HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 81-13; Schwab, Ronald and Patti; 81-349645; Public Facilities Fee Agreement/Releases
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c-;ty’c;f, &]sbad’ - -- - *:’ --. ; - -.. . . . t2Od Eln Ave. . . . - .
Cafsb'ad; CA 92008' . s ..' .
a*. . . A&.EEMEN~ BGTWEE:M DIX'~WEI&-WNE~~ . 'a - . -AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE . '. . . . . . 0 . - . . .iz PAYMENT ok-a P~LIC FACILITIES FEE : . l . i * ‘. . l . . ; 8. - ..:,.. ‘* l - : .,, . *
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- . THIS h?EEMENT is .&ntered into this- &,A day Of April ; .
.z9 61 , by and between .'8onild S, Schwab and Patti.t. Schwab, . . . . - . -* Husband dnd lwife . * : . . I (name of developer-owner) , . - . . ., .T ' . . . . . . a- Owner . ' k ,hereinaSt&r referred-to as : - .. (Corporation, partnership, etc.) . . . . . . \" . " . w - . ?.Lieveloper", whose address is 4080 Skvline Road I
. . . (titreet) 0 ..- . . *
Carlslad. CaFiforni a &008 4 . .' . - ;&id THE CITY OF '(City, state, zip code) . . . . . _
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Fereinafter referred to. as "City", w.hose
Avenue, Carlsbad,..6alifornja, 92008. : -a . .._
address is 1200 Elm - . +n * .
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f i . . * ; - ; '=.I? X !i' N-E S S ET--H: . - .!. . . . .
. . l WHEREAS, Developer j_s the owned of the real property 'describ . . . on Exhibit *'in,'
. . . attacheed hereto and made a part of this agreement . . * . . .
'hereinafter referred to as "Property"; and . e * ' - . . .- . . . -. WH.EREZiS, the Property lies within the boundaries of ciky; . * . 1 a . . . 0.: . *anti 8 . . . . : * 0 1 . . . . ; . r. . . . : WHEFAS, Developer propcks d dcvclocment proje& as f&low! a
. CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California, . - .
. * . . -
. s . *A planned d&elopment con'siSt.ing of three (3) duiidable lots and . . . . . .
l . s fourth lot which consists pf an access road and an e;isting .- . . . c . . -
“, cflie(-tp/&?zr l
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.on said Property, which development cariies .the proposed name . . . . . . . . . * . . of '. - . . . Famaraik Highlands *' . . * 1 ' ' -'- . *' . . * -an&'-is he&after r&erred to as "Development":. and.. ' . -0 ..: . Y ". . '1, :. . ..i... . -I.:-. c . . : . * .i.! *_ r- * . . i WHEREAS, Developer filed on the . 3r-d -day of ADriJ . . l , _ ' . . . .
. 19 81. , with the.Ci.ty. a 'request for Tentatike tract map approval . . . . . . . . : ..~* .
and *a” planned‘developm’ent application : ’ . . . . . ._ . *_ . 1 . *. . . . . . . . . ; . . . ..’ - . . . .*.. - (hereinafter referred.to as "&quest"; and : * . .:' .,
0'. . . . . . . .
the Public Facilities Elemeit of-the Ci& General . -. . . that the City Council'find that all public .
‘. . : WEREAS,
Plan:r&uires . ,facilities necessary to &e&e a development will be-available . . . e concurrent with need or such develop.ment shall not be approved . . '.&aid element is on file with the City Cl&k and is incorporated . . by this r&ference; and. me . .
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. . . - T -.. .6' . . . ._ ' .. . . - - 8
s : W!IEREAS, Developer and.City*recogr&e the correctness of - . .
'Council Policy No. 17, dated August 29, 1979, dn file with the City Clerk and . . . -
incorporated by this refeience; and that the City% public’ facilities and services .
are at capacity and-will not be. available to accommddate the I 0 . . . additional need for public'flacilities and services 'resulting . . .
from . the proposed Development;. and - . . . . ~.. : . . . .
W-IEREAS, Developer has asked the City to find that public . . . . l : : . *, facilities and services will be available to meet the future . . . . . . n'ceds oe.the Development as it is presently proposed; but the . . .: . De~eloptir is aware that th e City cannot and Gill noi be dble to
snake any such finding without financial assistance to pay for
l such s&viccs and facilities; and,
therefore, Devel.opcr . *. -
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to help satisfy the Genera% Plan as 'implemented.by Council Policy . ' . . . ; . . . No.. 17 by payment of a public facilities fee. : -* . - . .
. l ‘NOW,,
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1, . .
fee in an , . . .
THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and the . - . .I. .
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contained herein, the parties agree as follows: . .
. l
. . The Developer shall pay to the.City a public facil'ities'
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. . . amotit not to exceed 2 8 of the.building'pennit valuation
-. ..> . ; 'f . * *. . - . of the buildings or structures to be constructed in the Development . . . . . .
ptisuant'to the Requ&. ..' The fee shall be paid prior-to th.e :+ ! * . _ . . .
issuance of b&ding or other construction permits for the develop-
..m&nt and-shall be based on the valuation at that time. This fee
. shall be in addition to any fees, dedications or Zmprovements . . . e
required pursuant to Titles 18, 20 or 21 of the Carlsbad Municiihal .
-SCode.S i credit toward s&h fee shall be given for land which has . - *be& dedicated for park purposes or for any fees paid in lieu . . 1 . . . 1
. thereof pursuant to Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. .
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.Developer'shall .
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pay a fee *for conversieri df existing'buildings or
dondominiums in an kmount not to exceed 2% of'the
structur.es into
building pekmit
._ .- . valuation at the time of conversion. The fee for a . . . . . condominium convbrsion shall be paid prior to the issuance of a . * % 'I :
. condominium conversion permit as provided in Chapter 21.47'of the - . - . . 'Car&bad Municiial Code. Condominium.qhall include community ' .
. w . ' . - - apartment or stock cooperative- The terms ' othey construction '. .
permits", "other construction permit"'and "entitlement for use** as . - * used in this agreement, cxccptin reference to mobilehome sites or .: . . . * . . -projects, shall not refer to grading permits or other permits for.
. lthe construction of underground or strcct'improvcmcntsS unless no ' . , * . . , . other permit is ncccosary pri& to the USC QJT occupancy for which . - ; '
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the development is intended. Developer shall pay to City a public . . : .
.'facilities fee in the-sum. of $1,150 for each mobilehome space to be - - .
constructed pursuant to the Request.
. . The fee she'll be-paid prior. . . .- -.
a to'the iisuance oi:.:building oi: other construction permits for the . .
. development. This fee shall be in addition to any fees, dedications * .
. or'~mprove,ments required according to Titles 18, 20 or 21 of the . *. . : .
. Carlshad'Municipal Code. A credit toward such :fee shall be given . - . . . . . . .
- for landwhich ha: been dedicated for park purposes or for any f'ees . . .
l .paid in lieu thereof pursuant to Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad . . I_ . - . . :
* Municipal Code. ' . . . t . . : .f : . . . .
. i. ' The beveloper may offer to donate a site or sites for - .
. . . . -- . . . 'public facilities in lieu of all or part of,the financial obligation .
- *. . . agreed upon'in Paragraph 1 above. If Developer offers -to.:..- ': . . . l
I - . donate a site or sites for pu$lic facilities, the--City shall . ._. . . . . . 8 . consider, but is not obligated to accept the offer, ..The time'for - .
l . l .
dohation'and amount of-credit against the fee
m by City prior to the issuance of any building. - - . .
Such determination, when made, shall become a
9nent. Sites donat5ed . '. required pursuant to
. . Code. .
shall be determined - 1
or other permits.. .
part of this agree:*. . . f . under this paragraph shall not include improvements
Titles'li-or 20 of the Carlshad Municipal . . . - L . . . . . . . . . l .- . . - . .
. e -
l t . * . 0 3.. This agreement and the fee paid pursuant hereto are . . * . Tequired to ensure the consititency of the .Development with the * . . .
Cit+s General Plan. If the fee is not paid as provided herein,' s . . .
the City Gill not have the funds to provide public facilities and _: . . scrviccs, and the Development .
General Plin and any approval
$11 not be consistcntiwith the -9 . . or permit for the Development shall
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be void. ' 'No b&ding*or other cohstruction 'permit or entitlement .
. .
for-use shall be issued until the-public facikties fee required by '*.
this agreement is Pcid. . . . . 4. City agre?s
the fees
fund for
-. . . . - . . . . . -
baid pursuant to &is
. . .
l ac&ement in a public .
to deposit * . . . . facilities the financing of public .
. . ‘.
. . . f'adjlities when the City Council . .
. . determines the need exists to
. .
’ .
l frok the payment 'of. -
f . - provide the facilities and sufficient funds " . l .
this and knilar public &acilities fees are -. . . * . . . _ .
. . . . available. -. .
. l
-. 5. City agrees to provide upon request reasonable assurances . .
to enable Developer to comply with any requirements of other public-
. - ‘0 . . -agencies as evidence of adequate public facilities and services .
sufficient to accommodate.the needs bf the Development herein .
,-described. . -0 . . . . . . . . -. - . . . .
6. All obligations hereund.er shall-terminate: in the. event
theeRequests made by Developer.are not approved. *' . . . . . . :. . 7. Any notice from one party to the other‘shall be in i . ,-
- .
. . - . -
- ;
. writing', and shall be dated and signed by the party giving such .
notice or by a duly authorized representatcve of such party. Any .
l such notice shall not be effective for any purpose whatsoever - . .
unless served in one of the following manners: - .* . M .' .
. .7.1 If notice is given to the dity by. personal+delivery . . thereof to th'e City or by depositing same in the U&ted States .
Mail, addressed to the City at the address set forth-here+;,
envelope, addressed to the City for attention . . .
postage prepaid and certified. . . I .
personal delivery .
the United States .
enclosed in a sealed . of,thc City Ilana'gcr,
. ' ‘7.2 If notice is grvcn td Developer by . khcrcof to Dcvcloper or by depositing fhc'same in . .
5, *: _.
4. : . . ,. . . 7. 1 . . L. , .’
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in a sealed envelope, .
have:been designated,
addressed to Developer at the' Mail, enclosed . . . - postage prepaid and certified. . -' 'addiess as may
l 8. This \
c . agrbement shall be binding upon and shall inure to .-- .
the ben.efit of, and shall apply to, the respective successors and . m
assigns of Developer and the City, and'references to Developer . -. . or City herein shall be deemed to be reference to.and include.their
. . - . .
. . . - respective kuccessors and assigns without specific mentidn of sugh . . L - successors'and assigns. If Developer should cease to have any .-- . . ' . --. . . . 0. interest in the Property; all obligations of Developer hereunder .
shall. terminate; provided, however, that any successor of Developer's - . .
interest in the Property shall have first aksumed in writing the . . . . . . Developer's obligations hereunder. . . . . . : . 9* This-agreement shall-be recorded-but shall not create . 8 a lien or security interest on the Properky. When the obligations' s :. -9 - .
of this agreement have been satisfied, City shall record a release.'
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' .h WITNESS WHEP.EOF, this agrekment is.&ecutkd in San'Dikgo . - .
Courity, California .&s 0 f * f the date first written above. - .- . . : . * 6 . . . . . . l .
bV;LOPER-*wNER: ' . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . .
. . ._ . CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal * corporation of the State of Califor&
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. * . City Manager I. ;-
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0. l -(Title) . .
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. . . . . . . . . b-
.‘- . . @ . . . -. . ATTEST: : . . - . . . -. . . . ; . . -
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Cilqy Attorney
. . l (N'otn;ia~'acknowledgement df execution by DBVEL6PER-OWNER be attached.) . .' . . r* . . .*. . . ! . l . .
. . .
. must ,
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: 7. :’ .*: ; ‘. ,
2 PI On May lst, 1981 before me,
B M the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State,
m .
2 perso$zWypd RONALD S l & PATTT rl-
5 5 a , known to me
4 to be the gersonS whose name S ar e subscribed M the
y 1012 8 SAFECO
My Commission expires Sept. 1 ,1984 ~IIIYUlIIIWHIHuIIllunllllllulll~lululll~ul~l~lllllllull~lll~lll~i UnuJ
. ’ . I,.’ . : 1013 --*
That portion of Lot 18 of Carlsbad Highlands, Map 2647; Lot 1 of Ranch0 Agua IUQPEE
Hediona, Map 823, and Lot 48 of Carlsbad Tract No. 76-15, Unit No. 1, filed
in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State of California.