HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-07-07; City Council; Resolution 1044e *
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad that the
Department of Public Health of San Diego County is hereby authorized, in
accordance with Paragraph 5 of the Basic Health Agreement between the City of
Carlsbad and the County of San Diego, to enforce the provisions of Ordinance
No. 5036 of the City of Carlsbad.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad, at a regular meeting held on the 7th day of July, 1964, by the following
vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Neiswender, Jardine and Hughes.
ABSENT: Councilman Atkins on.
of the City of Car
25 I1
27 Cityelerk
28 (SEAL)
62. 601
(Repealed and readopted by Ord. 2041, (IN- S. ) Eff. 5-3-60)
Sec, 62,601. For the purposes of this chapter the following definitions
shall apply:
(a) "DOG" means a canine of either sex, altered or unaltered. (Amended
by Ord, No. 2263 (N. S,) Eff. 10-26-61)
Qb) "DOG SHELTER; SUPERINTENDENT" means the head of the Dog
Shelter Division.
(c) "KENNEL" means any lot, building, structure, enclosure or premises
wherein seven or more dogs four months of age or over are kept or maintained
for the purpose of breeding, training, boarding or raising for profit or
pleasure. {Amended by Ord. No. 2263 (IN. S. ) Eff. 10-26-61)
Qd) "KENNEL OPERATOR" means the person who is the legal owner
or is actually in control and operation of a kennel.
operator'' shall not include a veterinarian operating a veterinary hospital.
The term "kennel
(e) "LICENSE TAG'' means a piece of metal or other durable material
dated, inscribed and numbered,
(f) "OWNER" means any person who is the legal owner, keeper,
harborer, possessor or the actual custodian of a dog.
(g) "RUNNING AT LARGE'' means being on property other than that
of the owner or possessor of the dog when such dog is not restrained by
a substantial leash under the control of a person capable of controlling
such dog.
control of the owner or trainer are not considered running at large,
Hunting dogs working or being trained in the field qnder direct
(h) "SHELTER" means a premise selected by the Dog Shelter Super-
intendent as a suitable facility for the requirements of this chapter,
(i> "STRAY" means either being upon public property or being upon
property not that of its owner in a state in which either its control or its
ownership is in doubt or running at large.
62.601 5-60
(j) “VICIOUS DOG” means a dog which has bitten or attacked two or
more persons, or the same person on two separate occasions, while
such person or persons are engaged in a lawful act, or has or had the
disposition or propensity to bite or attack persons or other animals.
(Repealed and readopted by Ord. 2041, N. S. , Eff. 5-3-60)
Sec. 62.603. ESTABLISHMENT OF SHELTERS. The Livestock
Inspect or shall establish a Dog Shelter Division consisting of such
personnel and equipment as are provided by the Board of Supervisors.
The Livestock Inspector shall, with the approval of the Board of Super-
visors: establish as many shelters throughout the County as he shall
determine to be necessary for the performance of his duties and the
duties of his department under this Chapter.
The Livestock Inspector shall establish at the County operated dog
shelter in Spring Valley a humane lethal chamber for the disposal of
unwanted cats, The Livestock Inspector may, at his option, accept
cats for humane de^strGctjon fro” tlieir owner‘or poss’e8sor upon the
payment of a fee of $. 50 per cat and upon the due execution by such
owner 01: possessor of an appropriate form in which such owner or
possessor sets forth the facts constituting such ownership and/or
possession and an agreement to hold the County and its agents and em-
ployees harmless from any liability in connection with its acceptance
and destruction of the cats. The owner or person requesting the dis-
posal of any cat shall certify in a written statement that, to the best of
his knowledge, said cat has not bitten a human being within the pre-
ceding fourteen days.
Sec. 62.605. AGREEMENTS. For the purpose of executing this
chapter agreements may be negotiated with humaresocieties, cities
and/or individual veterinarians.
to the Board of Supervisors for final action.
All such agreements shall be referred
Livestock Inspector may extend the use of shelters under his control to
such other pets and domestic animals as in his opinion the health and
s a f e ty r e qui r e
1-64 62.605.7
Shelter Division shall (a) Enforce the provisions of this chapter; (b)
Receive reports of and investigate complaints of violations of this
chapter and initiate prosecutions for violations; (c) Receive and in-
vestigate reports of rabies, suspected rabies or other dangerous
health conditions of dogs.
(Repealed and readopted by Or& NQ~ 2041, (We's*,) Eff, 5,3-60)'
Sec, 62.606. LICENSE REQUIRED. Each dog four months of age
or over shall be licensed as provided inthis Article. Every owner
within the unincorporated territory of the County shall apply to and
obtain a license from the County Tax Collector, the Dogshelter Sup-
erintendent or any of his assistants for each dog he owns and for each
calendar year or portion thereof during which each -&g'is witkiin.sudh
unincorporated territory. (Amended by Ord. No. 2263 (N. S, ) Eff.
10-26-61--Section is operative 1-1-62)
Sec. 62.607. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. A separate applica-
tion shall be made for each dog. The application shall be made on
the form provided by the County Tax Collector or the LivestoGk Inspecd-
tor and shall be filed with the designatedofficer or employee on or be-
fore January3lof each year. If a dog is acquired by the owner or is
brought into the unincorporated territory of the County or reaches
the age of bur "fhs aT.ter-;farslsary L bf a,ny yew;' the owner'sKa
ply for a license within 30 days thereafter. It is declared to be the in-
tent of this section to apply to all dogs brought into the County, except
those accompanying visitors or Tzsur'is'ts who -do ndt btay ixtit'hin th6
County more than thirty days. A dog having a license is sued by another
legislative authority the provisions of which require vaccination and
are similar to those of this County may, upon application of its owner,
be issued a transfer license good for the remainder of the calendar
year upon payment of a fee of 50 cents.
Sec. 62.607.5? LENGTH OF LICENSE. Licenses shall be issued
for the calendar year beginning January 1 and ending December 31
upon payment of the proper fee.
calendar years upon payment of double the fee of one year,
fee for any license issued to the owner of a dog or dogs first becom-
ing subject to the licknsikg provisions of this Chapter after June 30
of any calendar year shall be one-half the full fee for that year.
(Amended by Ord. No. 2263 (N.S.) Eff 10-26-61--Section is opera-
tive 1-1-62). (Amended by Ord. No. 2591 (N.S.) Eff. 1-1-64),
Licenses may be issued for two
62, 608 1-64
Sec. 62, 608. FEE WITH APPLICATION. At the time of making the applica-
tion the owner shall pay a fee of $3, 00 per annum. If the application is not
made within the specified time, a penalty of $3. 00 shall be added to the fee,
(Amended by Ord. No. 2263 (N. S. ) Eff. 1-1-62) (Amended by Ord. No. 2591
{N.S.) Eff. 1-1-64)
Sec, 62.609. ISSUANCE OF LICENSE AND DOG TAG. A license shall
be issued only when the application is accompanied by the proper fees as
prescribed in Sec. 62. 608 and by a certificate of vaccination valid for the
period for which the license is requested, as prescribed by Chapter 7 of
this Division. Upon the receipt of a properly completed form of application
accompanied by proof of vaccination and payment of the prescribed fee, the
County Tax Collector, the Dog Shelter Superintendent or his assistants shall
issue to the owner a license and a dog tag. The owner shall securely affix
the dog tag to the dog and shall keep a properly issued tag affixed to each of
his dogs at all tims except when confined within the ownerks dwelling house
or being exhibited at a dog show, If a tag is lost or damaged, the owner may
secure a duplicate by making application therefor to the County Tax Collector
on the form provided by the Tax Collector andpayment of a fee of $ , 50.
Sec, 62.610. LICENSE WITHOUT FEE. (a) Seeing -eye dogs and dogs
which have served with the armed forces of the United States of America
during any period of actual hostilities must be licensed and vaccinated under
the provisions of this Code, but their owners shall be exempt from the license
fee imposed by this chapter. Dogs used on farms for the primary purpose
of herding livestock must be licensed and vaccinated under the provisions of
this code but their owners shall be exempt from the license fee imposed by
this chapter. To qualify for the exemption in this subsection, the owner must
furnish an affidavit or declaration under penalty of perjury on blanks furnished
by the Tax Collector that his dog is necessary €or herding livestock and is
used primarily for that purpose.
(Repealed and readopted by Ord. No. 2041 (N. S.) Eff. 5-2-60
Any person finding an unlicensed lost or stray dog may take it into his
possession and transport it to the nearest shelter within 24 hours.
Dog Shelter Superintendent shall require any person bringing a dog to the
Shelter to give his name and address; the names and addresses of persons
bringing animals to the Dog Shelter may be inspected by interested
members of the public.
All such dogs shall be held by the Dog Shelter
10-61 Q2*6fI
Superintendent for a period of not less than three days and may then, in
the dis~retion of the Superintendent, be disposed sf in a humane mannerg
sold for costs of capture and detention, or transferred to a hmane
society, If prior to the time of &sgc%sitfon By the Superiatendent, the dogas
owner shall apply to the Superintendent for it8 retur~~ the Superintemdent.
shakll return the dog to its owner upcan payment by $be owner sf the cost
of captures which is fixed at $3.00, plus the cost of licensing iaacPudiag
peao'8tfes, if any, and the cost of detention which is fixed at $a, 00 per
day, Go~st of vaccination shall be added to %kese cwsts if the dog is unvaccinated. AB unlicensed lost or stray dog shall be exempt from the County Iieenree fee
if it is sold to an owner residing outside the ~~i~~~~p~r~~e~ area of the
See. 62.61 2. DISPOSITION OF LICENSED DOGS, Any person fh&Qg a
licensed lost or stray dog may take it into his possession and transport
it to the nearest shelter within twenty-four hours.
Superintendent shall require any person bringing a dog to the shelter to
give his name and address; the names and addresses of persons bringing
animals to the dog shelter may be inspected by interested members of
the public, All such dogs shalt be held by the Dog Shekter Superintendent
for not less than seven days and may thens in the discretion of the
Superintendent, be destroyed in a humane manners sold to any person
other than the owner for not less than. $3,00 or transferred to a humane
society. Any person taking a lost or stray Bicensed dog into his possession
must immediately notify the Bog Shelter Superintendent of this Pact,
Superintendent shatt immediately upon the receipt of such a dog at his
shetter mail to the record owner at the addres~ given on the license
application a written notice of the whereabouts of the doge If the owner
thereafter and before other disposition of the dog by the Superinkadewt
shall apply to the shelter and pay an impoundment fee in the ~~QMTX~ sP
$2.00 and the cost of the dog's detention at the rate of $LOO per day,
the Superintendent shall return the dug to its owner upon proper identification.
Licensed 'bost dogs handled by the animal shelter may not be sold for the
purpose of medical research. Licensed dogs originating outside of the
County may be held for a longer period, pending aotification of the owner,
and then disposed of at the discretion of the Dog Shelter Superintendent.
(Amended by Ord, No, 2263 (N. S. 1 Eff. 18-24-61)
The Dog Shelter
Sac, 62.613. EPIDEMICS. Either the Director of Public Health or
the Livestock Inspector may determine and declare that a rabies
epidemic or other unusually dangerous health situation exists among
dogs in the unincorporated territory of the County or in any part thereof,
Upon the making of: sueh a declaration the Director of Public Health sbll
prepare and promulgate, with the approvaii of the Board of Supervisors,
such rules and reguiatisns as are necessary %os tha conduct of all persons
hi^ the area where the dangerous condition exir-~ts; and
62, 613 11-63
the Livestock Inspector shall prepare and promulgate, with the approval
of the Board of Supervisors, such rules and regulations as are neces-
sary for the control of the dogs and other animals within the area where
the dangerous condition exists. These rules and regulations of either
the Director of Public Health or of the Livestock lnspector may include,
but are not limited to, quarantine, vaccination, and destruction of
diseased or suspected diseased or stray dogs by humane methods, It
shall be the duty of the Livestock Inspector, and particularly the Dog
Shelter Division and the Dog Shelter Superintendent, to comply with all
;:easonable requests of the Director of Public Health in the enforcement
of such rules and regulations. The Livestock Inspector or his authori-
zed deputy may destroy by humane methods any diseasedbr injured dog
not under quarantice without waiting the time specified in this chapter,
if such destructioc is, in the opinior, of the Livestock Inspector, neces-
sary to alleviate undue suffering,
Sec. 62,614. RESTRAINT OF DOGS BY OWNER. (a) Restraint: Every
owner shall exercise effective control over his dog to restrain said dog
rnission of the owner
public thoroughfares; or
(1) Running at large on private property not his own without the per-
(2) Denying the public access to or interfering with public use of
(3) Biting or harassing any person engaged in a lawful act.
OT possessor of said propertyor
(b) Female Dog: Every owner shall securely confine his female dog or
dogs that are wizin the oestrual period within an enclosure in such a manner
as to eliminate the congregation of other dogs in the immediate vicinity of the
tiis dog, by means of a substantial leash, to restrain said dog from running
at large on, over or in any public property or place, including but not lim-
ited to pubiic streets, sidewalks, and parks. For the purposes of this see-
tion, "public property or place" includes those, places where :the general
pdblic has the right to go or to be, and those places which invite the pres-
ence of the general public for commercial or like purposes, (Amended by
Ord. No. 2618 (N. S. ) Effk UJ4-63)
(c) Restraint by Leash: Every owner shall exercise effective control over
Sec. 62.615. HUMANE TREATMENT OF DOGS, No owner or any other
person shall treat a dog in a cruel or inhumane manner or willingly or
negligently cause or permit any dog to suffer unnecessary torture or pain.
No owner. or other person shall abandon any dog on or along any public or
private highway or upon any public or private property,
Se. 62,616. POSSESSION OF VICIOUS DOGS, The possession of any
vicious dog is unlawful unless such dog is so restrained, tied, confined, or
muzzled that it cannot bite or attack any person or animal.
not so restrained, tied, confined, or muzzled may be impounded by the Dog
Shelter Superintendent and disposed of in the manner provided for lost or
stray dogs in this chapter.
Any vicious dog
"' .
5-60 62.618
Sec. 62.618. COMPLAINTS. Upon receiving a complaint from an
identified resident of the unincorporated territory of the County
alleging a violation of this chapter, giving the name and address of the
owner of the dog if known, the Dog Shelter Superintendent or one of
his assiatants shall investigate to determine whether or not a violation
of this chapter exists. If investigation discloses a violation of this
chapter or Chapter 7 the Dog Shelter Superintendent may initiate
proeecution against the owner.
by the Dog Shelter Superintendent.
Complaints shall be kept confidential
(Repealed and readopted by Ord. 2041,N.S+ e Eff. 5-3-60)
kennel operator shall apply to and procure a kennel permit for each
calendar year or any portion thereof from the County Tax Collector,
the Dog Shelter Superintendent or any of his assistants. Application
for such kennel permit shall be made on the form provided by the
County Tax Collector or the Dog Shelter Superintendent and on or
before January 31, except that no kennel ehall be hereafter established
UnhS8 the person proposing to act ae kennel operator shall first apply
to and receive a kennel permit from the Tax Collector. The form shall
show the name and address of the kennel operator, the location of the
kennel whether the application is for an original permit or is a renewal
of an existing permit, and euch other data as are requested on said
Sec. 62.621. PERMIT AND FEE. The Tax Collector shall iesue
a kennel permit good for the calendar year upon the filing with him by
a kennel operator of a properly completed application and upon payment
of an annual fee-of $15.00 which shall be reduced in equal quarterly
amounts for any application properly made subsequent to the end of any
quarter during the calendar year except that the Tax Collector shall
not issue an original kennel permit until the Planning Department has
certified that the zoning regulation8 of the County permit the main-
$enawe ef a kemel at the proposed location or that the applisasb Bas
obtained the necessary permit for its operation and until the Livestock
Inspector has approved the location.
Any late application made will be subject to a penalty fee of $15.00.
Sec. 62,622. MAINTENANCE OF KENNELS. The kennel operator
shall maintain the kennel at all times in a clean and sanitary condition.
The kennel operator shall provide all animals in the kennel with
adequate shelter, feed and fresh water; all feed shall be stored in
eevered ratnroof containers protected against contamination, and m
shall be kept refrigerated.
operated as to safely confine the dogs therein.
All kennels shall be so constructed and
62.523 12-61
kennel operator shali not be required to obtain the irtdividuot Licenses
imposed by this chapter for each dog in his kennel for which the kennel
licen se is obtained; iiowever, each kennel operator shaL1 have each dag in
his kennel vaccinated as required by Chapter 7 sf this Division and a
certificate of vaccination for each dag must be available for inspection.
(Amended by Ord. No, 2263 (N. S. Eff. 10-26-61)
Sec. 62.624. KENNEL INSPECTION, Each kennel for which a
kennel permit hzs Seen Issued shall be inspected by a veterinarian of the
County Livescock Dt.;pirtment or by a member of the Dog ContrcBL Depart-
ment at iret@.Tvals Seasermined by the Livestock Inspector,
Inspector and his deputies, the Bog Shelter Superintendent and his staff,
and any peace officer may enter upon privately owned land to investigate
suspected cases of vicious dogs, rabies or other contagious canime diseases.
Sec. 62.626. RULES AND REGULATI@NS, The Livestock 'inspector mxy
with the approval of the Board of Supervisors, make such rules and reg-
ulations describing the to cation, construction, sanitation and maintenance
of dog kernels as he deems necessary. Such rules and regulations shat!
not be effective until approved by the Board of Supervisors.
shall be fiied with the Office of the Clerk of the Board and with. the Live-
stock Inspector so that the regulations will he readily available for inspection
by members of the interested public.
A copy thereof
See, 62. 627. REVOCATION OF KENNEL PERMITS. Any kennet perm.
issued under the provisions of this chapter may be revoked by the Board of
Supervisors on recommendation of the Livestock Inspector for violation of
any of the provisions of this chapter or any of the rules and regulations
established under the authority thereof, or because the conduct and locaticn
of such premises for which the permit is issued has became a nuisance.
(Added by Ord. No. 2296 (N. S. ) Eff. 12-28-611)
Sec. 62, 703. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to have ic his
or her careg charge, custody, or possession any dog over four months old
or to permit or allow any such dog to remain on his OP her premises or to go
on the public streets or highways in any manrierp OF to go free and run at
large in or upon any place within the cnincorporated %rea of thle County
unless such dog has been vaccinated with a chick-embryo or modified live
virus canine rabiks vaccine or other vaccine approved by the Director oi
Public health and the Livestock Inspector, and is officiaily tagged as
3rovidt d in this chapter,
5-60 62,702
See. 62.702, CERTIFICATE OF VACClrNATlON, Vaccinations may
be performed by the Department sf Public Wealth, the Livestock
Inspector, or any duly qualified and lieeased veterinarian. The Live-
stock Inspector shall arrange to have vaccination centers set up in the
unincorporated areas where vacciaations may be ~~~~~~e~ at non-profit
fees, The person vaccinating any dog shall issue a certificate of
vaccination on blanks approved by the Livestock Inspector. Such blanks
shall contain the date of the vaccination, the type of vaccine usedp a
short descriptionof the animal vaccinated, and the signature of the
licensed veterinarian inoculating the animal.
cination must be presented with the application for license required in
Chapter 6,
collar of the dog which collar must be worn at all times by sach dog.
shall be unlawful to attach a "Eicense tag to any dog unless that dog has
been duly vaccinated as herein provided.
be valid for issuance of a license for a period of twenty-seven moaths
from the date of vaccination,
This certificate of vsc
The license tag issued shall be securely fastened to the
A vacciaatisn certificate will
Sec, 62,702.5, EXEMPTHON FROM VACCINATION, Notwithstanding
any other provisions of this Code a dog need not be vaccinated for rabies
if (I) a licensed veterinarian has examined the dog and certified that at
such time vaccination would endanger the dog@s health because sf its
age, infirmity, debility or other physiological consideration and such
certificate is presented to the Livestock Inspector within thirty days of
such examination and he concurs in the opinion of the veterinarian con-
tained in such certificate and endorses on such certificate his approval,
and (2) the dog is kept in the house, OF in a fenced yard adequate to
confine the animal at all times except that it may be off such premises
if it is under the control of a competent parson and restrained by a
subs%aatial leash, and the owner or person in charge
dog furnishes the Tax Collector with his signed statement to that effect
The Tax Collector is authorized to accept such endorsed certificate and
statement in lieu of the proof of vaccination required by this chapter*
The certificate of the veterinarian must bear the date of issuance and
must be renewed each year.
indicate that no vaccination was required may be issued.
csntrol of the
A tag differing from the regular tag to
and his deputies, and every constable and his deputies, the Livestock
Itaspector, every poundkeeper, and ais0 any person ernpioyed for that
purpose by the Board a% Supervisors must, and are hereby authorized
and empowered to capture any dog not vaceiaated, as required by this
chapter, and which is fouad going free car running at barge in or upsn
any place within the unincorporated territory of the Couplaty, or to kill
and destroy such dog as in %he judgment 0f said officers might be
necessary to the preservation of health and safety.
Sec. 62.704. EXAMINATION OF SUSPECTED DOG- Officerra 8%"
persons capturing a dog which is suspected of being Infected with rabies
may sepa.rately confine such dog in some safe placep and repcast the
capture to the Livestock Inspector and submit such dog to the exami-
nation of the Livestock Inspectar or his representative, and it shall be
the duty of the Livestock Inspector, when called uponp to examine OF
have examined such dog, and to ascertain whether or not such dog is
infected with rabies.
Whenever the owner or person having the LIVESTOCK INSPECTOR.
custody 0% possession of an anima! shall observe or learn that etich
animal shows symptoms cf rabies, or acts in a manner which would
lead to a reasonable suspicion that it may have rabies, such owner, or
persona having the custody or possession of such animal, shall i,mrne-
diately notify the Livestock Inspector or his representative.
Sec. 62+ 705.5. ANIMAL CONTACTS. Any animal of a species
subject to rabies which has been bitten by a known rabid or suspected
rabid animal or has been in intimate contact with a rabid OF suspected
rabid animal shall be quarantined in a place and manner approved by
the Livestock Inspector, for a period of six months or destroyed, with
the exception that the following alternatives are permitted in the case
of dogs:
(a) If the dog has not been vaccinated against rabies within a period
of two years with a vaccine defined in Sec, 62. 701, the dog may be
administered antirabies hyperimmune serum, and rabies vaccine! in a
m-anner prescribed by the Livestock Inspector and quarantined in a
place approved by the Livestock Inspector for a period of 90 days.
but not less than 30 days with a vaccine defined in Sec. 62.701, the dog
may be revaccinated in a manner prescribed by the Livestock Ineipector
and quarantined in place and manner approved by the Livestock Inspec-
tor for a period of 30 days.
(b) If the dog has been vaccinated against rabies within two years
Sec. 62.705. QUARANTINE. Whenever it is shown that any dog
has bitten any person, the owner OF person having the custody ox pos-
session thereof shall, upon order of the Director of Public Health or
She Livestock Inspector quarantine it and keep it tied up or confined for
suck period of time as may be dipected by the Director of Public Healtb
or the Livestock Inspector and shall allow the Health Officer or other
cffiehal ai' the Health Depagtment or Livestock Inspector or his repre-
sentatives to make an iplspe-cti~n or exaw'inafion thereof at any time
during said period.
. .. L
5-60 62,707
Sec 62.707. ISOLATION OF BITING ANIIMAES. Whenever the Live -
stock Inspector OF his deputies have reasonable cause to believe an
animal is afflicted with rabies, or when an animal has bitten or other-
wise exposed a person or animals, he shall cause such animal to be
isolated in strict confinement in a place and manner approved by the
Livestock Inspector OF the Director of Public Health and observed for
at least fourteen days after the day sf the infliction of the bite or exps-
sure, except that a dog may be released after confinemant sf dive days
if the dog
(a) was under continuous veterinary observation in a hospital and
(b) has been vaccinated within two years, but not more recently
than thirty days, with chick embryo vaccine and
(c) has been certified by the observing veterinarian to show no
symptoms sf rabies.
A dog over foup months of age may not be released from quarantine
until it has been vaccinated against rabies.
Sec. 62,708. REPORTING OF EXPOSED ANIMALS. Whenever any
animal OP person shall be bitten by an animal having or suspected of
having rabiesI the owner or person having custody or possession of the
animal so bitten, or the person SO bitten, shall immediately notify the
Director of Public Health or the Livestock Inspector
Sec. 62.709. DOGS BROUGHT INTO COUNTY. No person shall
bring a dog into the County from any city OF county which has been
declared a rabies area, unless such dog has been property vaccinated
at least thirty days and not more than two years ppior to entry.
c .
Sec. 62,801. DEFINITIONS. FOP the purposes of this chapter the following
definitions apply: "ANIMALrq shall include but not be limited to all of the
following: (a) Ail nraima1s9 whether wild or tame, imiucling but not limited
to the dog, cat, horse, mule, cattle, sheep, hog; (b$ All reptiles, including
ba not limited to the snake; (cr) All aquatic animals, including but not limited
to fish; and (d) All birds, and all fowl including but not limited to the chicken,
- -- turkey, duck, - .L
PROPERTY. No dead animal shall be deposited or allowed to remain upon
any premises within a quarter of a mile of any park, County highway, State
Mghway, or any public highway, road or alley, or any dwelling 0r other.
structure used or occupied by a person or persons, or in any standing or
running water or in any open excavation, and any zin.ima1 deposited or allowed
to remain upon such premises is hereby declared to be a public nuisance.
shall be the duty of the owner of a dead animal to dispose of such dead
animal in a ma" authorized by lawe
DEAD ANIUL, It shall be the duty of the owner, the occupant and any
person having control of the premises referred to in Section 62,802 on which
there is a dead mdmal to remove said dead animal from said premises, or
otherwise dispose of said dead animal in a manner authorized by law,
the event a dead animal is deposdtei or allowed to remain upon premises in
violation of Sectton 62 e 802 and the Director of Public Health determines that
in the interest of protecting the public health the County should forthwith
remove and dispose of said dead animall, the Director of Public Health alr
any department of the County at the request of said Director may remove
and dispose of said animal.
En the event a dead animal is deposited or allowed to remain upon premises
in violation of Section 62.802, the owner of the dead animal, the owner of
such premises, the occupant of such premises and any other person having
control of such premises who has knowledge of the existence of said dead
animal or' who has received notice from the Director of Public Health
requiring the removal of said dead animal shall be liable to the County of
Sa Diego for the cost of the removal and disposal of such dead animal by