HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Carltas Company; 1996-0450382; Land ConservationRECORDING REQUESTED BY AND ) WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: ) .OC 8 1996-0450382 05-SEP-1996 10 = 48 API OFFICIAL RECORDS 1 57 5 SAN DIEGO COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE GREGORY SHITH, COUNTY RECORDER RF: 13.00 FEES' 31.00 AF: 17.00 I1F: 1.00 City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1 200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ) ) ) ), Space above this line for Recorder's use Parcel No. 211-022-15 (portion) & 211-023-09 (portion) Cancellation Area - A (Specialty Retail) & C (LEGO Drive) CERTIFICATE OF FINAL PARTIAL CANCELLATION PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA LAND CONSERVATION ACT OF 1965 Pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad (the "City"), does hereby give notice of final partial cancellation for Area "A", Specialty Retail Cancellation Area and Area "C", LEGO Drive Cancellation Area of the following described contract and certifies: 1. On February 10, 1976, the then current landowner and the City entered into that certain Land Conservation Contract 76-1 under the California Land Conservation Act of 1965, recorded on March 1, 1976, as Document Number 76-059758 in the Office of the San Diego County Recorder (the "Contract"). 2. The land subject to the Contract is described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Contract Land"). 3. Carltas Company, a California limited partnership; CB Ranch Enterprises, a California corporation; Carlsbad Ranch Company L.P., a California limited partnership; and Carlsbad Estate Holding, Inc., a California corporation, the current owners of a portion of the Contract Land which is depicted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Carlsbad Ranch Cancellation Land"). -1- 1576 4. The Specialty Retail (Area "A") and LEGO Drive (Area "C") Cancellation Land, along with certain other land, is the subject of the tentative partial cancellation adopted on January 9, 1996, by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad (the "Council") Resolution No. 96- 2, and evidenced by that certain Certificate of Tentative Partial Cancellation recorded with the San Diego County Recorder as Document Number 1996-0107755 on March 5, 1996 (the "Certificate of Tentative Cancellation"). The tentative cancellation was subject to certain conditions set forth therein (the "Conditions"). 5. The conditions, with respect to the Specialty Retail (Area "A") and LEGO Drive (Area "C") Cancellation Land, as set forth hi Council Resolution 96-2 and Section 5 of the Certificate of Tentative Partial Cancellation have been satisfied, as follows: 5.1. Payment of the Cancellation Fee. A cancellation fee in the amount of $376,618.00 for the Specialty Retail and LEGO Drive Cancellation Land, as calculated by the City and certified to the County Auditor, has been paid by the landowner to the San Diego County Treasurer in August 16, 1996. 5.2 Permits Necessary to Commence the Project. All permits necessary to commence the project have been issued. The permits necessary to commence the project pursuant to California Government follows: i) A Final Map Council on August 13, 1996. ii) A Coastal De for the Final Map and Grading Pehnit California Coastal Commission in Aiigust Code Section 51283.4, as determined by the City, are as from the City. The Final Map was approved by the City relopment Permit from the California Coastal Commission it. A Coastal Development Permit was issued by the 1996. -2- 1577 5.3 Dedication of Property. The landowner has dedicated to the City all property within the Specialty Retail and LEGO Drive Cancellation Areas, required to be dedicated to public ownership under the conditions of (i) Specific Plan 207(A), which Specific Plan was adopted by the City on January 9, 1996, by City Ordinance No. NS-344 (the "Specific Plan") and (ii) the Master Tentative Map for Carlsbad Ranch (CT 94-09). Such Irrevocable Offer of Dedication from the landowner to the City of Carlsbad was made on the Final Map for Unit I of CT 94-09. 5.4 Environmental Impact Report and Statement of Overriding Considerations and Mitigation Monitoring Program. The landowner has complied with all applicable mitigation measures identified in the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Amendment Final Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR 94-01). 6. The Conditions of Section 5 of the Certificate of Tentative Partial Cancellation for the Specialty Retail (Area "A") and LEGO Drive (Area "C") Cancellation Areas depicted on Exhibit "C" and more particularly described on Exhibit "D-l" and "D-2" (Legal Description) have been satisfied, and this certificate constitutes a Certificate of Final Partial Cancellation for the Specialty^BrJail and LEGO Drive Cancellation Land. August 20, 1996 Date ATTEST: ALETKAL. RAUTENKRANZCity Clerk (SEAL) -3- EXHIBIT "A" UfBIOMM L4.GOOX 1578 NOK^,, cm*- __ *^ ~~ r1" -^^^^ ~*^ "* \ " _ " I _„ ^ s CARLSBAD RANCH: WILLIAMSON ACT LANDS Non- Williamson Act Lands 121.94 Williamson Act Lands Remaining Under Contract 146.35mmWilliamson Act Lands to be Removed from Contract 179.11 0'1600' 800' SCALE: 1" = 800' EXHIBIT "B" 1579 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WILLIAMSON ACT LANDS TO BE REMOVED FROM EXISTING PARCELS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER AREA (Acres) 211-022-14 211-022-15 211-022-16 211-023-08 211-023-09 2.68 15.95 97.92 48.20 14.36 Dote: 08/01/96 Time: 15: PC #1 FILE=F:\JOBS\891014\LGOEXWM.DWG ixcoox EXHIBIT "C' 1580 -"W" *CAQ rr^i^.'~^V \ „ — 2 'iwOuia *i?..«osr aa*(r • CARLSBAD RANCH: CANCELLATION AREAS A. B. C. D. E. Specialty Retail Cancellation Area - 15.95 Acres Research and Development/Office Cancellation Area - 20.87 Acres LEGO Drive Cancellation Area -1.08 Acres LEGOLAND Cancellation Area - 93.35 Acres Resort Cancellation Area - 47.86 Acres EXHIBIT "D-1" 1581 That portion of Lot 2 of Carlsbad Tract No. 92-07 as per Map No. 13078 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, filed December 28, 1993, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwesterly terminus of the course shown as "N 36°53'12" E (R) 436.45'" along the boundary of said lot; thence along the boundary of said lot, the following courses: North 36°53'12" East 436.44 feet, North 22°29'26" West 914.65 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 336.00 feet, a radial line to said point bears South 24°4r41" East and Northeasterly, Northerly and Northwesterly 514.86 feet along said curve through a central angle of 87°47'41"; thence leaving said boundary, non-tangent from said curve, South 25°53'00" East 336.14 feet; thence South 22°29'26" East 1600.18 feet; thence South 48°00"34" West 247.40 feet radially to a point on said boundary, said point being on a non-tangent curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 643.00 feet; thence along said boundary, the following courses: Northwesterly 402.30 feet along said curve through a central angle of 35°50'53", tangent from said curve, North 77°50'19" West 99.93 feet and Northwesterly 240.37 feet along a tangent curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 557.00 feet through a central angle of 24°43'31" to the Point of Beginning. This legal description is not to be used for any purpose that would violate the Subdivision Map Act. Tom R. McGannon, R.C.E. 23956 Registration Expires: December 31, 1997 July 25, 1996 Page 1 of 1 W.O. 1774-2X H&A Legal No. 4099 Prepared By: H. Foss Ck'd By: B. Etemadi/fh 1582 EXHIBIT "D-2" Those portions of Lots 7 and 8 of Carlsbad Tract No. 92-07 as per Map No. 13078 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, filed December 28, 1993, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 8, distant North 5°06'54" East 1.81 feet from the Southerly terminus of the course shown as "N 5°06'44" E 190.00'" on said map, said point being on a tangent curve concave Easterly having a radius of 626.00 feet; thence leaving said Westerly line, Southerly 496.89 feet along said curve through a central angle 45°28'42"; thence tangent from said curve, South 40°2r48" East 387.70 feet; thence South 47°13'35" West 70.97 feet radially to a point on a non-tangent curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 696.00 feet; thence Northwesterly 298.88 feet along said curve through a central angle of 24°36'15" to the beginning of a tangent compound curve concave Southerly having a radius of 90.00 feet; thence Westerly 119.86 feet along said curve through a central angle of 76°18'27"; thence tangent from said curve, South 36°18'53" West 21.92 feet; thence South 36°23'30" West 94.59 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave Westerly having a radius of 716.00 feet and a point on the Westerly boundary of said Lot 7, a radial line to said point bears South 58°08'19" East; thence Northerly 523.09 feet along said curve through a central angle of 41051'31" and said Westerly boundary; thence tangent from said curve, North 9°59'50" West 94.40 feet along said boundary to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Easterly having a radius of 615.00 feet; thence Northerly 162.21 feet along said curve through a central angle of 15°06'44" and said boundary; thence tangent from said curve, North 5°06'54: East 1.81 feet along said boundary to the Point of Beginning. July 29, 1996 Page 1 of 2 W.O. 1774-2X H&A Legal No. 4100 Prepared By: H. Foss Ck'd By: B. Etemadi/fh 15S3 This legal description is not to be used for any purpose that would violate the Subdivision Map Act. Tom R. McGannon, R.C.E. 23956 Registration Expires: December 31, 1997 July 29, 1996 Page 2 of 2 W.O. 1774-2X H&A Legal No. 4100 Prepared By: H. Foss Ck'd By: B. Etemadi/fh