HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-02-02; City Council; Resolution 91WHETBAS, the State Highway Engineer has served upon the City
of Carlsbad %he notice of intention of the Department of Public FJorks
of the State of California. to relinquish the outey highway on the east-
erly side of that particular freeway referred to as XI-SD-2-Cbd; and
WHEmAS, the City Council of tihe City of Carlsbad has dis-
cussed the ad.visability of accepting such proposed relinquishment;
NOW, TBEIBPOdE, BE IT FSSOLVED, that the CLty Council of the
City of Carlsbad does, in behalf of the City of Carlsbad, agree to 8~3-
cept the outer highlvay on the easterly side of that particular freeway
XI-SD-2-Cbd more partioula,rlg describe6 as Parcels 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in
Exhibit A, which is attached hereto, and made a part hereof as if fully
set forth herein,
BE IT FURTHER RZSOZVED, that the City of Carlsbad does hereby
wa.lve any and all right it may have to any notice which is required to
be given to the City of Ca.r;lsbad by any ageracy of the State of Cali-
f 0 Tpz la,.
The purpose of this resolution is to vest in the City of
Carlsbad, as a city street, all of the interest which the State of Cali-
fomia, might have YII right, title, in and to ths% portion of the State .czy ,“”
Highway hereabove described.
FASSED, APPEiQVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City
of Carlsbad, Callfomia, this 2-nd day of Bebruary, 1954, by the follow-
ing vote? to-wit :
AYES: Couvlcilmen Ede, Su”coul, CMse, Caxtoslena, Nayor
Ii‘icClelPan .
I@,YS : Xone.
K13SEET : None .
ayor of the City of Carlsba6, C.h.iforulia,