HomeMy WebLinkAboutADJ 112; Tamarack Partners; 77-122031; Future Improvement Agreement/Release. . a 1 2015 . L - t - P16L/?A@f “t?7-1zm31 bBklR ‘9”$cl Rt~~RoCIo RinuspT OF RECORD 1 IIG KCQUESTED t3’1’ AND ) WHEN RECORDED MA I L 2-O: ) > C i Cy of Cclr--i 5bad 1 1200 E lrli PtVClil.lC ) CLI 1-I shad, CA 9 2.0 0 8 1 kDBiG%liE hR J BUM’/7 OWCUL ff &JEQRQS $A# QlEtf~ COUNT Y, CALIF,. tidf&EY F. Qi,QQjj a WlXDW#ER MO FFF -.- ..-- ----_-~-----.-l_-.--l- Sp~~~~G~X~til-t s 1 i nc for Recorder’s use , D~c,fZ’&ttj,~ $ NO “” _ ____ Siynsturc o’-7 de-clarartt determining tax- f i t-m natiie City of’ Cat-lsbad Parcel No. 204-280-018 and 02i -.- _-_-.. m.-.-------._---. - -....___._ ___ --_-_~.--. -___--_-- "--I_ CONTRACT FOR FUTURE PUGLIC IMPROVEMENTS ~-,-- __1__---.- -__-- THIS AGREEMENT is made by the City of Cartsbad, a n-tltnicipal . corporation, hcreina-fter referred to as “City”, and 666 Tamarack Ave., I a Limited Partnership t y Ownc I-” . RECITALS: , he t-ei naf WHERE.\S I Propel--hy Owner has appl ied t.o C ity for an adjustment plat for the real property hereinafter described, now under f-‘t-operty Ovu’ner’s m/net-sh i p ; and WHEREAS, it has been found that said propzr:y is nat suitable for deve 1 opment in its present condition, however said property would be suilrablc for development i f certa i n pub1 ic improvements hereinafter described are const rutted and certa i n i rrevomhlc offers of dedication at-e made to Ciuy; and WHEREAS, the Municipal Code of City and letter dated December 13, 1976 approving.adjustment plat No. 112 attached hereto and i ncorporsted by t-e-fercnce herei t-1 t-equ i re certa i tI i rip rovenient s s tld ded i w t ions as a corr-!d i t i on or’ appt-ova I of th i s adjustment plat ; and WHEREAS, Property Ok\rr-te r has requc,sted said adjustment @at bc granted by City in sdva txc of the t in;e sa i d i mprovetnetltS a t-e to be made; and ’ wtlEnt~As~ Propczrty Oi~rler-, i 11 cons i de ra t ion of the app t-ova 1 of 0 77-7 . 2016 ~a id adjustment plat de:? i r-es to enter i nto t-hi s sgrec:melnt 52 c c L! r i ng 1 tic cons! ruct ion of’ said I mp I- ovenl~ n 1: 5 , 3 lid C i ty, has dcte t-m i nccl it to kc in the pub1 ic interest to a~j~-ee to tclripot-at-i ly postpone said . const rucl ion; NOW, Tt-IEREFORE, IT IS AGREED between Lhe pat-t its hereto as r-01 lows: Sect i on 1 I ------_--- Tllat City agrees to record any irrevocable offers of dedication made h\. Property Owner for improvement of Tamarack Avenue along the adjustment plat frontage _Sect ion 2, That Property Owner, i n 1 i eu of lIlaI< i ng the here i n-e p.., after described iniprovements before approval o-f said adjustment plat ir, granted I agrees to insta 11 and construct, or cause to be i nst-;I 1 led OI- cons~.ructc.d, sa id improve~ments in accordance. wi th plans and speci f i - cations spp:-oveci by the City Engineer within 60 days after writteln demand so to do by ‘C i t.y. Yroperty Owner sha 1 1 not be rcqu i red to make sa id improvements before April 1, 1978 or within such further period of time as is granted by City, provided, however, t-hat upon the lhappeni ng of either of the fol lowing occurrences said improvements may, at the sole election 0-F City, be rcyui red to be made sooner. than said date or such extended period of time which,may have been granted by City: (a) When tile City Council finds that the owners of b.OXi or more of the frontage, including the frontage of Property Owner, between inter- sect.ing streets on boi:h.sides of the street upon which ttie property’ het-tin descr i hcd has frontage, have agreed with City.to install street i!:>prove- merrts to City specifications. (b) When owners of more than 50% of the frontage, between int‘crsecting streets on both sides of the street upon which the property herein described has Frontage, have petitioned the City to form an improvement district for the improvement of’said streets. Said improvements shal 1 be made without cost or expense to, c i t)i City estimates that the cost of.engineering and construction of . sn i d i nIp.rovemen t s at the time of signing this contract is $22,690.00 . Property Owner hereby acknowledges that said cost is a reasonable estimate of engineering and construction costs at this time. and that the ac.tlJZl 1 COSt Of Sc7llle at some t ime in the future n~ay exceed this estimate. Section 3. -- That for the f-a i tf-Jul performance OF the promises . \ i, tld cc)vclw~ n 1s he t-e i n conta i tied , Property Owtic3r Ilereby grants to City a 1 ien upon-I the hcr(finafter described property i II the nntount of $22,690.) plus any future i ncl-cases of cost in excess of this sum rosultinq -from i ncreased eng i neet- i ng and cor~st rctct ion costs, and in the event Propert\ . . Owner, his succcssot-s, hei t-s, assigns, or transferees fa i 1 to instal 1 and construct said improvementr, in the manner and within the time speci- fied herein, be agrees that City may do arty or all of t-he following: (a > Have 1: t- ie necessary engi tneering for said improvements done, and instal 1 and constructs said improvements by cont:ract or other- w i s ti , C i ty or i ts cant rsctot- and hi s empl oyccs may entet- upon any portion of- pot-t ions of the property reasonably necessary for said enqincerincj and construction, and the ent i re cost and expense shal 1 be charged against: said property and payable by said Property Owner, his ion from successors, heirs, assigns, or transferees inimcd iate of said improvements LI In the cvenl: same is no:; pa id camp 1 et i oil, C i’ty may forec 1 ose said lien as provided forec 1 osu t-e of mortgages. 1 y p ii 0 n c 1 e t onip within 30 days b 1 a w y f 0 r 1: h c (b) ,D i rect the City Engineer to est imate the cost of necessary engineering, and the wet-k required to insiall and cons;truct said impt-ove- ments ), and foreclose said 1 ien in said amount. ’ (c) Pursue any remedy, legal or equitable (including those specifically referred to herein), for the foreclosure of a lien, and the Property Owner, his successors, heirs, assigns, and transferees, shall be 1 iable -for reasonable attorney’s fees as a cost in said proceedings. Section 4. That i.t is agreed that- anything he t-ei II contained to the contrary notwithstanding, the promises and covenants made herein shall not be binding upon I-he holders, mortgagees, or beneficiaries of any purchase: money mortgage or purchase money deed of trust for value which has been or may in the .futurc be executed by t:he .Property Owner, his successors, heirs, assigns, or transferees, and the 1 ien hereby created shall be and is hereby subordinated to and declared to be inferior and subsequent in lien to the lien of any such purchase motley mortgage.or (:,\I t-chase money deed of trust. The lien hereby created shal 1 1 iltewise be . of no force or e,Ffect a+~ inst any owner whose title to the property here- inafter described is acquired by or as a result of a Foreclosure or (3) 2018 trus deed t e e I.: ’ 5 a 1 e of any such pu rchasc fiioncfc.) riiortyagc 07 pci rchase riioney of trllst. Sect ion 5. That __I_---..-. ;:I. any t irnc: during the period herein provided, the Property Owner, his successors, heirs, assigns, or transTcrees may deposit a cash bond or post. a surety p:?rforniance bond sat isfactory to the City to charge said surety wi th the cost o-I’ sa id improvements; t’he amount of bond to be the est i~matcd cost of engineering and improvements at the time of such deposit or posting as asccrta i ned by the C i ty Engi neer, and that upon deposit of said cash or post i ng of said bond the: City agrees to release the property, or any portion of it as to which said deposit or posting appl ies, from the provisions of this agreement, and to execute any necessary release to. enab i e tlie record -I-it le of fhe pro- . perty to be relea,sed from the 1 ien herein imposed. Sect ion 6. “^__.~- -““- - Said City shali not, nor shal 1 any officer or emp 1 oyee thereof, be 1 iabie or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happeni ny br occurring to the work or improvements speci-fied in this agreement .prior to the completion and acc.eptal>ce of the S~IIC, nor shall said City ? nor any off i cer or eri;ployee thereof, be 1 iable for any pet-sons or property injured by reason of said work or improvements, but all of said li.abilities shall be assumed by said Property Owner, and his successors, .heirs, assigns, and transferees, and they shall save the City harmless from, and indemnify the City against, any and all claims, suits and 1 iabilities of or to any person or property injured or claim- ing to be injured as a result ‘of said work or improvements. Said Pro- perty Owner, and I-bis successors, heirs, assigns, and transferees, further agrees to protect said City and the officers and employees thereof from all 1 iabil ity or claim because of, or arising out of, the use of any patent or patented article in the construction of said improvements. Sect ion 7. -...--. -..-- _.“.. --. It is further agreed that said P-!;opcrty Owner wi 11 at al 1 times up to the completion and acceptance o,f said work and im- provcments by the City, give good and adequate warning to the traveling pub1 ic of any dangerous or defective conditions of pub1 ic property. The P ropcrty Owner hereby agrees to pay for such i nspcction of improvements as may be required by the City Engineer of City. c Section 8 ““.“-.-,--.-A Th i s agreement and the covenants conta i ned hcrci n s ha 1 1 be 1-j i nd i nq capon and in!jri: 10 t:hc bcncfit of 1:he sriccessor5, hei I-5, ( 11 j . ’ * . . “’ ass ic-ris, i! rnd 1. i-a II3 fe 1-(r3es of I’rope 1-1-y @blnc2r’, r;ii;-. I1 rufr wi tl~ .sa id rea 1 p r 0 p e r t. y , and create an equitable c;(-!rvi~ude upcjn :;aid rea 1 proper-t:y. Sect- ion 9 c A d c s c I- i p 1: i c? n 0 f I- 12 e ---.--..---A-. - p~ropei-ty refer red to here i 12 and upon whic;ti r;aid lien is imp>osed is dk2scribed a5 follows: That portion of Tract 231 of the Thum Lands, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to the Map *thereof No. 1681, filed in the office of the Recorder of said San Diego county, December 9, 1915, described as follows: Beginning at the south'east corner of said Tract 231; thence north a distance of 28O39' West along the northeasterly line of said Tract, 226.8 feet to the most easterly corner of land conveyed to the Carlsbad Union School District by Deed dated October 5, 1955 and recdrded in Book 5834, page 140 of Official Records: thence South 61°21' West along the southeasterly line of said land 558.35 feet to the northeasterly corner of the land described in Deed to Gregory W. Losa and Katherine J. Losa, husband and wife, recorded March 11, 1958 in Book 6989, page 33 of Official Records; thence along the northeasterly line of said land conveyed to Losa South 28O39' East 226.80 feet to the southeast corner thereof being also a point on the northerly line of Tamarack Avenue; thence North 61021' East along.said northerly line 558.35 feet to the point of beginning. xx xx xx xx ‘XX xx xx xx 2020 i.. Section 10. The required improvements to be constructed and ---..._- I_ tile estimated costs thereof 8re as fol.‘lows: ~“~~~iiV~T~!~~,t~W~~ Estimated costs _-- __--.- --_.-. __._l.__ 1. A.C. Pavement 13,500 sq.ft. @ 0.75 $ 10,050. 2. Sidewalk 2875 sq.ft. @ 1.00 2,880. 3, Curb & Gutter 575 ft. @ 4.00 2,330. 4. Street lights 3 @ 1,100 3,300. 5 . Street trees 12 @ 100 1,200. 6. 15% Engineering & contingencies 2,960. TOTAL CG5:9: I $ 22,690. a'limited Partnership -. -- .-.- ,--__-- Property Owner c . * STATE GF CALrFeRNrri COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ?- c L Y’Y OF CARLSB.W, a Muliici.pL7.1 -~tion of the sirate of ;y-Jz?eyz?eyL ____ l?aul D * msscy y-=-&y 7TzGjFr On Bd&% 1971 , before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for,ss3?%tater personally appeared Paul D. Gusr;ey, known to me to be the City Manager of the City of Carlsbad, a Municipal Corporation of the State of California, known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on bchal..f of said Municipal CorporaC:ion, aiid ac:knowledgcd to me that such City of Carl.sb:~~d, California I cxec~?t:.?d the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. AFl?HOVED AS TO F3FU~l: City Attorney czzce-I) OFFICIAL SEAL , NORA K. GARDINER . NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIF f PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN \ - SAN DIEGO COUNTY \ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 2% lg80 \ \ E---4---------~ (Notarial acknowledgement of execution of owners must be attached). -6- and State, personally appeared known to me to be of the partners of the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such partnership executed the same. Name (Typed or Printed) Notary Public in and for said Covnty and State ~ ” * P:incipal OKice, San Diego Co. Calif. FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP