HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-04-06; City Council; Resolution 107RESOLUTION moo 107
TIIMERBAS, the State of Callfornia, under Chapter 47,
Statutes of 1944 (4th Extra Session) as amended has approprlated
funds for allotment to provide finaricfal. assistance to Local
Agenc9es defined therein as counties, cities or cities and
oountles for the purpose of defraying not to exceed
oost of aoquiring rights-of-way or sf%es for public
detemtned to be desPrable in post-war publlc works
suoh Local Agencies, and
WHERBBS, the Cfty of Carlsbad, hereinafter
one-half the
works projects
programs of
desl@;na ted
as "Local Agency", desires to submit, pursuant to said act, its
request for State a5d in the acqu;tsitgon of a s5te for Carlsbad
Sewage Treatment Plant and Outfall Sewer; and
WHEREAS, an application to the State Allocation Board
for such ald has been prepared and presented to this Legislatfve
Body for consideratSon; rand
WHEREX3, Local Agency has made provisions for or will
make avcllable upon the approval of said application, funds for
paging one-half or more of the cost of such acquisition;
NOW TISEREFORB, BE IT RESOLVED, that Local &gency submSt
the aforesaid applicatlon for acquis2tion a5d to the State Alloca-
tion Board for the State's share of the cost of such acquisi.tion,
BE IT EfTRTHER EIESOI;VP;D, that Local Agency hereby certifies
that the total estimated cost to be paLd for the acqufsitioa of
the right-of-way or site for wh€ch it 9s requesting aid under said
Act is Five Thousand and no/100 (#5,000.00) Dollars; and
BE IT FURTReR RESOLVED, that Local Agency hereby requests
the State to pay the State's share of the total cost to be pald
for the acquisition for whlohEocal Agency fs requesting aid;
BE IT FURTHER flESOLVED, that for the purpose of thlis
request, Byrl D, Phelps, Civil Ebgineer, 434 Land TStle Buglding,
San Rego, Califomla, be, and he hereby is, designated as the
authorized agent of Ueal Agency and is hereby authorized and
directed to sSgn the here€n mentioned application on behalf of
Local Agency and to submit the same to the State Allocation Board,
together with a certifjted statement of the total cost to be pald
for the aezqufsition of the herein-mentioned site and such other
information as may be requ€red; and said author5zed agent 3.s
f'tapther authorized and directed, as the representative of Local
Agency to conduct all negotiations and conclude all arrangements,
including submission to the mrector of Flnance an application
fop payment, whtoh lgay be necessary to secure paynrent of the
Staters share of the cost of the acqu$a€tion of the aforement2oned
right-of-way or sits.
If, for any reason, the person herein named as the
authorized agent leaves the office, the authority as authorized
agent shall then vest with the person holding that office.
Passed and adopted by the City Council of the clty of
Carlsbad on the 6th day of April , 1954, by the following
MAYS : None.
Councihen' Castorena, Chase, Ede, Mayor McClellan,
BBSEWT: Councilman Sutton .
I, EDWARD G, EAGEN Cfty Clerk of the C€ty of
CarZsbad, State of Calif'ornZa, do hereby certsfy that the fore-
going is a true and correct copy of' a Resolution adopted by the
City Councfl Of the City of' Carlsbad, at a meet9ng held on the
6th day of April 1954, as same appears of record Ln
my office.
IN WImESS WHEREOF, f have hereunto s&t my hand thia
7th day of April , 1954.