HomeMy WebLinkAbout; CITY OF CARLSBAD-LAFCO; 85-051430; Certificate of CompletionLOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION **OU CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION' "MPI Reorqanization" --'.;..;.Of '-AS L-MUOCij-j.-ii (.•;.•..• 985 FE8 14 PB 3=55 Please Return to LAFCO g MS A216 Ref. No. R084-8 Pursuant to Government Code Sections 35350, 54797.2, and 56450, this Certifi- cate is hereby issued. The na.'^e of each city ar.d/or district involved in this change of orqar.ization/ reorganization, all located within San Diego county, and the type of change of organization ordered for each such city and/or district is as follows: City or District City of Carl.sbnd Lcucadia Count.y Water District Encinitas Fire Protection District Lcucadia County Water District County Service; Area No. 17 County Service Area No. 83 Tvpe of Char-.ce of Organization Annexation Annexation Detachment Detachment Detachment Detachment A certified copy of the resolution/ordinance ordering this change of organi- zation/reorganization without an election, or the resolution/ordinance con- firr.ing en order for this change of organization/reorganization after con- firmation by the voters is attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein. A legal description and map of the boundaries of the above-cited change of organization/reorganization is included in said resolution. The tern-s and conditions, if any, of the change of organizatior./reoraaniza- tion are indicated on the attached form. I hereby certify that I have examined the above-cited resolution/ordinance for a change of organization/reorganization, and have found that document to be in co-pliance with the Commission's resolution approving said change of organ izat ion/reor gar. izat ion. I further certify that (1) resolutions agreeing to accept a negotiated ex- change of property tax revenues for this jurisdictional change, adopted by the local agencies included in the negotiations, have been submitted to this office, or (2) a master property tax exchange agreement pertinent to this jurisdictior.al change is on file. JANE P. MERRILL Executive Office: Da t e February 11 , 1985_ 0)0 r» §*. CD (619) 236-aois • san diego Local agency formation commission IGOO p»dtk: highway • room 452 Chairman J. B. Bennett Councilman, City of Imperial Beach Members Pwt Ecken County Board of CERTIFICATE RE:TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND INDEBTEDNESS Subject:"HP I Reorganization11 (City of Carlsbad) (R084-8) Certain terms and conditions are required by the Local Agency Formation Commission to be fulfilled prior to the completion of the above-named change of organization . Peul W. Fordem County Board of Supervisors Mike Ootch Councilman, City of San Diego Marjor" Hervom Alpine Fire Protection Diitnct Dr. Charle* W. Hoftler Public Member Stanley A. Mehr Sen Marco* County Water District Linda Ortvee Councitwoman, City of (Name) \A^~~\ "7 (Title) do hereby certify that the terms and conditions listed below have been fully .-net. 1. The boundaries 3'nail bo modified to conform to Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Alternate Members Alen L. Adam* Greater Mountain Empire Resource Con*erv«ion District Pvtrkfc M. Boarmvn County Board of Supervltori Uwatdo Mertinei Councilman, City of San Diego Robert Pretcon Councilman, City of Carltbad Executive Officer Jene P. Merrill Counsel Will the affected property be taxed for any exiting bonded indebtedness or contractual obligation? Yes _*r__ **o If yes, specify. Lloyd M. Harmon, Jr. Date RESOLUTION NO.7850 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REORGANIZATION INVOLVING ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, DETACHMENT FROM THE LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, ENCINITAS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, AND COUNTY SERVICES AREAS NO. 17 (SAN DIEGUITO PARAMEDICS) AND NO. 83 (SAN DIEGUITO LOCAL PARKS). HP1 REORGANIZATION WHEREAS, an application for approval of a proposal for the initiation of proceedings for the reorganization of territory hereinafter Indentlfled and described as HPI Reorganization to the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, was filed with the Local Agency Formation Commission Reference No. RO 84-8; and WHEREAS, a resolution of the said Local Agency Formation Commission, after a hearing held In the manner required by law, was duly passed and adopted on the 1st day of October, 198*, approving the application for reorganization of the territory hereinafter described by metes and bounds; and WHEREAS, said resolution provided that said reorganization was approved following notice and hearing and further provided that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad was authorized to annex said territory following notice and hearing by said Council; WHEREAS, a written petition containing the required signatures and a description of the uninhabited territory hereinafter described has been presented to the Local Agency Formation Commission requesting reorganization under the District Reorganization Act of 1965; and z 8?^' / ,. l-W-UK-i •- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I! 9 10 11 il 12 13 14 i 15 1C 17 18 19 : 20! 21 22 23 |j 24 | 25 I 26 l! 27 28 WHEREAS, said petition was certified sufficient by the Executive Officer of LAFCO on 3uly 6, 198*; MOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That said petition contains a description of certain uninhabited territory sought to be included and annexed to the City of Carlsbad and detached from the Leucadla County Water District, Enclnitas Fire Protection District, and County Service Areas No. 17 and No. 83, that said petition is signed by the owners of not less than 25% of the land in the territory by area and by assessed value as shown on the latest equalized assessment roll of the County of San Diego, in which county the City of Carlsbad is situated. 3. That the City Council hereby declares that a public hearing on the proposed reorganization was held on December 18, 1984, and at that hearing, all interested parties were heard. i*. That the territory proposed to be annexed to the City Is uninhabited territory as defined by Section 35038 of the Government Code and is contiguous to the boundaries of the City. 5. That the aforementioned uninhabited territory Included In the proposed reorganization is hereby designated and shall hereafter be known as the HPI Reorganization. 6. That upon conpletlon of said reorganzation all of the property included therein shall be taxed accordingly with the other property within the City of Carlsbad to pay the bonded Indebttdness and any and all general indebtedness of the City of Carlsbad contracted prior to, or existing or outstanding at the nm MMWO o r MMU);;0) fr CD *. WO oXp "it* 1 2 3 4! 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ii 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2" ! 23! 24 25 26 27 28 1552 time of, the aforesaid proposed annexation of said described property . 7. That all requirements of law necessary to the adoption of this resolution approving the reorganization of certain uninhabited territory pursuant to the provisions of the District Reorganization Act of 1965, have been compiled with. 8. That it does hereby approve the annexations to the City of Carlsbad and the Leucadla County Water District; and the detachment from the '-eucadla County Water District, Encinltas Fire Protection District, and County Service Areas No. 17 and No. 83 of that certain real property located in the County of San Diego, State of California, designated as the HPI Reorganization and more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council on the Z2nd day of January, 1985, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchln, Chick & Pettlne NOES: None ABSENT: None MARY H. CSLER, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, (SEAL) Clerk Om V)<*> 00 / «/ R084-8 1553 1. Thence along said north line South 86°53'31" East, 659.33 feet (Record - 659.48 feet) to the northeast corner of the east half of the northwest'quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 27; 2. Thence along the east line of said east half South 0°21'20" East, 1322.82 feet (record - South 1°02'14" East, 1323.01 feet) to the southeast corner thereof; 3. Thence along the south line of said east half North 87°29'53" West, 662.70 feet (Record - North 88°03'52" West, 662.90 feet) to the southwest corner thereof; 4. Thence along the west line of said east half North O'll'S'J" West, 1328.66 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL THREE (10.10 ac) All of the south half of the south half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 26, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to United States Government Survey, lyina within the following described boundaries: Beginning at the southwest corner of the south half of the south half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 26-; 1. Thence along the west line of said south half North 0°42'22" West, 327.88 feet (Record - North 1°16' West) to the northwest ccrner thereof; 2. Thence along the north line of said south half South 89°1'J'08" East, 1335.39 feet to the northeast corner thereof; 3. Thence along the east line of said south half South 0822'57" East, 328.82 feet (Record - South 0°56'55" Cast) to the southeast corner thereof; 4. Thence along the east-west centerline of said Section 26 North 89°16'37" west, 1333.56 feet (Record - North 89°50'40" West, 1333.22 feet) to the point of beginning. PARCEL FOUR (1335.50 ac land, 1545.CO ac water) All that portion of Sections 28,33,34 and 35, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, and that portion of Fractional Section 2, Township 13 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Baso and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to United States Government Survey, and that portion of Lot 1 of Rancho Las Encinitas, according to Map thereof No. 848, filed in the County Recorder's Office of said County, lying within the following described boundaries: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of the south two-thirds of Lot 4 (southeast quarter of the south- east quarter) of Section 29, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, with the northeasterly line of the Atcheson Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company right of way, 200.00 feet wide, said point being an angle point in the EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 of 17 OTI Om O r MM O38 ^HWO 1554 boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by their Ordinance No. 1122, adopted July 2.1, 1970, by said City; 1. Thence southeasterly along said northeasterly line to the east-west center line of Section 33, said Township and Range, being Point "A"; 2. Thence westerly along said east-west center line to the southwesterly line of said 200.00 foot railway right of way; 3. Thence southeasterly along said southwesterly line to a point distant thereon 2939.21 feet southeasterly from the northerly line of said Section 33, being also a point in the center line of a channel as described in deed to W.D. Cannon, recorded July 6, 1355, in Book 5705, page 55 of Official Records; 4. Thence along said center line as follows: South 46°04' West, 202.96 feet (Record 204.03 feet); South 71°52' West, 195.12 feet; North 74°34' West, 244.37 feet to the northeasterly line of State Highway XI-SD-2-B (formerly U.S. 101 as located in July 1955) map on file in the Office of the State Division of Highways of said County, being the true point of beginning; 5. Thence retracing generally easterly, northwesterly and easterly to Point "A"; Thence northwesterly along the northeasterly line of said 200.00 foot railway right of way to an angle point in the boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by their Resolution No. 7131, adopted February 1, 1983, by said City; said angle point being also a point in the arc of an 11,659.20 foot radius curve concave southwesterly, a radial line to said point bears North 72°58'17" East; 7. Thence leaving said northeasterly right of way line along said City boundary South 89°19'07" East, 1519.40 feet (Record - South 89°17'46" East) through the most southerly corner of Lot 5 in said Section 33 to the west line of Lot 15 thereof; 8. Thence leaving said west line, North 51°41'43" East, 649.80 feet 'Record - North 51°43'04" East) to a point in the southwesterly line of State Highway XI-SD-2-A (Interstate 5) map on file in the Office of the State Division of Highways of said County, said point being opposite of Engineer's Station 1715+74.50 on the center line of said state Highway, said center line having a bearing of North 28"09' West; 9. Thence leaving said southwesterly line, North 61°51' East to said Engineer's Station 1715+74.50 on said center line; 10. Thence continuing North 61°51' East along said City boundary to an angle point therein, said angle point being a point in the north- easterly line of said State Highway; 11. Thence along said northeasterly line and city boundary. North 25*27'58" West to an angle point in the boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by their Ordinance No. 1187, adopted January 20, 1976, by EXHIBIT "A" Page 3 of 17 ,'i CO <-' R084-0 1555 said City, being also a point in the boundary of Lot 12 of said Section 33; 12. Thence leaving said,northeasterly line along the boundary of said Lot 12 and said City boundary. North 33°08'06" East, 234.45 feet (Record - North 33°09'27" East) to an angle point in said boundary of said Lot 12 and said City boundary, said angle point being the westerly terminus of that course shown as North 69°5a'02" West, 454.38 feet on Record of Survey rap No. 1676 filed in the County Recorder's Office of said County; 13. Thence continuing along the boundary of said Lot 12 and said citv boundary, South 69°03'23" East, 454.42 feet (Record - South 69°05'40" East) to an angle point in the boundary of said Lot and City, being also an angle point in the boundary of Lot 2 of said Section 33 as shown on Record of Survey Map N'o. 6269, filed in the County Recorder's Office of said County; 14. Thence along the boundary of said Lot 2 and said City boundary. North 0°45'59" West, 787.58 feet (Record - North 0°44'59" West, 788.03 feet to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 28; 15. Thence along the west line of said quarter-quarter and said City bound- ary, North 0°30'53" East, 1357.80 feet (Record - North 0°30'51" East, 1357.86 feet) to the North line thereof; 16. Thence easterly along said north line to the west line of said Section 27, said Township 12 South, Range 4 West; 17. Thence southerly along said west line to the south line of said Section 27; 18. Thence easterly along said south line to the west line of said Section 35; 19. Thence southerly along said west line to the south line of the north 20 acres of Lot 1 of said Section 35; 20. Thence easterly along said south line to the east line of said Lot 1; 21. Thence southerly along said east line to the south line of Lot 2 of said Section 35; 22. Thence North 60° East and South 82°51'38" East along said south line of Lot 2 and along its easterly prolongation to the easterly line of Road Survey No. 1800-1 (El Camino Real) Map on file in the County Engineer's -ffice of said County; being also a point in the boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by their Ordinance Nc. 1147, adopted September 5, 1972, by said City; 23. Thence generally southwesterly, southerly and southeasterly along said easterly line and City boundary to an angle point in the boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by their Resolution No. 3135, adopte. August 8. 1973, by said City; EXHIBIT "A" Page 4 of 17 '.3 5oM MMWO o r IONin >U|fr CD T 24. Thence continuing generally southeasterly and southerly along said east- erly line and city boundary to the intersection with a line which bears North 88°39'20" East from a point in the westerly line of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 2, said Township and Range distant thereon. South 4°20'10" East, 914.20 feet from the northwest corner thereof; 25. Thence leaving said easterly line and City boundary, along said line South 88°39'20" West to said point: 26. Thence along said westerly line. South 4°20'10" East, 431.00 fact to the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 2; 27. Thence westerly along the south line of said quarter-quarter, to the westerly line of said Section 2; 28. Thence northerly along said westerly line to the northwest corner of said Section 2; 29. Thence easterly along the north line of said Section 2 to the south quarter corner of said Section 35, Township 12 South, Range 4 West; 30. Thence northerly along the north-south center line of said Section 35 to the southerly line of Road Survey No. 1796-65 (La Costa Avenue)- map on file in Che County Engineer's Office of said County; 31. Thence generally westerly along said southerly line to the intersection \.ith the easterly line of said State Highway XI-SD-2-A (Interstate 5) said point of intersection being the most easterly corner of that certain parcel of land relinquished to the County of San Diego from the State of California by relinquishment No. 14729, as shown on Sheet 11 of State Highway Map No. 56 on file in the Office of the State Division of Highways of said County, also being a point in a non-tangent 399.99 foot radius curve concave southeasterly, a radial line bears North 33°06'13" West to said point; 32. Thence along the boundary of said parcel of land the following courses: A. Southwesterly, 307.06 faet along said curve through a central angle of 43°59'05" to the easterly line of Lot 9 of Section 33, said Town- ship and Range; B. North 0°42'07" West, 65.19 feet along said easterly line to a point in a non-tangent 479.98 foot radius curve concave easterly, a radial line bears North 67°49'42" West to said point; C. Southerly, 131.47 feet along said curve through a central angle, of 15°U'36"; D. South 6°28'42" West to the southerly line of said Lot 9; 33A. Thence westerly along said southerly line to a line which bears South 34°17'20" East (Record-South 3<i°06' East)from the southeasterly corner of Lot 1 of Avocado Acres No. 3, according to map thereof No- 2063, filed in the County Recorder's Office of said County, October 3, 1927; 33B. Thence North 34"17'20" West along said line to the southeasterly corner of said Lot 1, being a point in the northerly line of Road Survey No. 346 (La Costa Avenue) map on file in the County Engineer's Office EXHIBIT "A" Page 5 of 17 R084-8 .... 1557 •'• . of said County; 33C. Thence westerly a-Xong said northerly line to a line which bears South 7°01'34" West from an angle point in the westerly line of said State Highway formed by the courses "North 75°32'04" East 125.00 feet and North 7°01'34" East, 37.76 feet", as shown on said State Highway map; 33D. Thence North 7°01'34" East along said line to said angle point; 34A. Thence along the westerly line of said State Highway the following courses: A. North 7°01'34" East, 37.76 feet; 8. North 50°22'41" West, 134.98 feet; C. North 43°25'30" West, 241.70 feet to the easterly boundary line of Lot 8 of said Section 33; 34B. Thence northerly along said easterly boundary line to the northerly boundary line of Lot 8 of said Section 33, being also the southerly meander line of the Salt Marsh of the Batiquitos Lagoon, as the said meander line of the said Salt Marsh is shown and depicted upon the plat of Fractional Township 12 South, Range 4 West, S.B.B. & M., dated October 25, 1875, on file in the U.S. Surveyor General's Office, San Francisco, California; 35. Thence northwesterly and southwesterly along the northerly bourdary line of Lot 8 of said Fractional Section 33, to its intersection with the easterly lirre of Lot 7, said Section 33; 36. Thence southwesterly, westerly and southwesterly along the northerly line of said Lot 7 of said Fractional Section 33, which is also the abovementioned meander line of said Salt Harsh, to the most westerly corner of said Lot 7; 37. Thence continuing along said meander line to the northeasterly line of State Highway XI-SD-2-B (Formerly U.S. 101 as located in July 1955); 38. Thjnce generally southeasterly along said northeasterly line to the intersection with the northeasterly prolongation of the northwesterly line of that certain road easement, 60 feet in width, conveyed to Milton R. And Audrey J. Nims, husband and wife, as described in Exhibit "C" o£ the grant of easement recorded April 29, 1976, by file page 76- 127564 in official records of said county, the center line of said road easement, being described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of lot 10 of Section 33, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and I'eridian, as said Lot 10 is shown on Record of Survey No. 528, filed in the County recorder's Office on February 7, 1936, with the southwesterly line of California State Highway Road XI-SD-2-B; thence South 66046' West alon said northerly line of lot 10 and along the prolongation thereof 459.74 feet to an angle point in the westerly boundary of the land described under Parcel 2 in deed to George N. Rhue, et ux, recorded January 5, 1935 in 2ook 5486, page 291, Official Records; thence along said boundary line South 36°44' East, 108.27 feet; thence South 37°36' West, 30.91 thence continuing.along the boundary of said Rhue land. South 51°04' East, 77.50 feet; thence South 67°32' East, 75.00 feet; thence South 78°12' East 100.00 feet, to point "A"; being the nortnwesterly EXHIBIT "A" Page 6 of 17 oTI om MMuio <*> 00 R084-8 corner of said 60.00 feet wide road easement; thence continuing along the boundary of said Rhue land, South 14° East, 30.00 feet to the true point of beginning of said center line; thence North 76° East, 29.50 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the north and having a radius of 200. 00 -feet; thence along the arc of said curve, 59.341 feet; thence North 59° East, 23.00 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the south and having a radius of 189.50 feet; thence along the arc of said curve, 56.116 feet; thence along the arc of a reverse curve concave to the north and having a radius of 189.50 feet, 155.282 feet; thence along the arc of a reverse curve concave to the south and having a radius of 189.50 feet, 59.450 feet; thence North 46°59'30" East to the intersection with the southwesterly line of California State Highway Road XI-SD-2-B, said intersection being the terminal point of center line of the 60.00 foot wide easement; 39. Thence ganerally southwesterly along said northeasterly prolongation and the northwesterly line of said 60 feet wide road easement to said point "A"; 40. No Course 41. Thence North 78°12' West, 100.00 feet; 42. Thence North 67°32' West, 75.00 feet; 43. Thence North 51°04' West, 77.50 feet; 44. Thence South 64 "16' West to an intersection with the mean high tide line of the Pacific Ocean; 45. Thence northwesterly along said mean high tide line to the intersection of said southerly meander line of the Salt Marsh of the Batiquitos Lagoon; 46. Thence southwesterly along a line parallel with the most southeasterly line (having a bearing South 51°33'10" West) of that certain uninhabited territory known and designated as the "St. Malo Beach Addition to the City cf Oceans ide'x annexed to said City of Cceansiro or. November 3, 1950, pursuant to Ordinance No. 668 adopted by the City Council of said City of Oceanside on September 13, 1950, said parallel line being prolonged southwesterly from the intersection of Mean High Tide Line of the Pacific Ocean and the southerly meander line of the Salt Harsh of the Batiquitos Lagoon, as the said meander line of the said Salt Marsh as shown on the aforesaid plat of fractional Township 12 South, Range 4 West, S.B.B. & M., to the intersection of the westerly boundary line of the State of California and said County; said boundary line being parallel with and distant 3 miles southwesterly from the mean high tide line of the Pacific Ocean; 47. Thence northwesterly along said boundary line to the intersection with the westerly prolongation of the east-west center line of said Section 33; 48. Thence easterly along said westerly prolongation and east-west center lin*. to the northeasterly line of said State Highway XI-SD-2-D (U.S. KWY 101); 49. Thence southeasterly along said northeasterly line to the true point of beginning. EXHIBIT "A" SC: iw 10/19/34 LAFCO Page 7 of 17 I1' wo r MN o•n2\ R CO w 1559 R084-8 "HPI Reorganization" Annexation to Leucadia County Water District All that portion of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 35, Township 12 South, Range 4 West and that portion of Fractional Section 2, Township 13 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to United States Government Survey, and that portion of Lot 1 of Rancho Las Encinitas, according to Map thereof No. 848, filed in the County Recorder's Office of said County, lying within the following described boun diries : Beginning at the northwest corner of said Section 2, Township 13 South, Range 4 West; 1. Thence easterly along the north line of said Section 2 to the south quarter corner of said Section 35, Township 12 South, Range 4 West; 2. Thence northerly along the north-south center line of said Section 35 to the northerly line of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 35; 3. Thence along said northerly line, south 89012'42" east, 290.55 feet; 4. Thence leaving said northerly line, south 30°19'36" east, 750.57 feet to a tangent 2840.00 foot radius curve concave southwesterly; 5. Thence southeasterly, 1116.86 feet along said curve through a central angle of 22°31'56"; 6A. Thence south 7°47'40" east, 504.99 feet to a tangent 1030.00 foot radius curve concave northeasterly; 6B. Thence southeasterly, 502.83 feet along said curve through a central angle of 27"S8 ' 16"; 6C. Thence south 35°45'561< east, 922.74 feet to a tangent 1015.00 foot radius curve concave southwesterly; 6D. Thence southeasterly, southerly and southwesterly, 811.81 feet along said curve through a central angle of 45°4?'34"; 6E. Thence south 10°03'38" west, 830.34 feet,- 6F. Thence south 5°42'31" east, 111.18 feet to the intersection with a line which bears north 88°39'20" east from a point in the westerly line of the northeast quarter of the scuthwest quarter of Section 2, said Township and Range, distant thereon, south 4°20'10" east, 914.20 feot f^'om the northwest corner thereof; . 7. Thence south 88°39'20" west along said line to said point; utO r» 0 Ot) Exhibit "A"Page P of 17 R084-8 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 20 21. 22. 23. 24. 1560 - M n, 3°32'41" West, 566.08 feet;Thence North 3 J/ -h 95=50-25" West, 275.73 feet;Thence South 95 50 " ,-h 84°52'58" West, 336.i4 feet;Thence North 84 5; 3" Thence North 1*58.30" west. 145-09 feet; Thence North 84»33'35" East, 738.33^eet; Thence North 5' . Thence North 81 . Thence North 2 South 7 100.50 -OB" X..t. 233.45 feet; 47" East, 215.23 feet; Thence South Section 2;. 07-43" v:est, 274.13 feet 2; west. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30 No course No. 25 Thence continuing along sa.d westerly 596-16 feet; 88-12'22" East, 404.38 feet . Thence leaving said westerly Un. North 88 . Thence South 7=13-28" West, 357.18 feet: Thence North 9»33« 36" East. 481.69 feet; Exhibit "A" Page 9 of 17 $ /r •R084-8 31. Thence North 32. Thence South 33. Thence North 34. Thence North 35. Thence North 36. Thence South 37. Thence North 38. Thence North 39. Thence North 40. Thence North 41. Thence South 42. Thence North 43. Thence North 44. Thence South 45. Thence South said Section 46. Thence along to the point • VA 1561 43°24'32" East, 254.66 feet; 71<-33'54" East, 869.63 feet; 7°21'09" East, 156.28 feet; 79"49'28" West, 396.23 feet; 20°22'35" West, 186.68 feet; 87°14'03" West, 1036.21 feet; 5042'38" West, 100.50 feet; I51°02'56" East, 268.56 feet; 7"17'20" East, 433.50 feet; 68°44'58A East, 193.13 feet; 79°07'32M East, 386.95 feet; 31"31'44" East, 191.23 feet; 25°57'32" West, 845.28 feet; 68°47'11" West, 724.06 feet; 88°12'22" West, 150.18 feet to the westerly line of 2; said westerly line North 1°47'38" West, 737.74 feet of beginning. 199.73 acres sc:iw 10/30/84 LAFCO Exhibit "A" Page 10 of 17 ?r MM i* Z! fi . 1562 Detachment from Leucadia CountyR084-8 "HPI Reorganization' Water District All that portion of Sections 33,34 and 35, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernard: no..Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, According to United States Government Survey, lying within the following described boundaries: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of the south two-thirds of Lot 4 (southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 29, Tomship 12 South, Range 4 v.'est with the north- easterly line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company right of way, 200.00 feet wide, said point being an angle point in the boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by their Ordinance No. 1122, adopted July 21, 1970, by said City; 1. Thence southeasterly along said northeasterly line to the intersection with a straight line which begins at a point in the westerly line of said Section 34 distant thereon 2100.00 fest southerly from the northwest corner of said Section 34 and terminates at the intersection with the mean high tide line of the Pacific Ocean as established in 1929 with the east-west center line of Section 33, said Towrship and Range, being the true point of beginning; 2. Thence retracing northweste.rly along the northeasterly line of said 200' railway right of way to an angle point in the boundary of the City cf Carlsbad as established by their Resolution No. 7131, adopted February 1, 1983, by said City; said angls poir.t being also a point in the arc of an 11,659-20 foot radius curve concave southwesterly, a racial line to said point bears North 72"5S'17" East; 3. Thence leaving said northeasterly right of way line along said City boundary South 89°19'07" East, 1519.40 feet (Record - South 89°17'46" East) through the most southerly corner of Lot 5 in said Section 33 to the west line of Lot 15 thereof; 4. Thence leaving said west line, North 51°41'43" East, 649.80 feet (Record - North 51°43'04" Cast) to a point in the southwesterly line of State Highv:ay XT-3Z:-2-n (Interstate 5) nap on file in the Office of . the State Division of Highways of said County, said point being opposite of Engineer's Station 1715*74,50 en the center line of said State Kigh-jay, said center, line having a bearing of North 23°09' V.'est; 5. Thence leaving said southwesterly line, North 61°51' East to said Engineer's Station 1715+74.50 on said center line; 6- Thence continuing North 61°51' East along said City boundary to an angle point therein, said angle point being a point in the north- easterly line of said State Highway; 7. Thence along said northeasterly line and city boundary. North 25°27'58" West to an angle point in the boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by their Ordinance No. 1187, adopted January 20, 1976, by EXHIBIT "A" Page 11 of 17 "A/ii 1563 said City, being-.also a point in the boundary of Lot 12 of said Section 33; 8.. Thence leaving said northeasterly line along the boup.^arv of said Lot 12 ar.d said City boundary, North 33CC3'C6" East, 234'.45 feet (I'.eccrd - North 23~-C9'27" ~ast) to an ar.'jic point in said boundary of said Lot 12 and said City boundary, said angle point being the' westerly terminus of that course shown as North 69°58'02" VCEst, 454.38 feet on Record of Survey yap No. 1676 filed in the County Recorder's Office of said County; 9 . Thence continuing along the boundary of said Lot 12 and said city boundary, South 69C03'23" East, 454.42 feet (Record - South 69°05'40" East) to an angle point in the boundary of said Lot and City, being also an angle point in the boundary of Lot 2 of said Section 33 as" shown or. Record of Surve" Map No. 6269, filed in the County Recorder's Office of said County; K>. Thence along the boundary of said Lot 2 and said City boundary, North 0C45'59" Wast, 737.53 feet (Record - North 0°44'59" Vest, 788.03 feet1 to the northerly line ot sai'l ?oction 33; 11. Thence easterly along said northerly line to the northeast corner' of said Section' 33, being also the northwest corner of Section 34, said Township and Range; 12. Thence southerly along the west line of said Section 34 to a point in a line that is parallel with and distant southerly 750.00 feet measured at right angles from tha nortnerly line of said Section 34 and Section 35, said Township and Range; 13. Thence easterly along said parallel line to the east line of Lot 1 of said Section 35; 14. Thence southerly along said east line to the south line of Lot 2 of said Section 35; 15. Thence North 60° East and South 8:°51'3a" East along said south line of Lot 2 and along its easterly prolongation to the easterly line of Road Survey No. 1800-1 (El Camino Real) map on file in the County Engineer's Office of said county; being also a point in the boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by their Ordinance No. 1147, adopted September 5, 1972, by said City; 16. Thence generally southwesterly and southerly along said easterly line and city boundary to a line which is parallel with and distant 1750.00 feet southerly at right angles with the northerly line of said Sect. 35 17. Thence westerly along said parallel line to a common point in the westerly line of said Section 3T and the easterly line of Section 34, said Township and Range distant thereon 1750.00 feet southerly from the northwest corner of said Section 35; 18. Thence leaving said common line, southwesterly to a point on the westerly line of said Section 34 distant thereon 2100.00 feet southerly EXHIBIT "A" Page 12 of 17 •nsm wo M MM ?* CD or COO from the northwest corner of said Section 34; 19. Thence southwesterly in a straight line to the true point of beginning. sc: iw 10/19/84 LAFCO '1a. >*£ Page 13 of 17 EXHIBIT "A" • R084-8 "HPT. Reorganization" Protection District 1565 Detachment from Encinitas Fire All that portion of the south half of Sections 33 & 34 of Township 12 South Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, accordin; to United States Government Survey, lying within the following described boundaries: Beginning at the interstction of the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of the south two-thirds of Lot 4 (southeast quarter of the southeast quarter) of Section 29, Township 12 South, Range 4 West with the northeasterly line of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company right of way, 200.00 feet wide, said point being an angle point in the boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by their Ordinance No. 1122, adopted July 21, 1970, by said City; 1. Thence southeasterly along said northeasterly line to the east- west center line of Section 33, said Township and Range; 2. Thence westerly along said east-west center line to the southwest- erly line of said 200.00 foot railway right of way, being Point "A"; 3. Thence southeasterly along said southwesterly line to a point distant thereon 2939.21 feet southeasterly from the northerly line of said Section 33, being also a point in the center line of a channel as described in deed to l.'.D. Cannon, recorded July 6, 1955, in Book 5705, page 55 of Official Records; 4. Thence along said center line as follows: A. South 46°04' \est, 202.96 feet Uecord - 204.03 feet); B. South 71°52' West, 195.12 feet; C. North 74°34' Kest, 244.37 feet to the northeasterly line of State Highway XI-SD-2-B (formerly U.S. 101 as located in July 1955) map on file in the Office of the State Division of Highways of said County, being the true point of beginning; 5. Thence retrrcinr. generally easterly and northwesterly to Point "A"; 6. Ther.ce easterly along the east-west center lines of said Sections 33 and 34 to the center of said Section 34; .'7. Thence southerly along the north-south center line of said Section 34 to the intersection with the northerly line of Lot 7 of said Section; 8. Thence easterly alona said northerly line to the east line of said Lot 7,- 9. Thence southerly along said east line to an intersection with the southerly line o£ F.oad Survey "o. 1796-65 (La Costa Avenue) map on file in the County engineer's Office of said County; 10.Thence generally westerly along said southerly line to the intersect- ion with the northeasterly line of State Highway XI-SD-2- A (Interstate 5), map on file in the Office of the State Division of Highways of said County; EXHIBIT "A" Page 14 of 17 WO om li Sis B said point of intersection being the most easterly corner of that certain parcel of land relinquished to the County of San Cie^o fron the State of California by. relir.quishment No. 14729, as shown on Sheet 11 of State Highway Map No. 36 on file in the Office of the State Division of Highways of said County, also being a point in a non-tangent 399.99 foot radius curve concave southeasterly, a radial line bears North 33°06'13" West to said ?oint; 11. Thence along tha boundary of said parcel of land the following courses: A. Southwesterly, 307.06 feet along said curve through a central angle of 43°59'05" to the easterly line of Lot 9 of Section 33, said Town- ship and Range;North 0"42'07" '..'est, 65.19 feet along said easterly line to a point in a non-tangent 479.98 foot radius curve concave easterly, a radial line bears North 67°49'42" Kest to said point; C. Southerly, 131.47 feet along said curve throuch a central angle of 15°41'36";D. South 6°23'42" v:est to the southerly line of said Lot 9; 12.- Thence westerly along said southerly line to a line which bears South 34°17'20" East (Record-South 34°06' East from the southeasterly corner of Lot 1 of .-.vocado Acres No. 3, according to map thereof No. 2063, filed in the County Recorder's Office of said County, October 3, 1927; 13- Thence North 34°17'20" Kest along said line to the southeasterly corner •of said Lot 1, being a point in the northerly line of Road Survey No. 346 (La Costa ?.venue) map on file in the County Engineer's Office of said County; 14, Thence westerly along said northerly line to a line which bears South 7°01'34" l.'ect fror. an nr.cle soir.t in the v:es terly line of sair. ftate !!i~h-..-ay forr-.ed by the courses "North. 75°32'C4" Cast 125.00 feet anivnvrh 7C01'34" East, 37.76 feet", as shown on said State Highway nap; C North 1J~" JU ' Lot 8 of said Section "' ~Z ".™ «" -»«"* "" °: "1S ""' s'5l"'y ""l"i '•«•»• E..t. =?:!'.»«; 17 33; l^UU u ~» . Thance northerly along said easterly boundary line to the northerly boundary line of Lot 8 of said S'ection 33, being also the southerly meander line of the Salt Marsh of the Batiquitos Lagoon, as the said n-AJinrier line of the said Salt Marsh is shown and Cepicted upon the f- - -_,.,-h. p.anc,e 4 Kest, S.3.B. & M., dated Oc- - -..a— e,n rrarxrii on x.. on 55 !t 18 . nor^uci.^.^ «„ ^cy line of Lot 8 of said S'ection jj, u=J..., meatier line of the Salt Marsh of the Batiquitos Lagoon, as the saio meander line of the said Salt Marsh is shown and Cepicted upon the plat D^ Fractional Township 12 South, Range 4 Kest, S.3.B. & :•!., dated October-- tile in the U.S. Surveyor Ceneral's Office, San Francisco. ' -— t-K. northerly boundarywith Pag« 15 of MM IS vo 156? 19% Thence southwesterly, westerly and southwesterly along the northerly line of said Lot-. 7 of saic Fractional Section 33, which is also the abovementioned meander line of said Salt Marsh, to the most westerly corner of said Lot 7r 20 . Thence continuing along said reander line to the northeasterly line of State Highway XI-5D-2-3 (Formerly U.S. 101 as located in July 1955); 21. Thence generally southeasterly along said northeasterly line to the intersection with the northeasterly prolongation of the northwesterly line of that certain road easement, 60 feet in width, corveyed to Milton R. And Audrey J. Sims, husband and wife, as described in Exhibit "C" of the grant of easement recorded April 29, 1976, by file page 76- 127564 in official records of said county, the center line of said road easerr.enti, being described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of lot 10 of Section- 33, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Bas« and Meridian, as said Lot 10 is shown on Record of Survey No. 528, filed in the County Recorder's Office on february 7, 1936, with the southwesterly line of California State Highway Road XI-SD-2-3; ther.ce South 66"46' West alon said northerly line of lot 10 and along the prolongation thereof 459.74 feet to an angle point in the westerly boundary of the land described under Parcel 2 in deed to George N. Rhue, et ux, recorded January S, 1955 in Look 3486, page 291, Official Records; thence along said boundary line South 36°44' East, 108.27 feet; thence South 37°56' West, 30.91 'feet thence continuing along the boundary of said Rhue land. South 51°04' East, 77.50 feet; thence South 67°32' East, 75.00 feet; thence South 78°12' East 100.00 feet, to point "A"; being the northwesterly corner of said 60.00 feet wide road easener.t; thence continuing along the boundary of said Rhue lane. South 14" East, 30.00 feet to the true point of beginning of said center line; thence North 76° East, 29.50 feet to the begi.-.r.ir.g of a curve ccr.cave to the north and havir.g a i-aiius of 200.00 feet'; thence alone the arc of said curve, 59.341 ftet; thence North 59: Hast, 23.00 ::eot to the beginning of a curve concave to the south and having a raciius of 189.50 feet; ther.ce along the arc of ssid curve, 56.116 feet; thsnce along the arc of a reverse curve concave to the north and having a radius of 189.50 feet, 155.282 feet; thence along the arc of a reverse curve concave to the south and having a radius of 189.50 feet, 59.450 feet; thence North 46°59'30" East to the intersection with the southwesterly line of California State Highway Road XI-SD-2-3, said intersection being the terminal point of center line of the 60.00 foot wide easement; 22. Thence South 46°39'30" West along said northeasterly prolongation to the southwesterly line of said State Highway; 23. Thence generally southwesterly along the northwesterly line of said 60.00 foot wide road easement to said point 'A"; EXHIDIT "A" Page 16 of 17 wo m CD R084-8 i.- 1568 24 . No Course 25. Thence North 78"12' Kest, 100.00 feet; 26- Thence North 67°32' West, 75.00 feet; 27. Thence North 51°04' V.'est, 77.50 feet; 28. Thence Souch 64"16' V.'est to an intersection with the 7>e.'n hioh tide line of the Pacific Ocean; t 29- Thence northwesterly alor.c; said rr.ean high tide line to the intersection with the east-west center line of said Section 33; 30. Thence easterly along said east-west center line to the northeasterly l\ne of said State Highway XI-SD-2-B (formerly U.S. Highway 101); 31. Thence southeasterly along said northeasterly line to the true point of beginning. sc: iw 10/19/84 LAFCO OCT-1884 CD EXHIBIT "A" Page 17 of 17 1569 STATE OK CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ss. i. KAraN R7 KONDTZ' dffP&k „..!,.. ci., ,,i <:a,M,ad. <: „ ,„ *,„ i,ilW, »»„• ,,r a li)-rrl»\ <vrtil\ lli:tl I liavr roniparrd tin- ntrr^oiMH tfi|t> witlt (In- nnijmal Resolution!7850 pasM-d ;ltid ailnplcil l>\ vaiil Cil\ (.'mine il. Ml a regular i-linc llii'niil.at llir KIIH-JIIH! Iiv llir vulr llu-n'iii ^ali'll. wliidi orimri.il Resolution j^ llnu ,„, |j|, , x ,,II;(V: ll,,il III.' same llilltililis a full. Irnr and iiirrct ( tnui\cri|)l tliri'rlnitn and ul tlu* vvluilr tlirrtttl. Wiliii-NS ni> Land and llir.val nl MI!<| City nl CiirMmil. lliio 28th <!«; i.l January! 1985 iSK.M. s . "o So !*i5 % *CD I A* CPu»«» 1 Y-^^-^--- *y-" ^ Vi:i ;• L_\_^.^.^J - — -\ j|l/^p»'S : -^ y*i liffp"! ''"I 'll ,"v .1 Approvtdb»t|l«^«lA««ncyFonii»tlon '' '• . , . ,_..'/ -.-. . ., 'Jl ' \:'\ •••/ ..-.'••.' •••!-.< / i V:-*H .:.:,- s> *?wf>i 1>» 71 33 > ^ Irn ^J*Is Uli ttuts &HP)UCA&fflCOo>rm ^ l| Q)O 0s §Hn S^1 fO0>1 00A~ CO> omo OS ^fj^ W611 - 100 •^^S^KSS; A C Approvtd by thi LoulAft nevFwiMtion Commiuion •) S»n dlWg /"* ^ r* ^ OCT - 11984 } r 1573 Approved by ti t L*c*t Aitncy Formation -, Comcni won of 8*n Ditso