HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; RW110012; PermitCity. of Carlsbad, 1635: FadäA CSba& CA 92008 . 01-19-2011 RightofWáyPèrrnit, Permit No: RWII00I2 .Job.Addrese:.. .. PerrnitlType: ROW Subtype. NOFEE Status: ISSUED P6rcel10: Lot#:. - 0 Applied:, 01/19/2011. Satlite: Est Complete Date: lssued:,.. 0.1/19/2011 Insurance Expire 04/01/2011 Traffic Control Plan N Expired 03/31/2011 Liability Insurance Y GOP ' Entered By LO Reference# .. . •.., . . ,. . Location Avenida SoledaWCorte Panorama Proje.t Title LA COSTA OAKS NORTH 3.4'&-,3 DscnptIon Staging and any operations that uire uSe o ROW E8, CORPORATION',,. N fj MON\EJO CA\ 9269 d > ): Tota 949 l Fees ROW De'posif TOTAL PERM-IT E dNCORPOR bthe 00#' ATED r C! - - - This permit may be revoked by the City Engineer if It is deemed that Inadequate progress is being made towards the compietI of,thework or If the work does not meet CityStandards: The appUcant may. be billed for the, cost, of any corrective work that the Fee Citymustperform / Permit Release _ Date Released '9,A / 2 Cash Deposit? YOU MUST CALL UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (1-800-422-4133) TWO WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO WORK UNDERGROUND' SERVI6E ALERT NOL THIS PERMIT IS INVALID WITHOUT THIS NUMBER IF ANY EXCAVATION OR BORING.IS DONE: : '.