HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Kelly, W. S. & Lavinia J.; 33022: Easement4
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~VO s. KELLY, dS0 Kn0imd3 as '.~!I:.,~~&L~;i S. BELLY, and
LAIJIRIA J. KELLY, husband an5 xife, for and in coasidmation'
&f kk& sub OP 'I!L!j kjffi !$8/100 ~OLLARS, a0 hereby GR&YT TO
"- - fJC%X,JSIDE ?JJ'i'TJAL :.:.'ATE..R CO:LPhiB, a corporation - - -
ALL TILAT I",EAL Yi+.uPERTY situated in the County of SSil Diego,
State of California, bounded and described as follows:
All those port ions or" Lots frijir alii ll~lf or" the HAiVCEEiO AGUA
HEDIWDA, according to rm? thereof 30. 823, filed in the offfice
OZ the County Recorder of szid San Xego County 3ovenber 16,
1896, described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the Aortln,erly line of s.aid Lot ffLT1
whence the Sortheast corner of said Lot !rL1f bears So t::- 89" 441
East 1323.42 feet; thence North O"10f20Tt %est 72.64 feet to the
true point of begi-mlrg; thence Xorti.1 88"25120Tf Yest 269.25 fee
thence South 52O 18' 43!f Xest 85-89 feet; thence Soath 13" 55f s
&est 131.35 fe2i; tke:?ce South 58' 05' 40" ';!:;'est 123.70 feet; th
South 2d0 30' 4911 West 90.20 feet; thecce South 47'' 33' 30rr 2es
346.14 feet; thence Jtlorth 58' 19' 20If \Vest 708.04 feet; thence
North 15' 07' 40" East 352.34 Zeet; thence Xorth 58' 55' IOm
East 133.68 feet; thence IJorth 12' 591 10'1 Bast 98.60 feet; the.
North 29' 04 1 2Ofl ':!est 327.22 feet; thence 3orth 8" 53' 2QfT .',,7es-
203.55 feet; tilenee iiortl? 7' 3.31 10" Ezst 191.00 feet; thence
South 81' 591 %Olf &st 37.10 feet; tllence South 43" 39' 50"
Bast 154.05 l'eet; thence South 80' 111 50r1 &st l119.J.O feet;
thence South 10' 1571 2z-s-L 66.52 feet; tllence South 60" 201 East
131.15 feet; theuce Soutk 72' 50' Zast 179.60 feet; thence Aortl
34" 4.1 zast 151 -65 feet; f3kg3~8 .io~th 6" 27' 1 dz,st ?,ls.Fj2 fe&* 9
thence ?$Drth 66O 431 3ast 104.52 feet; thence Xorth 23" Q5f %st
173.00 feet; -t!?ence 3orth 6" 23' ~zst 454.90 feet; thence
Xoyth 55" 14' Csst 224.10 feet; thence South 14' 43' ?&st l96.OE
feet; t~i-..:lrzce Soat17 20' 46' Last 323.80 feet; thence Soi~vt~ 0' 101
20rl East 1230.76 feet to t2;e true point of bezinaing.
e cl' -
<x a 0 .a 0
Do hereby grant 2-9 2aseilent a-? & -": i'i&il --:-,I IJ 02 way for ingress
axd egress for the i:?stailation, mintsxmce znii replacenlent
of a pipe line from tLe 2roperty above aescribed under Parcel
i@i 1 to $(jc fio;lbhGr1;{ Qong@ry Ji"g vli; &\ :iGiT gf $~&3. Ranch1
over those ;-orf,ions of rots iiDf1, ,izlt and ;1Lll , ~ dk.:.ChO AG-JA I1LD.
as ;2,7er partition k~p ti>e-:gscf .so. 825 filed in the office of
the County Recorder of said San Diego County Sovember 16,
1896, described as follows:
A strip of laa of the -miforE nidth of 20 feet; the sides
being 10 feet from and parallel to the center line, described
as follows: Begin:ling at a point in the Northerly line of
said Lot frL!f -?rh=.nce the Jorth?ast cDraer of' saic? Lot 'ILT1
bears So;~-th 89O 441 Ea.st 1323.42 feet; tkence idorth 0" 101 20
';:'est 550.00 feet, szici point being the most Northerly corner
of the lcnd described in the lease fron 'A'. S. Lelly and
Layirlia J. Kdly to T~-:GL;~,s F. Loll-ins and J. Lee X&lirer re-
corded in Book 23, ?age 238, of Leases; .thence following the
].ine of said Lease Sw;xtki 57" 50 1 22" ';;;;2=;LS 406.35 feet j kh€?XCC
South 48" 251 89" Best 400 feet; ti-iesce South 46' 22' Rest
372.08 feet to t'.e iatcrsection of the 1Jortk:esterly Liile
of the proprty described in sai.6 Ler-e -LC3 -"'ti= *<A c+ "Lie Sout.hvester:
line of Parcel 24~. 1 a'bove described; thence -?long said
Southwesterly line ZJorth 58" 19' 20"' :*,!est 119.89 feet to
the tTue poin5 oA. bs;;irmirrg; tllezce South 35" 451 43" Yest
576.72 feet; tknce Sot"th 48" 30' 40'1 'Lest 209.58 feet; thcn
Soztk 65O 211 10" .,':est 142.42 Zeet; t1lence SoGth 42' 51' '.'ies.
83.11 feet; tlmlce South 20" 21' ':/est 20 feet; thence So.zth
lao 21 1 '+lest 67 ,e8 leei; ; -:j-:ence Loutii, kq 211 ';,est 31.05 fee
thence Soath 8' 36t ;ilcst 222.14 feet; thence South 11" 04'
&st 662.97 rT'eet; t%see South 19" 501 kst 163.57 Ieet to a
7 a9
which is Lkl.2 end of the ~.Toyesai,6- 29 f<lot s.kriT] - of l;?-:l$. and
-2 -
< e 0 a 0
the point of beginxing of a strip of land of tke uniform width
of 50 feet whose sides are 3 feet froE a;zd Dara-llel to tl;e center
line described as follows; tkence alocg a carve concave 'A'esterly
and tangent to tile lzst -e;ltionea line central aagle 24' 401,
radius 375.45 feet, a .5ist;.a2ce of 161.64 feet; tkence South 3"
53' Yest 30.05 feet; tks:ice alo;~g 2- curve cozc&ve 3esterly
ceatrsl a:@e 13' 56' 30" radius 500 feet a distance of 174.03
feet; thence along a curve cozcave Easterly, central angle le0
30' radius 539.49 feet, a distance of 174.20 feet; thence South
So 16' 30" '?;est 59.66 feet; theace along a curve concave to the
West, central z.:lgle er!uals 6' 00' radius 500 feet a distance of
52.36 feet; thence South 11' 161 30" Xest 70.48 feet; thence alon;
a curve concave to the .,',?est ce:::tral angle 14" 00' radius 800 feet
a distance of 195.48 feet; tkeace along a curve concave to the Ea
celltral angle 12* 15' raiiias 668.15 feet, a Gistance of 142.85
feet; thence South 13O 01' 30" -Arest 75'7.46 feet; thence along a
carve co:lcave to the Tiest centi7al a:Qgle 25' 10' L-adius 800 feet,
a distance of 351.39 feet; the:lce along a curve coacave to the
5orthwest central angle 3Z0 30' racius 540.2% Zeet; e dista,nce Of
306.43 feet; thence South '70" 41' 3Or1 'Jest 87.25 feet; theace
along a curve coizcave to the Morth, central i?,ngle 21' 20' rzdius
796.40 feet; a distance of 296.53 feet; tllence along a curve cone
to the South, central angle 25' 30' radius 662.30 feet 2 distance
of 295.03 feet; thence South 66' 31' 30" Xsst li9.7lfeet; thence
along a curve co;2cave to the So-;"l.?ez2st centrad a-gle 13' 00' rad5
1000 feet, a distance of 226.89 feet; ",?ence South 53' 31' 30"
'$;est 287.80 feet; thence along 2 curve concave to the &st, centr
angle eqzals 41" 00' raiiius 400 feet, a xistance of 286.23 feet;
thence South 12" 31 ! 30" ;;/est 242 -75 f zet; t'rence along a curve
co.ncave to tl:e '#est centra.1 s-1gJ-e 43" 00' radius 550 .OO feet a
distance of 262.67 fe . t; ti-ence along a curve calcave to the Sout
east central angle 10' 00' raaius 406.34 feet, a Zistance of
< a e 0
(I) 9
lrU.D& Peek! +hem South 45' 311 30" 'Jiiest 61J6 feet; thence
,ELOII~ a curve concave to the 8orth!est central angle 16' 301 r3Oi
400 feet a distance of 115.19 feet; thence South 6Z0 01' 30"
:#est 80.83 feet; tke2ce aloag a curve concave to the Southcast
central a.ngle 23" 091 rajius 400 feet, 160.57 feet; tl-ence
a.lo;zg a ciirve co-icave to tke IIortk-,lv?lest, central angle 15O OOI
ra6ius 567.33 feet; a nistsizce of 143.53 feet; tk-ience Soath 5Co
011 301? West 137.07 feet; thence South 67' 13' Uest 676.90 feet;
thence South 76' 121 3est 667.90 feet to an intersection with
line bet-dveen Lot rrE1l and r1Iff of saiii 3ancho as per said Xap
on that cowse betxeen Corners 4 and 5 of said Lot lrEff :vkose
bearing Is ijorth 63' 331 Yest by s2id Lag (Rorth 64' 131 23"
West by South Coast Land Co. Survey) from kAicki point No. 4 a
'2-i-nch iron pipe i'illea w5th concrete, bears So-lth 63' 131 23"
Ihst 65.32 feet .
Graators above naned, irr consideration of said sum of Ten
(10) Dollars and other good. and vduable considerations, the
receipt whereof is hereby achowledged, do also hereby waive any
and all damages and ciaims of daaages arising or which may arise
at any time, by reason of the construction upon the premises
described herein as Parcel 1, of a dam extending to bed-rock,
from a lowering of the undergromd water level upon lands of
Grantors lying Southerly and YJesterly and do-mstream from said
Parcel 1; also such dar:ages as may result fron the impomding
of the run-oTf of the drainage area tributary to the canyon
passing through said Parcel 1, whether natural.or otherwise, an
the dim-ution of such run-off on lands of Graltors lying South
and Westerly an6 dovmstreaa fron said Parcel 1. DTot'iiing her
conta.inea, korrireveT, shall be deemed a waiver of any darhages to
Grantors YNhich are attributable to any failure 02 the dam prop
to be constructed upon said Parcel 1, aue to any negligence on
part of the Grantee above named, its contractors or employes.
i a e b ci 0 *
TO !iVE DID TO MOLD tile 8b6ve gyafited 2nd described premis
unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever,
W1T:JESS our knds and seals this 8th day of July, 1930.
-1- &dZ/
Ccunty of Saa Diego ) : ss
7" " ,e - - Cn this 4 lb day of July, 1930, bei'ore ne I.. "/LA 4
L.3 \; >?L-/.A. / '. - ,{., , , , a ilotary Public in and for said County and
Sta-te, personalu apgeared x. S. KELLY, also kno.xn as ':iILLIilhA S. &XI
and LAVINIA J. KELLY, known to ze to be the persons whose nazes are
subscribed to t?.e foregoiag iastrmcnt, and ack1o:qledged to r;;e that
they executed tke saL2e.
\'!ITNESS my hand a::d official seal the day an6 year in this
Cestificate first above written.
F E/ A
733- y - -~- ----- Comty ad Stace. "74 -- /
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