HomeMy WebLinkAboutPP 24D; HUGHES INVESTMENTS; Planning Commission0-5 e>Ue.NA VI"'TA 1A<;tXl4 e>TATL!.. Hiti'(. 10 ......... _ ..... ,--.----... -----... ~-.... --.. ------.--.. --_..-........ ----/C~2 VN:AHT f;.)'.,~-[. I"1NNI.B~. C-2 FV\ZA CN-tlINo ~ 1"MJ<.lr-k1 ~ VAc.AHr /' L_~ w R-1 "-1 VAcN-lT 1. (fO~rw HIi.l..'!:IIDe.) , ~ INJ@~LFt=;] (Q3CQ)~lFW ~~ I, p-c VACANT HII.L'OIDe -NoHH o IJb 100 1.00 i ~- I}={]l1I@IT=nrg~ . n ,....,~ ® ,~~ ~ ., >:-~, \I 0-5 l!;>\Je.NA VI'<>TA lA~aN ~TATE.. 11WY-10 -.-..•..... -------.-~-.. -.---~-----.-" .-" ---~C~2 Y~T f;.y,.I~-r, { 'I .If CM,A,II-.If. Bu:::t:I. : C-2',' -2 ~ST I NG (WITH I"La:o f'V.JrI 0'J~1' I. . F\A'ZA CI'lNlINo ~ \ .. VI>CANT I p~~ ~ ~ ~. '. {C-2Q ~: I.· REQ . E JED (W/'1'Hou1' ~I-aOO : l f'L.NN ov$ .... y) \-~~T 0 -.lJ"\ .. ~ / L_~ ® R-1 V~CANT \ (fO~TW HILl..':>IOe.) , ------1 [Kfl@WJlJt=t1 @Q)~9JV~~ , I ~ p-c VN:.A/'lT HIl .. L~oe. -t--lOP-TH 0" ""'... ! PR. 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I'I.A'ZACN-IIINo~ -REQl\E JED ~(WrniOU1' ~L<:>OD : / L~ p-·c • f'L,";'H ov$ .... y) I 0 ~ I G .. ~ ,=-lJ ~ --'-1 VAcN-!T \ (fO~rw HIl.l..'!:>ID!:.) , ~ R-1 [KI](Q)~l]t=;l @Q)~LFW~~ VACANT HIL.L"=>IDe. . NoF-TH 0 .. ..,,.., T N ~~li=i1s~ D ,.,.,~ ';;-lR It' g ~ ~ \I " "a-t' \ , • , . ". . " "'--'. .---j ~ d l • ~ l . a. ...• '. ,.., «.~ , . • l \ ,. BACKGROUND DATA SHEET 'CASE NO: ~C-266/pP-24{D)/SP-187 Al'PJ..IICANT: HUGHES INVES'INENl'S " ' REQUEST MXD LOCATION: Request to develop a commercial retail, and office center .immediatelY "lest of 'Plaza Camino Real Sears 'parking lot. LEGAL DESCRIPTIQ.~: Lot 29 of Carlsbad Tract 76-18, Map 8956, and Lots 32 to 36 , , of Hosp Co. 's Tract No. 1 in Carlsbad, california~ APN:156 -301-05,13 Acres ' 17.6 ProI:X)sed No. of Lots/Units (be -----------------~ ',' GENERAL PIAN' AND ZONING Land Use Designation ---------RRI Density Allo\ved N/l>: ---~---~-------------Density Proposed N/A ----:---<---- C-2 Existing Zone --~---------------- Proposed Zon~ ___ N"-VA--:-___ _ Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: , Zoning ,Site C-2 l\'brt:~ City 'of Oceanside C-2 South P-C East C-2 Land Use , Vacant Vacant' , , WOOded Hillside Plaza Camino Real West o-S . Lag~n PUBLIC FACILITIES , School District "Carlsbad Water Carlsbad Se\ver Carlsbad BOU's ---- Public, Facilities Fee Agreement, dated ___ s.;...;e:.2>p~t...::..e.:.:..mbe_r-..:.9...!.,.,...'_19.:.-8_2 ______ _ ENVJ;RONM£!\"TAL IHPAcr ASSESSMEm' ~egative Declaration, issued October 15, 1982 .. . E.l.R. Certified, dated . Other, ----------.--------------~----- , . , . .; . ," .J. I~' , .:~: , , " " ,~~ ,,' . "f. '" : , , ",' " , , " , : .. . ' ... .' " . @: . ' " , ' .. , " , , . ~, ~. (e.' II ,J, I'"~ I , " STAFF REPORT o. DATE: December 8, 1982 ,'" : : .... TO: ' Planning Commission FRQM:, Land Use Planning Office SUBJECT: ZC-266/PP-24(D)/SP-187 -HUGHES INVESTMENTS -Request to d~velop property immediately west of Plaza Camino . Real Sears parkini lot into a tommercial retail and professional office' center. I I.' RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolutions 2057, 2058 and 2059, reGommending APPROVAL of ZC-266 r PP-24(D) and SP-187 to the City Council, based on the findings and . sllbject to the conditions contai.ned therein. ' II. ' PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project involves the following three discretionary requests on property as described above. 1 } 2) 3) A zone'change to realign the Floodplain Overlay Zone poundaries out of the buildable portion of the site. An amendment to the Plaza'Camirto Real Precise Plan to del~te Lot #29 from the pl~n, ~nd A specific plan to develop the site. ~he site is bordered 'by Marrbn Road on the west and south, Plaza 'Camino Real on the east, and Buena vista Creek on the north. The property lying between Buena vista Creek and Highway 78 is under 'the same ownership, but is within the Oceanside city limits and ,is not to be considered' a part of this plan. Access to this , Oceanside site, however, must be approve,d by the ,City of Carlsbad prior to its future development. . The property is zoned C-2 (General Commercial) with a Land Use Designation of RRI (Intensive Regional Retail). A Floodplain Overlay Zone covers much of the property. In addition, the eastern portion of the property is a' small part of the present plaza Camino Real parking lot (Lot. 4~ 29) and, is be ing purchased from l1ay Stores. III. ANALYSIS -ZC-266 Zone Change to realign ,the Floodplain bverlay zon~ boundary. ' Plcmning .Issu,e , t 1) Ii the ~loodplain Overlay Zone;no longer necessary on the buildable portion· of the site? " . . , ". -:" :. ' , .,'