXmax =max(V3bx) V3tx RXmax = 011 p3j = 2 - Total Shear at Wall @ X-Dir 20 FT Max Shear at Each Brace @ X-Dir In y-direction k = ny + 1 n V3syk = VS3mk V3ty = V V3sy V3ty = 34 11K V3byk = Vbs3k max(V3by) = 3 59 K RYmax = P3k = 2 - max(V3by) V3ty 20 FT RYmax = 011 P3 = Seismic Redundancy Factor p3j = if(p3J<l,1,if(p3J>15,15,p3]))' P3k=if(p3k<1,l,if(p3k>15,15,p3k)) p3= Seismic Force per foot @ Wall WidthS Total Seismic Force @ Each Wall Line VS3m = Seismic Force @ Each Brace VS3m Nb3 / XB3 = V "3-1" "3-2" "3-3" "3-4" "3-5"j Vs3= 545 02 55637 50528 471 21 PLF VS3m = 709 1078 663 66 K Vbs3 = J 236 359 221 .22; K S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 13 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Vi!la- 3A-CF mcd Calculate Redundancy Factor g2 @ 2nd Floor To adjust seismic force based on UBC 1630 1 1 for redundancy of lateral-force-resisting system Total Shear at Max Shear at Each In x-direction j = 1 nx Wall @ X-Dir Brace @ X-Dir max(V2bx) = 7 25 KV2sx = VS2m V2tx = V2sx V2tx = 74 1 KJ J V2bx = Vbs2J J RXmax =max(V2bx) V2tx RXmax = 01 p2j = 2 -20 FT Total Shear at Wall @ X-Dir Max Shear at Each Brace @ X-Dir In y-direction k = ny + 1 n V2syk = VS2mk V2ty = V V2sy V2ty = 74 1 K V2byk = Vbs2k max(V2by) = 7 25 K p2k = 2 - V2ty 20 FT RYmax /AreaVd. / , \ 1 p2 = Seismic Redundancy Factor P2k = if(p2k < 1,1 ,if(P2k > 1 5,1 5,P2k)) P2j =if(p2J<1,1,if(p2J>15,15,p2J))p2 = Seismic Force per foot @ Wall Vs2 =S2 Width2i i XB2 = Total Seismic Force @ Each Wall Line VS2m = p2, VS2mi K ' i Seismic Force @ Each Brace VS2m Vbs2 =1 Nb2 '"2-1" N "2-2" "2-3" "2-4" J'2-5") Vs2 = '170 85" 60866 56595 56595 ^ 587 3 y PLF VS2m = f422! 1926 21 74 1406 J482, K Vbs2 = '422N 642 725 469 ,494, K S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 14 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd Calculate Redundancy Factor pi (5) 1st Floor In x-direction j = l nx Vlsx = VSIm Vltx =J J R: In v max( V 1 bx) Vltx y-direction k = ny + 1 Total Shear at Wall @ X-Dir Zvisx Vltx = 95 44K VI bx = VbslJ J 20 FTpYmnv (\ 1 nl OKAlliaX — U 1 pi i — L — RXmax /AreaVd3 Total Shear at n Wall @ X-Dir Max Shear at Each Brace @ X-Dir max(Vlbx) = 908K Max Shear at Each Brace @ X-Dir Vlsyk = VSlmk Vlty = YVlsy Vlty = 95 44K Vlbyk = Vbslk max(Vlby) = 9 08K RYmax =max(Vlby) Vlty RYmax = 0 Seismic Redundancy Factor plk=2-20 FT pl =plk=if(plk<U,if(plk>15,15,plk)) pi = XBl = Seismic Force Total Seismic Force Seismic Force per foot @ Wall @ Each Wall Line @ Each Brace pi-r^ "1-2" "1-3" "1-4" ,"1-5", \fc 1V S I —1 Vsl = pi, SI Widthl VSImK ' i i i '277 63 N 30433 28297 28297 V29365, PLF VSlm = -1 \;- p^ V f616! 2534 2723 1777 0893, Sim Vbsli K Vbsl = VSImi 1 Nbli rei6N 845 908 592 ^631, K S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 15 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCHJTransv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd DESIGN SHEAR LOAD Roof Determine whether wind or seismic govern the design and establishes the value for the higher load Vt3 = iffp3, VS3m > VW3m ,p3, VS3m ,VW3m) WS3 = if(Vt3 > VW3m ,0,]}i \^ ' i i K ' i ij i v ' ' /0 Seismic Governs 1 Wind Governs XB3 = Total Wind Force @ Each Wall Line ("3-1 "> "3-2" "3-3" "3-4" ,"3-5", VW3m = f15^ 278 4 14 28 ^299, K Total Seismic Force @ Each Wall Line '302^ 709 VS3m =1078 663 66 K Design Shear Force @ Each Wall Line Vt3 = 709 1078 663 66 K WS3 = Vbrace3| = if(vbs3] > Wind Force Each Brace Seismic Force @ Each Brace Design Shear Force @ Each Brace XB3 = "3-2" "3-3" "3-4" ."3-5", Vbw3 = 093 138 093 1 K Vbs3 = 236 359 221 22 K VbraceS = / 236 359 221 .22; K S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 16 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd 3rd Floor Determine whether wind or seismic govern the design and establishes the value for the higher load Vt2 = iffp2, VS2m > VW2m,p2, VS2m,VW2m) WS2 = iffvt2 > VW2m ,0,l) 0 Seismic Governs1 l ' ' i iy i V i ' I T wind Governs Total Wind Force @ Each Wall Line Total Seismic Force @ Each Wall Line Design Shear Force @ Each Wall Line XB2 = "2-2" "2-3" "2-4" "^ *!"V Z"J / VW2m = L l\ 623 749 507 ^54], K VS2m = ^422 1926 21 74 1406 Vt2 = 422 1926 21 74 1406 .1482, K WS2 = Vbrace2 = if/Vbs2 > Vbw2 ,Vbs2 ,Vbw2'\1^1 f T \) Wind Force @ Each Brace Seismic Force (® Each Brace Design Shear Force @ Each Brace XB2 = "2-2" "2-3" "2-4" M^ CH Vbw2 = 208 25 1 69 1 8 K Vbs2 = \ 642 725 469 494y K Vbrace2 = 422 642 725 469 4947 Vbrace2 - VbraceS = 406 366 248 274 K / S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 17 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd 2nd Floor Determine whether wind or seismic govern the design and establishes the value for the higher load Vtl = iffpl.VSlm > VWlm.pl, VSlm.VWlm) WS1 = iffvtl > VWlm ,0, \\i [^ ' i i'K ' i' \; 1^1 i /0 Seismic Governs 1 Wind Governs Total Wind Force @ Each Wall Line Total Seismic Force <Q> Each Wall Line Design Shear Force @ Each Wall Line XB1 = ("1-1" N "1-2" "1-3" "1-4" ,"1-5", VWlm = (392N 969 1084 734 ^783, K VSlm = 2534 2723 1777 1893 K Vtl = '616 ^ 2534 2723 1777 1893V K WS1 = Vbracel = if/Vbsl > Vbwl .Vbsl .Vbwl }1^1 i' i' ij Wind Force @ Each Brace Seismic Force @ Each Brace Design Shear Force (5> Each Brace XB1 = "1-2" "1-3" "1-4" ,"1-5", Vbwl = 323 361 245 ,261 J K Vbsl = '616^ 845 908 592 631y Vbracel = 845 908 592 631y K. Vbracel - Vbrace2 = \ 94 203 1 83 1 24 V137, K S \BlueServertClients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 18 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd i = l n X-BRACE DESIGN @ 3rd FLOOR VbraceS Ten3 =i atari XB3 = cos a fHow3,l)inLan ^LowsJJ upnnj - lenj sin aian ' I 1LOW3JJ Tension Strap Column Uplift in Strap width ("3-1" > "3-2" "3-3" "3-4" ,"3-5" , Ten3 = f427^ 334 508 354 ,311, K StrpwthS = (244^ 1 91 29 202 ,178, IN Uphft3 = f302! 236 359 276 .22 , K Ten3 Strpwth3 = IN Anchor bolt in second floor above use #10 tec screw from bottom track to floor NoAB3 =VbraceS 287 1 33 LB + 49 Shear Force/Wall Line No of Screws Column Uplift XB3 = j-r1 "3-2" "3-3" "3-4" ,"3-5", VbraceS = j 02. 236 359 221 V22y K NoABS = K 7 10 6 <6> Uphft3 QColexc = 243 37 284 V226y K S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 19 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranct 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa 3A-CF mcc Holdown Type @ 3rd Floor Column Uplift XB3 = "3-2" "3-3" "3-4" "3-5" Uphft3 QHdexc = 4 14 323 492 378 .301 J K HDTyS = Holdown Type /"3"54Mil 15#1 OEaEnd (5 92 kips)" "3"54Mil 15#1 OEaEnd (5 92 kips)" = "3"54Mil l5#10EaEnd(592kips)" "3"54Mil 15#1 OEaEnd (5 92 kips)" V"3"43Mil 10#10EaEnd(3 11 kips)" J Number of Screws For Bracing Connections Use — x Seismic14 or Wind Load Which ever Is Greater Per UBC 2213831 XB3 = /"•T70 .fCrj — 111 vbs3, 77 , vbs3. 77 ,> 1, ,1 Ant Vbrace3 VbraceSV ' '7 Je3i (H™3^ stud (2)35081 62 ~atan[LoW3j 0^ larger nlaoont, Stud MaterialDUJ£al Th,ckness(M,ls) '"3-1"" "3-2" "3-3" "3-4" 110 CllV -> -> / CF3 = ^1 57^ 1 57 1 57 1 57 ,157, Angle3 = f45!45 45 51 {.45, deg Stud_MIL3 = r43^ 43 43 43 ^43, Determines screw allowable shear capacity based on stud material thickness Vsr_v3( = if^Stud_MIL3) > 43,271 LB,if/Stud_MIL3i > 54,429 LB.533 LBJj Use # 10 Tek Screws No of Screws In Diagonal No of Screws In Horz Track No of Screws In Stud Ten3 CF3> Nud3 = -1 533 LB 1 33 Vbrace3 CF3 Nuh3 =1 429 LB 1 33 Nuv3 = Uplift} CF3^ i i 1 Vsr v3 1 33~ Use 54 Mil Diagonal Strap Use 43 Mil Track Use 54 Mil Gusset Plate S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 20 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa 3A-CF mcc Straps One Side Or Two NoStrp3 = 1 1 1 v'y SW3 =StrpwthS NoStrp3 IN Strap Width '244^ 1 91 SW3 = 29 202 Converts Strap to Two Sides whenever Strap is Wider than 4" NoStrpS = iffStrpwthS > 8 IN, 1 ,if(Strpwth3 >4IN,2,r1 \ ' \ ' i Number of screws rounded to whole no and divided by two sides if applicable NudE3 =^NoStrpS NuhE3 = I^NoStrpB 49 49 NuvE3 =49 Strapwith3i = if[~SW3|0,3,0^111 XB3 = "3-2" "3-3" "3-4" "3-5" j NudE3 =NuhE3 = 7 10 7 NuvE3 = /7N 6 8 7 StrapwithS = ^ 3 3 S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 21 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Rancl 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa 3A-CF mcc i = 1 n Vbrace2 Ten2 =i cos atari( (Low2) X-BRACE DESIGN @ 2nd FLOOR - Uplift3 Tension in Strap = Ten2 sin atan1 ill Low2 Strap width ' ' Column Uplift Ten2 Strpwth2 = IN XB2= "2-2" "2-3" "2-4" "2-5" , Ten2= 908 1025 75 6 99y K Strpvvth2 = '34 519 586 429 IN Uphft2= 878 1084 862 K Anchor bolt in second floor above use #10 tec screw from bottom track to floor NoAB2 = , Vbrace2 + 49 287 1 33 LB XB2 = Shear Force/Wall Line '"2-1" x "2-2" "2-3" "2-4" "2-5" Vbrace2 = f422! 642 725 469 494, K No of Screws K NoAB2 = 17 19 13 v!3y Column Uplift 904 Uphft2 QColexc = 11 16 K 888 V735y S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 22 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa 3A-CF mcc Holdown Type @ 2nd Floor Column Uplift Holdown Type XB2 = "2-1 »\ "2-2" "2-3" "2-4" "2-5" Uphft2 577 1202 1484 11 8 977 K HDTy2 = f "3"54Mil 15#10EaEnd (5 92 kips)" "(2) 4"54Mil 18#10EaEnd (16 36 kips)" "(2) 4"54Mil 18#10EaEnd (16 36 kips)" "(2) 3"54Mil 15#10EaEnd (11 84 kips)" "(2) 3"54Mil 15#10EaEnd (11 84 kips)" S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 23 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd Number of Screws For Bracing Connections Use — x Seismic1 4 or Wind Load Which ever Is Greater Per UBC 221383 1 XB2 = r^r"} .cUrz — IT1 ("2-1"^ "2-2" "2-3" "2-4" ""1 VV ~-J J CF2 Vbs2 *» Vbs2 ™1 1 4 '14 *" 1 1 Vbrace2 '' Vbrace2^ ' ' ) = ^157^ 1 57 1 57 157 ,157, Angle |^How2i 1 1 Low2i Slope of Diagonal Strap Angle2 = f45! 45 45 51 V45> deg stud (2)3508162 or larger Stud Material Thickness (Mils) 43 43 43 43 Stud MIL2 = Determines screw allowable shear capacity based on stud material thickness Vsr v2 = if/Stud MIL2 > 43, 271 LB, iff Stud MIL2 > 54,429 LB.533- - -\ Use # 10 Tek Screws No of Screws In Diagonal Ten2 No of Screws In Horz Track No of Screws In Stud Uphft2 CF2 Nud2 = -' 533 LB I 33 Muh2 = Vbrace2 CF2i i 1 429 LB 1 33 Use 54 Mil Diagonal Strap Use 43 Mil Track Use 54 Mil Gusset Plate Nuv2 =1 Vsr v2 1 33- i S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 24 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd Straps One Side Or Two NoStrp2 =SW2 =Strpwth2 NoStrp2 IN Strap Width SW2 = '341' 259 293 2 14 399yv Converts Strap to Two Sides whenever Strap is Wider than 4" NoStrp2i = if[Strpwth2| > 8 IN, 1,if('Strpwth2] > 4 IN,2,1 jj Number of screws rounded to whole no and divided by two sides if applicable NudE2 = NuhE2 = + 49 49 Strapwith2t =4.SW2 3,4,/if(sW2 > 0,3,0]T111 NuvE2 = \,NoStrp2 49 XB2 = "2-2" "2-3" "2-4" NudE2 = 14 11 12 9 ifi NuhE2 = 12 9 10 7 14 NuvE2 = 10 13 10 Strapwith2 = S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 25 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa 3A-CF mcc i = l n Vbracel Tenl =1 ( /'Howl cos atan Lowl X-BRACE DESIGN @ 1st FLOOR Tenl StrpwthI = '175 —IN n aUpliftl = Tenl sml atanl + Uphft2 StklK ' ' Lowl ' ' NoAB1 = 1 82 K Shear Force @ Each Brace Tension in Strap Strap width Column Uplift XB1 = v "1-2" "1-3" "1-4" 111 CM'••> Vbracel = 845 908 592 631y K Tenl = 871 1195 1284 948 892y K StrpwthI = 683 733 542 V51 IN Upliftl = 1723 1992 1603 \J345; K Column Uplift No of 1/2" dia Anchor Bolt Uplift I QColexc = v 1774 205 165 1384/ K NoABl= Holdown Type Index Notes Holdown Device allowable uplift capacity is taken from1SIMPSON catalog XB1 = "1-2" "1-3" "1-4" Column Uplift Upliftl QHdexc = 2359 2727 21 94 K HDTyl = Holdown Type "S/HD15(144kips)" ") "(2)S/HD15(288kips)" "(2)S/HD15(288kips)" "(2)S/HD15(288kips)" "(2)S/HD15(288kips)"/ S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 26 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa 3A-CF mcc Number of Screws For Bracing Connections Use — x Seismic14 or Wind Load Which ever Is Greater Per UBC 2213831 CF1 = ifi Vbsl Qo 14 Vbracel Vbsl > 1,- Qo 1 4 Vbracel Angle 1 = atari1 Lowl stud (2)3508162 or larger XBl = •'"1-1" > "1-2" "1-3" "1-4" CF1 = "157^ 1 57 1 57 1 57 Slope of Diagonal Strap Anglel = 45 45 51 V45y deg Stud M1L1 = Stud Material Thickness (mils) '43 43 43 43 V43y Determines screw allowable shear capacity based on stud material thickness Vsr_vlr = if(Stud_MILl > 43,271 LB,if(Stud_MILl > 54,429 LB,533 LB\\ Use # 10 Tek Screws No of Screws In Diagonal Nudl = -1 533 LB 1 33 No of Screws In Horz Track No of Screws In Stud Uplift IjCFl^ Nuhl = Vbracel CF1 Use 54 Mil Diagonal Strap 1 429 LB 1 33 Use 43 Mil Track Use 54 Mil Gusset Plate Nuvl =1 Vsr vl I 33 S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 27 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd Straps One Side Or Two NoStrpl =swi =Strpwthl NoStrpl IN SWI = Strap Width f249^ 341 367 271 255y Converts Strap to Two Sides whenever Strap is Wider than 4" NoStrpl] = ifYStrpwthl^S IN,1 .iffetrpwth^ > 4 IN,2, l\\ Number of screws rounded to whole no and divided by two sides if applicable NudEl =Nudl NoStrpl + 49 NuhEl =Nuhl NoStrpl + 49 NuvEl =NoStrpl + 49 Strapwith =3,4,Af/SWl) > 0,3,0)J111 XB1 = "1-2" "1-3" "1-4" 111 CM NudEl = IU 14 15 11 1 AV i'3 ) v1"/ NuhEl = 12 13 9 NuvEl = 20 23 18 Strapwithl = S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\CalcsWathCAD 28 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd HORIZONTAL DISTRIBUTION OF SEISMIC FORCES UBC 163329 Diaphragms Vf2 = /15675X 285 294 37y K w = Vf2 w = 15675 285 |K U9437, Fx = 9061 11362 V 58 68 j K F = Fx F = 9061 11362 5868 K Ft = OK w, 1=1 I". 1=1 F+ Fn = I 1 = 1 Fp =9061K Fp = 131 76K FD = 105 13 K '"^ 9061 ~ 131 76 105 13 K Fpmm = 0 5 Ca 1 w rpmm 31 35 = 1 57 5887 K Fpmax - 1 Ca I w Fpmax : 627 114 |K 11775, = 1 3 Fpx - Fp px =ifffi \p ^ rpmin )rpmm >rp Fpx = 627 114 105 13 AreaVd = '5700^ 7600 V7850y SF S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 29 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa 3A-CF mco pFpx ^ 1 4 AreaVdi f786! 1 A 1 1 i, 957 J pep c- f786! 786 1 Sfi 786 V786J 2 fl071> 1071 in 71 1071 v!07lj 1 f957! 957 Q S7 957 v957J PSF = 1 5 VsR = = S3 Width3 VSR = VsR TL3 VSRm = VSR, i iii i '298 68N 37728 385 14 34977 ,326 19 ) PLF VSR = f209^ 49 746 459 ,457, K VSRm = f209^ 49 746 459 ,457, K VsF3 = ST Width2i -i i VSF3 = VsF3 TL2i i i VSF3m = VSF3 VsF3 = 1 /I JO 61047 56763 56763 ,58905; PLF VSF3 = i / 1221 11 745 ,825; K VSF3m = 1221 11 745 ,825y K VsF2 = Si Width! VSF2 = VsF2 TL1 VSF2m = VSF21,1 111 11 VsF2 = ^497 64N 54549 50721 50721 S7.fi ^ , PLF VSF2 = f 3 48 > 1091 983 666 7 ^7 K VSF2m = f348N 1091 983 666 7 T.1 K. S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 30 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd VtR = VSRm XB3 = "3-1" "3-2" "3-4" no CMV 3-5 J VtR = 49 746 459 457 K Vt3 = VSFSm XB2 = "2-2" "2-3" "2-4" "2-5" } Vt3 = 12 1221 11 745 825y K Vt2 = VSF2m XB1 = "1-2" "1-3" "1-4" Vt2 = 348 1091 983 666 737 K y S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 31 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd ROOF DIAPHRAGM Maximum Roof Shear Location @ Wall Roof Shear (plf) VR = i "3 1 " i "3-2" "3-3" "3-4" V 3-5 J dl = ^38133^ 50 1 66 50 1 33 502 i 482 , FT Case = (0 1 1 1 J, SR = 1 VtR,, VtR J VtR4 VtR,. SR = /209x 49 746 459 ^4 57, — > SRK vr = — vr =dl '41 37 N 5909 11221 4591 ^ 47 57 , PLF Diaphragm Nailing Index Notes 1 Horizontal diaphragm allowable shear is taken from ICBO report 5380 for plywood over light gage steel framing attached with Paslode fastners 2 Framing member assume 27 Mil with Mm 1 5" Flanges 3 Plywood use 7/16" structural I or rated sheathing VR = "3-2" "3-3" "3-4" "3-5" Roof Diaph Shear (plf) '41 37 5909 vr= 11221 PLF 4591 4757 j R_Ty = Required Diaphragm Nailing Schedule '"6,6,12 unblocked (180 PLF Case 1)" "6,6,12 unblocked (180 PLF Case 1)" "6,6,12 unblocked (180 PLF Case 1)" "6,6,12 unblocked (180 PLF Case 1)" "6,6,12 unblocked (180 PLF Case 1)" , S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 32 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd 3rd FLOOR DIAPHRAGM V2 = Maximum Roof Shear Roof Shear Location @ Wall (plf) f"2-ln} "2-2" "2-3" "2-4" ,"2-5" j d2 = f ' ^ 57 1 66 53 1 33 532 . 552 , FTise = f1!i, ii SF2 = x 'Vt3,> Vt3,2 Vt3 J Vt3 4 Vt3,^ 5; SF2 = f 12 1 1221 11 745 825 » Kv2=^ v2 = d2 ^119952N 12904 15602 7028 v 7497 , PLf Notes Diaphragm Nailing Index 1 Horizontal diaphragm allowable shear is taken from ICBO report 5380 for plywood over light gage steel framing attached with Paslode fastners 2 Framing member assume 27 Mil with Mm 1 5" Flanges 3 Plywood use 7/16" structural I or rated sheathing V2 = Roof Diaph Shear (plf) ( "2-1 " i "2-2" "2-3" "2-4" ,"2-5", v2 = 119952 12904 15602 7028 < 7497 y PLF F_Ty = Required Diaphragm Nailing Schedule "OTHER" "6,6,12 unblocked (180 PLF Case 1)" "6,6,12 unblocked (180 PLF Case 1)" "6,6,12 unblocked (180 PLF Case 1)" "6,6,12 unblocked (180 PLF Case 1)" S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 33 11/18/2005 304PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCH_Transv_Lat_Villa- 3A-CF mcd 2nd FLOOR DIAPHRAGM Maximum Roof Shear Location @ Wall Roof Shear (plf) vi = /,,M,, X "1-2" "1-3" "1-4" Ml CMV 1-5 J dl = '52 1 33^ 57 166 53 1 33 532 V 532 , FTise = /!> 1 1 1 OJ SF1 = "l Vt2_2 Vt23 Vt24 Vt2, SF1 = '348 N 1091 983 666 ^737, K vl =SF1 dl vl = 5037 1153 13941 628 6952 PLF Diaphragm Nailing Index Horizontal diaphragm allowable shear is taken from ICBO report 5380 for plywood over light gage steel framing attached with Paslode fastners Framing member assume 27 Mil with Mm 1 5" Flanges Plywood use 7/16" structural I or rated sheathing vi = "1-2" "1-3" "1-4" "1-5" Roof Diaph Shear (plf) vl = 5037 x 1153 13941 628 V6952y PLF F_Ty = Required Diaphragm Nailing Schedule "OTHER" "6,6,12 unblocked (180 PLF Case 1)" "6,6,12 unblocked (180 PLF Case 1)" "6,6,12 unblocked (180 PLF Case 1)" "6,6,12 unblocked (180 PLF Case 1)" y S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 34 11/18/2005 304PM EJixjr Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd PROGRAM SPECIFICATION UNITS ORIGIN = 1 LB = 2 KSI s •IN INEE 1L IN FT= 12 IN FT LE= 1M LBPSF = FT2 = JOOOLB LBPCF = RAD =1 SF = FT FT KKSF = FT2 This is a MATHCAD program The Formulas shown are active In other words the results are derived from the formula as shown All formula are unit sensitive All units are converted within the equations and results are converted to the units following Multiplication is represented by a single dot The matrices are straight line Example (0 2 IN +2 IN =4 IN 2 IN 7° 2 IN = fO 4 This Format considers wind loads automatically based on speed, exposure and height and seismic Z value based on zone Three Story Building CONTENT 1 Design Specification 2 Design Loads 3 Geometry Input 4 Wind Load 5 Seismic Load 6 Design Shear Loads 7 Horizontal Distribution of Seismic Forces 8 Roof Diaphragm 9 Floor Diaphragm S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/4/2005 521 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd DESIGN SPECIFICATION Design Wind Speed (MPH) Wind Exposure Seismic Zone Ground Floor Area No of Shear Walls No of Shear Walls in X-dir No of Shear Walls in Y-dir CODES 1997UBC Wind = 70 Exp = C Zone = 4 Area = 7820 SF n = 2 nx = 0 ny = 2 Light Gage Steel 43 Mil or Lighter Fs = 33 KSI 54 Mil or Heavier Fs = 50 KSI Foundation Designed by Others Seismic Design Parameter Provided By S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/20/2005 533PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd Roof Dead Load DL1 DL11 = 65PSF DL12 = 1 5 PSF DL13 = 25 PSF DL14 = 1 OPSF DL15 = 1 0 PSF DL16 = 1 5 PSF DESIGN LOAD Composition Roofing Sheathing Framing Misc Insulation Fire Sprinkler DL1 = DL11 + DL12 + DL13 + DL14 + DL15 + DL16 DL1 = 14 PSF Roof Live Load LL1 LL1 = 20 PSF (Pitch < 4 12) 3rd Floor Dead Load DL3 DL31 = 12 OPSF DL32 = 2 5 PSF DL33 = 1 5 PSF DL34 = 5 0 PSF DL35 = 1 0 PSF DL36 = 1 5 PSF Ceiling Dead Load DL2 DL21 = 1 5 PSF Framing DL22 = 50 PSF Drywall DL23 = 0 0 PSF DL24 = 0 0 PSF DL2 = DL21 + DL22 + DL23 + DL24 DL2 = 6 5 PSF Ceiling Live Load LL2 LL2 = 10 PSF Floor Covering 1-1/4" Gyp-Crete 2000 Sheathing 3/4" Ply Framing Double Drywall Misc Fire Sprinkler DL3 = DL31 + DL32 + DL33 + DL34 + DL35 + DL36 DL3 = 23 5 PSF Floor Dead Load 2nd Floor Dead Load DL4 DL41 = 12 OPSF DL42 = 2 5 PSF DL43 = 1 5 PSF DL44 = 5 0 PSF DL45 = 1 0 PSF DL46 = 1 5 PSF Wall Dead Load DL2 Floor Covering 1-1/4" Gyp-Crete 2000 Sheathing 3/4" Ply Framing Double Drywall Misc Fire Sprinkler DL4 = DL41 + DL42 + DL43 + DL44 + DL45 + DL46 DL4 = 23 5 PSF 2nd Floor Dead Load L41 = 120 PLF L42 = 180 PLF L45 = 14 PSF Interior Walls Exterior Walls Equivalent WallLoad Per SQFT DL5 = 38PSF Balcony Covering 3" Concrete Floor Live Load LL3 LL3 = 40 0 PSF LL4 = 100 0 PSF Floor Live Load Corridor Live Load S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/4/2005 521 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 r- Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCXJ_ateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd GEOMETRY INPUT Width of Bldg Contributing To Seismic Force Tributary Length To Roof & Wall Diaphragm Height Of Wall XB3 = »3_7" "3-8" WidthS = Al '343-2+15 FT TL3 = | I FT34 3 - 2 + 5 10 How3 =| | FT10, Width3 TL3 = 6 52 x 105ft2 # Of Braces per Wall Length Of Wall Brace Story Number XB3 = »3-7» "3-8"Nb3 =Low3 =FT FL No3 = S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/4/2005 521 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp. Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch (760) 597-8900 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd Width of Bldg Tributary Height 2nd Floor Contributing To Length Of Wall Seismic Force To Roof & Wall Diaphragm '"2-7" ^ A38^ ^343-2+85^1 flOXB2 = | Width2 = FT TL2 = FT How2 = (FT "2-8" J llSsJ 1343-2 + 55J ^10,\ / \ s \. s \ s Width2 TL2 = 9 6 x 105ft2 # Of Braces Length Of Story Is X-brace Above Stacked7 per Wall Wall Brace Number Yes = 1 No = 0 "2-7" XB2 = "2-8" S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 5 11/4/2005 5 21 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd 1st Floor Width of Bldg Contributing To Seismic Force Tributary Length To Roof & Wall Diaphragm Height Of Wai I XB1 =1-7" 1-8" (138}Width 1 = FTU38J (343-2 + 85 TL1 = I FT1343-2 + 55, JOHowl =| | FT10, Widthl TL1 = 9 6 x ]Q5ft2 # Of Braces per Wall Length Of Wall Brace Is X-brace Above Stacked7 Yes = 1 No = 0 XB1 ="1-7" "1-8"Nbl =Lowl =| I FT Stkl = S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/4/2005 521 PM 9 Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd WIND LOAD Qs = 0 00256 Wind" PSF (use UBC method 2-projected area method) Wind Loading Wind = 70 MPH Exp = 2 1 = 1 Importance factor Roof Exposure Height At Roof UBC Table 16-G XB3 ="3-7" "3-8" 3333\EHR = | | FT,3333,FT FCe = ^139 106 62 1 45 1 13 67 15 1 19 72 1 54 1 23 76 162 131 S4J —>M JY—^ |Y—>A [Y—^ [f—^HR) < 15,1,if] IHR 1 < 20,2,if IHRJ <25,3,if IHRJ < 30,4,if IHRJ < 40,5,0 Cer = FCe, _i hr,, Exp Qs=1254PSF S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/4/2005 521 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd Exposure Coef Pressure Coef XB3 ="3-7" "3-8" Cer =131 131 Cq =13 13 Pw3 = Cer Cq Qs Ii i n (2136} Pw3 = PSF12136J Vertical Exposure at floor line Wind Force per foot @ Wall Total Wind Force @ Each Wall Line XB3 = "3-7" "3-8" Ver3 =/'213 62")FT Vw3 = Ver3 Pw3 Vw3 = | PLF VW3. = Vw3. TL3 VW3 = | | K V21362 398 473 Modify Wind Force for Shear Wall VW3m = VW3 Total Modified Wind Force m Each Wall Line Wind Force @ Each Brace XB3 ="3-7" "3-8" '398 VW3m,VW3m = | K Vbw3 = Vbw3 = | Kl Nb3 1158, it S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/4/2005 521 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch (760) 597-8900 21702-R11_PCX_l_ateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd 2nd Floor Vertical Wind Wind Force Exposure Pressure r f _ Fr Per Foot at Floor Line Cet ~ l.Exp Pw2 = Cef Cq Qs I^ . "2-7"^ (10} (1729} ^17286^1 XB2 = Ve2 = FT Pw2 = PSF Vw2 = Ve2 Pw2 Vw2 = PLF "2-8") {10) \\129) ' ' ' {172S6J Total Wind Force in Each Wall Line , "2-7" ^ f 8 42XB2 = VW2 = VW3m + Vw2 TL2 VW2 = K,"2-8" J ' 111 I 8 65, Modify Wind Force for Shear Wall Total Modified Wind Wind Force Force in Each Wall @ Each Brace Line "2-7" ^ /842>, VW2m /281 XB2 = | VW2m = VW2 VW2m = K Vbw2 = Vbw2 = | K "2-8") ' ' (.S65J 1 Nb2 1^288, S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 9 11/4/2005 5 21 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd 1st Floor Cef = FCe Vertical Exposure at Floor Line , r, Pwl = Cef Cq Qs I1,Exp i i Wind Pressure Wind Force per Foot XBl ="1-7" "1-8" Vel =FT \129\ 7 Vwl = Vel Pwl Vwli i i PLF Total Wind Force in Each Wall Line XB1 ="1-7" "1-8" VW1 = VW2m + Vwl TL1i 111 1285'vwi = | IK1256, Modify Wind Force for Shear Wall Total Modified Wind Force in Each Wall Line Wind Force @ Each Brace XBl ='1-7" '1-8"VWlm = VW1i i 1285 VWlm = | IK1256, VWlm Vbwl =1 Nbl 4 28 419 K S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 10 11/4/2005 521 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd SEISMIC LOAD Seismic Zone = 4 Z = if(Zone = 1,0 075,if(Zone = 2 1,0 15, if (Zone = 2 2,02,if(Zone = 3,0 3, if (Zone = 4,04,0)) Z = 0 4 1 = 1 Na = 1 0 Ca = 0 40 Na Nv = 1 1 Cv = 0 56 Nv R = 5 6 .Qo = 2 2 UBC Sec 1629 8 3 Static, and 1630 2 Static Force Procedure Vertical Distribution of Seismic Force Ht =20 V10y Ct = 0 020 Structure Period 1^5700^ AreaVd = 7600 SF Vf2 = DL1+ DL2 +L45 (DL3 + L45) 1 (DL4 + L45) AreaVd Vf2 = 156 75 285 29437 K T = Ct T = 0 25 sec < 0 7 sec, therefore, higher mode effect force will be included si =Cvl smax =25CaI smml = 0 11 Cal smm2 =0 8 Z Nv I RT R R factor = if(sl > smax, smax, if (si < smml,sminl,if(sl < smin2,smin2,sl))) si = 0 44 smax = 018 smml = 0 04 smm2 = 0 06 factor = 018 2 = 73612K Total weight of the building V = factor V Vf2 V= 131 45K Base Shear UBC 1630 5 Vertical distribution of force Fx =VVf2Ht VfZHt Fx = '453^ 5681 V2934y K V df = '034^ 043 1,022. = 1 S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11 11/4/2005 521 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_l_ateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd Seismic Force (S>. Roof DF = df UBC 162983 for service level design Vs3 = S3 Widths S3 = DF factor '14 AreaVd VS3m Vbs3 = Nb3 VS3 = Vs3 TL3] VS3m = VS3i i '568^ S3 = | PSF568J Seismic Force (a) 3rd Floor DF = df „S2 = DF 1 4 AreaVd^I v PSF 534J Vs2 = S2 Width2 VS2 = VS3m + (Vs2 TL211 i i i \ i i Modify Seismic Force for Shear Wall VS2m = VS2i i VS2m Vbs2 =Nb2 Modify Seismic Force for Shear Wall Seismic Force <5) 2nd Floor DF = df „ SI = DF factor 1 '14 AreaVd, SI = PSF Vsl = SI Widthl VS1 =VS2m+Vsl TL1 VSlm = VS1 Modify Seismic Force for Shear 1 ] ' ' Wall VSlm Vbsl =1 Nbl S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 12 11/4/2005 521 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd Calculate Redundancy Factor p3 @ Roof To adjust seismic force based on UBC 1630 1 1 for redundancy of lateral-force-resistmg system In x-direction j = nx + 1 n Total Shear at Wall m X-Dir V3sx = VS3m V3tx = V V3sx V3tx = 25 71 KJ J RXmax =max(V3bx) V3tx V3bx = Vbs3J J 20 FT RXmax /AreaVd RYmax =max(V3by) V3ty RYmax = 018 1 RXmax = 018 p3j = 2 - Total Shear at Wall @ Y-Dir In y-direction k = 1 ny V3syk = VS3mk V3ty = V V3sy V3ty = 25 71K V3byk = Vbs3fc Max Shear at Each Brace @ X-Dir max(V3bx) = 465K Max Shear at Each Brace @ Y-Dir max(V3by) = 4 65 K Seismic Redundancy Factor p3j = if(p3j < 1,1, if(p3j > 1 5,1 5, P3j)) P3k = 2 -20 FT RYmax /AreaVd, )3 = (l}v ' u; p3k = if(p3k < 1,1 ,if(p3k > 1 5,1 5,p3j<)) S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 13 11/4/2005 521 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch (760) 597-8900 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd Seismic Force Total Seismic Force Seismic Force per foot @ Wall @ Each Wall Line @ Each Brace VS3m Vs3 = p3, S3 Width3 VS3m = p3, VS3m Vbs3 =i ' i i ' > i Nb3i ("3-7"} f 63017^ (\ 175} (392\ XB3 = Vs3 = PLF VS3m = K Vbs3 = K V"3-8'V ^630 1?J \\396J {4 65 j S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 14 11/4/2005 5 21 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd Calculate Redundancy Factor g2 @ 2nd Floor To adjust seismic force based on UBC 1630 1 1 for redundancy of lateral-force-resisting system Total Shear at Max Shear at Each In x-direction j = nx + 1 n Wall@X-Dir Brace @X-Dir V2sx = VS2m V2tx = VV2sx V2tx = 61 3KJ J RXmax =max(V2bx) V2tx In y-direction k = 1 ny RXmax = 0 17 p2j = 2 - Total Shear at Wall @ X-Dir V2bx = Vbs2 max(V2bx) = 1022KJ J 20 FT RXmax /AreaVd2 V2sy, = VS2m, V2ty = V V2sy V2ty = 61 3 K K K ^^^ RYmax =max(V2by) V2ty RYmax = 0 17 Max Shear at Each Brace @ X-Dir V2by, = Vbs2 max(V2by) = 1022K 1C Iv Seismic Redundancy Factor p2k = 2 -20 FT RYmax AreaVd, p2 = p2k = if(p2k < I,l,if(p2k> 1 5,1 5,p2k)) P2j =if(p2J<l,l,if(p2J>15,15,P2J)) S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 15 11/4/2005 521 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd Seismic Force per foot @ Wall Vs2 = p2i S2 Width2i K ' i i Total Seismic Force @ Each Wall Line VS2m = p2, VS2m Seismic Force @> Each Brace VS2m Vbs2 = Nb2 XB2 ="2-7" "2-8" Vs2 = | PLF 17368, 30VS2m = | |K,3065, 1022) Vbs2 = | K1022J S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 16 11/4/2005 521 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp. (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd Calculate Redundancy Factor pi @ 1st Floor , , tIn x-direction j = nx + 1 n Total Shear at WallX-Dir Vlsx = VSlm Vltx = lsx Vltx = 7909 KJ J RXmax max(Vlbx) Vltx RXmax = 0 17 plj = 2 - Vlbx = VbslJ J 20 FT RXmax /AreaVd3 Total Shear at In y-direction k = 1 ny Wall @ X-Dir Max Shear at Each Brace @ X-Dir max(Vlbx) = 13 37K Max Shear at Each Brace @ X-Dir Vlsy = VSlmk Vlty = VVlsy Vlty = 79 09K Vlbyk = Vbslk max(Vlby) = 13 37K RYmax =max(Vlby) Vlty RYmax = 0 17 Seismic Redundancy Factor plk=2-20 FT RYmax /AreaVd TO / , \\ fOpl=l I plk = if(plk<l,l>if(plk>15,15)Plk)) Pl=lj S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 17 11/4/2005 521 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp Structural Design 21702-Car/sbad Ranch (760) 597-8900 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd Seismic Force Total Seismic Force Seismic Force per foot @ Wall @ Each Wall Line @ Each Brace VSlm Vsl =pl,Sl Widthl VSlm = pi, VSlm Vbsl =' ' i i i ' ' Nbli "1-7"} (368 4} T40O (1337}XB1 = Vsl = PLF VSlm= \K Vbsl = \K • V3684J U8 99J ^ 13 ) S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 18 11/4/2005 5 21 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp. (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd Roof DESIGN SHEAR LOAD Determine whether wind or seismic govern the design and establishes the value for the higher load = if[p3, Total Wind Force @ Each Wall Line WS3[ = Total Seismic Force @ Each Wall Line Design Shear Force @ Each Wall Line 0 Seismic Governs 1 Wind Governs XB3 ="3-7" "3-8" 3 98 VW3m= K VS3m473 I 75 396 K vt3 = | IK .1396, WS3 = Vbrace3] =Vbw3i,Vbs3i,Vbw3)] Wind Force @ Each Brace Seismic Force <3> Each Brace Design Shear Force @ Each Brace XB3 ="3-7" "3-8" 133Vbw3 =| |K158. (392}Vbs3 = K r392 VbraceS = | | K ,465. S \BlueServeriClients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 19 11/4/2005 521 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mod 3rd Floor Determine whether wind or seismic govern the design and establishes the value for the higher load Vt2] = ifYp2! VS2mi > VW2mi,p21 VS2m],VW2mi) Total Wind Force @ Each Wall Line 7 1 Total Seismic Force @ Each Wall Line VW2m],0, Design Shear Force @ Each Wall Line 0 Seismic Governs 1 Wind Governs XB2 = "2-7" "2-8" 842 VW2m = | |K.865, '3065^ VS2m = | |K ,3065, '3065vt2 = | |K,3065, WS2 = Vbrace2 = ifVbs2 Vbw2 , Vbs2 ,Vbw2 }111; Wind Force @ Each Brace Seismic Force <3> Each Brace Design Shear Force @ Each Brace "2-7" "2-8" 281 288 1022 1022 1,102:22 63 556 S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 20 11/4/2005 521 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd 2nd Floor Determine whether wind or seismic govern the design and establishes the value for the higher load Vtl( =^ VWlm^pl, VSlm^VWlmJ WS^ = iffvt^ > VWlm^O, l) Total Wind Force @ Each Wall Line Total Seismic Force @ Each Wall Line Design Shear Force @ Each Wall Line 0 Seismic Governs 1 Wind Governs XB1 ="1-7"12 85VWlm = | |K J256, f401 ,VSlm = |K1^38 99, f401 ,vti = IK 138 99, WS1 = Vbracel == if/Vbsl > Vbwl ,Vbsl ,Vbwl }^1 111) Wind Force (a) Each Brace Seismic Force @ Each Brace Design Shear Force @ Each Brace XB1 ="1-7" "1-8" '428vbwi=| IK 1337Vbsl =| |K 1337} (315'Vbracel = | K Vbracel - Vbrace2 = | K13 ) (278 S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 21 11/4/2005 521 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-V/lla- 3A-CF mcd HORIZONTAL DISTRIBUTION OF SEISMIC FORCES UBC 163329 Diaphragms Vf2 = '156 75N 285 V29437y K w = 261 94~ 35719 V35719y K Fx = '453^ 5681 V2934y K F = Fx F =5681 V29 34y K Ft = OK \ Fn = 1 = 1 w,. 1 = 1 = 1 Fp =453K Fp =5891K Fp =4809K Fn = '453^ 5891 48 09) K Fpmm = 0 5 Ca I w rpmm '5239^1 7144 V7144y K / Fpmax - 1 Ca I w Fpmax : 104 78 14288 Vl4288y K 1 = 13 Fpx - Fp Fpx = '52 39^ 71 44 K AreaVd =7600 SF S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 22 11/4/2005 521 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp. (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mod px-s1 1 4 AreaVd O _ '656^ 671 PSF S3 = I PSF656, (671 S2 = I PSF1671 f65,S] = PSFUs. i=12 VsR = S3 Width3i Ji i VSR = VsR TL3i i J VSRm = VSRi i VsR (728 16^ "(,728 16 J PLF , 1358,VSR = | IK1613, 1 CO58VSRm = | |K1613, VsF3 = S2 Width2i 2i i VSF3 = VsF3 TL2i i i VSF3m = VSF3 1^92598^VsF3 = PLFJ 1^925 98 J '2375}VSF3 = | K,20977 '2375' VSF3m = | |K,2097, VsF2 = S] Widthli i i VSF2 = VsF2 TL1i i i VSF2m = VSF2i i ,VsF2 = | PLF (2301 ,VSF2 = K (2301 ,VSF2m = K 12032, S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 23 11/4/2005 521 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd VtR = VSRm '"3-7"XB3 = ' '3-8" 13 SB" VtR = | |K1613, Vt3 = VSF3m '"2-7"XB2 = '2-8' '2375'vt3 = IK,2097, Vt2 = VSF2m XB1 =1-7" "1-8 /2301vt2 = I IK .2032, S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 24 11/4/2005 521 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21 702-R1 1_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- •""" 3A-CF mcd ROOF DIAPHRAGM Maximum Roof Shear Location @ Wall Roof Shear (plf) VR ="3-7" "3-8"dl =FT Case =SR = VtR SR =13 dl 12234! 14S3J Notes 1 Diaphragm Nailing Index Horizontal diaphragm allowable shear is taken from ICBO report 5380 for plywood over light gage steel framing attached with Paslode fastners 2 Framing member assume 27 Mil with Mm 1 5" Flanges 3 Plywood use 7/16" structural I or rated sheathing _ . _ . _. . ._Roof D,aph Shear (plf)Required Diaphragm N q ai|mg Pa VR ="3-7" "3-8" 122 34^ 1453 J R Ty = "6,6,12 unblocked (135 PLF Case> 1)" "6,6,12 blocked (202 PLF)" c S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 25 11/4/2005 5 21 PM Elixir Steef Framing Corp Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch (760) 597-8900 21702-R11_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd 3rd FLOOR DIAPHRAGM Maximum Roof Shear Roof Shear Location @ Wall (plf) '"27"^ ^138^ fl~\ fVt3l) 1^2375^ SF2 hV2 = I d2 = FT Case = SF2 = SF2 = K v2 = v2 = |PLF'2-8" J {138 J \_1J [ Vt32 J V2097; d2 N . Diaphragm Nailing Index 1 Horizontal diaphragm allowable shear is taken from ICBO report 5380 for plywood over light gage steel framing attached with Paslode fastners 2 Framing member assume 27 Mil with Mm 1 5" Flanges 3 Plywood use 7/16" structural I or rated sheathing Roof Diaph Shear (plf) Required Diaphragm Nailing Schedule "2-7"^ (\12\\\ ("6,6,12 unblocked (180 PLF Case])"V2 =1 v2= PLF F Ty =1 "2-8" J (j51 98J V'6,6,12 unblocked (180 PLF Case 1)" S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 26 11/4/2005 5 21 PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp. (760) 597-8900 Structural Design 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21 702-R1 1_PCX_Lateral_Longt-Villa- 3A-CF mcd 2nd FLOOR DIAPHRAGM Maximum Roof Shear Location @ Wall Roof Shear (plf) VI = "1-8" dl =FT Case = Vt2l) f230 SF1 = SF1 = K Vt22J \2032 vl=SF1-dl vl =PLF Diaphragm Nailing Index Horizontal diaphragm allowable shear is taken from ICBO report 5380 for plywood over light gage steel framing attached with Paslode fastners Framing member assume 27 Mil with Mm 1 5" Flanges Plywood use 7/16" structural I or rated sheathing Roof Diaph Shear (plf)Required Diaphragm Nailing Schedule VI = "1-7" "1-8" (166 12\ vl= PLF{147 22J FTy =~ "6,6,12 unblocked (180 PLF Case 1)" "6,6, 12 unblocked (180 PLF Case 1)" S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 27 11/4/2005 5 21 PM 2. ROOF BEAM DESIGN .§ Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Ray Grage CE#19137 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R06-Villa-3A-CN mcd PROGRAM SPECIFICATION UNITS ORIGIN = 1 IN = 1L LBPSl = IN KSI =K IN' FT = 12 IN FT PSF = = 1M LB FT K = 1000 LB LB FT3 RAD si SF = FT FT K FT2 This is a MATHCAD program The Formulas shown are active In other words the results are derived from the formula as shown All formula are unit sensitive All units are converted within the equations and results are converted to the units following Multiplication is represented by a single dot The matrices are straight line Example PI 2 IN +2 IN =4 IN 2 IN "PI 2 IN =4 IN This Format considers wind loads automatically based on speed, exposure and height and seismic Z value based on zone Three Story Buildings CONTENT 1 Design Specification 2 Design Loads 3 Roof Beam Design 4 Floor Beam Design S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/22/2005 1040AM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Ray Grage CE#19137 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R06-Vi!la-3A-CN mcd Roof Dead Load DL1 DL11=65 PSF DL12 = 15 PSF DL13 = 25 PSF DL14 = 1 OPSF DL15 = 10 PSF DL16 = 1 5 PSF DESIGN LOAD Composition Roofing Sheathing Framing Misc Insulation Fire Sprinkler DL1 =DL11 + DL12 + DL13 + DL14+DL15 + DL16 DL1 = 14PSF Roof Live Load LL1 LL1 = 20 PSF (Pitch/<412) 3rd Floor Dead Load DL3 DL31 =120 PSF DL32 =25 PSF DL33 = 1 5 PSF DL34 =50 PSF DL35 = 1 0 PSF DL36 = 1 5 PSF Ceiling Dead Load DL2 DL21 = 1 5 PSF Framing DL22 = 5 0 PSF Drywall DL23 = 0 0 PSF DL24 = 0 0 PSF DL2 = DL21 + DL22 + DL23 + DL24 DL2 = 6 5 PSF Ceiling Live Load LL2 LL2 = 10 PSF Floor Covering 1-1/4" Gyp-Crete 2000 Sheathing 3/4" Ply Framing Double Drywall Misc Fire Sprinkler DL3 = DL31 + DL32 + DL33 + DL34 + DL35 + DL36 DL3 = 23 5 PSF Floor Dead Load 2nd Floor Dead Load DL4 DL41 = 12 OPSF DL42 = 2 5 PSF DL43 = 1 5 PSF DL44 = 5 0 PSF DL45 = 1 0 PSF DL46 = 1 5 PSF DL4 = DL41 + DL42 + DL43 + DL44 + DL45 + DL46 DL4 = 23 5 PSF 2nd Floor Dead Load Floor Covering 1-1/4" Gyp-Crete 2000 Sheathing 3/4" Ply Framing Double Drywall Misc Fire Sprinkler Wall Dead Load DL2 L41 = 120 PLF L42 = 180 PLF L45 = 14 PSF Interior Walls Exterior Walls Equivalent WallLoad Per SOFT DL5 = 38PSF Balcony Covering 3" Concrete Floor Live Load LL3 LL3 = 40 0 PSF LL4 = 100 OPSF Floor Live Load Corridor Live Load S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/19/2005 732PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Ray Grage CE#19137 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R06-Villa-3A-CN mcd = 18 RB = ROOF BEAM DESIGN TWrl = /"RB-1" "RB-2" "RB-3" "RB-4" "RB-5" "RB-6" "RB-7" "RB-8" J Wl = (DL1 + LL1 + DL2) TWrl + WDL1 Tributary Other Loads Length Width of Roof Wall DL Of Beam '43 25 - 2 + 2 5 "j 6-2+25 6-2+25 43 25 - 2 5 25 - 2 + 2 5 1 1 - 2 + 3 75 5-2+25 FT WDL1 = 11-2 + 25 J '0} 0 0 0 0 0 0 PLF LI = ^ J ' 5 } 4 85 8 135 4 4 ,« ) FT RB = r"RB-l" ^ "RB-2" "RB-3" "RB-4" "RB-5" "RB-6" "RB-7" Wl = "RB-8" J 977 06 ] 22275 22275 87581 20756 37463 2025 , 324 J PLF Rr = Wl LI Rr = 045 095 35 1 4 075 041 K PT LD GT 4 0 K Mr = Wl '305^ 045 201 701 473 075 041 259J LI Mr =FTK S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/21/2005 1 22PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Ray Grage CE#19137 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R06-Villa-3A-CN mcd Beam Type 1 =LH 3 = ROOF TRUSS & FLOOR TRUSS 4 = Other Beam And Column Stud Selection Note See attached PROP86 calculation for "S" box beams Bm RB = Ident Bm Uniform <MRB-1" ^ "RB-2" "RB-3" "RB-4" "RB-5" "RB-6" "RB-7" Load Wl = ^"RB-8" J Bm Ident RB = '"RB-1" " "RB-2" "RB-3" "RB-4" "RB-5" "RB-6" "RB-7" ^"RB-8" J Bm Span '97706^ 22275 22275 87581 20756 37463 2025 PLF , 324 ) No of PCS BmPcsl = '2> 2 I 2 2 1 2 2) LI = ' 5 1 4 85 8 135 4 4 FT .« J Bm Depth Bm Type Bm Material BmDthl = f101 6 10 8 10 10 8 ^ioj BmTyl = Thickness (Mils) f2) 2 1 2 2 1 2 ?) BmMILl = (-»-) 33 54 68 54 43 68 BOX BOX BOX BOX ,54J S \BlueServei\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/21/2005 1 22PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp. (760) 597-8900 Ray Grage CE#19137 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R06-Villa-3A-CN mcd Stud Type Stud Material Thickness (Mils) RB = '"RB-1" ^ "RB-2" "RB-3" "RB-4" "RB-5" "RB-6" "RB-7" ^"RB-8" J 1 Studl = '"(2)5505162" ^ "(2)5505162" "(2)5505162" "(2)5505162" "(2)5505162" "(2)5505162" "(2)5505162" ^"(2)5505162" J StudMlLl = '33 > 33 33 33 33 33 33 Mid point bracing Mid point bracing Mid point bracing Number Of Beams i = 18 Heavy Mil L Header Heavy Mil Stud Light Mil Stud Screw Count Screw Count Screw Count o,. Rri-534LBBmPcsl] Rrj c 1 BmPcsl 429 LB ' BmPcsl 429 LBi i Rr] ./icmp,? — .---^--r,--,-. — 1 BmPcsl 271 LB 1 NoScsl = StudMlLl j < 33,ScTemp3i,ScTemp2ij } + 49<2,2,tioScli+ 49\ Required Number Of Screws Each End Each Side NoScsl = S \BlueServer\Chenls\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/21/2005 1 22PM 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model RB-2 Date 11/19/2005 223.0 Unit Ld Ib/ft R1 R2 400ft Section (2)6003162-33 Boxed C Stud (X-XAxis) Maxo = 1901 3 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 3 586 inM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check Fy = 33 0 ksi Va= 1224 Olb Span Center Span Mm ax Ft-Lb 4460 Mmax/ Maxo 0235 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Load P(lb) 4460 4460 Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 4460 4460 Mpos Bracing Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb (in) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 4460 Full 19013 0235 0012 L/3953 Brng (in) 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Pa (Ib) 3129 3129 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 V/Va 036 036 M/Ma 000 000 Intr Value 171 171 Intr Unstiffen 013 013 Stiffen Req'd "» YES YES Intr Stiffen NA NA 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model RB-4 Date 11/19/2005 8760 Unif Ld Ib/ft R1 R2 800ft Section (2)8005162-68 Boxed C Stud (X-XAxis) Maxo = 9928 4 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 14 179 inM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 8096 6 Ib Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 70079 Mmax/ Maxo 0706 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Mpos Ft-Lb 70079 Bracing (in) Full Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 99284 0706 0193 L/497 Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Load P(lb) 35040 35040 Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 35040 35040 Brng (in) 100 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 02 Pa (Ib) 20685 20685 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 02 V/Va 043 043 M/Ma 000 000 Intr Value 203 203 Intr Unstiffen 019 019 Stiffen Req'd "> YES YES Intr Stiffen NA NA 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model RB-5 Date 11/19/2005 208.0 Unif Ld Ib/ft R1 R2 1350ft Section (2)10005162-54 Boxed C Stud (X-XAxis) Maxo= 85439Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 19900mM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 3186 Olb Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 47385 Mmax/ Maxo 0555 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Load P(lb) 14040 14040 Mpos Ft-Lb 47385 Brng (m) 1 00 1 00 Bracing (in) Full Pa (Ib) 11460 11460 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 85439 0555 0265 L/612 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd' 00 1 47 YES 01 1 47 YES Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 14040 14040 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 01 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 V/Va 044 044 M/Ma 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 019 019 Intr Stiffen NA NA 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model RB-7 Date 11/19/2005 202,5 Unif Ld Ib/ft R1 Point Loads Load(lb) X-Dist (ft) R2 400ft P1 4000 020 Section (2)8003162-68 Boxed CStud (X-X Axis) Maxo= 99284Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 14179mM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va = 8096 6 Ib Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 9038 Mmax/ Maxo 0091 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 P1 Load P(ib) 42050 6050 40000 Mpos Ft-Lb 9038 Brng On) 1 00 1 00 1 50 Bracing (m) Full Pa (Ib) 14244 20685 15120 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 99284 0091 0006 L/7835 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd f 00 3 54 YES 00 0 35 No 836 9 3 26 YES Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 P1 Vmax (Ib) 42050 6050 41653 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 8369 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 V/Va 052 007 051 M/Ma 000 000 008 Intr Unstiffen 027 001 027 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA 3. FLOOR BEAM DESIGN Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Ray Grage CE#19137 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R06-Villa-3A-CN mcd FLOOR BEAM DESIGN FB = FB = Tributary Tributary wMhf Width of Width of vyimn or _, , _. CorridorRoof Floor '"FB-1" ^ "FB-2" "FB-3" "FB-4" "FB-5" "FB-6" "FB-7" "FB-8" "FB-9" "FB-10" "FB-11" "FB-12" TWr2 = "FB-13" J ' ° 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 FT TWf2 = 0 0 0 0 0 ^2-2j ^ 2-2 ^ 0 2-2 0 2-2 0 26-2 FT TWc2 = 14-2 0 0 155-2 0 13-2 J ' 8-2 ^ 8-2 6-2 6-2 14-2 75-2+25 0 0 1175-2 4-2 65-2 8-2 , 2-2 J Other Length Loads Of Wall DL Beam ("FB-1" >| "FB-2" "FB-3" "FB-4" "FB-5" "FB-6" "FB-7" "FB-8" "FB-9" "FB-10" "FB-11" "FB-12" WDL2 = "FB-13" j '180^ 0 180 0 180 0 0 PLF L2 = 180 0 0 0 0 180 I^ J ( 5 "l 145 8 1075 4 15 4 4 125 12 5 27 FT , 4 ; FT S \BlueServeAChents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/19/2005 950PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (760) 597-8900 Ray Grage CE#19137 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R06-Villa-3A-CN mcd Beam Type 1 =LH 2 = S 3 = ROOF TRUSS & FLOOR TRUSS 4 = Other Beam And Column Stud Selection FB = n Ident '"FB-1" ^ "FB-2" "FB-3" "FB-4" "FB-5" "FB-6" "FB-7" "FB-8" "FB-9" "FB-10" "FB-11" "FB-12" "FB-13" J BmU Load 1 W2 = niform '7515 > 494 628 3705 1122 77187 10075 7225 72556 247 1002 494 84775 jk. y ! PLF Bm Span L2 = 0 145 8 1075 4 15 4 4 125 12 5 27 ] FT Bm Ident No of PCS Bm Depth Bm Type Bm Material Thickness (Mils) FB = '"FB-1" ^ "FB-2" "FB-3" "FB-4" "FB-5" "FB-6" "FB-7" "FB-8" "FB-9" "FB-10" "FB-11" "FB-12" BmPcs2 = "FB-13" J '2} 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 BmDth2 = ,lj 'JO") 12 10 10 10 14 10 10 12 12 8 14 BmTy2 = ,ioj '2} 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 BmMlL2 = S) / 68 \ BOX PT LD RB-1 97 54 54 68 312 68 54 97 97 54 8 BACK TO BACK BACK TO BACK FLUSH PTLDRB-3 BOX PT LD RB-7 HSS1 4x4x5 PTLD FB-12 RIM JOIST RIM JOIST PTLDRB-2 BACK TO BACK FLUSH PT LD FB-9 BACK TO BACK W 14x43 ^ 68 J RIM JOIST Note See attached PROP86 calculation for "S" box beams S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 11/19/2005 950PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp. (760) 597-8900 Ray Grage CE#19137 21702-Carlsbad Ranch 21702-R06-Villa-3A-CN mcd ( "FB-1" "FB-2" "FB-3" "FB-4" "FB-5" "FB-6" FB = "FB-7" Stud2 = "FB-8" "FB-9" "FB-10" "FB-11" "FB-12" "FB-13" J Number Of Beams Heavy Mil L Header Screw Count Stud Type ("(2)5508162" "(2)5508162" "(2)5508162" "(2)5508162" "(2)5508162" "(2)5508162" "(2)3508162" "(2)5508162" "(2)5508162" "(2)5508162" "(2)5508162" "(2)5508162" "(2)5508162" J Stud Material Thickness (Mils) StudMIL2 = 43 33 33 54 97 33 33 54 54 33 54 Mid point bracing Third point bracing Mid point bracing Third point bracing Mid point bracing Mid point bracing Mid point bracing Mid point bracing Mid point bracing Mid point bracing Mid point bracing Heavy Mil Stud Screw Count Light Mil Stud Screw Count - 534 LB BmPcs2 R2 R2 ScTempl =BmPcs2i 429 LB NoSc2 = ifYBmTy2 = 1 .< 33,ScTemp3],ScTemp2i^ NoScs2 = if(NoSc2 + 49<2,2,NoSc2 + 49]i I i i / Required Number Of Screws Each End Each Side NoScs2 = -ScTemp2 = ScTemp3 =l BmPcs2 429 LB ' BmPcs2 271 LB 5 5 4 3 14 6 6 2 5 16 S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD 10 11/19/2005 1014PM 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model FB-1 Date 11/19/2005 . 751.0 UnifLd Ib/ft R1 Point Loads Load(lb) X-Dist (ft) R2 500ft P1 2460 000 P2 2460 500 Section (2)10003162-68 Boxed C Stud (X-XAxis) Maxo = 12300 8 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 24 651 inM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 6417 4 Ib Flexural and Deflection Check Span enter Span Mmax Ft-Lb 23469 Mmax/ Maxo 0191 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 P1 P2 Load P(lb) 43375 43375 24600 24600 Mpos Bracing Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb (in) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 23469 Full 123008 0191 0015 L/4131 Brng Pa Mmax Intr Stiffen (in) (Ib) (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd "> 100 12999 00 400 YES 100 12999 02 400 YES 150 13798 00 214 YES 150 13798 02 214 YES Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 P1 P2 Vmax (Ib) 24600 43375 18775 43375 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 02 00 02 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 V/Va 038 068 029 068 M/Ma 000 000 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 015 046 009 046 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA NA 1996 AIS! Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model FB-2 Date 11/19/2005 4940". .< Unif Ld Ib/ft R1 R2 1450ft Section (2)12005200-97 Back-to-Back CStud (X-XAxis) Maxo= 291487Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 60834mM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 15628 3 Ib Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 129829 Mmax/ Maxo 0445 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Load P(lb) 3581 5 3581 5 Mpos Ft-Lb 129829 Brng Cn) 1 00 1 00 Bracing (m) Full Pa (Ib) 82830 82830 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 291487 0445 0274 L/636 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd' 00 0 48 No 02 0 48 No Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 3581 5 3581 5 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 02 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 V/Va 023 023 M/Ma 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 005 005 Intr Stiffen NA NA 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement •'reject 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model FB-2 CASE 2 Date 11/21/2005 4940 ' Unit Ld --=- Ib/ft R1 Point Loads Load(lb) X-Dist (ft) R2 950ft P1 2806 1 75 Section (2)12003200-97 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-XAxis) Maxo = 29148 7 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 60 834 inM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 15628 3 Ib Flexural and Deflection Check Span "tenter Span Mmax Ft-Lb 82986 Mmax/ Maxo 0285 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 P1 Load P(lb) 46356 28634 28060 Mpos Bracing Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb (in) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 82986 Full 291487 0285 0076 L/1498 Brng Pa Mmax Intr Stiffen (in) (Ib) (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd "> 1 00 8283 0 00 0 62 No 1 00 8283 0 00 0 38 No 150 101803 73483 056 No Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 P1 Vmax (Ib) 46356 28634 37768 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 73483 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 V/Va 030 018 024 M/Ma 000 000 025 Intr Unstiffen 009 003 012 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model FB-3 Date 11/19/2005 •6280 R1 800ft Section (2)10003162-54 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo = 8543 9 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 19 900 inM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 3186 Olb ; Unit Ld. ;ib/ft R2 Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 50240 Mmax/ Maxo 0588 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Load P(lb) 25120 25120 Combined Bending and Shear Mpos Bracing Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb (in) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 50240 Full 85439 0588 0099 L/974 Brng Pa Mmax Intr Stiffen (in) (Ib) (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 1 00 2932 1 00 0 94 No 1 00 29321 00 0 94 No Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 25120 25120 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 V/Va 079 079 M/Ma 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 062 062 Intr Stiffen NA NA 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model FB-4 Date 11/19/2005 P1 t_ .3705 f Unit Ld ,ij.jL ;:.__£ J Ib/ft R1 Point Loads Load(lb) X-Dist (ft) R2 1075ft P1 P2 1404 1404 000 1075 Section (2)10003162-54 Back-to-Back CStud (X-X Axis) Maxo= 85439Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 19900mM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 3186 Olb Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 53520 Mmax/ Maxo 0626 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 P1 P2 Load P(lb) 33954 33954 14040 14040 Mpos Ft-Lb 53520 Brng (in) 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 Bracing (m) Full Pa (Ib) 1101 4 1101 4 11867 1101 4 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 85439 0626 0190 1/680 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd "> 00 3 39 YES 01 3 39 YES 00 1 30 YES 01 1 40 YES Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 P1 P2 Vmax (Ib) 1991 4 1991 4 1991 4 1991 4 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 01 00 01 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 V/Va 063 063 063 063 M/Ma 000 000 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 039 039 039 039 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA NA 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model FB-5 Date 11/19/2005 -f . ....„•. ..11220 ' Unif Ld 1! Ib/ft R1 Point Loads Load(lb) X-Dist (ft) R2 400ft P1 P2 4205 4205 0 00 4 00 Section (2)10008162-68 Boxed C Stud (X-XAxis) Maxo = 12300 8 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 24 651 mM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 6417 4 Ib Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 22440 Mmax/ Maxo 0182 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Mpos Ft-Lb 22440 Bracing On) Full Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 123008 0182 0009 L/5401 Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 P1 P2 Load P(lb) 64490 64490 42050 42050 Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 P1 P2 Vmax (Ib) 42050 42050 22440 22440 Brng (>n) 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 00 00 Pa (Ib) 12999 12999 13798 13798 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 V/Va 066 066 035 035 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 00 5 95 YES 00 5 95 YES 00 3 66 YES 00 3 66 YES M/Ma 000 000 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 043 043 012 012 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA NA &L, - 772k/ft 135 -667k -667k 1 /VvA A A A •" A,A ,-\ , .,A 1 i ^jg |AjF/\iAAA /•,A A1 A ,\ i ! AAA.AM6S 1,q ! ! ii I i !! I nvtXSAAAAiA/vA A A i | I HW Ai'Wr\AAA AA A, A A !'• 1 1 i i -VvAA 13 .oads LC 1, Load lesults for LC 1, Load :eaction units are k and k-ft Ray Grage & Associates Calvin Nguyen 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Vill FB-6 Code Check November 19, 2005 922PM FB-6 r2d Company Designer Job Number Ray Grage & Associates Calvin Nguyen 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3 A FB-6 November 19, 2005 919PM Checked By Global ! Steel Code Allowable Stress Increase Factor (ASIF) Include Shear Deformation J\Lo of Sections for Member Calcs * ; Redesign Sections P-Delta Analysis Tolerance •* '", ,"' • • •'" % Materials (General) Material Label Young's Modulus (ksi) STL 29000 Sections ASD AISC 9th, AISI 99 1 333 ' '"- V !4 *, ::1 * Yes 5-.'- ' ' .. -, r - Yes 0 50% «£ ; • ; Shear Modulus Poisson's (ksi) Ratio 11154 3 Thermal Coef Weight Density Yield Stress (perl 0*5 F) (k/fPX3) (ksi) 65 49 36 | Section Database Material Area SA SA 1(90,270) 1(0,180) T/C Label Shape Label (in)A2 (0,180) (90,270) (inM) (inM) Only SEC1 ' SEC2 ,; SEC3 STL , *T. STL,, STL 1 ..1 " 1 1 2 " r!2"" 1 2 1 2 1*2 1 2 11- * 1 1 1 1 •£• Joint Coordinates Joint Label N1r ? . > N2 • • •" ** v X Coordinate Y Coordinate Joint Temperature (ft) (ft) (F) 01 15 * 0 :s::': ' 0 * f*"'1''.?:. 0 i-J ,> fe-0^..:> '.-'I * Boundary Conditions Joint Label X Translation Y Translation Rotation (k/in) (k/in) (k-ft/rad) N1 ,e.N2.»' ' > ^ Reaction s ^Reaction a Reaction " ? Reaction-- -• V>, ,..A:. . , Member Data Member Label I Joint M1 [ N1 J Joint Rotate (degrees) N2 | Shape / Section Set HSS14X14X5 Material Phys Set Memb End Releases l-End TOM AVM STL Y | J-End AVM End Offsets Inactive l-End J-End Code Length (m) (in) (ft) i I I 15 i Steel Design / NDS Parameters Member Label I M1 Section Set Length (ft) 15 Lbout le out (ft) Lbin le in (ft) L_comp le bend (ft) Cb Sway K out K in CH Cm B out in R 1111 1 1 1 0 Basic Load Case Data BLC No Basic Load Case Category Category Gravity Load Type Totals Description Code Description X Y Joint Point Direct Dist 1 1 |v:2; Load Point Loads None ;None -:^"S & * -1 -1 - .~2 1 Member Point Loads, Category: None, BLC 2: Point Loads I Member Label I Joint J Joint Direction Magnitude Location ' (k, k-ft) (ft or %) M1 '• . '. M1 . N1 N1 N2 j.. . " ,N2- -.,:.-• Y: Y - . -667 ','-667 325 ;11 25 , ' RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\Risa\3A\FB-6 r2d]Page 1 Company Designer Job Number Ray Grage & Associates Calvin Nguyen 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A FB-6 November 1 9, 2005 919PM Checked By Member Direct Distributed Loads. Category: None, BLC 1: Load Member Label I M1 Direction I Y Start Magnitude (Wft. R -772 End Magnitude (k/ft, F) -772 Start Location (ft or %) 0 End Location (ft or %)i is :n Load Combinations Num Description Env WS PD SRSS CD BLC Factor BLC Factor BLC Factor BLC Factor I 1 | Load ;1 1 1 2 1 I Reactions, Bv Combination LC Joint Label X Force Y Force Moment (k) (k) (k-ft) 1 M . 1 1 N1 1 N2 * « . Totals COG (ft) 0 • ' 0" •* 0 X 7374 13485 , 1304 * 26525 Y 0 0 - -0 '-, s Joint Displacements, Bv Combination LC Joint Label X Translation Y Translation Rotation (in) (in) (radians) 1 '•;1 N1 * : •* N21 '* 0 0 0!"i lie o t -2 62e-3 f 2-61 3e-3 >> Member Section Forces. Bv Combination LC Member Label Section Axial Shear Moment (k) (k) (k-ft) 1 ''• "' .;- M1 :k : !• ,,-::;. •• ,-;. . * '•$, '•??*• •• = .. •> ' ^ *' 1 2:-' 3 , 4* 5 0ii o* " '•' •••• 0:* * o i . * 0 13485 ,3519 ! 222 '•=9 744 , -1304 0 > -41 052 •"-' -48 066 » ,, -42 72 0 Member Stresses, Bv Combination LC Member Label Section Axial Shear Bending top Bending bot (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) 1 ,S: ,' ' M1 , '"..:.:- 'i - * •.. ' . ••'•' ' »'* := ' 1 '2: 3 ; 4 5 5 0 - ,-or. ;''« 0 'V ;',0B /' 0 1 989 , - 519 '"•£. 033 -1 437-* -1 923 0 7053'. 8258 , 7339 0 0 - -7'053 *: -8258 '" ^7-339^ 0 Member Deflections. Bv Combination LC Member Label Section x-Translation (in) y-Translation JinJ_ (n) L/y Ratio 1 •• % *«, M1 I 1 >:, » ' . '*| 2' , "X:. ' •*• ^J. 3 4 . 5 0- o*,,. •- 0-o.;- 0 0'-104 ; -145 •'^-105 0 NC ,1725289? 1243741 1722284: NC member AISC ASP 9th Code Checks, Bv Combination LC Member Label Code Chk [T M1 383 Loc JtL Shear Chk 7812 138 Loc JSL ASD Eqn Message 0 H1-2 RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\Risa\3A\FB-6 r2d]Page 2 2001 North American Specification Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model FB-6 Third Floor Failed Date 11/19/2005 7720 Unif Ld Ib/ft R1 R2 1700ft Section (2)12008162-97 Boxed C Stud (X-XAxis) Wlaxo = 20414 7 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 53 470 mM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 162940lb Fjexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 27888 5 Mmax/ Maxo 1 366 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Load P(lb) 65620 65620 Mpos Bracing Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb (m) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 278885 Full 204147 1366 0920 L/222 Brng Pa Mmax Intr Stiffen (in) (Ib) (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd' 1 00 3235 0 00 2 43 YES 1 00 3235 0 02 2 43 YES Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 65620 65620 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 02 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 V/Va 040 040 M/Ma 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 016 016 Intr Stiffen NA NA .Code Check pads LC 1, Load lesults for LC 1, Load eaction units are k and k-ft Ray Grage & Associates Calvin Nguyen 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Vill FB-6 Third Floor November 19,2005 920PM FB-6 Third Floor r2d Company Ray Grage & Associates Designer Calvin Nguyen Job Number 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A FB-6 Third Floor November 19, 2005 920PM Checked By Global Steel Code "Allowable Stress Increase Factor (ASIF) Include Shear Deformation No of Sections for Member Calcs Redesign Sections P-Delta Analysis Tolerance ' • , ? ASD AISC9th,AISI 99 1 -333 • Yes 5s ' ; •1:. a "" Yes 050% * ' Materials (General) Material Label STL Young's Modulus JksiL 29000 Shear Modulus JksiL Poisson's Ratio 11154 Thermal Coef (per10A5F) 65 Weight Density (k/ft*3) 49 ~ Yield Stress 36 Sections Section Database Material Area SA SA 1(90,270) 1(0,180) T/C Label Shape Label (in)A2 (0,180) (90,270) (mM) (mM) Only SEC1 'iSEC2 * SEC3 :£/\ STL '' : STh, ' : ,; STL 1 "*,/1 - ' 1 1 2 ,1 2 , 1 2 1 2^1 2. : 1 2 1 * H 'S: •f •„• -1::-.. ''-I- 1 1 '"1 •, , 1 - 1 Joint Coordinates Joint Label X Coordinate Y Coordinate Joint Temperature (ft) (ft) (F) » N1 0 I 0 0* '*, N2, . > ,: 17 . , h o - .y&, *, «o y:: Boundary Conditions Joint Label X Translation Y Translation Rotation (k/in) (k/in) (k-ft/rad) N1 Reaction Reaction ' V N2 < ,,,:,. Reaction"*; Reaction fe, ? i Member Data Hi,..•*•:•: Shape / Material Phys End Releases End Offsets Inactive Member Label 1 Joint J Joint Rotate Section Set Memb l-End J-End l-End J-End Code Length (degrees) Set TOM AVM AVM (in) (in) (ft) I [ M1 i N1 N2 ! IHSS10X8X8I STL | Y I I Steel Desian/NDS Parameters Member Section Length Lb out Lb in L_comp Label Set le out le in le bend K out (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) M1 | 17 I 1 I Basic Load Case Data I I 17 Cb Sway K in CH Cm B out in R 1 I I | | | 0 BLC No Basic Load Case Category Category Gravity Load Type Totals Description Code Description X Y Joint Point Direct Dist 1 Load None I I -1 i I 1 I Member Direct Distributed Loads, Category: None, BLC 1: Load Member Label M1 Direction i Y Start Magnitude (k/ft, F) -772 End Magnitude (k/ft, F) -772 Start Location (ft or %) 0 End Location (ft or %) 17 RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\Risa\3A\FB-6 Third Floor r2d]Page 1 Company Ray Grage & Associates Designer Calvin Nguyen Job Number 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A FB-6 Third Floor November 19, 2005 920PM Checked By Load Combinations Mum Description Env WS PD SPSS CD BLC Factor BLC Factor BLC Factor BLC Factor I 1 I Load I I | 1 1 1 Reactions, By Combination LC Joint Label X Force Y Force Moment (k) (k) ft-ft) 1 1 1 1 N1 > '•«,- N2- .* Totals COG (ft) 0 1:0 - 0 X 85 7005 7005'. -*: 1401 Y 0 0 • • 0^. > Joint Displacements, By Combination LC Joint Label X Translation Y Translation Rotation (in) (in) (radians) 1 1 * N1 i ' N2 0 ' ' .0" , -* 0: o ;- Sh -3921e-3 ""' 3921e-3t Member Section Forces, By Combination LC Member Label Section Axial Shear Moment (k) (k) (k-ft) 1 M1 1 ' -S ' V •*<• • \-fl 2 : 3 .•'•: "1 • Hh •- t \ 4 5 0 ••,. ?• 0 ..- 0 A, ' 0' t '•' 0 7005 l?3503 0 „,. -3503 1 -7005 0 -,-22 329 ^ -29 772 * -22 329 0 Member Stresses, By Combination LC Member Label Section Axial Shear Bending top Bending bot (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) 1 ',! i M1 ^ ' .f *& ; %' 1 ',2 : - 3 4 5 0 •f • 0, l- 0 «$ 0:: -" 904 '^,,452 < 0 "•=• - 452 i 0 | - 904 0 ¥i 6 271 '* 8361 ,, 6271;, 0 . -6 271 ^ -8361 -6271 0 | 0 Member Deflections, By Combination LC Member Label Section x-Translation (in) y-Translation (n) L/y Ratio 1 •• ; , .. £ M1 ' ^'*- *; s I 1 I 2 ' 3:•- 4 5 0 , 40." 0 - - 0 ? 0 0 i • - 1 784 -25 •!y -178'^ 0 NC 1145377 816081 -1145377^ NC i Member AISC ASP 9th Code Checks. By Combination LC Member Label Code Chk Loc _ffi) Shear Chk Loc (ft) ASD Eqn Message M1 352 8 5"063 H1-2 RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\Risa\3A\FB-6 Third Floor r2d]Page 2 2001 North American Specification Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model FB-7 Rim Joist Date 11/19/2005 10080 Unit Ld Ib/ft R1 R2 400ft Section 1000T150-68 Single (X-XAxis) Maxo = 4044 2 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 10 774 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va = 3261 0 Ib Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mm ax Ft-Lb 20160 Mmax/ Maxo 0498 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Load P(lb) 20160 20160 Combined Bending and Shear Mpos Bracing Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb (m) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 20160 Full 40442 0498 0018 L/2628 Brng Pa Mmax Intr Stiffen (in) (Ib) (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ' 1 00 605 0 00 4 00 YES 1 00 605 0 00 4 00 YES Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 20160 20160 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 V/Va 062 062 M/Ma 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 038 038 Intr Stiffen NA NA 2001 North American Specification Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model FB-8 Rim Joist Date 11/19/2005 723.0 Unit Ld Ib/ft R1 Point Loads Load(lb) X-Dist (ft) R2 400ft P1 450 000 P2 450 400 Section 1000T150-54 Single (X-XAxis) Maxo = 2691 2 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 7 880 mM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 1627 7 Ib Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 14460 Mmax/ Maxo 0537 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 P1 P2 Load P(lb) 18960 18960 4500 4500 Mpos Bracing Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb (m) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 14460 Full 26912 0537 0018 L/2679 Brng Pa Mmax Intr Stiffen (in) (Ib) (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 1 00 307 3 00 7 40 YES 1 00 307 3 00 7 40 YES 1 50 349 3 00 1 55 YES 1 50 349 3 00 1 55 YES Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 P1 P2 Vmax (Ib) 14460 14460 14460 14460 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 V/Va 089 089 089 089 M/Ma 000 000 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 079 079 079 079 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA NA 2001 North American Specification Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model FB-9 Date 11/19/2005 7260 Unif Ld Ib/ft R1 R2 1250ft Section (2)12008162-97 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo = 2041 4 7 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 53 470 mM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 162940lb Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 141797 Mmax/ Maxo 0695 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Load P(lb) 45375 45375 _ Combined Bending and Shear Mpos Bracing Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb (in) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 141797 Full 204147 0695 0253 L/593 Brng Pa Mmax Intr Stiffen (in) (Ib) (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 1 00 7961 2 00 0 63 No 1 00 7961 2 01 0 63 No Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 45375 45375 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 01 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 V/Va 028 028 M/Ma 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 008 008 Intr Stiffen NA NA •O 2001 North American Specification 'reject 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model FB-10 Date 11/19/2005 247,0 Unit Ld Ib/ft R1 Point Loads Load(lb) X-Dist (ft) R2 1200ft P1 4538 350 Section (2)12003162-97 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-XAxis) Maxo = 20414 7 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 53 470 mM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 162940lb Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 149246 Mmax/ Maxo 0731 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 P1 Load P(lb) 46964 28056 45380 Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 P1 Vmax (Ib) 46964 28056 38369 Mpos Ft-Lb 149246 Brng (m) 1 00 1 00 1 50 Bracing (m) Full Pa (Ib) 7961 2 7961 2 118098 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (m) Ratio 204147 0731 0213 L/676 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd "> 00 0 65 No 02 0 39 No 148940 1 15 No Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 02 148940 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 V/Va 029 017 024 M/Ma 000 000 073 Intr Unstiffen 008 003 059 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA 2001 North American Specification 'reject 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model FB-11 Date 11/19/2005 10020 Unif Ld Ib/ft R1 R2 500ft Section (2)8008162-54 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-XAxis) Maxo = 6131 8 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, 1=11 200 mM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 4182 6 Ib Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 3131 2 Mmax/ Maxo 0511 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Load P(lb) 25050 25050 Mpos Ft-Lb 3131 2 Brng (m) 1 00 1 00 Bracing On) Full Pa (Ib) 28553 28553 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 61318 0511 0043 L/1407 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 00 0 97 No 00 0 97 No Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 25050 25050 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 V/Va 060 060 M/Ma 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 036 036 Intr Stiffen NA NA .• X Code Check No Calc >1 0 90-1 0 75 90 50-75 0 50 -2k -2k -2k -2k -2k - 494k/ft 89 ads LC 1, Loadl esults for LC 1, Loadl Reaction units are k and k-ft Ray Grage & Associates Calvin Nguyen 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A - FB-12 November 19, 2005 948PM FB-12r2d Company Designer Job Number Ray Grage & Associates Calvin Nguyen 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A - FB-12 November 19, 948PM Checked By 2005 Global Steel Code Allowable Stress Increase pactor'fASIF) - Include Shear Deformation No 'of Sections for Member Calcs *v Redesign Sections P-Delta Analysis Tolerance "«te ' <m ASD AISC 9th, AISI 99 -1 333 , 1 K *• t Yes 5 ••;, , " "' M : ; '• ""•• Yes 050% 5. , • .t Materials (General} Material Label Young's Modulus Shear Modulus JksiL Poisson's Ratio Thermal Coef (perl 0*5 F) Weight Density (k/ftA3) Yield Stress (ksi) STL 29000 11154 65 49 Sections Section Database Material Area SA SA 1(90,270) 1(0,180) T/C Label Shape Label (in)A2 (0,180) (90,270) (inM) (inM) Only SEC1 *v,, SEC2 =-'^ SEC3 j.. •*& STL 1 != STL ' - .*• I ' m 1 -' '-? STL 1 12 1 2 1 2 1 2 < '1 2' 1 2 1 t ' ^ V 1 11: i -1 Jo/nf Coordinates Joint Label X Coordinate (ft) N1 ''^ *"• «- y 0- • ^ 27 , Y Coordinate (ft) 0 •rv- » *•'- -'* 0 - **h Joint Temperature (F) 0. r^ 0 - ^ ,. ^ . Boundary Conditions Joint Label X Translation Y Translation (k/in) (k/in) N2 F1: *.*N1 , Reaction Reactiori- Reaction Reaction ,. Rotation (k-ft/rad) '•is i Member Data Member Label 1 Joint | M1 N1 J Joint Rotate (degrees) N2 | Shape / Section Set W 14X43 Material Phys Set Memb End Releases End Offsets Inactive l-End TOM AVM STL Y PIN J-End l-End AVM (in) I J-End Code Length (in) I (ft) 27 Steel Design/NDS Parameters Member Section Label Set I M1 | Length (ft) 27 Lbout le out (ft) Lbin le in (ft) L_comp le bend (ft) Cb Sway K out K in CH Cm B out in 1 ! 1 I | | R 0 Basic Load Case Data BLC No Basic Load Case Category Category Gravity Load Type Totals Description Code Description X Y Joint Point Direct Dist 1 , 2 "<•, 3 Dead Load „{•• *• ,, Live Load -i Hand Rail DL LL *, None Dead Load Live Load :4 -1 -1, ., -1 •i 41 ,-U sr 5 1 , 1 • Member Point Loads. Cateaorv : None, BLC 3 : Hand Rail Member Label I Joint J Joint Direction Magnitude Location (k, k-ft) (ft or %) M1 , M1 " M1 N1• ,> ,.; MI:-- - .. N1 N2 M2 ' .,' ~ N2 Y ' -,Y"'v Y -2 -2 -2 1 5 ,75 . 135 RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\Risa\1 A\FB-12 r2d]Pagel Company Ray Grage & Associates Designer Calvin Nguyen k Job Number 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A - FB-12 Noven 948P Check iber19, 2005 M ed By Member Point Loads, Cateaorv : None, BLC 3 (continued) Member Label "- M1 " s>v. M1 I Joint ** :-. N1 N1 J Joint Direction * N2 ', N2 Member Direct Distributed Loads, Cateaorv : DL, Member Label M1 Direction Y Start Magnitude (k/ft, F) BLC 1 : End Magnitude (k/ft, F) -094 | Member Direct Distributed Loads, Cateaorv : LL, Member Label M1 ' Direction Y Start Magnitude (k/ft, F) -4 -094 Y :i> Y Magnitude (k,k-ft) -2 > -2 Location (ft or %) , 19 5:, 255 Dead Load Start Location (ft or %) 0 End Location (ft or %) 27 | BLC 2 : Live Load End Magnitude (k/ft, F) -4 Start Location (ft or %) 0 I End Location (ft or %) 27 | Load Combinations Num I 1 Description Loadl Env WS PD SRSS CD I I 1 BLC 1 Factor BLC Factor BLC 1 2 1 I 3 I Factor 1 BLC Factor Reactions, By Combination LC Joint Label X Force Y Force Moment (k) (k) (k-ft) 1 1 1 1 N2 ftj;U N1r ;•?*: Totals COG (ft) 0 Jf i O'*. , 0 X 14158 8905 ••', 89051 17811 Y 0 0 »•, • ;-0- Joint Displacements, By Combination LC Joint Label X Translation Y Translation (in) (in) 1 •1f N1 •;• *, N2 '.-•• 0 k : o ; o ; , 1 0 * Rotation (radians) 0 = 6301e-3h ; Member Section Forces, By Combination LC Member Label Section Axial Shear Moment (k) (k) (k-ft) 1 xi M1 •v: ° -^ " .?• " ", 1 2 3 *• 4 5 0 0* -• 0 .;. 0'!;,, 0 8905 •v^: 4503 ' -1 ' -4503 -8905 0 -*-44878 -59 887 !-44878 0 Member Stresses, By Combination LC Member Label Section Axial Shear Bending top Bending bot (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) 1 "~ '''"- , M1 *f , •i. .-: ^ .t.. -•:...,' 1 : 2 3 4' 5 0 "V..O - 0 0 : 0 2565 V1 297 :;' -029 -- -1 297 -f ... -2565 0 8594 11 468 ' 8594 0 0 > -8594 -1 1 468 -8'594 0 RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\Risa\1 ANFB-12 r2d]Page 2 Company Designer Job Number Ray Grage & Associates Calvin Nguyen 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A - FB-12 November 19, 2005 948PM Checked By Member Deflections. Bv Combination LC Member Label Section x-Translation i'OL y-Translation (in) (n) L/y Ratio 1 *• : ?'•: * M1 .. x •••.* * , ^ •'"•, , "- * - ' 1 2 3 ,4 5 0 -0 0 0 ,:, 0 0 ; -45* ••-' -632 .,, :- - 45 v 0 NC •,7.19396* 512576 * 71 9 396 NC Member AISCASD 9th Code Checks, Bv Combination LC Member Label __.. Code Chk M1 998 Loc Jit).. Shear Chk Loc (ft) ASD Eqn Message 135 178 H1-1 IJ RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\Risa\1 A\FB-12 r2d]PageS 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement 3roject 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Mode! FB-13 Date 11/19/2005 8480 Unif Ld Ib/ft R1 R2 400ft Section 1000T150-68 Single (X-XAxis) Maxo = 4761 2 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 11 048 inM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 3127 8 Ib Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 16960 Mmax/ Maxo 0356 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Load P(lb) 16960 16960 Mpos Ft-Lb 16960 Brng (m) 1 00 1 00 Bracing (in) Full Pa (Ib) 6937 6937 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 47612 0356 0015 L/3203 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 00 2 93 YES 00 2 93 YES Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 16960 16960 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 V/Va 054 054 M/Ma 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 029 029 Intr Stiffen NA NA * 4. FLOOR JOIST DESIGN 1996 A'Si Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Vi'lg 3A Mode! FJ-1 Single Jois' Date 3/31/2005 127 Q *!" " 'Lr R1 Section : 1000S200-68 Maxo = 6846 1 Ft-Lb Single C Stud 1340ft (X-X Axis) Fy = 50 0 ksi UnifLd Ib/ft • R2 Moment of Inertia, I = 13994mM Va = 3208 7 Ib Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check Mmax Mmax/ Span Ft-Lb Maxo Center Span 28505 0416 Combined Bending and Reaction or Ft Load R1 R2 Web Crippling Load P(lb) 8509 8509 Mpos Bracing Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb (in) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) 28505 Full 68461 0416 0223 Ratio L/721 Brng Pa Mmax Intr Stiffen (in) (Ib) (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd *> 1 00 967 6 00 1 06 1 00 967 6 00 1 06 No No Combined Bendmq and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 8509 8509 Mmax Va Intr Intr (Ft-Lb) Factor V/Va M/Ma Unstiffen Stiffen 00 1 00 0 27 0 00 0 07 00 1 00 0 27 0 00 0 07 NA NA 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model FJ-1 Single Joist Date 6/16/2005 ,7'' ./r^UnifLd R1 R2 1250ft Section 1000S200-54 Single C Stud (X-XAxis) Maxo = 4503 5 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 11 278 inM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 1593 Olb Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 24805 Mmax/ Maxo 0551 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Mpos Ft-Lb 24805 Bracing (in) Full Ma(Brc) Ft-Lb 45035 Mpos/ Deflection Ma(Brc) (m) Ratio 0551 0210 L/715 Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Load P(lb) 7938 7938 Brng On) 1 00 100 Pa (Ib) 5730 5730 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 00 1 66 YES 00 1 66 YES Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 7938 7938 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 V/Va 050 050 M/Ma 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 025 025 Intr Stiffen NA NA 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Project 21702 Carlsbad Rancn v'i!'3 3A Model FJ-I Single Joist Date 3/31/20J5 1270 Umf Lc Ib/ft R1 R2 1550ft Section 1000S200-97 Single C Stud (X-XAxis) Maxo = 11117 9 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 19336mA4 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check Fy = 50 0 ksi Va = 9460 7 Ib Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 38140 Mmax/ Maxo 0343 Combined Bendmq and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Load P(Ib) 9843 9843 Combined Bendmq and Shear Mpos Ft-Lb 3814 0 Brng 0")1 00 1 00 Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 9843 9843 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Bracing (m) Full Pa (Ib) 2091 5 2091 5 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 111179 0343 0289 L/643 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 00 0 56 No 00 0 56 No Va Factor 1 00 1 00 V/Va 0 10 0 10 M/Ma 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 001 001 Intr. Stiffen NA NA 19So MSI Spec-ficatic" V./19S9 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Mode! FJ-3 Date 3/3 V2005 2470 Unif Ld Ib/ft R1 R2 15 50rt Section (2)10005162-118 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-XAxis) Maxo = 24598 3 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 40 339 mA4 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 33182 1 Ib Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 74177 Mmax/ Maxo 0302 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Load P(Ib) 19143 19143 Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or PtLoad R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 19143 19142 Mpos Ft-Lb 74177 Brng (in) 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 01 Bracing Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection (in) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio Full 245983 0302 0270 L/690 Pa Mmax Intr. Stiffen (Ib) (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 115005 00 018 No 115005 01 0 18 No Va Factor 100 100 V/Va 006 006 M/Ma 000 000 Intr Urt stiffen 000 000 Intr Stiffen NA NA 1996 AISI Speciric?tion w/1999 Supp'ement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Model FJ-4 Corridor i la 3A Date 4/\,2005 2470 UmfLd R1 1420ft R2 Section (2)10003200-97 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo = 22235 9 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 38 672 mA4 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 18921 4lb Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 62256 Mmax/ Maxo 0280 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Ft Load R1 R2 Load P(lb) 17537 17537 Mpos Ft-Lb 62256 Brng (in) 1 00 1 00 Bracing (m) Full Pa (Ib) 80942 80942 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 22235 9 0 280 0 198 L/860 Mmax Intr. Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 00 0 24 No 00 0 24 No Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 17537 17537 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 V/Va 009 009 M/Ma 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 001 001 Intr Stiffen NA NA f996 A'SI Specification w/1999 Supplement Droject 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model FJ-5 Deck Date 4/4/2005 2030 UmfLd Ib/ft R1 550ft R2 Section - 800S200-43 Single C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo = 21284Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 5 302 mA4 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 33 0 ksi Va= 1008 2 Ib ftexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 7676 Mmax/ Maxo 0361 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Ft Load R1 R2 Load P(lb) 558.3 558.3 Mpos Ft-Lb 7676 Brng (in) 1 00 1 00 Bracing On) Full Pa (Ib) 2772 2772 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 21284 0361 0027 172470 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd f 00 2 42 YES 00 2 42 YES Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 5583 5582 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 V/Va 055 055 M/Ma 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 031 031 Intr Stiffen NA NA 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project Mode! 21 702 Carlsbad Ranc^ vi'la 3A FJ-6 Stair landing Date-4/4'2005 2470 Umf Lc! lD/fl R1 R2 520ft Section : 8003200^3 Single C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo = 2128 4 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 5 302 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 33 0 ksi Va= 1008 2 Ib Flexural and Deflection Check Mmax Mmax/ Span Ft-Lb Maxo Center Span 834 9 0 392 Combined Bendmq and Web Crippling Mpos Bracing Ft-Lb (in) 834 9 Full Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 21284 0392 0026 L/2402 Reaction or Ft Load R1 R2 Load P(lb) 642.2 642.2 Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 6422 6422 Brng (m) 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Pa (Ib) 2772 2772 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 V/Va 064 064 M/Ma 000 000 Intr. Value 278 278 Intr Unstiffen 041 041 Stiffen Req'd? YES YES Intr Stiffen NA NA 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model FJ-7 Corridor Date 4/13/2005 P1 ;• 2470 UmfLd Ib/ft R1 Point Loads Load(lb) X-Dist (ft) 750ft R2 P1 600 700 Section 1000S200-54 Single C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo = 4503 5 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 11 278 mM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 1593 Olb Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 18900 Mmax/ Maxo 0420 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or PtLoad R1 R2 P1 Load P(!b) 9663 14863 600.0 Mpos Ft-Lb 18900 Bmg (in) 1 00 1 00 1 50 Bracing (in) Full Pa (Ib) 5730 3701 3979 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 45035 0420 0058 L/1543 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 0 0 2.02 YES 00 4 82 YES 714 2 1.97 YES Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or PtLoad R1 R2 P1 Vmax (Ib) 9663 14862 13640 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 7142 Va Factor 100 100 100 V/Va 061 093 086 M/Ma 000 000 016 Intr Unstiffen 037 087 076 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa 3A Model FJ-8 Corridor Date 4/13/2005 2470 UnifLd Ib/fl R1 Point Loads Load(lb) X-Dist(ft) 1300ft R2 P1 860 1250 Section- (2)10008200-68 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-XAxis) Maxo = 13692 3 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 27 989 inA4 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 64174lb Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mm ax Ft-Lb 54350 Mmax/ Maxo 0397 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or PtLoad R1 R2 P1 Load P(lb) 16386 24324 8600 Combined Bendinq and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 P1 Vmax (Ib) 16386 24324 23104 Mpos Ft-Lb 54350 Brng (in) 100 100 150 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 11953 Bracing (m) Full Pa (Ib) 44047 18961 20320 Ma(Brc) Ft-Lb 136923 Mpos/ Deflection Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio Q.397 0 202 U773 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 11953 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 V/Va 026 038 036 M/Ma 000 000 009 Intr. Stiffen Value Req'd ? 041 No 1 41 YES 055 No Intr Unstjffen 007 014 014 Intr. Stiffen NA NA NA L COLUMN DESIGN 1996 AISI Spccif.cstion w'-<999 Supui °roject. 21 u2 Carlsbad Ranch V I Model Column Load Date R2 10 00ft Section- (2)3503162-33 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo = 847 4 FMb Moment of Inertia, I = 1 017 mA4 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check Fy = 33 0 ksi Va = 2092 1 Ib Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Load Pt Load P(lb) R1 00 R2 00 ombmed Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Center Span Axial Ld (Ib) 150000(c) Mpos Ft-Lb 00 Brng On) 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Bracing (m) Full Pa (Ib) 744 0 744 0 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (m) Ratio 847 4 0 000 0 000 L/0 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No Va Factor 1 00 1 00 Bracing (m) KyLy KtLt None None V/Va 000 000 Max KUr 146 M/Ma 000 000 Allow Ld (Ib) 2656 3 (c) Intr. Unstiffen 000 000 P/Pa 565 Intr. Stiffen NA NA Intr Value 5.65 cificaticn v;/'iSy9 Supplemc"' DrOject 21702 Carlsbaa Ranch Villas Model Column Load Date:</4/2005 | 1000ft Section (2)3505162-33 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo= 347 4 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 1 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check R2 Fy = 33 0 ksi Va = 2092 1 Ib Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Load Pt Load P(Ib) R1 00 R2 00 Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or PtLoad R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Center Span Axial Ld (Ib) 150000(c) Mpos Ft-Lb 00 Brng (m) 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Bracing (m) Full Pa (Ib) 744 0 7440 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 8474 0000 0000 L/0 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No Va Factor 1 00 1 00 Bracing (in) KyLy KtLt Mid-R Mid-Pt VA/a 000 000 Max KL/r 85 M/Ma 000 000 Allow Ld (Ib) 4858 6 (c) Intr Unstiffen 000 000 P/Pa 309 Intr. Stiffen NA NA Intr. Value 309 '996 AiS! Soecn'cat'CR w'1999 Project 2170'' Carlsbad Ranch Villas Mode1 Co1:,,nn Load Cate 4/4/2005 R2 1000ft Section (2)3505162-33 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-X Axis) maxo = 847 4 c;-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 1 G',7 mn4 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check Fy = 33 0 ksi Va = 2092 1 Ib Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0 000 Combined Bendmq and Web Cnpplmq Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Load P(lb) 00 00 Combined Bendmq and Shear Reaction or PtLoad R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 Combined Bendinq and Axial Load Span Center Span Axial Ld (Ib) 15000 0 (c) Mpos Ft-Lb 00 Brng (m) 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Bracing (m) Full Pa (Ib) 7440 7440 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (m) Ratio 8474 0000 0000 L/0 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No Va Factor 1 00 1 00 Bracing (in) KyLy KtLt Third-Pt Third-Pt V/Va 000 0 00 Max KL/r 85 M/Ma 000 000 Allow Ld (Ib) 4858 6 (c) Intr Unstiffen 000 000 P/Pa 309 Intr. Stiffen NA NA Intr. Value 3.09 '996 Specifica'-c" "'''9G9 Supp'e.-nent I Project 21702 CsrlsbcC Rarich Villas Mode! Column Lead Date 4'4/2005 Of, R : 1 0 00 ft Section: (2)3503162-43 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo = 1174 5 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 1 309 inA4 ft I R2 Fy = 33 0 ksi Va = 3554 6 Ib Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check Mmax Mmax/ Span Ft-Lb Maxo Center Span 00 0 000 Combined Bendincj and Web Crippling Reaction or Load Pt Load P(lb) R1 00 R2 00 r ained Bendma and Shear Reaction or Vmax Pt Load (Ib) R1 00 R2 00 Combined Bendma and Axial Load Axial Ld Span (Ib) Center Span 15000 0 (c) Mpos Bracing Ft-Lb (in) 00 Full Brng Pa (m) (Ib) 1 00 11693 100 11693 Mmax Va (Ft-Lb) Factor 00 1 00 00 1 00 Bracing (in) KyLy KtLt None None Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 11745 0 000 0 000 L/0 Mmax Intr. Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd •> 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No Intr. Intr V/Va M/Ma Unstiffen Stiffen 0 00 0 00 0 00 NA 000 000 000 NA Max Allow Ld Intr. KL/r (Ib) pypa Value 146 3533 4 (c) 425 425 1996 AISI Spc-c f c.,:ion w/1999 Project 217C2 Carlsbad Ranch V- .35 Model Column Load Date R2 1000ft Section (2)3505162-43 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo= 11745Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 1 309 i Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check Fy = 33 0 ksi Va = 3554 6 Ib Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R"i R2 Load P(lb) 00 00 Mpos Bracing Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb (in) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 0 0 Full 1174 5 0 000 0 000 L/0 Brng Pa Mmax Intr. Stiffen (in) (Ib) (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 1 00 11693 00 000 No 100 11693 00 000 No .Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or PtLoad R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Center Span Axial Ld (Ib) 150000(c) Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 Bracing (in) KyLy KtLt Mid-R Mid-Pt V/Va 000 000 Max KL/r 86 M/Ma 000 000 Allow Ld (Ib) 6585 1 (c) Intr. Unstiffen 000 000 P/Pa 228 Intr. Stiffen NA NA Intr. Value 2.28 iti'Jt^ ,',-SI Scec-fication \ 1S9S Supp'e^e"! Frcjcc* 21 '02 Carlstic Rarch -/'lias Column Lose Date 4/4/2005 K 1 c- Section (2)3505162—3 Sack-to-Back rv,axo = "174 5 Ft-Lb 10 00 f C Siud (X-X Axis) Moment of Inertia, I = 1 309 ,n"4 Fy = 33 0 ksi Va = 3554 6 Ib T^I R2 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check Mmax Mmax/ Span Ft-Lb Center Span 0 0 Combined Bendinq and Reaction or PtLoad R1 R2 Maxo 0000 Web Cripplinq Load P(lb) 00 00 Mpos Bracing Ft-Lb (in) 0 0 Full Brng Pa (m) (Ib) 1 00 11693 1 00 11693 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (m) 11745 0000 0000 Mmax Intr (Ft-Lb) Value 00 000 00 000 Ratio UO Stiffen Req'd? No No _Cornbmed Bendinq and Shear ^^ Reaction or PtLoad R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 Mmax Va (Ft-Lb) Factor 00 1 00 00 1 00 Intr VA/a M/Ma Unstiffen 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 Intr. Stiffen MA MA Combined Bendinq and Axial Load Span Center Span Axial Ld (Ib) 1 5000 0 (c) Bracing (in) KyLy KtLt Third-R Third-Pt Max Allow Ld KL/r (Ib) P/Pa 86 6585 1 (c) 2 28 Intr. Value 228 6 AISI 1S99 SuDolerrent Project 21702 Carlscrd Ranch Villas Model Column Loan Date 4/^/2305 R2 1000 ft Section. (2)3505162-5^ Back-to-Back C Stud (X-XAxis) Maxo = 2123 2 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia. I = 1 609 inA4 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va = 6891 2 Ib Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Load Pt Load P(lb) R1 00 R2 00 Combined Bending and Shear Vmax (Ib) 00 00 Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Center Span Axial Ld (Ib) 150000(c) Mpos Ft-Lb 0 0 Brng (in) 1 00 1 00 Bracing (m) Full Pa (Ib) 26285 26285 Ma(Brc) Ft-Lb 21232 Mpos/ Deflection Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 0 000 0 000 L/0 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Intr Stiffen Value Req'd ? 000 No 000 No Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 Bracing (in) KyLy KtLt None None VA/a 000 000 Max KL/r 147 M/Ma 000 000 Allow Ld (Ib) 43171 (c) Intr. Unstiffen 000 000 P/Pa 347 Intr. Stiffen NA NA Intr. Value 3.47 A!S! Soccification w/1999 Su Project 21T02 Carload Ranch Villas Model Co'umn Load Date '-'2005 R2 1000ft Section (2i 350S162-54 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo = 21232FI-L6 Moment of Inertia l= 1 609 mA4 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check f=y - 50 0 ksi Va = 6391 2 Ib Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Ft Load Rl R2 Load P(lb) 00 00 Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 Combined Sending and Axial Load Span Center Span Axial Ld (Ib) 150000(c) Mpos Ft-Lb 00 Brng (in) 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Bracing On) Full Pa (Ib) 26285 26285 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 2123 2 0 000 0 000 L/0 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No Va Factor 1 00 1 00 Bracing (in) KyLy KtLt Mid-Pt Mid-Pt V/Va 000 000 Max KL/r 86 M/Ma 000 000 Allow Ld (Ib) 10525 7 (c) Intr. Unstiffen 000 000 P/Pa 1 43 Intr. Stiffen NA NA Intr. Value 143 1996 AiS! Specification w/1999 Su^de Project 21 /G2 Carlsbaa Ranch vilas Model Column Lo.'d Date 4/4/2005 1000ft Section (2)3505162-54 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo= 2123 2 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 1 609 mA4 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mrnax Ft-Lb 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0 000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Load P(lb) 00 00 'ombmed Bending and Sheark Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Center Span Axial Ld (Ib) 15000 0 (c) Mpos Ft-Lb 0 0 Brng (in) 1 00 1 00 Bracing (in) Full Pa (Ib) 2628 5 2628 5 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 R2 Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 6891 2 Ib Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 21232 0000 0000 L/0 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ~> 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No Bracing (in) KyLy KtLt Third-Pi Third-Pt V/Va 0 00 0 00 Max KL/r 86 IWMa 0 00 0 00 Allow Ld (Ib) 10525 7 (c) Intr Unstiffen 0 00 0 00 P/Pa 143 Intr Stiffen NA NA Intr Value 143 1996 AIS1 Specification v'/l89S Sjoplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Rznc i Villas Model Column Load Date ^'-•2005 | R1 R2 1000 ft Section (2)3505162-68 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo = 274Q 1 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 1 969 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check Fy= SOOksi Va = 6965 3 Ib Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Load Pt Load P(lb) R1 00 R2 00 Combined Bending and Shear Vmax (Ib) 0 0 00 Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Center Span Axial Ld (Ib) 15000 0(c) Mpos Ft-Lb 00 Brng 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Bracing (in) Full Pa (Ib) 3951 1 3951 1 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 2740 1 0 000 0 000 L/0 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No Va Factor 100 1 00 Bracing (in) KyLy KtLt None None V/Va 000 000 Max KUr 149 M/Ma 000 000 AllowLd (Ib) 5238 6 (c) Intr. Unstiffen 000 000 P/Pa 286 Intr. Stiffen NA NA Intr. Value 286 5! Specification "/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Cannae "anch Villas Wodel Column Lore Date 1/4/2005 R2 1000 ft Section; (2)3505152-68 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo = 2740 1 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 1 969 i Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 50 0 ksi Va = 8965 3 Ib Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Load P(lb) 00 00 mbined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Center Span Axial Ld (Ib) 15000 0 (c) Mpos Ft-Lb 00 Brng (in) 1 00 1 00 Bracing Full Pa (Ib) 3951 1 3951 1 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (m) Ratio 2740 1 0 000 0 000 L/0 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 Bracing (in) KyLy KtLt Wid-R Mid-Pt V/Va 000 000 Max KL/r 87 M/Ma 000 000 Allow Ld (Ib) 13187 6 (c) Intr Un stiffen 000 000 P/Pa 1 14 Intr. Stiffen NA NA Intr Value 1.14 IS'JC £'S[ Spec-fleet en w/1999 Suop-e- t-i* Project' 21 /02 Ca'isbaa Ranch Villas Model Column Load 4/4/2005 1 i 7i Ri i 1000ft • R2 Section (2)3505162-68 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-X Ax.s) Fy = 50 0 ksi Maxo = 2740 1 Ft-Lb Moment of inertia, I = 1 959 inM Va = 8955315 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check Mmax Mmax/ Span Ft-Lb Maxo Center Span 00 0 000 Combined Bendmq and Web Cnpplmq Reaction or Load PtLoad P(lb) R1 00 R2 00 r imed Bendmq and Shear Reaction or Vmax Pt Load (Ib) R1 00 R2 00 Combined Bendmq and Axial Load Axial Ld Span (Ib) Center Span 15000 0 (c) Mpos Bracing Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb (in) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 0 0 Full 2740 1 0 000 0 000 L/0 Brng Pa Mmax Intr. Stiffen (m) (Ib) (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 1 00 3951 1 00 0 00 No 1 00 3951 1 00 0 00 No Mmax Va Intr. Intr. (Ft-Lb) Factor VA/a M/Ma Unstiffen Stiffen 00 1 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 MA 00 1 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 NA Bracing (in) Max Allow Ld Intr. KyLy KtLt KL/r (Ib) P/Pa Value Third-R Third-Pt 87 13187 6 (c) 114 114 1996 £'S- Specification ''Sf0 Supplement ~rc;c-c' 21702 Carlsbac Kg Mociei Column ioao Vil'as Date -/7/2005 10 00ft Sect,on - (2)3505162-97 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-XAxis) Maxo = 3633 3 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 2 6^1 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 121694 Ib I R2 Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Load Pt Load P(Ib) R1 00 R2 00 jpmbined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Center Span Axial Ld (Ib) 15000 0 (c) Mpos Ft-Lb 00 Brng (m) 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Bracing (in) Full Pa (Ib) 74808 74808 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 3683 3 0 000 0 000 L/0 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd •> 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No Va Factor 1 00 1 00 Bracing (in) KyLy KtLt Mid-Pt Mid-R VA/a 0 00 0 00 Max KUr 88 M/Ma 000 000 Allow Ld (Ib) 17773 7 (c) Intr. Unstiffen 000 000 P/Pa 08-4 Intr Stiffen NA NA Intr. Value 084 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement roject lodel 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa Column load Date 6/15/2005 R1 1000ft Section (2)5505162-33 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo = 16852Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 2 917 mA4 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations R2 Fy = 33 0 ksi Va= 1340 Olb Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0 000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Load Pt Load P(lb) R1 00 R2 00 iombmed Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 Mpos Ft-Lb 00 Brng (m) 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Bracing (m) Full Pa (Ib) 7927 7927 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 1685 2 0 000 0 000 UO Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No V/Va 000 000 M/Ma 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 000 000 Intr Stiffen NA NA Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Center Span Axial Ld Bracing (in) Max Allow Ld Intr (Ib) KyLy KtLt Kl_/r (Ib) P/Pa Value 2262 0(c) None None 164 22757 (c) 099 099 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement |°roject 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villa lodel Column load Date 6/15/2005 R2R1 1000ft Section (2)5505162-33 Back-to-Back C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo= 16852Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 2917inA4 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Fy = 33 0 ksi Va= 1340 Olb Flexural and Deflection Check Span Center Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 Mpos Bracing Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb (in) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 00 Full 16852 0000 0000 L/0 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Load P(lb) 00 00 Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Center Span Brng (in) 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Pa (Ib) 7927 7927 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 V/Va 000 000 M/Ma 000 000 Intr Value 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 000 000 Stiffen Req'd "> No No Intr Stiffen NA NA Axial Ld Bracing (in) Max Allow Ld Intr (Ib) KyLy KtLt KUr (Ib) P/Pa Value 4713 0(c) Mid-Pt Mid-Pt 82 5118 6 (c) 092 092 CO-acdo c E J3 Oo < CO CO •c O COCDDC .coc:cciDC •oas JDjo s_ CO O y— •» 0 *^-.cocoCD 0 oo LL "O^~ .C oa T3 C OoCD CO s~—V -a COc "c "o H TJCOC C Z T3cooCDCO "co" .Q ^-' T3COO 00 LL L_ ^ £ T3COO — '5oDC 2 0(D CQ ^ JL c\c\ CD OC00 T— *. %, oCO 00 oCD CM T- CQ L *.•^ rO y a (M 00LOCO 5(O CMCO LO CO o CM CQiL *<* ^ c> If CM LOCM ^f, CM nCM o CO CQ L *T % ooCO LO o0505 5 o 05 05 O T— 1 CO1L 4t e^Jjr> LO00CD 00 O CMCM $ Jf O CMCM LO M LO CQIL. *(^- •3- O Lf C\ O LT CO &f ^C5J vpjh i ^jT O D O CO CQ iL 4, CMCT CO C\ ^rO CD OCM O |^ CQ•i_ r*" r^ CO OC 1— CD O500 T— O o 00 CQ1J_ *.•y CO 0 00 COLO -*f> 00CO LO o O5 CQ1J_ %. ^r CMO5 CO O5 CD C£ *•ri COO5CO O O CQ LL % ff\ CO O O LO LO If,CM *rf> LOOUO CM 0 •£ CQ LL ^.•y LP OO O5 00 OOO5 00 O O CM CQ LL fs (0 CO05 CD CO 05 CD rO O O CO CQLL 6. COLLECTOR DESIGN DRAG LOAD CONNECTION (Height = 2') RIM TRACK 1000T1 50-43 1000T1 50-54 1000T1 50-68 1000T1 50-97 RIM JOIST 1000S1 62-43 1000S1 62-54 1000S162-68 1000S 162-97 1000S200-43 1000S200-54 1000S200-68 1000S200-97 Allowable Load F 307 564 866 1628 435 788 1054 1669 520 890 1288 2032 1 33xF 408 750 11 51 21 66 579 1048 1402 2220 692 11 83 17 13 2703 (1 7xF)/(22x1 4) 1 69 311 478 899 240 435 582 921 287 491 711 11 22 SheetlDrag Loads 1042AM6/21/2005 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villas Model Drag Joist Date 6/21/2005 T T R1 R2 200ft 200ft R3 R4 200ft Section 1000T150-43 Single (X-XAxis) Maxo = 1483 4 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 6 793 mA4 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check Fy = 33 0 ksi Va= 788 7 Ib Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 0000 0000 Mpos Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Bracing (m) Full Full Full Ma(Brc) Ft-Lb 14834 14834 14834 Mpos/ Ma(Brc) 0000 0000 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 R3 R4 Load P(lb) 00 00 00 00 Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 R3 R4 Combined Bending and Axial Load Brng (in) 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Pa (Ib) NA NA NA NA Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 00 00 Deflection (in) Ratio 0 000 L/0 0 000 L/0 0 000 L/0 Intr Stiffen Value Req'd f NA YES NA YES NA YES NA YES Vmax (Ib) 00 00 00 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 VA/a 000 000 000 000 M/Ma 000 000 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 000 000 000 000 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA NA Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Axial Ld (Ib) 5000 0 (c) 5000 0 (c) 5000 0 (c) Bracing (in) KyLy KtLt None None None None None None Max KL/r 65 65 65 Allow Ld (Ib) 3070 4 (c) 3070 4 (c) 3070 4 (c) P/Pa 163 163 163 Intr Value 1 63 1 63 1 63 1996 AiSI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villas Model Drag Joist Date 6/21/2005 R1 R2 R3 R4 200ft 200ft Section 1000T150-54 Single (X-XAxis) Maxo = 2912 9 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 8 575 mM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations 200ft Fy = 50 0 ksi Va = 1561 2 Ib Flexural and Deflection Check Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 0000 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 R3 R4 Load P(lb) 00 00 00 00 Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 R3 R4 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 00 00 Mpos Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Brng (in) 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 00 00 Bracing (in) Full Full Full Pa (Ib) 4253 10356 10356 4253 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 29129 0000 0000 L/0 29129 0000 0000 L/0 29129 0000 0000 L/0 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 V/Va 000 000 000 000 M/Ma 000 000 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 000 000 000 000 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA NA Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Axial Ld (Ib) 5000 0 (c) 5000 0 (c) 5000 0 (c) Bracing (in) Max Allow Ld Intr KyLy KtLt KL/r (Ib) P/Pa Value None None 65 5641 4 (c) 0 89 0 89 None None 65 5641 4 (c) 0 89 0 89 None None 65 5641 4 (c) 0 89 0 89 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villas Model Drag Joist Date 6/21/2005 I R1 • ' • R2 R3 TI R4 200ft 200ft Section 1000T150-68 Single (X-X Axis) Maxo = 4761 2 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 11 048 mM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations 200ft Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 3127 8 Ib Flexural and Deflection Check Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 0000 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 R3 R4 Load P(lb) 00 00 00 00 Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 R3 R4 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 00 00 Mpos Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Brng ('") 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 00 00 Bracing (m) Full Full Full Pa (Ib) 6937 17120 17120 6937 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 4761 2 0 000 0 000 L/0 4761 2 0 000 0 000 L/0 4761 2 0 000 0 000 L/0 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd "> 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No 00 000 No 00 0 00 No V/Va 000 000 000 000 M/Ma 000 000 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 000 000 000 000 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA NA Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Axial Ld (Ib) 5000 0 (c) 5000 0 (c) 5000 0 (c) Bracing (in) Max Allow Ld Intr KyLy KtLt KL/r (Ib) P/Pa Value None None 66 8655 0 (c) 0 58 0 58 None None 66 8655 0 (c) 0 58 0 58 None None 66 8655 0 (c) 058 058 1996 AiSI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villas Model Drag Joist Date 6/21/2005 r R1 R2 R3 200ft 200ft Section 1000T150-97 Single (X-XAxis) Maxo= 76729Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 16413mA4 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check R4 200ft Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 9118 7 Ib Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 0000 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 R3 R4 Load P(lb) 00 00 00 00 Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 R3 R4 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 00 00 Mpos Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Brng (in) 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 00 00 Bracing (in) Full Full Full Pa (Ib) 14491 3631 7 3631 7 14491 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (m) Ratio 76729 0000 0000 L/0 76729 0000 0000 L/0 76729 0000 0000 L/0 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No V/Va 000 000 000 000 M/Ma 000 000 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 000 000 000 000 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA NA Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Axial Ld (Ib) 5000 0 (c) 5000 0 (c) 5000 0 (c) Bracing (in) KyLy •None None None KtLt None None None Max KUr 67 67 67 Allow Ld (Ib) 16284 2 (c) 16284 2 (c) 162842(0) P/Pa 031 031 031 Intr Value 031 031 031 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villas Model Drag Joist Date 6/21/2005 R1 R2 R3 R4 200ft 200ft Section 1000S162-43 Single C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo = 2328 4 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 8 025 mM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check 200ft Fy = 33 0 ksi Va = 801 8 Ib Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 0000 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 R3 R4 Load P(lb) 00 00 00 00 Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or PtLoad R1 R2 R3 R4 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 00 00 Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Axial Ld (Ib) 5000 0 (c) 5000 0 (c) 5000 0 (c) Mpos Bracing Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb (in) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 00 Full 23284 0000 0000 L/0 00 Full 23284 0000 0000 L/0 00 Full 23284 0000 0000 L/0 Brng Pa Mmax Intr Stiffen (in) (Ib) (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 1 00 NA 00 NA YES 1 00 NA 00 NA YES 1 00 NA 00 NA YES 1 00 NA 00 NA YES Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Bracing (m) KyLy KtLt None None None None None None V/Va 000 000 000 000 Max KUr 46 46 46 M/Ma 000 000 000 000 Allow Ld (Ib) 4350 8 (c) 4350 8 (c) 4350 8 (c) Intr Unstiffen 000 000 000 000 P/Pa 1 15 1 15 1 15 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA NA Intr Value 1 15 1 15 1 15 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Proje Mod« I ct 21 702 Carlsbad Ranch Villas ;l Drag Joist Date 6/21/20 i R1 R2 200ft 2 m R3 00 ft 2 00 ft Ti R4 Section 1000S162-54 Single C Stud (X-X Axis) Fy = 50 0 ksi Maxo = 4272 0 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 9 950 inM Va=15930lb Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 0000 0000 Mpos Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Bracing (in) Full Full Full Ma(Brc) Ft-Lb 42720 42720 42720 Mpos/ Ma(Brc) 0000 0000 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 R3 R4 Load P(lb) 00 00 00 00 Brng (m) 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Pa (Ib) 5730 10421 10421 5730 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 00 00 Deflection (in) Ratio 0 000 L/0 0 000 L/0 0 000 L/0 Intr Stiffen Value Req'd ? 000 No 000 No 000 No 000 No Combined-Bending and Shear Reaction or PtLoad R1 R2 R3 R4 Combined Bending and Axial Load Vmax (Ib) 00 00 00 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 V/Va 000 000 000 000 M/Ma 000 000 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 000 000 000 000 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA NA Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Axial Ld (Ib) 5000 0 (c) 5000 0 (c) 5000 0 (c) Bracing (m) KyLy KtLt None None None None None None Max KL/r 47 47 47 Allow Ld (Ib) 7876 7 (c) 7876 7 (c) 7876 7 (c) P/Pa 063 063 063 Intr Value 063 063 063 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villas Model Drag Joist Date 6/21/2005 Tr "" R1 R2 R3 TI R4 200ft 200ft Section 1000S162-68 Single C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo = 61504Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 12325inM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check 200ft Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 3208 7 Ib Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 0000 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or PtLoad R1 R2 R3 R4 Load P(lb) 00 00 00 00 Mpos Bracing Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb (in) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 00 Full 61504 0000 0000 L/0 00 Full 61504 0000 0000 L/0 00 Full 61504 0000 0000 L/0 Brng Pa Mmax Intr Stiffen (in) (Ib) (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd "> 1 00 967 6 00 0 00 No 100 17222 00 000 No 100 17222 00 000 No 1 00 967 6 00 0 00 No Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or PtLoad R1 R2 R3 R4 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 00 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Axial Ld (Ib) 5000 0 (c) 5000 0 (c) 5000 0 (c) Bracing (in) KyLy KtLt None None None None None None V/Va 000 000 000 000 Max KL/r 48 48 48 M/Ma 000 000 000 000 Allow Ld (Ib) 10539 6 (c) 10539 6 (c) 10539 6 (c) Intr Unstiffen 000 000 000 000 P/Pa 047 047 047 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA NA Intr Value 047 047 047 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villas Model Drag Joist Date 6/21/2005 R1 R2 R3 R4 200ft 200ft Section 1000S162-97 Single C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo= 100312Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 16967mA4 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations 200ft Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 9460 7 Ib Flexural and Deflection Check Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 0000 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or PtLoad R1 R2 R3 R4 Load P(lb) 00 00 00 00 Mpos Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Brng (in) 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Bracing (m) Full Full Full Pa (Ib) 2091 5 3651 8 3651 8 2091 5 Ma(Brc) Ft-Lb 10031 2 10031 2 10031 2 Mpos/ Deflection Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 0 000 0 000 L/0 0 000 0 000 L/0 0 000 0 000 L/0 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or PtLoad R1 R2 R3 R4 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 00 00 Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Axial Ld (Ib) 5000 0 (c) 5000 0 (c) 5000 0 (c) Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Bracing (in) KyLy KtLt None None None None None None V/Va 000 000 000 000 Max KL/r 50 50 50 M/Ma 000 000 000 000 Allow Ld (Ib) 16690 2 (c) 16690 2 (c) 16690 2 (c) Intr Unstiffen 000 000 000 000 P/Pa 030 030 030 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA NA Intr Value 030 030 030 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villas Model Drag Joist Date 6/21/2005 I T I ••i T R1 R2 200ft 200ft Section 1000S200-43 Single C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo = 2602 5 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 9 085 mA4 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check R3 R4 200ft Fy = 33 0 ksi Va = 801 8 Ib Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 0000 0000 Mpos Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Bracing (in) Full Full Full Ma(Brc) Ft-Lb 26025 26025 26025 Mpos/ Ma(Brc) 0000 0000 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 R3 R4 Load P(lb) 00 00 00 00 Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 R3 R4 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 00 00 Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Axial Ld (Ib) 5000 0 (c) 5000 0 (c) 5000 0 (c) Brng (in) 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 00 00 Pa (Ib) NA NA NA NA Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Bracing (in) KyLy KtLt None None None None None None V/Va 000 000 000 000 Max KL/r 35 35 35 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 00 00 M/Ma 000 000 000 000 Allow Ld (Ib) 5200 1 (c) 5200 1 (c) 5200 1 (c) Deflection Cn) 0000 0000 0000 Intr Value NA NA NA NA Intr Unstiffen 000 000 000 000 P/Pa 096 096 096 Ratio L/0 L/0 L/0 Stiffen Req'd ? YES YES YES YES Intr Stiffen NA NA NA NA Intr Value 096 096 096 i 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villas Model Drag Joist Date 6/21/2005 R1 R4R2R3 200ft 200ft Section 1000S200-54 Single C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo = 4503 5 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 11 278 inM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations 200ft Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 1593 Olb Flexural and Deflection Check Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 0000 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 R3 R4 Load P(lb) 00 00 00 00 Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 R3 R4 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 00 00 Mpos Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Brng (in) 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 00 00 Bracing (m) Full Full Full Pa (Ib) 5730 10421 10421 5730 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 45035 0000 0000 L/0 45035 0000 0000 L/0 45035 0000 0000 L/0 V/Va 000 000 000 000 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 00 00 M/Ma 000 000 000 000 Intr Stiffen Value Req'd "> 000 No 000 No 000 No 000 No Intr Unstiffen 000 000 000 000 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA NA Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Axial Ld Bracing (m) Max Allow Ld Intr (Ib) KyLy KtLt KL/r (Ib) P/Pa Value 5000 0(c) None None 36 8898 3 (c) 056 056 5000 0(c) None None 36 8898 3 (c) 056 056 5000 0(c) None None 36 8898 3 (c) 056 056 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villas Model Drag Joist Date 6/21/2005 R1 R2 R3 200ft 200ft Section 1000S200-68 Single C Stud (X-X Axis) Maxo = 6846 1 Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 13 994 inA4 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check R4 200ft Fy = 50 0 ksi Va = 3208 7 Ib Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 0000 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 R3 R4 Load P(lb) 00 00 00 00 Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 R3 R4 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 00 00 Mpos Bracing Ma(Brc) Mposl Deflection Ft-Lb (in) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 0 0 Full 6846 1 0 000 0 000 L/0 00 Full 68461 0000 0000 L/0 00 Full 68461 0000 0000 L/0 Brng Pa Mmax Intr Stiffen (in) (Ib) (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 1 00 967 6 00 0 00 No 100 17222 00 000 No 100 17222 00 000 No 1 00 967 6 00 0 00 No Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 00 00 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 VA/a 000 000 000 000 M/Ma 000 000 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 000 000 000 000 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA NA Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Axial Ld Bracing (in) Max Allow Ld Intr (Ib) KyLy KtLt KL/r (Ib) P/Pa Value 5000 0(c) None None 36 12882 8 (c) 039 039 5000 0(c) None None 36 12882 8 (c) 039 039 5000 0(c) None None 36 12882 8 (c) 039 039 1996 AISI Specification w/1999 Supplement Project Model 21702 Carlsbad Ranch Villas Date 6/21 Drag Joist i T-R1 • • • R2 R3 200ft 200ft Section 1000S200-97 Single C Stud (X-XAxis) Maxo= 111179Ft-Lb Moment of Inertia, I = 19336mM Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have not been modified for deflection calculations Flexural and Deflection Check 200ft Fy = 50 0 ksi Va= 9460 7 Ib Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Mmax Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Mmax/ Maxo 0000 0000 0000 Combined Bending and Web Crippling Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 R3 R4 Load P(lb) 00 00 00 00 v~ Combined Bending and Shear Reaction or Pt Load R1 R2 R3 R4 Vmax (Ib) 00 00 00 00 Mpos Ft-Lb 00 00 00 Brng (in) 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Mmax (Ft-Lb) 00 00 00 00 Bracing On) Full Full Full Pa (Ib) 2091 5 3651 8 3651 8 2091 5 Va Factor 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Ma(Brc) Mpos/ Deflection Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio 111179 0000 0000 L/0 111179 0000 0000 L/0 111179 0000 0000 L/0 Mmax Intr Stiffen (Ft-Lb) Value Req'd ? 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No 00 0 00 No V/Va 000 000 000 000 M/Ma 000 000 000 000 Intr Unstiffen 000 000 000 000 Intr Stiffen NA NA NA NA Combined Bending and Axial Load Span Left Span Center Span Right Span Axial Ld Bracing (in) Max Allow Ld Intr (Ib) KyLy KtLt KL/r (Ib) P/Pa Value 5000 0 (c) None None 37 20322 8 (c) 0 25 0 25 5000 0 (c) None None 37 20322 8 (c) 0 25 0 25 5000 0 (c) None None 37 20322 8 (c) 0 25 0 25 7. WALL LOADS Elixir Steel Framing Corp (949) 420-0500 Ray Grage CE#19137 21702 Carlsbad Ranch - 3A 21702-R01-Wall Loads 3A-CN mcd PROGRAM SPECIFICATION UNITS LB IN2 ORIGIN = 1 IX CT IN = 1L FT =12 IN PTF LB 2 FT LB = per?ror — 1M LB _2 K = 1000 LB LB ^3 RAD = 1 T/"CT7IVbl1 — SF = FT FT 2 This is a MATHCAD program The Formulas shown are active In other words the results are derived from the formula as shown All formula are unit sensitive All units are converted within the equations and results are converted to the units following Multiplication is represented by a single dot The matrices are straight line Example 2 IN +2 IN = 21 4 IN fM 2 IN fM 1 2 IN = DESIGN SPECIFICATION = 4 IN2 Light Gage Steel 43 Mil or Lighter Fs = 33 KSI 54 Mil or Heavier Fs = 50 KSI S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs 11/20/2005 707PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp. (949) 420-0500 Ray Grage CE#19137 21702 Carlsbad Ranch - 3A 21702-R01-Wall Loads 3A-CN mcd Roof Dead Load DL1 DLll = 65PSF DL12 = 1 5 PSF DL13 = 25 PSF DL14 = 1 0 PSF DL15 = 10 PSF DL16 = 1 5 PSF DESIGN LOAD Composition Roofing Sheathing Framing Misc Insulation Fire Sprinkler Framing Drywall DL1 = DLll + DL12+DL13 + DL14+DL15+ DL16 DL1 = 14PSF Roof Live Load LL1 LL1 = 20 PSF (Pltch<412)! 3rd Floor Dead Load DL3 DL31 = 120 PSF DL32 =25 PSF DL33 = 1 5 PSF DL34 = 5 0 PSF DL35 = 1 0 PSF DL36 = 1 5 PSF Ceiling Dead Load DL2 DL21 = 1 5 PSF DL22 = 5 0 PSF DL23 = 0 0 PSF DL24=OOPSF DL2 = DL21 + DL22 + DL23 + DL24 DL2 = 6 5 PSF Ceiling Live Load LL2 LL2 = 10 PSF Floor Covering 1-1/4" Gyp-Crete 2000 Sheathing 3/4" Ply Framing Double Drywall Misc Fire Sprinkler DL3 = DL31 + DL32 + DL33 + DL34 + DL35 + DL36 DL3 = 23 5 PSF Floor Dead Load DL5 = 38PSF Balcony Covering 3" Concrete 2nd Floor Dead Load DL4 DL41 = 120 PSF DL42 =25 PSF DL43 = 1 5 PSF DL44 = 5 0 PSF DL45 = 1 0 PSF DL46 = 1 5 PSF Wall Dead Load DL2 Floor Covering 1-1/4" Gyp-Crete 2000 Sheathing 3/4" Ply Framing Double Drywall Misc Fire Sprinkler DL4 = DL41 + DL42 + DL43 + DL44 + DL45 + DL46 DL4 = 23 5 PSF 2nd Floor Dead Load L41 = 120 PLF L42 = 180 PLF L45 = 14 PSF Interior Walls Exterior Walls Equivalent WallLoad Per SOFT Floor Live Load LL3 LL3 = 40 0 PSF LL4 = 100 0 PSF Floor Live Load Corridor Live Load S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs 11/20/2005 707PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (949) 420-0500 Ray Grage CE#19137 21702 Carlsbad Ranch - 3A 21702-R01-Wall Loads 3A-CN mcd i =16 WALL LOADS WALL = WALL = Tributary Tributary Tributary Width of Width of 2nd & 3rd Width of Corridor Roof Floors '"W-l" "W-2" "W-3" "W-4" "W-5" "W-6" "W-7" "W-8" "W-9" "W-10" "W-ll" "W-12" "W-13" "W-14" "W-15" J'W-16"; \ TWr = x ^ 0 0 1325-2 38 - 2 + 7 75 4-2 6-2 + 2 0 0 2-2 2-2 0 0 135-2 0 , 7-2 + 25 , FT TWf = 0 0 0 2-2 2-2 28-2 1325-2 135-2+1 575-2 135-2 26-2 155-2 125-2 5 75 - 2 + 1 26-2 2-2 , FT TWc = (65-2^ 2-2 725-2 65-2 155-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-2 0 0 ,625-2, FT Other Wall Thickness Loads Wall DL '"W-1-" N "W-2" "W-3" "W-4" "W-5" "W-6" "W-7" "W-8" "W-9" "W-10" "W-ll" "W-12" "W-13" "W-14" "W-15" ,"W-16", WDL = (180N 180 180 180 0 180 180 180 180 120 120 120 180 180 120 180, PLF Wt = (55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 35 35 55 55 55 35, FT S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs 11/21/2005 652PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (949) 420-0500 Ray Grage CE#19137 21702 Carlsbad Ranch - 3A 21702-R01-Wall Loads 3A-CN mcd 3rd Floor To Roof Walls Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Floor load Wall above Dist load from above W3 = 0 + WDL + (DL1 + LL1 + LL2 + DL2) TWr Multiply by 2 ft to get the loading on each stud StudLoadS = 2 FT W3 WALL = '"W-l" "W-2" "W-3" "W-4" "W-5" "W-6" "W-7" "W-8" "W-9" "W-10" "W-ll" "W-12" "W-13" "W-14" "W-15" ."W-16", W3 = 180 " 180 180 5145625 1350875 281 4325 180 180 1705 1705 120 180 520 875 120 , 483 , PLF StudLoadS = ^036^ 036 036 1 029 2702 0562 0865 036 036 0341 0341 024 036 1042 024 ,0 966, K Wt = '55^ 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 35 35 55 55 55 ,35, FT S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs 11/21/2005 652PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (949) 420-0500 Ray Grage CE#19137 21702 Carlsbad Ranch - 3A 21702-R01-Wall Loads 3A-CN mcd 2nd Floor To 3rd Floor Walls Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Floor load Wall above Dist load from above Hall load W2 = (LL3 + DL3 + L45) TWf + (LL4 + DL3 + L45) TWc + WDL + W3 Multiply by 2 ft to get the loading on each stud StudLoad2 = 2 FT W2 WALL = f "W-l" "W-2" "W-3" "W-4" "W-5" "W-6" "W-7" "W-8" "W-9" "W-10" "W-ll" "W-12" "W-l 3" "W-l 4" "W-15" "W-16", W2 = ' 806 875 " 4975 858438 1218938 2494 1546 1125938 960 625 582813 813625 1298 840 625 981 875 1001 187 12475 .1170 188, PLF StudLoad2 = 1 014 0995 1717 2438 4988 3092 2252 1921 1 166 1627 2596 1 681 1964 2002 2495 ,234, K Wt = D 3 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 35 35 55 55 55 ,35, FT S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs 11/21/2005 652PM Elixir Steel Framing Corp (949) 420-0500 Ray Grage CE#19137 21702 Carlsbad Ranch - 3A 21702-R01-Wall Loads 3A-CN mcd 1st Floor To 2nd Floor Walls. Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Floor load Wall above Dist load from above Hall load Wl = (LL3 + DL3 + L45) TWf + (LL4 + DL3 + L45) TWc + WDL + W2 Multiply by 2 ft to get the loading on each stud StudLoadl = 2 FTWl WALL = f »W-1" ^ "W-2" "W-3" "W-4" "W-5" "W-6" "W-7" "W-8" "W-9" "W-10" "W-ll" "W-12" "W-13" "W-14" "W-15" ,"W-16", Wl = I 1433 75 ^ 815 1536 875 1923313 3637125 2811 1819375 1741 25 985 625 145675 24255 1561 25 178375 1481 5 2375 J 857 375, PLF StudLoadl = (2 868N 1 63 3074 3847 7274 5622 3639 3482 1 971 2913 4851 3 123 3567 2963 475 ,3715, K Wt = f55) 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 35 35 55 55 55 ,35y FT S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs 11/21/2005 652PM 8. BRACE FRAME .Y 4k 63k 32k -48 £ M18 MS M7 N5 -77 Code Check No Calc > 1 0 90-1 0 75-90 50-75 0-50 (Loads BLC 1, SEISMIC LEFT Results for LC 1, Seismic Right Reaction units are k and k-ft Ray Grage & Associates CF 618 21 702 - Carlsbad Ranch Resort - Villa-3A_"l_-7" | November 8, 2005 4 42 PM I BF-1 i 21702-BF1 25ftw-R11 PCX-Villa .Y t? X••£.- • A 63k 32k HSS4X4X4 -77 Loads BLC 1, SEISMIC LEFT Results for LC 1, Seismic Right Reaction units are k and k-ft 61 8 Code Check No Calc >1 0 90-1 0 75-90 50-75 0-50 Ray Grage & Associates 21702 - Carlsbad Ranch Resort - Villa-3A "L-7" ! November 18, 2005 CF 443PM 21702-BF1_25ftw-R11_PCX-Villa , Company Ray Grage & Associates Designer CF Job Number BF-1 21702 - Carlsbad Ranch Resort - Villa-3A "L-7" November 18, 2005 511 PM Checked By Global Steel Code Include Shear Deformation Nb; ;6f;Secti0tis f Redesign Sections ASD AISC 9th, AISI 99 Yes Yes Materials (General) 1 Material Label TUBE Young's Modulus (ksi) I 29000 Shear Modulus (ksi) 11154 Poisson's Ratio J 3 , Thermal Coef (per10A5F) 65 Weight Density (k/ftA3) 49 Yield Stress (ksi) 46 | Sections Section Label DIA Database _ _Shape HSS4X4X4 Material Label TUBE Area (m)A2 SA SA (0,180) (90,270) 3365 1 2 | 1 2 U^ 1(90,270) (mM) 7788 1(0,180) (mM) 7788 T/C Onjy COL HSS4X4X6 ;HSS4X4X6iiSS-qi TUBE 478 1212 10252 10252 Stee/ Design / NDS Parameters Member Label Section Set M2 DIArriaair Length __ffiL 11 18 Lbout leout (ft) Lbin lem _(«)_._ L_comp le bend .._JfEL_ Kout Km CH Cm Cb B Sway out in M4 COL 10 _0_;io M6 COL 10 0 H©R:':.; .1 «WO .; M8 HOR M17 COL 10125 M12 DIA 11 292 M13 DIA 5534 Member Data Member Label I Joint "N5~~ J Joint M2 N3 Rotate (degrees) Shape / Section Set Material Phys End Releases Set Memb l-End J-End TOM AVM AVM DIA TUBE Y -TUBE End Offsets Inactive l-End J-End Code Length _(in) (in). , (ft) _ l 18 M4 N2 N3 COL TUBE 10 M6 N5 N6 COL TUBE Y 10 M8 N3 N6 HOR TUBE -TfUBE*1-0 725- M17 N6 N10 COL TUBE 10125 M12 N3 N10 DIA TUBE Y 11 292 5^534 '9 M13 N9A N5 DIA TUBE Y 5534 ;-.' •*$>* •069 RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\Risa\051103\21702-BF1_2 5ftw-R11_PCX-Vill§a^_1._7 r2d] Company Ray Grage & Associates Designer CF Job Number BF-1 21702 - Carlsbad Ranch Resort - Villa-3A "L-7" November 18, 2005 511 PM Checked By Joint Loads/Enforced Displacements, Category: None. BLC 1: SEISMIC LEFT Joint Label N2 "I* ""*.,' ii JN3^,,"C»" N9 [L]oad,[M]ass,or, [Displacement L C'v%*T;;!i:f L^.s^lM-:^''l_ Direction Magnitude (k, k-ft, in, rad, k*sA2/ft) X , v..-*^ • V X- . ,Ai4 .-IW ?v X Joint Loads/Enforced Displacements, Category : None. Joint Label N5 N10 [L]oad,[M]ass,or, [Displacement L :£.:;% jjIf^L**'* ••..:"? ^••;; L Member Direct Distributed Member Label M7 -1hil'»ffiVifcM8f" 4:i'i! M18 Direction Y MTiHiYU-.s"' Y 32 * *«Msii^<&;3.4 .fe-.'U:,* 4 i SLC 2 ; SEISMIC RIGHT Direction Magnitude (k, k-ft, in, rad, k*sA2/ft) 1 X |^•.^"^"••fi^xw^-"^?1*' •" \r X -21 i;i;!*^' -4 1^*^; ft/: -72 Loads. Cateaorv : None. BLC 3 : FLOOR & ROOF Start Magnitude End Magnitude Start Location End Location (k/ft, F) (k/ft, F) (ftor%) (ftor%) - 679 | - 679 I 0 0 > :;• ^,-;;;i!'r6Ji9A:y---^.J^,^i-67*9S*j}!;;.,&t-%i;'l:' •"•- -iO $• ;- %* '*• rfiQs ilfii!:;'t' - 876 - 876 Basic Load Case Data BLC No Basic Load Case Description 1 SEISMIC LEFT f^.:*2 x-.5-'.B|SEISMI®RIGHJ{ft;^ 3 FLOOR & ROOF Category Code None iSNoneff:;;1; None Category Description -;-j v^^!S-y«"-yv; -^s?'- ;g« p I 0 i 0 Gravity Load Type Totals X Y Joint Point Direct Dist 3^ ' s«* i* '^3:.: % M**: &• *f. "-.^^ -1 3 Load Combinations Num Description Env Q 1 Seismic Right y WS PD SRSS CD BLC Factor BLC Factor BLC Factor BLC Factor V I (3.2f. It 4.KSe:ismic^LeftM-:%->tl^:r:wfe"l^ I 1 •,>•,&'"" -lii* 1 fo«;l?2f™'K '•'.**! 1.^*4 1 fSftsH j-srj??"^ 3 r*^3^ l '•> ••"••* lite *E 1 f;*!' .=*" 'if i I -;^W,i";?;"n H* ^'^ fx';:*^v5, -f'-p'Ss: W?^' '"'"••-lJ3^" ;*! 'rpvl*^1 •-.; Jo/nf Coordinates Joint Label N1 N3 N5 N9 N9A X Coordinate (ft) 25 Y Coordinate (ft) 19875 '*'..?'••"!. J»H: 9875 30 49375 Joint Temperature IF) 0 0 Boundary Conditions Joint Label X Translation (k/in) N1 Y Translation (k/m) Reaction Reaction «? yRea'ctiofu;:t Rotation (k-ft/rad) RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\Risa\051103\21702-BF1_2 5ftw-R11_PCX-Vill§a§AJ._7 r2d] Company Ray Grage & Associates Designer CF Job Number BF-1 21702 - Carlsbad Ranch Resc November 18, 2005 511 PM rt - Villa-3A "L-7" Checked Bv J Material Takeoff > > Material Shape Length Weight (ft) (k) TUBE HSS4X4X6 60 976 "'.llf.'.i, ;• ""'"*& * ''•'" "™'' '% 'HSS4;X4X4 '•-$r>~* •u'-a&" 59 6>1':"'"'\-**-r* .«-•> "'"W^682 ""->"!*£••> TUBE | Totals | 11961 | 1658 Member Deflections, Bv Combination LC Member Label Section x-Translation y-Translation (n) L/y Ratio On) (in) 1 ':£%•*#' ^ ^ '& ' ,i*V i f;fl..j , .;W 1 V'.V'"" ' •••• lii til" ?c. ir"-* !**•!>>' 1 JftlP ^V*.'': |fci)S4i ;-^l* »;; ":"*•,;1 ssjrv ite-?^f S1.:?' 1bi.™fe *»• -ft 1 rxa'- fv^* s,1#-4 '?SiS M2 IP'"-I>.. ..Jii* '-t?--*^,,, -flip' ;**,;>* .v:,L^px% /% iL;-i«*:H*M3l'; ^is^i; ^! fe#f ^^W'^^t^^tK !i Si::-;-**** ^-^.^^'^Ij, M4 SSi" x> 1;Sft£*n;r». I W.--..4. -M^ft^^i'-i ^?n^-s AJ MS^^jli^'" ^:-sS:%: v i-.JS^" ' %•• UC.~^**S^S!gs> «^*i^. M6 Jgj- ^*W::" ;*• '.^J!^a ^^j^^rfto'^f^j&I' %:'• S^sirfR M7s 'is^S^ j^-.g j^V^4"-?-,.^: 'f'^ ••*"' '*^ij*?:**i."i™' Ji."^" M8 S^v-i.1^^:^;*^ S'.^;;: 'K|gf|s%" ; "pg'-^PteS-' '^ il^'i?.*M;1'6l%^,. '™* '.;-:../-A;. ;,v,. 'J?..>^ ' i, ^•M" •3?..S;J-i!f • -H,^t M17 fffi^'i'':, *t '^"f'"^:^^*' *j*;s^: •;"{&;.'^1 ^s. '" • -.K "^•"^ftMgtS^^'^eis' "? >*•*;?* a'?-," ;;'?.•'" J!1.-.,; ••:?*£'*".§" 1 3 £^.y: 5 i-,aJ^S« 2§.^31^* 4 SMi'S**'' 1 fc42-i-|» 3 SINKS'- 5 i; ,1." "^ 2 ,;V34t: 4 «:':5^fr I 1 i.?, . 2 *• 3 4; 4*'^ 5 ffe1 ;*s^ 2 I^IS""1*.' 4 .y/TSvfe1 mr2,,;I'»- 3 «S%5:; 5 •*f ,. 2 ^sJ3"*^ 4 •>:5|||: 1 '•""'2'^ 3 ",*4;"v.W 5 '•^1^!^ 2 Sf3-:^ 4 -087 ift •••>:' 095:-^. -103 ;!%Si^ 1*1-1 iisC is- -119 -^*?l|;-i0.iJs:Sf:--M 008 ?:;>ifiSa01!6?SI',^ 024 '*^-;% 032s'!,j.rf 032 ,,. "*?v037fev4 042 n'^048^-;!;;.! 053 lf:";:''K-Ot "'S'1^" -01 %;: ..T.-:02-iS..-»' -03 mm 039^:? -039 ;/J^*^042 ''*¥** -045 fc' ;:^Q48",' .'>.** -05 SS'llK^l^^::.';^* 115 ;£'«S|§1;5; ..ff 116 *•>>; '. i-.sist'l 7*-s::. :iSiU 37 ^^37,,. :IM 37 ' -087 ^f^'1-36^* -199 •.^'' '*,- 2'74.™':«fi'! -355 fcft^-'tB^;^ -011 F'"^ 033s, **; -066 £' ^;:^i Tl^',«,^:» -114 «-^SI-7/2i--^- -234 It.'iK'Si*-' 3 j •: •::••£>.••; -37 •^ •.-* "0 ...,:'Mr- -018 «;'.,,. 4s '046rv:;.':- -08 jf-^^l'l^-ft'^'" -117 ^c'-'iea^v -239 F-^' ir 3fl*H? ::' .i®- -37 •^i^^"032Br*VW 003 V ^.OW'^P -028 j,!;-.. ;i-.039. ;^^' 053 #^5«0:1:6s;^/- -014 •f'r'^B^SiZfe,,,'.. "•*!'' 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M13 *? .,AlT'\lf: JLiSI' ',** Ai1" *?' 'Ms— 5 ;^^>:v- ^'^ rFsC.""" MM^;I'iW s* ^i-.--^;',^^^.^;^ i- ..'tisss s,- •iiS^E; .?• ;Aji? :: - r5;% 1 ^«2;?'*^ 3 l*#4x'i 5 './"'I''-,-, "' 2 H-'!/3*-, 4 ^••Si. ,C ^,'^s^O.- r- 1 ift-.-2'..js- 3 ;;''-4 IfS; 5 "' ..T1"":--,S, 2 ^•;3i% 4 ^i;5;; JC; .*"*- jf/BSBft; '4"J 211 "•^rft^S^^iJi 217 4^1'' .-22ilfcf:;.s: 224 .,rv%j"0 ;%•*; 002 Jf— ?;004^'-^ 007 Cii,^-009fe&;;: 009 Sss-^- 0^1 1fi'./T 013 .i^^O^SStt^fc' 018 ..r*.""v'023i"%':i. 017 ^i!':1;F0.1;2-^ff^ 006 ::*- y.- 059f *• -i> -309 "Ti^r^QS*^..^" -474 w-'^'S^lftt-^ -587 ,gi;a!toh'0^^:ff. -003 ^^•K 006ft?*5" -011 ;',,.-?^Ss@21:.:s': ;.f -021 iD^041 4'.', -;J* -069 .i||f^097-S'ffl -122 W;'V1(11'6; .,;;"•> 059 ?^:>m02?i:^S*''w 006 NtssfeilrQsi;.--*:^**" * - 4 :/fe -Olt«s» 4 5*VsiN6t4ft-'" NC 1;8927i372;te 5162513 .•f :57H7'-2'5--'--'':" NC i.i .;tiNG ;4:-Si NC •.-..S-i'^NC-'Ps-U 6260 651 V*31'285|16'Jl't> J" NC "* T3279'^-7,8f '. 1397729 •;--*'872'079*""^ 6597 *A,1143-833K'r 2234 126 M.67.1.3'453^," NC < ';#1IN& ;::fc' 1 Member Section Forces. Bv Combination LC Member Label Section Axial Shear Moment (k) (k) (k-ft) 1u^—- P8W ••fte i.%1^ vJK$ 1 SCi ''•'••'•' ?jfc3 *%:.'"„ ";ri:' ,* siSlfe'-; 1 ,-Ste; -Jt'"''' , r "* •A:.*:1 ^^C.'-** M2 ^•;"-,^?': " * : :^??'7? 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', .fc^sg" Ot. r^^v V< -052 -^•^1,-90'1^" ,-4:.. 642 ^.^S^IBsfca*"^ RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Ca!cs\Risa\051103\21702-BF1_2 5ftw-R11_PCX-Vill§a^j4__7 r2d] Company Ray Grage & Associates Designer CF Job Number BF-1 21702 - Carlsbad Ranch November 18, 2005 511 PM Resort - Villa-3A "L-7" Checked By Member Section Forces, Bv Combination, (continued) LC Member Label Section Axial Shear Moment(k) (k) (k-ft) > |w}••) V- t w$. ?./f .„ £$WP1 p,;v^ V.f|gt'' "<-'&•$ : 'A '\ : p-s< £t 1 xii^tjf. '' - vl^ ' i !&.- r-:.; . ]-^J filff •IS, \. 1 . ;.^ f*1^ -f;1;* lsirf'; *J*-ii™ fiifi''* s.SftlC ": ¥':C** ir'fr ">•• B M:16&:! c 1*11.^ rfiliS^.^&t'"^ ^';-4 '• "U£*^ ^ ' Ji, JV!-^« Ml 7J^^Q^;/^-. '**;•"' r\a ^: ,;,'•• !S*'i> fet'^^I^Hf."' :•'•• \''r 's."^-^-.-^ '' '"£•• •$$%•$!' %•• '^" ^- ''•'•*•"%"£'$' *&•* 'if^'^ft. ''^^ -^jj^t I Vl^ljiO.^' i '—^i''5r ;f%-^ 5. "^^3, i;? P"--^ ^'^lii '^PIS-"'^ I:.f M12 , .'iS:ii-liif %: . i •-•4^4'ft !"1 ^'.,ii«*1iST:;^ ,- '^.-i^s^sli^ ,^y;^ f!-|\/|.12Alir::.lF' iJ'w i:^ w.^-a^:t*^^"*— gS-^S ••?• -feSJsi-W.. * M13 :r"i&fifcs" * n.:;dMi «;^S*';T- '^•^£:i^;.*. 3^*S*f *M ^" ^' ^^l»C-w |:;*^^:1 ^-if-^^»iJ^?C^%^ 3 ., "M. 'h 5 •;f-1^ '" 2 *--?i3-&'-.' 4 «i'.5^i- 1 #':.'2''*'. 3 *-v.4<-*-t 5 fSSfl -:,- 2''lis*^,. 4:^5 .^ 1 ;"';l?2^!i' 3 ^J4.j,!.:f 5 * -*s,1^'V;" 2 •^3i-..x; 4 ::f:"5s.it|i 1 £" 2 1; 3 %»4"'lte 5 'C'-1*^ 2 ff-3- 4 4 ^5*. -S -019 V*l =: 019*^*'''> -019 C"^:"2'253i^^':,;; 2212 ;'-#>-2^17i'€K 2 13Vfe^'osfg^^-.s 10475 ; -> ^1^434^1-* 10393 p^s| rj;352$|:: ' 1031 p^^-^'S^^^ 415 v-i VM^1i5t--:'w''.s 415 ^ CW^S-'a*;^ -8774 Ei% '^BOSjf f-' -8832 fif^slff'SB;!^--", -889 V- * --1.3' :1(32?'ki: ., -13146;ir"£T3'llB;->'-v.s -13174 %:'r(13t1:88 rm -12604 f:iSiS126j1l8^«"-- -12632 '^1^12^646.^"' -12661 •'SA't16*5B?-''!:"*- 16589 ^M!7'i32'4ss'#' 17352 ":s%-3l-7/38^;-,- -209 ^ ii^^'li O7O x'^-i^-vSK.^— I" \J 1 £ ••'.:.•• -1 935 ^?:^*15¥;; ji; -15 Si;f-^IB'?%-*- -15 ^V«j»-'1'5-*ft.:--:^ 196^' ..ij-i-sesis*-../ 196 £'^Ii96ffis-? 196 ^•"#:@"0891pf: 979 ^^•--13 -:¥r:S? -1 239 A .:; r2«3^9S#W 077 "; ?:'!^0'63:^^ 049 •"'• 44if>034----$"?f 02 •.s-;WiT^1'3V"f ... -138 i%^!'r',145 ' ,,"1 -152 i^t"!8$lf59t-'SV- .• 289 ^.«^282';!?S'S;.; 275 *; 4^268;; if.;:'- 261 *;;ffP054i' -^ ; 04^iiii^s^ir* -194 ®,-?fe'208--Ti.;; Member Stresses, Bv Combination LC Member Label Section Axial Shear (ksi) (ksi) 1 1% M flSf;"4 ylS.fi •^t'.'lj 1 iS&: S1*:,^ M2 1 6736 -003 i^rf •*'-^%s^- ;Si. ?jt^¥2?:i*-: 'Siv6i^7^-21s-"i:' '006*r'-*'r 3 6719 016 -'^••XS'. ••• 'SvS*- % 4 >- M'k-:'-Q 7:1~i|---"ii i-'---ssl*®25 *': 5 6 702 034 ;^J:|:^"M3»%^C<.^" '*;• rt1%«s">; -Z7f7f7^-.& w ' r'01'2".-/" 2 -7785 -012 '"-"^isssi-.*- W'^si;^:* ?E;3^-''J!S;W'7i93'"^-:if-"> -'0j12.;.vf' 4 -7802 -012 ?4^-riiJsjy%!5tig:;A- •A--.5;-^ ;';*;*^ 81?Cs-^£ftsgi2e^~ M4 1 -503 -003 •'^••"1ivS.T"----y'iii8fel j:> 2i^',v6«!4:-5 OSSi.?" few - '003;'' '*? 3 -5 047 - 003 •sr;>ja i .^^ft^;."™ .5;;4^;.™ ";^\^5 IQSS^ t.' "*!-i003t:^-.r 5 -5 064 - 003 -995 ^'^i- , - • '*1 QC ^ ^ ' • ^:^Pfj'-iJjv*" ;••! 5?O -^-«^.^ 1 684 '1<is"*.-!637'"^5 -258 •S.---f!>122i'""."''."' 501 if vS; 881srS=l 873 "-' . ^>378tlf „* -117 l^^f6:T2*'^.; -1 108 :'«• T- 881?;^^-1 037 '^•*^1"568 i'% -712 •".s/ ^1 63jllt:C.Z 128 ' "Y'—Wtr^K -229 ' SS-:i 346KJ!*' -423 ••* ^uS 2©9%i ftii -024 ^•?%l.7'fv;.:-K-iA 376 • "-•^sgi.tv* 873 ,.•^#47*8^-: i* 093 *ji¥.:l:,"r?282ift:-.fi -648 AiK-j'163*w'^ -294 jpi^667J;if; -149 ifSSMOi";!!-.^ Bending top (ksi) -78 '"'' v?-'755F ': -608 'i'i:*^337ft*$ 058 ,,r :; -"495^^. -646" '"'v:r!802^ii--r -959s&™s3i'';it'i51-™'si -182 *"'-i-'2251!'",' i -268 -^-^r-S^^-fe -354 Bending bot (ksi) 78 £:-',sN755W!' •; 608r!S^^33;7-/>>-^ -058^^f^g.-;,^:! 646 '••K""<-802; /;'" ; 959 2s*. f.'-t?!^;.;. 182 ,tti¥225 '. i*'- 268 ;-iWS3'1-1-'.M:^ 354 RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\Risa\051103\21702-BF1_2 5ftw-R11_PCX-Vill§a§A_3._7 r2d] Company Ray Grage & AssociatesDesigner CF Job Number BF-1 21702-Carlsbad Ranch Resort-Villa-3A "L-7" November 18, 2005 511 PM Checked By Member Stresses, By Combination, (continued) LC Member Label Section i M6 M8 Sfe.51 * <# 3"-^ M17 ^f"- '^'M-l Si..-? M12 M13 Axial (ksi) 9651 9635 263 £2*622 *•: 2613 2596 -1 281 -1 281 -006 006^*-* -006 -006 463 446 2191 2174 Shear (ksi) 02 P?fe9fflrr% 02 076 076 076 384 -73 979 Bending top (ksi) -686 -151 -2225 -163 1 899 2225 161 -135 -1 248 -064 -064 084 084 2157 1 233 1 233 -2608 -2625 -2642 -3907 -3915 -3746 -3755 -3 763 493 5157 084 -1 977 3065 V, .v 6:,- -519 Bending bot (ksi) 603 -1 173 S T2-.06.1fiS* -2044 .-'885 ,*' 274 2593 632 3 195 -8 05 031 013 -089 -098 187 177 168 026 -125 2193 -393 705 1 305 074 -1 159 -2691 -287 ^iglhk ^ 1 996 905 46 686 151 2225 163 -1 899 -2225 -161 5858:^ 1 977 -3065 519 -603 1 173 2044 -274 -2593 -3195 -^Vl QO- '-rft OO' -2193 393 -705 -1 305 -074 1 159 2691 287 -1 996 -905 -46 RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\Risa\051103\21702-BF1_2 5ftw-R11_PCX-Vill§la^iJ._7 r2d] Company Ray Grage & AssociatesDesigner CF Job Number BF-1 21702 - Carlsbad Ranch Resort - Villa-3A "L-7" November 18, 2005 511 PM Checked By Reactions, By Combination LC Joint Label X Force Y Force Moment (k) (k) (k-ft) 1^•ir- 1 1 N1 T.frfl^N^I.;--!^- Totals COG (ft) -5789 /: ^17*71 V?;,f? -135 X 25 -48 948f :*.* 6.1 777P*;;::, 12828 Y 20 021 0 • • •>•'•• n "•' f-&£c ••.^•T^., •>-.. U ,{„•:•?.•&•& Joint Displacements, By Combination 1C MM 1 Joint Label N1 N3 N5 N9 N9A X Translation (m) 37 117 628 Y Translation On) 053 -039 051 023 it -002 Rotation (radians) -2 5e-4 -2 444e-3 -1 228e-3 -3041e-3 -8 769e-4 Member AISC ASP 9th Code Details. Bv Combination LC Member Label 1 M2 M4 M6 M8 M17 M12 M13iii:^.4-!iw Fa (ksi) 22 174 Ft jksiL 23659 23659 049 32049 23419 21 958 31 355 36791 36791 36791 £•^4047-,. » 36791 36791 36791 36791 Fb (ksi) Cb 4047 36791 4047 4047 4047 4047 4047 Cm 85 85 85 85 Member AISC ASP 9th Code Checks. Bv Combination LC Member Label Code Chk M2 M4 M6 M8 M17 326 I Loc Shear Chk Loc JfQ (ft) 582 T 001 1 1118" ASD Eqn Message 147 147 128 134 104 168 10 10125 11 292 000 003 052- • 051 003 -062 002 008 l -n" 0 H1-1 H2-1 H1-1 H2-1 H1-1 H2-1 H2-1 RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\Risa\051103\21702-BF1_2 5ftw-R11_PCX-Vill§a§6jL_7 r2d] 47k 56k 28k HSS4X4X4 N10 -75 Code Check No Calc > 1 0 90-1 0 75-90 50-75 0-50 Loads BLC 1, SEISMIC LEFT ) Results for LC 1, Seismic Right Reaction units are k and k-ft Ray Grage & Associates ICF BF-2 624 21702 - Carlsbad Ranch Resort - Villa-3A_"L-8" | November 18, 2005 1 4 17PM 21702-BF1 25ftw-R11 PCX-Villa .Y 7 y• £—•—«A 47k 56k 28k M18 -75 ^ Loads BLC1, SEISMIC LEFT Results for LC 1, Seismic Right Reaction units are k and k-ft | Ray Grage & Associates j |_CF ! ! BF-2 ! 624 Code Check No Calc > 1 0 90-1 0 75-90 50-75 0-50 21702 - Carlsbad Ranch Resort - Villa-3A_"L-8" ! November 18, 2005 i 4 18PM 21702-BF1 25ftw-R11 PCX-Villa Company Ray Grage & Associates Designer CF Job Number BF-2 21702 - Carlsbad Ranch Resort - Villa-3A "L-8" November 18, 2005 512PM Checked By Global Steel Code Allowable- Stres&Jncreaseiiaetbn(ASIF) Include Shear Deformation Redesign Sections ASD AISC 9th, AISI 99 Yes Yes Materials {General) I Material Label TUBE Young's Modulus (ksi) I 29000 | Shear Modulus (ksi) 11154 Poisson's Ratio 3 Thermal Coef (per10A5F) 65 Weight Density (k/ftA3) 49 Yield Stress (ksi) 46 Sections Section Label DIA Database Shape Material Label HSS4X4X4 TUBE Area (in)A2 3365 SA SA (0,180) (90,270) 1 2 I 12 I (90,270) (mM) 7788 788 '-':= 1(0,180) (inM) T/C Only 7788 COL HSS4X4X6 TUBE 478 1 2 1 2 10252 10252 Steel Design INDS Parameters Member Label Section Set M2 DIA Length Jft)_11 18 T&875 Lbout leout _JftL_ Lb in le in (ft) L_comp le bend (ft) Cb Sway K out K in CH Cm B out in R __. 1 1 0- . M4 COL 10 1 1 0 M6 COL 10 .->-*!«&•. I MB HOR 1.0^1 25'^ M17 COL 10125 jstf ;• M12 DIA 11 292 M13 DIA 5534 Member Data Member Label I Joint J Joint Rotate (degrees) Shape / Material Phys End Releases Section Set Memb l-End J-End Set ^TOM AVM AVM I TUBE ' Y End Offsets Inactive l-End J-End Code Length Jm) (in) (ft)_ RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\Risa\051103\21702-BF1_2 5ftw-R11_PCX-Villi'a^_l_8 r2d] Company Ray Grage & Associates Designer CF Job Number BF-2 21702 - Carlsbad Ranch Resort - Villa-3A "L-8" November 18, 2005 512PM Checked By Joint Loads/Enforced Displacements. Category: None, BLC 1: SEISMIC LEFT Joint Label [L]oad,[M]ass,or, [Displacement N2 I L 1^i> l|SN3 '"tlffiii; '-:>S;fti-«-.4SL:«-: 'iiffeV ".:•$•' N9 L Joint Loads/Enforced Displacements, Joint Label [L]oad,[M]ass,or, [Displacement N5 L lli^iliNe^Wf ;?:!si^?''*\:^riJ'^LV?%;^^-';'£ N10 L Direction Magnitude (k, k-ft, in, rad, k*sA2/ft) X 1 UtttjX ''"' ' '¥$'•• "4 ' f!'S» X 28 I .' 'k! f'yS-B "'ft* '• VI 47 1 Cateaorv : None, BLC 2 : SEISMIC RIGHT Direction (k X ' ^ ."*x- tyC'KR?-':'^? V% X Member Direct Distributed Loads, Cateaorv : None, BLC Member Label Direction Start Magnitude End Magnitude (k/ft, F) (k/ft, F) M7 Y -679 , ^'- .^""fifflQ-y---' -^% ,*• ^;j^ ./ 'i^. . ••• ;y&79 M18 Y -876 -679 /Ift ," .:„ JK&679:,fi -876 Magnitude , k-ft, in, rad, k*sA2/ft) -2 1 j^^;7i4;^i^^,;V ,.. -72 3 ; FLOOR & ROOF Start Location End Location (ft or %J (ft or %) 0 0 > ..*' K3%-' .,S^;0;4. ;**|?.^ .-rf^lN^-Op --.fc^W 0 0 Basic Load Case Data BLC No 1;:i|¥2:5" 3 Basic Load Case Category Description Code SEISMIC LEFT None ^SEISMIC Rli3dJT«..#^Norlj!iK-; FLOOR & ROOF None Category Description >!S^-.£^i^sK? >fcWr '•'* Gravity X Y tjltfi -v-lS^ -1 Load Type Totals Joint Point Direct Dist 3 ! 'W.S.fcfP7 i fjiftfW l f ,ft-s ?s •• 3 Load Combinations Num I 1 I. 2;;1 Description Seismic Right ft, *;iSeismiGlieft ".lav EnvWS V i V ;>Vfl"!vt PD « .'•' SRSS «%ft-:'* CD 1 K^l^!, BLC 1 S^TSZP-"':' :'»ii* ••iV^f'W Factor 1 ,"3^;' :-%-., .Ji..a*S BLC 3 ;iP3r'::i-','3 "'•^S jr'^^ '* *'' Factor 1 ''t^K, W.«F S. :f' BLC • • *t 'A '• - : S»if.?'-.?. |S« Factor Vrti?*;v if a'*. ;*1|* BLC V 1^ -v-: "Vfd v«. :<SffifS.V .?.'( Factor S'J: ^ "fss* -!^a Joint Coordinates Joint Label X Coordinate Y Coordinate Joint Temperature (ft) (ft) (F) N1 *Vl^isfJ ,.|SJ2^R^;W ' :ff: v, N3 FvC -f^^N4';V^i- ^~ N5 ff^ -ftg|N6 v.. -8ft, .;<? N9 ( t,."W£ • NjBy- s-^l^ N9A 0;%•- *wssv:- '0)\"^^"«Mi;%;g 0 •s?,s, '.;-aBt5:..%j". ,^';/£ 5 |^i;-- K : »**? 5^ ;:!Stt|-. sift- -^ 0 ••V:-.-^,' ••>,-:,. -5!" •?.,..'".. ./"'?' .1 25 0 : %i^ :.*»'™9*875,-.<":'jV,- 19875 .• J-feiv'^Oi^ :"<t';*l-t- 9875 l.-'5i;-f'%19"875.'. •-.'•• ,%" 30 T.',-;^. •' ;i%30^;^,3 . .-..,•: 4 9375 0 ;,^^s ".."'Avi0;.*fe*F-\s:.v^ 0 ^•%A;iS: ';flOfe%r"'IPSifi; 0 •••" :;fS!; '"'^Q';/^ aX-:"..'r 0 4l;f .• !iiW!^rO'.-.l'^---i;''.4.'i 0 Boundary Conditions Joint Label X Translation Y Translation Rotation (k/in) (k/m) (k-ft/rad) N1 Reaction Reaction RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Calcs\Risa\051103\21702-BF1_2 5ftw-R11_PCX-Vill§a^6J._8 r2d] Company Ray Grage & Associates November 18, 2005 Designer CF 5 12 PM Job Number BF-2 21702 - Carlsbad Ranch Resort - Villa-3A "L-8" Checked By P Material Takeoff > J >) Material Shape Length Weight (ft) (k) TUBE HSS4X4X6 I 60 \ 976 y=. "••'•:>. ^ifeatli lik-j^fff: -HSS4X4X4Jte|3~'^ •>.i4«59l61ff^S-. .-Mr'ii8i^P':682^K..^^ TUBE Totals 11961 \ 1658 Member Deflections, Bv Combination LC Member Label Section x-Translation y-Translation (n) L/y Ratio (in) (in) 1 $,"•1 :' ¥m~ fi1%i 't y. ria 1 .-.-1 --• •.•stK'ji ^i--'' _1_ p-Js" •.Hi.;'" !;*SS '^W 1 iSPC l*V^. *,;»1B.,- • • : J?f ' • <".&' -^. 1- '; 1 &KJS ". *'!,. x; "4 V... • ^ K£':1 M2H ..^^'??fc.'iys',, OK:S;, ' * .^y^a^fa'*^ *f!sr" ' *«£&• ' rM3'^/..^CT ^jifiiftJl^-l^', ;/*;', ~ • -, V ., -.- -; M4 ',-. -,-,:., •", . ,'; .;., v ••-, - ..": '•-. -:;,. .,. &- M5 '•'.- :<,;. ^i-^ft-'ifi?-;!!: f^-s :S;:^tt^l'y-iiS-.-W ~^.- M6 iji^:;?f 'fell't :-*®i s'r-;v ,..- ^-i^^ti^' ' ,--!f -- - js, .^^ '*•" M7- ^If1;' ;:;;^: ^f "'"* " 'f';''-" '^rs'"^^^ -.5^-""^ •• -''H ''ii- ^Bi--- M8 *W ,-.'1^ ^!?k,^S^: •"" " ""' '•'• : »5 ,^|i^it^:- . ..f jAf ; ^''JSs^'-lvWB: •rL^W1* ': ¥ JO .^^.i;".^'*"'^*"^ ;aJ-.^V ,."' '.sk..*3 M17 •J'A^?^^~ ' 3-. ,^W! •.„;',. • ~. ;jJfi,;sW •:• -i"'1- ^"-'"S^MI 8 ..-^:SK^ Mi/T'sfe:.^'? :S*^yl% 1 ^t 2^^ 3 s;*4'^. 5 W%T-"iiA' 2 K,3'"tiu 4 .,-5-,,. 1 -v-2 ,,, 3 .4 f 5 ."sV.-1.-i-.' 2 4 1 1^2'^f 3 0'*;4!P' 5 itl'1*-^ 2 iis:^3 -. 4 :,"'..?i5 'V '• 1 ;«S>2'.%. 3 ,;*i-"4^.."* 5 *Jt'.*.1^. " 2 * ¥3'"^ . 4 *•'•; 5 .a; 1 SS-2- - 3 sa:s45; -1* 5 *a:-1'- "•--,. 2 '•&3->? 4 -088 •^%i*--";@96s. V™ -104 :%5--:t1'2s^ -12 ijii:-. .'-aO^lmf? 008 •%-:«~01,6^i!i 025 ,..'. 033 -. 033 .., . 038 .--.. 044 . ^ •• 049 ,,. 055 - ,»-.- '-Q. • ;•''• -01i^f= -03 |i'Sr1i:'..;04>; J;;|Ji -04r .wi^rfb^s**^^, -046 18 •€'-_ 049-^Ri -052^,,r.^,.|,^xir, ., 115 •"'™'M:1;6*i-.-; "•" 116 ""'"%'!117"'- ""' '''••'• 377 ,-\ .-.~37J -:f 's,.^ 377 *i:'- "••••-' 37s7T->';'"> 377; ,..'\':055i-" -".u 054 ^:"V'054!;U^ 053 i»,5i*053 i*|s -052 >•• "' ..> '055'-- ' $, -057 ^•s '•'- 06 '•'•* '!'i* -063 .A^eSki-^ 649 ,i--'%-"649i,'.>,>:;;! 648 - 087 | NC J-ftf^-itS/*'''"- -201 ,'ftsi:-r'278^^^ -362 >..;% .-^O^^ft -011 •'fer.-'032!f! -^t -066 ;- -'"1.14....- -114 "'< •'.--1:73-i: -236 - ^.- ^'304:^ -377 «•• .. ''.'0' • -.-V-.- -017 S;C/-3045^* -08 •"•^•-•^JW^ -117 ^f-s?|'7iS*(*??i^ -241 "•:"" - 3151"^,., -377 ! -''' "033 '-"*'" 004 ";'i:.£017- - -029 ; •:. - 04-S*.&^ 055 - : 'j-v: ,"0jl.7/. -*', -014 'WV034 - ' - -052 *-%i:f-'377,X'-'4 * -445 .\,W-504'i'il;'" -568 "*- 7:''- 65J.-.*/""* -377 %;ffr 44:1 f||g|| -52 -•^;-;5- i '595' «: '^; -647 ;"V~ '053-1^ 005 ; ;v:s«03"1 -.^" -05 :-; 2692*811,2 ••;> 1172719 Sii^702 liliT.Si 488 195 '"*: J^&NS^^^ NC rilJ-3664-OjlZ^, 1797603 •; 1036-20-7^: NC , - 203'1:488.ini 983 826 •. : ''633 2^1:5 'tt 457 179 •'•'•'', ••'N©'S^'"y; 6825 839 HBJ26jl!5j:W4-« 1483264 ^^0;1ii1*7*01'-4 NC ^2282*446 ^ 967 922 i'';605 07-7fl% 462 025 i"-i*l?NC '?:.s*.;i 5698 59 , i; 4H31r.592 9152402 :.f :'""' NC*¥'S;. "* NC ^5239^071- 3939 735 ^•:;V7346.09;i!:^ NC *, r*. ..NCyj#l^;' 1787488 .".s^954'?507f^, 635 126 •;; i,;444^g9B?: • NC ^•'- "'NGS?:-^? NC KS;772^"52^:y NC I i&t'-. NC ':.^-i 3191 821 ^j2275?23ivv] 3611 343 RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\Risa\051103\21702-BF1_2 5ftw-R11_PCX-Vill§a§AJ._8 r2d] Company Ray Grage & Associates Designer CF Job Number BF-2 21702-Carlsbad Ranch Resort-Villa-3A "L-8" November 18, 2005 512PM Checked By Member Deflections. By Combination, (continued) LC Member Label Section x-Translation.(!D y-Translation(ml,.(n) L/y Ratio ^1 '•'{ '^ • \. ,1 .i>r.. %** •. •> '.$?. !*•• '1 ,<"• •'*• • 11. :*'. J5 if* *W fefL.-- ':" '• M12 "'•>/. 5. , ««y!f ' .*?•'; .;: \> • '*£•„• ° *',*• *'* ^:-:,f-W2K"-:- <*<-.* *,,-•**•*,>• %.-..-''.; a ,-,¥ • ••?s t\ ''*"* ." *?b M13v*::*^*.:J. «*.v^ '** *' ' J^"' /T- ••••&# ^ '-*V it:M14.;- MR. ,. ., 1, " ' '<f^ ' *«*"" '*' If* HP?'' ",./**' ' '-^ ,^5'""- 1 2 I 3 F, 4V 5 ^1,^ 2 **3«r 4 ••$.-.. 1 V2%':- 3 .^4^V 5 ^ • -i Al -i \ 2 ^ 3"fc! 4.•r& ., :" ' -v.s-647"^ ' 216 •" ' ' ,;22 '*• 223 ,fe.- 227^ ' ** 23 "* ' ^ .0 v* ,„ 002«*• "~o04?,; - 007 •'"••••: 009.' :» 009 *»-^. .OWtft " 013 ' ••%ft015s^-is 017 E •i02-2-^'"1 017 -* .Od2:i:'..i, 006 ^ .^01 ^ ^' -^063. *:" -314 4v - 402*.. ; -487 •* -^558^; -608 ':'^x>OV' ".' - - -003 ^V -J00&:h> •'. -01 ^- 02V :-' '.. -021 *-=:o4i ?.;-., -069 *•••;- ,098- ^t;- -123 'V HfT^'J.''. 059 ~r ' .JMD19:,/*' ' 005 •^'•.OJV - v, :-^NC :;-i; NC •#;-929545^:3 '4 5256 843 &7J3.048 NC •" ,-NC^' NC M/"'N'6--r. ,'w 6622 859 -,,3217*422 „ NC ^25*1- 1B7% -¥ 1382991 *-,. 86^*692 > 650 766 -.14.1137*204 % 2238 584 ,,^6*91 5 836' NC w'.N©"-- -^ Member Section Forces, By Combination LC I 1k vr i®?\ : ^, ?r , 4 : - i'' '.h*^v'-^1 i;.,-^ •*• ,- *s-j ••;-'k •^•A. w,":* 1 ^••^1 , r •'••&' >,- LA': •• '\ ..^*» ,: |A" •' 1 ••*.-*'• 'i Member Label M21 ^v •.;£;" •*#-;.• ..,: v ,-#- .0*..^- ' •£&&<• <\::< '; ft/IQ * ^ii^-*, ^p ,, ^.- Ivio^ . t • ,* *J* ^' » :.^«" * ^r->.^^yl^^iK.^;- M4 \ •.%,-: ift,r/' •"' '- -^ ^"' "• LJ^'S"- ,,.:™%.^''T ^ ^1 -^.."•>V:.M5^-' :^ ••w. ?»,- •-:.% V ' '•\4:.ti • "% "• . ''\,:. . ' M6 * ^-'^^. •»;*" %,,.A*:,^^^\,- ;::";;i->-,. ,:. -T1.""" -,.:^:."M7|i, F1"--^* "' ««,:.• • '. -*.-ii'; •- .--. : -h.->. -,*1 '•..'•"> ^:-' . :• -.''•'- ^''V."..-flfr. '-L^fe M8 ^S ^ XV * ^ ^«": ,V ^ ,-•*, .. *•'•'• '" ••"• '""'" 'f, '••'.«*••• '" * Section 1 *' 2v\ 3 /fe4-V 5 ™'f'\\ *' * |2 ,a 3m^ 4 n-5- -^ 1 s « 2:*- * 3 u *4^s |5 ^ -1 J^: -^"x^'-l 2 W3V 4 .: ^5. "%- 1r72* • 3 "-4*>, 5 *,:*1..,;\ 2 .••.3:.'" 4 >s,5 "% 1 %.. O *»k* &\ '•" Axial (k) 22671 "•"'22 643 * 22614 -,,S2-58.5^ 1 22557 : " r38r176^ -38216 ..^i38256t'-^ -38 297 •!%^38-3-a7;v -25 458 -,i^2£499-; «» -25 539 '%,-25'-58™ •+„ -25 621 ^ '^.203-, " 47162 -. ^4.7 122-..- 47082 •^7 0421' : _, 13979 .-* 13^93a,f^: 13898 '..13^57-^ 13817 ! ,^4'505?."^ -4505 •*s^^j505 ?i' -4505 ^ ,.^.50&-- -•:, -028 ;:i^.Q2B-i,,,fi' Shear -006f^ "V009' -V 023 ^,,.,^037 '.Ar' H 052^^i,o2r~?/ -028if- ,i£*0'2a.*v -028•^^•'i^B^'f.r -009-^^-'oog-i.-- -009 ' W'.r009Jt'"' -009 h^ *'04.5' Vv 045 a-' -*045 '/?; 045 ••" ^045 '-AV 175 ^•-•I^S' .* 175 ^;- 175-^.''' 175 .,.^:46,^\. 597 lai- ••^'266"' ,;f -1 129 , . "i1'.992V; " 1 506 V^*643-/;^ Moment (k-ft) 255 ^•25v*V 206 ^"•12t,v -003 < • V213^"-, 282 ^#'•35%*;'* >. : 419 r *:f^88IJSV »' 083f.^Moesi'?. 128 ^--•^5, ••'"'% 172 ';.:^41V!1^S . •:•• 299•••••? 18^"- -- 075 •W-037v- \ 956' :fc5m^ '• 081 '... -V35&; V, -793^"oSe?,,.^ -719:" - >--92a*"''. ;-054 V^'1^96-.-^ 611 tA^ri732** ft. RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\Risa\051 103\21702-BF1_2 5ftw-R1 1.a^JL.S r2d] Company Ray Grage & Associates Designer CF Job Number BF-2 21702 - Carlsbad Ranch Reso November 18, 2005 512PM rt - Villa-3A "L-8" Checked Bv " Member Section Forces, Bv Combination, (continued) LC Member Label Section Axial Shear Moment (k) (k) (k-ft) > ; >J . tiVs-i , 5lfi ;:':X' • :'S- 1 •'•iot&l XiSP.^V." :*f,.:iS^ £*• "-,,' !':\M16" '':- ' _.S ;jifp-;J;;1f' -,«gv:;;. ;s •• -StiljP; ••*$:•. - ISllli^ M17 ^,f : '^Vs'iii^;^ iiiSSL^'af :. >:i:r^i?* ' , W •&. 4?^ '4 "f^T ' • "':^"r^'^- '""-^j ^^.^^'-rt* ,;'vi* ' 'ii^$>: :"-!T \i-AiC iHt^.?: ppw1 (S5 ti* <-,1¥i' Hir»T*-:;, ^•"..^ 5Pf 1 ^%l ilt:*; * 1 '! '<..*•& "•X •'•> '"" V~ v- .'•-.wJWMS'* ''' " •'? ;• J'lllJiS . 't.i., "'V'^ :f^ ";ipli':t'?:i:l:--"" ••i;?" '^ M12 v$-'" ^•'>M.-;^^.->: ..-I/" * ^&. /U iia;: KIF\*2K " ' ^-sir"^ S: r^ V- -i^^^r^^ " f " ,«:&w •'BVH^:'" '. •' ;;%^ M13 ifi,,.. 'S^iSi^R,.' 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Iffii - 634 634 V '.^374*;^ ^'^374j,|ife 01 -01 r-' ?s;-498^ "• s,,*49'8J;.f'1Si -66 66 *- :" - 821^! . *''-. i v82l ;'•% - 982 982 Vj';- .-1S1'43f ^? t- ^"l^fWS1^^ -195 195 ^ J 24W •< S. i ;, .h#=247 ssfes - 299 299 'I*-.-. ir'35 ' :Ss$v>: v». "35'*M- - 402 402 RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\Risa\051103\21702-BF1_2 5ftw-R11_PCX-Vill§a§6[_aL_8 r2d] Company Ray Grage & Associates Designer CF Job Number BF-2 21702-Carlsbad Ranch Resort-Villa-3A "L-8" November 18, 2005 512PM Checked By Member Stresses, By Combination, (continued) LC Member Label Section M6 .. M8 «3p^\; -^ M17 Jl'.ft Axial (ksi) Shear (ksi) 9866 02 9849 2924 2907 2-899vI9*? 289 -1 339 -1 339 -008 -008 -008 459 442 2483 M12 M13 2466 2449 1 439 1 439 -3065 -3083 -31 -3782 -379 -3618 02 075 " 07S :.•?'• 075 075 385 -728 972 -142 -1 255 -061 -061 087 087 087 Bending top (ksi) Bending bot (ksi) -7 -176 -2237 -19 1 858 2215 ^-21353 167 -1 884 3071 -5271 ASSIS 544 -1 134 -2147 258 621 -81 052 033 015 -091 -1 188 -3626 179 -3634 4794 5024 17 027 -127 2663 176 2237 19 -1 858 -2215 -167 1 884 -3071 5271 -544 1 134 2147 -258 -2663 3251 823 2124 -455 693 1 343 072 -1 187 -2735 S1 505 ' -306 2001 922 475 -325 -2124 455 -693 -1 343 -072 1 187 2735 306 -2001 -922 -475 RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\Risa\051103\21702-BF1_2 5ftw-R11_PCX-Vill§ap_8__8 r2d] Company Ray Grage & Associates Designer CF Job Number BF-2 21702 - Carlsbad Ranch Resort - Villa-3A "L-8" November 18, 2005 512PM Checked By Reactions, By Combination LC Joint Label X Force Y Force Moment (k) (k) (k-ft) 1 «*-;11 N1 Ii?-^::WN4SM^:SS:J Totals COG (ft) -5595 *ir^505^J-S -131 X 25 -49 576 € .SI62 404^^ 12828 Y 20 021 0 .KiiE'iT'. :iQ'' i-®*' "'%)' Jo/nf Displacements, By Combination LC Joint Label X Translation (m) 1 ! ,'1.<;t 1 s:?«l--:'* 1 Jil^'1 1 N1 0 •#- 'S^f t N2KI-:-< -... %fe ••^I.;114'-:T':^ &: N3 377 fc;;: .'^feWN4*. Jvsfc- ;$;S* v:,:o-.v5&:: ^iS N5 117 tf-tf- '• '••• ;N6H;:' 'fjS».-A?- ••'f'SW^W- *..'•' N9 65 fc"" ^iNtOfe.ilA^s^M', ^47315.^:^% N9A 022 Y Translation Rotation (in) (radians) 0 "H?033iS*i:''r 055 r :";aa^-.-:^:^ -04 :«%^lia^9^l> i•SZKM"\JiJ^33&;K'-' •' 053 ^.l«J063f-,;.v!a -002 -2 375e-4 | '•'?is,$?9'1$&3,'& -2 532e-3 :;:;.S3*609e4^* -1 256e-3 ..«•%!. ;648el3.p: -3 15e-3 f-^4 07e-3f^ -88186-4 Member AISC ASD 9th Code Details, Bv Combination g • LC Member Label Fa (ksi) 1 sTf" '. 1 ''"V V 1 •r^-ta- 1 g-;;lw; 1 ••'sSiii?1<I*1*1,*ifc?'. M2 "G^^MS^Aif^ M4 ":.y.; i^MS-.A/A'* M6 yC^4' ftiyifff^'*:1 S'T M8^^Mie5!^*' ~ M17 ^ft/*, ;M$8 A" -'V M12 fc%s" M'WA - ^ M13 f^'.-'^M^4'x^'"^ 22174 ••'»,.s23i896l- 23659 ,: ;^23*896x^ 23659 .J--32049* 32049 J^SHIS,,* 23419 f/' .32'049... 21 958 :" 31^355 ;. 31 355 i»iSSM22'387," Member AISC ASD 9th Code LC Member Label Code Chk 1 Itlv . 1 ' ^rli 1 ^',1.%* 1 ??1%-- 1 4i'^'1 '"~:*!&•• 1 "'.i (?W 1K_x •,. ••*<*%,I >sl:;-; : • M2 ^•V^-SMS'^sii:;^' M4 •^* -M5t,-:'v M M6 % • •^•«j?-- M7 -l^^^^"A 1-'¥'*S- IVI f i '• - . • £. M8 \ •"*" .-JM?1.6 *;S'-^- M17 *: ••'• M-IC 'Mr' *'f.\.'f. ::^ 4.1 VI '1 O A"^* *' M12 «™*'V'.M'1:2AC>V M13 -C^."' Mi-t4" -.•';v'C 326 €;',.,^249 •M *'-• 157 « 434*:-..', .' 160 '"^ 18,1 ^^^ 130 ^:'^06fl' i*S% 148 **ifi*t59', '^fC 117 ',%- 1'49V,l;,.:li" 166 *:S2?i9, ^.-% Ft Fb Cb (ksi) (ksi) 36 791 40 47 ^~. ' -.^, 'O'Ct 7Qd '^- v&'^'iiil • 70^%^" •"-:'-'^ ^^oo i-Y^yiiH '.^ ;- '• "'Oo '^y 'i 5i:" 36 791 36 791 :-~, ''^^36 79t>-,.s' j,-.;;-'-.,'40i^» W 36 791 40 47 -if C '^36i'79'l1 ' ,'^s :";-?,*j40 47,,",^ 36 791 40 47 •*,-. % "^36 7s91r :'f "* ,vi40/4-7^ ^ ^ 36791 4047 %•' ":- .."36~79"1/^ ' wrt:'40 47r4--- • 36 791 40 47 ^ '• zs~3&7Qfcii''*'-- -'''"^40 47 ,'",' ' ' 36791 4047 •* "*••-. :36" 791'*'.-'.' •.,;."'^.-4'0 *47?*- ^.-=; 1 '•*— v"->isi%*" i ?* y "• "f% 1 ^'i-<:,,.' 1^!";'.^1SS *.,*S1. 1 ".^VT^v^'-h' -rt1*..'* 1 4. j.ir1 ,- '-\4f " v* .\ 1 *w»ijj;., "1teiS '.,'-,- 'J: >•,1 "•'•-"^: ^1 ^^i ',. . -^.' ''"; 1 Cm 85 a^S'1 , S;!t J' 6 ;*:6'*-s'!--V/ 6 85"' -i jf% 85 i?" 6i *••:-, 6 "W-Ji* 85 • 85^'-.- •',?." 85 ,Q5> » 'j-.-;-- •-. Checks, Bv Combination Loc (ft) 815 &875, 10^0;% 0 '•^;"5^-."* 510^25; 10125 2 344 '•- 11 292 :5s534*v; 0 54534; Shear Chk Loc ASD Eqn (ft) I 001 -•^•.V'OOO" '1?- 000 C. "^601*1*!.. 003 a , :.t%*€52(#'r'-' 051 • ^.'' *: 002s'' '•'"' 004 4: % :»i062**t;f 002 . "'^-004"^-. 008 ""';", -006^"*!:l 11 18 ^V i'ifii?-'^' 0 V':/ *:'W S*Ti 0 ^r.:.-".W\&-i 5 ""i:.- flf!'^ 4 0 •^ -J.S8'-* <* 0 ii-i'5-534'^*1 0 iilj 069 '-is! H1-1 •f%Kf2-1%r tij1 .A* H2-1 .... H1%1;-J ..silfts? .,'j*;. H1-1 ^vH2-l?, ^./%^% H2-1 ,Aiiy.i-2%i'- iJ^% '"''% H1-1 - ••- ' H,t-2vH" ••-*«," *i Message 1 ^•V^'';:i;.v^fSi- ..I^S; s'-\.st:%' ssvll^L .*' e ^A^ ' €f" **iS- iW- fiM/ «&' • ",,".'* ,;' ,-;^V:- ij '. '-ftf-: ".5\"!^,.<^:,"i£," -;:-^r H2-1 ' 's: -;HI2-1 ,'?•«: j-:i.-..- .,,,*-:- -^U'1 '.«:w" ';>^^'.'/sik H2-1 | sf..-r,|H.1r1>.;, V ^'s- ;,;*;, '»A"-'>^-™"!^-'-;i;. RISA-2D Version 55 [S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Calcs\Risa\051103\21702-BF1_2 5ftw-R11_PCX-VillSg8&JL_8 r2d] 9. BASE PLATE & ANCHOR BOLTS Elixir Slcel Framing Corp (760) 5S7-8900 21702 - Cans bad Ranch 21702 Villa-3A-Bp-A-ROO mcd BASE PLATE DESIGN UNITS ORIGIN H] IN=1L LB FT=12IN psr =PLF.H LB= 1M LBPSF = K = ] 000 LB LB IN'FT FT2 This is a MATHCAD program The Formulas shown are active In other words the results are derived from the formula as shown All formula are unit sensitive All units are converted within the equations and results are converted to the units following Multiplication is represented by a single dot = 4 The matrices are straight line Example 2 ^) IN +n f2] fi2 IN= 4 IN 2 IN ,3j UJ UJ rn 2 .UJ IN - IN2 BASE PLATE DESIGN SPECIFICATION Concrete Compressive Strength (28 days) Steel Plate (A36) Allowable Bearing Strenght of the Concrete System Overstrength Factor CODE fc:= 3000PSI Fy = 36 KSI Fb = 035fc Qo = 2 2 1 4 1997 UBC w/ CA Amendments AISC 9th Edition Seismic Column Load Tube Properties Villa-3A. BF-A BASE PLATE pi:=l3ik -bf := 7lQ-IN 'd '= 70IN Mm. Required Area of Concrete Support Required Base Plate Area Al =PI Qo 0 175 fc »-,(±}f^L.}A3 =PI (0 7 fc)A4 = bf d S \Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCADV21702_Villa-4/23/2005 4 51 PM Elixir Steel Franmg Corp. (760) 597-8900 21 702 - Carlsbad Ranch 21702 Villa-3A-BP-A-ROO mcd Determine Ease Plate Mm Geometry A5 = ma\(A2,A3,A4) For Square Tube Bs = >/A5 Ns = Bs Bs = if[(Bs >bf + 4 IN),Bs,bf + 4 IN] Ns = iffCNs > d + 4 IN),Ns,d + 4 IN] Bs = 11 IN Ns = 11 IN For Rectangular Tube Nr = /A5 + [0 5 (0 95d - 0 95bf)J Br = Br = if[(Br>bf+ 4 IN),Br,bf + 4 IN] Nr = if[(Nr > d + 5 lN),Nr,d + 5 IN] Br=llIN Nr=12IN Nr Determine Uniform and Allow Bearing Pressure compare fp to Fp fp =PI fp = 0 99 KSIBrNr Fp Allowable Fp = 2.65 KSI Determine Thickness of the Plate N-= Nr (N - 0 95 d) (B - 0 95bf)D = Br m = n .= 2 2 t = 089IN A6 = if(bf = d,BsNs,BrNr) Fp] = 035 fc Fp2 = 07fc Fp = maxCFpl,Fp2) x =dbf c = max(m,n,x) Required Weld Force on Weld For E70 electrode, use allowable unit force =14 85w plf PI QoLI = 2 bf+ 2 d Fwl = 1441 — IN Fwl = LI Fw2 = 1485— — IN 16 Fw2=1299 —IN S \Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD\21702 Villa-4/23/2005 4 51 PM Elixir Steel Framing (760) 597 6900 21702 - Carisbac Ranch 21702 Villa-3A-AB-A-ROO mcd ANCHOR BOLT DESIGN UNITS ORIGIN = ' LB = I2JN LB= PSIs IN KSI =K IN*FT LB FT2 K= 1000 LB LB FT3 K FT2 This is a MATHCAD program The Formulas shown are active In other words the results are derived from the formula as shown All formula are unit sensitive All units are converted within the equations and results are converted to the units following Multiplication is represented by a single dot The matrices are straight line Example f'l 2 <3j IN +f°2 <3J m =(2] 4 <6J IN • f'l 2 ^J IN TO 2 .UJ " IN - =f1) 4 k9j BOLT DESIGN SPECIFICATION IN Specified Minimum Tensile Stress A36 Threaded Rod w/ Nut and Washer Allowable Tensile Stress Number of Bolts in Each Plate Concrete Compressive Strengtrr(28 days) Concrete Factor CODE fii .= 58KSI Ft=~X) 33 fij =-30pOPSIfc %y.;_ inC _ 1997 UBC w/ CA Amendments AISC 9th Edition Axis horizontal Axis uplift Seismic Column Load (Tension) Tension in Each Bolt (Q Increase) Plate Geometry Plate Geometry Bolt Position Diameter Required for Each Bolt Mm Bolt Diameter BOLTS for Villa 3A. BASE PLATE BF-A x = 12 K y = 131 K B=8IN N = 8IN a=B-215IN b= N-2 I 5 IN Dmin = ( 25) rt Ft Dmm = 0 65 IN S \Chents\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD\21702 _Villa-4/23/2005 4 53 PM Enxir Steel Framinc (760) 597-8900 21702 - Carlsbad Ranch 21702 Vilia-cA-AB-A-ROO mcd Determine Ultimate Tension Allowed for Bolt Group Washer Plate Size Radius w = 2 FN Embedment Length and Concrete Depth Ld:= 4IN Le = Ld + — w 2 Lenght a and b = 5FN = 5FN Shear Cone Projected Gross Area Stress Reduction Area Effective Stress Area Tension Ultimate for Concrete Ag = 7iLe~ + 2Le (a -t- b) + a b Ar = (a + 2 Ld - 2 h) (b + 2 Ld - 2 h) Ae = Ag - Ar - n Tult = 4 (j) ^/fb Ae Tult>PI h = 12IN A» =203 54 [N" Tult= I239K iltllSilig^ioijII^ S \Clients\217\02\Calcs\MathCAD\21702 Villa-4/23/2005 4 53 PM 10. FOUNDATION Rev seoooo User KV 0600416 Ver 5 8 0 1 Doc 2003 l_ c)15S; 2003 ENERCALC Eng.nec-nnc Software Description Grade Bm along General Information Beam Span 52 000 ft Depth 30 00 in Width 30 00 in Left End Fixity Free Right End Fixity Free Load Combination DL-t-ST Uniform Loads #1 Dead Load 2019k/ft Start X 0 000 ft Point Loads Dead Load #1 k #2 k #3 k #4 k 1 Summary 1 Max Shear 2555k' at Mm Shear -22 92 k at Max Moment ''"^ 131 61 k-ft at Mm Moment -6450k-ft at Max Rotation 00001 5 rad at Mm Rotation -0 00068 rad at Rotations Calcd using Unfactored Loads Deflections Calc'd using Unfactored Loads Sod Pressure Calc'd using Factored Loads Title Dsgnr Description Scope Job# Date 231PM 19 APR 05 Beam on Elastic Foundation (lgl J^l3Jns f Gird Line A Elastic Modulus 31220ksi Subgrade Modulus 200 00 pa I Gross 67 500 00 m4 Beta 5 732 Live k/ft EndX ft | Load Factoring Dead Loads 1 000 Live Loads 1 000 Short Term Loads 1 000 Overall Factor 1 000 Deflections Calc d using Unfactored Loads Rotations Calcd using Unfactored Loads Soil Pressure Calc d using Factored Loads 1 Short Term k/ft 1 Live Load Short Term Load Location k k k k 1 040 ft Defl a 0 039 in 19967ft Deflb 0036m 11024ft Max Defl 0 04 in at 19968ft Mm Defl -005 in at 52000ft MaxSP 1,474 98 psf at 1 040 ft Mm SP 0 00 psf at -3025k 1000ft 3025k 11000ft -3025k 20000ft 3025k 40000ft R a 0 00 k R b 0 00 k 0 000 ft Ma 0 00 k-ft 40 768 ft Mb 0 00 k-ft 40 768 ft Theta a -0 00068 rad 0000 ft Theta b 00001 5 rad o CSJ oo o II on E p i o 0 CMin !i iS ii X s - >1 oCO 8o II E Moments 67 2590 Location Cft) 41 56 52 0 56 46 78 52 0 Location Deflection 20 67 25 90 Location fftt 520 Consulting Engineers San Diego Caldornia PfO|< Ci Job No By Revised Sheel M x 4*7 (U I Rev 580000 User KW-0500416 VerSBO 1 Dec 2003 Rpam OR Fla«? <c)1S83-2003ENERCALCEng,necnngSori*are LJCdlll «JII tldS Description Grade Bm along Gird Line B Title Dsgnr Description Scope Job" Date 4 20PM 19 APR 05 tic Foundation roieCwrau!!L.ons ' ^General Information Beam Span 48 500 ft Elastic Modulus Depth 30 00 in Subgrade Modulus Width 30 00 in 1 Gross Left End Fixity Free Beta Right End Fixity Free Load Combination DL+ST Uniform Loads #1 Dead Load 2 01 9 k/ft Live Start X 0 000 ft End X 31220ksi 231 00 pa 67 500 00 in4 5542 k/ft ft Load Factoring Dead Loads 1 000 Live Loads 1 000 Short Term Loads 1 000 Overall Factor 1 000 Deflections Calcd using Unfactored Loads Rotations Calc'd using Unfactored Loads Soil Pressure Calc'd using Factored Loads I Short Term k/ft ^oint Loads | Dead Load Live Load #1 k k #2 k k #3 k k #4 k k E Summary 1 Max Shear 1718k at 47336ft Defl a Mm Shear -20 41 k at 27 353 ft Defl b Max Moment 33 95 k-ft at 23862ft Max Defl Mm Moment -47 94 k-ft at 40 546 ft Mm Defl Max Rotation 000010 rad at 0000ft MaxSP Mm Rotation -000049 rad at 47336ft Mm SP Rotations Calc'd using Unfactored Loads Deflections Calc'd using Unfactored Loads Soil Pressure Calc'd using Factored Loads Short Term Load Location -2223k 14000ft 2223k 24000ft -2223k 27500ft 2223k 47500ft 0 024 in 0 080 in 0 00 in at -0 08 in at 2,656 34 psf at 000 psf at R a 0 00 k R b 0 00 k 0 000 ft Ma 0 00 k-ft 48 500 ft Mb 0 00 k-ft 48 500 ft Theta a 0 00010 rad 0 000 ft Theta b -0 00049 rad J§ o CM 00 CMCM O II (T O1O 03 ro ro £ -i •tf- coen O) co r~-co «a- 11 II E I § x<S M- ^5 COenr~- CD it Q - TT 8 ooo o ii E o CM Beinlih{j 19 28 24 15 Location fftl 43 63 43 5 Location fftl 1928 2 15 Location fftl consu/tm9 Engin66i San Diego California Job '-to e/ Dale Revised M 0 ^ o V c-° — 0.0 £ £ V 1. 6 AJJ?T.* ~ Title Dsgnr Description Date Job# C 38AI,1 20 APR 05 Scope Rev 580000 User KW-0600416 Vor 5 6 0 1 Dec 2003 Jc)1SS3-2003 ENEPC LC Enc.r.eenrg Software~ ' Beam on Elastic Foundation Description Grade Bm along Gird Line D (GL G similar) Page 1 Id ecwCalcu'siions General Information Beam Span Depth Width Left End Fixity Right End Fixity Load Combination 40 000 ft 30 00 in 30 00 in Free Free DL+ST Elastic Modulus Subgrade Modulus I Gross Beta i 3, 1220^51 Load Factoring 200 00 pa Dead Loads 1 000 67 500 00 in4 Live Loads 1 000 4 409 Short Term Loads 1 000 Overall Factor 1 000 Deflections Calcd using Unfactored Loads Rotations Calcd using Unfactored Loads Soil Pressure Calc'd using Factored Loads [Uniform Loads j| #1 Dead Load Start X 2 01 9 k/ft 0000ft Live EndX k/ft Short Term ft k/ft Point Loads || Dead Load #1 #2 k k Live Load k k Short Term Load -24 31 k 2431k Location 1 000ft 31 000ft f Summary f Max Shear 1908k at 1120ft Mm Shear -12 39 k at 31 039 ft Max Moment 5205k-ft at 7680ft Mm Moment -221k-ft at 0960ft Max Rotation OOOOIOrad at 40000ft Mm Rotation -0 00056 rad at 1 120 ft Rotations Calc'd using Unfactored Loads Deflections Calc'd using Unfactored Loads Soil Pressure Calc'd using Factored Loads Defla Deflb Max Deft Mm Defl MaxSP MmSP 0 041 in 0042 in 0 04 in at -G 05 in at 1.457 34 psf at OOOpsf at 0000ft 31040ft 31 040 ft 0000 ft Ra 000 k Rb 000k Ma 0 00 k-ft Mb 0 00 k-ft Theta a -0 00056 rad Thetab OOOOIOrad 22 o • — i oCDo o II IT " " — O 0 - S " g " 8 8 " 8 « 8§ ,-x1l »1> ooo oII o CN 15 SO 1992 Location fftl 35 S3 40 0 Location fftl Location fttl Consulting i,ngineers San Diego California Pro,er Job No Dale Revised K- A =^000 /"I n $ port A - r / b Z.= 4-0 K No RE.MFT (LE 1 Rev 580000User KW-0600411; Vc 580 1 0&- 2003[_(c)isa3;o03 ENERCALC Engineering Software Title Dsgnr Description Scope Job# Dale 900AM 20 APR 05 Beam on Elastic Foundation f,s, ec/c!,ilJJ Description Grade Bm for BF-9 in E-W Direction General Information Beam Span 27 000 ft Depth 24 00 in Width 30 00 in Left End Fixity Free Right End Fixity Free Load Combination DL+ST Uniform Loads #1 Dead Load 1 575 k/ft Start X 0 000 ft #2 Dead Load 1 125 k-ft Start X 13000ft Point Loads Dead Load #1 k #2 k #3 k #4 k Summary f Max Shear 11608k at Mm Shear -32 10 k at Max Moment 215 18 k-ft at Mm Moment -50 96 k-ft at Max Rotation 0 00032 rad at Mm Rotation -000 184 rad at Rotations Cale'd using Unfactored Loads Deflections Calc'd using Unfactored Loads Soil Pressure Calcd using Factored Loads \ Elastic Modulus Subgrade Modulus I Gross Beta Live EndX Live EndX Live Load k k k k 1 080 ft Defl a 9 072 ft Defl b 3 024 ft Max Defl 11988ft Mm Defl 27 000 ft Max SP 1 080 ft Mm SP 3.1220ksi 200 00 pci 34 560 00 in4 3 518 Wft 13000ft k-ft 27000ft Load Factonna Dead Loads 1 000 Live Loads 1 000 Short Term Loads 1 000 Overall Factor 1 000 Deflecltons Calcd using Unfaciored Loads Rotations Calcd using Unfactored Loads Sod Pressure Calcd using Factored Loads Short Term Wft Short Term k-ft I 1 Short Term Load Location 0107m 0 023 in 0 11 in at -0 05 in at 1.578 85 psf at 0 00 psf at -12520k 1000ft 12520k 3000ft -12520k 12000ft 12520k 14000ft R a 0 00 k Rb 000k 0 000 ft Ma 0 00 k-ft 16524ft Mb 000 k-ft 16 524 ft Theta a -0 00184 rad 0 000 ft Theta b 0 00032 rad ooo E E p E 2 2 g S« c r £ § § K - o 2 CMo oo CM x S 2 nr-^o o ii X CD Q c COSo CD II C Q o iT O 03O o r-oen 75 eno CNJCO 11 n x cr F E -9- 22 10 ooo o II 87 2158 24.29 27 0 Location fftl 87 2 58 2429 270 Location Deflection 02 10 73 13 45 Location fttl ' t f$ / Ijj8 Consulting Engineer; San Dieco CaN o rrc Protect p_= 0 l»\ X s^o x 50 ^ i c _ "~ (JI/•40 - 2| [ Pei S800OO• i cr KW-O600416 Ver 5 8 0 1 Dec 3003, !C,1SSC-2003 ENERCALC Eigmc-e: nc Software Tille Dsgnr Description Scope Job* Date 948/-"i 20 APR 05 Beam on Elastic Foundation ic, J^lJ5 Description Grade Bm for BF-7 in E-W Direction [General Information Beam Span 21 500 ft Depth 24 00 in Width 30 00 in Left End Fixity Free Right End Fixity Free Load Combination DL+ST Elastic Modulus 3,122 0 ksi Subgrade Modulus 200 00 pa I Gross 34 560 00 m4 Beta 2 802 Load Factonnq Dead Loads 1 000 Live Loads 1 000 Short Term Loads 1 000 Overall Factor 1 000 Deflections Calc'd using Unfactored Loads Rotations Calcd using Unfactored Loads Soil Pressure Calcd using Factored Loads Uniform Loads #1 Dead Load 1 575k/ft Start X 0 000 ft Live k/ft EndX. 21500ft Short Term k/ft Point Loads | Dead Load #1 958k #2 k #3 958k #4 k !Summary | Max Shear 29 21 k at Mm Shear -27 32 k at Max Moment 5202k-ft at Mm Moment -7243k-ft at Max Rotation 0 00098 rad at Mm Rotation 0 00000 rad at Rotations Calc'd using Unfactored Loads Deflections Calc'd using Unfactored Loads Soil Pressure Calc d using Factored Loads Live Load Short Term Load Location k k k k 12470ft Defla 0126m 1 032 ft Defl b 0 045 in 12556ft Max Deft 005m at 7998ft Mm Defl -013m at 1118ft MaxSP 3.619 45 psf at 0 000 ft Mm SP 0 00 psf at 2500k 1000ft -25 00 k 8 000 ft 2500k 12500ft -2500k 19500ft R a 0 00 k Rb 000k 21 500 ft Ma 0 00 k-ft 0 000 ft Mb 0 00 k-ft 0 000 ft Theta a 0 00098 rad 0 000 ft Theta b 0 00070 rad 3?r~to ooo o II & 10Cvj Eo I—_.01en inCM oID OJin n Xco Oo <= E Eo o 0 o CDinCN 9II Q Eo (0•^ OJ C3>CN II XCO o coo Tn co ooo on 55 1H 71 Location fftt 1713 1934 2 5 34 25 Location Cftl 8 55 10 71 Location ftfl 1931 25 ' .' ll'JCl ft Consulting Engmeeis San Dpego California ? 4- x < :i O O O ] A ==. o -*/u V y I/I/ 4 , l~~X\ * oc Sar Dn'go California PrOjPCi Job NG By Dale Revised Sheet L/wK fc^'o&e LoA-o 'L- 75" ' Cct_ ^ , ' , i. k. .- ^L " -rot) X ? X /O San Diego California P'Oiect Job No Ftj PL nr 15" L L t* -o A b >r 5 P ^ ^000 LL 040575-003 Table 6 Allowable Soil Bearing Values for Spread Footings Depth Below Lowest Adjacent Soil Grade or Basement Slab Elevation (feet) 2* 3 4 Allouable Soil Beaimg Value for Isolated Spiead Footings (Mmimur" Width *^~^r^^>~^- ^\__^_ 1i 01 Continuous = 2 feet) ^ •"--. 5,000 psf 6,500 psf 8,000 psf * Minimum Depth of Embedment The above values are for dead plus live loads and may be increased by one-third for short-term wind or seismic loads We recommend a minimum horizontal setback distance from the face of slopes for all structural footings and settlement-sensitive improvements This distance is measured from the outside edge of the footing, horizontally to the slope face (or to the face of a retaining wall) and should be a minimum of H/2, where H is the slope height (or retaining wall) m feet, to a maximum of 15 feet along 2 1 slopes For steeper slopes, case-by-case recommendations should be provided Please note that the soils within the structural setback area, other than those addressed within this report, possess poor lateral stability, and improvements (such as retaining walls, sidewalks, fences, pavements, etc ) constructed within this setback area may be subject to lateral movement and7or differential settlement Along the oversteepened portions of the east-facing ridgehne slopes, episodic failures should be anticipated Slabs on grade should be reinforced with reinforcing bars placed at slab mid- height Slabs should have crack joints at spacmgs designed by the structural engineer Slabs should be a minimum of 5 inches thick and reinforced with No 4 rebars at 18 inches on center on center (each way) The slab should be underlain by 2-inch layer of clean sand (Sand Equivalent>30) A moisture barrier (10 mil) should be placed below the sand layer if reduction of moisture vapor up through the concrete slab is desired (such as below equipment, living/office areas, etc), which is in turn underlain by an additional 2-inches of clean sand If applicable, slabs should also be designed for the anticipated traffic loading using a modulus of subgrade reaction of 200 pounds per cubic inch £"? Consulting Engineers San Diego California Job No Dale- (D f 0 Pe +4 2.0 (CLf I (0 ,- K_ -f D^5ott- ~ - 4. -v T X O P, -f £ Consulting F •_ ,eers San Diego California PiO|cr, Dale Revised Sheel pro-<r r 10 7f - J ^: FT 6- >t£. IM= 11 ft K --^ V I 9 fj Jg°' / i cnsu/ting Engineers San Diego California Pioiect Job No Frfr A A- 4o c, t* P.-l^~" 10 r^ 600 L 6 L J •LiJp ' J^_ffJm Consulting f TQ'.neers San Diego C?Mcrma Piojec' Job No By Dale Revised Sheet F"Gr [c<c^ F&A-M6 /fJ t-»Aj D'lLECritiJ DU - P., , ' x So = 490 II ~7 r R^ V ( / v ^ x ' r-r- - b X X - o (— f L 17 " pi £' Al\ "CLR o r- ol H 0 -± A i —f- > T ie -d I X, o 6 —s \ Ji-ri c . 2:1 Oil ;f V F\ —> C C^/ITVV(4-) ^ g ^Di Si,*^__?-ijiih^;: || j/a.- ~, - _^->nli]! < J l s _v. f\ o- ' ! 'N i v^- I, f O'AJLI^HT ^ * 4- (0 ° Cr V * -I —2> '/• «;^ , 7 M •f^l-n- Lr> <S> o 11 » O 'L? v "o C7 C-' ^3 O -h (L) aw m\ £6' 11. PL AN LAYOUTS 0 / XB1-1 (lO'-fl") t-JU, XB1-1 (lO'-OT - -00 - -00 COC/JI Carlsbad Ranch Reso <& Hotel — Phase 1 CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA ii \\ i 9 \\ I O -nr-Zj O m n n o a ' I S \BIueServer\Clients\217\02\Current dwgs\21702-STR-3A-R12-CF dwg, 11/21/2005 6 18 27 PM, KONICA MINOLTA 7228 PS o XB2-1 (lO'-O") — Isu £2 M — !S?a i! » P — z * — M 6 S fz ffi 5 mza — N> ft E i s E i — IS) a 'N *. Ss « Emzo • — M ft & Vi s 5 i — M * E i i E 1 ..- 1 a. i x- i I i is g z 1—II—- XB2-1 (10-00 Po Carlsbad Ranch Resor, & Hotel — Phase 1 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA »oz D D U ]a o a |o a a S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Current dwgs\21702-STR-3A-R12-CF dwg, 11/21/2005 6 18 44 PM, KONICA MINOLTA 7228 PS .) 5 O •o - -00 --00 - -O© ---GO p" Carlsbad Ranch Res & Hotel — Phase 1 CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA ZfS , rs (JBJ ozZ O» O C/> c OX O -n i-qornmm oa o| S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Current dwgs\21702 STR 3A R12 CF dwg, 11/21/2005 6 18 13 PM, KONICA MINOLTA 7228 PS 0 oo70 m I •o E © ©WQTY/fiY --0O - -0O - -00 --O0 XB1-2 (I0r-<fl XB1-2 (lir-O1) XB1-2 (10-0") XB1-2 (ltf-00 XB1-2 (Iff-OT XB1- - -00 - -00 - -O0 - -00 - -0O Carlsbad Ranch Reso & Hotel — Phase 1 CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA S M8||if fB »II»3E23C___! ; c_~o I| ; lE3ffli! i! ii-^-L' | > ^3 a a a {I —| aaa S \BlueServer\Chents\217\02\Current dwgs\21702 STR 3A R12 CF dwg, 11/21/2005 6 18 27 PM, KONICA MINOLTA 7228 PS II XB2-1 (10-0") .--II XB2-2 (10MO XB2-2 (KMT) XB2-2 (Vf-f) COmoO OO7J XB2-4 (t|-«T XB2-4 (T-B1) H. =ir- = — gl B2-S (Itf-OT XB2-5 (10-0") X82-4 (T-ff1) XB2-4 (T-<0 XB2-4 (10-00 _J(B2-J (10-01) m XB2-|(10-0") l| XB2-J (10-00 'UU "" j Ii nnn . 1, ii Illl il I f=l XB2-2 (10--OT XB2-2 (Iff-fl1) XB2-2 (10'-00 - -0© - -00 --© - -00 - -O0 - -00 - -0O - -O0 - -0 - -00 --00 in OJI M Carlsbad Ranch Resor, & Hotel — Phase 1 CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA mm 8| ££?§O I/) C On: O -n r~o m m a n o j> 33 a a a | —\ 000 S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Current dwgs\21702 STR 3A R12-CF dwg, 11/21/2005 6 18 44 PM, KONICA MINOLTA 7228 PS L I 70 D O O Im>7J I _W3-3 (10--OT jJffiW (ff-<n __ — =" "== ~U— =°* 11= — ll iH111 IFu u J <Si XB3-4 (Iff-O")ir«^ 'i n1 J(B^4 (T-8TJB3-4 (T-6^ XBJ-5 (Itf-fl1) XBJ-S(10-<0 if-XH=)(ior-<n XBJ-4 (Itf-tfO XB3J44 (T-CT)-tpr-oT XBJ-3 (10 -O1) JU T5-J —! I? ll |T |U= II ll /•f""1 LJL =^1 - O© - -00 - -00 - -0O - -0© - -O© --0 - -0© --oo p" Carlsbad Ranch Reso & Hotel - Phase 1 CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA »oz! sQ C/) 2 Oi O g C O s ^ O m n aaaj! rn ^ ^ a a o ( O —< ODD S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Current dwgs\21702 STR 3A R12 CF dwg, 11/21/2005 6 19 02 PM, KONICA MINOLTA 7228 PS 663 OJCD U M *. | rrn g CO s W14X43 10 09 CO 8 S CO s BACK TO BACK 1F 0 N V) 3 S CO S BACK TO BACK 1£ IS) CO co-J s CO s BACK TO BACK 1£ 0 OTHERS S CO uu X Z 1 CD •^ 0 1173 S S CO uu RIM JOIST 1£ -N n w s CO ID1 HSS14x14x5 I£ 0 CO §s s CO s BOXED IE 0 CO s g CO jj BACK TO BACK I£ 0 CO s s CO s s8i * S KJ C/l ^1 s CO 1 BACK TO BACK 17 0 CO J> S CO S BOXED 11 * u p o5 1 1 z <:i i 1 a M i "• I 1 n c V) 1 z a. : •n §~__ CD 01 COoy c CD <yj 31 moO OO O TJ - -00 Carlsbad Ranch Reso & Hotel — Phase 1 CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA ISl »ozgtfg 70 to Z Ot'S o t/> c o !f|» i O -n i-«?s ^jOnrnnoo BJ? rn ^ ^ D a D | «' O —I ODD sf oo [/) S \BlueServer\ClientS\217\02\Current dwgs\21702 STO 3A R12 CF dwg, 11/21/2005 6 19 22 PM, KONICA MINOLTA 7228 PS CO UI pv u ro o 1X s s » S •JO£ a — I CD cn S 8 w :*)u BACK TO BACK 1tD 0 M cn <o•^J S 01 jj BACK TO BACK 103<b M CA to^J S Ui :jli>I X3V8 Oi »OV9CD (fc S o a s S V) j»j RIM JOIST 1o OTHER1 B » s HSS 10x8x8 IS o CO S B j» s D S o CO S S CO j)j)BACK TO BACK 1S 0 CO 8 i tfl JjJ BACK TO BACK 1S M CO S Jl W jU BACK TO BACK 1S o CO S Jl U) J°i 1 § 3> D I £ r 1 z 1 — t i 1 s S 1 •^ 1 1 "E- 3 !» 1 I S&NumberSi T] 5 S wo » c (D 5*a Tl § X 7)ES s» E<« 28 M: c/> c/> 1*1 Uj> U ^s *DX X£ o E Jw O) s C/J jll ^Xla 73S o CO S g co jd 8 D XE CD W §5 S CO s S G 70 I o I £ S en S J5 X X g S Cfl S 3 CO Jw S D 7) S 0 I £ 3 en j3u n Mx 1 f I i ^ir 5 s S £ K 1s 1 3 I Number of screws(Note 2)IRoof Beam Schedule |a •n OO •n| 2 O im50 O O•n •ng o•o 0 0 O00'0©YY/JiY i i/ Ii - -0O axe Carlsbad Ranch Resor & Hotel - Phase 1 CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA X) to 2 <O CO C < r loan] D a a S \BlueSeiver\Clients\217\02\Current dwgs\21702 STR 3A R12 CF dwg, 11/21/2005 6 19 41 PM, KONICA MINOLTA 7228 PS 0 - -GO D CD 03 00 0 it A> 01 3-3S £„£„ 2S£8 8888 w w w w BOXEDLHEADERBOXEDLHEADERm*t „s -sgs|f 1 SSSBl z O issel! - B y: /) /JCOg 3 | ro o> 3x0^ 0 CD0) oJ c CD •0"Om 73 73O O-n - -00 - -0 - -00 - -OO - -0© - -O0 --00 --© - -0© CO OJI O) Carlsbad Ranch Reso & Hotel — Phase 1 CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA .I •*,i »oz ' 5 Q 3 C ; c_ITI S \BlueServer\Clients\217\02\Current dwgs\21702 SIR 3A R12 CF dwg, 11/21/2005 6 20 00 PM, KONICA MINOLTA 7228 PS GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION, PROPOSED 53-ACRE RESORT DEVELOPMENT - PHASE 1, CARLSBAD RANCH, PLANNING AREA NO 5, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for Grand Pacific Resorts 5900 Pasteur Court, Suite 200 Carlsbad, California 92008 Project No 040575-003 April 11, 2005 leighton ancles A LEIGHTONBROUl C I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I Leighton and Associates, Inc A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY April 11,2005 Project No 040575-003 To Grand Pacific Resorts 5900 Pasteur Court, Suite 200 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention Mr Tun Stripe Subject Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed 53-Acre Resort Development - Phase 1, Carlsbad Ranch, Planning Area No 5, Carlsbad, California In accordance with your request and authorization, we have performed a geotechnical investigation for the first phase of the proposed 53-acre resort development to be located in Planning Area 5 of Carlsbad Ranch in Carlsbad, California The accompanying report presents a summary of the study, which included the excavation, logging, and sampling of seven geotechnical borings and six exploratory trenches within the proposed development area Previous data from our Planning-Lcvcl Investigation are incorporated in this report The report also provides geotechnical design recommendations including general earthwork and grading recommendations, preliminary foundation and retaining wall design criteria, preliminary pavement design, a discussion of site slope stability, and other design and construction considerations The 20-scale grading plans prepared by Excel Engineering for Phase 1 of the site development have been utilize as the base plan for our geologic mapping 3934 Murphy Canyon Road Suite B205 <* San Diego, CA 92123-4425 858 292 8030 • Fax 858 292 0771 a www leightongeo com I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I 040575-003 If you have any questions regarding our report, please do not hesitate to contact this office We appreciate this opportunity to be of service Respectfully submitted, LETGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC CERTIFIED ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST Sean C Director of Engineering D. Michael R Stewart, CEG 1349 Vice President/Principal Geologist Distribution (2) Addressee (1) JPM Design Management Attention Mr John Mattox (3) Elixir Steel Framing Attention Mr Ray Grage (1) Palomar Reprographics -2- € Leighton I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I 040575-003 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1 0 INTRODUCTION 1 11 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1 1 2 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 3 1 3 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 3 2 0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING 5 2 1 PREVIOUS SITE INVESTIGATIONS 5 2 2 CURRENT SITE INVESTIGATION 5 23 LABORATORY TESTING 5 3 0 SUMMARY OF GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS 6 3 1 REGIONAL GEOLOGY 6 3 2 SITE-SPECIFIC GEOLOGY 6 321 Santiago Formation (Map Symbol - Ts) 6 322 Terrace Deposits (Map Symbol - Qt) 7 323 Quaternary Slopewash Deposits (Qsw) 7 324 Topsoil and Colluvium (Unmapped) 8 325 Documented Artificial Fill (Afo) 8 326 Undocumented Fill (Unmapped) 8 3 3 GEOLOGIC STRUCTURE 9 3 4 MASS MOVEMENT 9 3 5 GROUND WATER 9 3 6 FAULTING 10 3 7 SEISMICITY 10 371 Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis 10 372 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis 12 373 UBC Seismic Design Criteria 12 3 8 SECONDARY SEISMIC HAZARDS 12 381 Shallow Ground Rupture 13 382 Liquefaction and Dynamic Settlement 13 383 Tsunamis and Seiches 13 3 9 SLOPE STABILITY 13 391 Cross-Section A-A' at Water Tank 15 392 Cross-Section B-B' at East Canyon 15 393 Surficial Slope Stability 15 3 10 EXPANSION POTENTIAL 16 311 SOIL CoRROSivrrY 16 312 ANTICIPATED SHRINKAGE AND BULKING 16 4 0 CONCLUSIONS 17 5 0 RECOMMENDATIONS 19 Leighton I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 i i i i i i i i 040575-003 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Section Page 5 1 EARTHWORK 21 511 Site Preparation 21 512 Removal and Recompaction of Potentially Compressible Soils 21 513 Excavations and Oversize Material 22 514 Fill Placement and Compaction 23 52 CUT/FILL TRANSITION CONDITIONS 23 5 3 SLOPE STABILITY 24 5 3 1 Fill Slopes 24 532 Cut Slopes 24 533 Graded Slopes 25 54 CONTROL OF GROUND WATER AND SURFACE WATER 25 5 5 FOUNDATION AND SLAB CONSIDERATIONS 26 551 Foundation Design 26 552 Settlement 28 553 Earth and Hydrostatic Wall Pressures 28 5 6 GEOCHEMICAL CONSIDERATIONS 30 5 7 PRELIMINARY PAVEMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 30 5 8 TENNIS COURTS 31 5 9 SWIMMING POOL 31 510 SELECTIVE GRADING 31 511 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION AND PLAN REVIEW 32 60 LIMITATIONS 33 TABLES TABLE 1 - DETERMINISTIC SEISMIC HAZARD ANALYSIS - PAGE 11 TABLE 2 - PROBABILISTIC SEISMIC HAZARD ANALYSIS - PAGE 12 TABLE 3 - STATIC ANALYSIS PARAMETERS - PAGE 14 TABLE 4 - SEISMIC ANALYSIS PARAMETERS - PAGE 14 TABLE 5 - SHRINKAGE AND BULKING - PAGE 16 TABLE 6 - ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING VALUES FOR SPREAD FOOTINGS - PAGE 25 TABLE 7 - EQUIVALENT FLUID WEIGHT (PCF) - PAGE 26 TABLE 8 - SOIL NAIL WALL DESIGN PARAMETERS - PAGE 27 TABLE 9 - PRELIMINARY PAVEMENT SECTIONS - PAGE 28 Leighton I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I 040575-003 TABLE OF CONTENTS ("Continued) FIGURES FIGURE 1 - SITE LOCATION MAP - PAGE 2 FIGURE 2 - REGIONAL TOPOGRAPHIC MAP - REAR OF TEXT FIGURE 3 - REGIONAL FAULT LOCATION MAP - REAR OF TEXT PLATES PLATE 1 PLATE 2 PLATE 3 PLATE 4 PLATES PLATE 6 GEOTECHNICAL MAP - IN POCKET GEOTECHNICAL MAP - IN POCKET GEOTECHNICAL MAP - IN POCKET GEOTECHNICAL CROSS-SECTIONS - IN POCKET GEOTECHNICAL CROSS-SECTIONS - IN POCKET GEOTECHNICAL CROSS-SECTIONS - IN POCKET APPENDICES APPENDIX A - REFERENCES APPENDIX B - BORING AND TRENCH LOGS APPENDIX C - SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TESTING APPENDIX D - SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS APPENDIX E - GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS 4 Leighton I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 040575-003 1 0 INTRODUCTION 1 1 Purpose and Scope This report presents the results of a supplemental geotechmcal investigation that was performed to provide additional subsurface information and geotechmcal recommendations specific to the Phase 1 development of the Carlsbad Ranch Hotel and Resort within Planning Area 5 Specifically, our scope of work included • A review of geotechmcal and geologic literature, and aerial photographs relative to the site (Appendix A) • Geologic mapping of site conditions • A subsurface exploration program consisting of the excavation, logging, and sampling of seven small diameter exploratory borings 16 to 46 feet in depth and six exploratory trenches ranging from 25 to 10 feet in depth All of the exploratory borings and trenches were sampled and logged by a geologist from our firm Logs of these borings and trenches, along with the exploratory logs completed during prior investigations of the site are included in Appendix B • Laboratory testing and analysis of selected soil samples obtained during drilling Laboratory test results are included in Appendix C • Preparation of 40-Scale Geotechmcal Maps (Plates 1 through 3) showing the approximate locations of all geotechmcal borings, and distribution of the geologic units on the site and within adjacent areas The rough grading plans provided by Excel Engineering (2005) was used as the base map and illustrates the existing site topography along with design grades • Preparation of twelve Geotechmcal Cross-Sections (A-A' through L-L') showing subsurface geotechmcal conditions relative to preliminary site design grades (Plates 4, 5, and 6) The locations of the Cross-Sections are shown on the Geotechmcal Maps • Slope stability analyses of the Geotechmcal Cross-Sections A-A' and B-B' and generalized fill slopes The results of the slope stability analyses are presented in Appendix D • Preparation of this report presenting our findings, conclusions, and geotechmcal recommendations for structure design, site grading, and general construction considerations General Earthwork Specifications for Rough Grading are provided as Appendix E ~1- Leighton PROJECT SITE BASE MAP 2003 Digital Edition of Thomas Guide San Diego County 0 1000 2000 4000 1 "=2,000'Scale in Feet Carlsbad Ranch Planning Area 5 / Resort Site Carlsbad, California SITE LOCATION MAP Project No 040575-003 Date Apnl 2005 RgureNo 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 040575-003 1 2 Site Location and Description The site is located south of Cannon Road and north and east of the Legoland Family Park within the Carlsbad Ranch development in Carlsbad, California (Figure 1) In total, Carlsbad Ranch is an irregular-shaped complex encompassing approximately 548 acres Carlsbad Ranch is bounded by Palomar Airport Road on the south, Car Country Carlsbad and Paseo Del Norte on the west, Agua Hedionda Lagoon on the north, and Hidden Valley Road and undeveloped land along an east-facing slope of a north-south trending canyon on the east The proposed Planning Area 5 Resort is being considered within Lot 17 of the Carlsbad Ranch development Lot 17 encompasses approximately 53 acres in the northeast corner of the Carlsbad Ranch development and is situated north of Lot 18 which is occupied by the Legoland California Theme Park The regional site topography is shown on Figure 2 In general, the site area is characterized by a gently sloping west-facing hillside bordered by a northwest-southeast trending ridge on the east with a natural hillside east of the ridgehne Elevations within the proposed development range from approximately 180 feet mean sea level (msl) on the west side of the property to approximately 260 feet msl on the ndgelmc along the eastern edge of the property The areas currently proposed for development generally consist of moderate to gently sloping areas Steeper slope gradients are present within the natural slope areas to the east Overall natural canyon slope inclinations vary from 1 5 1 to 2 1 (horizontal to vertical), with heights of approximately 60 to +120 feet from the ridgehne to the canyon bottom east of the ridgehne Locally steeper, to near vertical, inclinations are present within the canyon slopes Existing improvements are generally related to past and present agricultural activities on the site and existing utility easements Existing improvements include irrigation lines and valves, an agricultural storage yard, and City water lines associated with and existing steel water tank located along the east side of the site The tank is roughly 80 feet in diameter and 40 feet in height We have utilized a tank capacity of 1 5M gallons in our analysis Other unknown buried improvements may also exist 1 3 Proposed Development Phase 1 of the site development will included the mass grading for Phase 1 improvements along with the majority of the site grading that will accommodate future phases of the site development Phase 1 buildings will include a hotel building, the resort conference facility building, a restaurant building, a sales building, and four villas Site improvements will include driveways, parking areas, swimming pools, and tennis courts Retaining structures are planned at various locations throughout the site to accomplish grade changes and as basement walls for the parking garage beneath the hotel structure Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I 040575-003 Proposed grading is anticipated to include earthwork generally consisting of cuts from the southeastern portion of the site with fill areas in the north and west portions of the property Depths of cut and fill are commonly on the order of ±5 to 15 feet from existing site elevations The maximum cut depth to finish grade is proposed to descend from the exiting water tank situated along the east property line in the south portion of the site Proposed cuts north, west, and south of the tank are approximately 30 feet below existing grades with a 15-foot-high, 2 1 (horizontal to vertical) slope and terraced retaining walls up to 15 feet in height The maximum designed fill depth is approximately 20 to 25 feet above the existing grade in the northern-central portion of the site Leighton I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I 040575-003 2 0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING 2 1 Previous Site Investigations Previous subsurface investigation within the site was performed in February and May of 2003 and in September of 1995 (Leighton, 2003) Previous investigation included the excavation, logging, and sampling of thirteen small-diameter borings and six large- diamctcr exploratory borings within the current site area The borings were excavated to a maximum depth of 105 feet using a truck-mounted hollow-stem auger for the small- diameter borings, and a bucket-auger for the large-diameter borings Logs of those borings are included in Appendix B For the small-diameter borings performed m 2003, the drilling was performed using core samplers were The locations of the previous exploratory excavations are indicated on the Geotechmcal Maps (Plates 1 through 3) LB-1-03 was downhole logged Caving conditions precluded downhole logging of LB-2- 03 2 2 Current Site Investigation Our current subsurface investigation of Planning Area 5 of Carlsbad Ranch was performed January 18 and February 16, 2005 and included the excavation, logging, and sampling of seven small-diameter borings and six exploratory backhoe pits All borings were sampled and surface logged by a geologist from Leighton All borings were backfilled in accordance with County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health requirements upon completion The approximate locations of these borings are shown on the Geotechmcal Maps (Plates 1 through 3) and logs of these borings are included in Appendix B 2 3 Laboratory Testing Laboratory testing performed during this supplemental investigation included moisture content, unit weight, gram-size distribution, shear strength, and geochenncal characteristics Testing performed as part of previous investigations has included expansion potential, plasticity (Atterberg Limits), grain-size distribution, pavement subgrade R-value, shear strength, and geochemical characteristics of the subsurface soils A brief discussion of the laboratory tests performed and a summary of the laboratory test results are presented in Appendix C Leighton I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I 040575-003 3 0 SUMMARY OF GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS 3 1 Regional Geology The site is located in the coastal section of the Peninsular Range Province, a geomorphic province with a long and active geologic history throughout Southern California Throughout the last 54 million years, the area known as the "San Diego Embayment" has undergone several episodes of marine inundation and subsequent marine regression, resulting in the deposition of a thick sequence of marine and nonmarme sedimentary rocks on the basement rock of the Southern California bathohth Gradual emergence of the region from the sea occurred in Pleistocene time, and numerous wave-cut platforms, most of which were covered by relatively thin marine and nonmarme terrace deposits, formed as the sea receded from the land Accelerated fluvial erosion during periods of heavy rainfall, coupled with the lowering of the base sea level during Quaternary time, resulted in the rolling hills, mesas, and deeply incised canyons which characterize the landforms we see in the general site area today 3 2 Site-Specific Geology As encountered during site investigation and our review of geolcchmcal reports applicable to the site (Appendix A), Lot 17 of Carlsbad Ranch is underlain by units consisting of Quaternary Terrace Deposits and bedrock of the Santiago Formation Mapped units situated off-site also include documented artificial fill and Quaternary-aged slopewash deposits The areal distributions and stratigraphy of the units are shown on the Geotechmcal Maps (Plates 1 through 3) and Geologic Cross-Sections (Plates 4, 5, and 6) Undocumented fills associated with previous fanning activities are also anticipated within portions of the site, but are not mapped Descriptions of each of the units are presented below While colluvial soils are likely present, they are undifferentiated from the disturbed Terrace Deposits and undocumented fills 321 Santiago Formation (Map Symbol - Ts) The bedrock unit underlying the entire site is the Tertiary-aged Santiago Formation In general, the unit consists of massive to thickly-bedded sandstone with interbedded clayey siltstone and claystone The sandstone consists primarily of light gray, light brown, and light yellow-brown, moist, dense to very dense, poorly-graded to clayey, fine- to occasionally medium-grained sandstone The poorly-graded to slightly silty sandstone is generally friable, slightly micaceous and massive The siltstone consisted of medium brown and olive-brown, moist, stiff, clayey siltstones that were fissiled to indistinctly bedded and contained calcium carbonate, manganese-oxide Leighton I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 and iron-oxide staining The claystone is typically olive-gray to brown, moist, stiff to hard As encountered in CD-I, the claystone was silty to sandy, and generally massive to finely laminated in appearance Claystone units encountered in Borings LB-1-03, LB-2-03, CB-3, CB-4, CB-5, CB-7, CB-8, CB-9, CB-10, and LB-6 were medium stiff to very stiff, moist to wet, and sheared with polished clay along discontinuous randomly-oriented parting surfaces Based on the pervious borings and the additional borings performed within this investigation, the claystone layer at the interface between the Santiago Formation and the overlying Terrace Deposits is eroded laterally Based on existing data, the claystone is anticipated to be near finish grade where design cuts are between 213 and 227 feet mean sea level (msl) in the south portion of the site Building pads for the sales office. Villa 1A, and Villa IB should be over excavated to remove the claystone bed Adjacent cut slopes should be over excavated and replaced with stability fills An interceptor drain may also be needed to intercept perched ground water but should be determined in the field Sandstones are expected to have favorable engineering properties, while clayey sequences are critically expansive and can represent potential zones of weakness in slope areas 322 Terrace Deposits (Map Symbol - Ot) Quaternary-aged Terrace Deposits overlie the Santiago Formation in most areas of the site These deposits generally consist of orange to red brown to mottled orange gray brown, damp to moist, medium dense, silty fine- to medium-grained sand The upper portion of the Terrace Deposits (generally the upper 4 to 6 feet is typically highly weathered and/or disturbed by the agricultural activities of the site and is anticipated to be slightly porous and potentially compressible Localized deeper accumulations of weathered soils should be anticipated in the drainage along the western portion of the site and within the area north of the water tank In general, the Terrace Deposits have a very low to low expansion potential With the exception of the upper weathered zone, the Terrace Deposits have favorable engineering properties and are suitable to receive the proposed improvements The weathered/disturbed portion of the Terrace Deposits will require removal and recompaction in areas of proposed improvements 323 Quaternary Slopewash Deposits (Qsw) Surficial deposits of Quaternary Slopewash are mapped at the base of the natural slopes east of the site These deposits generally consist of light to dark brown, Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 clayey to silty sand These weathered, generally loose surficial deposits consist of colluvial soils eroded from the steep east facing escarpments located up-slope These deposits are generally mapped off-site and not expected to be encountered during on site grading 324 Topsoil and Colluvium (Unmapped) Surficial deposits of topsoil and colluviuin, although not mapped, mantle a majority of the site The thickness of topsoil/colluvium is generally on the order of 1-2 feet with locally deeper deposits in drainage and gently sloping areas The topsoil/colluvium on site has been disturbed by past agricultural activities which have also tended to flatten out topographic irregularity by infilling of drainage and steeper slope areas In addition, colluvial soils near the base of locally oversteepened slopes (above natural areas) is anticipated to be locally thicker due to the past agricultural activities This is especially true in the farmed areas east of the existing water tank In addition, during previous grading at the Carlsbad Ranch, canyon areas were identified that had been used as disposed sites for agricultural debns (orgamcs, visgueen sheeting, plastic tubing etc) These areas were than covered with dirt and farmed While we have not identified any likely locations of buried debris, it is a possibility at this site 325 Documented Artificial Fill (Afol Artificial fill is mapped off site to the north and southeast of the proposed development area These materials have been placed during the construction of Cannon Road, Hidden Valley Road, and the existing Legoland Theme Park adjacent to the site Minor artificial fills are expected to be encountered during grading along Hidden Valley Road and the Legoland Theme Park 326 Undocumented Fill (Unmapped) Undocumented fill soil is anticipated on the site in various locations and is expected to consist of minor fills placed to create unimproved farm roads, end-dumped piles, and as utility trench backfill In addition to these areas, based on previous experience on other areas of Carlsbad Ranch, we anticipate that some previous filling of drainage alignments and smoothing of the natural terrain was performed to facilitate onsite agricultural uses However, based on aerial photographic review and site reconnaissance, there appears to be no major areas of undocumented fills present on site which would require extensive remedial grading In their present state, undocumented fills are not suitable for the support of additional fills and/or Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I 040575-003 structural loads These undocumented fill soils, where present, should be removed to expose competent material in areas of proposed additional fill or improvements 3 3 Geologic Structure Based on our review of the geologic mapping completed during the nearby rough grading operations, literature review, and our professional experience on nearby sites, the Quaternary Terrace deposits are generally massive, with no apparent bedding Based on our field mapping, borings, and professional experience in the area, the contact with the underlying Santiago Formation is anticipated to be relatively Hat to gently dipping to the west, with locally steeper irregularities Local variation in bedding attitudes can be expected, resulting from cross-bedding within the Santiago Formation Based on our previous field explorations and a review of published geologic maps of the site and vicinity, no active faults have been mapped or were encountered on or immediately adjacent to the site The significance of faulting is discussed in the following section on faulting and seismicity 3 4 Mass Movement Based on our site reconnaissance, field mapping, and review of the previous geotechmcal reports, available geologic literature, maps, and aerial photographs, some sloughing and slumping can be observed to incise the ndgehne with near vertical escarpments along the easterly property line (Cross-Sections H-II', 1-F, and J-J') Quaternary slopewash deposits are mapped with the valley bottoms near the base of natural slope 3 5 Ground Water Ground water was locally encountered during our previous and current site explorations Significant quantities of ground water were also encountered during previous grading for Legoland Family Park adjacent to the southwesterly portion of the site, and a subdram was installed to direct water away from lower elevations The ground water is believed to be perched on the contact between the overlying Terrace Deposits and underlying Santiago Formation, as well as on clayey beds within the upper Santiago Formation Perched ground water conditions are generally the result of permeable earth materials overlying a less permeable unit Seepage was also previously observed within the Legoland East Expansion area This seepage was observed along a clayey bed within the relatively permeable Terrace Deposits near the relatively dense (less permeable) Tertiary Santiago Formation Local areas of lush Leighton I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I 040575-003 vegetation in the open space natural canyon area east of the site also indicates the likely presence of seepage The proposed site development will include cuts that may extend down to the depth where previous ground water seepage conditions were encountered Subdramage is recommended as discussed later in this report and in Appendix E 3 6 Faulting Our discussion of faults on the site is prefaced with a discussion of California legislation and policies concerning the classification and land-use criteria associated with faults By definition of the California Geological Survey, an active fault is a fault that has had surface displacement within Holocene time (about the last 11,000 years) The state geologist has defined a potentially active fault as any fault considered to have been active during Quaternary time (last 1,600,000 years) This definition is used in delineating Earthquake Fault Zones as mandated by the Alquist-Pnolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act and as subsequently revised in 1997 The intent of this act is to assure that unwise urban development and certain habitable structures do not occur across the traces of active faults The subject site is not included within any Earthquake Fault Zones as created by the Alquist-Pnolo Act (Hart, 1997) Our review of available geologic literature (Appendix A) indicates that there are no known major or active faults on or in the immediate vicinity of the site The location of the site relative to known active faults is included as Figure 3 The nearest known active regional fault is the Rose Canyon Fault Zone located approximately 4 8 miles west of the site Fault segments have been mapped within the canyon to the east, but are considered to be inactive (Leighton, 1992) 3 7 Seismicity The site can be considered to he within a seismically active region, as can all of Southern California To evaluate the seismic hazard at the site, Deterministic and Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analyses (DSHA and PSHA) were performed 371 Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis (DSHA) represents the ground motion calculated from the maximum magnitude earthquake event occurring at the closest location along the nearest known active faults to the site Table 1 indicates potential seismic events that could be produced by the maximum magnitude earthquakes Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 A maximum magnitude earthquake is the maximum expectable earthquake given the known tectonic framework Site-specific seismic parameters included in Table 1 are the distances to the three nearest known active faults (COS, 2003), earthquake magnitudes, and calculated horizontal ground accelerations at the mean and one standard deviation of the attenuation relationship The distances and maximum magnitude events in Table 1 were determined using the digitized fault coordinates and summarized magnitudes used by State of California (COS, 2003) The upper 100 feet of the site may be considered to be a Type Sc soil profile Where foundations are underlain by more than 20 feet of artificial fill, a Type SD soil profile should be used in seismic design Ground motions in our analysis are for soft rock site conditions and were developed using the attenuation relationship of Abrahamson and Silva (1997) for soft rock sites Table 1 Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis Potential Causative Fault Rose Canyon Newport- Inglewood (Offshore) Coronado Banks Distance from Fault to Site (Miles) 48 7 21 Maximum Moment Magnitude Pvent 72 7 ] 76 Horizontal Ground Motion at Mean of Attenuation Relationship (Gravity) 047 035 0 16 Horizontal Ground Motion at One Standard Deviation of Attenuation Relationship (Gravity) 072 053 024 As indicated in Table 1, the Rose Canyon Fault Zone is considered to have the most significant effect at the site from a design standpoint An earthquake of moment magnitude M7 2 on the fault could produce a peak horizontal ground acceleration at the site of approximately 0 47g with a standard deviation of 0 25g -11- 4 Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 040575-003 372 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PS1IA) was also performed to develop design ground accelerations The return intervals of interest for the PSIIA correspond to the 475-year and 949-year events These events are associated with the Design Basis Ground Motion, which is the ground motion that has a 10 percent chance of being exceeded in 50 years, and the Upper Bound Earthquake Ground Motion, which is considered the ground motion having a 10 percent chance of being exceeded in 100 years Similar to the DSHA, the attenuation relationship of Abrahamson and Silva (1997) was utilized for the PSHA Table 2 provides the postulated ground motions at the site for the Design Basis and Upper Bound Earthquake Ground Motions Table 2 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Probability of Exceedance 10 Percent in 50 Years 10 Percent in 100 Years Peak Horizontal Ground Motion (Gravity) 024 034 373 CBC Seismic Design Criteria The effect of seismic shaking may be mitigated by adhering to the California Building Code (CBC) and state-of-the-art seismic design parameters of the Structural Engineers Association of California The site is located within Seismic Zone 4 as per Figure 16-2 of the 2001 California Building Code (CBSC, 2002) The upper 100 feet of the site may be considered to be a Type Sc soil profile per Table 16-J of the 2001 CBC Where foundations are underlain by more than 20 feet of artificial fill, a Type SD soil profile should be used in seismic design Near source factors Na and Nv for the site equal to 1 0 and 1 1, respectively, are appropriate based on the seismic setting and criteria of Tables 16A-S and 16A-T of the 2001 CBC 3 8 Secondary Seismic Hazards Secondary effects that can be associated with severe ground shaking during or following a relatively large earthquake include shallow ground rupture, soil liquefaction and dynamic -12-Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 settlement, seismic slope instability, seiches, and tsunamis These secondary effects of seismic shaking are discussed in the following sections 381 Shallow Ground Rupture Ground rupture because of active faulting is not likely to occur on site due to the absence of known active faults Cracking due to shaking from distant seismic events is not considered a significant hazard, although it is a possibility at any site 382 Liquefaction and Dynamic Settlement Liquefaction and dynamic settlement of soils can be caused by strong vibratory motion due to earthquakes Both research and historical data indicate that loose, saturated, granular soils are susceptible to liquefaction and dynamic settlement Liquefaction is typified by a loss of shear strength in the affected soil layer, thereby causing the soil to liquefy This effect may be manifested by excessive settlements and sand boils at the ground surface The Terrace Deposits and Santiago Formation are not considered hquefiable due to their physical characteristics, high-density characteristics, and age 383 Tsunamis and Seiches Based on the distance between the site and large, open bodies of water, and the elevation of the site with respect to sea level, the possibility of seiches and/or tsunamis is considered to be very low 39 Slope Stability Geologic sections through the proposed cut slope west of the water tank (Cross-Section A- A') and the existing ndgelme (Cross-Section B-B') were analyzed for their deep-seated stability (Appendix D) Slope stability analyses were performed using the computer software program SlopeW Idealized models were constructed using the geologic sections and soil strengths derived from laboratory test results, our observations, and professional judgements The soil strength values used in static analysis are provided in Table 3 Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 Table 3 Static Analysis Parameters Soil Type Artificial Fill Terrace Deposits Santiago Formation Santiago Formation Clay Bed Friction Angle (degrees) 33 38 40 22 Cohesion (psl) 200 200 100 n 300 Seismic slope stability analysis was performed using pseudo-static methods and by yield analysis displacement methods Pseudo-static analysis was performed using a pseudo-static coefficient of k|, = 0 15 The modal magnitude event of M7 0 along the Rose Canyon Fault Zone at a modal distance of 8 kilometers was considered in displacement analysis that was performed using decoupled (Bray and Rathje, 1998) and rigid-block (USGS, 2003) methods Seismic soil strength parameters used in deep-seated stability analysis are presented in Table 4 Table 4 Seismic Analysis Parameters Material Artificial Fill Terrace Deposits Santiago Formation Santiago Formation Clay Bed Friction Angle (degrees) 33 42 40 22 Cohesion (psl) 200 200 100 600 Our deep-seated stability search routines considered circular and wedge-type failure surfaces analyzed using Bishop's modified method and Spencer's method of limit equilibrium analysis Surficial stability analysis was performed using an infinite slope model, the soil strengths m Table 3, and considering saturated depths of 3 and 4 feet below the slope face Stability calculation summary plots and tables are provided in Appendix D -14- € Leighton I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 391 Cross-Section A-A' at Water Tank Stability analysis of the proposed slopes west of and below the existing water were performed considering static properties and loading conditions and indicated a factor-of-safety of at least 1 5 to resist deep-seated instability Seismic slope stability was analyzed by pseudo-static and displacement methods Pseudo-static analysis considering dynamic properties and pseudo-static loading, indicates a factor-of-safety of at least 1 1 to resist deep-seated instability By the decoupled (Bray and Rathje, 1998) and rigid-block methods (USGS, 2003) displacement methods, calculated displacements at the design event (10 percent chance of exceedance in 100 years) are calculated to be less than 1/2 inch which is considered to be within acceptable limits for this type of analysis 392 Cross-Section B-B' at East Canyon Stability analysis considering static properties and loading conditions indicated a factor-of-safety of at least 1 5 to resist deep-seated instability Seismic slope stability was analyzed by the pseudo-static method considering dynamic properties and pseudo-static loading Pseudo-static analysis indicates a factor-of-safety at least 1 1 Based on our review of this current design plans, additional setback beyond that recommended for foundation embedment is not considered necessary for the proposed building locations 393 Surficial Slope Stability The strength parameters presented in Table 3 were used for our surficial stability analysis Based on our analysis, 2 1 (horizontal vertical) graded slopes are generally considered to possess a factor-of-safety of 1 5 to resist surficial instability Natural slopes steeper than 2 1 and weathered claystone materials and surficials canyon slopewash/colluvial materials are considered susceptible to surficial instability While local instability is likely within oversteepened natural slopes, overall, canyon slopes are not considered to be especially prone to rapid retreat Further improvements to control surface runoff waters will likely mitigate rilling of natural drainages Surficial stability analysis was performed to evaluate surface inclinations with factor-of-safety of 1 5 for 3-foot and 4-foot depths of saturation Those results are provided m Appendix D Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 3 10 Expansion Potential The anticipated expansion potential of the soils encountered within Lot 17 of Carlsbad Ranch are described as follows • Terrace Deposits Very low to low expansion potential This is the predominant soil type at-grade within the site • Santiago Formation Low expansion potential for silty sandstone, medium to high for sandy to clayey siltstones and high to very high for the claystones This formation type may be encountered in cut areas It is noted that the materials from the upper clay bed in LB-1 were tested and found to be very highly expansive 3 11 Soil Corrosivity The test results from this and previous investigations performed for the Carlsbad Ranch project and adjacent tracts indicate the onsite soils derived from Terrace Deposits possess a negligible to minor soluble sulfatc content and a very mild to moderate potential for corrosion to buried metals Materials derived from the Santiago Formation have been found on nearby sites to present a negligible to severe potential for sulfatc attack and moderate to high potential for corrosion of buried metals Laboratory testing of finish grade soils at- grade or in contact with concrete and/or buried metal conduits should be performed once site-specific plans are developed A corrosion engineer should be contacted for design of measures to mitigate corrosion 3 12 Anticipated Shrinkage and Bulking Provided below are estimated ranges of shrinkage and bulking for on site materials We recommend additional exploration be performed to better assess depth and distribution of remedial grading of potentially expansive and compressible soils in proposed fill and shallow cut areas We also recommend incorporating a balance area into the project so that export or additional import can be balanced from that area during grading Table 5 Shrinkage and Bulking Material Topsoil/Colluvmm Terrance Deposits and Santiago Formation Weathered Formation Anticipated Shrinkage and Bulking 10 to 20 percent shrinkage 5 percent bulking, 5 percent shrinkage 5 to 10 percent shrinkage -16-Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 4 0 CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of our Geotechmcal Investigation of the site, it is our opinion that the proposed development is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint, provided the following conclusions and recommendations are incorporated during design and construction • Based on our subsurface exploration and review of pertinent geotechnical reports, the site is underlain by the Quaternary-aged Terrace Deposits, and bedrock of the Tertiary-aged Santiago Formation Minor unmapped surficial deposits of colluvium (topsoil) and undocumented artificial fill should be expected • The undocumented fill, topsoil, colluvmm, and weathered formational materials are considered unsuitable in their present state and will require removal and recompaction in areas of proposed development or future fill • The claystone soils of the Santiago Formation were found to be very highly expansive These expansive soils should either be removed where present within 10 feet of finish pad grades and replaced with soil having a lower expansion potential or a post-tensioned or mat-type foundation design should be provided Similar treatment should be performed if those soils are below other distress-sensitive improvements (eg swimming pools, tennis courts) Within asphalt paving areas, these soils should be removed where present within 5 feet of grade Where exposed in slopes, a stability fill and subdrams are recommended • The existing on-site sojls are suitable material for use as fill provided they are relatively free of rocks (larger than 8 inches in maximum dimension), organic material and debris • Evidence for active faulting was not encountered during our field investigation or review The geologic literature (Appendix A) indicates there are no known major or active faults on or in the immediate vicinity of the site Because of the lack of known active faults on the site, the potential for surface rupture at the site is considered low • The main seismic hazard that may affect the site is ground shaking from one of the active regional faults The nearest known active fault is the Rose Canyon Fault Zone, which is considered a Type B seismic source based on the 2001 California Building Code (CBSC, 2002), and is located approximately 4 8 miles (7 7 kilometers) west of the site • Due to the age and relatively dense nature of the on-site soils, the potential for liquefaction and dynamic settlement of the site is considered very low • Minor to heavy seepage was encountered in several of our subsurface borings Most significant to the proposed development, seepage was noted within the lower Quaternary Terrace deposits and upper portion of the Santiago Formation bedrock, commonly perched on the relatively Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 impermeable beds of the Santiago Formation Ground water seepage conditions should be expected during site development Recommendations to mitigate seepage conditions can be made as site development plans evolve, following further site investigation, and during site grading The expansion potential of the on-site soils ranges from very low to very high The sandstone within the Santiago Formation and Quaternary Terrace deposit soils are anticipated to be in the very low to moderate expansion range The siltstone and claystone of the Santiago Formation, as well as the clayey topsoil, alluvium, and colluvium are anticipated to have a medium to very high expansion potential Due to the presence of a steep natural slope in the proximity of Cross-Sections H-H', I-F, and J- J' along the eastern boundary of the development area and a potential for slope instability in this area, a setback is recommended along the ndgetop for buildings and other critical structures Based on the current plans, all buildings are located outside of this structural setback area Proposed cut and fill slopes have been calculated to have adequate factor-of-safety for both static and seismic conditions We note however, in the event of a major earthquake, some minor (less than 1/2 inch) movement may occur in these areas i uiLeighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 5 0 RECOMMENDATIONS 51 Earthwork We anticipate that earthwork at the site will consist of site preparation, removals of potentially compressible soil, excavation of cut material, fill placement, and trench excavation and backfill We recommend that earthwork on site be performed in accordance with the following recommendations, the City of Carlsbad grading requirements, and the General Earthwork and Grading Specifications for Rough-Grading (GEGS) included in Appendix E In case of conflict, the following recommendations shall supersede those included as part of Appendix E 511 Site Preparation Prior to the grading of areas to receive structural fill or engineered structures, the areas should be cleared of surface obstructions, any existing debris, potentially compressible material (such as undocumented fill soils, topsoil, colluvium, and weathered formational materials) and stripped of vegetation Vegetation and debris should be removed and properly disposed of offsite Moles results from the removal of buried obstructions which extend below finished site grades should be replaced with suitable compacted fill material Areas to receive fill and/or other surface improvements should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 to 12 inches, brought to at least 2 percent above the optimum moisture condition, and rccompacted lo at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557) 512 Removal and Recompaction of Potentially Compressible Soils As discussed in Section 3 0, portions of the site are underlain by potentially compressible soils that may settle under the surcharge of fill and/or foundation loads These materials include undocumented fill soils, topsoil, colluvium, and weathered formational material Compressible materials not removed by the planned grading should be excavated to competent material, moisture conditioned (as needed) to obtain the recommended moisture content, and then recompacted prior to additional fill placement or construction The actual depth and extent of the required removals should be determined during grading operations by the geotechmcal consultant Estimated removal depths are summarized below -19-Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 Undocumented Fill Minor amounts of undocumented fill soil is anticipated on the site in various locations and is expected to consist of minor fills placed to create unimproved farm roads, end-dumped piles, and utility trench backfill However, based on aerial photographic review and site reconnaissance, there appears to be no major areas of undocumented fills present on site which would require extensive remedial grading Undocumented fill soils, if encountered, should be removed to expose competent material in areas of proposed additional fill or improvements Areas to receive fill which are on slopes flatter than 5 1 (horizontal to vertical) and where normal benching would not completely remove the topsoil should be excavated to competent formational material prior to fill placement Topsoil is expected to be generally 1 to 3 feet thick on the site Localized deeper accumulations may be encountered Colluvium In areas to receive fill, the colluvial soils on the site should be removed to firm/competent formational material Removal of colluvium will generally require overexcavation depths on the order of 2 to 4 feet 513 Excavations and Oversize Material Excavations of the onsite materials may generally be accomplished with conventional heavy-duty earthwork equipment We do not anticipate the generation of significant quantities of oversize material Oversize material (greater than 8 inches maximum dimension) if encountered, should be handled in accordance with the General Earthwork and Grading Specifications for Rough Grading presented in Appendix E For preliminary planning, temporary excavation slopes at 1 1 may be assumed in unsaturated Terrace Deposit materials Where ground water is present at shallow depth, modified sloping recommendations may be necessary All excavation and excavations oversight should be performed in accordance with OSHA requirements -20-Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 For temporary conditions that are necessary to create proposed slopes and retaining walls north, west and south of the water tower, maintaining reduced water levels within the reservoir and slope movement monitoring using inclinometers may be recommended during grading depending on wall-type selection and temporary stability conditions 514 Fill Placement and Compaction The onsite soils are generally suitable for use as compacted fill provided they are free of organic material, debris, and rock fragments larger than 6-mches in maximum dimension All fill soils should be brought to at least 2 percent above optimum moisture content and compacted in uniform lifts to at least 90 percent relative compaction based on laboratory standard ASTM Test Method D1557 The optimum lift thickness required to produce a uniformly compacted fill will depend on the type and size of compaction equipment used In general, fill should be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in thickness Highly expansive clays may be buried in fills below depths of 10 feet, at least 10 feet outside of the building envelopes and away from slope faces These materials should be placed with moisture contents at least 5 percent above optimum moisture Placement and compaction of fill should be performed in general accordance with the current City of Carlsbad grading ordinances, sound construction practices, and the General Earthwork and Grading Specifications for Rough Grading presented in Appendix E 5 2 Cut/Fill Transition Conditions Based on our review, the Phase 1 building pads will be predominantly in cut areas The restaurant pad will have a shallow transition As discussed in Section 3 2 1, we recommend the overexcavation of claystones in the sales office pad, the Villa 1A pad, and the Villa IB pad As such, those pads are anticipated to be compacted fill pad comprised of very low to low expansion potential materials In order to reduce the potential for differential settlement in areas of cut/fill transitions, we recommend the entire cut portion of the transition building pads be overexcavated and replaced with properly compacted fill to mitigate the transition condition beneath the proposed structures The overexcavation of the cut portion of the building pads is anticipated to be at least 2 to 5 feet below the bottom of the proposed building foundations All overexcavations should extend across the entire biddable portion of the lot or at least -21' . uiLeighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 10 feet beyond the building perimeter Alternatively, in cut pads or pads with shallow transitions, the upper 12 inches of the cut pad area may be scarified and recompacted and all building foundations extended into competent formational soils Also, should at-grade foundations be situated over backfill for below grade retaining walls, foundations should be deepened below a 2 1 plane extending up from the lower pad grade 53 Slope Stability Based on the current site development plan, fill slopes up to approximately 35 feet are planned Cuts up to 30 feet, comprised of 15-foot, 2 1 slopes and 15-foot high retaining walls arc also planned The following is provided based on our knowledge of site conditions for use in the planning process These recommendations should be updated once final plans are developed and additional site investigation performed 53 1 Fill Slopes The materials anticipated for use in fill slope grading will predominantly consist of on-site soils derived from Terrace deposits Our analysis, assuming homogeneous slope conditions, indicates the anticipated fill slopes up to the maximum proposed height of 35 feet will have a calculated factor of safety of 1 5 or greater with respect to potential, deep-seated failure (Appendix D) The proposed slopes should be constructed in accordance with the recommendations of this report, the attached General Earthwork and Grading Specifications for Rough-grading (Appendix E), and City of Carlsbad grading code requirements 532 Cut Slopes Engineering analysis of the proposed 2 1 cut slopes within the formational materials up to a maximum height of approximately 30 feet (including retaining wall) indicates the deep-seated stability of the slopes, in general, possess a static factor of safety in excess of 1 5 Where cut slopes are made between elevation 213 and 227 in the vicinity of the sales building, Villa 1A or Villa IB, a stability fill is recommended Standard details are provided in Appendix E During grading, we recommend that the geotechmcal consultant observe and geologically map all excavations including cut slopes during grading The purpose of this mapping is to substantiate the geologic conditions anticipated in our analyses Additional investigation and stability analysis may be required if unanticipated or adverse conditions are encountered during site development Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 533 Graded Slopes We recommend that all excavations and cut slopes be observed and mapped by a geologist from our firm during grading operations to verify that the soil and geologic conditions encountered do not differ significantly from those assumed in our analysis Oversteepening of existing slopes should be avoided during fine-grading and construction unless supported by appropriately designed retaining structures Erosion and/or surficial failure potential of slopes may be reduced if the following measures are implemented during design and construction of the subject slopes Cut and fill slopes should be provided with appropriate surface drainage features and landscaped with drought-tolerant vegetation as soon as possible after completion of grading to minimize the potential for erosion Berms should be provided at the top of all slopes and drainage directed such that surface runoff on slope faces is minimized In slopes where seepage is present, drainage should be provided as shown in Appendix E Slopes which require additional special drainage features can be evaluated and recommendations provided by the geotechnical consultant during grading operations We recommend against the exclusive use of either highly expansive clayey soils or poorly graded sands of the Santiago formation Highly expansive soils are generally known to be subject to surficial failures when exposed in slope faces Clayey soils of the Santiago Formation tend to weather, thereby surficially losing integrity when exposed on slope faces Poorly graded sands utilized in slope faces may be subject to excessive erosion and rilling A mixture of clayey soils and sandy soils is recommended to reduce overall expansion potential and slope erosion and increase surficial slope stability We recommend that a mixture of soils be approved by the project geotechnical engineer prior to placement in fill slopes 54 Control of Ground Water and Surface Water Locally, relatively shallow ground water and/or seepage conditions were encountered during our previous and current site investigations, as well as during previous grading for Legoland Family Park adjacent to the site The ground water is believed to be perched on the contact between the overlying Terrace Deposits and underlying Santiago Formation As a result, to mitigate the potential for accumulation of a shallow perched ground water condition, we recommend subdrams and interceptor drains be installed during site grading and for all retaining walls The locations of the proposed subdrams should be determined after additional field investigation and during the site grading operations Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 The control of ground water in a hillside development is essential to reduce the potential for undesirable surface flow, hydrostatic pressure and the adverse effects of ground water on slope stability We recommend that measures be taken to properly finish grade the site such that drainage water is directed away from top-of-slopes and away from proposed structures and pavements No ponding of water should be permitted Drainage design is within the purview of the design civil engineer Even with these provisions, our experience indicates that shallow ground water/perched ground water conditions can develop in areas where no such ground water conditions existed prior to site development, especially in areas where a substantial increase in surface water infiltration results from landscape irrigation We recommend that an engineering geologist be present during grading operations to explore for future seepage areas and provide field recommendations for mitigation of future potential seepage 5 5 Foundation and Slab Considerations Foundations and slabs should be designed in accordance with structural considerations and the following recommendations These recommendations assume that the soils encountered within 10 feet of pad grade have a low to medium potential for expansion Additional expansion testing should be performed as part of the fine grading operations If highly expansive soils are encountered and selective grading cannot be accomplished, additional foundation design may be necessary 551 Foundation Design We anticipate that the proposed structure can be supported on compacted fill soils or formational material by isolated spread and/or continuous footings designed in accordance with the following criteria -24-Leighton I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 Table 6 Allowable Soil Bearing Values for Spread Footings Depth Below Lowest Adjacent Soil Grade or Basement Slab Elevation (feet) 2* 3 4 Allowable Soil Bearing Value for Isolated Spread Footings (Minimum Width or Continuous = 2 feet) 5,000 psf 6,500 psf 8,000 psf * Minimum Depth of Embedment The above values are for dead plus live loads and may be increased by one-third for short-term wind or seismic loads We recommend a minimum horizontal setback distance from the face of slopes for all structural footings and settlement-sensitive improvements This distance is measured from the outside edge of the footing, horizontally to the slope face (or to the face of a retaining wall) and should be a minimum of H/2, where II is the slope height (or retaining wall) in feet, to a maximum of 15 feet along 2 1 slopes For steeper slopes, case-by-case recommendations should be provided Please note that the soils within the structural setback area, other than those addressed within this report, possess poor lateral stability, and improvements (such as retaining walls, sidewalks, fences, pavements, etc ) constructed within this setback area may be subject to lateral movement and/or differential settlement Along the oversteepened portions of the east-facing ndgehne slopes, episodic failures should be anticipated Slabs on grade should be reinforced with reinforcing bars placed at slab mid- height Slabs should have crack joints at spacings designed by the structural engineer Slabs should be a minimum of 5 inches thick and reinforced with No 4 rcbars at 18 inches on center on center (each way) The slab should be underlain by 2-mch layer of clean sand (Sand Equivalent>30) A moisture barrier (10 mil) should be placed below the sand layer if reduction of moisture vapor up through the concrete slab is desired (such as below equipment, living/office areas, etc), which is in turn underlain by an additional 2-mches of clean sand If applicable, slabs should also be designed for the anticipated traffic loading using a modulus of subgrade reaction of 200 pounds per cubic inch -25-Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 All waterproofing measures and any additional vapor control measures necessitated by planned architectural finishes or serviceability requirements should be designed by the project architect 552 Settlement The recommended allowable bearing capacities are based on a maximum total settlements of less than 1 inch and differential settlements less tan 1/2-mch 553 Earth and Hydrostatic Wall Pressures For design purposes, the following lateral earth pressure values for level or sloping backfill are recommended for walls backfilled with onsite soils of low to medium expansion potential (expansion potential less than 20 per ASTM Test Method D4829) Table 7 Equivalent Fluid Weight (pcf) Conditions Active At-Rest Passive Level o ij.) 55 350 (maximum of 3 ksf) 2 1 Slope 60 80 150 (sloping down) Unrestrained (yielding) cantilever walls up to 15 feet in height should be designed for an active equivalent pressure value provided in Table 7 For the design of walls restrained from movement at the top (nonyielding) such as basement walls, the at-rest pressures should be used If conditions other than those covered herein are anticipated, the equivalent fluid pressure values should be provided on an individual case basis by the geotechmcal engineer A surcharge load for a restrained or unrestrained wall resulting from automobile traffic may be assumed to be equivalent to a uniform lateral pressure of 75 psf which is in addition to the equivalent fluid pressure given above For other uniform surcharge loads, a uniform lateral pressure equal to 0 35q should be applied to the wall (where q is the surcharge pressure in psf) The wall pressures assume walls are backfilled with free draining materials and water is not allowed to accumulate behind walls A typical wall drainage design is provided in Appendix E Wall backfill should be brought to at least 2 percent above the optimum moisture content and compacted by mechanical methods to at least 90 percent relative compaction -26- 4 Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 (based on ASTM D1557) Where distress-sensitive improvements extend over retaining wall backfill, we recommend wall backfill be compacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction Wall footings should be designed in accordance with the foundation design recommendations and reinforced in accordance with structural considerations For all retaining walls, we recommend the setback distance from the outside base of the footing to daylight as previously discussed for foundations Lateral soil resistance developed against lateral structural movement can be obtained from the passive pressure value provided above Further, for sliding resistance, the friction coefficient of 0 33 may be used at the concrete and soil interface These values may be increased by one-third when considering loads of short duration including wind or seismic loads The total resistance may be taken as the sum of the factional and passive resistance provided that the passive portion does not exceed two-thirds of the total resistance Should soil nail walls be considered, the following design parameters may be considered in design Table 8 Soil Nail Wall Design Parameters Soil Property Internal Friction Angle, <j> (degrees) Cohesion, c (psf) Total Unit Weight, y (pcf) Ultimate Bond Stress (psi) Design Value 32 50 130 5 to 10 It should be noted that the bond stress developed by the soil nails will be highly dependent on the methods of construction along the expertise of the contractor The selected design bond stress should be verified by field testing An appropriate testing and inspection program should be provided as part of the project plans Appropriate surcharge pressure should be applied for walls influenced by surcharge loading The wall design engineer should also design wall rigidity based on deflection tolerable to the existing and proposed improvements If tied-back or braced excavations are considered, additional recommendations can be provided -27-Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 5 6 Geochemical Considerations Concrete in direct contact with soil or water that contains a high concentration of soluble sulfates can be subject to chemical deterioration commonly known as "sulfale attack " Soluble sulfate results (Appendix C) indicated a negligible soluble sulfate content Refer to Table 19-4 in the 2001 California Building Code for mix requirements Chloride content, resistivity and pH tests were performed on bulk samples of soils collected during our investigation Based on test results (Appendix C), the site soils have a moderate to very corrosive potential to buried uncoated metal conduits We recommend further review be performed and measures to mitigate corrosion provided by a corrosion engineer 5 7 Preliminary Pavement Design Considerations The appropriate pavement section depends primarily on the type of subgrade soil, shear strength, traffic load, and planned pavement life Since an evaluation of the characteristics of the actual soils at pavement subgrade cannot be made at this time, we have provided the following pavement sections to be used for planning purposes assuming an R-value of 40 These sections assume granular materials derived from Terrace Deposits are present with the upper 2 feet of pavement subgrade The final subgrade shear strength will be highly dependent on the soils present at finish pavement subgrade The preliminary pavement design sections have been provided on Table 9 Final pavement design should be evaluated based on R-value tests performed on representative subgrade soils upon completion of grading Table 9 Preliminary Pavement Sections Pavement Loading Condition Auto Parking Areas Auto Driveways Light Duty Truck Driveways Moderate Duty Truck Driveways Traffic Index 45 50 60 70 R-Value = 40 Pavement Sections 3 inches AC over 4 inches Class 2 base 3 inches AC over 4 inches Class 2 base 3 5 inches AC over 6 inches Class 2 base 4 inches AC over 7 inches Class 2 base -28-Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 For areas subject to truck loading (up to 20 kips, single axles), we recommend a full depth of Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) section of 7 inches on 6 inches of Class 2 aggregate base with appropriate steel reinforcement and crack-control joints as designed by the project structural or civil engineer We recommend that sections be as nearly square as possible A mix that provides a 600 psi modulus of rupture should be utilized The actual pavement design should also be in accordance with City of Carlsbad and ACI criteria All pavement section materials should conform to and be placed in accordance with the latest revision of the Greenbook and American Concrete Institute (ACI) codes and guidelines Prior to placing the AC or PCC pavement section, the upper 12 inches of subgrade soils and all aggregate base should have relative compaction of at least 95 percent (based on ASTM Test Method D1557) If pavement areas are adjacent to heavily watered landscape areas, we recommend some measure of moisture control be taken to prevent the subgrade soils from becoming saturated It is recommended that the concrete curb separating the landscaping area from the pavement extend below the aggregate base to help seal the ends of the sections where heavy landscape watering may have access to the aggregate base Concrete swales should be designed in roadway or parking areas subject to concentrated surface runoff 5 8 Tennis Courts If Portland Cement Concrete tennis court surfaces are planned to mitigate crack development, we recommend the Post-Tcnsioning Institute design method be utilized Additional recommendations can be provided upon request 5 9 Swimming Pool The elevation of the swimming pool is near the elevation of the very highly expansive claystone bed If the claystone bed is found to continue beneath the pool, the area may need to be uniformly overexcavated and replaced with compacted fill 5 10 Selective Grading Recommendations have been made to remove highly expansive claystone materials from beneath planned improvement areas Consideration should be given to making those remedial excavations so that the highly expansive materials can be placed in deeper fill areas outside of future building pad locations The highly expansive materials should be -29-Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 compacted at elevated moisture content, at least 4 percent above the optimum moisture content 5 11 Construction Observation and Plan Review Construction observation of all onsite excavations and field density testing of all compacted fill should be performed by a representative of this office We recommend that excavations be geologically mapped by the geotechmcal consultant during grading for the presence of potentially adverse geologic conditions Project grading and foundation drawings should be reviewed by Leighton and Associates, Inc before excavation to see that the recommendations provided in this report are incorporated in the project plans -30-Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 60 LIMITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based in part upon data that were obtained from a limited number of observations, site visits, excavations, samples, and tests Such information is by necessity incomplete The nature of many sites is such that differing geotechmcal or geological conditions can occur within small distances and under varying climatic conditions Changes in subsurface conditions can and do occur over time Therefore, the findings, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this report can be relied upon only if Leighton has the opportunity to observe the subsurface conditions during additional site investigation, grading, and construction of the project, in order to confirm that our preliminary findings are representative for the site -31- Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ..... - K"— ^ ••' / If, V \ \ 't' / '•? ,„,-/(• \ } . \ ,-'>, . s" =•---.-' "Xf W^\ s \•• A "- ... PROJECT SITE >RJL » _i-r" \ • Scale in Feet REGIONAL TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Carlsbad Ranch Planning Area 51 Resort Site Carlsbad, California Project No Scale Engr /Geol Drafted By Date 040575-003 1 "=2.000' SAC/MRS KAM March 2005 Leighton and Associates, Inc A I. TIGHT ON •'5HOU11 COMPAMV ^ Figure No 2 j - ft-"-^ ^r* *Mv^i^ J\' ~~ ^ W¥ v\ EXPLANATION Fault traces are indicated by solid lines where well located by dashed lines where approximate or inferred by dotted lines where concealed and quened where uncertain Coloring and highlighting indicate the age or regency of displacement PINK Faults that show displacement during historic time (i e last 200 years) ORANGE Faults that show displacement dunng Holocene (i e last 10,000 years) GREEN Faults that show displacement during late Quaternary (i e last 700,000 years) PURPLE Faults that show displacement during Quaternary (i e last 1 6 million years) BLAC K Faults without recognized Quaternary displacement (considered inactive faults) REGIONAL FAULT LOCATION MAP Carlsbad Ranch Planning Area 5 / Resort Site Carlsbad, California Project No Scale Engr /Geol Drafted By Date 040575-003 "I'-approx. 12 miles SAC/MRS KAM Apnl 2005 Leighton and Associates, Inc A LEIGH'ION GROUP COMPANY ? $ Figure No 3 w 040575-003I I I — Abrahamson, N A and Silva, W J , 1997, Empirical Response Spectral Attenuation Relations for • Shallow Coastal Earthquakes, Seismological Research Letters, Vol 68, No 1 January/February, 1997 m I I I I APPENDIX A REFERENCES Blake, 2000, EQFAULT, Version 3 0 Blake, 2000, FRISKSP, Version 4 00 Bray, J P and Rathje, E M Earthquake-Induced Displacements of Solid- Waste Landfills, ASCE Journal of Geotechmcal and GeoEnvironmental Engineering, March 1998I California Building and Safety Commission, 2002, 2001 California Building Code m California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG), 1995, Landslide Hazards in the Northern Part of the San Diego Metropolitan Area, San Diego County, California, Open-File Report • 95-04 -, 1996, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the State of California, Open-File Report, 96-08 -, 1998, Maps of Known Active Fault Near-Source Zones in California and Adjacent Portions of Nevada, February 1998I ~~ — California Geological Survey, 2003, The Revised California Probabilistic Seismic Hazard • Assessment Maps, June 2003 I Excel Engineering, 2003, Tentative Map for Planning Area No 5 of Carlsbad Ranch, Resort Site, Carlsbad, California, Sheets C-4 through C-9, Project No 01065, dated January 31, 2003 §| , 2005, Grading Plans for Carlsbad Ranch, Planning Area No 5, Resort Site, Phase 1, Carlsbad, California, Sheets 1 through 48, Project No CT-03-02, undated I , 2005, Improvement Plans for Carlsbad Ranch, Planning Area No 5, Resort Site, Phase 1, Carlsbad, California, Sheets 1 through 18, undated A-l 040575-003I • APPENDIX A (Continued) I Hart, EW, 1997, Fault-Rupture Hazard Zones in California, Alquist-Pnolo Earthquake Fault Zoning with Index to Special Study Zones Maps Department of Conservation, . Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 42 I I I I I I I I I I I I Jennings, C W, 1994, Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas, with Locations and Ages of Recent Volcanic Eruptions California Division of Mines and Geology, California Geologic Data Map Series, Map No 6, Scale 1 750,000 Kennedy, M P , 1975, Geology of the Western San Diego Metropolitan Area, California, Del Mar, La Jolla, and Point Loma 7-1/2 Minute Quadrangles, in Geology of the San Diego Metropolitan Area, California California Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin #200, pp 9-39 Kennedy, M P and Clarke, Samuel H 1999a, Analysis of Late Quaternary Faulting in San Diego Bay and Hazards to the Coronado Bridge, San Diego, California, California Division of Mines and Geology, OFR 97-10A , 1999b, Analysis of Late Quaternary Faulting in San Diego Bay and Hazards to the Coronado Bridge, San Diego, California Division of Mines and Geology, OFR 97-10B Leighton and Associates, Inc , 1992, City of Carlsbad Geotechmcal Hazards Analysis and Mapping Study, 84 Sheets, dated November 1992 • -, 1995, Preliminary Geotechmcal Investigation, Lego Family Park and Pomte Resorts, Lots 17 and 18 of Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No 4950294-001, g dated October 5, 1995 , 1998a, Final As-Graded Report of Rough Grading, Lego Family Park, Carlsbad, • California, Project No 4960151 -003, dated February 10, 1998 , 1998b, Geotechmcal Investigation for the Proposed Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course, Carlsbad, California, Project No 4841363-006, dated February 16, 1998 -, 200la, As-Graded Report of Rough and Fine Grading, East Expansion Area, Legoland, California, Carlsbad, California, Project No 960151-015, dated February 20, 2001 -, 200 Ib, Geologic Reconnaissance, Proposed 53-Acre Resort Development, Lot 17, Planning Area 5, Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No 040575-001, dated November 29, 2001 A-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 040575-003 APPENDIX A (Continued) -, 2003, Plannmg-Level Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed 53-Acre Resort Development, Lot 17, Planning Area 5, Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No 040575-002, dated May 14, 2003 United States Geologic Survey (USGS), 2003, Java Programs for Using Newmark's Method and Simphed Decoupled Analysis to Model Slope Performance during Earthquakes, Open File Report, 03-005, Version 1 0, 2003 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Date 4-1-53 Source USDA Flight No AXN-8M Photo No 100, 101, and 102 Scale 1"=2000: Aerial Fotobank, 1999, Aerial Foto-Map Book, San Diego County, 1999 Aerial Graphics, 1986-87, Aerial Foto-Map Book, San Diego County 1986-87 A-3 Small - Diameter Boring Logs (This Investigation) I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG KEY Date Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole KEY TO BORING LOG GRAPHICS _ Drive Weight Location Sheet 1 of _1 Project No - Type of Rig Drop Elevation 1Feet |\ SAMP S SI R R B B T Tl II : 10— 7 20— 25-- 0 O N_ .—. -^ ^ ,1 • ^ •ft0*3 o f 1 ' *yty C 1 \ I 1 7 LE TYPES 'LIT SPOON NG SAMPLE JLK SAMPLE JBE SAMPLE i s 73 r- I 11 ".• c < — /£Attitudesoz (V Q. (0U) B 1 C-l G-l R-l SH-1 S-l wo CO o>a. ir55CM-0) o QQ- k.Q MoistureContent, %CO 0^3 CL CH ML MM MT7CL GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By Asphaltic concrete Portland cement concrete Inorganic clay of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clay sandy clay „ silly clav: lean clav Inorganic silt clayey silt with low plasticity Inorganic silt, diatomaceous fine sandy or silly soils, elastic silt Clayey silt to silty clay Well-graded gravel gravel sand mixture little or no fines Poorly graded gravel gravel-sand mixture little or no fines Clayey gravel, gravel sand-clay mixture Well graded sand, gravelly sand little or no fines Poorly graded sand gravelly sand, little or no fines Silly sand poorly graded sand silt mixture Bedrock Ground water encountered at time of drilling Bulk Sample Core Sample Grab Sample Modified California Sampler (3 OD 25 ID) Shelby Tube Sampler (y OD) Standard Penetration Test SPT (Sampler (2' O I) 1 4" 1 1) ) o> £ TYPE OF TESTS >i^fe G GRAB SAMPLE DS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS ^^&^ SH SHELBY TUBE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY CU TRIAXIAL SHEAR CN CONSOLIDATION El EXPANSION INDEX ^^Bp CR CORROSION RV RVALUE ^!r I LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-1 2-15-05Date Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Elevation 239 Grand Pacific Resorts Sheet 1 of _2 Project No 040575-003 West Hazmat 8"Drive Weight Location Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pound hammer Drop 30_ See Map !»«d)Su. UJ 235 230- 225- v 220 215 210 € of- _ - 5— - 10- - ~ - ^ — 7 70 25— in . . o •=0Q.Q2°o N c > t i i*i1 1i tt it i> t> »i tt t i i> ii ii >i it it ti i % '% SAMPLE TYPES S SPLIT SPOON R RING SAMPLE B BULK SAMPLE T TUBE SAMPLE ' > n' t i> t t> 1 S• t >< > 1 1 1 I> t >* » t* ' l '' >' t i* ' l ' ' t> t lt t t ' ' >> 1 l1 > 1 */•/ '//, (AOTJ 34-**3•4-f < Oz 0> Q. TO R-l S-l R-2 S-2 R-3 MO CM- CQojQ. 98 50/6' 98/10 18 33 (/) OJO DO- t_ 123 1 1095 1055 «* Rr~M« OC 5°20 97 F fe SM 173 188 Gil sc DESCRIPTION Logged By GJM Sampled By GJM UNDOCUMHNTED ARTIFICIAL FILL (Afu) W) 0 Silly fine to medium SAND Brown to dark red brown damp to moist loose QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS (Qt) (a] 4' Silly fine to medium SAND Mottled orange gray-brown damp to moist, very dense Hi] 10 Silty fine to medium SAND Mottled dark orange-brown damp to moist very dense M+*M £ <4-0 d> §;i- ii (SJ15 Silly fine to medium SAND Orange-brown, moist to wet very dense TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @18' CLAYSTONE Olive gray moist, very stiff (<7]20 CLAYSTONE Olive gray moist, very stiff @ 25 CLAYSTONE Olive gray moist hard @26' Grades to clayey SAND Light olive-gray moist, dense TYPE OF TESTS ^dfe!fe G GRAB SAMPLE DS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS SH SHELBY TUBE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AT ATTERBURG LIMITS CN CONSOLIDATION El EXPANSION INDEX CR CORROSION RV RVALUE ^lr LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-1 Date Project Drilling Co _ Hole Diameter 2-15-05 Grand Pacific Resorts West Hazmat 8" Drive Weight Elevation Top of Elevation 239' Location Sheet 2 of _2 Project No 040575-003 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pound hammer Drop 30" See Map Elevation 1Feet205- 200 195 190 185 180 II - 35— — 40 — - - - 45— : : 50 - 55 •- - *:A O .= 0) 83 13 N.. S Attitudeso•z. SLCL EreV) R-4 1 •+••» OTO 0"- CQoJ 0. .„.. N R-5 N 50/6' S-3 j 1 \l,4 - - - • : - - - 58 Dry Densitypcf1038 MoistureContent, %68 w^WOT %> 03 (0=- SM DESCRIPTION Logged By GJM Sampled By GJM ® 30' Silly fine to medium SANDS! ONE Light gray, damp to moist,very dense @ 35 Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE Light gray, moist very dense (SJ 40 Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE Light gray moist very dense Total Depth = 41 5 Feet Ground water encountered at 18 Feet at lime of Drilling Backfilled with benlomtc grout on 2/15/05 Type of TestsSAMPLE TYPES TYPE OF TESTS >a^fe S SPLIT SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE DS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS jglfegBP R RING SAMPLE SH SHELBY TUBE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AT ATTERBURG LIMITS B BULK SAMPLE CN CONSOLIDATION El EXPANSION INDEX ^SnBQ| T TUBE SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV RVALUE ^T I LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-2 2-15-05Date Project Drilling Co _ Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Elevation 249' Grand Pacific Resorts West Hazmat Sheet 1 of 2 Project No 040575-003 Type of Rig 8"Drive Weight Location 140 pound hammer Hollow-Stem Auger Drop 30" See Mac 1*«q>Ju. HI 245 240 235 230 ^ 225 220 **|2 0== - - - - 10 : : 15 — ... -20 - — 25 — - - in _o !c n> §3 0 !L_ ' i >t i it i i 1 ' ^' ' t» * it > it * *t * tt t it i it * tt t i' ' tt i tt t ,* ' <' > tf i t4 i »t i i SAMPLE TYPES S SPLIT SPOON R RING SAMPLE B BULK SAMPLE T TUBE SAMPLE S ' ' ^' ' t< * *1 t ,' ' *> < **> t' t 1t t t> > *• 1 i'' /' ' /' ' *t > t1 ' t> > t1 ' /' ' /'. '' V)0>•aas< oZ "a. reV) B-l0-5' R-I S 1 R-2 S-2 R-3 eno d^-CQd)Q. 50/6" 58 98 48 62 toCx- QQ- Q 975 1161 %9 «asp.rWO)6cSOO 120 163 242 en^~ 5= SM CH DESCRIPTION Logged By GJM Sampled By GJM UNDOCUMENTED ARTIFICIAL FILL (Afu) (S! 0 Silty fine to medium SAND Orange brown, damp to moist.loose to medium dense QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS (Qt) (a>3' Silty fine to medium SAND Orange-brown damp to moist verydense .•4-t(no o 0)Q.>» 1(at 10 Silty fine to medium SAND Dark orange-brown, damp tomoist very dense (S; 15 Silty fine to medium SAND Gray-green, damp to moist verydense (at. 20' Silly fine lo medium SAND Gray and orange-brown damp tomoist, dense TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa)@ 22 CLAVSTONE Olive-gray, damp to moist, hard TYPE OF TESTS ^mfj^ G GRAB SAMPLE DS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS jiimSlr SH SHELBY TUBE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AT ATTERBURG LIMITS CN CONSOLIDATION El EXPANSION INDEX ^ijSm CR CORROSION RV RVALUE ^IT LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I 1 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-2 Date 2-15_-05_ Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter 8" Elevation Top of Elevation 249' Grand Pacific Resorts West Hazmat Sheet __2 of Project No Type of Rig 040575-003 Drive Weight Location 140 pound hammer HojIow^Stem^ Auger Drop 30" See Map | Elevaton 1Feet215- 210 205 200 195 190 SAMF S*- SS 30— 35 — : 40- - 45— - 50 — - 55 ft\ O •CD) g-0«_i o N S -Attitudesioz Q) 0. raV) R-4 R-5 S3 <*-• MO5O 0"- co £ 0- 88 82 54 >.•4-»35c*. (DO QQ- >,i» Q I Moisturei Content, %OT— • S2OT ES Is SM DESCRIPTION Logged By GJM Sampled By GJM- @ 30' Silly fine to medium SANDSTONE Light gray damp, very dense @ 35' Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE Light gray, damp, very dense @ 40 Silty fine SANDSTONE Light gray-brown moist, very dense Total Depth = 41 5 Feet Ground water encountered at 20 feet at time of drilling Backfilled with bcntomte grout on 2/15/05 Type of TestsLE TYPES TYPE OF TESTS >4fe S SPLIT SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE DS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS j^SlfF R RING SAMPUE SH SHELBY TUBE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AT ATTERBURG LIMITS B BULK SAMPLE CN CONSOLIDATION El EXPANSION INDEX ^^Sl T TUBE SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV RVALUE ^lr I LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 •• GEO1 Date 2-15-05 Project Grar Drilling Co Hole Diameter 8" Dm GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-3 Sheet 1 of Project No 040575-003 Elevation Top of Elevation 231' Grand PacificJ^esorts West Hazmat Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Drive Weight l_l°_PPyMtlaCQiner Dr°P 30" Location See Map Elevation 1Feet230 225- 220-1 ^ 215 210 205 f| o — — - 5— - 10— - 7 15— ._ 20 — O •=0)Q-O (5 M_ _ S • / ' it ' it > it > i' ' >t t •t i i JU SAMPLE TYPES S SPLIT SPOON R RING SAMPLE B BULK SAMPLE T TUBE SAMPLE < • i> > t> 1 1 • • i> 1 1< > i •Attitudes0z o> Q. EroCO R l D 1 ^13-15 R-2 R-2A R-3 R-4 5j O CO ton. 50/4" 89/8 98 80 'w <OOQQ- U.Q 874 946 MoistureContent, %332 74 1 SM CI1 SM SM DESCRIPTION Logged By GJM Sampled By GJM TOI'SOIL @ 0 Silly fine to medium SAND Dark brown, moist, loose QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS (Ot) @ 2 Silty fine to medium SAND Orange brown, damp to moist (a>, 5' Silty fine to medium SAND Orange-brown, damp to moist, dense @ 1 0' No recovery Type of TestsTKR'HARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @l3 "CLAYSTONE Olive gray moist hard @ 15 CLAYSTONE Olive gray, moist, hard (ti>, 16 Grades to silly fine lo medium SANDSTONE Grayish-green moist (a) 20 Fine to medium silty SANDSTONE Light gray damp very- dense slightly friable @ 25' Fine to medium silly SANDSTONE Light gray damp very- dense, slightly friable TYPE OF TESTS ^dhfe G GRAB SAMPLE DS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS ^mlSP SH SHELBY TUBE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AT ATTERBURG LIMITS CN CONSOLIDATION El EXPANSION INDEX ^^Sjt CR CORROSION RV RVALUE ^9^ LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-3 Date 2-15-05 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter 8" Elevation Top of Elevation 231 ' Grand Pacific Resorts West Hazmat Drive Weight Location Sheet 2 of 2 Project No 040575-003 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pound hammer Drop 30" See Map ElevationFeet200- 195 190 185 180 175- SAMP £~ $ JU 35— 40 — 45— - 50 — - 55 — ff\ 0 •CO)& O M S —Attitudesoz_<» Q. WOT R-5 S 1 R-6 *-• MO50cju- CQo>0. 92 72 78 LE TYPES £•in CH-«U 00- >% 0 MoistureContent, %(0— 55ifi & SM DESCRIPTION Logged By GJM Sampled By GJM @ 30' Silty fine SANDSTONE Light gray damp very dense slightly friable @35' Silly fine SANDSTONE Light gray damp, very dense slightly friable (3>40 Silly fine SANDSTONE Light gray damp very dense slightly friable Total Depth = 4 1 Feet Perched ground water encountered at 12 feet at tune of dulling Backfilled with bentonile grout on 2/15/05 Type of TestsTYPE OF TESTS ^^te S SPLIT SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE DS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS ^38^ R RING SAMPLE SH SHELBY TUBE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AT ATTERBURG LIMITS B BULK SAMPLE CN CONSOLIDATION El EXPANSION INDEX ^*Ef T TUBE SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV RVALUE ^Sr LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-4 Date 2-16-05 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter 8" Elevation Top of Elevation Grand Pacific Resorts West Hazmat Drive Weight Location Sheet 1 of 2 Project No 040575-003 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pound hammer Drop 30' See Map o = oSJo>«u- UJ £*j S _ , 5~ - 10— 15 — - - 20— 25 — in O .C O) ^O<0 |e> M S m *%$/, iHwftf-./y//y* y/i%-iffy , v> Q)•a S 3< oz<D Q. reOT R-l S 1 R-2 R3 R-4 WO5° CQoO. 82 54 60 52 85 ~ c<«-<BOOQ. L.Q 1042 1199 a,*?i- .- ?,rwo 5c S°O 110 142 w— - —f 1 CO O^3 'srar sc SM DESCRIPTION Logged By GJM Sampled By GJM TOPSOIL @ 0 Silty fine lo medium SAND Dark brown, damp to moist, loose to medium dense QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS (00 (a), 2' Silly fine to medium SAND Mottled orange and gray damp to moist very dense @ 5' Silty fine to medium SAND Mottled orange and gray, damp to moist very dense w) 10' Clavey fine to medium SAND Dark red-brown moisl very dense slightly mottled ft} 15 Clayey fine to medium SAND Light gray to olive-gray, damp to moist, dense slightly mottled orange TKRTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa)@ 1 8 Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE Light gray to light olive-gray, damp lo moist dense («) 20 Silly fine lo medium SANDSTONE Light gray to light olive-gray, damp to moisl, dense @ 25' Silty fine SANDSTONE Light gray damp, very dense, slightly " friable V)*->wQ)H O <o §: SAMPLE TYPES TYPE OF TESTS .xSfcfe S SPLIT SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE DS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS ^tOlSiF R RING SAMPLE SH SHELBY TUBE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AT ATTERBURG LIMITS B BULK SAMPLE CN CONSOLIDATION El EXPANSION INDEX T TUBE SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV RVALUE ^T LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 1 I Date 2-16-05 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter 8 Elevation Top of Elevation GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-4 Sheet 2 Grand Pacific Resorts West Hazmat Drive Weight Location Project No Type of Rig 140 pound hammer See Map of 2 040575-003 Hollow-Stem Aug Drop 30"ElevationFeetII 35- 40— 0 •=0) 5 N S i 45 — 50 55— " tn .Attitudesozd> Q. reCO R-5 R-6 R-7 wo2 OoU« CQoJ0. 50/6" 98 50/6 +•* 55 atjQQ- ^ Q MoistureContent, %O^D(0*^** SM DESCRIPTION Logged By GJM Sampled By GJM @30' Silly fine to medium SANDSTONE Light gray to yellow brown, damp to moist, very dense @ 35' Silly fine to medium SANDSTONE Light gray damp, very dense cemented r@-40 Silty fine lo medium SANDSTONE Light gray damp, very \ dense, cemented / Total Depth = 40 5 Feet No ground water encountered at lime of drilling Backfilled with bentonite grout on 2/16/05 V)ype of Testi- SAMPLE TYPES TYPE OF TESTS ^&t S SPLIT SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE DS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS jrfljgS^ R RING SAMPLE SH SHELBY TUBE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AT ATTERBURG LIMITS B BULK SAMPLE CN CONSOLIDATION El EXPANSION INDEX ^flgj» T TUBE SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV RVALUE ^T LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. * GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-5 I Date 2-16-05 Sheet 1 Project Drilling Co §Hole Diameter 8" Elevation Top of Elevation 259' Grand Pacific Resorts West Hazmat Drive Weight Location Project No Type of Rig 140 pound hammer See Map of 2 040575-003 Hollow-Stem Auger Drop 30" co UJ 255 250 245 240 235 230 nj Q"- — 10— _ 15— - — 20 — - 25 — o •=0) 0 M S • 0>TJ3S3 Oz CD Q. Ero(0 S-. ) wo 0"-rjQg) 0. / R 1 I 50/6' r S-2 ) - R2r 98 1 50/6 H R3 1 90 w C<4-0)0QQ. k.Q 1055 1158 0,5? ^Soc O 108 98 w— ^W OD SM DESCRIPTION Logged By GJM Sampled By GJM TOPSOIL @ ()' Siltv fine to medium SAND Dark brown, moist, loose to medium dense QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS (00 @ 2' Silty fine to medium SAND Orange-brown, damp to moist, medium dense to dense @ 5 Silty fine to medium SAND Orange-brown, damp to moist very dense (3), 10 Silty fine to medium SAND Orange brown damp to moist, very dense @ 1 5' Silly fine to medium SAND Dark orange-brown, damp very dense @15'-25' Very dense @ 20' Silty fine lo medium SAND Orange-brown, damp, very dense @ 25 Silty fine to medium SAND Orange-brown, damp very dense Tn H H—O 1 SAMPLE TYPES TYPE OF TESTS ^^& S SPLIT SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE DS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS R RING SAMPLE SH SHELBY TUBE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AT ATTERBURG LIMITS B BULK SAMPLE CN CONSOLIDATION El EXPANSION INDEX T TUBE SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV RVALUE ^r LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I 1 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-5 Date 2-16-05 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter 8" Elevation Top of Elevation 259' Grand Pacific Resorts West Hazmat Drive Weight Location Sheet 2 Project No Type of Rig 140 pound hammer See Map of 2 040575-003 Hollow-Stem Auger Drop 30"ElevationFeet225 s; 220 215- 210- 205 200 8 - 35— 7 40 — 45 - - 50 — - 55 — o S-o"2-J 0 si £ ' ' ' ' '''::;'/,"' * * I ! #ii* * ft i'*>\\>* » , ,'»><ji" •j " '' ' * < <\ \ * '* 1 1\\ yfy',W Attitudesoz 0) 0. ETO(0 R4 R-5 R-6A R-6 R-7 R8 wo fJQd) Q. 50/6" 98 98 88 83 v> wtjQQ. w MoistureContent, %«_» C/J 0^3 SM CTI CL DESCRIPTION Logged By GJM Sampled By GJM @ 30 Silty fine to medium SAND Orange brown, damp very dense @ 35 Silty fine to medium SAND Dark brown to dark orange-brown^moist, wet very dense TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 36' CLAYSTONE Olive gray damp to moist, hard @ 40 CIA YSTONE Olive-gray damp to moist hard @ 42 CLAYSTONE Olive gray damp to moist, hard &, 45 CLAYSTONE Olive gray damp to moist, hard Sfc 46 Becomes fine to medium silly SANDSTONE Light gray-green, _ \ moist, verv dense " /Total Depth = 46 Feet Ground water encountered at 36 feet at time of drilling Backfilled with bcntonite grout on 2/16/05 in pe of Test>, SAMPLE TYPES TYPE OF TESTS >^fe S SPLIT SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE DS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS R RING SAMPLE SH SHELBY TUBE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AT ATTERBURG LIMITS B BULK SAMPLE CN CONSOLIDATION El EXPANSION INDEX ^Hf T TUBE SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV RVALUE ^T I LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 I • Date 2-16-05 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter 8" Elevation Top of Elevation GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-6 Sheet 1 Grand Pacific Resorts West Hazmat Drive Weight 210' Location Project No Type of Rig 140 pound hammer See map of 2 040575-003 Hollow-Stem Ai Drop 30'ElevationFeet210 205 200 195 190 185 1 QA £-• & 0 — — — 5— 10 — - 15— 20 — 25 — u •«=cn o N S •Attitudesoz "n. 03 CO R 1 R-2 R3 R-4 R5 WO5°&L CQoQ_ 74 78 80 88 82 <DUQO. 1073 1219 1115 MoistureContent, %«_> 98 117 65 is SM~ DESCRIPTION Logged By GJM Sampled By GJM in pe of Test>, TOPSOIL ! @ 0' Silty fine to medium SAND Brown moist, loose to medium dense ~OU\TFlWARY TERRACEDEPOSiiS 76t) " @ 2' Silty fine to medium SAND Orange-brown damp to moist, medium dense @ 5' Silty fine to medium SAND Orange-brown damp lo moist very dense @ 10' Silty fine to medium SAND Orange-brown damp to moist very dcrisc @ 15' Silty fine to medium SAND Red-brown damp to moist verydense @ 20' Silty fine to medium SAND Red-brown damp to moist, very dense @ 25 Silty fine to medium SAND Red-brown damp to moist, very dense SAMPLE TYPES TYPE OF TESTS .jlsffe S SPLIT SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE DS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS jdjllijljr R RING SAMPLE SH SHELBY TUBE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AT ATTERBURG LIMITS B BULK SAMPLE CN CONSOLIDATION El EXPANSION INDEX T TUBE SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV RVALUE **T LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-6 Date 2-16-05 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter __.?"_ Elevation Top of Elevation 210' Grand Pacific Resorts West Hazmat Sheet 2 Project No Type of Rig of 040575-003 Drive Weight Location .14.0 pound hammer See map Hollow-Stem Auger Drop 30"ElevationFeet180 175 170 165 160 155 \Cf\ f« 30 — 35— 40— - 45 — - 50 — 55 — fn 0 -=0) 13 0 N S Attitudesoz "5. R) V) R-6 R-7 R-8 wogo 0"- CQo>o. 80 82 86 50/4" £• COCM-<BOQO. >« Q MoistureContent, %|» SM DESCRIPTION Logged By GJM Sampled By GJM @ 30' Silly fine to medium SAND Orange-brown, damp to moist, very dense slightly friable (ift 35 Silly fine to medium SAND Orange-brown damp to moist, very dense slightly friable (it, 40' Silty fine to medium SAND Orange-brown, damp to moist, very dense slightly friable ype of Testsi- : (a) 45 No recovery1, cobble in sample. 2 rounded Total Depth - 45 5 Feet No ground water encountered at time of drilling Backfilled with benlomte on 2/16/05 SAMPLE TYPES TYPE OF TESTS ^fc S SPLIT SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE DS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS .^ftSl^ R RING SAMPLE SH SHELBY TUBE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AT ATTERBURG LIMITS B BULK SAMPLE CN CONSOLIDATION El EXPANSION INDEX T TUBE SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV RVALUE ^W I LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I Date 2-16-05 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter 8' Elevation Top of Elevation GEOTECHNICAL Grand Pacific Resorts West Hazmat Drive Weight 1 86' Location BORING LOG B-7 Sheet 1 Project No Type of Rig 140 pound hammer See Map of 1 040575-003 Hollow-Stem Auger Drop 30"ElevationFeet185- 180 175- 170 165 160 SAMP || 5 — 10— - 15— 20 — - - 25— *»n O •erao-o 5 N S Attitudesoz "a. ra R 1 B I @4-8 R-2 I . •*-»WO5°cV- 00(5 Q. J 1 89 1 78 1 60 55 0>OQQ- Q 1163 1234 1078 MoistureContent, %96 I0'1 11 9 OT— * CO O^D SM DESCRIPTION Logged By GJM Sampled By GJM TOPSQJL .-JaiO' Silly fine to medium SAND Dark brown, damp to moisLjoose __ QlJATCRNARY TERRACE DEPOSM'S (00 @ 1 Silly fine to medium SAND Orange-brown, damp to moist, very dense @ 5' Silly fine to medium SAND Orange-brown, damp to moist, very dense @ 10 Silly fine to medium SAND Dark orange-brown damp to moist dense to very dense iff} 15' Silty fine to medium SAND Dark orange-brown, damp to moist dense to very dense Total Depth = 16 5 Feet No ground water encountered at lime of drilling Backfilled with bentomte grout on 2/16/05 Type of TestsLE TYPES TYPE OF TESTS .^fe S SPLIT SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE DS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS ^^§3^ R RING SAMPLE SH SHELBY TUBE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AT ATTERBURG LIMITS B BULK SAMPLE CN CONSOLIDATION El EXPANSION INDEX T TUBE SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV RVALUE ^Sr LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I I t 1 I I t f Trench Logs * (This Investigation)i i t t t i i i t i i Dd <DO Io>tn 3o Q. O cr 3 3o to w ao 5 g o "2 3 o 3o 3 w I | % 3 t/D »-<CD £3 o o. a. cS 3 8 £ ffl o© w Oen tn S.t O'?01 !dn>D. C/) D O exn3 3 O ^ Q. dr 3 T3 r-t O nCL Q.fu .O)D. cr 3 3 O C/3 > OH tn H O3£i— O SS a> oonIHK-i § QtnOt-1 O tn Ooo on 2o ! c cr nor-* zCO3n> roo m F"1 3 S I t3 cr tnZO §tnm O cn §tn Ooo a SODa§-s tn S o o>r1 g "dsoo § H> d§ WP ooO M oo OW oor1 oT3m 21D oo 3 Oo S©8 w co 2> od rtcx o 3ncx £ S- O) cr o33 cxp3T3 §•( 2 fl>Q- rt £ 8. S §n 3 T3 OQ3 a:S g- al exP3T3 3 O)O. £ > P > > n W g or-f-o S 3 « I £. £ TO ^ S^^Z?§P X" O" o 13 O3o XD oo > OH mH O s§ o>H oo o DWoon H O21 Owd o ^8t—iO wJ3c •3 3 s*O O oo O 00 oo aa> H? 31 t2 t2o oo or-f i—*z; z;s §d 3 a- "> W o otrpOQfBcx a"^< z;o2 S o T) tnoo O O OTl H ioffi o 3n tn ioo § $H)—<i zog. oo O rtn otn ooro m oo a to o § D-ft ft §. £ 2. -1ct a. 3 I 3 rn cr o 3 ro O Htn B"c3 ooO o 3rto- D Cd o2d cr o ^ oo oo > O.-JW do6Sooo H O oo O oo tn oo o Dtnoo O 2 H O Z Rnnp6o c Coo Ooo OmO OO O on : 3 "H.ft D -o ^3 o crfs D O -Jyi tn 3 ^)-i_J "0J3-> ?)r> 50Dy^D °-cr Q tn O rntn Q T3 tn ?3Hmoo OO O H 1O H Cd 2! Hpi O O£• o E ~ o D -If 5° n M O "• *•" 3 as ~ogI / f \ < "\ /'y OJV\\\ s> ^ f .. *"\ ^^ ^^^\^^ o ?3 >TJ S O r REPRESENTATION^ftC/l ^G^*^_ n tn if ** C/^ C ocn COrO m <oo H I O ^ ^^* © co 3 CD 0 3 Q- £ 3 CO z:o o—! 3 IJQCD cr o5- "3o;3 <T o C- ™ C/1 SLOPEWASH/TOP:A @0' SiltylQUATERNARY TErrt ^1 l/J 3 O ^ ** p 0 °m 3rta. c 3 CO •zO CO o 3 O CL 1- 0""-tQ 3" O OC/l CD e ? CO ^ CO <f > OH cnH O 2o§Stn oco D PI i — •oo o DW&on 2TJH1 OmC O2 t^ H O o IT1 T3 T3?~> ^ *~t r— O O | *8 83 1-^ «-t s ? ?3 5a" ft>cs 33 •3 t ^^ fc.o -j •d Ehn j> 5. /3 r PI t-1 0 p—1 ^g < CTQ g 5 S-<. 3 a" O*-! a- •/^ D ^ -3 x o 0 ^^ -^~* <^ C CO n mco g co a 0 -i W <T 5 g g O ^ O ^g-^ 2 O^^ C ^»*•-t ^ CD ^>-nr^* S-S 3^3 CO soo o o O>feT3sGO § H § o 5S2 on O Crt oo Otn GO O IO tn DO DO a. 2 8- 00 Si CD r-f O o£•c 3 oo O O OQ cr o a.2 oo O > I > HW Ow £3cs ftD. oo D o cr o ooc/iO) oo > OH m o>Htn OtnoonST> O OtnO n oonon oo!» 2o D tn JD C •5 3o OO 3 O cro fc. o:D_»j nat~*z1 /l "in tn r « egp OQ 5 S.3 cr tn ^o tntn o TJ ?dO T3tng tnoo £o>reTJ Soo ^-( O o &• 3P GOO W ll" oo >Otn ooro'-dW oo H?0W trl ^ CO ftoo3 CDC/l 3o O. CfQ3v; r-*O o I td CTs tdooo ftin 3Mft c? < Q. §onjrt a> 8- JH) S2. oo OQ ,5" crfto =- ft) C? ex Q. S 3 oo a o OQft •o o fta. c o > 51 tn ow ^o ft o 3 00 O D *-t cr o ocr3 oo a\CO to 00 to > GH trtH O Hm oo o oo O aenq o2 i"1 H§ O 00Ooo oo SO Dre m.QC•5 3o •-1 —1 roo D. fDO C 3 Sft fto P ft roOQcrq § £ti C7^ tn2G Ww G^5«OTfmf«H Woo oQ o•n IO I I I I I I I I Large Diameter Boring Logs (Leighton, 2003) GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB1-03 Date 2-17-03 Sheet of Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 30 in 241 Grand Pacific Resort Morrison Drilling (San Diego Drilling) Drive Weight ft Ref or Datum Project No Type of Rig Mean Sea Level 040575-002 Bucket Auger Drop 12 m •*~+! Q_ J"' QJ tT.Q^ 0 — - 5 — 10 — 15 — - - — 70£,\J _ — 25 — 10 o SI 0)Q.OrO_l£_CD < f ' „ ^fV ' ''l EaT i/fc@J3&= ' 5**^&- ;i7i- vA~ -p^~-^J" f ». -*-t ^•>&— ;s) "rH A 1, 4 «^y — cu 3 -f——-1- <c j N10W 44NE frN20W 60NE gc N30 N45W 3SW cs N44E 25-45SE frN551£ 51SE frN45W 40NE gc N20 60W 5 6NE O•z. (\\Mf Q. HI<n i ' 2i Bag-3 @25 . •H 36 O "~~ 1 03 Q)GL 9 I push j? cCQJ 0a a-J,"^ (_a 115 2 820 a;S -^+- A CW QJ O"^ i— QO 74 393 ^CJ (/)~ocn^" SM SPSM CH CH SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ Sampled By MDJ QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS (00 @ 0 Silly fine to medium SANDSTONE Orange hrown damp dense to very dense iron oxide staining massive @ 17 2 -17 8 Two light gray SAND mfiUed joints sand is slightly less cemented than orange brown sandstone surrounding feature @ 18 Three 1 5 to 3 thick beds of dark hrown moderately cemented sandstone that are offset by light gray sand infilled fracture beds are mterbedded with orange brown sandstone gravel and cobble rare fracture very slightly open at 19 @ 20 -20 5 Fine SANDSTONE Orange brown wet dense cobble at the base of sandstone moderate to heavy seepage within the layer general L contact wavy erosional contact TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 20 5 CLAYSTONE Olive moist to wet stiff discontinuous randomly oriented parting surfaces moderately plastic layers that intcrbed with highly plastic CLAYSTONE layers @ 21 Discontinuous wavy randomly-oriented fractures throughout CLAYSTONE Plastic (fat) layers interbedded between blocky CLAYSTONE closely spaced tight fractures randomly oriented plastic parting surfaces @ 26 1/4 thick plastic clayseam along stnated polished surface continuous @ 26 2 Fracture below it connects with clayseam on north side of bonng @ 29 Discontinuous plastic clay lined fracture @ 29 6 Silty fine SANDSTONE Light gray damp dense slightly friable gradational upper contact - - - - r 505AC11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I 2-17-03 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB1-03 Sheet Grand Pacific Resort Project No Date Project Drilling Co Morrison Drilling (San Diego Drilling) Hole Diameter 30 in Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole 241 ft Ref or Datum 2 of __2__ 040575-002 Type of Rig Bucket Auger Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level .c~ "a."""(UiJ.Q^ in 35 — ~ — 40 — - 45 — _ 50 — 55 — fiO — O SI 0)0.0 CO ' ' 1 * ' , . if 0 'y-\ 01TJD-»- —-t- <L 1) generally hori7.ontal O 0) Q_ CO 4 Bag 5 @36 +- §£— t 4 3, -(- 01 OQ QL -j,^ ^ 112 6 /-\ L^ ^•^<" Q) £" CJ 85 SOT 0° ~ CO^ SM SP SM SP SP GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ Sampled By MDJ TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) (Continued) @ 30 Significant caving @ 35 I-'me SANDSTONE Pale gray to off while damp dense very friable ~ — - @ 38 -40 Silty fine SANDSTONE to fine SANDSTONE Pale gray damp very dense iron oxidized stained bed at 38 iron-oxide stained krotovina less friable than above - ~ Geologically Logged to 42 feet Ground water encountered at 20 feet at time of drilling Total Depth = 46 feet Boring caved to 20 feel on 2/18/03 Backfilled with 41 cubic feet of benlonite grout and native soil on 2/18/03 - - - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 2-18-03 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB2-03 Sheet Grand Pacific Resort Project No Date Project Drilling Co Morrison Drilling (San Diego Drilling) Hole Diameter ' 30 in Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole 262 ft Ref or Datum 1 of 2 040575-002 Type of Rig Bucket Auger Drop 12 in Mean Sea Level f*»,?o£ o — - - 5 — — - 10 — 1 C - 20 — - 25 — in — 0 .C 0)Q.O(0_J£_CD - i * ' * c* • • t ' ' 01 3•t- -f- <r 0 01 01CO Bag 1 @5-6 2 3 j| O. 7 9 D1 cC01 Oa a a " 114 8 /-\ £ ^S ^CE 0o 8 4 -a co^ SM SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MD.) Sampled By MDJ QUATERNARY TERRACB DEPOSITS (00 @ 0 Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE Orange brown damp very dense to dense - - - - — - - @ 18 Significant caving during drilling @ 20 Silty medium SANDSTONE Orange brown damp very dense iron-oxide stainuig - - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I 2-18-03Date Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole _262 ft GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB2-03 Sheet 2 Grand Pacific Resort Project No Type of Rig of 040575-002 Morrison Drilling (San Diego Drilling) 30 m Drive Weight Ref or Datum Bucket Auger Drop 12 Mean Sea Level Depth J(feet)in 35 — 40 - - 45 — - 50 — 55 60 — O JC 0)0.0<0 _l CD ^ ' — — -^_ — — - ~Z "^ * 0) 3•f- <E O 01 n to 4 5 §8o"-f_ +• c£01 0o a La 1196 82 7 -»-~t ~+- E 00 92 376 (0(f\ - _ Z3<-> C/)^ SM CII SP-SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ Sampled By MDJ QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS fOO (Continued) _ @ 38 Encountered wet SAND caving saturated sands heavy seepage and caving to 41 TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION fl'sa) ... @41 CLAYSTONE Olive moist to wet stiff discontinuous randomly oriented parting surface - - @ 48 Fine SAND Gray wet dense water filling bonng faster than driller can drill out Did not downhole log Total Depth = 49 feet Bonng caved at 38 feet Ground water encountered at 38 feet at time of dnllmg Backfilled with 52 cubic feet of bentomte grout and native soil on 2/17/03 ; 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Hollow Stem Auger Core Boring Log (Leighton, 2003) GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-1 Date 2-19-03 Sheet of 4 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 10 in 188 ft Grand Pacific Resort Tri-County Drilling Drive Weight Rcf or Datum Project No Type of Rig 140 pounds Mean Sea Level 040575-002 HS Core Rig CME 95 Drop 30 in .c~"*~ ~*T" Q_ Jii°>£03 o — — - - 10 — 15 — _ 20 — - ~ 25 - in — o JC 0)Q.OfO_l CJ5 ,- - QJTJ3 —-t-<E b generally horizontal - O•z. rtl\lt Q_ E OJ O) 1 1 'I 3I •»- 3 1O — ^ Q. 86 54 98 3) -^ C«?01 OD a 31La ^ Q)5 -^ -f-"*7 c5 Q) ^Co >— . > (_) (/) co^ SM SM SPSM SP SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ/BJO Sampled By MDJ/BJO QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS fOO @ 0 Silty fine SANDSTONE Red brown dry medium dense @ 3 5 Silly fine SANDSTONE Orange brown damp very dense - @ 10 Becomes dense @ 15 Becomes very dense @ 15 -20 Run #i Recovery/RQD = 80/72 @ 15 16 No recovery @ 16 -17 8 Silty fine SANDSTONE Orange brown damp dense @ 17 8 20 Well cemented SANDSTONE Orange brown damp very dense @20-25 Run #2 Recovery /RQD = 1 00/95 @ 20 23 7 Silty medium SANDSTONE Orange-brown to red brown damp very dense ©23235 Welt indurated blocky SANDSTONE Interbedded 1/8 thick light brown beds generally horizontal @ 23 5 -25 Very fine SANDSTONE with silt Orange brown damp very dense micaceous @25 30 Run #3 Recovery /RQD =96/90 @ 25 25 5 Very fine SANDSTONE with silt Orange brown damp dense massive @ 25 5 26 4 Fine SANDSTONE Orange brown dry lo damp dense friable @ 26 4 Silly fine SANDSTONE Orange brown damp very dense 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-1 Date 2-19-03 Sheet of 4 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 10 in 188 ft Grand Pacific Resort Tn-County Drilling Drive Weight Ref or Datum Project No Type of Rig 140 pounds Mean Sea Level 040575-002 HS Core Rig CME 95 Drop 30 in £~4— "7T" P_ Si QJ cl.Q^ lr\M — 35 — - - 40 — - 45 — - 50 — " - 55 — - fiO o .cQ.fO C3 - -r 0)O_l — ' ~ - tfl Q) TJ -t— —•f- b horizontal 6 degrees north dip O fllUJ Q_ EfQC/) Bag-4 5 •*- 3|O — f<° QJ Q. 72 314- C 4~0) Oa Q. 3>^ Q ^^ L^ ~ 4- irt C-_ *U °"c^~ O0 >— . .o C/D~ S>^ SM SP SM SP SP SP-SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ/BJO Sampled By MDJ/BJO QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS COO ©30-35 Run #4 Recovery/RQD= 100/70 @ 30 32 2 Silty medium SANDSTONE Orange brown moist dense micaceous @ 32 2 -33 1 Fine SANDSTONE Light gray/orange brown damp to dry dense mottled cross bedded iron oxide stained bedding _ @ 33 1 -35 Silty fine SANDSTONE Orange brown damp dense possible cross-bedding micaceous @35-40 Run #5 Recovery/RQD= 100/80 @ 35 -36 7 Silty fine SANDSTONE Orange brown dense TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION @ 36 7 -40 Fine SANDSTONE Yellow brown damp dense micaceous friable @40-45 Run #6 Recovery/RQD = 100/100 Fine SANDSTONE Yellow brown damp to dry dense micaceous friable - @45-50 Run #7 Recoveiy/RQD = 95/90 @ 45 -50 Fine to very fine SANDSTONE Pale gray dry to damp very dense micaceous friable @50-55 Run #8 Recovery /RQD = 100/100 @50 -52 2 Very fine SANDSTONE Light gray damp very dense friable iron-oxide blebs @522 -55 Fine to very fine SANDSTONE Orange brown moist very dense faint bedding @ 52 5 Perched ground water ©55-150 Run #9 Recovery/RQD=90/80 ©53-60 Fine SANDSTONE with silt Orange-brown light gray moist to wet very dense - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-1 Date 2-19-03 Sheet of 4 Proiect Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 10 in 188 Grand Pacific Resort Tn-Countv Drilling Drive Weight ft Ref or Datum Proiect No Type of Rig 140 pounds Mean Sea Level 040575-002 US Core Rig CME 95 Drop 30 in .c~4- "TT"n f-. QJiJIQ^ 60 — - 65 — _ _ — 70 — — ~ 75 — - - 80 — - 85 — - — QO O .cCL 0)0OJ_J CD y/ // fa //y<\ y/y/fay/ fa ^ %y.//, I. //,i\1 32faffafa%% Y/y/y/Y, / /'A- fafay/y V, //< //f %ftffafaV.<%, inQJTJD —£ 6 10 degree dip O Q. (0CO 4- 3 1O — ^ 0. Jl -^ C4-Q) UQ Q. £_a ^ L^_2-t- A CJ5 QJ°t O JOT — f ^CJ (/) co~ SP SC CL ML CL CL SC SM SC SM CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ/BJO Sampled By MDJ/BJO TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION Llsai @60-65 Run #10 Recovery/RQD = 90/55 Fine SANDSTONE Orange brown moist to wet dense iron oxide staining @65 70 Run #11 Recovery/RQD= 100/40 @ 65 -66 7 clayey silty very fine SANDSTONE Gray with orange brown staining wet dense @ 66 7 -68 Gray and brown light brown CLAYSTONE Moist stiff laminated with clayey SILT to SAND layers 1/8 1/2 thick 6 to 10 degree dip orange (iron-oxide) stained friable fine grained sand _ laminations @ 68 69 Clayey sandy S1LTSTONE Gray moist medium stiff @ 69 -70 Same as above 67 6S Solid gray CLAY at 69 5 Cone sample tested in lab from 69 5 70 @70 75 Run #12 Recoverv/RQD= 100/40 @ 70 71 5 CLAYSTONE Gray moist stiff @ 71 5 -73 4 CLAYSTONE Gray brown with lenticular SAND/SILT blebs/laminations mottled v, ith iron oxide staining @ 73 4 -75 Clayey fine SANDSTONE Orange brown to yellow brown moist dense fnable @75-80 Run #13 Recovety/RQD = 86/86 @ 75 -77 Clay to silly SANDSTONE Orange brown moist dense fnable increasing or decreasing coarsens with depth @ 77 -80 SANDSTONF- with silt and clay Gray moist dense very fine to medium grained friable massive rare pebbles @80-85 Run #14 Recovery/RQD= 100/100 @ 80 -85 Silty clayey SANDSTONE Gray moist dense fnable generally fine to medium grained massive iron stained with depth @85-90 Run #15 Recovery /RQD =90/86 @ 85 -86 6 Silty clayey SANDSTONE Gray moist dense @ 86 6 86 8 CLAYSTONE Blue gray moist stiff wavy irregular contact; ,_ bentomtic subhonzontal @ 86 8 90 Clayey silty SANDSTONE Gray with iron oxide m diffuse layers moist dense fine to medium grained with scattered coarse grams 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-1 Date 2-19-03 Sheet 4 of 4 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 10 in 188 ft Grand Pacific Resort Tn-Countv Drilling Drive Weight Ref or Datum Project No Type of Rig 140 pounds Mean Sea Level 040575-002 HS Core Rig CME 95 Drop 30 in £"*"Q_ *•' <U «?_03 onyu 100 — — — 1 C\flOj - no — 115 — 170 O £. 0)0.0fO_lLCD Y//Ay/ss. yyy>yyyvw,\%//// W7 % QJ"DD —•f- 0 ntUJ 01 (/) ' 11 ^- 3°o — Q. 80 31 11 c£ OJ 0a a a ^^«|5 3^_ A C|D Q) ^- oo ^co^? CJ . 5=co^ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ/BJO Sampled By MDJ/BJO TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa} (Continued) &90 95 Run #16 Rccovery/RQD= 100/90 @ 90 95 Gray silty to clayey SANDSTONE Moist dense very fine to fine grained with scattered medium to coarse grams sandy CLAY laminations 1/4 1/2 thick gray horizontal @ 92 and 92 6 otherwise massive @ 95 100 Run #17 Recovery/RQD = 95/88 @ 95 100 Gray silty to clayey SANDSTONE Moist dense very fine to fine grained with scattered medium to coarse grains evidence of gray np ups clasts between 96 97 disturbed sample @ 100 105 Run #18 Recovery/RQD=92/92 @ 100 -105 Gray silty to clayey SANDSTONE Moist dense very fine to fine grained with scattered medium to coarse grams @ 102 103 Gray clay rip up clasts rare rounded gravel Total Depth = 105 Feet Perched ground water encountered at 56 feet to 66 feet Backfilled with 59 3 cubic feet of bcntomte grout on 2/19/03 _ - - ~ - - - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-2 Date 5-7-03 Sheet 1 of 2 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 8m 195 Grand Pacific Resorts Tn-County Drilling Drive Weight ft Ref or Datum Proiect No Type of Rig N/A Mean Sea Level 040575-002 IIS Core Rig CME 95 Drop N/A in fl o — - 10 — 15 — _ - 20 — ^ c - o .card tn I o_J ? z //// / inQ)TJ -f- * oz OJ aE O) -»- 3° •H CH-Ql Oo a a *£ *- oCJ (O O ^_/CO sc SM SM SC SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ Sampled By MDJ ARTIFICIAL FILL - UndocumentedjAfti) @05 Run#l Recovery /RQD =70/55 @ 0 2 5 Clayey SAND Brown moist loose flowers and roots @ 2 5 5 Si/ty fine SAND with clay Orange brown damp to moist loose QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS (00 @ 5 -10 Run #2 Recovery/RQD=70/62 @ 5 Silty fine SANDSTONE Orange brown damp dense recovered 3 5 @ 6 -6 5 Laminated bedding @10-15 Run #3 Recoveiy /RQD =100/65 @ 10 Silly fine SANDSTONE Orange/red brown damp dense gray sand infilled near vertical joint 1 1 128 two parallel 40-45 degree dipping joints possibly mechanical breaks massive @ 15 20 Run #4 Recovery/RQD=80/80 @ 15 Silty SANDSTONE with clay Red brown damp to moist dense massive recovered 4 out 5 ® 16 5 -17 2 Clayey SANDSTONE Red brown moist dense - @20-25 Run #5 Recovery /RQD =78/65 @ 20 -20 7 Silty medium SANDSTONE with clay Red brown moist dense: slightly friable @ 20 7 Silty fine SANDSTONE with clay Orange/red brown damp to moist dense @ 25 -30 Run #6 Recovery/RQD 40/30 @ 25 -29 Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE Red brown moist dense massive recovered 1 sample using sand catcher possible water seepageat 22 @29 5 Silty very fine SANDSTONE Brown damp to moist dense 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-2 Date Proiect Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of 5-7-03 Hole 8 in 195 Grand Pacific Resorts Tn-County Drilling Drive Weight ft Ref or Datum N/A Mean Sheet 2 Project No Type of Rig Sea Level of HS 2 040575-002 Core Rig CME 9 Drop N/A in •t- niJL S|<U t?_O^ 30 — 35 — ~ - - 40 — - — 45 — - - 55 — fiO o JCa<ac.CD " 0)o_J ->:> < (. - (Au>•a3 —•»-•f- ^ ;> generally tionzontal O AlU) Q_ O) -H ing3 1 ,o11- — £ CM-QJ Oa a. y^a gS 3 _|_ C5 0)o"^ u 2 s» —CJ CO co^ SM SM/GM SM ML SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ Sampled By MDJ QUATERNARY TERRACE (00 (Continued) @ 30 35 Run #7 Recovery/RQD = 75/70 @ 30 Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE Red brown damp dense @ 32 5 Gravelly silty SANDSTONE Red brown damp dense TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 33 Silty fine SANDSTONE with gravel and cobble Orange brown damp dense micaceous ©35-40 Run #8 Recovery/RQD = 62/62 @ 35 Fine SANDSTONE with silt and gravel and cobble Light brown moist dense friable massive recovered 1 2 of this sample logged cuttings possible seepage @ 38 Silty very fine SANDSTONE Orange brown damp dense black- blebs (1/16) micaceous moderately bedded @40-45 Run #9 Recovery /RQD= 100/92 @ 40 -43 2 Silty very fine to fine SANDSTONE Light orange brown damp to moist dense micaceous cross-bedding dipping 4 to 10 degrees @ 43 2 -44 7 Silty very fine to fine SANDSTONE Light orange brown wet micaceous cross bedding (4 10) seepage at siltstone contact @ 44 7 ^5 3 Very fine sandy SILTSTONE Brown damp to moist stiff @45 50 Run #10 Recovery/RQD = 100/95 @ 45 3 Silty fine SANDSTONE Gray to light brown moist to wet dense - micaceous Ground water at 48 measured with tape Total Depth = 50 Feet Seepage at 22 Feet 35 Feet and 43 2 Feet Ground water encountered at 48 Feet Backfilled with bentorute/ccment grout on 5/7/03 - - S05A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-3 Date 5-7-03 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 8 in 240 ft Grand Pacific Resorts Tn-Countv Drilling Drive Weight Ref or Datum N/A Mean Project No Type of Rig Sea Level 040575-002 HS Core Rig CME 95 Drop N/A in g o — - : c 10 — 15 — 20 — — . — . _ 10 — 0 .ca<o ft fv: \ i%fi 0)o_l \ '$'t'- / / / / \ '<,'f/ '- <UTJ <r b horizontal O ae 0) o11- ""- ffn r: 4- cCQJ 0a a 0 !«£ CJ > w^ SM CH SC SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Loeeed By MIX! Sampled By MDJ QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS fOt) @0 3 Run#l Recovery/RQD= 100/100 @ 0 Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE Red brown moist medium dense rootlets top 35 03 undisturbed @ 3 5 -5 Did not core sample logged cuttings @5 10 Run #2 Recovery/RQD = 78/70 @ 5 Silty medium SANDSTONE with clay Red brown damp dense moderately mottled @ 10 15 Run #3 Recovcry/RQD = 30/25 @ 10 Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE Red brown damp dense recovered 1 5 of sample logged cuttings @ 15 No recovery @ 15 Silty gravelly SANDSTONE Red brown damp dense hit cobble at 17 -19 logged cutting TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 19 Fine sandy CLAYSTONE to CLAYSTONE gray green moist stiff at 19 -25 logged cuttings Drilled out claystone plugging auger at 24 -25 @25-30 Run #6 Recovery /RQD = 100/90 @ 25 -27 5 CLAYSTONE Gray green moist stiff to very stiff fat clay highly plastic discontinuous randomly-oriented parang surfaces @ 27 5 Sandy CLAYSTONE Olive gray damp (o moist very stiff @ 28 5 Clayey SANDSTONE Gray brown damp dense ® 29 5 Siltv SANDSTONE Light brown, damp, very dense 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-3 Date 5-7-03 Sheet of 2 Proiect Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 8 in 240 ft Grand Pacific Resorts Tn-County Drilling Drive Weight Ref or Datum Proiect No Type of Rig N/A Mean Sea Level 040575-002 HS Core Rig CME 95 Drop N/A in ^ "*~"!iiQ_ JJ{cu (V' D^ 30 35 — - 40 — - 45 — rn 55 — fiO — O x: roao 01 _l ID Q) a — t 0 w E<0(f> +- 3 O O 03 OJ 0. y ± Cf<u oa a t_a /-\0-5 D^_ A C <" Q) ^CO §w —o --3 </>~ SPSM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ Sampled By MDJ TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION fTsa) ('Continued) ®30 35 Run #7 Recovery/RQD = 20/20 @ 35 Fine SANDSTONE with silt Pale gray brown damp dense logged cuttings ®35^0 Run #8 Recovery/RQD =40/35 @ 40 Very fine to fine SANDSTONE with silt Off white dry to damp dense extremely friable logged cuttings ©40-45 Run #9 Recovery/RQD =90/74 @ 40 Very fine to fine SANDSTONE with silt Off white to pale brown diy to damp dense ®45 50 Run #10 Recovery/RQD =72/58 @ 45 Very due SANDSTONE with silt Off-white dry to damp dense several generally horizontal iron oxide stained beds Total Depth = 50 Feet No ground water encountered at time of drilling Backfilled with bentonite/cement slurry on 5/7/03 - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-4 Date 5-8-03 Sheet 1 of 2 Proiect Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 8 in 356 ft Grand Pacific Resorts Tn-County Drilling Drive Weight Ref or Datum Project No Type of Rig N/A Mean Sea Level 040575-002 HS Core Rig CME 95 Drop N/A m JC.^••""oi D-S a^ 0 — - 5 — - - 10 — - 15 — - - 20 — — 25 — - - 30 U JIQ 01 0 J11 s*-/- -r F_[ 0)0_l // \ /\1 X1,14 ^1 '/. f^Lp ////x//// x///////////?//// X ff / / ^ _ / / X / <c X " in(UTJ3-t— —£ ^ apparent dip 2-4 deg apparent dip 4-6 deg O fitu/ Q_ 0) u>o 3 1O — r& Q)Q_ 31 cCQJ UQ a y^ Q t-^ p 4- A C!5 QJ o"^ u >-^- . .o CO1°3 SM SM/SC SM SM/CL SM SC/CL SM SM/GM SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MD.I Sampled By MDJ QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS (Ot) @ 0 Silry fine to medium SANDSTONE Orange brown damp dense @5 10 Run#l Recovery /RQD = 50/38@ 5 Silty medium SANDSTONE Orange brown damp very dense recovered 2 5 out of 5 logged cuttings ~ - @ 10 15 Run n Recovery /RQD = 58/32 @ 10 13 7 Silty medium SANDSTONE Orange brown damp very dense 2 of sample not recovered logged cuttings - @ 13 7 144 Interbcdeled silty SANDSTONE and clayey SANDSTONE orange brown (SM) and brown (SC) damp dense @ 14 4 15 Silt)' SANDSTONE Orange brown damp dense @ 15 20 Run #3 Recovery /RQD = 80/68 @165 19 Silty SANDSTONE Orange brown damp dense mlerbcdded with brown sandy Cl.AYSTONE beds 0 1 (luck dipping 2-4 degrees - @20 235 Run #4 Recovery/RQD= 100/92 @ 20 -21 2 Silty medium SANDSTONE Orange brown damp to moist dense @ 21 2 219 Interbedded sandy CLAYSTONE/clayey SANDSTONE (brown) and silty SANDSTONE (orange brown) damp dense and stiff apparent dip 4 6 degrees thinly bedded @ 23 5 Hit cobble drilled through cobble Silty gravelly medium SANDSTONE with gravel Orange brown damp dense logged cuttings ®25 30 Run #5 Recovery /RQD =76/62 @ 25 28 Silty medium SANDSTONE with clay Red brown to brown damp to moist dense 1 foot not recovered © 28 30 Silly medium SANDSTONE Red brown moist to wet dense possible seepage 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-4 Date 5-8-03 Sheet of 2 Proiect Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole Sin 356 ft Grand Pacific Resorts Tn-County Drilling Drive Weight Ref or Datum Proiect No Type of Rig N/A Mean Sea Level 040575-002 US Core Rig CME 95 Drop N/A m 4— * Qi J~ QJ CJL!Q^ 30 — - — 40 — - - 45 — 50 55 — fiO O .C 0)CLO CD f///. 1 w/{-JL, / / \\ in(UT>D —£ <T~ b dips \ 2 deg b horizontal O E CO . 3 ,o —03 QJ •f- Ct-0) OQ a f a (-^ _i ^*~« c<" (U °"c^- oCJ to(/) /rtnj— . . CJ ._i Q •— "^w^ SM CH SC SM SP GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ Sampled By MDJ QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS (00 @30 35 Run #6 Recovery RQD=40/22 @ 35 Silty medium SANDSTONE Orange/red brown moist to wet dense recovered only 2 feet TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @35-40 Run #7 Recovery/RQD= 100/90 @ 35 CLAYSTONE Olive moist very stiff to stiff discontinuous randomly-oriented parting surfaces @ 39 Clayey SANDSTONE then grades into silty SANDSTONE Gray brown damp very dense iron oxide staining claystonc laminations @40^t5 Run #8 Recovery /RQD= 100/82 ® 40 ^tO 8 Silly SANDSTONE Gray brown moist dense © 40 8 -44 Fine SANDSTONE Pale gray moist to wet dense possible seepage @44 Fine SANDSTONE Off white damp dense micaceous friable @ 45 -50 Run #9 Recovcry/RQD= 100/88 @ 45 Fine SANDSTONE Off white damp dense iniaccous friable Total Depth = 50 Feet Seepage at 28 Feet 35 Feet and 41 Feet Backfilled with bentomte/cement slurry on 5/8/03 - - - - - - - 505AC11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-5 Date 5-8-03 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 8111 222 ft Grand Pacific Resorts Tn-County Drilling Drive Weight Ref or Datum Proiect No Type of Rig N/A Mean Sea Level 040575-002 IIS Core Rig CME 95 Drop N/A in r~ *'~Si +- J.LQ J~ 55 o — 5 — - 10 - 15 — 20 — 25 — 10 — O JI 0)a. ord_i ID 77// // -tim in(UTJ3-*- -I- Oz a. (/) .n°3O "~ fCQ «j 31 4- C 4-01 U O Q_ c_a ^ L^ _p -I— A C- --S ^- o0 > —CJ -°J w^" SC-SM sc SC/GC GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ Sampled By MDJ ARTIFICIAL FILL - Undocumented CAfu) @05 Run#l Recovery/RQD = 60/36 @ 0 -3 Silty SAND to clayey SAND Brown clamp to moist QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS (00 or (Tsa) @ 4 Clayey SANDSTONE Red brown damp medium dense weathered mottled Hit cobble at 8 "\Gravelly clayey SANDSTONE Gray green damp dense iron oxide stamed \ mottled no recovery except for undisturbed chunks Refusal at 8 5 Feet Total Depth = 85 Feet No ground water encountered at tune of drilling Backfilled with benlomte/cement slurry on 5/8/03 - - /- - 505AC11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-5A Date Project 5-8-03 ct ngCo Diameter 8 in tion Top of Hole 222 Grand Pacific Resorts Tn-County Drilling Drive Weight ft Ref or Datum Sheet 1 of 2 Project No 040575-002 Type of Rig US Core Rig CME 9; Drop N/A m Mean Sea Level &<" 0 — - 5 — 10 — 15 — 20 — 25 in —Graphic^% '/-/- I \ j- 0)o_j £ % i QJTJ +- * b generally horizontal O <U e CO 1flj rr -f- c£<U Ua a. D) a «)£ ^ oo _to °3CO SC SM sc SM SC/GM CH SM SP SM SP GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ Sampled By MDJ ARTIFICIAL FILL (Afu) @02 5 Silty/clayey SAND Brown moist loose QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS (Ot) @ 2 5 Clayey SANDSTONE Red brown to brown gray damp to moist dense weathered @ 5 -8 Run#l Recovery/RQD= 100/84 @ 5 Silty SANDSTONE with clay Orange brown damp to moist dense gravel and cobble 75-8 ® 8 15 Drilled through (cobble) gravelly silty/clayey SANDSTONE Orange brown lo gray brown damp dense logged cuttings did not core sample from 8-15 - @ 15 20 Run #2 Reco very /RQD = 78/66 @ 15 -16 Gravelly clayey/silly SANDSTONE Gray-brown damp dense i mottled 2 thick CLAYSTONE at base r TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 15 8 CLAYSTONJ- Olive moist stiff ® 16 20 Silty fine SANDSTONE to fine SANDSTONE with silt Palegray brown damp dense fnahlc iron oxide blebs @20-25 Run #3 Reco very/RQD= 78/52 @ 20 -23 Silty fine SANDSTONE to fine SANDSTONE Pale gray brown to orange-brown damp dense @ 23 24 Silty SANDSTONE Orange-brown dense iron-oxide stained @ 24 25 Fine SANDSTONE with silt Off white damp dense iron-oxide blebs @25-30 Run #4 Recovery /RQD = 90/80 @ 25 Fine SANDSTONE Off white to pale gray damp dense iron oxide blebs krotovina concentric iron oxide stamuig 505AC11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-5A Date Project 5-8-03 ct me Co Diameter 8 in ition Top of Hole 222 Grand Pacific Resorts Tri-County Drilling Drive Weight ft Ref or Datum Sheet 2 of 2 Proiect No 040575-002 Type of Rig HS Core Rig CME 95 Drop N/A in Mean Sea Level .c~ "o> OJ t7_Q^ 30 — - 35 — - 40 — - 45 — - f.f)JU — 55 — fin — o .c o>0.0ffl | £_CD 1 1 — <Un3-1- — <c b cross bedding O 0) u.E(0(/) +• g° — D_ 3)-t- cC 0) Ua a 3>La .5 -H"^ W QJ ^- oU s« 0° tf\"=-, (/)^ SPSM SP GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ Sampled By MDJ TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @30 35 Run #5 Recovery/RQD= 100/80 @ 30 Silly fine SANDSTONE to fine SANDSTONH with silr Orange brown and pale gray damp dense iron oxide blebs and cross bedding - @ 35 -40 Run #6 Recovery /RQD= 94/80 @ 35 Fine SANDSTONE Pale gray damp dense fnable @40 45 Run #7 Recovery/RQD= 100/90 @ 40 Fine SANDSTONE Pale gray damp dense friable @45 50 Run #8 Recovery/KQD= 100/86 @ 45 Fine SANDSTONE Pale gray damp dense fnable - Total Depth = 50 Feet No ground water encountered at time of drilling Backfilled with bentomte/slurry cement on 5/8/03 - - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-6 Date 5-9-03 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 8m 244 ft Grand Pacific Resorts Tn-County Drilling Drive Weight Rcf or Datum N/A Mean Project No Type of Rig Sea Level 040575-002 IIS Core Rig CME 95 Drop N/A in o5 0 — — 5 — 10 — 15 — 20 — - 25 — 10 — U SIaat (0 ^ \ V.<S< rj)o i ''/,^ / / / / / / / / / / // ///// /// tflQJ 3•t- +-+- * b generally horizontal b 2 3 dipping O 0) a U) +• 0^ — (_ - 3 01 Uo a La «s «;£ 11 0CJ m ^^ (/) - _ C/5 o5 SC SM SC SM SC SP GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ Sampled By MDJ ARTIFICIAL F1I.L/TOPSOIL @ 0 Clayey SAND Brown moist loose QUATERNARY TF.RRACE DEPOSITS (00 @ 3 -5 Silty SANDSTONE Orange brown clamp dense @5-10 Run#l Recovery /RQD= 100/78 @ 5 Silty medium SANDSTONE Red brown damp dense massive @ 10 15 Run #2 Recoverv/RQD = 92/68 @ 10 Silly SANDSTONE Red brown damp dense massive @ 14 7 1/8 thick clayey SANDSTONE bed Dark gray brown damp dense - @ 15 -20 Run #3 Recovery/RQD= 100/54 @ 15 Clayey SANDSTONE Olive gray damp dense interbedded with dark gray beds @20 25 Run #4 Recovery/RQD= 100/85 @20 -20 9 Sdty medium SANDSTONE Red brown damp dense @ 20 9 -23 Silty medium SANDSTONE Light brown damp dense TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 23 Clayey medium SANDSTONH Olive gray-brown damp very dense black blebs thickly bedded a discontinuous sandy clay lined fracture ©25-30 Run #5 Recovery /RQD= 90/60 @ 25 Fine SANDSTONE Pale gray damp dense 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-6 Date 5-9-03 Sheet of Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 8 in 244 ft Grand Pacific Resorts Tn-County Drilling Drive Weight Rcf or Datum Project No Type of Rig N/A Mean Sea Level 040575-002 HS Core Rig CME 95 Drop N/A in -<=£••-"oj <U(i_o^ 30 — ^35 — ~ — — 40 — - - - - 45 — - 50 — 55 — 60 — 0 JZ 0)0.0(0 1 CD r-- 1 %/ ^ ^ p - 01 QJ TJ3 —£ <L cross bedding apparent 3 4 dip O nim Q. lf> +- J 1 Io11- — f^ (U Q_ 4? cC QJ Oa a-j,^ a «s ^-1- tf ai +~ ^ oa trt ^s ^V/i —C_) (/>~ C0~ SP SM SM SM/CL SC SP SC SM SP GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION LoRRcd By MDJ Sampled By MDJ TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) (Continued) @30 35 Run #6 Recovery /RQD = 60/60@ 30 Silly fine SANDSTONE to fine SANDSTONE Pale gray to orange brown damp dense friable iron-oxide blebs and cross bedding hit cobble at 33 did not recover core at 33 -35 @35^tO Run #7 Recovery /RQD =90/90 @ 35 -37 7 Silry fine SANDSTONE to fine SANDSTONE Orange-brown moist dense massive possible seepage friable @ 37 7 38 1 Gravelly silly SANDSTONE Brown moist dense friable @ 38 1 39 1 Intel-bedded silty SANDSTONE Light brown damp dense and sandy CIAYSTONE Olive gray damp stiff dipping 3 4 degrees - @ 39 1 Clayey SANDSTONE Gray brown damp dense 0)40-405 Run #8 Recovery/RQD = 80/60 @ 40 5 -42 Vine SANDSTONE Pale gray damp dense fnable @ 42 -44 Clayey SANDSTONE and silty SANDSTONE Pale gray damp dense moderately indurated dips 1 3 degrees inicrbedded @ 44 Fine SANDSTONE Pale gray damp dense Total Depth = 45 Feet Seepage at 35 Feet at time of Drilling Backfilled with bentomte/cement slurry on 5/9/03 • - - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-7 Date 5-9-03 Sheet 1 of 1 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole Sin 225 Grand Pacific Resorts Tn-County Drilling Drive Weight ft Ref or Datum Project No Type of Rig N/A Mean Sea Level 040575-002 HS Core Rig CME 95 Drop N/A m JC~ "*~~ niQ_ niQJtJ!Q^ o — - c 10 — — 15 — - 20 — - - 10 O £a(0L(0 _ . *Y 'A 0)o_J __ £. jC. in(UTJ3•1- —+- D generally horizontal 0 Q_ £ O) wg3O £_ 31•t- CM-01 UQ a-j,~La s~^.5 +- A C12 (U O"^^~ oCJ (fl tf. tJS —o C/) to^ SM SM/GM CH SC- SI' SP SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ Sampled By MDJ QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS @ 0 Silty medium SANDSTONE Red brown moist medium dense logged cuttings to 5 @ 4 5 9 Silty medium SANDSTONE Orange brown moist dense gravelly hit cobble no core sample logged cuttings TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa} @ 9 CLAYSTONE Olive-green moist stiff ® 10 15 Run#l Recovery/RQD = 100/78 @ 10 128 CLAYSTONH Olive green moist stiff fat clay discontinuous randomly-oriented parting surfaces @ 12 8 Clayey SANDSTONE Gray green damp dense @ 14 3 Fine SANDSTONE Light gray damp dense friable micaceous @ 15 20 Run n Recovery /RQD= 92/54 @ 15 Fine SANDSTONE Light gray damp dense fnable micaceous - @20 25 Run #3 Recovery /RQD= 100/86 @ 20 -22 7 Fine SANDSTONE with silt Orange-brown moist dense slightly fnable possible slight seepage iron-oxide stained @ 22 7 Fine SANDSTONE with silt Pale gray moist dense slightly friable possible slight seepage iron-oxide stained Total Depth = 25 Feet Seepage at 23 Feet Backfilled with bentomte/cement slurry on 5/9/03 - 505A<11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-8 Date 5-9-03 Sheet 1 of 2 Proiect Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 8 in 241 ft Grand Pacific Resorts Tn-Countv Drilling Drive Weight Ref or Datum N/A Mean Project No Type of Rig Sea Level 040575-002 US Core Rig CME 95 Drop N/A in +- "vj O Si(Ut~<=>£ 0 — - 5 — _ — 10 — - - 1 C — - — 20 25 — — 10 0 .cam CO 7sV<Y*faVi%y. % V'/<. 0) 0_l sy4, 4 ; ^=0 } ^ Y///6W V ^%.y. % ui<U•a13-f— —-*- <n o Alw £X U) -t- J3 1 O £_ °-< Q) Q_ 4- C?(U Ua a -j,^ Q L^^ +-"vT £ ^ (U °"c^- o(J I/)y^ ^*\ni— . . CJ CO CO^ SM SM SC SM SM/GM CH SC SP GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ Sampled By MDJ QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS (Ot) @ 0 Logged cuttings silty SANDSTONE Red brown moist medium dense @5 10 Run#l Recovery/RQD= 100/75 @ 5 -6 4 Silty medium SANDSTONE Red brown moist dense @ 6 4 7 7 Silly medium SANDSTONE widi clay Brown damp very dense @77 10 Intcrbedded silty SANDSTONE Red brown damp dense (1/2 to 1 5 thick) (thickening downwards) and clayey SANDSTONE/sandy CLAYSTONE Brown damp dense 6 10 degree dipping @ 10 15 Run #2 Recovery/RQD = 100/70 @ 10 Silty medium SANDSTONE Red brown moist dense possible seepage at 14 ® 14 Laminated SANDSTONE beds - @ 15 20 Run #3 Recovcry/RQD=NA/NA @ 15 5 Gravelly SANDSTONE Red brown damp dense due to large cobble could not core sample logged cuttings - TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsal @ 19 CLAYSTONE Olive green moist stiff @20 25 Run #4 Recovery/RQD = 100/95 @ 20 CLAYSTONE Olive green moist stiff discontinuous randonly-onenled parting surfaces - @2530 Run #5 Recovery /RQD = 100/76 @ 25 -28 4 CLAYSTONE Olive green moist stiff discontinuous randomly oriented parting surfaces Wavy contact @ 28 4 -29 4 Clayey SANDSTONE Green gray damp dense @ 29 4 30 Fine SANDSTONE Pale gray damp dense friable gradational contact 505AC11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-8 Date 5-9-03 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 8 in 241 ft Grand Pacific Resorts Tri-County Drilling Drive Weight Ref or Datum Project No Type of Rig N/A Mean Sea Level 040575-002 HS Core Rig CME 95 Drop N/A in !! 30 — 35 — 40 — 45 — 50 — 55 — fin —Graph i cLogUlQJT> •4- -H+-<E Oz 0) Q.emCO ^ 0^ ofca. 31-i- Ul/-\C<vQJ Ua a•^x D1LO MoistureContent (/)in^ > 0° _w 53en GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ Sampled By MDJ Total Depth = 30 Feet Seepage at 14 Feet Backfilled with bcntonite/cemcnt slurry on 5/9/03 - - - - - 505AO1/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-9 Date 5-9-03 Sheet 1 of Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole Sin 244 ft Grand Pacific Resorts Tn-County Drilling Drive Weight Ref or Datum N/A Mean Project No Type of Rig Sea Level 040575-002 HS Core Rig CME 95 Drop N/A in ^ "*" niQ_ Jr (Uql Q^x o — - 5 — - 10 — - - 15 20 — - 25- _ - - 10 o ra<u m //, \ - < f/% //'4. 0)o_J y/./ _/ - - 9 c f/t % // %. wQ)•a 3-t- —-1- O Q.£ CO •+- 3 1 O £_00 OJ 3>-t- C<+- QJ Oo a 31 a c~ a -4—"*- C^ a> o"t CJ > CJU CO_ co^ SM sc SM GM SM CH SC SP GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ Sampled By MDJ QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS (00 @ 0 Silty SANDSTONE Red brown moist (top 2 ) to damp loose (top 2 ) to medium dense logged cuttings @5-10 Run#l Recovery/RQD = 20/35 @ 5 -6 Silty medium SANDSTONE Red-brown damp dense @ 6 -7 Clayey SANDSTONE Dark red-brown damp to moist dense @ 7 Silty medium SANDSTONE Red-brown moist dense @ 10 -15 Run #2 Recoverv/RQD = 60/50 @ 10 Silly medium SANDSTONE Red brown moist to damp dense Hit cobble at 13 did not recover sample below 13 @ 15 -20 Run #3 Recovcry/RQD =65/65 @ 15 Silty medium SANDSTONE Red-brown damp to moist dense @20-25 Run #4 Recovery RQD = 88/88 @ 20 -21 5 Same as 15 except moist possible seepage at 21 TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 21 5 CLAYSTONE Olive green moist very stiff wavy erosional contact @25-30 Run #5 Recovery /RQD= 100/72 @ 25 7 Clayey SANDSTONE Gray-brown damp very dense moderately - indurated gradational contact wavy @ 28 9 Fine SANDSTONE Pale gray damp dense fnable 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 1 i• Date 5-9-03 Proiect Drilling Co Hole Diameter 8 in Elevation Top of Hole 244 GEOTECHNICAL Grand Pacific Resorts Tri-County Drilling Drive Weight ft Ref or Datum BORING LOG CB-9 N/A Sheet 2 Project No Type of Rig Mean Sea Level of 2 040575-002 HS Core Rig CME 95 Drop N/A m ifo£ 35 — 40 — 45 — 50 — 55 — fin — o .C 0)OLD0!_J ID I/Im T>3•*- +-+• <L O•z. at 0. toCO !58 l11- <QaJQ. Ji+- lfl^%C4-0) UQ a\^31 Q MoistureContent (/)w~ > Gu 0) ~^ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MDJ Sampled By MDJ Total Depth = 30 Feet Seepage at 2 1 Feet Backfilled with bentonitc/sluny cement on 5/9/03 - - - - - 505AC11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG CB-10 Date 5-9-03 Sheet 1 of 1 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 8 in 233 Grand Pacific Resorts Tn-County Drilling Drive Weight ft Ref or Datum Proiect No Type of Rig N/A Mean Sea Level 040575-002 IIS Core Rig CME 95 Drop N/A in ^ -i— *n ~j<u,zO^ 0 — - - 5 — - 10 — — 15 — - - — 20 — 1° — 0 r0(B fl // 't. J- J fa \ UlO_J • '// r\ Ci ) V : ft 1 tnOJTJ3-t- —£ OZ: Q.E (/) 4- 3 1O £_ 10 Q) .j, -^ C ti~0) OQ £L -j,^ a /^ c^ ~ 4— Irt ^_ QJo"^ u S«o — t }o C/) n-^ Crt sc SM SM/GM ~/-~u~ ~ SP GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logeed By MDJ Sampled By MDJ TOPSOIL @ 0 2 Clayey SAND Brown damp loose QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS (OO @ 2 Sdty SANDSTONE Orange brown damp dense @5 10 Runtfl Recovery RQD= 15/10 @ 5 Silty medium SANDSTONE Orange brown damp very dense poor recovery logged cuttings ©10 15 Run #2 Recovery /RQD-- 65/65 @ 10 Silly medium SANDSTONE Orange brown damp very dense very dense @135 Gravelly SANDSTONE with cubbies Red-brown damp dense @ 15 Drilled through cobble did not core sample logged cuttings - ® 17 20 Run #3 Recovery/RQD- 100/100 @ 17 Resumed coring *® 17 Gravelly SANDSTONE with cobbles Red brown damp dense *" TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATIONiTsal @ 17 6 CLAYS1ONE Olive green moist stiff discontinuous randomly oriented parting surfaces @20 25 Run #4 Recovcry/RQD = 100/80 ® 22 Fine SANDSTONE Pale gray damp dense fnable Total Depth = 25 Feet No ground water encountered at time of drilling Backfilld with bentonite/cemcnt slurry on 5/9/03 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I 1 I I . Large Diameter Boring Logs 1 (Leighton, 1995) I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-3 Date Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter 9-26-95 24 in Elevation Top of Hole Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Daves Drilling Drive Weight ft Ref. or Datum Sheet 1 of Project No Type of Rig 0-27=4.500#. 27-52 =3.700# Mean Sea Level 2 4950294-001 Bucket Auger Drop 12 in. ISIs o — C — JO 15 — 20 — 15 — in —Graph i c 1Log-fltt i tudesi Q) a roc/> Bag-l 2 3 II 5fe Q. 5 6 3) «)/%CH-OI Oo awj> a MoistureContent <*> |*".s«i 0^_w ^ML SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MLF Sampled By MLF TRRRACE DEPOSn^S Reddish yellow with iron oxide staining; damp, loose, SILT with fine SAND @ 5' Dnller reports harder drilling @ 10' Yellowish red with iron oxide staining, moist, dense, silty fine SAND - @20' As above ii 505AC11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHWCAL BORING LOG LB-3 Date. Project 9-26-95 Sheet ct Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch ngCo Diameter 24 In itionTopofHole ft. Daves Drilling Drive Weight Ref or Datum Project No Type of Rig 0-27 = 4500#. 27-52 = 3.700# Mean Sea Level 4950294-001 Bucket Auger Drop 12 in.Depth 1(feet) |30 — 35 — 40 — - 45 — 50 — 55 — fft — 'Graph i cLogAttitudes•o <u Q. aO) •i •ir §1 l11-<a£jQ- • '|Dry Dens i ty<pcf>MoistureContent <X> |uJ- ISoj o^_<fl ^SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MLF Sampled By MLF @ 35" Veiy pale brown, with rron oxide staining, moist, dense, silty fine SAND @40' As above last 5 feet completed on September 27, 1995 Total Depth = 41 I'eet No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled on September 27, 1995 - - - 505AC11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-5 Date 9-27-95 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter 24 in Elevation Top of Hole 260 Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Daves Drilling Drive Weight ft. Ret or Datum Sheet 1 of Project No Type of Rig 0-27=4500*. 27-52 =3.700# Mean Sea Level 2 4950294-001 Bucket Auger Drop 12 in. fsis 0 _ - < --_— 10 — 15 — .- 25 — -Graph i c |0)o <A •*- •t- <E 01 Q. gin Bag-l 2 3 4 Jf 7 8 6 •»- Q> 0a a 3> Q 1o i sturentent <X) ]*- oo ^J o ^^C/5 SP SM SP SP SP GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MLF Sampled By MLF TOPSOIL Red-brown, moist, loose to medium dense, fine to medium SAND, trace ofSILT, micaceous TERRACE DEPOSITS @ 4' Yellowish brown, moist, medium dense silly SAND (S> 10 As above, with trace of SILT - @20' As above, dense - @ 29' As above, dense 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I i GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-5 Date 9-27-95 Project Dnlbng Co Hole Diameter 24 In Elevation Top of Hole 260 Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Daves Drilling Drive Weight ft. Ref or Datum Sheet 2 of Project No Type of Rig 0-27=4,500#. 27-52 =3.700# Mean Sea Level 2 4950294 001 Bucket Auger Drop 12 in.Depth 1Cfeet) 130 — 35 — 40 — 45 — 50 — 55 — ffi —GraphicLogs•o <r o* 0) a. asCO •*- 0° 0- 3»•*- c£01 UQ 0.Mo i stureContent (JO |s C/) • SP-SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MLF Sampled By MLF - ~\ @ 32' Yellowish red, wet, fine to medium SAND with fine to coarse gravel J \ and cobbles, rounded, up to 6 inches diameter quartzite Stopped 32 feet due to caving caused by Ground WaterTotal Depth = 32 Feet Ground Water Encountered at 31 Feet Caving at 31 to 32 FeetBackfilled on September 27, 1995 505AC11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-6 Date 9-27-95 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 24 in + /- 228 Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Daves Drilling Drive Weight ft Ref or Datum Project No Type of Rig 0-27=4,500#, 27-52 =3,7000 Mean Sea Level 4950294-001 Bucket Auger Drop 12 m <u ?81- LU 225- 220- 215- 210- 205- 200- r-/~^ -£--!_ •£»Is o — - 5 — - j f\1U _ 15 — 20 — - - 25 — - - - 10 o -CO)O.OrO_l CD fS//< XX/> § i <#vi1 UtQJ4-o•ZL O•z. QJ aE CO Bag-1 2 3 -t- rCQ Jr: Q_ push 4 •t- Ct-QJ 0a a 31 a •s -^Iso| CJ S g- _to co^ SP ~C~H~ ~ SP GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MLF Sampled By MLF TERRACE DEPOSITS Yellowish red moist fine to medium SAND trace of SILT micaceous upper 1 to 2 feet disturbed by farming ,@ 10 Slight amount of seepage just above the clay layer SANTIAGO FORMATION @ 10 Light olive gray moist CLAY laminations randomly oriented shears/parting surfaces @ 18 Driller indicated drilling became hard @ 20 Light gray micaceous damp medium dense fine to medium SANDslightly @ 26 Becomes damp driller having trouble keeping sand in bucket friable SAND - - - 7= - - - 505AO1/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date 9-27-95 Project Drilling Co Hole Diameter 24 in Elevation Top of Hole 228 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-6 Sheet 2 of Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Daves Drilling Drive Weight ft Ref or Datum Project No Type of Rig 0-27 = 4.500#. 27-52 =3.700# Mean Sea Level 2 4950294-001 Bucket Auger Drop 12 in.Depth(feet)30 — 35 — 40 — 45 — 50 — 55 — fiO —Graph i cLogU) (V13D+- •t-•»- <E •o <u Q. IDU) 58 1"- Mai Q.Dry Density(pcf)MoistureContent OO |Soi 1 Class.(U.S.C.S.)GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MLF Sampled By MLF Total Depth = 30 Feet Due to No Recovery Seepage at 10 Feet Backfilled on September 27, 1995 - - - -j - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-7 Date. Project 9-27-95 ct Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch HE Co Diameter 24 in itionTopofHole 186 ft Daves Drilling Drive Weight Ref or Datum Project No Type of Rig 0-27 = 4.500#. 27-52 = 3.700# Mean Sea Level 4950294-001 Bucket Auger Drop 12 in. ££&la£ 0 — : : 5 """ - 10 — - 15 — 20 — 25 — O SLaa) (0 0)o (ftoT33 4- <n o fl» 'O Bag-1 .i • IflO 0£ «Q <u Q. « I' - 31•*- ui<^CH-ID 0Q aN^31 ^N I* 1«§ 0^ s^ ^"^ • ~ . o ^>^0 SM SM SP GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By MLF Sampled By MLF TOPSOIL @ 0' Dark brown, moist, silty fine to medium SAND Encountered abandoned steel water line at 4 feet, moved 10 feet north and rednlled TERRACE DEPOSIT @ 5' Yellowish red, moist, dense, silty fine to medium SAND @ 10' Yellowish red, moist, medium dense, fine to medium SAND, slightly micaceous - i @ 20' As above • 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-7 Date Project 9-27-95 ct ingCo Diameter 24 in ition Top of Hole +/- 186 Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Daves Drilling Drive Weight ft Ref or Datum Project No Type of Rig 0-27=4,500#, 27-52 = 3,700# Mean Sea Level 4950294-001 Bucket Auger Drop 12 in Elevation(feet) 1155- 150- 145- 140- 135- 130- •c£!l 30 — 35- — - 40 — - 45 — - 50 — - 55 — (SO o .CO)Q.Ort_l CD W.Noteso2 <U aenCO 4 5 !$8 0^ «a{u Q. 10 8 3)+- i/>/^ C«+-oj oQ a\^ 31 Q Moisture1 Content (/)a'- > o<->_w o5CO SP CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged BY MLF Sampled By MLF SANTIAGO FORMATION @ 30 Very pale brown moist dense fine to medium SAND @ 30 Driller indicated hard drilling @ 40 Lighl olive gray damp very stiff CLAY Total Depth = 4 1 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Tune of Drilling Backfilled on September 27 1995 - - - - - - - - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES II I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ho/low-sten, Auger Boring Logs (Leighton, 1995) GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG KEY Date Project Drilling Co _ Hole Diameter KEY TO BORING LOG GRAPHICS Sheet 1 of Project No Type of Rig _ Dnve Weight Drop .in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- ft Ref or Datum Elevation 1(feet) jDepth 1(feet) [o — 10 zu Graph i c 1Log 1'////, ffytA A A . A A A A A A A 4 II /^-// I Y\ W/s o ° • D V> C 0 \^\ : ^Y// "I— • 7,- .— — . — - tf f\ 5S TO >°/ 4x \_ N v v- < ///$•//Notes 1'H 10 &CHjMj o 01 a fl 5fc Q. •4- 01 Ua a f Mo i stureContent (Ji> |« GO CO o ci(/) CL CH OL-OH ML MH CL-ML ML-SM CL-SC SC-SM SW SP SM SC GW GP GM GC GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By Inorganic clay of low to medium plasticity; gravelly clay; sandy clay, silty clay; lean clay Inorganic clay of high plasticity, fat clay Organic clay, silt or silty clay-clayey silt mixtures Inorganic sill, very Tine sand silty or clayey fine sand, clayey silt with low plasticity Inorganic silt, diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silt Low plasticity clay to silt mixture Sandy silt to silty sand mixture Sandy clay to clayey sand mixture Clayey sand to silry sand mixture Well graded sand gravelly sand, little or no fines Poorly graded sand gravelly sand, little or no fines Silty sand poorly graded sand-silt mixture Clayey sand, poorly graded sand-clay mixture Well graded gravel gravel-sand mixture, little or no fines Poorly graded gravel, gravel-sand mixture, little or no fines Silty gravel, gravel-sand-silt mixture Clayey gravel, gravel sand-clay mixture Sandstone Siltstone Claystone Breccia (angular gravel and cobbles or matrix-supported conglomerate) Conglomerate (rounded gravel and cobble, clast-supportcd) Igneous granitic or granitic type rock Metavolcanic or metamorphic rock Artificial or man made fill Asphaltic concrete Portland Cement Concrete - I 505AC11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I Date 9-11-95 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG SD-3 Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Sheet 1 of 1 Project No 4950294-001Project Drilling Co Barge's Drilling Company Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Augej^ Hole Diameter 8 In Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 182 ft. Ref or Datum Mean Sea Level levat ion<feet>LJ I8U- 175- 170 165 160 155 fsI* o — - - 5 — — - 10 — - 15 — - 20 — - 25 — 3D —Graph i c0)o W<U+•O •o 0) Q. in \ \_ l I 2 I fl tofe 1 31 46 -y Density(pcf)a 1248 1240 to i sturentent CO |*- 0u 107 112 (rt- S« G^_w •s3 SM SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By SCB Sampled By SCB TP.RRACR DEPOSITS /FILL?? @ 0-2' Light reddish brown, dry, loose silty SAND TORRACR DEPOSITS @ 2' Orange-brown, moist, medium dense to dense, fine silty SAND wilh iron oxide staining and manganese staining - @ 6' Same as above Total Depth = 6.5 Feet No Ground Water ITncountercd at Time of Drilling Hole Backfilled on September 11, 1995 - - - - - - - - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG SD-10 9-11-95Date Project Drilling Co _ Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole +/- 182 Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Barge's Drilling Company Sheet 1 of 1_ Project No Type of Rig 4950294-001 8 In Drive Weight ft Ref. or Datum 140 pounds Truck Mounted Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level 1 evat i on(feet)in 180- 175- 170- 165 160 155 Depth(feet) 10 — - 5 — - 10 — - 15 — - 20 — - 25 — in —Graphic0)0 V)<u o 6* <v a l §8 67 50/5" -H cCQ> Oa a. 3) a 118.3 1277 1o i sturentent (X) |*- oo 123 121 * {/) C/l SM SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By SCB Sampled By SCB TOPSOIL @0-1' Brown^dcnse^loosc^siltv^SAND TERRACE DEPOSITS @ l'-5' Orange-brown, damp dense, silty SAND with trace of clay binder; slightly cemented @5' Same as above - @ 10' Same as above Total Depth = 11.5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Hole Backfilled on September 1 1 , 1995 - - - - - - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 04075-003 APPENDIX C Summary of Laboratory Test Results from this Investigation Particle Size Analysis (ASTM D422) Particle size analysis was performed by mechanical sieving and hydrometer methods according to ASTM D 422 and D 4318 The percent fine particles from these analyses are summarized below Plots of the sieve and hydrometer results are provided on the Figures in this appendix Boring B2-Bl@0-5feet Soil Type Yellowish brown silty sand (SM) Percent Passing No 200 Sieve 26 Laboratory Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content (ASTM D1557-91) The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of typical materials was determined in accordance with ASTM Test Method D 1557-91 The results of these tests are presented in the table below Sample Location B2-B1 @ 0-5 feet Description Yellowish brown silty sand (SM) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) 1275 Optimum Moisture Content (% dry weight) 11 5 Expansion Index (ASTM D 4829) The expansion potential of selected materials was evaluated by the Expansion Index Test, U B C Standard No 18-2 Specimens are molded under a given compactive energy The prepared 1-inch thick by 4-inch diameter specimens are loaded to an equivalent 144 psf surcharge and are inundated with tap water until volumetric equilibrium is reached The results of these tests are presented in the table below Sample Location B2-B1 @ 0-5 feet Expansion Index 9 Expansion Potential Very Low C-l 1 1 1 1 1 1 •1 1 04075-003 APPENDIX C (Continued) pH and Resistivity Minimum resistivity and pH tests were performed in general accordance with California Test Methods 5327 643 The results are presented in the table below Sample Location pH B2-B1 @ 0-5 feet 755 Soluble Sulfate and Chloride Minimum Resistivity (ohm-cm) 3440 The soluble sulfate contents contained within selected samples of soil were determined by California Test Method 4 1 7 part II The test results are presented in the table below Sample Location Soluble C B2-B1 @0-5 feet Soluble Chloride "hlonde (ppm) Potential for attack <150 Negligible The soluble sulfate chloride contained within selected samples of soil were determined by California Test Method 422 The lest results are presented in the table below 1• 1 1 • 1 1 1 Sample Location B2-B1 @ 0-5 feet Sand Equivalent Test Sand equivalent tests was performed on selected Soluble Chloride (ppm) 250 sample to determine portion of fines in the sandy sample according to the test methods ASTM 2419 / CT 217 The result is presented below Sample Location So B2-B 1 @ 0 - 5 feet Yellowish bro C-2 il Type Average SE wn silty sand (SM) 17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 04075-003 APPENDIX C (Continued) Direct Shear Test Results (ASTM D3080-0\98) Direct shear tests were performed on selected undisturbed samples that were soaked for a minimum of 24 hours under a surcharge equal to the applied normal force during testing After transfer of the sample to the shear box, and reloading the sample, pore pressures set up in the sample due to the transfer were allowed to dissipate for a period of approximately 1 hour before application of shearing force The samples were tested under various normal loads, a motor-driven, strain- controlled, direct-shear testing apparatus The rate of shearing used for the tests were 0010 in/mm for the silty sand samples The test results are presented in the table below Plots of the data are included in this appendix C-3 6000 5000 4000 inat £ 3000 CO rto CO 2000 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Vertical Stress (psf) Boring Location Sample Depth (feet) Sample Description B1-R1 Reddish Brown Silty Sand (SM) Average Strength Parameters Peak Friction Angle, <j>'peak (deg) 44 @ 0 2" Friction Angle f@02 (deg) 37 Cohesion c'peak (psf) 700 Cohesion c'@02 350 Ultimate Friction Angle, <j>'U|, (deg) Cohesion, c'U|, (psf) 42 Deformation Rate 0010 in/mm 550 DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY Project No Project Name 040575-003 GPR/PA5 Leighton 6000 5000 4000 ina. <a 3000 rao> 2000 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Vertical Stress (psf) Boring Location Sample Depth (feet) Sample Description B1-R2 15 Reddish Brown Silty Sand (SM) Average Strength Parameters Peak Friction Angle <j)'peak (deg) 44 (5)02" Friction Angle, <j>'@02 (deg) 38 Cohesion c'peak (psf) Ultimate Friction Angle, <j>'U|, (deg) Cohesion c'U|, (psf) 750 44 Cohesion c'@02 (psf)450 Deformation Rate 0 010 in/mm 450 DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY Project No Project Name 040575-003 GPR/PA5 Leighton 6000 5000 4000 (0 £ 3000 V) <oJZV)2000 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Vertical Stress (psf) Boring Location Sample Depth (feet) Sample Description B2-R2 15 Brown Silty Sand (SM) Average Strength Parameters Peak Friction Angle <|)'peak (deg) 42 @ 0 2" Friction Angle, ^02 (deg) 37 Cohesion c'peak (psf) 850 Cohesion, c'@02 (psf)450 Ultimate Friction Angle <j>'u,t (deg) Cohesion, c'M (psf) 40 Deformation Rate 0010 in/mm 650 DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY Project No Project Name 040575-003 GPR/PA5 Leighlon 5000 4000 c- Q. 3000 (0WV 2000 to 1000 1000 Boring Location Sample Depth (feet) Sample Description 2000 3000 Vertical Stress (psf) B4-R3 4000 5000 20 Brown Silty Sand (SM) Average Strength Parameters Peak Friction Angle, <j>'peak (deg) 38 (5) 0 2" Friction Angle, ^ 0 2 (deg) 38 Cohesion c'peak (psf) 400 Cohesion c'@02 (psf)350 Ultimate Friction Angle, f uft (deg) Cohesion, c'u!t (psf) 38 Deformation Rate 0010 in/mm 400 DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY Project No Project Name 040575 003 GPR/PA5 LeigMon Plasticity Index (PI)o 3 8 8 £ 8 §For classification of fine grained soils and fine grained / fraction of coarse grained soils / / CL or OL ^s ^S / s'^ , / a ML / s MLorOL CH or OH S' S*b Line MH or OH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid Limit (LL) GRAVEL COARSE FINE CRSE SAN MEDIUM D FINE FINES SILT /CLAY U S STANDARD SIEVE OPENING U S STANDARD SIEVE NUMBER 30 11/2 3/4 3/8 #4 #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 90 - fin - 70 t- X 0 60 JUJ DU § 03 50 DC UJ ^ „„ .PERCENT F•i NJ CO J3 O O Cn . --- -«-... ^ — \ - \ - - \\ \ \ \ *t5 ..... 100000 10000 1000 0100 0010 PARTICLE - SIZE (mm) Boring No B-2 Sample No B1 Depth (ft ) 00-50 Soil Type SM Visual Sample Description SM YELLOWISH-BROWN SILTY SAND ^*>S§K '^ Leighton and Associates, Incf GR SA Fl 0 74 26 LL.PL.PI N/A Project No 040575 003 GRAND PACIFIC RESORTS ATTERBERG LIMITS, PARTICLE - SIZE CURVE ASTMD4318 D422 Rev 1204 SIEVEB2B1 I I 1 I I • Laboratory Testing (Leighton, 2003) I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I 040575-002 APPENDIX C Summary of Laboratory Test Results from this Investigation Particle Size Analysis (ASTM D422) Paiticle size analysis was performed by mechanical sieving and hydrometer methods according to ASTM D422 and D4318 The percent fine particles from these analyses are summarized below Plots of the sieve and hydrometer results are provided on the Figures in this appendix Boung CB1 LB1-03 LB2-03 Depth (feet) 69 5-70 25 42 Percent Passing L No 200 Sieve 91 95 96 Percent Smaller Than 2 microns 58 87 81 Laboratory Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content (ASTM D1557) The maximum div density and optimum moisture content of typical materials was determined in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557 The results of these tests are presented in the table below Sample Location LB2-03,@ 5-6 feet Description Orange silty brown sand (SM) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) 1265 Optimum Moisture- Content (% dry weight) 115 Expansion Index (ASTM D 4829) The expansion potential of selected materials was evaluated by the Expansion Index Test, ASTM Test Method D4829 Specimens are molded under a given compactive energy The prepared 1-mch thick by 4-mch diameter specimens are loaded to an equivalent 144 psf surcharge and are inundated with water until volumetric equilibrium is reached The results of these tests are presented in the table below Sample Location LBl-03,@25feet Expansion Index 244 C-l I 1 040575-002 APPENDIX C (Continued) I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I R-Value (California Test No 301) The resistance "R"-value was determined by the California Materials Method No 301 for base, subbase, and basement soils The .samples weie prepared and exudation pressure and "R"-value determined The graphically determined "R"-value at exudation pressure of 350 psi is reported Sample Location Equilibrium R- Value LB2-03, @ 5-6 feet j 69 pH and Resistivity (California Test No 643) Minimum resistivity and pH tests were performed in general accordance with California Test Method 643 The results are presented in the table below Sample Location LB2-03,@ 5-6 feet PH 82 Minimum Resistivity 2,630 Soluble Sulfate (California Test No 417) The soluble sulfale content contained within selected samples of soil were determined by California Test Method 417 The test results are presented in the table below Sample Location LB2-03, @ 5-6 feet % Soluble Sulfatcs 58 Chloride Content (California Test No 422) Water-soluble chloride content of soils was determined by California Test Method No 422 LB-2-03 @ 5-6 Feet 33 C-2 I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 0-10575-002 APPENDIX C (Continued) Atterberg Limits (ASTM D 4318) The Atterberg Limits were determined in accordance with ASTM Test Method 04318 for engineering classification of Ihe fine-grained materials and presented in the table below Bonng CB-1 LEU -03 LB2-03 Depth (feet) 69 5-70 25 42 Plasticity Index 57 87 62 Liquid Limit (%) 87 120 106 Plastic Li mil (%) 30 33 44 uses Soil Classification CH CM CM Direct Shear Test Results (ASTM D3080) Direct shear tests were performed on selected "undisturbed" samples that were soaked for a minimum of 24 hours under a surcharge equal to the applied normal force during testing The samples were tested under various normal loads, a motor-driven, sdam-controiled, direct-shear testing apparatus The rates of shearing used for the tests weie bet\\een 0001 in/nun and 0 001 m/mm for the clay samples and 0 0025m/mm foi the more gianulai samples The test results are presented in the table below The peak shear resistance was rccoided to determine the peak strength parameters The ultimate strength parameters were determined by recoidmg the sheai resistance over a deformation range of 0 3-mches and identifying the inflection point along the shear stress versus horizontal deformation plot Plots of the data presented in the table are also included in this appendix Boring Location CB-1 LB1-03 LB1-03 LB1-03 LB2-03 LB2-03 LB2-03 Sample Depth (feet) 69 5-70 10 22 305 20 30 42 5B Peak Friction Angle (degrees) 24 42 31 36 42 39 16 Peak Apparent Cohesion (psf) 800 200 300 400 300 400 1000 Ultimate Friction Angle (degrees) 23 36 30 34 38 33 16 Ultimate Apparent Cohesion (psf) 600 100 200 200 250 350 800 C-3 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I i I I 1 1 1 I I I 010575-002 APPENDIX C (Continued) Repeated Direct Shcai Testing For Sample L132-03 at 42 5 Feet, following initial shearing the shear box was returned to its aligned position and the sample resheared twice more at a strain rate of 0 0001 in/mm and twice more at a rate of 0 0003 in/mm The developed minimum resistance was recorded at each load Boring Location LB2-03 Sample Depth (feet) 425 Residual Friction Angle (degrees) 6 Apparent Cohesion (psf) 175 Consolidated Undramed Triaxial Test (modified ASTM D4767) The consolidated undramed tnaxial compression test for the remolded sample was performed in accordance with the ASTM D4767 A modified test that consisted of loading and shearing on (lie same sample at multiple loads was performed on the "undisturbed" sample The remolded sample was moisture conditioned and compacted in a split mold The samples were then placed in the testing device and a small seating load was applied, to secure the sample in the testing device The samples were saturated by the applying a back pressure The axial load and chamber pressure were increased in small increments until the change in clumber pressure was within tolerance to the measured change in sample pore fluid pressure, indicating that the sample was fully satuiatecl Once the sample was fully saturated and had completed primary consolidation, the samples were loaded axially at a rate of 0 012 in/mm for the remolded sample, and a rate of 0 0024 in/mm for the "undisturbed" sample The table below reports the peak total and effective strength values for the samples obtained from the tnaxial compression testing The "undisturbed" sample was performed as a multi-stage shear, where the sample was tested at the highest confining pressure, followed by a reduction in confining stress and then resheared Boring Location *LB2-03 LB2-03 Sample Depth (feet) 5-6 42 Shear Type Peak Post Peak Undramed Faction Angle (degrees) 22 7 Undramed Apparent Cohesion (psf) 2000 400 Effective Friction Angle (degrees) 33 11 Effective Apparent Cohesion (psf) 200 300 * Remolded to approximately 90 percent of the maximum dry density at 2% above optimum moisture content C-4 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 040575-002 APPENDIX C (Continued) Toisional Ring Shear Test (ASTM D6467) Toisional ring shear testing was performed using a Bromhead Ring Shear test device The sample was prepared as a paste, placed in the sample container of test apparatus, inundated, and consolidated by incremental loading to the preconsohdation pressure Following consolidation, the sample was tested at the maximum normal load to obtain a "softened" peak strength of the remolded paste Prior to residual strength testing, the ring shear base was rotated at least one full rotation to create a sheared plane within the sample Shear testing was performed at a rate of 0 032 degrees pei minute (approx 0 0008 inches pei minute) The table below reports the sample location the confining pressure load, and (he secant "softened" and residual friction angle Minimum shear resistance values were utilized for determination of secant residual fnction angles at each of the confining pressures "Softened" Strength Test Results Sample Location LB2-031 Normal Confining Load (psf) 6,000 Secant "Softened" Friction Angle (degrees) 10 Residual SUenglh Test Results Sample Location LB2-03, @ 25 feet Normal Confining Load (psf) 6,000 4,000 2,000 Secant Residual Friction Angle (degrees) 71 84 103 C-5 2500 2000 a. 1500 a> L.+-<CO l_ 1000 500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Vertical Stress (psf) Boring Location Sample Depth (feet) Sample Description LB1-03 10 Orange Brown Silty Sand (SM) Peak Friction Angle, (t>'peak (deg) Cohesion c'peak (psf) Ultimate Friction Angle <j>'U|, (deg) Cohesion, c'u,, (psf) Average Strength Parameters 42 (3)03" Friction Angle <j>'@03 (deg) Cohesion c'@ 0 y (psf) 31 200 36 Deformation Rate 0 0025 in/mm 100 DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY Project No Project Name 040575 002 GPR/PA 5 3000 500 1000 1500 2000 Vertical Stress (psf) 2500 3000 Boring Location Sample Depth (feet) Sample Description LB1-03 22 Olive Fat Clay (CH) Peak Friction Angle, fpeak (deg) Cohesion c'peak (psf) Ultimate Friction Angle, <j>'u,t (deg) Cohesion, c'uK (psf) Average Strength Parameters 31 (& 0 3" Friction Angle <|)'@03 (deg) 29 Cohesion c'@03 (psf) 0300 30 Deformation Rate 00017 in/mm 200 DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY Project No Project Name 040575 002 GPR/PA 5 For classification uf fine grained soils and line grained Iiaction cf cogfse aiamed soil 0 10 20 30 40 50 GO 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Liquid Limit (LL) GRAVEL COARSE FINE SAND CRS MEDIUM j FINE FINES SILT CLAY U S STANDARD SMiVE OPENING U S STANDARD SIEVE NUMBER HYDROMETER 100 y 90 80 - 70 WEIGHToo£ 50 - K UJ~-r H 40 -- l- UJ £ 30- UJ CL 20 10 - 0 h 100 ( 3 11/7 3M 3/8 #4 #10 #20 •- -— — — -- __ — . )00 ~,-^- ' i i '• r— - i - - 10000 1000 MO #00 #100 #200 ^L h V } i } -^9^ 1 1 \ } ~ _... .^. ®- — , - -• — - - — - -*— ^ — , — ' 1 0100 0010 00 PARTICLE - SIZE (mm) Boring Number LB1-03 Sample Number 3 Depth (ft) 250 Soil Type CH GR SA Fl (%) 0 5 95 LL PL PI 12 33 87 Sample Description CH, OLIVE-BROWN FAT CLAY 're ATTERBERG LIMITS, PARTICLE - SIZE CURVE ASTM D 4318, D 422 Project Name 040575-002 Grand Pacific Resort 0303 4000 1000 2000 3000 Vertical Stress (psf) 4000 Boring Location Sample Depth (feet) Sample Description LB1-03 305 Light Gray Poorly Graded to Silty Sand (SP-SM) Peak Friction Angle, <j>'peak Cohesion c'peak (psf) Ultimate Friction Angle, <j>'u,t (deg) Cohesion c'ult (psf) Average Strength Parameters 36 <g) 03" Fnction Angle, <|>'@03 (deg) Cohesion c'@03 (psf) 31 400 150 34 Deformation Rate 0 0025 in/mm 200 DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY Project No Project Name 040575 002 GPR/PA5 6000 5000 - - 4000 £ 3000 CO TO 0) CO 2000 1000 0 4- 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Vertical Stress (psf) Boring Location Sample Depth (feet) Sample Description LB2-03 5-6 Orange-brown Silty Sand (SM), @ 90% R C Total Strength Parameters Friction Angle, <|> (deg) Cohesion c (psf)2000 Effective Strength Parameters Friction Angle, f (deg) Cohesion, c' (psf)200 TRIAXIAL SHEAR SUMMARY Project No Project Name 040575-002 GPM'A 5 Resort 3000 2500 2000 inCL CO .CO 1500 1000 500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Vertical Stress (psf) Boring Location Sample Depth (feet) Sample Description LB2-03 20 Orange Brown Silty Sand (SM) Peak Friction Angle, <j>'peak (deg) Cohesion c'peak (psf) Ultimate Friction Angle, fy'M (deg) Cohesion c'ul, (psf) Average Strength Parameters 42 (5) 0 3" Friction Angle <j>'@03 (deg) Cohesion c'@03 (psf) 33 300 100 38 Deformation Rate 0 0025 in/mm 250 DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY Project No Project Name 040575 002 GPR/PA 5 4000 3000 tn £ 2000 roo.c V) 1000 1000 2000 3000 Vertical Stress (psf) 4000 Boring Location Sample Depth (feet) Sample Description LB2-03 30 Orange Brown Silty Sand (SM) Peak Friction Angle <J>'^^ (deg) Cohesion c'peak (psf) Ultimate Friction Angle $M (deg) Cohesion c'un (psf) Average Strength Parameters 39 @03" Friction Angle <t>'@03 (deg) Cohesion c'@03 (psf) 32 400 50 33 Deformation Rate 0 0025 in/mm 350 DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY Project No Project Name 040575 002 GPR/PA 5 100 90 - 80 Si 70 S 60~u -E 50-I u 40 - _ra 0_20 10 0 For classification of fine grained soils and fine grained fraction of coarse grained soils !"1' or JH Cl. or Ol i A Line L.lo OH I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Liquid Limit (LL) GRAVEL __ COARSE"! FINE SAND CRSE | MEDIUM FINE FINES SILT " [CLAY US STANDARD SIEVE OPENING 30 11/2' 3/4' 3/8' #4 #8 U S STANDARD SIEVE NUMBER #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 HYDROMETER u •- ' ' ~~ • • ' — ' ' ' " •• — • 100000 10000 1000 0100 0010 0001 PARTICLE - SIZE (mm) Boring No LB2-03 Sample No 5A Depth (ft ) 42 Soil Type CH GR SA FI 0496 LL,PL,PI 106,44,62 Soil Description Olive fat clay (CH) Teratest Labs Inc ATTERBERG LIMITS, PARTICLE - SIZE CURVE ASTM D 4318, D 422 Project No 040575-002 Grand Pacific Resort 05-03 SA&HydLB 9 SA @ 42 GOOD 5000 4000 a. inu>o (0O) 3000 - (O 2000 1000 1000 2000 3000 4000 Vertical Stress (psf) 5000 6000 Boring Location Sample Depth (feet) Sample Description LB2-03 42 5B Olive Fat Clay (CH) Average Strength Parameters Peak Friction Angle (ji'peak (deg) 16 Residual Friction Angle §'rts (deg) 6 Cohesion c'^ (psf) 1000 Cohesion c'res (psf)175 Ultimate Friction Angle $'M (deg) Cohesion c'utt (psf) 16 800 Deformation Rate Residual Deformation Rate 00017 in/mm 00003 in/mm DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY Project No Project Name 040575 002 GPR/PA 5 6000 5000 - 4000 - w Q. 2 3000 roo CO 2000 1000 1000 2000 3000 4000 Vertical Stress (psf) 5000 6000 Boring Location Sample Depth (feet) Sample Description LB2-03 42 5B Olive Fat Clay (CH) Peak Friction Angle (t>'peak (deg) Cohesion c'pcak (psf) Ultimate Friction Angle f „„ (deg) Cohesion c'u,, (psf) Average Strength Parameters 16 @ 0 3" Friction Angle ())'@03 (deg) Cohesion c'@03 (psf) 16 1000 250 16 Deformation Rate 0 0017 in/mm 800 DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY Project No Project Name 040575 002 GPR/PA 5 3000 2500 2000 1500 CO CO 1000 500 0 -J 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Vertical Stress (psf) Boring Location Sample Depth (feet) Sample Description LB2-03 42 Olive Fat Clay (CH), Joint-Type Shear Total Strength Parameters Friction Angle ty (deg) 7 Cohesion c (psf)400 Effective Strength Parameters Friction Angle f (deg) 11 Cohesion c1 (psf) MULTI-STAGE TRIAX1AL SHEAR 300 Project No Project Name 040575-002 GPR/PA 5 Resort 10000 8000 o. 6000 en</;0) CO 4000 2000 2000 Boring Location Sample Depth (feet) Sample Description 4000 6000 Vertical Stress (psf) CB-1 8000 10000 69 5-70 Gray silty clay (CH) Average Strength Parameters Peak Friction Angle f peak (deg) 24 (5) 0 3" Friction Angle <j>'@03 (deg) 18 Cohesion c'peaK (psf) 800 Cohesion c'@03 (psf)300 Ultimate Friction Angle <t>'u,t (deg) Cohesion c'uH (psf) 23 Deformation Rate 0 001 in/mm 600 DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY Project No Project Name 040575-002 GPR/I'A 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid Limit (LL) GRAVEL SAND COARSE FINE CRS I MEDIUM FINE FINES SILT | CCLAY 100 90 80 70 O 60 iS 50 - -40 - 01 0 SOQ- OU - ain. 20 10 - U S STANDARD SIEVE OPENING 3 11/2 3/4 3/8 (M U S STANDARD SIEVE NUMBER W10 H20 #-10 MO »100 #JOO HYDROMEII-:R 100000 10000 1 000 0100 PARTICLE - SIZE (mm) 0010 0001 Boring Number CB-1 Sample Number 1 Depth (ft) 69 5-70 0 Soil Type CH GR SA Fl (%) 0 9 91 LL PL PI 87 30 57 Sample Description CH, OLIVE-BROWN FAT CLAY v c-bs, !rc ATTERBERG LIMITS, PARTICLE - SIZE CURVE ASTM D 4318, D 422 Project Name 040575-002 Grand Pacific Resort 03031 2:lFillSlope Stability Analyses I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I CO CO_>» CO JD TO 55 _N 0) CO Q. o coS Q- <DW5 05£.0) W 05 t o ^DQ T-O 7^ O m CO CO 7f\ -r-i *:>. o CD CO I I O CM £ — -5 CD — E CO ° Q- 2 ro w ^ c CD Z .>» -^ 2 §^? 2 to (T) (T) iT .?f LL 0O C3to Q coN 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 H • -f O CO IUL o ^ ICO 1 • CD CO CO 1 .5 CO Q.O CO N O CO §1CO S 6CO "§-8 II g. " ® ®l ?? ~~~ CO C™ CO "O >» — iZ -K 'CD 0^ ^ co o -7= £ co ° 0 Sz ^ o 1QJ ^_ ^s *-• C C gj 15 0 CO CDiZ < "- co Cross Section A-A' Static Analyses I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 CO COCO 2o 01CM CNll CO-*-» w CO oc £<SE £t*f • «lgs MilliGraSloFileAnal CM CM SCD CO - 8 COQ. O O CM CO 03 coo co (133J) NOI1VA313 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I O - 4t O (DCO _ C.-8 ^ £ CM 0 c?c5 1 ^8§?l — • _c N c o x: ®=)O Q. Q. o Q. T-o 1 * W ^> <J> £^o E< o -1 -^00 0^I^SCM! ^l^cS^lci >^— t- JZ NJ5 o c o .c 9?OCOIDO Q. Q. o =tt: m CD(N _ C-8 J *-• T— Q J= C 5§rtl ^cS°§ SI^^S1- Z)O Q. Q- co CD "w CO CM CO OCO -£=o ro Q. O 55 CO _o "C >»<C J22"co ceoco o o CO Q. c o I (5? co ZT3 So-ag 1 OCOLL < LI- coQ. OsCM CO OO CD — l_ CO O (133d) NOI1VA313 I I I I I I I Cross Section A-A' Pseudo-Static (Seismic) Analyses I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I <}. CO < <2 T- r~ sP O Q "a?"5 "o 3 ?oCD < W w >, o X •£> <U 0fc: CD co oOco°- § "C <u < Q. O Q. c W Sw|^ O O <D ^ Iwp 0«i! oc 3 — -tt 2 g ® 2 CD OCLlK UL cn 05 to cCD O SfcCDO O O E CO CD to (133=1) NOI1VA313 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _N GO< g BH CO .= T w .5 CD2 ro co g- t CD < W 9 Q. C CD 0> o"8 ^d) (— f ri -4—1UJ CD row ^^CL A t co •o-S^ §,c 5 -^CD CD CD t0 •— CO •= C O CL LL < .2CDty) o Q. O m o c CD O ttCDO O O co CDt/) (133d) NOI1VA313 I I I I I I I Cross Section A-A' Displacement (Seismic) Analyses I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1<11• 0 •£j ICD CO to COo£_1°• 1±oCO ICD *0 oICD °-•DC CDIiif O LOCMT- CDO _ ^ CM LL D) c •^ CD O55 > co 0 > a)«i= *- _C t C 0 <=)O \ N CO X5 L_ CD ^.— O>- c sf ®< Q. C CO T-o cool t^(0=1 ID >. ^ CO 2 E co o ^Z^o£ ^ ^^~ ___ ^^* ^t\ fl3 ^U ^^ >=£< "- CO CO £ Q. \\ oo ^CD *- O § o -£ CM 0) c CD O i-. c o .cO=)OQ- o Q. c<oo<D in CM oo J5 o c o JEO 0) Z) O Q_ £? c CD Q «o "S -5 -co c o jz h- Z) O Q_ CMCD O II "c CD O 0) O O o CO CD CO (133J) NOI1VA313 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I inCM ooCM oomCM o CO D) c 0 O £cSS t "^ <~ t C O JC < DO CL CO o CD o BCO oo CM O) CD 0) c CD O££3±^ ^: _+-. c o .cO=)O Q. o Q. 2 Isc: T- o< o-t-> IO T3§ 2>C" ^ CD Otills LOCM O O g> CD cg CD ^" co "o0) CO V)(/)o o •c _N CO CM O CD Q. ° C CO T- CD 2 Q£ t5 o -^ 0 co CD .c ,£«= co W -55 cco ^ 0 ^ co Q_ C E CO O CO QJ^ O > u_ O CO o II -I—*c CD O O O o CO 0)(133d) NOI1VA313 I I I I I I I Cross Section B-B' Static Analyses I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CD QQ o —0) CO CO « T- co ^ o CO -^*3 *- 2 OT -2 o I j* ?to^ cc 5 "S "§ ^ ri CO ® <~ Q)*-* "* 4-« **—0) 03«E <D O Q.(I> Q_ 7n t CO O"J 03 (/} i_ 03 "Jo ^) ^ "O OCO LL < l2 10 CM tt CD O O 05 C= •£0) O £^§§1 SE^zg I- DO D. Q. o Q. 2 §S<^8 _ ^ °° 0) 0) CN tt 0) C o S|5§ | *i£$S§>•— *-• r- N 0)J3 6 c o _c SiO CO Z> O 0- D_ o Q. O "§•0c£o< o*± CO -0-g °>C 5 1^ ° ^_ tt 0)c _l 0 L_ *— '0} VI P >>_ ^5 o c o£ 5OCOIDO Q. Q. o $2oo£ CN 0) c 0 O £|8o±± ^ N *- C O ^ ®ODOQ. Q.o m CM oo J=. D) c 0) O _^s^[! SloZ_H DOQ. Q. o §^^!oC> O= £^ U. D) c 5^§«o > ^ co H— -«-^ ^-•c c o Z _< =)OQ_ Q. N % 0)c (133J) NOU.VA313 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CO DO co •G I*<D CO W W CN CO £ O CO ^£ZO OH ro Q. o-J= "O9 o CD (D CD CO 03 CO i_ Z >> O CD 03 "o— C 03U- < U_CL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 0.33d) NOUVA3H3 CO CO O 0 "CO CO <2 oo co £oCO -^.J= c 0) °l§^'® -° — TDcc 2 g o O "^ 0) CD -CD^CO E co *oro co i_ <D CD "o-= C CD LL < LJ_ - <-» r~ ^ 6 C OO W =)OQ_ Q. c^o E< o -1 ••^00 O •e c o i: 9?O Q. Q_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ti33d) NOI1VA313 DO DO o0)CO to </) -il*J=2 2 .2 Q.ri 3 CO O 1= 0)0 Q- Oco " 2 o ro^ to to 'o (O i_ •^SCO "od CO ^ " UJ ^ '*•' ^~- ~-HZIOQ. D. o .COIDO 0. O.O h-DOQ-Q. 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LL < U_ in o ii "cCD O 8=CD O O O ECO CD CO 33J) NOI1VA313 I i i 1 i i | Surficial Slope Stability Analyses I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I Infinite Slope Formula Description Input Parameters Artificial Fill remolded to 90% Relative Compaction derived from Terrace Deposit materials Cohesion = Friction Angle = Soil Unit Weight = Calculated Factor of Safety 200 psf 33 degrees 125 pcf Slope Inclination 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 1 6 1 1 75 1 1 8 1 2 1 Factor of Safety 3-ft Seepage 1 39 1 47 _ 1 58 "*" 1 64 1 71 1 81 1 84 1 98 4-ft Seepage 1 13 -- 120 1 30 1 35 141 ^ 1 50~~ 1 53 1 65 Infinite Slope Formula Description Terrace Bluff Zone Input Parameters Cohesion = Friction Angle = Soil Unit Weight = Calculated Factor of Safety 200 psf 32 degrees 130 pcf Slope Inclination 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 1 6 1 1 75 1 1 8 1 2 1 Factor of Safety 3-ft Seepage 1 35 1 43 _ 1 54 ^ 1 60 1 66 1 76 1 79 1 93 4-ft Seepage 1 09 -- 1 17 127 1 32 1 38 146 149^^- 1 61 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Infinite Slope Formula Description Input Parameters Terrace Deposits (Cut, Lightly Indurated) Cohesion = Friction Angle = Soil Unit Weight = Calculated Factor of Safety 200 psf 38 degrees 130 pcf Slope Inclination 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 1 6 1 1 75 1 1 8 1 2 1 Factor of Safety 3-ft Seepage 1 43 +-^~- 1 53 1 65 1 72 1 79 1 90 1 94 209 4-ft Seepage " 1 18 1 27 1 38 1 44 4^ 1 51 160 164 1 77 Infinite Slope Formula Description Santiago Formation (Dense, Fine Sandstone) Input Parameters 100 psf 40 degrees 125 pcf Cohesion = Friction Angle = Soil Unit Weight = Calculated Factor of Safety Slope Inclination 1 1 1 2 1 14 1 1 5 1 1 6 1 1 75 1 1 8 1 2 1 Factor of Safety 3-ft Seepage 095 1 05 1 15 1 21 1 27 1 35 1 38 4^- 1 51 4-ft Seepage 082 091 101 1 06 1 12 1 20 123 134 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I Leighlonancl Associates Inc. GENERALHAKTHVVORKANDGRAD1NGSPECIF1CATIONS Page 1 of 6 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES,INC GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROUGH GRADING General 1 1 Intent These General Earthwork and Grading Specifications are for the grading and earthwork shown on the approved grading plan(s) and/or indicated in the geoteclinical report(s) These Specifications are a part of the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report(s) In case of conflict, the specific recommendations in the geoteclinical report shall supersede these more general Specifications Observations of the earthwork by the project Geotechnical Consultant during the course of grading may result in new or revised recommendations that could supersede these specifications or the recommendations in the geotechnical report(s) 1 2 The Geotechnical Consultant of Record Prior to commencement of work, the owner shall employ the Geotechnical Consultant of Record (Geotechnical Consultant) The Geotechnical Consultants shall be responsible for reviewing the approved geotechmcal report(s) and accepting the adequacy of the preliminary geotechmcal findings, conclusions, and recommendations prior to the commencement of the grading Prior to commencement of grading, the Geotechmcal Consultant shall review the "work plan" prepared by the Earthwork Contractor (Contractor) and schedule sufficient personnel to perform the appropriate level of observation, mapping, and compaction testing During the grading and earthwork operations, the Geotechnical Consultant shall observe, map, and document the subsurface exposures to verify the geotechnical design assumptions If the observed conditions are found to be significantly different than the interpreted assumptions during the design phase, the Geotechnical Consultant shall inform the owner, recommend appropriate changes in design to accommodate the observed conditions, and notify the review agency where required Subsurface areas to be gcotechmcally observed, mapped, elevations recorded, and/or tested include natural ground after it has been cleared for receiving fill but before fill is placed, bottoms of all "remedial removal" areas, all key bottoms, and benches made on sloping ground to receive fill The Geotechnical Consultant shall observe the moisture-conditiomngand processing of the subgrade and fill materials and perform relative compaction testing of fill to determine the attained level of compaction The Geotechnical Consultant shall provide the test results to the owner and the Contractor on a routine and frequent basis 3030 1094 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leightonand Associates Inc GENERAL EACTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 2 of 6 1 3 The Earthwork Contractor The Earthwork Contractor (Contractor) shall be qualified, experienced, and knowledgeable in earthwork logistics, preparation and processing of ground to receive fill, moisture-conditioning and processing of fill, and compacting fill The Contractor shall review and accept the plans, geotechmcal rcport(s), and these Specifications prior to commencement of grading The Contractor shall be solely responsible for performing the grading in accordance with the plans and specifications The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the owner and the Geotechmcal Consultant a work plan that indicates the sequence of earthwork grading, the number of "spreads" of work and the estimated quantities of daily earthwork contemplated for the site prior to commencement of grading The Contractor shall inform the owner and the Geotechmcal Consultant of changes in work schedules and updates to the work plan at least 24 hours in advance of such changes so that appropriate observations and tests can be planned and accomplished The Contractor shall not assume that the Geotechmcal Consultant is aware of all grading operations The Contractor shall have the sole responsibility to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the earthwork in accordance with the applicable grading codes and agency ordinances, these Specifications, and the recommendations in the approved geotechmcal report(s) and grading plan(s) If, in the opinion of the Geotechmcal Consultant, unsatisfactory conditions, such as unsuitable soil, improper moisture condition, inadequate compaction, insufficient buttress key size, adverse weather, etc , are resulting in a quality of work less than required in these specifications, the Geotechmcal Consultant shall reject the work and inay recommend to the owner that construction be stopped until the conditions are rectified 2 0 Preparation of Areas to be Filled 2 1 Clearing and Grubbing Vegetation, such as brush, grass, roots, and other deleterious material shall be sufficiently removed and properly disposed of in a method acceptable to the owner, governing agencies, and the Geotechmcal Consultant The Geotechmcal Consultant shall evaluate the extent of these removals depending on specific site conditions Earth fill material shall not contain more than 1 percent of organic materials (by volume) No fill lift shall contain more than 5 percent of organic matter Nesting of the organic materials shall not be allowed If potentially hazardous materials are encountered, the Contractor shall stop work in the affected area, and a hazardous material specialist shall be informed immediately for proper evaluation and handling of these materials prior to continuing to work in that area As presently defined by the State of California, most refined petroleum products (gasoline, diesel fuel, motor oil, grease, coolant, etc ) have chemical constituents that are considered to be hazardous waste As such, the indiscriminate dumping or spillage of these fluids onto the ground may constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by fines and/or imprisonment, and shall not be allowed 3030 1094 I I I I I I i i i i i i i i i i i i i Leightonand Associates Inc GENERAl.F.ARTHVVORKANDGRADINGSPECiriCATIONS Page 3 of 6 2 2 Processing Existing ground that has been declared satisfactory for support of fill by the Geotechmcal Consultant shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches Existing ground that is not satisfactory shall be overexcavatedas specified in the following section Scarification shall continue until soils are broken down and free of large clay lumps or clods and the working surface is reasonably uniform, flat, and free of uneven features that would inhibit uniform compaction 2 3 Overexcavation In addition to removals and overexcavalions recommended in the approved geotechmcal report(s) and the grading plan, soft, loose, dry, saturated, spongy, organic-rich, highly fractured or otherwise unsuitable ground shall be overcxcavatcd to competent ground as evaluated by the GeotechmcalConsultant during grading 2 4 Benching Where fills are to be placed on ground with slopes steeper than 5 1 (horizontal to vertical units), the ground shall be stepped or benched Please see the Standard Details for a graphic illustration The lowest bench or key shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide and at least 2 feet deep, into competent material as evaluated by the Geotechmcal Consultant Other benches shall be excavated a minimum height of 4 feet into competent material or as otherwise recommended by the Geotechmcal Consultant Fill placed on ground sloping flatter than 5 1 shall also be benched or otherwise overexcavated to provide a flat subgradc for the fill 2 5 Evaluation/Acceptance of Fill Areas All areas to receive fill, including removal and processed areas, key bottoms, and benches, shall be observed, mapped, elevations recorded, and/or tested prior to being accepted by the Geotechmcal Consultant as suitable to receive fill The Contractor shall obtain a written acceptance from the Geotechmcal Consultant prior to fill placement A licensed surveyor shall provide the survey control for determining elevations of processed areas, keys, and benches 30 Fill Material 3 I General Material to be used as fill shall be essentially free of organic matter and other deleterious substances evaluated and accepted by the Geotechmcal Consultant prior to placement Soils of poor quality, such as those with unacceptable gradation, high expansion potential, or low strength shall be placed in areas acceptable to the Geotechmcal Consultant or mixed with other soils to achieve satisfactory fill material 3 2 Oversize Oversize material defined as rock, or other irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater than 8 inches, shall not be buried or placed in fill unless location, materials, and placement methods are specifically accepted by the Geotechmcal Consultant Placement operations shall be such that nesting of oversized material does not occur and such that oversize material is completely surrounded by compacted or densified fill Oversize material shall not be placed within 10 vertical feet of finish grade or within 2 feet of future utilities or underground construction 30301094 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leightonanc.) Associates In<: GENERAL EARTHWORK AND CRADINGSPF.CIFICATIONS Pago 4 of 6 3 3 Import If importing of fill material is required for grading, proposed import material shall meet the requirements of Section 3 1 The potential import source shall he given to the Geotecluucal Consultant at least 48 hours (2 working days) before importing begins so that its suitability can be determined and appropriate tests performed 4 0 Fill Placement and Compaction 4 1 Fill Layers Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive fill (per Section 3 0) in near-horizontal layers not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness The Geotecluucal Consultant may accept thicker layers if testing indicates the grading procedures can adequately compact the thicker layers Each layer shall be spread evenly and mixed thoroughly to attain relative uniformity of material and moisture throughout 4 2 Fill Moisture Conditioning Fill soils shall be watered, dried back, blended, and/or mixed, as necessary to attain a relatively uniform moisture content at or slightly over optimum Maximum density and optimum soil moisture content tests shall be performed in accordance with the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM Test Method D1557-91) 4 -' Compaction of Fill After each layer has been moisture-conditioned, mixed, and evenly spread, it shall be uniformly compacted to not less than 90 percent of maximum dry density (ASTM Test Method D1557-91) Compaction equipment shall be adequately sized and be either specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability to efficiently achieve the specified level of compaction with uniformity 4 4 Compaction of Fill Slopes In addition to normal compaction procedures specified above, compaction of slopes shall be accomplished by backrollmg of slopes with sheepslbot rollers at increments of 3 to 4 feet in fill elevation, or by other methods producing satisfactory results acceptable to the Geotechmcal Consultant Upon completion of grading, relative compaction of the fill, out to the slope face, shall be at least 90 percent of maximum density per ASTM Test Method Dl 557-91 4 5 Compaction Testing Field tests for moisture content and relative compaction of the fill soils shall be performed by the Geotechmcal Consultant Location and frequency of tests shall be at the Consultant's discretion based on field conditions encountered Compaction test locations will not necessarily be selected on a random basis Test locations shall be selected to verify adequacy of compaction levels in areas that are judged to be prone to inadequate compaction (such as close to slope faces and at the 111 I/bedrock benches) 30301094 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leightonand Associates Inc GENERALEARTHVVORKANDGRAIMNGSPECIFICATIONS Page 5 of 6 4 6 Frequency of Compaction 'Test ing Tests shall be taken at intervals not exceeding 2 feet in vertical rise and/or 1,000 cubic yards of compacted fill soils embankment In addition, as a guideline, at least one test shall be taken on slope faces for each 5,000 square feet of slope face and/or each 10 feet of vertical height of slope The Contractor shall assure that fill construction is such that the testing schedule can be accomplished by the Geotechnical Consultant The Contractor shall slop or slow down the carthwoik construction if these minimum standards are not met 4 7 Compaction Test Locations The Geotechnical Consultantshall document the approximate elevation and horizontal coordinates of each test location The Contractor shall coordinate with the project surveyor to assure that sufficient grade stakes are established so that the Geotechnical Consultant can determine the test locations with sufficient accuracy At a minimum, two grade stakes within a horizontal distance of 100 feet and vertically less than 5 feet apart from potential test locationssliall be provided 5 0 Subdram Installation Subdram systems shall be installed in accordance with the approved geotechmcal report(s), the grading plan, and the Standard Details The Geotechnical Consultant may recommend additional subdrams and/or changes in subdrain extent, location, grade, or material depending on conditions encountered during grading All subdrams shall be surveyed by a land surveyor/civil engineer for line and grade after installation and prior to burial Sufficient time should be allowed by the Contractor for these surveys 6 0 Excavation Excavations, as well as over-excavation for remedial purposes, shall be evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant during grading Remedial removal depths shown on geotechmcal plans are estimates only The actual extent of removal shall be determined by the Geotechnical Consultant based on the field evaluation of exposed conditions during grading Where fill-over-cut slopes are to be graded, the cut portion of the slope shall be made, evaluated, and accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant prior to placement of materials for construction of the fill portion of the slope, unless otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical Consultant 3030 1094 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leightonand Associates \nc GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADINGSPECIHCATIONS Page 6 of 6 70 Trench Backfills 7 1 The Contractor shall follow all OHSA and Cal/OSHA requirements for safety of trench excavations 72 All bedding and backfill of utility trenches shall be done in accordance with the applicable provisions of Standard Specifications of Public Works Construction Bedding material shall have a Sand Equivalent greater than 30 (Sli>30) The bedding shall be placed to 1 foot over the top of the conduit and densified by jetting Backfill shall be placed and densified to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum from 1 foot above the top of the conduit to the surface 7 3 The jetting of the bedding around the conduits shall be observed by the Geotechmcal Consultant 7 4 The Geotechmcal Consultant shall test the trench backfill for relative compaction At least one test should be made for every 300 feet of trench and 2 feet of fill 7 5 Lift thickness of trench backfill shall not exceed those allowed in the Standard Specifications of Public Works Construction unless the Contractor can demonstrate to the Geotechmcal Consultant that the fill lift can be compacted to the minimum relative compaction by his altemativeequipmentand method 30301094 FILL SLOPE PROJECTED PLANE 1 TO 1 MAXIMUM FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO APPROVED GROUND GROUND EXISTING SURFACE BENCH HEIGHT (4 TYPICAL) REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL 2 MIN—' KEY DEPTH LOWEST BENCH (KEY) FILL-OVER-CUT SLOPE EXISTING GROUND SURFACE BENCH HEIGHT (4 TYPICAL) REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL -CUT FACE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT TO ASSURE ADEQUATE GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS / CUT-OVER-FILL SLOPE EXISTING GROUND _ ,, SURFACE ^X>:X~^^ /.-'I~I-'I-''' OVERBUILD AND TRIM BACK PROJECTED PLANE 1 TO 1 MAXIMUM FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO APPROVED GROUND 2 MIN KEY DEPTH •CUT FACE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IBENCH HEIGHT (4 TYPICAL) FOR SUBDRAINS SEE STANDARD DETAIL C LOWEST BENCH (KEY) BENCHING SHALL BE DONE WHEN SLOPE S ANGLE IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 5 1 MINIMUM BENCH HEIGHT SHALL BE 4 FEET AND MINIMUM FILL WIDTH SHALL BE 9 FEET KEYING AND BENCHING GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS A LEIGH TON AND ASSOCIATES FINISH GRADE SLOPE FACE * OVERSIZE ROCK IS LARGER THAN 8 INCHES IN LARGEST DIMENSION * EXCAVATE A TRENCH IN THE COMPACTED FILL DEEP ENOUGH TO BURY ALL THE ROCK * BACKFILL WITH GRANULAR SOIL JETTED OR FLOODED IN PLACE TO FILL ALL THE VOIDS * DO NOT BURY ROCK WITHIN 10 FEET OF FINISH GRADE * WINDROW OF BURIED ROCK SHALL BE PARALLEL TO THE FINISHED SLOPE GRANULAR MATERIAL TO BE' DENSIFIED IN PLACE BY FLOODING OR JETTING DETAIL ^JETTED OR FLOODED GRANULAR MATERIAL TYPICAL PROFILE ALONG WINDROW OVERSIZE ROCK DISPOSAL GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS B LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES \EXISTING GROUND SURFACE BENCHING i -COMPACTED FILU-:------------------>?:---: REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SUBDRAIN TRENCH SEE DETAIL BELOW CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE OR #2 ROCK (9FT"3/FT) WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC FILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT)* 4 WIN BEDDING COLLECTOR PIPE SHALL BE MINIMUM 6 DIAMETER SCHEDULE 40 PVC PERFORATED PIPE SEE STANDARD DETAIL D FOR PIPE SPECIFICATIONS SUBDRAIN DETAIL DESIGN FINISH GRADE NONPERFORATED 6 0 MIN PERFORATED 6" 0MIN PIPE FILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE OR #2 ROCK (9FT~3/FT) WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC DETAIL OF CANYON SUBDRAIN OUTLET CANYON SUBDRAINS GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS C LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES 15 WIN OUTLET PIPES , 4 0 NONPERFORATED PIPE 100 MAX OC HORIZONTALLY 30 MAX O C VERTICALLY BACK CUT 1 1 OR FLATTER •SEE SUBDRAIN TRENCH DETAIL LOWEST SUBDRAIN SHOULD BE SITUATED AS LOW AS POSSIBLE TO ALLOW SUITABLE OUTLET -KEY DEPTH (2 MIN ) KEY WIDTH AS NOTED ON GRADING PLANS (15 MIN)12 MIN OVERLAP — FROM THE TOP HOG RING TIED EVERY 6 FEET CALTRANS CLASS II PERMEABLE OR #2 ROCK (3 FT"3/FT) WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC -4 0 NON-PERFORATED OUTLET PIPE PROVIDE POSITIVE SEAL AT THE JOINT T-CONNECTION FOR COLLECTOR PIPE TO OUTLET PIPE 6 MIN COVER 4 0 PERFORATED PIPE -FILTER FABRIC ENVELOPE (MIRAFI 140 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) 4 MIN BEDDING SUBDRAIN TRENCH DETAIL SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION — subdroin collector pipe sholl be installed with perforation down or unless otherwise designated by the geotechnical consultant Outlet pipes shall be non-perforated pipe The subdram pipe shall hove at least 8 perforations uniformly spaced per foot Perforation shall be 1/4 to 1/2 if drill holes are used All subdram pipes shall have a gradient of at least 2% towards the outlet SUBDRAIN PIPE - Subdram pipe sholl be ASTM D2751 SDR 235 or ASTM D1527 Schedule 40 or ASTM D3034 SDR 235 Schedule 40 Polyvmyl Chloride Plastic (PVC) pipe All outlet pipe sholl be placed in a trench no wide than twice the subdram pipe Pipe shall be in soil of SE >/=30 jetted or flooded in place except for the outside 5 feet which shall be native soil backfill BUTTRESS OR REPLACEMENT FILL SUBDRAINS GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS D LEICHTON AND ASSOCIATES -SOIL BACKFILL COMPACTED TO 90 PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION BASED ON ASTM D1557 RETAINING WALL—-. /ALL WATERPROOFING -^_ ER ARCHITECTS ^^~-\ PECIFICATIONS ^ FINISH GRADE — •. --------------- --------^-COMPACTED RLL~---»------- ^HIHp^iiiUfe^pi^: X ill >^>^; 6 MIN ' OVERLAP 0 0 0 1 MIN o ° V*"""l o 1 fef ylj^llllp ------ -f 2" fyp ;-:-;-;---- *_- rn rrp PAPDIP TM\/n OPT ::::.:>^>^-^"(MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED -£jfy EQUIVALENT)** I-I-I-"- ^"5/4 TO 1 1/7 PI FAN GRAVFI ::::::- ^^--4 (MIN ) DIAMETER PERFORATED '-I-^T PVC PIPE (SCHEDULE 40 OR::-::::: EQUIVALENT) WITH PERFORATIONS:::::::: ORIENTED DOWN AS DEPICTED:::::::: MINIMUM 1 PERCENT GRADIENT "^"^ 3 MIN COMPETENT BEDROCK OR MATERIAL AS EVALUATED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT NOTE UPON REVIEW BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT COMPOSITE DRAINAGE PRODUCTS SUCH AS MIRADRAIN OR J-DRAIN MAY BE USED AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO GRAVEL OR CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL INSTALLATION SHOULD BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE DETAIL GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS E LE1GHTON AND ASSOCIATES ACOUSTICAL ANALYSIS REPORT Carlsbad Ranch Resort Planning Area 5 Carlsbad, California Prepared For JPM Design Management Attention John P Mattox 5115 Avenida Enemas, Suite C Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone 760-431-5653 Fax 760-431-5702 Prepared By Eilar Associates Acoustical & Environmental Consulting 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206 Encmitas, California 92024 www eilarassociates com Phone 760-753-1865 Fax 760-753-2597 Job #A50224N1 May 10, 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 2 0 INTRODUCTION 2 2 1 Project Location 2 2 Project Description 3 0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 3 3 1 Existing Noise Environment 3 2 Future Noise Environment 40 METHODOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT 5 41 Methodology 4 2 Measurement Equipment 5 0 IMPACTS AND MITIGATION 7 5 1 Exterior 5 2 Interior 6 0 CERTIFICATION 9 70 REFERENCES 10 FIGURES 1 Thomas Guide Map 2 Assessor's Parcel Map 3 Satellite Aerial Photograph 4 Topographic Map 5 Planned Land Use Map 6 McClellan-Palomar Airport 2004 Noise Exposure Map Showing Project Location 7 McClellan-Palomar Airport 2014 Noise Exposure Map Showing Project Location 8 Site Plan Showing Future Aircraft & Traffic CNEL Contours and Noise Measurement Location 9 Site Plan Showing Future CNEL at Exterior Building Facades APPENDIX A Sound32 Data and Results B Exterior-to-lnterior Noise Analysis C Configuration Details of Building Construction Elements 1 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed project, Carlsbad Ranch Resort, comprises a resort development, consisting of three hotel buildings with 350 units, 27 timeshare villas with 350 units, a resort/conference facility, two restaurants, and various outdoor recreational amenities The project site is located on the south side of Cannon Road and on the west side of Hidden Valley Road, in the City of Carlsbad, California The present and future noise environment is primarily the result of vehicle traffic traveling on Cannon Road, which will only impact a small section of the northern portion of the project site Palomar Airport Road and Interstate 5 (I-5) have been evaluated and are considered to have an insignificant noise impact on the project site Current aircraft overflight noise associated with the McClellan-Palomar Airport has been evaluated and determined insignificant as the project lies outside of the 60 CNEL contour However, future (year 2014) aircraft overflight noise contours are shown to impact a small section of the southernmost portion of the project site The current calculated on-site traffic noise level at the northern property line, fronting Cannon Road is 68 4 Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) Due to a projected increase in traffic volume, the future (year 2030) on-site traffic noise level is expected to increase to 69 3 CNEL, at the same location Future noise impacts from aircraft operations of 61 CNEL will impact the building facades located on the southern most portion of the project site Future exterior noise levels at proposed common outdoor use areas (pools, tennis courts, etc) will be less than 60 CNEL, as all common outdoor use areas are planned to be located outside, and thus below, the traffic and aircraft 60 CNEL contours Mitigation to provide an exterior noise level below the City of Carlsbad 60 CNEL outdoor use requirement is not required for this proposed project Calculations show that future noise levels at the building facades will exceed 60 CNEL only at the northern and southernmost portions of the project site, impacting proposed building structures of Villas 2 through 8, Villa 12, Villa 13, and Restaurant 1 Since future exterior on-site noise levels will exceed 60 CNEL at these building facades, an exterior-to-interior noise analysis was conducted to evaluate the sound reduction properties of proposed exterior wall, window, and door construction designs Due to the elevated exterior noise levels, unmitigated future interior noise levels in the habitable rooms could exceed the 45 CNEL interior noise limit for habitable residential space and the 50 CNEL interior noise limit for commercial space, with windows open Mechanical ventilation, which allows windows to be closed for an extended length of time, is a necessary element for Villas 12 and 13 to achieve future interior noise levels below 45 CNEL in habitable residential space with windows closed, in compliance with the State of California Building Code requirement For further details on mitigation recommendations, please refer to Section 5 0 of this report Eilar Associates Job#A50224N1 May 10,2005 Page 1 20 INTRODUCTION This acoustical analysis report ts submitted to satisfy the City of Carlsbad requirements for a site development permit Its purpose is to assess noise impacts from nearby roadway and aircraft traffic, and to identify project features or requirements necessary to achieve exterior noise levels of 60 CNEL or less in outdoor-use areas, interior noise levels of 45 CNEL or less in habitable residential space, and 50 CNEL or less in retail/commercial space All noise level or sound level values presented herein are expressed in terms of decibels, with A- weightmg to approximate the hearing sensitivity of humans Time-averaged noise levels are expressed by the symbol LEQ, for a specified duration The CNEL is a 24-hour average, where sound levels during evening hours of 7 00 p m to 10 00 p m have an added 5 dB weighting, and sound levels during nighttime hours of 10 00 p m to 7 00 a m have an added 10 dB weighting This is similar to the Day- Night sound level, LDN, which is a 24-hour average with an added 10 dB weighting on the same nighttime hours but no added weighting on the evening hours Sound levels expressed in CNEL are always based on A-weighted decibels These metrics are used to express noise levels for both measurement and municipal regulations, for land use guidelines, and for enforcement of noise ordinances Further explanation can be provided upon request 2 1 Project Location The project site is located on the south side of Cannon Road and on the west side of Hidden Valley Road, in the City of Carlsbad, California The Assessor's parcel numbers (APN) for the property are 211-100-14 and 211-100-12 The property has an overall site area of approximately 56 5 acres The subject site is currently zoned C-T-Q for commercial/tourist use Neighboring land use is primarily commercial space and undeveloped land The project location is shown on the Thomas Guide Map, Figure 1, following this report An Assessor's Parcel Map, Satellite Aerial Photograph, Topographic Map, and Planned Land Use Map of this area are also provided as Figures 2 through 4 2 2 Project Description The proposed project consists of the construction of three, 3-story hotel buildings with 350 units, 27, 3-story timeshare villas with 350 units, a resort/conference facility, two restaurants, and various outdoor recreational amenities, including pool/spa areas and tennis courts Eilar Associates Job#A50224N1 May 10,2005 Page 2 3 0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 3 1 Existing Noise Environment The primary noise sources in the vicinity of the project site include automobile and truck traffic noise from Cannon Road, which only impacts the northern portion of the project site Palomar Airport Road and I-5 have been evaluated and are considered to have insignificant noise impacts on the project site due to distance and intervening topography and structures At its closest point, I-5 is approximately %-miles from the project site, while Palomar Airport road is approximately 4,400 feet from the project site Current aircraft overflight noise associated with the McClellan-Palomar Airport has been evaluated and determined insignificant as the project lies outside of the 60 CNEL contour Please refer to Figure 6 McClellan-Palomar Airport 2004 Noise Exposure Map Showing Project Location No other noise source is considered significant Cannon Road is a four-lane, two-way major arterial roadway running east-west, with bike lanes, sidewalks, and a raised median The paved roadway width is approximately 80 feet, curb to curb The posted speed limit is 45 mph Cannon Road, in the vicinity of the project site, currently carries a traffic volume of approximately 16,207 Average Daily Trips (ADT), according to Jim Gale, 760-602-2755, Associate Engineer with the City of Carlsbad Transportation Department and based on machine count ADTs from 8/12/04 The current calculated on-site traffic noise level at the northern property line, fronting Cannon Road is 68 4 CNEL Current and future traffic volumes for the roadway sections near the project site are shown in Table 1 For further roadway details and projected future ADT traffic volumes, please refer to Appendix A Sound32 Data and Results : ••-.-. ,, > Table 1. Overall Roadway Traffic Information Roadway Name Cannon Road Speed Limit (mph) Current 45 Future 45 Current ADT 16,207 Future (2030) ADT 20,200 No current or future truck percentages were available for this area However, based on neighboring and surrounding land use, roadway classification our professional experience and on-site observations, a truck percentage mix of 2 5% medium and 1 0% heavy trucks was used for Cannon Road 3 1 1 Measured Noise Level An on-site inspection and traffic noise measurement were made on the afternoon of Monday, March 21, 2005 The weather conditions were as follows clear skies, low humidity, temperatures in the mid 60s with winds from the west at 4-6 mph A "one-hour" equivalent measurement was made at the project property line, fronting Cannon Road The microphone position was placed approximately five feet above the roadway grade Traffic volumes were recorded for automobiles, medium-size trucks, and large trucks during the measurement period After a continuous 15-rnmute sound level measurement, there was no change in the LEQ and results were then recorded The measured noise level and related weather conditions are found in Table 2 The calculated equivalent hourly vehicle Eilar Associates Job #A50224N1 May 10, 2005 PageS traffic count adjustment and a complete tabular listing of all traffic data recorded during the on-site traffic noise measurement are found in Appendix A Sound32 Data and Results ."$£» r L Table 2 On-Site Noise Measurement Conditions and Results Date Time Conditions Measured Noise Level Monday,March 21, 2005 445pm -500pm Clear Skies, Winds from the West @ 4-6 mph, Temperature Mid 60's with Low Humidity 72 2 dBA LEQ 3 1 2 Calculated Noise Level Noise levels were calculated for the site using the methodology described in Section 4 1 (see next page) for the location, conditions, and traffic volumes counted during the noise measurements The calculated noise levels (LEQ) were compared with the measured on-site noise level to determine if adjustments or corrections (calibration) should be applied to the traffic noise prediction model, Sound32 Adjustments are intended to account for site-specific differences, such as reflection and absorption, which may be greater or lesser than accounted for in the model The measured noise level of 72 2 dBA LEQ for Cannon Road was compared to the calculated (modeled) noise level of 72 3 dBA LEQ, for the same conditions and traffic flow As there was only a 0 1 dBA difference between the measured and the calculated noise level, no adjustment was deemed necessary to model future noise levels for this location Please refer to Table 3, for further evaluation Table 3 Calculated versus Measured Traffic Noise Data Roadways Canon Road Calculated 72 3 dBA LEQ Measured 72 2 dBA LEQ Difference 01 dB Correction none 3 2 Future Noise Environment The future (year 2030) traffic volume for Cannon Road was provided by Brandon Miles, 760-602-2755, Associate Engineer with the City of Carlsbad Transportation Department The future (year 2030) traffic volume for Cannon Road is projected to be 20,200 ADT The same truck percentages from the existing traffic volumes were used for future traffic volume modeling The roadway alignment and roadbeds are expected to remain the same for this section of Cannon Road For further roadway details and projected future ADT traffic volumes, please refer to Appendix A Sound32 Data and Results The future (year 2030) traffic noise level at the northern property line, fronting Cannon Road is expected to increase to 69 3 CNEL According to the McClellan-Palomar Airport, a small portion of the proposed project site is within the future (year 2014) 60 CNEL contour and is located approximately at the 61 CNEL contour At 61 CNEL, the aircraft noise level in the vicinity of the proposed project will impact the exterior facades of proposed Villas 2 through 8, located within the southernmost portion of the project site Please refer to Figure 7 McClellan-Palomar Airport 2014 Noise Exposure Map Showing Project Location Eilar Associates Job #A50224N1 May 10, 2005 Page 4 40 METHODOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT 41 Methodology 4 1 1 Field Measurement Typically, a "one-hour" equivalent sound level measurement (LEQ, A-Weighted) is recorded for at least one noise-sensitive location on the site During the on-site noise measurement, start and end times are recorded, vehicle counts are made for cars, medium trucks (double-tires/two axles), and heavy trucks (three or more axles) for the corresponding road segment(s) Supplemental sound measurements of one hour or less in duration are often made to further describe the noise environment of the site For measurements of less than one hour in duration, the measurement time is long enough for a representative traffic volume to occur and the noise level (LEQ)to stabilize, 15 minutes is usually sufficient for this purpose The vehicle counts are then converted to one-hour equivalent volumes by using the appropriate multiplier Other field data gathered includes measuring or estimating distances, angles-of-view, slopes, elevations, roadway grades, and vehicle speeds This data was checked against the available maps and records 4 1 2 Roadway Noise Calculation The Sound32 Release 1 41 program released by the California Department of Transportation, Division of New Technology, Materials and Research was used to calculate the future daytime average hourly noise level (HNL) at various locations at the project site The daytime average hourly traffic volume is calculated as 0 058 times the ADT, based on the studies made by Wyle Laboratories (see reference) The HNL is equivalent to the LEQ, and both are converted to the CNEL by adding 2 0 decibels, as shown in the Wyle Study Future CNEL is calculated for desired receptor locations using future road alignment, elevations, lane configurations, projected traffic volumes, estimated truck mixes, and vehicle speeds Noise attenuation methods may be analyzed, tested, and planned with Sound32, as required Further explanation can be supplied on request 413 Exterior-to-lnterior Noise Calculation The State Building Code, local municipalities, and other agencies (such as HUD) require an acoustical analysis for any multi-unit residential facility proposed in an area that has or will have exterior noise levels in excess of 60 CNEL This analysis must demonstrate building features and mitigation that will provide interior noise levels of 45 CNEL or less for residential units, classrooms, or other habitable interior areas CNEL is considered synonymous with LDN Analysis for the interior noise levels requires consideration of Number of unique assemblies in the wall (doors, window/wall mount air conditioners, sliding glass doors, and windows) Size, number of units, and sound transmission data for each assembly type Length of sound impacted wall(s) Depth of sound impacted room Eilar Associates Job#A50224N1 May 10,2005 Page 5 Height of exterior wall of sound impacted room Exterior noise level at wall assembly or assemblies of sound impacted room Modeling of exterior wall assemblies using building plan wall details is accomplished using INSUL Version 5 1, which is a model-based computer program developed by Marshall Day Acoustics for predicting the sound insulation of walls, floors, ceilings and windows It is acoustically based on theoretical models that require only minimal material information that can make reasonable estimates of the sound transmission loss (TL) and Sound Transmission Class (STC) for use in sound insulation calculations, such as the design of common party walls and multiple family floor-ceiling assemblies, etc INSUL can be used to quickly evaluate new materials or systems or investigate the effects of changes to existing designs It models individual materials using the simple mass law and coincidence frequency approach and can model more complex assembly partitions, as well It has evolved over several versions into an easy-to-use tool and has refined the theoretical models by continued comparison with laboratory tests to provide acceptable accuracy for a wide range of constructions INSUL model performance comparisons with laboratory test data show that the model generally predicts the performance of a given assembly within 3 STC points The Composite Sound Transmission data is developed for the exterior wall(s) and the calculated noise exposure is converted to octave-band sound pressure levels (SPL) by addition of an octave data curve fortypical traffic noise The reduction in room noise due to absorption is calculated and subtracted from the interior octave noise levels, and the octave noise levels are logarithmically added to produce the overall interior room noise level When interior noise levels exceed 45 CNEL, the noise reduction achieved by each element is reviewed to determine what changes will achieve the most cost-effective compliance Windows are usually the first to be reviewed, followed by the doors, and then the walls 4 2 Measurement Equipment Some or all of the following equipment was used at the site to measure existing noise levels Larson Davis Model 820 Integrating Sound Level Meter, Type 1, Serial # 0316 Larson Davis Model CA200 Calibrator, Serial # 0292 Hand-bearing magnetic compass, microphone with windscreen, tripods Distance measurement wheel, digital camera The sound level meter was field-calibrated immediately prior to the noise measurement and checked afterward, to ensure accuracy All sound level measurements conducted and presented in this report, in accordance with the regulations, were made with a sound level meter that conforms to the American National Standards Institute specifications for sound level meters ANSI SI 4-1983 (R2001) All instruments are maintained with National Bureau of Standards traceable calibration, per the manufacturers' standards Eilar Associates Job 3A50224N1 May 10,2005 Page 6 5 0 IMPACTS AND MITIGATION 51 Exterior The primary noise sources in the vicinity of the project site include automobile and truck traffic noise from Cannon Road and aircraft overflight noise associated with the McClellan-Palomar Airport Without mitigation or proposed project structures, the future 65 CNEL traffic noise contour will be located approximately 230 feet south of the Cannon Road centerlme The future 60 CNEL traffic contour will be located approximately 400 feet south of the Cannon Road centerlme The future 60 CNEL aircraft contour will be located approximately 350 feet west of the Hidden Valley Road centerlme For a graphical representation of these contours, please refer to Figure 8 Site Plan Showing Future Aircraft & Traffic CNEL Contours and Noise Measurement Location Without mitigation, future exterior noise levels at proposed common outdoor use areas (pools, tennis courts, etc) will be less than 60 CNEL, as all common outdoor use areas are planned to be located outside of the traffic and aircraft 60 CNEL contours Mitigation to provide an exterior noise level below 60 CNEL, the City of Carlsbad noise requirement for outdoor use areas, is not required as a result of this analysis Calculations show that future noise levels at the building facades will exceed 60 CNEL only at the northern and southernmost portions of the project site, impacting proposed Villas 2 through 8, Villas 12 and 13, and Restaurant 1 Traffic noise impacts will range from 45 0 to 68 6 CNEL at Villas 12 and 13 and Restaurant 1 The building facades of Villas 2 through 8 will be impacted by aircraft noise levels of 61 CNEL or less Table 4 summarizes the future traffic noise impacts to exterior building facades Please refer to Figure 9, showing future exterior building facade CNEL at various receiver locations , Table 4. Future Exterior Traffic Building Facade CNEL Receiver R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 R-8 R-9 R-10 R-11 R-12 Location Villa 13 -North Facade Villa 13 -East Facade Villa 13- South Facade Villa 13- West Facade Villa 13 -North Facade Villa 13 East Facade Villa 13 -South Facade Villa 13- West Facade Restaurant 1 - North Facade Restaurant 1 - East Facade Restaurant 1 - South Facade Restaurant 1 - West Facade Level 1s1 1st 1st 1st 3rd 3rd 3td 3rd 1st 1s1 1s1 1sl Exterior Traffic CNEL 670 602 450 622 667 60 1 474 623 686 645 46 1 642 Eilar Associates Job #A50224N1 May 10, 2005 Page? 5 2 Interior The State of California requires buildings to be designed in order to attenuate, control, and maintain interior noise levels to below 45 CNEL in habitable multi-family residential space and below 50 CNEL in commercial space Current exterior building construction is generally expected to achieve at least 15 decibels of exterior-to-interior noise attenuation, with windows opened Therefore, proposed project building structures exposed to exterior noise levels greater than 60 CNEL could be subject to interior noise levels exceeding the 45 CNEL noise limit for residential habitable space Future noise levels will exceed 60 CNEL at some of the proposed exterior building facades of Villas 2 through 8, Villa 12, Villa 13, and Restaurant 1 Due to the elevated worst-case exterior noise level impacts at these buildings, an exterior-to-interior noise analysis was conducted to evaluate the sound reduction properties of proposed exterior wall, window, and door construction designs to be incorporated into the Villas As there are no building plans currently available for Restaurant 1, an extenor-to-intenor analysis was not conducted Once final detailed building plans become available for Restaurant 1, a supplemental acoustical analysis of the exterior building design elements can be conducted Restaurant 1 will not be further discussed in this report The architectural building plan specifications for the typical Villa exterior wall assembly are 1 layer of 7/s-inch cement plaster Single wall plate of 51/2-mch deep metal studs, placed 24-inches on-center 1 layer of 51/2-mch thick fiberglass batt insulation, placed in stud wall cavities 1 layer of 5/s-mch thick Type X gypsum board or 5/a-mch thick Dens Armor Plus Fireguard, directly attached to metal studs Evaluation of the above exterior wall resulted in an approximate STC rating of 54, which was incorporated into our analysis and proven to be sufficient Our exterior-to-interior analysis also incorporates the following window and sliding glass patio door assembly types as the minimum recommended configurations STC 28 !/2-mch dual insulating windows (Va-mch glass, >i-inch air gap, Ve-mch glass) Please refer to Table 5, showing future interior noise levels with the recommendations made herein Table 5 Future Interior Noise Levels with Mitigation Recommendations Location Villa 13 Villas 2-8 Villas 2-8 Level 1s' All All Unit Corner Corner Middle Exterior Facade (CNEL) 670 61 0 61 0 Minimum Window Rating STC 28 STC 28 STC 28 Interior CNEL (windows open) 458 43 1 43 1 Interior CNEL (windows closed) 309 31 4 31 3 Mechanical Ventilation Required Not Required Not Required Eilar Associates Job #A50224N1 May 10, 2005 PageS Mechanical ventilation, which allows windows to be closed for an extended length of time, is required for Villas 12 and 13 to achieve future interior noise levels below 45 CNEL in all residential units The mechanical ventilation shall meet the criteria of the Uniform Building Code (Chapter 12, Section 1203 3 of the 2001 California Building Code, based on the 1997 Uniform Building Code), including the capability to provide sufficient fresh air exchanges, as required by the Code Fresh air will be supplied to the individual rooms through a direct duct run incorporated into the heating and cooling fan coil The ventilation system shall not compromise the sound insulation capability of the exterior wall or be dependent on ventilation through windows The mechanical ventilation intake duct must be designed to not directly face any significant noise source The proposed residential spaces were analyzed for worst-case exterior noise impacts All rooms will have satisfactory interior noise levels, if built according to the incorporated and recommended wall, window, and mechanical ventilation plans reviewed for this acoustical analysis These interior mitigation recommendations will satisfy the acoustical requirements necessary to meet the California Code of Regulations, Title 24 Please refer to the exterior-to-interior calculations provided in Appendix B Configuration details of building construction elements are also provided in Appendix C 60 CERTIFICATION The findings and recommendations of this acoustical analysis report are based on the information available and are a true and factual analysis of the potential acoustical issues associated with the Carlsbad Ranch Resort project in the City of Carlsbad, California This report was prepared by Michael Burrill, Ian Brewe, John Gorr, Lee Harding, Jessica Rasmussen, and Douglas K Eilar n VZ- Jessica Rasmussen, Acoustical Engineer fichael Burrill, Senior Acoustical Engineer Eilar Associates Job #A50224N1 May 10,2005 Page 9 70 REFERENCES 1 2001 California Building Code, Based on the 1997 Uniform Building Code, Appendix Chapter 12, Division II - Sound Transmission Control, Section 1208 - Sound Transmission Control 2 2001 California Building Code, Based on the 1997 Uniform Building Code, Chapter 12, Section 12033-Ventilation 3 2001 California Noise Insulation Standards, effective 11/01/02 Based on 1997 Uniform Building Code, California Code of Regulations, Title 24 4 California Department of Transportation, Sound32 Traffic Noise Model 5 City of Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan 6 Harris, Cyril M , Handbook of Acoustical Measurements and Noise Control, 3rd Edition, Acoustical Society of America, 1998 7 Heeden, Robert A , Compendium of Materials for Noise Control, U S Department of Health, Education and Welfare, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, November 1978 8 Irvine, Leland K , Richards, Roy L , Acoustics and Noise Control Handbook for Architects and Builders, Kreiger Publishing Company, 1998 9 NBS Building Sciences Series 77 Acoustical and Thermal Performance on Exterior Residential Walls, U S Department of Commerce/National Bureau of Standards, November 1976 10 Western Electro-Acoustic Laboratory, Inc ,1711 Sixteenth Street, Santa Monica, California 90404, 213-80-9268, Sound Transmission Loss Vs Glazing Type, Window Size and Air Filtration, January 1985 The research described in this report was prepared for the California Association of Window Manufacturers, 823 North Harbor Boulevard, Suite E Fullerton, California 92632, 714- 525-7088 Eilar Associates Job #A50224N1 May 10, 2005 Page 10 FIGURES a z UJ UJ o>.ic_i Q>E «e v-a *o Q£ 0) I&aC CL < o oo o CM 4 O Oo o CM CM T- CM "5 "3 eif CO (0 CL Q. fi&: •:,,,/ X.115 ff3 ° rl^jw—;n|CJ T3"z c '"'?''*M* I- , \ '--j - -, --3,.. UJcc CM O) an o ^o ^~«- CM« CM Q- O {!< O tt s|w ^ to A 11to o <OQ m in UJ =-S otNO) <o mF <°£00 £^t CO c o LU u> O) iZ O CM= CM ISII.o o (Oo CN 38 JJJ "g" « IO 55 « p Soo ^ £ ^Ills re w </T 5^5c c i 5 aiiS o> COIT) o UJ 8 I B in £3O) CL (0 </> TfID CM 3 2•°20) .0§^ J5Q. «N 8 if! p « in IMSo ® £ ^</> 3 = f2« o «IP<morr»- .. -Q .E c Oo UliS 0>CO10 £ 3 O) c0) O(0 "*3 z O<«t -I 5S 04 O o w ^re Q.O ^1" <0 ) oo Q. X 111 O<7) ^m .f} "P re 10 55|8ills< m oT re _ (A <O .E c c '5 iu£ CDCO10 Noise Measurement Location 65 CNEL Traffic Contour 60 CNEL Traffic Contour m 60 CNEL Contour for McClellan- Palomar Airport PLANNING AREA 9 (NATURAL OPEN SPACE) PLANNING AREA 4 L.GOLAND CALIFORNIA) 200 400 Eilar Associates 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206 Encmitas, California 92024 760-753-1865 Site Plan Showing Future Aircraft and Traffic CNEL Contours and Noise Measurement Location Job # A50224N1 Figure 8 FutiiieExteiioi Traffic Building Facade CNEL Receiver R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R-10 R-11 R12 Location Villa 13 North Facade Villa 13 East Facade Villa 13 - South Facade Villa 13 West Facade Villa 13 North Facade Villa 13 East Facade Villa 13 - South Facade Villa 13 West Facade Restaurant 1 North Facade Restaurant 1 East Facade Restaurant 1 South Facade Restaurant 1 West Facade Level 1" 1" 1" 1" 3" 3* 3* 31" 1" 1" 1" 1* Exterior Traffic CNEL 670 602 450 622 667 601 474 623 686 645 461 642 Eilar Associates 539 Encimtas Boulevard, Suite 206 Encmitas, California 92024 760-753-1865 Site Plan Showing Future CNEL at Exterior Building Facades Job#A50224N1 Figure 9 APPENDIX A Sound32 Data and Results Sound 32 Data and Results Carlsbad Ranch Resort 'iflf^&i!^ ' '<•'-'". ''IJjB^-^V*-1'' <>*'•& f,-1'^'-1!. i *'Vj'*^k *• "••' •-!;•£* i-':* -^ •••'* • •« **•*•' Date Time Conditions Measured Noise Level Monday, 445p March 21 2005 m - 5 00 p m Clear Skies, Winds from the West @ 4-6 mph, Temperature Mid 60's, Low Humidity 72 2 dBA LEQ "•" V^ S i^\%$,'' ^,fe^Traffk^Cpunt During On-Site Noise Measurement . r ,. , ;,-, Roadway Cannon Westbound Cannon Eastbound Measured Overall Measured Overall Duration 15 Mm 60 Mm 15 Mm 60 Mm Autos 193 772 208 832 Medium 4 16 1 4 Heavy 3 12 1 4 Totals 200 800 210 840 Noise Level Comparison Using Traffic Model versus On-Site Noise Measurement Roadway Cannon Road Model 72 3 dBA L£Q Measured 72 2 dBA LPn Difference 01 dB Correction none Current Traffic Reference Information Current traffic ADTs for Cannon Road were obtained from Jim Gale, 760-602-2755 Associate Engineer for the City of Carlsbad Transportation Department, based on current machine counts from 8/12/04 Future Traffic Reference Information Future traffic (year 2030) ADTs for Cannon Road were obtained from Brandon Miles 760-602-2755 Associate Engineer for the City of Carlsbad Transportation Department Eilar Associates #A50224N1 Sound32 Data April 21, 2005 Pagel Roadway Name Current Future Current ADT Future (2030) ADT Cannon Road 45 45 16,207 20,200 Roadway Name Condition Total % ADT Autos (Hourly) Medium (Hourly) Heavy (Hourly) Cannon Road Current 100 96 5%25%1% 16.207 907 23 Roadway Name Condition Total % ADT Autos (Hourly) Medium (Hourly) Heavy (Hourly) Cannon Road Future 100 96 5%25%1% 20,200 1130 29 11 SOUND32 PROGRAM DATA FOR CALTRANS VERSION OF STAMINA2/OPTIMA Measured On-Site Traffic Noise Data for Calibration * * SOUND32 (CALTRANS VERSION OF STAMINA2/OPTIMA) * * INPUT DATA FILE MEAS TXT BARRIER COST FILE CALIF$ DTA DATE 04-07-2005 A50224Nl-Carlsbad Ranch TRAFFIC DATA LANE AUTO MEDIUM TRKS HEAVY TRKS NO VPH MPH VPH MPH VPH MPH DESCRIPTION 1 772 45 16 45 12 45 Cannon Road (y + 25ft) 2 832 45 4 45 4 45 Cannon Road (y + 25ft) Eilar Associates #A50224N1 Sound32 Data April 21, 2005 Page 2 LANE DATA LANE SEG GRADE SEGMENT NO NO COR X Y Z DESCRIPTION 1 1 YES -690 3 -202 7 183 5 pt 2 2 YES -476 8 -174 3 180 0 pt 3 3 YES -256 2 -88 9 177 0 pt 4 4 YES -156 6 -31 9 175 0 pt 5 5 YES -71 2 39 2 171 0 pt 6 99 6 238 5 162 0 pt 7 2 1 YES -683 2 -259 7 183 0 pt 2 2 YES -462 6 -217 0 180 0 pt 3 3 YES -242 0 -131 6 177 0 pt 4 4 YES -128 1 -67 5 175 0 pt 5 5 YES -42 7 10 8 171 0 pt 6 128 1 195 8 162 0 pt 7 RECEIVER DATA REC NO X Y Z DNL PEOPLE ID 1 -178 0 -119 0 180 0 67 500 meas pt RECEIVER LEQ meas pt 72 3 DROP-OFF RATES ALL LANE/RECEIVER PAIRS =30 DBA K - CONSTANTS ALL LANE RECEIVER/PAIRS = 00 DBA * i Future Traffic APT to Produce Noise Contours * * SOUND32 (CALTRANS VERSION OF STAMINA2/OPTIMA) * * INPUT DATA FILE FUTCON TXT BARRIER COST FILE CALIF$ DTA DATE 04-12-2005 A50224Nl-Carlsbad Ranch TRAFFIC DATA LANE AUTO MEDIUM TRKS HEAVY TRKS NO VPH MPH VPH MPH VPH MPH DESCRIPTION 1 565 45 15 45 6 45 Cannon Road (y + 25ft) 2 565 45 15 45 6 45 Cannon Road (y + 25ft) =======: Eilar Associates #A50224N1 Sound32 Data April 21, 2005 Page 3 LANE DATA LANE SEG NO NO 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 2 3 4 5 GRADE COR YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES X -690 -476 -256 -156 -71 99 -683 -462 -242 -128 -42 128 3 8 2 6 2 6 2 6 0 1 7 1 Y -202 -174 -88 -31 39 238 -259 -217 -131 -67 10 195 7 3 9 9 2 5 7 0 6 5 8 8 Z 183 180 177 175 171 162 183 180 177 175 171 162 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEGMENT DESCRIPTION pt pt Pt Pt Pt Pt Pt Pt Pt Pt Pt Pt 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 RECEIVER DATA REC NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 RECEIVER R-l R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 R-8 R-9 -321 -192 -62 -246 -117 13 -146 -17 113 243 373 -176 -46 84 213 343 473 -206 -76 54 184 313 443 573 -106 24 154 284 413 543 673 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LEQ 66 67 67 60 61 61 56 57 56 'i -243 -168 -93 -373 -298 -223 -546 -471 -396 -321 -246 -795 -720 -645 -570 -495 -420 -1043 -968 -893 -818 -743 -668 -593 -1216 -1141 -1066 -991 -916 -841 -766 1 3 0 8 2 1 8 1 9 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 188 187 185 188 192 198 190 193 200 207 211 185 189 195 201 210 214 183 186 192 198 206 212 224 185 189 194 201 208 216 230 J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 0 DNL I 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 PEOPLE 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 ID R-l R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 R-8 R-9 R-10 R-ll R-12 R-13 R-14 R-15 R-16 R-17 R-18 R-19 R-20 R-21 R-22 R-23 R-24 R-25 R-26 R-27 R-2 8 R-29 R-30 R-31 Eilar Associates #A50224N1 Sound32 Data April 21, 2005 Page 4 R-10 R-ll R-12 R-13 R-14 R-15 R-16 R-17 R-18 R-19 R-20 R-21 R-22 R-23 R-24 R-25 R-26 R-27 R-28 R-29 R-30 R-31 56 4 55 4 53 6 54 0 54 2 54 1 53 7 53 1 51 1 51 6 51 9 52 0 51 9 51 51 49 49 50 50 50 49 9 49 6 DROP-OFF RATES ALL LANE/RECEIVER PAIRS 30 DBA K - CONSTANTS ALL LANE RECEIVER/ PAIRS 00 DBA Future Traffic APT with Receivers for Exterior Noise Levels ****************•**************** * * SOUND32 (CALTRANS VERSION OF STAMINA2/OPTIMA) * * INPUT DATA FILE BARRIER COST FILE DATE FUT TXT CALIFS DTA 04-13-2005 A50224Nl-Carlsbad Ranch ======= TRAFFIC DATA LANE AUTO NO 1 2 VPH 565 565 MPH 45 45 MEDIUM TRKS VPH 15 15 MPH 45 45 HEAVY VPH 6 6 TRKS MPH 45 45 DESCRIPTION Cannon Cannon Road Road (Y +(y + 25ft) 25ft) LANE DATA LANE SEG NO NO 1 1 2 3 4 GRADE COR YES YES YES YES SEGMENT X -690 -476 -256 -156 3 8 O4, 6 Y -202 -174 -88 -31 7 3 9 9 Z 183 180 177 175 5 0 0 0 DESCRIPTION Pt Pt Pt Pt 2 3 4 5 Eilar Associates #A50224N1 Sound32 Data April 21,2005 PageS YES YES YES YES YES YES -71 2 99 6 -683 2 -462 6 -242 0 -128 1 -42 7 128 1 39 2 238 5 -259 7 -217 0 -131 6 -67 5 10 8 195 8 171 0 162 0 183 0 180 0 177 0 175 0 171 0 162 0 pt 6 pt 7 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 6 Pt 7 BARRIER DATA Barrier No 1 Type - (4)CONCRETE Height Increment (DELZ)= 0 0 Description Restaurant #1 (Pad El ~= 185') No Height Changes (P)=0 GROUND SEG 1 2 3 4 5 6 Barrier Type - Height X -244 -147 -125 -172 -161 -215 -244 No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -219 -175 -222 -244 -270 -291 -219 Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (20) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Descnotion TOP (Z) 200 0 200 0 200 0 200 0 200 0 200 0 200 0 Building * * * * * * it Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl 13 PI P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 BARRIER HEIGHTS AT ENDS • %200 * %200 * %200 * %200 * %200 * %200 * 4200 (Pad El ~= 193' ) (4) CONCRETE Increment (DELZ)=0 0 No Height GROUND SEG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Barrier Type - Height X -16 17 75 44 28 38 9 0 -16 No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -106 -94 -234 -250 -213 -206 -137 -141 -106 Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 (ZO) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description TOP (Z) 228 0 228 0 228 0 228 0 228 0 228 0 223 0 228 0 228 0 Building * * * * •k it * * * Changes B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 12 PI P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 (P)=0 BARRIER HEIGHTS AT ENDS * °s228 * %228 * %228 * %228 * %228 * °s228 * %228 * ^228 • %228 (Pad El ~= 195') ( 4 ) CONCRETE Increment (DELZ)=0 0 No Height GROUND SEG 1 2 3 4 X 87 125 144 103 87 5 0 0 0 5 -266 -261 -409 -413 -266 Y 0 0 0 0 0 (ZO) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOP (Z) 230 0 230 0 230 0 230 0 230 0 *• * * * Changes B3 B3 B3 B3 *B3 PI P2 P3 P4 P5 (P)=0 BARRIER HEIGHTS AT ENDS * ^230 * %230 * %230 * %230 * °5230 Eilar Associates #A50224N1 Sound32 Data April 21, 2005 Page 6 RECEIVER DATA REC NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 > 0 69 69 6 0 69 69 6 -216 -125 -181 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -84 -150 -253 -178 -84 -150 -253 -178 -191 -194 -294 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0q0 0 198 198 198 198 218 218 218 218 190 190 190 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DNL I 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 PEOPLE 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 ID Rl R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 RIO Rll 12 -244 0 -259 0 190 0 67 500 R12 REC REC ID DNL PEOPLE LEQ(CAL) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Rl R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 RIO Rll R12 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 65 58 43 60 64 58 45 60 66 62 44 62 0 2 0 2 7 1 4 3 6 5 1 2 DROP-OFF RATES ALL LANE/RECEIVER PAIRS =30 DBA K - CONSTANTS ALL LANE RECEIVER/PAIRS = 00 DBA Etlar Associates #A50224N1 Sound32 Data April 21, 2005 Page 7 APPENDIX B Exterior-to-lnterior Noise Analysis ~s o o oo o o g o o o o o oo o o o o oo o o "000g o o o I 1! u u i iiiV V V s -i -i s1 ooooooooooo £*00000000000 ^OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooo ooooooooooo oooooooooooo ^•ooooooooooo ^-ooooooooooo t^ooooooooooooo '^ooooooooooo zzzzzzzzzzzz *2 o in cos s s I rt o « oo og a s 5 2 In o in CD os x at s Is s a t I oo o to oo o S ot r- r* ov CM *- *- UJ K Z < I « o in eo I n o 10 « o I n o 10 « oaxst s I n o in ID 0Isss t ^ in » m 1 n o 10 oe o u to ! ,1 | Iso% of Si I f = I i Illlllllll! •8 CMI i " O O OS o o o "000S ° ° ° o o o o o o " o o o£000 Ul 1U IU Ulz z z zo o o o iiii r- It n 1 = § § i ^5:0000000000 50000000 oooooooooo oooooooooo = u>oooooooooo f-oooooooooo ^ 'r-'-OOOOOOOOOO li 1 I " <O O •°a S g- N|il« to o m «Jg w o S2 i mop ^ I " (O O " *"S « o t ft B « o C: I " 10 o w I 5 °* o t |S5f«5 Z I A t»- *• 00 «O S* GO CD CO tTM^ tN *- «- I « <O •- «0 "OIssst s 1 (O «D O flD O 885 t 8 8«t 2 8 li 11= oooooooooo g oooooooooo 1 " 1& i•O O •g 1- *•> E<raz * ii IIMiiliillilvvvvvvvvvv o*- M I III o o a000 •^000 m O O O ••• o o3 o o o o oo o o » o o oooo !" e s § si § § §co co en in oooooooooo ooooooooooo Jooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo •^-ooooooooooo I^OOOOOOOOOOO II = 3 ZZZZZ22ZZZZ2 J •I i I f- O to CD 0S 5 S 5 o Ir- o <n OD — Z S 8 5 « 1r- o « to — » S S t » g o Is* Jl1 o IS iflll }i- o in « 588* o <n <a m 5JS 9 R t » Okoo -v «r Xl^otncoStt ° ? ffl^Stt ±! vvvv lij^i^ I o. 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APPENDIX C Configuration Details of Building Construction Elements to V Sound |nsulation_£rediction (v5 5) Program copyright Marshall Day Acoustics 2003 Eilar Associates Licence no OFOCOE750C380B75 Margin of error is generally within +/- 3STC jobName Carlsbad Ranch Notes job No Page No Ext Wall Date 17 Mar 05 Initials File name msul 1 x 0 9 in Fibre Cement 1 x 0 6 in Type X Gypsum Board 70 in 5 5 in Studs @ 24 in Surf mass 7 1 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 1350 Hz damping 0 01 Janel size 8 9x13 ft fo =51 Hz Surf mass 2 9 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 1997 Hz damping 0 01 Frequency (Hz) 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 TL(dB) 18 27 33 36 40 44 48 50 52 54 55 56 57 56 52 50 51 55 58 62 65 mini u TL(dB) 22 39 49 55 54 52 61 fiberglass (0 6 Ib/ft3) thickness 5 5 in 125 250 500 1000 frequency (Hz) 2000 4000 I -•- Transmission Loss STC Sound Insulation Prediction (v5 5) Program copyright Marshall Day Acoustics 2003 Eilar Associates Licence no OFOCOE750C380B75 Margin of error is generally within +/- 3STC JobName Carlsbad Ranch Notes Job No Date 9 May 05 File name msul 1 x 0 9 m Fibre Cement Page No Initials Ext Wall 1 x 0 6 in Dens Armor Plus 70 in Surf mass 7 1 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 1350 Hz damping 0 01 3anel size 8 9x13 ft 5 5 in Studs @ 24 in fo =51 Hz Frequency (Hz) 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 TL(dB) 18 27 33 36 40 44 48 50 52 54 55 56 57 56 52 50 51 55 58 62 65 irmn i TL(dB) 22 39 49 55 54 52 61 Surf mass 2 9 Ibffi2 Cnt freq 1997 Hz damping 0 01 fiberglass (0 6 Ib/ft3) thickness 5 5 in 125 250 500 1000 frequency (Hz) 2000 4000 | -»- Transmission Loss STC EILAR ASSOCIATES ACOUSTICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING May 19, 2005 JPM Design Management Job #A50224N1 Attention John P Mattox 5115 Avenida Enemas, Suite C Carlsbad, California 92008 SUBJECT ACOUSTICAL EVALUATION AND DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS TYPICAL COMMON FLOOR/CEILING ASSEMBLY CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT - HOTEL 1, VILLAS 1&3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA At your request, we have conducted an acoustical evaluation of the typical common floor/ceiling assemblies proposed for Hotel 1 and Villas 1 & 3 of the Carlsbad Ranch Resort, located on the south side of Cannon Road and on the west side of Hidden Valley Road, in the City of Carlsbad, California The focus of this acoustical review is to evaluate the performance of the proposed building construction elements for the typical floor/ceiling assembly and recommend commercially available, high-quality, acoustical materials for improved acoustical performance Introduction The 2001 California Building Code allows for acceptance of building plans that reference laboratory-tested partitions with Sound Transmission Class (STC) and Impact Insulation Class (IIC) ratings exceeding the minimum required FSTC and FIIC rating by 5 rating points It is generally understood that up to 5 rating points are lost during actual construction which is not expected to achieve controlled laboratory conditions, as minor deficiencies in construction can reduce the overall desired sound insulation class value For purposes of sound and impact insulation within multi-family, stacked residential units, it is important for construction to be conducted with a focus on acoustical construction details, or greater deficiencies could result Appendix Chapter 12, Sections 1208 and 1208Aof the 2001 California Building Code requires floor/ceiling assemblies in multiple-family residential structures to be built in orderto attain a minimum field-tested FIIC and FSTC rating of 45 or higher The identification and use of a laboratory-tested assembly that is rated 50 or higher does not waive the requirement for the final, installed assembly to achieve a FIIC and FSTC rating of at least 45 in the field Sound Level Descriptors All sound level values presented herein are expressed in terms of decibels (dB) Data may be presented with A-weightmg (dBA) to approximate the hearing sensitivity of humans Time-weighted averaged noise levels are expressed by the symbol LEQ, for a specified time duration These data unit metrics are used 539 Encmitas Boulevard Suite 206, Encmitas CA 92024 • 760-753 1865 • Fax 760 753 2597 • mfo@eilarassociates com JPWI Design Management, Attention John Mattox May 19, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Common Floor/Ceiling Evaluation Page 2 to express noise levels for both measurement and noise ordinance guidelines Some of the data may also be presented as octave-band filtered or Vs-octave-band filtered sound levels A person's reaction to noise may vary depending upon his immediate state of mind and the type, intensity, and character of the noise Under normal circumstances, most people find that a) high-pitched noises are more disturbing than noises of lower pitch, b) the louder the noise the more likely it is to be disturbing, c) intermittent, irregular, impulsive, or impact noises are more distracting than a steady-state noise, and d) the longer the time of exposure to a disturbing noise the more irritating it becomes Most people describe changes in sound levels along the following lines a) a 3 dB sound level reduction is barely perceptible, b) a 5 dB sound level reduction is quite noticeable, whereas, c) a reduction of 10 dB is described as being significant or about one-half as loud Methodology Modeling of floor/ceiling assemblies using building plans is accomplished using INSUL Ver 5 5, which is a model-based computer program developed by Marshall Day Acoustics for predicting the sound insulation of walls, floors, ceilings and windows It is acoustically based on theoretical models that require only minimal material information that can make reasonable estimates of the sound transmission loss (TL) and Sound Transmission Class (STC) for use in sound insulation calculations, such as the design of common party walls and multiple family floor/ceiling assemblies, etc INSUL can be used to quickly evaluate new materials or systems or investigate the effects of changes to existing designs It models individual materials using the simple mass law and coincidence frequency approach and can model more complex assembly partitions, as well It has evolved over several versions into an easy to use tool and has refined the theoretical models by continued comparison with laboratory tests to provide acceptable accuracy for a wide range of constructions INSUL model performance comparisons with laboratory test data show that the model generally predicts the performance of a given assembly within 3 STC points To further evaluate overall sound transmission between typical floor/ceiling assemblies laboratory tests were referenced from the California Department of Health Services, Office of Noise Control Also utilized were laboratory tests from the Gypsum Association Fire Resistance Design Manual for Sound Control and the Canadian Institute for Research in Construction Typical Floor/Ceiling Assembly Evaluation and Design Recommendations Factors that determine sound reduction between common floor/ceiling assemblies depend on the acoustical design and materials used in the floor/ceiling design and construction To determine the acoustical integrity of the given proposed assembly, it is necessary to evaluate the sound insulation of individual components constructed within the assembly design Eilar Associates • 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encimtas, CA 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760 753-2597 ~... f JPM Design Management, Attention John Mattox May 19, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Common Floor/Ceiling Evaluation Page 3 • Hard Surface Common Floor/Ceiling Assembly I The following hard surface floor/ceiling assembly, designed for installation between the first and second floors and second and third floors of Hotel 1 and Villas 1 & 3, is proposed to be constructed as follows Ceramic tile flooring Single layer of 1-inch thick Gypcrete Single layer of Vi-mch thick Acousti-Mat II Single layer of 3/4-mch thick structural plywood sheathing 12-inch deep steel floor joists, placed 24-inches on center Single layer of 6-inch thick fiberglass batt insulation Double layer of 1/2-inch thick Type X gypsum board Evaluation of the above ceramic tile finished floor/ceiling assembly resulted in an approximate STC rating of 56-58 and an IIC rating of approximately 53-55, both of which would meet the minimum State Code requirement Please refer to Attachment 1 Floor/Ceiling Assembly Performance Analysis Carpet and Pad Common Floor/Ceiling Assembly The following carpet and pad finished floor/ceiling assembly, located between the first and second floors and second and third floors is proposed to be constructed as follows Carpet & Pad Single layer of 1-mch thick Gypcrete Single layer of 3/4-mch thick structural plywood sheathing 12-inch deep steel floor joists, placed 24-inches on center Single layer of 6-inch thick fiberglass batt insulation Double layer of 1/2-inch thick Type X gypsum board Evaluation of the above carpet and pad finished floor/ceiling assembly resulted in an approximate STC rating of 55-57 and an IIC rating of approximately 62-64, both of which would meet the minimum State Code requirement Please refer to Attachment 1 Floor/Ceiling Assembly Performance Analysis The above detailed typical floor/ceiling assemblies are well designed and will provide adequate sound attenuation between residential units However, to further reduce sound transmission and vibration in metal framing and improve the interior quality of living, we recommend the use of the Integrity Construction Gasket product an Va-mch thick adhesive backed, acoustically resilient foam tape The Integrity Construction Gasket product is easily installed in the field and must be applied to both sides of the common metal stud wall, between the studs and the primary gypsum board layer Please refer to the Recommended Products Section for product details The building plans specify the use of a fiberglass absorptive blanket in the construction The absorptive blanket has several related effects 1) it dampens the mass-air-mass resonance, 2) it dampens cavity modes between the upstairs floor and the downstairs ceiling, and 3) it reduces the reverberation in the cavity, thus reducing the build-up of impact sound transmission in the floor joist cavity To further reduce sound and impact transmission, it is recommended to upgrade *he fiberglass batt insulation to Johns Manville unfaced fiberglass insulation The recommended upgrade and the use of unfaced fiberglass batt insulation will further improve the low frequency sound and impact absorption within the common Eilar Associates • 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encmitas, CA 92024 • 760 753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 JPWI Design Management, Attention John Mattox May 19, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Common Floor/Ceiling Evaluation Page 4 floor/ceiling assembly system Please refer to the Recommended Products Section for product details The motion of the Gypcrete underlayment, which is controlled by its mass and inertia, provides an important benefit Without the Gypcrete topping in place, the floor/ceiling assembly will behave as a limp mass, allowing impact noise (mechanical energy) to pass easily through the assembly to the residential unit below The incorporated layer of Gypcrete in the floor/ceiling assembly increases the mass and density of the overall assembly, thereby reducing both the impact velocity and noise to the lower level unit This additional mass and density contributes to the overall sound blocking ability of the floor/ceiling assembly Furthermore, the additional density contributes to the overall rigidity of the floor/ceiling system, which is a beneficial component in localizing and absorbing impact energy Without the layer of Gypcrete, the floor/ceiling assembly will lack the additional mass and density to provide an effective impact noise barrier Several ceiling-mounted recessed down lights are proposed to be installed in the ceiling partitions These ceiling fixture penetrations have proven to be of acoustical concern within the overall floor/ceiling assembly design for sound energy transmission between stacked residential units Therefore, it is recommended that all recessed can lighting components be isolated from tne floor/ceiling structure by completely enclosing the can light hardware penetration in a sealed box consisting of two layers of 1/2-mch type X wall board In addition, it is important to tape and seal the entire perimeter of the recessed down wall board box to ensure an airtight enclosure and good sound barrier isolation This form of mitigation will supply additional sound blocking necessary to reduce unit to unit sound transmission Please refer to Attachment 2 Typical Recessed Down Light Enclosure Box Details Acoustical Product Recommendations Acousti-Mat II consists of a nylon core of fused entangle filaments, attached to a non-woven fabric With a density of 5 5 pcf and a nominal thickness of %-mch, it is sold in 54-inch wide by 60-foot long rolls This product is available through Cell-Crete Corp , Attention Bill Ulnch at (760)752-7270 Please refer to Attachment 3 Recommended Product Details Integrity Construction Gasket is an Vs-inch thick, low density closed cell, PVC pressure sensitive adhesive backed foam tape When installed correctly on metal framing, it significantly reduces transmission of air- borne and impact sound between floors and walls It is particularly effective at minimizing air-borne sounds at lower frequencies This product is manufactured by Seal Methods, Inc Forfurther information regarding the Integrity Construction Gasket product please contact Darren Weller of Seal Methods Inc at 800-423- 4777 Please refer to Attachment 3 Recommended Product Details Johns Manville is the manufacturer of an unfaced, lightweight, formaldehyde-free, fiberglass building insulation that provides high-quality thermal and acoustical properties It is available in many sizes and R-values and can be quickly installed for a wide variety of applications This product can be purchased at any local insulation contractor's office Please refer to Attachment 3 Recommended Product Details Conclusion It is generally understood that a few STC and IIC rating points are lost during actual construction which is not expected to achieve controlled laboratory conditions, as minor deficiencies in construction can reduce the overall desired sound insulation class value For purposes of sound insulation within multiple- family residential structures, it is important for construction to be conducted with a focus on details, or Eilar Associates • 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encmitas, CA 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753 2597 JPM Design Management, Attention John Mattox Carlsbad Ranch Resort Common Floor/Ceiling Evaluation May 19, 2005 PageS greater deficiencies could result Each item should be acoustically addressed as stated above, focusing both on planning details and final construction framing The isolation of sound and vibration dampening at all associated structural contact points should be considered top priority when designing and constructing a quality living environment No sound control system is better than its weakest component Care must be taken in the installation of all components during construction to assure that designed acoustical performance is achieved to the maximum potential All recommendations for noise control are based on the best information available at the time our consulting services are provided However, as there are many factors involved in sound and impact transmission, and Eilar Associates has no control over the construction, workmanship or materials, Eilar Associates is specifically not liable for final results of any recommendations or implementation of the recommendations Certification This report represents a true and factual analysis of the acoustical issues addressed, based on information available for the Carlsbad Ranch project This report was prepared by Michael Burrill Jessica Rasmussen, and Douglas K Eilar EILAR ASSOCIATES Jessica Rasmussen, Acoustical Consultant Michael Burrill, Senior Acoustical Consultant Eilar Associates • 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encimtas, CA 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760 753 2597 JPM Design Management, Attention John Mattox May 19, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Common Floor/Ceiling Evaluation Page 6 Attachments 1 Floor/Ceiling Assembly Performance Analysis 2 Typical Recessed Down Light Enclosure Box Details 3 Recommended Product Details References 1 Beranek Leo L , Acoustical Measurements, Published for the Acoustical Society of America by the American Institute of Physics, Revised Edition, 1988 2 Harris, Cyril M , Handbook of Acoustical Measurements and Noise Control Acoustical Society of America, 3rd Edition, 1998 3 Harris, Cyril M , Ph D , Noise Control in Building, Original Edition, 1994 4 Hirschorn, Martin, Noise Control Reference Handbook, Revised Edition, 1989 5 Ivme, Leland K and Richards, Roy L , Acoustics and Noise Control Handbook for Architects and Builders, Original Edition, 1998 6 Knudsen, Vern O and Harris Cyril M , Acoustical Designing In Architecture, American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America, 2nd Edition, 1978 7 Raichel. Daniel R , The Science and Applications of Acoustics, American Institute of Physics Press for the Acoustical Society of America, 1st Edition, 2000 Eilar Associates 539 Encinrtas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encmitas, CA 92024 • 760-753 1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 ATTACHMENT 1 Floor/Ceiling Assembly Performance Analysis Sound insulation Prediction (v5 5) Program copyright Marshall Day Acoustics 2003 Eilar Associates Licence no OFOCOE750C380B75 Margin of error is generally within +/- 3STC JobNarne Carlsbad Ranch Notes Job No A50524 Page No Date 17 May 05 Initials File name msul 1 x 1 0 in Gypcrete 1 x 0 8 in Plywood 2x0 5 in Type X Gypsum Board 14 8 in 120 in Studs @ 24 in Surf mass 8 7 Ib/ft2 Surf mass 2 2 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 1289 Hz Cnt freq 1219 Hz damping 0 013anel damping 001 fo =29 Hz Frequency (Hz) 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 TL(dB) 34 39 43 47 49 52 53 55 57 58 60 61 62 61 56 56 58 58 61 65 68 imin T TL(dB) 37 49 55 59 59 57 64 Surf mass 4 0 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 2679 Hz damping 0 01 fiberglass (0 6 Ib/ft3) thickness 6 in 80; 70': 65| 60J 55^ S. 50^ w)w .r-o 45; g 40' E ^^1w - ra 30^ 20: 10: 63 125 250 500 1000 frequency (Hz) 2000 4000 | -•- Transmission Loss STC TECHNOLOGIES IMC PROJECT NUMBER 301? 98 67280 ^ PAGE DATE \ of < e- :, 1998 MAXIM TECHNOLOGIES INC. \ TWIN CITY TESTING, INC 662 Cromwell Avenue Si Paui, Minnesota 55114-1776 FIELD iMEAClJNSULATION .CLASS- (F-EEO ' .EVALUATION OF ELOOR7GEItIN&ASSE»ffiLT Conducted at BayhJIl * ^ - -Maxxira Jncorporated ;' Aitentkin.' Mr. Fateic " • 920 Hampi Road .. ,. HameU MN ~55?4 TEST Coniiguration 3/4" Gyp-Crete-2000 & Acousti-Mar II Client Purchase Order Number Contract - Pat Giles MAX.XON REQUIRES NOMINAL ! MAXXON UN D ERL * Y ME NT OVER ACOU3TI MAT II Prepared bj Reviewed b> Randv R AcousticilATDration Engineer MscharucaL/MetallurgicaJ Denartment Phone (612) 659-7317 Ricnara O TnoraaHa Acousfacal/Fenestration Supervisor l DepartmenL The test results contained in this report pertain onlv to the actual floor/ceiling assembly tested and nor necessarily to all similar constructions Austin Research Engineers . Chen-Northern . Empire Soils Investigations Kansas City Tesbnc . Southwestern Laboratories . Twin City Testingrr' PAGE 2 of 4 PROJECT NUMBER 3018 98 67280 4 DATE Seotsmber 3, 1998 FIELD IMPACT INSULATION CLASS (F-IIQ - ASTM E 1007(90) INTRODUCTION This repoiT presents the results of a Field Imoac' Insulation Class test conducted on a Floor/Ceiling at 11460 Fairfkld Road, City of Minnetonka, MN This test was reauested bv Mr Patrick Giles of MaJocon Incorporated 01 Hamel, MN on July 24 1998 and was conducted on August 20, J99S This report must net be reproduced except in full with tne approval of Maxim Technologies \ Twin City Testing The test results contained in this report pertain only to the specific floor/csmng assembly tested and not ne csssanlv to aJl similar constructions Maxim Technologies Inc / Twin Ciry Tasting In: has been accredited by the U S Department of Comment; ana the Nauanal Jnsntute of Standard; and Teennology (NIST, formerly NBS) unde- their National Voiuntarv Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) for conducting tnis test procedure This report mar not be used to claim product endorsement D\ NVLAP or any agency of the U £ Government SUM1VUPY O^ RESULTS The F-IIC of the Floor/Ceiling assembly as described below, witn Armstrong Vmyl, 3/4" Gvp-Crer 2000 eve5 Acousti-Mat II was £5 A tabular and graphical presentation of the data is presented in the Test Results and Fitnire 1 SPECIMEN IDENTIFICATION Jy / ~ (-1Building Component Floor/Ceilmg , A'A ^ F STC Source Room Unit 403 (Dining room) F-STC Termination Room Lmt 305 (Living room) Termination Room Volume 4031 ft3 ' *?*^/ Construction Details Armstrong Vmyl 3/4" Gyp-Crete 2000 Acausti'Mat II 3/4' O S B open web joist - 16" deep, © 19 2" 0 C blown-m fiberglass insulation RC-1 sound channel 5/8" Type X gyosum board Approximate weight 17.2 psf AJ A MVTUAI. mcTOcnox TO aufrv Trnj HUL.-C AHD OOKJHI.VES. AU. MJUOV tcciiNou»oa we MTOHTS «i tuaMirrcD M TJIE COMPIDSKTUI. INFORMATION of CLUWTJ. FOS TUjui-vncf/1>' rrAttMKKrj. CDMCLUSIONI oa nxmvriioHi P»OM OR RJEOUDIXO OUR RKWHTS n uouivu> ?Eiroiiro OUK naa* WIUTTEM AWHOVAL PROJECT NUMBER 3018 98 67250^ PAGE 3 of 4 DATE Sememcer 3 1998 TEST RE SIJLTS Field Impact Insulation Class Data Table Frequency <IIz) 100 - " 12S~ \ 16G -"200 250. " - " 315 ' I 400 f 3DD Ln (dB) S>1 -'-' 58 63 64 63 61 60 59 Denciencj (dB) 0 i1 6 *? 6 a. 4 ,<** i Frequency | CHz) " -630 £00. ' •lood . ' 1250 . .ifibij . * -2000 * 2500 - 3250 Ln (dB) 54 51 4S 42 0 / «. -\ 70 25 1 i Deficiency 1 (dB) 1 i 1 0 i 0 0 ! 0 0 0 0 i 0 Minimum F-I3C Total Deficiencies 32 where Ln Deficiency Normalizes Sound Prsssuie Level (dBI ibe Ln differsnce above the DC comour fdB) TEST PROCEDURE ASTM standarQ E1007(90), "F'.eJG jvlaaiiireineai of Tapoing Macmne Imnac^ Sound Transmission Through Floor-Ceiling Assemblies and Associated Support StruCOu-cs1, was Tollow^o ID ever, rsspec: The instruineatatiDfi was calibrated before arid after iesu witc a sound level calibrator The F-HC value was oDtainec by applying true Ln (Normalized Impact Sound Pressure Level") -values to the standard contour of ASTM E989-89 The temperature and relative hurmdiry aurmg the tests were "'ST and 705c rasnecuvsir TEST EQUIPMENT Manufacturer rVIE, Inc Larson Davis BnjeJ & Kjz" rVIE, Inc Yamaha Broel &. Kjssr Moael PC^M) 2541 4230 E-20B MS60S 3204 Description Spectrum Analvzer 1/2' Free Field Mic Sound Calibrator Noise Generator Monitor Speake- Tapping Machine S/N 45S7A130 1150 232266 741 CSS." KX0149S 84667 i lilijraJ\mniSlc3irrWSarila\9J«7JJO •* AS A MUTUAL rujrecnor TD aJE?fn. ms pumuc ANP OUMELVES xu. MAXIM TBCIIVOIOOIC mr man* /ML sveurrrcs *i TOE scwmE,'.T7Ai. inroKMJirow o? CLKVT, n,cLC\TioN ur rr*TiMl«m ccvo,uiio« o« EXTXXCTICNI P»OM OR .UOAIOINC out RHPOkr isiRTavn: I.JCINC cvs pwcr wurrzjj JWFROVAL. PROJECT NUMBER 301S 98 672SO PAGE 4 of 4 DATE Ssctsmoer 3, L998 FELD - IMPACT INSULATION CLASS (F-IIC) Armstrong Vinyl - 3/4" Gyp-Crete 2000 ove' Acouiti Mat II c/5 E 30- 2 -,,_ i 1 Ln | -H-i ; nc c i ! i Inci, i i ontour ne 1 1 , 1 j 1 i ! i X ! >J ! ! X I i^SI >\ j i j i 1 i ! i i ^^, I .' tr i i • 100 160 230 400 630 1000 1600 2<00 125 200 315 500 800 1250 2000 3150 1/3 OCTAVE BANDS (Hz) F-sx.rc 1 Normalized Sound Pressure Level — .t-JLlC, Floor/Ceiling System n, TnE ALL m FCW Fvai_-ATTON OF !-' BESD1VSB fE CINE ~iA rUJCW TECHNOLOGIES INC PROJECT NUMBER 30IS 96 6728G 5 PAGE DATE 1 of 4 Ssotembe- 3 1998 MAXIM TECHNOLOGIES INC \ TWIN CITY TESTING EVC 662 Cromwell Avenue St Paul, Minnesota £5114-1776 HELD IMPACT INSULATION CLASS OF I^ODR/'CEILING ASSEMBLY Conducted at BayhiD Condominiums " - - Prepared for - - J ' -j " " Maxxon Incorporated Attention: Mr, Patauc 920 Hamel Xoad HameLMN. £5340 Test Configuration Ceramic Tile, 3/4" Gyp-Crete-2000 &. Acousn-Mat II Ghent Purchase Order Number Contract - Pat Giles MAXXON REQUIRES NOMINAL 1 MAXXON UN DER L AY MF MT OVER ACO'uSTI MAT II Preparec "by Renewed bv Randy R Eochstein Acousticai/Vioration Engineer Mecnamcal/Metallurgical Department Phooc (612) 659-7317 Richard O Thomalla AcousticaJ/FenEStration Mechamcal/Metallurgical Department The test results contained m this rspor^ pertain pnlv to the actual fioor\ceiiing assembh tested and not necessanb to all similar conatmcnDns Austin Research Engineers . Chen-Northern . Empire Soils Investigations Kansas City Testing . Southwestern Laboratories . Twin City Testing PROJECT NUMBER 3018 9? 67280 5 PAGE. 2 of 4 DATE September 3, 1998 FIELD IMPACT INSULATION CLASS (F-IIQ - ASTM E 1007(90) INTRODUCTION THIS report presents the results of a Field Impact Insulation Class test conduced on a Floor/Csiiing at 11460 Fairfield Road, Cirv of Miimetonka, MN This test was requested bv Mr Patrick Cues of Maxxon Incorporated of Hamei, MN on Jury 24, 1998 ana was conducted on August 20, 1998 This report must not be reproduced except in fall with the apDrovai of Maxim Technologies \ Twin City Testing The test results contained in this report pertain only to the specific ficor/ce:!uig assembly rest£d and not nj cessanly to all similar constructions Maxim Technologies Inc / Twin Ciry Testing Inc has been accredited bv the U S Department or Commerce and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, formerly NBS) under their National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) for conducting tris rest procedure Thu rspon niciv not be used to claim producr endorsement by NVLAP or an) agency of the U S Government SUMMARY OF RESULTS Tne F-TTC of the Floor/Ceiling asssmblv as dsscnoed below, witn Ceramic Tile 3/-" Gvp-Crelc 2000 over Acousti-Mat II was 56 A tabular and graohical presentation of the data is presented in the Test Results and Figure 1 sSPECIMEN TDENTIFICATIQ^ Building Component F-STC Source Room F-STC Termination Room Termination Room Volume Construction Details -Floor/Cejlmg Q Unit 403 (Living room) <^ Unit 305 (Living room) 4031ft3 Ceramic Tile 3/4" Gyp-Crete 2000 Acousti-Mat II 3/4" 0 S B open web joist - 16" deep, @ 19 2" 0 C biown-m fiberglass insulation RC 1 sound channel 5/8" Type X gypsum coara y A> o ' Approximate weight 20 0 psf *» A vnnwc. noTiCTion TO CJTHTS. TIE roiuc *«& owunvvgt AU- M«MH TteuxcLcrau re »:?OKTS wit B\imj7TB3 AS TKS c -.•irun.ntj.TVUJ Cfta umijf jkTIOM OF ffrXTfiUjINTi CCWCJJBONS Oil SCTXACTON3 ^1OM "» M3CAXDINO OUK JUKIRT3 13 KEaEnVTI) fBMJIXO OUR «UO» PROJECT MEMBER 3018 98 6"2SO 5 PAGE DATE 3 of 4 Seocsmoer : 199S TEST RE SULT5 Field Impact Insulation Class Data Table Frequence (Hz) ~ "100 - 125 160 200- 25Q -315 - -400 loo Ln (dB) 51 55 62 62 59 1 5" 57 | i Deficiency (dB) 0 0 6 6 3 i 2 *•» Frequency (Hz) - 630 soo- ; - ' "1000 .- 1 KSO" ' 1600 - 2000- ./ '2500 . .. " SISG ,",. Ln (dB) i ^ ^ 50 > ] 47 45 ^ ^"t^-1 i] ^1 0^ J) 1i Deficiency ! (dEi ! o ! o 0 0 0 ij r* [ 2 i 0 i Minimum F-IIC 56 Total Deflciencies wnere LE Dsricicno = Nonnalizca Sound ^Yessure Level (dB) = me Ln difrerecce above the IIC contour (dB) TEST PROCEDURE scandara £1007(90), "Fisia Msasursment of Taming Machine Impact Sound Transmssior Through Floor-Ceumg Assemblies and Associated Support Structures", was icllowed in e^e*-}' respsa The insmunsncaaoa ^25 calibrated oefors and afrsr DSSCS with a sound level calforaror THE F-IIC value was obtainefl by applying the Ln (Normaiized Impact Sound Pressure Level) vajues to the standird contour of ASTM E989-89 Tne cmpsrature ;3jid rslanve nunudm' dunng the tests were 75°? and 70*5 reroec TEST EQUIPMENT Manufacturer IVLa, Inc Larson Davis Eruel & Kjffir I VIE, ice " \ aruaha Bruel & Kjsr Moael PC-40 2541 4230 E-20B MS60S 3204 Descnppon Spectrum Analyzer 1/2 Free Field Mic Sound Calibrator Noise Generator Monitor Speaker Tapping Machine S'N 4587A130 1150 282266 741C853 KK01498 84667 A UUTU*'_ McmCTIDN TC CUO.T TOE TWOE /N^ OUlSElvn JOi kLUJW TECUXDUX5KJ )KC HDtll-n A«i SLIMfTTES Ai THE FOX "vsu'i-vnoni or n AliMnwr; CONCIOTON! w mx«r-!ti>o non o» RECAMINC oo» *xrcrr- a UXZAVED TiL Ft;RXAllOr< Of PROJECT NUMBER 301S 9S 672SO 5 DATE 4 of 4 Septembers, 2998 FIELD - IMPACT INSULATION CLASS (F-HC) Ceramic DJe 3/4" Gvr>-CrMe: over Acousii-Ma IT 100 160 250 400 630 1000 3600 2500 125 200 315 500 SOQ 1250 2000 3150 1/3 OCTAVE BANDS (Hz) Figure 1 Normalized Sound Pressure Lev?' - F-HC, Floor/Ceding Svstem MUTUAL mcrcmOH ID CUEHTI TO! PUOIJC AND OUWaVO Ali MAXIM TTDIfOLCCltS IMS UJOfi-n AAi SUDMn-E) AS THE CONnDSWTTjii. iMFO«JKA7iafJ OP CUBxTJ ANDw rca PLTUCATJOH CP ir\TEKE,K-n csHcamoNi OR BXTJUCTIONS mow o« U&UIDIKO our luom s ntsravm PSNUTKC oim riuct w»rrrz.N /.TROw_ TECHNOLOGIES IMC PROJECT NUMBER 5018 98 672SO PAGE 1 of * DATE Seotsmos-3. 199S MAXIM TECHNOLOGIES INC \ TWIN CITY TESTING, INC 662 Cromwell A.venue St Paul Minnesota 55114-1776 FIELD SOXJJST) TRANSMfS,SION:CLASS,(F-STC} -Conducted at Bayfall Condominiums ~ • ' - " - •_"Prroaicd for ,* ""u. „ J *" __'" 'K&pcon Incorpor.at£d" - - Attention" Mr. Patnct Giles -• Hanid- MNT. 55345 Test 3/4" G}T3-Creie-2000 & 4cousti-Mat II Ghent Purchase Order Number Contract - Pat Giles REQUIRES NOMINPL 1 MAXXQN LTM D ERL A\ ?-. E N 7 OVER ACOUSTI T II Prepared b>Renewed bv Rand\ R. Hochstem Acoustical/'VIbration Enguieer Mechanical/Metallurgical Denartinent Phone (612) 659-7317 Richard O Thomalla Acoushcal/Fenestration Supervisor Mechanical 'Metallurgical Department The test results contained in thjs report pertain .only to the actual floor/celling assembly tested and not necessanlv to all similar constructions Austin Research Engineers . Chen-Northern - Empire Soils Investigations Kansas City Testing . Southwestern Laboratories . Twin City Testing PAGE 2 of 4 PROJECT NUMBER 30!S 98 672X0 7 DATE September 3, 199S FIELD SOUND TRANSMISSION CLASS (F-STQ EVALUATION - ASTM E 366-90 INTRODUCTION This report presents the result of a Field Sound Transmission Class tsst conducted on a floor/ceiling assembly at 11460 Fair-field Road. City of Minns-tonka, MN This test was reauested bv Mr Patrick: Giles of Maxxon Incorporated of Hamel, MN on July 24, 1P98 ana was conducted on August 20 199S This repon must not fas reproduced sxceot in fall with the approval of Maxim Technologies \ Twin City Testing The tsst results contained m this resort pertain only to the specific fiaor/ceiiing assembly tested and not nt;c2ssanl\ to all similar constructions Maxim Technologies Inc / Twin Cirv Testing Inc has been accredited bv the L S Depanrnsn? of Commerce and the National Insutute of Standards and Technology (NIST formern NBS) under tneir National Voluntary Laboratory' Accreditation Program (NVLAP) tor conducting this testprocsaurs Tius report m<iv not be used to ciairn produc: endorsement bv NVLAP or any agencv of Lhs U S Government STTMMAKY OF RESULTS The F-STC (Field - Sound Transmission Class; of the floor/ceiling assembly inc'uamg Armstrong Vinyl and 3/4" Gyp-Crete 2000 over Acousti-Mat H, as descnoed below was 61. A taoular and grzi presentation of the aaL2 is presented in the Test Results and Figure 1 4f SPECIMEN IDENTIFICATION **-*j- *#r Buna ing Component Floor/Ceiling ^ C'-V^ ^^ F-STC Source Room Umr 205 (Living Rcorn) O^ ^^ AQj F-STC Termination Room Unit 403 (Kitchen area) ^-^ Total Area 452 fr Tsrmmanon Room Volume 2SOOO ft3 Constructicn Details Armstrong Vinyl 3/4" Gyp-Crete 2000 3/4" 0 S B opsr wsb joist - 16" deep, @ 19 2" 0 C blown-)n fiberglass insulation 1/2" RC channel 5/S" Type X gypsum board Appi oximat: weight 17 2 psf A WTJTUAL rccrrac^nN it) CJ7?>nra, Ttc nj«UC A/TO oimac-vti XLL MAXIM TBOfNouDCTua we JLCPOITI AJU luiwrrrao A* TTTE CQ^PDBMTAI. /WFOHMATiCf o^ cucwrt. A//C "^*rt*T-, T-t^u t,^ ^rtw rtc TTA-na F*JT«. rnw^Lujcowa o« rmLAmaw- Ffici-. os -i-n-^jfifg oi/s xpoina n IUUCSJIVID PRNDINO CMJA fwo* WWTTEM PROJECT NUMBER 301S 98 67280 PAGE DATE 3 of TEST RESULTS, Field Sound Transmission Class Data Table Frequency. Hz 125 " - "160 -- 200"_' ' - 250 " - I '..' -15 - P . 4flD 7 " : 500 _ 1 Floor/ ceiling 4ssemblv Mmunum FTL, dB 38 £2 if 49 Deficiencies dB j 7 6 6 5 53 4 57 ! : 1 60 1 | , «£50 , ,~ " 62 0 '"800 - - ! 63 i __ ' ', ciooo -65 0 | 0 ' 1250- {'. „,] 66 0 - itw ... :66 i 0 ~ " 2000 - 6Q j o*• - • | - } .2500 • _ "...67 '- _ 31SC -, r" | 70 ,' 4000 r - Mrumum'F-STC, - Tfltal-JMfaeiuiies-' 0 0 | 7] | 0 j 61 f 32 ! FTL = vield Transmission Loss (dB) Def = the FTL difference below the STC comour ( F-STC = Field - Sound Transmission Class MUTUAL p«OT»rnof TO cuc<r. ran fUSUC AND ou«Ta.-rt3 xi_ M/COM -rccUNCLOcra ivc toon-n uu lunwrTBT) A.I Tin ro» rtrauc.»TON cmAn-MiiNTS COVCUCIDN cs Emuncxj FHOM OK UCARDINI; oui xrrcnn a nara*v23 PJB.VDINC BUL nuon wnmv« PROJECT NUMBER.2018 98 67280 7 PAGE 4 of -i DATE Sememes- 3, 1998 TEST PROCEDURE and EQUIPMENT F-STC Test ASTM standard E336-90, "Measurement of Airborne Souna Insuisnon m Buildings", was followed in e/ery respect The instrumentation uas calibrated before and aus" testing with a sound level calibrator The F-STC value was obtained bv applying the FTL (Field Transmission Loss) values to the stancard contour of ASTM E413-S7 The-tempers-lure ana relative humidity aunng the Tests were 78°F ana 75 5S, respeznvejv Manufacturer Model PC-40 2541 I VIE, Inc Larson Davis Brus" & Kjsr rVTE, Inc "iarniba E-20B MS60S Description Spectrum Analvzer S/N 45S7A130 1/2" Free FicIoMic 1:50 Sound Calibrator 282266 Noise Generator 741C853 Monnor SneaJcsr KK03498 C7k^H_ .j HELD SOUND TRANSMISSION CJ.ASS (F STC) 3/4" Gyp Crete 2DOO ovc- Acou»tj-MaC II - Living room' Transmission Loss STC Contour STC Line 125 ZCO 315 =00 BCD 1250 2000 3150 150 250 400 630 1GOO 1SDC 2500 4QQO 1/3 OCTAVE BANDS (Hz) Figure 1 Field Sound Transmission Loss of Floor / Cejung Assembly A MUTUAL >ROTI!eTl<W c CJETT T«l PUBUC WD OURJStVIi. AU. MAUM TtCHNOLOClEJ ffJC M7DIT5 AI£ SuaMITTSn A5 TUB COHnDBtTfUL It"C'MfflBN OF FOB FUaUilTTON CF 'TOTEMENTC CONCU.'3IONS CO OT1HCT10N; FXC.M OR W5GARBI c; oil iETOHTS It HisEJlVEO PBVDIKC OLTI fRIOR VRrm« Ar?«CVAi_ AND ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc 5360 WORKMAN MILL ROAD • WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 -2299 A subsidiary corporation of the International Conference of Building Officials EVALUATION REPORTCopyright © 1999 ICBO Evaluation Service Inc ER-3433 Reissued July 1 1999 Filing Category FIRE RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION—Other (080) MAXXON UNDERLAYMENTS MAXXON CORPORATION 920 HAMEL ROAD HA MEL, MINNESOTA 55340 10 SUBJECT Gyp-Crete® Gyp-Crete 2000®, Therma-Floor® Dura-Cap® Level-Right® Underlayments 20 DESCRIPTION 2 1 General Gyp-Crete Gyp-Crete 2000 Therma-Floor and Dura-Cap are high strength gypsum cements used in sound insulating floors Level-Right may be used for floor-leveling The prod- ucts are mixed with sand and water on the jobsite and pumped into place by Maxxon-Corporation-authonzed appli- cators Maxxon underlayments have a minimum 28-day com- pression strength of 1 000 psi (6 9 MPa)and a density of 100 pcf (1601 kg/m3) when tested in accordance with ASTM C 472 The shelf-life information is included in the material specification sheets distributed to all Maxxon Corporation au- thorized applicators Gyp-Crete 2000 Therma-Floor Dura-Cap and Level-Right are acceptable alternatives to Gyp-Crete in all applications and assemblies recognized in this report 2 2 Installation The products are used in several different applications as fol- lows 1 Gyp-Crete Gyp-Crete 2000 Therma-Floor Dura-Cap or Level-Right is applied at a minimum 3/4 inch (19 mm; thicknessovera minimum 19/32-inoh-thick(15mm)40/20 four-ply wood structural panel sheathing subfloor either butt joint or tongue-and-grooved installed on joists spaced maximum 19 2 inches (487 mm) on center fas- tener spacing in accordance with the code One coat of latex bonder is applied to the subfloor by roller or sprayer at a coverage of 300 square feet per gallon (7 36 m2/L) The bonder is a liquid latex with 57 percent solids diluted 1 1 with water for floor applications over APA span-rated oriented strand or waferboard The Gyp-Crete Gyp- Crete 2000 Therma-Floor Dura-CapandLevel-Rightare equivalent to the blocked edges required by Footnote 4 in Table 7-C of the code 2 Gyp-Crete Gyp-Crete 2000 Therma-Floor Dura-Cap or Level-Right is applied over precast concrete as 1/2-inch (127 mm) topping for leveling purposes Concrete with a porosity of a minimum 11 percent absorption can be wetted with water no more than 15 minutes prior to cover- age with Gyp-Crete Gyp-Crete 2000 Therma-Floor Dura-Cap or Level-Right If the absorption of the concrete is less than 11 percent the concrete must be sprayed with the Maxxon latex bonder which is 57 percent solids di- luted 1 1 with water and allowed to dry priorto coverage with Gyp-Crete Gyp-Crete 2000, Therma-Floor Dura- Cap or Level-Right Coverage of bonder shall be at the rate of 300 square feet per gallon (7 36 m2/L) 3 Gyp-Crete 2000 Therma-Floor Dura-Cap or Level-Right isapplied 3/6 inch to 3 inches (9 5 mm to 76 mm) thickover existing concrete for leveling purposes Concrete must be free of oil or grease The surface can be wetted with water 15 minutes prior to underlayment application or sprayed with the Maxxon latex bonder which is 57 per- cent solids diluted 1 1 with water and allowed to dry prior to coverage with Gyp-Crete 2000 Therma-Floor Dura- Cap or Level-Right Coverage of bonder shall be at the rate of 300 square feet per gallon (7 36 m2/L) 4 Gyp-Crete Gyp-Crete 2000 Therma-Floor, Dura-Cap or Level-Right is applied 3/4 inch to 3 inches (19 mm to 76 mm) thick over existing wood floors for leveling purposes with one coat of asphalt emulsion Type SS-1 being brushed mopped or squeegeed to the surface for com- plete sealing of existing wood The emulsion is applied without dilution at the rate of 100 square feet per gallon (2 45 m2/L) and must dry at least two hours but not more than 24 hours, priorto Gyp-Crete Gyp-Crete 2000 Ther- ma-Floor Dura-Cap or Level-Right application 5 Gyp-Crete Gyp-Crete 2000 Therma-Floor Dura-Cap or Level-Right is applied on joists spaced 24 inches (610 mm) on center Minimum construction consists of 1 inch (25 4 mm) of Maxxon underlayment over a 19/32-|r|ch- thick (15 mm) CD-grade wood structural panel sheathing subfloor either butt joint or tongue and groove with exte- rior glue installed in accordance with the code The ply- wood bears a span index of 40/20 and utilizes the 1 -inch (25 4 mm) Maxxon underlayment in lieu of the ^/ajsnch (198 mm) wood strip flooring required by Footnote 6 of Table 7-C of the code 6 Therma-Floor may be used with radiant heating flooring installations The underlayment is installed a minimum of3/4 inch (19 mm) thick above radiant tubing or cables 2 3 Sound Control The sound-transmission classification (STC) for the floor- ceiling assemblies in Figures 1 through 15 is a minimum of 50 In Figure 1 Gyp-Crete may be installed 1 inch (25 4 mm) thick and the 1/2-mch (127 mm) resilient channels and fiber- glass insulation may be deleted, and the assembly will still re- main a minimum STC rating of 50 The impact insulation clas- sification (11C) for the floor-ceiling assemblies is minimum of 50 provided the construction is as follows 1 The assembly in Figure 1 is covered with a 3/e-inch-thick (9 5 mm) 46-ounce-per-square-yard (1 76 kg/m2) foam Evaluation reports of ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc., are issuedsolelv to pro vide information to Class A members of ICBO, utilizing the code upon which the report abased Evaluation reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or <my other attributesnnt specifically addressed nor man endorsement or rccommen- datum for use of the subject report Tliu report is based upon independent tests or other technical data submitted by the applicant The ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc, techmcalstqffhas revixwedthe test results and/or other data, but does not possess testfacilities to make an independent verification. There is no warranty bvICBO Evaluation Service, Inc., express or implied, as to on) ' Finriuig" or other matter in tltereport or as to an) product covered bv the report This disclaimer includes, but is nothmaedto, merchantability Page 1 of 6 Page 2 of 6 ER-3433 pad and a 1/2-inch-thick (127 mm) 76-ounce-per- square-yard (2 9 kg/m2) carpet Two-and-one-half-mch- thick (63 mm) 1 5 pcf (24 kg/m3) fiberglass insulation may be added to the joist space 2 The assembly in Figure 2 is covered with a 24-ounce-per- square-yard (0 9 kg/m3) foam pad 0 373 inch (9 47 mm) thick and a 60-ounce-per-square-yard (2 3 kg/m3), 0 48-mch-thick (122 mm) carpet 3 The assembly in Figure 3 is covered with 0 174-mch-thick (4 4 mm) 29 6 pcf (474 kg/m3) Armstrong Cork Company Quiet Zone II vinyl corlon 4 The assembly in Figure 4 is covered with 0 174-mch-thick (4 4 mm) 29 8 pcf (474 kg/m3) Armstrong Cork Company Quiet Zone II vinyl corlon 5 The assembly in Figure 5 is covered with 0 65-mch-thick (165 mm) 91-ounce-per-square-yard (3 5 kg/m3) jute- backed carpeting or is covered with 0 174-tnch-thick(4 4 mm) 29 6 pcf (474 kg/m3) Armstrong Cork Company Quiet Zone II vinyl corlon 6 The assembly in Figure 6 is covered with 0 1 -inch-thick (2 5mm),0 25pcf(4 0 kg/m3) Armstrong Premier Sundial Sola nan 7 The assembly in Figure 7 is covered with a 40-ounce (1 3 kg) 0 25 psf (122 g/m2) hair jute pad and a World Carpet Type II-A Class 1 Commendable Carpet 0 5 psf (244 g/m2) 8 The assembly in Figure 8 is covered with 0 358-mch-thick (9 1 mm) Hartco foam tile wood parquet, or 0 306-inch- thick (7 8 mm) Hartco regular wood parquet, or 0 125- mch-thiok (3 2 mm), 22 oz /ft 2 (7 6 kg/m2) Armstrong Ex- celon vinyl asbestos tile or 0 085-mch-thick (2 2 mm) 38 9 oz /yd 2 (1 48 kg/m2) Congoleum Floor-Ever sheet vinyl or the R-11 insulation may be deleted provided the assembly in Figure 8 is covered with a 5/i6-mch-thick (7 9 mm) 38 9 oz /yd 2 (1 48 kg/m2) Bigelow Stati-Tuft Weld- lok carpet glued directly to the surface of the Gyp-Crete 9 The assemblies shown in Figures 9 and 10 are covered with a 40-ounce (1 28 kg) hair jute pad and a 0 389 psf (190 g/m2) carpet applied overthe Gyp-Crete cement To- tal thickness of the carpet and pad isO 75 inch (19mm) 10 The assembly in Figure 11 is covered with a 50-ounce- per-square-yard (1 92 kg/m2) hairjute pad 1/2inch(127 mm) thick and a World Carpet Type II-A Class I Com- mendable Carpet 0 5 psf (8 0 kg/m3) 2 4 Alternate One-hour Fire-resistive Construction to Double Wood Floor Assembly Shown in Table 7-C (Foot- note 14) of the Code As an alternate to the double wood floor 5/8-mch-thick(15 9 mm) plywood subfloor covered with 3/4-mch-thick (19 mm) Gyp-Crete with one coat of latex bonder applied to the sub- floor prior to installation of the Gyp-Crete is acceptable The latex bonder liquid latex 57 percent solids diluted 1 Iwithwa- ter is applied at the rate of 300 square feet per gallon (7 36 m2/L) 2 5 Two-hour Fire-resistive Sound-control Construc- tion The fire-resistive construction consists of minimum 3/<i-inch (19 mm) 1 000 psi (6 89 MPa) Gyp-Crete over 5/8-mch (159 mm) subfloor installed in accordance with the code The floor is supported by a 2 by 10 wood joist at 16 inches (406 mm) on center protected on bottom with two layers of 5/a-inch- thick (15 9 mm) Type X gypsum wallboard The first layer is attached directly to joists with 3d box nails at 7 inches (178 mm)oncenter Number25gage 1/2-inch-deep-by-11/2-inch- wide (127 mm by 38 mm) steel resilient channels are placed 24 inches (610 mm) on center and fastened to each joist with 8d common nails The second layer of gypsum wallboard is attached to channels with 1-mch-long (254 mm) drywall screws spaced at 12 inches (305 mm) on center Fire-resistive floor-ceiling assemblies provided with the floor covering and insulation specified in Figures 1 7 and 8 maintain a minimum STC of 50 and a minimum IIC of 50 2 6 One-hour Fire-resistive Sound-control Floor Construction 1 Construction shown in Figures 1 and 13 qualify as one- hour fire-resistive sound-control floor construction pro- vided the 11/2-mch-wtde (38 mm) No 25 gage resilient channels are fastened to each joist with 11/4-mch-tong (32 mm) Type Wor S screws spaced 12 inches (305 mm) on center and the 1/2-inchor5/e-inch (12 7 mm or 15 9mm) Type X gypsum wallboard is fastened to channels with 1 -inch-long (25 4 mm) Type S screws 2 Additional fire-resistive floor-ceiling assemblies incorpo- rating Gyp-Crete are recognized under National Evalua- tion Service Reports NER-148 and NER-200 2 7 Identification The underlayments noted in this report are identified by the Maxxon Corporation name, the date of manufacture and the evaluation reportnumber(ICBO ES ER-3433) printed on the 80-pound (36 4 kg) bags 30 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Descriptive literature report of tests on sound transmission fire compression strength density shrinkage bond shear and penetration 40 FINDINGS That the Maxxon Underlayments described in_this report comply with the 1997 Uniform Building Code ", provided the installation is in accordance with this report and the manufacturer's instructions, and the installation is done by applicators authorized by Maxxon Corporation This report is subject to re-examination in two years Page 3 of 6 ER-3433 FIGURE 1—SOUND-CONTROL ASSEMBLY 1 Gyp-Crete Gypsum Cement Minimum 3/4 inch thick density, 100 pounds per cubic foot (mm) 2 Subfloor 5/gHnch plywood installed in accordance with the code 3 2x10 wood joists at 16 inches on center 4 21/2-inch fiberglass insulation density 1 5 pcf (optional) 5 1/2-mch-deep-by-11/2-inch-wide No 25 gage resilient channels at 24 inches on center fastened to each joist with 11/4nnch-long drywall screws 6 5/8-mch gypsum board fastened to channel with 1-inch-long drywall screws spaced at 12 inches on center All joints taped and sealed with compound FIGURE 2—SOUND-CONTROL ASSEMBLY 1 Gyp-Crete Gypsum Cement 1 inch thick density 100 pounds per cubic foot (min) 2 Sheathing 1/2-mch—24 9 pounds per cubic foot asphalt-impregnated nailable sheathing nailed 6 inches on center at perimeter and spot nailed in the field 3 Subfloor s/8-<nch plywood installed in accordance with the code 4 2x10 wood joists at 16 inches on center 5 1/2-mch Type X gypsum board fastened directly to the joists with drywall screws spaced at 12 inches on center FIGURE 3—SOUND-CONTROL ASSEMBLY 1 Gyp-Crete Gypsum Cement Minimum 1 inch thick density 100 pounds per cubic foot (min ) 2 Subfloor 5/8-mch plywood installed in accordance with the code 3 Approved Floor Truss 16 inches deep openweb spaced 19 2 inches on center top and bottom chords are nominal 2-by 4-inch wood members as manufactured by the Trus Joist® Corporation 4 Ceiling Board 5/8-mch gypsum board nailed directly to the floor truss with 6 penny nails at 8 inches on center inch thick density 100 FIGURE 4— SOUND-CONTROL ASSEMBLY 1 Gyp-Crete Gypsum Cement Minimum 3/ pounds per cubic foot (mm ) 2 Subfloor 5/8-mch plywood installed in accordance with the code 3 Approved FloorTruss 16 inches deep, open web spaced 19 2 inches on center top and bottom chords are nominal 2 mch-by-4-inch wood members as manufactured by the Trus Joist Corporation 4 Resilient Channel 11/2-mch-wide by-1/2-mch-deep No 25 gage fastened perpendicular to the joist on 24-inch centers with 11/4-inch Type W or S screws 5 Ceiling Board 5/B-inch gypsum board attached to the channel with 1"'/2-mch Type S screws at 12 inches on center FIGURE 5—SOUND-CONTROL ASSEMBLY 1 Gyp Crete Gypsum Cement Nominal 1/2 inch thick density 100 pounds per cubic foot (mm) 2 PrecastUrwt Minimum 8 inch thick precast concrete hollow-core floor slab having 5-i rich-diameter holes running the length of the panels and having a weight of 66 psf The panels must be recognized in a current ICBO ES or NES evaluation report 3 Grout Joint Filled with sand-cement grout mix as required by precast manufacturer For SI I inch = 25 4 mm Page 4 of 6 ER-3433 FIGURE 6—SOUND-CONTROL ASSEMBLY 1 Gyp Crete Gypsum Cement Minimum 3/4 inch thick density, 100 pounds per cubic foot (mm) 2 Subfloor 5/8Hnch plywood installed in accordance with the code 3 2 x 10 wood joists at 16 inches on center 4 31/2-mch R-11 fiberglass insulation (optional) 5 1/2-mch-deep-by-11/2-inch-wide No 25 gage resilient channels attached with V/4-inch Type S screws each joist at 24 inches on center 6 1 /2-inch Type X gypsum board attached with 1 -inch Type S screws, 12 inches on center to resilient channels FIGURE 7—SOUND-CONTROL ASSEMBLY 1 Gyp-Crete Gypsum Cement Minimum 1 inch thick density 100 pounds per cubic foot (mm) 2 Subfloor 5/s-mch plywood installed in accordance with the code 3 2 x 10 wood joists at 16 inches on center 4 SVjnnch-thick fiberglass insulation (optional) 5 1/2-inch Type X gypsum board screwed directly to the joists with V4-mch drywall screws 12 inches on center FIGURE 8—SOUND-CONTROL ASSEMBLY Gyp Crete Gypsum Cement Minimum 13/a inch thick density 100 pounds per cubic foot (mm ) Subfloor 5/8 inch plywood installed in accordance with the code 2 x 10 wood joists at 16 inches on center 31/2-mch thick fiberglass insulation 1/2-inch-deep-by-11/2-inch-wide No 25 gage resilient channels attacned with 1 v^-inch arywall screws at 24 inches on center 1 /2-inch Type X gypsum board attached with 1 -inch drywall screws 12 inches on center to resilient channels FIGURE 9—SOUND-CONTROL ASSEMBLY 1 Gyp-Crete Gypsum Cement Minimum 3/4 inch thick density 100 pounds per cubic foot (mm ) 2 Subfloor 3/4-mch tongue-and-groove plywood installed in accordance with the code and field glued at all edges and at each joist 3 Approved Floor Truss TJI16'Joist 91/2 inches deep 24 inches on center asmanufacturedbyTrusJoistCorporationofBoise Idaho 4 Fireproofing 1 inch-thick Thermafiber® mineral felt (8 pcf) fireproofing as manufactured by the United States Gypsum Company 5 Fireproofing and ceiling support clip and No 25 gage channels Simpson ceiling support channel and clip spaced 24 inches on center and nailed to each joist with 6-penny common nails 6 CeilmgBoard 1/2-mch gypsum board attached every 12 inches on center to support channels with 1-inch drywall screws All joints taped and sealed with compound For SI I inch = 25 4 mm Page 5 of 6 ER-3433 FIGURE 10—SOUND-CONTROL ASSEMBLY 1 Gyp-Crete Gypsum Cement Minimum3/,, inch thick density 100 pounds per cubic foot (mm) 2 Subfloor 3/4-inch tongue-and-groove plywood installed in accordance with the code 3 Approved Floor Truss TJI Joist, 91/2 inches deep, 24 inches on center as manufactured by Trus Joist Corporationof Boise, Idaho 4 Ceiling Board First layer of 1/2-inch-thick Type X gypsum board fastened to resilient channels every 8 inches on center with 1 -inch Types drywall screws, second layer fastened to resilient channels every 8 inches with 1s/8-inch Type S drywall screws All joints of face layer taped and sealed with compound 5 Resilient Channels 11/2 inches wide by 1/2 inch deep No 25gage spaced at 16-inch centers with 11/4-inch-long drywall screws and attached at each joint FIGURE 11—SOUND-CONTROL ASSEMBLY 1 Gyp-Crete Gypsum Cement Minimum 3/4 inch thick density 100 pounds per cubic foot (mm ) 2 Subfloor 3/4-inch tongue and-groove plywood installed in accordance with the code 3 Truss Parallel chord truss minimum 12 inches deep 2X4 chords and webs spaced 24 inches on center Resilient Channels 1V2 inch wide by 1/2 inch deep No 25 gage spaced at 16-inch centers with 11/4- screws and attached at each joint !1/4-inch-long Type S drywall Ceiling Board 5/8-inch Type X gypsum wallboard attached to resilient channels with 1-inch Type S drywall screws spaced 12 inches on center FIGURE 12—SOUND-CONTROL ASSEMBLY 1 Carpet and pad Total weight of 0 96 psf (carpet 0 70 inch thick 0 64 pounds per square foot and pad 0 565 inch thick 0 32 pounds per square foof) 2 TVj-mch-thick Gyp-Crete 13 1 pounds per square foot 3 Enkasonic insulator 045 inches thick 0 13 pounds per square foot manufactured by BASF Corporation Fibers Division 4 3/4-mch-thick oriented strand board 5 31/2-mch-thick R-11 fiberglass insulation 6 12 inch-deep open web trusses spaced 24 inches on center 7 Resilient channel 21/2 inches wide No 22 gage attached with self-tapping screws 8 5/g-inch thick Type X gypsum board attached with 3A(-inch self-tapping screws to resilient channels FIGURE 13—SOUND-CONTROL ASSEMBLY 1 Armstrong designer solarium 2 Nominal 11/2-inch Gyp-Crete 2000 (110-115 pcf) 3 1/4nnch Acousti-Mat (25 7 pcf) (extended flush with surface of Gyp-Crete) 4 3/4nnch Oxboard (waferboard OSB board) 5 31/2 inch R11 fiberglass insulation 6 Nominal 2 inch by 10 inch joists 7 USG RC—one resilient channel 8 5/B-inch gypsum board For SI 1 inch = 25 4 mm Page 6 of 6 ER-3433 FIGURE 14—SOUND-CONTROL ASSEMBLY 1 Armstrong-Caspen vinyl (0 068 inch thick 2 92 Ibs /sq yd ) or ceramic tile (0 032 inch thick 3 54 Ibs /sq ft) 2 3/<t inch -1 inch Maxxon Gypsum Cement 3 Acousti-Mat® II (5 5 pcf) (V4 inch) 4 3/4-mch OSB board 5 USG RC-1 resilient channel 6 Open web truss—16 inches deep 19 2 inches oc 7 Blown fiberglass insulation—16 inches thick 1 0 pcf density 8 5/a-mcn Type X gypsum board FIGURE 15—SOUND-CONTROL ASSEMBLY Ceramic tile (0 032 inch thick 3 54 Ibs /sq 1 inch Maxxon® Gypsum cement Aeousti-Mat8' II (5 5 pcf) (V4 inch) ft) Precast concrete (6 inches thick 2 feet wide) Hat channel suspended 9 inches by hanger wire 31/2-mch R-11 fiberglass insulation in the plenum 5/e-inch Type X gypsum board attached to hat channel ATTACHMENT 2 Typical Recessed Down Light Enclosure Box Details •y2" MIN AIR SPACE 2-LAYERS GTP BD •CONT LEDGER A5 REG'D EXIST GTP BD TO REMAIN 2X BLOCKING c'H OCCURS ) NOTE RECESSED CAN1 LIGI-T NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY D A AN ( -H-i I ! ATTACHMENT 3 Recommended Product Details 09820/SHA BuyLJne 1785 Construction Gaskets Acoustical and Thermal Gasket Reduces Sound and Thermal Transmission with Metal and Wood Framing \ TECHNICAL SUPPORT 9 Us/IB 1144 te*tn3) Force To Compress4 3.5 PSI (24.1 6Pa) W&rtoorptoV^Ktane IK Ranie Spread Ciassjfiatoi 15 Smite Devefopd Classification 10 GUIBESPECIFICATION ASTMH667 PAFtTl-CENERftL ASTMD-2240 ResftrtggstefDrebcenentfael^ ASIMM667 msnb<M and (ffj^ sheathing, wo^ ttMUJE •aurgigo Ga^stefl reduce alitwnte and impact swndiransi^^ •5j.iro4.9ft SSTHC-518 ASTMD-572-S3 defects ciniy, Spedfjtagtoteg^fissteb 3i«rtSpedfc!rtk*sfw aralabte in our program on Sne&CD or at Mee&cem ready fer Bsaediaieuse. Depends® on application an) construction, tetegrtty™ Caskets msy be included insawalCSl sections: 05140-load Beating Mete! Studs 05420-Cold Fomred Metal Joists 06110-Wwdfiaarag 06160 • Swathing 06170 • Prefabrkated Structural Wood 09250-(ftpsum Board 09255-WaBCastet PAHT2-PRODUCT Castet siaB be 1/8" ttcfc x [1- 716", 2-3^4", 3") wide. Smoke Dwdoped= 10 PflflT 3 -EXECUTION tbbUHBiJBSBBBiiBsmudtediylitfaioafliBciifttt 13080.Saa^«iMtai«dS(WBODaM Cot gzskd flush wBhpeftatter of c CODES aafCBmnCfllONS toautVBtvKtoomritoi SJao^Cofi?any,bc.wan^M«wlrte^^HBorGastoisfree^ 'Hwhp»-««rtBW*»«i«t9l ronfatetedefeclsfaipat^ AVaUManYwdCOST awonUmMUSbadMKiBttractiiMilttl^^ USA,Casada»dl*M<a;8electtd' redateHoofwIwtiwiat^he^piweat squeaks. If any tnt^ WMMdR SlutMlCanaKbc. defectiTB in materials or wrtm»amhip,Shadi»elJ will refoml its purdiastprte, VbftoarmbteortaltocaAm} atsbim ConstnBtkB Patents: USA Pataitttanber 5^54^03 SEE US IN USA P»tertNw*er 5,718,092 MAISUTACTUREH DF stornU^ Suul Methods. Inc. 5 H a p c s ^ 11<»J 5 Shoemaker AVC. Su»i;i l'i- Springs, CA W670 ISO300S & QS3OOO Certified Co. Class 1OO Clean Room X 562-946-9439 PRODUCT IN PLACE ( (instruction Wood Framing '(•>• Gypsum Board- Wood Studs.-*-•,..»/' Integrity™ Gasket. on both sides of each wall stud Steej Framing Gypsum Boird Metni Studs integrity'" Gasket on both sides of each wall stud 1 09820/SHA Buy Line 1785 ',, Runner I racks and Plates Met'tl runner tract'. Meta! Studs Integrity" Gisket used at runner track IILII hiusjnn 1S! (.iisku is un.d bi.tut.L-n g\r»s.tim bond JIKI su.t.1 or \\ood stiul w ill iriinuij; u proems ii| tii Wa oi iiiboim >n ncl tr ininmsio.il I'i KC Inuprm 'M (.1 isJiit under hot torn pliu mil iboiL top plarc ior 111 tMtniini souiici pirionn HILL :;>- ••:'If vv r,!1'- . ', ,, Uninsulated wall construction ij _* Insuiateo .vVali construciioh' liittgnn ''•' ( I'.ki.t uiLt! \Miii insul ittii int) uninsui ittil -.Uvi u.>n>niKikii! sianilii tiuli icdiK^s tin. scmiui [i insnmsini; in Ixitli ir. ''•' Ci iski.i ns!_d litt\\LCII IriniiiiL it r\ ind dtmi SM\ i;ul('u\ \ v\ill utlucc i tr.insniis'jion diiougli \\-i!K ," 'Metal Framing"..' ;:' " - ' .. .»...',*'• integrity7"1 ba'sKetiil l:u^urn\ IV Giiktt foinii L hi*, ik u t \ttnor v. ilf M'Miicc *>ltKLs l(> piLVciU sll U'j|j\\ MIL, r\ [> 'ini boiro ttiJ rt ilit. ^ ir insinission \\iih mt.it; iiUL,in» x: l.> tsvLt iptin. to "o floor joisti bcrwuti loist iiui vub flounnu; rt-diiccs MUII. ik-- and lOUIKJ tlJJISllllSMOll 11) (.OIlMJltlOn l! rt.iiut.mil! Cdiuirunuin l)t> not us!. K!li MM i\nh Inttuiin lsi C. isl <.i! lntLH!it\lx Cii'-U: ippiiid to MII.U! J loiiti oll'trs simniii. nil icduainrT. in ir imniissioi: ^rm IS! dislxLl cm lit used \Mlli Uptldl (.OIlVCIIIIDIl ll 111(1 ,mi<-riil \Mioti Johns Sin.nl. 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TV, i AS 1 M F H'l Fianip tprt 'i.J 2'i P k:.i btr.o! :' D;pd 'i(i cr ir;s Formaldehyde iret Therm t\ jnd Acoustical Fiber Glass Insiiidtion V!.,i! ojr website s '••• i;l >m ct i Or col, <• n i ' , ) !-:nc HO ICRC i i,'- SBCC! II i I ice/me il- ' I; ". H-.i le S|in.fi(l Specif H'dUfHi II viliu: RSi value Compliance (hi ft F/Biuj !IH K/V\n(iv Thickne iin) jii Ptlt-ti! rnmmti SMI V\on;] f-rdiriniri linj Mc'nl F-riir!iir.n (inn; UIKK] Ff imiiiij tinmi 1 ^ I 'JHO!iT FOi'M SI'E. 11- CA in(i «il ii' -11!": Mc'iii r.: :. ii ii'-: or n..\. ii oh.n:'! '.li !! U w',n tv-.s:? .I1- !:i i '; iFoii dii , .. iiii Ti •• ~he.'ir il ffi Tiix:., " ;fS' J i-L ? K I i l.-'l Oil SI .:!' P.. "• iR'Ji I H:i.H,-. '-. ;';.. LiiVilTAT! if'S Q- I.!-'' Cir.l' .ppir nil. i. nain & f i"i 11 \ i Li i -H n/; i n;r .ur i, r;i -Mn -, ni \ i> juicin !!',i :t;irin i jtiM-i/i. u:t LI--. = :i i i ! :•, r HI- -iv; t?'- r-;-y /•( • iimpi • i ic i ;. j; n ; n rift; iic. 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". . •*• ^"-. -. vf i .Wa' ^Q9U fefflotM'Seems ike lie ID floor: J^-*»3 e^Js^ !SS ^ '^fel p- imiTiT ACOUSTI MAT II OVER PARALLEL CHORD TRUSS 5/3 06 rGyosum Boarc:Chord Truss THE PROOF IS IN THE TESTING Whether choosing an upscale townhome residence or luxury lodging accommodations, today's consumers are accustomed to the best Privacy and solitude are especially important factors in their decisions And the last thing they're willing to put up with is impact noise from other floors and adjoining units With Acousti MafH and a Maxxorf ' underlaymeni this system was 8 IIC 'and 10 STCrating points higher than the same system without Acousti Mat II and a /Maxxon underlayrnent This proves the Acousti Mat System cuts airborne and impact sound transmis- sions up to one half1 THE SUPERIOR SOUND CONTROL SYSTEM When the expectations for solitude are high, the sound con trol system chosen must meet or exceed those expectations Unlike some glorified carpet pads sold as "sound mats/' Acousti Mafll is specifically engineered and tested to inhibit sound transfer" Manufactured for Maxxon5" Corporation, the floor specialists, NEW Acousti-MaP II represents a breakthrough in sound con trol technology —..one that makes superior sound control more cost effective than ever PROVEN PERFORMANCE NEW Acousti-Mat II consists of a nylon core of fused entangle filaments, attached to a non-woven fabnc This system reduces Transmission of impact and airborne sounds by creating a void area In the floor's construction The 95% void:area serves as an excellent sound, isolator The Acousti- Mat II provides a strong structural element for trie Maxxone underlayrnent Patterned in a "V" shape, the fine filaments also provide-strong deflection and compression resistance FIRE RESIST Acousti-Mi With a hn it creates subfloor anl even more limited to sound control aione loor Underlayment, m the wood or concrete latenais, for a space that's SOI 7 ve specified Acousn-Mat II for various types of construc- tion — multi-family, open beani, and renovation — with excellent results incorporating fiCOUsn-Mai II over a concrete or wood frame subfloor with fiberglass insulation and a resilientlv supported ceiling will pro- vide superior impact noise control" Acoustician with over 30 vearz of consulting experience Co\ei photo - - -i'- „ L Columbus Shore, ffving1, Texas, oae, of several Columbus Realty Trust properties featuring (he-superior sound control benefits of Acousti Mat technology r IMPROVES HARD SURFACE AREAS, OR THE ENTIRE FLOOR Sound ratings of 45 F IIC and 50 IIC are standard requirements for mulh family housing, limiting interior floor covering choices to basic carpet and pad But wifri Acousti Mat II, elegant hardwoods, marble and ceramic tile can be incorporated without sacrificing sound control — in a few select areas, or throughout the entire floorplan EVERY FLOOR A "TOP FLOOR " As senior property manager of Addison Circle, a luxury multi family, office and retail development in North Dallas County, Lori Fall deals with concerns about sound control every day Top floors usually get leased first, because people want to avoid noise from upstairs neighbors/' states Lon "Buf -- - with Acousti Mat, the sound is so muted it's not even an issue When I ask residents how the/re enjoying their apartment home, and whether neighbors' noise is a problem, the overwhelming majority of responses is that this is one of the quietest properties in the area " With Acousti Mat, every floor's a "top floor I" COLUMBUS REALT1 TRUST INVESTING ]N%ESIDENT . and il ^V--«— I '-is-N'l Iv-i/y^"! •'!('• n I,the cover were aevelopeai^LolurriDus Realty Trust, a Dallas boisea1. Veal estate investment trust .. Since 1991, fhf company hasj.cje^loped^sg/eral "• thousand luxury apartments in jfie Uptown neigh borhood of near downtown Dallas Columbus first used Acousti-Mat in 1994, in response to noise complaints generated in ceramic tile and hardwood floor areas Since that first installation, the company has specified Acousti Mat installation in more than 116,000 square feet of apartment space, and is now specifying New Acousti Mat II ADDISON CIRCLE Location North Dallas County, Texas Total Units 460 apartments (Phase 1) "In an upscale apartment community, superior sound control isn 't an' 'extra'•location Uptown Dallas, Texas 'Total Units 34 apartments -4Ni#f- _, ^iaiwiiiaa—*_-. ,j>.;at™Mi.,.- __;,. ,,-..,. •^•.vffijtfae--< -1u."=i«r.-.--jfta^.. ai-ii*vi- Igistallatbsi of a Superior Sound Control System Acoush-Mat I] is laid over the entire concrete or wood subfloor Isolation strips are installed around the perimeter of ihe entire room to eliminate Ranking paths Seams between sections of Acousti-Mat !l are sealed with tape Acousti-Mat II is covered with a one-inch (25 mm) minimum topping of approved Maxxon~ unoer iayment To ensure unirorm death and a smooth nnish installers use a screed1 fo finish the underiaymem sur face In as lirte as two hours after tne underiayment has been poured the floor is hard enough ro accommodate foot frame so light subtrcdes may continue working Total drying time vanes depend- ing on the tyoe of finished floor goods to be msialled but is generally completed within 10 to 14 days ACOUST! MAT II OVER PRECAST CONCRETE ACOUSTI MAT II OVER TJI1 JOIST FIRE RATINGS/UL DESIGN NUMBERS F IIC CField impact irauiation Class) sound tests were oerfomned in accordance with ASTM E 1007 and E 989 F STC (Field Sound Transmission Class) sound tests were oertorned in accordance witn ASTM E 336 and E 413. Actual tests are available uoon request Maxxon Unaerlavmems and Acousti !v1f!t ii am but two components effective sound control svstem Sio sounci control svsiem is better (nan its weakest component. Care taken in the installation 01 comoonenls of construction to assure the ultimate designed acoustical perfbi 1I) The suucturti! iioor shoui:! DG anr-quriic o with.str.rKi oesion bsd.9 wtn ,j aenecc.'on umiwjicn c1' L 360 (2) Acousti Me.' I: r.houk.1 Of,1 r.stalitHi ,'ificr tnr: rin-'v/ai' (3: Acousti Mai ;l snouki noi as mstaiiea over ausim:natcc wood suhfiooru nvicn 1 /« (6 rnrr;.- '6 3 pa (SB kg/m ; oijc A"th white fnsn Enmneercd b/ Ento Description Material composition Thickness nominal Density Color Flammabilrty ASTM E 84 Fuel contribution 0 Smoke density NFPA Class A Flame spread NFPA Class A Pressure) Deflection 500 psf (2440 Kg/m" 0 06 inches (! 52 mm) 1000 psf (4880 Kg/rtf) -i 0 08 inches (2 03 mm) 2000 psf C9760 Kg/rrr) 0 15 inches (3 81 mm)' 4000 psf (19520 Kg/m'} 020 inches (5 08 nirn)l J927V:iDqa|L503«l®%l536 Ji f ARBOR DAY FARM LIED CONFERENCE CENTER ebrasko City, NE 2nd, 3rd, & 4th floors Installed Acousfi-Maf7 with expanded wire lath, and IV:" of Gyp-Crete 2000 O sq ft /floor, 32,000 sq ft total Phase II 3rd & 4th floor Installed Acousti-lViaf I! with edamg, ™d I'/" of Gyp-Crete 2000 ;5,500 sq ft /floor, 1 1,000 sq ft total Arch.tecture, Omaha, NE General Cannacroi Meco-Henne Contracting, Inc , Omaha, NE"'—"A - •* AT ARBOR DAY FARM ACOUSTI-MAT IT LS THE- NATURAL SOLUTION TO SOUND CONTROL From its open expanse of windows designed to instill an appreciation of nature to its use of wood as a renew able source of energy for heating and cooling, Lied Conference Center in Nebraska City, Nebraska, pro vid'es a lesson in environmental stewardship With Acousti-Mat II, it also provides an example of srate-of the-art sound control Original Acousti-Mat was used throughout the construction of Phase I, and was so successful that there was no question about incorporating New Acoush-Mni il into the additional rooms of Phase I! A world-class facility dedicated to the achieve ment of successful meetings, bed Conference Center reflects the mission and goals of its parent organization, The National Arbor Day Foundation Situated on the 260-acre Arbor Day Farm, the center overlooks oak and hickory trees, apple orchards and Arbor Lodge, home of Arbor Day founder J Sterling Morton The center's design was one of 13 selected to appear in the American Institute of Architect's first annual Exhibition on Environmentally Conscious Architecture in 1991 With Acousn-Mal II installed in the Jiallways guests aren 't bothered b\ noises of other guests, lug- gage or carts rolling down the halls Guests at the Arbor Day Farm enjoy quiet rooms with Acousti-Mat IV L SECTION 03540 Gvpsum Cementitious Ijnderlavment RECOMMENDED SPECIFICATION FOR MAXXON* FLOOR UNPERIAYMENT OVER ACOUSTI MAT H SOUND DEADENING PAD PART 1 GENERAL 7 01 SUMMARY A This is the recommended .specification for Maxxon Floor Uncleriavment over Acousti Mat II souno dcaciening pad ] 02 SECTION INCLUDES A Maxxon Underlavment B ACOUSLI Mat I! C Maxxon Floor Primer D Maxxon Oversprav 1 03 QliAJJTY ASSURANCE -i Maxxon bnaeriavrneni Installer1: Qualifications Installation of Maxxon undenavmeni shall he b^ an applicator authorized hv the Maxxon Corporation using Maxxon approved mix my and pumping cauipment B "\coust> Mar II Installers Qualifications Installation of Acou.sti Mat II shall he bv an applicator imhonzed m the Maxxon Corporation 104 DELIVER! STORAGE AND HANDLING •\ Ge'nera! Requirements Maternis snail ai delivered in their oncinai unopened pack ages ano protected irom evoosiire to the: elements Damaeeci or aetenorired mate rials snail be removed from tiie premise... / 05 SITE CONDITIONS \ Environmental Requirements Before ciunng anc. after installation or Maxxon lindernvmeni and Acou.sti Mu II nuilciinc interior .shall be enclosed anc; maintained at .- lemnei iiure ai-ov i. >0 cieuifi;- F (10 degrees C; PART 2 PRODUCTS 2 01 MATERIALS •\ Floor bnd<-ria\meiii Floor iinderiavment as mantii Vrursid bv tr.c- M-ixxon Gimonuor H.imel MN Ali other' mii^t receive prior :ippro\ ai B 5-ouiic' De.idenmc Vac. Vvousti \\-\ II a- manuriciuiec n\ tin: M ixxon Corporation Hamel MN C .Sand Aggregate vind siiali be !••'{•• inch ("i mmi or less wished masonr- or piaster sand meeting K:uuir<_mer.ls of M'i\".\on Corpontion S-inci Specincvitioiis .101 D Mix Water Potable free from impunties E Subfioor Primer Maxxon Floor ."rimer F Sealer Maxxon Oversprav 202 MIX DESIGNS •\ General Requirements Mix proportions and methods shall be in strict accordance witn product manufacturer recommendations PART 3 EXECUTION 301 PREPARATION A Condition and Cleaning of Subfioor iuhfloor shall be sirucruralU sound General Contractor shall clean subfloor to remove mud oil grease and other conta mmating tactors Defore the arrival of the Maxjion Uncierla\ mem crew B Leak Prevention Fill cracks ana voids \sith a quici setting patching or caulking material wnere leakage of Maxxon bnderiavment could occur C Expansion Joints Allow joints to continue through the Maxxon Underiavmeni at the same width 3 02 APPLICATION OF ACOUSTI MAT U A Acousti Mat II Installations Install Acoust! Mat II following manufacturers recommendation;- and specifications 303 APPLICATION Of CEMENTITIOUS FLOORJNG A Scheduling Application of Maxxon bncierlavment shall not begun until me buildniL i« enclosed including roof winciows doors and other fenestration install afrer drv\vali installation unless tenant finish requirements identih narruioninu alter the pour Schedule the Acousti Mat II sound control s\stem as late as possible in the construction c\cle B Primtni. Acousti Mat II Prime Acousti Mat [I using the Maxxon Floor Primer to bond the M:\xyon bndenavmen: to tnc p-ic C Application Place Maxxon under! i\me:v a nominal I inch (25 mm) thici me: Acousli Mat II Spreac anc screed Mavxon 'unaerb.MTieni to smooth surface D Dr\ ing CTCnenil Contractor shall prc>\ idt: con!inuoi.is ventilation and 'icieauatc iieat to rapiclh remove moisture irom tiiu 'ire.! until the Maxxon Uncieriavmem is dr\ General Contractor sh ill provide mecfnnu. li veniilanon if necess'.n Under th:v abo\c.- condmons tor 1 inch tiuck M.ixxon Imoerlavmen; 7 10 ciav; is usuallv jdequnte dn'im; tune To test for drvness tape ;; 2-1 inch h} 2'i men fi'jOf' mm b^ 60l) mm) section of piasnc or a high densitv rubber mat to the surface or the underlavment After -48 72 hours if no condensation occurs the underhvment shall be consiaered drv Perronn dn ness test 7 ~ ciavs after pour 3 04 PREPARATION FOR INSTALLATION OF GLUE DOW FLOOR GOODS A Sealing Seal all areas that receive glue down floor gooas with Maxxon Oversprav according to the Maxxon Corporation s specifications Anv floor areas where the surface has been damaged shall be cieanec and sealed regardless of floor covering 10 be used Wnere floor goods manufacturers require special adhesive or installation svstems ther requirements supersede these recommendations B Floor Goods Procedures See the Maxxon Corporation's 'Procedures for Vtacnmg Finished Floor Goods to Maxxcn Underiavments brochure for guidelines for installing finished floor goods Tms procedure is not a warrantv ana is to be used as a guideline oniv 30.5 FIELD QUALin CONTROL \ Siumn Test Maxxon bncieriav nient nu shali be tested for slump as it s being pumped using a 2 inch bv -• inch ;50 mn b\ H)j mm) cvhnder resulting in J pan- size or 8 inches (203 mm' piii-; or minu; ; men 1.2^ mm1 diameter F: Field Samples A: leas; one se or .-• moicitc: cube samples shall b~ taken from each ciav s oour during the Maxxon uncena'. mem jpplicanoii Cube-; shall ix. tester .is recommended bv the Maxxoi: Com jr.itu.ip in accordance v\nh rnodiiiec! -\STM C -7- Test results snail be iv.niaoie to arcnuect :ind/oi contractor upon request from applicator 3 (>(> PROTL-CllUi\ A I'rotecuon From Heav1. Load.-, During construction piace temporal^ v-oo'.: planking over Maxxon Ijnderlavmen! wherever i; will be siiDiec, ro ln.av, wheeled or concentrated io ins END OF SECTION Product Supjx>rt Additional product literature 'ounri le-^t rcoons ami CSI fomiatied specilication.- are iv ukiiiie iitxin M.'CRiesi Or visii our wfi..« site ai nt;t:> /-\v^v\s m i\.\c.in cciii TI.IC Supenni Sound Conn ol System To learn more about Acousti Mat I! Call ' 800 356 7887 E mail mro@maxxon com • wwwmaxxon com Mojoron' CorDOrolion 920 Hamcl Rood Home! MN 553JQ USA. i 7Aj .473 9600 • fax i 7cj ^73 2.13 ©1 99V Maxxon* Ccnxircnon all riahts resefvec Printed in U S A Acoust: Mnr*II ana associated logos arc trademarks cf Maxxon Corporation Hcfnei MN US-. EILAR ASSOCIATES ACOUSTICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING June 10, 2005 JPM Design Management Job #A50224N1 Attention John P Mattox 5115 Avenida Enemas, Suite C Carlsbad, California 92008 SUBJECT ACOUSTICAL EVALUATION AND DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS TYPICAL COMMON WALL - SOUND AND PLUMBING NOISE TRANSMISSION CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT - HOTEL 1, VILLAS 1&3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA At your request, we have conducted an acoustical evaluation of several typical common interior wall assemblies both for sound and plumbing system noise transmission The interior wall assemblies are proposed for construction within Hotel 1 and Villas 1 & 3 of the Carlsbad Ranch Resort, located on the south side of Cannon Road and on the west side of Hidden Valley Road, in the City of Carlsbad, California The focus of this acoustical evaluation is to provide common wall assembly design recommendations and to discuss project related plumbing noise impacts and mitigation recommendations using commercially available, high-quality, acoustical materials to provide a quality interior acoustical environment The acoustical evaluation and analysis is based on the latest building construction documents, dated 4/25/05 Introduction The 2001 California Building Code allows for acceptance of building plans that reference laboratory-tested partitions with STC ratings exceeding the minimum required FSTC (installed) rating by 5 rating points It is generally understood that up to 5 rating points are lost during actual construction, which is not expected to achieve controlled laboratory conditions, as minor deficiencies in construction can reduce the overall desired sound insulation class value For purposes of sound insulation within adjacent multiple-family residential units, it is important for construction to be conducted with a focus on acoustical construction details, or greater deficiencies could result Appendix Chapter 12, Sections 1208 and 1208A of the 2001 California Building Code requires common wall assemblies (partitions) in multiple-family residential structures to be built in order to attain a minimum field-tested (FSTC) rating of 45 or higher The identification and use of a laboratory-tested assembly that is rated 50 or higher does not waive the requirement for the final, installed assembly to achieve an FSTC rating of at least 45 in the field Sound Level Descriptors All sound level values presented herein are expressed in terms of decibels (dB) Data may be presented with A-weightmg (dBA) to approximate the hearing sensitivity of humans Time-weighted averaged noise levels are expressed by the symbol LEQ, for a specified time duration These data unit metrics are used to express noise levels for both measurement and noise ordinance guidelines Some of the data may also be presented as octave-band filtered or 1/3-octave-band filtered sound levels 539 Encmitas Blvd Suite 206, Encimtas, CA 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 • mfo@eilarassociates com JPM Design Management, Attention John P Mattox June 10, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Acoustical Evaluation & Design Recommendations Page 2 A person's reaction to noise may vary depending upon his immediate state of mind and the type, intensity, and character of the noise Under normal circumstances, most people find that a) high-pitched noises are more disturbing than noises of lower pitch, b) the louder the noise the more likely it is to be disturbing, c) intermittent, irregular, impulsive, or impact noises are more distracting than a steady-state noise, and d) the longer the time of exposure to a disturbing noise the more irritating it becomes Most people describe changes in sound levels along the following lines a) a 3 dB sound level reduction is barely perceptible, b) a 5 dB sound level reduction is quite noticeable, whereas, c) a reduction of 10 dB is described as being significant or about one-half as loud Methodology Modeling of wall assemblies using building plans is accomplished using INSUL Ver 5 5, which is a model-based computer program developed by Marshall Day Acoustics for predicting the sound insulation of walls, floors, ceilings and windows It is acoustically based on theoretical models that require only minimal material information that can make reasonable estimates of the sound transmission loss (TL) and Sound Transmission Class (STC) for use in sound insulation calculations, such as the design of common party walls and multiple family floor/ceiling assemblies, etc INSUL can be used to quickly evaluate new materials or systems or investigate the effects of changes to existing designs It models individual materials using the simple mass law and coincidence frequency approach and can model more complex assembly partitions, as well It has evolved over several versions into an easy to use tool and has refined the theoretical models by continued comparison with laboratory tests to provide acceptable accuracy for a wide range of constructions INSUL model performance comparisons with laboratory test data show that the model generally predicts the performance of a given assembly within 3 STC points To further evaluate overall sound transmission between typical common interior wall assemblies, laboratory tests were referenced from the California Department of Health Services, Office of Noise Control Also utilized were laboratory tests from the Gypsum Association Fire Resistance Design Manual for Sound Control and the Canadian Institute for Research in Construction Common Interior Wall Assemblies - Evaluation and Design Recommendations Factors that determine sound reduction between adjacent guest rooms depend on the acoustical material used in the wall assembly To determine the acoustical integrity of the given proposed wall assembly, it is necessary to evaluate the sound insulation of individual components constructed within that assembly Typical Demising and Area Separation Wall Assembly (2-hour) The typical common demising and area separation wall partition is proposed to be constructed as follows 2 layers of 1/2-mch thick type X gypsum board 51/2-mch deep metal studs, placed 24-mches on-center 1 layer of 51/z-inch thick unfaced fiberglass batt insulation 2 layers of 1/2-mch thick type X gypsum board Our INSUL analysis of the above typical common wall assembly resulted in an STC rating of approximately 56, which is considered a quality acoustical assembly and would exceed the State Code requirements For Eilar Associates • 539 Encimtas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encmitas, California, 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 JPM Design Management, Attention John P Mattox June 10, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Acoustical Evaluation & Design Recommendations Page 3 further details on the INSUL model of this wall please refer to Attachment 1 Common Wall Assembly Details and Performance Analysis Typical Corridor to Unit Wall Assembly (1-hour) The typical 1-hour common corridor wall partition is proposed to be constructed as follows 2 layers of 14-inch thick type X gypsum board 5V2-mch deep metal studs, placed 24-mches on-center 1 layer of 51/2-mch thick unfaced fiberglass batt insulation 1 layer of %-inch thick type X gypsum board Our INSUL analysis of the above typical corridor wall assembly resulted in an STC rating of approximately 54, which would exceed the State Code requirements For further details on the INSUL model of this wall please refer to Attachment 1 Common Wall Assembly Details and Performance Analysis Typical Bathroom Exhaust Shaft Common Wall The following common exhaust shaft wall is located on either side of a small area where two bathroom exhaust ducts meet between adjacent guest rooms The concern for sound transmission is between unit to unit and also for stray noise traveling through the duct and exiting into the shaft The shaft wall is proposed to be constructed as follows 1 layer of 5/s-inch thick type X gypsum board SMi-mch deep metal studs, placed 24-mches on-center 1 layer of 31/2-mch thick unfaced fiberglass batt insulation 1 layer of 5/s-mch thick type X gypsum board Our INSUL analysis of the above common wall assembly resulted in an STC rating of approximately 49, which is considered adequate for reducing sound transmission within a mechanical shaft For further details on the INSUL model of this wall please refer to Attachment 1 Common Wall Assembly Details and Performance Analysis Typical Plumbing Wall Assembly The typical plumbing wall assembly is proposed to be constructed as follows 2 layers of 5/s-mch thick Dens Armor Plus Fireguard 31/2-mch deep metal studs, placed 24-mches on-center 1 layer of SYz-mch thick unfaced fiberglass batt insulation 1-mchairgap 314-inch deep metal studs, placed 24-mches on-center 1 layer of 31/2-mch thick unfaced fiberglass batt insulation 2 layers of 5/e-mch thick Dens Armor Plus Fireguard Our INSUL analysis of the above typical plumbing wall assembly resulted in an STC rating of approximately 70, which is considered a quality acoustical assembly and would exceed the State Code requirements For Eilar Associates • 539 Encimtas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encinitas, California, 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 JPM Design Management, Attention John P Mattox June 10, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Acoustical Evaluation & Design Recommendations Page 4 further details on the INSUL model of this wall please refer to Attachment 1 Common Wall Assembly Details and Performance Analysis Pool Bath Common Wall Assembly The following common wall is located in the pool area bathroom which is adjacent to the outdoor use area 1 layer of ceramic tile 1 layer of VS-inch thick Dens Shield 31/2-mch deep metal studs, placed 16-mches on-center 1 layer of 3%-mch thick unfaced fiberglass batt insulation 2 layers of 1A-mch thick type X gypsum board 5V£-mch deep metal studs, placed 24-mches on-center 1 layer of 51/2-mch thick unfaced fiberglass batt insulation 2 layers of 1/£-mch thick type X gypsum board The above pool bath common wall assembly will result in an STC rating of approximately 57, which is considered sufficient for the reduction of vocal sound transmission from the bathroom interior to pool area For more details please refer to Attachment 1 Common Wall Assembly Details and Performance Analysis Elevator Shaft Double Common Wall Assembly At a minimum, this common wall assembly will perform to the standards of the above detailed typical plumbing wall (STC 70), which would exceed the State Code requirements The acoustical concern at the elevator shaft double common wall assembly is the connection between the elevator shaft and wall assembly Building plans show that an elevator shaft bracket ties into the common double steel stud wall at each floor on the elevator shaft side This will not impact the sound transmission performance of the wall due to the double steel stud design and air gap Typical Attic Sound/Draft Stop Assembly Within the common attic air space above third level units, 1 layer of 1/2-mch thick gypsum board is proposed for alignment with each demising wall/corridor wall The draft stop will be extended to the outer edge of the attic above the exterior deck All draft stop matenal seams and edges/openings must be acoustically caulked and sealed with OSI Pro Series SC-175 acoustic sound sealant, per drawing detail 4 of Attachment 1 In conjunction with the gypsum board layers at the ceiling lid, the draft stop will adequately reduce sound transmission through the attic space and corridor For more details please refer to the recommended products section of this report and Attachment 1 Common Wall Assembly Details and Performance Analysis Eilar Associates • 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encimtas, California, 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 JPM Design Management, Attention John P Mattox June 10, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Acoustical Evaluation & Design Recommendations Page 5 Typical Circuit Breaker Common Wall Assembly The following typical common wall assembly occurs where a unit's circuit breaker box is to be located Steel circuit breaker service box insert (2 layers of 05-inch thick steel) 214-inch deep metal studs, placed 24-mches on-center 1 layer of 21/2-inch thick unfaced fiberglass batt insulation 2 layers of 5/s-inch thick type X gypsum board Our INSUL analysis of the above typical circuit breaker common wall assembly resulted in an STC rating of approximately 59, which would exceed the State Code requirements For further details on the INSUL model of this wall please refer to Attachment 1 Common Wall Assembly Details and Performance Analysis All of the above typical demising wall assemblies are considered to be acoustically well designed and will provide adequate sound attenuation between proposed guest rooms However, to further reduce sound transmission and vibration in metal framing and improve the interior quality of living, we recommend the use of the Integrity Construction Gasket product, an Vs-inch thick adhesive backed, acoustically resilient foam tape The Integrity Construction Gasket product is easily installed in the field and must be applied to both sides of the common metal stud wall, between the studs and the primary gypsum board layer Please refer to the Recommended Products Section for product details Back-to-Back Electrical Box Design Evaluation An appropriate back-to-back electrical box design will maintain the acoustical integrity of the common wall performance and ensure compliance with City and State code requirements Typically, common wall flanking transmission pathways for airborne noise between adjacent rooms are via acoustically deficient installations of back-to-back electrical outlets Such noise problems can be prevented by incorporating an acoustically effective sound blocking design, with the focus on implementing the acoustical isolation details during the construction stage As reputable acoustical testing laboratories have never officially tested two-party wall assemblies with the inclusion of back-to-back electrical box layouts, it is strongly advised that the common wall assembly incorporate and implement an acoustically effective electrical box sound blocking design Conventional practice maintains that the second electrical box should not be placed within the same stud bay The stud-blocking design must allow for each electrical box to be isolated within individual stud bays To achieve acoustically optimum results, the additional use of fiberglass batt insulation placed within the stud wall cavities will effectively impede any stray sound transmission propagating within the stud wall's internal air cavity Building plan details of the project's common demising walls show the construction of a single stud wall plate system, demonstrating that an acoustically effective sound blocking design can be employed for isolating the electrical boxes To further improve the sound isolation of a back-to-back box design, it is recommended to use a sound deadening firestop putty pad system to provide acoustical protection This pad is conveniently sized to fit a typical 1 Yz-mch deep 4S box with no cutting or piercing required Faced on both sides with a convenient poly liner, firestop putty pads are easily applied with no mess or excessive residue No other product is as Eilar Associates • 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encimtas, California, 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 JPM Design Management, Attention John P Mattox June 10, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Acoustical Evaluation & Design Recommendations Page 6 easy and versatile to use and has tested and proven fire resistance and sound-deadening acoustical properties Please refer to the Recommended Product Section of this report for further details The use of an enhanced sound blocking back-to-back electrical box design along with the sound deadening firestop electrical box putty pads will acoustically improve the overall reduction of stray and flanking sound transmission between common residential rooms Please refer to Attachment 2 Effect of Electrical Outlet Boxes on Sound Transmission Through Gypsum Board Walls This study recommends ideal electrical outlet designs which are considered to be acoustically acceptable for effective common wall sound blocking Interconnecting Guest Room Doors Interconnecting doors must be solid-core in construction, with a minimum thickness of 1% inches Metal doors must be fabricated with tightly packed insulation between the two door panels An all-around air-tight door stop system and an improved air-tight threshold closure system is to be installed on both interconnecting doors This additional hardware will improve the doors' overall sound reduction properties and is available through Pemko at www pemko com The transmission loss (TL) of a solid-core door without acoustical seals is determined mostly by sound leakage, particularly at the bottom of the door if excessive clearance is allowed for air transfer By equipping the doors with all-around air-tight seals and air-tight threshold closure hardware at the bottom, the STC rating can be greatly increased Furthermore, it is imperative to caulk between the door's rough opening and the finished doorframe, using an acoustically resilient, non-skinning butyl caulking compound This should be used as generously as possible, to ensure effective sound barrier isolation The OSI Pro Series SC-175 acoustic sound sealant is a product specifically designed for this purpose and is available in one-quart cartridges Please see Recommended Products Section for further details Plumbing Noise Basic acoustical plumbing materials and design recommendations for the Carlsbad Ranch Resort were evaluated to maintain the stipulated acoustical rating requirements within the proposed typical interior common wall assembly Several basic plumbing designs and materials to be considered for installation are as follows Pipe Lagging or Wrapping Exterior pipe lagging or jacketing is necessary for the reduction of sound transmission at all cast iron pipe lines associated with the vertical gravity wastewater system In general, the lagging should consist of a fiberglass insulation blanket 1 to 2 inches thick, externally covered with an aluminum metal jacket (foil) and sealed with the appropriate tape It is imperative to completely wrap the pipe and tape the seam using the manufacturer's recommended tape Using an exterior pipe lagging product for noise control will greatly reduce the sound transmission through a common plumbing wall by approximately 6 to 10 decibels, when properly applied Please refer to the Recommended Products Section for product details Sound-deadening cast-iron pipes are planned to be installed within the scope of this project to reduce plumbing noise associated with vertical gravity, waste sewage drop lines The use of cast-iron pipes will greatly improve the reduction of any through-the-wall plumbing noise If possible, the cast-iron pipes should make only 45-degree (or less) angle bends because a 90-degree angled plumbing bend in a gravity drop Eilar Associates • 539 Encimtas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encmitas, California, 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 JPM Design Management, Attention John P Mattox June 10, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Acoustical Evaluation & Design Recommendations Page 7 line will acoustically shock the plumbing system, resulting in high levels of focused plumbing noise emanating from behind the wall Please see Attachment 3 Acoustical Pipe Lagging and Pipe Penetration Details Cavitation is the formation and subsequent collapse of bubbles within the flow of water through and past a restriction in the flow Typically, most of the noise from water supply plumbing systems is caused by turbulent flow, commonly known as cavitation If problematic, this constant, high-pitched noise can be reduced from transmitting through a wall by wrapping all water supply pipe line reducer and expansion junctions using a closed-cell, foam sound insulation product All foam seams must also be sealed with the appropriate manufacturer's recommended tape Please see Attachment 4 Plumbing Cavitation Design Details Also, please refer to the Recommended Products Section of this report A water supply line pipe isolation system is necessary to reduce mechanically-induced noise transfer from the flow of water in pipes that are in direct contact with the common wall studs For strap-mounts and/or pipe clip installations, the recommendation is to use the HoldRite Silencer Plumbing System, which is very effective in the reduction of mechanical-borne vibration sound transmission The Silencer Plumbing System is designed as an all-in-one acoustical pipe and hanger and/or pipe clip system that should only be installed during the construction framing stage to ensure accurate placement of the acoustically resilient clip system All plumbing penetrations should include adjustments for the pipe with the clip system by drilling slightly oversized holes (approximately 10% greater than the diameter of the pipe itself) to accommodate for both the pipe and the plumbing clip Please see Attachment 5 Plumbing Isolation Techniques For further product information, please refer to the Recommended Products Section of this report Water Hammer is sharp, intense noise that occurs when a steady flow in a water supply plumbing system is suddenly interrupted by closing a quick action valve This sudden interruption of water flow results in an extremely sharp shock wave, reflecting numerous times back and forth through various parts of the water system until its energy is finally dissipated It is recommended that water hammer arresters (air chambers) be installed at each common wall supply line valve fixture and should be placed as close to the valve as possible Please see Attachment 6 Basic Water Hammer Design Details Acoustical caulking is recommended to completely seal the perimeter of all pipes, faucets, and spouts which may penetrate through a common wall assembly The caulking material should be an acoustically resilient, non-skinning, butyl caulking compound and must be applied as generously as possible to ensure good sound barrier isolation Please see Recommended Products Section Also, all common plumbing, electrical, or sprinkler line penetrations passing through a common wall system should be completely sealed, using a latex, expanding closed-cell spray foam Please see Recommended Products Section for further details Also, please refer to Attachment 7 Controlling Mechanical Structure- Borne Noise in Residential Settings Eilar Associates • 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encmitas, California, 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 JPM Design Management, Attention John P Mattox June 10, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Acoustical Evaluation & Design Recommendations Page 8 Recommended Products The highest quality, acoustical products available to increase STC ratings between typical common wall assemblies are described below 1 Putty Pad Acoustical Solutions, Inc manufactures the Firestop putty pad with tested and proven fire resistance and sound deadening properties Conveniently sized to fit a typical 1 1/2-mch deep 4S box, the released-hned, Firestop putty pads may also be used in through-penetrations for wire, cable etc Acoustical Solutions can be reached via phone at (800) 782-5742, via fax at (804) 346-8808 Please refer to Attachment 8 Recommended Product Details 2 Acoustical Pipe & Duct Lag The Sound Seal acoustical pipe & duct lagging is a loaded vinyl noise barrier with a one-inch thick, quilted, fiberglass insulation bonded to the back of the barrier and features a remforced-foil facing which readily accepts a matching tape This quilted fiberglass layer acts as a decoupler sound absorber to improve the overall noise reduction performance, as well as to offer thermal sound insulation (R-value = 5) The Sound Seal B-10 Lag/QFA-3 product is available through Forrest Sound Products, Attention Ben -or- Knstie Forrest at (760) 918-0235 Please refer to Attachment 8 Recommended Product Details 3 Closed-Cell Foam Pipe Insulation The Armaflex SS Self-Seal Pipe Insulation is a 25/50- rated flexible elastomeric thermal insulation with a closed-cell structure It is manufactured without the use of CFC's, is formaldehyde free, dust free and resists mold and mildew The insulation is supplied in nominal wall thicknesses of Yz", %" and 1 " This product is available through Pacific Insulation, Attention Jerry Nunez at (619) 262-3016 Please refer to Attachment 8 Recommended Product Details 4 Silencer Plumbing System The HOLDRITE® SILENCER™ SYSTEM is specifically engineered to dampen noise transfer between piping and building structures, providing superior acoustical performance The manufacturer and supplier for the HoldRite Silencer Plumbing System is Hubbard Enterprises, located in San Marcos, California Contact Chris Thompkms, Inside Sales Manager for Hubbard Enterprises at (800) 321-0316 Please refer to Attachment 8 Recommended Product Details 5 Acoustical Caulking Compound The OSI Pro Series SC-175 Acoustical Sound Sealant is a one- part, nonflammable, latex base product designed specifically for the reduction of sound transmission in all types of all partition systems It maintains a tough, rubber-like seal against air-borne sound, air infiltration and moisture It is available in one-quart cartridges as well as other sizes This product is available through Sunshine Supply at (619) 276-7442 Please see Attachment 8 Recommended Product Details 6 Expanding Latex Foam Dap expanding latex foam sealant uses innovative polymer foam technology that seals out drafts, eliminates energy loss and is ideal for filling, sealing and insulating cracks and gaps around pipes and foundations The 12 ounce can, Model #18826, Internet Catalog Eilar Associates • 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encmitas, California, 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 JPM Design Management, Attention John P Mattox June 10, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Acoustical Evaluation & Design Recommendations Page 9 #107003, color white, is available from Home Depot Please refer to Attachment 8 Recommended Product Details 7 Integrity Construction Gasket This product is an Vs-mch thick, low density, closed cell, PVC pressure sensitive adhesive backed foam tape When installed correctly on metal framing, it significantly reduces transmission of air-borne and impact sound between floors and walls It is particularly effective at minimizing air-borne sounds at lower frequencies This product is manufactured by Seal Methods, Inc For further information regarding the Integrity Construction Gasket product, please contact Darren Weller of Seal Methods, Inc at 800-423-4777 Please refer to Attachment 8 Recommended Product Details Conclusion It is generally understood that a few STC rating points are lost during actual construction, which is not expected to achieve controlled laboratory conditions, as minor deficiencies in construction can reduce the overall desired sound insulation class value For purposes of sound insulation within multiple-family residential structures, it is important for construction to be conducted with a focus on details, or greater deficiencies could result Each item should be acoustically addressed as stated above, focusing both on planning details and final construction framing The isolation of sound dampening at all associated structural contact points should be considered top priority when designing and constructing a quality living environment No sound control system is better than its weakest component Care must be taken in the installation of all components during construction to assure tnat designed acoustical performance is achieved to the maximum potential All recommendations for Sound Transmission Control are based on the best information available at the time our consulting services are provided However, since there are many factors involved in sound transmission, and Eilar Associates has no control over the construction, workmanship or materials, Eilar Associates is specifically not liable for final results of any recommendations or implementation of the recommendations Certification This report represents a true and factual analysis of the acoustical issues addressed, based on information available for the Carlsbad Ranch Resort project This report was prepared by Michael Burnll, Jessica Rasmussen, and Douglas K Eilar EILAR ASSOCIATES _ . _ _ _ Jessica Rasmussen, Acoustical Consultant Michael Burnll, Senior AcoustifalConsultant Eilar Associates • 539 Encinitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encmitas, California, 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 JPM Design Management, Attention John P Mattox June 10, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Acoustical Evaluation & Design Recommendations Page 10 Attachments 1 Common Wall Assembly Details and Performance Analysis 2 Effect of Electrical Outlet Boxes on Sound Transmission Through Gypsum Board Walls 3 Acoustical Pipe Lagging and Pipe Penetration Details 4 Plumbing Cavitation Design Details 5 Plumbing Isolation Techniques 6 Basic Water Hammer Design Details 7 Controlling Mechanical Structure-Borne Noise in Residential Settings 8 Recommended Product Details References 1 Beranek, Leo L , Acoustical Measurements, Published for the Acoustical Society of America by the American Institute of Physics, Revised Edition, 1988 2 California Department of Health Services, Office of Noise Control, 2151 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, California, 94704, Catalog of STC and I'1C Ratings for Wall and Floor/Ceiling Assemblies, September, 1981 3 Harris, Cyril M , Handbook of Acoustical Measurements and Noise Control, Acoustical Society of America, 3rd Edition, 1998 4 Harris, Cyril M , Ph D , Noise Control in Building, Original Edition, 1994 5 Hirschorn, Martin, Noise Control Reference Handbook, Revised Edition, 1989 6 Ivme, Leland K and Richards, Roy L , Acoustics and Noise Control Handbook for Architects and Builders, Original Edition, 1998 7 Knudsen, Vern O and Harris, Cyril M , Acoustical Designing In Architecture, American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America, 2nd Edition, 1978 8 Raichel, Daniel R , The Science and Applications of Acoustics, American Institute of Physics Press for the Acoustical Society of America, 1st Edition, 2000 Eilar Associates • 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encmitas, California, 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 ATTACHMENT 1 Common Wall Assembly Details and Performance Analysis 2oh- DL LLI CO < LU a:i CN LU CO Sound Insulation Prediction (v5 5) Program copyright Marshall Day Acoustics 2003 Eilar Associates Licence no OFOCOE750C380B75 Margin of error is generally within +/- 3STC JobName Carlsbad Ranch Job No Page No Date 17 Mar 05 Initials Notes Demising & Area Separation File name msul 2 x 0 5 in Type X Gypsum Board 2 x 0 5 in Type X Gypsum Board 7 5 in Surf mass 4 0 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 2679 Hz damping 0 01 °anel size 8 9x13 ft 5 5 in Studs @ 24 in fo =51 Hz Frequency (Hz) 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 TL(dB) 17 25 30 34 38 43 47 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 60 61 59 52 53 57 60 Inrlll r TL(dB) 20 37 49 55 60 55 56 Surf mass 4 0 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 2679 Hz damping 0 01 ierglass (0 6 Ib/ft3) thickness 5 5 in 75: 7ff~ 60^ - 50E tf)t/> ._-o 45_ ^ - I/)w?= T^- co Ic ^ -: 9O- 1 ^~ 5~ iI / / 63 /^I ;< >s 125 y/t S I<f SS 250 500 frequency (Hz) iH 1000 ».1 \ - r* 2000 | -•- Transmission Loss STC | — }i ...._ ? 4000 ito Ooa: £o O O o: X iu 5 Sound Insulation Prediction (v5 5) Program copyright Marshall Day Acoustics 2003 Eilar Associates Licence no OFOCOE750C380B75 Margin of error is generally within +/- 3STC JobName Carlsbad Ranch Notes Job No Page No Corridor Wall Assembly Date 13 May 05 Initials File name msul 2 x 0 5 in Type X Gypsum Board 1 x 0 6 in Type X Gypsum Board 7 2 in 5 5 in / Studs @ 24 in '"" Surf mass 4 0 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 2679 Hz fo =56 Hz damping 0 01 < Panel SIZP 8 9x13 ft Frequency (Hz) 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 TL(dB) 16 20 26 31 36 40 44 47 50 51 53 55 56 57 59 56 50 50 53 57 60 innii i TL(dB) 19 34 46 53 57 51 56 Surf mass 2 9 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 1997 Hz damping 0 01 berglass (0 6 Ib/ft3) thickness 5 5 in 125 250 500 1000 frequency (Hz) 2000 4000 Transmission Loss STC Sound Insulation Prediction (v5 5) Program copyright Marshall Day Acoustics 2003 Eilar Associates Licence no OFOCOE750C380B75 Margin of error is generally within +/- 3STC JobName Carlsbad Ranch Job No Page No Date 13 May 05 Initials Notes Bathroom Exhaust Shaft File name msul 1 x 0 6 in Type X Gypsum Board 4 8 in 1 x 0 6 in Type X Gypsum Board Surf mass 2 9 Ib/fl2 Crit freq 1997hz damping 0 01 3 5 in Studs @ 24 in Surf mass 2 9 Ib/ft2 fo =76 Hz Crit freq 1997 Hz damping 0 01 Frequency (Hz) 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 TL(dB) 17 16 17 23 29 34 39 43 46 49 51 52 53 56 55 49 45 48 52 56 59 mini r TL(dB) 17 27 41 50 54 47 55 lerglass (0 6 Ib/ft3) thickness 3 5 in ou_ 55; 50- 45; s40'- H 8 35: J3 : %ft "wE ">E~c&H 9ff _ 5: <S 6 r-4 3 !( / J ) /I /t 125 ; (// )f r^r-< 250 500 frequency (Hz) | ^ ^^I 1000 »A ;( 2000 -»- Transmission Loss STC \ i / / 4000 Sound Insulation Prediction (v6 0) Program copyright Marshall Day Acoustics 2004 Margin of error is generally within +/- 3STC JobName Carlsbad Ranch Job No Page No Date 9 Jun 05 Initials JR Notes Plumbing Wall File name msul 2 x 0 6 in USG Sheetrock Firecode Gypsum plasterboard2 x 0 5 in USG Sheetrock Firecode Gypsum plasterboard i 10 3 in i :LitJ i V. .,''"""^N I 80 in Studs @ 24 in Surf mass 4 9 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 2172 Hz damping 0 013anel Size fi Qx13 ft fo =41 Hz Frequency (Hz) 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 TL(dB) 26 33 37 42 46 52 57 62 62 65 69 72 75 77 80 80 74 70 74 81 87 riTiii %. TL(dB) 29 45 60 68 77 73 78 Surf mass 4 0 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 2714 Hz damping 0 01 fiberglass (0 6 Ib/ft3) thickness 7 in 105r 95E 85= 1 75\ <D 70_. ? Q5~ c fin~o -C 55E !Z 45: o 35- W 3Q= 25! 15= 5r / / — ^ — 63 ftyrH >1 >r' 125 ti>— i —— \s — xr»^ 250 500 frequency (Hz) ***r* 1000 \< — s — / 2000 -«— Sound Reduction Index(dB) | STC B (/ t / 4000 pp ft L- ii 1 IDALL ERAMIC TILE OVER '/:' DENS SHIELD OVER 3V 20 GA 61 STL STUDS « 16' OC LUITH 3V UNFACED FIBERGLASS BATT INSUL NOTE BOTM UJALLS RUN FULL HT TO UNDERSIDE OF STRUCTURE ABOVE SEE INT DUJGS FOR FINISHES \-CONTIN SEALANT DBL WALL AT POOL BATH SCALE 3"=1'-0n California Office of Noise Control Sketch Brief Description Laboratory Test Number Year Frequencies Tested Source of Data STC Section Number 1234 \ \ X 1 double row of 2x4 studs 24 o c on 2x4 plates spaced 2 apart 2 1/2" type X gypsum board nailed with 6d nails 8 o c 3 1/2" type X gypsum board nailed with 6d nails 16"oc 4 1/2 type X gypsum board nailed with 8d nails 8 o c 54 Riverbank Acousti cal Labs TL 73 224 1973 I6f Gypsum Association 57 124249 Frequency — Hz 12S. HZ 3.E0 HZ 2BB HZ 25.0 HZ 31S, HZ fBB HZ 5.BB HZ B3E5 HZ BBB HZ 3.BBB HZ 12S.H HZ 1E00 HZ 2BBB HZ 25.00 HZ 315.0 HZ M-0H0 HZ 3E 4-B 4-7 H-5. H-E 5.B 5.3 5,7 EB E3 E&. ES. E5. 63 E2 E5. 70 60 SO Iuua I I 30 10 100 -H— 1000 125 250 500 1000 2000 Octave Band Center Frequency — Hz 4000 Sound Insulation Prediction (v6 0) Program copyright Marshall Day Acoustics 2004 Margin of error is generally within +/- 3STC JobName Carlsbad Ranch Job No A50224 Page No Date 23 May 05 Initials Notes Circuit Breaker Wall File name msul 2 x 0 6 in Type X Gypsum Board 3 8 in 2 x 0 1 in Steel i ,} B in i Surf mass 5 7 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 1997 Hz damping 0 01 8 9x13 ft 2 5 in Studs @ 24 in Surf mass 4 1 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 9842 Hz fo =70 Hz damping 0 01 Frequency (Hz) 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 TL(dB) 21 19 24 31 35 40 45 50 54 57 60 62 64 65 66 66 65 61 63 66 69 mini ^ TL(dB) 21 34 48 59 65 63 65 fiberglass (0 6 Ib/ft3) thickness 2 5 in 125 250 500 1000 frequency (Hz) 2000 4000 Sound Reduction Index(dB) STC ATTACHMENT 2 Effect of Electrical Outlet Boxes on Sound Transmission through Gypsum Board Boards 1*1 National Research CounaI Canada Conseil national cle recherdies Canada A3C CMC Effect of electrical outlet boxes on sound transmission through gypsum board walls Nightingale, TRT NRCC-43410 A version of this paper is published in / Une version de ce document se trouve dans Solplan Review no 87, July 1999 pp 17-18 \VAV\V nrc la/irc/ircpubs Effect of Electrical Outlet Boxes on Sound Transmission through Gypsum Board Walls By Trevor Nightingale Recent research at NRC's Institute for Research in Construction has demonstrated the importance of proper placement of electrical outlet boxes when the reduction of sound travelling between dwelling units in multi-family buildings is an important consideration The research showed that poorly placed outlet boxes can significantly decrease the sound isolation of gypsum board walls — a decrease of up to six sound transmission class (STC) points, when compared to walls with no boxes, was observed It also showed how this degradation of performance can be minimized The National Building Code of Canada (NBC) requires partition walls that separate units in multi-family dwellings to be both fire- and sound-rated, and the Canadian Electrical Code requires these and other walls in the dwelling to have a certain number of electrical outlet boxes per unit length of wall However, penetrations associated with electrical outlet boxes can degrade the sound isolation of a wall, reducing the acoustical privacy between units Until IRC researchers conducted a systematic study, the effect of such factors as the type and location of outlet boxes, and the presence of sound-absorbing material and its placement in the wall cavity were not well understood The study also quantified the effectiveness of several practical retrofit methods to improve the sound isolation of walls with poorly located boxes This article reports on results for double-stud gypsum board walls, since this type of wall is most likely to be used to achieve a high degree of sound isolation between dwelling units Two types of electrical boxes are commonly used in multi-family dwellings standard metal boxes for interior partitions and plastic vapour-barrier boxes for exterior walls Table 1 shows that acoustically these boxes perform very differently Plastic vapour- barrier boxes had a negligible effect on sound isolation regardless of their relative location whereas metal boxes led to a significant reduction in sound isolation, when the boxes were closely spaced This difference in performance is directly related to the relative airtightness of each type of box Standard metal boxes have many holes to allow for electrical wires entering the box, and for the box to be fastened to the stud In contrast, plastic vapour-barrier boxes have closed-cell foam gaskets, which form an airtight seal where the wires enter the box, and tabs on the outside of the box, which are used to fasten the box to the stud Thus, there are no unsealed holes in the box Plastic vapour-barrier boxes also typically have a backer plate at the mouth to seal the box to the gypsum board These airtightness features impede the transmission of sound as well as the flow of air, and can compensate for problems caused by box proximity Box Type Plastic Vapour- Bamer Metal STC Reference Wall (No boxes) 55 55 Electrical Box Location Boxes located Back-to-back, No horizontal offset 55 51 Boxes separated by at least one stud, 400-mm horizontal offset 55 53 Table 1 Measured sound isolation expressed as an STC rating for metal outlet boxes and plastic vapour-barrier outlet boxes in the double-stud wall without sound-absorbing material in the cavity The effects of metal box location and sound-absorbing material (e g , fibrous building insulation) presence and placement were investigated using three different double-wall assemblies One had no sound-absorbing material in the cavity, one had sound- absorbing material that was pushed aside so it did not cover the outlet box, and one had sound-absorbing material in the cavity completely covering the back of the outlet box The effect of increasing the separation between the boxes on either side of the wall was investigated for each wall assembly It was found that the change in sound isolation depends upon several factors, including the separation, or horizontal offset, of the boxes, the construction of the wall assembly, and the placement of the sound-absorbing material in the cavity The combined effect of metal box location and sound-absorbing material placement in the cavity of a gypsum board wall can be large In the worst cases, the sound transmission class (STC) rating decreased by six points While these factors cannot be fully separated, it is possible to identify general trends • The greatest reduction in STC occurred when there was a short unimpeded path between boxes, that is, when the sound did not have to travel through sound- absorbing material or through the narrow gap between opposite studs into the adjacent stud cavity • When the sound had to travel through material in the cavity, the deleterious effect of the boxes was greatly reduced • Very little reduction in STC was noted for wails with the electrical boxes located in an adjacent stud cavity and at least 400 mm apart The presence of sound-absorbing material further ensured that the electrical boxes have a negligible effect on STC • These trends broke down only when IRC researchers compared conditions with boxes within the same stud cavity and no sound-absorbing material • For boxes located in back-to-back positions, installing a layer of sound-absorbing material between them greatly improved the STC Thus, where possible, the sound- absorbing material around the boxes should not be displaced because its effectiveness will be reduced Retrofit Measures When an existing wall has decreased sound isolation because of improperly located electrical boxes, there are several possible remedies or treatments, all involving modifications in and around the outlet box A bead of caulk can be used to fill the gap between the box and the gypsum board This simulates the flange and seal that form the airtight seal to the gypsum board in a plastic vapour-barrier box A simple draft stopper — a closed-cell foam gasket commonly sold in hardware stores — can be placed between the gypsum board and the faceplate covering the electrical outlet They are easy to install, but improvement in sound isolation was found to be variable because an adequate seal cannot be formed if the gypsum board opening has been poorly cut or the box is skewed so it protrudes beyond the face of the gypsum board Electrical box inserts made from thin rubber or plastic reduce airflow if they are tightly fitted inside the box The degree of airtightness, and resulting improvement to the sound isolation of the wall, is determined largely by how well the holes or slits for the electrical wires are sealed with caulking, and how well the insert is sealed to the gypsum board Lining the interior of an electrical box with a mastic material that is impervious to air will increase the sound isolation of the wall, especially if the material can be sealed to the gypsum board But a word of warning While a wide range of materials, including caulking, can provide the necessary acoustical properties, it is possible that they may have other properties (such as electrical conductivity) that make them unsuitable for this use Before installation, the local electrical authority should confirm the suitability of the material for placement in electrical boxes While the results show that the presence of electrical outlet boxes need not significantly affect the sound isolation of gypsum board walls, a companion preliminary study conducted by IRC's Fire Risk Management Program showed that their presence may be of concern with respect to fire resistance In the absence of a more complete study, boxes in fire-rated walls should be avoided if possible, however, if boxes must be placed in the wall they should be spaced as far apart as possible Summary The sound performance of a wall when related to electrical outlet boxes can be improved by observing some simple guidelines 1 Ensure that (untreated) metal boxes are offset horizontally by 400 mm or more in adjacent stud cavities rather than being placed within the same stud cavity, or 2 Use plastic vapour-barrier boxes, or 3 Use retrofit techniques that emulate the attributes of plastic vapour-barrier boxes Additionally, remember that the presence of sound-absorbing material in the cavity helps to further minimize the effect of poorly located boxes, especially when installed so that the material blocks the line of sight between the boxes Dr Trevor Nightingale is an acoustics researcher in the Indoor Environment Program of the National Research Council's Institute for Research in Construction Further details of this research can be found in IRC's Construction Technology Update series, available on subscription See the notice and order form for this series in the previous issue of Solplan Review ATTACHMENT 3 Acoustical Pipe Lagging and Pipe Penetration Details Aluminum jacket and/or mastic Glass fiber Pipe C AST M V BOTTOM OF FLOOR OR ROOF DECK ACOUSTICAL SEAL SEE DETAIL CONTINUOUS METAL RUNNER WALL PER PLAN THERMAL INSULATION COMPRESSED WHERE XCURS AIR DUCT WHERE OCCURS CONTINUOUS ACOUSTICAL SEALANT TO CLOSE OFF GAP CEILING AS SCHEDULED WALL PER PLAN NOTE. PENETRATIONS OF ACOUSTICAL PARTITIONS BY DUCTWORK SHALL BE ACOUSTICALLY SEALED AS SHOWN ANY GAP LARGER THAN 1/2" SHALL BE COVERED WITH GYPSUM BOARD LAPPED A MINIMUM OF 7 AND SCREWED BEFORE USING ACOUSTICAL SEALANT DUCT PENETRATION ACOUSTICAL WALL 3o> U 04!£ Ns <0o (U ™-S CN "5 °en ™</} <j> « ^m *^m fO11 sio J!J £ •Si^S^°-s '§'5 0>COU) <0 £ O) o> o (/) 'i! "n *" •7 °z O•* -I O 4-1O OCsl 0) <r c 1Eo CO P 2 XOJ (Oo01 •<N B w.* | ~O CO U) 111?(/) ^ •— CO (/) O W 1**< m O rTi_ " .0jo jg w co .£ cS2 'o o>CO IO jT.'s.Kflfc .f*r -~ •$ Unfaced ForflMldetiyde'trM Thennal end Acoustical Fiber Glass Insulation Visit our website at wwwjm con Or call 1 800 654 3103 BUIID1NC CODE COMPUANCt AND FIRE HAZARD CUSSJHOfflON KBO SBCCI BOCA Untod AflTypes AHfypu miymc Roma Sprawl' I;SO AVAILABLE FORMS* SpaolfcatMi Cwpliaw* ASTMC665 Unix* i typsl i i rVwIw (hfJfF/Bui) 33e 38 Ste 30 2& | 2? 2 13 l"i U 1! N/A* RSt-«tet («' K/W«ts) 57 6'' SI 5.3 4.4 W i! '3 IB 2.J 19 MA TfcrcXiwK" Im) (mml Id'/. 200 IJ 311 SA 204 ItW 280 8> 210 7',. «S S^ l4i3 b/ TW 3>; 89 3'/- 3'» OS 93 3H3V. SC 92 2W 70 , Mukri framing [i«l 10.24 16 24 162- 1!) 21 Ia24 1124 IB 24 M Wood Framing Im) ISA.23X 1C 2- 15»,7J1A 16 IB 21 !f3 ~ • 2.3 1L3 Ib ft 1523 I 11) fl irift*** Metal Framiai (mm) m 610 KKi 610 iOt- 810 4D6 61C 40(: 61" 406 610 406 MS Wawl Framlaf Inwi) 393(00 4GU.610 393 COO •IC6 4S2 610 38 1 487.584 3S1 •W 584 3fci 4K.581 279.33! S84 JB: 5M 33 i 452 W! niw HKattMitf r«B»«««ube«rpw.tin wojiiftr tun let «hcr <3 AVv .SK :,'"'1- :?| ¥ ^ SHOOT FORM SPECIFICATION All insuianon shown on drawings or specified herein sliall be "Johns Manvillu Untaced Fonnaldehyd" tree TlTrmal nnd Arousucai Fiber Glass Insuiation" Thermal resistance "R" |RSI) values of the insulation shal' bo RIRSI! n. ceilings H (RSI) m walls and R (RSI) - m floors over unlveated spaces The product shall have an FHS nttmg of 25/50 or less ~* UMtTATiONSOFUSE Check applicable building codes Unfaced insulation should not be left exposed CERTIFIED «tttM» H* MC1QU OWIIK1 •JHMilHl Techntetl sp«cifictlions is shown m this Meralura tie mwndeil to be used as gitmnl 5»«elines ontr ciemieal nropeoies of nnt«*d ttwrmil int) ncousticat filler gli» miulatkin ottiitf MH*< r»s«j*it Iyf»c*l iraluiu ntaiBlngd miccerdanu with iccipttdustmeUiDits and MB subject to norm*! m(inot«ctarin(».rurtlum.Tti»^««ii supplied as»KchnJcatswwa end an mbject to chanst without nmico. Any ntfonncw to nwiwlial U«R» «JK»«(«' *Mki dralopiii itbngc c« not irnmtaa tanfucthnuda luesunud iiv tltosa i.r otw OIMI nt>tMM> imgjtr «««|i-»iio««»ttw Limes wun ih« «l«i office nurasi you tar curiem Kiforaioiuiii All Johns ManTdfe products iro »ofd'»flbtftt ti. John. M«im<*> Umttt* Warranty and UokMion ol HuntiHiy for a copy of the Johns ModMnlmiitM Warror«» .ml Lmritarioii «i RomuoVsr foi mteramonon mhc Johns Mg-iuiltd thermal ami acotnucal ncMUtMti <u(J synctns uV or write to Iho 800 number or addriss listed balaw ProdiRy noulninii a structure using Johns Mainiin* boiWms Instfouon Helps prgsam* our amrlionmnnl by radiiclng tisnff consumption lar hauling m«' coolthg remicing (n« pollution rnsulunp from fuc UtimlKj, raducmg, the amission of houudous air pofluttntt dwino nHUHilaaiirma and loducmq wasip llira»sh tho ufilualion of recycled rtratwiois Look for the cross and nlnhfi ambiein on Johns ManvjHfi buttArni msulauon which indicates indeoandem cartikcatjoii by Scioniiflr Cornfication Systams Inc of 2Sf> 01 more recycled glass contant Distributed by 4•fr-.. Building Insulation Division 717 17th Street 180202) PO Box5108 Oem-er CO 8021/5108 1 8CG-654 3103 www jm com filO OUiS Iff ::H a*li-S:, ACOUSTI MAT II OVER PARALLEL CHORD TRUSS * (2bmm; approved 5/8 (16 Gypsum Board THE PROOF IS IN THE TESTING Whether choosing an upscale townhome residence or luxury lodging accommodations, today's consumers are accustomed to the best Privacy and solitude are especially important factors in their decisions And the last thing they're willing to put up with is impact noise from other floors and adpining units With Acousti-MaPII one/a Maxxorf ' ; - underlay/rent, this system was 8 IIC and 10 STC rating points higher than the same system without Acousti-MatII " and a Maxxon underlayment This proves the Acousti-Mat System cuts airborne and impact sound transmis- sions up to one-half1 „ - THE SUPERIOR SOUND CONTROL SYSTEM When the expectations for solitude are high, the sound con- trol system chosen must meet or exceed those expectations Unlike some glorified carpet pads sold as "sound mats," Acousti-Mat" II is specifically engineered and tested to inhibit " " " sound transfer" Manufactured for Maxxon£ Corporation, the ,floor specialists, NEW Acousti-MaP II represents a breakthrough in sound con- trol technology —^one that makes superior sound control more cost-effective than ever ' ' - PROVENJPERFORMANCE NEW Acousti-Mat II consists of a.nylon core of fused entangle filaments, attached to a non-woven fabric This system reduces transmission of impact and airborne sounds by creating a void area IrTthe floor's construction The 95% void:area serves as an excellent sound, isolator The Acousti- " Mat II provides a strong structural element for the Maxxon® underlayment Patterned in a "V" shape, the fine filaments also provde-strong deflection and compression resistance FIRE RESIST Acousti-Mqj With a hn it creates subfloor ai even more limited to sound control alone :loor Underlayment, :n the wood or concrete iOtenals, for a space tfiafs "/ ve specified Acousti-Mat II for various types of construc- tion — multi-family, open beam, and renovation — with excellent results incorporating acousn-Mai II over a concrete or wood frame subfloor with fiberglass insulation and a resiliently supported ceiling, will pro- vide superior unpact noise control" Acoustician with ovei 30 years of consulting experience Cover jpho'lq , - - ' - - |V~ . ",„", % Columbus Snore-^vincr, Texas, oixe.of several Columbus Realty Trust properties featuring the-supenor sound control benefits of Acousli Mat technology IMPROVES HARD SURFACE AREAS, OR THE ENTIRE FLOOR. Sound ratings of 45 F-IIC and 50 IIC are standard requirement^ for multi- family housing, limiting interior floor covering choices to basic carpet and pad But with Acousti-Mat II, elegant hardwoods, marble and ceramic tile can be incorporated without sacrificing sound control — in a few select areas, or throughout the entire floorplan EVERY FLOOR A "TOP FLOOR " As senior property manager of Addison Circle, a luxury multi- family, 'office and retail development in North Dallas County, Lori Fall deals with concerns about sound control every day 'Top floors usually get leased first, because people want to avoid noise from upstairs neighbors," states Ion- But --- with Acousti-Mai, the sound is so muted it's not even an issue When I ask residents how they're enjoying their apartment home, and whether neighbors' noise is a problem, the overwhelming ma/oriry of responses is that this is one of the quietest properties in the area " With Acousti-Mat, every_ floor's a "top floor1" COLUMBUS REAl§y TRUST '' INVESTING ES'^ESroENT - SATISFACTION^WTTftACbuSTI-MATH> t» . /\\ '• \ '— The apartment'home£ifedtureaTbn~this',paqe and I k /'^VS *1'- /'V ' * '•' the cover were de'yelopectlM'ColurnD'us Realty i 'jj """? Ulk-'.-'^'^-s^""-••- 3 tr* Trust, a Dallqs-Bcfseclreal estate mvestment trust .... Since 1991,- the'company has»dejgiogeq,5eygral-"'i' thousand luxury apartments.in the Uptown neigh- borhood of near-downtown Dallas Columbus first""" used Acousti-Mat in 1994, in response to noise complaints generated in ceramic tile and hardwood floor areas Since that first installation, the company has specified Acousti-Mat installation in more than 116,000 square feet of apartment space, and is now specifying New Acousti-Mat II ADDISON CIRCLE Location North Dallas County, Texas Total Units 460 apartments (Phase 1) ^r0^y_^j,^^;i - '7n iui upscale apartment community, ••,,. , ^: .;.^ • supenor,soM control, isn't an''extra',' V~s-,'r !?"\| ^it'i'd^oristruction^must '-"*••- 7 J;--K^')^V>^, ' "".,-^v":<3^|i"' i^7im'iJ8oweSyf3 elf Commuwconon; -,, .„ -aA*r:-_i. ....c „:. .,.<HjBaJr- x fe" l-i ^ K ^w^*gsr.,-%'^ v "J; :2|^'- - >«®'/J 1 ^~^%^4r|^fe|:%V::v :>f'. ^tS^&^ks, * >( • ...^Jij^.vvwj^j-f'^u-'i'.Cir . -^Location 'Uptown Dallas, Texas !, '.'p '.' .:- T ""• l-'l i.•;":'., ,/-•iTotal Units 34 apartments ""'-',: '+ ,\ -T---.2fi^/J^W-a.7'/ -..fc-^. Installation of a Superior Sound Control System Acoush-Mat II is laid over the entire concrete or wood subfloor 2 Isolation strips are installed around the perimeter of the entire room to eliminate Banking paths Seams between sections of Acousti-Mai II are sealed with tape Acousti-Mat II is covered with a one-inch (25 mm) minimum topping of approved Maxxonr unoer laym.ent To ensure uniform death and a smooth finish installers use a screed" to finish the underiaymenr sur face 5 In as little as two hours after tne una'erlayment has been poured the floor is hard enough to accommodate foot traffic so light subirades may continue working Total drying time vanes depend- ing on tne tyoe of finished floor goods to be installed, but is generally completed within 10 to 14 days ACOUSTI MAT II OVER PRECAST CONCRETE ACOUSTI MAT II OVER TJP JOISTIT- s/er • [ 56 F-STC i.- - ,IBOV. -L • j'(16mm) | :} ;,.'-' p."9917367 No ....yAimstrongT^-Na. ...J62FSTC:' "' ConcretE (205 mm)"-:; FIRE RATINGS/UL DESIGN NUMBERS ; I.;-[529 i ^ 1IG CFieSd Impact insulntion CinssJ sound rests were Derrorrned in accordance witti ASTM E 1007 and E 989 " JiTC (Field Sound Transmission Class) sound tests were ceiTormed in accordance witn ASTM E 336 and E 413. Actual tests am availauie utxin reauest Majocon Underiavrrients arid Acousti Mat li are but two components effective sound control svste-m No sound contra svstern is better tnan its weakest component. Care taken in the installation 01 components cf construction to assure the ultimate1 acsigned acoustical perfbi (1) Tno structure!1 tioor Ehouki be .'jnfiauyit1 o withr-sta aesicn lofids win a ciHiiecuon :i'Tn;riiic;ii :;i L 3cO (2) Acousti Mo1 II shouli.1 ix; instalisc niter tne dn.-.jrf (3! Acousti Mat li snculcl noi be inr-uteu ovur ceami subiioorj nv.on 1 /« (6 mm- 5 5 pc: (88 kg/m ) bine wi:n white fabric Encineeicd by Enta Descnphon Matenal composition Ttuckness nominal DensiK Color Rammability ASTM E 84 Fuel contnbution 0 Smoke denaV NFPA Class A Flame spread NFPA Class A Pressure 500 psf (2440 Kg/m" . 1 000 psf (4880 Kg/m1) 2000 psf (9760 Kg/nfl 4000 psf ( 1 9520 Kg/m1)r ^ ..... Deflection 0 06 inches ( t 52 mm) i 0 08 inches (2 03 mm) '- '015 inches (3 81 mm)', ^93]|i|(MpM|2||l33r ARBOR DAY FARM LIED CONFERENCE CENTER '^Location ^Nebraska City, NE *"!y""^V:i" imhasel \, 3rd, & 4th floors Installed Acousii-MaF with ded wire lath, and 1'/:" of Gyp-Crete 2000 fS&ljMOO sq.ft./fioor, 32,000 sq.ft total 'Phase II ^ 3rd £ 4th floor Installed Acousti-Wlat I! with edging, m £"'. jand 1 Yi" of Gyp-Crete 2000 f\;;?i'5,500 sq.ft /floor, 11,000 sq ft. totalT" ^.-.-.-i-, ••„ i1.""}^"Architect Poyner Architecture, Omaha, NE .JT-.. r General Connactoi ±1 L^I :--Meco-Henne Contracting, Inc, Omaha, NEi f ', E— t^i_ J -«'-^' - **^ AT ARBOR DAY FARM. ACOUSTI-MAT II LS THE- NATURAL SOLUTION TO SOUND CONTROL From its open expanse of windows designed to instill an appreciation of nature to its use of wood as a renew- able source of energy for heating and cooling, Lied Conference Center in Nebraska City, Nebraska, pro- vides a lesson in environmental stewardship With Acousti-Mat li, it also provides an example of sfate-of- the-art sound control Original Acousti-Mar was used throughout the construction of Phase 1, and was so successful that there was no question about incorporating New Acousti-Mot li into the additional rooms of Phase I! A world-class facility dedicated to the achieve- ment of successful meenngs, bed Conference Center reflects the mission and goals of its parent organization, The National Arbor Day Foundation Situated on the 260-acre Arbor Day Farm, the center overlooks oak and hickory trees, apple orchards and Arbor Lodge, home of Arbor Day founder J Sterling Morton The center's design was one of 13 selected to appear in the American Institute of Architect's first annual Exhibition on Environmentally Conscious Architecture in 1991 With Acousn-Mat II installed in the lialhvays guests aren 'i bothered by noises of other guests, lug- gage or carts rolling down the halls Guests at the Arbor Day Farm enjoy quiet rooms with Acousn-Mat II' SECTION 03540 Gvpsum Cementmous Underiavment RECOMMENDED SPECIFICATION FOR MAXXON' FLOOR UNDERIAYMENT OVER ACOUS'n-MAT IT SOUND DEADENING PAD PART 1 GENERAL / 01 SUMMARY A This is the recommended speciiicuuon for Maxxon Floor U'naeriavment over Acousti-.Mat II souna ucitiening pud 1 02 SECTION INCLUDES A Maxxon Underlavment B Acousti-Mai II C Maxxon Floor Primer D Max\on OversproN 1 03 QUALITY ASSURsWCE -i Maxxon Underiavmem Installer'1' Qualifications Installation of Maxxon UndetTivment shall be b\ an applicator authorized hi the Maxxon Corporation using Maxxon unproved mixing and pumping eampmem B Acousti-Mai II Installer .1 Qualifications Insrallauon of Acausn-Mat II shall be bv .in aophcaior 'iulnorized D\ the AlaxJ on Corporation 104 DELIVER} STORAGE AND HANDLING \ Genera! Requirement; Material' snail be delivered in their oriiima: unopened pac;-.- ages ana oroieaed from evoo.sure io the eiernents Damaged or oetenorited nute rials snail be removed from the premise;. / 05 SITE CONDITIONS •i Environmental Requirement Before ciunni: anu after mitallation of M-ixxon Undenavmen; and Acousti-M.u li building interior shall be enclosed ancs maintained a\ .1 lemoer \lurc abo\i. 51' oegrej^ !: (1C decrees C''' PART 2 PRODUCTS '201 MATERIALS •\ Floor l.'nderi'ivmeiv Floor unciei'Livine'it •is manut icnjrtd I"" :.ne Mra.on Conxinuor, tl.ime' MK -\llouiers iimi! rec.'ju i- pnor approval 13 Sound Oe.KJenm:: V'.ui \couMi-\l:;i II a.-. m.inui,iciuieu n\ ihe M ixxon C.orpnriiion H-imel M.N C S.inci Aggregate S mil '•njii be 1/t- men (5 mil'.1 or less wishc',.! ui.isfjin" or plaster sane; meeting reuuiixrnents o1' Maxxon Corporuion S'lna hpec;i:;:Jtions 101 D Mix Water Potable free from impunties E Subfloor Primer Maxxon Floor Primer F Sealer Maxxon Oversprav 202 MIX DESIGNS \ General Requirements Mix proponions and methods shall be in strict accordance wnn produa manufacturer rc-comrnencbtioiis PART 3 EXECUTION 301 PREPARATION A Condition and Cleaning of Subfloor Subfloor shall be structurally sound General Contractor shall clean subfloor to remove mud. oil grease and other conta- minating .actors Defore the arrival of the Maxxon Underiavment crew Fi Leak Prevention Fill cracks and voids with a quick setting patching or caulking material wnere leakage of Maxxon btideriavment could occur C Expansion Joints Allow joints to continue through the Maxxon Underiavment at the same width 3 02 APPL1G?\TION OF ACOUST1-1UATII A Acousti-Mat II Installations Install Acousti-Mai II following manufacturers recommendations and speciiicanons 505 APPLICATION OF CEMENT1TIOUS FLOO1UNG A Scheduling Application of Maxxon bntierlavment shall not begin until me building is enclosed including roof windows doors and other fenestration Install after drvwall installation unless tenant finish requirements icientifv ixmitioning after the pour Schedule the Acousu-Mat II sound control s\stem a1! late as possible in the construction cvcle 13 Priming Acousti-Mar I! Prime Acousti-Mai fi using tne .Maxxon Floor Primer to bond ib.e Mi^on Lmdenavment to me pid C Application Place Maxxon L'nderla\ meni a nominal 1 inch (25 mm I thici over \cousti-Mat II Spreac anci screed Ma\xon Underiavrneni to ' smooth surface D DiAim: Ciener;il Conrraclor shall j'jrcn irk: C'.iniiruiou:- \ennbnon and -uieciuare iie-u to rapidh- remove moisiurt; ironi lilt: aic' unti! the Maxxon L'nderhvment is dn Generii Contrictor sh ill provide mechanical ventilation if necess in Under the abfive conditions for 1 inch thick .Maxxon Lmderlavnieni r-10 days is usu'ilh .ideauate drving lime "Io tes; for clrvness tape •! 2-i inch b\ 2-j men i'00'.J mm b\ D09 mm) section of piasl:c or a high densit\ rubber mat io the surface of the underlavmeni After 48-72 hours il no condensanon occurs the uncierl-nmem shall be considered dry Perform dryness test 5-7 days after pour .5 04 PREPARATION FOR INSTAUHTION OF GLUE-DOWN FLOOR GOODS A Sealing Seal all areas that recede glue down floor gooas with Maxxon CKerspnv according to the Maxxon Corporation's specifications Anv floor areas \vhere the surface has: been damaged shall be '' cieanec: and sealed regardless of floor covering to be used \Vnere floor goods manufacturers require special adhesive or installation systems their requirements supersede these recommendations B Floor Goods Procedures See the Maxxon Corporation's "Procedures for \uacrnng Finished Floor Goods to Maxxon Underiavments" brochure for guicelmes for installing finished floor goods THIS procedure is not 1 warranty and is to ' be used as a guideline onh ," 305 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL \ \ Slump Test Maxxon U'nderhvment mj. f shall be testec for slump as it's being f pumoed using -i 2 inch bv J inch (50 mm b\ H)l mm) cylinder resulting in -i parr. • size or" 8 inches (20? mm> plus or minus h i men (2s* mm.) diameter t B Field Samples At least one sc- oh ?• moicec < cube samples shall be taken from eacn f cia\'s oour during the Maxxon Unaeria1. men' j[ .luplicatioii Cures shall ix- testec. .1^ :; recommended bv the Maxxon Cor;v.r.:in.ir _ in accordance \\ith rnodihec; -\SI*^I C -l"72 ? Test results snail be i\ ukiDie to ircmtee; ; and/oi contractor upon request "i-from iDolicaior .5 (>(> PKOThCl'HJN -\ Proieaion From Heav\ Lnaas Dunn;.; construcnon place lemixjran \\ood Plankinr. over Maxxon bncierhn rr.eni wherever >: \\ ill be sti'niec, to lien1.". wneeied or concentrated ioids END OF SECTION Pnxluct SupjK>rt Additional nroduci lner.'.tur:: sound ICM ri':ooii* •inci CSI formatted spec'ilu::Mions are i\ uln.-sie upon reoiiesi Or vim our wen sue Ji niip / 'ww\\ nvixxon coir. (5T) spr;,The Superior Sound Control System To learn more about Acousti-Maf I! Call 1 -800-356-7887 E-mail mfo@maxxon com c wwwmaxxon com Maxxon* Corporalion • °20 Hnmcl Rooa • Homol MhJ • 55340 USA • i 763 .178 9600 • Fax i 763 .'.78 2J3 51999 Moxxcr.1 Ccruorcnon ail nqhh reserves rnnred <n U S A Acousii Mot* II and associated ioaos are Iroaemnrlts cf Maxxon* Coroorafior. Home! ViN US..- EILAR ASSOCIATES ACOUSTICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING June 10, 2005 JPM Design Management Job #A50224N1 Attention John P Mattox 5115 Avenida Enemas, Suite C Carlsbad, California 92008 SUBJECT. ACOUSTICAL EVALUATION AND DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS TYPICAL COMMON WALL - SOUND AND PLUMBING NOISE TRANSMISSION CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT - HOTEL 1, VILLAS 1&3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA At your request, we have conducted an acoustical evaluation of several typical common interior wall assemblies both for sound and plumbing system noise transmission The interior wall assemblies are proposed for construction within Hotel 1 and Villas 1 & 3 of the Carlsbad Ranch Resort, located on the south side of Cannon Road and on the west side of Hidden Valley Road, in the City of Carlsbad, California The focus of this acoustical evaluation is to provide common wall assembly design recommendations and to discuss project related plumbing noise impacts and mitigation recommendations using commercially available, high-quality, acoustical materials to provide a quality interior acoustical environment The acoustical evaluation and analysis is based on the latest building construction documents, dated 4/25/05 Introduction The 2001 California Building Code allows for acceptance of building plans that reference laboratory-tested partitions with STC ratings exceeding the minimum required FSTC (installed) rating by 5 rating points It is generally understood that up to 5 rating points are lost during actual construction, which is not expected to achieve controlled laboratory conditions, as minor deficiencies in construction can reduce the overall desired sound insulation class value For purposes of sound insulation within adjacent multiple-family residential units, it is important for construction to be conducted with a focus on acoustical construction details, or greater deficiencies could result Appendix Chapter 12, Sections 1208 and 1208A of the 2001 California Building Code requires common wall assemblies (partitions) in multiple-family residential structures to be built in order to attain a minimum field-tested (FSTC) rating of 45 or higher The identification and use of a laboratory-tested assembly that is rated 50 or higher does not waive the requirement for the final, installed assembly to achieve an FSTC rating of at least 45 in the field Sound Level Descriptors All sound level values presented herein are expressed in terms of decibels (dB) Data may be presented with A-weightmg (dBA) to approximate the hearing sensitivity of humans Time-weighted averaged noise levels are expressed by the symbol LEQ, for a specified time duration These data unit metrics are used to express noise levels for both measurement and noise ordinance guidelines Some of the data may also be presented as octave-band filtered or Va-octave-band filtered sound levels 539 Encimtas Blvd Suite 206, Encmitas, CA 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 • tnfo@eilarassociates com JPM Design Management; Attention John P Mattox June 10, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Acoustical Evaluation & Design Recommendations Page 2 A person's reaction to noise may vary depending upon his immediate state of mind and the type, intensity, and character of the noise Under normal circumstances, most people find that a) high-pitched noises are more disturbing than noises of lower pitch, b) the louder the noise the more likely it is to be disturbing, c) intermittent, irregular, impulsive, or impact noises are more distracting than a steady-state noise, and d) the longer the time of exposure to a disturbing noise the more irritating it becomes Most people describe changes in sound levels along the following lines a) a 3 dB sound level reduction is barely perceptible, b) a 5 dB sound level reduction is quite noticeable, whereas, c) a reduction of 10 dB is described as being significant or about one-half as loud Methodology Modeling of wall assemblies using building plans is accomplished using INSUL Ver 5 5, which is a model-based computer program developed by Marshall Day Acoustics for predicting the sound insulation of walls, floors, ceilings and windows It is acoustically based on theoretical models that require only minimal material information that can make reasonable estimates of the sound transmission loss (TL) and Sound Transmission Class (STC) for use in sound insulation calculations, such as the design of common party walls and multiple family floor/ceiling assemblies, etc INSUL can be used to quickly evaluate new materials or systems or investigate the effects of changes to existing designs It models individual materials using the simple mass law and coincidence frequency approach and can model more complex assembly partitions, as well It has evolved over several versions into an easy to use tool and has refined the theoretical models by continued comparison with laboratory tests to provide acceptable accuracy for a wide range of constructions INSUL model performance comparisons with laboratory test data show that the model generally predicts the performance of a given assembly within 3 STC points To further evaluate overall sound transmission between typical common interior wall assemblies, laboratory tests were referenced from the California Department of Health Services, Office of Noise Control Also utilized were laboratory tests from the Gypsum Association Fire Resistance Design Manual for Sound Control and the Canadian Institute for Research in Construction Common Interior Wall Assemblies - Evaluation and Design Recommendations Factors that determine sound reduction between adjacent guest rooms depend on the acoustical material used in the wall assembly To determine the acoustical integrity of the given proposed wall assembly, it is necessary to evaluate the sound insulation of individual components constructed within that assembly Typical Demising and Area Separation Wall Assembly (2-hour) The typical common demising and area separation wall partition is proposed to be constructed as follows 2 layers of V^-mch thick type X gypsum board 51/2-mch deep metal studs, placed 24-mches on-center 1 layer of SVz-mch thick unfaced fiberglass batt insulation 2 layers of 1/2-inch thick type X gypsum board Our INSUL analysis of the above typical common wall assembly resulted in an STC rating of approximately 56, which is considered a quality acoustical assembly and would exceed the State Code requirements For Eilar Associates • 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encimtas, California, 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 JPM Design Management, Attention John P Mattox June 10, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Acoustical Evaluation & Design Recommendations Page 3 further details on the INSUL model of this wall please refer to Attachment 1 Common Wall Assembly Details and Performance Analysis Typical Corridor to Unit Wall Assembly (1-hour) The typical 1-hour common corridor wall partition is proposed to be constructed as follows 2 layers of !^-mch thick type X gypsum board 51/2-mch deep metal studs, placed 24-inches on-center 1 layer of 51/2-mch thick unfaced fiberglass batt insulation 1 layer of s/a-inch thick type X gypsum board Our INSUL analysis of the above typical corridor wall assembly resulted in an STC rating of approximately 54, which would exceed the State Code requirements For further details on the INSUL model of this wall please refer to Attachment 1 Common Wall Assembly Details and Performance Analysis Typical Bathroom Exhaust Shaft Common Wall The following common exhaust shaft wall is located on either side of a small area where two bathroom exhaust ducts meet between adjacent guest rooms The concern for sound transmission is between unit to unit and also for stray noise traveling through the duct and exiting into the shaft The shaft wall is proposed to be constructed as follows 1 layer of 5/s-mch thick type X gypsum board 31/2-mch deep metal studs, placed 24-inches on-center 1 layer of 31/2-mch thick unfaced fiberglass batt insulation 1 layer of 5/s-mch thick type X gypsum board Our INSUL analysis of the above common wall assembly resulted in an STC rating of approximately 49, which is considered adequate for reducing sound transmission within a mechanical shaft For further details on the INSUL model of this wall please refer to Attachment 1 Common Wall Assembly Details and Performance Analysis Typical Plumbing Wall Assembly The typical plumbing wall assembly is proposed to be constructed as follows 2 layers of 5/s-inch thick Dens Armor Plus Fireguard 31/2-mch deep metal studs, placed 24-inches on-center 1 layer of 31/2-mch thick unfaced fiberglass batt insulation 1-inch air gap 31/2-mch deep metal studs, placed 24-inches on-center 1 layer of SVi-mch thick unfaced fiberglass batt insulation 2 layers of 5/s-mch thick Dens Armor Plus Fireguard Our INSUL analysis of the above typical plumbing wall assembly resulted in an STC rating of approximately 70, which is considered a quality acoustical assembly and would exceed the State Code requirements For Eilar Associates • 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encmitas, California, 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 JPM Design Management, Attention John P Mattox June 10, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort: Acoustical Evaluation & Design Recommendations Page 4 further details on the INSUL model of this wall please refer to Attachment 1 Common Wall Assembly Details and Performance Analysis Pool Bath Common Wall Assembly The following common wall is located in the pool area bathroom which is adjacent to the outdoor use area 1 layer of ceramic tile 1 layer of 14-inch thick Dens Shield SVi-inch deep metal studs, placed 16-mches on-center 1 layer of 31/4-mch thick unfaced fiberglass batt insulation 2 layers of %-mch thick type X gypsum board 5!4-mch deep metal studs, placed 24-mches on-center 1 layer of 5Vi-mch thick unfaced fiberglass batt insulation 2 layers of Vz-inch thick type X gypsum board The above pool bath common wall assembly will result in an STC rating of approximately 57, which is considered sufficient for the reduction of vocal sound transmission from the bathroom interior to pool area Foi more details please refer to Attachment 1 Common Wall Assembly Details and Performance Analysis Elevator Shaft Double Common Wall Assembly At a minimum, this common wall assembly will perform to the standards of the above detailed typical plumbing wall (STC 70), which would exceed the State Code requirements The acoustical concern at the elevator shaft double common wall assembly is the connection between the elevator shaft and wall assembly Building plans show that an elevator shaft bracket ties into the common double steel stud wall at each floor on the elevator shaft side This will not impact the sound transmission performance of the wall due to the double steel stud design and air gap Typical Attic Sound/Draft Stop Assembly Within the common attic air space above third level units, 1 layer of >£-inch thick gypsum board is proposed for alignment with each demising wall/comdor wall The draft stop will be extended to the outer edge of the attic above the exterior deck All draft stop matenal seams and edges/openings must be acoustically caulked and sealed with OSI Pro Series SC-175 acoustic sound sealant, per drawing detail 4 of Attachment 1 In conjunction with the gypsum board layers at the ceiling lid, the draft stop will adequately reduce sound transmission through the attic space and corridor For more details please refer to the recommended products section of this report and Attachment 1 Common Wall Assembly Details and Performance Analysis Eilar Associates • 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Enclnitas, California, 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 JPM Design Management, Attention John P Mattox June 10, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Acoustical Evaluation & Design Recommendations Page 5 Typical Circuit Breaker Common Wall Assembly The following typical common wall assembly occurs where a unit's circuit breaker box is to be located Steel circuit breaker service box insert (2 layers of 05-inch thick steel) 21/2-inch deep metal studs, placed 24-mches on-center 1 layer of 214-inch thick unfaced fiberglass batt insulation 2 layers of %-inch thick type X gypsum board Our INSUL analysis of the above typical circuit breaker common wall assembly resulted in an STC rating of approximately 59, which would exceed the State Code requirements For further details on the INSUL model of this wall please refer to Attachment 1 Common Wall Assembly Details and Performance Analysis All of the above typical demising wall assemblies are considered to be acoustically well designed and will provide adequate sound attenuation between proposed guest rooms However, to further reduce sound transmission and vibration in metal framing and improve the interior quality of living, we recommend the use of the Integrity Construction Gasket product, an Vs-inch thick adhesive backed, acoustically resilient foam tape The Integrity Construction Gasket product is easily installed in the field and must be applied to both sides of the common metal stud wall, between the studs and the primary gypsum board layer Please refer to the Recommended Products Section for product details Back-to-Back Electrical Box Design Evaluation An appropriate back-to-back electrical box design will maintain the acoustical integrity of the common wall performance and ensure compliance with City and State code requirements Typically, common wall flanking transmission pathways for airborne noise between adjacent rooms are via acoustically deficient installations of back-to-back electrical outlets Such noise problems can be prevented by incorporating an acoustically effective sound blocking design, with the focus on implementing the acoustical isolation details during the construction stage As reputable acoustical testing laboratories have never officially tested two-party wall assemblies with the inclusion of back-to-back electrical box layouts, it is strongly advised that the common wall assembly incorporate and implement an acoustically effective electrical box sound blocking design Conventional practice maintains that the second electrical box should not be placed within the same stud bay The stud-blocking design must allow for each electrical box to be isolated within individual stud bays To achieve acoustically optimum results, the additional use of fiberglass batt insulation placed within the stud wall cavities will effectively impede any stray sound transmission propagating within the stud wall's internal air cavity Building plan details of the project's common demising walls show the construction of a single stud wall plate system, demonstrating that an acoustically effective sound blocking design can be employed for isolating the electrical boxes To further improve the sound isolation of a back-to-back box design, it is recommended to use a sound deadening firestop putty pad system to provide acoustical protection This pad is conveniently sized to fit a typical 1 1/2-mch deep 4S box with no cutting or piercing required Faced on both sides with a convenient poly liner, firestop putty pads are easily applied with no mess or excessive residue No other product is as Eilar Associates • 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encmitas, California, 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 JPM Design Management, Attention John P Mattox June 10, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Acoustical Evaluation & Design Recommendations Page 6 easy and versatile to use and has tested and proven fire resistance and sound-deadening acoustical properties Please refer to the Recommended Product Section of this report for further details The use of an enhanced sound blocking back-to-back electrical box design along with the sound deadening firestop electrical box putty pads will acoustically improve the overall reduction of stray and flanking sound transmission between common residential rooms Please refer to Attachment 2 Effect of Electrical Outlet Boxes on Sound Transmission Through Gypsum Board Walls This study recommends ideal electrical outlet designs which are considered to be acoustically acceptable for effective common wall sound blocking Interconnecting Guest Room Doors Interconnecting doors must be solid-core in construction, with a minimum thickness of 1% inches Metal doors must be fabricated with tightly packed insulation between the two door panels An all-around air-tight door stop system and an improved air-tight threshold closure system is to be installed on both interconnecting doors This additional hardware will improve the doors' overall sound reduction properties and is available through Pemko at www pemko com The transmission loss (TL) of a solid-core door without acoustical seals is determined mostly by sound leakage, particularly at the bottom of the door if excessive clearance is allowed for air transfer By equipping the doors with all-around air-tight seals and air-tight threshold closure hardware at the bottom, the STC rating can be greatly increased Furthermore, it is imperative to caulk between the door's rough opening and the finished doorframe, using an acoustically resilient, non-skinning butyl caulking compound This should be used as generously as possible, to ensure effective sound barrier isolation The OSI Pro Series SC-175 acoustic sound sealant is a product specifically designed for this purpose and is available in one-quart cartridges Please see Recommended Products Section for further details Plumbing Noise Basic acoustical plumbing materials and design recommendations for the Carlsbad Ranch Resort were evaluated to maintain the stipulated acoustical rating requirements within the proposed typical interior common wall assembly Several basic plumbing designs and materials to be considered for installation are as follows Pipe Lagging or Wrapping Exterior pipe lagging or jacketing is necessary for the reduction of sound transmission at all cast iron pipe lines associated with the vertical gravity wastewater system In general, the lagging should consist of a fiberglass insulation blanket 1 to 2 inches thick, externally covered with an aluminum metal jacket (foil) and sealed with the appropriate tape It is imperative to completely wrap the pipe and tape the seam using the manufacturer's recommended tape Using an exterior pipe lagging product for noise control will greatly reduce the sound transmission through a common plumbing wall by approximately 6 to 10 decibels, when properly applied Please refer to the Recommended Products Section for product details Sound-deadening cast-iron pipes are planned to be installed within the scope of this project to reduce plumbing noise associated with vertical gravity, waste sewage drop lines The use of cast-iron pipes will greatly improve the reduction of any through-the-wall plumbing noise If possible, the cast-iron pipes should make only 45-degree (or less) angle bends because a 90-degree angled plumbing bend in a gravity drop Eilar Associates • 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encimtas, California, 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 JPM Design Management, Attention John P Mattox June 10, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Acoustical Evaluation & Design Recommendations Page 7 line will acoustically shock the plumbing system, resulting in high levels of focused plumbing noise emanating from behind the wall Please see Attachment 3 Acoustical Pipe Lagging and Pipe Penetration Details Cavitation is the formation and subsequent collapse of bubbles within the flow of water through and past a restriction in the flow Typically, most of the noise from water supply plumbing systems is caused by turbulent flow, commonly known as cavitation If problematic, this constant, high-pitched noise can be reduced from transmitting through a wall by wrapping all water supply pipe line reducer and expansion junctions using a closed-cell, foam sound insulation product All foam seams must also be sealed with the appropriate manufacturer's recommended tape Please see Attachment 4 Plumbing Cavitation Design Details Also, please refer to the Recommended Products Section of this report A water supply line pipe isolation system is necessary to reduce mechanically-induced noise transfer from the flow of water in pipes that are in direct contact with the common wall studs For strap-mounts and/or pipe clip installations, the recommendation is to use the HoldRite Silencer Plumbing System, which is very effective in the reduction of mechanical-borne vibration sound transmission The Silencer Plumbing System is designed as an all-in-one acoustical pipe and hanger and/or pipe clip system that should only be installed during the construction framing stage to ensure accurate placement of the acoustically resilient clip system All plumbing penetrations should include adjustments for the pipe with the clip system by drilling slightly oversized holes (approximately 10% greater than the diameter of the pipe itself) to accommodate for both the pipe and the plumbing clip Please see Attachment 5 Plumbing Isolation Techniques For further product information, please refer to the Recommended Products Section of this report Water Hammer is sharp, intense noise that occurs when a steady flow in a water supply plumbing system is suddenly interrupted by closing a quick action valve This sudden interruption of water flow results in an extremely sharp shock wave, reflecting numerous times back and forth through various parts of the water system until its energy is finally dissipated It is recommended that water hammer arresters (air chambers) be installed at each common wall supply line valve fixture and should be placed as close to the valve as possible Please see Attachment 6 Basic Water Hammer Design Details Acoustical caulking is recommended to completely seal the perimeter of all pipes, faucets, and spouts which may penetrate through a common wall assembly The caulking material should be an acoustically resilient, non-skinning, butyl caulking compound and must be applied as generously as possible to ensure good sound barrier isolation Please see Recommended Products Section Also, all common plumbing, electrical, or sprinkler line penetrations passing through a common wall system should be completely sealed, using a latex, expanding closed-cell spray foam Please see Recommended Products Section for further details Also, please refer to Attachment 7 Controlling Mechanical Structure- Borne Noise in Residential Settings Eilar Associates • 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encmitas, California, 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 JPM Design Management, Attention John P Mattox June 10, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort. Acoustical Evaluation & Design Recommendations Page 8 Recommended Products The highest quality, acoustical products available to increase STC ratings between typical common wall assemblies are described below 1 Putty Pad- Acoustical Solutions, Inc manufactures the Firestop putty pad with tested and proven fire resistance and sound deadening properties Conveniently sized to fit a typical 1 >2-inch deep 4S box, the released-lmed, Firestop putty pads may also be used in through-penetrations for wire, cable etc Acoustical Solutions can be reached via phone at (800) 782-5742, via fax at (804) 346-8808 Please refer to Attachment 8 Recommended Product Details 2 Acoustical Pipe & Duct Lag The Sound Seal acoustical pipe & duct lagging is a loaded vinyl noise barrier with a one-inch thick, quilted, fiberglass insulation bonded to the back of the barrier and features a remforced-foil facing which readily accepts a matching tape This quilted fiberglass layer acts as a decoupler sound absorber to improve the overall noise reduction performance, as well as to offer thermal sound insulation (R-value = 5) The Sound Seal B-10 Lag/QFA-3 product is available through Forrest Sound Products, Attention Ben -or- Kristie Forrest at (760) 918-0235 Please refer to Attachment 8 Recommended Product Details 3 Closed-Cell Foam Pipe Insulation The Armaflex SS Self-Seal Pipe Insulation is a 25/50- rated flexible elastomeric thermal insulation with a closed-cell structure It is manufactured without the use of CFC's, is formaldehyde free, dust free and resists mold and mildew The insulation is supplied in nominal wall thicknesses of 14", %" and 1 " This product is available through Pacific Insulation, Attention Jerry Nunez at (619) 262-3016 Please refer to Attachment 8 Recommended Product Details 4 Silencer Plumbing System. The HOLDRITE® SILENCER™ SYSTEM is specifically engineered to dampen noise transfer between piping and building structures, providing superior acoustical performance The manufacturer and supplier for the HoldRite Silencer Plumbing System is Hubbard Enterprises, located in San Marcos, California Contact Chris Thompkms, Inside Sales Manager for Hubbard Enterprises at (800) 321-0316 Please refer to Attachment 8 Recommended Product Details 5 Acoustical Caulking Compound The OSI Pro Series SC-175 Acoustical Sound Sealant is a one- part, nonflammable, latex base product designed specifically for the reduction of sound transmission in all types of all partition systems It maintains a tough, rubber-like seal against air-borne sound, air infiltration and moisture It is available in one-quart cartridges as well as other sizes This product is available through Sunshine Supply at (619) 276-7442 Please see Attachment 8 Recommended Product Details 6 Expanding Latex Foam Dap expanding latex foam sealant uses innovative polymer foam technology that seals out drafts, eliminates energy loss and is ideal for filling, sealing and insulating cracks and gaps around pipes and foundations The 12 ounce can, Model #18826, Internet Catalog Eilar Associates • 539 Encinitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encimtas, California, 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 JPM Design Management; Attention John P Mattox June 10, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Acoustical Evaluation & Design Recommendations Page 9 #107003, color white, is available from Home Depot Please refer to Attachment 8 Recommended Product Details 7 Integrity Construction Gasket: This product is an Vs-mch thick, low density, closed cell, PVC pressure sensitive adhesive backed foam tape When installed correctly on metal framing, it significantly reduces transmission of air-borne and impact sound between floors and walls It is particularly effective at minimizing air-borne sounds at lower frequencies This product is manufactured by Seal Methods, Inc For further information regarding the Integrity Construction Gasket product, please contact Darren Weller of Seal Methods, Inc at 800-423-4777 Please refer to Attachment 8 Recommended Product Details Conclusion It is generally understood that a few STC rating points are lost during actual construction, which is not expected to achieve controlled laboratory conditions, as minor deficiencies in construction can reduce the overall desired sound insulation class value For purposes of sound insulation within multiple-family residential structures, it is important for construction to be conducted with a focus on details, or greater deficiencies could result Each item should be acoustically addressed as stated above, focusing both on planning details and final construction framing The isolation of sound dampening at all associated structural contact points should be considered top priority when designing and constructing a quality living environment No sound control system is better than its weakest component Care must be taken in the installation of all components during construction to assure that designed acoustical performance is achieved to the maximum potential All recommendations for Sound Transmission Control are based on the best information available at the time our consulting services are provided However, since there are many factors involved in sound transmission, and Eilar Associates has no control over the construction, workmanship or materials, Eilar Associates is specifically not liable for final results of any recommendations or implementation of the recommendations Certification This report represents a true and factual analysis of the acoustical issues addressed, based on information available for the Carlsbad Ranch Resort project This report was prepared by Michael Burnll, Jessica Rasmussen, and Douglas K Eilar EILAR ASSOCIATES Jessica Rasmussen, Acoustical Consultant Michael Burnll, Senior AcoustifaTConsultant Eilar Associates • 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encmitas, California, 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 JPM Design Management, Attention John P Mattox June 10, 2005 Carlsbad Ranch Resort Acoustical Evaluation & Design Recommendations Page 10 Attachments 1 Common Wall Assembly Details and Performance Analysis 2 Effect of Electrical Outlet Boxes on Sound Transmission Through Gypsum Board Walls 3 Acoustical Pipe Lagging and Pipe Penetration Details 4 Plumbing Cavitation Design Details 5 Plumbing Isolation Techniques 6 Basic Water Hammer Design Details 7 Controlling Mechanical Structure-Borne Noise in Residential Settings 8 Recommended Product Details References 1 Beranek, Leo L , Acoustical Measurements, Published for the Acoustical Society of America by the American Institute of Physics, Revised Edition, 1988 2 California Department of Health Services, Office of Noise Control, 2151 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, California, 94704, Catalog of STC and 11C Ratings for Wall and Floor/Ceiling Assemblies, September, 1981 3 Harris, Cyril M , Handbook of Acoustical Measurements and Noise Control, Acoustical Society of America, 3rd Edition, 1998 4 Harris, Cyril M , Ph D , Noise Control in Building, Original Edition, 1994 5 Hirschorn, Martin, Noise Control Reference Handbook, Revised Edition, 1989 6 Ivme, Leland K and Richards, Roy L , Acoustics and Noise Control Handbook for Architects and Builders, Original Edition, 1998 7 Knudsen, Vern O and Harris, Cyril M , Acoustical Designing In Architecture, American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America, 2nd Edition, 1978 8 Raichel, Daniel R , The Science and Applications of Acoustics, American Institute of Physics Press for the Acoustical Society of America, 1st Edition, 2000 Eilar Associates • 539 Encmitas Boulevard, Suite 206, Encmitas, California, 92024 • 760-753-1865 • Fax 760-753-2597 ATTACHMENT 1 Common Wall Assembly Details and Performance Analysis z: O a. LJLJ CO < UJ a: CM s CO P KOiM< <t 111 JQ v • (Q &- -^ O O. O<f O<1 > Q3<t< J Offlo£iiiH<OtflO O LU Q 111 O Sound Insulation Prediction (v5 5) Program copyright Marshall Day Acoustics 2003 Eilar Associates Licence no OFOCOE750C380B75 Margin of error is generally within +/- 3STC JobName Carlsbad Ranch Job No Page No Date 17 Mar 05 Initials Notes Demising & Area Separation File name insul 2 x 0 5 in Type X Gypsum Board 2 x 0 5 in Type X Gypsum Board 7 5 in. Surf mass40lb/ft2 Cnt freq 2679 Hz 5 5 in Studs @ 24 in fo =51 Hz damping 0 01 Panel sirs 8 9x1 3 ft Frequency (Hz) 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 TL(dB) 17 25 30 34 38 43 47 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 60 61 59 52 53 57 60 Infill f TL(dB) 20 37 49 55 60 55 56 Surf mass 4 0 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 2679 Hz damping 0 01 fiberglass (0 6 Ib/ft3) thickness 5 5 in 63 125 250 500 1000 frequency (Hz) 2000 4000 • Transmission Loss STC V~N o OO £oQa:o:ooa:x i © Sound insulation Prediction (v5 5) Program copyright Marshall Day Acoustics 2003 Eilar Associates Licence no OFOCOE750C380B75 Margin of error is generally within +/- 3STC JobName Carlsbad Ranch Notes Job No Page No Corridor Wall Assembly Date 13 May 05 Initials File name msul 2 x 0 5 in Type X Gypsum Board 1 x 0 6 in Type X Gypsum Board 7 2 in I_L n" „ i ""~" \ /"""^,_y V ''"""\ / 5 5 in Studs @ 24 in '"' Surf mass 4 0 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 2679 Hz damping 0 01 fo =56 Hz Frequency (Hz) 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 TL(dB) 16 20 26 31 36 40 44 47 50 51 53 55 56 57 59 56 50 50 53 57 60 mnii T TL(dB) 19 34 46 53 57 51 56 Surf mass 2 9 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 1997 Hz damping 0 01 Derglass (0 6 IWftS) thickness 5 5 in 60- 55- 50 45 35- 30 I 25: 20; 15; 5; 0: 63 125 i 250 500 1000 frequency (Hz) 2000 4000 Transmission Loss STC Sound Insulation Prediction (v5 5) Program copyright Marshall Day Acoustics 2003 Eilar Associates Licence no OFOCOE750C380B75 Margin of error is generally within +/- 3STC JobName Carlsbad Ranch Job No Page No Date 13 May 05 Initials File name insul 1 x 0 6 in Type X Gypsum Board 1 x 0 6 in Type X Gypsum Board 4 8 in i Notes Bathroom Exhaust Shaft Surf mass 2 9 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 1997 Hz damping 0 01 Panel size ft 9x13 ft 3 5 in Studs @ 24 in Surf mass 2 9 Ib/ft2 fo =76 Hz Cnt freq 1997 Hz damping 0 01 Frequency (Hz) 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 TL(dB) 17 16 17 23 29 34 39 43 46 49 51 52 53 56 55 49 45 48 52 56 59 Infill i TL(dB) 17 27 41 50 54 47 55 lerglass (0 6 Ib/ft3) thickness 3 5 in CR_ 50: AC.. SJ<0: s ^35: o—J 0 1/1- « : E ncl C2 *~ on- 1 *»- m- *i- <sH ; ^ /» /t A\ / ) / / i ^ Sr* \ { fc^ 4\ it\/ s/1 1// — 63 125 250 500 1000 frequency (Hz) 2000 4000 -•- Transmission Loss STC iuQ CO 0?t=ui CO ^D a. CO ui 5CO Sound Insulation Prediction (v6 0) Program copyright Marshall Day Acoustics 2004 Margin of error is generally within +/- 3STC JobName Carlsbad Ranch Job No Page No Date 9 Jun 05 Initials JR Notes Plumbing Wall File name msul 2 x 0 6 in USG Sheetrock Firecode Gypsum plasterboard2 x 0 5 in USG Sheetrock Firecode Gypsum plasterboard i 10 3 in i Surf mass 4 9 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 2172 Hz damping 0 01 3anel Size 8 9x13 ft 80 in Studs @ 24 in fo =41 Hz Frequency (Hz) 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 TL(dB) 26 33 37 42 46 52 57 62 62 65 69 72 75 77 80 80 74 70 74 81 87 TL(dB) 29 45 60 68 77 73 78 Surf mass 4 0 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 2714 Hz damping 0 01 •3'fiberglass (06 Ib/ft3) thickness 7 in QCZ Qfl- QS\ S 7*r X 7f\-- O - o 55= <D - o 35z oc- 7fl~ 15; si t ) J t1 f ^ 63 A — » < V 125 tf — »— i f ^— •*^>r^ — 250 500 frequency (Hz) ^ K" 1000 \{s/ 2000 -•- Sound Reduction Index(dB) \ STC § t/ j 4000 PP v. 1 . ' • r • . t \ \ \'. 'r[ ',[ 1 r jl '.i-;. 1 r If f1. T •j i r 1 : j ill J 9' .^ •^ 1 H ' i \"\ J "i ili i 1rii .[• \. \ \ iiJ I Iifi !> t II bi ••i "^ j ntiTi J ] 1 -. , ' ^^ /'~^\ ' ' ^^^"^f^-^^ "\ ^-'><~- y ^^ ^ V^^^^ :'^<\y 'v^^^^ ./^ "\^ ) ^.^~<x ^x^ j ' ^><C><r j ' X ^x^ j^^x^' "s-<''^' '' ^^\ J1^-1 r i _ . - - "Y'p^ — Iv 1 |-^p»»-*T^*VJ^- UJALL ^-CERAMIC TILE ^ OVER '/: ' DENS ' : SHIELD OVER 3^' 20 <2A <5I STL STUDS « 16' OC UJITH 3 '/2' UNPAGED FIBERGLASS BATT INSUL. NOTE- BOTM UJALLS RUN FULL HT TO UNDERSIDE OF STRUCTURE ABOVE SEE DMT DUUGS FOR FINISHES ^^-CONTDM SEALANT /"T\ DBL WALL AT POOL BATH i ^ ) SCALE 3"=1'-0B California Office of Noise Control Sketch Brief Description Laboratory Test Number Year Frequencies Tested Source of Data STC Section Number 1234 1 double row of 2x4 studs 24"o c on 2x4 54 Riverbank Acousti- plates spaced 2" apart cal Labs 2 1/2" type X gypsum board nailed with 6d TL 73-224 nails 8"o c 3 1/2" type X gypsum board nailed with 6d nails 16"oc 4 1/2" type X gypsum board nailed with 8d nails 8"o c 57 124249 1973 16f Gypsum Association Frequency - Hz las. HZ 1EB HZ 2BB HZ 2E.0 HZ 33.5. HZ fBB HZ &.BB HZ E3B HZ eaa HZ 3.BBB HZ 12&.B HZ 1E0H HZ 2BBB HZ 2S.BB HZ 31S.B HZ t-BHB HZ 3B M-H 4-7 H-5. *B 5.0 5.3 5.7 BB B3 E& BE. ES. S3 E2 E5. 100 1 2 70 f-H r—S r- 60 50 1X11 cI 2 40 | 30 20 10 10005 l -h 1 1—'i ' I ' 125 250 500 1000 2000 Octave Band Center Frequency — Hz 4000 Sound Insulation Prediction (v6 0) Program copyright Marshall Day Acoustics 2004 Margin of error is generally within +/- 3STC JobName Carlsbad Ranch Job No A50224 Page No Date 23 May 05 Initials Notes Circuit Breaker Wall File name msul 2 x 0 6 in Type X Gypsum Board I 3 8 in 2 x 0 1 in Steel Surf mass 5 7 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 1997 Hz damping 001 Panel Size 8 9x13 ft 2 5 in Studs @ 24 in Surf mass 4 1 Ib/ft2 Cnt freq 9842 Hz fo =70 Hzdamping 0 01 Frequency (Hz) 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 TL(dB) 21 19 24 31 35 40 45 50 54 57 60 62 64 65 66 66 65 61 63 66 69 innn ; TL(dB) 21 34 48 59 65 63 65 " fiberglass (0 6 Ib/ft3) thickness 2 5 in 125 250 500 1000 frequency (Hz) 2000 4000 Sound Reduction Index(dB) STC ATTACHMENT 2 Effect of Electrical Outlet Boxes on Sound Transmission through Gypsum Board Boards 1*1 National Research Consal national C ouna IC anada de recherdi«s C arwcla ARC-CHIC Effect of electrical outlet boxes on sound transmission through gypsum board walls Nightingale, T.R.T. NRCC-43410 A version of this paper is published in / Une version de ce document se trouve dans SolplanReview.no 87, July 1999, pp 17-18 \v\v\v nrc ca/irc/ircpubs Effect of Electrical Outlet Boxes on Sound Transmission through Gypsum Board Walls By Trevor Nightingale Recent research at NRC's Institute for Research in Construction has demonstrated the importance of proper placement of electrical outlet boxes when the reduction of sound travelling between dwelling units in multi-family buildings is an important consideration The research showed that poorly placed outlet boxes can significantly decrease the sound isolation of gypsum board walls — a decrease of up to six sound transmission class (STC) points, when compared to walls with no boxes, was observed It a/so showed how this degradation of performance can be minimized The National Building Code of Canada (NBC) requires partition walls that separate units in multi-family dwellings to be both fire- and sound-rated, and the Canadian Electrical Code requires these and other walls in the dwelling to have a certain number of electrical outlet boxes per unit length of wall However, penetrations associated with electrical outlet boxes can degrade the sound isolation of a wall, reducing the acoustical privacy between units Until IRC researchers conducted a systematic study, the effect of such factors as the type and location of outlet boxes, and the presence of sound-absorbing material and its placement in the wall cavity were not well understood The study also quantified the effectiveness of several practical retrofit methods to improve the sound isolation of walls with poorly located boxes This article reports on results for double-stud gypsum board walls, since this type of wall is most likely to be used to achieve a high degree of sound isolation between dwelling units Two types of electrical boxes are commonly used in multi-family dwellings standard metal boxes for interior partitions and plastic vapour-barrier boxes for exterior walls Table 1 shows that acoustically these boxes perform very differently Plastic vapour- barrier boxes had a negligible effect on sound isolation regardless of their relative location whereas metal boxes led to a significant reduction in sound isolation, when the boxes were closely spaced This difference in performance is directly related to the relative airtightness of each type of box Standard metal boxes have many holes to allow for electrical wires entering the box, and for the box to be fastened to the stud In contrast, plastic vapour-barrier boxes have closed-cell foam gaskets, which form an airtight seal where the wires enter the box, and tabs on the outside of the box, which are used to fasten the box to the stud Thus, there are no unsealed holes in the box Plastic vapour-barrier boxes also typically have a backer plate at the mouth to seal the box to the gypsum board These airtightness features impede the transmission of sound as well as the flow of air, and can compensate for problems caused by box proximity Box Type Plastic Vapour- Bamer Metal STC Reference Wall (No boxes) 55 55 Electrical Box Location Boxes located Back-to-back, No horizontal offset 55 51 Boxes separated by at least one stud, 400-mm horizontal offset 55 53 Table 1 Measured sound isolation expressed as an STC rating for metal outlet boxes and plastic vapour-barrier outlet boxes in the double-stud wall without sound-absorbing material in the cavity The effects of metal box location and sound-absorbing material (e g , fibrous building insulation) presence and placement were investigated using three different double-wall assemblies One had no sound-absorbing material in the cavity, one had sound- absorbing material that was pushed aside so it did not cover the outlet box, and one had sound-absorbing material in the cavity completely covering the back of the outlet box The effect of increasing the separation between the boxes on either side of the wall was investigated for each wall assembly It was found that the change in sound isolation depends upon several factors, including the separation, or horizontal offset, of the boxes, the construction of the wall assembly, and the placement of the sound-absorbing material in the cavity The combined effect of metal box location and sound-absorbing material placement in the cavity of a gypsum board wall can be large In the worst cases, the sound transmission class (STC) rating decreased by six points While these factors cannot be fully separated, it is possible to identify general trends • The greatest reduction in STC occurred when there was a short unimpeded path between boxes, that is, when the sound did not have to travel through sound- absorbing material or through the narrow gap between opposite studs into the adjacent stud cavity • When the sound had to travel through material in the cavity, the deleterious effect of the boxes was greatly reduced • Very little reduction in STC was noted for walls with the electrical boxes located in an adjacent stud cavity and at least 400 mm apart The presence of sound-absorbing material further ensured that the electrical boxes have a negligible effect on STC • These trends broke down only when IRC researchers compared conditions with boxes within the same stud cavity and no sound-absorbing material • For boxes located in back-to-back positions, installing a layer of sound-absorbing material between them greatly improved the STC Thus, where possible, the sound- absorbing material around the boxes should not be displaced because its effectiveness will be reduced Retrofit Measures When an existing wall has decreased sound isolation because of improperly located electrical boxes, there are several possible remedies or treatments, all involving modifications in and around the outlet box A bead of caulk can be used to fill the gap between the box and the gypsum board This simulates the flange and seal that form the airtight seal to the gypsum board in a plastic vapour-barrier box A simple draft stopper — a closed-cell foam gasket commonly sold in hardware stores — can be placed between the gypsum board and the faceplate covering the electrical outlet They are easy to install, but improvement in sound isolation was found to be variable because an adequate seal cannot be formed if the gypsum board opening has been poorly cut or the box is skewed so it protrudes beyond the face of the gypsum board Electrical box inserts made from thin rubber or plastic reduce airflow if they are tightly fitted inside the box The degree of airtightness, and resulting improvement to the sound isolation of the wall, is determined largely by how well the holes or slits for the electrical wires are sealed with caulking, and how well the insert is sealed to the gypsum board Lining the interior of an electrical box with a mastic material that is impervious to air will increase the sound isolation of the wall, especially if the material can be sealed to the gypsum board But a word of warning While a wide range of materials, including caulking, can provide the necessary acoustical properties, it is possible that they may have other properties (such as electrical conductivity) that make them unsuitable for this use Before installation, the local electrical authority should confirm the suitability of the material for placement in electrical boxes While the results show that the presence of electrical outlet boxes need not significantly affect the sound isolation of gypsum board walls, a companion preliminary study conducted by IRC's Fire Risk Management Program showed that their presence may be of concern with respect to fire resistance In the absence of a more complete study, boxes in fire-rated walls should be avoided if possible, however, if boxes must be placed in the wall they should be spaced as far apart as possible Summary The sound performance of a wall when related to electrical outlet boxes can be improved by observing some simple guidelines 1 Ensure that (untreated) metal boxes are offset horizontally by 400 mm or more in adjacent stud cavities rather than being placed within the same stud cavity, or 2 Use plastic vapour-barrier boxes, or 3 Use retrofit techniques that emulate the attributes of plastic vapour-barrier boxes Additionally, remember that the presence of sound-absorbing material in the cavity helps to further minimize the effect of poorly located boxes, especially when installed so that the material blocks the line of sight between the boxes Dr Trevor Nightingale is an acoustics researcher in the Indoor Environment Program of the National Research Council's Institute for Research in Construction Further details of this research can be found in IRC's Construction Technology Update series, available on subscription See the notice and order form for this series in the previous issue of Solplan Review ATTACHMENT 3 Acoustical Pipe Lagging and Pipe Penetration Details C AST "3ovs1]r V BOTTOM OF FLOOR OR ROOF DECK ACOUSTICAL SEAL SEE DETAIL CONTINUOUS METAL RUNNER WALL PER PLAN THERMAL INSULATION COMPRESSED WHERE OCCURS AIR DUCT WHERE OCCURS CONTINUOUS ACOUSTICAL SEALANT TO CLOSE OFF GAP CEILING AS SCHEDULED WALL PER PLAN NOTE. PENETRATIONS OF ACOUSTICAL PARTITIONS BY DUCTWORK SHALL BE ACOUSTICALLY SEALED AS SHOWN ANY GAP LARGER THAN 1/21 SHALL BE COVERED WITH GYPSUM BOARD, LAPPED A MINIMUM OF ? AND SCREWED BEFORE USING ACOUSTICAL SEALANT DUCT PENETRATION ACOUSTICAL WALL HIGH-PRESSURE, LOW-VELOCITY REGION LOW-PRESSURE, HIGH- VELOCITY REGION RG. 8.2 Formation of cavitation in a plumbing system containing a partially opened valve. Regions of high-velocity flow and low pressure lead to the generation of cavitation. ATTACHMENT 5 Plumbing Isolation Techniques (a) (c)(d) Resilient strip C ATTACHMENT 6 Basic Water Hammer Design Details Cap — Water Level Cylinder Or Pipe Water Pipe — Ptteock Entrapped Air Compressed BY Water Pressure Install In Each Long Run Of Piping Air Lock FIG 814 A capped pipe-nipple that serves as a water- hammer arrester. The volume of air within it is used to cushion the shock generated by water hammer Should the air within the pipe-nipple be replaced with water, the petcock provides a means of venting; when opened, the water is released so the pipe-nipple is again able to serve as a water-hammer arrester Finish floor I Plywood ,— Floor \ isolation \ board Fiberglass blanket between studs Staggered-stud dry or plaster wall , Cover plate ] Rubber sJeeve & gasket Baseboard Toe mold ' Caulk Sub floor Split base plate Rubber sleeve Gypsum board FIG. 8.15 A water-hammer arrester incorporated in a water line in a resiliently-hung ceiling. Note that the piping is isolated by resilient elements to minimize the transfer of noise to the structure. ATTACHMENT 7 Controlling Mechanical Structure-Borne Noise in Residential Settings Page 1 Controlling Mechanical Structure-Borne Noise in Residential Settings Apart from the activities of household occupants, the major sources of residential noise problems are mechanically generated and structure-borne plumbing, ventilation equipment, and appliances How many of us wait until dinner guests have departed before operating the dishwasher7 How many of us gaze up in irritation at bathroom ventilation fans, or if possible, use them only on rare occasions7 And who is not familiar with the ability to identify exactly which plumbing fixture in the house is currently being used7 According to the literature, structure-borne noise problems can be controlled at the source, along transmission paths, or near the receiver Mechanically-generated noise is best dealt with at the source and along direct transmission paths Doing so, however, has, until recently, been something of a gamble, with untested standards and recommended procedures making results difficult to predict This discussion will present some recent findings on the subject The intent is to remove some of the uncertainty related to such problems in order to allow the architect to make more informed choices regarding noise control Plumbing Noise Architects and builders have historically been advised to control plumbing noise at its source by wrapping pipes with resilient matenals wherever they come in contact with structural components In addition, they are advised to resihently mount the sink, toilet, and shower fixtures The effectiveness of these recommendations, however, was not investigated until 1990 Test methods used a standard hydraulic noise generator on several pipe-mounting techniques and wall types, typical of current construction practices A broad scope of noise- control parameters was addressed A summary of the results of this acoustical study is presented here Suitable pipe attachment was indeed shown to be the single most important factor in reducing plumbing noise In both supply and dram pipes, the use of resilient material between pipes and the structure resulted in reductions of up to 20 dBA* Testing included the use of high quality, commercially available products designed specifically for isolating pipes from structures However, the best results were obtained by sheathing the entire length of the pipe with a resilient, closed-cell neoprene material intended for HVAC applications Attempts to improve an existing rigid connection by wrapping pipes and clamps with insulation produced an insignificant reduction of only 1 to 2 dBA Tests showed that further improvement of noise control can, nevertheless, be obtained by addressing other factors, as follows Page 2 Wall construction was shown to have a significant impact on noise control The use of resilient furring to suspend drywall, for instance, gave a reduction of 6 to 9 dBA alone, in addition to the further protection from direct contact of pipe to drywall Doubling the mass of drywall gave a further 3 to 4 dBA reduction, regardless of pipe-fastening method Adding insulation to partition walls acting as pipe enclosures achieved as much as 5 dBA in improved noise control Approaches tested included using cellulose fibre in cavities where pipes are rigidly fastened to wood studs, and using batt insulation where pipes are resiliency mounted on either wood or metal studs The impact of construction error was also studied In a number of wall-assembly types, wedges were used to simulate the "short-circuiting" caused by failing to remove debris from the wall cavity, or other inadvertent, rigid connections to the structure Tests revealed that sound transmission increases from 7 7 to 113 dBA in a partition wall where pipes were resiliency mounted Construction error can, therefore, be understood to be a major potential contnbutor to plumbing noise Investigation of pipe materials showed that plastic supply pipes (as opposed to copper) produced reductions in noise levels from 5 dBA (where rigidly connected to wood studs) to 10 dBA (where resihently mounted) On the other hand, waste pipes made of copper showed similar improvements over plastic, presumably due to its additional mass, cast iron was even better Other factors were also considered Pipe diameter did not seem to have any significant effect on noise control Faucet design showed widely varying results, depending on flow rate, but at maximum flow a difference of only 3 dBA was observed This is just barely significant The study concluded that resilient materials should be more widely used than are common practice, and that careful construction detailing, correct material selection, and meticulous construction practice (bolstered by on-site supervision, if necessary) can significantly improve plumbing noise control Ventilation Equipment The confidence with which residential ventilation equipment (kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans, and heat exchangers) can be specified has been, until recently, challenging because of a lack of m-situ testing of such units In 1991, a study was conducted to determine differences, if any, between laboratory and installed performance At the time of the study, both airflow and sound-emission tests were performed in the field and in the laboratory to assist in product selection Results of the study revealed a close correlation between laboratory and installed performance Range hoods gave only slightly higher measurements in the field Bathroom exhaust fans were slightly lower Page 3 More importantly for the architect, the study aimed to establish a relationship between sound power ratings and the resulting sound pressure levels for the installed unit Most ratings measure the sound power of a device rather than the resulting sound pressure, as measured in A-weighted decibels The effects of the sound pressure depend on distance and the acoustical properties of the room in which the unit is installed A direct relationship between sound power and sound pressure was established For the architect, this means that the selection of ventilation equipment may now be based on sound power ratings as if they were measures of sound pressure (or "loudness") As yet, no criteria for "acceptable fan noise limits" have been cited, but absolute values can be applied For example, one can now accurately predict that a fan with a sound power rating of 50 dB is quieter, when correctly installed, than one with a rating of 70 dB To summarize, the results of the study represent two advances upon which the architect may confidently draw when selecting ventilation equipment 1) the results of laboratory tests used to determine ratings for such units are indeed representative of expected results for the installed unit, and 2) the ratings themselves can be used as absolute values by which to compare the relative noise expected to be produced by such units when installed Appliance Noise The noise produced by domestic appliances has always been a source of annoyance to residents, with laundry equipment, in particular, being the culprit Traditionally, they were relegated to the basement, as far from quiet areas of the house as possible The rationale behind such basement location is not only that of distance, but that it also includes the mass, damping and vibration isolation afforded, in most cases, by a concrete slab Dishwashers are notoriously noisy because they are traditionally mounted on a subfloor, with rigid attachment to the counter above, so that both counter and subfloor act like drum-heads, effectively radiating noise and vibration In recent years, it has become fashionable to locate laundry facilities close to where clothes are stored, i e , adjacent to bedrooms Although occupants may appreciate the shorter distances involved in doing the laundry, the use of such facilities is often limited by their location, unless special steps are taken to control noise and vibration Very high levels of sound insulation are recommended Regardless, the elimination of structure-borne sound transmission is difficult to achieve Page 4 Resolving problems associated with appliance noise can be approached in two ways First, install the appliance so as to isolate vibration Using isolation mounts can improve noise control by providing a gap between the noise source and any lightweight structural component Second, stiffen or add mass to the floor structure This can be done by installing a pad of concrete or reinforced board In addition to the above measures, further noise control can be obtained by using hallways and other utility spaces as buffer zones They should be designed with offset doors and fitted with sound absorptive materials, including acoustical ceilings, carpeting, and other soft fittings to reduce transmission to other areas Partition walls must also be carefully detailed and executed to eliminate sound leaks and flanking pathways Conclusions As the result of this recent acoustical evaluation and study, the architect or builder may now more confidently make choices regarding mechanical structure-borne noise problems Such choices will entail • Specifying the quietest fans or pipe material, • Ensuring that pipes or appliances do not rigidly connect with the structure, • Detailing walls and pipe enclosures to ensure a minimum of noise transmission, and • Stiffening or adding mass to floor structures expected to bear vibrating machinery '" dBA (A-weighted decibels) is the unit used to measure sound pressure, more commonly described as the perceived "loudness" of sound, and the characteristic of noise that determines annoyance Decibels are measured on a logarithmic scale To give some indication of the perceived magnitude of figures quoted here, measurements in a quiet room may show sound pressure levels of approximately 30 dBA, whereas, in a noisy room (for instance, an occupied family room with the television on), measurements would show about 70 dBA ATTACHMENT 8 Recommended Product Details TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Firestop Putty Pads Putty Pad Size: 7.25" x 7.25" x 3/16" Our Firestop putty pads provide acoustical protection in a release-lined pad for easy application to electrical boxes or other penetrations The pad is conveniently sized to fit a typical 1 Y*" deep 4S box with no cutting or piercing required Faced on both sides with a convenient poly liner, Firestop putty pads are easily applied with no mess or excessive residue Firestop putty pads may also be used in through-penetrations for wire, cable etc Strips of the pad may be cut off and packed around any openings Pad strips may also be applied to penetrate in a mortar system to create a firestop as well as to absorb movement due to expansion and contraction or resonate vibration No Other Product is as Easy & Versatile to Use and has Tested and Proven Fire Resistance and Acoustical Properties Features: • Non-Hardening for a tough, flexible seal • Two Stage Intumescences provides aggressive expansion • Endothermic Fillers absorb heat & release water • Highly Adhesive Stays put' Allows movement • Water-Resistant Unaffected by humidity, condensation, and water • Soft & Pliable Easy to install • Sound Deadening Tested and proven acoustical properties • UL Classified & FM Approved Acoustical Solutions, Inc. 2852 East Parham Rd, Richmond, VA 23228 Ph: 800-782-5742 fax: 804-346-8808 www.acousticalsolutions.com U < in &! >> a 2 OH 3 CU CUO-s I (L) 13HJen t) "8 .V tne S3s sx 2O Cu •° ^13 2o •£S^o eaJt> a <U B 60 3U 13o § *o o * o ~ ,2ca is w od ca O oo i 1=£ c >3os a*-* ^ oco « li < o T-H" fs| .s ca £ o II •2t! oO 03 O 3 > ca O OTO 2 IB^ oID Ar— ' -J«l "^ »pO B !< Mji sli enU to o--s25" " Bulletin SS-104 NOISE CONTROL PRODUCTS Flexible NoiseBorriers rtr B10R B-5CV 5 ' * Loaded vinyl noise barriers. + Reinforced, non-reinforced, transparent and foil-faced lag styles f Mass loaded barriers from 1/2 Ib to 2 Ibs per sq ft 4 Acoustical ratings STC-20 thru STC-31 4 Limp, flexible, formable, versatile • High tear and tensile strength 4 For industrial, construction, commercial, residential and OEM applications SOUND SEAL Barricade" Flexible Wo/se Barriers are available in a variety of styles to meet a multitude of applications Non-Reinforced Barriers B-10NR 4 1 Ib PSF non-reinforced loaded vinyl noise barrier 4 Low cost, often used between dry wall and stud construction to substantially improve transmission loss between rooms (see photo) 4 Used as the barrier septum material in acoustical curtain and foam composites 4 An economic acoustical pipe or duct wrap 4 Utilized as o rooftop equipment noise barrier 4 Used as a noise barrier ceiling tile (typically in conjunction with a fiberglass decoupler) above standard suspended ceiling systems 4 Used underneath carpeting to improve transmission loss of floor B-5NR 4 1/2 Ib PSF version of the above 4 Used where weight restrictions require a lighter weight barrier , B-20NR 4 2 Ib PSF version of the obove 4 For applications requiring greater noise reduction, especially at lower frequencies B-10CLA 4 1 Ib PSF nan reinforced flexible loaded vinyl noise barrier 4 Class A (1) flammability rating per ASTM E-84 (surface burning characteristics of building materials) 4 For commercial, construction, in plant, residential or OEM requirements Panels B10NR attached to studs before drywoll is installed will significantly reduce noise transmission between rooms Reinforced Barriers B-10R 4 11b PSF reinforced loaded vinyl noise barrier 4 High-strength polyester fabric reinforcement is utilized in the center of the barrier to dramatically improve its durability, tear and hanging strength * Excellent outdoor UV and weather resistance 4 Can serve as accordion fold access door 4 Used as a free hanging acoustical curtain panel, typically with grommets at the top and hook and loop fasteners along each edge (see photo) 4 When used in combination with a Quilted Fiberglass Sound Absorber, (BBC 13, BBC 13 2"F) can offer STC Ratings up to 32 (See Bulletin SSI 01) 4 Standard color is gray Tan and blue are also available B-5R 4 1/2 Ib PSF reinforced loaded vinyl 4 Some properties as above, utilized where weight restriction require o lighter weight matenal Pipe and floct Lagging B-10LAG 4 1 Ib PSF reinforced foil faced loaded vinyl noise barrier 4 Acoustical wrap for noisy pipes, duct work, valves, heat exchangers 4 Easy to cut, wrap and install with matching lag tape 4 May be combined with quilted fiberglass decoupler to improve acoustical performance, thermal conductivity and lower installation costs • Class A flammability rating requirements per ASTM E-84 4 Durable reinforced foil facing serves as protective jacket as well as readily accepts matching tape B-10IAG/QFA 3 Acoustical Pipe Lag installed on 12" diameter pipe with matching lag tape See Sound Seal bulletin SS J 05 for additional information ,„,.; . Jr allows easy access Un$itia noise reductions&apvT-*-- ••ty&Ak^- • - • Tfflfispflrenf Darners 4 Flexible transparent barrier materials offer significant noise reduction while allowing for visibility and easy access 4 Also utilized to reduce heat and cold loss between areas 4 Sheet material is often utilized as a view window in Sound Seal Acoustical Curtain Panels 4 CV strip doors are often incorporated into Acoustical Curtain Enclosures for easy access 4 Mounting angles and hardware are also available 4 Furnished in three standard products B10CV 4 1 Ib PSF 4 16" wide strips 4 48" wide sheets 4 Curtain panels with grommets at top and velcro edges 4 Custom-sized window covers B-7 5 CV 4 3/4 Ib PSF 4 12"widestnps 4 48" wide sheets 4 Custom-sized fabrications B-5CV * 1/2 Ib PSF 4 8" wide strips 4 48" wide sheets 4 Custom-sized fabrications Mounting angle for clear vinyl trip doors (see bulletin SS 102) Specialty earners B-10MB 4 1 Ib PSF barrier material with a woven-fiberglass cloth facing 4 Typically referred to as "marine barrier" 4 Supenor fire ratings when installed against bulkheads, etc B-10L 4 1 Ib PSF lead sheet 4 Commonly used as a septum product in acoustical composites 4 Utilized where radiation or RF resistance are required in addition to noise reduction Flexible earners Noise Transmission Loss Bamets 2 Ib PSF 1 Ib PSF 3/4 Ib PSF 1/2 Ib PSF Noise Transmission Loss (dB) Per Octave Band (HZ) 125 16 13 11 8 250 22 17 16 13 500 26 22 20 17 1000 32 26 25 22 2000 35 32 30 27 4000 40 37 34 31 STC 31 26 23 20 PerASTM E90(90A) Physical Properties Product B10NR B5NR B20NR B10R 85R BIO LAG B10CV B75CV B5CV B10CLA B10L B10MB Norn Thickness (in ) 107 042 225 090 050 090 160 120 080 109 020 100 Norn Weight Ib/sq ft 10 5 20 10 5 10 10 75 5 10 10 10 Description Non Reinforced Reinforced Foil Faced Transparent Class A Lead Sheet Marine Barrier Roll Size 54" W x 60' L 48"Wx60'L 16"WxlOO'L&48"Wx60'L 12"Wx200'L&48"Wx60'L 8°Wx300'l&48"Wx60'L 54"Wx60'l 48"Wx25'L 38"Wx45'L Additional Details See Bulletin SS101 See Bulletin SSI 05 Mounting Hardware Details See Bulletin SSI 02 SSI 04 Additional information on tensile, breaking and tear strengths, elongation, chemical resistance, flammobility, etc available upon request The test results reported were obtained using standard laboratory procedures recognized by the technical community The data is valid as a measurement of the material under specific controlled test conditions However, this dafa does not represent an accurate indicator of the performance of the material or of the hazards which may exist under actual field conditions For OEM Applications see Sound Seal Bulletin SS-203 Distributed By SOUND SEAL' 50 H P Almgren Drive Agawam, MA 01001 TEL 413789 1770 FAX 4137892248 e-mail sales@soundseal com www soundseal com Sound SeoP ml Bormadtl"are iBjiiltrtJ Hodmen III of Itmttd Pioitu IK ©5003 Undid hoctsi Im advanced insulation and engineered foams THE MAKERS OF ArmaHex1* Description AP Armaflex SS Self-Seal Pipe Insulation is a 25/50-rated flexible elastomeric thermal insulation, supplied in • nominal wall thicknesses of 1/2", 3/4", and 1" (13, 19, and 25mm) • popular sizes up to 4" IPS The expanded closed-cell structure of AP Armaflex makes it an efficient insulation Factory Mutual Approved System AP Armaflex SS is certified through ongoing supervision by Factory Mutual Research Corporation to consistently provide actual values on these key performance criteria for mechanical system insulation Thermal Conductivity 0 27 BTU-m/hr sq ft °F Water Vapor Transmission 0 08 perm-inches Fire Rating Will not contribute significantly to fire (simulated end use testing) AP Armaflex SS has a flame-spread rating of 25 or less and a smoke-developed rating of 50 or less as tested byASTM E 84 and CAN/ULC S-102, Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials Note Numerical flammability ratings alone may not define the performance of products under actual fire conditions They are provided only for use in the selection of products to meet limits specified Uses AP Armaflex SS Pipe Insulation retards heat gam and controls condensation drip from cold-water plumbing, chilled-water, and refrigeration lines It also efficiently reduces heat flow for hot water plumbing and liquid-heating and dual-temperature piping The recommended temperature usage range is -58°F to +180°F (-50°C to +82°C) AP Armaflex SS Insulation is acceptable in wall thicknesses through 1" for use in air plenums Conforms to NFPA 90A and 90B requirements Resistance To Moisture Vapor Flow The closed-cell structure of AP Armaflex SS Insulation effectively retards the flow of moisture vapor, and AP Armaflex SS is considered a low- transmittance vapor retarder Additional vapor- retarcler protection may be necessary on very-low- temperature piping or where exposed to continually high humidity Application AP Armaflex SS Pipe Insulation can be snapped over piping already connected The angle-cut seam stays closed Apply firm and even pressure along the entire longitudinal seam for proper seal Fitting covers are fabricated from miter-cut tubes Butt joints are to be sealed with Armaflex 520 Adhesive 520 Adhesive is contact adhesive, therefore, both surfaces to be joined are coated with adhesive AP Armaflex SS is designed for installation above ground Outdoors, a weather- resistant protective finish is to be applied WB Armaflex Finish is recommended Armaflex insulation products must be installed according to Installation of Armaflex Insulations brochure Proper installation is required to assure Armaflex insulation performance AP Armaflex SS must be protected from direct sunlight exposure and weather elements when installed outdoors with water-resistant jacketing or WB Armaflex Finish Before starting the temperature of the air and of the insulation should be between 40°F (4°C) and 100°F (38°C) at the time of installation Specification Compliance AP Armaflex SS Pipe Insulation Meets ASTM C 534, Type I Tubular Grade 1 ASTM E 84 NFPA 255 UL723 CAN/ULC-S102 NFPA 90A, 90B ASTMD 1056,261 MIL-P-15280J, FORMT MIL-C-3133C (MIL STD 670B), Grade SBE 3 MEA 96-85-M City of Los Angeles RR 7642 CGSB CAN 2-51 40-M80 Physical Data Physical Properties Thermal conductivity, Btu • in /h • ft2 • °F [W/(m • K)] 75°F mean temp (24°C) 90T mean temp (32°C) Water vapor permeability, perm-in [Kg/(s«m'Pa)] Water absorption, % by volume Flame and smoke ratings through 1" (25mm) Ozone resistance Upper use limit °F (See note 1) Lower use limit °F (See note 2) Sizes Wall thickness, (nominal) Inside diameter, tubular form Length of sections feet, tubular form 0 27 (0 039) 0 276 (0 040) 0 08 (1 16 x 10-°) 02 25/50 GOOD 220 (105°C)/180 (82°C) -70 (-57°C)* 1/2", 3/4", 1"(13 19,25mm) 5/8" ID to 4" IPS (15mm to 100mm) 6 (1 8m) Test Method ASTM C 177 or C 518 ASTM E 96 Procedure A ASTM C 209 ASTM E 84 Notes Q On the heating cycle APArmaflex SS Pipe Insulalion will with stand temperatures as high as 220'F (105°C) intermittent exposure For continuous exposure the temperature should be limited to 180"F (82°C) ©At 20°F(29°C) flexible AP Armaflex SS Insulation becomes hart) and, as temperatures drop below 20°F ( 29°C), will be increasingly brittle, however this hardening characteristic does not affect thermal efficiency or water vapor permeability © Reference only • For applications of -40 F to 70"F (40'Clo 57°C) contact Armacell Density typical range (See note 3) 3 0 - 6 0 Ibs /ft3 ASTM D 1622 orD 1667 Performance approved through continuing supervision by Factory Mutual Research Corporation Peel the protective release strips from the adhesive surface in 8" and 12" increments after insulation is snapped over pipe The protective release strips can be removed by gently pulling at an angle Apply firm and even pressure along the entire longitudinal seam for proper seal The data and information are provided as a technical service and are subject to change without notice r^armacell ^-— advanced imulation and engineered foams ARMACELL LLC 7600 Oakwood Street Extension P O Box 1038, Mebane, NC 27302 TEL 919 304-3846 • FAX 919 304-3847 E-MAIL info us@armacell com INTERNET www armacell com [012S|001S| 10 | 02 | NA | NA © 2002 Armacell LLC Printed in United States o( America OCT-26-2006 THU 09:02 AM CITY OF CARSLBAD FAX NO. 760 602 8558 P. 02 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT No. 1 NON-RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE NON-RESIDENTIAL LAND OWNER, PLEASE READ THIS OPTION CAREFULLY AND BE SURE YOU THOROUGHLY UNDERSTAND BEFORE SIGNING THE OPTION YOU CHOSE WILL AFFECT YOUR PAYMENT OF THE DEVELOPED SPECIAL TAX ASSESSED ON YOUR PROPERTY THIS OPTION IS AVAILABLE ONLY AT THE TIME OF THE FIRST BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE is REQUIRED BEFORE SIGNING YOUR SIGNATURE is CONFIRMING THE ACCURACY OF ALL INFORMATION SHOWN GRAND PACIFIC RESORTS INC NAME OF OWNER 59QQ PASTEUR CT STE2OO ADDRESS CARLSBAD CA 92OO8 760431-8500 TELEPHONE 17O4 DRAKE WY PROJECT ADDRESS CARLSBAD, CA 92O CITY. STATE APN 21 MOO-14-00 ZIP CITY. STATE ZIP ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER(S) OR APNfe) AND LOT NUMSERS(S) IF NOT YET SUBDIVIDED BY COUNTY ASSESSOR BUILDING PERMIT # CBO51489 As CITED BY ORDINANCE No NS-155 AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA THE CITY is AUTHORIZED TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX IN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT No 1 ALL NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. UPON THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. SHALL HAVE THE OPTION TO (1) PAY THE SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ONE TIME OR (2) ASSUME THE ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED TWENTY-FIVE (25) YEARS PLEASE INDICATE YOUR CHOICE BY INITIALIZING THE APPROPRIATE LINE BELOW OPTION (1) 1 ELECT TO PAY THE SPECIAL TAX - ONE TIME NOW, AS A ONE-TIME PAYMENT AMOUNT OF ONE-TIME SPECIAL TAX: $ 7302. w OWNER'S INITIALS OPTION (2) I ELECT TO PAY THE SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ANNUALLY FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED TWENTY-FIVE (25) YEARS LTAX:$ 1077.51MAXIMUM ANNUAL SPI OWNER'S INITIALS I DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE UNDERSIGNED IS THE PROPERTY OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND THAT I UNDERSTAND ANQAVILL COMPLY WITfl THE PROVISION AS STATED ABOVE TITLE PRINT NAME (\\-Lj C)lo DATE THE CITY OF CARLSBAD HAS NOT INDEPENDENTLY VERIFIED THE INFORMATION SHOWN ABOVE THEREFORE, WE ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY AS TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THIS INFORMATION LAND USE. FY, FACTOR COMM.-93/94- .5288 X SQUARE FT 14,755= 7.8O2.44 OCT:23-?n06 MON 01:35 PM CITY OF CARSLBAD FAX NO. 760 602 8558 P. 04 City of Carlsbad Building Department CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FEES OR OTHER MITIGATION This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form Project Name: Building Permit Plan Check Number- Project Address APN Project Applicant (Owner Name) Project Description. Building Type Residential- Second Dwelling Unit. Residential Additions- Commercial/lndustnal City Certification of Applicant Information. Carlsbad Ranch Resort CB051489 1704 Drake Wy 211-100-14-00 Grand Pacific Resorts Inc Time Share Commercial New Dwelling Units Square Feet of Living Area in New Dwelling Square Feet of Living Area in SDU Net Square Feet New Area Square Feet Floor GMm•^^^^"^^^^^ 14,755 Date L DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Carlsbad Unified School District 6225 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92009 (331-5000) Vista Unified School District 1234 Arcadia Drive Vista C'A 92083 (726-2170) San Marcos Unified School District 215MataWay San Marcos, CA 92069 (290-2649) Contact Nancy Dolce (By Appt Only) Encimtas Union School District 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd Encmjiai, CA 92024 (944-4300 ext 166) San Dieguito Union High School District 7]OEncinitasBlvd Encmiias, CA 92024 (753-6491) Certification of Applicant/Owners The person executing this declaration ("Owner") certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the Initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owrf&r is the owner/developep»Hhe above descnbed projects), or that the person executing this declaration is authorized to sign $n Behalf of the r Signature Revised 3/30/2006 Date 007-23-2,106 m 01:36 PH CITY OF MRSLBflD F(W NO. 760 602 8558 K •— I — -P. 05 SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school distnct(s))»•»***««***««****»•»***«»****»****»»********•»****»****»»**»•*****«****•»***»»***««** *»****»»****«**** THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT: The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building permits for this project SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIAL TITLE NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT DATE PHONE NUMBER CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 6225 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Revised 3/30/2006 I I CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT \ \ JEFFERSON ELEMENTARY \ ~| AVIARA OAKS ELEMENTARY | | CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL | | CARLSBAD VILLAGE ACADEMY | | VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL | | BUENA VISTA SCHOOL RECEIVED FROM (If Applicable) PARENT OF PAYMENT FOR | | MAGNOLIA ELEMENTARY \ | CALAVERA HILLS SCHOOL | | KELLEY SCHOOL ( | HOPE SCHOOL Pfe^ I IAVIARA OAKS MIDDLE SCHOOL | | PACIFIC RIM | _ | CALAVERA HILLS MIDDLE SCHOOL Q^jOT-HEfl . DATE -/Lf- (J O ACCOUNT NUMBER No AMOUNT TOTAL s JJu \A 0-. rfi "~ •y-> \>X r>£=? SJ,s 1w ^^ 1o ^.O CVJfe^- «> v§$=^^.d \ ^ >v3 ^ ^! 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