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1963-09-03; City Council; Resolution 257
«*IWWSff "* _ |\(OV 1 8N * FOR CITY W Wm City Counc.l of %to* City of Carlaba£, County of San Diego, li«r«inafter yvflinvd to a« "City," ha« adopted a re solution elated a#ptet«b*rr> 3« 1963*' in aoaordaaee with tit« provi sioiiB of Section 186.1 of the Streott* and Highways Co<i*, and hac tra«etflitted « copy of said i^colut ' on to the ItepartKaent of Public Wopkc; and mM City ]-iae f .led m report and »ap with t?ve Departuwnt of Public Works indicatlns ite Select SyateEj of City Str««tc in accordance with the provisions of tilt £tr«etc and Hi,^hwayo Code, Action l36.3i mat eali City 16 otherwise eligiblo for nr«? apportionment of funds pur»uo.nt to provleione of the Unruh Local Transportation Developjaent Act; f?OW TJJEREFOEE, BE IT HEBOLVEI) by the California Highway Coraalcclon that purexiant to ttic authority vt«t«d in It fey law and \inder the tenn« of th« Collier Unruh Local Transportation Develop»a»nt Act, this CoeanlBfiion does hereby approve as tine Select System for the City of Otrlebad,, Coxmty or Ian Dl«go, the sy»t*ir, of City Streets es set forth in mM repox-t jmd nap, « copy of wnJch 1© attached to th IB reeolutlon and by thie reference iaft<3e a part %tei««f| and IE If I91K1M RESOLVED that the State Highways ixt the City of Carload indicated on ealcl rjap and described :n said report aura hereby included se pert of the Solcct Syetera of «ai<3 City for purpo«« of providing for eoBtrlfeutlotwi to »n<3 pj»e^i»8ing of oil fc-uch State Hi^hwayB pursuant to cooperative with fit® DepartE«sit , THIS IS TO CERTIFY That the foregoing is a full and correct copy of the original resolution duly passed by the California Highway Commission at its meeting regularly called and held on the_18th_day oLJJgvember in the City of. Jia.cramen.k Dated fhis__24±h_day-pf__^JlQK.epiber. 196.4. ROBERT T. MARTIN ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMMISSION EST. 3593. 26B30-SOO 7-64 SM OSP