HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD 88-01; COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT-LAFCO; 89-708671; Certificate of Completion, 8.9 70 SAN DIEGO COUNTY r-,cc w 1075 a OFFIC!, OF SA;$ Di LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION 89 p€c i "Establishment of the Costa Real Municipal Water District Please return to as a Subsidiary District of the I c;vf& .. ... - LAFCO @ MS A216 City of 'Carlsbad Ref. No.' SD88-1 I I Pursuant to Government Code Sections 57200 and 57201, this Certificate hereby issued, The name of each city ar;d/or 'district involved in this change of organ rcorganization, all located within San Dieqo county, and the type of c SE organization ordered for each svich city and/or district is as follo City or District. Type of Chanae of Orcad Costa Real Municipal Water District Establishment as a Subsidiary of the City of Carlsbad A certified copy of the resolution/ordinznce ordering this change of 0. z2tion/'reorganization without an election, or the resolution/ordinance firming an order for this change of organization/reorganization after I firrration by the voters is attached hereto and by reference incorporztc herein - A legal description and map of the boundaries of the above-cited changc organizstion/reorganization is included in said resolution, The terms and conditions, if any, of the change of organization/reorgai tion are indicated on the attached form, I hereby certify that I have examined the above-cited resolution/ordin; for a change of organization/recrganization, and have found that documt be in cocpliance with the Coriunissioc's cesolution approving said changt organizat ion/reorganizaeion - I further certify that (1) resolutions agreeing to acc-ept a negotiated chancre cf property.tax revenues for thfs jurisdictional change, adopte( the local agencies included in the neqotiations, have been submitted tc office, or (2) a iriaster property tax exchange agreement pertinent to tl jurisdictional chanqz is on file, C. - Date December 6, 1989 - Executive Officer * 1076 * 1600 Pacific Highway - R San Diego, CA 92101 - (619) San Diego Local Agency Formation Co: LAFCO Chairperson Brian P. Bilhray CERTIFICATE RE: TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND INDEBTEDN: ”Establishment of the Costa Real Municipal Water Distric Subsidiary District of the City of Carlsbad” (:ounty Iknrd of Supervisors Subject: Members Marjorie Hcrsorn Alpine Fire I’r(,tection District Dr. Charles w’. Hostler Mark J. Loscher of organization. Certain terms and conditions are required by the Local Agency Form Commission to be fulfilled prior to the completion of the above-named cf I’uhlic Meinhcr vice Mayor, City of San Marcoh John MacDonald Supcrvison I MARIA A. TISCARENO STENOGRAPHER (Name) (Title) (:OUllt~ lkJXrd Of Stanley A. Mahr Sa11 MJrcos (:oullt!. Water District Fred Nagd Mayor, City of 1.a Mesa Abbe Wolfsheirner do hereby certify that the terms and conditions listed below have been met. I. See Attachment A. Couocilmcmhcr. City of San Diego Alternate Members Mike Gotch I’uhlic Memher Bruce Ilenderson (:orincilmemher. City of San Diego Gayle McCandliss <:ouncilwoman. City of (:hula VistJ John Sasso President, Horrego WJtcr District Ixon L. Williams County I3oard of Will the affected property be taxed for any existing bonded indebtedn Suprrvison contractual obligation? No x_ if yes, specify.,, $- ~. y-”-.. Executive Officer Jane P. Mcrrill Counsel /g,& ’ //g- &?&@Zd,~ Signature Lloyd M. tlarnion. Jr. July 25, 1989 Date e 1077 0 TERMS AND CONDITIONS ' "ESTABLISHMENT OF THE COSTA REAL M.W.D. AS A SUBSIDIARY DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF CARLSIBAD" GOVERNING BODY 1. Costa Real will consent to become a subsidiary district of the City effecti% no later than January 1, 1990. Costa Real's name would revert back to Carlsbad Municipal Water District. City Councilmembers will sit as the new district Board (ex-officio). 2. 3. 4. The current Board of Directors will assume the position of Watt Commissioners. The Commission wili appoint officers a iid committees in manner consistent with current Board policies. Initial Commissioner's terms will expire as follows: 5. Woodward January 1992 Henley January 1992 Bonas January 1992 Maerkle January 1994 Greer fanuary 1994 6. The District Board (council) will then reappoint members for another 4 yea term, or appoint new members. 7. Commission appointments will be made by procedures currently used for th Board. The 5 divisions will remain with 1 appointment made from eac division when possible. Commission meetings will be held the first and third Wednesdays of the month With provisions to hold adjourned or special meetings as needed, Commissioners will earn $ldO.OO per meeting, not to exceed $200.00 per month. 8. 9. 10. The Commissioners will retain all benefits currently received as Boarc Members, through their initial term, as specified in #5 above. Director's Benefits: Health Insurance Health Insurance for Retirees (Spouse) Dental Insurance Eye Care Insurance (Spouse) Life Insurance (Spouse) Attachment A Page 1 of 4 e 1078 * 11. The Board (Council) will hold meetings as needed in conformance w regularly scheduled City Council meetings. Commissioners wili continue to represent the District and attend functions other organizations. however, compensation will not occur. 12. All expenses will be reimbursed to the commissione Organizations: San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) * Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) ACWA-Joint Powers Insurance Authority SDCWA Water Reclamation Advisory Committee Presidents and Managers Council of Water Utilities Association of Water Reclamation Agencies California Special Districts Association National Water Resources Association Water Agencies Association of San Diego County *Appt. Made by Bd. Pres. BOARD OF DIRECTORS (CITY COUNCIL) RESPONSIBILITIES I. Adopting Ordinances 2. Adopting Annual Budgets ’ 3. 4. Adopting Annual Financial Statements 5. Approving Any Debt Issuances 6. 7. Making Commission Appointments 8. Authorizing Non-Budgeted Expenditures 9. 10. 11. Adopting Annual Capital Improvement Plans Setting Annual Tax Rates, Water Rates and Developer Charges Authorizing Expenditures Exceeding Budgeted Amounts Approving of Any Acquisition, Disposition or Lease of District Property Approving Employment Contracts and Setting Salary and Benefit Packages Attachment A Page 2 of 4 0 1079 0 WATER COMMISSION RESPONSTBTLITIES 1. 2. 3. Developing Annual Financing Plans 4. 5. Developing Water Conservation Programs 6. 7. Developing Potable Water Master Plans Developing Annual Capital Improvemest Plans Developing Annual Budgets and Expenditure Plans Developing Water Reclamation Program (Master Plan Input Also) Recommending Action on Agenda Items for Board of Directors Consideration OPERATIONS 1. Operational responsibility of the District will be expanded to incfude th present master planning, storage and distribution of the City’s wate reclamation system, and other responsibilities delegated by the Board. 2. If proven to be economical, water billing, meter reading and backfloi prevention responsibilities will be transferred to the District also. The District’s planned operations center will proceed with construction and t: expanded where necessary to accommodate these increased responsibilities an other related activities, as directed by tie Board. 3. 4. All District finances will remain entirely separate and shall be expended o water related activities only. Appropriate City expenses will be charged to th District. 5. The District will continue to provide engineering, administration, publ, information, operations and all other services it currently furnishes. The City Manager will act as the Executive Manager of the District, and wi report to the Board of Directors. The General Manager will operate the day-to-day activities of the District an report to the Executive Manager. The District will retain legal counsel. 6. 7. 8. Attachment A Page 3 of 4 m a 1080 EMPLOYEES 1. This agreement shall not adversely affect or impair the status of any ernployec of the District or City. All benefits and rights for existing employees shall be continued at a level no less than currently enjoyed. These benefits and rights include vacation anc sick leave, insurances, retirement programs, employment contracts, an( seniority. No employees shall be laid off unless severe financial difficulties are faced b: the District. 2. 3. Approved by the Local Agency Fomration -. Commission of San Diego I - 3!% - 7 1983 &fi,s;le Execuhvc * ldCunmiul~l -c Attachment A Page 4 of 4 0 3081 ,, e No. 21 MONDAY, JULY 17, 1989 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ORDERING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT) AS A SUBSIDIARY DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD On motion of Supervisor MacDonald , seconded by Supervisor Bilbray the following resolution is adopted: Reorganization Act of 1985, commencing with Section 56000, and in particular Section 56800 of the Government Code, application was made by petition; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Division 3, Cortese/Knox Local Government WHEREAS, on June 7, 1989 at Minute Item #lo, the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of San Diego adopted its resolution making determinations and approving the change of organization of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District from an independent district to a subsidiary district of the City of Carlsbad, and authorizing the Board of Supervisors to initiate and conduct proceedings for the proposed change of organization in compliance with Resolution No. SD88-1 and pursuant to Government Code Section 57025 et. seq.; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on June 30, 1989, gave notice of the hearing on the matter, said hearing to be held on July 17, 1989; and IT IS FOUND AND DETERMINED as follows: 1. The proposal for change of organization was made by petition to the Local Agency Formation Commission pursuant to Section 56800 of the Government Code. 2. The territory involved in the proposed change of organization consists of approximately 32 square miles and is inhabited. 3. The Local Agency Formation Commission on June 7, 1989, approved the change of organization consisting of the establishment of the municipal water district as a subsidiary district of the City of Carlsbad, which change of organization does not change the exterior boundaries of the territory subject to the change of organization as approved by the Commission. The territory proposed for change of organization is described in the resolutions of application on file with the Commission. 3UL i ./ -1 ( *1 e IO& -2 - 4. The reasons for the proposed change of organization as set forth in the petition are to: Achieve cost savings by combining administrative and storage facilities; integrate the planning and management of water resources with the growth management program of the City of Carlsbad; consolidate policy-making, management and engineering functions; provide a higher 1 eve1 of accountabi 1 i ty. Pursuant to Government Code Section 57050(a), the hearing on the proposed change of organization was held on the date and at the time specified in the notice given by the Clerk of the Board. At the hearing, prior to consideration of protests, the resolution of the Local Agency Formation Commission, making determinations, was read aloud or summarized and at such hearing the Board of Supervisors heard and received any oral or written protest, objections or evidence which was made, presented or filed, as required by Government Code section 57O50( b) . 5. 6. The regular county assessment roll shall be utilized. 7. The affected territory will not be taxed for existing general bonded indebtedness of any agency whose boundaries are changed. IT IS RESOLVED, FOUND, ORDERED AND DETERMINED as follows: 1, Written protests filed and not withdrawn do not represent a majority protest in accordance with Government Code Section 57078, and the Carlsbad City Council and Carlsbad Municipal Water District have both filed resolutions with the Local Agency Formation Commission consenting to the proposal. Pursuant to Government Code Section 57085(b), the Board of Supervisors determines that at least 70 percent of the land area of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District is included within the boundaries of the City of Carlsbad and that at least 70 percent of the registered voters reside within the city. 3. The Board finds, pursuant to Section 15320 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, that the proposed change of organization is categorically exempt and not subject to the environmental impact evaluation process because the proposal consists only of the change in organization of governmental agencies and does not change the area in which the previously existing powers are exercised. 2. 31,k 17 1: 10 d 3 ,* ' e -3- 4. A change of organization consisting of the establishment of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District as a subsidiary district of the City of Carlsbad is hereby ordered without an election subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the resolution of the Local Agency Formation Commission, the Board of Directors of the District and the City Council of the City having by resolution consented to the establishment of the subsidiary district. 5. The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall immediately transmit a copy of this resolution to the Executive Director of the Local Agency Formation Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego, State of California, this 17th day of July, 1989, by tbe following vote: AYES : NOES : Supervisors None ABSENT : WOLFE;RESOL/COST;sv Supervi sors Bi 1 bray , Wi 11 i ams , and MacDonal d Supervi sors Bai 1 ey and Go1 di ng - - - STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 ss. County of San Diego 1 I, KATHRYN A. NELSON, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San E State of California, hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with tt original resolution passed and adopted by said Board, at a regular meeting thereof, at the time and by the vote herein stated, which original resolution is now on filc in my office; that the same contains a full, true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof. Witness my hand and the seal of said Board of Supervisors, this 25th day of Ji 1989. KATHR>NELSON// Clerk of the Board of pervisors - .. . ( SEAL 1 .h&zx2 .w&e By M ria A. Tiscamo Deputy Ld ti'' 3 R j-7 ,~ :;L.Q .\.> ,' . .. : .' : ;;i#,< j.1' +.St !:J1,. .. . ' pJJt{p $;i+.,; 1 gy J%@y r. c 3: :? '>' I\