HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 97-02; Continental Homes Inc; 1999-0383508; Local Facilities Mgmt Zone Fee Agreement/Releaset . : . DOE A. 1999-0383508 * . 8 $ 0 w 2785 JON 03s 1999 E3:50 AM oFFIcI# REcim SIN DIE60 CUINTY REURDER’S OFFICE RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND ) !iRBXRY J. SHITH, IXIUNTY ftECDRDER WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: FEES: EL00 City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive ) Carlsbad. California 92008-I 989 I Space above this line for Recorder’s use AGREEMENT BETWEEN DEVELOPER/OWNER AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE PAYMENT OF A LOCAL FACILITIES MANANGEMENT ZONE TRANSPORTATION FEE ,, :’ ,,,‘~ip~x~~?~~~lj:~ ; ,zi :: ;,!” + ‘i.:d:&r;z a i( j!: i’ * >“‘i’f Ii‘ ,.I,.i> “..@gl#& ij;‘C:,@$+z3 i’, , ,!i ‘- ! , ji; :‘: ‘-~rifs rp,’ ‘:i& ;. ; : 1,‘ ‘~,“: : &$l .I .i; ,:4ip I, sL&‘@ ,; a,,:“;;,*, ” ;; (g( i;;&&; ‘~~&rcel Nos. 221-821-15 thru 20 ‘, ,I ,(; ,i::(.r~‘- “3 i y &~‘ L’p 221-821-21 thru 26 ,a i ‘? :*:% ,( +$jf:: ,,i “ .‘ -:, ,:’ P -“:$ ,,, ‘~: j i 3.;: “ ; ; [ [ L ‘, ,:, : ii i, ,- ~‘~‘:$$~~,, , -221-820-46 thru 58 2: jl L (;;;I- 1;i_ “ 2 -+: ;@?I -822-01 thru 08 * 221-823-01 thru 07 4; ;, _, ; :_lii:!lI‘l i 8, ‘( (_! “’ 221$23-23 thru 34 ::( j ,“- “’ illi I$_ i:l‘ : !f:, ,j ,(_ [ ,,;;:s :‘ I’ ,, $(I 3,‘iG’. ‘:I (j _,, ji‘,’ *~ !’ i jllliJ ;;jlf,;r :_ I‘ ,, ,: :I ,( ,‘:i :i, i ;$i k ‘0 :-, “’ -_ j( .$ .,), j, THI~&&p~ j -,;: ; 31 0 :s (._ is ~nte~&~~~~t~~~~ ‘/c/)/J y &f&Jy ,,‘, f&y’ Of s ,>a-l’i ,192 L,I by and Continentat-&&es, a corporation, he‘relnaffer referred to as “Devek@er” whose address is c I 2237 Faraday Avenue; ~Suite 100, Carlsbad, CA 92008 and the CITY QF CARLSBAD, $ municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred ‘to as “City”, whose address is 1200 Carlsbad Villa@‘!&i@e~ ;~arlsba~~~~~i~~rnia, ~~~~8-1989. :, ,!’ s.,:.. ,L, .) -~-WITNESSETH: .,_ ‘Z‘_ )( ,:ij&*‘ : ‘_ :;,: 3, ,i $i@f. .$ I 5.. i> ~‘.Iiii 1 ,@* ,,.:I, <.- WHEREA& @evetopet%% ,the real property described on’~%&bit “A”, &?ched hereto I and made a pad of this ~g&~~~nf~~~@&@&f@r ~efer~,&~a &@‘~Qerty”; and i WHEREAS, the Pt%$p&ty lies within the boundariesof ‘LFMP Zsne $8 within City; and i&‘, WHEREAS, Developer @$#&#J’~& ~~~~~o~~~~-~~~~~~~ ,& follows: 52 single family homes on said Property, which development carries the proposed name of Ranch0 Carrillo and is hereafter referred to as “Development”; and LFMP Zone Transportation Fee WHEREAS, Developer filed on the 4th day of May, 1999, with the City a request for building permits hereinafter referred to as “Request”; and WHEREAS, the Growth Management Ordinance (Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.90) requires that the City Council find that all public facilities necessary to serve a development will be available concurrent with need or such development shall not be approved; and WHEREAS, Developer a Ordinance, and that the @t&$ra f the Growth Management $$$:LFMp Zone 18 are at (,a: “ capacity and will not be available ‘to”accommodate‘-tfi~“‘~additianal cneed ‘for transportation facilities resulting ~~~~~~,~~~~~~sed Development; and (: (,LL :J& ((~; “’ ‘a, : i ‘.I /,s_lj$ ‘ WHER&, &$j@@&,. has asked the City to find that public ~~~~~esi’and’~~~ivices will i .,( ::~ be available~~~‘~~~~~i?ifirture needs’,~.‘tWb,,‘~~~, $: ,:,,;;, f##mii#pt is’ pr;selLI&y propid4eidl’l’ but the ,:i i if,, Developer i~%wi#r@~t#&~ the City cannot and will not be able to make any &ch findin@without ,’ i q)# 1 i : &I financial assistant to pay for such services and f&ilities; and therefor@, -De&fop@pr$@oses to ‘i) .: : j, ::,: I help satisfy the Growth’Management Ordinance%nd not be‘bound $$ the Moratorfum on such : )i j$:rl(( ,‘ ,,;;:g Development $&&&&@sby Cit);":"@&ncil Qvvi'nan& No. Mk&~$'~(;adopted &d #f&& as an /,;:s; : ,: urgency ordin‘~nce~Ajslril:‘~~~:Ii8899) byifiayment of an interim transporta@& f&$#&&$~. ,, ,’ : (1 ,’ ‘$&!,i ( I : ,;:+ ii :‘,I(; : :; NOW, ~~B~~FORE,‘.-‘lr”lr~i-consideration of the recitals an&he covenants contained herein, the paflies ~#&z~a&fol[~w&~ (~, !f$(( i/" “ j (_ ,: : :,':'!,i ,_' ii,' "'/ii, '~-' ‘ " ' 'I' " (,, ,::' ,‘ 1. “3 The Devek$%r:,sh~ll p&$toi‘the‘City ;s tra~~p~~atik#lfa~~~~~~es fee in an amount _,‘_, :& estimated at $10.00 per Average’o%ily~p-;~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~h~ Development pursuant to ‘_( ;:: , “ 1 the Request. The fee shall be paid prior to the issuance of building or other construction permits for the Development. Notwithstanding the forgoing, said fee is subject to adjustment, based upon the amount of the LFMP Zone transportation fee, or other fee, ultimately adopted by the City Council as the basis for termination of the Moratorium declared by the City Council I LFMP Zone Transportation Fee 2 4129199 . 2787 on April 27, 1999. If said fee has not been paid prior to final Council action formally adopting such fee, this fee shall automatically be adjusted to be the same as that fee. If this fee has been paid prior to such Council final action, then this fee will again automatically be adjusted, and Developer shall, within thirty (30) of written notice thereof by City pay any shortfall; or City shall within thirty (30) days of such determination, refund any overage. This fee shall be in addition to any taxes, fees, dedications or improvements required pursuant to Titles 18, 20 or 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The terms “other construction permits”, “other construction s 3.2 I $4, : g L ~.I s(&Lzi,)2 :.&! (‘j : : ~( &“p& , ii. ii% : gi.. ’ : ii i ” iis,, ~ &“‘$“‘d @b : i 3 permit” and “entitlement for use~‘:;&$@@f$is @&&j+@$~~#f#pt in reference to mobilehome ‘.j I 1.;. I, Ti (:‘,., (~ ,:: i dO:( *, .‘i Ia; sites or projects, shall not refer ~o”‘gr@tng &r&ts or other &rmft&‘fbg. the construction of ,, ‘3. _’ ,, “ j ,i -( : ,;: L,, ii ji .;a, ,il/ ‘3 ‘_ ‘i underground or stnW:improvemente Wit& no other ‘~err$t Is nece~&~ p&r to the use or ‘L ‘I, _%_, @a !::g occupancy for w~~~~~~:~~~~~~ent is intended. ) js: ;I;: +.a’ :, : 1: :‘3$$, ; L$!, a)x. ;,i;i&#,: :‘j “j ,‘, 1 I<&:. :‘a “&s&“: s j:/ I ;,(;: %1/~ () , : ,,i:‘i j’;‘G: ’ 2. @i&i- a$##&t and the fee paid pursuant hereto a~~‘:ri~eQ’~~f&d t~~~I;$~sure the ,;_~ 3 iI :.,:, I, ,._‘-*a I, consistency :&q& (0 1_1‘!‘) ‘jei s,,;;: pj..“t &fi;+., tie ~~i~~~~~~~~~~~, qqati,, and z&&ha ~f#&&gement & Ordinance, ti tk$ii$ee$‘not paid as ‘provided herein;.the City witI not have~thefunds &$rovide :“i 1 j’i,; flfii ,:,:,: % ;:, @ ‘1‘ : public facilitj&s ,and splices, and the development will nd~ be consis~~ht wit~~hd”~en~~l plan i i‘ $lj and any approvabor p&nit for, the Development shall be void! ~&&&$&ing ~~~ot~~~~:~o~~ruction ‘, I:lji:i permit shall ‘me: nss”~~~G~~r the pirbfi’~~~dtifi’es”fee’ required :~~l~~iS, ~greern~Ht;“i~,~~~~~:.;’ i: (( l& )( ‘q 3. dity,a~~~eS,~~ depositr.the fees paid pursuant to this agre;~~P~~~~:~:~~hd for the ,‘ ‘1 -,j ; i 3 ‘,’ ,~i:;$.+l~’ financing of trandpo&tion fac$tt&+ in or a’ffected by Local Facilities: M$nageme&?one 18 when .I ,- ~, ‘i_l : 3‘ ,‘: the City Council det&&ines the need ext!#$teprovtde the@&llfies and &$&tent funds from the : (( 1, payment of this and similar:~iiblic’:fadifitFesi~fe~~rai~~ailatile. 81,; ’ 1~:’ ~: ,( “ ,:I 3% ! 4. ‘,‘_ :,,,,‘; :;I#: ;;i ,“ :. ,j<ji p&g3 ‘ i- ,I i ill: ^i ;i’q$$,,;-‘ii! City agrees to pr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t rea#$r#t$k$~&$urances to enable Developer _3,’ L : : : : t !.*‘;:;’ :‘r % s to comply with any requirements of other public agencies as evidence of adequate public facilities and services sufficient to accommodate the needs of the Development herein described. I LFMP Zone Transportation Fee 3 4129J99 2788 5. All obligations hereunder shall terminate in the event the Request made by Developer is not approved. 6. Any notice from one party to the other shall be in writing, and shall be dated and signed by the party giving such notice or by a duly authorized representative of such party. Any such notice shall not be effective for any purpose whatsoever unless served in one of the following manners: 6.1 If notice is given to the (.&yiof,personal delivery thereof to the City or by depositing same in the United S&$4$ address set forth herein, enclosed in a sealed env&#&~‘:a&f ofi& ‘+jty Manager, postage (,I ‘/’ (, ,‘1 prepaid and certified~’ ’ (:_‘,I ” ,’ ,‘. ii‘,’ ,~ 1, :i: I 1, ‘,I,: ~“~~~.‘ :y;: i ,*- :,:+, :-j,!‘iqg en to Developer by personai’#&&ry thereoP,$o Developer 5, i ill * i 1 ) I.1 j,:;:. or by depositi ted States Mail, enclosed in a sea ~~,:erlvelg~~~!i~ddressed “ i/ ‘/ ; ;,;: i:;;g,:::l~~ * ,,_ ,‘_ :,, to Developer”‘~~~~~~~,~~~~~~s a~~ma”y’.Fia;lre&&#~, #&&$&$&, ritjstagb’prep-$id and, c@!q#ed. (_ (( _‘ :; 7. L ::::$ ;- This agreement shali be binding upon -and shall inure to the’b:enefit ,of,%@d shall * Ir ,:: ‘L &. i’:r~&fji:,, apply to, the respe&e successors &nd assign’s of Developer ar#$ity, ‘k-td referehces to $:I j Jij ;p Developer & oiv he#@n shall”& de&&& to be ‘a ref~&&3~~~i’~~~ [in&& &$& f&$ective I i (( (( j :~I : ,‘, i ;“C) ,/ 88~ SUCCeSSOrS and;:,l~~g~~:~ithout~;~~~~~iic mentibn af&uch su&s’g&g‘ and~assi~ns.,,II~~~veloper ,’ ,,: I 3 I should c ease TV ha~~,‘~~~~~t eres t i~~~e PropertL;, ‘~a’ll ‘obligations of ?b~~~o~~~,~~~~~~~der shall * ,, ,‘ 1; p’, 1 terminate; provi&jd, f&&+&$$&& any SU~C~SS,-.~ @ ~)eve’ioperlsI’~~~~sest ii :$$ &ope,jy shall (I,II L have first assumed in &riti.&J~he Df$“~&rs,oh~igatisRs;..~~ l#g&&#~kr. ! I ‘( -: “ ’ LFMP Zone Transportation Fee 4129199 .- . L - . 2789 8. This agreement shall be recorded but shall not create a lien or security interest in the Property. When the obligations of this agreement have been satisfied, City shall record a release. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement is executed in San Diego County, California as of the date first written above. DEVELOPER-OWNER: CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municioal Cl /‘, KAREN R. KUNDTP Vice President (title) . . . : APPROVED AS T RQNALD R. BALL, City Attorney ; :.“:: (print name) President ‘is -:f$!y i (title) “’ _ ” 1 _‘ ,i ,,‘.I (/ ,,, “ “’ (President or vice pre&~&M#N@~.se&!&~ op’ &&%%?t secre&@y ml+@ sign for corporations. If only one officer signs, fbe corporation musf at&&h a raso@fion c&Tied by fhe secretary or assistant secretary under corpW&e-wal empowering that O@kSF;Sa b/nd the corporation). s ~ i;::: “ -” : j. (If signed by an individual partner, the’ &tner$h$ “‘tiusf attach a statement of partnership authorizing the partner to execute this instrument). LFMP Zone Transportation Fee 4/29/99 ,- ? EXHIBIT “A” 5620 Friars Road San Diego RICKENGINEERING COMPANY California 92110-2596 (619)291-0707 Legal Description J-l 31 11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR REMAINING LOTS IN VILLAGES C & D IN RANCH0 CARRILLO THAT HAVE NOT BEEN ISSUED BUILDING PERMITS By: RB/jb.005 Date: May 5, 1999 Page 1 of 1 TC Ref. co. Order No. Date Descr. Rev. By Lots 60 through 71, 86 through 91, 116 through 130, 146 through 152, 157 and 186 through 196, of Carlsbad Tract No. 97-02, Ranch0 Carrillo Villages “A-D”, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 13582 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, June 10, 1998, as File No. 1998-352224. FlE103 4/89 . , ..# ’ . 4 2791 State of California County of San Diego ) On $&-t/499 before me, mU&/-A. /i?&L&?? L&~&M p&k (Name, TitlQ of Officer) personally appeared u (ham& ~ personally known to me -OR - f to be the person&hose nam@ m i / re subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that e/ f+e executed the same in r/sit@@ authorized capacity@ and that by h#@@ signatur on the instrument the persor&&or entity upon behalf of which the perso 63 (s) w - acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal (This area for official notary seal) Title or Type of Document Date of Document Signer(s) other than named above No. of Pages