HomeMy WebLinkAbout; |McDonald, E D|South Coast Land Company|; None; Property*
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ZCfiT? COAS- L;I:;L ~~l'="" Y_..j ~.~t, a. Corpmztisn, orEmizsci 2r.d existing
under an8 by virtue of the laws of the State of Califcrnie, and having its Friccipal
Flece of business in the City of Em Cie-c, ir. s:.Ld State, For and in consiciereticn of
the sw. of $10
WES Z:f3Y EAXT t~ E. 3. XcDor.all, iha: cer;eia red property
situee-ir. the Comty of Sa Cies.o, 8tzte of CzLifcrcis-, descri'ced zo fol:o.,Ts,tc-ait:-
~cts :ne (1) zzt r.~ (8) in SICC~ aieven (li), $.rut ~o;a 3r.e (11
and. T-#e (2) in S!ocl: ?::c (2) sf ::crtt. CCSZT-B~' ie, EiCCGT&illg to %F :'n?Y%Gf MG. 1632,
filed in fte office of the CC.X;?- ?".~J:T:ST of RF.~C x2 r. Cier~c CC;IL~:J, :hc? sth, 1914.
Tkib see.: is ?.?.de %b;set tr, -nil il::cz ;?.e fcllc::'ing ccvemnts,
reservsticns and. excetticns, ;>:::ic> szze cTe :?%reby Gede covenax",o rar.ni?-c V;it,kl t'T.E
- ..-, uILu TTL4-AA -uDLI yrrdL~. 50 zna De 3lnair.g om a on ;:Le E;rer.tee, ris neirs, ;=&inis- La3 * r" ,I
r .trstors and assicpa, farever, tc--"iit:- ),
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"it is expressi:; x-.5?? 3x5 a;reed :!;a: a&:eer 6i:zI.l not be develop- I j. ;
ed OZ ti?e lad here5y grzntec! by tke Szz.t-e, ais heirs, succes~ora, assigns or trans-
fsreea, by zrtesiar. or ~~rfsci: -,sells cz >:?.er.;:;:;s2, to b.; ~se5 on ;~nde not, ir.c:ccej.
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-0 zithin the Sc.,m?,srias 3' Lots 3, ?, r-72 8 SZ Se>,tic.rA E;, &n& ',5e Sc,.l;heast 9larfer of !, , ; (1 , I the Northeast Quarter of soi5 Seztisr~ 22, :c.:,~.a?~i; 11~ South? >,atnee 3 \err\, sla,$.,, or 3: >' :
in excess of the requirer.ents Oi ;;:e land3 iae: above descrl.'s;i :or irrigaticz>.
domestic ;nB stock purposes; ar.6 if a;.c:? 5cveicFr:.ent is r.:adz 'cy ezid granzee, or by i ;?I;&
any other perscn, then and iri that case, t:-*e aaouht of szter developed in excees of 5; I,.;
:he req;irerr.ests dessribec! iz :his agreezezt skli 3ezome t?.e pror,:r;y of asia grantor ; ,;!i
its successms or 296igIB, 2x12 ray be ~~16, lamed or -or,vcyed to o:kr lends for ,,:, ],:I
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sale, lease cr use. And, th? EziQ gacr,cr reserves, excepts zr-5 ret2ir.s for itself, f 0"
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its ~uccesscrs +nZ essisns, dl rights cf :.rs:~ r'cr 1.zyir.z 2nd nlintaining picee, lines
rr.d aque&ucts over m& zeroes sFi5 :rer;.isee, :v:lich COT;, or st any line nereafter
may be reasoceble aczdirc5 to eriible sdiQ gr&ritcr, its ecsces6ors or i~ssi~ce, 50 take
collect, carry ani 2or.Suct $-,id $xceEs or s-ryl.~s naters :3 o;'ner ;.cAds or to enab1.e
szi? grantor, its 6uc?e~sors ar as3icz3, -0 inspac;, repeir e:.& rqlace, cy later @y*
xei~taic, enjoy an9 contrcl e&iS Sipelines, m3 aquc*dc:s, provided that shou2.d the !&,*a
land hercby granted, b-, su'25ivi2-d X:' -.hs ;rar.:se, hls heirs or assik~.s, then sllch
pipeline8 and aqueduzts shzli t? ?ai4 ir, tlr? straets 3~ other highzays in much sub-
division, except where impraztic:.ble by reasorr cf gm6es".
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"An5 azid Brantor &!.a-. ressrces, excepts and retnice for itself, I '. ' ../ ,. b ;.
its sUcceSL-orfl 2m.d RS8i3;xIE, aL1 Ljh:: Whter, bctik sLrfsce and subferranezn, of the Sa3 i-. ,,
Luia 2ey River, PAn5 ita tri.sutzries, e3st of '.?.e esatern b~~ndary lire of szid Secticn ,if. , 6
22, Toonr.ship I1 SoLth, F,i,~-cge 5 Vest, S. 3. X. ?OGT:53 with the rigi;t to construct F:,r:.
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rr..air.tain an9 operate a barn, ST riarm across or- 12 z:.id river, or ec:ici tribLtarics, or
ei:her of any of ther:., snd iEpGund 2r.d reservcir -.e- -_.- T'=~ .-bere thereof, 'sot?. surfzce
cubsarface, atcry:,, crd or-?ir:zry floz: dLS.2: :he rizht ';o bsvelcy; vater ~23:: the is!, s
:an& 1:ow belongizg "0 or heresf:er asyLire2 by :::e Z'antor, ita aic'ceonors or ~ss:@s
t ;;r 'I
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east. of <ai& easterly 'zc-ndar line, e:;:--cz A*- ": i..-~- ..-...., 12 cr :iei13 > .:;itti the right ;o f' >
inatall en& cFerate p~r:p;xg pl:zlts :heresy.; x5 tks right to divert lea6 sr.9 cdnciuuc: ~. h :Et
EV~Y, 61' or eny 2ar: of s:.iC xtsrs st z.y or Eii such pr'- UL.It 01' ~cints, :o qlecee
$Tithin or ~.~ithsut,wh:ershed, &a :he srzrl:3z, Ita e~cceaeors or ssigzs, raj elec:". &:-:5
,r !' . " , ., . .> UFori a hzezds sf 6 .iL res5ricticr.s or t-ry cf :?.errl the tit].? to L .. S? f'. I
'he 1ct or lots hereky conveyed, .:;it5 respect 10 &ick such breach occurs, s:?a:l ipso J 1;. (1
facto irme5istely revert t3 :-.n9 vzei; ir. :?.: 5ran:ors hereis, their heirs or acsigxs
ecd the ~zid $rarAtora, their heirs cr ;ssi~r.S, sLz2.1 .>e en:i:led to ;he imediate
poaseszic,r. therecf. t
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An& it is :?:de B fcr::-.pr czcditior. :?-reof, :hat no part cf the [,
premises hereky conv:.;e< skal.: ever 'se osn:-aysl, ::meforre3 C: denised $0 acy person i *; .1
other thar. on,- of tha v?.ite or cecccsisn race.
?'J E->.I?T AI;> yo E-I;I,n, ::r.? ~'~ove 7rantei sn9 aescribed pre=ises, p.;. ,,
unto t'r.2 sait grzntee, his :;sirs ;nri aaei,r.c, forever, slb2ect al~sy~ to the afore-
szi6 conait:one, rastris'ions 532 zovenznts.
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I:; -T::;F.::, ~~~xj7) :?.e t: ii &rcr.tor :?as sauae2 this deec! ta je I I' . I executed ux5.r its con:or;,se nzne end s?d 'a? i:s prqer cfficerfl tt?reunzo Luly *.
stjth.Gr?zecl, this 12th.. Cay si >.-L;.JZ~, 1514.
?o..;th. Cu::.a: L=n?. Compa.ny
q?"mz' .-in n c- .,J>. ~~. L.1.1L'I T,!..-:a C):;P.ilRY. c,
C:-li?GrLi& . 31: 3. 6. Zeiisx, PresiBent,
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,$,'I1 :, ,A a Xotery Pubxic ir. ac;: for t1.e ?si2 COLZ.~~ a& sttte, r-s:f.;r,g :hzre:r.j acly coi~~~soior.-
$; * Or- :>-is 15t:-* Lz; cf j"". ~+ist, A.;. 1F1.4, -C.l<c;re xe, hrxe l.hr1.2y,
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ed and swors, perscne.liy a;;pea?ed 3. Z. XeiLer, bno'x tC rrz to bc ;he President, z.nB
F,. H. Tolle, kfiow, to Ee :c $3 :?.e Secret~ry of C;ZT? P2AE L,X!:L C;.:Pk::'f, :?A? Corcor-
a,ticn that execute5 :,he ,::i:kir- icstruccrz, knc.?. 20 ::s to 'ce :?-e peracna d:o executed
tk-e xiti.in ir.strmer.:, or; 'cehz:: sf L.pc -... zcp"r-:icr, p tbAereir. n&.lrcJ sn< ackr-o.;;le<ge&
to me thzt such Coqcrsticn exec"-i Id " -.~n ._._ sa2.e.
I:: .,:I:;;:St 7f:-:f:f3?, I ?..;-,-e ?.erexA:c s-t rr.7 ?.cc2 r.nd affix23 qr
Official seal, -:k*e 22,;- c-i ___y .?3C.. J--- I- ___ "-2 ._._E 2ertificz'e firof ~CGFZ srltter..
/" hce Anr.e :.:Lx~L~,
1 Y-lrray :Tot T ry p-...., : - LU_LL ir. &n5 for 32;iP- Cowa;y x.; St;>.te.
, -- <\ ., '.:y Zcmissicr. ex~ire3 :;ov. 14, LC;'?.
Recorded at Reydzs-; cf Ira. 3. 2. :.:cZomlS, !:sr.S,i316,&t 4e Xir*. st 2 o'clock F.:.:.
Jcin X. Ferry, Cccnty IiscorBer, ..
Fee $1.5c ,I X: E. A. iytle, 0sp';:y. 451c
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~ plil u I .c,& * 1 C-~-~-O-~-C-C-C-@-C-C-C-O-C-C"O-G-C-~-~-~-~-~