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CDP 03-36; NASSAR RESIDENCE; Planning Commission
------------ -------------------------------- Genere1I Notes Job c.ard req'd to be avallable for signature at Job site. Gontrac.tor to provide the bld'g division a c.ompleted GEC, form C,f-6R prior to the request for a final lnspec.tlon. It Is understood that no final inspec.tion l'lill be made until this form is submitted All l'lindol'ls inc.luding frenc.h 4 atrium doors to be dual pane unless noted. No l'lafer bd. to be used In plac.e of shear panels noted. Bug screens to be installed prior to final. P. 4 T. relief valve to outside of building at !'later heater. In seismic zones 3 4 4, !'later heaters snail be anchored or strapped to resist horizontal displacement due to earthquake motion. Strapping shall be at points l'lithin the upper one- third (113) and lol'ler one-third (113) of Its vertlcle dimensions. At the lol'ler point, a min. distance of (4") shall be maintained above the controls with the strapping. Shol'ler and tub/shol'ler c.ombinations shall be proviaed l'lith individual c.ontrol valves of the pressure balance or the thermostatic. mixing valve type. - Changes from the approved plans during c.onstruc.tlon other than l) Cabinet changes l'lhen not being supported entirely ~ the roof structure, 2) Interior door and flreplac.e relocation snol'ln on the approved plan, 3) A single non-bearing l'lall relocation l'lhen not c.reating an additional room, ana 4) Interior nonsruc.tural l'lall finishes; shall c.ause plan aprroval and c.onstruc.tlon to be suspended, a nel'l plan c.hec.k (for a nel'l plan shol'llng c.hanges) l'lill be submitted for revlel'l and approval through the normal plan c.hec.k proc.ess. Surfac.e !'later to be drained al'la~ from building for at least 5 feet l'lith a min, grade of 2% of the overall lot drainage slope must be maintained at 1% min, from rear to front l'lith a min. slope of 1/2%. Slope all finish grades al'lay from struc.ture for a positive drainage @ 2% for a min. of 5'-0" tol'lard approved drainage facflitles. Provide a 0.5 perc.ent min. slope for the entire site. Finish floor to be a min. of 6" above c.rol'ln of street or per bufldlng dept. requirements. ____________ (V'lhere applic.able). ___ _ v-later/sel'ler c.onnec.tlons shall be Installed to c.lty stds. v-later meter to be installed l'llbox and phone c.onduit per c.lty stds. Any !'lark to be performed l'llthin the c.ity right-of-l'lay l'lill require an enc.roac.hment permit. The !'lark fa be done l'lithln the right-of-l'lay must be c.ompleted prior to rec.elvlng an occupancy permit. Any existing imfrovements that are damaged by the worl<., delivery o materials or other means, must l5e repaired prior to oc.c.upanc.y. Y'lell loc.atlon to be a min. of 150' from septic. system. Provide an all weather driveway per c.ounty sta. (min. 10' wide) This bulldlng design meets the deslg~ requi~ments set fourth in sec.tlon 1403(e,) Title 24, e,e,1/J_ L/ TERRY ARMENTROUT -----+:q-.---------------- Note, After Installing lnsvlatlon, the lnsulatlon Installer shall post In a conspicuous locatlon In the building a cert!Flcate signed b,I the Installer and the builder stating that the Installation conforms with the requirements of Title 24, Part 2, Chapter 2 53, and that materlals Installed conform with the requirements of Title 24, Chapter 2, Svlxhapter 4, Artlcl<% B. The certificate shall state the manufacturer's name and materlals Installed "R" value, and (In appllcatlons of loose flll lnsulatlon), the minimum Installed weight per square foot consistent with the manufacturer's labeled density for tne desired ''R" value. Section 140B(d) ntle 24, CCR. Note, Builder shall provide the original occupant with a list of the heating, cooling, water heating and lighting S!j!ltems and conservation or solar devices Installed In the bulldlng and Instructions on how to use them efflclently. Sec. 140B(e) Title 24, CCR. Note, Any vertical cut or fill differential In excess of 12" between adjacent properties shall be supported b,I an approved retaining wall. Hood retaining walls shall not be used to _retain more than 24" of soll. The grade dlfferentlal · between acljacent properties may be relieved by a slope not to exceed two horizontal to one vertlGal on the row property If approved b,I the owner of said low property In a form of a recorded easement or covenant running with the land as approved b,I the City Attorney. MM0~-1.02 ' Note, All bulldlng water supply systems In which quick-acting valves are Installed shall be provided with devices to absorb high pressures resulting from the quick closing of these valves. These pressure-absorbing devices shall be either air chambers or approved mechanlGGII devices. water pressure shoc;k arrestors ,;hall be Installed as close as posslble to quick-acting valves at the end of long pipe or near batteries of fixtures or both. CPG 6QGf.lO Note, Provide construction site address, 'approved numbers or address signs shal I be provided for at construc;tlon sites. They shall be painted on the face of the curb on the front side of the lot prior to the first Inspection. Curb numbers shall be a minimum of three lnGhes (B") In height and have contrasting or reflecting background and permanently painted on the curb face. Temporary street names shall be painted on the curbs of all streets at the street Intersections. In the event that no curb exists, temporary construction site address signs and temporary street name signs shall be posted at a height of between 4b" and 12". Such fomporary signs shall be weather resistant on approved material. All numbers and name signs shall be maintained to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal and Bulldlng Offlclal.' After windows are Installed, address numbers shall be placed on a window facing the street and shall remain legible until permanent address sign Is lnstafled. Note, Lot shall be drained from rear to front to an approved drainage system. Installation of obstructions, I.e., block fences, wood fences, rocks, landscaplnq, mound, etc., can not block flow. Flnal grading of lot must take place prior to request For flnal Inspection. NOTE, RETAININIS HALLS THAT ARE 2' IN HEIISHT MEASURED FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOTINISS, POSTS, KEYS OR STRUC11JRE TO THE TOP OF THE WALL AND THAT RETAINS 12" OR MORE OF SOIL, REGIUIRES PERMITS AND IN5PEGTIONS. SUBMIT ENISINEERED DESIISN. --------------- .. ----··-·-----· ···-··-------------·----------··-------·~--"· --·--·-,_ -·----- SITE PLAN FOR COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT GARFIELD ST.-Sl1~GLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 3217 G,~RFIELD STREET LEGAL DESCRIPTION TRACT NO. 201 OF THUM LANDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF NO. 1681, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON DECEMBER 9, 1915. EXISTINcS RETAININcS Y'IALL W 1111000 FENCE OVER .. -- + EX. 10'-0" HlcSH C.MU IIIIALL.---... + 1'-0" \ PATIO PROPOSED RESIDENC.E EJ 0 I\ 0,0, •~ :: /1\ ~~~ II ILi \ u. I () II) ~ fat 1 11 1 _ b~~ I ai~ '.~~~ I%&\ I :~It:~ I l!llf ~ ~ ::=:::ic = ~•=:ll!l=i=~ ENTRY I I ROUND C.OL. + + B ~ 11'1 N NEIii! RETAININcS Y'IALL W EX. HOOD FENCE OVER. / SITE DRAINAcSE '-0 -1--ROOF DECK AREA (25%) OF ROOF I I 9 I = I () I I 9 ! 2 N U: 2, -I-'£\ 1 II) 2'-:3"' + + UJI <I + 1 + -+-__..,_ ............ 5':.~._, ____ ., _111J_ ---_ :,71 _J j40.00' () 1 ..---:t---EXISTINcS SIDEY'IALK ---r-1-------¼----------~ 9 =========I=================~ () PROPOSED APPROACH -' PER C.ITY 5TD. 11'1 N GARFIELD ST. EXl5TINcS C.URB $ cSUTTER -----EDcSE OF PAVEMENT _, ________________________ _ NOTE, EXl:;>TING BUILDINcS TO BE REMOVED EXJ:;,TINcS IIIIATER $ SEIIIIER LATl::RAL TO 5ERV NEIii! BUILDINIS. Site Data APN, 204-125-002 SITE ADD.: 5211 ISARFIEI.D ST. ---------···--··--·--··. ENGINEERING BY, RAFAEL D. DIVINA -P.E. (No. C.0:10011) 515 HOJ.,llARD RD., MADERA , CA. <!B6Bi PH. (55<!) 614-65<!8 OC,C,UPANC,'( : R-S (D~LLIN6) U-1 (6ARA6E) TYPE Of CiON5TRUCiTION : V-N GENERAL NOTES: EXISTING LAND USE: SINGLE RESIDENCE RH PROPOSED LAND USE: SINGLE RESIDENCE RH EXISTING ZONING: R-3 & BOAZ WATER, SEWERS, STREET, FIRE PROTECTION: CITY OF CARLSBAD GRADING SUMMARY: CUT FILL IMPORT LAND USE SUMMARY: 0 90 CU. YDS. 90 CU. YDS. SITE ACREAGE: 3520 SQ. FT. PERCENT LANDSCAPE: % 25 BUILDING COVERAGE: FIRST FLR.: 1109 SQ. FT. CARPORT: 148 SQ. FT. PATIO: 294 SQ. FT. TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE: 1551 SQ. FT. PARKING: UNDEVELOPED AREA: 0 DENSITY: 12.3 du/ ac ( BUILDING AREAS NOTE: (44%) 2 LIVIN6 AREA, -24,qq CARPORT AREA, 1q3 S.F. S.F. S.F. S.f. S.F. THIS PROJEC.T SHALL COMPLY 11111TH THE 2001 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDINcS CODE (TITLE 24) PORCH AREA, II PATIO AREA: 2Cf4 IIIIHICH ADOPTS THE lc:fc:fi USC,, 2000 UMC., ::2000 UPC AND THE IC!c:fc:f NEC.. DECK AREA, 13q GRADING NOTES I. ALL cSRADINIS 5HALL COMPLY Y'IITH APPENDIX C.HAPTER :3:3 OF THE l"!"!e C.BC.. 2. PROVIDE A C.OMPAC.TION REPORT AS REQUIRED BY THE C.ITY $ PREPARED BY AN APPROVED TE5TINIS A<SENC.Y. :3. DURINIS C.ONSTRUC.TION OPERATIONS THE C.ONTRACTORS SHALL UTILIZE APPROPRIATE METHODS TO CONTROL DUST. 4. NO DRAINAISE TO BE DIRECTED TO ADJAC.ENT PROPERTY, PROVIDE A MIN. 2% SLOPE AIIIIAY FROM THE 6UILDINe. 5. EARTHY'IORKS SHALL BE IN AC.C.ORDANCE 11111TH THE 50IL INVESTlcSATION REPORT DATED JULY 2b, 2004, BY HU ASSOC.. INC.., l1"155 RIVERA RD., 5ANTE FE, CA. "IOt>i0-220"1, 552-b"lb-b0b2. CITY OF CARLSBAD Plannmg Commission ········0..l{_l"/£~.5.l'l:.t"ET.: ..... Case No. Cif oJ-3 (p ----------------------------- Exhibit No, A ,4-C ~,. .. _.,.,....,______ ~·.;;;;.,=---~-- Sheet Index : 1 SITE PLAN 2 FLOOR PLAN 3 SHEARWALL PLAN 4 FOUNDATION 5 ELEVATIONS 6 ROOF FRAMING 7 SECTIONS 8 MECHANICAL 9 ELECTRICAL D1 GENERAL NOTES D2 GENERAL NOTES SITE PLAN - ~ i ~ i __ ifi i; ~ :I ;;;I ,~ it t& 1~ ~ It f! I!:! G) I ~ cl:) --~ --~ !a I z <( -~ I-= § lP • 1-t ~ --l:i \S) in :i: JOBSIT'f: DRAWN BY T. ARMENTROUT CHECKED BY OATE 6 /2004 SCALE 1/8"=1' JOB NO. SAMI NASSAR SHm 1 I 1 or '1 SHEETS 281-011 12'-IO" 4'-011 ll'-211 3060 S.H. 3060 S.H. -;_ -------,- I I ' I I 9 I @) I 2/0 I I d:) I BED-.2 I 9 BED-1 I N I I 41-211 41-1011 I @ -------L ;. I <i:i 9 46 "Sj" @ ' ;. BA-1 -' 71 st) 2/4 • Cl 2/0 :, ro a BED-3 :r N @ ~ st) J 2/4 ~ @§ 9 t{) 2/0 N N ~ I Q __ Q @ ).--0 lL / z --( • = \J) 1i 8 9 9 ~ I I st) -0 I I I0'-6" 23 3'-10" 21_411 11'-4" • 9 i = ~ N = J -0 • Cl i ' = I ~ j> ' I Cl I N ____ .J FAMIL. Y ROOM 61-011 31_011 @ = DININ6 j> d:) = -0 _, "Sj" © 5068 A1RIUM DR. BO .@_ ------· -------' ', . SPIRAL STAIRWAY TO ROOF \ j> \eAJ..GONY N . j> -0 = .9 "Sj" FLOOR PLAN NOTES : Job card req'd to be available for signature at Job site. Contractor to provide the bld'g division a completed CEC form CF-6R prior to the request for a final Inspection, It ls understood that no final Inspection wlll be made until this form Is submitted All windows Including french 4 atrium doors to be dual pane FIN6ER JOINTED STUDS MUST BE 6RADE STAMPED BY AN APPROVED ICBO INSPECTION A6ENCY. 11-IE ATTIC. AC,C,ESS SHALL BE WEA11-IERSTRIPPED AND INSULATED EQUIVALENT TO THAT OF 11-IE CL'6. AND SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE ACCESS PANEL. I I Dl:GI<. I / ' / ... ____ .... 55 \_ ALL WINDOWS @ BUILDIN6 FRONT TO BE RECESSED 2" Frrestopplng shall be 2x solid i,;ood, to cut off oil concealed draft openings, both vertical and horizontal, and shall form an effective barrier beti,;een stories and between top story and roof space. In exterior or Interior stud i,;alls, cellfngs, floor levels, and In all furred spaces the maximum dimension shall not exceed (10) feet. Note, Showers and tub-shower combinations shall be provided with Individual c.ontrol valves of the pressure balanc.e or the thermostatic mixing valve type, having a max. mixed water setting of 120 degrees. GPC 420 = j> • ::r Cl - J N a :t; T N \J) Cl 2 = Cl T a = Cl :r I!) iii = -0 ~ -' -0 = -0 J = -0 j> -0 9 iii • 5' If> Cl I!) ~ N -0 = J -0 ui Cl ~ -0 = N ' ~ ~ t{) = 5' N J d:) SECOND FLOOR 9'-0" CEILING HT. 2x4 EXT. HALLS 1384 SQ. FT. ~ ;. a -' ' N f;j • 9 t{) 9 Cl = Cl I ~ • 9 Cl () ' st 28'-011 2:2 1-ou 6'-QLI 11•-qn 10'-3" '-611 4'-6" ~ • 151-211 12'-IO" ~ PA'nO 2/8 FR. DR. 0 BED-4 BED-S <::fl-4" 21-411 31_6 11 B'-611 T-011 @ @ ~ • Cl j> 2 6/0 Bl-FOLD 4/0 Bl-FOLD N 2/6 2/6 , 1/8 Bl-FOLD --------------------- 71 @ 2/4 BA-3 19 @© • 21 @ ui ~ Y'£TBAR (ALL WINDOHS @ BUILDIN6 FRONT TO BE RECESSED 2" L.IVIN6 ROOM 5040 SL. @ 31-B" 6 1-011 1•-411 GAAPORT @ UP @) ENTRY @// :, 21-311 8'-"1" 11'-0" 281-011 NOTE: "REINSPECTION FEES MUST BE PAID PRIOR TO RECIEVIN6 A REINSPECTION." NOTE, I I \ "INSPECTION REQUESTS MUST BE PHONE:D IN THE DAY PRIOR IN ADVANCE OF THE DESIRED INSPECTION. JOB SITE MUST BE READY FOR THE REQUESTED INSPECTION AT 8 am IN THE MORNIN6. FAILURE TO BE READY FOR THE REQUESTED INSPECTION v-llLL RESULT IN A REINSPECTION FEE BEING ASSESSED." 6'-011 11'-0" ~ "' If> = j> Cl = Cl ' 11) d::, _, - :t; I.fl j) N J N i • Cl -.i-~@th 9 N -0 • J. I -0 I ~I ~1 = iii = .9 j> "' Cl "Sj" N § ~ ' :0 _j \J) Cl ~ = ' If> 51 "Sj" = J £:l = -0 ' <i:i 0 FLOOR PLAN NOTES ALL MAY NOT APPLY TO THIS PROJEC.T I. Shoi,;er stalls 4 tub en,:;losures must c.onform to the requirements of e,pe, (1024 sq. In). Jlllall surfac.es behind c.er. tile or other finish i,;all 2. materials are to be c.onstruc.ted of materials not adversely affec.ted by water. Sheet roc.k must be requirements of e,pe, (1024 sq. In). approved WR board 4 Installed per C,BC,. 3. Glass wlndoi,;s 4 doors sub Jec.t to human lmpac.t must have safety glazing. 4. All shwr. doors to be a minimum of 22" i,;lde, i,;lth an unobstruc.ted opening for egress. 5. All sliding glass doors, frenc.h doors, bel-alr doors 4 doors out of gara(e to have tempered glass. 6. Provide a mec.hanlc.a ventilating system that must supply 5 c.hanges per hour In bathrooms 4 laundry rooms 4 2 c.hanges per hour In other habitable rooms. 1. Provide heating equip. sufflc.lent to meet reqm'l:s set forth In CBC,. 8. Provide bac.kdraft damper@all hoods vented thru roof. "1. Height to c.ombustlble material above kit. ranges - 30" unprotec.ted, 24" protected 4 horlz. c.lr. per stove mfg. listlngs. 10. Framing lumber shall be at least the min. grade shoi,;n In C,BC, tables. II. Provide bracing for ext. 4 main cross-stud partitions. 12. Min. headroom @ stairway 6'-8" c.lear. 13. 5/8" type 'x' gyp. bd. under stairs. 5/8' type 'x' gyp. bd. @ walls 4 c.elllng and all 14. supporting walls at garage. 15. 5/8" type 'x' gyp. bd. slab to roof line. 16. I 3/8" s. c.. self-c.loslng door-weatherstrip. 11. 22" x 30" attic. access w/30" headroom. 18. 30" x 30" attic ac.c.ess w/48" headroom. 1"1. Refer. 20. D.H. 21. Bar sink. 22. Dbl. sink w/dlsp. 23. Range w/hood 4 fan v.t.r. (horlz. cir. per manuf J. 24. Gook top w/hood t fan v.t.r. (horlz. c.lr. per manuf ). 25. Downdraft cooktop (horlz. cir. per manuf J. 26. Dbl. oven 21. OVen/mlc.ro-combo 28. Pantry 2"1. Bookcase 30. Jlllasher 31. Dryer (vent to outside) 32. Laundry tray 33. Linen 34. OH. c.ablnets 35. Folding Iron board 36. Lower 4 upper cab. 31. Knee spac.e 38. Solid surface (per owner spec). 3"1. Ceramic. tile c.ounter tops. 40. Formic.a c.ounter tops. 41. 5' tub/shl'<r.-12" tlle w/shwr. rod 4 c.urtaln. 42. 12" x Be" shr. w/ tile surface 4 safety gl. dr. 43. 36" x 36" shwr. -12" tile w/safety glass enclosure. 44. 5' tub/shwr. -tile w/safety glass enclosure. 45. 5' oval tub w/12" splash. 46. Seat 41. 40 gal. gas w/h -5/8" type 'x' gyp. bd. Inside total c.ompartment, w/vented door, provide 200 sq. rn. of c.omb. arr w/ 1/2 of vent area w/ln 12" of floor 4 cetll~. 48. 40 gal. gas w/h on 18" platform. (min. efflc.lenc.y of .6 4"1. Furnace location. 50. Pre-fob flr1elace w/temp. glass doors, IC,BO appr. 4 Ins ta lied er manuf. 51. Direct vent gas flreplac.e-lGBO appr.4 Install per manuf. 52. Freestanding stove, ICBO appr. 4 Installed per manuf. 53. Masonry-built fireplace. 54. NC c.ondensor 55. +36" rallfng 56. Ger. tile flooring 51. Lino. flooring 58. Hardwood flooring 5"1. Carpet 60. Coffered celling 61. Rec.essed c.ell Ing 62. Sculptured c.ellfng 63. Brick veneer 64. Skylight, Install per manuf. spec's. -IC.BO appr. unit. 65. 18" x 24" floor acc.ess. 66. First floor wall fine (below). 61. Sec.ond floor wall fine (above). 68. Obswre glass 6"1. Arched ofienlng 10. Plant she f area. 11. Shelf and pole. 12. Double shelf and pole. 13. 5 fixed shelves. 14. Broom c.loset w/(1) shelf. 15. Vegr sink 16. 10" Round column(s) around post. 11. 4 x 4 post w/ ABE44 4 EPG. 18. 4 x 6 post w/ ABE46 4 EPG. 1"1. 6 x 6 post w/ ABE66 4 EPC,. 80. 5 x 5 -5/16" struc;tural tubing. 81. 4 x 4 -1/4" struc.tural tubing. BUILDING AREAS LIVING AREA, 24£1C! CARPORT AREA, IC!3 PORCH AREA, II PATIO AREA, 2C!4 DECK AREA, 139 S.F. S.F. S.F. S.F. S.F. FIRST FLOOR CITY OF CARLSBAD 11'-6" CEILING HT. 2x6 EXT. HALLS 1115 SQ. FT. C \S's.\On p\ann\ng omlll - -----------------·------------ case No. --------- FLOOR J06SITE: DRAWN BY T. ARMENTROUT CHECKED BY DATE 6 / 2004 SCALE 1/4"=1' JOB NO. SAMI NASSAR SHEET 2 or "1 SHEETS ------, ------------ .. ---·---·-r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --------------------~ • ---------------. ·····--· --.-,=-a:.-::.a--::..:-a::-... --::.a-::..::-a::-aa-.. --::.a-::..::-a::-a:.-=1.----0 ' .. ---------··· .. ····-·····-······i--------- & --c._~--=-0_! __ =---;-__,-~0 £@Ji I I I I I I I I I --------• I I I I --+--.-------------------------------·------- • I I I I I 0 l .,..,..---. SHEARWALL LEN6TH IN FEET l / r SHEARHALL TYPE -5EE SGHEDULE i0& I I I I I ------------------ ' 2 ------------------------ 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 :@]& I I -i,----: 0 2 I I I -----------------------------------I I I I &-0-9 4J;;;;:; __ ;:; __ ;;t_ ;;; __ ;;; __ ;:;;_@J;:;;;_:;;; __ :;;; __ ;;; __ ~ ___ ;:;_~----____.jf;:;_;; __ ;; __ ~ __ ;:; __ ;;;_0;;;~_;:; __ l;;;;;;;:;;;;!.-l---G) & F'LCIOR SHEA 0! I I I I I I I • I I I I I m: I I I I I I ·········· !--------- 0 • • • • 5 x 5 -5/16" strvc.tvral tubing. ® 8 IC STUD SJLL PLAT£ F'UIDR SHEATHING SDPSDN •cs, .. STRAP ,,,,, u• MJN. LAP • P£RJM£T£R. SJMPSDN 'CMST14• STIIIAP 'W / U • MJN. LAP • JNTEIUDR, TD BE BENT 'U' Alll0UND BM. lo NAIL TD POST 'W/ e RQ'WS 10d NAILS • 1 3/4' STAGGERED 41' IEYCIND F'LR. LEVEL. ex STUD d ci I • I I I I TYP.@ EAGH PANEL END. & & /,-----' d I I I I :m& I I I I I ---1--·--CD -----------····-.... ;:::::;:~L-·---...C=J8!;::;::=::::;:= I!---\ :ill& I I I I I I I .• © @ ' 0 STUD SILL PLATE SECOND FLO~ BEAM CSE£ PLAN> SJMPSDN •csta• STRAP ,,,,, u• MJN. LAP • PERIMETER. SJMPSDN 'CMST14' STRAP 'W/ u• MIN, LAP • JNTERJDR, TD BE IENT 'U' MOUND BM. lo NAIL TCI POST 'W/ e RCl'WS lOCII NAILS • 1 3/4• STAGGERED 41' BEYCIND F'LR. LEVEL, 5 x 5 -5/16" struGtvral tubing. j ® s4--~---t--@ 4 x 4 -1/4" strvdvral tubing. ! © ----------- SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE knchot Bol· T)I>• C-apoclty Anchor !spacing w/ SIii Plate v Oeacrlptlon (#/ft) Bott mze ,. sm Nolllng Plate 1/2"' GWD w/ 5d cooler naDs ot 7~ o.c edges ond field 50 5/1•· .... l8d012'"o.c. 2 5/8 GWD w/ 6d 1::Q/lfer nallr. at r o.c. lldgH ond fleld 58 s11,· .... 16d012•o . .o. 3 1/2 .. GM) w/ 5d cooler nab ot -4• o.e ed90.1 and fleld 03 5/1' .... 16d012"'o.c, 4 5ru OVrt> w/ 6d cooler nal!s at 4-o.c odg!,a ond field 73 5/!l .. .... 16d012"'o.e. 5 1/2 Cv.t> blocked W/ 5d cooler nciU11 at 4• o,c <ld--a and field 75 5/fl"' 48" 16d012•o.c. • s;s· GWD blocked w; 6d cooler nails al 4 o.c 88 s;u• ••• 16dot2•0.c . ed,....e on<I fletd (2) layer& 5(8 GYitJ b1ccked w/ 6d ccoler MAB 7 at g• o.c. edges and field oi base la}'!!", &I 125 5/11" 48" 18dOl2•o.c, coot«-naR• at 7• o.c. edgu and fiald at faQo la-• 7 I_S ■tueco ewer p~er-back~ loth w, 1690. x 7 /8• at--les cit 6 o.e. throud-ioul 180 5/(1" ... 16dot2•o.e . 9 I~~ CD or CC ptywd W/ 8d at 6" o.e. odgn _., 1?" "' , ... 260 s;u· .... 16dOB•o.c, ,o 3/a• CD or CC ply'wd w/ 8d at 4 ond 12"' field c:t.e, edoes 300 5/U" 32" 16d06"o.e. " 3/8• CD or CC p1fwd w/ Bd at 3• 0.-0. adgff and 12" field · 490 s/u· 25" 16d04·o.c. 3/8" CO o:-CC pl/wd w/ 6d at 2" o.c, •~ea 5/H" J/B"f X5" 109 screw 0 " 640 19" 10" o.e .. or Simpson SOS .. ond 12~ field 1/4-"x6" 0 4 1/2" o.c. 13 5/3:2" CO or CC ply'wd w/ 10d ,at :2" o,c. no 5/U" 15" 3;a•, xs· Jag 5Cf-tff o ledges and 12· fl61d e• o.c .• or Slmpso-n SOS 1/4.x6" 0 4• o.c, 3/'! • X5 lag ltCr-O ,. 9/.32" CO or CC pty'wd w/ IOd at 2" o.c:. !370 5/11" ,.. 7 112• o.e.. Of' Slmpaon ledges and 12• field sos 1/4".0' 0 3 1/2" o.e. ~-CD or CC plyw'd both etdee of etud wall w/ ,;,,· 3/e"'tl xs• l,ag sc~w 0 15 l&f cit 2• o.c. edges <1nd 12"' o.c. field (T)'pe 12 1,280 20" 4" o.c .. or Simpson SOS ~0th sides) 1/4"'x6~ 0 2• o.c. 18 SW18x9x4 S!mpeon Stron9 Woll, Installed ~r 1C80 PFC-"".,85. 9-'EaN-NOJtS· 1) 2x slll plote, may be und. Anchor bolt spacing sholl be one-half f:he-specified dletonee for .Jx aUI platea. Pl:,wood Joint and !IHI plate nanlng shall be sloggered 2) Jx foundation sin plate! and Jx slude at oil from\n~ members Acclvln13 nal!lng from abutting panels. nailing :shall be slaggered. 3) 2x slU platos al 2nd floor and above. 4) Where ah&ar wall t)(;CUt'8 or, hath skies of wall, aHt plate anchora arid top plate anchora shall b11 t~duoed t,.y one-half, DFIC,6,1 NOJES; o) F,amlng members shall be Doo~k,a Fir. b) 'Mlere plywood la oppllod on both faces of wall .and nalllng la 1en ·:hon 6 .. o.c., paMI ):>lnts !Sha!! be offBet lo foll on d!fferenl framhg mMlben., or framing 11holl be 3) or thlckor, nails on eoch side aholl be eto9t,1ered, sm plates shall ~ J,.; members. e) Plywood ):,lnl end 111!! plal11 Mlllng ahall b• 11ta9g11red ln all 0e111e1. d) Plywood panels shall be ln1.lolled vertical. E,) Nalls ahaJ be epaced at 12• o.c. along Intermediate framing memb-,rs. f) Noh sholl be common or Qd¥anlzed box, Galvanlzod nalle ehclt l>e hot-dlpPed or tumbled. g) Anchor bolt, llhall be Installed a mlnlml.l?t of 4 J/B• end o mo,.;lml.lm of u~ from plate ends. A mlnlmarn of two (2) bolts per ph:itc,, Alt anchor bolts shall also havn a 2•:w.2•x3/16• plale woehl!ll", h) All plywood poMI e"9es ahall be blocked. 1) Ptovfde plywo!XI end naRln9 to ail holdown posts. iTop Plah Anchors • Speclal (A35 or AJ!IF Note& ,.. 24• 24' 24" ,.. 24" '-4"' 24• 20· 16" 2, 3 n" 2. 3 •• 2 .,. • •• 2 •• 2 -~-----~--------------------------------.--=:---1 A =~-SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE NAILIN6 PER 5HEARl'WJ. SGHB,ULE -(2)2'X TOP PL. STA66!:R NAILIN6 OPANELED6ES 4'X SnJDS O VERT. J::>INTS (4&' Ot:,J FIELD NAILIN6 0 12' Ot:,. • -5' SOLE Pt.Ale 1ffi SHEAR WALLS WITH 411X STUDS CITY OF CARLSBAD J1!mrning Commission ------. ---. ------------.. ----------- Case No. ______________ _ ~ --------------------------~ ---... --- E I ·1 · N C,. Dale ~ II )It 1 0, -···--·~-----•·-~----•· SHEA~LL PLAN lu UJ ~ 9 w -IL ~ \!) DRAWN BY T.ARMENlROUT CHECKED BY OATE 6 / 2004 SCALE 1/4'=1' JOB NO. SAMINASSAR SHEET 3 •• q SHEm