HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-07-06; Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency; Resolution 21 4 5 6 7 RESOLUTION NO. 2 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency desires to establish certain relationships with the City of Carlsbad; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Carlsbad Redevelop- ment Agency that the Agreement entitled: EXHIBIT 2 3.0 11 12 13 14 2 3 1 is approved and the Executive Director of said Agency is authorized to sign said Agreement for the Agency. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency on the 6th day of July , 1976, by the following vote, to wit: A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING CITY-AGENCY RELATIONSHIPS. 17 18 19 2o ABSENT: None ATTEST : 1 a 9 23 24 25 26 27 "Agreement Between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency Establishing Certain City-Agency Relationships" ( SEAL ) 15 16 AYES : Directors Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki and NOES : None Casler * CH IRPERSON 28 i AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CARLSBAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ESTABLISH- ING CERTAIN CITY-AGENCY RELATIONSHIPS . THIS AGREEMENT is made this 6th day of July , 1976, * by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, (hereinafter referred to as "City") and the CARLSBAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (hereinafter referred to as the "Agency"). W I T N E S S ET H: NOW, TKEREFORE, it is agreed between the parties hereto as follows : . I. GENERAL A. B. C. D. Ordinance: Pursuant to the California Community Re- development Law (California Health & Safety Code, Section 33000 et seq.) the Carlsbad City Council, on April 6, 1976, by Ordinance No. 1191, declared that there was a need for a redevelopment agency to function in the City. Appointment of Aqency Members: The City Council by Ordinance No. 1192 declared itself to be the Agency and such Council members are serving as Agency members. Separate Agency. The Agency is and shall remain as a separate public body, corporate and politic, exercising governmental functions and performing a public function of the City. City Manager--Executive Director of the Agency. The City Manager has been appointed as the Executive Director of the Agency. As a portion of his duties and functions he shall have ultimate day-to-day administrative responsibility to carry out Agency programs and affairs. . E. Agency Officers, Employees, Agents, Consultants, and . Contractors. The officers of the Agency shall be City officials as established in the By-Laws of the Agency. The City Manager, with the approval of the Agency members, may select, appoint, employ, and contract for such permanent and temporary consultants, contractors, agents, and employees as it requires, and determine their quali- fications, duties, benefits and compensation, subject to the other provisions of this agreement and the law. 11. CITY SERVICES A. Services to be Provided. The City, its officers and employees, shall perform services for the Agency in carrying out its work of redevelopment. The Agency shall also have access to the facilities of the depart- ' ments and offices of the City. Those City officers and employees who are also appointed to positions or offices with or related to the Agency shall perform services for the Agency in a dual capacity. The City Manager shall perform services in his capacity as City Manager and also as the Executive Director of the Agency. The City Manager and other appropriate City officials and the Agency shall determine and establish the procedures 2. . B. C. to be followed in the request.for, and the rendering of, such services. . Compensation by the Agency for Services Rendered. The Agency shall reimburse the City for all costs incurred by City officers and employees in rendering services to the Agency commencing July.6, 1976 . The Agency shall reiizburse the City for all such services performed on an hourly basis at rates including overhead established by the City Manager. No City officer or employee shall be paid extra compensation for any work performed for the Agency unless such compensation is expressly authorized and provided for by the City Council. Method of Payment. Costs under this agreement shall commence on the date that the services were or are begun, and shall accrue on the basis established by the City Manager for the services being performed. The Agency, however, shall not be responsible for the payment of accrued costs for services until funds are available to the Agency for this purpose. Agency revenues may come from many sources, many of which may be available to the Agency only for limited and special purposes. It is expected that any funds which may become available to the Agency for the reim- bursement of.costs for services rendered by the City will be used to pay the accrued costs. The Agency shall 3. . reimburse the City for such costs only if funds become available. . Once funds become available from which the Agency may pay costs for services, then all costs theretofore accrued shall be paid in a time and manner consistent with the needs of the Agency. XIS. AGENCY OFFICES The principal office of the Agency shall be located in the City Hall of the City of Carlsbad. The City agrees to lease to the Agency necessary and ample space for business offices and meeting rooms of the Agency. use of the City Council Chambers for meetings of the Agency. Leases for such purposes shall be entered into from time-to- time as separate space is needed by the Agency. Said space shall also include Said space shall be used in accordance with the rules and regulations of the City as applicable to other buildings and offices of the City. Agency revenues may come from many sources, most of which are available to the Agency only for limited and special purposes. available to the Agency for the payment of rent shall be used to pay the accrued rent. if funds become available for such purposes. Any funds which 4 may become The Agency shall pay the rent only IV. AGENCY BY-LAWS AND REGULATIOdS The Agency members have adopted and will adopt By-Laws and other regulations to carry into effect the powers, purposes and functions of the Agency and to establish the policies of 4. - the Agency members for the guidance of the City Manager serving as Executive Director. The Agency shall supply such information and reports to the City as may be required. V. CITY RESPONSIBILITIES A. City Aid and Assistance. The City will aid and cooperate' in the planning, undertaking, construction or operation of redevelopment projects within the City. B. Administrative Fund. The City will establish a Community Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund with money appropriated by the City Council to the Agency as a loan to be repaid upon such terms and conditions as the City Council may provide. C. Redevelopment Revolving Fund. The City will, if appropri- ate, establish a Redevelopment Revolving Fund. IN WITNESS inJHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day and year first above written. ATTEST : CITY OF CARLSBAD d*- ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Meor 4 ATTEST : EVELOPMENT AGENCY City Attorney U SPECIAL AGENCY COUNSEL 5.