HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-07-07; City Council; Resolution 58The City Council of the Ci%y of CzrLsbad does hereby resolve
that H.H.Barter be aad is hereby employed as the public Works Direc-
tor and Traffic Engineer of the City of Carlsbad. for a term to
coornence July 1,1953 ,and to terminate December 31,1953 ,
It 4s further resolved that the salary of sakd Public Works
Director and %a.ff$c Enginees be and the same is hereby fixed at
Three Ilundred Fifty(G350.00) Dollars per inonth ,plus ten cents (lo$)
per mile for the use of' his privately owned automobile in the peL-
formace of his offioia.1 dukies,
It is further resolved that the said Public Works Director
and Traffic Eng3aee.r shall perform all duties delegated to the
Public Works Direckor and Traffic Engineer in the ordinances of the
City of Carlsbad as they presently exist or as they may hereafter
be amended,
It is further resolved that said Public Works Director is
hereby appointed as a deputy of the &ilding xnspector for the
purpose of inspecting septic tanks,and is hereby empowered,auth-
orized and instructed to make aJ-f. inspections incident to the
installation of septic tanks ,
PASSED,kPPROViD -4W ADCJPTZD by the Ci ty Cowcil of the City
of Carlsbad,CalZfomla,this 7th day of Jul.y,1953 ,by the following
vote, to-wit :
NAYS : None
MOT VOTING: Councilman Chase
Councilman Castorena,Ede ,Statton ,Playor ~~cClellan,
C.D.I~IcClellan ,Hayor of the City of Carlsbad ,California