HomeMy WebLinkAbout1901 WRIGHT PL; ; RW980260; Permitt4 - R I GHT-O I- -w A Y P E R M I.T. 01/22/98 07.44 . .. . Pemit No: RW970265 Page, 1 of . •1 . . ;Jb Addres: 1901 WRIGHT PL I Permit Type RIGHT OF .WAY Parcel' No: 212-091--14-00 . - . j ,••. Description CORNERSTONE CORPORATE CENIRE Status ISSUED .Applied: 10/29/97 Apr/Issue: 10/29/97-. Pérmitee: .NINTEMAN CONSTRUCTION CO INC 619-630-6617 ;To Expire: -4375 JUTLAND DR STE 200 .' . •.' Prepared By: MAM SAN DIEGO CA 92117 4 1 - Additional Description :TRAILERI4LR0W, WORK -: COVERED UNDER-..DWG'S : '•I f' .-' : 355-2 & 355-2A FOR Nearest Cross Street3 :)PALO MAR OAKSWY \• . I . . Proiect Number :PIP 97-4 . C o m p 1 et~o,~D a!,_t 10 fraffic Control -..Plan : MAM MAM & Credits fl •.:AA\. ./)-1it) I AdjLstments. T a, edits: .00 :- \ - -alarce Due: .00 Fee description .\ \ INCCRPORATEDUflits Fee/Unit Ext fee Eat ---------------------- ------------- -- --------------- This permitmay be revokedbyhe-City.Enqineer if it is deemed that inadequate.pogress i being made towards the completion- . •. of the work or-if the work does not meet City Standrds. The . applicant may be billed for the cost of any corrective work that the City must perform. . • • - ..- '•.,-- . Permit Release • _Li- Date Released YOU ,MUS'' CALL UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT •-1-8O0-422-4133) TWO WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO WORK UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT NO THIS PERMIT IS INVALID WITHOUT THIS NUMBER IF ANY EXCAVATION OR BORINGS IS DONE CITY OF CARLSBAD - - : 2075 Las Palmas Dr.:-Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-I 161 • . - . - - - •, .-' . . • • . - . . .. - - - •, • . • • •