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1805 MCCAULEY LN; ; RW000440; Permit
Cuty of Carlsbad b 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 10/24/2000 Right of Way Permit Permit No RW000440 Job Address 1805 MCCAULEY LN CBAD Permit Type ROW Subtype MINOR Status ISSUED Parcel No 1562203700 Lot # 0 Applied 10/23/2000 Start Date: •- Est Complete Date:' -,' ' ' ,' -Issued: 10/24/2000. -, Insurance Expire: 05/01/2001 -'Traffic Control Plan: Y - Expired: 02/01/2001 Liability insurance: Y GOP: •- .14 - 'Entered By: TNKW - Reference# CB003748 Location:,. - Project Title POOL & SPA 1- Description: POOL/SPA, '.- '' Applicant: BLUE HAVEN POOLS 7 :' 2425 10/24/00 0002 01 02 ' 5945 MISSION GORGE RD / © C6F 210 00 SAN DIEGO, CA 92-120 000 283-6567 01 \ Total Fees $210 00 Total Payments To Date \JN.'*$0.00 \Balance Due \$210 00 Permit Fee $2!10.00 / / \ Additional Permit e so.00 Other TOTAL PERMIT FEES $210.00 Ps INCOIR RATED 1952 40 to This permit may be rev'oke by the ngineerif it is deemed jhat inadequate progress being made towards the completion of the work or if the wojkes not eet City Sta dards. The aØ'piicant may be billed for the cost of any corrective work that the City must perform. / , - / - / - - -• -, Permit ReIeasLcr! L - .- Released O'4-(o 2ecD( YOU MUST CALL UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (1-80'0-422-413 'TWO WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO WORK UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT NO. - .. THIS P'ERMIT IS INVALID WITHOUT THIS NUMBER IF ANY EXCAVATION OR BORING IS DONE I iioRo 90 )) - - - - - - '• . ' ' 1• - / - . ' -