HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-06-06; City Council; Resolution 7561 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION 1\10. 756 A RZSGLUTION OF Ti-;E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF C::&LS~;S, AUTHORIZISG FILING OF ~i~rJiIc.moN ',IIITB TlhZ ii.L'ITED STL-LTLS LIF ANERIC!a FOR AN AD- V,,>!CE TO ~ILOVIDE %OL, lrIE <LAN.'.ING OF IUBLIC ,v \?OF.KS W'CEK TI-X TEIA'JS 6% LUELIC Li4N 560, 83RD CONGRESS OF Tb<Z WiTED ST:4TZS, AS JNZ%DZD. XHESQS, City of Carlsbad, herein called the "&plicant", after thorough consider?tion of the various aspects of the problem and study of available data has hereby determined that the construction of certain public works, generally described as City of Carlsbad's portion of the pro2osed Vista Sanitation District, City of Carlsbad Joint Sewer System is desirable and in the public interest and to that end it is necessary that action preliminary to the con- struction of said works be taken imedistely; and TY$JEREAS, under the terms of Public Law 560, 83rd Congress, as amended, the United Skates of America has authorized tne making of advances to public bodies to aid in financing the cost of engineering and architectural surveys, designs, plans, working drewings, specifications or other action 2reliminary to end in Llreparation for thz construction of public works; and :.\rfiEKE,AS, the aTplicant has exmined and Luly csnsidered such act and the applicant considers it to be in the public interest ;nd to its benefit to file an application under said act and to authorize other action in connection there with; Ned, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of the City of Carlsbad the governing body of said ayplicant, as follows: 1, Thai the construction of said public works is essential to ~2d is to the best interests of the applicant, and to the end tilat such public LJorks may be provided as pronptly as practicable ic is desirable that action preliminary to the cmsLruction thereof be undertaken iimedietely; 2, That John D. Sls.ter, City Ky:lln2ger, be aereby authorized to file in behalf of the ap'licant zn apiJiicaEion (ir, form rec+uired by the United States and in confornity witk ssid act) for an advcnce to be made by the United States to the applicent to aid in defraying the cost oE plan prep- aration for the above described public works, which shall consist general1 of trunk sewers, pumping stations, :.eters, treatTent plants and ocean 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 LO 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2€ 25 3C 31 32 outfall. 3. That if such a.dvznce be mde, the applicznt shall provide or make nec- essery arrzngenents to provide such funds, in addition to the advance, as may be required co dcEray the cost of the plan preparation of such pub1 ic works; 4. The said John D. Slater, City Kanager is bereby authorized to furnish such i=foraation and take such action as nay be necessary to enable the a??licant to qualify for the advance; 5. Tk.2t the ofi'icer designs.ted in the preceding paragraph is hereby des- ignated 2s the authorized representative of the ayplicant for the purpose of furnishing to the United StFtes such information, data, an? documents pertaining to the ak.plication for zn acLvance as may be reruired; and other- wise to acto as thz authorized representative of the applicant in connec- tion with this application. 6. application for an adv-nee to be subinitted to the United States. L",SSZ:D, .rL c;.CV2:C !,YD A30PTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held on the 6th day of Juno,, 1941, by the following vote, to wit: That certified co;Sies of this resolution be included as part of the -. I $+YES: wzs: None CouncFlmen Guevara, Bierce, Ea Roche and &"nan- AB SZK T : Councilmen McPherson. ATTEST: -CE, City Clerk ( s E:,L)