HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Dunne, David & Katherine, Hoenig, George & Teresia, Oceanside Savings and Loan Association; 29374: Condemnation1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 14 If 1( I' II l! 2( 2: 2; .2; 21 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 I STUART C. WILSON AlTORNEY AT LAW 2906 STATC srncer CARLSBAD. CALlFORNlA 42 % TCLSWHONZ 729-11001 (SPACE 3ELOW FOB FILLUG STAMP ONLY) SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIPORNLA FOR THX COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ZITY OF CARLSRAD, CALIFORNIA, 1 4 Municipal Corporation, 1 1 1 P laint i f f , VS. JOHN A. ANDERSO~, DAVID x. DUWE, 5 KATHERINE E. DU?J?JE, GEORGE HOENIG, ) I'E RE S I A HOE?lI G , OCEANS I DE FED E!? AL ) SAI'INGS A'JD LOAN ASSOCIATIOX, A 1 corporation, OCEANSIL)E FINANCE 1 CO?lPANY, a corporation, DOES 1 1 NO. 299418 FINAL ORDER OF CONDEWATIO!d DU!WE, KATIIE?,INE E. DUNNE , GEORGE HOEHIT;, TERESTA H OEN I G OC E AI? S I DE F E DE R AT, A CORPORATTO>I AND OCEAUSIDE FIYANCE CO?V'ANY, A COR PO RAT 1: O?I AS TO DEFEYDANTS DAVID !4. SA!'TINC;S AND LOA?.J ASSOCIATIOh thru 30; 3Tld ail other-persons 1 claiming any right, title, or 1 interest to the property described ) herein, 1 1 Defendants. ) 1 JUnC;h.IENT I3 CC)NDE???l!ATIr)N REC;ARDING DEFE?dDA?TTS DAVID FI. nIlS?2E, KATHERINE E. DIJ?P!E, GEORGE IIOEXIG, TERESIA HOENIG, OCEANSIDE FEDERA1 SAi'INGS AY9 LnA'I ASS3CIhTIO:J, A CORPflRATInN and KE.4?ISTDE FI!JA?lCE CO?.fP\'.!Y, A Corporation havin; been heretofore entered in the above entitled action on fEB2 1w , 1969, in the office of the County Clerk of thc county of Snn ?ie$o, State of CalifOrili3, and it appearins to the satisfaction of tFe Court t5at the above entitled Ilnintiff, pursuant to that judgment, has r,nici into Court tile sun oi Twcnty T:iousnnd FiTht :lcinclrcG T:i 2ht.y Poilxrs [V6,8Sctj to be I I disburscd as foilor.:s: / J .c . 3 f e 'i E s IC 11 12 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 792 ($4,522 . 50) in accordance with the JII9GTlENT IN CCYDE?ZVATIOY REGARDING DEFENDANTS DAVID ??. DUXNE, KATHERINE E. DUY?IE , GEORGE HOENIG, TERESIA HOENIG, OCEANSIDE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIOX , A CORPOR.4TI@>I AND @CE,kVSI DE FIXA'KE CO'fPAXY, A. CO!IPORATIOY and O?.r)E?, F9!I DISBIJRSE!X:U TO DEFE?lDANTS DAVID V. DUNNE MID KATHEYINE E. DIJWIE on file herein as just compensztion for the real pro;>erty herein condemned; B. To defendants GEORGE HOENIG, TEFXSIA tlOENIC;, OCEANSIDE FEDERAL SA.!!I?IGS AKII LOA3 ASSOCIATIOS , A Corporation and OXAXSIDE FINA?JCE C@?.TANY, .4 Corporation the sun of Sixteen Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($16,357.50) in accordance r:.itF the Jl!OG?!E\IT I?! CPXDE!-XATZR?! IIEGA?.DX?IC; DEFE?JDANTS DAVID P'. DIJNNE , KATt!ERINE E, DlJNNE, CEO?.GE IIOE?,'TG, TERESIA t'lPENTG, OCEAXSTnE FEDERAL SAVI?IC;S AYD 1,OAN ASSOCI"ITIfl!.J, A CnRPOI'.ATIn!4 A!!D OCEA?!SIDE FIYP,\I,TCE CCI?~TAYY, A, CORPOOPATIPY on file herein and pursuant to t5e provisims of California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1246.1 regarding the api;ortionr:i.ent of said award hetween said defendants, as just coppensation for the real pro?erty herein condemed . Y9[V , TIIE:REF;r)?!E, IT IS IIERESY nRDFDE9 AYT1 ADJUDGEr): 1. Easerents for the fol2o;ling described purposcs over tlie following c!escrihed parcels of land, situate in the City of .Carlsbad, County of San niego, State of California are hereby conderrned to 2nd tnken for the public uses stated herein and ir? the corplaint hercln: A. ,I ;?crgnncnt czserent and right at zny tine, or fror: tine to tine , to cor,striict, rcconstrlict, i-iaintairi, o;?cratc, rc;,lacc, rer:ovc, renei:, 2nd enlarge ;1 ijublic street 3rd rlsfit of ~;:iy,. and a;17lrrtcnant structures, # P 4 1 2 4 5 6 r 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 PE 17 le 19 2c 21 22 22 24 25 26 27 . 2E 2s 3c 31 32 otherwise protect the sane from all hazards as to the fallowing two descrihed parcels of real property: 'ARCEL 3 That portion of Lot 21 of Patterson's Addition to the Town of Carlshad, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, accord- ing to '+lap thereof No, 565, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, Septen?,er 22, 1888, described as follows: Beginning at the most IYesterly corner of said Lot 21; thence along the Yorthwesterly line of said lot Yorth 55'55'59'' East (Tecord FTorth 55'27' East) 272.25 feet; thence South 33'53'51'' East (Pecord South 34'33' East) 5.00 feet; thence parallel wit11 said North\;esterly line of said lot South 55°58'53" iiest 262.25 feet to the beginning of a tangent 10 foot radius curve concave Easterly; thence Southerly along the arc of said curve 15.70 feet through a central angle of 89'58'50" to a point in the Southwesterly line of said Lot 21; thence along said Southwesterly line and tangent to said curve Yorth 33'53'51" Kest (Record Yorth 34'33' Viest) 18.00 feet to the point of beginning. and PARCEL 5 That portion of Tract 121 of Carlsbad Lands, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, accordins to 'fa? thereof No, 1661, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Dieso County, 'larch 1, 1915, described as f 0 1 1 OIJS : Beginnin2 at the most Southerly corner of said Tract 121 ; thence along the Southrresterly line of said Tract Yorth 33°59'51" Yest (Record Uorth 34'33' !(;est) 56.00 feet to a point on the arc of a tangent 10 foot radius curve concave Northerly; thence leaving said Southwcsterly line Easterly along the arc of said curve 15.71 feet througii a central anrle of 30~O1'1O"; thence tanpcnt to said curve Yorth 55'55'59" East 295.42 feet to the hezinning of a tanzent 2042 foot radius curve con c av e South e as t e r 1 y ; t h en c e ?2o r t he a s t e r 1 y a 1 on 2 the arc of said curve 151.47 feet throuph a ccntral angle of ~'~s'OO" to a Toint of reverse ciirve , said reverse curve bcinq concave ?Jorth- westerly and havins a radius of 1958 feet; thencc :;ortheasterly nlons tlie arc of said curve 145.24 feet tlirou?!: ;?. central c?nTle of 4'15'0r)" to a ~ojnt in the Soutliriesterly line of the NortTikasterly 1'13 feet of said Tract 121; t6c:lcc zIori2 said ?outii:;cstcrly line South 3J0O2' 15" Elast ("\cord Soutli 34'33' i:r;st) 65.0n fect to a 2oint in tlie qout:icastcrl:r line of said Tract 121; tltencc a10112 said !'outllPnstcrly line Sntlth 55'55'5?'' ;'est 601.90 feet (?ecord South 55'27' \*'est 092. Oi) feet) to tlic 2oiEt of hczi'nninz. - - 3 - .- t 8 -. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 I1 12 1Z 14 If 1E 17 LE 1s 2c 21 22 2: 24 25 2E 27 . 2E 29 3c 31 32 .c-- 794 B. A pernsnent easerent and right at any time, or fron tine to time, to construct, reconstruct, maintain, o2erate replace, rer,ove, renew, and enlarge embankment slopes and appurtenant structures, equippent, fixtures, in, upon, over, and across said PACCELS 4 and 6, includinz acess and the rip,ht to keep said PAqCE1,S of property free from all materials and otherwise protect the sape from all hazards as to the following described parcels of pro2erty: PARCEL 4 An easerent for slope construction iiurposes being a strip of land 14 feet in width over Parcel R above t?ie Southeasterly line of said strip being described as follows: Beginning at the most vjesterly corner of said Lot 21; thence along the Northwesterly line of said- lot, Yorth 55'58'59" East (Record North 55'27' East) 272.25 feet; thence South 33°59'51" East (Record South 34'33' East) S.00 feet to t??e TP.l!E POINT OF i3EGI?TGI:JG; thence parallel with said Northwesterly line of said lot, South 55'58'59" !$est 66.25 feet to the Southwesterly terminus of said line, Excepting therefrorr! a 10 foot by 13 foot square located at the Southwesterly corner oE said described strip of land. and PARCEL 6 An easenent for slope construction purposes being a strip of land 20 feet in widt!i over Parcel B above, tlte Sout!icasterly line of said strip being described as folloiws: Beginning at the most Southerly corner of said Tract 121; thence alons t?le SoutFvesterly linc of said Tract, !*!orth 33'59'51" !\!est (?ecorcl :Jorth 34"33' Pest) 86.00 feet to the TRLJE PPIYT T)F BEGINYIVG, being R point on the arc of a tangent 10 foot radius curve, concave Yortherly; thence leaving said Southwesterly line Ensterly nlony t11c arc of snic! curvc 15.71 feet throuzh a ccntral angle of 90" 01' 10"; thence tanyefit to said CIITVC Yorth 55°58'5!J" East 235.42 feet to the be2inninl-j of a tangent 2042 foot radius curvc, concave Southeasterly; thence '2ortheasterly along t1.e arc of said curve 151,47 feet throuyb a central anple of 4°15'L10" to a point of reverse curve, said reverse curve 1)e.i~ concave Uortlircesterly anc! having a radius of 1!15S feet; thence 'Jortjieastcrly along the arch of said curve 145.2-1 feet throuFh a central nncle of JoIslf)fl'f to the 'Jort!ieastcrly terminus of said line l)cin_n a point i? t!:e Sout'i- wcsterly line of tlic ':ortllcasterly 1"" fect of said Tract 121 * z 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3.3. 3.2 13 14 17 19 2c 21 2i 2z 24 25 26 27 . 28 29 30 31 32 - - 935 C. A permanent easerent and right at any time, or from time to time, to const ruct, reconsmuct, maintain, dperate, replace, remove, renew, and enlarge drainage structures, equipment, and fixtures, in, upon, over, and across said PARCEL 7, including access and the right to keep said PAPCEL of property free from all materials and otherwise 2rotect the same from all hazards, as to the f o 1 1 oti in g de sc r ih e d parce 1 o f p rope r t y : PARCEL 7 An easement for drainage purposes over Parcel B above described as follows: Beginnins at the nost Southerly corner of said Tract 121; thence alonz the Couthwesterly line of said Tract, Yort?l 33'59'51" West (Record North 34O33' Il'est) 86.01) feet to a point on the arc of a tangent 10 foot radius curve, concave Yortherly; thence leaving said Southwesterly line Easterly along the arc of said curve 15.71 feet through a central angle of ~oOQ~'~O"; thence tanzent to said curve i:ort!: 55'58'59" East 295.42 feet to the beginnins of a tangent 2042 foot radius curve, concave Southeasterly; thence Yort!ieasterly along the arc of said curve 151.47 feet through a central angle of 3015'(10t' to a .;oint of reverse curve, said reverse curve being concave .'.fort?ilt:esterly and having a radius of 1958 feet; thence Vortheasterly along the arc of said curve 145.24 feet through a central angle of 4O15'0O" to 3 point in the Sout!i- westerly line of the Yortheasterly 198 feet of said Tract 121; thence retracinz Sout1iv:esterly along the arc of said 1958 foot radius curve 31.50 feet through a central angle of 0°55'18'' to the TrifF POINT OF RECI?J?:IYG; thence coctinuing Southwesterly alonz the arc of said curve 10.01 feet through a central angle of 0'17'34".; thence leaving the arc of said curve Yorth 32'56'56" i':est 19.39 feet; thence at ri,cht anzlcs ~orth 57'93'04" East io.on feet; thence at ris'it anyles SoutTi 32O56'56" East 19.99 feet to tlie Tr,r!r: PCI:TI' PF ~~:GI.Y:!I?:S. 2. That there is hercby condeFlned to and taken for plaintiff's use, for the ahove stated public uses, the above stated easercn in t!Ia C?I,OVC described real property. 3. t:tF,er! by p1rtintif-f !iercin, an Fc5ruary 1.2, 1967, -;lursuant to That 2ossession'oE *tile aho~~e descri5cd real pro7crty v:as California Coc!c cf civil I'rocetlurc Section 1243.5. - i - .- .I .. '\ x 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 lZ 14 3.: 1E 17 1€ 1s 2c 21 2; 22 24 25 26 27 . 2E 2s 3c 31 3; '796 E. DUNNE, GEORGE HOENIC, TERESIA HOENIG, OCEAYSIDE FEDEiRAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, A Corpararion and OCEA.XSIDE FINANCE Cn!?PA??l', A Coraoration in the office of the Eecorder of the County of San Diego, State of California, title to the above described eascnents in the above described real property shall vest in plaintiff herein, its successors and assigns, for the above stated public uses. DATED: FEB 2 1968 q... FIW?AOE N3 .._....._., e ........-..-_.-. AT Y.!... MINUTES PAST ............ SERIES FEB201968' 9, BOOK 19 P 8 OFFICIAL RECORDS SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA A. S. GRAY. C3UNTY RECORDER