HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-15; City Council; Resolution 1628r e as fo 11 ows : 1, At its meting of *July 1, 1969, the City Council of the City of Garlsbad did herein coxsider all objections to the ;irogosetl remval of r:lecds, rubbish, refuse, and dirt on cer- tain property located within the City of Carlsbad, 2. ?:otice of saic! reetin); was given to all affected 2iro;srty otwers as required by law. 3. The City Council of the City of Cs.rlsbad lid hear all refuse, and dirt, and at tlie cor,clusicn of the hearin::, did overrule any said objections, if any, exceyt as follai~s: 4. The City Ccilclncil of the City of CarLsi-.~~?c! does srcler t+e Ctreet Siqerinten6en-t of the City of Carlsbad to ahate tire nuisances on the attached Iisx, exce;?t as stated ;.-bot'ee by hzving the t?ieei!s rubbish, refuse and dirt thereor, reroved. .