HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; RW130039; Permit02-20-2013 Job Address: Permit Type: ROW Subtype: MINOR Status: ISSUED Parcel No: Lot#: 0 Applied: 02/20/2013 Start Date: Est Complete Date: Issued: 02/20/201:3'', Insurance Expire: 01/01/2014 Traffic Control Plan: Y Expired: 12/30/2013 Liability Insurance: Y GOP: Entered By: KML Reference#: Location: ')1DA - CAMINO ROBLE/OWENS AVE Project Title: COX COMMUNICATION Description: PERFORM FIBER SPLICING AT EXISTING ENCLOSURE TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL ONLY NO SOIL DISTURBING Applicant: , Contractor: COX COMMUNICATIONS . COX COMMUNICA11ONS 1922 AVENIDA DEL ORO . 1922 AVENID, DEL ORO OCEANSIDE, CA 92056-5803k OCEANSIDE, CA 92056-5803 (760) 806-9809 EXT 2314, (760) 806-9809 EXT 2314 Total Fees: $336.00 Total Payments To Date: $336'00 Balance Due: $0.00 Permit Fee $336.00 Additional Permit Fee . . $0.00 Other . $0.00 Additional Fees - $0.00 ROW Deposit This permit may be revoked by the city Engineer if it is deemed that inadequate progress is being made towards the completion of the work or if the work does not meet city Standards. The applicant may be billed for the cost of any corrective work that the City must perform. Permit Release =A:===,Date Released _______ 7- ____ Cash Deposit? YOU MUST CALL UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (1-800-422-4133) TWO WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO WORK UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT NO. THIS PERMIT IS INVALID WITHOUT THIS NUMBER IF ANY EXCAVATION OR BORING IS DONE. . .