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:':Mode et the, requost of:
City of Carlsbod
City. IT311
Carlsbad, California ... . . .. 3073 Barding r:;reaac . *. . ',. . '. I,
m. Ralph Scholnln:.
.2ftor rl csrefiZ1 exaxination of :ire records of the Registrar sf T.iiles in 324
for 50 County of Son Diego, State of California, and ilza OBlfCchP ~xords 0.
the Couety Rscokdar of said County, subsoquont Le January 1, 1313 z? -;: 00 Pi.
3 cir~porcrL.Lon, orgnrmized and oxisting cndor the laws of the State 02 CaIFfcr
am2 hzsvinli; itr principal place of business iu :]IC City or" Ssn Diego, County I
San Diego, Stato of California, horejy certifies that, as appwrs fm:i sa'i5.'
pT6CDi*;iS, ins or'^^ ss Said records 8r0 corroc"Lly kept 3ad ~F&O::&:
CXxfWSIDE !iwru;u, WPlTiK CG:Prn
and/or e:.. " . ..
I "+*.
%?- Id ' CAWSBM "IVAL WATEB WAXY ! - '~.,, , . . ... ~. . fzeve r@celv& RO deeds t.o real property in said San Diem County whjch they i
not sincc convoyed; no bsnoficial interests undcr deeds of trust, or nortgng
intorests under Bmtgages, which have net Seen essignod, reconveyed or relea;
by ins.tru:a&ts of record,
1. Em $,ZroomenL for transfer of Stock and for Sole of Rsai ?rnportjr by Stjri
Coast-, t31xi C~apnny, tl cerporntisn, by H. Yf. Kellcr, Pn-sidcnt, F. 11. Toile,
Sacmtory, as party OS the first part, and Alexander BelIkr, Sarah X. GolZci*
hks wifo, a3 parties 09 the second port.
WHEREAS it is the intent aad purpose of said Sirst party to '.;rmr;bw SI
convoy to said Ocoanside Stutual 'Catar Goapany a certain p.myL:g; plant, LGCCT.
'_ . , .. 5 . . ,..
r/ *. *
- -0-
1. (cont ' d) near tbQ City of @eanaide, IA the County of Son Diogo, E'iato of Cclifornlp,
together with pipe lines, rights of way and reservoir sites and otiwr f:~-sl~z-~*
appertaining to said puaping plant and distribution line, in oxchanzc fm i:l.
1ssco of 1995 shares of tho capital ateck ef the said Oceanside mt:uI :,;JL~
Coapany to said first party, and the said first party agrees to mlrs sirc;r :,r
fer and conveyance aforesaid; and'WHEREAS the said first party :.:ndcrt:I;;es :>xi
agroes that the plant of tho said Oceanside Xutual Water Colnpaay Yxil1 dzL:=rc:
total of 200 miner 'B iachos of water of continuous flow; ancl %%ZREAS 3. t if:
understood and agreed by tho directors of the said Oceanside Xutual Xa-Lsr CG.
and by the said first party herein, that urder the By-Laws and Rcg:~Lci,io:x, o:
tho said Oceanside Mutual Water Coapeny each Sham of Stock of nzid Co.>2n3n;. ;
be entitlod to tho delivery ef ene-two thousandths (1/2000) of til2 watcr dew
3nd capable of delivery by said Oceanside Mutual Water Company or 1 :niner's :
of water for every 10 shares of stock of said Wstsr Csnpsny;
K%i? 'EEXEFCRE, it is agreed 98 fallows: Tho soid first party will, hfter the issue to it of said stock of Occzn.
Mutual Water Company as herainbofsre provided for, assign, transfer 311d i:al>s:
be issued to the second parties heroin, or to their order, 20 si~sres 02 said
stock. Said second parties 33~28, in consideration of tho forogoinz ti1a-L ~pc
delivery 'io them or to their order of said 20 shares of stock of Wcansido x.
Water Company, as hsreinhfore provided for, they will exocate, nc!;nowled!3 E
deliver to said first party their Grant Deed conveying to said ffrst party, c
their SUCCBSB~F or assigns, tho following described real property:
Tilo IYYost 20 acres 09 the following doscribed land, viz:
Northeast Quarter of SoatWest Quarter of Section 31, Township 11 803t:3-,
Rango 4 West, Sari Barnardino Xeridian, in ths County 02 San Dicgo, Stztt
of California, and tkc North 4.50 acres of the Soathcsst Cusrtor of Tle
Southwest quarter 02 said Section 31, above described; :%SO
/?n ur,dlvidod one-quartor interest in and to the Enst .4l acrm of i1;2
Northoast 13.W acres of ut 4 in Section 31 hereiabcforc dexriimd, lor
a right of way, for road p~zrposas.
1.t Is fwther agreed that said second parties will conc,xmstly vi$:: L1:c
dolivery of said Deed deliver a Certificate of Title of the iJnio;: Title and 'I
COiU~311~ 09 3311 Diego, California, showing said londs to 'rjc vested ir, fee ~21x2
In said soco~xi parties, or one of them st tile time 0% such convcyancc.
2. A Bo& datcd msch 14, I9f5, axocuted by South Coa~t Land Co.upony, 3
corporation, by Presidect a3d Secretory, to Oceansido %utaa1 \cater CozpZa; , 3
corporsllon, kF V:-c3 president and Socre-i.;rj:, record& April 30, 1315 i:: 13GT.j ;
672 , poiio 332 or' DCOUS, coverin:: tho fo1lowi:ty descritod propzr:y:
First part57 hereby sells, coaveys, transfers and seis 07:er :.u wco:~! ixrl-
311. of :he right, t.itlo and interest af first psrt:! in 3:1d to ti:? fofln,i:,:-
Gsscr-?:-;c.l real and personal property:
pI';gca 1:
occancido, dated kqpsz 13, 1013 snd filzd for Y,~~CGI-J is tk Yt::cur&x'c
QfPice Scptoubep 19, 1313 in zoc': 627, ~G:;J 245 CSP DLK~~s. 3s !N~:.i?d~~~<; KL.
2304 snd tho oxteasioi: of t-La:o rela2iin.g t;lcroi.o Grant4 :>y tho 2oai.i vi
.i certain contract !);r 2nd kx?tw%?Z SO;?.th CD3St !&il<i cO-;p3:ly and c:. Ly
Trllsi;ces of said city oi Oc@:Ansida sL>jc>c:: t.0 esjr a;ld 311 ~";f?.;stls:lr;
2. (cont 'd)
Incident to tho fulfillment of said contract and extension thorcof provid
to bo petrfQ?msd by South Coast Land Company which ohligstrons socond par:
Slclrgia hereby ~1~auinva aud agrcefi to fulfill and p8riorih
bi0115t Ne exominatLon has bean mode as to the present record ownership of
interal~ts under soid agreement.
A cartaia prrcel of land rt8~o used as a rssservair site, and situated
in Section 24, Toarmhip 11 Ssuth, Rango 5 West, Sam Bernsrdina Xderidian,
4 the same having bean acquired frm Herbert Crouch and wifo, by deed dated J !k July 24, 1914 and recsrded August 21, 1914 in Boak 661, pago 235 of Deeds ,ti * p rl\$ a8 Decument Ne. 18895, records ef 81s Diegs County, a more particular
sip '. description of said land being 881 folleawe, tonwit:-
In Section 24, "ewnship 11 Sauth, Range 5 West, in Ssrp Bornardino Mericliz
in the Ceunty of San Diege, State of California afsrosaid, beginning at
Section 24 with the Southwesterly baundary line of said County Rood, saic
Southwesterly boundsry line being the Northerly boundary fine of tho pros
of Herbert Crouch; puaning thelice Seutheestsrly along said Northerly bow
line a distance sf 400 feet; theace iu a direct line Southerly parallel f
tho Easterly line bf said Section 24, a distance of 200 feet; thence, in ;
direct line Westerly parallel with the Southerly line of said Section 24
to its intersection with S8id West line sf the Xast Hslf of the %st H31:
of mid Section 24; thence Bertherly along said canter line to pint of
$i $b v,/q i, ,' a[. the intersection of the West line ai the Eaet IIalf of the Eost Half 02
JS. A Deed dated August 39, 1922, executed by Seuth Coast Land Co;iipnny, a a
csrporation, by H. W. Esller, Vice President, and F. H. Tolls, Secretary, Lo
Oceanside Mutual Water Cmpany, a Califernla corpsratisn, recorded Saptsrilijci'
14, 1922 in Besk 899, page 2323 of Deeds, cevering the following described
property :
That pfMtiW!i of Tract 121 of Corlebod Lands, 88 sh@w on Xap No.
1661, on recerd in the efiice of the.Csunty Recsrder of Son
Diego County, bwundod by a line described 88 fellowsr
Beginning at the mest Herthvesterly corner of said Tract 121 and
running thence Ssruth 89*8' Bast 502.0 feet ts o point; thence: ' ' South 23.04' East 434.53 feet te a paint; thence South 55'27' n/ weet 200 fa!t to a point; thence North 34.33' West 595.34 feet 4 to a p~ini;; thence North 39'5' West 169.42 feet to s point; thence
North 0'52' West 28.25 feet to the point of beginning, containing
3.16 acres, more or less.
"mDTING that partien of sbeve described parcel, dcscri::ed as
Bcpinning at a point 011 the Northerly line of said Tract 131,
distant South 89.05' Bast 27B feet from a rock mound on the
Northwesterly carrier of said Tract 121; thence along the North-
srly lint of said Tract South 39.05' Eaet 243 feet to 8 point;
thence South 19'05' Bast 439 feet to a point; thence Soutk 70'
55' West 223 feet to a point; thence North 19O05' West 525 feet to a
point of beginning, containing 2.52 acres.
' . ,.s.;:;;;&RTy $W
iJ4. A D&&d dst& Deeaaber 20, 1944, executed by B. E. Ellery and Ada E. Bller
his wife, and Elizabeth Xevin, a mFrie3d W~~OB, to Carlsbsd Hutual 'JVatcr Co:npo:
a corpora tisn, recorded Januery 2, 1945 in Beok 1792, page 327 sf Official ~cci
covering the following described property:
That portion oi Lot "J" in Rancho &as Eedionda, ia thd County of San Diol
State of California, according te Hap le. 283, filed ia tne office of the J 12 County Recorder of San Diege County, Nsrernber 26, 1896, included within tl ( 01 cfrcurafsrence ai a circle mving a radius of 57.50 feet, the. center of sa
Beginning at the intersection of the Westerly line of Lot "I" of said Ran'
el Thua ZlSlnUs, filod mceabor 8, 1915, records ef said County, said point
iateraectiea baing also the mast lartherly cermr of Bellavista, accordiq
tb Map He. 2352, filed mrch 7, 1929, rseord6 of said County; therice Sout
28'39' East .lag the gestorly If+e of safd Beflaoiste 397.66 feet to an
angle ylsint; thewe costiaulmg rl- the Easterly line ef said Bellovista
South %'Ut West 820.04 feet ta 8 miat; thence South 63.49' East 425 fe
te the a9.t Beutbsrly wrmf rf land conveyed to R. $I. Foindexter by deed
~OQWC!~ July 26, 194X lr Be& 1021, pmge 14 e2 Official flscsrds; thence
Paisdextex laad3 theme Hart& 58*14'8S" E.et c.atinuiItg along the soid
Seutherstsrly boundary of PoiodaXte? land, a distmaus of 177.91 feet to a
peint; thencr, leclvinl; said SeuthQrstsrly beuadrry and through srid Poiisde:
land North 5'46' West 648.21 fwt tm s -1st oa the lorth line 41 said Lo
"X" mld a poiat en the SoutS 11- of lrad oonveyed to X. E. Ellery, et ux
by deer.! recorded Samurry 11, 1934 in Bwk 261, page 241 sf Official Recon frsor which said last described p&nt the Southwest corner of Lot "S" ef
eaid Rancho AguO Ilsdlmrd8 berrs West 358.35 feet dlst8lrt; thence through
tho said land ef Ellery Xerth 5'46' West 420.22 ieet tti a point; theme
Wsrth 4'28' West 217.44 feet to a pmiat; theme North 54*24* West 153.14
to a point; thence Morth 6.l" East 402.38 feet to the ceater of aferesoi circular piece ef land.
&f7 Gp'4'j/ circle being the end of a line described as:
f-5 4~~8 ffadisMr end the @enter lire ef Mnw $twt 98 shown on.lep lo. 16
north 2e11' Bast 1121.25 fmt 81-g the SbuthaaetWlp liae ef said
6. A Deed dated December 31, 1933, executed by S*uth Coast Lead Cempony , a
corporatian, by Willlenr G. Kemkhofi, Prosfdent rad F. H. Tslle, 8wretary. ts
Weanside Mutual Water Ceepeny, cerp.ratisin, recerdsd April 11, 1924 in
Bask 994, page 301 sf Deeds, cevering the fallmiag described pFoperty:
That pottfon of Tract 256 ef Thum Unde, 8s shoarn on Mag No. 1682 on file
ia.tha office @f the CQunty Recorder of San Diego Couzty, bounded by 8 li Po 30 Beginning at s concrete nmnmmnt at the intersection ef the oenter line c
legrtls Street and the Seuthrestsrly prsleagatisn e$ the Southeasterly boc
line of said Tract 256, Thwa Lands$ thence Horrh 23'39' West along the SI
center line ef &Ionroe Street, a distance ef 264.60 feet, to a point; thea
North 61.21, Eost a distoace of 192.11 feet to tl psint; thence South 63"!
88st a distance sf 105.64 feet to.8 point en the said Southeasterly boux
llne of Tract 256 of 'Iplua Lands; theace B.euth 26O11' West along the sa@
Swtheasterly boundary liae a distesco of 309.48 feet ta the psint of
EXCEPTING therefrom the folloving dslcrfbed prepesty:
%at portken of Tract 256 of Thum Laads os shm em Bcap lo. 1631 in tho
sffice of the County Recorder, beunded by a lime described as follows, tr
b \e described 8s ft?llows:
$1 $$+
'~:bOPERlv sm
9. {omrt'd)
Comenaiag st 8 point of intereectien ei the center line of County Avent
and the center line ~f Monroe Street; thence slaag the center line of
kmwoe Street South 29.39' Eest I distance 02 671.61 feet to a paint 02
beginning; thence continuing slang the center line sf Monroe Street Soul
28"39' Enst B distapcs of 35.00 $%et tp B PQfRti thga~e North 61'a1' Eat
a distance of 208.55 feet to a pint; thence Horth 28.39' West a distenc
of 1.63 feet te, a paint: thence lhrth 83*40* West 8 distsnce ei 28.54 fi ts I peintt; thence South 61.21' West P dfstrrrag of 1H. 11 feet to the pt
ALSO EXCEPTfRff that psrtien of Trmt 286 scoerdiag te Basp No. 1681 of
Thum Unds and being nere gort%cu€sxly describe4 IS folr'ewe:
Comencing: at a coBcrste mtimumant mrkis&g the iaterswtien of tho center
easterly line of said Tract 256; thssae Nerth 28'39' West B distance of
234.39 ioet &long the center line ei Monroep Street; theme Sort11 61'21'
Ellist o distance of 208.55 feet oleng the #arthwssterly boundary sf the
preperty mi the Oueonsids -tu81 Watex Csrapalay as r#w lccplCcpd to the trc
peint oP beginnZ8g; thence North 28,353' West a dtstaatce or 1.63 feet; th
South 63.49' East a distance ef 1.99 feet; theme South 6l.21' West a
distsnco ~i 1.15 feet to the true pint of begimiry.
af bsainrriq] cmt8inix 0.U 8tWbP. SecS W I+015r
line Qi fdrnvOa Str%*t With the Southmaterly prolmgatitm Sf the SQLlth-
m: !tM 8hwe described exception8 ore proparties aonveyed to R. it. Whe
and Alia@ Vmooler in deed recorded April 16, 1929 in Book 1601, page 476 of
Deeds aa Document So. 22123 dated %arch 3, 1929.
6. A Med dated January aS, 1937, axeauted by Julia G. Shigley, a widow, tc
Carlerbad Nutual Rater Csaqany, B asrporrtien, recorded January 28, 1937 in f3c dG m, page 390 of Official RacoMs, covering the fo11ewiryZ aescribd property:
Lots 33 and 14 in Block 39 sf the !tmm of Carlsbsd, in the City of Carls
County ai San Diego, State ef California, according to Map thereof No. 5
iibd In the office sf the County Recarder ai Sun Diego County, Hay 2, 1
7, A Deed dated lYarch'12, 1930, exmuted by Charles Ortega and Ruby Ortega,
k." huebstnd and wife, tb Ocarnsids Mutrral Water Carpany, a Califsrsie corporation recorded April 26, 1930 ia Beek 1762, page 428 of Deeds, covering the iollopri
descrit>tPd property!
@Q $b
Lots X3 sad 16 in Block 59 ef the Twa bf Carfsbad, in tho City ai Cerls
County sf San Diege, Stat* e2 California, ac~ording te Map thereof #o. 5
filed in the effice of thQ Ceuaty Becwdar bf San Diego County, May 2, 1
I 8. A Deed dated May 28, 1912, exmuted by Jmuiais B. JZryer, t0 Csrlsbad :iutu
Water Company, o cerpgratimi, reworded June 26, 1942 in Boek 1382, page 321 Q
Offioiel Recerda, cevering the fellwing deucrfbsd property:
Utr 17, 18 and 19 in Btrrck 39 of th0 ?'%ma ef Carlsbad, in the City of
Carlebod, Ceuaty of Son Diego, Stmto ef California, &caerding: to bOp
thereof No. 635, gild in the effioe ef the Couaty Recorder of Sals Diege
Caunty, Itlay 2, 1888.
1 9. A Tax Cellector 's Wad drted September 31, 1949, executed by Saw A.
Claggett, Tax Cellsctor frr the Ceunty of Ban Diego, te Carlebad htuol
Water Company, reomsled Octsber 16, 1942 .in Beak 1420, page 181 of Official
Records, covering the fsllerrlw described property:
Lots 20 a& 21 in Blwk 39 sf the Tolan sf Carlsbad, in tho City of
Cerlsbad, County of S8a Diego, State e$ Coliiarnia, accordiug ta
Hap thereof Ho. 535, Piled in the offiee 82 the County Rscerdcr sf r L sari ~irgo County, my 2, 18~8.
(h0. A De& dated March 17, 1981, exwuted by Harciso 0. Patron an&&stofana
Patrm, h~band altd wif@, t@ C8rldbed @tUl ltlW C0t4p6ny. rocordd ?by 24,
1951 in Bosk 4110, PBgQ 188 oi Official Records, Covsring tilo 5oflowiw
described property :
tots 1 end 2 ef lpdUStP%Rl 2'rrut ili th8 Coumtty Qf San Diego, State ai
coufmmir, i"db~g tr mp th-w le. 1743, fixsd in t~~e orrice of
the Cowrty Rewrder of Saa Mew Ceuntp January 3, 1923.
E3LCsYTXRf3 thareiran the Rorthsreterly 140.0 Zest of said tot 1.
Norll;: R Deai frm Carlebad Hutual Water Cmpany, a csrporetion, te Qattentioa, Labedeff and Jennifer Lebedeff, husband sad wife, as Joint tenants reword& January 5, 1953 in Beak 4704, page 163 of Official Records os
I)ocumsnt No. 497, dated Nov%mber 24, 1852, conveys the Northeasterly 140.0
St6tt.e Of C:tlifOFltia, IICoQrding to hi8p No. 1743, filed in the or"2ice Of tho
i > feet of Lot 2 of Inbustrial 'Pract in tbo City si Carlobad, Cemty Of Sari Die8 9. \ County Recorder ai Saa Diege CQunty, January 3, 2923.
a- B ia1. A I)asd d8tt;ed S.:pt ep 25, 1931, executed by Jweics 1. Schuylor, o widm
te Cerlsbod Mutual Weter CSS~PORY, a corporatian, rcsoerded October 1, I951 in
Btwk 4249, page 523 of Mficisrl'Bsoorde', cwariry the following dosciibd
property :
That poptien of Lot 3 ei IndusttFal Trsat, 110 the County ef $an Diego,
State of Crlifemia, aueerdiag to llap Ro. 1743, filed in the office of
the, Ccvuraty ReOd8r of Sea Diege Cazlntp J81lU%Fjr 3, 1933, which lies Sout
westerly ef o line which io paxs'llel with and dlstant at right angles L tQO.0 feet 89utbw~storly froa tho #awthsosterIy beundary (Pi said Let 3.
12. d Deed dated 3lecie8tbar 23, 1929, executed by 9outh Coast Umci Cmpsny, R
carpsrrlion, by 0. C. Young, via. presidomt, pad J. E. V-te, Secreterp, to
OCeumido 1Qutusl later Ceslpmy, a cwperrtion, rscstdd January 2, 1930 in €30
2731, psge 9 ai Dsrads, quaeriag: the ;Iollering described property:
4 All that psrtion ef Let 2, Tr8at 53 ..of HotPling Lands, in the County of
San Diegm, State ef Coliforaia, according, to kfep No. 1717, filed in the oiiics ef ths C~~llrtty B@cesdao April 18, 1921, dsscxfbed os follews: ct;' $ Beginning at a peint 911 the CemteP line ai Grandview Stroex distant t\ 4 b thoreon South 42.27'. West 194.5 iart frem its- Intersection with the ' 2 0 Center li,nO Sf 8idgWay Sf-t I8 ah- bn Paid mp HO+ 1717; thence
South 35.12' East II dirstrsce of 55.09 feet; thence South 54.48' West
a distance of 20.0 feet; theme Rertk 35.12' West a digtance of 50.71
feet te a mint on the center line of said Orandview Street; thence
rleng said aeatw Ifae of Qrrndvtw Street Nerth 42'27' East a distance
ef 20.47 feet to the peiat ef beginning.
b $8 c? \+
$13. .". Dccd deted PJovembsr 14, 1924, executed by South Coast Land Cenp~ny, a
corporation, Sy Prcsidoat aIzd Secretary, to Oceanside Uutuaf Eator Chapany, :
California corporation, recorded Hovember 21, 1924 in Book 1043, page 233 of
Deeds, -avsgring the fallowing described property:
Lots ' A" and "5'' of North Carlsbad, as por Xap No. 1807, filed in the
office 0: the Coilnty Ilecorder.
": y of Narth Carlsbad abeve was conveyed Lo Ernwt E, Churchill
and Bertha Churchill in deed recorded I)eC-b@r 27, 1941 in Book 1282, page 31
ef Official Records 8s Doeumnt No. 79338.
Lot 'in%'
/-I ./' 14.l :'. Dead dated Nove.,~bor 16, 1933, execxted -by Fa. G. Korckhoff Co., a
~, \8 corperation, to Carlsbad Xutual il'atsr Company, recerded Boceubttr 3, 193% in 4L.N
, $. *' Boek 251, page 141 of Official Recsrds, covering the following described \' ' property : @+;& Qt v That part Of that portion of Lot 4 @Yest Qaarter of ~or.:,:1.r~~s-:, Quarter) 6
!i Sccti~o@ it, Towat~lrip 11 Sjouth, R.;ng;o 3 West, San Burnardino Sese and
?&midim, accsrdLng to United States Government Survey approved DBcm30r
3.4, 1;;'35, described as follows:
Ee:;ina;.ng at 1 point 22 chains North 02 the Quarter corner ijetween Sac-ci
]I and (5 011 ti~c Range line between Wwnship 11 SQU~~:, fial~gc 3 and 4 ':;zcL,
5 ili D?i'rru~d-ino XcridtLLn; thence ~ri a trae meridian Eoii'Lh G2O East 3.GO
clraius,; t!-roncct nlme the Ceunty Rood North 48' East 5 ciirtins; thence a10
Cormn"y Road Earth 42;' East 3 chains; thence along County Road North 52:$
Zast 5 chins; thence North 43. Cast 11 chains; thence North 50:' East
0. ,?O chaCrla tu tho intersection of North boundary of Lot 4, S~ctlon 6,
Tov~rruhip 11 Ssuth, Range 3 Yest, San Barnardino fderidian, end 2.2'; Lain
%'est of th~ Nerthesst corner of said Lot 4; thence North 1.20 chains to
So~:th azd @ast.erly edge of' San Ldis R0y' aiver; thotlco Soctk 6SrD 12' );mi
along said South and Easterly edge ef San Luis Rep River, 33.33 chains t
intersection of the Tiest boundary of Lot 4, Sectien G, Toarmship 11 South
Range 3 Gcst; thence Swth 6.50 chains to point of begin2ing.
WCXFTING froa tho abave described preperty a Deed dated !$arch '18, 1952
in Book 4400, p8ge 491 of Official RBCO~~S, executed by Cerlsbod biiiltuol
iFater Conpeay, 8 corporation, to. State of Csliiornia, covitring thc io110
described property:
That part of that portim of Let 4 (West Quarter of Northwest Quarter) Q
Seelion 6, T~wnship 11 South, Range 3 West, Ssn BerRaPdino Base and Bhric
accorCing to United Seates Governmat Survey approved ISeco:tbor 14, 1825,
described as followa:
Bqinnillg at a poict 22 chain8 North of the Quarter carnor between Sectit
1 and 6 on the Range Line between Tovnshig 11 South, Range 3 and 4 West,
Bornrrdino Meridian; thence 6n a true nter%iien South 62' East 3.60 chain:
thenco along the County Read Nertb 48. East 5 chairis; thence 51011g Count]
Road North 422" East 3 chains; thence along Cwnty Road North 52',,O hst t
chains; thence North 43" East 11 chains; thence North 50:. Gast 0.30 chai to the intersection of North boundary of Lot 4, Section 6, Tomship 12 St
Rsnge 3 West, Ssn Berarrdino Heridiaa end 2.27 chains West of tilo Norti
olrst ccrner of said Lot 4; thence Hsrth 1.20 choins to South and Sasterly
adgo of Saa Luis Ray River; thence Ssuth 64.12' lest along mid Sosth and
Easterly edge of San Luis Rey River 23.33 chains to intersection of the
West boudary ef Lot 4, Section 6, lbwnship 11 South, Range 3 '&est; thenc
.. JPsrtTY SErnCII
14. (con '1 ' d)
South 5.50 chains to point nf beginning;
that part thereof hereby convey4 boiag more particularly described as
?.yirq Southerly of the following described line:
Commencing at o point on the :Yest line sf said Scctl~n 6, distant the~ao~
North 0°02t10" %est 1513.99 feet frm a 2 inch' capped iron pipe set for
the West quarter c~rner of wid SoctPoil S; soid point ala@ &ing distant
along said Vest lina South 5'02'10" East 1036.34 fatst: froa a 2 inch iron
pFpe in a fence corner, set for the Northwest corner of said Section 6,
said point of cammncemcsnt also being distant along said West line North
O002'10" East 50.61 feet frem Eaglneer's Station 454 plus 83.66 P.0.C.
on tho center line ef the Department of Public 'rsrorks Survey, made in 135:
botwcr?.cn koanside and Bmsall Bridp Road XI-SD-1954; thenzo leav1:lg sa1
%':?tit line along a line parallel with and distant 50 feet Northwesterly
3t right angles froa the conter line of said Departmnt of Public Works
Sv~vey from LI tangent which bears North 30°50'13" Xast along a carve to
the left with a radj.::S of 950 feet throdgh an snglc of 36°39'53" 3 digtar
of 442.11 feet; thence North 54'10'20'' East 1230.89 foot; thence a1oEg 3
:i000'22'' a distance of 257.75 feet to a point on the North line of said
Sec':.ior, '3, said poi::: Lein.,- on the Township line betivoon Tomship 10 and
I1 8 Sor:tb, Rongo 3 ':Yest, San Cernardina Base and Xerfdlan, distant. along
Z$LICI Totmship lice ITo~*th ':6°31'39" Ezst 1646.61 feet Broz said 2 inch irc
pipe in fence corncr set for the Northwest cerner sf said Section G, saic
point also 5c~l~g distant n!.ong said 'barnship lice So:.~th "1°34'1,3" 'tYeSt,
1396.76 leet from EI one inck iron pin sot far the North quarter corner 02
oai& :cc:;ioc 6, sa55 poini- Szing also distant along said Township line
So:-l?A1 ?3*34'39" Yest 77. '$1 feet fro% Engineer's StatLon 475 p1:ls 60.21
P.C.C. on the center line of said Degartnsnt of "tzblic Xorks Sxrvyr.
Col:-Laiiiing 4.26 aeros, nor3 er less, in addition Lo -t;hz:i; portion thercoi
lyiq x~.thi.n the right of way ef the County Road ::nowf, as the San bL!.is Xe
ZQA No. 2, according to ?Zap thereof filed in the office of 'ihe County
Recorder of San Diego County.
A Deed dated July 5, 1930, executed by W. S. Kelly, also known 3s Ty.?llion;
Company, a corporation, recorded July 11, 1930 in Book l79G, pag;? 142 of Doeds
,: 'r csvcrin:: tho follswing described preparty:
+ b,A...+dzt e::.". cIir;:e :.G the left with a radi.ls of 2950 feet t::roi:gh an anzle of
9 ?%&I Holly, and Loviala 3. Kelly, husbeaci and wife, te Oceanside xttxal Water
\ ;:v !Y
(f JP 'i
9* ?I1 those portions of Lots "D" and "L" of Rancho Agua Hedienda, according
to %lap No. 323, filed in the efflce ai the County Recorder Nsveaber 16, 1
described aa fellows:
Boi.inning at a pein: in the Northerly line ef said Lot "L" whence the
Northeast corner of said Let "L" bears South 39'44' East 1333.42 feet;
tbenco North O'lO'ZO" ;Test 72.64 faet to the true point of Seginning;
thsncs North C48'25'20' X2st 269.25 feet; thence S0ut.h 52'13'40'' West
?5.:;9 feet; thence Sw.ith 13'35'40'' West 131.35 feet; thence South 55O05'
40" 'Jest 123.70 feet; t?zence South 20'30'40'" West 90.20 feel; thence
Soxth 47O33'30" Wost 346.14 f0et; thence North 55°1:3'20" Vest 703.04
foet; thence M0rth 15'07'40" East 352.94 feet; thence North 53°55'10''
rest 133.6% feet; thence North 12°59'10" East 93.60 feet; thence Ncrth
29004'20" 327.22 feet; thence North 8°53'20'' West 203.55 fe :t; tlrcncc
h-orth 7603'10" East 151.00 feet; thence South 3i'53120" East 97.10 feet;
"J" .
1P,OPL?TY SWSH q (csnt 'd)
thonco SQUth 43"39'50'' East 15?.05 feat; thence South 30"11'50" East
119.10 feet; thence South 10.57' ~ast 66.52 feet; thence south 600~20' E
131.15 feet; thence South 72O50' East 179.60 feet; thence North 34.41'
East 151.65 feet; thence North 6"27' East 213.52 feet; thence North
6G043' East 101.52 foet; thence North 23*09' East 178.00 feet; thence
Hcwth' 6'23' East 454.00 feet; thence North 55*14* East 224.10 feet;
thanes !hth 14'43' P.,.st 199.05 feet: Chence South 26'4G' East 329.80
feet: thonce South 0' 10t20" Eatit 1290.78 feet te true peint of beginnfn
(14 A Deed dated Juae 16, 1930, execut4 by Chester I). Gum and Clem B. Gu;
ZbaM and wife, and George L. Gum and Clorine It. Gunn, busband and ri.fe,
Octeaasider €&tu31 Water Company, B corporation, rmerdd July 2, 1930 in BOO::
1793, page 433 af Deeds, covering the follewimg described property:
X11 that portion of Lot "D" sf Rancho ma Bedionda, according to Parti,
tion Nap Qf said Ranchar Ne. 833, firad in the sffice of tho County
Roeordar November 16, 1896 described as followe:
Begihliug at the Southwest cerner qf that p8FC01 of lend convoyed by
Chester Gum and Elizabeth Gum to Gee. L.. Gun and Chester D. Gum on3
record& Hsvember 6, 1920 in Book 829, page 314 of Desds in the office
of the County Recorder, said point beiag in the line batween Sections
34 and 35, Township 11 South, Range 4 West, Saa Bernardino Erleridisn;
said point being Southerly 2951.5 feet fro18 the Northwest corner of saif
Smtiofz 38; thence Northerly along the West line of said Section 35,
331.06 feet, more or loss, to the West Quarter corner sf said Section
35; thence Easterly along; the Bast and lest center line of said Section
35,1319 feet, more or less, to ita intersectisa with an Easterly boundal
ef tho abeve parcel conveyed tO Gum; thoace Southerly 336.12 feet, mort
or less, sleng the beundary of the land BQ conveyed to a Boutheast COPPI<
thereof; thence following tSe Southerly beundwry of said land Westerly
1319 feet, nore or less, to point of boghaing.
@ A Deed dated June 19, 1930, executed by Elizabeth A. GUM, to Ocoensids
tuol Water Company, a csrporotiea, recerded July 2, 1930 €n Bosk 1785, pagc
434 of Deeds, covering the following described properly:
All that portion of Lot "D" of Rancho Agua fiedionda, according to Parti-
tion Hap No. 823, filed in the effice sf the Cauaty Recorder November
16, 1896, described as fellows:
Beginning at IP granite stone set withis the Grant fer the comaon Southel
corner of Section6 34 and 35, Tsanishig 11 Seuth, Rango 4 West, Sen
Barnsrdino Meridian; thence Northerly along the llne between said Sectic
34 and 35, 2295 feet, more br less, ts the Southwest corner of that
property canveyeit by Chester Ouaa and Elizabeth Gum to Gee. L. Gunn and
Chester D. Guna, aad recerded 11ovder 6, 1920 in Boo% 829, page 314 of
Deeds; thence fellowing the beundary of said property Easterly 1319 fool
to an angle point therein; theace Northerly along the boundary of said
lend S57 feet to an angle point thetrofn; thence Easterly 2.320 feet, more
or less, to a point in the North and South center line of said Section
35 being the west line of Lot "c" ef ~owho Agua Hedionda, Map 923, wwhic
is the Southeast cerner ef the above mantienod parcel of land conveyed
to Gso. L. Gunn and Chester D. Ounn; thence"Souther1y along said lest
mentioned line to the South Qurrter c8rlller of eaid Section 35; thence
Westerly along the South line sf Beid Soctien 35, 2656 feet, more or les
to point of beginning.
j 19. A:; .'.:;Y+~-J-:.~z"; '>>t.:ia:>a 'si. S. jicl3.y 3~d Laviaid J. K?l.lj,, hu~l>~lili? 3rd wifd,
and OC~SCSiClS ~,,Xzt.-.~~l. XZ~X Co~pay, 3 zorporacton, by If. :;resgxmn, Freside::';,
and J. 2. Vci;;ts, Jocra?;ary, Jsted Fe'smsry 6, 1930 and rocorc'::, Fabrary 13,
1930 i:: >oc..- 1721, 2322 4'1.1 ,< S~&Y.
% ,.'> .' 30 ii;3fzL;j' grsnt to i.xcjnil party, 'ihu oytio;l io pxrc:;~:;~. with:,^ ii3 days
froa da L:?
Ul 'Sh: prtion of Lot; "3" 3nd "5" of F3rt of Eanzho &gaa IIcd5ior;da to
Yj.3 3ei:or ?:no3 'i'y 57'lrvcy, and ts to consist sf :LC! socalled Calsvara Sn.n
Site and boundaries 3rc 20 be doterxinad by 1250 foot contoa above sea
love1 as p%r mop compild by Stokos, and shall extend Southerly to a
; " #
' 1 =* , "l.(rpcI C' "--,,"-. .I- sd, b - a r) : '_I ,".-
2:; (ci,.'-;' ':l)
CO*J~~* y: .. "'., <. . 7 , S~.~I~Y.::F-, 1 5,: --i' .:.<I p:Qp:?yt,;-:
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E. a . Px,L.:GRT;
.%..?3i~tan.!; T;.>cL.>;-:jq
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I. .
7 For the $\XI a€ Two Ths~s~~id FLVS C!~~rfz*od Oollars C$zsoQ,ol
8 the City 0:: blar-2r~b~d~ CPl.!.f~rn?.~, Q RI?P~~c~;?z!. c~rp~ratign, doe:
city of Oceanside, Ce:tc?y uf Strn T)itgs, :;tat3 sf Cah~.fo;7n$as 11
mm1.E:.+91 CO2~CFFtI0EL 8 cartzti.r: 1s5teT' i;aln tscf.,"bari t-ii.thin "e@ 10
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