HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 89-18; Centex International Inc; 1998-0009475; Hold Harmless Agreement/ReleaseDOG 1; 1998-0009475 City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA. 92008 In improvemE 706 ilFFICIflL RECORB JAN 08. 1938 I:28 PM SAN DIEGO MXRITY RECORDER’S FFICE GREGORY tiEMTHs COUNTY RECORDER : 0.00 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER’S USE portion of DRAINAGE ) and fZ F: 1 *I n No. ,eh ” 1 347-8),cfor develbmknt tq&ccur on,6 IP &isd the owners of sai agents and empl property, directly or indirect1 orporation, flow of surface waters or drainage, or the concentration of surface waters or drainage from the drainage system or other improvements identified in the approved plans; or by the design, construction or maintenance of the drainage system or other improvements identified in the approved plans. Approval of the plans by the City shall not constitute an assumption by the City of any 1 1 construction of the improvements pursuant to the approved plans, nor shall any officer or employee thereof be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring during the construction work or improvements as specified in this agreement. It is further agreed that the above owner(s) will maintain all drainage systems to insure a free flow to a satisfactory point of discharge unless said systems are accepted as public facilities. It is further agreed that this agreer _‘, ~el~:i,~t~~~~~~~,b~,~.binding on all heirs, successors or <$ ‘_;:‘: ., ‘,, ,I,$:, ” I $2 j 2 f i : ,_:, ,i:, assigns having an interest inalko&ny,,part c ,, : ;,$,I I ‘I j g i ;cl;‘r,i,;,r> IN WITNESS W&R&P,, the’undersigned h$s%xecuted this ir$tiument this 11th >:I ,, lijj:;_ :’ $..‘Z, day of Dece&& __ %,&~7 .’ ~:i’::.,._ ( ,/, I> ” ,t.tI> < ‘2 : ~i;t~,~‘:““r,‘p,( j’j,{;’ ‘: $ ,$ ~~-2w,&~i~ 1, 1 i’nis:“+“: _. j ,i.i& :!‘,q,; ;,’ : ::p$ &,i,l& 1 I :‘: A i’. ..:j ‘,j> ., ~:7:~&:j i:&.i:; PROPERTY OWNERS ‘::I,._ .:,$.;:i:ili _I! ,$:qy..: ::$: ;4;!:& i ,” $j , _, &&X InterrMional. Inc.. APPROVED RONALD R. 1 ; j:&,$_i .I_ :$ p2+,., :.~:..: I?j,$li I :‘. : Date: B-/f- 9) ’ j I-i-“i$,;>l ;,’ jl:: ,s,j 3’3 3’ j,’ : ,_ l$.i ,,, a)‘(, :;f;$;<, z ;,/,I jji:, 2 g&~!: ,_ : By: ,;f’! ,__ ,.,,, ,_’ IF .’ ,< ,I : I’;>:;’ j /’ ,I, (Sign Here) I >%,,, _‘_’ “’ ,.$ .,_, ,.^_ ,,I,> : “..+.’ ii:” .L *,(; ^d. ,,: ; j ; ;<I, ( BALL, City Attorney By: -cQ (Proper ‘notarial acknowledgment of execution by the OWNER(S) must be attached). State of California County of San Diego 1 I 708 State of California > ) County of San Diego 1 On’-bl- i),~!“lqq before me, &r&A 3 I %N etNk (Date) personally appeared (Name[s] of Signer[s]) (proved to me on the $ ,a,q ~ is/~ subscribgf/ < ’ Title or Type of’ U -.., ,ka=personally known to me -UK - #/j& his/w Signer(s) other than named above 619 6750716 P.04 DEC-03-197 10: 58 BERRYMFIN & HENIGQR c . . * . 109 j RECEIVEID NOV 2 0 1998 CERTIFIED CORJORATE RESOLUTIONS ENGINEERING - DEfARl-ME~ .’ I, Bet@&%mq Assistant Stcret~ of 2728 Holding Corporation (formkly Centex Real Estate Corpo+ion),. tkapodon duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nevada, do hereby certify that I have a&as to jhc records and minutes of the pmccehgs of the Borrrd of Directors of said Corporation; that the ~iuti&s set forth in the &hibit A attached hereto, initialled each page thereof by the Secretary or an As&ant S-of said Corporation for idcntificatian, and hereby made a part hereof, were duty adopted by the UumimoW~+ Consent of said Board of Directors as of November l&1988; that said resolutions and . the ad6pticirMserM are consistent with the ,laws of said State, and with tht Anicles 6f Incotporaticm and the By-laws of a&d wrpqatioq and that said rcsoluti~ have not been revoked or amended and arc now in full force and effect. ::’ ;:!‘::‘: ,_I.’ ,,;,,., i’.:. / REOF, I have hereunto set my hand and &cd the ;corporate seal of said i. ,’ Coqpo&&.&&nd day of Auqczr\ [ 996, -, ‘. ,/ ,., :I: /I : STATE OF; TEX+S ,: 5 : ‘, COIJWOF’DA;LLAS Onthis22MayafA um 1996. befm me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Bet@ Newmm who acknowledged that she executed chc above instrument. My commission expps: DEC-03-1997 I@:58 BERRYNQN 8 HENIGW! 619 6750716 P.05 I . . J -. . . 710 EUZSOLV%D,‘rhat the Chaimran of the Boaxi, the President, any Executive Vice President and any Vice President of the C&i@Ation sh4 have authority limited to matters relating to the o&&y course of business of the Corporation; the Division Presidents, Division Vice Presidents, Division M&agers and Division Controllers shai1 hike authority limited to matters relating to the ordinary course ofbustiess of the respective corporate clitirm of which they are 06kers; and Project Managers shall have authority limited to matters relating to the ordinary course of business of the Corporation relative to their projects; and l%rther RESOLVkD, Ih;rt the Chairman of the Boxd, the President, any Executive Vice Piesident and any Vice President of the Cokpoktion arc hereby each individually authorised on behalf of this Coqoration, with respect to the operations opthe .Corporation, to execute and deliver on behalf of this Corporation, k such cities, towns, viUagcs, counties and S&I&S where the Corporation does business and has operations, with or without a corporate seal, (i) applications, ,tentative and fmal subdivision plats and maps, dev&pmenc agreements and all other documeuts which are rekvant or incident to the development of real property in which the:Corporation has any imxest, (iii co&a&, deeds of conveyance and ail other documents which are relevant to the sale and closing of the sale of homes Co’cddsumcrs and (iii) all other documents necessary or appropriate to accdmplish the purposes of this rtsohttion; and tier , R.&OLVED, that the Di~lsion Presidents, Division Vice Presidents, Division Managers and Division Controliers of each of the Corparation’s divisions are each hereby individually authorised on behalf of this Corporation, with respect to operatiom of the Corporate division for which he or she is an officer, to execute and deliver on behalf of this Corporation, iu such cities, towns, villages, counties and states FGhere such Corporate ciivisicm dws’business and has operations;, with or without a corporate seal, (i) app1icntion.q tentative and foal subdivision pkgm dnd maps, development agreements and aI1 other documents which are relevant or incident to the development of real prop- in vvhich the Corporation has any interest, (ii) contlac~,:deeds of conveyance and all ofher documa~fi which are relevant to the sale and closing of the safe of homes to consumers and (iii) nlf other documents necessary or appropriate to accomplish the purposes of this resolution; bnd further RESOLVED, that the Project Managers of this Corporation are each hereby individually authorized on behalf of this ‘Cotporation, with rcsp& to operations of the Corporation relative to the Project managed by such Project Manager, tb execute and deliver on behalf of this Corporation, in such city, town, village, county or state where such pr#xt is located, with or without a corporate seal, (i) applications, tentative and final subdivision plats and maps, devcIopmcnt agnxments and alI other documents which are rclcvant or incident to the deveIopmcnt of re8l property in which the Corporation has any interest, (ii) contracts, deck of conveyance and allotherd ocumentswhich are relevant to the safe and closing of the sale of homes to consumers and (iii) all other documents nec&siuy or appropriate to accomplish the purposes of this nsolutiou. ,’ ! ’ ~,I:j.i, z,.Jfii”:, ,! ‘. ,I,’ : : ,, ..:.:; (,.I. IL, !‘I, ..!;+ : : , I,‘: -,:,3 ,’ . . 1,’ : “’ ,.; .,., 4.r: ; , .!I,,&$$ :: :I ., .‘> ,,1 1.1..v ,,L .‘:~~;~~r:.y:~, , I ., ! il ,;~&&~~t;~;$~ :’ ,,::p;Jd$ : A .+ DEC-03-1997 la: 59 7 + I...,, BERRYMFlN & HENImR ., ,,I,.:.... :! ,* . /*. * , ! ‘” :, * 8, ‘.L.. / ,3.., ,:: 711 CA~Dnn~ .+,;' .I. Prcsidtit, - . Project Maqtgb controHlcr : .:, : ., . - . IA/VW : ‘.’ President controlIcr ‘, President I Vice Prcsidmt Vice President Vice President Division Manager-hcmnento controlk . . . . sm ?wLRlxum : .: President COTltIOlk . Presiddnt ‘. Vice Pi+i&ntGmsttucdon Arca M&Gger (San Bcrnadino County) Controll~ ,. President Controkr President David L. Hahn contr011cr M. Bret Hill President ControUer 619 6750716 P.86 - i I I Richard E. h&on, Jr- ; Robut L. Wa David C. Hatch James J. Kopel; Jr. PhiIlip M. Culk David L. Barclay BqCrosby - Diane Hughes Jeff MiIIer Jack Hood Laurel ARochcsta Douglas R Jaeger Avay C. Kintncr Larry B. Ludwig Richard wocthillm hl Stephan 0. Nellia RenC C. MiIIar MiIesRGrm Jefhy P. ChrIson Tim R&a Michad S. McLeod / -3- TOTQL P.86