HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 03-09; EQBP-1 LLC; 2004-0948732; Certificate of Compliance/Non ComplianceRECORDING REQUESTED BY WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDERS USE DOC # 2004-0948732 7633 I llllllll 111 111111111111111 11111111111111111111 11111 11111 111ll Ill1 1111 OCT 06,2004 1057 AM U FFI ClAL RE CURD 5 5AN DIEGO COUFITYRECORDER'S OFFICE GREGOR'i'J SMITH COUNTY RECORDER FEES 2Y 00 PAGES 8 I lUlll lllll Ylll Ulll11111111111111 Ill11 Ill11 lllllU11111111 Ill11 Ill11 1111 1111 2004-0948732 ASSESSORS PARCEL NO.: 212-120-34 PROJECT NO. & NAME: EQUUS, MS 03-09 COC IN LIEU OF A PARCEL MAP - -~ CE 04-22 PARCEL 3 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE IN LIEU OF A PARCEL MAP (Section 66499.35 of the Government Code) The City Engineer has determined that the real property described below, is in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act (Section 66428) and has complied with the findings required by Chapter 20.24.150 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code for waiver of the parcel map. OWNER(S): EQBP-1, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company DESCRIPTION: (See Exhibit "A" attached. Exhibit "B" is attached for clarity only.) NOTE: The description in Exhibit "A" attached has been provided by the owner of the property and neither the City of Carlsbad nor any of its officers or employees assume responsibility for the accuracy of said description. Exhibit "B" is attached for clarity only. This Certificate of Compliance shall have no force and effect if the above owners or any subsequent transferee or assignee acquires any contiguous property other than a lot or lots shown on a recorded subdivision map, parcel map or record of survey map filed pursuant to and prior to repeal (Stats. 1955, Ch. 1593) of Section 11575 of the Business and Professions Code. This Certificate of Compliance shall in no way affect the requirements of any other County, State or Federal agency that regulates development of real property. DATE: ?%FA J 1 H:\Development Services\PROJECTSWS FILES\MS 03-09 Equus - Widtham\Deeds-Easements\certificate of compliance. parcel 3. Riddladoc Rev. 1/31/02 7633 State of California ) ) County of San Diego ) On October 1, 2004 before me, Belinda R. Guzman, Notary Public, personally appeared Robert J. Wojcik, personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal d (This area for Signature of Notary official notary seal) 7634 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL 3 All that portion of Lot 44 of CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-24, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 11 81 0, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, May 19, 1987, being also a portion of that parcel of land described in Certificate of Compliance recorded December 26, 1989 as File No. 89-696935 of Official Records, described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest comer of said Lot 45, said point being on the arc of a non-tangent 11 58.00 foot radius curve, concave to the North, a radial to said point bears South 05°27'55" East; thence along the Southerly line of said Lots 44 and 45 the following four (4) courses: Easterly, along said curve, through a central angle of 01 "1 9'04" an arc distance of 26.63 feet; thence North 83°13'01" East, 123.82 feet to the beginning of a tangent 742.00 foot radius curve, concave to the South; thence Easterly, along said curve, through a central angle of 27O45'24" an arc distance of 359.46 feet; thence South 69°01'35" East, 144.83 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence leaving said Southerly line, North 1 9°58'42" East, 163.40 feet; thence South 70°01 '1 8" East, 24.88 feet; thence North 1 9°58'42" East, 75.05 feet; thence North OOoOO'OO" East, 60.58 feet; thence North 90°00'OO" East, 295.88 feet; thence South OOoOO'OO" East, 339.26 feet to the Southerly line of said Lot 44, said point being on the arc of a non-tangent 658.00 foot radius curve, concave to the North, a radial to said point bears South 08°23'28" East; thence along said Southerly line the following two (2) courses: Westerly, along said curve, through a central angle of 29°21'53" an arc distance of 337.23 feet; thence North 69°01'35" West, 74.1 0 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains 2.633 acres, more or less. Clive J. Hopwood P.L.S. 6800 Date Expiration: 9-30-04 Page 1 of 1 7635 b CURRENT ADDRESS 2200 FARADAY AVOJUE CABSBAD, CA 92009 CURRENT ASSESSOR'S PCL. NO' 2 12- 120-34 CURRENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOTS 44 AN) 45 OF CAFZLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-24, WIT NO. 3, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAO, couNp( OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Acc0w)It-G TO MAP THEREOF NO. 11810, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CoUJry RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO CUMTY, MAY 19, 1987. VICINITY MAP BASIS OF BEARINGS THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS MXXMPCT IS A PORTION OF THE SclUMRLY LINE OF LOT 44, MAP NO. 11810, I.E., N 69'01'35' W. OWNER/APPLlC ANT EQBP-1, LLC A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COWANY By: ECWS PAR- I, LLC A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COWANY ITS MANAGER BY: EQUUS PAR-, L.P. A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTFERSHIP ITS MANAGER 800 SI VERADO d,WITE 300 LA A. CA I GPERAL PARTPER NO SCALE LEGEND --- MISTING LOT LINE TO E RDloMD NEW LOT LINE PER THIS CERTIFICATE OF COWLIANCE EXISTING ADJm LOT LIE ---- ABuTmRs' RIGHTS OF ACCESS IN AH) TO - FARADAY AVOKE FROU PARCELS 1, 3 AND 4 R€LIE#uISl€D ANI WAIVED, MCOPTING AT DRIVEWAY OPENINGS NO. 1, 2 AH) 3 PER DoaMoKT REamED WT- fQ ZDDq Doc# 2003- 044Q-fZC1 O.R. PR 04-91 As EWGBNEER OF WORK 9665 MESAPUKE DRIVE, SUITE 320 STEVENS CREST0 ENGIISRING, INC. SAN DIEGO. CA 92123 II II ki- cad LICENSEEXPIRES: 9/3/04 EXHIBIT "B" I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - CITY OF CARLSBAD I OWNER/APPL I CANT EQBP-1, LLC 800 SILVERADO STREET SUITE 300 LA JXLA, CA 7636 0 200 400 SCALE1'=200' SCALE IN FEET 14.252 PARCEL AC. (GROSS) 1 6.263 PARCEL AC. (4;- 2 ' s: 6.263 AC. (NET) 4 I -4 14.252 AC. (NET) CERTIFICATE W COMPLIANCE RECORDED 12-26-1989 AS FILE NO. 89-696935, O.R. / 1. SEE WETS 3 ANI 4 FOR EXISTING 30' WIDE RECIPROCAL ACCESS ~oiECUdlED WT. k>moY Asm l3Y-i Yg77 % , O.R. AWlEf?S' RIGHTS OF ACCESS IN AND TO FARADAY AMM FROM PARCELS 1, 3 ANI 4 RnIWIsHoD AM WAIVED EXCEPT AT ASDOCfZaaq-Oqqg7Zq , O.R. 2. OPENINGS 1. 2 AN) 3 PER DoclxNT RECORED om-. lu; 2ooq 3. SfEsHoET5FORNOTES 43 LINE TABLE NO. BURING DISTANCE T1 N19'58'42'E 163.40' T2 N70'01'18'W 24.88' T3 N19.58'42-E 75.05' T4 N44'54'49'E 22.44' T5 NOO'OO'OO'E 62.94' T6 N42'26'OO"E 20.96' EXHIBIT =BW CERTIFICATE OF CWLIANCE - CITY OF CAasBAD I PfEPAK€D BY OWNER/APPL I CANT Em-1, LLC 800 SILVERAW STREET SUITE 300 LA JOLLA, CA STEVENS CREST0 ENGIFEERING, INC. 9665 MSAPEAKE DR, SUITE 320 4 CE 04-10 UIM J - LIENS- 7637 800 SILVERADO STREET SUITE 300 LA JOLLA, CA - a CE 04-10 R.C.E. 23889 12/31/05 CLIM J. HowOD LICENSE No. L.S. 6800 EXP. DATE 9/30/04 REG NO. EXP. DATE sHET3oF5 5 D - J 1' I' PARCEL 1 TWO STORY TILT-CR COKRETE WIlDING n N19'58'42"E 75.05' N70'01'18"W Qc 0 120 240 SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT "B" CERTIFICATE OF coM3LIANCE - CITY OF CARL= I PREPARED BY m 212-120-34 PARCEL 2 TWO STORY TILT-UP CONCRETE BUILDING SCALE: 1'=120' PARCEL 4 I 4 EXHIBIT wBw CERTIFICATE OF COWLIANCE - CITY OF CARLSBAD I PREPARED BY I APPROMD BY LLOYD E. I A~N 212-120-34 OwNR/AppL I CANT EQep-1, LLC 800 SILVERADO STREET SUITE 300 , LA JOLLA, CA STMNS CREST0 EW;IFEERIK;, INC. ALd 9665 MSAPEAKE DR, SUITE 320, LICENSE NO. L.S. 6800 R.C.E. 23889 12/31/05 EXP. DATE 9/30/04 REG NO. EXP. DATE E CE 04-10 sk€ET 4oF 5 - NOTES 1. BUILDING POiMITS WILL NOT BE ISSUED FOR PARCELS 3 AN> 4, UUSS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DETERMINES THAT SEER AN) WATER FACILITIES ARE AVAILABLE FOR CONVCTION AN) WILL BE MIL M TIE OF CONJECTION. 2. APPROVAL TO ADDRESS RECIPROCAL ACCESS EASEMENTS, DRAINAGE EASOJENTS, PARKINC EASKNTS AH) UTILITY EASEMPCTS SUCH MAT EACH LOT HAS fECIpRocAL RIGHTS TO ACCESS AN) MAINTAIN THSE Rams AN) UTILITIES SOiVING EACH LOT. A DECLARATION ANI RESERVATION OF fECIPROCAL ACCESS u\sEMoJT AGREDayT IS fEWIE0 OF MIS 3. APPROPRIATE AGOJCY DETERMINES THAT SEWER AND WATER FACILITIES ARE AVAIUBLE. WILDING PERMITS WILL NOT BE IssuoD FOR DNELOF%€NT OF ME SUBJECT PRoPERfy UNESS M EXHIBIT wB" OwNER/Af'PL ICANT EQBP-1, LLC 800 SILVERADO STREET SUITE 300 LA JOLLA, CA CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - CITY OF CARLSBAD PREPARED BY: !jlMNs mslo ENGIMRIW, IN. 9665 CHESAPEAKE Mi, SUITE 320 UIM J.'Hop1TOOO LICENSE No. L.S. 6800 EXP. DATE 9/30/04 4 C I TY EMEER CE 04-10 REG NO. UP. DATE SIfET 5oF R.C.E. 23889 12/31/05 5