HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-08-12; City Council; Resolution 15RESOLUTION # 15
GHEREAS, the Oceanside Transpo2tation CoEnpany at the
present time operates the ofily bus service between the cities of
Oceanside and Carlsbad, and between outlying areas of the City of
Carlsbad arid its downtmn section, and
VviIEREAS, many persons in the City of Carlsbad use and
rely upon said bus service for trmsport to and from their places of
employment, for their shopping trips, an3 for other necessary trans-
portation, and
WHEREAS, a number of ’Garlsbad residents have in writing
petitioned against a proposed change from the established routing of
said bus line through Carlsbad, on grounds that it would work a severe
hardship on them; now
TFZBTFGPS, IT XESOLVED -khat the City Council of the
City of Carlsbad, through its City Clerk, contact the city Council of
the City of Gceanside before its meeting on Yednesday evening, August
13, 1952, and requ-est that no action be taken on the request or“ tb
Oceanside Transportation Coapany for permission to change or cuptail
its route through car1sba.d until a fwether study and survey of the
matter can be made,
Passed an& adopted t’nis 12th day of August, 1952, by the
following vote:
Ayes :
Rays: ;<one.
Absent: Mayor Mcclellan,
Councilmen Sutton, Groher, zde, Castorena,