HomeMy WebLinkAbout2855 CARLSBAD BLVD; ; CB122754; Permit02-25-2013 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No: Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 CB122754 Job Address Permit Type: Parcel No Valuation Occupancy Group. Project Title Applicant NEAL ELECTRIC 2855 CARLSBAD BL CBAD Tl Sub Type COMM 2032310100 Lot# 0 $48,000 00 Construction Type NEW Reference # CARLSBAD BY THE SEA -GENERATOR 30 KW, 49 5 HP Status Applied Entered By. Plan Approved Issued Inspect Area Plan Check # ISSUED 12/26/2012 SKS 02/25/2013 02/25/2013 Owner FRONT PORCH COMMUNITIES AND SERVICES 13250 KIRKHAM WY POWAY CA 92064 858-513-2525 303 N GLENOAKS BLVD #1000 BURBANKCA 91502 Building Permit $436.48 Meter Size Add'l Building Permit Fee $0 00 Add'l Red Water Con Fee $0 00 Plan Check $305 54 Meter Fee $0 00 Add'l Building Permit Fee $0 00 SDCWA Fee $0 00 Plan Check Discount $0 00 CFD Payoff Fee $0 00 Strong Motion Fee $10 08 PFF (3105540) $0 00 Park Fee $0 00 PFF (4305540) $0 00 LFM Fee $0 00 License Tax (3104193) $0 00 Bndge Fee $0 00 License Tax (4304193) $0 00 BTD #2 Fee $0 00 Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) $0 00 BTD #3 Fee $0 00 Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) $0 00 Renewal Fee $0 00 PLUMBING TOTAL $0 00 Add'l Renewal Fee $0 00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL $0 00 Other Building Fee $0 00 MECHANICAL TOTAL $0 00 Pot Water Con Fee $0.00 Master Drainage Fee $0 00 Meter Size Sewer Fee $0 00 Add'l Pot Water Con Fee $0 00 Redev Parking Fee $0 00 Red Water Con Fee $0 00 Additional Fees $0 00 Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee $1 00 HMP Fee Fire Expedidted Plan Review $0 00 Green Bldg Standards Plan Chk 99 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $75310 Total Fees $753 10 Total Payments To Date-$753 10 Balance Due: $0.00 Inspector FINAL APPROVAL Date Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively refen-ed to as "fees/exactions" You have 90 days from the date this pennit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exacfions If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previousiv been oiven a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previousiv othenivise expired THE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMit ISSUANCE: UILDING • HEALTH blAZMAT/APCD ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 email: buldllng@carlsbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov ^Cv^ Plan Check No. Est. Value Plan Ck. Deposit Date 1^ SWPP JOB ADDRESS SUITE#/SPACE#/UNIT# CT/PROJECT # # OF UNITS # BEDROOMS # BATHROOMS TENANT BUSINESS NAME CONSTR TYPE OCC GROUP DESCRIPTION OF WORK: /nclude Square Feet of Affected Areafs) =^''*'^«^^^^=^1^!£L 5 0 Kwf^'^^/i H,R - 5o no AFcD T^ri^4^ P-^^iy<J EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) DECKS (SF) FIREPLACE YESn # NO • AIR CONDITIONING YES • NOD FIRE SPRINKLERS YES • NOO APPLICANT. NAME (Primary Contact) Aimi. ki4z-ff)c APPUCANT NAIVIE (Secondary Contact) ADDRESS l'?.XS/) kifkUani k/4i ADDRESS 2 CITY HTOE T MML_ - y - STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP PHOr^E PHONE ii^<>S'71i'-<=>f^(^ EMAIL PROPER' tTVOWNER NAJVJP I , I/O C Oi<UBacJ Ayy 12.1 /^X^Ci, CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME I4EAI BI€C-vfi.\U ADDRESS f3 2.<n k)rkUav*n j/U^^ STATE ZIP' CITY ZIP RHONE V' mMi—— STATE c2A /22L^ PHONE FAX EMAIL seeder* ARCH/DESIGNER NAME & ADDRESS jSTATE UC # C/O CITY BUS UC# (Sec. 7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions ofthe Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500)) Workers' Compensation Declaration / hereby affimi under penalty of perjury one ofthe following declarations 3"! have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self.insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this perm it is issued XS'lTave and will maintain workers'compensation, as required by Section 3700 ef the Labor Co^ far the performance of t|)^ work faj which thiSDemiitjs issued My workers' compensation insuraipe carrier and policy numberare InsuranceCo TASMf^\^<i^ CJO . f^Vg^ Vg-(O-j- "F/j- Policy No WG O b 58^^ W fe>2 b Expiration Dale fQ/j) / /3 Thisggclion need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less .(Sccrtficate of Exemption-1 certify that in the performance of the work for which this pemiit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject lo the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING' Failure to secure woijter^ampensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), In addition to the cost of compensation, dam^^4vP!°vided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE •AGENT DATE )z/2^/l 1^ I hereby affinn that I am exempt from Contractor's Ucense Law for the following reason • I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the wori( and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does nol apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale It, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did nol build or improve for the purpose of sale) • I, as ovmer of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed conlractors to construct the projecl (Sec 7044, Business and Piofessions Code The Contractor's Ucense Law does nol apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with conlractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) • I am exempi under Section _ .Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and malenals for construction of the proposed property improvement • Yes O No 2 I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3 I have contracted with the following person (finn) to provide the proposed construction (include name address / phone / co ntractors' license number) 4 I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person lo coortinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone / contractors' license number) 5 I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the wori( indicated (include name / address / phone / type of work) (PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE •AGENT DATE is the applicant or fulure building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous matenals registration form or nsk management and prevention program under Sections 25505,25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account AcP O Yes ^^S^o Is the applicant or fulure building occupanl required to obtain a permit from the air polluton control distnct or air quality management dislncP • Yes pmS Is the facility to be constmcted within 1,000 feet ot the outer boundary of a school site' a Yes O No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affirm that there is a constuction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec 3097 (i) Civil Code) Lender's Name Lender's Address I certiiy that I have read the application and state that the above infomiaton is conectand that the infoimaton on the plans is accurate I affee to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relatng to building constucton. I hereby authonze representative ofthe City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE ClfY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CfTY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSHA An OSHA permit is required for excavgloiKiver 5'0' deep and demolition or constmction of stmctures over 3 stories in height EXPIRATION Every pemiit issued by the Bum/igyOfficial under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or wori( authonzed by such pemnit is not commenced within 180 days ftom the date of such permit or ifjlra'builnirlgDr wort< authonzed by such pemiit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the vrori< is commenced for a penod of 180 days (Section 106 4 4 Uniform Building Code) APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE M / / DATE 7. ™ STOP: THIS SECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the following ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at final inspection. C E R T I F I C A C C U P A C ' Fax (760) 602-8560, Email viiww buildinq(5)carlsbadca gov or Mail the completed form to City of Carlsbad, Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008 C0#: (Office Use Only) CONTACT NAME OCCUPANT NAME ADDRESS BUILDING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP Carlsbad CA PHONE FAX EMAIL OCCUPANT'S BUS. LIC. No. DELIVERY OPTIONS • PICK UP: • CONTACT (Listed above) • OCCUPANT (Listed above) • CONTRACTOR (On Pg 1) a IVIAIL TO: • CONTACT (Listed above) • OCCUPANT (Listed above) • CONTRACTOR (On Pg 1) n MAIL / FAX TO OTHER: • ASSOCIATED CB#- • NO CHANGE IN USE/NO CONSTRUCTION • CHANGE OF USE / NO CONSTRUCTION vgf APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE Inspection List Permit#: CB122754 Type: Tl Date Inspection Item 08/29/2013 39 Final Electrical 08/29/2013 49 Final Mechanical 05/14/2013 34 Rough Electnc COMM Inspector Act PD AP PD AP PD AP CARLSBAD BY THE SEA -GENERATOR 30 KW, 49.5 HP Comments Tuesday, March 04, 2014 Page 1 of 1 08/28/2013 06:53 750—433-1351 FEDEX OFFICE f : 2694 PAQE 01 INSPECTION RECORD CARLSBAD Building Division 0 INSPECTION ITECORD CARD WITH APPROVED j PUUtfS MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB ! BT CALL BEFORE 3:30 pm FOR NEXT WORK DAY INSPECTION ! m FOR BUILDING INSPECTION CALU 760-602-2725 OR GO TO: www.Cari«i.jidca.aov/BMil€ltng AND CLICK ON ! "Request Inspsctton" OATE; ^/gcS7/5 IF YES' 15 ciiecKgD BELOVV THAT DIVISION'S APPROVAL IS REOLIIRED PRIOR T<j ReQUt:.'5iiNt5 A FINAI BDILOING IN.^TFRCTIQN. IF VOU HAVE /^NY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL THE APPLICABLE DIVISIONS Al THK nHONK NUMBERS PI^OVILiBi:? BHLQW. AFTI?R ALL REQUIRED APPROVALS ATif SIGrlttD OFF- FAX TO 760 602;S560. EMAIL TO ELDGl S PE C.T.I P.N sSlC A.R LSBAPC OR BRING IN A COPY OF THIS CARD TO: 1625 FARADAY AVE.. CARLSDAD. CA 92008. BUILDING INSPECTORS CAN BF. REACHED AT 760-602-2700 BI;TWEEN..7;30 AM - B:00 AM THE DAY OF YOUR INSPECTION. CB122754 2855 CARLSBAD BL -CARLSBAD BY THE SEA -GENERATOR 30 KW, 49.5 HP ... Tl COMM Lcit#: NEAL ELECTRIC ORD COPY OR BRING IN A COPY OF THIS CARD TO: 1625 F REACHED AT 760-602-2700 B5TWEEN..7:30 AM YES Required for Buildinq Final If Checked YES Date Inspector Notes Planning/ Landieape 760-944-8463 Allaw 4fl hours 2 GM&/ (Engineering lnspecttans| 760-43S^691 Call Defcre 2 pm Rre Prevention 760-602-4660 /Ulow 48 hours Type of Inspection 1 Type of inq>ec(ion CODE 7 BUILDING Date Inspector Co.. :* ELECjTRICAL Date Inspector #11 FOUNDATION #31 n ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND QUFBt / ^ #12 REINFORCED STEEL #34 ROUGH EUCTRIC \^.i423 #66 MASONRV PRE QROUT #33 • ELECTRIC SERVICE •TEMPORARY • GROUT • WALL DRAINS #35 PHOTOVOLTAIC - #10 TILTPANELS #39 FiNAL #11 POUR STRIPS c^PE « MECHANICAL #11 COLUIMN FOOTINGS #41 UNDERGROUND DUCTS & PIPING #14 SUBFRAME • FLOOR • CEIUNG #44 pDUCTaPl£nUM • REF. PIPING #15 ROOFSHEATHING #43 HEAT^IRCOND.SVSTEMS #13 E)Cr. SHEAR PANELS #49 FINAL #16 INSUIATION cocE H COMBO INSPECTION #18 EXTERIOR tATH , #81 UNDERGROUND (11,12^^,31) i #17 INTERIOR 1ATII& DRYWALL #82 DRYWALUEXTIATH, GAS TES (17,18^) #51 POOLEXCA/STEEl/BOND/FENCE #83 ROOFSHEATING, EXTSHEAR (13,15} , #55 PREPLASTER #84 FRAME ROUGH COMBO (14,24^,44) #19 RNAL #80 FINAL OCCUPANCr (19,29,39,49) cooe « PLUMBING Date Inspector #22 • SEWER & BL/CO • PL/CO FIRE Date #21 UNDER6R0UN0DWASTE DWTR (Ji/nt— #24 TOPOUT DWASTE DWTR A^S UNDERGROUND VISUAL #27 TUB a SHOWER PAN A/S UNDERGROUND HVDRO #23 nOASTEST • GAS PIPING A/S UNDERGROUND FLUSH #25 WATER HEATER A/S OVERHEAD VISUAL #28 SOLAR WATER A/S OVERHEAD HYDROSTATIC #29 FINAL A/S RNAL 1 CODE •» STORM WATER F/AROUGH-IN #600 PRECONSIRUCnON MEERNG F/A FINAL #603 FOLLOW UP INSPECTION FIX£D EXnNGUISHINO SVSTEM ROUGHHN #606 NOT1CET0 CLEAN FDCED E)CnNG SVSIEM HYDROSTATIC TEST #607 WRITTEN WARNING FIXED EXnNGUISHING SYSTEM RNAL #609 NOTICE OF VIOLATION MEDICAL OAS PRESSURETEST #610 VERBALWARNINO MEDICAL GAS FINAL SEE BACK POR SPeOAL NOTES EsGil Corporation I-n (Partnersfiip wit A govemtneiit for (BuiCding Safety DATE: February 11, 2013 • APPLICANT CxluRlS JURISDICTION: Carlsbad • PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 12-2754 SET II PROJECT ADDRESS: 2855 Carlsbad Boulevard PROJECT NAME: Carlsbad by the Sea Emergency Generator @ Building 3 XI The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. I I The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to fonA/ard to the applicant contact person. I I The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Neal Electric 13250 Kirkham Way, Poway.CA 92064 IXI EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. I I EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the pian check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: 858 513-2525 Date contacted: (by: ) Email: Fax #: 858 513-9494 Mail Telephone Fax In Person • REMARKS. By: Eric Jensen Enclosures: EsGil Corporation • GA • EJ • PC 02/05 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In (PartnersHip -witli government for (BuiCding Safety DATE: January 4, 2013 • APPLICANT ja^JURlS JURISDICTION: Carlsbad • PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLANCHECKNO.: 12-2754 SET I PROJECTADDRESS: 2855 Carlsbad Boulevard PROJECT NAME: Carlsbad by the Sea Emergency Generator @ Building 3 I I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ^ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. X The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Neal Electric 13250 Kirkham Way, Poway.CA 92064 I I EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: 858 513-2525 Date contacted: (by: ) Email: Fax #: 858 513-9494 Mail Telephone Fax In Person • REMARKS: By: Eric Jensen Enclosures: EsGil Corporation • GA • EJ • PC 12/28 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 12-2754 January 4, 2013 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLANCHECKNO.: 12-2754 PROJECTADDRESS: 2855 Carlsbad Boulevard DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY DATE REVIEW COMPLETED: ESGIL CORPORATION: 12/28 January 4, 2013 REVIEWED BY: Eric Jensen FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. The approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. • Please make all corrections and submit two new complete sets of prints to: ESGIL CORPORATION. • To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. • Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? • Yes • No Carlsbad 12-2754 January 4, 2013 ELECTRICAL and ENERGY COMMENTS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen ELECTRICAL (2010 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE) 1. Please review the following Code Section and respond accordingly. Note: This is a SFM (State Fire Marshall) requirement which is enforced by the City of Carlsbad Fire Department plan reviewers. Compliance with this section will require a change in the submitted plans however. • A room containing a combustion engine shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a 1 hour fire barrier and requires protected openings in the exterior per CBC 432.2.2. Review the installation of the emergency generator. 2. Square Note 7 on sheet E2.1 doesn't match the single line diagram, please modify to match (Isolated neutral). 3. Provide a structural design for support of the generator itself. • The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Eric Jensen at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad 12-2754 January 4, 2013 [DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION- Carlsbad PLANCHECKNO.: 12-2754 PREPARED BY: Eric Jensen DATE: January 4, 2013 BUILDING ADDRESS: 2855 Carlsbad Boulevard BUILDING OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: BUILDING PORTION AREA (Sq Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. MocJ VALUE ($) Air Conditioning Fire Spnnklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review Repetitive Fee ^ I Repeats • Complete Review • Other Hourly EsGil Fee $215.00 • Structural Only $86 00 Hrs. @ $172.00 Based on hourly rate Comments' 2 hours plan review. Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc + <CCT> ^ CITY OF PLAN CHECK Community & Economic <CCT> ^ CITY OF REVIEW Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD TRANSMITTAL Carlsbad CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov DATE:01/09/13 PROJECT NAME: CARLSBAD BY THE SEA PLANCHECKNO: 1 SET#: 1 ADDRESS: 2885 CARLSBAD BLVD VALUATION: $60,000 PROJECT ID: CB 12-2754 APN: V | This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the ENGINEERING Division. By: KATHLEEN LAWRENCE 01/09/13 A Final Inspection by the Division is required [ jYes LZINO I j This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on -i the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: ^ce SL^r^eo ^ne^ef^G-fnc .C^ You may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. For questions or clarifications on tiie attaciied ciiecl<list please contact tiie foiiowing reviewer as marked: H4222^42/24:':wz4Zf4i4.fe!(44i4. '2£MM0^^'^^^^^M}£i (m4ZZ4=:''ZZm4'''¥4t,-4': Zii 4 '2-Z:442' 2§Q-G(mm2^z-/I2 •4Z''Z4*^'kZ.^ ' '2:/iMm/P:![mEm^ '10fl^!^m4^k/^4^ 4: i2:-Z2z2 2''%i22zc>t. zzz/z/w^z' \ J Chris Sexton L ' 760-602-4624 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov f v i Kathleen Lawrence ~ J 760-602-2741 Kathleen.Lawrence@carlsbadca.gov 1 j Greg Ryan ! i 760-602-4663 Gregorv.Rvan@carlsbadca.gov j 2 Gina Ruiz ! 1 760-602-4675 Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov r~" { Linda Ontiveros 2^2 760-602-2773 Linda.Ontlveros@carlsbadca.gov 1 Cindy Wong - 760-602-4662 Cvnthia.Wong@carlsbadca.gov • 1 j Dominic Fieri ^ ^ 760-602-4664 Dommic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST QUICK-CHECK/APPROVAL Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca gov ENGINEERiNG Plan Check for CB 12-2754 Date 01/09/13 Project Address. 2885 CARLSBAD BLVD APN. Project Description STAND BY GENERATOR Valuation $60,000 ENGINEERING Contact Kathleen Lawrence Phone 760-602-2741 Email, kathleen.lawrence@carlsbadca.gov Fax 760-602-1052 • RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR LZI TENANT IMPROVEMENT • RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR (<$20,000.00) • PLAZA CAMINO REAL • CARLSBAD PREMIER OUTLETS COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING • OTHER: MOHO OFFICIAL USE ONLY ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERiVilT BY: KATHLEEN LAWRENCE ., REIWARKS: NO ADDITIONAL ENG. FEES DATE: 01/09/13 Notification of Engineering APPROVAL lias been-sent to via EMAIL ' ' ;1 on 01/09h3 tE-36 Page 1 of 1 REV 4/30/11 ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION BUILDING PLAN CHECK APPROVAL P-29 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca eov DATE: 12-27-12 PROJECT NAIVIE: PROJECTID: PLAN CHECK NO: CB 12-2754 SET#: 1 ADDRESS: 2855 Carlsbad Bl APN: 203-231-01 This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the Planning Division. By: Chris Sexton A Final Inspection by the Planning Division is required • Yes ^ No you may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. I I This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check APPROVAL has been sent to: scedergreen@nealelectric.com For questions or clarifications on thie attaclied checklist please contact tiie following reviewer as marl<ed: PLANNING 760-602-4610 ENGINEERING 760-602-2750 FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4665 X Chris Sexton 760-602-4624 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Kathleen Lawrence 760-602-2741 Kathleen.Lawrence@carlsbadca.gov Greg Ryan 760-602-4663 Gregorv.Rvan@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Gina Ruiz 760-602-4675 Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 Linda.Ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov Cindy Wong 760-602-4662 Cvnthia.Wong@carlsbadca.gov • Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK REVIEW TRANSMITTAL ComrfltiM^ &' Economic Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov DATE: 01/05/2013 PROJECTNAME: CARLSBAD BY THE SEA-3 PROJECT ID: CB122754 PLAN CHECK NO: 2 SET#: 1 ADDRESS: 2855 CARLSBAD BL APN: • This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the FIRE Division. By: GR A Final Inspection by the FIRE Division is required g| Yes • No This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: NEAL ELECTRIC You may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. For questions or clarifications on the attached chect<list please contact the following reviewer as marl<ed: &mii>^'^,. J,ii6,b-6p2-275|*i;V ^'.'"-igt Fifi PRB^'STI0,N:'^ ._r24t.ZZ;^'^^^/^^p4^^ /4~ ^ 1 1 Chris Sexton 760-602-4624 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Kathleen Lawrence 760-602-2741 Kathleen.Lawrence@carlsbadca.gov X Greg Ryan 760-602-4663 Gregorv.Rvan@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Gina Ruiz 760-602-4675 Gina.Rulz@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 Linda.Ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov Q Cindy Wong 760-602-4662 Cvnthia.Wong@carlsbadca.gov • • 1 1 Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Domlnic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: Carlsbad Fire Department BUILDING BEFL COPY Plan Review Date of Report: Name: Address: Requirements Category: Tl j COMM 02-05-2013 NEAL ELECTRIC 13250 KIRKHAM WY POWAY CA 92064 Reviewed by: Permit #: CB122754 Job Name: Job Address: CARLSBAD BY THE SEA -GENERATOR 2855 CARLSBAD BL CBAD Please review carefully all comments attached. CITY OF CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT - APPROVED: THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSES OF ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT. THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECTTO FIELD INSPECTION AND REQUIRED TEST, NOTATIONS HEREON, CONDITIONS IN CORRESPONDENCE AND CONFORMANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. THIS APPROVAL SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR APPROVE THE VIOLATION OF ANY LAW. Cond: CON0005992 [NOT MET] Article 1 ofthe California Fire Code shall require California Lutheran Homes, DBA: Carlsbad By The Sea Bldg. 3 to obtain and maintain an Operational Use Permit (Annual) issued by the Carlsbad Fire Department for the storage tank for the diesel fuel oil for the generator PRIOR to final inspection. Entry: 02/05/2013 By: GR Action: AP Carlsbad 12-2754 January 4, 2013 ELECTRICAL and ENERGY COMMENTS RESPONSE PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen ELECTRICAL (2010 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE) Please review the following Code Section and respond accordingly. Note: This is a SFM (State Fire Marshall) requirement which is enforced by the City of Carlsbad Fire Department plan reviewers. Compliance with this section will require a change in the submitted plans however. A room containing a combustion engine shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a 1 hour fire barrier and requires protected openings in the exterior per CBC 432.2.2. Review the installation ofthe emergency generator. see Square Note 7 on sheet E2.1 doesn't match the single line diagram, please modify to match (Isolated neutral). CV\an^<s5 S^OAJL- Provide a structural design for support of the generator itself. S6e (VHr»tV)^3l T^ui^'J The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located-at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Eric Jensen at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad Fire Department RESPONSE Plan Review Requirements Category: TI, COMM Date of Report: 01 -08-2013 Reviewed by: Name: Address: NEAL ELECTRIC 13250 KIRKHAM WY POWAY CA 92064 Permit #: CBI22754 Job Name: CARLSBAD BY THE SEA -GENERATOR Job Address: 2855 CARLSBAD BL CBAD INCOMPLETE The item you have submitted for review is incomplete. At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes and/or standards. Please review carefully all comments attached. Please resubmit the necessary plans and/or specifications, with changes "clouded", to this office for review and approval. Conditions: CondLCONQQQ529I /THOTMET] Provide 3A:60BC portable fire extinguisher WITHIN 25 FEET of generator location/^ 5af AJoVe V F5. / Cond: CON0005992 [NOT MET] Article 1 of the Califomia Fire Code shall require Califomia Lutheran Homes, DBA: Carlsbad By The Sea Bldg. 3 to obtain and maintain an Operational Use Permit (Annual) issued by the Carlsbad Fire Department for the storage tank for the diesel fuel oil for the generator. Cond: CON0005993 [NOT MET] Provide listing (UL and or NFPA) for the Stand-by Generator assembly. Munufactures information with applicable listing numbers or certificate of listing is adequate. CFC 604.1 CQndLCX)]:i0005994 . . [NOT MET] Per CFC 604. and 604.2.15.2-604.2.18.3 at least one (1) elevator that services all floors shall be supplied by power transferred from the proposed generator. Power shall be .^pvided to all elevators if all receive power from the same circuit. KY\CX05 see m\t:icVi€ see ^jcrr Cond: CON0005996 [NOT MET] Provide profile diagram on venting and exhausting/of the proposed generator. p)SCas S&J f (f fyi6&hri Entry: 01/08/2013 By: GR Action: CO ' ^/F)vc Macs-h^l\ Orie'Engineering structural & Bridge Engineers ' O/^.^'msi 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 kSTRUCnjRAL" San Diego, CA 92126 Phone: (858) 335-7643 Fax: (858) 586-0911 •/:^2'M.'2^^ h3\(MM6hS:^-(''^&.2^ PROJECT: Carlsbad By the Sea - Generator (Project # 001.267-13) CLIENT: Neal Electric Corporation DESIGNED BY: KCL DATE: 1/13 Or/e^ - Structural Engineers • • 4 * •WW—9— Page 1 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Orie^ Engineering Structural & Bndge Engineers Phone # (858)335-7643 FAX# (858)586-0911 Project No • 001.267-13 PROJECT Carisbad By the Sea Generator DATE • BY 01/18/13 KCL iC3 "^^^ ' "J'**^ Slafes • CA • San Dkxjo Co. - CalstJad Conterminous 48 Slates 2005 ASCE 7 Standard Latitude = 33 157173 Longitude = -117 35213400000002 Spectral Response Accelerations Ss and SI Ss and S1 = Mapped Spectral AcceleratKia Values Site Class B - Fa = 1 0 ,Fv = 1 0 Data are based on a 0 01 deg gnd spacing Penod Sa (sec) (g) 0 2 1 345 (Ss, Site Class B) 1 0 0 506 (SI, Site Class B) Conterminous 48 States 2005 ASCE 7 Standard Latitude = 33 157173 Longitude = -117 35213400000002 Spectral Response Accelerations SMs and SMI SMs = Fa X Ss and SMI = Fv x SI Site Class D - Fa = 1 0 ,Fv = 1 5 Period Sa (sec) (g) 0 2 1 345 (SMs, Site Class D) 1 0 0 759 (SMI, Site Class D) Conterminous 48 States 2005 ASCE 7 Standard Latitude = 33 157173 Longitude = -117 35213400000002 Design Spectral Response Accelerations SDs and SDI SDs = 2/3 X SMs and SDI = 2/3 x SMI Site Class D - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1 5 Period Sa (sec) (g) 0 2 0 897 (SDs, Site Class D) 1.0 0.506 (SDI, Site Class D) t • • • • • • • Page 2 9750 Miramar Rd , Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Or/e^ Engineering Structural & Bndge Engineers Phone* (858)335-7643 FAX # (858) 586-0911 JOB# 001.267-13 PROJECT Carlsbad By ttie Sea Generator DESCRIPTION Generator DATE 01/21/13 DESIGNED KCL ' Floor Mounted Equipment Stability Check' Descnption Generator At Slab-on-Grade Input SEISMIC DEMANDS ON NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS ASCE 7-05 13 3.1 Code. 2010 CBC, ASCE 7-05 CHAPTER 11, 12, 13 SEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA Soil Site Class- D Table 20-3-1, Default = D S.- 134 5 S,: 50 6 F,: 1 000 F,- 1 500 SMS- 1 345 SM,. 0 759 SDS: 0 897 S„,: 0 506 Occupancy II V1 ap = 1 Rp = 25 z= 0 h= 10 %g %g (USGS using Latitude/Longitude) Table 11 4-1 Table 11 4-2 F.-S, 2/3(SMS) 2/3(S„,) Seismic Force: Fp = 0 4apSDsWp x(1+2(z/h))xWp (Rp/ip) 1 OTM = Fph * h = 14 31 kip-in Fp = 0 1435 xWp 1 1 RM = (0 9*W - Fpv) * b1 / 2 = 28 83 kip-in Fp.min - 0 SSosIp xWp 1 Fp.min = 0 2690 xWp <- Govems 1 Uplift Pt = (OTM - RM) / bl = -362 9 Ibs No Uplift Fp.max - 1 BSosIp xWp 1 Uplift Pt (per AB) = 0 0 Ibs perAB Fp,„„ = 1 4347 xWp 1 Fp = 0 2690 xWp I — Load to Single Bolt — ,x 0.7 =0 1883 xWp 1 1 Tension per Bolt (Ibs ) 0 1 Shear per Bolt (Ibs) 94 — Equipment Wt and C G Location - Wt of Equip - W (Ibs ) Honz Width of Unit-bl (in) Honz Length of Unit - b2 (in ) Vert Dist to C G - h (in ) — Anchor Bolt Information — Total No of AB's No of A B's at Corner - N Anchor Bolt Size and Type 2000 1497 Equipment + 500 full fuel tank 40 76 38 = "57" * (2/3), conservative" 1/2" Dia X 2" Embed KB-TZ Design only required (4) anchors. We recommend using (6) anchors due to possible vibration from generator when in operation Output I - Base Shear — Fp = Fac*Wp (Ibs ) Vert Comp 0 2XSDS*W (Ibs ) = 377 Ibs [ASD] 359 Ibs [ASD] - Overturning and Uplift Forces (Short Direction) — • • • • • _* a a I Page 3 www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.3.3 Company 0ne2 Engineenng Page. 1 Specifier-KCL Project: Carlsbad By the Sea Address: 9750 Miramar Rd , Suite 310 Sub-Project i Pos No.: 001.287-13 Phone 1 Fax (858) 335-7643 | Date: 1/21/2013 E-Mail: (858) 335-7643 | Specifier's comments: 1 Input data Anclior type and diameter: Effective embedment depth- Material' Evaluation Service Report.: Issued I Valid Proof Stand-off installation' Profile: Base matenal Reinforcement Seismic loads (cat C, D, E, or F) Geometry [in.] & Loading [lb, in.ib] m Kwil( Bolt TZ - SS 304 1/2 (2) hef = 2 000 in., = 2 375 in AISI 304 ESR 1917 4/1/2012 I 5/1/2013 design method ACi 318/ACI 93 - (Recommended plate thickness' not calculated) no profile cracked concrete, 2500, f^' = 2500 psi; h = 4.000 in. tension' condition B, shear condition B, no supplemental splitting reinforcement present edge reinforcement: none or < No 4 bar 1 ,.-x'r>» O '~\ '" .Z'''224- •>;• •• g^^A'ZZZ^ Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existtng conditions and for plausibihtyr - PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademarlt of Hilti AC, S^haan Page 4 www liiiti us Profis Anchor 2.3 3 Company Specifier Address Phone I Fax E-Mail 0ne2 Engineenng KCL 9750 Miramar Rd , Suite 310 (858) 335-7643 | Page Project Sub-Project I Date Carisbad By the Sea Pos No 001 267-13 1/21/2013 2 Load case/Resulting anchor forces Load case Design loads Anclior reactions [ib] Tension force (+Tension, -Compression) Anchor Tension force Shear force Shear force x Shear force y 1 0 94 max concrete compressive strain - max concrete compressive stress - [psi] resulting tension force in (x/y)=(0 000/0 000) 0 [lb] resulting compression force in (x/y)=(0 000/0 000) 0 [lb] 94 0 3 Tension load Load N„3 [ib] Capacity ,||Nn [ib] Utilization = NuJ^„ Status Steel Strength* Puilout Strength* Concrete Breakout Strength** * anchor having the highest loading N/A N/A N/A *anchor group (anchors in tension) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A • • • • • • Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and fbr plausibility!* « PROFIS Anchor (c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG» Sckaan Page 5 www iiiiti us Profis Anchor 2 3 3 Company Specifier Address Phone 1 Fax E-Mail One2 Engineenng KCL 9750 Miramar Rd , (858) 335-7643 | Suite 310 Page Project Sub-Project i Pos No Date 3 Carlsbad By the Sea 001 267-13 1/21/2013 4 Shear load Load V„3 [ib] Capacity ,|,V„ [ib] Utilization pv = VJ^\/„ Status steel Strength* 94 4472 3 OK Steel failure (with lever arm)* N/A N/A N/A N/A Pryout Strength** 94 2376 4 OK Concrete edge failure in direction x-^** 94 1493 7 OK * anchor having the highest loading **anchor group (relevant anchors) 4 1 Steel Strength Vsa = ESR value lj) Vjteel 2 Vug refer to ICC-ES ESR 1917 ACI 318-08 Eq (D-2) Variables n AsevDn^] futa [psi] 1 0 10 115000 Calculations Vsa [lb] 6880 Results Vsa [lb] 6880 (jlsteel 0 650 Vua [lb] 4472 94 4 2 Pryout Strength (|) Vcp & Vua ANC see ACI 318-08, Part D 5 2 1, Fig RD 5 2 1 (b) ANCO - 9 vj/ecN = ( . . 2e^ IS 1 0 \ 3 he,/ nin I5he,^s1 0 YedN=07 + 03 MAX(' N5 =Kx2,hl( Variables hsf [in ] Bd N [in ] ACI 318-08 Eq (D-30) ACI 318-08 Eq (D-2) ACI 318-08 Eq (D-6) ACI 318-08 Eq (D-9) ACI 318-08 Eq (D-11) ACI 318-08 Eq (D-13) ACI 318-08 Eq (D-7) ec2N [in ] ,[in] 2 000 OOOO OOOO 6 000 1 000 Calculations ANC [in ^] Cac [in ] 5 500 ANCO [in 24 \|/ec1 N 'yec2N f'c [PSi] 2500 V|/i»iN I t. VcpN Nb [lb] 36 00 Results Vcp [lb] 3394 36 00 'l>concrete 0 700 1 000 .Vcpjlb] 2376 1 000 1 000 1 000 3394 94 • • • • Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! • • PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG fch jan , • • • • • • Page 6 www hilti us Profis Anchor 2 3 3 Company Specifier Address Phone I Fax E-Mail One2 Engineenng KCL 9750 Miramar Rd , Suite 310 (858) 335-7643 | Page Project Sub-Project I Pos No Date Carisbad By the Sea 001 267-13 1/21/2013 4 3 Concrete edge failure in direction x+ 'Av, <t)Vcb2V„a Ave see ACI 318-08, Part D 6 2 1, Fig RD 6 2 1(b) Avcn =4 5cL Vcb - (A^) V Vj/c VVh V Vparallel.V Vp V|/ecV • V|/edV • VhV Vb ^07 + 03 5Cai 2 1 0 Variables ACI 318-08 Eq (D-21) ACI 318-08 Eq (D-2) ACI 318-08 Eq (D-23) ACI 318-08 Eq (D-26) ACI 318-08 Eq (D-28) ACI 318-08 Eq (D-29) ACI 318-08 Eq (D-24) Cal [in ] Ca2 [in ] ecv [in ] VcV ha [in ] 4 000 6 000 OOOO 1 000 4 000 le [in ] X da [in] fe [PSi] ^parallel V 2 000 1 0 500 2500 1 000 Calculations Ave [in '] Aveo [in ^] VecV V|/ed V V|/h V 48 00 72 00 1 000 1 000 1 225 Results VeP [lb] (|>concrete •tlVebPb] Vua [lb] 2133 0 700 1493 94 2612 5 Warnings • To avoid failure of the anchor plate the required thickness can be calculated in PROFIS Anchor Load re-distnbutions on the anchors due to elastic deformations of the anchor plate are not considered The anchor plate is assumed to be sufficiently stiff, in order not to be deformed when subjected to the loadingi • Condition A applies when supplementary reinforcement is used The 0 factor is increased for non-steel Design Strengths except Puilout Strength and Pryout strength Condition B applies when supplementary reinforcement is not used and for Puilout Strength and Pryout Strength Refer to your local standard • Refer to the manufacturer's product literature for cleaning and installation instructions • Checking the transfer of loads into the base matenal and the shear resistance are required in accordance with ACI318 or the relevant standardi Fastening meets the design criteria! ^« • « • • • • • • • • • • • •«• « « • « • • • • • • • • • • • • • Input data and results must be checlced for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility' • • PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hiiti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG ScJaaiJ ^ • • • • • • Page 7 16980 Via Tazon, Suite 200 San Diego. CA 92127 One Engineering Structural & Bndge Engineers Phone # (858)335-7643 FAX# (858)451-6142 Project No 001 267-13 PROJECT Carlsbad By the Sea Generator DATE 01/18/13 BY KCL TABLE 13.6-1 SEISMIC COEFFICIENTS FOR MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS Hp" Air-side HVAC, fans, air handlers air conditioning units, cabinet heaters, air distribution boxes, and other mechanical components constructed ot sheet metal framing 2.5 60 Wet-side HVAC, boilers, furnaces, atmosphenc tanks and bins, chillers, water heaters, heat exchangers, evaporators, air separators, manufacturing or process equipment and other mechanical components constructed of high-defomiability matenals 1 0 2 5 Engines, turbines, pumps, compressors, and pressure vessels not supported on skirts and not within the scope of Chapter 15 1 0 2 5 Skirt-supported pressure vessels not wiihm the scope of Chapter 15 2 5 25 Elevator and escalator components 1 0 2 5 Generators, battenes inverters, motors, transformers and other electrical components constructed of high deformability materials 1 0 25 Motor control centers, panel boards, switch gear, instrumentation cabinets and other components constructed of sheet metal framing. 25 60 Communication equipment computers, instrumentation, and controls 1 0 2 5 Roof-mounted chmineys, stacks coulmg and electrical towers laterally braced below their center ot mass 2 5 30 Roof-mounted chimneys, stacks, cooling and electncal toweis laterally biaced above their center of mass 1 0 2 5 Lighting fixtures 1 0 1 5 Other mechanical or electncal components 1 0 1 5 VIBRATION ISOLATED COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS" Components and systems isolated using neoprene elements and neoprene isolated floors with built-in or separate elastomenc snubbing devices or icsilient perimeter stops 2 5 25 Spring isolated components and systems and vibration isolated floors closely restiamed using buiit-m or separate elastomenc snubbing devices or resilient perimeter stops 2 5 20 Internaiiy isolated components and systems 2.5 20 Suspended vibration isolated equipment including m-line duct devices and suspended internally isolated components 25 2 5 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Piping m accordance with ASME B31, including m-line components wtth joints made by welding or brazing 2 5 12 0 Piping m accoidance with ASME B31, including m-line components, constructed of high or limited deformability materials, with jomts made by threading, bonding, compression couplings, or grooved couplings. 2 5 60 Piping and tubmg nol in accordance with ASME B31 includmg in-line components, constructed of high-detormability materials, with joints made by welding or brazing. 2 5 90 Piping and tubing not m accordance with ASME B31, including m-hne components, constructed of high- or limited-deformability matenals, with joints made by threading, bonding, compression couplings, or grooved couplings 25 4 5 Piping and tubing constructed of low-deformability materiais, such as cast iron, glass, and nonductile plastics 2 5 3 0 Ductwork, including in-line components, constructed of high-deformabiliry matenals. with joints made by welding or brazing 2 5 90 Ductwork, includmg m-line components, constiucted of high- or limited-deformability materials'with joints made by means othei than welding or brazing 25 60 Ductwork, including in-hne components, constructed of low-deforraabiliiy materials, such as cast iion, glass, and nonductile plastics 2 5 3 0 Electrical conduit, bus ducts, ngidly mounted cable trays, and plumbing 1 0 25 Manufacturing or piocess conveyors (nonpeisonnel) 25 30 Suspended cable trays 2 5 6 0 "A lowci value for ap is permitted where justified by detailed dynamic analyses The vjlue for ap shall not be less thtin 1 0 The value oi' equal to 1.0 is for rigid componenfi and rigidly attached componems The value*of equal lo 2 5 is for flexible components and flexibly attached components ''Components mounted on vibiation isolators shall have a bumpei resuauit oi snubber in each horizontal direction The design force shall be taken as 2Fp if the nominal cle£u:ance'(aii gap) between the ecjuipmeni support frame and restraint is greater than 0 25 in If the nommal cleai ance specified on the construction documents is not greater than 0 25 in . the design force is permitted to be taken as Fp • • • • • • • • • • » • 00 0) D) CO 1/2" DIA. X 2" EMBED S.S KB-TZ HILTI MIN. OF (6) 19 1/4 (10 1/2) DWG. |:D$30D6$RA(4024TF)L0-MS-I06 FUa PRIMING PUMP FUa INLET FUa REIURN APPROX GROUND UIG LOCATION CONTROL PANEL 10 AMP BATTERY CHARGER AC CONNECTION BOX 023/32 MTG. HOLES (8X) 70GL DW UL Jc ULC USTED SUB-BASE FUEL TANK W/ STUB-UP AREA NOTES: 1. SUB-BASE FUa TANK INFORMATION: OVERAa HEIGHT OF UNIT ML INCREASE WITH USE OF OPTIONAL SUB-BASE FUEL TANK. REFERENCE SA1£S CAT»Q6«F«R TANK HOGHT AND GALLON CAPACITY INFORMATION. " • 2 FUa SYSTEM CONNECTIONS: • • • • • • • (FOR UNITS WITHOUT SUB-BASE FUa TANKS) •• • •• INLa: 3/8 NPT OUTLEi I*,.' 3. APPROX. UNIT WBGHT: XmX§ 1£SS»FUEL • 4. APPROX. C.O.B LESS FUB. TANK • • • RIGHT SIDE ENGINE A 12-M-12 SUBMITTAL JTG REMSm DOE REMSXM KSCWnQN NIIMS ORMMG TDIBUNCES.' ±1/4* DCCEPr BASE MIC H0U5: tl/f GEN-SET INFORMATION 402*TF2ai fUmOft 73a08(SRF4024) RUMOR AMEDIT: SOC oucr FUIKE: 95407 CONIRX MICLDGC-2020 BASE: 9S825 BCUSUGNA BREWERSO AMP THK 10a-31S5 HUFHER 2 1/2 SP. SWER imUR:NA BOinOliSi PADS DIMENSIONAL LAYOUT DjWmi TO SCAL£ UOnEI- nS30D6SRA AIL MBaONS ABE II MOB ""Utl. UaOUUOblW DATE 12-03-12 DRAWN BT: vlTG DWG. I=D$30D6SRA(4024TF)LO-M$-1Q6 Valley Power Systems, Inc. 5725 Eastgate Drive, San Diego, CA 92121 Ph (858) 587-8524, Fax (858) 587-4864 December 7,2012 Neal Electric 13250 Kirkham Way Poway, CA 92064 Attention: Mr. Scott Cedergreen Reference: Carlsbad by the Sea Generator Submittals for: (l)MTU Onsite Energy 30kW Diesel Generator Set (1) MTU Onsite Energy 80Amp Automatic Transfer Switch Dear Mr. Cedergreen: We are pleased to provide twelve (12) copies of our submittal package for the above referenced project. We ask that one (1) complete copy of the submittal be retumed to Valley Power Systems, Inc. with each item marked "Approved", "Approved as Noted" or "Disapproved" with reasons for disapproval clearly defined. This project will remain on a "Hold for Production" basis until a complete approved submittal is returned, agreed upon credit terms have been established and a confirming letter releasmg the order to production has been received. At that time, we will release the order for manufacturing and confirm an estimated deUvery date with you. We sincerely thank you for your order and look forward to working with you through the successful completion of this project. Regards, Doug Sherman Product Development Manager (dm) RECEIVED DEC 2 6 Z012 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIVISION Power Generation Grou i Jr Valley POWER SYSTEMS, INC. 5725 Eastgate Dr., San Diego, CA 92121 iVIain: (858) 587-8524, (800) 704-8726 Fax: (858) 587-4664 '^[jL]m[i][2] Diesel Generator Submittal For: Carlsbad by the Sea Generator (l)One MTU Onsite Energy Diesel Generator Rated 30kW (l)One MTU Onsite Energy Automatic Transfer Switch 80 AMP Contractor: Neal Electric 13250 Kirkham Way Poway, CA 92064 Contact: Mr. Scott Cedergreen Supplier: Valley Power Systems, Inc. 1520 S. Bon View Ave. Ontario, CA 91761 Salesman: Doug Sherman Project Manager: Terry Butler Date: December 7, 2012 Prepard by: Denise Montoya Distributed by: Valley Power Systems, Inc. December 7,2012 Submittal Contents Listing Carlsbad by the Sea Generator Co22nOa cm[fD[m[2[^[v] Table of Contents Bill of Material Company Profile Service Contact Brochure Generator Sets: MTUOE 30kW, 480V, 3Ph, 60Hz Diesel Generator Set Dimensional Layout Generator Diagram Engine Diagram Face Panel Diagram Back Plate Diagram Marathon Generator Marathon Outline Drawing Marathon Connection Diagram Installed Accessories: Engine Governor Digital Genset Controller Remote E-Stop Circuit Breaker 50Amp, H Frame, 3 Pole 80% Standard Lead Acid Battery -17 8 CCA @ OF Battery Charger 12Volt, 10Amp, 60Hz Jacket Water Heater @-20F 1500Watts, 120V, 1PH Hospital Grade Exhaust 2 5" Silencer 12Hr 70Gallon Sub Base Fuel Tank w/Stub-Up 5 Gallon Spill/Fill Containment Box Dimensional Layout Valley Power Systems, Inc. Valley Power Systems, Inc. Valley Power Systems, Inc. Valley Power Systems, Inc. DS00030D6S DS30D6SRA (4024TF_L0-MS-106) 809-Q-G 809-Q-E 809-Q-F 809-Q-B 283PSL1707 771800-OA B-.14000-902 JDEC DGC-2020 800-226 HDL36050 120299 NRG 22-10-HCLS TPS151GT10-000 JHS-25 MTUOE 105-1388 DS30D6SRA (4024TF_L0-MS-106) Automatic Transfer Switch MTG Senes SOAmps, 277/480Volt, 3PH, 4wire, 60Hz IVITG000A00008F Loose Items: Vibration Isolation Pads Emissions Data Emission Data EHA CARB Warranty Information: Generator Set 2Yr /3000Hr Basic Standby Warranty Automatic Transfer Switch 2Yr Basic Warranty Performance Assurance Certification MTUOE John Deere CJDXL02.4074-026 U-R-004-0448 MTUOE MTUOE MTUOE Notes and Clarifications: Factory test data and Valley Power System start-up and warranty activation provided upon completion O&M Manuals to be sent at time of job completion. Page 1 of 1 Valley BSSmm (s(ji](s[/^[v] Power Systems, Inc. 5725 Eastgate Drive, San Diego, CA 92121 (619) 470-9029 BILL OF MATERIAL Carlsbad hy the Sea- Parking Structure Project Valley Power Systems, Inc. is pleased to offer the following Generator Set for your use on the referenced project. This proposal is in accordance with your verbal request. No other written details, plans, specifications or drawings have been provided. We are quoting a standard package on a design build basis. Exception taken to anything not included in this proposal. Unit to be supplied and equipped as follows: One (1) DS00030D6S-TK0664 (ENHANCED)/ FG848020 BASE OPTIONS: Genset Application : 60 Hz Standby Power Model P/N: FG848020 Model Description: DS00030D6S-TK0664 (ENHANCED) Base, Engine Model: John Deere 4024TF281, Cooling System: 50 Deg C Cooling System, Voltage: 480 Volt 3 Phase 12w 60Hz Temperature Rise: 130 Deg, Specifications: UL2200 John Deere 49 HP Engine EPA Tier 4 certified GENERATOR: Generator Part Number: 86506, Generator Description: GENERATOR 283/1707-SP No PMG RATINGS KW: 30, KVA: 37, P.F.: 0.8, Full Load Amps: 45 CONTROL PANEL: DGC 2020 Control Panel, DGC Model: Level 1 Expanded Outputs, DGC Model Price, Control Panel Mounting Instructions: Control Panel Unit Mounted LH Side - High Fuel Level Pre-Alarm, - Critical Low Fuel Level Alarm, - Remote E-Stop, - furnished loose for customer install No Remote Annunciator- (can be quoted as an option) CIRCUIT BREAKER: Circuit Breaker #1: - Ranking: Pnmary - Description: 50 Amp H Frame 3 Pole 80% Standard CB 12/7/2012 - Circuit Breaker set to: 50 Amps - Frame Size: H Frame - Mounting Instructions: Circuit Breaker Factory Installed RH Side - Circuit Breaker #1 Accessories: No Circuit Breaker Accessories Chosen OTHER COMPONENTS: Jacket Water Heater: -20 Deg F Block Heater 120V IPH - 1500W, Jacket Water Heater Mounting Instructions: Block Heater Mounted & AC Wired, Jacket Water Heater Accessories: Isolation Valves (2), Air Filter: Standard Duty, Crankcase Vent System: No Crankcase Ventilation Filter (Standard), Battery Configuration: Battery; Rack & Acid, Battery Charger: NRG 22-10-HCLS, Battery Charger Mounting Instructions: Charger Mounted and AC/DC Wired, TESTING: Standard Commercial Test PAINT: Paint Color Selected: ANSI 61 Gray (Standard) , HOUSING Indoor Open Power Unit Open Power Unit Exhaust Grade: Shipped Loose Critical, furnished loose - Flange/Coupling Connector, furnished loose FUEL TANK/TRAILER Sub-Base Fuel Tank/Trailer: Sub-Base Fuel Tank, Fuel Tank (UL and ULC-listed): 19 Hr/70 Gallon Fuel Tank W Stub-Up, Special extended tank with 5 gallon spill fill and vent bungs - Emergency Pressure Relief Vent Cap (Standard), - Fuel Leak Detection Float Switch (Standard), - Electnc Fuel Level Sender, - Critical High Fuel Alarm - 2020 Program change only, MISC: Vibration Isolators: Pad Isolators (Standard), furnished loose SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS: Ship Unit Wet (Fluids Installed) Number of Manuals: 1 Manual Price, WARRANTi': Warranty Selected: 2 Yr/3000 Hr Basic Stdby Limited Warranty (Std) AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH: One (1) MTU Onsite Energy MTG ATS MTG General Purpose Series Automatic Transfer Switch MTG000A00008F-ZVCZVC70ZEC0CCGAMEXE000G Open Transition Controller : AO - Entelli-Switch 150 Microprocessor Control Unit Application : 00 - Utility to Generator-Auto Transfer Amps : 008 - 80 Amps Poles : F - 4 Poles Voltage : ZVC70 - 277/480 volt 3 phase 4 wire 60 Hz 12/6/12 Enclosure : 01 - Type 1 Enclosure Optional Accessories Option Package : MEXEOOOG - Exerciser - Open Transition Option Package MEXEOOOG Included Options - 2A3 - Source 2-Emergency position - 2A4 - Source 1-Normal position - CAL - Microprocessor Activated Calibration Feature - CD/P - Programmable Exerciser Daily, 7-14-28-365 Days User- Selectable, with or without Load - E - Engine start relay - S.P.D.T. - EL/P - Event Log of Last 16 events - JIE - Adjustable Under Frequency Sensor Source 2-Emergency - K/P - Frequency Indication (on the Controller) - Ll - LED Source 2 (Emergency) Position Indication - L2 - LED Source 1 (Normal) Position Indication - L3 - LED Source 1 (Normal) Source Availability Indication - L4 - LED Source 2 (or Emergency) Source Availability Indication - Pl - Engine Start Timer Pl (Adjustable up to 6Secs) - Q2 - Peak Shave/Remote Load Test/Area Protection-Relay S.P.D.T. - Remote Load Test Voltage : Q2-120V - R17 - Under Voltage Sensing 3-Phase - Source 2 -Emergency - R50 - In Phase Monitor between Source l-Normal and Source 2-Emergency to Allow Transfer (with Enable/Disable) - S13/P - Microprocessor Activated Commit/no Commit on Transferring to Emergency Source (with Enable/Disable) - T - Retransfer to Normal Adjustable Time Delay - U - Engine Stop/Cool Adjustable Cool Down Timer - VI - Voltage Imbalance between Phases (Applies to 3-Phase only) - W - Adjustable Time Delay on Transfer to Emergency Source - YEN/P -Bypass Transfer Timers Function (Soft Switch in Controller) - 6/P - Microprocessor Activated Momentary Test Switch NOTE: Warranty is charged separately and is not part of the total price. Warranty 2 Yr Bsc ATS Stdby Lmtd Warranty (Std) Start Up Testing &Training: • Jobsite installation inspection, initial start-up and initiation of warranty by a Valley Power Systems field technician. Testing will be performed utilizing BUILDING LOAD unless PORTABLE LOAD BANK testing is specifically included in this quotation. Genset fuel required to be supplied by others. This quotation provides for one (1) job-site visit that includes one two-hour building load test. Training will be provided during the building load test, job-site visit. Any additional job-site visits for training or additional load tests are not included in this quotation. Field-testing scheduled by the customer for non-standard hours, i.e., weekends, nights or holidays are subject to additional charges. • Installation required to be supphed by others • No power lugs are included unless they are a manufacturer's standard 12/6/12 AND THE VALLEY POWER SYSTEMS FAMILY OF COMPANIES WWVI^.VALLEYPOWERSYSTEIVIS.COM Valley Power Systems is a factory authorized distributor/dealer for some of the most recognized engine and equipment manufacturers in the world, including Detroit Diesel, MTU Detroit Diesel, Electro-Motive Diesel, DEUTZ, Doosan Infracore, MTU Onsite Energy, Volvo Penta, Allison Transmission, Northern Lights, Lugger, John Deere Natural Gas and ValleyBuilt™, our new line of rebuilt Allison transmissions. In business in California since 1949, Valley is family owned and operated and over the years has grown into a $180 million company with over 300 employees. Market Segments Include Medium & Heavy-Duty On-Highway • Transits School Bus Agricultural • Mining • Construction & Industnal • Power Generation Commercial Manne& Pleasure Craft • Emissions & After-treatment Defense • Fire & Emergency Vehicles Valley's production and packaging facility is located in Ontano, California with engineering, procurement, fabrication, testing, commissioning and maintenance capabilities. Valley has expenence in the 30 to 3250 kW range for standby, prime and cogeneration plants with attendant switchgear and 100 to 4,000 hp marine & mechanical dnve packages. As an Authorized Distributor for Electro-Motive Diesel (EMD), MTU Detroit Diesel and MTU Onsite Energy, Valley sells and services power generation equipment in the seven western states, Alaska, Hawaii and Baja Mexico, as well as select countries in Asia and Latin Amenca. Valley is a prime contractor to the US government and is in compliance with MIL program requirements for quality assurance. Training Trained technicians are vital in today's business. Valley offers regularly scheduled classes as well as custom tailored classes to fit any specific need. We operate training centers in Mira Loma and West Sacramento, as well as on-site training at your location What Valley Has to Offer Its Customers Centralized Parts Distnbution Factory Certified Field Service Technicians • 24/7 Emergency Parts and Service Engineering Capabilities • Custom Genset Packaging Capability Emissions Compliance Devices Funding & Grant Assistance Thank you... For more Information, call or visit us online at www.valleypowersystems.com. Valley's headquarters is located in the City of Industry about 20 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. Our growing family of companies include: Valley Power Systems, Inc. Valley Power Products, Inc. Valley Power Services, Inc. Valley Power Systems North, Inc. Valley Power Systems Northwest, Inc. VALLEY LOCATIONS VALLEY POWER SYSTEMS, INC. Bakersiield City of Industry Mira Loma Ontario (Off-Hwy) San Diego (661)325-9001 (800) 924-4265 (800) 439-7595 (800) 254-4557 (800) 704-8726 VALLEY POWER SYSTEMS NORTH, INC. Fresno (800) 872-6169 Hayward (Off-Hwy) (800) 635-8991 West Sacramento (800) 350-5522 VALLEY POWER SYSTEMS NORTHWEST, INC. Seattle (EMD only) (206) 789-0723 VALLEY... YOUR SINGLE-SOURCE EMISSIONS AND POWER SOLUTIONS PROVIDER Headquarters: 425 S. Hacienda Blvd., City of Industry, CA 91745 (800) 924-4265 ^ ^/^^/^ ^ POWER GENERATION FIELD SERVICE VALLEY POWER SYSTEMS IS A FACTORY-AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR/DEALER FOR THE FOLLOWING WORLD-CLASS EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS: JOHN DEERE HHJVttM. OAS tlKlHei A LUGGER CLARKE Fm Protection Producls, Inc. ELECTRO MOTIVE, raiOA VALLEY OFFERS... • Major Service • General Repair • Engine Overhaul • Troubleshooting • Coolant Conditioning • Load Bank Tests • Transfer Switch Service • Maintenance Contracts for Stationary Applications Regular and emergency field service is also offered for these product lines... OEiF^Ei^^O'^ §S Perkins POWER SYSTEMS, INC CATERPILLAR ^ Onon Valley POWER SYSTEMS NORTH, INC. VALLEY POWER SYSTEMS NORTH, INC. 30490 San Antonio St. Hayward, CA 94544 510-635-8991 /800-635-8991 Tom Eastman, Maintenance Contract Soles 510-303-5157 (cell) tom.eastman@valleypsi.com Mike Wheeler, Field Service Supervisor 510-675-8411 (direct) michael.wheelet@valleypsLcom Mike Phillips, Field Service Manager 510-635-8991 (Hayward) 916-372-5078 (West Sacramento) mike.phlllips@valleypsi.com VALLEY POWER SERVICES, INC. 11300 Inland Ave. Mira Loma, CA 91752 951-681-9283 / 800-877-1274 951-360-4638 Fax Andy Laurenson, Field Service Coordinator 951-360-467S(direct) andy.laurenson@valleypsi.com Gene PIsano, Field Service Coordinator 951-360-4609 (direct) eugene.plsano@valleypsl.com Frank Aguilar, Field Service Sales 626-347-1692 (cell) frank.aguilar@valleypsi.com Call your Valley representative for more details. Valley... Your single'Source emissions and power solutions provider www.valleypowersystems.com n/n L T :ATOI 1 30 kWe/60 Hz / Standby 208 - 600V (Reference DP27D6S foi Prime Rating Technical Data) SYSTEM RATINGS Standby DS30D6SGT DS30D6SDT DS30D6SPT DS30D6SJT DS30D6SRT DS30D6SNT imm"" 1 1 |§®©««=* 1 Phase 1 1 3 3 3 3 PF 1 0 1.0 0 8 08 0 8 0 8 Hz 60 60 60 60 60 60 kW 30 30 30 30 30 30 kVA 30 30 375 37 5 37 5 37 5 AMPS 125 125 104 90 45 36 skVA@30% Voltage Dip 48 85 67 67 90 122 Generator Model 284PSL1708 283PSL1718 283PSL1707 283PSL1707 283PSL1707 284PSL1752 Temp Rise 130 °C/40 °C 130 °C/40 °C 130 °C/40 °C 130 °C/40 °C 130 °C/40 °C 130 °C/40 °C Connection 12 LEAD ZIG-ZAG 4 LEAD 12 LEAD LOW WYE 12 LEAD HI DELTA 12 LEAD HI WYE 4 LEAD WYE • UL 2200 Offered CERTIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS // Emissions - EPA Tier 4 Certified // Engine-generator set is designed and manufactured in facilities certified to standards ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 // Seismic Certification - Optional - IBC Certification - OSHPD Pre-Approval // UL 2200 / CSA - Optional - UL 2200 Listed - CSA Certified // Performance Assurance Certification (PAC) - Engine-Generator Set Tested to ISO 8528-5 for Transient Response -Verified product design, quality and performance integrity - All engine systems are prototype and factory tested // Power Rating - Accepts Rated Load in One Step Per NFPA 110 STANDARD FEATURES^ 2 I g I 60 Hz 30 kWe // MTU Onsite Energy is a single source supplier // Global Product Support // 2 Year Standard Warranty // 4024TF281 Diesel Engine - 2.4 Liter Displacement - 4-Cycle // Engine-generator resilient mounted // Complete Range of Accessories // Generator - Brushless, Rotating Field Generator -2/3 Pitch Windings - 300% Short Circuit Capability with Optional PMG // Digital Control Panel(s) - UL Recognized, CSA Certified, NFPA 110 - Complete System Metering - LCD Display // Cooling System - Integral Set-Mounted - Engine Driven Fan STANDARD EQUIPMENT* // Engine Air Cleaners Oil Pump Oil Dram Extension & S/0 Valve Full Flow Oil Filter Fuel Filter with Water Separator Jacket Water Pump Thermostat Blower Fan & Fan Dnve Radiator - Unit Mounted Electnc Starting Motor - 12V Governor - Electronic Isochronous Base - Formed Steel SAE Flywheel & Bell Housing Charging Alternator - 12V Battery Box & Cables Flexible Fuel Connectors Flexible Exhaust Connection EPA Certified Engine // Generator NEMA MG1, IEEE and ANSI standards compliance for temperature nse and motor starting Self-Ventilated and Drip-Proof Superior Voltage Waveform Solid State, Volts-per-Hertz Regulator ±1% Voltage Regulation No Load to Full Load Brushless Alternator with Brushless Pilot Exciter 4 Pole, Rotating Field 130 °C Maximum Standby Temperature Rise 1 Beanng, Sealed Flexible Coupling Full Amortisseur Windings 125% Rotor Balancing 3-Phase Voltage Sensing 100% of Rated Load - One Step 3% Maximum Harmonic Content // Digital Control Panel(s) Digital Metenng Engine Parameters Generator Protection Functions Engine Protection SAE J1939 Engine ECU Communications Windows-Based Softwaie Multilingual Capability Remote Communications to RDP-110 Remote Annunciator 16 Programmable Contact Inputs Up to 11 Contact Outputs UL Recognized, CSA Certified, CE Approved Event Recording IP 54 Front Panel Rating with Integrated Gasket NFPA110 Compatible Represents standard product only Consult Factory/MTU Onsite Energy Distnbutor for additional configurations APPLICATION DATA 3 / // / 60 Hz 30 kWe // Engine // Fuel Consumption L (in=) Manufacturer Model Type Arrangement Displacement Bore cm (in) Stroke cm (in) Compression Ratio Rated RPM Engine Governor Maximum Power kWm (bhp) Speed Regulation Air Cleaner // Liquid Capacity (Lubrication) John Deere 4024TF281 4-Cycle 4-lnline 2 4 (146) 8 6 (3 4) 10 5(4 1) 20 5 1 1,800 Electric Isochronous 36 (49) ±1% Dry At 100% of Power Rating L/hr(gal/hr) At 75% of Power Rating L/hr (gal/hr) At 50% of Power Rating L/hr (gal/hr) // Cooling - Radiator System Ambient Capacity of Radiator °C (°F) Maximum Allowable Static Pressure on Rad Exhaust kPa (in H^O) Water Pump Capacity L/min (gpm) Heat Rejection to Coolant kW (BTUM) Heat Radiated to Ambient kW (BTUM) STANDBY 10 6 (2 8) 8(2 1) 5 3(14) STANDBY 50 (122) 0 12 (0 5) 91 (24) 25 (1,412) 6 (344) Total Oil System L (gal) Engine Jacket Water Capacity L (gal) System Coolant Capacity L (gal) // Electrical Electnc Volts DC Cold Cranking Amps Under-17 8 °C (0 °F) 8(2 1) 2 6 (0 675) 8 7 (2 29) 12 750 // Fuel System // Air Requirements Aspirating *m^/min (SCFM) Air Flow Required for Rad Cooled Unit *mVmin (SCFM) Remote Cooled Applications, Air Flow Required for Dissipation of Radiated Gen-set Heat for a Maxof 25 °FRise *mVmin (SCFM) * Air density = 1 184 kg/m' (0 0739 Ibm/ft^; STANDBY 3 (106) 62 (2,199) 22 (770) Fuel Supply Connection Size Fuel Return Connection Size Maximum Fuel Lift m (ft) Recommended Fuel Total Fuel Flow L/hr (gal/hr) 3/8" NPT 3/8" NPT 3(10) Diesel #2 100 (26 4) // Exhaust System Gas Temp (Stack) °C (°F) Gas Volume at Stack Temp- m^/min (CFM) Maximum Allowable Back Pressure kPa (in H O) STANDBY 552 (1,026) 8 (283) 7 5 (30) 4 I 11 I 60 Hz 30 kWe WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS 50 3/8 Drawing above for illustration purposes only, based on standard open power 480 volt engine-generator set Lengths may vary witfi other voltages Do not use for installation design See website for unit specific template drawings Open Power Unit (OPU) 2,235 X 1,016 X 1,279 mm (88 x 40 x 50 375 in) 679 kg (1,497 Ib) Weights and dimensions are based on open power units and are estimates only Consult the factory for accurate weights and dimensions for your specific engine-generator set SOUND DATA 71 7 9 o Level 0 Open Power Unit (dBA) Sound data is provided at 7 m (23 ft) Engine-generator set tested in accordance with ISO 8528-10 and with infinite exhaust EMISSIONS DATA m 49 00 0 12 All units are in g/hp-hr and are EPA D2 cycle values. Emission levels of the engine may vary as a function of ambient temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, fuel type and quality, installation parameters, measunng instrumentation, etc. The data provided are laboratory results from one engine representing this rating. The data was obtained under controlled environmental conditions with calibrated instrumentation traceable to the United States National Bureau of Standards and in compliance with US EPA regulations found within 40 CFR Part 89 The weighted cycle value from each engine is guaranteed to be below the US EPA Standards at the US EPA defined conditions RATING DEFINITIONS AND CONDITIONS // standby ratings apply to installations served by a reliable utility source. The standby rating is applicable to varying loads for the duration of a power outage. No overload capability for this rating Ratings are in accordance with ISO 3046-1, BS 5514, AS 2789, and DIN 6271 // Deration Factor: Altitude: Consult your local MTU Onsite Energy Power Generation Distributor for altitude derations. Temperature: Consult your local MTU Onsite Energy Power Generation Distributor for temperature derations. Matenals and specifications subject to change without notice C/F = Consult Factory/MTU Onsite Energy Distributor @ // Tognum Group Companies: Europe / Middle East / Africa / MTU Onsite Energy / 88040 Fnednchshafen / Gernnany / Phone + 49 7541 90 7060 / Fax +49 7541 90 7084 / powergenregion1@mtu-online com // Asia / Australia / Pacific / MTU Onsite Energy / 1, Benoi Place / Singapore 629923 / Republic of Singapore / Phone + 65 6861 5922 / Fax + 65 6861 3615 / powergenregion2@mtu-online com // USA / Canada / Latin America / Mexico / MTU Onsite Energy Corporation / 100 Power Drive / Mankato, Minnesota 56001 / USA / Phone + 1 507 625 7973 / Fax + 1 507 625 2968 / powergenregion3@mtu-online com 19 1|^ (10 1/2) J -XT DWG. ^:D$50D6$RA(4024TOLO-M$-106 6 AMP BA ijEL TANK INFORMATION: HHT OF UNIT WILL INCREASE WITH USE OF OPTIONAL =)EL TANK. REFERENCE SALES CATALOG FOR TANK HEIGHT ^CAPACirr INFORMATION. CONNECTIONS: j/ITHOUT SUB-BASE FUEL TANKS) FT OUTLET: 3/8 NPT WEIGHT: XXXXf LESS FUEL 3B. LESS FUEL TANK SGL SPILL/FILL- REVISION 02 1/2 O.D. EXHAUST OUTLET OIL DRAIN 12-03-12 DATE SUBMITTAL REVBION DESCRIRi DRAVnNG TDIERANCES: ±\l»( EXCEPT BASE IKTG. HOl£S: ±1/8" | DIMENSIONAL LAYOUT P. SAVER i rl DRAWN TO SCALE AU. OfMENSKMS ARE IN INCHES MODEL DS30D6SRA | P. SAVER i rl DATE: 12-03-12 DRAWN BY: JIG | P. SAVER i rl DWG. |:DS30D6SRA(4024TF)L0-MS-106| DWG. #:DS30D6SRA(4024Tr)L0-MS-106 6 AMP BATTERY CHARGER- BATTERY RACK-FUEL PRIMING PUMP FUEL INLET FUEL RETURN SGL SPILL/FILL 02 1/2 OD EXHAUST OUTLET 37 1/4 • (ENGINE) 51 3/4 (EXHAUST)" 20 3/4 (GENERATOR) APPROX GROUND LUG LOCATION 20 1/2 CONTROL PANEL 10 AMP BATTERY CHARGER AC CONNECTION BOX il UFTING HOLE (4X) 27 1/8 023/32 MTG HOLES (8X) 70GL DW UL & ULC LISTED SUB-BASE FUEL TANK W/ STUB-UP AREA NOTES- 1 SUB-BASE FUEL TANK INFORMATION OVERALL HEIGHT OF UNIT WILL INCREASE WITH USE OF OPTIONAL SUB-BASE FUEL TANK REFERENCE SALES CATALOG FOR TANK HEIGHT AND GALLON CAPACITY INFORMATION 2 FUEL SYSTEM CONNECTIONS (FOR UNITS WITHOUT SUB-BASE FUEL TANKS) INLET 3/8 NPT OUTLET 3/8 NPT 3 APPROX UNIT WEIGHT XXXX| LESS FUEL 4 APPROX COB LESS FUEL TANK RIGHT SIDE ENGINE y'^//222pmm 2 50 AMP MAINUNE CIRCUIT BREAKER 57 3/8 GEN-SET IN FORMATION ENONE: 4024TF281 QEHEmCSt 283 RADIATOR: 73808(SRF4024) RADIATOR AMOENT: 500 DUCT FLANO: 95407 CONTROL PANEL DGC-2020 BASE: 95825 ENCLOSURE: NA BREAKER: 50 AMP TANK: 108-3185 MUFFLER: 2 1/2 SP SAVER TRAILER: NA ISOLATORS: PADS DRAWING TOLERANCES: 11/4' EXCEPT BASE MTG. HOi£S: ±1/8' 12-03-12 REVISKW DATE SUBMITTAL REVISKm DESCRIPTION JTG mniALs (Dm DIMENSIONAL LAYOUT DRAWN TO SCALE ALL DOylENSnNS ARE IN INCHES DATE: 12-03-12 MODEL DS30D6SRA DRAWN BY: JTG DWG. #:DS30D6SRA(4024TF)L0-MS-106 snx£ 9C SFUCC SD GENERATOR OUTLET BOX TO PANEL FRONT TO BACK PLATE V !S s a „ „ ~ ; Si ^ ^ § g 5 S ~ 60 HZ SO IC 4 SCKO OR £ Hnm-40 REGUIATOR r* 3 ROIOVE JIM>ER WHEN USING VDUAGC ADJUST r rtj Fij G7 cs G9 I N TO ENGINE SEE CONNECnONS BELOW "X (9W) ORS |16 C*.- -•X (9E) ENGINE BLOCK flO M. GRN- \ \ \ i < 1 I S g B) DGC 75 f I t COS > XI CTl ' XI CT2 '•Lu CT3 -oTS u— TO UMD SPLICE -9C I (9J) DGC 2 #16 G*.- 1 (9B) 1BI 9 f16 OL--(9C) GGS f16 GA. SPLICE 9D •V (9A) GOWE BAT- #20 GA. •W (9H) DGC 71 #16 GA. •W (9X) DGC 74 #16 GA. «W (910 DGC 6S #16 GA. •W (9P) ALARU- #16 GA. (90) GGS #10 GA. DUTUET lEEOffi AOI AWLOC EXnMSUM UOOUIE OeC OGC-2020 UCMimxSSSOR OVR MGHU. VOLTAGE REGUIATOR n-3 KIK-10 OR JX-IO 10A GGS GENERMOR GROUND SIUD KlA UWVEI) HOIOR RHAY H UMVER IIOTDR TBI TERMINAL eUKK 1 (P«Na DOOR) TB2 lERUWL BiKK 2 (BMX PUTE) 1B3 TERUNAL BU)CK 3 (BREAKER ENCtOSURE) TB4 TERMINAL BLOCK 4 (WNDY BOX) NOTE' 1 WIRE NUMBERS ARE IN PARENTHESIS 2 SHORT BASHED LINES t > INDICATE CUSTDtCR CONNECTION 3. ON 480V UNITS WIRE SE350 TO INNER TAPS'D t Ee ON 600V UNITS WIRE SC350 To THE TRANSrORHER DN DELTA WIRE! TD El I. E2 FOR ALL DT THE , OTHER UNITS WIRE THE SCS30 DIRECTLY -TD THE LINES. DRAWING OPTIONT REGUWTOR • CMOOOOE , QVaTAGC ADABI TOGGtE , , g GROSS eW85W CT ' mSxoflmxs OR PIUOO DVOOME ADJUST RHEOSfAF RTD • WIRED 10 AEN • WIRED TO HANW BOX AC ACCESSORIES • WATER'HEATER '•WAIER tCAIIR - 240WC • GtNDMIDR STRIP NEMEK • AC HOUSMG UGHTS ^•LOUVER UOIORS '^•MTIERYOWiGER BREAKER OPTIONS -'•AUXHIARV SWnCN • BEUAIARU 1 OSHUNTIRff DC'ACCESSORIES , •BATTERY, CHARGER . OK HOUSING UGHTS Snia 1I»L GAUGE SEMIR Fua uk SWITCH ' atwoeus GOVERNOR SDPG-J111 DPG-21SS V ncOWHWR SPEED ADJUST EMERGENCY STOP • BMNa DOOR MOUNTED ama. DOOR MOUNTED AND REMOTE MOUNTED opfna. DOOR MOUNTED AND A BREAK GIASS STAIIOW MODULES > •CONTACT EXPANSXM MODULE • UMD SWRE MOOUIE • ANNALOG tXMNSION MOCUIE ANALOG METERS • WITH ANALOG MEIER BOX • WITHOUT ANALOG METER, BOX HZ L-L L-LD 60 190 208 220 230 no 120 127 133 50 190 200 208 220 no 115 120 127 (C7> Ll HZ L-L L-LD 380 219 416 240 60 440 254 460 266 480 277 380 219 400 231 415 240 440 254 WYE HZ L-L L-LD 380 219 480 277 600 346 2400 1386 60 3300 1905 4160 2402 6600 3811 13200 7620 13800 7967 SO 380 400 415 3300 6600 11000 219 231 240 1905 3811 6351 oaTA HZ L-L L-LD 60 240 277 120 139 50 200 220 240 100 no 120 •X (X) XXX « •X OCSIMnM (X) as NUMEER nx OCSIMATOI X BSHWIIW REVISION OESCRIPnON IE trnwamma. mt eon OOCT cavatanota lu ms ff M H *4> ^•SPECIAL. NOTg TO MINIMIZE ANY ELECTRICAL NOISE BEING INTRODUCED INTO THE ENGINE CONTROLLER, CONTROL WIRING AND AC POWER UNES NEED TO BE RUN.IN SEPARATE CONDUITS ENGINE JOHN DEERE 4024 T4 GENERATOR 12 WIRE OR 4 WIRE REGUUTOR SE350 / PVR2000E CONTROL PANEL DGC-2020 VOLTAGE "•^ 30 GOVERNOR DPG-2111/2155 GENERATOR DIAGRAM DATE DRAWN BY DRAWING SIZE B-SIZE SHEET 3 OF 4 809-Q-??????-G ORGS v/y\A-— VTGS riGS •Y (40) DGC 10 #16 GA.- •Y (41) OGC 8 #10 GA.- SPUCE 1 SPUCE 93 SPUCE 57 SPUCE 98 9 ? CD CD •o -o cz c o o 9 9 #2/0 GA. -(48a) PIU3T REUY #10 GA. #2/0 GA. BATTERY 12VDC ENGINE BLOCK -iff) PILOT RELAY #16 GA.- -•X (9E) GGS #10 GA. GRN- -•Y (3) DGC START NO #16 GA. («A) ALTERNATOR #10 GA. -(4SB STARIER MOTOR #10 GA. (9F) ENGINE aOCK #16 GA. (9R) LWL PROSE #16 GA. TO GENERATOR TO PANEL FRONT TO PANEL BACK -•Y (62A) DGC 31 #18 GA. BLK-«- -•Y (63A) DGC 32 #18 GA. RED-^«r-So MAGNETIC PICKUP -«U (60) GOVE ACT #18 GA. BU- -nj (61) GOVE. ACT #18 GA. RED- GOVERNOR ACTUATOR -•Y (2) DGC RUN NO #16 GA.-[ "Y (48) F4 #10 GA. -(48A) PUT RELAY #10 GA. -(9R) PILOT RELAY #16 GA.- —"Y (21) DGC 29 #16 GA.- —'X (1) SRJCE 1 #16 GA.- ; <-WHT ; <—RED- •^([]ii[S>'^ I RADWOR I LOW WATER IfVa PROBE SPLICE 1 •Y (IA) F4 #16 G*. •Y (1B) DGC START COM #16 GA. •Y (IE) TB1 1 #16 GA. •Y (IF) DGC 3 #16 GA. (1) LWL PROBE #16 GA. SPLICE 9S , , _ . I—1/- 90 FIS #18 GA. BLK •Y 9S) TBI 9 #16 GA. kf 4s . ' I—r^(9G) aCS #18 GA. BU< SPLICE 57 •Y {57A) DGC 28 #16 GA.--(57) FIS #18 OA. BU< SPLICE 98 •Y (gSA) DGC 9 #16 OA.-I FIGS #18 GA. BU< •X (X) XXX X •X DESTINATION (X) WSE NUMBER XXX (tSIlNAllON X DESTINATION TERMINAL BC BPS OGC OGS DLC ECU EHC2 F4 F5 FLOS FLS GGS KlA K8 LWL TBI TB2 TRP SM NOTB 1 2. LEGEND BATTERY CHARGER BACK PLATE STUD DGC-202D MICROPROCESSOR DOOR GROUND STUD DATA UNK CONNECTOR ENGINE CONIRa UNIT ENGINE HARNESS CONNECTOR PAN! FUSE ABC 15A ECM FUSE ABC 20* FUEL lEVa GAUGE SENDER fUa l£*K SWITCH GENERATOR GROUND STUD LOUVER MOTOR RELAY REMOTE EMERGENCY STOP RELAY LOW WATER Ifva PROBE TERMINAL BLOCK 1 TERMINAL BLOCK 2 (BREAKER ENCLOSURE) TERMINATING RESISTOR PLUC STARTER MOTOR WIRE NUMBERS ARE IN PARENTHESIS SHORT DASHED UNES ( ) INDICATE CUSTOMER CONNECTION OR OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT BATTERY CHARGER FUSE ONLY WHEN REQUIRED OR SUPPUED BY CHARGER MANUFACTURER Fua LEVEL GUAGE SENDER KQUIREMENTS 33 ONUS = FULL 240 OHMS = EMPTY BATTERY CHARGER FUSE ONLY WHEN SUPPUED OR REQUIISD BY CHARGER MANUFACTURER AUX SWITCH CONTACTS ARE SHOWN WHEN THE BREAKER IS IN THE OPEN POSITION BEa ALARM CONTACTS ARE SHOWN IN THE TRIPPED POSmON DRAWING OPTIONS REGULATOR • DVR2000E • VOLTAffi ADJUST TOGGLE • CROSS CURRENT CT • SE350/HAVC63 OR PM300 • VOLTAGE ADJUST RHEOSTAT RTD • Wireo TO AEM • WIRED TO HANDY BOX AC ACCESSORIES • WATER HEATER • WATER HEATER WITH OIL PRESSURE DISC • GENERATOR SIHP HEATER • AC HOUSING UGHTS • LOUVER MOTORS • BATIERY CHARGER BREAKER OPTIONS OAUXIUARY SWITCH • BELL ALARM • SHUNT TRIP DC ACCESSORIES • DC HOUSING UGHTS • FUa LEVa GAUGE SENDER • FUa LEAK SWITCH • MOOaiB GOVERNOR • DPG-2111 • DPG-2155 • GOVERNOR SPEED AaiUST EMERGENCY STOP • PANa DOOR MOUNTED • PANa DOOR MOUNTED AND REMOTE MOUNTED • PANa DOOR MOUNTED AND A BREAK GLASS STATION MODULES • CONTACT EXPANSION MODULE • LOAD SHARE MODULE • ANNALOG EXPANSION MODULE ANALOG METERS • ANALOG METER BOX REVISION DESCRIPTION (Dm ••SPECIAL NOTE** TO MINIMIZE ANY ELECTRICAL NOISE BEING INTRODUCED INTO THE ENGINE CONTROLLER, CONTROL WIRING AND AC POWER UNES NEED TO BE RUN IN SEPARATE CONDUITS ENGINE JOHN DEERE 4024/5030 T4 GENERATOR 12 WIRE OR 4 WIRE REGULATOR SE350 OR OVR2000E CONTROL PANEL DGC-2020 VOLTAGE ^^•^ 3/1 e GOVERNOR JDEC LEVEL 18 ENGINE DIAGRAM DATE DRAWN BY DRAWING SIZE B-SIZE SHEET 4 OF 4 809-Q-??????-E TUT s i ) SPUCE m 3 £ ? _L- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 . «, a 00 « <3 Z, €0 m!L to 5 " § 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 I i I o Y REMOTE DISPLAY CONNEaiONS DGC-2020 MICRDPRDCESSDR 6 UJ £ 5 5 + ^ _l i USB CONNECTOR 1 4L START) NO COM i a ~ = si (RUM) JL (PRE) NO COM IS •3 S 3 S =i ~ 8 5. J- e I s IL I i •— CM RJ-11 MODEM JACK NO COM ± ± ± _L J_ _L ± ± ± ± -L ± 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 22 S. AL r m NC NC LT ESP LT NO NO TBI si s 1^ T 9i B Z E25 •1 E9 69 70 I.I.I 100 101 120 75 DCS TO GENERATOR TO ENGINE TO BACK PU\TE .X (X) XXX X •X DEST1NAI10N (X) WIRE NUMBER XXX DESTINATION X DESnWATlON TERMINAL AL ALARM BUZZER AEM ANALOG EXPANSION MODULE BPS BACK PLATE STUD CEM CONTACT EXPANSION MODULE DGC 0GC-2O20 MICROPROCESSOR DCS DOOR GROUND STUD ECU ENGINE CONTROL UNIT EHC ENGINE HARNESS CONNECTOR ESP EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON F4 PANa FUSE ABC 15A F5 ECN FUSE ABC 20A FUS FUa LEva GAUGE SENDER FIS FUa LEAK SWITCH GGS GENERATOR GROUND STUD GSA GOVERNOR SPEED ADJUST K1A LOUVER MOTOR RELAY K8 REMOTE EMERGENCY STOP REIAY 15M LOAD SHARE MODULE LWL LOW WATER LEVa PROBE MEC MOOflUS/EIHERNET CONVERTER Rl 120 OHM TJ IX RESISTOR R2 332 OHM Ht 1% RESISTOR R3 1000 OHM H n RESISTOR R4 500 OHM IX RESISTOR R5 5490 OHM )i IX RESISTOR TBI TERMINAL BLOCK 1 VAR VOLTAGE ADJUST RHEOSTAT VAT VOLTAGE ADJUST TOGGLE NOTES 1 WIRE NUMBERS ARE IN PARENTHESIS 2 SHORT DASHED UNES ( ) INDICATE CUSTOMER CONNECTION OR OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT DRAWING OPTIONS REGULATOR • DVR2000E DVOLTMX ADJUST TOGGLE • CROSS CURRENT CT • SE350/MAVC63 OR PM300 • VOLTAGE ADJUST RHEOSTAT RTD • WIRED TO AEM • WIRED TO HANDY BOX AC ACCESSORIES • WATER HEATER • WATER HEATER WTIH OIL PRESSURE DISC • GENERATOR STRIP HEATER • AC HOUSING UGHTS DUWVER MOTORS • BATTERY CHARGER BREAKER OPTIONS • AUXIUARY SWITCH • BEa ALARM • SHUNT TRIP DC ACCESSORIES • DC HOUSING UOfIS • FUa LEVa GAUGE SENDER • FUa LEAK SWITCH • MODBUS GOVERNOR • DPG-2111 • DPG-2155 • GOVERNOR SPEED ADJUST EMERGENCY STOP • PANa DOOR MOUNTED • PANa DOOR MOUNTED AND REMOTE MOUNTED • PANa DOOR MOUNTED AND A BREAK GLASS STATION MODULES • CONTACT EXPANSION MODULE • LOAD SHARE MODULE • ANNALOG EXPANSION MODULE ANALOG METERS • ANALOG METER BOX REVISION DESCRIPTION I DATE I BY mm(ii(2] ••SPECIAL NOTE^* TO MINIMIZE ANY ELECTRICAL NOISE BEING INTRODUCED INTO THE ENGINE CONTROLLER, CONTROL WIRING AND AC POWER LINES NEED TO BE RUN IN SEPARATE CONDUITS ENGINE JOHN DEERE 4024/5030 T4 GENERATOR 12 WIRE OR 4 WIRE REGULATOR SE350 OR DVR2000E CONTROL PANEL DGC-2020 VOLTAGE ''''•'V 3/HI GOVERNOR JDEC LEVEL 18 FACE PANEL DIAGRAM DATE DRAWN BY DRAWING SIZE B-SIZE SHEET 1 OF 4 809-Q-??????-F TO Z PANEL FRONT TO GENERATOR TO ENGINE OPG-2111 GOVERNOR ACT I ACT |6AT4-|6AT-|MPU+^PU-jSHLD T"^^—I—\—I—r 3 ^ ^ ^ K K !S a s H 5 § g 8s w 11 12 14 91 92 94 Cl C2 81 82 Wl W2 G HI H3 H2 H4 CUSTOMER CONNECT FOR OUTLET AND HSG LTS 120VAC LEGEND AEN ANALOG EXPANSION MODULE BPS BACK PLATE STUD CEM CONTACT EXPANSION MODULE DGC OGC-2020 MICROPROCESSOR DGS DOOR GROUND STUD MEC MOOBUS/ETHERNET CONVERTER Rl RESISTOR 120 OHM X W TBI TERMINAL BLOCK 1 NOTES 1 WIRE NUMBERS ARE IN PAISNTHESIS 2 SHORT DASHED UNES ( ) INDICATE CUSTOMER CONNECTION OR OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT DRAWING OPTIONS REGULATOR • DVR2000E • VOLTAGE ADJUST TOGGLE • CROSS CURRENT CT • SE350/MAVC63 OR PM300 OVOLTAfiE ADJUST RHEOSTAT RTD • WIRED TO AEM • WIRED TQ HANDY BOX AC ACCESSORIES • WATER HEATER • WATER HEATER WTIH OIL PRESSURE DISC • GENERATOR STRIP HEATER • AC HOUSING UGHTS • LOUVER MOTORS • BATTERY CHARGER BREAKER OPTIONS • AUXIUARY SWITCH • BEa ALARM • SHUNT TRIP DC ACCESSORIES • DC HOUSING UGHTS • FUa LEVa GAUGE SENDER • FUa LEAK SWITCH • MODBUS GOVERNOR • DPG-2111 O DPG-2155 • GOVERNOR SPEED ADJUST EMERGENCY STOP • PANa DOOR MOUNTED • PANa DOOR MOUNTED AND REMOTE MOUNTED • PANa DOOR MOUNTED AND A BREAK GLASS STATION MODULES • CONTACT EXPANSION MODULE • LOAD SHARE MODULE • ANNALOG EXPANSION MODULE ANALOG METERS • ANALOG METER BOX ^ (X) XXX X 'X DESTINATION (X) WIRE NUMBER XXX [ESUNATION X DESTIWATIOW TERMINAL REVISION DESCRIPTION I DATE I BY ••SPECIAL NOTE^* TO MINIMIZE ANY ELECTRICAL NOISE BEING INTRODUCED INTO THE ENGINE CONTROLLER CONTROL WIRING AND AC POWER LINES NEED TO BE RUN IN SEPARATE CONDUITS ENGINE JOHN DEERE 4024/5030 T4 GENERATOR 12 WIRE OR 4 WIRE REGUU^TOR SE350 OR DVR2000E CONTROL PANEL DGC-2020 VOLTAGE "^V 3/181 GOVERNOR JDEC LEVEL 18 BACK PLATE DIAGRAM DATE DRAWN BY DRAWING SIZE B-SIZE SHEET 2 OF 4 809-Q-??????-B Basic Model- 283PSL1707 MARATHON ELECTRIC SYNCHRONOUS AC GENERATOR TYPICAL SUBMITTAL DATA Winding: WCI 707 Date: 07/19/11 Kilowatt ratings at 1800 RPM 60 Hertz 12 Leads Voltage* Class B Class F Class H Voltage* 80° C® Continuous 90'Cd) Lloyds 95° C ® ABS 105°C®- British Standard 105° Cd) Continuous 130° C ® Standby 125° C(Z)' Britisfi Standard 125° C® Continuous 150° C® Standby 240; 480 230/460 220/440 208/416 190/380 25 (31 3) 25 (31 3) 24 (30 0) 24 (30.0) 22 (27 5) 26 (32 5) 26 (32.5) 25 (31 3) 25 (31 3) 23 (28 8) 26 (32 5) 26(32 5) 25 (31.3) 25 (31 3) 23 (28 8) 30 (37 5) 30 (37 5) 29 (36 3) 28 (35.0) 26 (32.5) 30 (37 5) 30 (37 5) 29 (36 3) 28 (35.0) 26 (32 5) 1 33 (41.3) 32 (40 0) 31 (38.8) 30 (37 5) 27 (33 8) 33 (41 3) 32 (40 0) 31 (38 8) 30 (37 5) 27 (33 8) ' 33 (41 3) 32 (40 0) 31 (38 8) 30 (37 5) 27(33 8) 35 (43 8) 35 (43.8) 34 (42.5) 33 (41 3) 30 (37 5) (D Rise by resistance method. Mil-Std-705. Method 680 1b Rating per BS 5000 Submittal Data: 480 Volts, 41.3 kVA, 1800 RPIVI, 60 Hz, 3 Phase Mil-Std-705B IVIil-Std-705B Method Description Value Method Description Value 301.1b Insulation Resistance > 1 5 Meg 505 3b Overspeed 2250 RPM 302 la High Potential Test 507 1c Phase Sequence CCW-ODE ABC Mam Stator 2000 Volts 601 4a L-L Harmonic Maximum - Total 3.0% Mam Rotor 1500 Volts (Distortion Factor) Exciter Stator 1500 Volts 601 4a L-L Harmonic Maximum - Single 3.0% Exciter Rotor 1500 Volts 601.1c Deviation Factor <5% 401 la Stator Resistance, Line to Line High Wye Connechon Rotor Resistance Exciter Stator Exciter Rotor 0 39 Ohms 0.46 Ohms 17 5 Ohms 0.12 Ohms TIF (1960 Weightings) Additional Prototype Mil-Std Methods are Available on Request. <50 410.1a No Load Exciter Field Amps -Generator Frame 280 at 480 Volts Line to Line 0.64 A DC -Type Ext Voltage Regulated, Brushless 420.1a Short Circuit Ratio 0 558 -Insulation Class H 421.1a Xd Synchronous Reactance 2.346 pu -Coupling - Single Beanng Flexible 422 la X2 Negative Sequence ~ Amorhsseur Windings Full Reactance 0 185 pu -Cooling Nr Volume 250 CFM 423 la XO Zero Sequence Reactance 0.037 pu --Exciter Rotating 425.1a X'd Transient Reactance 0 107 pu ~ Voltage Regulator SE350 426 la X"d Subtransient Reactance 0 101 pu ~ Voltage Regulation 1% 4271a T'd Transient Short Circuit Time Constant 0 029 sec --Heat Rejection Rate 223 BTU/min 428.1a T"d Subtransient Short Circuit -Full Load Current 49.7 A Time Constant 0.019 sec ~ Minimum Input Hp Required 45.5 Hp 430.1a T'do Transient Open Circuit -Efficiency at Rated Load 90 1% Time Constant 0 63 sec ~ Full Load Torque 133 rib 432 1a Ta Short Circuit Time Constant of Armature Winding 0 019 sec * Vollage refers to wye (star) connection, unless otherwise specified www.marathonelectric.com MA3N/PIJLJS* Basic Model: 283PSL1707 MARATHON ELECTRIC SYNCHRONOUS AC GENERATOR TYPICAL DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Winding: WC1707 Date: 07/19/11 60 HERTZ a 01 S ID o > L'l 1 M 1 M 1 240 V DELTA 9nftM1R V 9AniAnn \/ _ 01 sa-sc- o . f 10 > l-l 1 11 (\ 1 1 II- 240 V DELTA 208/416 V 240/480 V 10 15 20 25 kW at 0.8 Power Factor 30 10 15 20 25 kW at 0.8 Power Factor 30 TYPICAL MOTOR STARTING CHARACTERISTICS 40 30 a. a o, jS 20 o . > . 2 40 V DELTA 1-^ 40 V DELTA • J 10 10 20 40 60 Locked Rotor kVA 80 TYPICAL GENERATOR EFFICIENCY 100 95 >« U S 90 u. W 85 80 75 1 1 1 'I 1 1 100 95 >> M > E 90 i 85 80 75 100 95 >« U S 90 u. W 85 80 75 ' iJi! 100 95 >> M > E 90 i 85 80 75 100 95 >« U S 90 u. W 85 80 75 -1 V 100 95 >> M > E 90 i 85 80 75 100 95 >« U S 90 u. W 85 80 75 100 95 >> M > E 90 i 85 80 75 100 95 >« U S 90 u. W 85 80 75 — s 1 0 P 100 95 >> M > E 90 i 85 80 75 100 95 >« U S 90 u. W 85 80 75 sn 100 95 >> M > E 90 i 85 80 75 100 95 >« U S 90 u. W 85 80 75 100 95 >> M > E 90 i 85 80 75 100 95 >« U S 90 u. W 85 80 75 100 95 >> M > E 90 i 85 80 75 100 95 >« U S 90 u. W 85 80 75 100 95 >> M > E 90 i 85 80 75 100 95 >« U S 90 u. W 85 80 75 100 95 >> M > E 90 i 85 80 75 100 95 >« U S 90 u. W 85 80 75 0.8 pf - 100 95 >> M > E 90 i 85 80 75 100 95 >« U S 90 u. W 85 80 75 100 95 >> M > E 90 i 85 80 75 100 95 >« U S 90 u. W 85 80 75 100 95 >> M > E 90 i 85 80 75 100 95 >« U S 90 u. W 85 80 75 100 95 >> M > E 90 i 85 80 75 40 50 20 30 kW Output Voltage refers to wye (star) connection, unless otherwise specified. 10 100 120 22\2 480 V 0 P f-1 0 P f- -ti -0.8Df 20 30 kW Output 40 50 06 DEVIATION FROM THIS POSITION IN EITHER DIRECTION PERMITTED AIR INTAKE - THIS AREA MUST BE FREE OF ANY OBSTRUCTIONS METRIC DIMENSIONS IN [ ] ARE IN MILLIMETERS (18 56(471 4]) 0X0 ) — ( 7 00 [177 8] )- 771800-OA "J" DIA "H" HOLES EQUALLY SPACED "M" DIA "K" HOLES EQUALLY SPACED 0 69 [017 5] 4 HOLES ( 14 00 [355 6] ) MTG CODE ADAPTER DRIVE DISC SAE H J XB XC XD B SAE K M XE XF G 1 #5 8 0 41 [10 41 13 12 [333 21 14 00 [355 61 12 375 [314 331 22 1/2' #6 1/2 6 0 34 [8 61 8 499 [215 871 7 88 [200 21 1 19 [30 21 Q #5 8 0 41 [10 41 13 12 [333 21 14 00 [355 61 12 375 [314 331 22 1/2' #7 1/2 8 0 34 [8 61 9 499 [241 271 8 75 [222 31 1 19 [30 21 R #5 8 0 41 [10 41 13 12 [333 21 14 00 [355 61 12 375 [314 331 22 1/2" #8 6 0 41 [10 41 10 374 [263 501 9 62 [244 31 2 44 [62 01 V #4 12 0 41 [10 41 15 00 [381 01 15 88 [403 41 14 250 [361 951 15" #6 1/2 6 0 34 [8 61 8 499 [215 871 7 88 [200 21 1 19 [30 21 G #4 12 0 41 [10 41 15 00 [381 01 15 88 [403 41 14 250 [361 951 15" #7 1/2 8 0 34 [8 61 9 499 [241 271 8 75 [222 31 1 19 [30 21 0 #4 12 0 41 [10 41 15 00 [381 01 15 88 [403 41 14 250 [361 951 15' #8 6 0 41 [10 41 10 374 [263 501 9 62 [244 31 2 44 [62 01 Y #4 12 0 41 [10 41 15 00 [381 01 15 88 [403 41 14 250 [361 951 15' #10 8 0 41 [10 41 12 374 [314 301 11 62 [295 11 2 12 [53 81 X #3 12 0 42 [10 71 16 88 [428 81 17 75 [450 91 16 125 [409 581 15' #8 6 0 41 [10 41 10 374 [263 501 9 62 [244 31 2 44 [62 01 D #3 12 0 42 [10 71 16 88 [428 81 17 75 [450 91 16 125 [409 581 15' #10 8 0 41 [10 41 12 374 [314 301 1 1 62 [295 11 2 12 [53 81 A #3 12 0 42 [10 71 16 88 [428 81 17 75 [450 91 16 125 [409 581 15' #11 1/2 8 0 41 [10 41 13 874 [352 401 13 12 [333 21 1 56 [39 61 F[RAME C BA XL XK 281 15 80 [401 61 6 57 [166 91 3 50 [88 91 6 86 [174 21 282 18 49 [469 61 6 57 [166 91 3 41 [86 61 8 93 [226 81 283 20 49 [520 41 6 57 [166 91 3 41 [86.61 8 93 [226 81 284 22 74 [577 61 6 57 [166 91 3 41 [86 61 8 93 [226 81 285 24 99 [634 71 6 57 [166 91 3 41 [86 61 8 93 [226 81 286 26 99 [685 51 11 57 [293 91 3 41 [86 61 8 93 [226 81 287 28 99 [736 31 11 57 [293 91 3 41 [86 61 8 93 [226 81 9 ADDED GROUND HOLE ISAAC 12-0087 NO ADDED GROUNDING HOLE TO FOOT ISAAC 10-1333 ADDED FRAME 281 TO TABLE EJ 11129 ADDED METRIC!) DIMENSIONS MRKT REVISED BOX DIMS AND "C" DIMS CN7300-S66 BOX DETAIL UPDATED CN10196 REVISION SJW 5-25-2012 JER 08-09-201C HLB 03-01-200e MRB MRB 03/31/2005 MRB 12/06/2004 HLB 06/25/2004 BY & DATE THIS DRAWING IN DESIGN AND DETAIL IS OUR PROPERTY AND MUST NOT BE USED EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH OUR WORK ALL RIGHTS OF DESIGN AND INVENTION ARE RESERVED THIS IS AN ELECTRONICALLY GENERATED DOCUMENT - DO NOT SCALE THIS PRINT EH MRB CMJ TM TOLERANCES lirjlFSS.SPFP.IFIFn DEC INCHES xxx ±1 ±03 ±005 xxxx ±0005 CHK ANG ±7'30" RFP TITLE OUTLINE 280FR RDSN -1BRG -STD BOX MAT'L FINISH CAD FILE77180n_nA DIST LM SIZE B DRAWN MRB 10/07/2003 CHK CMJ 10/07/2003 APPR WBD10/07/2003 SCALE 3 16 REF FMF PREV DRAWING NO 771800-OA REV J9_ >-_1 O < o o LU tn EXCITER FIELD F- F + 6/VAR 7/VAR JOR F-REGULA F + REGULA 3 UJ Ln 4 BOHZ 60HZ T 12 HZ HZ 60HZ HZ 60HZ HZ 9 9 HZ HZ SOHZ CIRCUIT BREAKER WHEN REQUIRED LOW VOLTAGE NOTE 1- FIELD CIRCUIT BREAKER OPTION 2- IF A REMOTE VOLTAGE CONTROL IS REQUIRED CONNECT A POTENTIOMETER IN SERIES WITH VAR TERMINALS 6 d 7 3- LOCATION OF TERMINALS ON DIAGRAM IS NOT AN INDICATION OF ACTUAL LOCATION 4- USE JUMPER CONNECTION PROVIDED FOR 50HZ OR 60HZ OPERATION 5- FOR SE35Q, FUSE IS INTERNAL TQ REGULATOR o o L o o L2 TO LOAD L3 >-_i z o < o o LU ISI B- I 4000-902 T I 2 EXCITER FIELD F- F + 6/VAR 7/VAR TOR F-REGULA F-i-REGULA 3 LiJ LD 4- 50HZ 60HZ FUSE J12 HZ HZ 60HZ HZ 60HZ HZ • • HZ HZ 5QHZ CIRCUIT BREAKER WHEN REQUIRED > o Q HIGH VOLTAGE LI L2 L3 TO LOAD 7 09-29-2000 REMOVED VAR SPEC'S FROM NOTE *2 ADDED VAR TO DRAWING CN 7300-447 HLB 6 10-21-1996 ADDED SE350 RE6 NOTE CN 7300-447 PGK 5 11-22-1995 SE MODEL CONVERSION PER CN 6758 KL REV DATE CHANGE NAME MAX SURFACE ROUGHNESS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE MATL SPEC FINISH UNLESS OTHEFMISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES TOL ON XX± XXXt 005 XXXX± 0005 ANGLESt (O) i:sFur^L^"T_rL^Di:^ WAUSAU. WISCONSIN 544-0 I PART NAME CONNECTION DIAGRAM SE REGLATOR STD 3 PHASE SEP DRAWN pp CHKD c-o BY bb APPD I Q BY 08-09-1990 08-10-1990 08-10-1990 DRWG NO B- I 4000-902 SHOP BOOK PURCHASED ISTRIBUTION - \yfK-\^-'i^-l-M~^ \ CADD FILE NO I 4000-902 Electronic. Governor JHHI ^^^^[ti JDEC i[ji]m[i][^ © DESCRIPTION The electronic control system consists of electronically controlled unit injectors, engine sensors, engine control unit (ECU) and engine wiring harnesses. The ECU is the box that contains the computer and most other electronic components needed to operate the system. The ECU'S primary job is scheduling an accurately timed pulse to each injector so that a controlled fuel quantity is injected into the cylinder at the correct crank angle. ® STANDARD FEATURES • The JDEC includes a special push button adjustable 2-state throttle feature that allows variable speed operation without a mechanical or potentiometer throttle • Up to two potentiometer throttles can be added if desired The adjustable 2-state throttle feature can be used to easily preset maximum and minimum allowable operating speed when using a potentiometer throttle • The auto-cal feature eliminates the need for manual adjustment of analog throttles • Built in protection is provided to prevent abuse of the power-bulge feature • Automatic engine protection shutdown can be specified for low oil pressure, high coolant temperature, and any desired user selectable input (loss of prime, machine hydraulic temperature, etc.) eliminating the need for a separate magnetic shutdown switch • A new RE68155 2-inch digital diagnostic gauge displays diagnostic codes and warnings, engine hours, rpm, oil pressure, coolant temperature, system voltage, and many other engine parameters. It also includes "Warning" and "Stop Engine" lights • Additional gauge displays can be driven from the RE68155 diagnostic gauge to provide analog displays of rpm, oil pressure, coolant temperature, system voltage, % load, etc. • Standard user-selectable 12V backlighting is provided (optional adapter required for 24-Volt units) SPECIFICATIONS Governor Operations . The all speed governor can be set for either normal droop or isochronous operation. Normal droop, the default, gives a drop in engine speed with an increase in load or an increase in engine speed with a decrease in load. The normal % droop for your engine will be listed in the owner/operator manual and on the engine performance curve. When isochronous governing is selected the droop is set to 0%, and there is no change in engine speed with changing loads until the engines torque limit is reached. Self Diagnostics The ECU will detect failures within the control system including sensors, actuators and the ECU itself. The ECU monitors the engine fuel, coolant, and oil pressure sensors for out-of-range values or erratic operation. Engine Diaonostics The ECU can detect abnormal engine operating conditions or faults in several engine systems. Faults are JDEC_Spec_5-07 lectronic: Governor stored in the ECU for later use by service personnel. Drivers are provided for an amber "warning" light and a red "shutdown" light. Amber and Red lights are also incorporated into the Diagnostic Gauge. Low Oil Pressure Rrotectipn There are two low oil protection features, Low Oil Pressure WARNING and Low Oil Pressure SHUT- DOWN. The set points for Low Oil Pressure WARNING and SHUTDOWN are variable based on engine speed. At the Low Oil Pressure WARNING set point, the ECU turns on the warning lamp and starts a gradual power derate. If the oil pressure goes above the Low Oil Pressure WARNING set point during that time, power increases gradually until the power is back to full power. The warning lamp will stay on until the power returns to normal even if the fault condition has gone away and the recovery is in process. At Low Oil Pressure SHUTDOWN set point the ECU turns on a shutdown lamp and starts a more rapid power derate. If the oil pressure does not go above the SHUTDOWN set point within 30 seconds, the engine will shutdown. If oil pressure goes above Low Oil Pressure SHUTDOWN set point within 30 seconds, power derate reverts to the Low Oil Pressure WARNING curve. Shutdown will only occur on systems with the shutdown option enabled. Coolant Jeijiperature Prptection There are two Coolant Temperature protection features, High Coolant Temperature WARNING, and High Coolant Temperature SHUTDOWN. If coolant temperature exceeds the maximum allowable level the ECU turns on the warning lamp and starts a gradual power derate. If the coolant temperature goes below the High Coolant Temperature WARNING set point, power increases gradually until the power is back to full power. The warning lamp will stay on until the power returns to normal even if the fault condition has gone away and the recovery is in process. At High Coolant Temperature SHUTDOWN set point the ECU turns on the shutdown lamp and starts an additional power derate. If the coolant temperature does not go below the SHUTDOWN set point within 30 seconds, the engine will shutdown. If coolant temperature goes below High Coolant Temperature SHUTDOWN set point within 30 seconds, power derate reverts to High Coolant Temperature WARNING curve. Engine Protection The ECU can detect several types of engine problems and may take actions to minimize engine damage that may result if these problems are not corrected. There are two levels of engine problems, "Warning" and "Shutdown". "Warning" faults are engine problems that may lead to engine failures if not corrected. "Warning" faults include higher than normal fuel temperature, lower than normal oil pressure, higher than normal coolant temperatures, higher than normal change air temperatures, or power derates. "Shutdown" faults are engine problems that indicate imminent engine failure. "Shutdown" problems included extremely low oil pressure, extremely high coolant temperatures, and loss of coolant. The "Warning" lamp will be on when a "Warning" fault is detected by the ECU and the "Shutdown engine" lamp will be on when a "Shutdown" fault is detected. No Protection Engine ECU'S with "No Protection" do not derate the engine when coolant temperature, oil pressure, or charge-air temperature "Warning" faults are detected and do not shutdown the engine when there is a "Shutdown" fault. The "Warning" lamp lights when a "Warning" fault is detected by the ECU and the "Shutdown engine" lamp lights when a "Shutdown" fault is detected. The engine operator is responsible for reducing engine speed and power when a "Warning" fault exists and for shutting down the engine when a "Shutdown" fault exists. If engine coolant temperature and oil pressure sensors are not installed Electronic: Governor- /JW^,^^^^^ JDEC on engines with "No Protection" ECU'S, no fault will be detected and the fault light will not light. "No Protection" ECU'S can not warn of a broken or disconnected wire in the coolant temp and oil pressure sensor circuit. The other ECU'S can detect this failure. Derate Protection without Shutdown . The engine derate protection feature is only in ECU'S with engine derate protection programmed into the ECU. All engine protection sensors including coolant temperature and oil pressure must be installed if engine protection is specified. Otherwise, a fault will be detected, and the fault lamp will light. The engine derate schedules will be active but the engine will not shutdown if a "Shutdown" fault is detected. The "Warning" lamp lights when a "Warning" fault is detected by the ECU and the "Shutdown engine" lamp lights when a "Shutdown" fault is detected. The engine operator is responsible for shutting down an engine with a "Shutdown" fault. Shutdown without Derate Protection , The engine shutdown feature is only in ECU'S with engine shutdown programmed into the ECU. All engine protection sensors, including coolant temperature and oil pressure, must be installed if engine protection is specified. Otherwise, a fault will be detected and the fault lamp will light. The engine derate schedules will not be active but the engine will shutdown in 30 seconds if a "Shutdown" fault is detected. The "Warning" lamp lights when a "Warning" fault is detected by the ECU. The "Shutdown engine" lamp will be on for 30 seconds before shutting down when a "Shutdown" fault is detected. The operator may delay a shutdown for 30 seconds by pushing a "Shutdown Override" button. On an ECU with the Shutdown feature, shutting down the engine and turning "off" the key switch will reset the engine Shutdown feature and will allow at least 30 seconds of running after restart. After 30 seconds, the engine will again shutdown unless the "Shutdown" fault condition has cleared. The "Shutdown Override" switch resets the shutdown timer to 30 seconds, and may be used repeatedly. However, continuously holding down the "Shutdown Override" switch will only reset the 30-second timer once. It must be released and repressed to reset for another 30 seconds. Derate Protection with ghutdown. The engine derate and shutdown feature is only in ECU'S with engine derate and shutdown protection programmed into the ECU. All engine protection sensors, including coolant temperature and oil pressure, must be installed if engine protection is specified. Otherwise, a fault will be detected, and the fault lamp will light. The engine derate schedules will be active and the engine will shutdown in 30 seconds if a "Shutdown" fault is detected. The "Warning" lamp lights when a "Warning" fault is detected by the ECU. The "Shutdown engine" lamp will be on for 30 seconds before shutting down when a "Shutdown" fault is detected. The operator may delay a shutdown for 30 seconds by pushing a "Shutdown Override" button. On an ECU with the shutdown feature, shutting down the engine and turning "off" the key switch will reset the engine Shutdown feature and will allow al least 30 seconds of running after restart. After 30 seconds, the engine will again shutdown unless the "Shutdown" fault condition has cleared. The "Shutdown Override" switch resets the shutdown timer to 30 seconds, and may be used repeatedly. However, continuously holding down the "Shutdown Override" switch will only reset the 30-second timer once. It must be released and repressed to reset for another 30 seconds. lectronic Governor EC ma Derate Protection with Shutdown The engine derate and shutdown feature is only in ECU'S with engine derate and shutdown protection programmed into the ECU. All engine protection sensors, including coolant temperature and oil pressure, must be installed if engine protection is specified. Othenvise, a fault will be detected, and the fault lamp will light. The engine derate schedules will be active and the engine will shutdown in 30 seconds if a "Shutdown" fault is detected. The "Warning" lamp lights when a "Warning fault is detected by the ECU. The "Shutdown engine" lamp will be on for 30 seconds before shutting down when a "Shutdown" fault is detected. The operator may delay a shutdown for 30 seconds by pushing a "Shutdown Override" button. On an ECU with the shutdown feature, shutting down the engine and turning "off" the key switch will reset the engine shutdown feature and will allow at least 30 seconds of running after restart. After 30 seconds, the engine will again shutdown unless the "Shutdown" fault condition has cleared. The "Shutdown Over- ride" switch resets the shutdown timer to 30 seconds, and may be used repeatedly. However, continuously holding down the "Shutdown Override" switch will only reset the 30-second timer once. It must be released and repressed to reset for another 30 seconds. External Derate and Shutdown Inputs Two additional inputs are provided for external derates and shutdown. These inputs can be used to allow the OEM to trigger a 20% reduction in engine power or an engine shutdown from external switches, such as a loss of prime switch or hydraulic overtemperature switch. These switches are active on all ECU'S, even if "No Protection" is specified. If the user doesn't wish to use this feature, the wires should be left disconnected. Service Diagnostics . Fault codes generated by the ECU are stored for later retrieval through the Diagnostic Gauge. Fuel Temperature Compensation Fuel temperature compensation provides constant power regardless of fuel temperature. For support or infonnation, call us at 800-325-5450 or visit us at www.mtu-online.com Matenals and specifications subject to change without notice MTU Onsite Energy Coiporation / 100 Power Dnve / Mankato, MN 56001 / USA / A Tognum Group Company DGC-2020 DIGITAL CONTROLLER energy MTU Onsite Energy's Digital Genset Controller (DGC-2020) is a highly advanced integrated genset control system. The DGC-2020 is perfectly focused, combining rugged construction and microprocessor technology to offer a product that will hold up to almost any environment and flexible enough to meet your application's needs. This device provides genset control, transfer switch control, metering, protection and programmable logic in a simple, easy-to-use, reliable, rugged, and cost effective package. PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS UL Recognized, CSA Certified, CE approved NFPA-110 compatible Microprocessor based Windows-based software for optional remote operation (Software can be downloaded at www.mtu-online.com) Complete system metering Expandable to meet customer needs Optional accessories for Ethernet communication DIAGRAM Liquid Ciystal Display' Supplying LDad Indicator Alarm Indicator" Not in Auto Indicator -AlanD Silence Pushbutton I t**«»i>iAj5r >QL>la>iwa| MEHSK -Lamp Test Pushbutton Edit Pushbutton Arrow Pushbuttons Reset Pushbutton Auto Pushbutton and Mode Indicator Off Pushbutton <ind Mode Indicator Run Pushbutton and Mode Indicator Front Panel LED Indicators: Run: Green - Indicates the DGC is in the RUN mode Off: Red - Indicates the DOG is in the OFF mode Auto: Green - Indicates the unit is in the AUTO mode of operation Not in Auto: Red - Indicates unit is not in the AUTO mode Supplying Load: Green - Indicates the system is supplying current to a connected load Alarm: Red - Indicates an alarm situation by continuous illumination. Indicates a Pre-alarm by flashing. // Page 1 of 13 DGC-2020 DIGITAL CONTROLLER Standard Features ( Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Generator Metering / / Engine Monitoring / / / Genset Control / V / Emergency Stop / / / Engine Protection / / / Windows-Based Software (BESTCOMSPIus) / / / Automatic Transfer Switch Control / / / Event Recording / / Suitable for use on rental generator sets with Hi/Lo line / / / sensing or single or three phase sensing override / / / SAE J1939 Engine ECU Communications / / / (Expandable I/O Capability) / / / Modbus Communications via RS-485 / 7 / Multilingual Capability (English, Spanish, Chinese) / ' " / / Extremely Rugged, Fully Encapsulated Design / / / 16 Programmable Contact Inputs / / /" 12 Programmable 2 Adc Form A Rated Contacts / / Wide Ambient Temperature Range / / / (-40 °C to-70 °C /-40 °F to-158 °F) / / NFPA110 Compatible " / / HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Tests) Tested / / / IP 54 Front Panel Rating with Integrated Gasket / 7 / LCD Heater / / / UL-508 Recognized Y" / / UL Recognized, CSA Certified, CE Approved / / Current Sensing (5A CT Inputs) / V Generator Frequency - 50/60 Hz 2r / V Battery Backup for Real Time Clock / / / Generator Protection (27, 32, 40Q, 59, 810, 81U) / -/ / Generator Protection (47', 51) Y / Internal Dial-Out Modem / / (Remote Dial-Out and Dial-In Capability) / / Automatic Synchronizer 7 OpTitmaL^cessories Level 1 Level 2 Leye^3-^ Analog E)aensfcm44adule 2020 (AEM-2020) Load Share Module 25?OiLSM;2020) • Ethernet / • Parallel (Must have autosync panel tos^nehconize and loadshare) I^^-<*^ Contact Expansion Module 2020 (CEiyi-222.©)--^^^^ Modbus RTU-TCP Gateway 7" / / Remote Communicati^iJ»-tOlTDP-110 Remote / / AnnunciatorJiptttTfi / / //Page 2 of 13 DGC-2020 DIGITAL CONTROLLER energg FUNCTIONS Genset Protection Generator (All Levels): ANSI Codes Undervoltage (27) Reverse Power (32) Loss of Excitation (40Q) Overvoltage (59) Overfrequency (810) Underfrequency (81U) Generator (Level ANSI Codes !/3 only): Phase Imbalance (47) Generator Overcurrent (51) All Generator Protection features are programmable as alarms, pre-alarms, status or not used. Alarms (Shutdowns) Low Oil Pressure High Coolant Temperature Low Coolant Level Overspeed Overcrank Engine Sender Unit Failure Fuel Leak/Fuel Sender Failure Emergency Stop Battery Charger Failure Critical Low Fuel Level (optional) Engine: Alarms (Shutdowns) Pre-Alarms (Warnings) Low Oil Pressure High Coolant Temperature Low Coolant Temperature Battery Overvoltage Weak Battery Battery Charger Failure Engine Sender Unit Failure Engine kW Overload (3 Levels) Maintenance Interval Timer Low Coolant Level Low Fuel Level Fuel Leak Detect High Fuel Level (optional) All alarms and pre-alarms can be enabled or disabled via the BESTCOMSPIus PC software or the front panel. Additional custom alarms and pre-alarms are available upon request. Genset Metering • Generator parameters consist of eight standard parameters including, but not limited to voltage, current, Hz, real power (watts), apparent power (VA), and power factor. The view can be programmed to display up to 20 parameters using the scrolling and time delay feature. • Engine parameters include oil pressure, coolant temperature, RPM, battery voltage, fuel level, engine runtime, and various SAE J1939 supported parameters. Engine Control • Cranking Control: Cycle or Continuous (Quantity and Duration Fully Programmable) • Engine Cooldown: Smart Cooldown function saves fuel and engine life. • Successful Start Counter: Counts and records successful engine starts // Page 3 of 13 DGC-2020 DIGITAL CONTROLLER energy FUNCTIONS, Engine Control, continued: • Timers: - Engine Cooldown Timer - Engine Maintenance Timer - Pre-Alarm Time Delays for Weak/Low Battery Voltage - Alarm Time Delay for Overspeed - Alarm Time Delay for Sender Failure - Arming Time Delays after Crank Disconnect: • Low Oil Pressure • High Coolant Temperature - Pre-Crank Delay - Continuous or Cycle Cranking Time Delay - Programmable Logic Timers Event Recording The DGC-2020 has an event recorder that provides a record of alarms, pre-alarms, engine starts, engine runtime loaded, engine runtime unloaded, last run date, and many other events that are all date and time stamped to help the user determine the cause and effect of issues related to the genset. Contains 30 event records each retaining up to 99 occurrences in memory. Time, date and engine hour detail is available for the most current 30 occurrences within each event record. Transfer SwUch Control (Mains Failure)—Level 3 only The DGC-2020 can monitor utility (mains) and determines if it is providing voltage that is suitable for the loads. If the utility (mains) goes beyond predetermined levels, the generator is started and the utility (mains) is disconnected from the load and the generator is connected. When the utility (mains) returns to acceptable levels for a sufficient time, the generator is disconnected and the utility (mains) is reconnected to the load. It also includes appropriate adjustable timers or time delays for establishing stable utility (mains) operation. Utility breakers must be motor operated and interfaced with the DGC-2020. RS-485 Communications When utilized, the user can send and receive information from the DGC-2020 via the RS-485 communications port and Modbus-RTU protocol. This feature allows the DGC-2020 controlled genset to be fully integrated into the building management system. Please see the Instruction Manual for the Modbus register list. Programmable Logic The DGC-2020 offers a very powerful, yet easy-to-use, programmable logic scheme for custom programming of the various inputs, outputs, alarms, and pre-alarms. It allows these elements to be integrated into a complete logic scheme so that the user can meet even the most complex specification. The Programmable Logic control includes the selection of logic gates and timers with drag-and-drop technology to make it fast and simple. Remote Display Panel Annunciation The DGC-2020 can communicate to a remote display panel, Model RDP-110. This requires only two wires to annunciate all of the alarms and pre-alarms required by NFPA-110 Level I and II. External power is required. // Page 4 of 13 DGC-2020 DIGITAL CONTROLLER /—7/—7 enemy Modem -1 ewel 2 and 3 only A dial-out modem enables remote control, monitoring, and setting of the DGC-2020. When an alarm or pre-alarm condition occurs, the DGC-2020 can dial up to four telephone numbers, in sequence, until an answer is received and the condition is annunciated. SAE J1939 Communications SAE J1939 CANBUS communications allows the DGC-2020 to communicate to the engine's ECU (Engine Control Unit) to gather critical engine information like oil pressure, engine coolant temperature, RPM, battery voltage, and much more. By utilizing the ECU, adding analog engine senders is no longer required. This can save substantial money for the installer. It also eliminates any errors or discrepancies between the ECU data and the data displayed on the DGC-2020 that may be present due to analog sender inaccuracies or incompatibility. A total of 47 engine parameters can be obtained via the ECU. You can also derive the added benefit of having access to the ECU's diagnostic troubleshooting codes (DTCs). The DTCs provide information about the engine's operating conditions and communicates these via SAE J1939, to the DGC-2020, thus eliminating the need for hand-held service tools to diagnose simple engine issues. With the optional modem, the DTCs can be accessed remotely, and valuable service time can be saved by remote diagnostics and taking the right parts to fix the problem the first time. SPECIFICATIONS Operating Power • Nominal: 12or24Vdc • • Range: 6 to 32 Vdc • Power Consumption: - Sleep Mode: 5W with all relays non-energized - Typical Operational Mode: 14 2W- Run mode, LCD heater on, 6 relays energized • Battery Ride Through' Withstands cranking ride-through down to 0 V for 50 ms (typical) Current Sensing 5 Amps AC Current Sensing 1 Amp AC Current Sensing Continuous Rating 0.1 to 5.0 Amps AC 0.02 to 1.0 Amps AC 1 Second Rating 10 Amps AC 2 Amps AC Burden 1 VA 1 VA Voltage Sensing • Range: 12 to 576 V rms, line-to-line • Frequency Range: 10 to 72 Hz for 50/60 style and 10 to 480 Hz for 400 Hz style • Burden: 1 VA • 1 Second Rating: 720 V rms Contact Sensing/Input Contacts • Contact sensing inputs include one emergency stop input and 16 programmable inputs. The factory utilizes up to three of these inputs. The emergency stop input accepts normally closed, dry contacts. The remote emergency stop is limited to 75 ft. standard. Extended runs are available with optional relay. All programmable inputs accept normally open, dry contacts. //Page 5 of 13 DGC-2020 DIGITAL CONTROLLER /—11—7 IT^HJLJ energy SPECIFICATIONS, continued: Engine System inputs • Fuel Level Sensing Resistance Range: 33 to 240 Q nominal • Coolant Temperature Sensing Resistance Range: 62.6 to 637.5 Q nominal • Oil Pressure Sensing Resistance Range: 34 to 240 Q nominal • Engine Speed Sensing: - Magnetic Pickup - Voltage Range: 3 to 35 V peak (6 to 70 V peak-peak) - Frequency Range: 32 to 10,000 Hz - Generator Voltage Range: 12 to 576 V rms Output Contacts • (15) Total Programmable Outputs: (3) 30 Adc and (12) 2 Adc The factory utilizes the following on each genset which can be reprogrammed as needed: o (3) 30 Adc for Crank, Run and Pre-Start o (3) 2 Adc for Audible Alarm, Alarm Output and Pre-Alarm Output (9) 2 Adc remain as user-defined outputs Metering • Generator Voltage (rms) - Metering Range: 0 to 576 Vac (direct measurement), 577 to 9,999 Vac (through VT using VT ratio setting) - Accuracy: +1.0% of programmed rated voltage or ±2 Vac • Generator Current (rms) - Generator current is measured at the secondary windings of user-supplied 1 A or 5 A CTs. - Metering Range: 0 to 5,000 Aac - CT Primary Range: 1-5,000 Aac, in primary increments of 1 Aac - Accuracy: ±1.0% of programmed rated current or ±2 Aac • Generator Freauencv - Metering Range:'I'O to 72 Hz (50/60 Hz), 10 to 480 (400 Hz) - Accuracy: +0.25% or 0.05 Hz • Apparent Power - Indicates total kVA and individual line kVA (4-wire, line-to-neutral or 3-wire, line-to-line). - Accuracy: ±3% or the full-scale indication or ±2 kVA • Power Factor , - Metenng Range: 0.2 leading to 0.2 lagging - Accuracy: +0.02 • Real Power - Indicates total kW and individual line kW (4-wire, line-to-neutral or 3-wire line-to-line) - Accuracy: ±3% of the full-scale indication or +2 kW • Oil Pressure . - Metering Range: 0 to 145 psi or 0 to 1,000 kPa - Accuracy: +3% of actual indication or ±2 psi or ±12 kPa (subject to accuracy of sender) // Page 6 of 13 DGC-2020 DIGITAL CONTROLLER energy SPECIFICATIONS, Metering, continued: • Coolant Temperature - Metering Range:-40 °Cto 210°C (-40 °Fto410 °F) - Accuracy: ±3% or actual indication or ±2° (subject to accuracy of sender) • Fuel Level - Metering Range: 0 to 100% - Accuracy: ±2% (subject to accuracy of sender) • Batterv Voltage - Metering Range: 6 to 32 Vdc - Accuracy: ±3% of actual indication or ±0.2 Vdc • Engine RPM , - Metering Range: 0 to 4,500 rpm - Accuracy: ±2% of actual indication or ±2 rpm • Engine Run Time - Engine run time is retained in nonvolatile memory. - Metering Range: 0 to 99,999 h. Update Interval: 6 min - Accuracy: +1% of actual indication or ±12 min • Maintenance Timer. - Maintenance timer indicates the time remaining until genset service is due. Value is retained in nonvolatile memory. - Metering Range: 0 to 5,000 h, Update Interval: 6 min - Accuracy: ± 1 % of actual indication or ± 12 min Generator Protection Functions: • Overvoltage (59) and .Undervoltage (27) - Pickup Range: 70 to 576 Vac - Activation Delay Range: 0 to 30 s • Underfrequency (81U) and Overfreauencv(810) - Pickup Range: 45 to 66 Hz (50/60 Hz nominal), 360 to 440 Hz (400 Hz nominal) - Pickup Increment: 0.1 Hz (50/60 Hz nominal), 0.1 Hz (400 Hz nominal) - Activation Delay Range: 0 to 30 s • Reverse Power (32) • Los^ of Excitation (40Q) - Pickup Range: -50 to 5% - Pickup Range: -150 to 0% - Pickup Increment: 0.1% - Pickup Increment: 0.1% - Hysteresis Range: 1 to 10% - Hysteresis Range: 1 to 10% - Hysteresis Increment: 0.1% - Hysteresis Increment: 0.1% - Activation Delay Range: 0 to 30 s - Activation Delay Range: 0 to 30 s - Activation Delay Increment: 0.1 s - Activation Delay Increment: 0.1 s • —Phase Imbalance [^7V. Level 2 arid 3 only - Pickup Range: 5 to 100 Vac - Pickup Increment: 1 Vac - Activation Delay Range: 0 to 30 s, Activation Delay Increment: 0.1 s —Overcurrent (51): Level 2 and 3 onlv— - Pickup Range: 0.18 to 1.18 Aac (1 A current sensing), 0.9 to 7.75 Aac (5 A current sensing) - Time Dial Range: 0 to 30 s (fixed time curve), 0 to 9.9 (inverse curve time multiplier) - Inverse Time Curves: 17 selectable Time Overcurrent Characteristic Curves // Page 7 of 13 DGC-2020 DIGITAL CONTROLLER I—11—7 IT^LJ energy SPECIFICATIONS, continued: Environmental: • • Temperature: Operating: -40 °C to 70 °C (-40 °F to 158°F), Storage: -40 °C to 85 °C (-40 °F to 185 °F) • Humidity: lEC 68-2-38 • Salt Fog: ASTM B 17-73, lEC 68-2-11 (tested while operational) • Ingress Protection: lEC IP54 for front panel • Shock: 15 G in 3 perpendicular planes • Vibration: 5 to 29 to 5 Hz: 1.5 G peak for 5 min. 29 to 52 to 29 Hz: 0.036" DECS-A for 2.5 min. 52 to 500 to 52 Hz: 5 G peak for 7.5 min. Swept over the above ranges for 12 sweeps in each of three mutually perpendicular planes with each 15-minute sweep. Agency Approvals: • UL/CSA Approvals: "cURus" approved to UL 508 R and CSA C22.2 No. 14 • NFPA Compliance: Complies with NFPA Standard 110, Standard for Emergency and Standby Power CE Compliance: This product complies with the requirements of the following EC Directives: • Low Voltage Directive (LVD) - 73/23/EEC as amended by 93/68/EEC • Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - 89/336/EEC as amended by 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC • EN 50178:1997- Electronic Equipment for use in Power Installations • EN 61000-6-4:2001- Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Generic Standards, Emission Standard for Industrial Environments • EN 61000-6-2:2001 - Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Generic Standards, Immunity for Industrial Environments //Page 8 of 13 DGC-2020 DIGITAL CONTROLLER I—11—7 Jmtuj[__Ji energg ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS - Levels 2 and 3 The DGC-2020 has been designed to provide maximum functionality at a minimum price. Buy only what is needed. We have selected options to help maximize the value provided by the DGC-2020. Battery Backup for Real Time Clock - All Levels A ten-year (typical life) lithium battery is used to provide long-term maintenance of the real time clock setting. This battery is serviceable by removing the rear cover. The settings, programming, and event records are saved in nonvolatile memory and do not require battery backup. Internal Dial-Out Modem - Levels 2 and 3 The DGC-2020 can provide long distance communications by including an internal modem.There are two modems available, one for U.S. and one for European telephone systems. When a modem is selected, the user can access the DGC-2020 from virtually anywhere via a telephone line. The user can control and monitor the genset as if standing right next to it. The DGC-2020 can also dial out for pre-programmed circumstances to alert the user of selected conditions. Additional Generator Protection—Levels 2 and 3 In addition to the standard generator protection (27, 32, 40Q, 59, 810, 81U), the DGC-2020 also can be equipped with a more sophisticated generator protection system. This option provides an overcurrent element (51) with 17 selectable time current characteristic curves and a voltage phase balance protection function (47). Breaker Management - Level 3 only The DGC-2020 is capable of controlling the generator breaker and the mains breaker. The status of the breakers is determined by using BESTCOMSPIus Programmable Logic to setup the GENBRK and MAINSBRK logic blocks. These logic blocks have outputs that can be configured to energize an output contact and control a breaker as well as inputs for breaker control and status. The DGC-2020 will attempt to close a breaker only after verifying that it can be closed. If the breaker cannot be closed, the close request will be ignored. Only one breaker can be closed at a time. Synchronization is required before closing the breaker to a live bus. Closure to a dead bus can be performed after meeting dead bus threshold and timing requirements set by the user. Auto-Synehronizer—Level 3 only— When the DGC-2020 is configured with this option, the user can select between two types of autosynchronizers, phase lock or anticipatory style. In both nnethods, the DGC-2020 adjusts generator frequency and voltage to match that of the bus (mains) via contact outputs, then connects the generator to the bus by closing the connecting breaker. When the control mode is set to Power Factor (PF) or kVar, the setpoint can be derived either from a user setting or from an analog input. Multigen Management - Level 3 only Enabling sequencing on a networked group of load share units allows these units to manage load by starting and stopping appropriate units based on a factor of load demand and available capacity. The mode of operation is used to determine the order in which each generator in a group will contribute to the systems power production upon a demand start/stop request. Modes of operation include: • Staggered service time • . Balanced service time Largest size first • Smallest size first • Smallest unit ID //Page 9 of 13 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS im) TB4 120-• (9) TB4 9 ^ i; .•^[T^ r (1} TB4 I DWG. |: 800-226 SILL OF MATERIAL ITiU OTY PIN 1 DESCRIPTION 1 1 J2160 IBOXJUNCWH ElECTR£Al WITH COVER 6' X6' .•,4' NO KNOCKOUTS 2 1 9!el |S»SITCH E STO? MAWTAINEO laUMINATEDiLESS BUIBI IHC INO RED LEGEND RTO 3 3 33S73 liEKMINU BIOCX >3«, MJXST 2 WUATIRO 4 1 95327 nt.WIN/lL BLOCK ENDC»? S 2 935S6 jTE?MIN*Lei.OCKENDa.=!«CKET 0 3 335T1 |K.=MINAL BLOCK MARKERS BUNK 5 IIM ? 2 r.ili INUTLOCKKEPSMMO 3NC 3 2 9S633 jsCfiPA' MAC-aE PAN HEAD PHiyPS MM E M (MM 9 1 M FSSiSijASi' .RAIL MOUNTlNu 00) ~J.m X ? 3MM \5 K" j HOT SHOWN 1 9:339 1BUL3 2-'V0C. f0.=! E-SlOP [LLUMIMWON (NOT SHOWN) UOTSHOWN mm ICONXECTOS WIRE LUG SPACE ;;-1HWQ INSULATED |RA2213) HOT SHOWN 3FT ailcO |\*^iE20AWG iOSCEGOWHITE 6C»VUL1015VIWLLEAOWIRE HOLE FOR EUOJGENCT STOP BUHON TERMINALS OFFKT TO RIGHT TO AVOID CONTACT WIH EUERCENCT STOP TERMINALS NOIE LENGTH OF WIRE SHOULD ALLOW FOR COVER TO BE REMOVED AND SPUN laO- AND HUNG ON COVER SCREWS a 031 25 REMOVE BLUE TERMINALS, AOO PHOENIX CONTACTS CORRECI BOM 09-14-12 DAW REV B» REMSXM OEStWIIW OHE BT B nwMBL • icn M nsa. B mren or M iMunanB vm/ntoBttaammmmanmiimmmim MnoKjn MiMo ran CBSOB OK ltr tarn uJmimm mam. HMDWLSEEBOM DME 7-12-10 DRNIN GW: DJG PACT NO: SA150340 SHEER DESCRIPnON: REMOTE-E-STOP DGC2020-PANEL 24-VOLT 800-226 PowerPact™[R3/ and L-Frame Circuit Breakers Catalog 0611CT1001 R11/12 2012 Class 0611 11 SQUARE D by Schneider Electnc PowerPact™ H-, J-, and L-Frame Circuit Breakers Catalog Numbering Section 1—Catalog Numbering PowerPact™ with IVIicrologic™ Circuit Breakers The PowerPacf H-| J-, and L-frame circuit breakers are designed to protect electncal systems from damage caused by overloads and short circuits. H- and J-frame circuit breakers are available with either thermal-magnetic or Micrologic electronic trip units. L-frame circuit breakers are available with Micrologic electronic tnp unit. Direct Access to Energy IVIanagement The new generation PowerPact with Micrologic circuit breakers set the standard with direct access to energy management Integrated metenng enhances their protective functions For the first time, Schneider Electnc™ users can monitor energy from 15 A to 3000 A, offering new performance in a remarkably compact device. • Smart - A meter in every breaker • Safe - Combines safety and performance in one compact device • Simple - To select, install, and use o Increased energy availability Safety and Protection Energy measurement and control © 2011-2012 Schneider Electnc All Rights Reserved SQUARE • by Schneider EUctric 11/2012 PowerPact™ H-, J- Catalog Numbering and L-Frame Circuit Breathers Catalog Numbering - J L L 3 6 250 W Frame |H H-Frame] J J-l-rame L L-Frame Brand _ Square D N Schneider Electric Poles 2 2P 13 3P| 4 4P Terminations L Lugs Line/Load Side M Lugs Line Side P Lugs Load Side F Bus Bar A l-Line S Rear Connected N Plug-in D Drawout K Reverse l-Line Amperage 050 50A 100 100 A 150 150 A 250 250 A 400 400 A 600 600 A 000 Switch or Frame only -Voltage I 6 600 Vac I 4 48U Vac • Performance Level (kA) (See Table 1) Mission Critical ' (J- and L-frame with D, G, J, and L interrupting ratings) Table 1: Interrupting Rating Accessory Suffix Code (See Table 2) ———^—— l-Line Phasing > Trip Unit Micrologic Electronic Trip Units — ABC (3P) 6 CBA(3P) AB (2P) AC (2P) BA (2P) BC (2P) CA (2P) CB (2P) U31X Ll standard Protection U33X LSI standard Protection U43X LSI plus Ammeter U44X LSIG plus Ammeter U53X LSI plus Energy Management U54X LSIG plus Energy Management M37X Magnetic Only (L-Frame Only) M38X Motor Protector Circuit Breaker S40X 400 A Molded Case Switch (L-Frame Automatic Switch) S60X 600 A Molded Case Switch (L-Frame Automatic Switch) F40 400 A L-Frame Only (No Tnp Unit) F60 600 A L-Frame Only (No Tnp Unit) Thermal-Magnetic Trip Units — Standard Fixed Tnp Unit (Suitable for reverse connection) F06 60 A H-Frame Only (No tnp unit) F15 150 A H-Frame Only (No tnp unit) F25 250 A J-Frame Only (No tnp unit) T Complete Circuit Breaker (Frame + removable tnp unit) S15 150 A Molded Case Switch (H-Frame automatic switch) SI 7 175 A Molded Case Switch (J-Frame automatic switch) S25 250 A Molded Case Switch (J-Frame automatic switch) C 100% Rated Continuous Current Ratingi M71 30 A H-Frame Motor Circuit Protector (MCP) M72 50 A H-Frame Motor Circuit Protector (MCP) M73 100 A H-Frame Motor Circuit Protector (MCP) M74 150 A H-Frame Motor Circuit Protector (MCP) M75 250 A J-Frame Motor Circuit Protector (MCP) D81 500 Vdc 150-175 A J-Frame Molded Case Circuit Breaker D82 500 Vdc 200-250 A J-Frame Molded Case Circuit Breaker R 100% Rated Continuous Current Rating Complete Circuit Breaker (Frame + removable tnp unit) 1 100% ratings valid for 3P H/J frame unit mount only 3P/4P L-frame 250 A and 400 A unit mount 3P L-frame 250 A and 400 A 1-Line UL®/CSA®/NOM® lEC 647-2 Icu/lcs 240 Vac 480 Vac 600 Vac 250 Vdcl 500Vdc2 220/240 Vac 380/440/415 Vac 500/525 Vac 690 Vac 250 Vdci 500 Vdc3 D 25 kA 18 kA 14 kA 20 kA -25/25 kA 18/18 kA 14/14 kA -20 kA 20 kA G 65 kA 35 kA 18 kA 20 kA 20 kA 65/65 kA 35/35 kA 18/18 kA -20 kA 20 kA J 100 kA 65 kA 25 kA 20 kA -100/100 kA 65/65 kA 25/25 kA — 20 kA 20 kA L 125 kA 100 kA 50 kA 20 kA -125/125 kA 100/100 kA 50/50 kA -20 kA 20 kA R 200 kA 200 kA 100 kA -150 kA 125 kA 75 kA 20 kA - ' 250 Vdc ratings only available with PowerPact H or J circuit breakers with thermal-magnetic tnp units (not including MCP) 2 UL 500 Vdc ratings only available with PowerPact J circuit breakers with thermal-magnetic tnp units (not including MCP) 3 lEC 500 Vdc rating only available on PowerPact J-frame circuit beakers 11/2012 SQUARE • liy Schneider El«ctric ) 2011-2012 Schneider Electnc All Rights Reserved PowerPactH-,|J-, and L-Frame Circuit Breakers General Information Section 2—General Information The PowerPact^ H-] J-, and L-frame circuit breakers are designed to protect electrical systems from damage caused by overloads and short circuits. H- and J-frame circuit breakers are available with either thermal-magnetic or Micrologic™ electronic tnp units L-frame circuit breakers are available with Micrologic electronic tnp unit. H- and J-frame circuit breakers with thermal-magnetic tnp units contain individual thermal (overload) and instantaneous (short circuit) sensing elements in each pole. The amperage ratings ofthe thermal tnp elements are calibrated at 104°F (40°C) free air ambient temperature Per the National Electnc Code® (NEC®) and the Canadian Electncal Code, standard circuit breakers may only be applied continuously at up to 80% of their rating. Circuit breakers rated for 100% operation are available but require specially-designed enclosures, copper lugs, and 194''F (QO'C) rated wire. Devices with the Micrologic electronic tnp unit provide adjustable protection settings for greater system flexibility. In addition to electronic protection. Micrologic trip units allow users to monitor both energy and power Through direct access to in-depth information and networking using open protocols, PowerPact circuit breakers with Micrologic tnp units let operators optimize the management of their electrical installations. Far more than a circuit breaker, these circuit breakers are a measurement and communication tool ready to meet energy-efficiency needs through optimized power requirements, increased energy availability, and improved installation management. Applications PowerPact H-) J-, and L-frame circuit breakers offer high performance and a wide range of interchangeable tnp units to protect most applications. Electronic tnp units provide highly accurate protection with wide setting ranges and can integrate measurement, metenng and communication functions. They can be combined with the front display module (FDM121) to provide functions similar to a power meter Table 3: Applications Power Meter Operating assistance Front display module Communication Network PowerPact H-, J-, and L-frame circuit breakers equipped with Micrologic 5/6 tnp units offer type A (ammeter) or E (energy) metenng functions as well as communication capability Using (Vlicrologic tnp unit sensors and intelligence, PowerPact H-, J-, and L-frame circuit breakers provide access to measurements of all the mam electrical parameters on the built-in screen, on a dedicated front display module (FDM121) or through the communication network Integration of measurement functions provides operators with operating assistance functions including alarms tnpped by user-selected measurement values, time-stamped event tables and histones, and maintenance indicators The mam measurements can be read on the built-in screen of Micrologic 5 / 6 tnp units They can also be displayed on the equipment FDM121 along with pop-up windows signalling the mam alarms PowerPact H-, J-, and L-frame circuit breakers equipped with Micrologic 5 / 6 tnp units provide communication capabilities Simple RJ45 cables connect to a Modbus communication interface module 10 11/2012 SQUARE D by Schneider Electric © 2011-2012 Schneider Electnc All Rights Reserved PowerPact™ H-, J-, and L-Frame Circuit Brealters Circuit Breaker Mounting and Connections Table 120: Mechanical Lug Kits for H-Frame and J-Frame Circuit Breakers Circuit Brealter Application Number of Wires Per Lug and Wire Range Kit Cat. No. Qty Per Kit Standard Ampere Rating Optional Ampere Rating Number of Wires Per Lug and Wire Range Kit Cat. No. Qty Per Kit Al Lugs for Use with Al or Cu Wire HD, HG, HJ, HL 15-150 A JD,JG,JJ,JL 150-175 A (1) 14-3/0 AWG Al or Cu AL150HD 3 1 Al Lugs for Use with Al or Cu Wire JD, JG, JJ, JL JD, JG, JJ, JL 150-175 A 200-250 A JD,JG,JJ,JL 150-175 A (1) 4-4/0 AWG Al orCu (1)3/0-350 kcmil Al or Cu AL175JD AL250JD 3 3 Cu Lugs for Use with Cu Wire Only HD,HG,HJ,HL JD,JG,JJ,JL 15-150 A 150-250 A (1)14-2/0 AWG Cu (1)1/0-300 kcmil Cu CU150HD CU250JD 3 3 Control Wire Terminal for H-frame lug kit Control Wire Terminal for J-frame lug kit S37423 S37424 2 2 Table 121: Mechanical Lug Kits for L-Frame Circuit Breakers^ 600 A Lug AL600LS52K3 Circuit Breaker Application Number of Wires Per Lug and Wire Range^ Kit Cat. No. Qty Per Kit^ Tyo^f Xwmina fshieldS Ampere Rating Poles Unit •Mount l-Line Number of Wires Per Lug and Wire Range^ Kit Cat. No. Qty Per Kit^ Tyo^f Xwmina fshieldS Al\ugs for Use with JSI or Cu Wire 250 3 X X (1)2 AWG-500 kcmil Al (1)2AWG-600kcmil Cu AL400L61K3 /'3 Short Al\ugs for Use with JSI or Cu Wire 250 4 X - (1)2 AWG-500 kcmil Al (1)2AWG-600kcmil Cu AL400L61i5(l^ 4 Short Al\ugs for Use with JSI or Cu Wire 400/600 3 X — (2) 2/0 AWG~500 kcmil Al or Cu AL600I^2K3 3 Medium Al\ugs for Use with JSI or Cu Wire 400/600 4 X — (2) 2/0 AWG~500 kcmil Al or Cu AL§|I((LS52K4 4 Medium Al\ugs for Use with JSI or Cu Wire 400/600 3 X X (2) 3/0 AWG-500 kcmil Al or Cu /l£600LF52K3 3 Short Cu Lugs for Use with Cu Wire Only 250/400 3 X X (1) 2 AWG-500 kcmil Al / (1)2 AWG-600 kcmil Cu/ CU400L61K3 3 Short Cu Lugs for Use with Cu Wire Only 250/400 4 X — (1) 2 AWG-500 kcmil Al / (1)2 AWG-600 kcmil Cu/ CU400L61K4 4 Short Cu Lugs for Use with Cu Wire Only 400)8<X) 3 X (1)2/0 AWG-500 kj/il Al or Cu CU600LS52K3 3 Medium Cu Lugs for Use with Cu Wire Only 400)8<X) 4 X (1)2/0 AWG-500 kj/il Al or Cu CU600LS52K4 4 Medium Cu Lugs for Use with Cu Wire Only 400/600 \ 3 X X (1)3/0 KNG-^0 kcmil Al or Cu CU600LF52K3 3 Short 1 For lug pack information, see Fi^e 31 on page 161 2 For control wire installation, use an 8^ x 1/4 in screw (not prov;^d) into tapped control wire hole in lower left hand corner of lug 3 For terminal shield dimensions, see Fighre 31 on page 161 Voltage Takeoff (Control Terminal Nuts rerminals) for Mechanical Lugs and Mechanical Lug Control Wire Terminal Busbar Control Wire Terminal Powerpact H- and J-Frame medj^ical lugs may be equipped with a separate control wire termination. The kit is available factory instiled or as a field instcHlable kit The adaptor is secured underneath the lug and has a tab extensioji^uitable for attachment ofasD.250 inch slip-on connector All L-frame mechanicaKugs are pre-tapped for control wirebv For control wire installation, use an 8-32 X 1/4 in. screw (not^ovided) into tapped control wire hole in Ibwer left hand corner of the lug. Fully insulated^pe connectors must be used to prevent live parts i area. Table \i2: Control Wire Terminals am extending into the wmng gutter De;0criptlon Frame Cat. No. Qty PeKKit /Mechanical Lugs Nv Control Wire Termmal for H-Frame Lugs HD/HG/HJ/HL S37423 2 ^ Control Wire Terminal for J-Frame Lugs JD/JG/JJ/JL S37424 2 Busbar Connection Control Wire Terminal for H-Frame Terminal Nut HD/HG/HJ/HL S37429 2 Control Wire Temninal for J-Frame Temiinal Nut JD/JG/JJ/JL S37430 2 Control Tap takeoff L-Frame 29348 2 11/2012 SC3UARE O by Schneider Elaccric © 2011-2012 Schneider Electnc All Rights Reserved PowerPact™ H-,|J-, and L-Frame Circuit Breakers Dimensions Figure 11: 15-150 A Lug-Lug PowerPact H-Frame 3P Circuit Breaker 0 20 [5.1] (MOUNTING HOLE) Trip Unit Dim "A" Dim "B" Thermal-Magnetic •1 20 3 44 and MCP 130,5] 187.41 Micrologic -I 13 3 49 Electronic Trip .[28.S] 188,6] ISOMETRIC VIEW SCALE 1 2 SEE DETAIL A - 43 110.8 —I 1 06 UTin Dimensions Figui 15-150 A Rear Connected PowerPact H-Frame 3P Circuit Breaker 20 15.11 (MOUNTING HOLE) -138 [35.01 252 183.9] Trip Unit Dim "A" Dim "B" Thermal-Magnetic 1 70 * 3 44 ' ^and MCP [43,2] [87,4] ^ Mkralogic 1 63 34»^ ElectiSqic Tnp i„[^J,-5],., r«J 151 © 2011-2012 Schneider Electnc All Rights Reserved m SC3UARE O 11/2012 by Schneider Elactric PowerPact™ H-, J-, and L-Frame Circuit Breakers Trip Curves Figure 57: H-Frame 40-60 A HD, HG, HJ, and HL) Thermal-Magnetic Trip MULTIPLES OF RATED CURRENT HD, HG, HJ, HL MOLDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERS CHARACTERISTIC TRIP CURVE NO. 50-2 MULTIPLES OF RATED CURRENT 60 I45I 50 40 1 1 iiiii EZ-aup- Jurw20O4 OiawingNo 4S09S-D50-0Z 173 © 2011-2012 Schneider Electnc All Rights Reserved SQUARE D l]y Schneider Elaccric 11/2012 COMMERCIAL BATTERY DATA SHEET energg Extra ruggedness and resistance to vibration, heat, chemicals and physical abuse are built into every commercial battery that IVITU Onsite Energy provides with their generator sets. The battery design features the latest in power storage technology as well as incorporates proven designs developed with the most experience in the business. PRODUCT FEATURES • Case Design: Tough, high-impact reinforced polypropylene case is heat sealed under extreme pressure to withstand heavy commercial service usage. This helps to prevent electrolyte leakage, improves reliability and reduces breakage. • Internal Design: Full-frame power path grids avoid sharp wires protruding through separators and directs the power straight to the lug for low resistance and higher cranking amps. • Terminals: Standard terminals are solidly built preventing porosity, corrosion, black post and harmful acid leaks. • Power Densitv: Extra heavy-duty batteries deliver more cranking amps per pound. • IViaintenance: The battery uses pure de-mineralized electrolytes for reduced water loss, reduced gassing, longer battery life and low maintenance. • Reliability: Narrow ribs reduce separator corrosion to protect against shorts while deep-pocket envelopes dramatically improve reliability and extend service life. • Quality: Over 250 quality control checks, combined with computer-aided design technology, provide a tough, durable battery in each commercial battery that MTU Onsite Energy provides with their generator sets. Overall Dimension BCI Group Size Terminal Type MTU Part Number Volt Cranking Performance Reserve Capacity Lengtli Width Height Weight (Wet) BCI Group Size Terminal Type MTU Part Number Volt CCA (Cold Cranking Amps) 0OF/-18»C Reserve Capacity in mm in mm in mm Ibs kg 31 Post 120299 12 950 170 13 330 6.75 171 95 241 56 5 25.7 4D Post 102493 12 1,050 290 20.75 527 8.5 216 10.125 258 99 5 45.2 8D Post 102492 ' 12 1,400 ~ 430 20.75 527 11 279 10 254 130 5 59.3 // Tognum Group Companies Europe / Middle East / Africa / MTU Onsite Energy / 88040 Fnednchshafen / Germany / Phone + 49 7541 90 7060 / Fax +49 7541 90 7084 / powergenregion1@mtu-online com // Asia / Australia / Pacific / MTU Onsite Energy / 1, Benoi Place / Singapore 629923 / Republic of Singapore / Phone + 66 6861 5922 / Fax + 65 6861 3615 / powergenregion2@mtu-online com // USA / Canada / Latin America / Mexico / MTU Onsite Energy Corporation / 100 Power Drive / Mankato, Minnesota 56001 / USA / Phone + 1 507 625 7973 / Fax + 1 507 625 2968 / powergenregion3@mtu-online.com NRG Intelligent Engine Start Battery Charger The Smart Choice for Mission-Critical Engine Starting: • Fast, accurate, mission-critical charging gives best starting reliability •~ 4-rate, temperature-compensated output offers longest battery life • Replace nearly any charger without planning ahead • Industry-first battery-fault alarm helps dispatch service early • Lasting reliability - field MTBF > 1 million hours with industry-best warranty • IBC seismic certification meets latest building codes, no installation li energg BENEFITS AND FEATURES Failure to start due to battery problems is the leading cause of inoperable engine generator sets. MTU Onsite Energy NRG battery charger maximizes starting system reliability while slashing genset servicing costs: • One NRG replaces almost any charger without extra site visits. Installers can select or change at any time 120, 208 or 240 volts AC input, 12 or 24-volt battery and output settings optimized for nearly any lead-acid or nickel cadmium battery. • Easy to understand user interface provides state-of-the-art system status including digital metering, NFPA 110 alarms and a battery fault alarm that can send service personnel to the site before failure to start. • Batteries charged by NRG give higher performance and last longer. In uncontrolled environments, precision charging by MTU Onsite Energy increases battery life and watering intervals 400% or more. • NRG meets all relevant industry standards-including UL, NFPA 110 and CE. Seismic Certification per International Building Code (IBC) 2000, 2003, 2006. All units are C-UL listed. 50/60 Hz units add CE marking to UL agency marks. NRG reliability technology built into every charger includes: All-electronic operation with generous component de-rating Disconnected/reversed/incorrect voltage battery alarm and protection Protection of connected equipment against load dump transients Widest temperature rating and overtemperature protection Superior lightning and voltage transient protection Demonstrated field MTBF > 1 million hours Standard 3-year warranty (10 years magnetics and power semiconductors) and available 10-year complete warranty with reimbursement of field service costs // Page 1 of 6 NRG Intelligent Engine Start Battery Charger energg SPECIFICATIONS AC Input Voltage Input current Frequency Input protection 110-120/208-240 VAC, +10%, single phase, field selectable 10A charger: 6.6/3.3 amps maximum 20A charger: 12.6/6.3 amps maximum 60 Hz +5% standard; 50/60 Hz ±5% optional 1-pole fuse, soft-start, transient suppression Charger Output Nominal voltage ratings Optional voltage rating Battery settings Regulation Current Electronic current limit Charge characteristic Temperature compensation Output protection 12 or 24 volt nominal 12/24 volt, field selectable Six discrete battery voltage programs - Low or high S.G. flooded - Low or high S.G. VRLA - Nickel cadmium 9, 10, 18, 19 or 20 cells ±0.5% (1/2%) line and load regulation 10 or 20 amps nominal 105% rated output typical-no crank disconnect required Constant voltage, current limited, 4-rate automatic equalization Enable or disable anytime, remote sensor optional Current limit, 1-pole fuse, transient suppression Fast volt hmit Float volt limit 01 OD 4-* ITJ 03 Current limit- Charger in "fast charge mode" \ I Transition from current limit to fast chaige voltage limit attery current acceptance Constant current chaige / Transition from fast charge voltage to float voltage Charger In "float mode" 1 High-rate Finishing taper charge charge AAaintaining charge // Page 2 of 6 NRG Intelligent Engine Start Battery Charger rnrnansite InaslLJ energy User Interface, Indication and Alarms Digital meter Accuracy Alarms Automatic meter alternately displays output volts, amps' ±2% volts, ±5% amp LED and Form C contact(s) per table: Alarm code"1"^ Alarm Code X" (meets requirements of NFPA 110) AC good ., ,.LED , ,. ' ,^ LED Float mode , - „ LED ; \ .; ( /(.... '. ,LEP\ , . Fast phat^ge • LED' ' i , . LED .. Ternp comp actiye, / ."LED " 'i>," -LED • , AC fail •', ./LED' : : 1 LED aiid Form C contact , Low battery volts t LED.and Form C contact High battery yolts f ,, LED and Form C contact Charger fail LED' ~ ; LED and Form C contact BatteryFault^ : ; LED'' ' r LED and Form C contact Front panel status display 1 Three-position jumper allow/s user to select from ttiree display settings- alternating volts / amps (normal), constant volts, or constant amps 2 Alarms "1" available only on lOActiarger 3 Battery fault alarm indicates these fault conditions - Battery disconnected - Battery polarity reversed - Mismatched charger battery voltage - Open or high resistance charger to battery connection - Open battery cell or excessive internal resistance 4 Form C contact provides summary alarm of these conditions BBHH chargers include this alarm configuration Contacts rated 2A @ 30 VDC resistive Controls AC input voltage select Optional 12/24-volt output select Battery program select Meter display select Fast charger enable/disable Temp compensation enable Remote temp comp enable Environmental Operating temperature Over temperature protection Humidity Vibration (10A unit) Transient immunity Seismic Certification Field-selectable switch Field-selectable two-position jumper Field-selectable six-position jumper Field-selectable three-position jumper Field-selectable two-position jumper Standard. Can be disabled or re-enabled in the field Connect optional remote sensor to temp comp port Simple field adjustments -20 °C to +60 °C, meets full specification to +45 °C Gradual current reduction to maintain safe power device temperature 5% to 95%, non-condensing UL 991 Class B (2G sinusoidal) ANSI/IEEE C62.41, Cat. B, EN50082-2 heavy industrial, EN 61000-6-2 IBC 2000, 2003, 2006 Maximum Sds of 2.28 g // Page 3 of 6 NRG Intelligent Engine Start Battery Charger energg Agency Standards Safety Agency marking EMC NFPA standards Optional agency compliance Construction Housing/configuration Packaging Dimensions Printed circuit card Cooling Protection degree Damage prevention Electrical connections Warranty Standard warranty Optional warranty Optional features Input Remote temp comp sensor Drip shield meets s/b (IP21) NEMA 3R housing UL BBHH listing Field service warranty C-UL listed to UL 1236 (required for UL 2200 gensets), CSA standard 22.2 no. 107.2-M89 CE: 50/60 Hz units DOC to EN 60335 60 Hz: C-UL-US listed 50/60 Hz: C-UL-US listed plus CE marked Emissions: FCC Part 15, Class B; EN 50081-2 Immunity: EN 61000-6-2 NFPA 70, NFPA 110. (NFPA 110 requires Alarms "C") Units with Alarms "1" configuration available with additional compliance to UL category BBHH and NFPA 20 Material: Non-corroding aluminum. Configuration options: • Fully enclosed: C-UL listed enclosure • Open frame: C-UL recognized Open-frame and Slimline configurations only available in bulk OEM quantities and packaging See Drawings and Dimensions page for details Surface mount technology, conformal coated Natural convection Listed housing: NEMA-1 (IP20). Optional IP21 drip shield. Optional NEMA 3R enclosure Fully recessed display and controls Compression terminal blocks Three year parts and labor warranty (10 years magnetics and power semiconductors) from date of shipment If specified at time of order, warranty coverage can be increased to reimburse customer's documented field service costs up to the original charger price or increased to 5 or 10 years with field service cost reimbursement. Contact the factory for full details. Input frequency, 50/60 Hz Recommended where battery and charger are in different locations Protects from dripping water Enables outdoor installation (remote temp sensor recommended) Available in 10A units with Alarms "1" Reimbursement of customer field service expenses up to charger price for 3, 5, or 10 years // Page 4 ot 6 NRG Intelligent Engine Start Battery Charger energg DIAGRAMS AND DIMENSIONS 10A Chargers 12 50" (318 mm) •~-650" (165 mm)- 765" — . (195 mm) 20A Chargers Housing Dimensions Table Amps Width Depth Height 10 . 7.66" (195 mm) ^ 6.50" (165 mm) ' 12.50" (318 mm) 20 13 95" (354 mm) 6.83" (173 mm) 13.06" (332 mm) // Page 5 of 6 NRG Intelligent Engine Start Battery Charger energg NRG Ordering Information Output volts Output amps Model Available Configurations NFPA 110 Alarms Lbs/Kg ,12/24 10. „ 83187 Enclosed. Yes , 24/10.9 12/24 20 . 90170 Enclosed, Open-frame Yes 42/19.1 12/24 10 .89983 Enclosed : Yes 24/10.9 All models offer field-selectable input 120/208-240 volts 60 Hz input is standard with C-UL listing Optional 50/60 Hz input includes C-UL listing and adds CE mark US USTED o 3 // Page 6 of 6 // Tognum Group Companies Europe / Middle East / Africa / MTU Onsite Energy / 88040 Fnednchshafen / Germany / Phone + 49 7541 90 7060 / Fax +49 7541 90 7084 / powergenregion1@mtu-online com // Asia / Australia / Pacific / MTU Onsite Energy / 1, Benoi Place / Singapore 629923 / Republic of Singapore / Phone + 65 6861 5922 / Fax + 65 6861 3615 / powergenregion2@mtu-online com // USA / Canada / Latin Annerica / Mexico / MTU Onsite Energy Corporation / 100 Power Drive / Mankato, Minnesota 56001 / USA / Phone + 1 507 625 7973 / Fax + 1 507 625 2968 / powergenregion3@mtu-online com WATER HEATER DATA SHEET TPS SERIES r-jr-1 nn Site InnHjLJ energg The TPS engine preheater is designed to preheat diesel and gas engines in generator set applications. Simple to install and very lightweight, the TPS engine preheater features a built-in thermostat and heats engines up to 12 liter displacement. Thermosiphon circulation of the coolant delivers heat throughout the entire engine. OUTLET CERTIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS • C-UL-US Listed • CSA Certified SPECIFICATIONS Height: Width: Weight: Heating Fluid: Power: Rated Voltage: Tank Material: Heating Element: Enclosure: Fluid Capacity: Max Pressure: Inlet / Outlet: Thermostat Range: On Off 200 mm (7.9 in) 117 mm (4.6 in) 771 g (1.7 Ib) Engine coolant (50% glycol/50% water) 0.5, 1, 1.5, 1.8 and 2 kW 1 Phase - 120 and 240 VAC Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) Incoloy 800 IP41 416 cm^ (0.11 gal) 6.2 bar (90 psi) 15.9 mm (0.625 in) 38 °C(100 °F) 49 °C(120 °F) Model Number MTU Part Number Watts Volts Phase Hz Amps TPS101GT10-000 52746 1,000 120 1 60 8.4 TPS 151GT10-000 52748 1,500 120 1 60 12.5 TPS 181GT10-000 52750 1,800 120 1 60 15 // Tognum Group Companies. Europe / Middle East / Africa / MTU Onsite Energy / 88040 Fnednchshafen / Germany / Phone + 49 7541 90 7060 / Fax +-49 7541 90 7084 / powergenregion1@mtu-online com // Asia / Australia / Pacific / MTU Onsite Energy / 1, Benoi Place / Singapore 629923 / Republic of Singapore / Phone + 65 6861 5922 / Fax + 65 6861 3615 / powergenregion2@mtu-online com // USA / Canada / Latin America / Mexico / MTU Onsite Energy Corporation / 100 Power Drive / Mankato, Minnesota 56001 / USA / Phone + 1 507 625 7973 / Fax + 1 507 625 2968 / powergenregion3@mtuHDnline com / www mtuonsiteenergy com Engine Exhaust Silencers JM EM PRODUCTS™ PHILLIPS & TEMRO INDUSTRIES Model JC Series Critical Grade standard Silencer Application Heavy-cJuty critical grade series silencer Designed for heavy duty stationary, marine systems and mobile power units JC Series silencers provide a high degree of silencing where the ambient noise level is very low and a high quality silencer is re- quired Standard Construction Features Aluminized steel standard for silencers up to 26 inch body diameter Silencers larger than 28 inch body diameter standard carbon steel All welded steel construction Can be mounted vertically or horizontally Standard high temperature (1200° F.) satin black finish Drains standard item Standard npt inlet and discharge connections on sizes 2 inch to 3.5 inch Standard 125/150# ASA drilled plate flanges on inlet and discharge of silencers 4 inch and larger Multi-chamber design REPRESENTATIVE ATTENUATION CURVE FOR "JC" SERIES SILENCER 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY (Hz) 8000 Optional Construction Features and Accessories Stainless steel and aluminum construction Special inlet and outlet connections Special inlet and outlet locations Special finishes available Vertical mounting legs Horizontal mounting saddles Mounting bands Horizontal and vertical shell legs Special acoustical designs Internal and external shell lagging Inspection openings Air leak tests ASME code construction Complete line of engine exhaust accessories Engine Exhaust Silencer & Accessories: 1 Silencer 5. Mitered Exhaust 2 Flex Connector 6. Elbows 3 Mounting Band 7 Flange / Gasket EM Products™* 5380 Cottonwood Lane • Pnor Lake, MN 55372 • (612) 440-9200 • Fax: (612) 440-3400 IS EM PRODUCTS™ PHILLIPS & TEMRO INDUSTRIES Engine Exhaust Silencers Model JC Series - Critical Grade Average Attenuation Curve: 25 - 34 dBA End Inlet/End Outlet D- 1 1/2 inch to 3 1/2 inch stan- dard with male NPT con- nections; 4 inch and larger standard with 125/150# ANSI drilled plate flange connections. Side Inlet/End Outlet C -F ^ End Inlet/End Outlet Side Inlet/End Outlet Model No. Part No. ; A ' B D ?: WT Model No. Part No. ;B C E ' "F " WT JCE-15 100070 1.5 • 6 .30 ' 10 JCS-15 200380 1.5 ; 6 27.75 :5.25 10 JCE-02 100071 :; 2 6 ,42 29 . JCS-02 200381 2 6 39.75 ;5.5 7.25 29 JCE-25 100072 • 2.5 8 42 ^38 JCS-25 200382 2.5 • 8 39.88 6.5 17.38 ,' 38 JCE-03 100073 3 . 8 43 • 43 , JCS-03 200383 3 *8 40.62 , 7 ?7.38 < 43 JCE-35 100074 3.5 10 * 55 f 72 . JCS-35 200384 ,3.5 10 < "53.0 • 8 ,9.25 72 JCE-04 100075 ' 4 ' 56 72 JCS-04 200385 4 'io ,53.5 ;8.5 ;9.25 72 JCE-05 100076 5 • 12 68 :. 81 JCS-05 200386 5 12 65.62 ,10 ,12,25 ^ 81 JCE-06 100077 ' 6 ' •: 12 ,.68 ^84 JCS-06 200387 6 J2 65.62 ,10 ; 84 JCE-08 '100078 8 18 i 92 ';249 ; JCS-08 200388 8 18 90.50 . 13 •16.5 '-249 JCE-10 100079 I)' : 22 ,J08 ..^370 . JCS-10 200389 10 ,22 .105.0 ..-15 120-0 ,370 JCE-12 ,100080 ; 12 26 '120 '506 JCS-12 200390 12 ,.'26 117.5 ,'17 ^21.5 506 JCE-14 100081 14 30 ''132 , JCS-14 200391 14 .30 .130.0 19 '23.0 743 JCE-16 100082 , 16 ; 36 '160 ,1050 JCS-16 200392 ' 16 ;,36 157.0 ,22 I29.O .1050 >.,, JCE-18 100083 :' •'8 • 42 J74 ,;.1750 ; JCS-18 200393 . 18 y , , ,42 171.5 ;'25 ^33.0 1750 JCE-20 ,100084 ;2o 48 ,:203 ;2550 JCS-20 200467 20 ,'48 '199.0 •27 ;36.0 ,2550 • Larger sizes available upon request. Dimensions in incties, weights in pounds. Dimensions and weights are nominal and may vary slightly with production models. Re- quest certified drawings for exact dimensions. EM Products^" • 5380 Cottonwood Lane • Pnor Lake, MN 55372 • (612) 440-9200 • Fax: (612) 440-3400 Sub-Base Fuel Systems UL 142 Listed © DESCRIPTION MTU Onsite Energy's sub-base fuel tanks are manufactured and listed per UL142 standards for steel above-ground tanks. UL142 assures that our tanks meet the structural and mechanical integrity requirements for mounting engine-generator sets directly on top, providing our customers with a safe and efficient fuel storage system. These tanks are intended for above-ground storage of non- corrosive, stable flammable and combustible liquids that have a specific gravity not exceeding that of water and are in accordance with the Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, NFPA 30; the Standard for Installation of Oil Burning Equipment, NFPA 31; and the Automotive and Marine Service Station Code, NFPA 30A. © STANDARD FEATURES • Fuel supply standard (size may vary with engine-generator set model), fuel return, normal vent, emergency vent, manual fill, optional level alarm (plugged), level gauge, basin drain (plugged; tank drain if single wall or double wall), removable supply dip tube standard (size may vary with engine-generator set model), leak detection option (plugged), low level option (plugged). • Electrical stub-up area: Provides space for generator set electrical connections. Removable end channel available, when stub-up selected. • Baffle: Separates cold engine supply fuel from hot returning fuel. • Fuel level gauge: A direct-reading fuel level gauge. © OPTIONAL FEATURES • Electrical stub-up openings are available to provide internal generator set wiring capabilities through the base skid • High and low fuel level and rupture basin alarms • Full pumping applications create a true day tank option list for additional electrical options Sub-Base_Fuel_Systems_Spec_09-2010 11 00 DWG*. 105-1388 NOTES: 1 MATERIAL 14 GA CRS 2 ENCLOSURE MUST BE WATER TIGHT FOR SPILL CONTAINMENT 3 "FINISH PAINT GLOSS BLACK'* •11 00 -PIANO HINGE 10 08 HINGED COVER W/LOCKING HASP 0 13 DRAIN HOLE 2X DRILL PRIOR TO WELDING WELD BOX TO PIPE NIPPLE ALL AROUND OUTSIDE ONLY (CONTINIOUS WELD) X 8 PIPE NIPPLE 03 ADDED NOTE li TO FINISH PAINT GLOSS BLACK 09-06-05 MRL 02 ADDED DRAIN HOLES 06-09-00 JAK 01 MOVED HINGE TO SK 01-27-00 ECG l!CV eco RCVSION 0ESCIi11>TION OATE (//JDDk SDD/Sir/ijlvj TQt,EiMNCES Jl • •/- i» n • «/- 062 JOO . •/- 031 nUCTDWL • </- 1/S (iMiss oiHcmsc sreareo) ORAWi TO SCALE Ui oKNSoe AKC 111 noes MATERIAL SEE NOTES FINISH SEE NOTES OATE 10-28- DRAIDN BY MRL PARI NO 52594 WEICHT 5} I SHEET DESCRIPTION 5 GALLON SPILL/FILL CONTAINMENT BOX OWG J 105-1388 DWG. #:DS30D6SRA(4024TF)L0-MS-106 6 AMP BATTERY CHARGER- BATTERY RACK- 7 3/4 FUEL PRIMING PUMP FUEL INLET FUEL RETURN STUB-UP AREA SGL SPILL/FILL 02 1/2 OD EXHAUST OUTLET 37 1/4 • (ENGINE) 51 3/4 (EXHAUST)" 20 3/4 (GENERATOR) APPROX GROUND LUG LOCATION CONTROL PANEL 0 AMP BATTERY CHARGER AC CONNECTION BOX 03 UFTING HOLE (4X) 023/32 MTG HOLES (8X) 70GL DW UL & ULC LISTED SUB-BASE FUEL TANK W/ STUB-UP AREA NOTES: 1 SUB-BASE FUEL TANK INFORMATION OVERALL HEIGHT OF UNIT WILL INCREASE WITH USE OF OPTIONAL SUB-BASE FUEL TANK REFERENCE SALES CATALOG FOR TANK HEIGHT AND GALLON CAPACITY INFORMATION 2 FUEL SYSTEM CONNECTIONS (FOR UNITS WITHOUT SUB-BASE FUEL TANKS) INLET 3/8 NPT OUTLET 3/8 NPT 3 APPROX UNIT WEIGHT XXXXf LESS FUEL 4 APPROX COB LESS FUEL TANK RIGHT SIDE ENGINE THE 50 AMP MAINUNE CIRCUIT BREAKER 57 3/8 DRAWING TOIIRANCES: ±1/4' EXCEPT BAS: MTG. H0t£5: ±1/8' 12-03-12 REVISON DATE SUBMIHAL REViaON DESCRIPTION JTG INITIALS IDIJDSL E BBCV OamaOR nOBMS JU. <F DB BMMG. GEN-SET INFORMATION ENGINE: 4024TF281 GENERATOR: 283 RADIATOR: 73808(SRF4024) RADIATOR AMBIENT: 500 WJCT Fl/NGE: 95407 CONTROL PANEL-DGC-2020 BASE: 95825 ENCLOSURE: NA Bf&tfBt 50 AMP TANK: 108-3185 MUFHER: 2 1/2 SP TRAILER: NA ISOLATORS: PADS SAVER DIMENSIONAL LAYOUT DRAWN TO SCALE ML DMENSXMS ARE IN INCHES DATE: 12-03-12 MODEL DS30D6SRA DRAWN BY: JTG OWG. #:DS30D6SRA(4024TF)L0-MS-106 i^r~ii energg MTG Series Low-Voltage Automatic Transfer Switches OD*—|«|-dH«l—•© S1 OK •1 WN to *pR acts HE TESI 7 2 3 4 MTU Onsite Energy MTG Series switches are built for standard applications requiring the ^dependability and ease of operation found in *a power contactor switch. • Ratings 40 to 3000 amps (2, 3 or 4 poles) • UL 1008 listed at 480 VAC • CSA certified at 600 VAC (200-260 amps - 480V) • NFPA 70, 99, 101 and 110 • IEEE 446 and 241 • NEC 517, 700, 701 and 702 • NEMA ICS2-447 • UL 508 and 50 • ANSI C33.76 • ICS 6 • NEMA 250 • Equipment (Controls and Power Section) Seismic Test Qualified to: • IBC-2006 • ieee-693-2005 • Double throw, mechanically interlocked contactor mechanism • Electrically operated, mechanically held • Designed for emergency and standby applications • Available in standard MTG switches are equipped with the MX 150 microprocessor panel, which controls the operation and displays the status of the transfer switch's position, timers and available sources. As an embedded digital controller, the MX150 offers high reliability and ease of unattended operation across a range of applications. The MX 150 features include: • Timer and voltage/frequency settings adjustable without disconnection from the power section • Built-in diagnostics with an LCD display for immediate troubleshooting • LED/LCD indicators for ease of viewing and long life • Nonvolatile memory-clock battery backup not required for standard switch operation • Processor and digital circuitry isolated from line voltage • Inputs optoisolated for high electrical immunity to transients and noise • Communications network interface (MTG) or delayed transition (MTGD) models Fully Approved • UL and CSA listed • NFPA 70, 99 101 and 110 • IEEE 446 and 241 • NEC 517, 700, 701 and 702 • NEMA ICS 2-447 • UL 508 and 50 • ANSI C33 76 • ICS 6 • NEMA 250 • IBC-2006 • IEEE-693-2005 • Ringing wave immunity per IEEE 472 (ANSI C37 90A) • Conducted and Radiated Emissions per EN55022 Class B (CISPR 22) (Exceeds EN55011 & MILSTD 461 Class 3) • ESD immunity test per EN61000-4-2 Class B (Level 4) • Radiated RF, electromagnetic Weld immunity test per en61000-4-3 (ENV50140) lOv/m • Electrical fast transient / burst immunity test per EN61000-4-4 • Surge immunity test per EN61000-4-5 IEEE C62 41 (1 2 X 50MS, 0 5 & 4 kV) • Conducted immunity test per EN61000-4-6 (ENV50141) • Voltage dips and interruption immunity EN 61000-4-11 Design and Construction Features • Close differential 3 phase under-voltage sensing of Source 1 (normal) — factory standard setting 90% pickup, 80% dropout (adjustable), under-frequency sensing of Source 1 factory setting 95% pickup (adjustable) • Voltage and frequency sensing of the Source 2 (emergency)-factory standard setting 90% pickup voltage, 95% pickup frequency (adjustable) • Test switch (fast test/load/no load) to simulate Source 1 (normal) failure - automatically bypassed should the Source 2 (emergency) fail • NEMA Type 1 enclosure is standard - also available in open style or NEMA Types 3R, 4,4Xor 12 PB-1201 • Page 2 MX 150 Control Panel Standard Features (MSTDG Option Pkg.) 12 3 4 MX150 6/P A3 A4 CALIBRATE CDT E EL/P JIE K/P L Pl Q2 RSO T R2E S13 U W YEN Test Switch, Momentary Auxiliary Contact Closed when the switch is in the Source 2 position (S2) Auxiliary Contact Closed when the switch is in the Source 1 position (SI) Capabilities are available for Frequency and AB, BC, CA Phase to Phase voltage for both Sources Daily 7, 14, 28 timed exercise (CDT memory backup battery included), pushbutton/timer operation Engine Start Contact Event Log of 16 Events that track date, time, reason and action taken Adjustable under frequency sensor for S2 Voltage and Frequency Indication for SI and S2 Indicating LED Pilot Lights Ll Indicates switch m S2 position L2 Indicates switch in SI position L3 Indicates 81 source available L4 Indicates S2 source available Time Delay to Engine Start Peak Shave / Remote Load Test In-Phase Monitor, self-adjusting Time Delay on Retransfer to Normal To delay retransfer to SI (immediate retransfer on S2 failure) Under voltage sensing of S2 Microprocessor activated commit / no commit on tranfernng to 32 Time Delay for Engine Cool Down Allows engine to run unloaded after switch retransfer to S1 Time Delay on Transfer to Emergency To delay transfer to S2 after availability Pushbutton Bypass of T & W Timers WherTSpecified for use with a MTGD Senes delayed transition switch, the contiB includes the foil DT DW LN/P Time Delay fro?R'N«uLral Switch Positujn-tcTS'l on Retransfer Time Delay from Neutiat-S^itcTTPeaition to 82 Centgt=OffT5^tion/Off Delay Timing indicafli1g4^?lits Additional Standard Features (I CDP Clock Exerciser Load/No Load (Replaces CDT Exerciser Option) VI Voltage Imbalance Monitor (Three Phase) Page 3 • PB-1201 MTU Onsite Energy MTG Series Ordering Information M A 0 • MODEL/TYPE CONTROL APPLICATION PANEL M T G 0 0 0 SisfKlard (Open imoilion) M T G D 0 0 A|0 Eniel!HSwi:cn 150 UtiTiiy-Gsnemor Mkicpiocc^r titSty-Uliliry Maiuat TtansTcr Switch Types • Standard Unless otherwise noted, the standard switch with quick transferwill be supplied • Delayed Transition When ordered as the MTGD, the delayed transition switch offers time delay dunng transfer from one position to the other This is primarily for transfer of large motor or inductive loads. The operation of the delayed transition switch IS totally independent of the syn- chronism of the power sources, eliminat- ing the need for m-phase monitors or extensive motor-disconnect control wiring between the transfer switch and motor control centers Examples MTG000A00040F-ZEC01ZVC40MSTD This number string shows the correct format for a MTG Series Automatic Transfer Switch with an MX 150 microprocessor control unit. Utility - Generator, 400 amps, 4 pole, NEMA Type 1 enclosure, 120/208V 3f, 4 wire, 60 Hz system with the standard group of accessones UL 1008 Withstand and Closing Ratings Please refer to MTU Onsite Energy Publication TB-1102. • AIMPERESIZE SWITCHED POLES 0 0 4 40 arr^s jo|0|8 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 6 0 4 0 400 emps 0 6 0 [101] 1 0 0 1 6 0 [T|o|"o] 2 6 0 13 0 01 B 2 Pc'es E 3 Poles •I apoJes E Z E C Z V C ENCLOSURE TYPE OPERATIONAL VOLTAGE Type I Erwktstito A B Consult TaUe Below 12 lypo 4 Endosuro [TjT] Xffsa 4X Endosufo 0 0 120 120/240 110/220 240 208 220 139/240 120/208 127/220 127/220 480 440 440 460 480 254/440 575 347/600 575 277/480 277 266/460 460 380 240/416 220/380 220/380 240/416 380 2 wire 3 wire 3 wire 3 wire 3 wire 3 wire 4 wire 4 wire 4 wire 4 wire 3 wire 3 wire 3 wire 3 wire 2 wire 4 wire 3 wire 4 wire 2 wire 4 wire 2 wire 4 wire 3 wire 2 wire 4 wire 4 wire 4 wire 4 wire 3 wire 60 60 50 60 60 50 60 60 60 50 60 60 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 50 60 60 50 50 60 Note: Operabng voltage must be specified at bme of order. Only the most common voltages are shov«i above. ACCESSORIES M S T D I M E X E M A N 0 n«n choose ailclilioiMl Qccessorfea 6A 6AP Al AIE A3 A4 A62 ATGEW-X CTAP DS HT LCM M90 M90A M90B M91 M91A M91B MOM 0CVR-1SG 0CVR-1SS T3/W3 UMD VI None PB-1201 • Page 4 Reference Charts Testing Standards UL and CSA listed UL 1008, CSA 22.2 No. 178 Ringing wave immunity IEEE 472 (ANSI C37.90A) Conducted and radiated emissions EN55022 Class B (CISPR 22) (Exceeds EN5501I & MILSTD 461 Class 3) ESD immunity test EN61000-4-2 Class B (Level 4) Radiated RF, electromagnetic field immunity test EN61000-4-3 (ENV50140) lOv/m Electrical fast, transient/burst immunity test EN61000-4-4 Surge immunity test EN61000-4-5 IEEE C62.41 1.2 X SOps, 0.5 to 4 kV Conducted immunity test EN61000-4-6 (ENV50141) Voltage dips and interruption immunity EN61000-4-11 MTG AL/CU UL Listed Solderless Screw-Type Terminals for External Power Connections Switch Size (Amps) Normal, Emergency and Load Terminals Switch Size (Amps) Cables per Phase & Neutral Range of Wire Sizes 40 #8 to 3/0 8-85 mm^ 80 #8 to 3/0 8-85 mm^ 100 150 1 #6 to 250 MCM 13-127 mm' 200, 225 260 #6 to 350 MCM 13-177 mm' 400 #4 to 600 MCM 21-304 mm' 600 2 #2 to 600 MCM 33-304 mm' 800, 1000, 1200 4 #2 to 600 MCM 33-304 mm' 1600, 2000, 2600, 3000 8 #2 to 600 MCM 33-304 mm' ' For MTGD senes data, contact the yTU Onsite Energy factory Standard MX 150 Control Setting Ranges Control Function Range Factory Setting Source 1 Line Sensing - Under-voltage Dropout/Pickup 75-98% 85-100% 80% 90% Source 2 Line Sensing - Under-voltage Dropout/Pickup 75-98% 85-100% 80% 90% STDG Source 2 Line Sensing - Under-frequency Dropout/Pickup 88-98% 90-100% 90% 95% STDG Time Delay - Engine Start (Acc. PI) 0-10 seconds 3 seconds Time Delay - Engine Cool Down (Acc. U) 0-60 minutes 5 minutes Time Delay - Transfer to Source 2 (Acc. W) 0-5 minutes 1 second Time Delay - Retransfer to Source 1 (Acc. T) 0-60 minutes 30 minutes Time Delay - Motor Disconnect or Transfer Presignal (Acc. UMD, or T3/W3) 0-60 seconds 20 seconds Delayed Transition Time Delays (DT, DW) 0-10 minutes 5 seconds Event Exerciser (CDT) 5-60 mm.-1.7.14 or 28 days load or no load 20 mm. - 7 days no load MEXEG Programmable Event Exerciser (COP) 365 day cycle, load or no load 0 min. - 7 days no load MEXEG Voltage Imbalance (VI) 5-20% nominal; 10-30 sec. 105S Fail. 8% Restore; 30 sec ta Elevator Pre-Signal (T3/W3) 0-60 seconds 20 seconds o a. Sequential Motor Load Disconnect (A62) 0-5 minutes 20 seconds O Motor Load Disconnect (UMD) 0-60 seconds 5 seconds PB-1201 • Page 6 Dimensional and Weight Specifications Model Ampere Rating Poles NEMA 1 Weight Application Notes Model Ampere Rating Poles Height (A) Width (B) Depth (C) Ref. Figure Open Type NEMA 1 Application Notes 4({r8o] 100, 150 200 2,3 24 (61) 18 (46) 11 (28) 14(6) 69 (31) 1-6 4({r8o] 100, 150 200 4 24 (61) 18 (46) 11 (28) 20 (9) 75 (34) 1-6 225 2,3 46 (117) 24(61) 14 (36) A 59 (27) 69 (31) 1-5 225 4 46 (117) 24(61) 14 (36) A 70 (32) 75 (34) 1-5 260 2,3 46 (117) 24(61) 14 (36) A 59 (27) 114(52) 1-5 260 4 46 (117) 24(61) 14 (36) A 70 (32) 125 (57) 1-5 400 2,3 46 (117) 24(61) 14 (36) A 59 (27) 168 (76) 1-5 400 4 46 (117) 24(61) 14 (36) A 70 (32) 180 (82) 1-5 MTG 600 2,3 66(168) 24 (61) 19.5 (50) B 71 (32) 224(102) 1-5,7 MTG 600 4 66(168) 24 (61) 19.5 (50) B 81 (37) 214 (97) 1-5,7 MTG 800 2,3 74(188) 40(102) 19 5(50) B 190 (86) 460 (209) 1-5,7 MTG 800 4 74(188) 40(102) 19 5(50) B 210 (95) 490 (222) 1-5,7 MTG 1000, 1200 2,3 74(188) 40(102) 19 5(50) B 190 (86) 475(216) 1-5,7 MTG 1000, 1200 4 74(188) 40(102) 19 5(50) B 210 (95) 560 (254) 1-5,7 MTG 1600, 2000 3 90 (229) 35.5 (90) 48(122) C 345(156) 1030 (467) 1 - 5, 7-8 MTG 1600, 2000 4 90 (229) 35.5 (90) 48(122) C 450 (204) 1180 (535) 1 - 5, 7-8 MTG 2600,3000 3 90 (229) 35.5 (90) 48(122) C 465 (211) 1150 (522) 1 - 5, 7-8 MTG 2600,3000 4 90 (229) 35.5 (90) 48(122) C 670 (304) 1400 (635) 1 - 5, 7-8 MTGD 40,80 100, 150 200, 225 2,3 46(117) 24 (61) 14 (36) A 18(8) 127 (58) 1-6 MTGD 40,80 100, 150 200, 225 4 46(117) 24 (61) 14 (36) A 24(11) 133 (60) 1-6 MTGD 260,400 2,3 46(117) 24 (61) 14 (36) A 65 (29) 176 (80) 1-3 MTGD 260,400 4 46(117) 24 (61) 14 (36) A 76 (34) 188 (85) 1-3 MTGD 600 2,3 66 (168) 24 (61) 19.5 (50) B 77 (35) 221 (100) 1-5,7 MTGD 600 4 66 (168) 24 (61) 19.5 (50) B 87 (39) 230(104) 1-5,7 MTGD 800, 1000, 1200 2,3 74(188) 40(102) 19.5 (50) B 210 (95) 475(215) 1-5,7 MTGD 800, 1000, 1200 4 74(188) 40(102) 19.5 (50) B 230(104) 560 (254) 1-5,7 MTGD 1600, 2000 3 90 (229) 35.5 (90) 48(122) C 365(166) 1030 (467) 1 - 5, 7-8 MTGD 1600, 2000 4 90 (229) 35.5 (90) 48(122) C 470 (213) 1180 (535) 1 - 5, 7-8 MTGD 2600, 3000 3 90 (229) 35.5 (90) 48(122) C 485 (220) 1150 (522) 1 - 5, 7-8 MTGD 2600, 3000 4 90 (229) 35.5 (90) 48(122) C 690 (313) 1400 (635) 1 - 5, 7-8 1 Metric dimensions {cm) and weights (kg) shown in parentheses adjacent to English measurements 2 Includes 1 25" door projection beyond base depth. Allow a minimum of 3" additional depth for projection of handle, lights, switches, pushbuttons, etc 3 All dimensions and weights are approximate and subject to change without notice 4 Packing matenals must be added to weights shown Allow 15% additional weight for cartons, skids, crates, etc 5 Special enclosure (NEMA 3R, 4, 4X, 12, etc) dimensions and layouts may differ Consult the MTU Onsite Energy factory for details 6 A MTG(D) 40-225A, when ordered with the following options, will require a larger enclosure A62(T), Digital Meter. HT, 0CVR-1SG, 0CVR-1SS Contact the MTU Onstte Energy factory for dimensions 7 Add 3" in height for removable lifting eyes 8 Ventilation louvers on side and rear of enclosure at 1600-3000 amps One set of louvers must be clear for airflow with standard cable connections Reference Figures «-c—» • • Figure A Figure B • • • Figure C Page 7 • PB-1201 // Tognum Group Companies Europe / Middle East / Africa / MTU Onsite Energy / 88040 Fnednchshafen / Germany / Phone + 49 7541 90 7060 / Fax +49 7541 90 7084 / powergenregion1@mtu-online,com // Asia / Australia / Pacific / MTU Onsite Energy / 1, Benoi Place / Singapore 629923 / Republic of Singapore / Phone + 65 6861 5922 / Fax + 65 6861 3615 / powergenregion2@mtu-online com // USA / Canada / Latin America / l\Aexico / MTU Onsite Energy Corporation / 100 Power Drive / Mankato, Minnesota 56001 / USA / Phone + 1 507 625 7973 / Fax + 1 507 625 2968 / powergenregion3@mtu-online com PB-120t 2012-01 Vibratidn Isol^tior Piads Controls Noise and Vibration mmt mi m >) HiGHLIGHTS Easily cut to any desired shape •• Can be used in multiple layers to increase deflection ® DESCRIPTION These 18" square molded pads can be used to effectively control noise and vibration, particularly in applications involving heavy machinery and equipment. They can be easily cut to any desired shape and can be used in multiple layers to increase deflection. Available only in 50 durometer. >) SPECIFICATIONS • Single Pad Pad is 1/4" thick • Double Pad Pad is 3/8" thick VibPads_Spec_5-07 4 ibratibn Isolatbr Piacls bntrols Noise and Vibration S>) SPECIFICATIONS EXAMPLE 1 SHEAR MOUNTING A 560 pound machine which operates a 900 RPM is to be mounted on four cylindncal mounts. Assume Ihe desired isolation ca at teast 80%. Load B seOlbs/i-140 lbs. per mount Fd - 900 RPM Fn . 300/2 45-367 RPM d- 3528Crt367)'-0^" To get tills inuch deflection wt^ available cylindricat mounts requires usir>fl the mounts in shear Select the K72 50 durometer Vibro-lnsulator which will deflect 0J30* at 140 pounds. The Fn at Q.30" deflection is 343 Pi*M. This wQt give an isolation of 83% wrhlch Is satisfoctory for the desired applicaaon. EXAMPLE 2 COMPRESSION MOUNTING A 200 pound machine which operates at 180O RPM is to be mounted on four cylindncal mounts. Assume ttie desired Isolation is at least 80%. Load - 200 Ibsyt n so lbs. per mount Fd ° 1800 RPM Fn - 18O0A 45 - 734RPM d =38280/(734)'=. 0 OSS- Select either the K47 or ICT« Vibro-lnsulators. The K47 will deflect 0.075" at SO lbs. which will give an isolation of 83%. The K74 will deflect 0 091* at SO lbs. vriiKh wiU give . an isolation of 8G% TERMINOLOGY An understandmg of the fbltowmg lemns is impoitant when selecting the nght VibnHnsulator for a specific application. STATIC DEFLECTION Any spring mounted mass at rest wili compress the spnngs a certain amount This is static deflecoon NATUAfU. FREQU ENCH'-Any spnng mounted mass will >nbrate at a certain frequerwy if it is displaced and released This frequericy is called the natural frequertcy and IS a function of the static deflection, as follows: Fn-IM Where Fn = natural frequency fm cycles per minute), and d - static defection (in inches). SPRING RATE- The load required to deflect a ^'ng a given amount can be stated in pounds per inch. Thts t& ctdled the sprmg rate and is usually designated as K. This value IS reported for various Vibro^nsutatoiv described in thts catalog. Actually, the load deflection reIati<msWp b not linear over its fuH range, but is essentiatly so as long as the maximum recommended deflection is not exceeded. DISTRIBUTING FREQUENCY - Any movement of unbalanced, rotating or reaprocating masses in a piece of equipment w3l produce vibratibns. The frequency of these Vibrations is the distributing frKfuency. Fd. FREQUENCY RATIO - The ratio of disturbing firequerKy to natural frequency TRANSMiSSISIUTY - A measure of the amount of vibration transmitted through the mount It (S expressed m percent and is a hmc^n of the frequency rate of the mount The degree of transmissibility that may be accept- able in a given installation depends on many factors incHuding the magnitude of the vibration, the overall environment of the installation, whether the vibration n continuous or iniermtttent, etc. Unless there is some spociric reasons why a lower value is desirable, a transmissibility of 20% is normally considered acceptable. This requires a frequency ratio of approxi- mately 2.5 or higher. ISOLATION EFRQENCY - Another way of express- ing the same concepts as transmissibility. It is the amount of vibration absorbed and expressed in percent and IS equal to 100-T RESONANCE - If the frequency ratio is one, the system ts in resonance and the amount of vibration transmitted will actually be amplified (In perfectly nonnal undamped system, the amplification at resonance is theoretically infinite ) This can be a problem with machinery starting or stopping smce it will pass trough a speed at which the frequency ratio wrill be one. Aoually, any frequency ratio less than ^ will cause some amplification. DAMPING - The ability of the spnng to atisorb part of the vibration energy and convert it to heat ia called damping. A certain amount of damping is desirable to reduce the amount of amplification at resonance- however, excessive dampmg limits the abtlity to isolate the normal operating frequencies. Dampif>g ratios for most practical rubber compounds era in range of 005 to 0.10 which is enough to keep the system from excessive amplificetion at the resonant frequertcy, but still has virtually no effect on transmissibility at higher frequencies 100 80 40 II 1 1 1 II 1 M 1 NA ruf lAL FR EQ UENCV ' V, 3. L OA 0(PSI USTA TIC 1 FBEQUENCY IN Hz 1 FBEQUENCY IN Hz 1 FBEQUENCY IN Hz 1 FBEQUENCY IN Hz 1 \ FBEQUENCY IN Hz 1 \ FBEQUENCY IN Hz 1 FBEQUENCY IN Hz 1 STATIC LC AO IN PS I 15 30 45 75 SO 105 120 1200 1000 800 600 40O 200 1 1 IMI 1 1 1 / i#l 1 / 0 IN P'Sl 1 / I 0 IN P'Sl 1 y 0 IN P'Sl 1 § / 4 <^ « DEFLECTION IN INCHES 100 IIIIII •1 AAr\ ncct B^TinM.~ LUAU uerLHUllUn . vs. RECOVERY / L 0. 1 z / r • -g ^/ 3 2 UJ y a. n / < / / / 6EFLECT ION IN PERCENT OF ORIGINAL THICKNESS 0.4 0 8 1 6 ?.4 32 4,0 4,3 56 64 72 8.0 4.0 2.0 10 .125 .062 .025 .050 .100 .031 1 Illl \\ 1 1 i j t <^ J i o 2 10 o 2 « < rz -S s ! O LO s ! O -\ 1 r c fo (A P [>i ed Freque ncy) \ fo (Natural Frequency) • • '—* ' • • • s ,10 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 10 For support or infonnation, call us at 800-325-5450 or visit us at www.mtu-online.com Matenals and specifications subject to change without notice MTU Onsite Energy Corporation / 100 Power Dnve / Mankato, MN 56001 / USA / A Tognum Group Company DETROIT DieSEt Valley Power Systems, Inc. 1520 S. Bon View Ave. Ontario, CA. 91761-4407 Ph: (909) 969-9345 Fax: (909) 969-9365 GENERATOR SET PERMIT REQUIREMENTS It is the customer or end users responsibility to file for and secure aii permits and licenses pertaining to tlie Air Quality Management District or the local ruling agency for the installation and operation of this equipment. All permits must be secured prior to installation of the equipment. Please review the SCAQMD Engine Permit in this submittal for expiration date and instructions or the ARB & EPA emissions data provided. ii Power Generation Group Rating Specific Emissions Data - John Deere Power Systems @ JOHN DEERE Ratine Data i Rating Certmed Povver(k\V) Rated Speed Vehicle Model Number I Units 1 NOx ' HC NOx + HC j Pm I CO 4024TF281B 36 1800 OEM (Gen Set) g/kW-hr g/hp-hr 5.7 4.3 0.9 0.7 6.6 4.9 0.16 0.12 0.0 0.0 Certificate Data EPA Family Name EP.A JD Name EPA Certificate Number CARB Executive Order Parent of Family I Units NOx i HC I NOx + HC Pm 1 CO 2012 CJDXL02.4074 250TB CJDXL02 4074-026 U-R-004-0448 4024TF270E g/kW-hr 6.0 0.6 6.6 0.29 2.7 * The emission data listed is measured from a laboratory test engine according to the test procedures of 40 CFR 89 or 40 CFR 1039, as applicable The test engine is intended to represent nominal production hardware, and we do not guarantee that every production engine will have identical test results The family parent data represents muUiple ratings and this data may have been collected at a different engine speed and load Emission results may vary due to engine manufacturing tolerances, engine operating conditions, fuels used, or other conditions beyond our control This information is property of Deere & Company It is provided solely for the purpose of obtaining certification or permits of Deere powered equipment Unauthorized distnbution of this information is prohibited. Emissions Results by Rating run on Jan-05-2012 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 2012 MbDJEL YEAR CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY WITH THE CLEAN Am ACT OF 1990 OFFICE OF TRANSPORTATION AND AIR QUALITY ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48105 Certificate Issued To: Deere & Company ' (U.S. Manufacturer or Importer) Certificate Number: CJDXL02.4074-026 Effective Date: 11/28/2011 Expiratloii Date: 12/31/2012 Bker, Acdng Divtsion Director rdmpliance'BivisioD Issue Date: 11/28/2011 Revision Date: N/A Model Year: 2012 Manufacturer Type: Original Engine Manufacturer Engine Family: Cji>XL02.4074 Mobile/Stationary Indicator: Both Emissions Power Category: 19.<=k\V<37 Fuel Typie: Diesel After Treatment Devices: No After Treatment Devices Installed Non-after Treatment Devices: Engine Design Modification, Non-standard Non-Afier Treatment Device Instated, Smoke Puff Limiter Pursuant to Section ill and Section 213 of the Clean Air Act (42 U,S.C. sections 7411 and 7547) andJQ^CFR Parts 60 and 1039. and subject to the terms and conditions prescribed in those provisions, this certificate of conformity is hereby issued with respect to the test engines which have .been foiind toponfimn Uj^ app^ajble requirements and which represent the following engines, by engine family, more fully described in the documentation required by 40 CFR Parts 60 and 1039 and produced in^the-stated model year; This certificate of conformity covers only those new compression-ignition engmes which conform m alljnaterial respects to, the design specifications that apphed lo those engines descrit>ed m the documentation required by 40 CFR Parts 60 and 1039 and which are produced during the model year stated on this certificate.of the said manufacturer, as defined in 40 CFR Parts 60 and 1039. It is a term of this certificate that the manufacturer shall consent to all inspectiohs:described m 40 CFR L068 and autborized_in a^ warrant or court order. Failure to comply with the requirements of such a warrant or court order may lead to revocation or suspension of Uus certificate fpr_reasons ^ecified in 40 CFR Parts 60_and 'J039 It is al»> a term of this certificate that this certificate may be revoked or suspended or rendered void ab initio for odier reasons specified in 40 CFR Parts'60 and 1039, 1-] i This certificate does not coyer engmes sold, offered for sale, or introduced, or delivered for inttodactipn, mto commerce m |he ,IJ,S, prior to the effective date of the certificate. Z-iZ .Catifomia Etivinimentat ProteriioK Agauy ^AIR RESOURCES BOARD JOHN DEERE POWER SYSTEMS EXECUTIVE ORDER U-R-004-0448 New Off-Road Compression-Ignition Engines Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Sections 43013, 43018, 43101, 43102, 43104 and 43105 ofthe Health and Safety Code; and Pursuant to the authonty vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and 39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G-02-003, IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the follovi/ing compression-ignition engines and emission control systems produced by the manufacturer are certified as described be\ow for use in off-road equipment. Production engines shall be in all material respects the same as those for which certification is granted. MODEL YEAR ENGINE FAMILY DISPLACEMENT (liters) FUEL TYPE USEFUL LIFE (hours) 2012 CJDXL02,4074 2,4 Diesel 5000 SPECIAL FEATURES & EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS TYPICAL EQUIPMENT APPLICATION Direct Diesel Injection, Turbocharger, Smoke Puff Limiter Loaders, Tractor, Pump, Compressor, Generator Set, Other Industrial Equipment The engine models and codes are attached. The foiiowing are the exhaust certification standards (STD), or family emission limit(s) (FEL) as applicable, and certification levels (CERT) for hydrocarbon (HC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), or non-methane hydrocartion plus oxides of nitrogen (NMHC+NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and particulate matter (PM) In grams per kilowatt-hour (g/kw-hr), and the opacity-of-smoke certification standards and certification levels in percent (%) during acceleration (Accel), lugging (Lug), and the peak value from either mode (Peak) for this engine family (Title 13, California Code of Regulations, (13 CCR) Section 2423) RATED POWER CLASS EMISSION STANDARD CATEGORY EXHAUST (g/kw-hr) OPACITY (%) RATED POWER CLASS EMISSION STANDARD CATEGORY HC NOx NMHC-^NOx CO PM ACCEL LUG PEAK 19<kW<37 Tier 4 Interim STD N/A N/A 7.5 5,5 0.30 20 15 50 CERT ~ ~ 6,6 2,7 0.30 1 2 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That for the listed engine models, the manufacturer has submitted the infonnation and materials to demonstrate certification compliance with 13 CCR Section 2424 (emission control labels), and 13 CCR Sections 2425 and 2426 (emission control system warranty). Engines certified under this Executive Order must conform to all applicable California emission regulations This Executive Order is only granted to the engine family and model-year listed above. Engines In this family that are produced for any other model-year are not covered by this Executive Order. Executed at El Monte, California on this. day of September 2011. t-winette Hebert, Chief Mobile Source Operations Division [EGDm/j]^ MTU ONSITE ENERGY- STANDBY LIMITED WARRANTY TWO (2) YEARS / 3,000 HOUR BASIC LIMITED WARRANTY: Your MTU Onsite Energy product has been manufactured and inspected with care by experienced craftspeople If you are the onginal consumer, MTU Onsite Energy warrants, for the limited warranty penod indicated below, each product to be free from defects in matenals and workmanship, and will perform under normal use and service from valid startup performed by MTU Onsite Energy This Limited Warranty shall apply only when the product has been property installed, serviced, and operated in accordance with the applicable MTU Onsite Energy instruction manuals. If this Limited Warranty applies, the liability of MTU Onsite Energy shall be limited to the replacement, repair, or appropriate adjustment of the product, at MTU Onsite Energy's option This Limited Warranty does not apply to malfunctions caused by normal wear and tear, or by damage, unreasonable use, misuse, repair, or service by unauthonzed persons. LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD: Engine Generator Sef Parts and labor for 24 (twenty-four) months will begin with the first commissioning of the product(s). In all cases, the waranty penod will expire not later than 36 (thirty-six) months from the date of shipment ex-works MTU Onsite Energy or after 3,000 operation hours, whichever occurs first Accessones. Parts and labor for one (1) year from date of shipment. For a descnption of accessones and items excluded from this Limited Warranty, review the listings on the reverse side of this document. LIMITED WARRANTY CONDITIONS: Before there is any protection under this Limited Warranty, the distributor must: (1) complete the MTU Onsite Energy Warranty, Start-Up Validation and Pre - Inspection form and return it to MTU Onsite Energy within 60 days of the start-up date, and (2) complete the engine registration form and return it to the manufacturer as stated In the instructions with engine registration form (when applicable). In addition, this Limited Warranty is not valid or enforceable unless' (1) all supporting maintenance records is to be kept on file with the end user and made available upon request from factory, (2) the generator set is routinely exercised in accordance with operating instructions, and (3) the installation meets the general guidelines, standards, and recommendations as laid out in the Installation Guide provided with the product and all local standards and codes applicable in the location of installation. Engine generator sets that are stored by Owner / Buyer longer than 180 days from date of shipment are subject to special requirements. Contact MTU Onsite Energy's Service Center for instructions TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE: Warranty sen/ice may only be performed by MTU Onsite Energy authonzed service providers. Service provided by unauthorized persons will void this Limited Warranty. Non-MTU Onsite Energy replacement part(s) will void this Limited Warranty. Contact your nearest MTU Onsite Energy Service Representative to obtain warranty service For assistance in locating your nearest authonzed sen/ice representative, see contact information at the bottom of this page THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. NO WARRANTIES SHALL BE IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE CREATED UNDER THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO A WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR A WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. MTU ONSITE ENERGY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM GREATER IN AMOUNT THAN THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT AT ISSUE, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL MTU ONSITE ENERGY BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. STATE LAWS REGARDING THE RIGHTS OF CONSUMERS MAY VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. 1. The following items are not considered nor will they be covered under this Limited Warranty If there are questions as to coverage under this Limited Wan^anty, it Is advisable to contact the factory in advance of filing a claim a. Battery or battenes of any type or kind The battery manufacturer's warranty, if any, is the only wan-anty that applies to battenes Any wan^anty claim should be handled with the manufacturer according to Its policies. b. Adjustments to fuel systems or governor system at time of start-up or any time after A warranty claim for such adjustments is acceptable only when a defective part has been replaced, retumed to the factory, and approved as defective. c. Nonnal maintenance costs, including but not limited to adjustments, loose and/or leaking fittings or clamps, and tune-ups performed dunng start-up or anytime thereafter d. Due to shipping, manufacturer is not responsible for loose connections. All connections must be checked at time of start-up. e. Non-MTU Onsite Energy replacement part(s) will void this Limited Warranty. Si Europe / Middle East / Atrica / Latin America / MTU Onsite Energy / 88040 Fnednchshafen / Germany / Phone + 49 7541 90 7060 / Fax +49 7541 90 7084 / powergenregion 1 @mtu-online com // Asia / Australia / Pacific / MTU Onsite Energy / 1, Benoi Place / Singapore 629923 / Republic of Singapore / Phone + 65 6861 5922 / Fax + 65 6861 3615 / poweigenregion2@mtu-online com // USA / Canada / Mexico / MTU Onsite Energy Corporation/ 100 Power Dnve / Mankato, Minnesota 56002 / USA / Phone + 1 507 625 7973 / Fax + 1 507 625 2968 / powergenregion3@mtu-online com // Worldwide tor HotModule / MTU Onsite Energy GmbH/ 81663 Munich / Geraiany / Phone + 49 89 203042 800 / Fax +49 89 203042 900 / hotmodule@mtu-onlme com //www mtu-online com MTU ONSITE ENERGY- STANDBY LIMITED WARRANTY TWO (2) YEARS / 3,000 HOUR BASIC f Products that are modified in any form without the wntten consent of MTU Onsite Energy will void this Limited Warranty g. Shipping damage of any type. h. Any Installation errors or damage of the equipment when shipped as ordered. I. Any overtime travel or labor to make repairs under warranty. ]. Any special access fees required to gam access to MTU Onsite Energy equipment, including but not limited to any training or safety policy requirements to gam access. k. Additional costs associated with inaccessible installations, including but not limited to removal and reinstallation of the generator set. I. Rental equipment used dunng warranty work including but not limited to generators, rigging equipment such as a crane or boom truck, load banks and special test equipment above factory requirements m. Excess mileage charges. Any authonzed service provider may perform warranty service anywhere, but will only be paid for mileage expenses from the nearest service center and limited to 400 miles / 644 Kilometers roundtnp n. Any equipment not factory approved and engineered for use on MTU Onsite Energy products This includes but is not limited to aftermarket items such as special fuel systerris, enclosures, exhaust systems, or switch gear that had been sought out and quoted by a third party to be included in billing of the MTU Onsite Enjergy equipment 0. Misuse or abuse dunng installation and thereafter p. Normal wear and tear, maintenance, and consumable items that are not required as part of a warranty repair Consumable items include but are not limited to belts, hoses, coolant, oil, filters, and fuses q. Acts of nature or acts of God such as lightning, wind, flood, tornado, hurncane or earthquake, r. Any damage due to situations beyond the control of the manufactunng of the product or wori<manship of the product, s Installation or operation outside the guidelines as stated in the Installation Guide and Owner's Manual. t. Diesel engine "Wet Stacking" due to lightly loaded diesel engines u. Misapplication of the equipment such as usage outside the onginal design parameters as stated on the nameplate of the equipment. V Travel expense on portable equipment w Trailer lights, wmng, and brakes X. More than one tnp to the job site because a service vehicle was not stocked with normal service parts y. Lodging expense of person(s) performing service, unless approved in advance by factory z Engine fluids aa. Units purchased at the Standby Power rating that are being used in a pnme power application bb. Any repair labor time that is determined to be excessive, e g , two or more people performing a one-person job ca Any expenses associated with investigating performance complaints in which no defect is found dd Any associated costs for replacing components that are found not to be defective ee Any adjustments covered in the start-up and inspection forms that are to be completed dunng start-up. The accessories that are limited to one (1) year parts and labor from date of shipment include but are not limited to a. Cords, receptacles, and cord reels b. Gas flex pipes c Housing lights, space heaters, and associated equipment Rev 20100420 7 ximmmmmmmimmm j Si Europe / Middle East / Arrica / Latin America / MTU Onsite Energy / 88040 Fnednchshafen / Geraiany / Phone + 49 7541 90 7060 / Fax +49 7541 90 7084 / powergenregion 1 @mtu-online com // Asia / Australia / Paciflc / MTU Onsite Energy / 1, Benoi Place / Singapore 629923 / Republic of Singapore / Phone + 65 6861 5922 / Fax + 65 6861 3615 / powergenregion2@mtu-online com // USA / Canada / Mexico / MTU Onsite Energy Corporation/ 100 Power Dnve / Mankato, Minnesota 56002 / USA / Phone + 1 507 625 7973 / Fax + 1 507 625 2968 / powergenregion3@mtu-online com // Worldwide for HotModule / MTU Onsite Energy GmbH/ 81663 Munich / Geraiany / Phone + 49 89 203042 800 / Fax +49 89 203042 900 / hotmodule@mta-online com //www mtu-online com CaJUU^SltfE MTU Onsite Energy Corporation ' [EU0[E[F[^[2] STANDBY LIMITED WARRANTY "TWO (2) YEAR BASIC AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH (ATS)' LIMITED WARRANTY: Your MTU Onsite Energy Product has been manufactured and inspected with care by experienced craftspeople. If you are the original consumer, MTU Onsite Energy warrants, for the limited warranty period indicated below, each product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship, and will perform under normal use and service from valid start-up performed by MTU Onsite Energy. This Limited Warranty shall apply only when the product has been property installed, serviced, and operated in accordance with the applicable MTU Onsite Energy instruction manuals. If this Limited Warranty applies, the liability of MTU Onsite Energy shall be limited to the replacement, repair, or appropriate adjustment of the product, at MTU Onsite Energy's option. This Limited Warranty does not apply to malfunctions caused by normal wear and tear, or by damage, unreasonable use, misuse, repair, or service by unauthorized persons. LIMITED ATS WARRANTY PERIOD: Parts and labor for two (2) years from factory invoice date. A valid warranty requires that buyer must provide proof of purchase of the original ATS at the time of request for warranty consideration. TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE: Warranty service may only be performed by MTU Onsite Energy authorized service providers. Service provided by unautiiorized persons wiii void tliis Limited Warranty. Non-MTU DD replacement part(s) will void this Limited Warranty. Contact your nearest MTU Onsite Energy Service Representative to obtain warranty service. For assistance in locating your nearest authorized service representative, contact MTU Onsite Energy, Attention: Service Depart:ment, 100 Power Drive, Mankato, MN 56001 (507) 625-7973. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. NO WARRANTIES SHALL BE IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE CREATED UNDER THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO A WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR A WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. MTU ONSITE ENERGY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM GREATER IN AMOUNT THAN THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT AT ISSUE, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL MTU ONSITE ENERGY BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. STATE LAWS REGARDING THE RIGHTS OF CONSUMERS MAY VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. Rev: 20070715 MTU Onsite Energy Corporation / 100 Power Dnve / Mankato, MN 56001 / USA / A Tognum Group Company Phone: (507) 625-7973 / www.mtu-online.com MTU ONSITE ENERGY PERFORMANCE ASSURANCE CERTIFICATION A Tognum Group Company MTU Onsite Energy / 100 Power Drive / Mankato / Minnesota 56001 Phone 507 625 7973 / Fax 507 625 2968 / Toll Free 800 325 5450 www mtu-online com W[n][W[T(£]{y] PROTOTYPE TEST PROCEDURES & iVlETHODS MTU Onsite Energy has been producing superior engine generator sets for over five decades. We understand the importance of reliable cost-effective products, and have developed Industry-leading test procedures to ensure we exceed this criteria. Our testing program confimis that our customers will receive products of the highest quality. The Performance Assurance Certification provided by MTU Onsite Energy certifies that every engine generator set undergoes rigorous prototype testing including the following PROTOTYPE TEST METHODS MTU Onsite Energy performs prototype testing by following the methods and guidelines established by MIL-STD-705c. MTU Onsite Energy is proud to perform these stnngent procedures because they showcase engine generator set superiority in providing precise power for all types of critical applications including hospitals, data centers, UPS systems and government and military installations PROTOTYPE TEST PROCEDURES Rated Load (NFPA 110) MTU Onsite Energy certifies that all engine generator set models will produce the name-plated load in all conditions within the design tolerance of the gen set. Extended Run Testing MTU Onsite Energy certifies that all engine generator set prototypes have been subjected to major run time testing. Transient Response Analysis (ISO 8528-5) MTU Onsite Energy certifies that ail new gen-set models have undergone transient response analysis per ISO 8528-5. TEST STANDARDS MTU Onsite Energy engine generator sets are compliant with many different rades and standards. MTU Onsite Energy's philosophy and perfonnance are regulariy reviewed to ensure continuity with these codes and standards UL2200, CSA, EPA, NFPA 99—Health Care Faalities, NFPA 70—National Electncal Code, NFPA 110—Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems, Department of Labor and Industry, ISO 8528-5—Generating Sets, and ISO 8528-9 Measurement and Evaluation of Mechanical Vibrations. In addition: ISO 8528- 10-Measurement of airiaome noise by the enveloping surface method, IEEE 115-Test Procedures for Synchronous Machines, NEMA MG 1-Motors and Generators, MIL-STD-705-c Torsional Analysis MTU Onsite Energy certifies that all engine generator set models have undergone torsional stress analysis. Engine Cooling System MTU Onsite Energy certifies that all gen-set models will cool sufficiently within the ambient design conditions per each model. Anticipatory Alarms & Shutdowns MTU Onsite Energy certifies that the pre-alarms and alarms function appropnately to protect the engine generator set from any foreseen unnecessary failures. Vibrational Analysis (ISO 8528-9) MTU Onsite Energy certifies that all new engine gen set models have undergone vibration analysis to ensure that each engine generator coupling is balanced and that there is no destructive resonant vibration. MIL-STD-705C METHODS Method Description 301.1c Insulation Resistance Test* 302 lb High Potential Test* 401.1b Winding Resistance Test 503.1c Start and Stop Test 505.2b Over Speed Protective Device Test 507. Id Phase Sequence Test (Rotation) 508. Id Phase Balance Test (Voltage) 510 1d Rheostat Range Test (as applicable) 511.1d Regulator Range Test 511.2c Frequency Adjustment Range Test (as applicable) 513 2a Indicating Instrument Test (Electncal) 515.1b Low Oil Pressure Protective Device Test 515.2b Over Temperature Protective Device Test 516.1a Controls, Direction of Rotation 640.1 d Maximum Power Test A Tognum Group Company www mtu-online com MTU Onsite Energy / 100 Power Dnve Phone 507 625 7973 / Fax 507 625 * Performed by Alternator OEM / Mankato / Minnesota 56001 2968 / Toll Free 800 325 5450 FACTORY ACCEPTANCE TESTING MTU Onsite Energy's factory testing is perfomied with the same extreme diligence and attention to detail that is given to the prototype testing process Ever/ engine generator set receives a complete factory acceptance test that certifies and ensures that the set will function m accordance to every specific application. Test metering will have an accuracy of 1.3% or better. This metenng is calibrated a minimum of once per year, and is directly traceable to the Bureau of Standards. Factory Acceptance Testing Procedures: // Insulation Resistance Inspection (301.1c)* // High Potential Test (302.1b)* // Alternator Over Speed (1 min.)* // Engine Inspection // Generator Inspection // Resistances Inspection (401 lb) - Exciter Field Stator - Alternator Armatures // Mounting & Coupling Inspection // Engine Fuel Oil System Inspection // Engine Lube Oil System Inspection // Engine Cooling System Inspection // DC Charging System Inspection // Circuit Breaker Inspection // Anticipatory Alarms and Shutdowns Inspection (505.2b, 515.1b, 515 2b) II Optional Equipment Inspection (513 2a) // Load Test Inspection -Regulator Range Test (511 Id) - No Load Inspection - MAX Load @ 1.0 P.F (640.1 d) - MAX Load @ 0.8 P.F - Block Loads @ 0-25%, 0-50%, 0-75%, 0-100% // Phase Balance and Sequence Inspection (507 1d,508.1d, 516.1a) •Performed by Alternator OEM Extended Run Factory Acceptance Testing: In some cases, extended run testing may be requested. Unless specified otherwise, extended run testing will be performed in the following manner. // 1.0 Power Factor // Full name plate rated load. // Standard readings taken every 15 minutes. WITNESSED FACTORY ACCEPTANCE TESTING Standard witnessed factory tests must be scheduled and approved at least four weeks prior to the engine generator set's scheduled shipping date. Any requests for witnessed factory testing after this four week penod must be approved by the Regional Sales Manager and are subject to additional fees. WITNESSED EXTENDED RUN FACTORY ACCEPTANCE TESTING Witnessed extended run tests must be scheduled and approved at least six weeks pnor to the engine generator set's scheduled ship date. Any requests for witnessed extended run tesfing after this six week period must be approved by the Regional Sales Manager and are subject to additional fees. STANDARD READINGS RECORDED DURING LOAD TEST INSPECTION Run Time Frequency AC Voltage Exciter Field Voltage AC Amperage Exciter Field Current kVA Lube Oil Pressure kWe Engine Coolant Temp. Power Factor Ambient Temp A Tognum Group Company www mtu-online com MTU Onsite Energy / 100 Power Dnve / Mankato / Minnesota 56001 Phone 507 625 7973 / Fax 507 625 2968 / Toll Free 800 325 5450 mimsDltis ADDITIONAL FACTORY ACCEPTANCE TESTING Additional testing is available upon request The following IS a list of supplementary tests which can be performed on MTU Onsite Energy engine generator sets. Non-standard testing is subject to additional charges MIL-STD-705C METHODS Method Description 503 2c Start and Stop Test (remote control) 505 2b Over Speed Protective Device Test 602.1b Voltage Modulation 608.1b Frequency and Voltage Regulation, Stability and Transient Response Test 610.1b Voltage and Frequency Droop 614.1b Voltage and Frequency Regulation Test 619.2c Voltage Dip and Rise For Rated Load Test 670.1b Fuel Consumption Test (consult engineenng) ® etiXDtin sitnomot •sioeiATioii National Fire Protection Association NFiPA rhe authority on fit«. electrical, and building safety ^^^^m International p fC'{^t J Organization (br b^^gM Standardization A Tognum Group Company MTU Onsite Energy / 100 Power Dnve / Mankato / Minnesota 56001 Phone 507 625 7973 / Fax 507 625 2968 / Toll Free 800 325 5450 www mtu-online com 04-09 I k vo SSCO <Z)MCC\Mt^ SAN DIEGO REGION HAZARDOUS MATERIALS QUE OFFICE USE ONLY UPFP# HV# BP DATE Business Name •lact Address _ <J i Business Conta Tom tact Telephone # {2(S/<(\ni/, Project Address O ' ^ City state Zip Code Mailing Addres^ 4''r state Zip Code Plan File# Project Contact SCOTT <^Er)CR6-figFO /^j^p-^i.. g<.<fct>^tcN The following questions represent the facility's actlvitlesTNi Telephone # I following questions represent the facility's activities, NOT the specific project description. PART I: FIRE DEPARTMENT- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: Indicate by circling the item, whether your business will use, process, or store any of the follawing hazardous materials. If any of the Items are circled, applicant must contact the Fire Protection Agencyjwith jurisdfction prior to plan submittd: • < "i "( - .51-Organic PeroxIdiBsW"^"'"?——~—A_^ater Reactives 13. Corrosives , / S'/(S 6 Oxidizers 10. Cfydgenics . IA ryt^gr Health Hyarda 7. Pyrophorics r , , 11. Highly Toxic or Toxic Materials CjS. None of These. 12. Radioactives 1. Explosive or Blasting Agents 2. Ccgnpressed Gases-"^ 3. Flammable/Combustible Lkjulds 4 Flammable Solkta 8. Unstable Reactives /PART li: SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIONS (HMD>: If the answer to any of the "x questions is yes, applteant must contact the County of gan Diego Hazardous Materials Division. 1255 Imperial Avenue, 3'" floor, San Dlego. CA 92101. /*Call (619) 338-2222 prior to the Issuance of a buiiding permit. FEES ARE REQUIRED. NO Expected Oate of Occupancy: • CalARP Exempt YES 1. • 2. 3 • 4. • •5. • 6. • 0^ Is your business listed on the reverse side of this form? (check all that apply). WIII your business dispose of Hazardous Substances or Medteal Waste in any amou{)t? 3^ Will your business store or handle Hazardous Substances in quantities equal to or 55 galkins, 500 pounds, 200 cubic feet, or carcinogens/reproductive toxins In any quantity? 0 Will yoiir business lise an existirig or install an underground storage tank? ^^'^ 'Will your business store or handle Regulated Substances (CalARP)? ^ Will your business use or install a Hazardous Waste Tank System (Title 22, Article 1^)? PART III: SAN DIEGO COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT: If the answer to any of Pollutton Control District (APCD). 10124 Old Grove Road, San Diego. CA 92131-1649. telephone (B5Bli permit. Note: if the answer to questtons 3 or 4 Is yes. applicant must also submit an asbestos nouncation form 'tc commencing demolition or renovation, except demolition or renovation of residential structures of four units or less ~ 'the APCD at least 10 wortdng intact the APCD for more information. or demolitton days prior to YES 1. • 2. • 3. • 4. • NO. - Will the subject facility or construction activities include operations or equipment that emit or are capable of emitting an air contaminant? (See the APCD factsheet at http.//www sdapcd.oro/info/facts/permits odf. and the list of typical equipment requiring an APCD penmit on the reverse side of this from. Contact APCD if you have any questions). (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 1 IS YES) Will the subject facility be located virithin 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a'school (K through 12)? (Public and private schools may be found after search of the Califomia School Directory at http7/ww>w cde.ca.oov/re/sd/: or contact the appropriate school district). JST Will there be renovation that involves handling of any friable asbestos materials, or disturbing any material that contains non-filable asbestos? ^OA^ill there be demolition involving the removal of a load supporting structural member? Briefly describe business activities: nowlc Briefly describe proposed project: 4^2 y^tJ^/o^Pi^iel I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge and belief thi ___S££TT_i^i^K^J::;efJ^ Name of owner or Authorized made herein are true and correct. I Agent Signature onjwner or Authorized Agent Date FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: FIRE DEPARTMENT OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION:. BY: DATE: EXEMPT OR NO FURTHER INFORMATION REQUIRED RELEASED FOR BUILDING PERMTT BUT NOT FOR OCCUPANCY RELEASED FOR OCCUPANCV COUNTY-HMD APCD APCD COUNTY-HMD APCD ^ Pl # REVIEW m HM.9I71 (04/07) lirC^^sir- j^/// /{^^ei/ jy nj)M'k /^J/A^rr f/^u, i^in County of San Diego - DEH - Hazardous Materials Division CB122754 2855 CARLSBAD BL i CARLSBAD BY THE SEA -GENERATOR ' 30 KW 49 5 HP A/ ^ ^ fyz,x^ tv^'^ ^U)(VJC^TX S-TC^^^"^ (C4T-7 w; cv Final Insp. Approved Oate BUILOING PLANNING ENGINEERING FIRE Expedite? Y N 27/// /3 ^W4^ AFS Checked by By 4^ HazMat APCD Health Forms/Fees Sent Reed Due? By Encrna Fire HazHealthAPCD PE&M School Sewer Stormwater Special Inspection CFD- r LandUse N Y N Density ImpArea FY Annex Factor PFF N Comments Date Date Date Date Building Planning Engineering Fire Need? l^lwv W^J-— (^r^ €^-^1!— Done SW I Done • Done • Done • Issued