HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-04-21; City Council; Resolution 42-ARE;SOLUTION
NOS, 1, 2, and 3, --
WETREAS, the City Council has recsivr;d a petition Tram a majority
of the p~operty ownei?s living in Terramar Unit ?Jumber 1, Terramar
bit %umber 2, arid Terramay Unit Igumber 3, wherein they have'request-
ed "chat the City OF Carlsbad form a lighting district fop the purpose
of proviang street lighting in the area of Terramar Unit Number 1,
Terrarnar Unit Number 2, and, Terramar Unit Number 3; and
VJIIERZAS, the City Council has raqnested that t'm Dfrector of
Public iidorks submit a report to i;he City Cleyk showing the estimate
of cost, diagram showing the streets affected, a proposed assessment,
and plans and specif ica-tlons for the installation; and
VEXREAS, the Di~ector of Public V!o~ks did on Elarch 19, 1953, sub-
mit the Pequested report, which is on file in the office of the Cit)
Clerk; a2d
WHEREAS, the City Council has approved the report as submitted
by the Director of public 'vliorks;
WHEREAS, it is proposed to install and service and maintain fif-
teen 6000-lumen lights on the following streets located within the
bound.aries of the City of Carlsbad: Ponderosa Drive, Sumach Drive,
Larch Dpfve, Terramar Drive, Los Robles Drive, and. El Arb01 Drive;
TiBREAS, tle City Counct1 hereby expresses its 5nl;ention to
create an assessment district for the purpose or providi-ng the re-
quested improverrent for a peyiod of five (5) years, the details of
which are more particularly set forth in a report from the Djre:c.tor
of Public Works, dated idarch 19, 1953, which is on file in the
office of the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad;
TIIFREFORE, BE IT OKL’E7D AE3 RESOLVED, that a11 persons whose
propzrty is liable for assessment and who are interested In or op-
posed to the formation of the improvement as above described be
present at a public hearing to be he16 in the Cfty Fsll of the Clty
of Carlsbad. at 3075 Harding Street in said City on the 5th day of
Nay, 1953, at 8:OO o’clock p. me The City Council wlll only consid-
er protests from those property owners vjho file written protest wfth
the City Clerk prior to the time established for heanring,
IT IS WRThX3 OXXRED, that a11 proceedings taker! in regards the
formation and maintenanhe OF this district shall be in conformmce
with the Street Lighting Act of 1931.
IT IS FURTHER ORDaED, that the Cifv I -, Clark be and hareby is or-
dered to publish this 3esoiution of Intention once in the Carlsbad
Journal, a newspaper published and of general circulation in the City
of CarIsbad.
herdby is order ed to cause to be conspicuously posted along the line
of the proposed improvement, at not more than 300 feet in distance
apart, but not less than three in all, notices of the: passage of this
Resolution of Intention, and that sa53 posting shall be completed be-
fore the 24th day of April, 1953. Said notices shall conform to the
requirements of‘ Section 18361 of the Streets and Highways Code of
the State of California,
PASSm, APPXlV2C AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad this 21s.t day of April, 1953, by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Sutton, Ede, Castorena, Grober, Mayor McClellan,