HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Oceanside Mutual Water Co; None; Easement-. P- .* --
(3) A certain parcel of land now used as a reservior site,
an6 situated in Section twenty-four (&'I, 'lowiship Elevc?.r, (11) South,
Range Zive (5) Viest, S.~.JU., the same bavi-ng been acquired from EerSert
Crouch, an6 wife, by des6 Gated the 24th c;ay of July, 191.1, an< rscorc7e6
in Book 661 of Leeds, at Page 235 et seq., recorc?s of San biego Coumty,
State OP Califorxia, a mor2 particular ryescriptior of saic' lane being 3s
follows, to-:l:it:
Range Five (5) West, S.~.~TJ., in tilo County of San Diego aforesaid, begiii-
nirlg at the intersection of the Best liii? of the East half of ths East
half of Section Twenty-four (2:) wit11 the Southwesterly bounc7ar-y lin? of
said County Road ; sai6 Southwesterly bouricary linPv beiag tbs Jortnorly
boundary line of the property of Herbert Crouch; running thencP Southeasterl;
along sai< &*ortherly bouiii3'ai-y lirie, a dista <ice (if Four Hunc:rec' (100) feet;
thence in a direct lins Southerly parallel Ijvitn ths Ezsterly line of said
Section Twenty-four (2 E>, 3 Gistaiice of Two Hunorec. (2:cici) feet; theace
in a direct line B'esterly parallel witL the Southerly line or' saii sectiori
half of the East half of saic, Ssctiofl Twenty-four (22); thence liortherly
(2.2) to its intersection with said. West line of the East
along saiC center line to point of begi-axing.
(s!) A cer ain right of way tvt,nJnty (ZC) feet ili ivicth, being
five (5) feet westerly ai5 fi.€teen (13) feet easterly from am pzira.llsL
with tne center of the pipe line as comtructsc, leadiw from the rsser-
voir above described to the Town of Carlsbad, in the County of San Giego,
State or California, an+ situzt2C in Section Twenty-four (z-;), YOWA-
-- -_ __^. -_-
--- ~ ~ .- .~ .-__ ...___- c.____I_I__..^ --
ship Eleven (11) South, Ra,lg~ Ii'ive (3) Kest, S.3.L!i., an? more prticularfy
describea in a c2rtain coiveyaacs, qxeciiite2 on tki9 22th Cay of' July, 1914,
bet-lieen Berbsrt Crouch an(: Martiis. Crouch, his wife, as first parties, arf
South Coast Lanc' Compaqy, secoa? Fsrty, recorcec; in 50oK E61 of De~cs,
at Page 233, ia the Recorcs of Gjhli Liego Cor;.:ty, Cd.iforui;-), a more com-
pl5te iescription of which rigat of way is as pollo~s, to-xgit:
aque?ucts, pole lines, subwyjrs arif co-rc'uits over, across 2-96 unier the
following 6escriSer': real property, as follows:
B %trip of lail6 Tw2iity (2b) fset ?:ice tilrough the prcperty
of Herbert Crouch, situate2 in the CoUiIty of Sail Diego, State of Calif-
ornia, ths Westerly 3-g Easterly exterior boulic:aries,respectivsly, of said
strip of land being five Yeet Westerly an;' fifteen fset Easterly Prom
snd parallel with a lim describer. a.s follows: beginning at a point on
the Southxe sterly bourifary line of the County €?oath xhich forms a common
bOUri?ZTy between the property or" the estate of C.b .Car:fiele, c eceasec,
of saic Section Ineaty-four (2<j; thewe South 16 Segrees 27 minutes Vest
One Huiic..ret difty-one an6 eight teLths (151.3) feet to 2 point,; thence *
South 0 degrees 25 minutes East Four IiuilCrei ninety-seven zLi r"ive tonths
('3'7.5) feet to ii point; theilceAl cegrw 5 minutes East uix Hinir#Ai.s2 I'nirty
an2 two te-nths (6S0.2) I5et; theme South C, cdegrees 57 mimtes Xsst six
IIunc'rwj Eighty-six atiC eight teliths (636.3) feet to a poiizt; thence
ani' four tenths (1785./) Teet to a point; theme in 4 Sirect lim South
0 degrees 2 miiiutos East to the Southerly line ok' tho property of the
on each side OZ the ceiit5r of tne pip? litis, 3s constrvcte", a:w' which
eight of' way was coiive;reo by iiistrmeiit ciatee tli9 3til Tay of aeptember
191#1:, by Emily X. Arguello aiiC Willie Arguello, an< recori,eu in Book 662
of Deeds, at Page 263, in the Recor6s of Sail L'iqgo Courity, Califorliia,
aM. the center line of which right of *.my is more particularly fi%3Cribe6
' as follows in the County of San Di%go, State of California;
Beginaing at a point on tho Viesterly line of Lot TWO (a),
Section Thirty-crie (31), Iov;.:;nship Lleven (11) South, Rai-ge ;'our (4,
West, S.B.lh. 6.istant One Thousaili 022 Lluni(5re6 Sqveiity-ssven (1177) feet
Jortherly from the Southwest corner thereof; theme South !-G ciegrees
is7 minutes East One Thousaix;, Six Rtla2.red. Seventy-nine and. fifty-four
hun6red.ths (1679.54 ) fset to a poiiit in the Southerly li;.ie 0:" sai2
Lot 'Two (2J e~istant One Thousaiic, Om HunLred Eighty xiij P'orty-four
(1130.14) feat from the Southv;est coriler thereof', all situatei: in an6
across Lot Two (2), Section Thirty-one (31), Township Eleven (11) South,
Range Four (*:) Viest, s.S.M.
(6) A csrtairi rignt of "FLY ti:,eiity (2G) r'e9t in wict'n, king
ten (10) feet on. either sicie 03 til2 center line of the mairi pips lins,
as now constructed, over an6 across certain lailcs belogifg to blexani6e-i.
tieller ir the Aortkeast quarter of the Southwest Guarter of Section Thirty-
one (31), Township sleveii (11) South, Raige $our (1) !%'est, S.Z.M., an?
the dorth Four and. one-hzlf (4-$) acres of the SouthFast quarter of tho
SouthwPst quarter of sait Sectioi? Thirty-oiie (311, all iii the County of
San Giego, State of California, beiig a right of ..iv237 8cquiro6, or to by
acquiret., UiMer the tgrms of 3 contract 6;itod October 51, 191,;, betxeen
South Coast Land Company as first p;: rty, ai13 Alexe-m:sr ~eller ant Sarah
&I. fieller, his wife, as secori6. parties, recorc'ec iu book 65-7 of DOSGS, at
Page 322, records of said San Ciego County, atate of California, which
contract insofar as it provides for a right of w2.y across ths lanc' of sai2
Alexanfier 3eller anC a right of %ay across TxeLn;ty (2C) acres of lanc' to
be coriveyec;l to So:.th Coast Lan6 Company is hereby assigmci by 5outh Coast
Lanc!. Coiiilpaily to Oceansi?.e dutual Water Compa,rjr ; an?, said cent er line
hereinabove referrec to, is more particularly Cescribed. as follows:
In the County or" Ssn Pi9go, Sts.ts of CRli?ornia, beginnirg
at a. point on the Nest liile of t.he Bortheast quarter of the Southwest
quarter of saic Section Thirty-om (31) k.istant Seveaty-six ant-: Soveaty-
seven hunCredths (76.7'7) f95t Southerly from the Xortixvest corrier thereof
an2 running South Forty-four Cogrees 37 niiiutss East Eight iiuncire6 Thirty-
three and one tenth (333.1) feot to a poirk; thence South cegrees :;8
minutes East Om Thousand Pour an6 dine tenths (1664.9) feet to a poiat;
thence South 2S aeg~ees 22 minutes &st 63 feet to a point; th5nce oil the
Esst line of the above Southwest quarter ZiSta,ilt One 'i'nousand, Oiie KunGred
Eighty-five an<- qigkit tenths (1135.3) feot Xortherly from the Southeast
corner thereof. Xo coiiveyance is intenced of any other property under
above coiltract than the riglit of xay a-bovs 6escribed.
(7) A right of way Twenty (ZGj feet in wicjth Tor pipe line
purposes over arid across tli2 laiicis of Eioswell H. Vdilson, pursuant to 211
agreement bstween South Coast Lani? Compa:ny an6 Rosv:ell. E. ru'ilson C!%tet;
September lc!, 191%, said lams bei-r;g locate5 in the Bortheast om-quarter
of section six (6), Towxship Twelve (12) Soukh, Range dour (,4) Wd2'sst an?
the Southwest one-quarter of the Southeast one-quartsr of' Section Thirty-
om (31), Township Eleven (11) South, Harige Eour (4) West, all in San
Diego County, State of California., an<. the ce:itF?r line oi.' said Tweatjr (26)
foot strip being described a.s follows, to-wit:
In the County of San Eiego aloresxid, begimling at ii point
on the West lim of the Southsast Liuarter of Sectioli Thirty-one (31),
TOwilShip Eleven (11) South, tisngs Four (.?) '#est i:istaat One lhousan5 Or29
Hundred bighty-five ai16 eight tsnths (1135.3) feet Xortherly from the South-
west corner thereof; thence South sixteen degrees forty-six minutss East
'Two i-IunGred Sixty-five (265) feet to a point; thence South Seveiiteen (17)
dsgrees Fifty (50) minutes East 3iae ilunCreC Eighty-five ami ssven tenths
(99s.:r) feet to a point of the South linP of above msntioned quarter section
distant Three Aune.re3 Eighty-one an? fiye tenths (331.5) fsst from the
Southwest coraer thereor".
(3) A right of way for the main wztsr coxIuit as now con-
structed, operatec. an2 maintaine6 in, ovqr a;iC across those certaiii larlrJs
situate6 in the County of Saai Giego, btate of California, an2 c'escribl;?
as follows:
- The West half-Section Twerity-i'ivo (2;), Township Eleven (11)
South, Nest 2n2 the Northesst quarter of Section Thirty-
six (36), Township Eleven (11) South, liailge Fivs (5) %est, b.Y.U., all
for the purpose of inspection, repair, replacemeat nlteratioLi ~~~ik' improve-
\- by the South Coast La;nZ Company, the ceiriter lix of which is more pnrti-
pi cularly descriaeZ as follows:
6egi:ming at i: point on ths Soutnerly line of the iiorthesst \%
quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Ymn-Ly-five (25), 'i'ownship
Eleven (11) South, Range Five (5) Viest, Q.I~*L!L* ,-istarit Two Huncirec': Twenty-
nin~ and eignt tenths (229.5) f'5qt Southwest9rly along said Southsrly line
from the Intersection of saie Southerly line with the Southoasterly right
of way line of the A.'T.k S.F.P..ti. Escoix?:iC:o draneh; thene'e!G degrees 9
minutes West Three Thousam Three 3u:ic?c:reC fhirty-eight 2nd three tenths
(3333.3) feet; theace 35 eegrees 1E Iiliriutes East Ow? Thousan6 iiine iluiirred
,Seventy-seven air; five tehths (1977.5) Yeet; thence south 1% degrees 11
minutes West Two HunCred Ninety-three an6 six terit'ns (295.6) fset; thence
South 4.1 degrees 57 minutes .East Thrse Hunsred Thirty-thr49 an? four tenths
(333.4) feet to a point on ths East line of the dort'nsast quarter of Sec-
tion Thirty-six (36), 'lownship Eleven (11) South, haige Fivp (5) "est cis-
I. '
" _, ,-A ,. __ ,.
tarit One Thousand orie Hursirec Sgenty-severi (1177) lo92t i?orthwesterly from
the Southeast cornc3r thereof. I
- PiiOVILEC, Su-ither, that. s-ic right of -*?ay is identical with
the right of way expressly reservec ant excepteci by south Cozst Land
Company from the operation of tht certain trust cew 6atee the 1st day
of Gctober, 191.2, between South Coast Lam? Compsny 2s transferor an?
Union Trust Cornpaw of &an Diqgo, ?- corporatio#?, as traasfsre2.
(9) A right of wajr Twenty (20) fsst in wir?th lor water Ijipe
line guryoses over am3 across the followi% lancs situate? ii? ths County
of San Diego aforesaid an2 now belonging to said 5outh Coast LanC Com-
pany, to-w-it:
Lot Ttiree (Bj o9ctiori Thirty-one (31) yowiiship El2ven (11 j
South, Ralrge sour (0 Wqst, S.3.&., saiC Tweaty (20) foot sirlp bsirlg
bounded on the dorth by the Jorth line of saici Lot Three (3) am 011 the
East by the I4Ejst lirie of saic' Lot Thrqe (3) saic( strip lyirg tea (10)
feet on either siCe of the fol1owi;ig bescribed ce&er 1i;ie;
B2gimiiig at a point on tim ;iorttierly line 03 Lot ~hree (3) ,
Section Thirty-one (31), Toeaship bleven (11) South, Railgs i4'our (,') West,
b.3.2. distant Seventy-seven ere t'nirty-six bunt:reatl-is (77.3~j ,"set from
the 3ortheast corner thereof; thence South forty-four (4') Cegress, Fifty-
seven miautos East One Hurtc reE sile eighty-six huiicredths (100.36) i"e?,t
more or less to a point on the Esst lins of said. Lot l'hhres (L) 6istaa.t
Seventy-six an6 sevefity-seveu hwdred t fis (76.77) fset aor;th of the dort h-
east corner thereof.
Also, a right of wz3 Twerity (20) feet in wieth r'or $dater
pipe line ljurposss ovclr am- hcross the fol1owi:X nurnbornd. tracts 01' land,
sai6 tracts bet@ more garticulsrly sliow?- upoil that certain map of Carls-
'uaci lamis, filed for recore,. with the Fiecorder of San Ciego LouL'ity, Calif-
ornia, on the first d,ay of March, 1915, an6 Oil saiC record. desigm-ts5 2s
Mzp #1661, sai?. 1and.s being situ:?.tF?i: in the Cou&,y of 63.11 Diego aforesaid
and aovi belonging to South Cozst Laii:> Lompaqi, to-wit:
Tract One Ruii2rod Twenty-one (121) in 1Satterso:i's aC6itio:i
to Carlsbad, sal& Tiverity foot strip being boun656. oil tile Iqorth by the
Sorth line of said tract ami oil the Kest by ths Eiisterly liiie oi' High1a:nt
Street an!:: lyiag ten (10) ?set oLi eith2r sido of ths foflowi:-g describsi;
c ents r 1 i iie :
aegiruiiig at a point 0x1 the Jortherly lim of saiC tract
dista:it Threo Hun6.rec: Eighty-one ax: five tenths (331.5) Eoet E.isterly from
the Luorthwsst corner thsreof; thence South 17 iiegrlses 3'7 minutes East
One Mundrec: TVeLity-nirie ai16 three teilths (129.3; r'eet to a point; theme
filec for recore with the RscorCer or" San Diego County, Califoriiia, or]
the first day of Liarch, 1915, ak saie recora :;.esig:zateS as Xap #1661, .-
saiZ lauds beiLx situate6 i;i the County of Sari Eipgo afcresair; atlc now
belo rging to South Coast Larid Company, to-wit :
and lying P'ive (5) Teet on 9ither siZe of tine followi-% csscribsc' center
distaat igine Hun?reC Thirty-sevsn and 3ine tenths (937.9) f5et from the
idersection of said Bortherly line with a Nesterly line oI' sai:' Tract
thence Jorth Eighty-nine Cogrees, Fifty-s5vGA mi:iut.es %'est psrzllsl to
ail6 distant Five (b) €eet southerly from the dorthsrly line of saic!
tract One Hundred heveateeii (117) 011e ~housat16 Six fiu,iCreG Seventy-six
an2 One te:ith (167'6.1) feet to a point on tne E;ZstSrlj lim of First
Street distant 2ivs (5) feet SoLtiierly from the Jortiiwest corner of said
an6 apyurtenances thereunto beloaging, or in anyitis? appsrta.i:iiiig, an6
the revsrsion nil6 rev2rsions, remaider an,' remai,iders, r2r^its, issues
ailij profits thereof.
conveyed, together with the appurtexxxes unto the sec0;3?~ party, its
successors znf. assigns forever; stioject, however, to arry and. all liens
or encumbrances of recore;; ZEM subject, further, to the o'uligatioas of
the contract hersinabovs 6escribec'i iis parcel (2) on the part of South
Coast Land Company to be prformeC, which obligatiois ~2cond pzrty here-
by assumes ane agrees to fulfill an6 perform.
xii JJES~ ]jmp,EOF the parties hereto have causee their
respective corporate names an6 seals to bs affixels by tneir ofPicers
thereunto duly authoriz%: the dq- an^ year in this iaiecitme first above
writ $9~; --~ .. --
South Coast
Land Compa!v California. Incorpor at et! P'eb. 25,1906
0 c e a as ir' e
Mutual VlTat er
Co., Califorriia,
Iiicorporat e6 Octo 191.1.
51kT:E or' CALlL~'Oh&~PA, 1 ( ss.
On t'ds 19th day of April, A.D., 1915, before me, Millicent
Earll, a dotarjr Pu'blic in arl6 for the sai?: County RX?I State , residing
therein, duly Co-missioaeG an6 SWGPil, pwsonally appearec: virn.G.&erckhoff,
known to me to be the Presic.ent, anC F.B. Tolls, klIoWi1 to me to be the
Secretary of the South Coast. Lzilc', Co~pany, th9 Corporation that executes.
the within Instrument, known to me to be the persons who sx~cuted the
withi:? Iastrme:lt, on behalf or" the Corporation ther5in aamet'i, an? acknow-
leZged to me that such Corporation execut?e. the sanr3.
li*i \;jrliip--s 1 - 'i /iL"IGREOb', I have herPU,ito set my han6 a116 affixed
my of,f@ial seal th2 d.ay an6 year in this Certificate first above mitten. , .L
/$iii11 i c e at
il ui 1 (2 1 Earl1
,/ I ' . -. -: .,./
dillicsnt E3rl1,
idotary public in an(:. for said County
., . ,. , .,
ai1d State.
0-n this 13th day of April, A.D., 1915, 59fore me, &illicegt
Earll, a aotary Public i_r and for the saic: County an? State, rcsiding there-
in, 15uly commissione5. anf. swor;n, persoiazlly appe5rsC I3.W.i<eller, kilowiI
to me to be the Vice-Pr.?siient, %!I:. Y.2. Tolle, kmwil to me to b~ the Sec-
rntary of the Oceanside Mutual Water Conpaw, the corporation tha-t exscute2
the withi2 instrument, known to me to be the p2rsoi;ls who executed thP
within imtrument, on behalP of th2 Corporation therein 11med, and acknow-
ledged to me that such Corporation executed the same.
my off,.i.%cial seal the d.ay am? year in this certificste first above vJritten.
i Filliceat I Uillic%!at Esrll,
*" Earlli L,i dotarj- Public ia an6 for sair County
arlc State.
HecorGeo zt Request of 3.n. Tolle, kpr. 35, 1915. at, jC Miii. P.ist 1C o'clock
John 2. Fsrry County Recor:Ier
By N.C. Parsons, Ceyuty 8336
I, 0. M. SWOPE, County Recorder in and for Sun Diego County, State of California, do
hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original record of a certain
.......................................................................... GEED .i So.Coast Latlc; Co to Ocsausic&e : ............................................................ M.w.Co.) ........................................................................................
found and appearing of record in Book No ........ 67.2 ........................ of .......... REED. RE.C.0.RD.S ................................
at Page ................. 36.2 ....................... et seq., and that the same is a full, true and correct copy of such original
record and of the whole thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official Seal
this ............ November ...... ....................... day of ................................................................................................~..A. D. 19 31