HomeMy WebLinkAboutADJ 00-15; Aviara Serenata, LLC; 2001-0316197; Certificate of Compliance/Non Compliance12 ,. ., . , I’ DOC # 2001-0316197 12624 PiflY 179 2001 4=59 PM rnICIAL RECORDS RECORDING REQUESTED sIy( DIES0 COMTY RECORDER’S OFFICE BY GREGORY ;gmH, anRm RECDRDER : 32.00 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 263 tJ I46 Y 3s - clg-0 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER’S USE ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NO. 215-900-22-00 PROJECT NO. & NAME: CT 92-03 Aviara Phase 111, Units 3 & 4 ADJ 00-15, Parcel ‘L CE 01-16 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITIONS (Section 66499.35 of the Government Code) The City Engineer has determined that the real property described below, has been divided or has resulted from a division or combining of lots in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act and with the provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code pursuant thereto. OWNER(S): AVIARA SERENATA, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY DESCRIPTION: (See Exhibit “A” attached. Exhibit “B” is attached for clarity only.) NOTE: The description in Exhibit “A” attached has been provided by the owner of the property and neither the City of Carlsbad nor any of its officers or employees assume responsibility for the accuracy of said description. This Certificate of Compliance shall have no force and effect: (4 03 if the above owners or any subsequent transferee or assignee acquires any contiguous property other than a lot or lots shown on a recorded subdivision map, parcel map or record of survey map filed pursuant to and prior to repeal (Stats. 1955, Ch. 1593) of Section 11575 of the Business and Professions Code; unless the lot covered by this Certificate of Compliance is graded or re- graded to prevent cross lot drainage otherwise created by the changes in property line location accomplished herewith; Miscellaneous/M-l .frm 12625 (cl This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcel described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcel may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. This Certificate of Compliance shall in no way affect the requirements of any other County, State or Federal agency that regulates development of real property. DATE: 5/9/T/& Miscellaneous/M-l .frm 12626 State of California ) 1 County of San Diego ) On, May 10, 2001, before me, Belinda R. Guzman, Notary Public, personally appeared Lloyd Hubbs, personally known me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal BELINDA R. GUZMAN COmmtsston Cl297549 Notary Pubk - Colltunia f San Dtego County MyCannl.~Mal7,ams (This area for Signature of Notary official notary seal) Title or Type of Document Certificate of Compliance with Conditions ADJ 00-15, CE 01 - 16 Date of Document 05-09-01 Signer(s) other than named above None No. of Pages . 12627 EXHIBIT ‘A’ BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT ADJ NO. 00-015 CE 01-16 PARCEL 'L' BEING A PORTION OF LOT 73 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 92-3, AVIARA PHASE III UNIT NO. 3, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 13463, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RE- CORDER OF SAID COUNTY, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF LOT 86 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 92- 3, AVIARA PHASE III UNIT NO. 4, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 13464, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER; THENCE ALONG THE PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 86 1. SOUTH 3lOl9'03" EAST 2. NORTH 58O40'57" EAST 3. SOUTH 31°19'03" EAST 4. NORTH 59O46'11" EAST 5. NORTH 59O46'11" EAST 6. NORTH 29O53'00" WEST 7.40 FEET; 75.00 FEET 1.00 FEET; 38.80 FEET 35.62 FEET 8.40 FEET THENCE DEPARTING SAID PROLONGA- TION TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE PROLONGATION OF THE NORTHEAST- ERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 86; THENCE ALONG SAID PROLONGATION THENCE DEPARTING SAID PROLONGA- TION TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 72, SAOD INTERSECTION ALSO BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE DEPARTING SAID NORTHEAST- ERLY LINE TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE PROLONGATION OF THE NORTHEAST- ERLY LINE OF LOT 85 OF SAID MAP NO. 13464; THENCE ALONG SAID PROLONGATION TO THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 73; THENCE ALONG SAID NORWESTERLY LINE LEG\131017-PCL-L.wc (03/28/01) TY PAGE 1 OF t I 12628 7. NORTH 60°07'OO" EAST 32.84 FEET TO THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 73; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE THEREOF 8. SOUTH 27O39'02" EAST 165.91 FEET TO THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 73, SAID CORNER ALSO BEING THE BEGINNING OF A NON- TANGENT 278.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID BEGINNING BEARS NORTH 27039'02" WEST; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 73 AND THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 9. SOUTHWESTERLY 16.46 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03O23'36"; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY BOUND- ARY 10. SOUTH 58O57'22" WEST 42.34 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 73; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE THEREOF 11. NORTH 31OO2'38" WEST 157.91 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINS 0.236 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. DATE LS 6641 EXPIRATION DATE 12/31/03 LEG\131017-EL-L.WC (03/28/01) TY PAGE 2 OF 2 , 12629 ,s .-’ _ LOTS 67 THROUGH 73 #KLUSlK OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 92-3, AMARA PHASE ill UN/T NO. 3, TOGETHER UaTH LOTS 85 THROUGH 89 lNCLUS!K OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 92-3, AMARA PHASE III UNIT NO. 4, IN THE CITY w CARLSBAD, COUNTY of SAN DlEW, STA TE o$: CALIfORNlA ACCORDING TO MAPS THEREof NOS. 13463 AND 13464. 215-900-16 lHf?tJ 22 & 215-900-34 lHRu 38 A MARA SERENA TA, UC A DELAWARE LlMllED LlABlLlTY COMPANY BK PICAL HiIJslNG ASSOCIATES, L.P., A CAUFORNIA UMIKED PAR?NERSHlp, ITS SOLE MEMBER BYz ‘THE PRUDENTIAL INSLJRANCE COMPANY w AMERICA, A NEW Z’RSEY CmPmATlohl, ITS GENERAL PARMER BF lHP Ih!bESlMENT ADMStI?S UC., A DELAWARE UMllED UABILITY COMPANY, ITS ATTiZ#?NEY-IN-FACT BE lNSTlltJn#AL HOUSING PAR’INERS ILP., A CALlFORNlA \\ NEW PARCEL UNE PER ADJVSTMEIVT EXISTING LOT UNE EXlSlWG LOT LINE TO BE REMOKD EXISTING EASEMENT - - - - 7RuE PaNT OF BEGlNNlNG ma P#NT of COMMENCEMENT POC POlNT OF BEGlNNlNG P# #EN SPACE EASEMENT GRANTED TO THE CITY OF 0 A CARLSBAD. PER MAP 13463 UMllED PARTNERSHIP, ITS SCKE MEMBER BK wmmNAL HW~NG PARTNERS, INC., A CAUF~N~A lEyc)IRffwwH( T DESYGN CONSIJLTiNTS 701 B SVfEET SUITE: 800 DRAI#fNG IS ?HE SOlJlHEAS7ERLY UNE %N D/EGO, CAUFmNlA 92101 of LOTS 86 lHRWGH 88 AS SHOIUV PHONE (619) 235-6471 OIV CARLSAD TRACT NO. 92-3 A MARA PHASE /J/ UNIT 4 MAP NO. 13464 MY REGlSlRA TlON EXPIRES 1 Z/31/03 ADJUSmENT PLAT - CVY w CARLSBAD APPLICAN n PREPARED BK A MARA StRtJNATA, LLC PROXCT DES?GN CONSULT. 5770 &KRLlN DRIK 701 B STREET SAN DIEGO, CA 92121-1723 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 mF)! 45,vm40 --^- _ (619) 235-6471 / ,... .: ’ A-fl?-l&-nl\l?lfl-I I A-n7-1 dwn ‘MCI... , . .“. NO SCALE ININ MAP \ I EXHIBIT ‘B’ sw!rl#4 ADJ. NO. 00-015 215-900-34 ??iRU 38 Mnr 2R 2l-m - q!?lnm . 12630 GRAPHIC SCALE 1 inch = 40 ft. 215-900-38 AREA: 0.246 AC. 215-900-16 AREA: 0.420 AC. ADfiSIMENT PLAT - CITY Cy CARLSBAD ADJ NO. OQ-015 APPUCAN p PMPARD BF A MARA SXRENA TA, UC PRDXCT DESIW CoHlSUL 7: 5770 =RLIN DRIK 701 B SfREET SAN DIEGO, CA 92121-172.3 SAN D/EGO, CA 92121 mgT453-3040 (619) 235-6471 ASSZSSOR PARCEZ NUMBZR 215-900-M 7HRU 22 h 215-9m.34 lHRlI 36 ‘\’ 4r "I: ?7\PLAIS\LLA-02-16-01\1310-LLA-03-2,dwg Mar 28, 2001 - 9:36am F 12631 215-900-36 f “E;ms)rG LOA LINE / /’ si+ / / 215-900-l k t /f % -2 PARCEL 0.221 AC. \ ADJJSMNT PLAT - CITY (UC CARLSBAD ADJ NO. 00-015 MPLKANT.- PREPARED Bk ASSESW? PARCEL NUMBER A MARA SERKWA TA, LLC PROJECT DESlW CMYJL 7: 215-900-16 ?HRU 22 & 5770 tl9EFXlN DRIM 701 B S?REET S4N DIEGO, CA 921%. 1723 SAN OIEGO. CA 92121 215-900-34 THRlJ 38 ---:.- ._ -_ (&5@ 453.-,304p - 1 (s19) 235-6471 i I NC,/, .' 02-16-01\1310-LLA-03-3,dwg Mar 28, 2001 - 9:36am s , . 12632 . c WPUCAN T.- I 1 PREPARED BP I 1 ASSESStY? PARCEL NUMBER I ADJJSKWENT PUT - QTY W CARLSBAD ADd NO. 00-015 I VAIARA SERENATA, LLC PRMYCT DE!WV CQVSULlI 215-900-16 WRU 22 h : 5770 O%E%.IN DRM 701 B SlREET SAN DKGD, CA 92121-1723 SAN DlEGcJ CA 92121 215900-34 MRU 38 _-- <R5P! 45.3-3040 ‘ (619) 235-6471 \ *’ r’>l L/+02-16-01\1310-LLA-03-4dwg Mar 28, 2001 - 9:37am