HomeMy WebLinkAbout7522 QUINTA ST; ; RW980139; PermitS , RIGHT - O'F -WAY PERMiT 05/18/98 12 42 Permit No RW980139 Pager 11 of 1 \f / Job Address 7522 QUINTA ST ) / Permit Type RIGHT OF WAY Parcel No 223-293-60200 / Description: ROW I Status ISSUED ,. POOL & SPA . Applied: 05/07/98 - . Apr/Issue: 05/18/98 Permitee HALLMARK POOLS 619 674-7676 To-Expire.,08/01/98 .1207.0 CARMWL MOUNTAIN RD . Prepared By: JJ SAN DIGO CA 92128 - ... - - ---. ' Nearest 'Cross Street COSTA • Project Number ,' CB98fr8 -. I.. . •StartDáte 98 0 7126 05/1B/98 000101 02 ...-.Traffic Contr Fla C-PRMT Insurance Exp a/'0'99 *** •.Fees Required c** 't'\jsPeesCo'3.i d Credits Minor 21.OiOO 'Y ,'*'RIGHT ,OF'WAY.TOTAL 210,00 INCORPORATED 1952 :;.'.- .. This permit may be revoked by the City Engineer if it is deemed that inadequate progress is being made towards the completion of the4 work or if therwork.does not meet City Standards. The -. applicant may be billedfor'.thecost.of anycorrectivework that.the city must perform • .•. .. .-.. 7. 4 / . • ' .••.. • Permit Release uate Released YOU MUST CALL UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (1-800-422-4133) TWO .WORKING DAYS PRIpR TO WORK. .•- ., UNDERGROUND SERVICE, ALERT NO; THIS PERMIT IS INVALID WITHOUT THIS NUMBER I-FANY EXCAVATIONOR BORING IS -DONE. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075,LaPa1mas Dr.; Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 -.'• - •, \/.;. ..., •.' . . .