HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-12-16; City Council; Resolution 30cr-== c1 m /
wo, 30
WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is entitled, pursuant to Govern-
ment Code 36621, to provide for compensation to its City Clerk; and
office and Is
Clerk; and
the City Clerk
devoting large
the Cfty Clerk
has entered upon the performance of his
mounts of time in his capacity as City
has expressed his willingness to perform
various and sundry ministerial duties in the operation and administra-
tion of City buslness,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be empowered,
au%horized and instructed to perform my and all ministeria,l tasks
that come to his attention in the operation and administration of
the municipal affairs of the City of Carlsbad.
Be IT PUTETHER RZSOLVED, that as compensation for these services,
the City Clerk shall receive the amount of One Hundred Fifty ($150.00)
Dollars per month for the performance of his duties &s City Clerk.
BE IT YURTHER RYSOLVED, that the City Clerk shall receive the
amomt of One Hundred Fifty ($150.00) Dollars per month as compensation
and payment for his Derfommce of the ministerial duties set forth
%'he compensation above provided for sha.11 become due and payable
on the First day of January, 1953, and payable on the First day of each
and- every month thereafter, provided that the compensation shall be
paid only in the event that funds are available after the payment of
previously incurred obligations,