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CDP 2017-0051; HOLSTEIN RESIDENCE; Planning Commission
RRE RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION NOTES: l EXTERIOR \\1NDOWS, \\1NDOW WALLS, GLAZED DOORS, AND OPENINGS \\1TllN DOORS SHALL BE DUAL -GLAZED UNITS 111111 A M~M OF ONE TEMPERED PANE OR SHALL BE GLASS BLOCK UNTS OR SHALL HAVE A ARE-RrnSTANCE RATING OF NOT LESS lliAN 20 MIJITES GLAZING FRAMES MADE OF vmL SHALL HAVE WELDED CORl'ERS AND MET AL RBNFORCEMENT IN llt INTERLOCK AREA IMILGUARDI 2 EAVE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PROTECTED ON THE EXPOSED Uf!JER@DE BY MATERALS APPROVED FOR A MNIMJM OF I HOUR CONSTRUCTION OR 2 INCH LUMlER OR I INCH FIRHET ARDANT-TIREATED LUMBER OR J/4 INCH ARE-RETARDANT-TREATED PLOYWOOD, FASOAS SHALL BE PROTECTED ON llt BACKSIDE BY MATERIALS APPROVED FOR A MNMUM OF ONE HOLR CONSTRUCTION OR 2 INCH LUMlER EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL BE APPROVED NONCOMlllSTIBLE OR IGNTION-RESISTANT MATERAL, CONSTRUCTION WITH MATERIALS APPROVED FOR I HOUR CONSTRUCTION, OR HEAVY TIMlER OR LOG CONSTRUCTION, AND SHALL EXTOO FROM llt FOUNDATION TO 1l1E ROOF SHEATHING, STRUCTURAL SLl'PORTS AND FRAMNG MEMBERS SHALL BE OF NON-COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION EXTERIOR RRHET ARDANT-TREA TED WOOD, MODIFYED HEAVY llMBER OR ONE-tDLR RRE REilSTIVE CONSTRUCTION. & PAPER FACED INSULATION IS NOT PERMITTED IN ATTICS OR 011-fll VENTILATED SPACES 4. NO ATTIC VENTILATION SHALL BE PERMTTED IN SOFRTS, RAKES, OR EAVE OVERHANGS 5, IN ROOF COVERINGS WHERE 1l1E PROFILE ALLOWS A SPACE BETWEEN THE ROOF COVERNG AND ROOF DEO<ING, 11-lE SPACE AT lliE EAVE ENDS, THE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO PREVENT THE INTRUSION OF FLAM'S AND EMBERS, BE FIRHTOl'PED 111TH APPROVED MA TIERALS IEG, NON-COMlUSllBLE BIRDSTOP FOR CURVED llLEI, OR HAVE ONE LAYER OF 72 POUND MINERAL-SURFACED NON- PERFORA TED CAP SHEET COM'L YING WITH ASllM 00909 INSTALLED OVER THE COMBUSTIBLE DEC~NG, o WHEN REQUIRED BY CHAPllER 7 A ROOF /\ND A me VENTS SHALL RESIST 11-lE INTRUSION OF FLAM' AND EM\ERS INTO THE ATTIC AREA OF 11-lE STRUCllJRE OR SHALL BE PROTECTED BY CORROSION RESISTANT NON-COMBIISllBLE \\1RE MESH WITH OPENNGS OF V8'': ITS EQUIVALENT, IUSE OHAGEN ERi 7. EXTEROR DOORS SHALL BE APPROVED NON-COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION, SOLID-CORE WOOD NOT LESS THAN I J/8" THICK, OR HAVE A FIRE PROTECTION RATING OF NOT LESS THAN 20 MINUTES 8, PRO.ECTIONS SUCH AS DECKS, CARPORTS, BALCONES, PATIO COVERS, ECl SHALL BE OF NON-COMBLG]BLE, RRE-RETARDENT TREATED WOOD HEAVY llMlER 16X8 OR GREATER! CONSTR\ICTION OR ONE-tKJUR FIRHESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION FRX ARE RETARDENT TREATED WOOD, ICC-ES< ESR-159. 9. EXPOSED VALLEY RLASHNG SHALL BE AT LEAIT NO. 26-GAUGE CORROSION-RE9STANT MET AL INSTALLED OVER A MNIMIM 36" \\1DE UNDERLAYMENT CONSISTING OF ONE LA YER OF NO. 72 ASllM [AP SHEET R~ING THE FULL LENGTH OF THE VALLEY. 10. ROOF GUTllERS SHALL BE PRO~DED WITH TI-f MEANS TO PREVENT THE ACCUM.ILAllON OF LEAVES AND DEB~S. TI. ANY PORTION Of FENCE OR OTHER STRUCTURt/ WITrlN 5'-0" OF THE BULDING SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF NON-COMBUSTIBi'E MATERAL OR APPROVED EXTE!lOR FIRE-RETARDANT WOOD OR MATER! THAT MEETS TI-f SAME RRE-RESISTIVE STANDARDS AS THE WALLS Of THE LDING, 12 SKYLIGHTS SHALL BE IB,!'EREO GLASS. 13 ROOF COVERING SHALL COWLY WITH !1'£1lON 15.04050 OF THE POWAY MINCIPAL CODE, AND THE CITY OF POWAY O~NANCE NO. 64 AND ITS AMENDED ORDINANCE NO 525 AND SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN A QASS ''A" ROOF ASSBvlBL Y. ' 14, ALL EXTEROR ATTACHED OVERHEAD covliRs FOUR-FEET OR GREATER IN DEPTH, SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AN APPROVED ij"TEROR FIRE SP@NKLER HEAD ITEFLON OR WJ,X COATED!, 15. THE EXISTING FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IN Tflli RESIDENCE WILL NEED TO BE EXP ANDED INTO lliE NEW CONSTRUCllON !UNDER THE PATIO COVERS! IF THE ADDITION OF THE FIRE SP@N<LER SYSTEM REQURES I/ORE THR!N @X 161 SP@N<LER HEADS, A SEP ERA llE PLAN SUBMTTAL AND APPROVAL TO THE f(OWAY RRE DEPT,, DIVl@ON OF FIRE PREVENTION PREPARED BY A LICENSED SP~N~ER CONTl:ACTOR OR RRE PROTECTION ENGlr-EER WILL BE REOURED, TIERE IS A SEP ERA TE REE FOR THIS PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION SERVICES. 16, THIS PARCEL IS LOCATED WITHIN THE VERY;HIGH RRE HAZARD AREA OF THE CITY AND IS NEW CONSTRUCTION; THEREFORE, CI\LIFORNIA BUILDING CODE CHAPTER 7 A AND POWAY Mlt-lCIPAL CODE 15,05 WILL APPL 1 17, IGt-lTION-RE&ST ANT CONSTRUCTION, CLASS 1, IS REQUIRED. IMA TCflNG E~STING SllJCCO MEETS THIS REQURBvlENTI IB. EXTERIOR WALL FINISHED MATERIAL SHALL BE NOl\\':OMBUSTIBLE AND COMPLY WITH THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE IEG, STUCCO,,MASONRY, CEf/ENT FIBER BOARD, HEAVY-TIMBER, ETC.I IN ADDIITON, ALL EXTERIOR WALLS A!E REQUIRED TO BE PROTECTED WITH TWO-INCH NOMINAL SOLID BLOCKING BETWEEN THE !AFTERS AT ALL ROOF OVERHANGS. WOOO SHINGLE AND SHAKE WALL COVERINGS SHALL BE PROHIBITED. ' APPOOAGES AND PROJECTIONS ATTACl§i TO A STRUCTURE SUCH AS EXTERIOR BALCONES, CARPORTS, DECKS, AND PATIO COVERS SHi'LL BE CONSTRUCTED TO MAINTAIN THE FIRE-RESISTIVE INTEGRITY OF THE EXTEROR :WALL& SUCH APPENDAGES AND PROJECTIONS SHALL MEET THE REQUREMENTS FOR ALL ilETBACK AND FUEL MODIFICATION ZONES. ,·,, NOllE TYPE IV HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCllQN NOMINAL SIZES MINMUMS: 4XB JOISTS, 4XD OR 6XB BEAM>, JX LEDGERS, 6X6 COLUMNS/POSTS, Notes INSPECTOR WILL RECHECK FOR EXPANSIVE SOILS AND/OR GRADING REQUIREMENTS AT THE FIRST FOUNDATION INSPECTION. THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE COUl'ITY OF SAN DIEGO LIGHTING ORDINANCE. DISTURBED AREA = 534 sq. ft. 534 sq. ft. / 9,945 sq, ft. = 0.05 TOTAL AREA DISTURBED = 5% of total SITE AREA ALL LAND DISTURBANCE SHALL BE WITHIN THE FOOTPRINT OF THE PROPOSED ADOffiON. STREEf NUMBERS: APPROVED NUMBERS AND/OR ADDRESSES SHALL BE PLACED ON ALL NEW AND EXISTING BUILDINGS AND AT APPROPRIATE ADDffiONAL LOCATIONS, SO />S TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROADWAY FROi'ITING THE PROPERTY WHEN APPROACHING FROM EITHER DIRECTIO. THE NUMBERS SHALL COITTRAST WITH THE BACKGROUND ANO SHALL MEEf niE FOLLOWING MINIMUM SIZE STANDARDS: 4" HIGH WITH A 3/8" STROKE FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, 6" HIGH WITH A 1/2" STROKE FOR COMMERCIAL ANO MULTI-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS AND 12" HIGH WITH A 1" STROKE FOR INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. NO PARKING IS PERMITTED ON FIRE ACCESS ROAD AND TURN-OUT. NOTE: NO LANDSCAPE IS PROPOSED ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE LIGHT HATCH INDICATES PROPOSED ADDITION ~------~-------- DIAGONAL HATCH INDICATES EXISTING STRUCTURE \ \ \\ \\ \ I \ \ \ \ I \ \\ \ \ \ \ - \\~ \ - \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ I . I I \ \ --~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E \S. l(E'/STONE ',J,1/>U. (- \ I I I \ \ I I i Ill w ..-0\\ \ I \ ?? \\~ " \ (E) .. PARKING .:.i \;c_ I. g(-<!> (- b~~-:r-\ \ \ I ~\\~ \ \ d \\i ~ ,\ 'in\ I \\9.. \ \ 31> \ \ \ '~ \ \\ ;o J7 \ (E) \DRIVEWAY I ~ \'f1-I I\~ z. I"'-~ •, -s I \\~3 ,'¾ L. \ ii ", 11:(-z.~~J121:--_J\1226'6·~-~ .. ='~rt~ .... _ ·--CY \ \ I -,,;--® 'r~ 'dl1r --------- ,\ IL-''!@----3 \·1 ,_ -Q' \ _§).§~\-:=---\ u.._\ -- I --~ ~ -8 \ L---,,--;")i'"°""' n-I ____ w---1\---lt\ (E) WATE _! _,,_-,[-I '\3.43 \ r I I ~ \ METER _ _ __ N.,---;::S;--;,l 0""5 5' 2 2,, s\ I \11~ --I I 11 • - \ • I , • - I 6- \ \ '-0" 1 O' UTILl1Y EASEMENT PLOT PLAN l" 10'-0" - CDP 2017-00 51 <' Y *0J'V ffi<J;S?t0, " J:\,,_/0,)); 1'.ii'., 0 ~';;;,';;;,i·"""di'."1-'.1\Y\::s;.,;:;,-'\u,-!.\:';xs,tx>,;;;t.h. ,-,-tl'n1'i.t.1,<01. ;\ .\\.t::;;ttl " t Mt{. 441.ii t. 'l "' - __ \ ruv.,m· \ I I I \ ELEV.=11 O' \ \ \ I I I I I • -- \ I I \ \ I t~ I t.O CJ) I ~ --I t.O N I -0 -s-- 0 '1 I r-- I \ I -z_ I I I \ I \ I I I d ~' EARTHWORK VOLUMES: CUT _____ _ FILL _____ _ IMPORT ___ _ EXPORT REMEDIAL ___ _ 0 CU. YD. 0 CU. YD. 0 CU, YD. 0 CU. YD. 93,83 CU. YD. NORTH OWNER. ADDRESS: PHOf\E: wner In ormat1on JON AN) .ESICA HOLSTBN 4244 PARK DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 1858) 204-6847 REPRESENTATIVE: DEREK BERG -MADESIGN & DRAFTING SERVICES 14168 POWAY RD, STE 104, POWAY, CA, 92064 17 60l 390--0007 EXT, 2 DEREK@MADESIG!IING,COM Develo ment Summa PROJECT ADDRESS: 4244 PARK DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 AP.N.: 207--211-0200 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 97 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO, 72-18 INT N0.2, IN TI-E QTY OF CARSUlAD, COlNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CAI..IFORIIA. ACCORDING TO MAP TI-EREOF NO. 7973, Fll.8) IN TI-E OFRCE OF TI-E COlNTY RECOIOER OF SAN DIEGO COlNfY, .I.IE 27, 197 4. GENERAL PLAN LAN) USE DESIGNA TlON R-4, RESIDENTIAL 0-4 du/ ac, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VN-il NON-SPRINKLER OCCUPANCY: R-3 ZONING: R-, ONE--FAMLY RESIDOOIAL GROSS SITE Af/EA 9,945 sq ft NET SITE AflEA 9,945 sq, ft EXISTING/PROPOSED USE: S.F.D, YEAR CONSTRUCTED. 197 4 BLDG, COVERAGE IEXIST.i. 15% BLDG, COVERAGE IPROPOSEDi 20% E,4,lh9 Sl,.,ie Fa,ly Dwel,9 PropasedAdclr<,n New Told I-two Proposed Remodel E,4,lh9~ \004 sq ft, 534 sq ft. L!>la sq ft. 430 sq ft, 482sq ft, Sheet Index Sheet Description T-1 Plot Plan T-1. 1 BMP Plot Plan GN-1 General Notes AB-1 As-Built Plans A-1 Proposed Floor Plan A-2 Elevations A-3 Sections E-1 Electrical Plans S-1 Foundation Plan S-2 Roof Framing Plan D-1 Structural Details T-24 Title 24 Ener Calculations Code References TI-E PRO.ECT SHALL COM'L Y WITH THE FOLLOWING BllLDING CODES AN) ASSOCIA TB) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO AtvtvENDtvENTS: 2016 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE !CRCl AND/OR 2016 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARD 2016 CALIFORNIA aECATRICAL CODE ICECl Case Name: 2016 CALIFORNIA IVECHANICAL CODE {CMCl Case No• -t:Pf't' '-<..,!;""-"~:......:~:.....- 2016 CALIFORNIA PLU1v1BING CODE !CPCI 2016 CALIFORNIA RRE CODE !CFCl ? 1,,1 ? I-' Exhibit No.: If: -Z, 2016 CALIFORNIA BUILDING 8'ERGY EFFIOBIICY ST AN::>ARDS ICBEESl Vicinit NORTH HILLSIDE DRIVE Q.) u 0 Q.) ~ 00 " 0 . ~ 11,) 0 00 > N ..... H °' Q.) q --< ~ ~ u a " p,,, "O 0 ~ "tj" ~ "tj" VJ -~ N ~ Q.) "tj" a .....,_;i u 00 ~ 0 ~ 09/27/17 l"=l0'-0" Sheet: T-1 ,f;I ~ I i ' I ~ I I ~ ~ ' i r ., fl Ii ~ I ~ V TI t ,. ~ u 11 11 t ' ~ t t .. ~ I 7 : : ~ I ~ 4 ~ ;; }0 "' r;s :El ,z: "I I 11 :· ;v;I 1e1 ·-·1 1: fl : ,11 'il 1,, !Ii :i ~j ii ~1 kll I: -1 ) 451 y! :il f 0 I~! ~ Vt !;l_ ., rt ~ :& l rt: -;;] t1 .. lil '-:t: .. <: Fi // ~_:;i-1 :"' 1: \)! ',;: '"I ,;;'. ~I i:I +1 111 :{] f, ,j; ~I ·''I ;~ ::;:t ,,~ N 8, -N z 0 ~ >--->--- C/J ~ [ I • RESERVING COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT: THESE PLANS AND DRAWINGS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, COPIED OR CHANGED IN ANYWAY WHATSOEVER, NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN CONSENT OF MA.DESIGN & DRAFTING SERVICES. ~ : rn II 0 :s:: I, qu ' u ' 0 --l u ' )> z g 6 ' ' ' 10l .. I ' -.--- 1aa .. n,S i-0 au\\..l::_u~ ___, _......... ~~tid_)\l~cl • --~ --~~ ------,en .. -- I _-- ) --------- ---------------- ~ -~ ,, 1:. p:fa~" ~ -c"' 75.00 \ ~ ----------.........---\ \ ' -::::----Is ,\, ~, -~ ;:..-------~ ~------\ I _. 0 .. C -I r =< ,,, p (.I) ,,, :s;:: ,,, z -I ----- I I 20' s\£.1BAC~ ___ --\ ____ \-... • . . .. I I ~ __,. ·1 (Jl (JlJ ~ I I \ . . I \ I \ I \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I I \ I I I I -. ~ ----. ---- --:....-------.---.--~-_c--~------_;,.e------· ~ - .-- ~ .-> 10. I \~ I .-1 I (J) lb I 'f- l I I I ~ v-!-1 I I I I ___. I ~~~~ \ I OJ \ Ul1 r:\, (J) \ hi 7'1 ----------- 20' SE1BACI< I I I I I --7·, o' 25" 'N -95.83' --\ --N I \ I \ \ \ I I I I ~ \ \ I I \ \ I I \ -- \~. ,o ,....> \ J ,....> \-;:, I I I I I \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ ,....> f -~ k"J \ \ \ -- \ \ \ \ \ Holstein Residence BMP Plot Plan Ian Paje 4244 Park Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 ~ ~ ~ ~ a: ;c C) "' ,, ,, z 0 c:o IT1 a: z zo "' U) 0 ii1 ;;; IT1 s "' :::i~ 0 IT1 ill C l;: ;.I U) a: ,, z CJ)> )> IT1 )> "' "' c! ;!; U) IT1 s z :c )> g "' )> CJ U) !2 U) r od U) ig~ ,, s; )> !::I "' IT1 "" ~~ !!l )> ~ U) U) )> ~ )> "' V) r"' Q )> [ii U) .., )> "' z ~ CJ iii "' ~ "' "' z ,! > F =I 0 z "' C z I ~ ~ ~ "',, "',, ~~ c:o zo iii ii1 I jij l>c, Oc, f-1 "'-I "';c ;o0 c> cc za z~ I_ 0o 0)> 31 '.ii Zr • U) )> a: ,, U) z,. id ;~ 0;o :::i [3 z- CJ~ )>-CJ U) zZ 00 tna ,, "' ;.C !ll )> zcl V)"' oo )> IT1 00 r,. -"' !fl :e "' IT1 IT1 0 )> "' "' U) U)"' .., )> "' r)> 0 "' a: "' )> U) "' ~ ;:i z 0 > a: r r ~ m 3: ""ti ' ,, m "' G) IT1 m ill z z =I C 0 z 0 ,, E Q -I CJ vi C) :c s; "' IT1 U) z d ~ IT1 a: U) ... • 1 ss_: i!;t: !l1 a #' fl () 0 -0 t0 0 ~ '--J I l!!.· .. 10 ., 0 ~ A. General D. Foundation and Underfloor (Continued} Applicable codes. A!I projects shat! comply with the 2016 California Building Code (CBCJ and/or E Wood Framing {Contim.JodP E. Wood Framing (Continued) I. (CALGreen) Requirements (Continued) I. (CALGreen) rtequirements (Continued) Caiifornia Residential Code (CRC}, 2016 Cafiforr.ia Green Building Standards Code (CalGreen), 2013 f. Ca/ifom1a Electrical Code (CEC), 20; 6 Cafffomia Mechanical Code (CMC), 20': 6 California Plumbing Code (CPC), 2016 California Fire Code (Ci="C). 2016 California Building Energy Efficiency Standards g. (CBEES). A. Electrical, Plumbing, andl Mechanical 1. 2. 3. Exterior lighting. Ail projects shail comply with i:ghtlng ordinance GFCI outlets. Ground Fault Circuit !nter~:..:ptzr (GFCI) outle'::s are required in bathrooms, at kitchen countertops, at laundry and wet bar si:1ks, in garages. !n crawispaces, in unfinished basements, ana outdoors. (CEC 210.8) AFC! outlets. E!ectricai circuits in bedrooms, Hving rooms, dining rooms. dens, closets, hallways, or similar rooms must be protected by Arc Fault Circuit interrupters (AFCI). {CEC 2'10.12) 8. 9, 4. Luminaire requirements. installed l[.;minaires shall meet the effk::acy and fixture requirements h. Ends of wood girders entering masonry or ccncrete waHs w'th clearances less t:",an 1i2 inch 29. tops. sides, and er:ds Wood struciural members supporting moisture-permeab\e floors or roofs exposed to weather, such as concrete or masonry slabs, unless separated from such :'ioors or roofs by an impervious moisture barrier Wood furring strips er othe: wood framing memCers attached directly to !nte:;or of exterior concrete er ma.somy walls beiow· g,-ade except where vapor retarder a;:,p!ied between wal! a!3'0_ furrir'.g strips or iraming :nembers Underfloor ventilation:. l1nderfloor areas shall have ventiation openings through foundaticT: wails or exterior walls, with minimum net area of vertiiation openings of 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of underfloor area. On suer, ventnating opening sha!i be within 3 fee~ of each cor;-;er of the bu'lding. (CRC R408.1) Underfloor access. Underfloor areas shal1 De provided with a minimum 18-inch by 24-inch access opening. (CRC R408.4) 31. 5. of CBEES 150.0(k), E. Wood Framing Smoke detectors in building remodels. Smoke detectors ace required in eoch existi:19 sieeping ;oom, outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of sleeping room~,. and on each story of a dwe!l:ng including basements. Battery-operated detectors are acceptab!e in existng areas with no construction taking piace anC in alterations not resulting in removai of interior wall or ceiling finishes and without access via an attic, crawl space, or basemer'.t. (CR~. R3i4.3) 6. 7, 8, 9. Carbon monoxide detectors in buHding remodels. Carbon monoxide dete::.tors are require~. outside each separate sleeping area i,i the immediate vicinity of sleeping rooms ar:d on each story of a dwe!llng including basements. Battery-operated detecto:-s are acceptable in existing areas with no constr-...ictton taking place a~d in alterat:ons not resulting in removai of interior wa1· or ceiling finishes and wrthout access via an attic, crawl space, or basement. (CRC R315.3) Watsr heater .seismic strapping, Min:mur:1 t-tJo 3/4--irch-by-24-gauge straps required around water heaters, with 1i4-inch-by-3-inci1 lag bolts attached directly to framing. Straps shall be at5· points within upper third and lower third of water heater vertical dimension. Lower connection shali occur minimum 4 inches above controls. (CPC 507.2) Gas appliances i:i garages. Water heaters and heati~g/cool1ng equipment capable of igniting flammabie vapors shall. be placed on minimum 18-'nch-high platform unless listing report number provided showing ignition-resistant appfia:ice. (CPC 507.13 and CMG 305.1) Impact protection of appliances. Water heaters and heating/cooling equipment subject to vehicular impact shad be protected by bollards or an equivalent measure. (CPC 507.13.1 ard s. CMC 305.~1) 10. Water closet clearance. Minimum 30-inch-wide by 24-inc!":-deep clearance required at front of 'l1. 12, 13, water doseis. (CPC 402.5) Shower size. Shower compartments shall have minimum area o~ 1024 square inches and be 7. able to encompass a 30-inch-diarneter circle. Shower doors shall have a minimum 22-inch unobstructed width. {CPC 408.5 and CPC 408.6) 8, Fireplace appliances. Fireplaces with gas appliances are required to have the flue damper pernar:ently fixed i, the opefi position and fireplaces with LPG appliances are to have no 'pit' or ·sump' confifurations. {CMC 303.7.1) Chimney clearance. Minimum 2-foot chi:nney clearance required above building within 10-foot horizontally of chimney. The chimney shall extend minimum 3 feet above highest point where chimr.ey passes through reef. (CR.C R1803.9) 9. B. Mechanical Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality {ASHRAE 62.2-20i0) 14. Transfer air. Venti:ation air shall be provided direct!y from the outdoors and not a.s transfer air from adjacent dwelling units or otr'er spaces, such as garages, unconditioned crawlspaces, or u:;conditioned attics. (CBEES 150.0(o)) 10. 15, 16. Instructions and labeling. Ventilaiion system controls shait be labeied and the ho~e owner shall be provided w:th instructions en how to operate the system. (CBEES 150.0(o)) 11. Fastener requirements. The number, size, and spacirig of fasteners connect:ng wood members/elements sha!I not be less than that set forth in CRC Table R602.3(1 )_ (CRC R502.9, CRC R602.3, and CRC R802.2) Stud size, height, and spacing, The size, ,ieight, a~d spacing of studs shail be in accordance wit~ CRC Table R602.3(5). (CRC R602.3.'I) Sill plate. Studs shall ~ave full bearing on noMinal 2-inch thick 01· Jarger sil: plate with width at least equal to stud width. '.CRC ~602.3.4) Bearing studs. Where joists, trusses, or rafters are spaced more than 16 inches on center an~2 the bearing studs below are spaced 24 inches on ce:1ter, such rner.,bers shai: bear within 5 · inches of the swds beneath. (CRC R602.3.3) Drilling and notching of studs. Any stud in an exterior wall or bearing partition may be cut or notched to a depth not exceeding 25% of its width. Studs :n no~bearing partitions may be 33 notched to a depth not to exceed 40% of a single stud width. Any stud rnay be bored or drilled, · provided the diameter of the resuiting hole Is no more than 60% of the stud v.rldth, tile edge of the hole is no more than 5/8 inch to the edge of the stud, and the hole ls not !acated in the same section as a cut er notch. Studs located in exterior wail or beanng partitions dril!ed over 40% 34. and up to 60% shail a!so be doubled with :co more than tvvo successive st.:ds bored. {CRC R602.5) Top plate. Wood stud walls shal! be capped with e double top p!ate installed to provide overlapping at comers and at intersections with other partitions. End Joints in double top plates shal: be offset at least 24 inches. Joints in plates need not occur over studs. Piates sha!i be 35. rilinimum nominal 2 lnches th!ck and have width at least equa! to width of studs. (CRC R602.3.2) Top plate splices. Top plate lap splices shail be face-nal:ed with minimum 8 160 nails o~ each side of splice. (CRC R602.10.8.1) 36. Drming and notching of top p!ate. When piping or ductw·ori< s p1acec 'n '.)f partly ir: an exterior wall or interior load-bearing \/tali, necessi~at:ng cutting, driHing. or notching of \he top plate by more than 50% of its width_ a galvanized me!ai tie not less v,an 0.054--!nch thick and 37. 1-112-i~ches wide shaH be fastened across and to the plate at each sd~ of the opening 1,vith not less than 8 1 Od nails having a minimum length of 1-1/2 inches at each side or equivalent. The metal tie must extend minimum 6 mches past the opening. {CRC R502.6.1) Crlppie walls. Foundaiio~ cripple walls shall be framed of studs not less in size than t':e studding above. Cripple walls more than 4 feet in height shal! have st..;ds sized as required for an additional story. Cripple walls v.itr stud height less thare 14 inches sha!! be sheathed on at ieast one side with a wood structural panel fastened to both the top and bo7.torn p:ates in accordance with Table R502.3(1 ), or the c:!pp!e wans shall be constructed of soi;d biocking. Cripple walis shail be supported o~ continuoLs foundat:ons. (CRC ;=;;so2.9) Wal! bracing. Buildings shaii be braced i~ acccrdance witn the met'lods ailowed per CRC R602.10.2. CRC R602.1D.4, and/or CRC R602.10.5. Braced. wall line spacing. Spacing bet\veen braced wal: ilnes shaii not exceed 20 feet or alternate provisio;-is of CRC R602.10.1.3. 38. 39, Girders. s;rde-rs for sing!e-;,;tory constructicn or girders supporti11g loads from a single floor sh.ffl:. not be Jess than 4 hcr',es b_y 6 inches :'or spans 6 feet or !ess, provided t:-iat girde~s are spaced not more tha~ s feet on cer~er. Other girde~s shall Oe designed to support t!ce loads specified ln the CBC. Girder end joints C1ha!1 occur ove{ supports. When a girder is sp:iced over a s:.ipport, an adequate tie sriaH be provided. The e:-:ds of beams or girders supportec on masonry or Fireblock.ing of chimneys and fireplaces. Ail spaces betiveen chirn;1evs and flocrs and ceilings through wh!ch chimneys pass shall :)e fireb!ocked ,:.4th nonccsnbustible rnateria' securely fastened ir, place. The fireblocking of spaces between chimr1eys and v,tood Joists, beams, or headers shall be self-supportirg or be piece-:::i on scrips of metal or r;ietal iath laid across the spaces between combustible material and the chlm~ey. (~·RC R10C3.19) 2. comply Water conserving plumbing fixtures and fittings. Plumbing fixtures and fittings shall with the following per CalGreen 4.303.1: a. Water closets: Maximum 1.28 gallons per fiush b. Urinals: Maximum 0.5 gallons per flush 13. Moisture co~1tant of bu!iding materials. Building materials -..Vrih visible sigr.s of water damage sha:! ,,ot be 1nstai!ed. Wall and floo; f:am1rg shall not be-enclosed whe:; the framing rnemi:ers exceed 1_9 percent moisture content. Moisture contert shal! be verified in co6·1p,iance with the foliowing (CALGre:sn 4.505.3): a. concrete shall not have less than 3 inches of bear:ng. (CBC 2308.7_) 50. Draftstopping. In combustible construction where there is usabie spa£e both aoove and below c. Single showerheads: Maximum flow rate cf 2.0 gallons per minute at 80 psi d. Multiple showerheads serving one shower: Maximum combined flow rate of 2.0 gallons per Ridges, hips, and vaHeys Rafters snall be framed to a rldge board or to each other with a gusset plate as a tie. Ricige boards shali be minimum 1-inch nornina! thickness and not less ];1 depth tllar, the cut enc of the rafter. At an va!iey and htps, there sha:r be a vaiiey or hip rafter :1ot less than 2-lnch nom!na! thiskness and not less in depth than the cut end of the raff.er. Hip and valley rafters she.ti be supported at the ridge by a brace to a bearing parttion or be designed to car;y and distribute the speGific load at t:"iat point. W:"iere the roof pttci1 :s iess t1an 3:12 slope (25% gradient), structu;al members that supp:::rt rafters and ceilings joists, such as ridges, hips, and val!eys, sh.ait be designed as beams. (CRC R802.3) b. a. Ceiling joist and rafter connections. Ceiiing joists a.."":d rafters shai! be nailed to each other p@~ · CR.C Tabie R.802.5.1 (9), and the rafter shail be nailed to the wai! top plate per CRC Table R602.3(1 ). Ceiling ]oists shall be continuous or securely joined per CRC -;-able R802.5. ~{9) where they meet over inierior partitions and are nailed to adjacent rafters to p:·ovide a continuous tie across the building when such joists are parallel to rafters. Whe~e ceiling joists 52. a:·e not connected to the rafters at ti:e wa!I top plate, joists connected higher in the attic shal: be i~stal:ed as rafter tles, or rafter ties shall be installed to provide a continuous tie. Where ceiling the concealed space of a fioor!cei:mg assemdy, draftstops shai: be installed so that the ares of the cor,cealed space does net exceed 1000 square feet. Draftstoppin,1. shai: divide the minute at 80 psi . . b. concealeC space into approximately equal areas. Where the assernbiy is e-nc:oseci by a fleer e. Lavatory faucets: Maximum flew rate of 1.2 gallons per minute at 60 psi, minimum flow rate of membrane above and a ceiling membrane below, draftstopping si:a!! t,e provided in fioor/cei~gallons per minute at 20 psi c. assemblies under the fo<!owing circ~mstances {CRC R3D2. i 2): f. Kitchen faucets: Maximum fiow rate of 1.8 gallons per minute at 60 psi Ceiling is suspended under the floor framing Floor framing is constructed of truss-type open-web or perforated mer:ibers Exception: Temporary fncrease allowed ta maximum 2.2 gallons per minute at 50 psi if faucet defaults back to maximum 1.8 gallons per minute at 60 psi 3. Irrigation controllers. Automatic irrigation system controllers for landscaping shall comply Draft:stopping materials. Draftstopp:ng shall net be iess :han i/2--inch gypsum boa~d. 3/8-iric~ wood structura: par.els, or other approved materials adec;uateiy supported. Drafi:stopp1ng sn1~Hh the following (CalGreen 4-304-1): be installed paallel to the fioor framing rnenbers un;ess ctherwise approved by the buii::ing a. Controllers shall be weather-or soil moisture-based controllers that automatically adjust officiat The integrity of dn3ftstops shall be maintained. (CRC R302. i 2.;} irrigation in response to changes in plants' needs as weather conditions change. combustible insu!ation clearance. ComOustibie insulation shall ;::,e separated rnnirnum 3 b. Weather-based controllers without integral rain sensors or communication systems that !nches from recessed luminaires, fan motors, and oth?.r neat-productng devices. {CRC R301:ld@'.iunt for local rainfall shall have a separate wired or wireless rain sensor which connects or communicates with the controller(s). Soil moisture-based controllers are not required to have 14. a. . b. ra,n J·oists are not paral!ei to rafte1·s. rafter ties shall be irstalled. Rafter :ies sila!I be mini~urn 2 sensor input inches by 4 inches nomi;-ia!, insta!!ed per CRC Tabie R802.5.1 (9), or connections of equivaiEFJ General Material Specifications MoistL.:re cC:7ten~ s~all be determJned with either a p:obe--type or contact-type moisture rr?\er. Moisture re?-Cings shali be taken at a oo!nt 2 feet to 4 feet from the grade stamped end of eacn p:ece :o be vei!fied. Ai ieast th~t.;e ,andom moisture readings sha:i be pertormed on wall and f.om frarnhg with documentation acceptable tc the enforcing ager:cy prov'ded at the tme of app,ova: to enclose ihe wal! a7d floor frar..ing. !nsu:aMn products which are visibly wet or have hign moisture content shall be replaced or al!owed to di'j prior to enclosure in wall or floor cavities. Wet-applied insu!ation products shall follow the manufacturers' drying recommencations ~rior to enciosure. Ba:hrooms wit:: a batrtub andior showe~ shail be nechanicaily ventilated per fotiowing (Cal Green 4.506.1) Fans shall be ENERGY STAR compliant ar:d ducted to termic,ate outside bJilding the Un!ess fenct1onrng as a component of a whole-house ventilation system. fans sha!I have humidity controls capab!e of adjustment-rr:anuaily or automaticatly -between a re:ative humidity range of 50% to 80%. ' ·. . _ 1 _ . -'--, , . , . . . . , 4. . Joints and openings. Openings in the building envelope separating conditioned space from ei::. capacities shall be provided. VVhere ceilings joists or rafter ties ,:ere :1ot provided, the ridge 1_ L mber Al 01 ts raft s b am d .. . ... _s O,.. inches h 1 1 b N 2 d 1... Heating and air-conditioning system design. Heating and alr~conditian'ng systems formed by these rafters shall be supported by a wa!I or engineer-designed gi~der. (CRC o" I ·F. , ,L' s , "' .er , e \ ,s. an pos.s .:::-1n .... 5, '':' ~ .-i d h ' ic \ sna: ,e, o. gra, euncond1tloned space needed to accommodate utility and other penetrations must be sealed in shall be sized. designed, and have their equipment selected using the folfcwirig oug as ir-arcr, :::r better. A!1 t,)Osts and beams inc, ,es an t ,icker sha'i be No. ; graae compliance with the Calffomia Energy Code. (CALGreen 4.406.1) _ •. -~.., 1, ,,., L , -, .. RB02·3· 1) DoJgias Fir-Larch or better. Studs not more than 8 feet iona shall be stud-orade Dcug!as . . _ _ . . me.n ... ,..s (_C,.-,.b.:ireer, ,.501 -2)- ce·,1·,ng 1·0·,s•-lapped. E,ids of ceiilng _iotsts sha!i be lapped minimum 3 inches or ·out',ed over ;:;-Le'ch 'r •e't h S"' ,..,,.;-· t 'h , 't~ r~ ,. 1 d ... ;: St . 1 'h-Exception: Annular spaces around pipes, electnc cables, conduits or other openings m plates Th , , 1 d . t . . , bl. h d ~· , ANSI 'A~CA" M I J = .1r-, "., lerwen .... ppv.,1ng:-10 more,,a,,one1vo, .. oo,an ce111,,g. uas:'.;r.gerL,an . a. ,e;,ea,ossan-nea gam1ses~ is e-acco,umgtO Iv .::: anua bearing partit:ons or beams and toenailed to the bearing element. Where ceiling Joists provide a feei shall be No. 2 grade Douglas F:r-Larcil or better_ at exterior walls shall be protected against the passage of rodents by closing such opening ASH RAE handbooks, or other equivaleni design software or mechods resistance to rafi:erthrus_t, lapped Joists shaii be nailed together per CRC Table R602.3(1) a:1d 2_ Concrete. Ccncrete sha:I l,ave 2 minirn:..:m compressNe strength of 2_500 ;:;si at 28 days a~d""ith cement mortar, concrete masonry or a similar method acceptable to the enforcing agencyb_ Duct systems are sized according tc ANSI/ACCA 1 Mar.ual D 200S, ASHR.A.E butted joists shall be tiea togethei in a :nanner to resist Sucr thruSt. (CRC RS02.3-2) h 11 -· · ~ rt t 3 · 4 " , · · · 5 Construct·,on waste reduct·,on, d·,sposal, and recyct·,ng. Reduce and/or salvage for reuse · d h · I Id · ~-h d CoHar ties. Coiiar ties or ridge straps to resist whd uplift shall be connected in the upper third of the attic space. Coliar ties shali be a rninirrurr, i inch by 4 inches norr:inai and spaced at 3. maximum 4 feet on center. (CRC R802.3.1) Purlins. Puriins installed to reduce the span of rafters shall be sized not less than the required size of the rafters they support. PurFns shall be continuous and sha!I be supporteci by 4 2-inch-by-4-inch nominal braces installed to bearing wails at a minimum 45-degree slope from · horizontal. The braces silall be spaced maximu:r, 4 feet on center with a max:mum 8-foot unbraced !ength. (CRC R802.5. ! ) Rooflcei!lng member bearing. The ends of each rafter or celling joist s~al! have not iess than5· !-1/2 inches of beari~g or: wood ~r metal and not iess than 3 inches of bearing on masonry or concrete. {CRC R802.6) 6. RooficeHing memt.ar lateral support. Roof framing members a!:d ce:itng joists with 2 nominal deoth-to-th!ckness rafo exceeding 5:1 sr>al! be provided with lateral support at points of bearin'g. m prevent rotation. {CRC R802.8J Rooficemng bridging. Rafters and ceiling joists with a nominal depth-tc-thickness ratio exceeding 6:1 shalt be supported laterally by solid biocklng, diagonal Dridging (wcod or r.-ietai),8. or a continuous 1-inch-by--3-inch wood strip nailed across tr.e rafters o~ ceiling joists at maximum 8-foot intervals. (CRC R802.8.1) Framing of roof/ceiling openings. Openings :n roof and ceiling fram:ng s:-ian be framed with a r,eader and trimmer joists. When the header joist span does not exceed 4 feet, the ~eader joist may be a singie member the same size as the celling joist or rafter. Single trimmer joists may be used to carry a single header joist located \\'!thin 3 feet of tne trimmer joist bearing. When the i:eader joist span exceeds 4 feet, the trimmer joists and header joist shall be doubied and of sufficient cress section to support the ceiling joists or rafters framing into the header. Approved hangers shall be used for the header-jo1st-to-tri~mer-Joist connections when 1he header joist 9. span exceeds 5 feet. Tail joists over 12 feet long sha!I ::ie supported at the header by framing anchors or on ledger strips m:nimum 2 incr.es by 2 inches. :CRC R502.10} Roof framing above shear walls. Rafters o~ roof trusses shalf :Oe connected to top plates of shear 1.valls with blocking betv.reen the rafters or trusses. {CRC R602.10.8} s, a r,0ns1s;: OT , pa cemen , parts sane, pa, ,s ·.-men maximum size re-ck, ar;o not mere . nan books. or ot er equ1va en es1gn sonvtare or met o s. than 7 -1i2 gailons of water per sack of cement. (CRC R402.2/ a minimum of 65 percent of the nonhazardous construction and demolition debris. (CALGreen Mortar. Mortar used in construction of masonry wal;s_ foundation wails. ar:d retaining 'Waiis #.ie¾PB.1) conform to ASTM C 270 and shall consist of 1 pa.rt portland cement, 2-i /4 to 3 parts sar:d, and Exception: Excavated soil and land-clearing debris. 1/4 to 1/2 part hydrated lime. (CBC 2i03.2) Exception: Alternate waste reduction methods developed by working with local ageneies if Grout. Grout shall conform to ASTM C 476 and shai: consist of i part portland cerne~t 1, ~OQmtsion or recycle facilities capable of compliance with this item do not exist or are not hydrated lime, 2-1/4 to 3 parts sand, and 1 to 2 parts gravei. Grout shal! attain a rninirnurri located reasonably close to the jobsite compressive st:--ength cf 2,000 ps, at 28 days. (CBC 24 o3.3) The County of San Diego, Department of Public Works, Construction & Demolition (C&D) Masonry. Masonry units shall comply \.Vith ASTM C 80 for loaa-bearing concrete ma.scnry uip:iatilities Guide is online at: (CBC 2103. 1) ht'.p:flwww.sdcounty.ca.govldpw/recyclingtFiles/Construct10n_Gu1de_SJ8 _Pgs_ 1-27 pdf. Reinforcing stee!. Reinfcrcing steel used in constr.;;::t,on o-: reinforced mason;y· or con~rete 6. Construction waste management plan. A construction waste management plan shall be struct1,res shall be deformed ar:d comply with .ASTM A 815. {CBC 2103.4) prepared and available on site during construction. Documentation demonstrating compliance with Structural steeL Steel used as structurai st.apes such as wicie-f:angf) sections, channels. the plan shall be accessible during construction for the enforcing agency. (CALGreen 4.408.2) The plates, and ang:es shali comply with ASTM A36. Pipe coiumn;o shaH cornpiy with AST:\J; A53plan: Structural tubes shall comply with ASTM ASOO, Grade B. a Identify the construction and demolition waste materials to be diverted from disposal by Fasteners for preservative-treated wood. Fasteners for preser,rative-trestec and recycling, reuse on the project or salvage for future use or sale fire-~etardant-treated wood -:nc!i..iding nuts and was~ers --shall be of hot dipped zir;c-:::cated b. Specify if construction and demolition waste materials will be sorted on-site galvanized steel, stainless steei, silicon bronze, or copper (CRC R317.3.1) (source-separated) or bulk mixed (single stream) Exception: 1/2-inch a:ar:-ieter or greater steel bolts c. !dentify diversion facilities where the construction and demolition waste materials will be taken Exception: Fasteners othe~ than naiis and timber rivets ;f'"!ay be of mechanically de!JOSits-d d. Identify construction methods employed to reduce the amount of construction and demolition zinc-coated steei witJ1 coating weights in accordance with ASTM B 695. Class 55 rninimum"Jclste generated Exceotion: Piain carbon steel faster;ers acceptable in SBXfDOT and ziGc bora1e preservative-treated wood in an intertor, dry environment e. Specify that the amount of construction and demolition waste materials diverted shall be calculated by weight or volume, but not by both _ . . . . 7. Operation and maintenance manual. Prior to final inspection. a manual compact disc rasteners for fire-retardant-treated wood. Fasteners for f:re-retardant-treai:ed wood usea 1:: ' ' exterior appiicat1ons or wet or damp locations shall be of hot dipped zinc-coated ga!van!zed web-based reference, or other acceptable media which includes all of the following shall be placed steel, stainless steel, silicon bro;-;z:e, or copper. (CRC R317.3.3) in the building (CALSreen 4.410.1): a. Directions to owner or occupant that manual shall remain with the building throughout the life cycle of the structure. C. Se!ect heating and -cooling equipment according to ACCA 36-S Mar.uai S or other equivalent design sofl:\vare or methods 4.[<,:t,,,,:•t, ~" Wr<r H<k-',"'"'''-,i~ ·,'· ,,,.u; ''-·c. , "'·"'"-,.,-,-1.;c,-." J , ..• ,. ,i, ,nd, ~c,,,;;;;;;c, ''ii,,,-.:~i,'>::: ,r:;;c::-n,~,,:;":;''··:·:·\'c:'". _;·."·----,~------, , ••• c,c, "" .•• ,, ••. , •. ·.c,.,,_ .. _ .. ,. -----,.,.·.·,--·-·I J,.i'YI' i!''o;.a\, --·· ··-·--- ''""·'1:1m,.,,,, 17. Combustion and solid-fuel burning appliances. Combustio:1 appliances shall be properly vented and air systems shall be desigred to prevent back draftir.g. (CBEE.S 150.0(o)) 12. Garages. The wa;I snd openings betvveen occwpiabie spaces and the garage sha11 be sealed. HVAC systems that include air handlers or retur:; ducts iocated in garages shall have total air leakage of no more than 6% :::.f total fan flow whe:; measured at 0.1 ir:. w.c. i.:s!ng California Titlfa. 24 er equivalents. (CBEES : 50.0(o)) Shear wall cumulative length. The cumuiative ler.gth of shear walis within each braced wall line shall meet the provisions of CRC Table R602.10.3(1) for wi:--'.d loaCs and CRC Table R602, 10.3(2) for seismic loads. (CRC R602.10. 1.1) 40. Roof diaphragm under fl!! framing. Roof ply-wood shal: be continuous undei Caiifo:nia fiii franing. G. Roofing and Weatherproofing 1_ Roof covering, A:i roof covering shaii be:; instailed per applicable :equiremen-::s o~ CBC ~ 507 i. Equipment and appliances, including water-saving devices and systems, HVAC system, Roof coverings shall be at least Class A rated in accordance with £l..STl\1 E 108 or UL 790, wf:f~ovoltaic systems, water-heating systems and other major appliances and equipment. b. Operation and maintenance instructions for the following: i ",·; ' ' 1--;-. -·-, -I ;!::~,c-;R,::..1~_:2r:.« ---------t;::·;.a,.""""'";,s,,,c,,"c,oa=+------- 18, 19. 20. a b. c. d. Minimum filtration. Mechanical systems supplying air to occupiable space th~ough ductwork 14. sha!i be provided wlth a filter h:aiving a minimum efficiency of MERV 6 or better. (CBEES 150.0(o)) Shear wall spacing, Shear \va;ls shall be located not ~ore tf:an 25 feet on center. (CRC R.602.10.2.2) 41, 42. Sh-ear wall offset Shear walls may be offset out-of-plan not more than 4 feet from the designated braced waE line and not more tnan 8 feet from any other offset wali considered part of the same braced waii line. (CRC R502.10.1 2) 43. Air inlets. Air ir.iets (not exhaust) shall be located away from known contaminants. (CBEES 150.0(o)) 15. Shear waif location. sr,ear wal!s shall be located at the ends of each tiraced wall line or :neet 16. the alternate provisions of CRC R602.10.2.2. Individual shear wall length. Shear wa!is sr:ali meet min:ml.!m iergth requirements of CRC R602. 44. Air moving equipment. Air moving eqL.ipment used to meet either the whole-building ventilation requirement or the iocai vent!iation exhaust requirement shall be rated ir, te:-ms of airflow and sound. (CBEES 150.0(o)) 17. Cripple wall bracing. Cripple walls shali be braced per CRC R602.10.11. Ai! continuously opera:ing fans sha:I be rateC at a maximum cf 1.0 sane. 18. Shear wall and diaphragm nailing. All shear waiis, roof dia;:il1ragms, and floor diaphragms sha!I be nailed to supporting construction per CRC Tabie R302.3( 1 ). (CRC F<.604.3) Intermittently operated who!e-buildir:g ver:tilation fans shall be rated at a maximum of 1.0 sone. 19. Shear wall joints. Al! vertical Joints in shear 'Nall sheathing s,'1ai! occc; over, and be fastened to. intermittently operated local exhaust fans shat! be rated at maximum of 3.0 sone Rzmote:y located air-r:ioving equipment (mounted outside of habitable spaces) need not meet sot.;nd requirements if a: least 4 feet of ductv1ork beriNeen fan and intake grill. 20. common studs. Hortzontal joints in shear walls shail occur over, and be fastened to, minimum 1-1i2-lnch-thick block.l0g_ (CRC R602.10.1 O) 45. Framing over openings. Headers; double joists, or t;usses of adequate size t:) transfer loads to vertical members sha!i be provided over window aP-d door oper;ir;gs in load-bearing wa!is and C. Foundation andi Underfloor partitions. (CBC 2304.3.2) 45. 21. 22. 3. 23. 21. Foundation reinforcement. Contin~ous. footings and stem waHs shall be provided with a m:nimurn t'NO longitudinal No_ 4 bars. one at t:1e top and one at the bottom of the footing (CRC R403. "! .3.3) Shear wali foundation support. Shear ,ualls shall be supported by cominuous foundations. (CRC 403.: .2) Concrete slabs-on-grade. Slabs-on-grade s~al! be minimum 3-i/2-inches thick. (CRC R506. 1!2. Vapor reta;der. A 6-mil polyethylene er approved vapor retarder with join.ts lapped minimum 6 inches shall be placed behveeri a concrete slab-on-grade and the base course or subgrade. (CRC 506.2.3) 24. Anchor bolts and sms. Foundation plates or srns shail be !Jolted or anchored to the foundation or foundaUon wali per the f8llowing (CRC R403.1.6 and CRC R602.11, 1 ): Mini:n[.;m 1i2-lnch-diameter steel bo:ts 23. Joists under bearing partitions. Joists under parallel bearing partitions shall bs of adequate size to support the load. Double joists. sized to adequately suppori the load, that are separated to permit the installation of piping or vents snail be fwll-depth soiid-b!ocked with minimum 2-!nch a. nominal li;mbe~ spaced at maximum 4 feet on center. 3ea~ing partitions perpendicular to joists shall not be offset from supporting girders, wails. or partitions ;nore than the joist depth unless L such joists are of sufficient size to carry the additional !oad. (CRC R502.4) Joists above or below shear wal!s. Where joists are perpendlcuiar to a she2.r vvall above or beiow, a rim joist, band joist, or blocking shall be provided along the entire le~gth of the shear ii. b. wall. Wnere joists are parallel to a shea,wall above or below, a rim joist, end joist, or other pa:-ailel framing shall be provided direcfy above and/or betov, the shear wall Where a parallel c. framing member cannot be located directly above and/or beiow the shear \ovaii, fuH-depth d. blocking at 16-inch spacing shall be provicied between the para!lel framing members to each side of the shear wall. \CRC R602. ':0.8) e, Floor member bearing. The ends of each fioor joist, beam. or girder shall have minimum 1-1/2 10 inches of bearing on wood or metal and minimum 3 inches of bearing on masonry or concrete '· Roof diaphragm at ridges. Min:mum 2-inch nominal bioc:<ing required for roof diaphragm nailir.g at ridges. Biccking cf roof trusses. Minir.,um 2-inch no;Tiinal blocking required bet\veen trusses at ridg92_ lines and at points of bearing at extericr walls Truss clearance. Minimum 1/2-lnch c'earance required between \op plates of interio:- non-bearing partitions and bottom chmds of trusses. Drilling, cutting, and notching of roofffloor framing. Notches i:1 solid il..!mber joists, rafters, 3. blocking, and beams shall not exceed one-sixth the member depth, shait be not :onger than one-third the member depth. and shaif not be lcca!:ed in the middle one-third of the span. Notches at member ends shall ;1ot exceed one-fourth ihe :nember depth. The tension side of 4. mer:ibers 4 inches or greater in no1";1inai thickness shall not be notched except at member ends. The diametet nf hates bored or cut into mem:.ers shal! not exceed one~third the member depth. Holes shall not be c!oser tr.an 2 inches to the top or bottom of t~e member or to any other hole located in the member. Where the member is a!so notched, tr.e hoie shall not be :::loser than 2 lnches to the notch. (CRC R502.8.1) Exterior landings, decks, balconies, and stairs. Such elements sha!: be positively anchorecJs_ to the primary struciure to resist both vertical and \ateral forces or sha!i be designed to be self-supporting. Attachment shall not be accomplished by i.;se of toenails or nails subject to withdrawal. (CRC R311.3) FCreb!ocking. FireD!c-cking shail be provided in the following locations (CRC R302 i 1 and CRC R1003.19): In conceaied spaces of stud walls and partitions, including furred spaces, and parallel rows of stuCs or staggered studs, as follows· Vertically at the ceiling and floor !evels Horizontally at intervals not exceeding 10 feei At all lnterconnectfons between concealed vertical and horizontai spaces suci': as occur at soffits, drop ceilings, and cove ceilings In concea!ed spaces betveen stair stringers at the top and bottom of the r,.m At openings arnund vents. p:pes, ducts, cables and wires at cei!hg and floor level, with an approved material to resrst the free passage of flame and products of combustion ,li,t chimneys and fireplaces per item E.49 Cornices of a tl.vo-family dwelling at t:ie fine of dvveil!ng-unit separation 6, 7. a. b. C. d. e. f. g. shall i::dude coverings of slate, c!ay or concrete roof ti:e_ exposed concrete roof deck, fe~~ous m ii. Roof and yard drainage, including gutters and downspouts. copper shingles or sheets. (County Buiid1ng Cooe 92.1 1505.1) Rooff!ashing. Flashing shall be installed at wan ar:d roof intersections. at gurters. whereve, iii. Space conditioning systems, including condensers and air filters. iv. Landscape irrigation systems. there is a change in roof slope or direction. and around ;-oof openi~gs. \'V:-'ere flash mg is of metal, the metal shall be co:rosion-resistant v.rith a thickness of not less t[;a;, 0.{J: s :ncl1 (No. 26 v. Water reuse 5Ystems. galvanized sheet). (CRC R903.2.1) c. Information from local utility, water. and waste recovery providers on methods to further Crickets and saddles. A cricket or sadale sha!l be insta.i!ed on the rictge side of any chiG1ne~eg~ce resou~ce consump~ion, including recycle _program.sand.locations. pene!ration more than 30 inches wide as measu,ed perpendicular to the slope. Cricket or d. Public transportation and/or carpool options available m the area. sadd:e covering shali be sheet meta' or the same material as the roof c:::.vering (CRC R903.2.2) e. Educational material on the positive impacts of an interior relative humidity between 30-60 Water-resistive barrier. A rninlmc.:m of one iaye; of No. 15 asphalt felt shali be a~tached to percent and what methods an occupant may use to maintain the relative humidity level in that studs or shea!hing of a:l exterior wa!ls. Such felt or material shall be appl!ed horizont8lly. witrrqi.nge. the upper layer lapped over the iower layer minimum 2 ir:ches. \/\.'here joints occur_ felt shall be f. Information about waterRconserving landscape and irrigation design and controllers which iapped m;nimum 6 lnc:--:es. The felt shall be continuous to the top ofwal!s and terr:-'.ir;ated et conserve water. penetrations and building appendages in a manner to maintain a weather-resistant e;,,ierior wa:: g. Instructions for maintaining gutters and downspouts and the importance of diverting water at envelooe. (CRC R?03-2) least 5 feet away from the foundation. Wall flashing. Approved corros10'."'-resistant flashing shall be applied shingle fashion at the h. Information on required routine maintenance measures, including, but not iimited to, caulking, following locations to prevent entry of water into the wall cavity or penetration of water to thepainting, grading around the building, etc. bui!ding structural framing components (CRC Rto3.B): i. Information about state solar energy and incentive programs available. Exterior door and window oper.ings, extending to the surface cf the exterior wa!I finish or to the water-resistive barrier for subsequent drainage J. A copy of a!I special inspection verifications required by the enforcing agency or code. 8. Covering of duct openings and. protection of mechanical equipment during At '.he ~nter_section of chimneys or ::ither mason:; constn.:ctio,": with frame or sLcco wails, ~instruction. At the time of rough installation or during storage on the construction site and until proiectmg lips on both sides under srucco copings . final startup Under and at the er:ds cf masonry, wood. er metai copings and sills component openings shall be covered with tape, plastic, sheetmetal or other methods acceptable ta of the heating and cooling equipment, all duct and other related air distribution Continuously above al: projecting wood trim the enforcing agency to reduce the amount of dust or debris which may collect in the system. V\~1ere exterior porches, decks, or stairs attach to swan or floor assernbiy of wood-frame (CALGreen 4.504.1) constru~tio~ At wall and roof intersections At built-in gutters 9. Adhesives, sealants, caulks, paints, and coatings pollutant control. Adhesives {including carpet adhesives), sealants, caulks, paints, and coatings shall comply with VOC limits per CAL Green 4.504.2. Verification of compliance shall be provided at the request of the enforcing Dampproofing. Dampproofing materia!s for foundation wails enclosing usable space be:owagency_ (CAL Green 4-504-2-1 l grade shal! be instal:ed on the exterior surface of the wail. and shali exte:1d from the top of the 10. Carpet systems. All carpet installed in the building interior shall meet the testing and product footing to finished grace. (CRC R406.1} requirements of one of the following (CAL Green 4.504.3): e. f. g. h. Bolts embedded at least 7 inches inio concrete or mason,-; Bolts spaced maximum 6 Teet on cente, except where supported on a 1-inch-by-4-!nch ribbon strip and nalled to the adjoining stud or t-47. Flreblocking: materials. Except as othervvise specified i,~ items E.48 and E.49. fireblocking shall weep screed. A minimum 0.01 s-:nch (No. 26 galvanized shee: gage), corrosion-resistant weep a. Carpet and Rug !nstitute's Green Label Plus Program (all carpet cushion must meet the screed or plastic weep screed v,ith 2 minimum vertical attachment flange of 3-1/2 incl1es sha"~4Wrements of this program) Mintrnum hvo bolts per p!ateisill piece wit~ one bolt located maximum 12 inches and minimum the use of approved joist ha~gers. (CRC R502.6) ;::onslst of the fo!!ow!ng materia!s with the integrity maintained (CRC R302.11 1): provided at or beiovv the fcundatron p!ate line on exte~ior stud vvai!s in accordance w!th ASTM C b. California Department of Public Health Standard Practice for the testing of voes 92. The weep screed sha!I be placed a minimum 4 i~ches above t.he eaih :,r 2 lnche:s &bov¢Specification 01350). 7 bolt diameters from each end of each sili platel;:,iece 24· Minimum 3-inch by 3-inch by 0.298-inch steel plate washer between sill and nut on each bolt Floor joist lap. Floor j:::ists frami.1g opposite sides over a bearing support s~all lap minimurr 3 a. inches and sha!i be nailed toget'1er v11ith!n minimur:, 3 1 Gd face nails. ,!!,,, wood or metal splice b. with st:ength eqGa! to or greater than that provided by t~e lap ;s pe0rnitted. (CRC R502.6.1) C. 25. Hold-downs. A!I hold-downs :nust be tied i~ place prior to foundation inspection. 26. Protection of wood against decay. Naturaiiy durable or preservative-treated wood shall be provided tn the follow:n;; locations \CRC R317.1 ): 25. floor joisHoRgirder support. Floor joists framing i:-ito the side of a v,r::iod girder shall be suppo1ed by approved framing anchors or on :edge:-st:!ps minimum nomi:;ar 2 inches by 2 inches. (CRC R502.6.2/ d, j. k A!! wood in contact wiih ground, embeCded in concrete in direct contact with ground, or embedded in concrete exposeo to weather 26. Wood Joists witl1in 18 inches and wood girders w:thin 12 ir.ches of the exposed ground in crawl spaces sha!I be of natural!y durable or preservatlve~treated wood Wood framing members ti:al rest on concrete er r:iasonry exterior foundation waifs and are less than 8 inches from exposzd earth shall be of naturaliy durab[e or preservative-treated wood 27. m. Wood framing, sheathing, and siding o;-: the exterior of the buiiding and having clearance !es2 than 6 inches from :he exposed grcund or iess than 2 inches vertically from concrete steps, 8· por:::h sfabs. patio slabs, and similar horizontai surface exposed to weather n. Sills snd sleepers on concrete or masor;ry slab in dire:::t contact with ground unless separated from such slab by impervious moistu:e barrier PDS 081 (REV. 01/01i2017) floor joist lateral restraint. :=-1oor joists shall be sup::,orted lateraliy at ends and each intermediate support by minimurri 2--inch T'ul!-depth b:o::king, by attachr;,erit to full-depth /"";eader, f. band joist, or rim joist, to an adjoining stud, or shall be othervl-'ise provided with laternt support to • 0 l ' 1· 1·...,RC RSO' 7 ) g. e. p,ev-n rota 10n. ,_,.__ " ,:,. , Floor joist bridging. F!oor joists exceeding noml.1al 2 inches by 12 inches shall be sc,pported laterally by solid bloci-::!ng, diagona: bridging (wood or meta!) or a continuous i-inch-by-3-inch strip nailed across the bottom of joists perpendicular to joists at maxir:',urn 8-foot ir:terva:s. (CRC R502.7.1) Framing of floor openings. Openings in floor framing shali be framed with a header and trimmer joists. When the header joist span does not exceed 4 feet, the header joist c;1ay be a sing!e member the same size as the fleer joist. S1r;gte t·'mner joists may be used to carry a single header joist located within 3 feet of the trimmer joist bearing. When the header joist span exceeds 4 feet, the trirT'mer joists and header Joist shall be doubled and of sufficient cross 48. section to support :he f:oc-r Joists frarr.ing Into the header. Approved hangers sha/; be used for the header-joist-to-trimmer-joist connections when the header joist span exceeds 6 feet. Tail joists over 12 feet long shal! be supported at the header by framing anchors or on ledger strips minimum 2 inches by 2 inches. (CRC R5C2.10) Two-inch nornina: lumber Two thicknesses of o,,e~inch nominal lumber with broken lap join:s One thickness of 23/32-inch wood structural panel with joints ba~ked by 23132-inch wood structural panei paved areas and shai! be of a type aiiowing trapped water :o drai;; to the exierior of the building. c. NSF/ANSI 140 at the Gold level. (CRC R7G3.7.2.1) d. Scientific Certifications Systems Indoor Advantagem Gold. One thickness of 3i4-1r;ch partdeboard with joints bac:<eC by 3/4-irich particleboard 1/2-inch gypsum '.Joarci H. Grading and soils 11. shall Resilient flooring systems. At least 80 percent of the floor area receiving resilient flooring comply with one of or more of the following (CAL Green 4.504.4): 1. Grading permit. Gradirg perrrit required :f vo!urne of eaiih moved exceeds 200 cubic van:s 01 a. VOC emission limits defined in the Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) High if any cuts or nils exceed 8 feet m heightldepth. (County Grading Ordina:1ce 202) Pertormance Products Database 1i4-lnch cement·based millboard b. Products compliant with CHPS criteria certified under the Green guard Children & Schools 2. Compaction report. Compaction report required for fin material '12 inches o:-more in depth Gatts or 'Jlankets Jf ml~eral or giasa fiber of other approved materials insta:led in such a (CBC 1803.5.8) program manner as to be securely retained in place. Batts or blankets of mineral or glass fiber or othe~ c. Certification under the Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCl) FloorScore program approved non-rigid materials shall be permitted for compliance with the 10-foot horizontal d. Meet the California Department of Public Health, "Standard Method for the Testing and fire blocking in walls const,ucted using pcralle: rows of studs or staggered stucis. Unfacedi_ Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen} Requirements Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental fiberglass batt insuiation used_ as fireblocking shaii fill the entire cross-section of the wal! cav1y Applicability. CalGreen res:dent!al mandatory measures sha!! appiy to every ne,viy constru~l3embers," Version 1.1, February 2010 (also known as Specification 01350) iO a rrnnlmurn height of 16 lncnes measured vertically. When piping, condu-1":, or similar · buildina or structure and within an·.v addition or alteratior increasin_q a buriding·s conditioned 12 Composite wood products Hardwood plywood part·,cteboard and medium den--,h, obstructions are-encountered, the insulatior: shali be packed tightly around the obstruction. ~ -· • -~ •1 t 'I' 1 ·· • · 1 h 11 h d ~ , ' ' 1 ·n 11 · t d · 1· area, volume. or size. {CalGreen : 01 -3, Cal Green 301 -1 · 1 l fiberboard compos·,te wood products used on the ·,nter·ror or exter·,or of the bu·,1d·,ng shall meet the _oose-11, 1nsu a~ror: ma,ena s .a nm ~e use as a 1:reo,ac;-;; un ess spec1 :ca y res e m r.e form and manner intended for use to demonstrate !ts ability to remai:-: in piace and to retard tl:e spread of fire and hot gases. Fireblocklng at openings around vents, pipes, ducts, cables, and wires at cemng and floor ieveL Such openings shall be fireblocked with an approved material tc resist the free Jassage of flame and products of combustion (CRC R302. ~ 1) Exception: Ail residential buildings unde1·going permdeo alt~raiions, additions, or amproverr~~rements for formaldehyde as specified in ARB's Air Toxics Control Measure for Composite ~haGII ~ i:pla3-~~ 1n~nc~mpli~~~-~lumbing, fixtures with water-conserving piumcing fixtures\/llf66d (17 CCR 93120 et seq.) by or before the dates specified in.those suctions, as shown in ,._.al -,e .... n ,., , .. , a .. d Ca,0,e .... n 4.303.: 5 1 · · · · CalGreen Table 4. 04.5. The allowing l1m1ts are in parts per m11J1on (CALGreen 4.504.5) a. Hardwood plywood veneer core 0.05 b. Hardwood plywood composite core c. Particle board d. Medium-density fiberboard {MDF) e. Thin MDF (5/16 inch or less) 0.05 0.09 0.11 0.13 ,11"·•"~' '-fJi', ,.r,,_,,;s;,c;,, , ·~.,.,,,,,,,,,J","<.•.'O.,",.n : , , f ~~~,-1\~-~~:,~Jo-.,~-+~~~~r/~-g~~~~-1 ~i!~,~;~:EF;~~~'~':;,'~"· ~ =c,wn0,10F·Oiln.C .. ~cu,;,,,,-,, """"""•""1wco'n,,;iTO<,,..•· 1 ,,.,..._..,,,,.,c~'iwi,-,.-, -. l(,'"'"'"'"''T';", ;r,·c.,·.,,co~ ,0..11.,,r.!.''·; ~t,.:a_,;,;;·,· ,-,.,u,,-c-.,;,, -··""·--··-'"·", .... _,_"Co"c"a"~.,c,,_c.,,c. ,c0c,1c,_c0c. ---+~=~~ <slro..mro--i(:S'f,"~/1 '<~ . 4-:. "' 11e·,4'~ ,-,,i,-,,,(::,-x'la~O').c, a ;'¾'U~d:''f,">.O.:.W·-ci,1 ...s;-.,..,..,-~'1_.·~u :i:";.o· ...,.-c1><0:1'·d;.:;,,_.,. ',-J • r G.!JI "',"1ls =a:PT1c,-ora-.,.o~~~'::',:. _; ·-~~-~-MOnPEOFFA.STa .. ~--=-=--l~ -~-;:.:..:..:--== ~·,u1,uo.,,·,.,;,,.,, "'":_"' "'"" '"'"'"'"'; ;:-:~~~~/:'.; :.t:;~;-,:I., """·"" "l>,,:.o,l '.~, •;.) :·,1, , .. , ,t,,"1.r,. 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'-'la= ,,can,,-,-,,~<e,.1i ';' ,a ;sJ,ac,;·~ ,~r;,!1~ •Nli,,y.;;, ,r ·,:..;,,,.,."""vi,a ~cl, ,,,,:,olc. rm'1,0, -"'" I½ ,,ii,.''" :.-,;-,I(< Q" ,',; cc,·,cr,< ,,,_, ,,,,(> ;,-_,,, '"-"'-,.;'".!: ~"~ ,., !I\O ;,,,.--, m:-xc,,,,<c -,,,is,a-, x,;cai,~, , :-.,,.., ,.,ii a-s '"-''"'.".""'" >id<.<~ /10 r,/,c, ,,..1, :s,-"'""'-"~~, Sheet: GN-1 3 of 12 GENERAL NOTES: l BASBv1ENT AND SLEEPING ROOMS TO HAVE EGRESS WINDOW OR ElClmOR DOOR FOR ElvERGENCY ESCAPE M:ETING TIE FOLLOWING REQUIREJvENTS: PJ 5.7 SQ, FT, MNM.Jv1 IET QEAR OPENABLE AREA Bl 24" MNIM.M IET QEAR OPENABLE HBGHT Cl 20" MNM.Jv1 IET QEAR OPENABLE WIDTH DI BOTTOM OF TIE QEAR OPENNG SHALL NOT EXCEED 44" ABOVE TIE R...OOR. 2. ALL NEW GLAZING tFENESlAA TIONSI SHALL BE INST ALlED WITH A CERTIFYING LABEL ATTATOED, SHOWING TIE ''lJ" VALUE. 3. ALL NEW GLAZING IFB'ESTRA TIONSI SHALL HA VE A MN. "IJ FACTOR" OF 0.31 & SHGC OF ,30 4 ALL WINDOWS AND SLIDING GLASS DOORS TO BE DUAL GLAZED IUN.01, 5. PROVIDE 5/8" TYPE X GYPSLM BOARD R...OOR TO ROOF SI-EA Tl-ONG IOR TO AND INCLUDING CBLINGI@ COMMON WALLS BETWEEN GARAGE AND LIVING AREA AND OOER ST AIRS WI-ERE STORAGE OCClRS. 6, ALL WEATHER EXPOSED 81.RFACES SHALL HAVE A WEATHER RESISTBIIT BARRIER TO PROTECT T1--E INTERIOR WALL COVERING AND ALL EXTERIOR OPENINGS SHALL BE R...ASI-ED IN SlJ0-1 A MANNER AS TO MAKE 1HEM WEA 1HERPROOF, 7, EXTERIOR DOORS MAY NOT SWING OUTWARD WI-EN 1HERE IS GREATER 1HAN A V2" DROP, PLUMBING NOTES: l NEW WATER QOSETS SHALL USE NO MORE 1HAN 128 GALLONS PER R...USH AND SHALL MEET PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ESTABLISI-ED BY 1HE AtvERICAN NATION.AL STANDARDS INSTITUTE STANDARDS All2.l9,2 H & S CODE SEC, l792l3lbl ALL EXISTING WATER CLOSETS TO COMPLY. 2. IN SHOWERS AND TlB SHOWER COMllNATl~1-CONTROL VALVES MUST BE PRESSURE BALANCED OR 1HERMOSTATIC M= VALVES PER 2013 CRC 3, PERMANENT VACLIJM BREAKERS SHALL BE INCLUDED WITH ALL NEW HOSE BIBBS, 4 PROVIDE MAX 15 GPM Fl.OW ON LAVATORY FAUCETS AND 17 AT KITCHEN FAUCETS. 5. SHOWER HEADS TO HAVE A MAX 2 GPM Fl.OW, 6. ST A TE HEAL TH & SAFETY CODE SEC 179219 BANS T1--E USE OF OLOONA TED POLYVINYL OLORIDE (CPVC) & CROSSLIN(ED POL YETI-ELYN IPElO FOR INTEROR WATER-SlPPLY PIPING. 7, ~~F RXTURES MUST BE INSTALLED Wl1H A BACKWATER 8· ~~ ~ ~fWEF.ip.l~,~-'of~~ ~~WPROVIDE T1--E SAME LEVEL OF RRE PROTECTION. PROTECTION OF 11,EMlRANE PENETRATIONS IS NOT REQLJRED, 9, PLLMllNG RXTl.RES MUST MATCH T1--E CURRENT 2010 CPC SECTION 402 WATER-CONSERVING RXTURES AND RTTINGS, 10, SHOWER COMPARTlvENTS AND BA1HTUBS WITH INSTALLED SHOWER HEADS SHALL BE RNSI-ED WITH A NONABSORSANT st»'ACES THAT EXTENDS TO A f-EIGHT NOT LESS 1HAN 6 FEET ABOVE T1--E R...OOR ll A LICENSED PLLMllNG ENGINEER SHALL DESIGN T1--E WATER CONSUMPTION LIILESS: IN LIEU OF THE CALCULAl)gt§._ WATER USAGE SHALL BE DESIGNED PER TABLE 4303.2 PROVIDING RXrulES THAT IVl:!::I A 20% REDUCTION IN WATER USE RXTURE TYPE MAX Fl.OW RATE AT220~ REDUCTION SHOWERHEADS 2 GPM@ 80 PSI LAVATORY FAUCETS 15 GPM @ 60 pj RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN FAUCETS 17 GPM@ 60 P$ GRAVITY TMK-TYPE 128 GALLONS/FLU~ WATERCLOSETS \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ l, INCLUDSES SNGLE AND DUAL R...USH WATER CLOSETS Wll}iNl)tl ~TIVE R...USH OF 128 GALLONS OR LESS. 1~1:M'diltl?~\IOL~M~ W1'&.'JU' R~ m8A~~t~ All2.l9,233.2 -DUAL R...USH TOLETS -T1--E EFFECTIVE R...USH VOLUME SHALL NOT EXCEED 128 GALLONS 14,8 LITERSL T1--E EFFECTIVE R...USH VOLUME IS T1--E AVERAGE R...USH VOLUME WHEN TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASME All2.l9.2 AND 2. LAVATORY FAUCETS SHALL NOT HAVE A R...OW RATE LESS 1HAN 0.8 GPM AT 20 PSI. l2 FOR ALL NEW HOT WATER PIPING: 3/4" OR LARGER IS REQIJRED TO BE INSTALLE3J AS FOLl,9~§;.,!' PIPE SZE OR LESS-T' THCI< INSlLATION; LARGER PIPE SIZES =-ru11<1:: I V2" THCK INSlLA TION. NOTE IN ADDTION. THE V2" SZE HOT WATER PIPE TO KITCf-EIN $1\1:: IS REQllRED TO BE INSULATED. IES 150.0 ljl2.) MECHANCAL NOTES: l PROVIDE R-6 MN. DUCTWORK TO HEAT AND COOL PROPOSED AIREA8. EXTBO DUCTWORK TO EXISTING AJREAs.w 2. ~'¥fi~~~~oSCj;,4iF~~AJ@' ~fiHc~~fCTlaN & 22" x 30" 3. PROVIDE UNOBSTRUCTED PASSAGEWAY MN. 24" WIDE. MAX, 20' LONG TO 30" PLATFORM @ FURNACE !WHEN IN A TTICI CONSTRUCTED OF SOLID FLOORING PROVIDE SWITCHED LIGHT, 4. PROVIDE UPPER AND LOWER COMlUSTlaN AIR FOR F.A.U 5. COMlUSTION AIR AND RETURN AIR MUST BE SEPERA TED BY MN. 10' 6, PROVIDE ACCESSllLE GAS SHUT OFF VAL VE WITHN 3' OF ALL GAS APPLIANCES. 7, T1--E DISCHARGE POINT FOR ALL BA 1HROOM EXHAUST AIR SHALL BE AT LEAST 3' MN. FROM ANY OPENING WHCH ALLOWS AIR ENTRY INTO OCCUPIE3J PORTIONS OF THE Bl.ULDING 8. DUCTLESS FANS MAY NOT BE USED IN BA1HROOMS W/ A TUB AND OR SHOWER. 9, GAS VENTS AND NON-COMIUSTIBLE PIPING IN WALLS,_~AS$NG Tl-ROUGH 1HREE R...OORS OR LESS, SHALL BE EFFECTlvaY DRAFT STurPED AT EACH R...OOR OR CBLING, 10, ~~i,r~S PER HCXR ARE REQIJRED FOR BA1HROOM & LUAIVRY ll ~/N~~~¥f~TPE31. l2. 13, l4. 15. 16, ~~ ~~~°it:tl2'L Wl1H SECTIONS 904, 908, AND 909 RESIDENTIAL VENT1LA TION REQIJRENENJ'S: ~~B~1rb~/l00 CFM OR CONT./5 AIR BA 1HROOMS: REQIJRE EXHAUST FANS IMN 50 CFMl TO BE DUCTED TO T1--E EXTERIOR ~~~fl:m&_~m~~m~x ~~cf~~~SJ'U:,~IF T1--E BA1HROOM EXHAUST INTERMITTBIITL Y OPERA TED IKITCHEN, BA'll-1, ETC) LOCAL EXHAUST FANS SHALL BE RA TED AT 3.0 SONES OR LESS KITCHEN, BATH AND OTHER EXHAUST FANS SHALL BE SIZED PER ASHRE 62.2 TABLE 7.1 OR TABLE 4-9 OF T1--E 2008 RESDENTIAL COMPLIANCE ~.,_h, 4" DUCT SHALL BE USED AS TYPICAL FOR T1--E PROPOSED AL TERA TIONS VYtt!<t: 50 CFM FAN EXHAUST MUST BE EXTENDED. DUCTS IN THE GARAGE AND DUCTS PEIETRA TING T1--E WALLS OR CBLINGS SEPERA TING T1--E DWELLING FROM T1--E GARAGE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF MNMUM NO, 26 GAUGE SHEET STEEL OR OTHER APPROVED MATERIAL AND SHALL HAVE NO OPENINGS INTO T1--E GARAGE. EXISTING HABITABLE AREA PROPOSED ADDITIONAL AREA: TOTAL DWELLING AREA: 1,004 SQ. FT. 534 SQ. FT. 1,538 SQ. FT. \ \ \ All2.l9,l4. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \.-- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' I I I \ \ ~ \_,L - \ I \ \ \ Z3 I .2( I cO ~\ 9\ \ \ ---- ' CX) I io N ' ,.... I 0 N D D 46'-o" 19'-5" 11·-10" r I I 000 I I 1 -42" REF I I ,t.i:ii.::i:ii::.:L~b,=~I ...,,.di I I I I LI -=-rj cl i1 B ~ r- ,. I DWI ITTOEN 8'-<t' Q.6. X .,., I I I I I I (N) 8068 SGD lEM'. D D HOT MAP PAN W/ TEMP. GLASS ENCLOSURE 3' -0" 2' -6" 0 C7 4020 XO (8 2468 6'-0" w w J c!) 0 (8 6050 XO 1~=1 I r- 1 l- -1- I I I I ____ _j (8 710 BY-PASS L I 2' ' 1 \I! 11 .J, I 11 .1 I ~ .1 ili ~I !8 3660 XO/FXD $s I / :z I I ; I ; +--1------ 1 I I I .I __ _.,, I I I I I 2668 / !8 2668 ~ /t / "' / / / I I GA~AGE 482 ~Q. FT. I Jj_ I I ·~ 1 I -·-i I §: I i~: I : lo I I •. I DESK I I : (N) 3050 CAS. I · I ~6~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' (8 2668 7 I I 7 I I I I I I 01 'X ~I :8 : iid I I ,I ~ I I I I I I I I I I ~ . y{ ---H--Ji (8 GAS M=TER ':.;- N ':.;- ------, -= =1'=1---SEAT (N) 16' 1-1a./ GATE At-0 F8IICE (8 16' X ;t 01-0 !8 ELEC. lvETER -----+----~-ll!ii!ll:!!55$i1i!~4~0~50~1~DBL~. CAS~iii. !llilill55illl : • ~=::J===. '=-=--=='· '=-=--=='· ==-~~. ~~. ~=--:==. ==-=--:==. ==-=-~. ==I:==:!_!'] I I ' 0 I N i<) ' N (8 LOW F8IICE ----- I I I : fil \,: . I I I ------~-------J 11 '-0" 17'-0" ------ (8 DG PARKING AflEA 10' UTILITY EASEMENT __________ L ______________ ~ !8 OOveN AY -- & MOVED THE WINDOW FtOM RIGHT END TO THE CENTER OF.= THE WALL PROPERTY LINE $ ~-~;::_POSED FL ~OR PLAN -L -WALL LEGEND EXISTING WALLS TO REMPJN -hg:m;uU1¥Ht4, NEW WALLS -- CDP 2017-0051 (].) u ~ (].) "'d . ~ 00 (].) ~ ~ -~ (].) ..j.,,J 00 ~ 0 ~ Sheet: E 0 -() -0 O> 0::: C >, C 0 .2" ;: rn 0 Cl) 0... -0 0 co E <D ~ -st 00 ~o (I) 0 .::: 01 .... 0\ Q <!'.'. ~u c<:l " 0.., ~ 'T ..n 'T er, 01 -'T a u V4"=T-O" A-1 ill MOVED THE WINDOW FROM RIGHT END TO THE CENTER OF THE WALL lOP PLATE __ _ BOTTOM PLATE .L. ' N I I') ' ~ I (J) ' ! NEW EXTERIOR WALLS W/ WOOD SIDING FINISH OVER ________ _, 2-LAYERS TYPE 'D' PAPER TOP PLATE ----------'I,--- 00 BOTTOM PLATE G.L. ADDITION EXISTING NEW ROOFING TO BE CLASS "A" COMPOSITION SHINGLES (ICC-ESR# 1475) 0/40# FELT WITH CLASS "A" ROOFING ASSEMBLY. (TO MATCH EXISTING) -ROOF TYPICAL WEIGHT: 4.5 POUNDS PER SQ. FT. ADDITION \ I \ EXISTING \ \ I I I -INSTALLATION OF ROOFING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MFG'S SPECIFICATIONS. N I I') BOTTOM PLATE G.L. ' ~ I 00 NEW EXTERIOR WALLS W/ STUCCO FINISH OVER 2 LAYERS TYPE "D" PAPER AND WIRE LATH / \ ' :' / . : ' ' ' !1 ' , I ' [] NEW ROOFING TO BE CLASS "A" COMPOSITION SHINGLES (ICC-ESR# 1475) 0/40# FELT WITH CLASS "A" ROOFING ASSEMBLY. (TO MATCH EXISTING) -ROOF TYPICAL WEIGHT: 4.5 POUNDS PER SQ. FT. ~ ~-~~NT ELEV A TION 6) ~'.'.':T SIDE ELEVATION ,·o,.·.· ... ·.· ' ' ' ~ :.~~-T SIDE ELEV A TION ' ~ I 00 ' ~ I (J) BOTTOM PLATE ' N I r') ~ BOTTOM PLATE -INSTALLATION OF ROOFING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MFG'S SPECIFICATIONS. BOTTOM PLATE G.L. ICII II NEW EXTERIOR WALLS W/ STUCCO FINISH OVER 2 LAYERS TYPE "D" PAPER AND WIRE LATH EXISTING ADDITION REAR ELEVATION V4" = r-o" ------------------------------- CDP 2017-00 51 (1) u ~ (1) ~ •...-i rJJ (1) ~ ~ • ...-i (1) ~ rJJ ~ 0 ~ Sheet: <( ~ Oo CD :,,::, l'- 0 '--' s: o E Q_ 0 • CJ -c:, a:: >, C a .~ s: f/l 0 Q) Q_ -c:, Cl ro E CD ~ "'" ~ 00 •O Cl) 0 .2: N ;....0-,, ~~ .:,,:u ;... ce • ~ --g 7.£; 'tj" er, 01;:::: -s:t ce u 09/Zl/fl V4"=r-O" A-2 6 of 12 '! f~I ·''I :fl 'll 111 f: I,!; d ., ft I~ ;, l!·i· ;Zcil it,1 i~i E' fj' ! 1·1 11 i I ii ... 1' •. I II ,; ;j Ji 'i ~ ·a tA Ii :k Ii ··1 ,61 '!ii '~I ]1 ·." .. ·1 {{ :~ ,:;:,, E fs< kf lJ '( ;, 11 r,;; Ii ,t; u n ,\~ l~j ,A \;<I iffei 1.~1·. ' ~·1 ?./ lt·.i, H *':! __, 0 ..., -,.., >' I w ~ ' " q RESERVING COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT: THESE PLANS AND DRAWINGS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, COPIED ORCI-IJ\NGED IN ANYWAY WHATSOEVER, NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY TJ-URD PARTY WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN CONSENT OF M.A.DESICiN & DRAFTrNG SERVICES. ~ 11· 6 ' U) m n -I 0 z n I n >' )>~ I~ >~#.·:g // ',, ' ~ •· .. (1/>1/., I.,, :~ 1?1 I~ I I ~1/• /;;;:: : ~ • ,:/v > 1// . ·n<--_ __J8[:' =.'.1L'.'._" __ _j_ .... ·· ./, .. /~. )) ·· ... 1/ ;(< · .. ···%'• .,· ~;>'..~·<Z.1;· .. -.,v 1 \ < ;);>~CT/ ~ I . . /</ : -l //"' .•. · .. '/5\ ;u; . :r: /. , z·~/ . /.'/ .i:i:r 01./ ··)?~ z'~l======:d .. 1/~(/). I ,> ,'~,c..,,_' , /'· r"." r/" /~~~<' ·.· //'.'~ .. •. 1/ . <1/ 1/) •. ·.. /, ·1 v ·..• ... .. <«·.·. ->':>) //',, '>'- ;>, ,·' /1/. v<:. . ·)y. ',' '"// ' / < ·/, ·,,'., / ·. './,1 ·, //"-. ,/ "· . .., ~ /, ' ' ' . :«:"'. ·. ':-\,>/ :. ...,. ·. >J . ·JL:: '-. ·1/.~: / / / ... 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(El KEYSTot-E WALL IL 25' -0" -,I<- ,7 (81660 s.i-----------T---!8-5968 SGD --------r 1 1-----------------------:st====::::;:::..J~-ef'i"j---;a--aai-,-a;---, -_ = ---..... ....J.l _ __,,.._k--"'k-CDffl ,_ -= .......::..~--=--=t~· ''" ~ =-::rm '11'~~--I r\ ~ <D I I~ ' ~ g; : : I I ~ ~ I " ' ~i~ -~ 1 x rn I o I --------I ~ ~ --------1--J__~ 0 I l,n "-.! ~i ~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I i~ ~i ~ II Bl! ~ a, . I ()) ' D v'?"~<'I ---:::, ,r--,i-r I ~ I ~ I ' I -/>, 0 I _!. 11m , ~~ ~~ --------------------"'---'=!==*! =4r . -. -. -. o, ~f ',, : I ",, ooi ' ~----ffl~l'i'll ~I 2Ulf? ~~; r--tl- ~I ~I ()) I -/>, ' I 0 ' rn I I~ I I ' "' 1 --------,..--i-(E) 6068 BY::P SS 8; I ' .'--' lJ: : I ® ' IE)266a/ I l'i'l . ~~ ~======~ , ~ "' I ~ I ', a.I x . Gl , I 1--"!--------------~, -----------· ----------'> I~ I Q I (E) 606a BY--PASS / ffi 1 o . L--L-~ / 10 I I I -/ I I ~~ // : II! I / ~ : I ~ ?! : 0, I ,-3'-:' /p~ 1 4 I I . // !il -I ~ <D I 1,-3'~ ' I / I --------===------------+---~! --.-if'--. -. -. -l'i'l // I I "' / I I , 8; / 1 -' I 1-><I l .I / ~I ~i I I I I I I I I I I II! I 81 ~I xi 01 I I I I I I I I ' ~ ~ (Jl I 0 ' " L~-IT! _ _/_-+----IEI 365<) X() ___ _j __ J ,_ -------------~ II! ' '° (i) ~ ~ 23' -9" ' u ~ Existing / Demo Floor Plan 11· 6 ' IL 1 o'-~" ' 48'-~" Holstein Residence 4244 Park Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 IL IL ' ' 11 '-6" ' 14168 Poway Rd., Poway, CA 92064 www.madesigning.com (760) 390-0007 lfil I 'li • §I () 0 7J ~ 0 ~ '-J I , •• Q 0 0-, ~ aECTRICAL NOTES: PERMMENTL Y LABa ALL ORO.IT BREAKERS. 6ROLID FAlL T CIRO.IT INTERRUPTER (GFCII OUTLETS ARE REQUIRED IN BATHROO~KITCI-ENS, AND WET BAR SIN(~,Jtl ATTAOED GARAGES. IN CRAWLSP A , IN l.l'FINSI-ED BASBvENTS, ""'-1 OUTDOORS. MN. 36" CLEAR WORKING SP ACE IN FRONT OF ALL aECTRICAL P AIIB...S AND DISCOl'IIECTS SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE INST ALLS) PER 2013 CBC. Al EACH SLEB'ING ROOM Bl AT A POINT CENTRALLY LOCATED IN TI-E CORRIDOR OR AREA GIVING ACCESS TO EACH SEPERATED SLEB'ING ROOM Cl ROOMS OP~ TO A HALLWAY SERVING BB)ROOMS WHERE TI-E CBLING f-EIGHT EXCEEDS THAT OF TI-E HALLWAY BY 24" OR MORE DJ BATTERY OPERA TED SMOKE DETECTORS MAY BE lJS8) IN EXISTING B SMOKE ALARMS ARE REQURED TO BE INTERCONNECTED IN SUCH A MAN-.ER THAT TI-E ACTIVATION OF l ALARM WILL ACTIVATE ALL OF TI-E ALARM$. NEW LNT INTERCONNECTION NOlE WHERE MORE THAN ONE SMOKE ALARM IS REQLIRED TO BE INSTALLS) TI-E SMOKE ALARMS AHALL BE INTERCONNECTED IN SUCH A MAfffR THAT TI-E ACTIVATION OF ONE ALARM WILL ACTIVATE ALL TI-E ALARMS IN TI-E INDIVIDUAL DwaLING LNT. TI-E ALARM SHALL BE CLEARLY AUDIBLE IN ALL BEDROOMS OVER BACKGROIID NOISE LEVlaS WITH ALL INTERVENNG DOORS CLOSED. RECEPTACLE OUTLET LOCATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH CEC ARTICLE 210.521AI. BA TI-ROOM OROJTING SHALL BE EITH3l: Al A 20 AM'ERE CIRO.IT DB)ICA TED TO EACH BATHROOM OR Bl AT LEAST ONE 20 AM'ERE CIRCUIT SlPPL YING ONLY BATHROOM RECEPTACLE OUTLETS. FLUORESCelT RXTIRES MUST BE OF TI-E BALLASTED TYPE THAT CAN ONLY ACCEPT FLUORESCENT BULBS WITH A MNM..M EFRCACY OF 40 LUvelS PER WATT. PROPOSED LIMNAIRES IN BA "fl-ROOMS, GARtJ~E~ LALIDRY ROOlvJ.S,,. UTILITY ROOMS, AND OTHER ROOMS SHALL BTHER BE HGH ACY OR SHALL cc CONTROLL8) oY AN OCCIJPANT SENSOR !OR DIMvER FOR OTHER ROOMS ONLY.I aECrnaAN TO VERIFY PROPER OUTLET SPAONG AND LIGHTING REQllRElvENTS PRIOR TO I\IST ALA TION OF SUCH OUTLETS AND LIGHTING. VERIFY ALL OUTLET, RECEPTICAL AND LIGHTING LOCATIONS WITH OwtER. TAMPER RESIST ANT RECEPTICALS ARE REQLIRED THROUGHOUT MRE DwaLING LINT PER. TI-E 2010 CA aECTRICAL CODE ARTICLE 406.Il TAMPER-RESIST ANT RECEPTICALS. ALL OUTLETS NOT NOTED AS GFCL MJST BE AFa OUTLETS ALL aECTRICAL DEVICES INSTALLED IN TI-E DwauNG SHALL BE COMPLIANT WITH CEC ARTICLE 210 & 406. alWEA THER RESIST ANT TYPE. FOR RECEPTICLES IN WET LOCATIONS IOUTSIDB LIGHTING NOTES A IN TI-E ~TCHEN AT LEAST ONE-HALF OF THE WATTAGE RATING OF TI-E RXTlml MJST BE HGH EFRCACY. B. IN BATHROOMS, AT LEAST ONE RXTIRE SHALL BE I-IGH EFRCACY AND ALL REMAINNG RXTIRES SHALL BE HGH EFRCACY OR BE CONTROLLED BY A VACANCY ~ C. LIGHTING INST ALLS) IN GARAGES, LALNJRY ROOMS, AND UTLITY ROOMS SHALL BE HGH EFRCACY AND BE CONTROLLED BY VACANCY SENSORS. D. HGH EFRCACY RXTIRES ARE REQllRED FOR ALL OTHER ROOMS INOT DES088) ABOVB OR LOW EFRCACY RXTIRES ARE ALLOWS) IF CONTROLL8) BY A DIMvER OR A VACANCY SENSOR E. OUTDOOR LIGHTING RXTIRES THAT ARE A TT ACI-ID TO A BUILDING ARE REQLIRED TO BE HGH EFRCACY OR BE CONTROLLED BY A COMBINATION PHOTO-CONTROL/ MOTION~ MECHAJ\ICAL EXHAUST FANS FROM BATHROOMS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING ICALGREEN 4.506.U. SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE INST ALLS) PER 2013 CBC. Al EACH SLEB'ING ROOM Bl AT A POINT CENTRALLY LOCATED IN TI-E CORRIDOR OR AREA GIVING ACOESS TO EACH SEPERA TB) SLEB'ING ROOM Cl ROOMS~ TO A HALLWAY SERVING BB)ROOMS WHERE TI-E C8LING f-EIGHT EXCEEDS THAT OF THE HALLWAY BY 24" OR MORE DJ BATTERY OPERA TED SMOKE DETECTORS MAY BE USED IN EXISTING B SMOKE ALARMS ARE REQUIRED TO BE INTERCONNECTED IN SUCH A MAN-.ER THAT THE ACTIVATION OF l ALARM WILL ACTIVATE ALL OF THE ALARMS -swoKE DETECTORS M.JST BE VB<IFYED OR ADDED AT EXISTING RESIDENCE - -To COM'LY WITH TIE LOCATIONS M311Jl()f£) ABOVE. BATTERY OPERATED lNTS - -ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE AT TI-ESE LOCATIONS - ALL SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE LISTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH lL2l7 AND INST ALLS) IN ACCORDANCE WITH lL 217 AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF N=PA 72 SYSTEMS AND COMP~S SHALL BE CALIFORNA STATE RRE MARSHAL LISTED AND APPROVB) IN ACCORDANCE WITH CCR, TITLE 19, DIVISION l FOR TI-E PLWOSE FOR WHCH THEY ARE NST ALLS). BATTERY OPERA TED SMOKE ALARMS ARE PERMTTED TO BE SOLa Y BATTERY OPERA TED IN EXISTING AREAS OF BULDINGS UIIOERGOING ALTERATIONS OR REPAIRS THAT DO NOT RESULT IN THE REMOVAL OF INTERIOR WALLS OR CBLING RNSI-ES EXPOSING THE STRUC11JRE. LN...ESS THERE IS AN ATTC, CRAWL SPACE ORB~ AVAILABLE WHCH COlLD PROVDE ACCESS FOR BUILDING WIRING WITHOUGHT TI-E REMOVAL OF INTERIOR RNSIES. !NOT ALLOWS) FOR THE PROPOSED PRO..ECTJ SMOKE ALARMS SHALL RECBVE THBR PRIMARY POWER FROM THE BlJLDING WIRING PROVIDED THAT SUCH WIRING IS SERVED FROM A COMEROAL SOlRCE AND SHALL BE EQLIPP8) WITH A BATTERY BACK-LI'. SMOKE ALARMS WITH INTEGRAL STROBES THAT ARE NOT EQUIPP8) WITH BATTERY BACKlP SHALL BE CONNECTED TO AN EM:RG1311CY aECTRICAL SYSTEM. SMOKE ALARMS SHALL EMT A SIGNAL WI-Bl TI-E BATTERIES ARE LOW. WIRING SHALL BE P~ AND WITHOUT A DISCONNECTING SWITCH OTHER THAN AS REQUIRED FOR 0~ PROTECllOi'I WHERE MORE THAN ONE SMOKE ALARM IS REOLIRED TO BE INST ALLS) WITI-IIN AN INDIVIDUAL DwaLING LI-IIT, THE ALARM DEVICES SHALL BE INTERCONNECTED IN SUCH A MANNER THAT THE ACTIVATION OF ONE ALARM WILL ACTIVATE ALL OF TI-E ALARMS IN THE INDIVIDUAL LNT. SMOKE ALARMS WILL BE NST ALLED ACCORDING TO TI-E 2013 CRC SECTION R3l4 ANY EXISTING SMOKE ALARMS THAT ARE MORE THAN 10 YEARS OLD WILL BE REPLAC8). THE INST ALLA llONOF SMOKE ALARMS AND SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE SPECIRC LOCATION REQLIRtvENTS OF CRC SECTION R3l4.3.4. ELECTRICAL LEGEND X 0- IQ] 0 FL. ~ VP ¢1 I GFCI WP./GFCI i { l r 0 (9 ... 'v CEILING FAN LIGHTING FIXTURE CAN LIGHT PENDANT LIGHT FLORESCENT TUBE LIGHT INDICATED FLORESCENT EXHAUST FAN VAPOR PROTECTED STANDARD OUTLET 220 OUTLET GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER WEATHER PROTECTED G.F.C.I. GAS STUB GAS KEY SWITCH 3 WAY SWITCH SMOKE DETECTOR CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR PHONE CABLE D D WP/GFO PHOTO/MJTION 0 ~® + 34 42" REF I I I I + :i.Fe I I I q')" -_J + 34 GFO D D D ·---·-1-·-7 ? : / 0 LIGHT /Ft COMBO ......__ POOTO/ M::>TION 4 WP/GFO PHOTO/ """" ® ®© ® ® 1-·-·-·-·---·-· I I ELECTRICAL PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" MOVED THE WINDOW FROM RIGHT END TO THE CENTER OF THE WALL Sheet: s:t <O 0 N en <l:,--. Oo <O >, r--- 0 '--'. s: o E i Cl.. 0 . (.) -0 Ct'. >, C: 0 ,<::n s: rn 0 (I.) Cl.. -0 0 co E <O ~ s:t 09/'27/17 V4"=f-O" E-1 FOUNDATION NOTES: 1 CONTINUOUS EXTERIOR PERllvETER AND CONTINUOUS INTERIOR BEARING WALL FOOTINGS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS IU.N.OJ: Al SUPPORTING ONE FLOOR AND A ROOF: 12" WIDE X 24" DEEP INTO NATIVE SOIL OR 90% COMP ACTED RLL WITH (4) i4 BARS !2lT & (2lB OF FOOTING. 2 FOlIDA TION PLATES OR SILLS SHALL BE BOL TID TO THE FOlIDA TION WITH Al MN. 5/13" DIA. GALV. STEEL BOLTS IN BULDINGS LOCATID IN SBSMC DESIGN CATEGORY E: Bl AT LEAST 7' EMlEDM:NT INTO CONCRETE OR MASON?( AND NOT MORE THAN 6'-0" SP AONG: Cl MNlvlM TWO SOL TS PER PIECE WITI-1 ONE SOLT LOCATID NOT MORE THAN 12" OR LESS THAN 4" FROM EACH END OF EACH PIECE: DI GAL V. STEEL WASHERS A MNlvlM OF 3" X 3" X OZ/9" USl3) ON EACH B0L T: THE HOLE IN THE PLATE WASI-ER IS PERMTTID TO BE DIAGONALLY SLOTTID WITH A WIDTI-1 OF LI' TO 3/16" LARGER THAN THE BOLT DIAMETER AND A SLOT LENGTI-1 NOT TO EXCEED 1 3!.'.,'t,..PROVIDED A STANDARD CUT WASI-ER IS PLACED BETWEEN THE PLATE WA>ttK AND NUT. 3. ALL ANCHOR BOLTS, HOLDOWNS, AND DOWELS SHALL BE TIED IN PLACE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSPECTION. 4. INSPECTOR TO RECHECK FOR EXPANSIVE SOILS AND/OR GRADING REQUIREMENTS AT THE FIRST FOUNDATION INSPECTION. 5. 6. 7. ll. 9. 10. n ALL FOOTINGS SHALL MAINT AJN MNIMLM 7'-0" TO DAYLIGHT WHERE SLOPES OCCUR.HORIZONTAL DISTANCE SHALL BE MEASURED FROM THE BOTTOM LEADING EDGE OF FOOTING TO DAYLIGHT. ALL CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMJM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 2500 PSI AT 21l DAYS IU.N.OJ. ALL WOOD FRAMING MEMBERS IN CONT ACT WITH CONCRETE OR MASONRY SHALL BE PRESSURE TIREA TED. ALL DIMENSIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED WITH FLOOR PLAN, ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE RESOLVED PRIOR TO TIRENCHNG. ALLPAD FOOTINGS WITH 4X POSTS ON SILL PLATES SHALL HAVE SIMPSON 'A23' EA SIDE@ BASE 4X POSTS ON INDIVIDUAL SPREAD FOOTINGS SHALL HAVE SIMPSON 'CB'@ BASE U.N.O. THE MOISTU<E BARRIER SHOULD BE PROPERLY LAPPED ANS SEALED AT JOINTS AND AROOO ANY BREAKS SUCH AS OPENNGS FOR UTILITY CONDUITS. FASTENERS INTO PRESERVATIVE TREATED WOOD ON ALL APPLICATIONS) AND FIRE-RETARDANT WOOD ON EXTERIOR APPLICA TIONSI SHALL BE: HOT DIPPED ZINK-COATED GALVANZED STEEL, STAINLESS STEEL, SILICON BRONZE, OR COPPER. EXCEPTION: V2 INCH OR GREATIER STEEL BOLTS EXEMPT FROM PRESERVATIVE TREATED WOOD REQUIREMENT. EXCEPTION FASTEl'ERS OTHER THAN ~h~ TIMlER RI\/EI~WOOD SCREWS, AND LAG SCREWS MAY BE Mt:C.-HANICALL Y L.Jtt"OSITED ZINC-COATED STEEL. 12 SLAB ON GRADE RENFORCEMENT IS TO BE PLACED FROM THE CENTIER TO THE U'PER V3rd OF TI-E SLAB, AND HAVE ADEQUATE SUPPORTS TO HOLD IT IN PLACE DIJ<RING TI-E CONCRETE POUR. SHEARWALL SCHEDULE SYMlOL ili:AR MA TB<IAL AN) NAILJNG DESCRIPllON ANCH(ll&u: W\R IPLFl 0 260 3/8" CDX PLYWOOD W/ 2x L W/ 5/8'' llA NOa ,..,,,.,,._-D ...,....., ad@ 6" O.C EN. / rt' O.C FN BCUS ~ 36" 0.C (C L1P4@ 24" 0.CJ 0 3!D 3/8" CDXPLYWOOD W/ 2x L W/ 518'' llA NOa K ,.,,, • fl ""' 8d @ 4" O.C EN. / rt' O.C F.N. BO.. TS @ 24" 0.C 1 L1P4@ 16" QCJ : w ' I t') <D I "ro st- st- ' 0! I rl Nj I I I I @: 7'-4 3/4"1 I I I I I I I I I 10·@ I I I I I I I s'-o" 6' 4'-10 3/4" ~ ~ L_ l I I I I L (N) 4• coNcRm SLAB ___j I I W/ #3 BARS @ 18" O.C. EA. WAY I 0/6 MIL POLYETHYLENE MOISTURE BARRIER 0/ 4• I THICK COURSE OF SAND OR GRAVEL SUB-BASE I I I I I Lh I L --I L _J ---------~ ~ 3~-6u 6'-2" 1 o·-~· 17'-0" (E) C0NCRDE SL.AB I I I I I (D10· I (E) C0NCRDE SLAB I I I I L ________ __J POST FOOTING TO BE 24" SQ, X lll" DEEP W / (2) +4 BARS EACH WAY TYPICAL ~ ~-~_;!NDATION PLAN & MOVED THE WINDOW FROM RIGHT END TO THE CENTER OF THE WALL. REVISED THE SHEAR WALL LENG TH. Cl) u ~ Cl) "'O -~ 00 Cl) ~ ~ -~ Cl) ~ 00 ~ 0 ~ Sheet: st co 0 N (J) <( .-.. U 0 co >, l"--0 .._. ,:: 0 0... . .::, ac:: >, C: 0 -~ ,:: VJ 0 (I) 0... .::, 0 co E co ~ st 00 -o <l) 0 .::; N .... 0\ ~ <C "Cu ctj ~ ~ "g 'tj" .r:, 'tj" <Zl N~ 'tj" @ u 09/27/fl V4"=r-o" S-1 FRAMING NOTES: l. ROOF PITCH SHALL BE 4:12, VERIFY TO MATCH EXISTING. 2. NEW ROOFING TO BE CLASS "A" COMPOSITION SHINGLES 0CC-ESRt 1475J 0/ 40* F8.. T WITH CLASS "A" ROOANG ASSEtv'a Y. "EAGLE TILE SHNGLES" -ROOF TYPICAL WBGHT: 45 POt-OS PER SO. FT. -iNST ALLA TION OF ROORNG SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH nE lvFG'S SPECIRCA TIONS. PROPOSED CRICKETS At-0 ALIEIRED IRELUS ROOF TO BE MN. V4:12. AT PROPOS8:> ROOF USE JOI-NS MANVILL8-BITUMNOUS IBIJL T--!Pl ROORNG SYSTEM flCC-tER549J 904 GRADUA T8) MODIFED TORCH DOWN Cl>J> SfEET 0/ 200 RBERGLASS BAfE SfEET BOlH APUCAllO'lS SHALL rvEET CLASS "A" RRE RATING. -iNST ALLA tiON OF ROORNG SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH nE MFG'S SPECIRCA TIONS. 3. ROOF SHEA THING SHALL BE MNltvLM V2" PLYWOOD EXPOSURE l It-VEX 24/0. 8d CO!Vtv10N NAILS <!> 6" O.C. B.N., & 12" O.C. F.N. BOUNDARY NALING APPLIES TO ALL SUPPORTED PLYWOOD EDGES AT: PLYWOOD EDGES, PERIMETER WALLS, AND SHEARWALLS. 5. PROVIDE MIN. 2X RIDGE BLOCKING FOR DIAPHRAGM NAILING. 6. EVERY OPENNG IN ANY EXTERIOR WALL SHALL BE FLASHED W/ SHl:ET METAL OR WATERPROOF BUILDING PAPER. 7. ATTIC VENTILATION OPENNGS SHALL BE COVERED W/ CORROSION RESISTANT METAL MESH, W/ MESH OPENINGS OF V4" IN DIMENSION 8. PROVIDE RRESTOPS, VERTICLE & HORIZONTAL, IN ENCLOSED SPACES<!> 1O'-0" INTERVALS MAX. ruBC SEC. 7O8.2D 9. ALL BEARING WALLS TO HAVE DOUBLE TOP PLATE W/ MN. 48" LAP SPLICE W / MN. 8, l6d EACH SIDE. 10. ALL SHEARWALLS SHALL EXTEND TO ROOF SHEATHING. ll ALL INTE<IOR DOOR HEADERS TO BE 4X4 (UN.O.) 12 ALL RAFTERS, JOISTS, & HEADERS TO BE D.F. *2 GRAIDE !UN.OJ 13. PROVIDE MN. V2" CLR. @ ALL TRUSSES & NONBEARING WALLS, 14. WALL STUD HIEGHTS: TO 1O'-0": 2X4 i2 D.F. @ 16" O.C. M'-0" MAX. FOR NON-BEARING) TO 12'-0": 2X6 *2 D.F. <!> 16" O,C. !20'-0" MAX FOR NON-ilEARINGl TO 14'-O": 2X6 #2 D.F. @ 16" O.C., BLKD. <!> 5' MAX. 15. TO 16'-0": 2X6 *2 D.F. <!> 12" O.C .. BLKD. @ 4' MAX. VERIFY OR PROVIDE ATTIC VENTILATION EQUAL TO l/150 OF ATTIC AREA. AT EXISTING WHERE ATTIC AREA IS OVER 30". USE 18" DIA V2 ROUND DORMER VENTS TYP. .7 5 SQ. FT. EA ADDITION AREA = 534 SQ, FT, / 150 = 3.56, PROVIDE MN. 4 VENTS NOTI:: NO EXISTING VENTILATION OPENNG AREA ALTERED DUE TO THE PROPOSED ADDITION.. t IDCATES VENTS VENT OPENNGS SHALL BE COVERED WITH NON-COMB. CORROSION RESIST ANT MESI-I MESH OPENINGS SHALL BE VB" MAX 16. ALL HANGERS SHALL BE SIMPSON "lJ" HANGERS !UN.OJ 17. FRAMING MEMBER SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THE EDGES OF ALL SHEETS IN PLYWOOD SHEARWALLS 18. ALL POST & BEAM TO TOP PLATE AND SILL PLATE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE SIMPSON A34 U.N.O. 19, PROVIDE 'ST6224' STRAP ACROSS ALL DISCONTINUOUS DBL. TOP PLATES. 20. ALL SHEAR PANELS SHALL BE APPLIED DIRECTLY TO STUDS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF DECORATIVE POP-OUTS AND TRIM 21. ALL ROOF SHEA THNG SHALL EXTEND UNDER CALIFORNIA RLL AREAS. 22. ALL PANEL EDGES OF DIAPHR.AGMS AIRE BACKED BY 2X OR WIDER FRAMING ELEMENTS. 23. WfERE TOP OR SOLE PLATE ARE CUT FOR P~.,,__A tvET AL TIE MNMUM 0.054 INCHES THCK AND 1 V2 INCIES WIDE SHALL BE FAS I t:N::LJ ACROSS nE OPENNG WITH 8-lOd NAILS MNMUM EACH SIDE nE STR.APS SHALL NOT EXTEt-0 LESS THAN 6" BEYOt-O nE CUT OR NOTCH s(I) /H\ ~ 4'-10 3/4" ~ I --------------- I -W,-6236- -:::::::j=F==:;::::::=====::i--4Xl0 Ir ----c;::;:==:::::j::=-~ 41(_ 6 I rG\ I ~ T.IL. TO TPL. I I I I I <0 I XI .•1 sq- '-' I ~ I d ' @ ' I . . -------'-' d - " @ V, "' U) !!? f- ~ "' ~ 0 412 rN\ IP\ '-!?-Y \!?j} 11 ' / ST 62361 . DCAU ~ Ul - ---------------- - 0 d ~ ~ ' ~~ .... N @ r.--~ U) L-!!? ~ J f- / ~ ili "' ID ~ J bY - I ~-- 4X4POST TYP. W/ EPC _ -~T~.P~L.~J~O~~~~~~~-o-+.~~~~~~=====~-~~--h~----~----~~I RLUSH 3 V2" X Il 7 /8" PSL 1=L .~ . . 7 "' 4X4POST ..rb. ~ TYP. W/ EPC V _ -Q 1,5 i£2 V Q : ' ~ ;bY 4X8~ /1 I ~ ~ -~-I I fG'\ I 4 X 4 POST _ji II ~ T I TYP, W/ EPC I I I /M\ ~ 10' (I) i D 41 i 010• :l+----~S~C~IS~S~ORo__,_TR~U~S~is,a.J~'@~2~4~"~0~.C~-----~: I ! ---\ ----! ------ -0 X sq- y y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y-oY Y Y I ,6 C.J. @ 24" o.c. I 4 X >-GABLE END.1!!§8_____ ___ I (D ('~ \ I\ :4'-5" y \.!:'. y \ 4 X_ ,, I I ;;~;c;d>-~--/1\ -I @~---.,·!. ( ~ 4X6 R.R. ' 24" o.c.\ ~ ,- 4X4POST TYP. W/ EPC , (: / / ~K.P. 6 X 10 6X6POS / ~ 6X6POST W/ ECCLR W/ECCL: ~ @ ~G;) (>-~-----4 X 8 RIDGE ( 3~' 3~' >- 1 J.. J,. J,. l l l ----------- )-) . ) . ) . ) . ) . ) l -< ) ) -< l -< ) -< l -< I \_4 X 4POST TYP. W/ EPC - Q 412 (E) TRUSSE~ @ 24" 0.C. (E)(lf nNGJ -- ~ ~-~_:F FRAMING PLAN - MOVED THE WINDOW FROM RIGHT END TO THE CENTER OF THE WALL. REVISED THE SHEAR WALL LENGTH, CDP 2017-00 51 Sheet: <,,.... () 0 (D >, r--- 0 '--' ;:: 0 o_ E 0 u "O Ol 0:: C >, C 0 Ol ;:: 0 o_ 09/27/17 V4"=r-O" S-2 4X6 RAFT8lS ~ y;/' o.c 2X8 T!G ROOF il-!TG. _ COlNlcRSIN( 1/2'' X6" I LAG SCREW W ~ 3"EMlEI) BEAM TO ' ' \ - I \ BEAMP~PLAN MODFYfBGHT TO ,All.OW FASCIA TO AU6N Wl1ll 18 - ' @_) ~~~NECTION DETAIL EXISTlNG M'R. TRlliSES t!> 24" O.C. 2X6 PAD W/121-16d EACH l2JSS 2X STIDS @ 16" O.C. DBL TOP PLATE WI MN. 411" LAP SPLICE ® ~~NECTION DETAIL RL~ f!> 24" o.c. ' I """' FASCIA 111TH IEI FNP.A BEYOIO 4X6 RAFT8lS ~ y;/' o.c 2X8 T!G ROOF il-ITG. EN. ' ~~~B,~ l 11+--SfEAR PAIR PER PLAN ISfEAR SCIEDll.8 718" STOCCO WI M:T AL LA TH 01 BllLDI-G PAPER EXllID TO 4X8 RllGE BEAM ST6236STR.Ai' EACH RAFl8l 4X6 RAFTERS "'24" o.c. T!G ROOF ll-IT'G @) ~~.~~R TO RIDGE BEAM r-EW SOSSOR 1RIJSSES f!' 24"0,C -----'SFY ClPRCMl:2Xa..oo:NS BENvt PER PLAN -~Jl~~=:B;t;,,_~=======- V'l' GYP. llRCU5!!JllT CONNECTION DETAIL l V2" = T-0' ~--------,YIEIE W,U 619.«:MDIEE THA29 1-NGRS. OR HJS26 "' 24" O.C. "' EACH TRUSS WI 2X ,._ _ _,,_,u._ BLOCKING BETWEEN TRlliSES W/16d @ 6" O.C. 2X RAFTERS "' 16" O.C. ROOF ll-IT'G V2" GYPSlM BRD. 2X STIDS f!' 16" O.C DBL TOP PLATE W/ MN. 46" LAP SPLICE OH TO MATCH 18 r--4------li~ 161 16d NM.S AT EACH l'IJER!ECTION OF c.! TO ~ .~---!er:' ROOF PLY. TO BLOCKING 11+--SfEAR PAIR PER PLAN ISfEAR SCIEDll.8 -~L2XBI.XG B8flDCOMl. FASOA 718" STIJCCO WI M:TAL LATH 01 llOOG PAPER TYPICAL INlER EAVE EAVE DETAIL T' = T-0' ~ ROOF ll-IT'G l 1-llJ' t<U..<' PLY. TO TRUSS I ". f.JSPER s.w. SCIEDll.~ EN. I"'-:=-_. -18' ' TYP. TO MATCH IEl = FASCIA BIID. 2X 4 OUTLCJCmS 36" O.C., NOTCH "' 0 GABLE 8'll RAFl8l NT -2XRAFTERS PER PLAN ;.w 1ft SfEAR PAIR PER PLANISfEAR SCIEDll.8 M:TAL PAPER G, i-.718" STIJCCO WI . . LATH 01 BlLDING CONT. TO ROOF ii-IT 0 GABLE END DETAIL D-1 T' = T-0' --e-4X8 IDGE BEAM 0 ECC COLIM-l CAP 4X6 Kl"6 POST 6X8 BEAM PER PLAN ® ~~~: POST CONNECTION 0 -BEAM PER PLAN - ECC COLIM-l CAP OREl'C~PLAN POST Pfll PLAN BEAM PER PLAN 0 "\_ ECCL COLIM-l CAP POST PER PLAN POST TO BEAM T' = T-0' 0 0 "\._ CC COLLMI CAP ORPC ~PLAN POST PER PLAN --e--BEAM PER PLAN ___ ,, _____ ,_ ___________ _ V2" GYPSlM BRD. EXISTlNG WALL: 2X4 STIDS @ 16" O.C. WI P.TDF. SLL PLATE V'l' GYPSI.M BRD. l'EW 4" CONCRETE iLAB 12114 REBAR TQl . . --· . ' ": .... .,, .. 13 BARS "' 18" O.C. EA WAY · f!' WClNT IN SLAB . . , " ,,._ . . 4 . ·"' . . . . .. 14 REBAR TQl lH.L 4" INTO ~---+-EXIST. FOOTING & SET IN EPOXY, =====c====":'=FT~~=L.~t,, EXIOO 9" INTO~ FOOTING , . . "" USE ~M'SON SET-XP : 0:: • ICC-ESR 2508 TYPICAL AT 24" O.C. MIIIMM HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM LEADNG B)GE OF FOOTlNG TO DA YLIGHf IS T-0" FOOTING CONNECTION T' = T-0' 3" a.R. Ii"--"'!----'l' MN. SDECO'll'R . ' . . • .o . ~ , . ~·--.. ·,-'-: .. -~ . :; .. I._ 24" SO. CENTm:D ON POST . .,, . • ,I F.G. 12114 BAAS EACH WAY MNM.M HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM LEADING B)GE OF FOOTNG TO DAYLIGHT IS 7'-0" fF'\ POST FOOTING ~ T'=T-0' M'R. TRlliSES f!> 24" o.c V'l' GYPSlM BRD. 2X STIDS "' 16" O.C. DBL TOP PLATE WI MN. 48" LAP SPLICE ROOF SHf'G TROOSES @ 24" o.c. A35 PER ~ PLAN >.. V2" GYPSlM BRD. TO MATCH IEl _.,-EN. ROOF PLY. ;,-TO BLOCKING 2X8 FASCIA BRD. TO MATCH EXISTlNG 11<1--SfEAR PAIR Pfll PLAN ISIEAR SCIEDll.8 718" STIJCCO WI M:T AL LATH 01 BIJLDING PAPER EN. ROOF PLY. TO TRUSS EN. PLY. TO TRUSS GABLE 8'll TRUSS WI RLL "' 16" O.C. SPLICE SfEAR PAIR ON TOP PLATE EN. PLY. TO TOP PLATE 2X8 FASCIA TO MATCH EXISTNG 2X4 OUTLCJCmS f!' 36' o,c., NOTCH NTO GABLE 8'll 2X STIDS "' 16" O.C. DBL TOP PLATE WI MN. 46" LAP SPLICE 11+--SfEAR PANB. PER PLAN ISIEAR SCIEDll.8 ® ;~:,AR TRANSFER 7 /8" STIJCCO WI M:T AL LA TH 01 BllLDING PAPER 2X4 Bl.KG. @ 24" o.c. /~-IE FRAMNG FLOOR FRAMNG OR ROOF FRAMNG r;;-;;,l<-llf-11--STC CUP ---~ "' 46" o.c. \,i PAAALLB. 2X STIDS"' 16" o.c. PERPIIDOLAA ® NON-BEARING WALL T' = T-0' 718" STIJCCO 01 __ M:TAL LATH WI WEEP SCllEED F.G. lo ~ 3" CLEAR 2X4 STIDS I!' 16" O,C. WI P.T.D,F, ~L PLATE V2" GYPSlM BRO. 5/Pl' X 10" AB. I!' 7'l' O.C. .--tt--WI 3" X 3" X 0229" WASIER, BvllED T' MN. MN. 12'' FROM 8'llS AN) COOERS IUN.OJ 4" CONCRETE SLAB • . •,,. . . 13 BARS f!' 18" O.C. EA WAY t!> MDPONT N iLAB ,: . ,, . ~-'l' CLEAN SAN) 01 12'' MN. o,.;. +->--w 14 REBAR TIIB ,6 I.L VISQLffi.l 01 l'llllllOOAL '1' CLEAN S/IID MNM.M HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM LOONG 8JGE OF FOOTING TO DAYLIGHT IS T-0" fB\. EXTERIOR FOOTING D-1 T' = T-0' 2X4 STIDS f!> 16" O.C. WI P.TDF. SLL PLATE V'l' GYPSI.M BRD. EA SIJE 518" X 10" AB. @ 7'l' O.C. .-+>-WI 3" X 3" X o:ur WASER. • . . • • . , • .. • ' z ::E l;:,i _.,_ .. 3" CLEAR 12'' MN. ,IC\ INTERIOR FOOTING 0 T'=T-0' l'EW 4" CONaETE iLAB 7 13 BAAS @ 18" O.C. EA f!> WClNT IN iLAB • ·, .. · WAY • - . r-~cIDs:~ WSllllEBAR!eO/ S/IID OR GRAl'El SJ! BASE 14 REBAR @ 18" O.C. EXIST. FOOTING & 1Ef IN 8'0XY, EXT8'll 9" INTO l'EW iLAB DRILL 4" NTO USE SM'SON SET-XP 8'0XY ICC-ESR 2508 ' .. '_·. • SLAB CONNECTION r = r-o· BvllED T' MN., MN. 12'' FROM 8'llS AN) CORI-ERS IUN.OJ 4" CONCRETE iLAB ' • • , . 14 REBAR Tm . · . • '-.' i • 13 BAAS "' 18" O.C. EA WAY "' MDPaNT IN iLAB 'l' CLEAN SAN) 01 .6 ML VISQLEEN 01 l'llllllOOAL '1' CLEAN S/IID MIIIM.M HORIZONTAL OOT OCE FROM LEADING 8JGE OF FOOTING TO DAYLIGHT IS T-0" EXISTING CONCRETE iLAB ·1 / MNM.M HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM LOONG 8JGE OF FOOTING TO DAYLIGHT IS T-Q" ·------------------·---------------------------------- l"=f-0" Sheet: D-1 '" ~ "' Cl 00 CJ '5 I;: ;;i Cl .i z 8 "' Cl Cl < ;;j C, 0 f-/ii 00 1s u z '" f-f- "' " Cl "' "' 00 '" "' $;; Ol Ol I'= f-::i 0 ~ ?-r "' < 0. 0 "' :i: f->- :'a ~ 0 OJ z 0 "' 00 < '" "' 0 f->-'" I'= '" "' < "" g o:' ~ '" 0 ,:fl ~ :r: " >-< " >-z < '5 @ CJ :'a :r: u ~ y 0 w ;: 0 u ci "' u ::i 8 y "' 0. ' "' "' ~ "' 0 f- b z "' "' < en 0 z ~ < "' 0 0 :'a "' :'a ..l '-'" "' '" :r: f- eC ~ 2 "' t 0 u " < z 0 :e :e 0 u 0 "' s; Cl "' '" "' ! CERTIFICATE OF COMPLlANCE -RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Holstein Addition Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis GENERAL INFORMATION 01 Project Name 02 ca1i;u!ation Description 03 Project Location 04 City Holstein Addltfon TIUe 24 Analysis 4244ParkDr. Carlsbad Calculation Date/Time: 16:37, Wed, Jun 07, 2017 Input File Name: Holstein_170607.ribd16x 05 Standards Version Compliance 2017 CF1 R-PRF-01 Page 1 of 8 06 Zip Code 92008 07 Compliance Manager Version BEMCmpMgr 2016.2.1 (695) 08 Climate Zone CZ? 09 Software Version EnergyPro 7.1 10 Building Type Single Family 11 Front Orientation (deg/Cardinal) 270 12 Project Scope Addition and.'or Alteration 13 Number of Dwemng Units 1 14 Total Cond. Floor Area (tt2) i535 15 Number Qf Zones 2 16 Slab Area (ft2) 1535 17 Number of Stories ' 18 Addition Cond. Floor Area 537 19 Natural Gas Available Yes 20 Addition Slab Area (tt2) 537 21 Glazing Percentage(%-) 17.8"/o COMPLIANCE RESULTS 01 Building Complies With Computer Performan'ci,f · • ;<"·· ~-""-"' ; ,, ,,, 1 . 02 This building DOES NOT require ~RS V~ication, .. , : : . .. ;:· ·"; cc• ·. ';),, . . ' • This building Incorporates one:01;.ffiore spe'eial'Fe'atdi'es··Sh~·beJOW';, . ',.,·• ., .. , .. '"' ••• • •• • .. .. .. ENERGY USE SUMMARY 04 OS 06 07 08 Energy Use {kTDVfft2-yr) Standard Design Proposed Design Compliance Margin Percent Improvement Spar.;e. Heating 0.27 Q_82 .{)_55 -203.7% Space Cooling 12.46 10.33 2:13 17.1% IAQ Ventllation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Water Heating 19.94 19.94 0.00 0.0% Photovoltaic Offset 0.00 0.00 Compliance Energy Total 32.67 31.09 1.58 4.8% Registration Number: 217-P01 01 S2750A-000-000-000;)000-0000 Registration Daternme-2017-06-(l.8 09:44:59 HERS Provtder: CalCERTS i~c- CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards -2016 Residential Compliance Report Version -CFiR-05092017-695 Report GeneratW at: 2017-06--07 16:36:46 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Holstein Addition Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis FENESTRATION/ GLAZING 01 02 Name Surface (Orientation~Azim:uth) (E) 3660XO Front: To Remain (Front~270) (E) 3650XO Left: To Remain (Right-160} (E) 6050XO Rear: To Remain (Back-90) (E)4020 XO Rear; To Remain (Back~90) (N) 8068SGD Rear: To Remain (Back-90) (N) 3050 SH. Front (Fronl-270) {N/4050 DBL CAS. Front (Front-270i (N) 3050 SH. 2 left{Right-180) (N) 3050 SH. 3 Left (Rlght-180) (N) 6040 BlFOLD Right (Lett-0) (N) 6068 FRENCH Right {Lefl-0) (N) 3050 SH. 4 Right (Lett-0) (N) 3050 SH. 5 Rigrlt,'\.~~ffO) OPAQUE DOORS 01 03 Width(ft) -- - -· - - -- --- --· - -- --,, ·• ;, ;· 02 04 Calculation Dateffime: 16:37, Wed, Jun 07, 2017 Input File Name: Holstein_ 170607.r1bd16x 05 06 07 08 09 Height (ft) Multiplier Area {ft') LI-factor SHGC Exterior Shading --1 21.0 0.58 0.65 lnsect Screen (default) -1 17.5 0.58 0.65 Jnsect Screen (default) -' 30,0 0.58 0.65 lnsect Screen (deft.ml!) -1 8.0 0.58 0.65 1nsecl Screen (default) -1 53.3 0.32 0.25 insect Screen (default) -1 20.0 0.32 0.25 Insect Screen (defatJ!t) -1 20,0 0.32 025 Insect Screen (default) ·-' 15.0 0.32 0.25 Insect Screen {default) -1 15.0 0,32 0.25 Insect Screen (default) -1 24.0 0.32 0.25 Insect Screen (default) ,,-,, .1 .· 2'9:0 0.32 0.25 Insect Screen (defaul,) iJ . • ,15.0 10.3?," 0·25 Insect Scree11 (de.fault) •• I _j ,. " I 15ll .. :io.32 :0.25 Insect Screen (default) , .. ... . · . • .. 03 04 05 10 status Existing Existing Existing Existing Altered New New New New New New New New 06 CF1R-PRF-01 Page 4 of8 11 Verified Existing Condition No No No No NIA N/A NIA NIA NIA N/A NIA N/A NIA Name Side of Building Area (W') LI-factor Status Verified Existing Condition Front Door Front To Remain 20.0 0.10 Existing No Registration Number: 21 7-P010192750A-OOO-OOO--OOOOOOO-OOOO Registration Daternme: 2017-06-08 09:44:59 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards -2016 Residential Compliance Report version -CF1R-05092017-695 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name; Holstein Addition Calculation Description: Trtle 24 Analysis RegistraLion Number: 217-P0101 S-2750A-000-000·0000000-0000 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards -2016 Residential Compliance m ' Calculation Dateffime: 16:37, Wed, Jun 07, 2017 Input File Name: Holstein_170607.ribd16x Registration Datemme: 2017-06-0B 09;44;59 Report Version -CFiR-05092017--695 HERS Provider: Ca!CERTS inc. Report Generated at: 2017-06--071€:38:46 HERS Provider. CF1R-PRF--01 Page7of8 CaiCERTS inc. Report Generated at: 2017--06--07 16:38:46 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Holstein Addition Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Calculation OateJTime: 16:37, Wed, Jun 07, 2017 Input File Name: Holstein_ 170607.ribd16x CF1R-PRF-01 Page2of8 REQUIRED SPEClAL FEATURES The following are features tllat must be installed as condition for meeting the modeled energy performance forthls computer analysis. . Ducts with high level of insulation . Ceiling has high level of insulation . Non-standard duct location (any location other than attic) HERS FEATURE SUMMARY The following is a summary of the feattires that must be field-verified by a certified HERS Rater as a condition for meeting tile modeled energy performance for this computer analysis. Additional detail is provided in the building components tables below. Building-level Verifications: • -None-- Cooling System Verifications: • -None-- HVAC Distribution System Verifications: • -None- Domestic Hot Water System Verifications: • -None- 81.J!LDING -FEA"rURES INFORMATION 01 02 03,: . (14 05 06 07 Number .of D~lling . .. > Number of Ventilation Number of Water 'Units,, Project Name Conditioned Floor ~a {ft2}: ·Numb~r ot:Bedrooms . Number of Zones Cooling Systems Heating Systems Holstein Addition 153!5'" 1 ,. 6 2· . . 0 ., 1 . ., • . . . ZONE INFORMATION 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Zone Floor Area Avg. Ceiling Zone Name Zone Type HVAC System Name (fl') Height Water Heating System 1 Water Heating System 2 Existing Home conditioned Altered FAU & AtC1 998 9 DHW Sys 1 o/a New Addition Conditioned Altered FAU & A/C1 537 9 DHW Sys 1 nia Registration Number: 217-P01 01 927SOA-OOD-000-0000000-0000 Reg~tratlon Date!Time: 20; 7-IJ5-0B o9:4t.:59 HERS Provider C:;,ICEH.TS me CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards -2016 Residential Compliance Report Version -CF1 R-05092017-695 Report Generated at: 2017-06-07 16:38:46 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD CF1R-PRF-01 Page 5 of 8 Project Name: Holstein Addition Calculation Description: lltle 24 Analysis OPAQUE SURFACE CONSTRUCTIONS 01 02 03 Calculation Date!Time: 16:37, Wed, Jun 07, 2017 Input File Name: Ho!stein_ 170607.ribd16x 04 05 OS 07 Total Cavity Winter Design Construction Nam€ Surface Type Construction Type Framing R-value LI-value Assembly Layers . Inside Finish: Gypsum Board Cavity I F-rame: no insu/. I 2x4 R-OWall Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x4@ 16 in. O.C. none 0361 Exten·or Finish: 3 Coat Stucco Ceilings (below . Inside Finish: Gypsum Board R-0 Roof Attic attic) Wooo Framed Ceiling 2x4@24 in. O.C. none 0.481 . Cavity I Frame: no insul. I 2x4 . Cavity I Frame: no insu!. I 2x4 Top Chrd 2x4 Top Chord of Roof Truss @24 Roof Deck: Wood Siding/sheathing/decking Attic Garage Roof cons Attic Roofs Wood Framed Ceiling in.O.C. none 0.644 Roofing: Light Roof (Asphalt Shingle) Cavity I Frame: no insuf. I 2x4 Top Chrd 2x4 Top Chord of Roof Truss @24 . Root Deck Wood Siding/sheathing/decking Attic RoofExistlng Horne A~c Roofs Wood Framed Ceiling in. O,C. none 0.644 . Roofing: Light Roof (Asphalt Shingle) Inside Finish: Gypsum Board . Cavity/Frame: R-15/2x4 R-15 Wail Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2:x4@ 16 in. O.C. R'5 0.095 Exterior Finish: 3 Coat Stucco . • Inside Finish: Gypsum Board Ceilings (below .... • Cavity/ Frame: R-9.1 /2x4- R-rn Roof Attic attic) \f\lood Framed Ceilirig', 2x4 @ 24 i1'.J.' 0~. R 19 . '. 0.049 . Over Ceiling JoiSts: R-S,9 insuf. ·. -·, ,, ,·. . . . Inside Finish: Gypsum Board Cavity/ Frame: R-15l2X4 R-15 Wall1 Interior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x4@ 16 in. O,C. R 15 0.086 . Other Side Finish: Gypsum Board Cavity I Frame: no insLJ!. i 2x4 Top Chrd 2x4 Top Chord of Roof Truss @ 24 Roof Deck: Wood SidinglsheathingldecWng Attic RocfNew Addition AWc Roofs Wood Framed Celling in.O.C. norie 0.644 . r~oofing: Ugh! Roof (Asphalt Shingle} Inside Finish: Gypsum Boara· Ceilings (below . Cavity/ Frame: .R-9.1 / 2x4 R-38 Roof Attic attic) Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4@ 24 in. O.C. R38 0.025 Over Ceiling Joists: R-28.9 insu!. SLAB FLOORS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Verified Perimeter Carpeted Existing Name zone Area (tt2) (ft) Edge lnsul. R-va!ue Fraction Heated Status Condition Slab-on-Grade Existing Home 998 0.1 None 0.8 No Existing No Siab-on-Gra.de 2 New Addition 537 40 None 0.8 No New No Registration Number: 217-P01 01 92750A-OOO·OOO-OOOOOC.lv-0000 Registration Datemme: 20"7-015-08 09:4L:59 HERS Provider: C2.ICERTS inc CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards -2016 Residentlal Compliance Report Version. CF1R-05092017-695 Report Generated at: 2017-06-07 16:38:46 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE~ RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Holstein Addition Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1. I certify tha: this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Name: Alexander Ray Company: M.A.Design & Drafting Services Address: 14"168 Poway Rd. City/State/Zip: Poway. CA 92064 RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: Calculation Date/Time: 16:37, Wed, Jun 07, 2017 Input File Name: Holstein_ 170607.ribd16x Documentation Author Signatum: v11;'(~nd;:r J<..q9 Signature Date: 2017-06-08 09:42:54 CEA!HERS Certification Identification (!f applicable): NIA Phone: 760-390-0007 1 I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions-COOe to a::cept responsibility for the building design identffied on this Certificate of Compliance. CF1R-PRF-01 Page a of8 2. I certify that the energy fearures and performance specifications identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of lltle 24, Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. 3 The buildbg design features or system design features identified on thfs Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided on other applicable compliance documents, worksheets. c.iiculations, plans and specifications submitted tp the enforcement ag_en~ .f?r appr_ov.aJ wrth.th1s ~uild!ng pe_rrntt application. Responsible Designer Name: Responsible Des_1gner Sig~.;ture: , 0eieA 03"'? ,·,.,,, ,' ' Derek Berg ; . ' .. . . Company: D~~-Signe(;!: M.A.Design & Dratting Services 20\ 7-06-08 09:44:59 Address: License: 14168 Poway Rd. N/A Cit:y!State!Zip: Phone: Poway, CA 92064 760-390-0007 Digitally signed by CaJCERTS. This digital signature is provided in order to secure the content oF tnis registered document i!!7d in no w.ay implies Registration Provider responsibility for the accuracy of the informatfon. Registration Number: 217-P01 0192750A-000·000-000CCOO-OOOO Registration Datemrne· 2017-06-0809:44:59 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards -2016 Residential Compliance Report Version • CF1 R--05092017-695 HERS Provider: Easy to Verify at Ca!CERTS.com C.;_ICERTS :11c. Report Generated at: 2017-:J6-07 16:38:46 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE· RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Holstein Addition Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis OPAQUE SURFACES 01 02 Name Zone Front To Remain Existing Home Left To Remain Existing Home Rear: To Remain Existing Home Interior Garage Wall Existing Home>> Garage Existing Roof Existing Horne Front New Addition Left New Addition Rear New Addition Right New Addition New Roof New Addition Froni Garage Wall Garage Left Garage Wal! Garage Right Garage Wall Garage Roof Garage ATTIC 01 02 Name Construction Atl:ic Garage Attic Garage Roof Cons Attic Existing Hcm-e Attic RoofExisting Home Attic New A.edition Attic RoofNew Addition 03 Construction R-15 wan R-15 Wail R-i5 Wail R-15 Wall", R-19 Roof Attic R-15 \Nall R-15 Wall R-15 Wall R-15 Wall R-38 Roof Attic R-OWall R-0 Wall _'R-OWall :.· R-0 Roof Attic 03 Type Ventilated Ventilated Ventilated Calculation Date/Time: 16:37, Wed, Jun 07, 2017 Input File Name: Holstein_ 170607.ribd16x 04 05 06 07 Window & Door Azimuth Orientation Gross Area (ft2) Area (tt2) 270 Front 66.33 41 180 Right 200 17.5 90 Back 368 91.33 165.66 0 998 270 Front 138 40 180 Righi 186.33 30 90 Back 48 a 0 Leit 370.33 74 537 270 Front 165.66 112 180 Right ;186..33, . 33.34 0 . Left i186.33: 0 . 491 04 05 06 07 08 R=1 Roof Radiant Cool Roof Rise Reflectance Emittance Barrier Roof 0 0.1 0.85 No No 0 0.1 0.85 No No 4 o., 0.85 No No 08 Tilt (deg) 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 09 Status Existing Existing New CF1R-PRF•01 Page 3 of 8 09 10 Verified Existing Status Condition Existing No Existing No Existing No Existing No Existing No New N/A New N/A New NIA New N/A New N/A Existing No Existing No Existing No Existing No 10 Verified Existing Condition No No No Registration Number: 211-?o 1 0192750A-coo-ooo-0000000-oooo Registration Date/'lime: 2017-06-08 09.44:59 HERS Provider: catCERTS inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards -2016 Residenti.il Compli2nce Report Version -CF1 R-05092017-69-5 Report Generated at: 2017-06--0716:38:46 CERT!FICATE OF COMPLIANCE -RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Holstein Addition Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis BUILDING ENVELOPE -HERS VERIFICATION 01 Quality Insulation Installation (QU) Not Required WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 01 02 Name System Type DHW Sys 1 DHW WATER HEATERS 01 02 03 """"' 02 Calculation Datemme: 16:37, Wed, Jun 07, 2017 Input File Name: Ho!stein_170607.ribd16x 03 Quality Installation of Spray Foam Insulation Building Envelope Air Leakage Not Required Not Required 03 04 05 Number of Distribution Type Water Heater Heaters Standard DHW Healer 1 ' 04 05 06 07 08 09 Tank Energy Tank Insulation Number Volume Factor or Input R-value Standby Loss I 06 Solar Fraction (%) Annual 10 04 CF1R-PRF-01 Page 6 of8 CFMSO - 07 08 Verified Existing Status Ci,,idltion Existing No 11 Tank Location or Ambient Name Element Type Tank Type 1:1fUnits (gal) Efficiency Rating/Pilot (Int/Eld:) Recovery Eff NEEA Heat Pump Type Condition DHW Heater 1 Gas Small Storage 1 50 0.58,tEF _40000 Btu/h_r ... n/a o/a ,,, o/a ., SPACE CONDITIONING SYSTEMS .. · .. . ···, ;' 01 02 03 .. . ... . 04 05 06 07 08 09 Heatil1g System Cooling System . Distribution Fan F!oor Area Verified Existing Name System Type Name Ducted Name Ducted S','stem System Served Status Condition Altered FAU & NC1 Other Healing and Heatino Yes Cooling Yes Air Distribution HVAC Fan 1535 Existing Cooling System Compone-r;i 1 Componen: 1 System 1 1 No HVAC -DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Insulation Supply Duct Return Duct Verified Existirig HERS Name Type Duct Leakage R-value location Location Bypass Duct Status Condition Verification Air Distribuiion Ducts localed entirely in Existing (not 8.D Conditioned Conditioned None Existing No N/A System 1 conditioned space specified) Zone Zone IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) FANS 01 02 03 04 05 Name IAQ CFM IAQ Fan Type IAQ Recovery Effectiveness\%) HERS Verification SFam !AOVe-ntRpt 0 Default 0 Not Required Registration Number: 21 7-PD1 0192750A-OOO-OOO-OOOD000-0000 Registration Dateffime. 2017-015-08 09:44:59 HERS Provider: Ca;CERTS inc CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards -2016 Residential Compliance Report Version -CF1 R-05092017--695 Report Generated at: 2017-06-0716:38:46 CDP 2017-00 51 rfJ ~ 0 ...... ~ ,......, ;:j u ,......, crj u >-. bl) :,... (l) ~ " "' ~ ~ "'1" N (l) ,......, ....... ...... ~ 09/27/V V 4"=1'-0" Sheet: T-24