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; ; RW970110; Permit
330 -2A RIGH 1T-OF-WAYPERMIT 05/09/97 13:41 - Permit .No: RW97O110 Page 1. of. 1 Job Address: KINGFISHER, LN: -. Permit Type:.RIGHT OF WAY Parcel No 4. Description RIGHT OF WAY Status ISSUED STREET IMPROVEMENTS - KINGFISHER LANE Applied 05/06/97 Apr/Issue 05/09/97 Permitee: ROEL CONSTRUCTION..CO. . .619-297-4156. To .Expire.:,.. 08/01/97 P0 BOX 80216 Prepared By BWE SAN DIEGO, CA 92138 ..,. . . . • . S...- Nearest Cross Street BATIUITSDR, Project Number CT 95-02 Start Date /te~ 05/0977 EstCom Traff Pletion \1t8/d1797 42 .Liability Insuance: Insurace Expiacti'on /02/01/98 n ,Fees Required..! ***- i *** 1,rtFees Collected & Credits II / \- -:t -p Adjus-tthents: .. . .00 Total'Credits-: . .00' : Total Fees I jD 411 oo 1952 ,\J ,,/ F ThJt2 Ot ©3 g / w1e \ This permit may be revoked by the City Engineer if it is deemed that inadequate progress is being made towards the completion of the work orif the work does not meetCity Standards The applicant may be billed for .the cost of any corrective work that the City 'tst perform Permit Released YOU MUST CALL UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (i-00-422-4133) TWO tWORKING DAYS PRIOR TO WORK - S.-.. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT NO THIS PERMIT IS INVALID WITHOUT" THIS NUMBER IF ANY EXCAVATION OR BORING IS DONE CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr."Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 438-1,161 .-