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On this 24th dey sf July, 1930, before me, 3. I,. FA?T3STT, A Kotary
Fublic in and for said Coilaty, personally a?pearcd ?iACC2T 3, TXZ?S, known
to xie to 5e the 7ice-,Wesident, 6E.d 2. X, SLATZ?, knom to me to be the
Assistsnt 9u.t Officer of the Citizens Kational Trust & Savin,ll;s Bank of Los
Angeles, the Matioxal Benking Association tkat executed the within and fore-
goigg instr,ment, and kxm to me to be t3e pa:scsa Z~Q ex5mted th.14 Tithin
instrment on brblf cf tile -ksociEtion %&;.+in rzei, no2 acknmledged to
mg that such Associntioa cxzcuted the saT.8.
WITIESS my hand and official seal the day and year in thia certifi-
cate first above wBitten.
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NOTAIIY.,PLIC in and for the County
of Los kgeeles, State of Celiforaia.
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said trees; provided, howaver, that the work of renoving and/or cutting trees Upon the prelrises and/or the rmoval of cut trees and wood therefrom
shall be SO coc3..>cterl US to interfere in no nay with t",3 work and project of the C:rantee u;3on said property; and that such re;mval and cutting shll
be cangleted prior to the time when the Grantee shsll be ready to submerge
the said lnnis;
3. There is hereby also resemed to the GyzntDr, its successors or
assigm, a ri~ht to cc;m$:-act EX? mintsin a pier or lading place on the
fiorthwly edz? of ths reservoir to be cocstracted azrl mintainoa by Grzntee at a point bct;;e,nn t'ne Ex'',Ec~J 0.18 6ezturly Saucrio=.;r linza of tile lands
herein conveyed, to be selectei b;r the said Gm:ntor, its E.-.LCC~S~CIS or
which cay be established bz the Grantee, and the right to mintain boats,
not exceeding four (4) in nunber, on said reservoir, end the right to fish
the7efron and hint thereon; provided, homexr, that such wo~k shell be done
at the expense of the said Grantor, its successors or assigns, and that said
landing place shall no3 be used for cc?-?ercial _D~I~")os~s, provided, that the right
of the Grantor, its s!xccessors or assigns, reserved herein shall not be so
assigned o'c trznsferrzd as to %e six1tzrLeously cnjo:yed 07 exercised by x01-e
tharr two individuals 7,:ith their boca fi2o pz-rsozal gaests ar,d/or nexbers of
their fcailies. Such reservation shall be subject to the pmers of the State
of California and th3 County of San Die30 and all other comptent public
authority with respect to sanitary protection of reservoirs containing water
used for dcnestic purposes, and in the went that sach authority shall prohibit
the us5 of such reservoir for boating, fishing or hunting, no liability on the
part of Grantee shall result therefran.
&.? uaI.r,As, ? 1 ,..,.? also t;i+ -pi;-Lk to ~~~5--~,*~~-a~~ C, - u Q-,,, ,5-,3 ;;aistaia a c--+a t:~-:.sugh i;ny fence
d- "
The conditions, restrictions and reservations herein set out shall be
binding u2on and shall pass to the heirs, succ85som and assigns of t3e re-
spective pa-ties h~eto, ad shall be enforceable by eithe? party hereto, or
its succsssor in interest, a;ainst the other party hereto, or its successor
in interest.
UTGELES has this 24th day of July, 1930, hereunto caused its name and seal to
be affixed by its Vice-?resident and Assistaht Trust Officer thereunto duly
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Trust 2151-EB-R530
CITIZDTS NATIONAL TRUST & SAVIXGS BANK OF LOS MTGEZS, A National Banking Association, orzanized under the Statutes of the United States of
America, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) to it
in hand paid, the receipt thereof being hereby duly acknonledged, does hereby QI
pargain, sell, and convey unto:
"-"""""" OCEAFYSIDE tTJTlJAL WATER C2!?Ny, A Corporation-------------------
All that certaig real poperty in the County of San Diego, State of California,
bounded and nrore particularly ,described as follows, towit:
All that portion of Lot "Dn of 9ancho A@a Hedionaa as per lfap thereof
KO. 823, Records of San Diego County, California, described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot "I.,n of Rancho Agua Eedionda
as per said Ida?, said point being likewise in the Sast line of Section 34,
Township 11 South, Range 4 ?est, S. B. 3. 4 E., distant thereon Korth 0°06'.
West 930.00 feet fro3 the Southeast corner of said Section 34; thence along
the Northerly boundary of said Lot "L" North 89°43140w Best 1323.83 feet to xL. a point in t5e lJorth and South center line of the Southeast cZuarter of said
Section 34; thence along said last 3entioned line North O010*2On West 1363.40 feet; thence South 70°39* East 289.67 feet; thence North 65*41* %.st 494.40
feet, thence Horth 53'33' East 240.75 feet; thence North 1"321 East 76.50 --,
feet; thence North 78'31' East 186.23 feet; tbence South 75'29* %st 230.25,:.
feet to a point in the 3ast line of said Section 34; thence along said last
mentioned line South 0°06* =st 1676.30 feet to the point of beginning, con-
taining 45.29 acres more or lese.
Subject to all taxes for the fiscal year 1930-31.
%b ject also to all conditions , restrictions, reservations, easements,
rights, and rights of way of record.
Bovided, however, that this conveyance is made and accepted and aaid
realty hereby is granted upon the following expressconditions, restrictions,
and covsnants, hereinafter referred to as "Conditions" which shall apply to
and be binding upon the said Grantee,itssuccessors and assigns, said con- .
ditions being as follows:
1. A restriction that at no place on said property shall there be
established, located relocated or maintained my rock crusher, rock bunker
or other equipment or appurtenances used in connection with any rock crusher;
2. There is hereby reserved to the Grantor, its successors or assigns,
a right to enter the preaises and renove any mmber of small oak trees which
may be then growing upon the praises, together with the right to dig around
the roots of such trees and reinove the same in the manner customarily used by
nurserpen in handling trees of like sizes; also a right to be reserved in
the Grantor, itssuccessora or assigns, to enter upon the land and cut there-
from ad many of the oak trees now growing thereon as the Grantor, its success-
ora or assign^, may desire to cut, together with the right of ingress and
egress to the aaid property to remove said trees or wood that may be cut from
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