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HomeMy WebLinkAbout; OGrady, John and Julliette; 52692; Future Improvement Agreement/Release. . , .* 1 2 ? 4 fi Y 6 7 a 9 10 11 3.2 13 I.4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 CITY OF C4RL.‘;!:i?D izoo m J\vc;:w Czrlsbacl; CaliTornia 92005 . 52692 =:L!!# .G.r.......m . . . . -a.=- “ATL q-.4.): BILL TO CWn5r J!al?ecl on Lixe 7 at Address ‘!2i:t?1! on !,ir:e 8 G'-;"Ci,Q RECORDS $s\w DIP%2 CUJNTY, f.YLlFORNIA : s C&i', n,:LidT? REC?RDE'j (-);.y;F, ;: : JOHN C: &' JULIETTE F. O'GRADY AT;nltES’S * . . 3.725 Wm. Caa Cal ifornia ni\~rir!: &AR.cI-,< , ~14, I%9 I ?.A!“TIES: The ilarties to tiiis!t are tI\e City of Czrlsbzcl, a ~r~nici~al corporation of tile State of Calil’ornir!, hercir:after referred to as CTT’r’; anal the ;crson or ;;ersoris mentioned oIi Liz2 7 I of I?aze 1 !ltreof, hercinacter referred to ;1s OF<E t, vitlio(it re~arb to nl5-11::er or zcnc!er. ~:rJV[:y; :J:\‘T.‘i : -- It is r:t:tLi~lly agrzecl by the ;:arties 1 -* 7 -I 3. CITY herel)y a;;;rovlcs t:;c dik-ision :iy lot 55;: hereto ‘TS 501 lot;s : it of thFt certaii; 1 rexl 12 2’ 0 ;1 t? r t 1’ , !,:arrxntcc by CItXP tc be y!i(711y c!xr.cC; b;- i:ir!, irto tIlose intIi.viil.ral lots ;nrticulnrly descrii)ed Oii Exhibit 11 11 /I Jj I/ ,I I /I ;j // A, attacC11c! I1crnto ‘?.Iii! Ly ti!iS rcferCilCt2 iilco~l;~rnt?~c~ I:rjT;?i,?. CT-r!- does ;?creI:y tc:~,jOr;!.ril)p v;ai]*e ti!c rcg,l!ire-cnt tkint P;“‘r’i? i.i.l .I ixst;ill clfr?:i,~ t!;e st.rt?et frcii;;afle 0.f saic! indivic:!l;rl lifts, t:lOsC C3rtZj.i; ;YJllbliC j.I-ijjrC*\'e;-:cI:ts listt:(!. 011 TisI:i;)it Ii, ;tt.?.CllCc' Ilcrcto 2::~~ 1-1)’ tkis 7-e.i’crercc i:ic(~rA!~T;ltec! hcreir:, !j;;on l..;rittcn c1~31:-,3nc! ti!erzfor ?)I.: CITY, adciressec! to n:.;‘:~.? zt the 2clciress I’:C;it i.o;itcl on Liile 8 0: Pa,:;e 1 hereof, C?iiJG!:p s!lall fortll\;it::, ?.t his sole cast ant? es;:ense, ;>rcj-‘Rre ;;lz,.;ls ar:c’ ~;;~CiIiC:iti.c!;:~, 3~;irC~Vcd 1)). CITY, for tilt CQ;lStl’ilCti!Ji? Of S;?lci ;;llb 1 i c ii::;:rCVci.z;ilts i:i tl;c street frciltaj.TC of snic! lots, nil<! s’l;ll 1 ti:CI; fort!l!Li.r!l c>i!.rttrt,ct spi.!t” i;!:hlic irr.;:I-o\*c.1.*crl:s ‘I I’ i :+CCo:7(ii.r:~ t0 52icl ~TIFLIiT; ;I?,<; si1i‘ci ficrl!z ioris, to tlic np:rov;!l oi- 0 69 3 m -l- . _,*. 1 2 3 I. 4 . 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 .14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 4 . 5. G. l-l.20 CITY. The deEand by CITY rcntioxed i.!l tI1i.s I>ara:;ra;;A may, at CITY’s sole discretion, de-:and s3id pork 3s to all said i.n;?rOVei~eTlts on all Said lots, or as to any ;jortior; tkereof an& as to any riwber of said lots, ar!c’ the fzil~re by CITY to devr-iild sai? vorf; 2s to any of said ir;trov2::!2zts or as to ar:y of said lots, sl~c?ll not co;lstitute a \<aiver 1~)~ CITY of its cpntinuir:s rizi;t to 1&1~‘3;?(1 su.cIt :jork in tlie future. In t:;e event tit1.c to oi-ie or :!orz of said lots is sold, tiie ilerein stated 0t:lization Sk311 autoilzt ical ly also becc!r:e ti;e obli~atio;: of tile TlC.?K Q:mer of saic’ lot cr lots, ?ro’i,ided hol,:ever ti:zt t1:e outer of each lot shall be o’olisatec’: only l.~:ith ;es?-rci to t:ie i;ori; in the .Street fronta.ce of his o!m lot-. . . . Tn the event r\!:‘E.r! l:zils to act as rec,uil-ef! in ;~ara~,ra;;Il 1 above, after xritteri c!cr?aad tilercfor 1;~ CITY, CITY sclj- pcrftirr. C:.iX;,ir;D's said ol~li~ations g.Ti<I “T.:liER shall u~;On blrittei? deK3F.d t!:crt’_for, Teir?;LLrrsc to CITY its cysts therefor. . Tills 3grec7znt s:lZll hc bllldi.25 rri;orl ant! lp,y!~e tc t?,e bendit of the heirs, sIlccessors, assi_..;T:s, artcl successors in interest ii1 said real ?rOpCrty, shall rcn with sai6 real Frc>erty, 2nd -. shall create a;; eqlJita1:lc servitude ‘u;jo?: said rz21 ?ro;;crtjr. CITY OF CA?.L53;2D, :I, :‘Llrlici;:g.l Cor;>oratio;-t of t;lz Stat;‘ of California STAT!: (-IF c:\T,IF~?7’:‘i;i ) c5 (-(-J(:‘<T‘i (Ti: S,\;>; ~II::II;(? ) -- * (Jr, this 19 day of MARN ir, tile vi’,?r ISbQ before r7 c ST!!,\?‘i’ ( . i,rl,Sr;Ji, 2 ?ot2r;r ll~iTY~~~‘.i:i a;:(! fbr saKF;t?Lz: ‘--:;son,lll;,~. L. . * z;:.Ajcnrc::d D&U ID Jv\, DUMN~ - , I:nob:r: to r-c to hc “RyOr of t;ic Cit\v of (:n?‘lS:~nC:, (:;!ll!~OTi;lE, :!i!cl !;COb:1! t@ T.2 tQ b2 t!!c ;.:3rsr)TI 1i:kO CXeCllted t!iC 5:i.tlli.r: instrllr*cnt on l)cllzl f 0C szitl i)ublLc corjlorat ioil, nf;cnc;: a.1 ;;oli,tic7il s~;l~di\~i.siol;, nnc! . ‘P *,-. * 1 2 3 4 4 . 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .14 15 16 17 18 19 20 . 21 22 2;J 24 25 26 27 2E 2s . 3c 31 3: ackrloxledgeci to Tnc that Such City of Carlsbad, California excc\;ted the Sarie , I:;ITxESS Ely hand o.nd official seal . _ --- “. QoJfLW -, slznature STI-iA~Ti‘ I:. iiIL.j(.l:.; . STUART C. WILSON ! NOTARY PUBLIC . CALIFORNIA 1 PRINCIPX OFFICE IN - SAN OIEGO COUNTY l"lHlllllll"llllllHlIIIIIHHIIIHII*UIUUUU w*I"III"llllrmllllllyuuy.IIIuII)IIIIII*I~ MY CCMMIS:ION EXPIRES JUNE 15, i97Z . . S-i’hTE r!F CALI!-.O?XTA ) :OlIXTY PF SM! DIEIGO ) “’ c,dkl /qs d before me, the undersisxcd, a ;iotarj in &%ci Por saict State, A/La 70 ;-jersc29.1 ly aTpczred&,yd/ (, 0’68 L/ET-Lz- 75 U’G”Bh> >/ I__- , known tcj ille to he t;:e jerson S 5:!iosS3 na:?e s is ilfe Sll~;~SCrl!itti to tSle i;itili?l iilStrLlyTe2t’ rcknovle1Eeti that !le/sl:s/thcv executed the sav!e. ‘(ITliE:;‘; ~17 hz~riti and official’ seal. My Commission Expires Dee, 28,196$ -3- FRlr4CI:,Ai. O:;ICE IN \ .- TT . , ’ . I -. I4ic;c ‘I ,. . I 1. ‘. - ..: . . l :. - * - . : &‘. . . .- -. ,.. ..* “.i* * I- .$ , _,., . _ ,. : .. - ;:. - . -..-_d-L_- ..-- _ -.; ;- ,. “. -_ - * ;. : .-. .- -Y .. --.- : .* : ,. -..__ _ -- .--- -----~~-~\~ -” .e . . . _’ . . . . - .-. . : Y > . . ,’ : .’ _ : .: . . f r I - . '1 . . . - . . . : . . . . . . I : . ._ . . - . . - _ . .- - : . . . . . . . z . - - _ . . Jtliy . . . e . Legal Descri&on . f . I -_ .: : P8rCe1 ‘6’ _ . : . . That Certain rortion.of bt 7, WiLsonia .Tract, being located .* in the City of CarlskaC, C0ur.c.y of Son Gip30, sbate’of ’ Cal<fornia, according tc; )@tp thereof Nn, ,21&I. filed in the -. Office of the County kecorder of’said County, described a6 . rollowe : . aegincing at the most kr!.herly ‘corner of said I,.ot 7; thecce. elong the Northuesterly ! ine of said Lot, South 55” 25’ 22” West (3ecord.South.55’ 27 LYest) 16.00 feet; thence DaraXIel with the Northeasterly Line of said tit, South 34” 33’ East 6O.b feet to the ?‘NZ iol~?JT OF BFX;INN3l;G: thence South 55” 27’ West 93.m feet; thence South 34” 33’ East 42.69 feet; thence South 55” 27’ Yes?. 13.X feet; ther,ce South, 79” 33’ bst 3’5.00 feet more or less to tbe Southeasterlv 1ir.e & .*: .- . . said’ Lot 7; thence North 55” 18’ 21” Zast (Hecbr> Nbrth 55” - 2.7’ &et) 103.00 feet more ar less to a point on a i)ne :hat is paralle!, with and Cistawfr 1O.ix3 feet Southwesterly, measured 8t right angles from the !lorthensterly line of said Lot 7; . thence alon said paralleL Line North 34” 33’ West 77.45 feet more or less to the TRUE X;XT 9F 3ZGII\;tilNG. . Containing therein, j,562 square Feet. TFJ/jm . - . . . . / . . a . . ._ . . I ‘! EXHIBIT “:I’* . . 1. 2. 3. : ., :..‘: -. . 1:2& Grading and paving of adjacent public right of way to its centerline. Construction of P.C.C. curb, gutter and sidewalk abutting all street frontages of property. Planting of street trees or deposit of monies with the City to plant said trees. All construction shall conform to City standards at time of the work is done. Exhibit "B" . 4 . . -