HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 526; Jeffress, Margaret; 81-172781; Future Improvement Agreement/Releasei':fC,C)[j,[) i It:;; REQiJI-:S1-i:(_) :;';dfdI) ) ?::-:;.I\! 1:::;: oi--:rl ED I.lrZ I L T 0 > *- 253 - c;‘i ty ;?I Cat-lsbad 1 200 E lm Avenue ca r 1 sl-,?lc! , CA gmo8 L--..- -.._.._..____ -_____I__-_-_.-_- -.----.-- -.-..-- -- .----- __c-_.------.--~- --&-172781 SP~CC abo\jz this 1 i nc3 for Rccorcier’:-, u s e firm name f)FF’i?lf’. ‘?pq:rrft!)$ Ci t:y of Carlskid b&l\, &Leg0 coun* y ,c A- UercLL. Lq\c NO IFt58 Parcel No. 294-280-l 6 -----~_ ___--l._--_ Reecord4~ ----..___- ----y--Y- . -__---A. ------_-- -. --_._--.__----- --_I- CONTRACT FOR FUTURE PUBLiC IMPROVEMENTS THIY AGREEMENT is made by the City of Carisbad, a mLlnicipa1 . corporation, hereinafter referred to 3s “City”, and Margaret Jeffress he.~~:.i.naft.e~~ referred .to as “Propertsy Owner” RFCITALS: -.1-----. -- WHEREAS ) Property Owner has appl ied to City for a . Minor Subdivision NO. 525 for the real proper-L-y hereinafter described, no\\! under Propercy O~~ncr’s .: own e I- s I-I i p ; a nd WHEREAS, it bar; been found that ssid property i 5 not su i t<jbli-, 3 for development i I-I its present cond i t ion, hobx:evc?r said property would tic suitable for developmctlt if certain pub1 ic in!pr<)\/zmlc:r:t:~ hereinafter describe:! are constructed and certain i r revocable offers of dedicc;;: ion at-c made to City; and WHEREAS , the Munici pa 1 Code of City and S.x:ti.on 20.28.060 ~!ttacht::d hereto and i ncorpor-a ted by re-Fei-c:nce here i :I reC]'J i r-e cert:a i I? _ i 2 ; ;-j r 0 ../‘ e ,7. ents and d::cl icat ion; i.1:: a c:orrd i i: i on of a;;;~ KOVLI i 0 f this M i 1 I 0 1: Subciivis ion No. 526 ; a tld WtlEi-‘,V <‘ 33) pr~J;)C~-~t\’ O!i,f;ir$i- i-is’; !-g~~iIf(r'S t CX/ 53 i Cl Minor SubdivLsion t1e CJ rar-1 I.cc! by c i t y i ri ;~dvclrlCt? 0-F I, hfi t ill12 53 i :-I ’ 7 , l,,p;-pJ!~<yI!fl.: . ;?t 5 <] !- I:.! t Cj I! ‘,‘ i t!c i-c.1 t: i C)i; 0-f t h’_’ :? I‘/> I-iI\/i> i rr : i:Y li El\ 5 , P r C)(j c..: r t y Il. i I i :3 r , i n c 0 r! 5 (0 . . 254 - . - .:qci i d, Minor Subdivision ,..I. 526 \ dC:Si l-C+5 tG enter i,.,.o t}li!< ;~g~-~~~~::~F;n~ s Secut-iilq the construct ion of Said improvemretS, and C i ty has determi necf i t. to be in the pub1 ic interest: to agree to tempera r i 1 y pas tpone 5~7 id cons t: I-UC t i on; NOW, TtlEREFORE, IT IS AGREED between the parties hereto aS f 0 1 1 0.J s : I Sect ion 1 ----.----2 That City agrees to record any irrevocable o-ffers .-iication made by Proper,ty Owner for Minor SubcIivision No-s26 .Sect ion 2, That Property Owner, in lieu of malting the herein- after described improvements before approval of said Minor Subdivision is granted, agrees to instal’l and construct, or cause to be installed . or constructed, sa id improvements in accordance with plans and speci-fi- cationS approved by the City Engineer within 60 days af.ter written demand so to do by City. Property Owner shall not be requi t-ed to make said improvements .before Janual-y 1, 1982 or within such further period of t icw as is granted by City, provided, however, that upon the happening of either of the following .occurrences said improvements may, at the sole election of City, be requi red to be made sooner than sa ic! date or such extended period of t i me which may have been granted by C i ty : :- (a) When the City Counci 1 finds that the owners of kO% or mot-e o-f the frontage, including the frontage of Property Owner, between inter- secting Stree.tS on both sides of the street upon which the property herein described has frontage, have agreed with City to install street improve- ments to City specifications. (b) When owners of more than 50% of the frontage, between i i?tf::-sect i ng Streets on both sides of the street upon which the property I?et-t>i n described has frontage, have pe-titioned the City to form an impi*ovcf,~ent district for the improvement of said strczth. Said improvements shal 1 be made without cost or expense to cr ty. C i t y es t i ma t es t ha t .t he cost of eriyi neer i ng and cons t ruct ion of set i c! i !,ip:-oveiner, t s at the time of signing this contract is $5,06O*c)O - P t-r,pi3 I- t. y 0:;:ne r he t-eby acknow 1 edges t ha TV Said cast is a re;lSonab]c es t i I:!;) : i: o f encj I nce t- i ng and const ruct ion coS ts if t thi S time zrjii t/la t tt’!c ac ttl;f ‘I c.c)s t 0, C;~IIIIC: a t: son~n t i lfle i ri the Fu LU i’c may CXctC!cl t 11 i 5 (>>; t i l;1..-r ii: c SCil: i <jr1 3 -.. . ._ .___ ..-___ .-c- Tha 1: -for the fa i .thFt11 pet-for!ri;lni;c of t.ilr.! t;rc,.rli <f:‘j (2) ._ . , 255 - ‘a nd’ cc%,fCna 11 t s here i n con t-a i ned , Property Owner t~c~t-c!t,y gt-;-‘nt:q to Ci ty n 1 i en upon the hereinafter described property in the amount of- $5,060.00 , pll~s arly fwture increases of cost in excess 0T this sum resulting fro:n i nc t-w 5 ed eng i nee r i ng and corlst ruct ion costs, and in the (-‘vent Propi::rry Owner, his successors, heirs, assigns, or -transferees fai 1 to install and construct said improvements in the manner and within the time speci- f ied herein, he agrees that City may do any or all of the following: (a) Have the necessary engineering for said improvements done, and install and construct said improvements by cant rac.t or o.ther- wise. Ci ty or its contractor and h.is employees may enter upon any portion or portions of the property reasonably necessary for said eng i nee r i ng and construction, and the entire cost and expense shall be charged against said property and payable by said Propert-y Dwnitt-, his _ successors, heirs, assigns, or transferees immediately upon completion of said improvements. In the event same is not paid within 30 days from camp 1 et i on, City may foreclose said 1 ien as provided by law for the foreclosure of mortgages. (b) Direct the City Engineer to estimate ‘the cost o-F necessary engineering, and the work required to install and construct said improve- . merits, and foreclose said lien in said amount. (c) Pursue any remedy, legal or equitable (includZ%g those specifically re-ferred to herein), for the foreclosure of a lien, and ti:e Property Owner, his successors, heirs, assigns, and transferees, shall be liable for reasonable attorney’s fees as a cost in said proceedings. Sect ion k= --- That it is agreed that anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding, the promises and covenants made herein shal 1 not b:b binding upon the holders, mortgagees, or benericiaries oF r$“y - pu rchssc>. money mortgage or- purchase money deed of trust fol- value ~.&I I c:h - has been or may in tile future bc executed by the Propet-ty Owt~~t7r, his succ~‘5ssot-s, he i t-5 , assigns, or t t-ansfot-ees, and the 1 ien hereby crc;l?ed shsl 1 i)I~: and is harc:by subordi rlated to ant! declarEli to bje ini-et-io:- and sutPxquct~tt in 1 ien to the 1 ic:n of any such pu rchast’ money fw r t ga c_jc or I’” rct1;1 ‘;C I-Iiotrc!y clcC3cl 0-f t I-u?; t . T t I c: 1 i e n h c; r c: b y c rc:a t c? d s t 1 ;I I 1 1 i 1%: ew i s f-t i-1 c: 0-F no fc t‘r:f3 or (31: feet aq;l i r15 I a I 1 y ON r-1 %z r w h or; c: t- i t 1 :: t o t‘ h s:: p r (.~p c’: ‘- t y h ;T I-L? - t of Cl for(Y.: lOS!.l r-e or t i:: r dcsc r i bed s acqu i t-c! I by or as ;r t-csul (31 256 - Y ..I(,11 pII t.c;lIc! c;iJ ll!OI11~); II!0 I? (j?i ki,‘ C, I- p:; r-c;f>;~ se trtorlc3y t*r-;, 5; [ <‘(‘Y< ’ SF1 1 c 0 I- il I1 deed of’ ‘t rust. Sect ion 5. --.-._- -... ---__ Ti-El L at rllljl t. i IIIC tiu I- i nq t. he: pz t- i <,?ri hc I-C i n [I rov i tied , t he P t-c,j,i< r t y O!d ne r- , 11 i 5 SI!c:Cc!sscJi”S ) he i r-5, i;ci!; i CjllS, or t. rdr’is fet-ecs fI?ay ci e p 0% i t- a c.3 sh bond or po; t a 5li rc t-y pc:r f’c)rlilL2 ncc b;;:~:! 513 t i 5 fcictot-y to the C i t-y to charge said SLlt-ety with the c:r)5,t of said iI;ii-) t-ov3ilen t s ; the amount of bond to be -the cst imated cos.t of- engineering and improvements at the time of‘ such deposit ,or posting as ascertained by the Ci-ty Engineer, and that upon deposit of said cash or posting o-f said bond the City agrees to release the property, or any port ion of it- as to which said deposit or posting applies, from the provisions OF this agreement, and to execute any necessary release to enable the record title of the pro- perty to be released from the 1 ien herein iI?lposed. - Section 6 -_-2.. Said City shall not, nor shal 1 ant/ officer or entpl oyee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work or improvements specified in this agt-cement prior to the c.ompletion and accept;~\~ce u-F the same, nor shall said Ci-ty, nor any of.ficc:r or employee thereof, be 1 iable f-or any persons or property injured by reason o-F said work or improvemen-ts, but all of said liabilities shall he assumed by said Property Owner, and tii5 successors, heirs, assigns, atnd transferees, and 2h::y shall save the City harmless From, and indemnify the Cit-y against, any and all claims, suits and 1 i.abi 1 i ties of OF to any person or property injured 01 claim- ing to be injured as a result of said work or improve;;lents. Said Pro- pe rty O\yIne r , and his successors, heirs, assigns, and transferees, further agrees to protect said City and the oFficers and employees thereof from all liability or claim because of, or arising out of, the use of any patent or pa tented article in the construction of said i!Ilpt-ovc~me;-1ts. Sect i on 7. -_----_- It is Further agi-czec-I that said Property ownnet- wi 11 at al 1 t imes up to the completion and acceptance of said work and, im- prove~l>~:nnts by the Ci-ty, g i ve qood and adequate LI;I 1-n i nq 1-0 the t ravel i ng L pub1 ic; of any darlgerous or clf:>fect ive ~oncli ti 013s OK pub1 ic; property. T !.? t-f Property O\wtler hereby agrees to [lay for SUc:h i i;S[.JC!Ct ion 0 1. iillp tmOVerll(3t2f I; as rri8y be t-equi red by tilt7 City Erigi nect- of City- Section 8. T!7 i ‘9 LICJ I-c.lc,llerlt’ < lncl tile c:cwc:wtr1!-5 iic'lili ct 1 tl,tci hct-(:i ;I ----. *___--.__ __._- s ha 1 1 hr: b i rc , i rld i nq upon ;I rid i~:kli-e to the k)c!i-tCfit 01‘ l-ho 5 s 1 c. c ct c; s t-1 r 5 , tic.! (‘4 A 8 s’s i q’r; s , atIc/ tr-a~~sf’crt:c~s OF Pt-opet-ty Owner, shsl 1 t-cln wi t 1) snid re;tl \li-C>pCI*i’y, ;-Incl crcat’c! 2n cqcri t;Iblc set-vi t’ude upon sc7icI t-w1 pt-opert:y. St!c: i: i or7 3 . A clc5cripCior’b Of the property t-cferrcd t-o hcrci ri ___~ .___ --.- . ..--- - c7nd capon ~.!liicti said lien is ir-tlpor,cd i 5 cle5cr ibed ;15 fol ICWI; : Portion of Tract 231 of Thum Lands per Ilay 1681, recorded December 9, 1915 in the office of San Diego County Recorder. * . f 258 L - - . :; (1 CL t-. i. (i 11 10 - 3, : .*:(lqlJ. irci! :i.ri!,>rc'Jil;tlf':i? :I:; 1:<, tjs:: COY15 !I c 1-l c: t-l r: ct ;\ 1: il I ' _ ._~_.. ~- ..----~---- _,.-. I the es ti.m;lt.cd ens ts the LYeof arc a5 fo:!.lows : :~x~~.rov~!rncn-ts i;- ~~:stirn;tt~~d Costs --- _--_ m-_-_ _.-- ..-_ .--.--_- Curb $ 640.00 Sidewalk 660.00 A. C. Pavement 1,200.oo Base Course 1,560.OO Site Pyeparation 4OQ.00 Engineering b Contingencies 690.00 TOTAL COST $ 5,060.OO t _--.-- Property Oxner CITY OF CA'ALSRA!‘,, a MwicipaI Corp&;itian of the Skate of CaLi:Eo:rnia S’.rI-\TE OF CAL:EFOIWIA ) ) ss. co UNTY OE :;?.r?! DIEGO ) . BY z?d~U -----c_- __l-.--__wL__ I?XNK I), ALESi-IIRE, C i:t;f Id: tnt~g<;:~ cm 5- -.----L -?rl!clp Nokary Pu3_ll.i.c in and f-or saZ?f State, , before me thz ur~d~rs+c~'~xzd, a personally apperked 1+3nk !I. fllc?.sl:i-ro, known to rr!<l to be the city ManayEx 0:E the ci-ty of Carlsbiid, r: Miln:icigal Co:K-pora'tic~n of the State of Ca.l.ifornia, kno>In to me -to be the peYr,on xh.3 executed -th- within ins::rument on behalf of said Plu-il:ic-i.pal Corpozat5ou, and acknowieI%gzd to me th;;tt such City of Carlsbad, Cali.farn:i.a, e'r:en~.~ked -the s am3 _ FJITNESS my hand and official seal, ( t:o t_a !?!!Aiy r%J E c: ry. -~..~-.-j_ - -- L’ uh .t 1c 1: i ;‘t-I. ,rfXFZrlC)r;ll t:ifCjC!ii!L*:l l- or c;:~~r!t:t-,~ir):~ CY-f! <>J*lilf?1::; 1;:r1::! 13:: ;I1 t.;:*,-.lr<:".l \ I - -- I; - 70 ,944 CA (8.74, (Individual) STATE OF CALIFORNIA _ . “” 259 Ee-E *TIcoR COMPANY State, personally appeared to be the perso- whose n ?o the within instrument and acknowledged that executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature OFFICIAt SEA1 BEV BATCHELDER NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY Mv Commission Expires Nov. 16, 1984 (This area for official notarial seal)