HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-03-21; City Council; Resolution 139211
7' ' :I i! .
Section 1. PURPOSE. The City of Carlsbad and the Vista Sani-
tation District, a county sanitation district, executed that certain
contract regarding the Joint construction and use of sewers dated
July 13, 1961, and entitled "Basic Agreement Between Vista Sanita-
tion District and the City of Carlsbad for the Acquisition and
Construction of a Joint Sewer System", (County Contract No. 1858-
21293) 'which contract is hereinafter referred to as the "Basic Agree-
January 6, 1964, it was agreed among the parties that the Buena Sani-
tation District, a county sanitation district, be allowed to become
a party to the Basic Agreement and participate in the Joint cost of
construction and the joint use of the joint sewer system contemplated
By a second isupplement ts the Basic Agreement, executed on
in the Basic Agreement. To facilitate the uniform control of the use
of the sewers so constructed, Section 27 of the Basic Agreement
provides ::
"Each party to this Basic Agreement shall adopt and .. . enforce ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations,
concerning the type and condition of sewage and waste per-
mitted to be discharged into the sewers under their control
and shall prohibit persons and users of every kind and nature
(including public agencies of all types) from discharging into
such sewers any sewage or waste which would be detrimental to
the Jcfnt System or any part thereof.
Basic Agreement shall also comply with the applicable stat-
utes, ordinances, rules and regulations of agencies of the
United States of America, State of California, County of
San Diego, and any city having jurisdiction over the csllec-
Each party to this
tion, transmission, treatmen$ and disposal of sewage and
wastes. It *
These rules and regulations are fom.ulated and adopted Jointly
by each of the parties to the Basic Agreement to impler-eat and carry
into effect the provisions of said Section 27 and to accomplish the
purposes and objectives set forth in the Basic Agreement.
rules and regulations shall apply to and controi as to the joint or
singular use of the joint sewer system referred to in the Basic
Agreement and in addition thereto shall control as to the use of the
entire sewer system within and under the Jurisdiction of each re-
spective party to the Basic Agreement and shall be fully enforced
by each such party.
Section 2. TITLE. These
and may be cited as IIXules and
of Industrial Waste. !I
ruies and regulations shall be lknown
Regulations / Regarding the Discharge
\ \
OF WORDS, Whenever in these rules and
regulations the following terms are used, they shall have the meaning
respectively ascribed to them in this article,
(a) It Operator" shall mean the County of San Diego, State
of California.
(b) !I Basic Agreement" shall mean that certain agreement
entered into by and between the Vista Sanitation District and the
City of Carlsbad entitled "Basic Agreemenc 3etween Vista Sanitation
District and the City of Carlsbad for Acquisition and Construction
of a Jolnt Sewer System" dated July 13, 1961, (County Contract No,
1858-21293) and any supplements or amendrrients thereto,
(e> !'Party'' or If ?arty to the Basic Agreementf' shall mean
the Vfsts Sanitation District, the City of Carlsbad, the Buena
Sanitation District and all other persons permitted capacity rights
its EL result of supplenents cr amendments to the Basic Agreement.
'I (d) Sewer System'' shall mean all constructlon and
appurtenant equipment utilized Ln the collection, transportation,
pumping, treatment and final disposal of sewerage within the area
and under the jurisdiction of each respective Party to the Basic
!I (e) JOIW SEWER SYSTEM" shall mean the sewer system
constructed iointly by the Vista Sanitation District, City of Carisbad
ar_d the Buena Sanitation District pursuant to that cer-cain contract
entitled "Basic Agreement Between Vista Sanitation District and the
City of' Carlsbad for the Acqdisition and Construction of a Joint
Sewer System" (County Contract No. 1858-2129E) and all anendments and
supplenents chereto and as said sewer system is specifically delineated
on that certein map entitled ll Map of Joint Sewer System-City of
Carlsbad, Vista Sanitation District arid Buena Sanitation District"
on file in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of
the County of San Diego as Document No.
I1 (f) Person" shall mean any person, firm, company, assoc-
iation, corporation, political subdivision, municipal corporation,
district, the State of California, the Ur,ited States of America, or
any department or agency of any thereof,
"Premise" shall mean any lot, piece or parcel of (g)
land, buildicg or establishment,
(h) If Sanitary Sewage" shall mean zny cornbination of
domestic wastes and industrial wastes as may enter the sewerage
(i) lfDornestic Wastes" shall mean liquid and. liquid-borne
wastes normally discharged from premises occupied by humans as living
or business qilarters
(5) "Industrial Wastes" shall mean solid, liquid or gaseous
substances discharged or flowing from an industrial, manufacturing
or comercia1 premise resulting from manufacturing;, processing,
'crestiqg, recovery or development of natural or artificial resources
of whatever mture.
ll I1 (k) B.O.D. (denot,ng Biochemical Oxygen Demand) shall
mean the quantity of oxygen utilized in the'biochemical oxidation of
organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in 5 days at 20' e.
expressed in parts per million by weight.
(1) "pH" shall mean the logarithm of the reciprocal of
the weight of hydrogen ions in grams per liter of solution.
II (x) Suspended Solids" shall mean solids that either
float on the surface of, or are in suspension in water, sewage, or
other liquids, and which are removable by laboratory filtering.
!I (n) "Shall" is mand8tory; May" is pemlssive.
(0) "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
West?. Water'' shall mean the latest edition, prepared and puSlished
jointly by zhe American Public Health Association Water Pollution
Control and American Water Works Association.
person shall connect to or otherwise discharge, or cause to be dis-
charged into the sewer system of a Party or into the Joint sewer
system, any industrial waste unless said person has theretofore filed
with the Party within whose jurisdiction the premise to be served is
located an application for an industrial waste discharge permit and
such Party has issued such a permit; provided, however, no such permit
shall be required of any person who has heretofore connected to the
sewer system of such Party and is discharging industrial waste into
said systen unless such Party, or the Operator, determines that such
discharge does not meet the industrial waste discharge standards
established by applicable ordinances or these rules and regulations,
in which case a permit shall be required of such person,
'Section 5. PERMITS; ISSUANCE. No permit shall be issued to
any person to discharge industrial waste into the sewer system of
arLy Party CT the joint sewer systemg if such discharge will be a
hazard or danger to the health or safety of any person or to the
property of any person or if such discharge will result in a danger
to the capacity, construction, use, or proper performance or utiliza-
tion of the sewer system'of a Party or to-the joint sewer system, or
be otherwise detrimental or injurious to such systems or either of
them, and unless the applicant has complied with all the provisions
of all applicable state, federal and local laws or ordinances and
with all the provisions of these rules and regulations. The issuance
of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or approval of
any violation of any provision of these rules and regulations or any
applicable state, federal or local law or ordinance.
the processing of an application for an industrial waste discharge
permit shall be as follows:
(a) Applicant for ,an industrial waste discharge permit
mskes a written application to tne Party within whose jurisdiction
the premise to be served is located.
(b) Such Party refers the application to the Operator for
Operator proceeds to evaluate the application.
Operator will make an evaluation and present findings
and recommendations in writing to the submitting Party regarding the
proposed discharge.
(e) Based upon the findings and recommendations prepared
by the Operator, the Party will either refuse to issue a permit or
issue the industrial waste discharge permit to the applicant,
Tine Party issuing the permit shall have the primmy responsibility
:or the enforcement or" all state, federal and local laws and ordinances
including the Party's industrial waste discharge ordinance, and all of
%ne provisions of these ru1e.s and regulations wikhin the territory
under the jurisdiction of such Party.
A??licetions for a pemit shall be filed with the following .
officials and or departments:
{a) Vista Sanitation District: Building Inspector City of Vista 888 E, ~ista ~iay Vista, Calircrnia
(b) City of Carlsbad: City Engineer, 4p~:
City of Carisbad 2960 ?io Pic0
Carlsbad, CaliFomia
(e) Buena Sanitation Dfscrfct: Building Inspection Department County of San Diego 206 County Admln, Center San Diego , California
In Tegard to the Buena Sanitation District, the 3irector or' the
Department of Special District Services, Coumty OS San Diego, shall
be responsible for the issuance of all industrial waste discharge
permits e
Section 7. APPLICATION FGRP;LS, Each Party shall provide stalzc-
ardized application forms indicating thereon the inf oruztim which the
applicant for a permit shall be required to furnish,
expense, the applicant pay be required to provide, in addition to the
infomation required ta be furnished on the printed application form,
At his own
such additional informtion, afialyses, o,u' data as deemed necessary by .
the Party or the Operator to fully and adequately evaluate the use and
discharge For which a permit is sought.
Prior to submitting a written recommendation regarding the issuance
of a permit, the Operator shall consider the following factors:
(a) Whether the discharge of waste wfll cause damage to
or be otheruise injurious or.detrimenta1 to $he sewer system or the
joint sewer system;
(b) Whether the discharge of waste will cause an un-
wayranted ixrease in the ccst or" ogeratfon and rmintenance;
the txatmen'c oil' sewage;
Whether the discharge of waste will retgyd or inhibit
Whether the discharge of waste will be a detriment to
r -0-
the quality of the receiving waters of the treated waste waters;
(e) Whether the wastes may be made acceptable by properly
engineered pretreatment Pacilities;
(f) Whether the sewer system or joint sewer system can
properly and safely process Yne proposed industrial waste discharge;
(g) Any o'cher matters deemed material in arriving a-c a
determination upon which to base a recomaendation.
Section 9. PRETREATMEWT PUhTS REQUIRED, In the event the
?arty or the Operator determines that pretreatment is rea_uired to
rnake the waste acceptable, the applicant shall be so notified and
shall submit suitable engineerfng plans and specifications showing
in detail the proposed pretreatment facilities and pretreatment
opcrational procedure which shall then be inclueed within and
become a part of the original application. A permit shall not be
issued until such plans, specifications and operational procedure
have been reviewed and approved by the Operator.
Where industrial waste pretreatment facilities are required,
these facilities shall be continuously maintained in a satisfactory
and effective manner by the permittee at his own expense. The
pemittee shall maintain complete records and a continuous log of'
all such pretreatment operations, and, upon demand, all such records
and log shall be made available for inspection by the concerned Party
or the Operztor at all reasonable times.
Section 10. PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES, No person shall. discharge
or cause to be discharged into the sewerage system any of the follow-
ing described waters or wastes:
(a) Any gasoline , benzene naptha, clesning solvents ,
mineral oils, lubricating oils, fuel oil, or other flammable or
explosive liquid, solid or gas.
(b) Any ashes, cinders, sand, rocks, rubble, mud, straw,
shavings, metal, glass, rags, fea-ihers, tzr, plastics, WOO^, paunch
xanwz, or any other solid or viscous substance capable of causing
obsGruction ta the flow in sewers or causing excessive maintenance
- 'I-
or creating interference with the proper operation of the sewerage
(c) Any garbage that has not been properly shredded.
Garbage ground in domestic and industrial grinders to a size of
1/4 inch or less is satisfactory.
(c) Wastes which contain or result in the production of
toxic, corrosive, explosive and malodorous compo';ii?ds znd/or gases.
(e) Wastes which contain dissolved sulfides in excess of
0.1 ppa.
(f) Any tmters or wastes containing a toxic or poisonous
substance in sufficient quantity to injure or interfere with sewage
treatment process, constitute a hazard to human, animal or fish life,
or create any hazard in the receiving waters of the Pacific Ocean,
Wastes containing substances which are not amenable (g)
to trea-cment or reduction by the treatment processes employed, or are
amenable to zreatment only to such a degree that the resulting
effluent cannot meet the waste discharge requirements of the Regional
Water Qdality Controi Board or other agencies having jurisdiction
over the quality and protection of the receiving waters,
ing provisions and the values therein set.forth shall not be regarded
or construed as regulating or limiting the quantity or characteristics
of any specific wastes which nay be received into the sewerage system
but shall swve as a guide in the use of the public sewerage system
for the purpose of determining the acceptability of waste for admission
into the sewerage system. In considering the following sewage
characteristics, the dilution effect of the sewage at the point of
discharge OT any affected part of the system and whether or not
unusual attegtion or expense would be required to handle such material
in the sewerage system shall be taken irLto consideration.
(a) The admission into the public sanitary sewers of
zny water or waste hzving ar, average daily flow greater than
.. ~ .. ,
'one-fourth (l/4> percent of the average flow at the water pollution
contro3 facility shall be subject to review,
(b) Sea water and salt, water brines shoGld be excluded,
Large voluur,es of salt water cause excessive generation of rxalodorous
bases due to the salt content, Tkie salt content can render the
waste wzter in the entire system unfit for reclarriation and is also
obJectionable if the sludge produced at the 'creatment facility is
used as fertilizer or if waste water reuse is practfced and/or con-
will be considered individually,
Industrial wastes containing sea water or salt brines
(e> ?'he terxperature of industrial waste discharged into
the seweTage sys.i;em shouid not be above 2-20" F,
(d) Industrial wastes having a grease and oil concentra-
tion in excess of 100 ppm, wiil be considered individually,
( (e> The pH of industrial wastes shall average between
5.5 to 9,O daily,
(T) Industries discharging toxic wastes into the sewepage
system will be considered ,individualEy.
toxic metaks, such as copper, zinc, cyanids and hexavalent chro-mfurn,
would be considered as within this category, ,Limitations as to the
discharge of water containing toxic substances shall take i-nto ac-
For example, wastes whlch contain
count the total amount of such substances which can safely be
received at the water pollution control facility or at the point of
final disposal, whichever is @fected.
(g) Industrial wastes containing radioactive compounds
will be comiderec! individually,
(h) Industrial wastes having a biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD) in excess 0% 400 ppm, will be coasfdered individually,
(i) Indus"cia1 wastes having suspended solic?s in exccss
of 450 ppm, will be considered individually,
(5) Industrial wastes which include:
(1) unusual. concentrztions of inert suspended solids
of or dissolved solids, w,
(2) excessive discoloPation or,
chlorine requirements in such quantitites as-to
unusual BOD and/or chemical oxygen demnd or
constitute a significant lozd at the water pollutiolz
control facility wii2 be considered individuzlly.
Party within whose Jurisdiction the prenise
located, and the Operator, or their duly authorized employees and
agents, shall be permitted to enter upon any premises served or to
be served at any reasonable time for the purpose of:
served or to be served is
(a> Inspection, observation, measurement, sampling and
testing of the quantity, quality and characteristics of the wastG
water being discharged into the sewer system or the Joint sewer
of any sewer connection;
Determining the condition, location, size or depth
(e) Gathering any infomation required for the effective
enforcement of any applicable state, federal or local law or ordinance
or any provision of these rules and regulations,
Section 13, MANHCLXS; INSTALLATION, Any applicant or permittee
rmy be requlred to install a suitable control manhole in the buflding
sewer to facflitate observation, sanpling or measurexent of wastes,
Such rfianh0l.e shall be constructed and placed in accordance with plans
first appmved by the Operator and shall. be installed by the applicant
or permittee at his own expense, and shall be maintained Ln a m"er
so as ts be safe and accessible at ai2 times,
4-11 measurements, tests, and analyses of the characteristics cf
water and ~7astes' shall be determined in accordance with the current
edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of hhter and Waste
Water" md shall be detemined zt the control marhole installed as
above pmvided, o~upon suitable szqples taken at said control
"hole. in the event that no special manhole has been required or -
provided, the control manhole shall be considered to be the nearest
downstream manhole in the public sewer from the point at which the
building sewer is connected.
Section 14. PERSViT NOT FB&UIRED. All existir,g industrial waste
discharges are subJect to review in accordance with the provisions of
applicable state, federal and local law or ordinances and indcstrial
wctste discharge ordinances and these rules and regulations, provided,
however, no permit shall be required of any person currer,tly discharg-
ing industrial waste into the sewer system or joint sewer systen 02
the effective date of these rules and regulations unless it is deter-
mined that sxch discharge is not in compliance with applicable state,
federal or local law or ordinances, or does not comply with the stand-
zrds or other provisions of these rules and regulations in which case
a permit shall be required for such discharge,
to the 13asic Agreement within whose jurisdiction the premise se,rved
or to be served is located shall enforce all applicable state,
federal and local laws and ordinances regarding discharge of in-
dustrial waste into the sewer system under its jurisdiction and
into the joint sewer system, and all the provisions of these rules and
Section 16. PERIVIT; VALIDITY, Any industrial waste discharge
perxit issued shall be valid until revoked as provided for in the
industrial waste discharge ordinance enacted by the Party issuing the
permit or as provided by these rules and regulations,
OF FACILITIES, The Party within whose Jurisdiction the premise served,
or to be served is located, may revoke or suspend a permit issued to
any person in the event of a violation by the permittee of any
pyovision of any applicable state, federal or local law or ordinance
or of afiy provision of' Ynese rules and regulations, The Party within
wkose jurisdiction the premise se:-ved is 'located may disconnect
Prom the sewer system any connection sewer, main line sewer, or other
facility which is,constructed, connected, or used without a permit,
or constructed, connected or used contrary to any of the provisions
of any appiFcaSle state, feLderal or local law or ordinance or contrary
to any provision of these rules an6 regulations.
been disconnected, it shall not be reconnected until the vio1a"von
for which it was disconnected has ceased or been remedied and a
reasmable charge for such disconnection and recollrzection, as estab-
lished by The Party, has been paid,
Section 18,
When %; premise nas
NOTICE, The ?arty shall give not less than five
daysa notice of intention to disconnect the premise or to suspend or
revoke a pemit, stating the reasons therefor, and may grant a
reasonable time for elimlr,ation of the violation; provided, however,
that if the Party 6etermines that the danger is imminer,t, and such
action. is necessary for the irrmediate protection of the health,
'safety or welfare of persons or property, or for the protection of
the sewer system or the joint sewer system, any premise may be
disconnect?& and service terminated concurrently with the giving of
such notice, Notice shall be given to the occupant of the preinise,
in" any, and to the record owner of the property as shown upon the
last equalized assessment roll of the County of San Diego by United
States nail, registered or certified, return receipt requested,
postage prepaici, or by posting such notice on the premise,
Section lg0 VIOLATION A MISDEX3ANORj PEXALTY, Violation of
any provision, or the failure to comply wii;h any of the requirements
of this ordinance or of any rule or regulation adopted as herein
provided shzll constitute a misdemeanor, Any persor, convicted of
such vioiatlon or such failure shall be punishable by a fine of not
more than $500.00 or by im9risofimen-t in the County Jail for a period
of not =ore "char six months, or by bo%h such fine and irfiprisonment,
I. I
In addition to any other BY PE3MITTEE.
basis for revocation or
suspension of a permit, any permit may be revoked or suspended at
my time by the Party for fraud, misrepresentation or false staten-ent
contained in the application for a permit or for violation of any
condition of the permit.
Section 21. TELTATIVE NATUilE OF TEE PE?JdIT, If, after tY.e
grmting of a permLt, it shall develop, by reason of increased flow,
change in the nature of industrial processesg or for any cause
whatsoever that the industrial waste discharged by a pernittee con-
'r"licts with any provisions of these rules and regulations or any
ispplicable state, federal or local law or ordinance, the issuing
Party may revoke or suspend the pelcmit, or may require a re-evaluation
of the permit, or may impose further conditions with respect thereto
directed toward the elimination of such conflict, Any permittee shall
immediately report to the Party any significant increase in flow or in
the za'cure of the discharge and failure to do so shall be grounds fclr
suspeasion or revocation of the permit.
person violzting any provision of these rules and regulations shali
be liable for all damage to the sewer system or joint sewer system.
incurred as a result of such violatLon ar,d for any increase in the
cost of mair!.tenance or repair resulting i'rom such violation.
Section 23. GZNERrlL INXJSTilIAL CLASSIFICATIONS. As an aid 3-12
generally classifying operations involving discharge of industrial
was'cz, 'che general classifecations listed on Ap'pendix A shall be used.
iirc22ft 25 Laundry (Com,ercial zc
hima1 Kennel & Hospital
4uto Wash & Steam Racks
FIutoTnotive Wg. Cleaning & Repair
Bakery and Candy Mfg.
Beverage (Bottling & mg.)
Blueprin't,ing and Engraviag
Cafe (Dozen Milk & Sandwich Stands)
26 Laundry (Self-service)
27 Meat & Poultry Processl-ng
28 Metal Fabrication
29 Metal Finishing & Plating
30 Xlning
31 Office & Services (Com- mere ia I )
Canmry and Food Packaging
&ramie 33 Petroleum Products
Chemic a1 Wg .
Citrus Products
34 Plastic & wax ICE;.
35 Radioactive Processes
cosme'c3.c & soap ivg. 36 Rest Home
Baiioy Products 37 Restaurants and Catering
Dry Cleaning . 38 Retail Store or Market
Electrical Parts Nanufacturing
F e merit 2 t ion
Fib & Litho Processing
Fu?m.itu~=e & Paper Prodmts
Grlndirg ( Glass Narble; Metal
Gm e e ry S up e m-arke t
Bcztel, Ibtel, Trailer Court
39 Rubber Nanufacturing
40 Rug Laundry
41 Service Stations (Indicate: Wash racks, Automotive Servfce, Garage, Trailer holding tank discharge)
42 Shopping Center
43 Swimming Pools
44 Tanneries and Rendering
45 Textile and Dying
~ns'cx~tutions (Hospitels Dental 46 Transportation
mbS. , &2'bt?1S Schools etC. ; Gsv. Agencies, Churches) 47 hlater Softening Regeneration
48 Wholesale Produce
or continu
form including a signature
5. A copy of the C
Attachments or
part b5 Permit
special requirements or conditions
No. , are as follows:
imposed and made a upon
1. Flow Quantity Measurement Requirements:
2. Analysis Requirements:
3. Pretreatment Requirements:
4. Discharge Requirements:
5. Other Conditions:
Perm it No.
(Name and Address)
The applicant is hereby authorized to discharge industrial waste into the
sewerage facilities of the City of Carlsbad through the connection author-
ized by this Industrial Waste Discharge Permit. In applying for and being
granted this permit, the applicant acknowledges that he shall not discharge
or cause to be discharged into the sewerage system of the City, or the
joint sewer system, any waste which will be a hazard or danger to the
health or safety of any person or to the property of any person or if such
discharge will result in a danger to the capacity, construction, use or
proper performance or utilization of the sewer system or joint sewer sys-
tem or be otherwise detrimental or injurious to such systems or either of
them. Prohibited fluids or wastes shall include, but not be limited to,
the following:
1, Any gasoline, benzene, naphtha, cleaning solvents, mineral oils,
lubricating oils, fuel oil, or other flammable or explosive
liquid, solid or gas.
2. Any ashes, cinders, sand, rocks, rubble, mud, straw, shavings,
metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, paunch manure,
or any other solid or viscous substance capable of causing ob-
struction to the flow or creating interference with the operation
of the sewerage facilities,
$- c *.".
Any garbage that has not been properly shredded.
Wastes which contain or result in the production of toxic, corro-
sive, explosive and malodorous compounds and/or gases.
Wastes which contain dissolved sulfides in excess of 0.1 ppm.
Any waters or wastes containing a toxic or poisonous substance in
sufficient quantity to injure or interfere with sewage treatment
process, or constitute a hazard to human, animal or fish life.
Wastes containing substances which are not amenable to treatment
or reduction by the treatment processes employed.
Applicant further agrees that any industrkhl waste discharged through
connection hereby authorized may, at the discretion of the City, be analyzed,
measured for quality or quantity, or be required to be treated and discharged
through the pre-treatment or other facilities described in the appendices
attached hereto which are hereby made a part of this permit.
ENFORCEMENT: By acceptance of this permit, applicant acknowledges that he
is aware that violations may be enforced pursuant to any of the provisions
of Ordinance No. of the City of Carlsbad, which shall include sus-
pension or revocation of this permit, disconnection of facilities, imposi-
tion of a charge for reconnectim and fine or imprisonment or both. This
permit is approved and granted on the express condition that applicant com-
ply with all applicaljzle state, federal, local and City statutes, ordinances
and rules and regulations and any and all conditions imposed as part of
this permit.
Issued by
Date of Issuance: I 19