HomeMy WebLinkAboutPUD 89-08; UNICORNIO PATIO HOMES; Planning CommissionARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES / COMPLIANCE SUMMARY . IP~[bOf11lD~OOW ~[§§1f@@£[P[§ lUJlNl~©O\R{[N}ll© IF>~ in ~ D=fl(Q)!Ral[E~ LEIGH ZAHN ARCHITECT.~ i •• ii .4tt~ ••• ., •• t ....... 1 . MR~ KENT FORGEON. OWNER I I . I . [ r ; i ~ [ ~. t I, f. f ~I r ! t . 1 , ': ~ ;\WWiI, ::.,~;,. ~ ( ': It~, , .' (: ~ :::':, t~ . -:: ":,,,;,~;, '~~,~~:. 'S;' :. .-: ;', ;i;t"J::' !lllill<: " ')m!l: ' ur:. ~:~: ; ' ..... '-.,.,. l- ~ ,I. ,/ " ~CHITECTURAL GUIDELINES GUIDELINE 1 In projlcts _~ IIltla aro tlvH 2 story units In a 1(Nt a1tuated I ... than 1 e ' .. t apart. 1] at IoUl one 0/ the tht .. units shall have a aIllgIo story building edgo. Tho dlpth 0' lilt .-alnglo.&tory edgl shall not bt lou than 10' and shall Nn tho Iongth 0' thl building pad. The 100/ covering the IIngIo story oloment ahaII bt IUbatanUaiIy lower than the 100' ,'" tho 2 &tory llomont to lilt unH (1hla 10 not Intlndld to preclud, long Ihed-type lools IaIUng 10 a IIngI ... tory olemlnt). 1 ~ In projects Wholl thor. at. tlvH 2 ltory units In a IfNi altuated bttwoln 16 and 20 'oot opatt. at lout one 0/ tho tIv .. units shall have a IIngIo story bullcIlng edgl with a . dlpth 01 not lou then 5 "'t running lilt Iongth 0/ lilt building pad. The 100/ 01 lilt alnglo atory oIomont shall bt aubatanUatly Iowl( then tho tool lot tho two &tory oIomont 0/ thl building (thio 10 notlnlondod to plociudo long lhod-typo roo .. ,alUng to a 1Ing1. &tory ailmlnt) . -® On • project boals, thII1y-t!voo porcont (33%) 01 d units shall have I aIIllglI &tory edgl for forty pelcont (<10%) 01 lilt potIntotor 01 tho buDding. For tho purpoel 0/ thIo guldlilne lilt atngIe &tory edgl IhaIt bt • minimum depth 01 tIv .. 1001 (31. Tho units qualifylng under tho 33% shall bt dlottlbutod tlvoughout tho projod. The main purpoll 0/ thIo guIda1Illo 10 to onsu<l aomo buikIIng 11Il0l on tho front and lid .. 0' lach unrt. ~ For at lout ro% 01 tho units In • project, thorl ahaII be at IoUlthtH IIPlfato building pianos on Ilr .. t lido _ 01 loll WIth 46 'HI 01 tentago Cl( leu, and lour IIparall building pianos on IlrHl lido _ 01 Iota with a frontage groat" then 46 '''l Tho minimum _ In pianos IhaIt bt 1 e Inchol and ahaIIlncludl but not bl limited to building walla, _ and too... Tho minimum dlpth bttwoon tho Iacos 0' tho loIwar<Hnoa1 plano and tho IIIf plano on lilt fronIlievoUon lhoU bt 10 'Ht and -a plano must be a minimum 01 30 sq. It. to locoivo c;rldrt under thll II<;tIon. .---' / I -----@ Roar _tiona shall _I to tho sarno crHerio outlined In numbot 4 obovl 101 front _ IXCOpllIlat tho minimum dlpth bttwoon tront and bock pianos on tho liar .1evatIon shall be 3 Iool ® M IoUl ro% 0/ tho unHa In a projKt ahaII havoi one ald. olovallon whoto thorl arl ...mcIont o/Isola Cl( c:utouU 10 lIlat lilt aIdo yard IItbacic __ ago a minimum 01 7 IHL .. 7l Projects with an _ 101 alzo 01 5,000 aq. II. or lou shalllImII tho number 0/ unHa with 1htH car garag.1 to 76% 01 tho plana In tho Plojoct. Ptojtct units with tht .. CIt glltllgo shall bt • mix 01 two door goreg ... thtH door garag", and 0_ (2 pianos min. 121 two door glfogu. tID Fifty porcont (&l%) 0/ _ opontng. (doots/WIndOwI) ahaII bt 10CIIIId or proloctod a minimum 0/ 2' and shall be with wood or cota<od aluminum window tram .. (no miU 1nlahH). @ The predominant tooIltamlng for lach Itoo< plan In a project IhaIt 1XhIb~ directional variety to tho other Itoo< plana and to tho altHt. --.) FCl( tho purpoao 0/ _ guldellno •• alngle &tory alemont thalli bt dlllnod u a ptato 1Ine maxirnwn 0112 , .. , (10 '"t pr"'"rr"d). b) In addltIon, When a ~tago 0/ unHa 10 dHcrIbod In tho guidI_tho Intent 10 to have IIltt percentage sprlad tlvoughout tho ontir. projoct. c) -tn • row-IhalI indud. CUI'YH and 5haU t.rmJnat. at • go degr •• street Intersection. ---.-_ .. COMPLIANCE MINIMUM PLAN STANDARD A (2) -1 OF~ YES ..... 1'oF3 ~ N/A - 33% 100% 50% 100% 50% 100%' 50%' tOO%: 75% NfA ) 50% 100% .. " 100% 100% " SUMMARY ~ PD89-8 To provide guldlllntl to On<OlXlgo lilt quality dev,lopmont 0' ImalHot 0'" Ihtn 7500 Iq,ft,) Ilnglo family projlCtl, Tho intent 0' lilt gulda1lllol 10 to onaure thlt unlts hov~ building CT89-17 artIcuIltion on all lour lid .. and will not Ippoar u "rOW' housing. ThIY If 0 pMmanIy dlslgned to apply to proJICtI where IIltre 10 a predomlnanco 0/ two-story uml., PLAN PLAN NOTES, RESULTS a CONCLUSIONS B (~, C (2) • HIIIII1t.tftlM STANDARD (I OF 3) IS HET BY IllTENT BECAUSE NEIntER GUIDELINE I OR 2 CAN UTEltALLY APPLY 10 A ZERO--1.01'-LINE, MODIFIED STAGGERED "Z" IDT LAND PLAN CONCEPT. ntE YImJE OF ntIS COIiCEPT IS ITS ABILITY TO EXCEED ntE HINIi'IllI REQUIREHEHTS OF THE arHER EIcm: GUIDELINES AND: 'YES YES' 1.1 AIJ.O\/ OFFSElTIIIG ONE AND ToIO STORY ELEHEIIT5 10 CREATE A DYNAMIC ARTICULATION OF OF -AlCIITECTURAL EWiEIITS; SEE NOTE 1.2 AIJ.O\/ sntE£TFRONT S£rBAClS IIIIICI VARY SIGNIFICANTLY AND RANGE FROM 19' 10 43.5' FOR All AVERAGE SEIBACl OF 31.5' 10 PROPERTY LINE. 1.3 AIJ.O\/ HITICATION OF "ROW ROUSE" APPEARANCE BY CREATION OF FRONT COURTYARDS WIIICI ; HOIllLATE WID1l! FiQI 44' (PLAN C 10 B) TO 20' (PLAN B TO B) TO IS' (PLAN B TO A). N/A N/~ , . ' HIlflHtII STANDARD (33%) IS EXCEEDED BY 200%. ALL THREE PLANS CONTAIII A SiliGLE STORY ELElIEHT FOR 40% OF PERIHETER. PLAN A: 110'5 I 2S3'P • 43% 100% .100% PLAN B. 89'5 I 222'P • 40% PLAN C: 103'5 I Z34'P • 44% .. <n!Pl.EIE CCffi'LllliCE TO GUIDELIIIE AClIEVED (EXCEEDED). HIHIKlM STANDARD (3 PLANES, FroNT ELEVATION) IS £!:CEEDED BY 33% TO 100% ON ALL THREE PLANS. ,. FiOHT ELEV ATIOII PLANES NOOlEi 5 TO 6 AND ARE DISTRIBUTED TIlRuoor PRQJECr. ·100%,1 '100% CXt1PLETE cail'LIANCE TO GUIDELINE AClIMD (EXCEEDED). HIHIIIJH STANDARD (3 PLANES, REAR ELEVATION) IS EXCEEDED BY 33% TO 100% ON ALL TIlREE fLAIlS. 100%1: WIt ELEVATION PLANES IMiBER 4 TO 6 AND 'ARE DISTRIBUTED ntRuoor I'RQJECr. 100% CXJtPLETE Cr::tiPLIAHCE TO GUIDELINE AClIEVED (EXCEEDED) • " KOOHUH STANDARD (7') IS ElCEEIlED BY OVER 100% ON. ALL THREE PLANS. USEABLE SIDEYARDS AVERAGE IS' WIDE OR GREATER • 100%, 10.0%, <n!Pl.EIE caiPLIAIiCE TO GUIDELIIIE AClIEVED (EXCEEDED). N/A N/A IlDlIIGi STANDARD (SOX) IS EICEEDED BY 100%. - AlL DOORS AND WIHIXYoI5 WILL BE RECESSED 2" OR HORE. 100% 100%' Cr::tiPl.£T£ caiPLIAIiCE TO GUIDELINE AClIEVED (EXCEEDED) • . IIDIIltlK STANDARD IS HET. ~" DIRECrIONAL VARIETY OF ROOF FRAMING IS EXltIBITED IN ALL TIlREE PLANS. 100%,· 100% Cr::tiPLEIE Cr::tiPLlAHCE TO GUIDELINE AClIEVED. \ f\EVISIOHS 11-15-89 , - Dot. .colo Do'own Job ...... 01 BY ....... I I '/ {