HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-07-21; City Council; Resolution 61RESOLUTION NO. L. 1
WIZEIIEAS, Section 1599.1 of the Hilitary and Veterans1 Code,
Chapter 104, Statutes 1946, First Extraordinary Session, provTdes:
'?The California State Disaster Council shall establish, by rule and regulation, various classes of disaster service workers and the scope of the duties of each class. The California State Disaster Council shall also adopt rules and regulations prescribing the manner in %which disaster service workers of each class are to be registered, A11 such rules and regulations shall be designed to facili- tate the paying of workmen's compensatfon," and
%JiIEREAS, the California State Disaster Gouneil on April 4, 1946,
adopted rules and regulations establishing classes of disaster service
workers, the scope of duties of each class and the manner of registra-
tion of such volunteer workers; and
W'HEREAS, Section 1599.2 of tm Hilitarg and Veteranst Code, Chapter
104, Statutes of 1946, First Extraordinary Session, provides:
tiisaster council which both agrees to follow the rules and regulations established by the Sallforn',a State Disaster Coun- cil pursuant to the provisions of Section 1599.1 of this code
and substantially complies with such mlss and regulations ahall be certified by the California State Disaster Council, Upon makfng such oertification, and not before, the disaster council becomes an accredited disaster council", and
WmWtJS, the City of Carlsbad has registe-red and will heyeafter
"_ regtster volu:o_tee-r Disas -be.-(* ServLca ,lo&e:rs; md
mRES, the City of' Carlsbad desires to becom 851 'Accredited
Disaster Council" organization in order that injured disaster service
workers Pegistered with it may benefit by the provisions of the Labor
EOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby
agrees to follow the rules and regulations established by the California
State Disaster Council under date of April 4, 1946 (as amended), pursu-
ant to the provisfons of Section 1599.1 of the Military and Veterans'
Code, Cbpter 104, Stqtutes 1946, First Extraordinary Session,
The City Clerk is hereby instructed to send two certlfied copies
hereof to the California State Dfgiaster Council (Office of Civil Defense) ,.
ADOPTED hTD APPROVED this 21 day of July, 1953, by the ffollowing
P;YBS : Cotinoilmen Sutton, Ede, Castoreq, Chase, Hayor EbClellsan.