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HomeMy WebLinkAboutZC 90-06; Western Land & Development Co and Kelly, Richard; 1991-0450352; Public Facilities Fee Agreement/ReleaseRecording Requested By - - , and Return To: CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 RFLEASE OF AG- TO PAY PUBLIC FAcILlTIEs FEE3 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Agreement for Payment Of Public Facilities Fees between the City of Carlsbad and Western Land & Development Co. / Richard Kelly (90-06) -% , required by an Application for - - (” 0 and recorded on e ,,I :;< 1 12/06/90 , as Document No. go-651249 is hereby ..i released for the following reason: q Fees Paid and Obligation Satisfied DOC # 1991-0450352 03-SEP-1991 12:s4 Prl OFFICIAt RECORDS fi Application Withdrawn q Other SIlN DIEM COUNTY REEORDER’ S OFFICE ANNETTE EUiN;; COUNTY RECORDER RF: i:00 FEES: 5. DO AF: Yr. 4 nn 1,r. 1. vv DATED: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ \ City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: EE:~~;loND:~* 8 * hb- A BY DEPUTY Clri AriORNE~ ATTEST: REVISED 9/90 FRM00021