HomeMy WebLinkAboutPIP 94-03; Hamann Investment; 1994-0561569; Public Facilities Fee Agreement/ReleaseI * . . . : . ’ . __.. -. -. II .Lb.--&, ,* c.~-.lu-:1Lt ‘3. ~3-lI*l ; 6194358834+ G1944c?2&EJ; u 3 - R‘ECORDING REQUESTED BY AND lJljc St 1994-0561569 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: 11158 21-SEP-1994 10~32 AM city Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Vliiage Drive Carl8baCl, Californla %?008-1980 1 i DFFICIFlL RECORDS MN DIEGO COUNTY RECORDER’S OFFICE ) GREI;ORY SR’ITH, COUNTY RECORDER RF: 12.00 FEES: 1 ’ AF: 15.00 * IiF: 1.00 Space above thi8 line for fb2order'5 use Parcsi No. 7,/Z - 092 -10 AGREEMENT EKTWEEN DEVELOPER-OWNER AND THE CITY OF CA!XSBAD FOR THE PAYMENT OF A PUBLIC FACiLiTIES FEE FOR INSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF COMMUNiTY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 ’ THIS AGREEMENT Is entered Into this 6th day of Sep ! e m b e r I 1924 by and between Hamann Investment (name of developer-owner) 8a CA General Partnership (corporation, pattnerahip, utc.) .’ hereinafter referred to a8 “Developer” whosr addre~o is 475 W. Bradley Avenue, El Cajon, CA 92020 (8treGt) (city, state;zlp code) and the CiTY OF CARLSBAD, 8 municipal corporetlon of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as “City”, Who80 addresi I8 1200 Ccsrlobad VIli@gs Rrive, Carrlsbsd, C.&fornia, 92608 ._. I -.-.. -.,. . ..-I..* _. .._w .._...u-.- -- .,.1, +.*...- *. 2. _ _ _ I 1980. WiTNE8SETH: WHEREAS, Developer Is the owner of the real proporty described on Exhibit “A”, sttached h’ereto and made B pqrt of this agreement, hereinafter referred to as *Property”; and WHEREAS, the Property Iles within the boundaries of City; and WHEREAS, Developer proposed a developmlant project a8 follows; industrial building on said Property;whlch development car&e the proposed name of Aalto Scientific Form ~pprovrd ’ . 8y City Council July P. 1901 Row Y ml-lB4/KJH 1 29.00 dEkjT BY: C I TY IX CGELSBGD : 8-115-94 9: 2’3Gl.j ; 6194330894+ 6194422699; # 4 and Is hereafter referred to a8 “Development”; and m9 WHEREAS, Developer flied on the AtL day of S-B, lQ%-, with the City a roqubat for plan industrial permit “Request”: and’ herblnaftor ref@rnd to &e WHEREAS, the Public Facllltles Element of the City Genwal Plan requires that thr City Council flnd that all public facllltles noc88sary to ~rve P dttvolopmont wlil be available uwwurnnt wlth need or such development ahall not be approved (Bald element I8 on file with the City Clerk snd I8 incorporated by this rrferencca); and WHEREAS, Developer and City rwognlzs the ~~rrectnesar of Council Policy No, 17, drtad July 2, 1991, on Rle wlth the City Clerk and Incorporated by this reference, and that. the Clty’r public facilitlrr and rorvicaa &r@ at capacity and will not be avallabk to accommodate thcl addltlonaJ n8od for public fadlltlrr and awkws~ rasuttlng from the propooed Development; and WHEREAS, Developer has asked the City to flnd that public facMlos and services will be available to meet the future needs of the Oevmlopmrnt as It la preaerrtfy prapoaod; but the Developer Is aware that the City Oannot 6nd.will not be able to make any such fifldlng wiulout financial asdstanca to pay for such s~tvtces and kcliltlea; and the&or@,’ DMloper prop0868 to help satloty the General Plan aa lmplrmontod by Council PcAlcy No. 17 by payment of a public facilities fem. * NOW, THEREFORE, In oon8ideration of the rrcftalr, and the c~venantn contaIned her&, the partlrs agree QO follows: 1. The Developer shall pay’ to ths City a public facllltios foe In an amount not to excO8d 1.8296 of the bulldlng permit valuation of the bulidlng 6r 8tn,~c!~1hs to be constructed In the Dovelopmont pursuant to the Request. The fet, shall be paid prior to the i8wrnce d bulldlng or other ccxt8tfudlon permR8 for the devetclpment and shall be bezwd on thr valuation at that tktle. This fee ma11 be Ln addklcm IU r~ry ~UUO, J4lcatl~na or Improvom+ntm roquirmd pursuant fwm ApPtwd ~ctrvkwnouJuly21wI ,, SENT’BY:CITY OF CQRLSBQD : ; 8-16-94 9:24FIM ; - 6194422699; # 5 ’ 1260 to Titles 18, 20 or 2i of the Csrlsbad Municipal Code, Osveloprr 8hall pay a feel for conversion of sxlstlng building or structures into condomlnlums In an amount not to exceed i&2% of the bullc$lg permit valuation at the time of conversion. The fee for a condominium conver@Jon ohall be paid prior to the issuance of a condominium conversion permit 18 provided In Chapter 21,4f of the Carlsbad Munlclpal Code, Condominium Shalt Include community apartment or stock cooperative. The terms “other csnstructlon permite”, ‘other oanstructlon permit” and “entitlement for use* as used in this agreement, eltcrpt in reference to mobtlehome sites or projects, shall not refer to gradtng permits or other permits for the construction of underground or StrOet improvements unless no other permit la nacessory prior to the uee w occupancy for which the devslopment Is intended, Developor shall pay th@ City II pubtlc ff~llltle8 f84 in the sum Of W for each mobilehome space to be conatructod pursuant to the Requsat. The fee shall be paid prlar to the Issuance of building ar other construction permita for the development. This fee shdl be in rddltlon to any fe88, dedleations or improvements required aCC0rdlng to jif)eS 18, m Or 21 of the Carlsbad Munlclpel Cods, 2. The Developer may oiler to donate Q stte or sites for public faciliior In lieu of all or psrt of the flnanciel obllgation agreed upon in Paragraph 1 above If Developer offer6 to dmM a site or sites for public faoilltiati, the City Sh?!ll consldor, but I8 not bbllgatod to wcept the Offec The time for donation and amount of credtt ageinst the ferr rhrrll be determIned by city prior to the issuance of my building or other permtt8. Such determination, whan made, shrll become a part ol thi8 agreement, Stte8 donated under thla paragraph Bhslt not Include lmprovement8 rrqulred punuant to Tltles ‘I8 or 20 of the Carlrbad hWIctpal code. 3. Thlr agreomont and thm foe paid pursuurt hereto are required to enbun the consl8tency of thm Development with the City’s General Plan, If the far Is not paid @s provided hereIn, the City will not have the funds to provide publlo faclllties and sw’vlces, Md the development will not be consistent with the General Plan and any approval of Permit for th@ &’ JLIYI lJr.L.1 I T ur LHKL>i+&l : tr-16-94 9: 25FIM : 6194380594+ r4L 61!%422699;# 6 1161. Pevelopment shall be void. No building or other conotructlcn permit or sntftiement for UBB rhall I be lsswd until the public kcilltIe8 foe re,quired by this agreement la paid, . 4, City agr8ees to deparlt the fees prrld pursuant to this agreement In a public facllkie8 fund for the financing of public faclllties when the City Council det8tminss thr need existi lo provide the facilities and sufficient fund6 from the payment of this and similar public kcilitloe fees are avullablo. Clty agrees to provide upan request reaaonabie assur~c~a to enable Daveloper to comply with any fequirrsmenta of athor public ctgencie8 a8 svldence of adequate pubi!c fadlitie8 end SWV~CWJS sufficient to accammodate the needs of the Development herrln described, 8, AH obiigatians h8fmund8r shall totmin~te In the event the Roque8t mrde by Developer ir not rppraved. 7, Any noticm from one party to the other Shall be In writing, and ahrll be dated and signed by thr party giving sueh natlce or by II duly author&l repr#wWlve of such party. Any such notke shaii not be effectke for any pur~or@ what$CW@r unless rwved In one of the tollowlng mannerb; 7.1 lf notice Is given to the City of Personal deilvety theieof to the City of by depo8iting ziame in th8 United states Mail, addtO88ed to the city at the addrers Set forth hWein, encioeed in a sealed envelope, addrarsed to the City for Wention of the city NW?@Ir, pa8tWJe prepaid and csrtlfled. 7.2 If notb k glean to Devrloper by personal delhrery there6f to Developer or by depositing the tame in the t.kIited St&tea M8t1, errclosed in a #+abd MW&$Ht, addtWWd tcl t)~voloper at the sddr~3 u meny have boon drslgnated, Po&aga pfepald and certi!l~d. 8. This agreement ehail br binding upon and #hail inure to the benMt of, and shall aP@y ta, the r~~pWt/Wi sucoeeeor~ and tMiQn8 of Oeveloper urd City, and referrrncesl to Deveioper or City henln shall bo deemed to be a relekncs to ‘and lnciude their respectfve ‘. SEPT BY: CI TV OF CGRLSBkI) ; '8-16-94 9:25FIM ; 6194380894+ - 6194422699; # 7 - 1162 aucce880r8 and essign$ without apeeific mertticn of such 8ucce88ors and eMignr. Ii Developer should cea$a to have any lnteroet in the Property, all bbllgatlons of Developer hereunder shpll terminate; provided, however, that any 8ucce88cr to bmvelopmr’s Intereat In the property shall have first a88umed In wrHhg tho Developer’8 obligations henunder. 8. This agreement ahall be recorded but shall not create a ll4n or security lrItere#t in the Property, When the obllgatlont of this agreement have been satMi~d, City shall reccrrd a release. Form Appcowd B!&~~llw&l~ 2 1-1 JLI-4 I ,,I ~QT.L1IT uf- LHRL3PHU i ti-LO-Y4 Y: Cbwl ; blY43808343 6194422699; # 8 . I - . 1163 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement Is executed In San Dlego County, Callfornle as of the date first wrltten abovr. DEVELOPER-OWNER: HAMANN INVESTMENT ____ .4 , / Jeffrey C. Hamann GE?"WIkfYV!f~*~er CITY OF CARLSBAD, a munlclpd ~rporatlun of the State of Cellfornla for City Manager (title) (signature) (print name) (title) ATTEST: (Proper notarial acknowledgement of execution of DEVELOPER-OWNER murt be attached.) (President or viceqxesidant and secretsry or asslstant wx!retclty must aign for corporations. If only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the %~cr@tary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowerlng that ofilcer to bind the carporation,) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL, City Attrrrney Form APP?QVQ~ @y City Coufitll July 2,1891 Reeo t 91-194/uJn _._... -e-w.** VI Ld-l, \.LaYHlJ ; k+16-94 9:26FIM ; 6194388894+ . .‘ a . a‘ - LEGAL : LOT 46 Of CARLSBAD TR/CCW? No.81-46 UNIT No. 2 6194422699; # 9 1164 IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. CA L- . -a, * -2 _A r *tiA;;FbitNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT No. 5907 . I State of Lb!/ h-J/q Countyof Sah3k40 On !f.h/?9 DATE personally appeared , q personally known to me - OR - 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and, official seal. OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER 0 INDIVIDUAL q CORPORATE OFFICER TITLE(S) @ PARTNER(S) q LIMITED - \Ig GENERAL c] ATTORNEY-IN-FACT 0 TRUSTEE(S) 0 GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR 0 OTHER: DESCRIPTION OF ATI’ACHED DOCUMENT Agredment~~laeehTPG~PCr.O~~ra*d ti4 cd 0-f cQ&bd?,d i%uhe%..bW&dd~ 7bbk Gal il;ties F”eeFij&side Ik Brn&rie~d f ?b+ci~,3ies DjstLr’c t Ai&. / TfrLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT 7 NUMBER OF PAGES q/b/94 DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE Q1993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION l 8236 Remmet Ave., P.O. Box 7164 l Canoga Park, CA 91309-7164